IR 05000170/1985001

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Exam Rept 50-170/85-01 on 850311.Exam Results:One Reactor Operator & One Senior Reactor Operator License Issued
Person / Time
Site: Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Issue date: 05/14/1985
From: Dudley N, Keller R, Kister H
Shared Package
ML20129F312 List:
50-170-85-01, 50-170-85-1, NUDOCS 8506060740
Download: ML20129F328 (66)


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FACILITY 00CKET N FACILITY LICENSE N R-84 LICENSEE: Defense Nuclear Agency Armed Forces " Radiobiology Research Institute Bethesda, Maryland 20014 FACILITY: AFFRI s EXAMINATION DATES: March 11, 1985 CHIEF EXAMINER: a M/ M F. Dudley~,' Lea


actor Engineer _ ///8i~ date i REVIEWED BY: &# 1 'h 4//y/#

    . . Keller, Chief, Projects Section IC date APPROVED BY:      / d ff ~ . Chief, Projects Branch No. 1 date SUMMARY: Two examinations were administered. One R0 and one SRO license were issued, i

b i

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I RO I SR0 I l Pass / Fail l . Pass / Fail l I I I I l l l IWritten Exam i 1/0 1 1/0 l ' I I I l . ' I I I I 10ral Exam i 1/0 1 1/0 I I I I I I I I I , 10vera11 1 1/0 1 1/0 i L I I I I I I I I Chief Examiner at Site: N. Dudley, NRC Summary of. generic strengths of deficiencies noted or oral exams: Candidates did not demonstrate a complete understanding of the facility or offsite electrical distribution syste Both candidates used out of date P&ID's to evaluate plant system . Personnel Present at Exit Interview: NRC Personnel N. Dudley, Examiner Facility Personnel Colonel B. Adcock, Institute Director M. Moore, Reactor Facility Director M. Dougherty Training Coordinator t j-I m-

- _ .

3 Summary of NRC. Comments made at Exit Interview: The. names - of the two candidates who were definite _ passes on the oral examinations and the l generic weaknesses noted were presented to the facilit .The facility requested a certificate presentation for the presently licensed operators and a -tentative date was established for sometime in Jun . Changes made to Written Exam During Examination Review: Answer N Change Reason B.01 Delete Pneumatic tube system has I.02- been remove F.05 L.02 L.06 A.01 Add " water and fuel Incorporates concept that density decreases..." that fuel density affects power coefficien A.03a Add "and controlled Includes additional reason approach to criticality" for need for startup sourc B.04a Add " lower water level Provides additional indica-alarm and scram" tion for a reactor tank lea C.04 Add " rod withdrawal Provides additional results prohibit and indication of a loss of secondary light" syste D.0la Change to " reads off Correct-answer for design of scale high" thermocouples, b Change to " reads temper-ature at short" D.02a and Change " fission chamber" Provides correct description J.10 to " Log Channel" of instrumentation chanrel, i 0.02d and Change to "No effect if Provides correct effect on J.10d in automatic or power nuclear instruments if pool will decrease if in temperature increase manual" ,



. .

Answer N Change Reason D.04 and Change "Rx Period".to Provides correct instrumen-J.09 " Log Power". Change tation displays for each -

'  " Power (fission position-of-the mode

- chamber)" to " linear selector-switc power". Delete

 " Power" in line II . D.06 and Change to " Turn on ~Provides operation means for J.04 secondary system" controlling pool temperatur E.01c ~ Insert "Stop rod with- Inserts a correct response.

E drawal if period is less than 3 sec."

E.03~ Add "Stop startup Expands' answer to include attempt and infor other required action facility director."

_ E.05a Add " Prevent accidental Expands answer to include the exposure" major reason for cautions and limitations on moving core.

p ' E.06c Insert "Nothing. Detec- Inserts facility provided tor used for' indication respons only" F.03a Change to " Water level. Sets correct priorities for Results in loss of various abnormal condition shielding and high radiation levels" F.04a Insert " Prevent activa- Inserts facility provided tion of tool" response.

L G.03 Change to " Secure valves Changes answer to the to isolate leak; notify facility expected responses ' RFD; Monitor" to a primary lea H.02a Change to "Since Rx is No negative reactivity critical at 20 watts and feedback mechanism exists 40 watts, no addition at these power levels, is needed to raise power until reaching the point of adding heat" __ f

& ..e

.    -

Answer N Change Reason H.02b Change "30%".to "35%" The power coefficient curve and " linear" to "not is non-linea linear"

- H.07a Change "0.56" to."0.46" Corrects graph readin H.08 ~ Change to." Conduction Modifies answer to natural through fuel (Radiation circulation instead of force across fuel gap); . circulatio conduction through
 ~1aminar layer to water; convection to pool and atmosphere" G.04 and Change " Wash out wound" Changes answer to the
- I.05 to " Call for help" facility expected responses for an injured contaminated perso G.05 Correct math Changes math calculations to account for not using an efficiency factor for radiac reading H.02a Question Change " cps" to " watts" Changes units of N.I. readout to correspond to facility instrumentatio I.06a Change  Changes coefficients to
 "2.13 ft (-1) x 3 ft" values which can be read off to supplied tabl "0.07 cm (-1) x 91 cm" b Change ".91 cm (-1)"

K.01a Add "(flattens flux, Provides additional informa-extends core life)" tion on the effect of' samarium wafer K.05 Change " Ring B + Ring C Computers shutdown margin

 + Ring D" to " Measured from available dat excess - Ring E - Ring F" Change "+ $3.21" to
 "- (- $17.84)"

L.04b Delete Facility does not have compensated ion chamber =~ _ _ i-n _-..

3 * -.


 . Answer N '

Change: Reason

 'L.07 ' Delete "0425;. start Starting of equipment is not primary. pump; black logge :n   ink"
. Attachment: < Written Examination (s) and' Answer Key (')

s (SR0/RO)


Y h--

.., .,        MASTER

II. 5. NUCLEAR REGULA10Rf COMMISSION REACTOR OPERAIOR LICENSE EKAhlNAIION FACILIlY* ARMED FORCES RAD 10D10. R E T., _________________________Lo REACTOR TYPE: TRIGA _____________________.___ DATE ADMINISTERED: 05/03/12 _________________________ EXAMINER: DUDLEY, _________________________ APPLICANI: _________________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT __________________________ Use separate paper for the ansver Write ansvers on one side onl Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheet Points for each question are indicattd in psrentheses after the ques t i ore . The pcssing grade requires at least 70% in each c a tegor y and a final grade of at lesst 80%. C ::a n> i n a t i o n papers eill be picked up si (6) hours after the e);amiria tion s tar t s .


________ ______ ___________ ________ ___________________________________ 14.00 14 3 PRINCIPLES OF REAC10R OPERATION ________ ___I'I_ ___________ ________ 14 0 14 FEATURES OF FACILIlY DESIGGN __ I_0___ ___I'3I_ ___________ ________

14 0 14 ___I_0___ ___I'3 ___________ ________ GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS 14.40 14.63 INSTRUMENis AND CON 1 ROLL ________ ______ ___________ ________ ___I__0 __ ___I_4 _ ___________ _ _____ SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSlEMS _b_III___b_I ___ _______ ________ SlANDARD AND EMERGENCY OPERATING PPOCEDURES

- I __ _ ___________ ________ RADIA1 ION CONTROL AND SArETY 98.40 100.00    TOIALS

________ ______ ___________ ________ FINAL GRADE _________________% All vork done on thi s e::annina t ion is my ovn. I have neither giv:n not received ci ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hEItid5UT I5~555U5TURE


. ..

0 VEST 10N A.01 (3 00) The safety of a TRIGA reactor derives from its lar ge p r o nip t negative coefficient which is primarily due to an intrinsic characteristic of the fuel. List the THREE contributions (not necessarily all from the fuel) which account for the prompt negative coefficient and explain how each of then inserts reactivity

.on a pouer increas QUESTION A.02 (2.00)

Following a scram there is an initial prompt drop in power level followed by a power decrease and a negative period. What is the value of this period and ehy is it always the same?

'0UESTION A.03 (3 00)

a. Why is a neutron source necessary i re the reactor?

. What is the neutron source made of and how does it produce neutrons?

OUESTION A.04 (3.00) Hov much-reactivity has been added to a soberitical reactor if the count rate has increased from 100 cps to 150 cps and if the initial value of Keff was .95? OUESTION A.05' (2.00) If after scheiving criticality the operator vere to raise power to 90 kw, immediately establish an infinite period, and verify that the power level indication was steady with no rod motion, he vould observe an increase in power after waiting a few minutes. Explain wh QUESTION A.06 (1.00) Why is the build up of nenon poison during powet operattons neglected at AFRRI?

F 1

. n .-
..... ..........................
/ QUESTION B.01  (2.00) Of L E TE
.[ Describe the TWO features of the precumatic tube system that would oinimize the release of radioactive materials into the reactor building atmosphere if failure of an enperiment in the tube

cystem occurre QUE S110tl D.02 (2.00) Explain how the amount of reactivity for a pulse is controlle QUESTION D.03 (3.00) Drau a simple schematic floe diagram of the complete Water Cooling cred For a f icot t on Systen.. ' Label all major componerets ar d indicate


directions of flo : QUESTION B.04 (2.50) - Assume a leak developed from the reactor tank into an enposure room during a normal workins. da a. What TWO devicese other than visual, would alert the staff to

 .this situation?     (1 5)

b. What safety feature is available at AFRRI to preveret uncovering the core due to this failure? (1.0) 00EST10N D.05 (2 00) . Describe THREE materials which line Enporore Room 1 a rid explair, why each is use QUESTION D.06 (2.535 c. What effect, if anye v d t h e loss of both air compressors have ori the r eac tor buildtry3 vetti atton systes? (1.0) 6. Describe THREE featur ei of the reactor building verit t l e t t ore systeni which pr everit the release of c orit an.i na t t er. to the erw a r onment and enF ls a r, how these features wor Irielude both normal aric e n.e r gericy feature (1.5)

.  .

a GENERAL OPEFA11NG CHARACTERI511CS PAGE 4 ________. .__. __.._______________ ... QUESTION C.01 (2.00) Hoe'does the burnable poison in the fuel elements affect reactor oper ation? Enplai QUESTION C.02 (2 00) Under steady-state operatione vould there be any significar t dif f er ence between the contr ol rod positions at100 watts and 1000 vatts? Explai Under steady-state operation, would there be any significant difference between the control rod positions at 100 MW and 1000 kW7 Euplai QUESTION C.03 (2.50) j Assuming the reactor is at 125 watts and on a stable sustained [ period of 50 secondse how long will it take to reach 1 hW? j Shov your vor (1.0) ( Assusiin3 the reactor is at 125 watts and is placed on a 50 see periode explain how the reactor will respond if no further operator actions are taken? (1.5) HUECTION C.04 (2.50) What vould be the af f ect ore the plant of securing the secondary circulating pump? Assume plant was iriitially at 1007. powere with all rods in manual coretr ol e stad that systems operate normally and no operator actiori is taken. Include the parameter, if any, which causes a scra CSTION C.05 (3.00) After the reactor has been brought critical at 1 vatte the operator wAthdraws the reg rod sufficiently to add about 0.003 delta K of reactivit Assumtrig no further control rod maritpulations or Innear scramte explain and sletch the response of the POWEP LEVEL and PERIO (Do not calculate the per1od but show approntmate value.)

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_____________________________________ -, OUESTION C.06 (2.00) An e::per iment is loaded into the B-ring of the core when the reactor is operating at 1 M After loading the experiment, the reactor power level decreases to 500 MW. How much reactivity was added by the experiment? Neglect reactivity effects of heatin (0.8) If ,the er:reriment had been loaded in the_ outer ring would you e::pect the final power level to be different from 500 MW? Explain.- . (1.2) s l l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - J > {.

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[ 4 INSTRUMENISLAND CONTROLS ____________________________

          : PACE 6'



QUESTION D.01 (1.50).

c.1What.will-happen to the indication of fuel-temperature if the

 :ther mocouple . develops !an .open circuit?

b. . What will happen to the indicat' ion of fuel temperature'if the thermocouple developes-a.short: circuit? J0dESTION, D.02  :(3.20) What~ affect,'if any, will the following changes have'on nuclear s power. indications.~ Explain each. answe a.:The-count rate portion of1the fission-chamber signal prossessing circuitry 1provides no'500 K < - . The cambelling_ portion-of the fission chamber signal Prossessing

  ' circuitry =provides no si 3nal at 100 watt c..The. Primary flow rate increases from 250 spa to 350 sp .
 - d . . ..T h e ' p o o l temperature increases 10 de3ree QUESTION  3 D.03     (2.00)

a1 . .


E If the;following indications are present for the shim rod, whereJis

 :theEshim rod? Explain the inconsistancies of the indications.


 .00ESTION' D;04      ('3.20)-

!. nFor:each1of the four positions-of the mode selector switch, h

 !IA Steady State Autom. tic, I Steady State Manual, II Square Wave,
:  Lcnd: III Pulse, provide the following information!

a.'The rods which receive control signals.from the fission chamber ' b. Information displayed by the RED pen recorder - c.--Informatioh displayed by the BLUE pen recorde ud. nth'e' detectors which: supply scram si 3nals'through the switc E u . It m .,..,.. _ _ , _ _ _ _

. _ ,.
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____________________________ GtlF5110N D.05 (3.00) e. Explain the mechanism by which the transient control rod is


dropped into the cor e on a scram signa Et: plain how the anvil is positioned without moving the transient control ro HUESTION D.06 -(1.50) Explain how the pool temperature is controlled during plant operations at 1 MW.


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 ? QUESTION . 3 E. 01:  .(3'.50)~

f' Farteach of'Lthe Lf ollo& ting ro'd--L inter locks indicate t' t hat conditions-produce;the'.interlockfand what. interlock is activate '

  : a .E One: kilowatt < i nter lock Ib. SourceLleve .c.- Thr ee -: second per iod .
  .: d'.1 O p e r a t i o n a l ihigh; voltage cc. l Pool; &! ster ' temperature
   .      ,
 ,UUESTION LE.02   (1.50)    ;
 [If the vention;the' primary. cool'ing pump 6!as..left open, and the pump
 /wasTsecure6could th'e core be uncovered?  Explai _
, ': QUESTION: :E.03 .
 .Duringpa reactor?strrtup afscram occurs for:no obvious reason. l h e':

operator:findscheicanno.t reener3 ireEthe_ magnetic powerLto'the control

 -rods'and resets the'~ reactor consol. Prfor to teattempting  the startup What action, ithe' operator not'es he. has re3ained a scram indicatio ~
 , ;ir:'any, should;the operator;take?     l HOUESTION =E.04 ~   (2.00)

JShould the-! reactor scram in=each of'the folloking independent' isituations? No:expaination is require ~ fal.fAfsafety' channel;UIC. fails to.50%.of. actual-power ~ level vrhile-(operatingcin Mode-I'at 11M ,

  (b.JThelthird' independent ion; chamber'above the core loses High
   - Volatge wkris in mode.IA at 500.K l
  :c.;.The C-ring thermocouple f ails high in Mode Il at 1-M _

d. The.. wide-range: log-. channel is placed in test while'in Mode-I


ist"100-K _

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  . J I




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    , ,
      . (3.'00)'
,  00ESTION - E f06 --

fa.: What:i's-the. purpose of?the Faci 1ity' Interlock l. System?

        ( 1 ~ . 0' ) -
  ' b f Explai~rowhere .the : reactor. cor e is is::in Region : 1,~ Region : 2,
   .. a n d '. R e g i o n' 3 '. . -
        :(2 . 0)'
-c .
 ": 00ESTIO N  .

E' . 0 6 ~ - (3 00)'

      . [ Explain'what^ potential safety-problems, if. any, f will -result in eac C of - the f ollowing;: situation .
         , j
- .. [  : a . :':The.': secondary z. system - pr essur e dr ops to : 10 psi due to-
   .de3radation.of'th'e pump.-Secondary flow'is'700 spm.
  - b.1; CUH0 ffi l ter ' di f f er entia l pressure of 8 ps .c..The samma. probe istinoperabl P  (d.-'The, flow through the demineralicer is 15 sp f

l>6_ u4^

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ta b ., h o ! ['~ - b ff L i w i


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'0UESTION- F.01  ..(2.00)
 .The facility: requirements state'that'an annus'1-calibration
  ~ '
,of the power-level m'onit'oring charnels-will be made'by the-colorimetric metho =a.1What'?i's'the' purpose of this calibration?

bd'e procedures' involved in the-calorimetric metho o


00ESTION F.02 (4.00)

 ;o.: What actions are taken forfa Reactor Emergency?

b. Whatjactions are taken for an.AFRRI. Complex Emergency Evacuation?

'QUISTION F.03'  (3.00)

The following alarms are r.eceived simutaneously; water temperature hi3h, stack. gas activity hish,. water level lo a. 'Which one sh'ould'be-investigated first? Justify'your answe (1.0)

 ' b .- ' W h a t ' a c t i o n s , if any,1should be taken to control the situation
  .and determine the'. problem?    (2.0)
:00ESTION- F.04-  (2.00)

a..WhyLis-the useLof the extraction tool to. lower the rabbit into the-Core Experiment Tube prohibited while at power? (0.8)

. What' precautions-are~taken and what instrumentation is monitored shen retrieving-the rabbit'. .    (1.2)-

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 . OliF5 TION  F.05- (3.00)

B i:For13each of f:the,-f ollowing situations . indicate uhether a completed _

 ' RUR.~:(Reactor : Use Request) is. required.

'2*  :. a.-Maintenance in: Exposure Room #1 when the reactor is secure b',iMovement of.the reactor to location.

. , . r

  [c.T~ Checking.. operation of the pneumat2e tuce ~ system.using an experimenta Pj'-
  \ ' m oc k up ' whi l e - a t' l ' K W ,= D ec t re -   ,/
 < :d' .. Conducting K excess measurement .

e..:Loadin3:anEadditional instrumentation package into-the Pool

  ;priorito reactor startu . if.. Determining the reactivity worth of'a new transient rod.-
. v T-
       .F4 i

f :Y s. . a


!- I*

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QUESTION. G.01 (2.50) A camma' source emits 8 R/hr at one foo How long could a person work at a. distance of 4 feet from the source without onceeding the quarterly limit whole body in 10 CFR 20? Show your wor QUESTION. G.02 (2.00) a.~ Why must.a Quality Factor be used when calculating exposures from


measurements taken in RADS? (1.0) b. What steps should be taken to avoid contamination while swiping a potentially contaminated surface? (1.0)

'UUESTION  G.03 (2.00)

What immediateLactions should an operator take if he discovers a

'5 spm leak from the primary side of the heat exchanger while making plant rounds?

OUESTION G.04 (3.00) What actions, if any, should be taken if a experimenter, who is in a. contaminated area of the hot cell, has.been severly cut and the bleeding cannot be stopped. The person is in protective clothing which is contaminated, there are no other experimenters or support personnel at the facility, and only the minimum operations staff operate the facility are availabl ' ._- .e

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_... 3-4 . .

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3 -e _

;  ,
, - 'QOESTION "G.05    > (4;06)
  .   . . < - . .
      . .

_ Afteraniincident,SaEsvrvey is made,ofJth'e affected ar,ea with'a

 , survey l meter. ;-The window'open-indication-is~5.3,R/hr, window closed
 , is:3.5"R/hrCat 2' feet.

4- 2 1 Whatxisothe-Beta.' dose' rate? .(0.8).

' ;H'ow long,can you, remain in this area without! exceeding your normal

  -c; oar ter lyi' hole body ' limit? -   ( 1. 2 O

ic . - Under'what(emergency con'ditions can quarterly' whole'b5dy-;1'imits

  , .beiexceeded?    .( 1. 0 ) -
. ' What wouldibe:the reading on'the Cutie-Pie if'it'were moved back ito 10 feet?-    (1.0).

.:i: s<, 4


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,        PAGE
 ~. ANSWERB ;---- ARHED ~ FORCES R AD10010. ~ RES-05/03/12-DUDLEY , ~

. , ANGWER - A . 01 ~ ~( 3. 00 )-

 'ZrHidisadvantage. factor E0.43i as temperature raises the ZrH becomes less effective as-a moderator. [0.63 Doppler effect EO.43- absorption cross sections of resonance peaks, temperature i ncr e a se s'. CO.63 AWO FME ,
 'WateridisplacementiEO.43 water Vdensity.' decreases ~and. fuel expands'to displa'ce water. which M..shedecreases moderation.-E0463

170! Nuclear' Theory II. ANOWER 'A.02- (2.00)

 -80' seconds.CO.53 Powericannot decrease-faster than mean' life itimejof longest 111ved precursor.[1.53 (This is 1.44 x 55 see 1/2
 : life of Br)'

REFERENC ;170: 1 Nuclear: Theory II B. ; ANSWER A.031 (3.00) Ed."The sourceLis need for reactor startup EO.63 to insure instrument-response, remains on scale at' lowest power leve}g Mj[[cf pg4,,7cc47ttonfrf-ibH Am-Be.EO.53 Am decays via alpha emission.1EO.531The alpha interacts 1with Be to-produce. carbon and a neutron. [0.53 REFERENCE' 1700 SAR p 4-8


ANSWER' A.04 l(3.00) cr11/cr2 = (1-Keff2) /.(1-Keff1) CO.93-200/150 = (1-Keff2)./ (1-0.95) E 0 .' 53 1-Keff2 =.10/15 x 0.05 Keff2 = 'O.967- .CO.13 changefin reactivity = El-Keff2/Keff23 - El-Keff1/Keff13

    =,Keff2 - Keffi / Keffi-x Keff2 CO.93
    = 0.967 - 0.95 / .0.95 x 0.967 E0.63
    = 1.85 % delta K/K  C O .~ 13 I

L1 .



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AN5WERS -- ARhE D F ORCES R ADIOL:IO . RES-05/03/12-DUDLEY, REFERENCE 170 Reactor Theory II ANSWER A.05 (2.00) 4 When rods were inserted only prompt neutrons were affected and reactor power was stablized.[1.O] After a few minutes the delayed neutrons contributed to the overall neutron population E1.03 thus power increase REFERENCE-470:C-E Reactor Theory pgs. 74-76 054 Nuclear Energy Training, Hodule 3 Rx Ops, Unit : Nuclear Theory II ANSWER A.06 (1.00) AFRRI does not run at high enough power levels long enough to generate xenon. E1.03 ( h a:, effect $-0.05) REFERENCE 170:Guestions and Answers A.7.6 , e

y, '


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    (DE4 k
-[ANSWt:R _ .D.01- (2.00)

Absolute filterDon' blower'E1.03 ' \I Tubeisystem exhausts to stack [1.03



.Q70!) Operations _ Manual p.180  _

ANSWER: B.02 (2.00)

 -Determini Delta.P~desiredrEO.33- calculate-transient. cod position from worth 1curverEO.33' Position anvil by-mech. _ drive to allow-
 -withdrawl to that pointe 1.03 - fire rod with air pressure.CO.43 REFERENCE-170: Ops.: Procedures VIII Tab _E
. ANSWER'- - D.03-  (3.00)
- Operations Manual-Fig. 3.1

~ REFERENCE 170: Operations Manual Fig.' ANSWER' B.04 (2.50) o. R-1 alarms EG.~L7 " keYe "b4r'cNe t ' M*1 AWD LCRAM h A * O' NM" Connection.from the. fire hydrant-to suction-of MCP. E1.03 REFERENCE.


 :1'0:~Op'erations  Manual pp 112,125
. ANSWER 1 . B .' 0 5 ' (2.00)
> - Cd shield on-bulge E0.33 to absorb thermal neutrons E0.43
' ~ Gadolinium' paint on walls and floors E0.23 to. absorb neutrons CO.43
 .'One~ foot thick ecod CO.33 to.thermalize neutrons so.not to activate concrete E0.43 REFERENC : Questions and Answers . ,

k[ , ,

   ' "  # * 9




.  .

________________________________ ANSHERS -- ARMED FORCES RADI0 BIO. RES-85/03/12-DUDLEY, ANSWER B.06 (2.50)- 10 . The supply dampers- (Sirs 2, and S3) and the exhaust damper (E1) would shut [1.03 Supply and exhaust dampers close on high CAM alarm preventing

 . release of radioactivity CO.63 Exhaust air is passed througn prefilter, roughing filterr and absolute filter which remove contamination (particulate matter)

from the air. [0.63 A negative pressure is maintained in contaminated areas to reduce spread of contamination out of those areas. CO.33 REFERENCE 170: Operations Manual pp 63, 68 _ _

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 -ANSWER--   (
   .2.00) .
 ': Burnable poison--a'llo6!stmore fuelito be loaded.EO.53'and thus-oxtends -lif e.~ EO.53 :As; poison burns, nit acts?asLa; positive reactivity =:
.- cddition and~therefore; minimizes reactivity changes resulting'from-fission product buildup-and fuel burnup. E1'.03 REFERENCE
 . 170: SAR:p;4-12"


 . NSWER- C.02 i2.00)
' '
 'o. .No difference E_0'.43-because:the reactor is belo6s heat range and the power coefficient does not.~ add any' negative reactivity. [0.63 Lb.,Rodsi 6;ould be higher at 1000 MW CO.43'to' compensate for-the E

negative reactivity.added by the power coefficient. 00.63


170:3 Reactor 1 Theory II- ,

 ? ANSWER -C.03 -(2.50)    .

u - c . -- 'p =~pg ,(tyy)- C

     .to.43 1 MW =:1.25E-4 e(t/50)  E0.43

InE8 E33 =Inte (t/50)3


8.987 = t/50 t= 449 see or~ 7.48 mi CO.23

 ' i
  , Power ~ coeficient would len3then period and would eventually stabalize power.=E1.53 5 REFERENC Nuclear. Energy' Training, Module 3 Rn Ops., Chap 4.3 1 and' Reference-Package,. Reactor parameters Nuclear. Theory II >

m p n f_-

a . 4_ . -

  - -
    . , .   - - -
 ;.  >',
.  :.;
 ._.;;______.________._________  _______a _

TANSWER I C.'04 (2.50).

' <

 ~ Pool-temperature will increase'~ adding ~ negative ~ reactivity..C0.753-
- - . Reactor power willEdecrease. C O .' 7 53 LPool'high temperat. ore No; scram..Co.53-
    '- # activate [ CO.53 R WP AND .dt! serw' USM -
' K054:.TSfp.:9-
   . . ..
' -  -DS-01-1;and,DS 02-2.-
 ::1'7 0 t L. Oper ations ' hanval, Chap. 3'  Reactor Water Systems l Reference Package, Reactor Parameters ANSWER " C . 0 5' -(3.00)
 -Esee:. attached figure:S: 4 K / K .1 = 43 centsi.T ~ 17 see; P = 86-KW
 . REFERENC .0 f Guestions =and Answer s C.7 '
._ ANSWER  C.06 (2.00)

Jo. $1.13.'[0.83 b.JFinal power-level would'be higher than 500 KW- CO.43 1The. core outer rin3 has a lower-flux and therefore the.; experiment

 , swould not be as much. CO.83    .i
 .~ 17 0 : -Questions and Answers C.15


i _7 O


(T - V . . .



r [. INSTRUhENTS AND CONTROLS PAGE 21 ____________________________


L '

' ANSWER  D.04- (3.20).

p .-

- h- -

F: - -- de


j Lee FedEA _LtutAR FedEA _IA -REG ROD RX PERIOD'q Pow;r iesi;r. th;;bt r H UIC (both) 7 .None ~p v proyn94 Parc- 'fiscian chamberFj UIC'(both) 1II R E G ,+ - T R ANS LIO3'llfib _Icut- ' f i s s o ; h c : 5 11 UIC (both) III 'Nor.c - ' FUEL' TEMP P~ or(Pulsing UIC Pulsing UIC (1)

       [0.2 each3 REFERENCE 1702. Question and Answers Fig. D-1

ANSWER -D'.05 (3.00).

s.JScram signal deenergines a three way air solenoid valve CO.6]

 -which interrupts the air supply and relieves pressure on the air. cylinder.[0.63 allowing the piston to drop by gravity. E0.33
- b.: AC: electric motor E0.43 drives a ball-nut drive assembly E0.43

which raises.the air' cylinder [0.42 independent of the piston and control--rod..EO.3] REFERENCE-1701.0pera'tions Manual pp 28-33

' ANSWER  D.06 (1.50)
. r: Thn r. i m h e - er ----+4- c-
    - - i'
     ~ ~~~~~ 1,,..,' +m.= ,. - .-a
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ " ~~~~~'"~~

r4 =, ruer! Offs h c5 4A'd/ '5f5Yt M '" ~- - -


REFERENCE 1703 Operations Manual p 41 i w '~ ,



3g .



.------------------------------- .



f o~. - pr events . application of f air to'the transient cod CO.43 unless

 ' reactor. power.< 1 KW. E0.33 b.: Prevents any rod withdrawal'EO.33 unless the operational channel sees es-Cs STcr (chur c1ce ' level rp M6 W A neutron EO.43 L . ; IF PEG 00 - TitAA' 3 SEC- {0*'0 IS L ESS d.' prevents. rod withdrawal E0.33 when.hish voltase is: loss to an Joperational channel detector. [0.43 e.sprevents' rod withdrawal CO.33 if_ tank temperature is above 50 CO.43 REFERENCE 370;;0perations Manual pp 92-93 ANSWER E.02 (1.50)
.No. [0.53-There iscsmall hole drilled in pipins 4' below surfac ,of'_poo11which'will prevent'siphonin3+ [1*03 REFERENC : Operations Manual p'41
- AN,SWER E.03 '(1.50)
- Check' f or: a person 1in the exposur.e rooms.: E1. 5} f t,i J  .grcr S M # rte r Be T Ye- N jo . _1 W F:Rt1 r ecurrY 0: G & rto1 L L C]


170 . Safety Analysis Report p 4-27 y Operations Manual p'101 . , ' ANSWER- E.04 -(2.00)

 -0.- No . ' EO . 53
 ' Yes E0.53'

e. Yes : EO.53: d. ' No CO.53-

-REFERENCE-170: Safety Anslysis Report pp 4-23, 4-24 Oper ations Manual p 83


     - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  __
.  .... .




. .

Prevents contact or:: impact between the reactor tank. lead shielding door and the reactor core shr oud. CwCc4 Ptr vr E0.5 each3-REFERENCE 1 i , 1701-;- Ope r l Pr ocedur e I - , '- Questions;and: Answers, F.1 . ,I *- _  ! # < , t V .>.v~,., i  % '. 9_ su y" ~ l7, 1 ? ,: Oe , . I ' RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY ~ PAGE 26 4 ------------------------------- . LANSWERS -- ARMED. FORCES RAD 10E:IO. .RES-85/03/12-DUDLEY, ANSWER G.01 .(2.50) D1,x'(R1)2 =~D2 x (R2)2 E0.6] '8 R/hr x'1-sqft =JD2 x 16 sqft- CO.43-D2 = .5 R/hr [0.13- . -stay time =-total allowed dose / dose rate CO.63 =11.25 R /.:.5 R/hr CO.43 E0.3 for. limit] = 2.5'hr CO.13 REFERENCE-1701-10CFR20.101~ L ANSWER G.02- (2.00) ~ RADS measure amount of. energy deposited in material while e::posure rates indicate-amount of biological ~ damage. CO.6] Different types of radiation: produce greater biological damage which must 'be corrected for by' Quality Factors. CO.43 b'.. Handle swip'es with gloves E0.53 and wear appropriate anti-contamination elothin3 [0.53 ' REFERENCE Questions and Answers G. 18 ANSWER G.03 (2.00) ?Motify 011 v i,h n m in the er:0 ei voc CO.5 M 21 10t: crec- and ccccuate E0.536 N;tif; ^-== Cope-"icer erd "P. CG. W " Fia c - urc 011 accc : to eres i; c en i, viled. Fust r .ntos;. [0. T REFERENCE _ .s(cudi VAL'V65 70 16K A Tc' LCAh [C $] 054:EP-05-1 .170 Emergency. Plan p 77 NCrrff RfD E 0 8]- Mca' z red [Q1] * w -__:_ g - -- ._ . L~ . G.. RADIATION. CONTROL AND SAFETY- ' PAGE 2 :-------------------------------- ANSWERS -- ARhED FORCES RADIODIO. RES-85/03/12-DUDLEY, LANSWER G.04 (3.00) 1r t ruz ei c ' Romove clothing e-4 ::"e decesitaytCO.53 Dresstto reduce-spread of contamination.EO.53 "; : ' ' :: t :=v6d CO . 5Y c t1L t. : roe li Et to [0,5] :CallDhospital to= prepare for' contaminated person E0.53 ' Move to' clean: ares C O . 5 3 ~- ' - HP.Laccompanies injured person inithe ambulance-to the hospital [0,53 REFERENCE-054: EP-07-1 170tEmerSency. Plan.pp 60-62 JANSWER G.05' (4.00) n.1 Beta rate = (open - closed) = cf' icier.:y ' :ter .[0.43 = (5.3 - 3.5) n 10 " 'h r t E0.33 =. 8'R/hr CO.13 (0.8) . Quarter 1p limit 1.25_R- CO.53 ~ time =-(1.25 R / 3.5 R/hr) X 60 min /hr [0.63 = 21'.4'ain CO.13 (1.2)' - .. ' T o s ave a -l i f e '(-M9 R ) - CO.53 'To protect' equipment _(25 R) [0.53 ( 1 ~. 0 ) - :DXR(2)=DXR(2). [0.43 L3.5 R/hr. X (2.ft)2 = Dose x (10 ft)2 [0.53 Dose = 3.5:X 4'/.100'R/hr- = .14 R/hr E0.13 (1.0) REFERENCE' 10CFR20.101 170: Emergency Plan p 34 ' e _ _ . p ,, - . - . _ V, *  ;. . , . , iFST: CROSS REFERENCE-. PAGE- - 1 OUEST10N- VALUEL 2 REFERENCE  ;-------- ------- ---------- - A . 01~ . '3'00- DUDOOOO684 lAiO2:~ u2.00 DUD 000068 i s - A .l 0 3 ' 3.00' DUD 0000606' i, LA.04 3100- ;DUDOOOO696- < A.05: :2.001 DUD 0000709; ,A.06'- x 1'. 0 0 . . DUD 0000710'  ;------ - 14.'00 - B.01 C 2.00~ DUD 0'000689- -e 18.0 . 2 .' 0 0 DUD 0000690 B 031 3.00- ; DUD 0000691 ' ' 'B.04; 2.50 DUD 0000692 , ;B.'OST 2.00: DUD 0000711-B.0o; DVD0000712- ' "2.50 >------ ,14.'00 J C . 015 '2.00 DUD 0000693 - 1C.02 :2.00' DUD 0000694 < _ C.0 ~2.50  ; DUD 0000713 ,~ ' C.04 ' . 2. 5 0. - -DVD0000715- - 3.00 " DUD 00007161 ' ".. s:C.06~ . . i C . 0 5' 2.00- DUD 0000717- ------- ~ _ .14.00' . D . 01 - -l.50 ' DUD 0000698 :D.02 . 3.20: DUD 0000721 'D.03 2 0 DUD 0000722 D.04- 3.20 DUD 0000723 ~ D.05 - 3.00 0000000726 D.06 1.50 DUD 0000727' ----- .

- 14.40

;E.01~ 3.50 DUD 0000724 F.02' 1.50' ' DUD 0000725- 'E.0 .50: 1 DUD 0000728- -i , - EE . 0 4 --' 2.00- DUD 0000729 ~E.05? >3 00- DUD 0000730 LF 06 3.00- DUD 0000731 ------ . 14.50 ' F . 01 : -2.00 -DUD 0000701 ' F.02~ 4.00 DUD 0000702-F.03 3.0 UD0000703 :F.04 -2 00 DUD 000073 F.05- 3.00' -0000000733 - $; . - . .. g, . . _ , . . , _ _ . . .. . TEST. CROSS REFERENCE PAGE 2 ' 00ESTION! ' VALU REFERENCE ._______. - ______ __________ .._ -_- l 14.00 G .' 01 2.50 0UD0000697 ;G.02 -2.00- DUD 0000705 G.03 ' 2 ',' 0 0 DUD 0000718 G.04 3.00 DUD 0000719 ~ G . 05 - 4.00 DVD0000720 ______ . 13.50 _____ .______ - 98.40 . - . . .. ... g ' ' [, 9 . ~ , ~ _ . , , ' y s ~ . Y ,-. , , , - s o - - , , . . , II. - S. . NUCLEAR. REGUL A10RY' COMMISSION - -SENIOR REACTOR.' OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION - , _ _ ___ _ EB , , REACTOR TYPE: IRIGA ._________________________ U - DATE ADMINISIERED1 85/03/12 _________________________ e , ' EXAMINER: DVDLEYi N. p - , _________________________  : APPLICANT _________________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO: APPLICANT: __________________________ LUse-separate Paper for the. answers. Write answers side ar$1 Staple question sheetLon top of.the answer sheet Points. f or - ear:h-question'are indicated in parentheses lafterLthe question. The passing fgr ade r equir es . at lea'st 70% sin each category and a final grade of. at least'80%. ..E:tamination : paper s will be picked up six (6) hours after I ' !the examination: start % OF JCATEGORY  % 0F- . APPLICANT'S CATEGORY ~' LVALUEL TOTAL- SCORE VALUE CATEGORY .________ ______ ___________ ________ ___________________________________ ' J20.00 20.00 r_______________ ____________ ________ REACTOR' THEORY _- 419.10- 19.10-2_______.______ ___________ ________I.: -RADI0 ACTIVE' MATERIALS-HANDLING DISPOSAL AND HAZARDS 23.40 _'23'.40' _______ ______ ___________ ________ J.' SPECIFIC' OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS - '17.50 2 17.50 ' ________ ______ ___________ _________K. < FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS 20.00 - 'O.00 ________ _'_____ ___________ ________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURESr CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS 100;00 100.00 TOTALS -________ ______ ___________ _______ , FINAL.CRADE _________________% Le ~ All work-done on this. examination is my own. I have neither givon'noroteceived ai ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EPPL CEUT's~55GUSTURE . ] Y -______m.___ 7= .- . .. . , H.- REACTOR THEORY PAGE 2 ' ' - r _GUf5 TION LH.01 (2.00) LIf after acheiving criticality the operator were to raise power . to 50 kw, imm'ediately-establish an infinite period, and verify that the; power; level indication was steady with no rod.moticr., he would observe an increase in power after waiting a few minute Explain- , uh QUESTION H.02 (3.00) With an initial count rate of 2 0 =473 e is added to increase the count rate to 40 4)V.r*, reactivity What would be the effect of L .addingjthe same amount of react'ivity again? Explain your answe b .' With an initicI power level of 10%, reactivity is added to r aisc 'pover to.20%. What would be the effect'of adding the same snrount-of reactivity again? Enplain your answe ; '0UESTION -H.03 (2.00) Explain-why the neutron-startup source appears as positive, negative-and ero. reactivity worth dependin3 on the power level. L QUESTION H.04 (3.00) The safety of.a TRICA reactor derives from its large prompt negative coefficient which is primarily due to an intrinsic characteristic-of the fuel. List the~THREE contributions (not necessarily all from from the.fvel) which account for the prompt negative coeMicient and onplain now each of_thee inserts reactivity on a power increas QUESTION H.05 (3.00) How much reactivity has been added to a suberitical rosetor'if-the count rate has increased from 100 cps to 150 eps and if the initial value of Keff pas . 95? l'

. , . - - - . J' , , ', ' n' ,. , ,.. s ,i , w;. . . , . ;. - . - > ' ,  ! ~ ' IREACTORiTHEORY- PAGE 3

._________________ y - ~ - OllE S1 ION il e 0 (2.00) , e..Under steady-state operation, .hould there be-any significant difference between:the control rod 100 watts-and, 2000.&ratts?~~ Explai . ' lb'.U Under. . steady-state oper ation , would there be.any significant difference between(the control rod positions at 100 ' I'W - and '1000 KW? Explai LOUESTION';H.07 -(2 00) . :c. Anienperiment is, loaded.into the B-ring of the core _when the reactor is'operatin3'at 1 MW.. After loading the experiment, the "-  : reactor pover' level d.ecreases to 750 M Hoe much' reactivity'vas added by the experiment? LHeglect reactivity effects of heating.' - ( 0. 8 ) .. , If the experiment had.been~1oaded-in the outer ring would you expect the. final power level to'be different from 750 KW? Explai (1.2). , , ~ ' QUESTION Hs08 (3.00) - Explain the.different modes of heat transfer by which the heat of fission is removed fron the fue Include major components involved in the-heat removal process starting.with the-fuel and . ending at..the ultimate heat sin . ., = 1' a b *I ,$ - i a * a  % h ', - 1 < I ,J j ' ~ . ~ - _- . _. _ _ . = . j_ . ! RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL AND HAZARDS PAGE 4 i _______________________________________________________ { I 00E51 ION I.01 (2.10) Indicate which radiation monitoring system, if any, is used to: I Detect streaming radiation from Exposure Room 1 b. Detect fuel element failur c. Ensure facility yearly airborne releases are within limit ,. -- -- -- __ uutSTION I.02 (2.00) Describe the TWO features of the pneumatic tube system that~' wouldh-l DELETE ~ cinimize the release of radioactive materials into the teactor building atmosphere if failure of an experiment in the tube ~, t cystem occurre i -- . - - - - - f . - _ . _ -. QUESTION I.03 (2.00) Why is the use of the entraction tool to lower the rabbit into the Core Experiment Tube prohibited ehile at power? (0.8) What precautions are taken and what instrumentation is monitored when retrieving the rabbit? (1.2) QUESTION I.04 (2.50) A gamma source emits 8 R/hr at one foo How long could a person work at a distance of 4 feet from the source without exceeding the quarterly limit uhole body in 10 CFR 20? Shov your wori . QUESTION I.05 (3.00) What actions, if any, should be taken if a experimenter, who is in a contaminated ar ea of the hot cell, has been severly cut and the bleeding cannot be stopped. The person is in protective clothing which is contaminated, there are no other experimenters or suppor t per sonnel et the facility, and only the minimum operations staff required to oper ate the facility are available. i N - _ --- _ - __ _ , _ _ . - _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - w w y p J ' *l - '_ ~ 'I.- . RADIDACTIVE'HATERI LS-H'ANDLING DISPOSAL AND HAZARDS PAGE 5 '. ------------------------------------------------------- .- e iOUE5110N I.06: ~(4.50)-  ;-A fuel element'i's suspended in the Reactor Pool approximately 3 feet underLwater.~ A radiation survey-meter-held at-the surface of-the1 water, reads 100 mrem /hr. h Ignoring buildup, what radiation. level would you' e:<pect if- ~ .the fuel : element br oke the water? If-ithe fuel element was-;P l aced in a 1 inch lead shield icask,'what would the radiation level be at the^ surface? - s If the radioactive isotopes in the fuel element had an avera3echalf life of 30 minutes, how lon3 it take for the  : radiation level at the surface.of the WATER to drop. to 20 arem/hr? s L GUESTION 1I.0 (3.00) L AnL e:<perimenter. wants to make the ~ following changes to an e:<periment [ istter :it has. been- approved f or irradiationkrthe CE For each ' proposed change. ei< plain HOW and WHY !the change would affect.the Lradiolo3 i cal. hazards: associated with the experimen =a.~0se-' aluminum rabbit ir: stead of a plastic. rabbit.- 'b.-Use-of acetone (CH3)2C0 instead of alcohol C2H50H to clean p experimen ' ' c .1 : Use of a gold-silver capsule with a sodium chloride solution - instead of'a quart: slass capsule with a distilled water solution , to.contain experimen , d..-The'run'is reduced fron, i hW-br to 55 min at.1 h , ' + ', s - _ - _ . _ _ _ - _ _ - - - _ _ _ . - ._ . . _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ -_ y _, ;. . ._ _ p . :. . Y, i- _ . _s - * .. . . - .._ _ e _ , :J.- JSPECIFIC OPERATING-CHARAC1ERISlICS ' PAGE- 6 -------------------------------------- L QUESTION: J.01- (1.00) ~ ~ ;Under? &rha t : cond i t i ons , if any, can-the reactor be__ operated if the  : ventilation'systennis inoperable? Explai QUESTION fd.02- (2.50)- L ':a',-What effect, iftany,; would the. loss of both air compressors have . 'on the. reactor 1 building vetil ation system? . (1.0), e .b.? Describe:THREE. features of-the' reactor building ventilation:~  : system.Lwhich prevent the release-of contamination to the- *, :environmentaand' explain-how these features; wor Include : both _ normal _ and emer gency' f eatur es. - (1.5) . QUESTION ~ JiO3- ~(2.50) What would-be.:the affect on the plant-of securing the secondary icirculating-pump?. _ Assume plant.wa.s initially at 100% power, with all rods-in manual control, and that systems operate normally and no.operstor_ action is take Include the parameter,~if any,.which ' causes'aEscram.- . . . fQUESTION~ J.04 (1.50) . Explain'how'the' pool' temperature is.controlleo during plant-- ' l  : operations-at.1 M : QUESTION' J.05 -(1.50) During:a reactor ~startup a ~ scram occurs.for no obvious reason. The - operator-finds he cannot reenergine the magnetic control - rods-and resets the reactor conso . Prior to teattempting the-startup the operator ~ notes he has regained a scram indication. What action, irfany,:should.the op;erator take? - g - d' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ --_____m_m__ _ . _ . - ,_ _ e s SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS PAGE 7 ,______________________________________ -GUESTION J.06 -(2.00) Should the reactoriscram in each of the following independent situations? No expaination is require A safety channel UIC fails to 50% of actual power level while operating in Mode.I at 1 M he third independent ion chamber above the core loses High Volatge wFILE in mode IA at 500 K The C-ring thermocouple fails high in Mode Il at 1 M The wide-range los channel is placed in test while in Mode I at 100 K QUESTION J.07 (3.00) lhe following alarms are received simutaneously; water temperature high, stack 3as activity high, water level lo Which one should be investigated first? Justify your answe (1.0) b.'What actions, if any, should be taken to control the situation and determine the problem? (2.0) GUESTION J.08 (3.00) What is the expected position of each of the FOUR rods at the time that the reactor becomes critial during K - Excess operations? (1.5) In square wave operations (Mode II) where should the anvil be set for a 75 cent insertion if the transient rod is not used for criticality? (0.75) In pulse (Mode III) operations where should the anvil be set for a $2 insertion? (0.75) u. - k . .. . ' 'J . Sr'ECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS PAGE 8 -------------------.------------------ 0 0E 51 I0tl J.09 (3.20) For each of the four positions of the mode selector switch, IA Steady State Automatic,-I Steady' State Hanval, Il Square Wave, cnd III Pulse, provide the following information: . The rods which receive control signals from the fission chamber Information displayed by the RED pen recorde Information displayed by the BLUE pen recorder, The detectors which supply scram signals through the switc QUESTION J.10 (3.20) What affect, if any, y'ill the following changes have on nuclear power indications. Explain each answe The count rate portion of the fission' chamber signal prossessing circuitry provides no signal at 500 K The cambelling portion of the fission chamber signal prossessing circuitry provides no signal at 100 watt The Primary flow rate increases from 250 spm to 350 sp d.-The pool temperature increases 10 de3ree . . . . FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS PAGE 9 _____________________________________ 00ESTION- K.01 (2.40) .What is.the purpose of each of the following fuel element segments? Samarium wafers Graphite plus Zirconium rod d.' Stainless steel tube 00ESTION K.02 (2.00) For each'of the following conditions indicate on the attached coderator to fuel ratio graph approximately where the reactors would be operating. Assume X is the operating position for a fully loaded core and a pool temperature of 90 A fully loaded core and pool temperature 100 Rings C, C, D. and E fully loaded and pool temperature 90 (fuel elements r etaoved f r om outer face of core) c. Rings C, D, E, and F fully loaded and pool temperature 90 (fuel elements removed from center of core) -QUESTION K.03 (1.50) If the vent on the primary cooling pump was left open during refueling could-the core be uncovered? Explai QUESTION K.04 (1.60) The inspection of the control rods required annually is scheduled this week. The three previous inspections were conducted 13, 24, and 39 . moriths ag Can an e::Periment be run this week without inspecting the control rods? Justify your anwe QUESTION K.05 (2.00) ' Estimate the shutdovn margin, which would be used to meet the Technical Specifications, of an AFFRI core in which Rings 0, C, and D were loade State any assumptions and show work. L_ - l . l - . ) . \ l l l l l l } O .; I K eff  ! l i l < N r/N, t ] t . . _ _ _ . _ . - . . _ , - . . _ . , , _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . , _ . _ . - . . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . _ , , , . _ _ . _ _ _ , _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ , . . , . _ . _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ _ , , gy-y t- , '- - ,  ! 1 , , t 1 1 . . ' ' i  : i i i 1 : i L - ,  ; 1.0- -- -----.---- ' ' " " . =---- l : .> . < l' - j i  ; , ~ < '  ! 1 l * \. .j ! 1 l - , - - - - - - - - - = - - - - -- -- * i i : i i , i , _ _ _ _ _ . __ . _ , _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , . . , . , . i , . ? e e . ; I ; i i i I ! i - 8 i i , , e i t i i e t ' t, t 1 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ ,7 - - _ - --- , , - r ' a j -j J I e r _ _ _ _ , , , i . , > 4 ' ' -  ;  : t  ! I : , t , , 6- . . . , ., i 4 - . . i * f j_ '  ! i  ! ' I I f f l l 1 , . . . . , ' . f , , , . - - - - - - - -- _ _ _ _ _ . _ , . ' .h , i - .  : - . -  ! -- , . - .. . ' . .2 , ^I . - - - , , ., * ' i , '  ;' ' .1 ' ' - . _ - _ . _ _ . _ , l < . , 5 k  ! + , , , , , , , , , . . . , , ' . ) + r } , . . . ,! .. . 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 NUMBER OF FUEL ELEMEllTS > a ._______ _ - _ - . ,. - , -. . . s  ? -  ?~ < l K i-l FUElfHAllDLING- CORE PARAMETERS 'PAGE 10 , __________________AtID ___________________ [0UESTION- K .' 0 6 - '(4.00) _ :The;followingLdata_was-taken-during a core loading:. 't"of. elements . Detector A (CPM) Detector B (CPM) - Rods . Rods Jini :out~- 'in out CV 16 : 1,6 30 30 12 19' .2 :31 H31 24 23: '29~ 32- 34 .36 - 28 45~ 35- 40 c42 37- 70 40 50 :o{Howmanyelements"will-berequiredfor a critical mass? Graph ,paperiis attache . Which curve'did you_use to base your prediction? _ Justify-your choic ~ '00ESTION 'K.07 (2.50) What' personnel are required to be.present and.where are_they to-be " stationed for fuel manipulations within the core'and near the core '  : region? , 1 QUESTION K.0 (1.50) Lo.e Explain-'how moving.the core to a different positon can_ change . "itsl excess reactivit .(1.0) b.:At what' position I, .II, or III is the core worth a maximum? -(0.5) s ,  % _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ , .. :p, . - :L.c ADMINISTRATIVE ~ PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS'AND LIMITATIONS PAGE - 1 1. , _________________________________________________________ ' + ~ -QUESTION .L.01 (2.50)- . c.1What is.the Safety Limit for AFFRI? (0.6) . b. What is the-ob'jective'of:theLsafety limit? (0.7) ' , What is done to Prevent. exceeding the. safety-limit? (1.2) > , , i ' IOUESTION :L.02 -(3.00) Forleach-of-.the following situations indicate-whether a completed ROR (Reactor Use Request)-is required. ' - us . ' Maintenance in Exposure Room 41 when the reactor is secure Lb. Movement of-the reactor-to a new locatio L c. Checking operation or toe pneumatic tube system usinganexperimentah - mockup while at 1 KW . OfL ETE .,/- Conducting K excess measurement , e.' Loading ~an additional instrumentation package into the pool: prior,to reactor startu f. Determining the reactivity worth of a new transient ro . QUESTION .L.03 (2.50) . 0.. What is the minimum-' staff required when the' reactor is not secured? (2 0) b. What actionse -if any, must be taken if one of these people becomes incapacitate (0,5) -GUESTION L.04 (3.00) l ' ~ Indicate.whether each of the following situations would require .immediate shutdown of the reactor. Consider each situation seperately ~ ~cnd justify your answe , Reactor power' spiked to 1.15 MW during Mode I operations and is now at 900 M ~ - A compensated ion chamber-becomes inoperable while #t' 100% power . Chr1rc - Power increases as rods are manually driven into the core while at 500 k Pool temperatur e is 95 F and the primary and secondary pumps are operatin fd . .An area radiation monitor in the reactor building is.found to be inoperabl ; h h ...

;3 . - 4 -

! L t .. . . . . - - - .. . . ADMINISTRATIVE--PROCEDURESr CONDITIONS AND LIH1TA110NS PAGE 12 _________________________________________________________ ! :0UESTION L . 0 S' . (3.00) kI For each ofithe~ following. procedural changes indicate whether or' not-the change can1be~ approved-by a licensed SRO. Justify your answer. b a. A change to an" experimental procedure which loads a sample in a I symetric location in-the core from the original location. No other ! information is available concerningfthe reactivity'value for thessample:in the symetric location _or the intent of the exper-imen ' b.-A' temporary change to the startup procedure which' allows; pulling - two rods at onc c. A change to a maintenance procedure which changes.the. specifications . 'for the container to collect water from a flush of secondary-pipin : QUESTION L.06 (3.00) -For e'ach of the following situations indicate who, if anyoner is-responsible * . a., Final approval on.a Reactor Use Reques . ~ hs Approving an entry into an Exposure Roo . hr40. = Re tr i eva l of an experiment from the oneumatic transfer s y s t e m .}) d.: Insertion of an in-core experimen c. . Core. loadin '0UESTION .L.07- (3.00) Make the proper los entries for the following situation: indicating what colored ink should be used for each. entry. The control room-operator-starts the primary pump at 0430 a The reactor is shu down and.the-console is UN1ocked. The pump fails _to start and the operator faint The second operator returns 10 minutes later after loading an experiment and helps the second operator to recover . _ .s ,- '.) .- .s REACTOR. THEORY- PAGE 1 __________________ ANSWERS'-- ARMED FORCES RAD 10810. R E S - 05 / 03 /12 - D V D L E_ Y , ANSWER H.01 -(2.00) c. When rods were inserted only. prompt neutrons were affected land reactor power was.stablized.[1.03 After a few minutes the delayed neutrons contributed to the overall neutron population [1.03 thus power increase REFERENC !C-E Reactor Theory pgs. 74-76-054tNuclear Ener3y Training, Module 3 Rx Ops, Unit ANSWER -H.02 (3.00) wa r At is c w:vh A r 2 c. A rn ,,,ve 'IC wa r$ Nr A c. r s v i t r MC; 11cid i $ f;r u r c ifWi k~ 14 cE/ a . hto " ' ' c .d d b:_ . cor er cei t re c l v-ter753--fy7foobh n 3 rot. tnt--rat e . c urm /ftwu! acrr 5 h a ; - g g., ryf:wrc; Assy e s'n r e = n_on et 2n cpe then g e g__ _c , 9 5 o t, 4eeps c , MtN rr'M C change i t; re;ctivity = 0.05/'O.? X 0.95) - 5.33r-detta-It/15 reacticiti ..c e d fur criticality = 0.05/(v.y x 1.ui = 5.26 M elta-ft/tt' .- EL_de144-K/M-eneess eeaot-ivi4y-wc,oid be edded. E Or75-3 *"-- -- ( Geleu l o i. i u o s n o T, required i f ull credit N-b. N power.[0.753 power. coefficient of reactivity is linear O,'O f :: 15e t: IMM)cto.753 for fA!nc recM fes' CoCf!Wr"r CJ'W) . REFERENCE 054 Nuclear Energy-Training, Module 3 Ru Ops, Unit 1 DS-01-1 170:Nucicar Theory II Reference. Package. Reactor Par anieter s ANSWER H.03 (2 00) Below 325 mW the source is adding more neutrons then it is absorbing and it has a positive worth. CO.73 At 325 mW the source is adding the same number of neutrons as it is absor bite and has a ::ero worth. CO.73 Above 2 L W the source absorbs more neutrons then it absorbs and has a negative worth. CO.73 REFERENCE 170! Question and Answers J.15 . - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ , .; '  :.. , , .: . ... ') , . . . s , ' REACTOR THEORY PACE .14 ____________-:______ ~ ' . ANSWERS -- ARMED. FORCES RAD 10DIO. RES-85/03/12-DUDLEY, . . ANSWER H.04 (3.00) (ZrHLdisadvantase factor.00.43;as temperature raises.the ZrH becomes less: effective as a moderator. [0.63 Doppler'effect E0.43~iabsorption cross sections of resonance peaks br oaden f as temper atur e increases.-[0.63 Water displacement C'.43 O vater density decreases-and fuel. expands-to-displace water which which' decreases moderation. [0.63 REFERENCE ~170: Nuclear Theory-II. ANSWER 61 05 -(3.00) cri /cr2 = (1-Keff2) / (1-Keff1) [0.93 4100/150 = (1-Keff2) /-(1-0.95) E0.5 :1-Keff2 = 10/15.x 0.05 KeffT = 0.967 to.13 change in reactivity = ti-Keff2/Keff23 - C1-Keffi/Keff13 = Heff2 - Keffi / Keffi x Keff2 . [0. 93 ' = 'O.967 - 0.95- / 0.95 x 0 967 CO.63 , = 1.85 % delta K/K E0.13 REFERENCE 170! Reactor Theory II ANSWER- H.06 (2.00) o. No difference.[0.43 because the reactor is below heat range and the power coefficient does not add any negative reactivity. CO.63 b. Rods would be' higher at 1000 KW CO.43 to compensate for the . negative reactivity added by the power coefficient. CO.63 ' REFERENCE 170: Reactor Theory II D.4 L ! i ! :_ . .--m - - _ - _ . - .mm--_.-_--.M - . ._ _ . - . . - ._. - _ _ _ . - _ - - p~ , . . PAGE 15 ____________'______FEACTOR. THEORY- ' ' ANSWERS -- ARMED FORCES RAD 10 BIO. RES-85/03/12-DVDL EY , H. < ANSWERf c;V6H.07 .('2.00)' o. N E0.83 s Final po6ter level.Stoold be~ higher than 750 KW [0.43 .The core outer ring has .a lower - flu:-: and ther ef ore the e> per inient 6'ould not -be ~ 6 tor th as much. [0.03 REFERENCE , 170: Questions and Answers C.15 'CNSWER H'.08 (3.00) C Ed7Jetion through fuel. (Radiation across fuel gap) __.E0.53 Conduction: transfer from fuel to coolan [0.53 Forced convection ~through holdup tank, primary pumpe .to H [0.53 . Conduction actoss HX,. - N .% ,' CO.53-Forced conv,ection't'o cooling tower CO.53 Evaporst' ion to atmospher .53  : REFERENCE-054 Nuclear.' Engineering Training, Module 4 Plant Performancer Unit Flow Dia3 ram Reactor Coolin3 170:0perations' Manual pp 37,41 C ed04' rzeu 7 hwa w ran { M rzu' 4 4 s l'<h 6" Q [I.c] ccuourzcc r acun wrac uya rc wce i ug cou vemes rc 000- neo armwncec iM] P-1 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . w _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - ___ O. ' .pf.*. ' - - ' - .RADI0 ACTIVE. MATERIALSI HANDLING DISPOSAL AND HAZARDS 'PAGE 16- ........---- ----------------------------------...----- ~ ANSL!ERS -- ARMED FORCES R ADIOE;IO. RES-85/03/12-DVDLEY,- . ,  ? ANSWER- I.01 (2.10). ' o. Area' Radiation: Monitoring System. 00.73 ib. . Air Par'ticulate Monitor . CO.73 c. Enviornmental'. Radiation Monitor Program. 00.'73 . REFERENCE! : .};S.~Se # . [ ANSWER' I.02' (2 00) ()fL Absolute filter'on blower-[1.03 Tube. system exhausts to stack [1.03 I REFERENCE'- 170 ' Operations Manual p 180: - ANSWER HI.03 (2.00) 0 CAF E0.83 b.-Do not' remove-rabbit from pool if radiation levels are high. Co.63 Monitor SAF which has.teletector positoned near-the CET top. [0.63 (Place > rabbit in lead pis)  ; REFERENCE 170: Operating Procedures I, Tab B ' ANSWER I.04 (2.50) ' D1 x (R1)2 = D2 x_(R2)2 to.63 CO.43 ' 8 R/hr x 1 sqft = D2 x 16 sqft - D2 = .5 R/hr CO.13 stay _ time = total allowed dose / dose rate CO.63 = 1 25 R / .5 R/hr CO.43 E0.3 for limit] = 2.5 hr LO.13 ~i REFERENCE- ' -170 10CFR20.101 - }  % .. ... ,, - - I.- ~RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL AND HAZARDS PAGE 1 ' ~ ANSWER 5 - . ARriED - FORCES RADIOE:IO... RES-85/03/12-DUDLEYr I ANSWER ~ -I.05 -(3 0 I y eevdu C 0) 1 Remove clothing erd : ve d ece=H+y-cE O . 5 3 Dress,to reduce spread.of contamination [0.53 Meh eut em ,d [^ . 53c 6dt.L - Fod' #El4 Ce<O Call' Prepare for contaminated' person E0.53 Move to'. clean area E0.53 HP. accompanies injured person in the ambulance to the hospital E0.53 ~ REFERENCE 054 .EP-07-1 170: Emergency Plan pp 60-62 ANSWER I.06 (4.50)  : a. . I = Io e{-vx} yC C7d' X TI" [0.63 500 mrem /hr = Io e{-Z.10 f t f -1) 3 TM E0.63 Io = 60.2 3 t/4 [0.33 I = Io e{-ux> CO.63 ='323 R/hr e {m ?1-cr( '.) 2.5^ cea CO.63 = 7 9gren/hr og 1., q , fy, [0.33 A = Ao e{-landa t} CO.63 .t =~ (In A/Ao). / landa -= In ' ( 20 /54HP) / 4 per hr E0.63 .t= l.lik - n 7Cngy IE9 [0.33 REFERENCE 170!Ovestions-and Answers ANSWER I.07 (3.00) o. Increase ha:ard CO.33 Al activates but has a short half life so must allow time for sample to decay. [0.453 No change CO.33 both evaporate rapidly and are similar chemically 00.453 c. Increase ha:ard E0.33 gold and silver will activate under any amount of neutron flux. [0.453 d. No change EO.33 the length of time of exposure will not affect activation of experiment. [0.453 REFERENCE 170 Ovestions and Answers . _ _ - _ _ _ g ~,, - g g; ' , 4,' C .'; -.. $h 3, . i ^ , . . . * 5Ji iSPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS - ' PAGE 18 8 -------------------------------------- J 'NSWER5 -- ARMED FORCES RADIOBIO. REST 85/03/12-DUDLEY, _ JANSWER- J .~ 01 ; ' ( 1. 0 0 ) - f ITo test or.'premit'ainor repairs of the system--( exceed 48' hrs).CO.63 - y  : Dampers will:be shut durin3 this period so~no release,is possible. 00.43 IREFERENCE'- '17.0: ?T.S.,-See:3.4- . ' ANSWER- J . 0 2.- (2.50) o. The supply dampers (Sirs 2r and?S3) and'the exhaust damper-(E1) would shut [1 ~. 03 Supply and.-exhaust dampers close on high CAM alatm preventing ~ ' telease'of radioactivity C O .~ 63 . Exhaust air'is.-passed.through prefilter, roughing filter .' arid absolute filter which remove contamination (particulate matter)- "from the air. 00.63 - A negative' pressure is maintained in contaminated areas to E reduce. spread.of contamination out of those areas. [0.33 REFERENCE' 170! Operations Manual pp 63, 68-  ! ANSWER' J.03 (2.50). * Pool temperature'will increase adding. negative reactivity. [0.753-Reactor. power will decrease. CO.753 - Pool high.. temperature. alarm activated CO.53 i No'seram. CO.53 ' REFERENCE 054: TS p.19 DS-01-1 and DS 02-2 170: Operations Manual, Chap. 3 - Reactor Water Systems Reference Package, Resetor Parameters- -ANSWER J.04 (1.50) * The rM ~ ar e-r etirm rent i r- u,m s vuli. 3 i, m , is a d pnt,4,-C-1_,_s3 C . T uH CN bndCM j' S ySQg . REFERENCE 1,70 ' Operations rtanual p 41 f . yr s x, , i ^ ' * .) s i > L - - - - - _ _ . - - - _ _ - .__- . - _ _ . - . _ . _____ _ _ . _ _ - _ - _ _ l fL V "w . ... m p gy ' . ;i.R,.u _[ j SPECIFIC OPERATINGi 1 CHARACTERISTICS ' PAGE' 19- _ -z-------------------------------------- 3[ /ANSWERST- ? ARMED = FORCES R/eDI0 BIO. RES-05/03/12-DVDLEY,' ' , ANSWER 9 .' 0 5 - :(1.50) - s: ' Checkfor4-C;the exposure rooms. E1.53 - - -REFERENCE- ~ / '170!';SafetyDAnalysis' Report p 4-27 10perations-hanua1.p 101L . ' - . ANSWER' J.06- (2.00) ~ , jo. No [0.53 b..Yes-[0.53 - c."Yes CO.53 ' ' 'd. . No CO.5 REFERENCEE 170!TSafety; Analysis Report pp 4-23, 4-24 Operations; Manual-p 83 1ANSWERE ~ J.07 (3 00)- ', o.JWater levelfCO.53 results'in loss of_ shielding and.high radiation ' Llevels.l[0.53 b.>Take_ steps for reactor emargency._ E0.53 ~ Isolate reactor room CO.53 Investigate E0.53  : Perform emergency CO.53 , REFERENCE 170!Ovestions and Answers J.13 ANSWER -J.08 (3.00) ' a.JSafety1and Shim-rods 100% [0.73 T_ransient rod 25% [0.43 Regulatans Rod 0 to 100% CO.43-b. 260 Units to.751 c Units CO.753 REFERENCE-1701 ~0perations Procedures VIII, Tabs C,D, and E Reference Package, Fig. ( c i !

'Y "

:i- l  ! . _ _ _ , F , ,. . I . SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERI51ICS PAGE 20 _____________________.__________._____ ! ANSWERS -- ARNED FORCES RAD 10 BIO. RES-85/03/12rDUDLEY, ANSWER .J.09 (3.20) - "LCVN**M k s ticA 4 R& stt 'I A REG ROD N P;uct issier rh::Se:4 UIC (both) I Hone R; PET;ICO Pc. - '#is5 4nn c h e s % c ); UIC (both) II REG + TRANS .R; P E f:I S" .. 'm : - '#: :si"n chahd UIC (both) III None FUEL TEMP l- Pulsing UIC Pulsing UIC (1) [0.2 each3 REFERENCE 170. Question and Answers Fig. D-1 ANSWER J.10 (3.20) L s'e L e 4 A.LTs Reduces indication on f..,; chcaim: CO.33 Count rate'provides constant input to signal when it saturares. [0.53 No affect CO.33 Only provides signal in upper four decades of indicating range. [0.53 c. No affect-CO.33 Flow has no affect on any nuclear power indication. [0.53 IMirsted Pc"er "ill ine*=== en +he "IC C O 3 h-Feet !;;E :3: v:v1J is, esse and-detvetur mmnmre-fest-nevteonC l?3? C O S i ^- VC (fric * 1 r r e narc.qdric [c $] REFERENCE- : Operations Manual pp 03-09 peset wl $ D6TrescJr2cNgm,fv.(/ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - -  : - - - - ,- . . FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS PAGE 21 ------------------------------------- ANSWERS -- ARHED FORCES RAD 10DIO. RES-85/03/12-DVDLEY, ANSWER I;.01 (2.40) o. Minimizes changes E0.23 resulting from fission product buildup CO.23 and fuel burnup. [0. 23 ( Tse rrte> rs sr t , curceth ccer s. z rr) b. Act as top and bottom a :< i a l reflectors. [0.63 c. Pr ovides structural support. CO.63 c. Container for all fuel element segments. [0.63 REFERENCE 170: SAR p 4-12 ANSWE F: 1;.02 (2.00) E0.66 each3 . REFERENCE 054: Nuclear Energy Training, Module 3 R:' Ops, Unit tNuclear Theory II A.1.b.(6) Reference Package, Reactor Parameters ANSWER I;.03 (1.50) No. CO.53 There is small hole drilled in piping 4' below surface of pool which will prevent siphoning. C1.03 REFERENCE 170 Operations Hanval p 41 .__-__-__-_a _ :y i . s* * i t 34 Otr DCr .. 1 i  ! h* A(O 4 !4 i . , i i ' , { i ' : 0 l' l 8 t  : i I  ; i > l -t I 'l -  ?- m ,.  ; . i . i i a < .7A i ' l *  ; l . * t i [-  !  : l j i *j .fi i ' 'k(k I r i .n,  ;.  : . , ' .  ! . . . , ,.=f 4Aj.13 6g i i 1.0,7 x . , , , i  ! \ M ' l f ! . . . . . i . \i - l I . 'l 1 . l . , , - 9- t . - , 'r . , i ,  ; ..  ! ' . i .  : .  :  : ~j , t '  :. * N. x :. - - + . 4 - .\% i % + . t } l-- f\ ' ' i i ^k !. i i I . .8- . , . . - . l ... .! > . ' ; i. - t . ,  ; _....___ W . I , , e s # 0l * - j  : 1 1 i i '!: ~;. *7 . ., .- . . . i . s l- .; i  !  ;; , *  :-~ .;q  :,\ , - . i , , , , . , . '  : i l  : : 1 . .. \, ' .6 . ' . . p ' "gi . :i t + t  !  ; ' ; i  : i  !, l l. - '$c .  ; . . , ,, , , , 4 , -- . 1 . t - , '. +-  ! :  ; .:  : s e ; 5 \ , , ; =  : . .  ; \ . s i k '  ; [ , . .u _ . . , . . , . . . . . i e ! . ' - N , * \ - + 3 s s * - . , . - _ . _ . ,2 - _ .._ _ __ s s, . s . - . -. . . - , .. . .. , - i . . . . 1 __ _ . , , - - . , '  : . .i . . . . , 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 ' KUV.BER OF FUEL ELE".EllTS , O c o C b "eff Nm/N, i I l , - - , - , - - - - - - , _ . - . - - . - , , , _ - , - - n..-------_,_.,__- ,- . _ n-_,--, , - - , , , , , - , . _ , . . . ,--n., ---- - --- , . , - - --, ..- ,, ., - FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS PAGE 22 -------------- .--------------------- . . ANSWERS -- ARrtED FORCES RAD 10DIO. RES-85/03/12-DVDLEY, N; ANSWE K.04 (1.60) Yes. CO.73 TS surviellance is one year not to exceed 15 months. E0.93 (TS do not include-3.25 x interval requirement.) REFERENCE, ~1701 T.S. sec~ ANSWER K.05 (2.00) Shut down margin calculated with most reactive rod stuck at top of cor reactivity of controls = rod worth x 3 E0.33 = $1 89 x 3 E0.33 = $5.67 - [0.13 Core encess reactivity = Ruy (tp4.,v(tt .mt hingCCE* , 5 MWE *i Ach4f 9,g 3 = th auw+ g g{::.pap ., .- . . - / 7. N - - .33 = ra , av r,u- [0.13 Shutdown mar 31n = reactivity of rods - core excess reactivity CO.33 = $5.67 i ?C.^11 # t e of/7.f7 ) -[0.23 REFERENCE-4Lne135/ 170! Reference Package, Reactor Parameters ANSWER K.06 (4.00) a. 55 elements to.83 proper calculation of Co/C CO.63 Proper plotting of points [0 63 b. Detector A curve. CO.83 Detector curve B is nonconservative 00.63 .because.the tangent to the curve has a continually increasing slope. CO.63 REFERENCE '170! Questions and Answers ANSWER K.07 (2.50) Minimum o f. two licensed operators CO.63 direct supervison [0.73 D0ne in Control (monitoring count rate channel) [0 63 G0ne ORO A r- b _33c [0.63 JW REMTM Rent C j . o. . . FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS PAGE 23 -------------------------------- .... ANSWERS -- ARMED FORCES RAD 10DIO. RES-85/03/12-DUDLEY, REFERENEE 054:RM-10-6 ANSWER K.08 (1.50) a. Different amounts of neutrons are reflected bacl. into the core depending on the position of the core. E1.03 b. In position II. E0.5] REFERENCE 170 Reference Package, Reflector Coefficient . -.-.--.___.___________._M __ _ . e (3 a ADh1NISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS PACE 24 --------------------------------------------------------- ANSWERS -- ARMED FORCES RADIODIO. RES-CS/03/12-DUDLEY, ANSWER L.01 (2.50) c. Maximum fuel temperature < 1000 [0.63 b. Prevent fuel element cladding damage. [0.73 c. Plant is operated within LCO's. CO.63 Safety system settings are below the limiting safety settirigs. [0.63 REFERENCE 170: T.S., Sec 2 ANSWER L.02 (3.00) Not required Not required f. Req 8elted DELfTE) Not required Required f. Not required CO.5 each] REFERENCE 170: Operating Procedure I Questions and Answers, F.12 ' ANSWER L.03 (2.50) SRO ori call CO.53 RO or SRO in the main control room. [0.53 Radiatior Control Techniciare ori call. CO.53 Another body. [0.53 Secure the reactor. [0.53 REFERENCE 054:RM-04-1 170:T.S. sec 6.1. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - .___ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' ' ji . _ '. s . L .~ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURESe CONDITIONS AND LIMI1ATIONS PAGE 25 ______________________________.__________________________ ' ANSWERS - ARNED F0HLES RAD 10810. RES-85/03/12-DVDLEY, > ANSWER 'L.04 (3.00) n. Shutdown CO.353.since safety feature has railed to operate. [0.43 . Continue to operate Lu.353 1 required instrument is still'N, operable' CO.43 Dure c. Shutdoon E0.353 operator cannot enercise effective control of the reactor. CO.43 d. Shutdown CO.353.tuo the Reactor Building are required . ' for: operation. [0.43 REFERENCE 054tRM-04-~4 to 5 EP-03-3 .170:T.G. se .2.1, 3 2.2, 3. ' ANSWER L.05 (3 00) 0. ' No CO.63 Procedure changes the intent'of the experiment-[0.43 b. No:CO.63 Procedure change effects safe operation of the - ' plant. [0.43 c. Yes CO.63 Does not change intent of procedure. CO.43 REFERENCE-054!AD-01-3 17010peratin3. Procedure 0 ~ ANSWER L.0 (3.00) ' Reactor' Facility Director b. Reactor Staff E. Reactor Oper stor britti)_ - SRO o. Reactor Facility Director CO.6 cach3 ! REFERENCE l 170: Operations Procedure I. Tabs Ae De and E  : 0perations Procedure VII , i^ I r $ E ! ,


i l A . _ a . a - !' ADMIN 151RATIVE PROCEDURES. CONDITIDHS AND LIMITATIONS PAGE 26 ........ . ....... ...... ......................... ..... ANSWERS -- ARMED FORCES RAD 10DIO. h E', - 0 5 / 0 3 / I T - DilD L E Y . ANSWER L.07 (3.00) 0425, CO.23 S t :::- t rei==ry p"e;- CO.33' b l e : '- : : '- L';. H - 0+ 0440 CO.23 Relieved the Contol r oon. Oper ator, Secuso (cant Signed by second oporator CO.33 black ink [0.13 + 0430 (late entry) [0.23 P a niar y punip f ailed to star t [0.33 sieen t riF [0.13 ++ 0435 (14te entry) C0.23 Load enpetinient ir core 00.33 r ed irik 00.13 REFERENCE 1701 Procedure VIII, Tab A . -- .- . * , + .-  % , ' TEST CRDSS IEFERENCE F .".G E 1 " ' " " OUEDT10d halt lE OLIERENCE..

-. -.---- - - - - - . . - -

H.01 2.00 DUD 00dO/ ' H.0? 3 00 DUD 00C07ti' '


H.03 2.00 DU'900074T

H.04 3.00 D00000074/ H.05 3.00- DVD0000745 H.06 2.00 0UD0000740 H.07 2 TO 00D0000750 H.00 3.0 DUD 0000753


20.00 I.01 2.10 D000000735 T.0? 2.00 0000000746 - I.03 2.00 D000000759 T.04 ;.50 DUD 0000761 1.05 3.00 DVD0000762 3.06 4.50 DVD0000763 1.07 3.00 DVD0000764

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