IA-87-368, Marked-up Ltr Re Allegations at Plant by Individual Expressing Concern About Health Physics Practices in Containment Bldg Per 861204 Telcon W/H Kerch of Region I. Investigation to Be Conducted Re Program Problems

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Marked-up Ltr Re Allegations at Plant by Individual Expressing Concern About Health Physics Practices in Containment Bldg Per 861204 Telcon W/H Kerch of Region I. Investigation to Be Conducted Re Program Problems
Person / Time
Site: Waterford, 05000000
Issue date: 12/10/1986
From: Luehman J
To: Emerson M
Shared Package
ML20235A438 List:
FOIA-87-368, FOIA-87-A-59 NUDOCS 8709230479
Download: ML20235A966 (4)




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k 4 December 10, 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mark Emerson, Allegation Coordinator FROM: Jim Luehman, Senior Resident Inspector, Waterford 3



. ((g - h 'I W On December 4, 1986 H. Kerch (NDE Inspector USNRC Region I) informed me that earlier that day he had been approached by an individual, who refused to identify himself, wanting to express a concern about health physics practices in the containment building. Specifically, the individus1 stated the Radiation Work Permit (RWP) 86-1249 required the use of air hoods but respirators were being used because of the lack of adequate air hoods. Tom Staker (Resident Inspector) and I have looked into this conc.ern to determine if there could be a possible radiological safety concern. To this point we have found numerous paperwork and procedure problems with the ,

licensee's RWP program, which have been disc'ussed with B. Murray and H. I Chaney of Region IV, but no immediate radiological concern. H. Chaney will conduct an inspection at Waterford 3 next week and he plans to look further into the RWP program problems. i y.- u,-d -II O As I discussed with you on the telephone, th2s morning I was contacted by a member of the LP&L Ouality Team (Mr. Snowden) who told me that he was interviewing an individual who on the advice of his lawyer wanted to talk w'_th the site NRC tapresentative. A f ew minutes later Mr. Snowden escorted al fir . Richard CoutvYto my office. This individual told me that he had been hired by Ebasco Services Inc. to be a quality control inspector during the current refueling outage however, LP&L refused to certif y him as an inspector. He went on to tell me that he had been a quality control inspector at Arkansas Nuclear One and that he and other quality control inspectors were fired because they refused to accept unqualified welders and improper welds. Further he stated that he and others were part of a lawsuit against Arkansas Power and Light and that he had already talked to you or someone in Region IV about the s at AP&L. After our telephone conversation I informed h . prob Cout hat if he planned any action against LP&L because of their refusal to certify him that he needed to gontact the Department of Labor. He told me that he planned no such action. He gave me his father-in-law's address as a place to contact him.

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