IR 05000243/1978003

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IE Inspec Rept 50-243/78-03 on 781024-26 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Logs & Records,Review & Audit,Requal Training Procedures, Refueling,Surveillance,Experiments & Tour of Facil
Person / Time
Site: Oregon State University
Issue date: 11/29/1978
From: Carlson J, Morrill P
Shared Package
ML20147H977 List:
50-243-78-03, 50-243-78-3, NUDOCS 7812270436
Download: ML20147H991 (5)




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U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND EflFORCEMENT RECION V Report No. ,50-243/78-03 Docket No. 50-243 License N R-106 Safeguards Group Licensee: Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 FacilitfName: TRIGA (OSTR)

Inspection at: TRIGA Site, Corvallis, Oregon InspectionCpuced: October ,24-y6, 1978 Inspectors: f


m j ll[lo/7g p. MorH * 'Reachtfr Inspector Date Signed


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.x C. Carlson, Reactor Inspector Date Signed Approved By: krw M ll 2 I g D. M. Sternberg, Chiet,, Reactor Project 1 Date Signed Section 1, Reactor Operations and Nuclear Support Branch Inspection on October 24-26,1978 (Report No. 50-243/78-03)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of organization, logs and records; review and audit; requalification training; procedures; re-fueling (partial); surveillance; experiments; and miscellaneous independent inspection effort, including a tour of the facility and observation of selected aspects of facility checkout and operation. This inspection involved 30 regular inspector hours by two NRC inspector Results: Of the eight areas inspected, no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified, l

l 7812270V3G l


IE:V Form 219 (2)

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' Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees Dr. C. H. Wang, Reactor Administrator

  • Dr. J. C. Ringle, Chairman, Reactor Operations Committee j
  • A. G. Johnson, Radiation Center Health Physicist
  • T. V. Anderson, Reactor Supervisor The inspectors also talked with and interviewed several other licensee employees, including members of the technical staff and reactor operator * Denotes persons attending Exit Intervie . Organization, Logs and Records Organization', logs, and records pertaining to plant operations since November 1977 were examined by the inspectors. This examina-tion included discussions with facility personnel and a review of selected portions of the following:

Annual Report, dated 31 August 1978 l Daily Power Logs )

Control Room Log Sheets Console Logs Startup Checklists Shutdown Checklists Reactor Supervisor's Log Log N & Linear Recorder Strip Charts (6/26/78-7/5/78 & I 10/6/78-10/17/78) l Irradiation Requests i Administrative Procedures 1 The information in the Annual Report pertaining to reactor operations appeared consistent with that obtained during this insnection. There have been no significant changes in management of the: facility since the last inspectio During the last inspection (50-243/77-02, November 2-4,1977),an unresolved item was identified regarding the linear power indication reading lower than percent power indication when the " lazy susan" was full of samples. This phenomena was due to the neutron shadowing


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- of the linear channel chamber by the samples. The licensee had committed to do a power calibration to assure that the power level scram set points were set conservatively. The records of this calibration were reviewed by the inspecto No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Review and Audit The licensee's review and audit activities since November 1977 -

were examined by the inspector. This examination included dis-cussions with licensee management and a review of the following records:

ReactorOperationsCommittee(ROC) Charter '

i ROC Audit Reports Minutes of ROC Meetings Experiments B-24 and B-31 j i

The inspector verified the review and audit functions are being performed in accordance with the requirements of the technical specification No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . yxperiments The inspector examined the irradiation requests and experiment I procedures for five experiments. The inspector verified by l review of records and discussion with facility personnel that ;

the experiments were reviewed and approved by the Reactor '

Operations Committee as required. One new experiment was authorized during the past year in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, as stated in the licensee's Annual Report.- The reactivity effect was predicted beforehand and confirmed by measuremen Limits on shutdown margin, excess reactivity, and individual / total worth l of experiments were not exceede l No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Refueling Activities )


The inspector examined tL procedure governing refueling activities i and fuel movement (OSTR01 1.0). No refueling had occurred; how- i ever, two fuel elements ud been added in August 1978. The inspec-tor verified from relatet logs and records that the movements were performed in accorduce with approved procedures, precautirns and fuel accountability requirement ~

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No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Operator Requalification Program l

The licensee's operator requalification program was reviewed I against the requirements of 10 CFR 55 and the approved operator requalification program. Records and discussions with licensee personnel showed the scheduling and conduct of lectures and examin-ations required by NRC Regulations have been satisfactory during the past yev .

The inspector verified that the licensee was maintaining and using a log at the operator's console to keep licensed personnel ,

aware of changes in procedures, facility design, and the facility license. The inspector also verified the licensee's corrective actions regarding the documentation of operator operational com-petency. This is consistent with commitments made by the licensee following inspection 50-243/77-02 last yea The inspector did identify one situation wherein a senior licensed operator did not complete the operational competency requirements of the requalification program during the third calendar quarter of 1978. Licensee representatives stated that the subjcct senior operator would be scheduled for an operational competancy evalua-tion in the immediate futur No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Research Reactor Procedures This inspection included a review of the licensee's operating l procedures. The review showed procedures to have been issued and in effect to provide coverage of facility activities as required by Section 6.5 of the technical specification Selected procedures were reviewed for technical adequacy and for compliance with technical specification requirements. Procedures reviewed were those associated with reactor startup and steady state operation, the reactivity / control system, and reactor shut-down checklists. A walk-through of the same procedures verified that they would accomplish their intended purpose Direct observation, discussions with licensee representatives, and review of committee minutes established that (1) procedures at the console were the latest revisions, (2) all procedures in use had been approved as required, and (3) procedures were being used as prescribed. Review included observation of several reactor start- !

ups and shutdown !


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-4-No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie < Surveillance An examination of surveillance activities was conducted during the inspectio The inspector's examination of procedures and observation of facility operation showed that, for selected parameters without technical specification surveillance requirements, facility opera-tion was consistent with limiting conditions for operation in the technical specification The inspector also examined licensee records to verify the accomplishment of other selected surveillance tests required by the technical specification The inspector verified that the licensee's commitments following l inspection 50-243/77-02 regarding surveillance of the fuel tempera-ture measuring channel prior to pulsing had been met.


No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie , Independent Inspection The inspection included a tour of the facility, observation of daily startup checks for the training of student operators, and power mode operatio No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on October 26, 1978. The inspectors summarized the scope and findings of the


inspection. Licensee representatives made no commitments other than that discussed in Paragrap5 6 of this repor l l

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