IR 05000219/1986015

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Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-219/86-15 & 50-289/86-08 on 860430-0502.No Violations Noted
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek, Three Mile Island, 05000000
Issue date: 06/18/1986
From: Ebneter S
To: Fiedler P
NUDOCS 8606260344
Download: ML20206H888 (2)


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i JUN 181996 Docket No. 50-219 GPU Nuclear Corporation ATTN: Mr. P. B. Fiedler Vice President and Director Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station P. O. Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731 Gentlemen:

Subject: Combined Inspection Report Nos. 50-219/86-15 and 50-289/86-08 This refers to the routine safety inspection conducted by Mr. G. Napuda of this office on April 30 - May 2, 1986, at your Parsippany, New Jersey Corporate offices, of activities authorized by NRC License No. DPR-16 and to the dis-cussions of our findings held by Mr. Napuda with Mr. I. Finfrock at the conclusion of the inspectio Areas examined during this inspection are described in the NRC Region I Inspection Report which is enclosed with this letter. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspecto Within the scope of this inspection, no violations were observe No reply to this letter is require Your cooperation with us in this matter is appreciate

Sincerely, Original Signed By:

Lee H. Bettenhausen


Stewart D. Ebneter, Director


Division of Reactor Safety


Combined Inspection Report Nos. 50-219/86-15; and 50-289/86-08


Report No /86-15 50-289/86-08 Docket No License Nos. DPR-16 DPR-50 Category C a

Licensee: GPU Nuclear Corporation 100 Interpace Parkway Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 GPU Nuclear Corporation Post Office Box 480

. Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Facility Names: Oyster Creek Nucinr Generatino Station Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unitj Inspection At: Parsippany, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: April 30 - May 2, 1986 Inspector:

i '

G'.fapoda,LeadReactorEngineer da'te Approved by:

Dr. P. K. Eapen, hief h37/76

' da t'e

Quality Assurance Section, OB, DRS



Inspection Summary: Routine announced inspection on April 30-May 2, 1986 (CombinedReportNos. 50-219/86-15; 50-289/86-08)

Areas Inspected: Independent safety reviews and overviews by the General Office

Review Board (G0RB), audits and previously identified items by one region-based inspecto Results: No violations were identifie e i


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1.0 Persons Contacted GPU Nuclear Corporation

  • Finfrock, Jr., Chairman General Office Review Boards (G0RBs)

i R. Markowski, QA Program Development / Audit Manager R. Whitesel, Vice Chairman GORBs i Other licensee administrative and technical persennel were also contacted during the inspection.

* Denotes those present at the exit meeting held May 2, 1986

, Previously Identified Items (0 pen) Violation (289/85-27-07). Failure to properly implement the onsite independent safety review proces l Based on the review of the status of the corrective action and program

implementation discussed in paragraph 4.0 this item remains open pending further review of program implementatio ' Offsite Independent Review 3.1 Program A General Office Review Board (GORB) has been established for the Oyster Creek (OC) Station and another for Three Mile Island, Unit 1 (TMI-1). The primary responsibility of the GORB is to independently i consider potentially significant nuclear and radiation matters in-cluding related management aspects of those matters. A secondary responsibility to consider potentially significant industrial safety


matter The GORBs provide advice and report directly to the Office 1 of the President. The GORB makes written recommendations to the


Chief Operating Officer or appropriate Vice President and requires


written responses by the addressees.


The documents listed in Attachment A were reviewed to determine the following had been accomplishe Procedures were established in accordance with regulatory requirements and licensee commitment The organization was structured and staffed to meet QA Program requirement Organizational independence existed and interfaces were delineated.

i --

Appropriate. responsibilities were established and assigned.

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Procedures were established for the control of GORB activities; 1


Provisions were established to assure that records are properly maintained and transferred to a storage facility;



Administrative controls and human resources were established to


support the required organizational responsibilities;


Provisions were established to assure that GORB receives infor-j mation and intelligence gathering resource materials upon which


to base its reviews and activitie .2 Organization and Staffing  ;

Each GORB has eleven members including the Chairman and Vice Chair-man. One but not more than two members are from the operating organization, one from the engineering organization and five from outside the General Public Utilities (GPU) employee group. Admi-nistrative and technical resources are provided by the Nuclear Safety Assessment Department (NSAD). The collective expertise of each GORB includes nuclear station design, nuclear power plant operation, materials, engineering (nuclear, mechanical, electrical), instrumen-tation and controis, quality assurance, training and human factor analysis, safety analysis and accident control, radiation safety, metallurgy, chemistry and radiochemistry. The four permanent GORB major issue committees that have been established are Risk and


Control Process, Human Factors, Hardware and Radcon, and Modifica-tions and Maintenanc .3 Implementation and Findings i

GORB meeting minutes between November 1984 to March 1986 (Nos. 105-113) and December 1984 to April 1986 (Nos. 62-70) for OC and TMI-1 respectively were reviewed and the following were note GORB met every second month;


Meetings were held onsite and lasted a minimum of two days;


Presentations were given by the plant Review Group, Independent Onsite Safety Review Group, GORB committees and Quality Assurance;


Subjects reviewed and discussed included Licensee Event Reports, Technical Specification changes, response to NRC IE inspection

reports, industrial safety, plant status, outage schedule, Ap-
pendix R modifications, non-licensed training, reliability and


risk assessments, and QA audit adverse findings and responses; i


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Recommendations and Action Items were discussed at each meeting, documented, and tracked through close out;


Meeting minutes were formatted to the standard agenda;


The Chairman of the GPU Board of Oirectors and board members observed a number of GORB meetings and on occasion attended the full two day sessions;


GORB members had extensive experience and most held post gra-j duate university degrees;



Recommendations were well formulated, received prompt attention j and close out actions were adequate (random samples);

' --

GORB was persistent in pursuit of the satisfactory close out of their item No violations were identifie , Nuclear Safety Assessment The independent technical and safety review of procedures and other deve-loped documents (e.g. modifications, specifications, Technical Specifica-tion changes) are performed by individuals in a pool of reviewers. Master matrices contain the names of qualified technical and independent safety reviewers at both stations and the corporate office Each organization division has a Technical Review Coordinator who assigns the reviews to individuals selected from the matrices. The technical reviewer may be from the same division as the originator but the independent safety review-


er must be from another division.



A review of the limited amount of work accomplished since recent revisions to implementing procedures (see paragraph 2) indicated the following- .


A bi-monthly report was transmitted to the NSAD Director; i --

The Independent Onsite Safety Review Group (ISORG) has had no recent recommendations;


The ISORG reviewed TS Change Request No. 112 and " signed off" the  !

cover sheet;


The annual review cycle for the review of trends in functional area performance is not yet du l No items violations were identifie l l



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j Audits Audit packages S-0C-83-13, Safety Review; S-TMI-86-04, TMI-I Safety

Review (a draft); and 0-0C-85-04, Safety Review Program were reviewed and i

verified that:



The audits were conducted in accordance with a written checklist


covering the scoped audit area;


The audits were conducted by qualified / trained personnel independent

of the authority over the area audited; i


The identified deficiencies were documented and reviewed; i



Corrective action followup was adequate and timely;

' --

Audit frequency and general audit conduct were in accordance with the


established schedule and procedure No violations were identifie . Management Meetings Licensee management was informed of the scope and purpose of the inspec-

) tion at the entrance interview on April 30, 198 The findings of the i inspection were discussed with licensee representatives during the course

{ of the inspection and presented to licensee management at the May 2,1986


exit interview (see paragraph I for attendees).

At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspectors.





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ATTACHMENT A Documents Reviewed General Office Review Boards (GORBs) Responsibility, Authority, Organization and Resources, Revision 2 GORBs Administrative Procedures, Revision 2 6310-ADM-1010.01, Independent Onsite Safety Review Group Procedure-TMI-1, Revision 4 Resumes of GORB members GPU Review and Approval Matrix GPU Nuclear Corporate Policy and Procedures Manual,1000-PLN-1291.01 GPU Nuclear and Radiation Safety Plan, Revision 0-00



GPU Nuclear Corporation 2


cc w/ encl:

R. J. Toole, Operations and Maintenance Director, TMI-1 C. W. Smyth, Manager, TMI-1 Licensing R. J. McGoey, Manager, PWR Licensing E. L. Blake, Jr., Esquire TMI-1 Hearing Service List Public Document Room (PDR)

local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector Commonwealth of Pennsylvania l

