IA-88-269, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Cost of Search Incurred Under Request Will Be Billed by Div of Accounting & Finance

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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Cost of Search Incurred Under Request Will Be Billed by Div of Accounting & Finance
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/03/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Chambers H
FOIA-88-269 NUDOCS 8806100272
Download: ML20155A780 (1)


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  1. lb Af* dM dM PART l.-RECORDS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checked bosesi No agency records sub#ct to the request have been located.

No additorial agency records subpect to the roovest have been located Agency records sobrect to the 'eowst that are abentef ed e Append's , a'e a; ready ava+Iable for pubhc vapecton and cepeng c tke NRC Pube.c Document Room, 1717 H Street, N W., Washegton. OC Agency records subrect to the reavest tett are centifed in Append.s _ _ are being made asadaD'e for pubhc escect.oe aM copveg e !Fe NRC Putdic Doc #ert Room,1717 H Street N W , Washington. DC. e a folder under tNs FOtA numter and requester eame The nonpropreta'y sers.on of the proposa.s1 that you ag'eed to accept in a teiec?cce conwe'saton *.tk a member of my sta'f a nov teeg made avadab.e for Dubtic .nscecton and coymg at the NRC Putdic Document Room 1717 H Street. N W . Washegton, DC, m a foWer under tNs FOtA number and reases'er came Endosed e informate on how you may octa*n access to and the charges for cocving records pia.ed in the NRC Pubhc Document Roora 1717 H St'eet. N W , WasNngton DC Agency records subt ect to the reovest are enclosed Any apphcable cha'ge for copes of the recorcs provded and pay-we' procedur es are noted in the comments sectce Records subrect to the request Pase been re'ened to ancther Feceral agencynes) for seve* and deect response to you in view of NRC s respoese to the request, no further acten a beeg taken on apceal eer cated PART 11 A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBUC DISCLOSURE Certam mformaton m the requested records e be4ng withheld from putAc d<sciosur e pu'suant to the FOI A esemptons descreed e and for the reasons stated m Part 11 sec-tons B, C, and D Any rs* eased portons of the documeets for *Pich only paq of tN record es bemg **thbeid are being made avadable for publ< inspecton and copyeg m the hRC Pubbe Document Room.1717 H Street N W , Washegton, DC, e a folder unoer tNs FOI A number and requester na+e Comments

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