IA-79-134, Responds to FOIA Request for Documents & Communications Re Tmi.Forwards List of Documents Being Partially Denied Under Exemptions 2 & 5-7 & Totally Denied Under Exemption 5

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Responds to FOIA Request for Documents & Communications Re Tmi.Forwards List of Documents Being Partially Denied Under Exemptions 2 & 5-7 & Totally Denied Under Exemption 5
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/27/1979
From: Felton J
To: Osti A
FOIA-79-134 NUDOCS 7908310534
Download: ML20136B261 (21)


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&, , " o, , UNITED STATES  !

r L(Y M 'Ud[f,.'M A k[


[ WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 I

$ p k *#


/ -

f AUG 2 71979 l r

Mr. Aldo P. Osti, Director '

Corporate Safety & Environmental  !

Health Services  ;

Pfizer, Inc.  ;

235 East 42nd Street IN RESPONSE REFER ,

New York, NY 10017 TO F01A-79-134

Dear Mr. Osti:

i i

This is in further response to your letter dated April 12, 1979, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, all .

documents and communications in the possessior, of the Nuclear Regulatory l Commission relating to the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 2. j The documents subject to your request which are being withheld in part  !

or in total are listed in Appendices A through E. The description for  !

each document contains the applicable Freedom of Information Act exemption  ;

and a description of the information being withheld. The enclosed chart also indicates the names of the NRC denying officials. The appropriate ,

appeal procedures are set forth below. The non-exempt portions of ,

documents listed in Appendices A, B, C and E have been placed in the NRC  !

Public Document Room, 1717 H Street,'N.W., Washington, DC 20555.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 and 9.15 of the Commission's regulations, we have found that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, ,

and that its production or disclosure is contrary to. the public interest.

As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, the denials by Messrs. Denton, Stello and myself may be appealed to the Executive Director for Operations within 30 days from receipt'of this letter. Any'such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for Operations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory  :

Commission, Washington,' DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope  !

and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision." l The denials by Messrs. Bickwit, Chilk, and Kammerer may be appealed j within 30 days to the Commission and should be addressed to the Secretary l of the Commission. j In a subsequent letter, we will inform you concerning the disposition of the transcripts of tapes of telephone conversations at the NRC Incident Response Center, and two documents which have been referred to other I agencies for consultation. i l

l l

79088105W4  !

.. .. 4 -  :

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.t Any additional documents which may be relevant to the Three Mile Island  !

Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2, that are made available by the NRC i will be placed in the PDR in Docket File 50-320. ,

, , i Sincerely, .j e


~ .g l J. M. elton, Directo .

t Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated  !

5 ,



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- Officials Denying Documents

  • Appeal is to Appeal is to_

Leoal Basis Executive Director for Operations the conm ssion opendix Description rne w A nn w nn na ta iA- Partial Denial-Exemption 2 5 USC.'552(b)(2) and H. Denton - 7906200014 -

Documents relating solely 10 CFR 9.5(a)(2) to personnel practices a Partial Denial-Exemption 5 5 USC 552(b)(5) and S. Chilk-7906060248 8L Drafts and other documents 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) L.Bickwit-7906070016 7906070027 containing advice, opinions, 7906060184 recommendations and litig-7906070057 tion now pending.before 7906200399 the. courts C.Kammerere7906070309


7906070314 C Partial' Denial-Exemption 5 5 USC 552(b)(6) and Documents containing per- 10 CFR 9.5(a)(G) H. Denton - 7906200014 S. Chilk-7906060173 sonal privacy (names, 7906060176 J.M.Felton - 7906060244 7906200413 birthdates, social securi- 7906060179 7906250316 7906060202


7906060183 ty nos.4 hone addresses & 7906060237 7906070234 home teidphone nos.) '

7906060252 7906060242 7906060201 7907060147


7906200008 7906060225 7906060137 7906200045 7906060231 7906060163 7906200403 7906070006 7906060167 7906070036 7906200408 7906060187 7906200420 7906060228 C.Kammerer-7906070001 7906070030 7906060150


7906200018 7906060191 L.Bickwit-7906070018 7906070047 7906070004 7905110287 7907050406


7906070007 7906200005 7906070009 7907050415 7906070001 7907050430



- 7906070033 7906200395 -

7906070040' 7906210341 7906210428 7907050435 7906200062 7907120141 - ,

7907050427 7906060241 7906070054 7906070049

___ijtjCoplete name and title of _ _

Denying Officials _ are_

listed on page 3 ef thia Attshmentw _. _ _, _ , _ .[

i -


  • Lecal Basis Appeal is to_ Aopeal is to opendix Description rnes<innnleingnata Executive Director for Ooerations the Cormissior 7906200028 7906200076 7906200053 7906200385 7906200073 7906200022 7906200384 7906200381 7906200401 790622009?

7906200435 7906060203 7906270141 7906200410 7906200037 7906270134 7906200417 7906060262 7906200363 7906200424 D Total Denial-Exemption 5 5 USC 552(b)(5) and L.Bickwit-790606004:

Drafts or other docu- 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) 790606004' ments containing advice, 790606005:

opin, ions, and recommen- 790606003!

dations S.Chil k -790618060:

Partial Denial

  • Exempt. 7(D) 5 USC 552(b)(7)(D) & V. Stello 7906210432

'E Investigatory record 10 CFR 9.5(a)(7)(iv) compiled for law enforce-ment purposes containing the name of a confidential source protected under an express pledge of confi-dentiality

  • Complete name and title of Denying Officials are listed on page 3 of this attachment.

- - _ _ - - - -m... __ __--_ -

.i  !


. i i


.i Harold D. Denton- Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor i Regulation  ;

Victor Stello, Jr. Director, Office of Inspection and  ;

Enforcement ~ ,

i J. M. Felton Director, Division of Rules and Records, i Office of Administration .!

Leonard Bickwit General Counsel, Office of the General  !

General Counsel Samuel J. Chilk Secretary, Office of the Secretary i Carlton C. Kammerer Director, Office of Congressional Affairs t

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- 7906200014 Provides list of phone numbers of NRC.B&W & util personnel. VAOSP NORD OSP-790328 Info partially withheld: telephone numbers (ref FOIA ROISMAN79-98 7903287906200014  !

Esemptions 2 & 6L

+- Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. 79/03/28. Ip.

i j

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MONTHLY TITLE LIST U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION DTC AA1 DIN P R RA1 SN APPENDIX B FOIK (SPEC EX-5 7906060248 Forwards info re TMI. Info partially withheld;one line of CLNTI NRCC 790403 ECIeesee note (ref FOIA Esemption 5). ROISMAN79-98 7904037906060248 AHEARNE.J.F. Commission. 79/04/03. 1p.

7906070016 Comments on existing situation re FOIA TMI roguests: CMMEMONRCCC 790414 NRCC recommends NRC response to roguests. Info partia11g withheld: ROISMAN79-98 7904147906070016 tentative recommendations (ref FOIA Exemption 5).

BICKWIT.L. Office of the General Counsel. 79/04/14. 7pp.

7906070309 Forwards redraft of NRC response to Senator Hart 790403 Itr CMMEMONRCCA 790417 NRCC

& lists maJoe changes. Enclosure completely withheld (ref FOIA ROISMAN79-98 7904177906070309e

. Esemption 5).

KAMMERER.C. Office of Congressional Affairs. 79/04/17. 2pp.

--7906070314 Draft response to Senator Hart's 790403 Itr re shutdown of CLNTCCNRCC 790417 EUSCONG other S&W plants. state 8. local emergency plans.NRC's ROISMAN79-98 7904177906070309A r ch!!gation to keep Congress fully informed & other TMI related items. Document withheld (ref FOIA Esemption 5).

HENDRIE.J.M. Commission. 79/04/17. 5pp.

7906070027 Forwards draft cover sheet explaining lega! & factual CMMEMONRCCC 790418-01 NRCC background of TMI meeting transcripts. Info partia11g ROISMAN79-98 7904187906070027 withheld: draft cover sheet (ref FOIA Esemption St. ,

BICKWIT.L. Office of the General Counssi. .79/04/18. 1p.


7906060184 Forwards proposed statement setting forth NRC guidance CMMEMONRCCC 790420 NRCC re FOIA requests which concern TMI. Info partially withheld: ROISMAN79-98 7904207906060184 statement (ref FOIA Esemption St.

BICKWIT.L. Office of the General Counsel. 79/04/20. 1p.

7906070057 Forwards C Stolber draft testimony for President's CPT1EMONRCGC 790424-01 NRCC Commission on THI.Reguests comments.16efo partially ROISMAN79-98 7904247906070057

f. withheld: draf t testimony (ref FOIA Exemption St.

!j BICKWIT.L. Office of the General Counsel. 79/04/24. 1p.

n . .


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.I L - <

Q- ~O 00/00/00 - 99/99/99 PAGE 2 MONTHLY TITLE LIST O. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION DTC AA1 DIN P R RA1 SN FOIA (SPEC EX-5 7906200399 Summarises suit by City of Lancaster.PA seeking injunction CMMEMONRCCC 790523 . NRCC.

4- -against const of water decontamination facility & dumping. ROISMAN79-98 7905237906200399

' Info partially withheld: litigation options (ref FOIA Esemption St.

+ EILPERIN.S.F. Office of the General Counsel. 79/05/23. Upp. >


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00/03/GO 9C/99/C9 PAGE 1 l> htmTHLV TITLE LIST


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(). Fola (surC tt-6

() 790e r 6n2e4 .etes re ene=tcal use at THI-2. Info portfally withheldthose VAOLP NORD OLP=790328 telermone nu-sers (ret Fola Fue*otton 6). ROISwAN79-98 7903287906060244 e office of nuclear Neactor Nepulation, 79/03/28 1p. s 79052F Old Provides list of phone nu90ers of NHC,SMn & util persCnnel, VAOSP NORD OSP.790320

' () Info partially witncelotteleohone nuaners (ret F0fa ROISMArd79-98 7903287906200014 Eue.*rtions 2 s 6).

  • Office of .uclear weactor Reputation. 79/03/28 Ip.

79a6900173 Hesponds to lte ce vaine Yankee shutdown. Info partially CLNTZ NRCC 790329 ECI*eeen C) witanelatnase 4 ao*ress of recipient (ref F01A Lae-ption 6). ROIS44N79=98 7'903297906060173 kvauFO-fi p.A. Com,ission. 79/93/29 10.

O 7*+o250386 Suo~lts If a9t ctr *ornino root at 6:30 AM. Discusses CMMEMONORE 790329-01 NORE cantoactivity distrioution. Info eartially mitnnetothowe R0134AN79-98 7903297906250316 C) telesnene nu=cers (ref Fola Emeention 6).

3 aeTIq.J. -eivision of Site Safety R Environmental analysis.

79/03/20 1600 O

74'ooor257 utseusses 740329 telcon fro

  • inoividual who was in TMI area CMMEMONESD 790330 NESO

() ea 190323 A .aats to oe testeo for reotation. Info partially

-ithwelotnave/,none of inoivtocol (ref Fnta Enemotion 6).

ROISuAN79-98 7903307906060237 fu?.h,F. Pffice of state Prourass. 79/03/30 Ip.


7946900212 sursaer of 79ue01 eeeting ./ General Public utils & others re CN11hSNORD 790401 NORD

(). status of T'T-? inctaent. Info peettally withheldinome 901S*AM79-95 7904017906060242 teleenece nu*pers (ref FJim Eme*otion 6).

e office'of -uclear Reactor peculation. 79/0s/01. 7pp.

O 79n606n176 Wesponos to 79032e Itr re reine Yankee shutdown. Info CLNTZ NRCC 790402 ECImacea

- () partially witnnelotndee a address of recipient (ref FOIA ROISuAN79-98 7904027906060176 fee-etion 6).

hr t e*F 0'D, P. A. Corsission. 79/0g/02 Ip.

O s0

- () .

A ~. ._ __ _ _ . - . . _ _ . _ -__ .: _


([> 00/00/00 - 99/99/99 PAGE 2 -



() FOIA (SP5C EM-6

() 796n/ogood Providg3 gnfo re teamsters # strike effect on IMI incident CeMEMONEAOP 790402 N0!NA

  • truckino in karrisourgePn area. Info partially with% eld ROIS*AN79-98 7904027906200004 bo*e telechone nu-ners (ref FOIA Eue*ption 6).

() plaO.P.E. Division of Organization and Personnel. 79/04/02. 2pp. =

() 798hyono15 Pormaros miscelsaneous buhole A hydronen info for 790402 Info partielly withnelasnome telephone numbers (ref FOIA VAOLS NORD OLS-790402-05 ROISMAN79-98 7904027906200045 fueactinn 6).

' () *- .)ffice of "uclear Reactor Regulation. 79/04/02. 13pp.

- () 794600p179 wesponos to 790331 Itr re deceptive statements made by CLNTZ NRCC 790404 ECImme**

utils. info partially witoneldina-e & acoress of recipient ROISMA479-96 7904047906060179e fref F C I .1 fae*otion a).

() FWa0Fuso.P.A. Co,*lssion. 79/04/34 Ip,

() * --7966"o"!P3 Sun 9ests eHC investinate utils' deceptive statements. Info oactially withhelotnoee a aunress of author (ref FOIA CLZTN ECI*****790331-02 ROISMAN79-95 7904047906060179A NRCC Eweertior 6).


  • Affiliation Unknown. 79/03/31 Ip.

- () -790A2404n3 notes ce 101 from 740334-0404. Info partially withheldt home VAOLP NE ED OLP=790404 t eler none numbers (ret FotA Fmemption 6). ROISMAN79-95 7904047906200403 r.US $ 1 C ' , L . w .* office of the Executive hirector for Operations.

() 70/na/en. 3nno.

() 19 n g.o r a 016 P1 recovery ur9anization chart. Info partially withheld home VAOSP EUTGENP 790405 FOISMAN79-95 7904057906070036-telennnne nunner (ret Fola Lucartion 6).

  • General Puelic 9tilities. 79/08/05 2rp.

O 74ro20"42p personnel exposure data,79n329-0405. Info partially withheldt VAOLA NOID OLA-790405

() na*es et indivionals (ref FutA [= caption 6).

  • Office of Insnection 6 t.n f orcement . 74/04/05 Sep.

R0lSMAN79-96 7904057906200420 O 7906a7r03n Forwarns 79u326-0406 notes re hanoling of THI accident, Info CMMEM0fl0RD 790406-01 NORD eartially witnnelo home telennone nureer (ref FOIA Ereeption ROISMAN79-98 7904067906070030

() *).

  • office of buclear Heactor Hegulation. 79/04/06 57pp.

, b) t---__- _. - - . - - - - - . _ . - - . . .-. . - . . . .. --. . - - . . . -- . . .  :.


  • 00/U9/00 - 99/99/99 PAGE 3 '


) Fela (SPEC EF-6 790o2u"016 Provines la! recoveey, base case su=*ery Revision t. Info VAOLS EUTMEED OLS=790406 D RUISuAN79 98 7904067906200010 cartially with*eldano=e telephone nu=cer (ref FOIA Esemption

  • ).

$ Al ' *it D e h .C. Metropolitan Edison Co. 79/04/06. 2tpp. .

OLP=790407 01

) 79'667apu7 'iscellaneous typed t handwritten notes re working w/ General Pu*Ite utils on manoeing ToI-2 accident. Info partially VAULP NORD NOI5MAh79-98 7904077906070047 witnheldthe-e telennone nuacer (ref FOIA Euewotion 6).

  • Uffice cf reoclear Heactor Regulation. 79/04/07. 15pp.

-D 79nSt!"2e7 Sus-ary of nati lab suprort work for TMI. Info portfally CLETN EECEGG' 7904n7 NORP D NOISMAN79-96 7904087905tt0282A

.itebelo bcae teleonone nuceers (ref FDIA Exemption 6).

FIhev,7.r., TEAkWONOuel.J. En A 6, Inc. 79/ca/07. 13po.

I 790607u007 Provides pruceoures to assure coorolpation of nett led CMMEMONOR3 790406-02 NORD surrort for thC activities at Tel-7,rer 790407 discussions. ROISMAN79-96 7904067906070007a D

For.eres i. otuby's lug of active & completeo leo inputs.

  • A f ista ,h.J. utvision of Systees Safety. 79/08/06 IP.


--79ehn76dp9 Suararizes cooraination of cett loos surport for NRC VAOLS EErEGG OLS=79040?*01 activities at it;I. int o part ial ly wit >helotho=e telephone ROISMAN7t*95 7904067906070007A D

nue ders of contractor contacts (ref FUta Emerption 6).

b l > ht , .9 . , Whawro.bo,L.J. FC & c, Inc. 79/04/07, 13pp.

D 7906r76081 kequests errangerents de esoe for moottet svcs required CM*EMONORUSPS 790409 NOROSPS nurino T'I.leta partially withhelessocial security Pueber of R015'A477-96 7904097906070001

() tentwicual (ret F0la tue=ption h).

FEtwo,J,T. Plent Systems 4 ranch. DEAID4,H.H. Office of Nuclear

() Desctor Gerulatten. 79/w4/09 10.

79n667bo33 Previ-es Intl e+ployee radiation esposure history for .CLOYN EUSDOE 790409 NORD

() . e c t-6n 7-7 '94 3 0 Info cartielly wit *heldine=e,5pcial Security ROISW4N79-98 79040v7906070033 eu per a nate of oteth (ref F(fl A Emerption 6).

() Jt^tS,9.t. treray,Pept.of. 79/98/09 Pro.



n0/Ue/UO - 94/99/99 PAGE e

). .

mostelv TITLF L151 a-

b. 5 .utLEAR E E Glit a T OW Y COM"13S10N I

DTC AA1 OIN P Q cat SN D F018 (SptC Eb-6

) 79n6ctncan provides Iall employee redtetion exposure history for CLOTN EUSDOE 790409-01 NORD 761dG2-790338. Info partially withheld ndee. Social Security R0tSMAM79-98 7904097906070000 auveer 4 nate at birto (ret FulA Eve +ption 6).

) J0'ES,0.E. Energy,neot.of. 79/en/09 2co. .

) 799621e428 Incidait 6esponse action Coordination Tes* top for VAOLS NOID OLS=790409 74453l-beh9. Info certfally withhelotho-e telephone nueders a01SMAN79 98 7904097906210426 (ret F a*I 4 Eme,etten o).

e 79/0a/09, 23po.

) affice of Insoection a tnforce<ent.

g 79t+n6n252 kesnonos to Itr ce vaine Yankee shutdown. Info portfally CLNTZ NRCC 790410 ECI*****

.itanelesnane E adoress of recipient (ret FDIA Emenotion 6). ROISMAN79-98 7904107906060252 wha 9Foun,P.4 Co**ission. 79/04/lo. Ip.

D 7916700062 Formards afscellaneous meteorology dose calculations & WAOLE NORD OLE =7904te=01 relatea +ett for 79d330-v410.!nfo partially withheldt ROISMAN79 98 7904107906200062

) bove teleprone numLers (ref FOIA Enemotion 6).

. Gttice of ie, clear Heactor segulation. 79/04/10. 93pp. ,

D 79te 7 0 5442 7 Provines operettons status officer 100 for 8 AM 79040a v70L3 NOID OLS=790410-01 throenb 7 44 790elo. info partially withhelo Nome telephone ROISMAN79-98 7904107907050427

) nuvaer (ret FutA Emenotion 6).

  • 'ffice of Inspection a tnforcement. 79/04/10 14pp.

I I 79n706hla7 Nesoonas to Itr ce Maine Yankee shutdown. Info partially i

CLNTZ hp(C 790410-01 ECI*****

g witnaeldanate 4 adoress of recipient (ret FOIA Euemption 6). ROISMAW79-90 7904107907060147 Pse0 Fawn,p.a. Co.,ission. 79/04/10 Ip.

D 790411 EC7e****

7906no 137 besponas to Itr ce T*T. Info partially withheldiname & CLNTZ NNCC no3ress of recintent (ret FOIA Ewe +ption 61 ROISMAN79-98 7904117906060137 g bhal. fop 9,P.A. Co*+1ssten. 79/08/11 Ip.

.) 79n647P003 Lists ennpressmen to be nottffeo in case of unewpected 1MI CP*EMONRCCA 790411 NOIMO events. Info partiallr =1thheldthome telephone numbers (ref ROISMAN79-96 7904117906070003 FC14 Evevotina 6).

g m a'as t RF 4,C. Office of Congressional Affairs. 79/04/11. 2pp.

. D D


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MO9tHLY TITLE LIST 09/08/00 = 97/99/99 PAGE 5 4

U. 56 auCLE&k SEGUL4 TORY C04dl53 ION OtC AAl DIN P R cal S2 9 Ffil A (SPfC ER=6 I 796606ul63 Wesponos to ite re Tk.I. Info partially withheld name 6 CLNTZ NRCC 790412 ECle****

edaress of rectetent tret Fora twe=ntion 6). ROISMA479=98 7904127906060163 bhi350bO,P.A. Co**ission. 79/0a/32. Ip, D

790enbr167 sesponos to 79032H ltr ce TPI. Info partially withheldenese CLNTZ NNCC 79042=01 ECInenee D t ancress cf recipient & portion of document unrelated to R0134AN79=98 7904127906060167 Tr I (ref Ff la Fue,otton b).

Ph10Foke P.e. Coastssion. 79/04/12. 2pp.



7996C76051 Forwares handerttten notes re coron concentretton et TMI-2, CM*EMOPORD 790412=04 NORD D for 79n33tadel2. Info partially wi thhe l d s boa e telephone ROISMAN79-98 7904127906070054 nutners (ret F t.14 Exemption 6).

= affice of *ucteer weactor Hegulation.

- 79/04/12. lapp.

D 79n620:4413 Taculates uMC personnel exposures at imI to 790 ell. Info Ch*EMONDIRt 790412-02 NOIR 1 D cortfally .ithmeldtna*es of Individuals (ret FOIA tuerotton ROISMAN79=98 7904127906200413 A).

S t 'e00 l E r., r .J . Renton 1. Philaoelphie, office of the Director.

D 7 9 /++ 1/12. 10 790e 602c2 Cedeents on test for radtetion epposure performed at request CLMTN ENDNE6R 790413 NE8D D

et indivinual .ho teeveleo by train rest TFI on 790328. Info ROISMAN79-98 7904137906060202 e artially =fthhelotnaae 6 aodress of person (ret Flil A

$ im**ption 6).

' i .* I F E , - 8. 8 t.enresta, unty. of, Naotetton Health Center. 79/04/13.


D 79n6nn t3a Ccnfirms 'HC request to transport rectoective semple by air CLNTO NE ED 790413 EUSMUD

) to Icaro Fellselnero frca I+1. Info partially withheldt centractor cen'act noc e uten* nu- ee r (re t Flil A Esemption 6).

ROISMAN79=98 7904137906070234 r.t SSICa ,L .t . Office of the Ewecuttwe Director for Operations.

) 70/ca/I3. lo.

7906f4f 2r t i,c tes on Id!*d venting const & operation options. Info VAOSP NOMD OSP=790414 D ROISMAN79-98 7904147906060201 cartially *tthbeldtho*e telephone nuncers (re f Fili A Fme-ctica h).

p t I sot vs.,R. Office of oucteer Heaulatory Research. 79/0e/I4 Sep.


-D ip


). .

se04TPLY TITLE LISI be/un/ou . 49/#v/t* Pabt a 18 3 HUCLFAD 4tGUtafowv COMMISSION -

D P Q cat 8%


) FUTA (SPEC L>*6 799eroup?% Fer-ards names to be acced to 790a13 list for radfation work CLNTU h0!D 790e14 EUTMEED

) ROISMAM79-98 7904187906060225 eerett traininu list et indiviouels nualified for usescorted

  • a+nes.lafn partially withheldt36ctel Security numbers (ref

) Fs. 8 4 Eyeaption 6).

79/04/14 300 .

58 II*eC.". Office of Inspection A knforce*ent.

D OLP-790415-01 79ece on t31 Forwaros conceptual oeston for T>tI-2 ventino. Info partially VAOLv NotD

.itnbel,tenose telennune number (ref fula Esemption 6). ROISMAN79-98 7904157906060231 Ip.

) (I468 b e', h . Office of nuclear kenulatory Nesearch. 79/04/15.

7 9 P b O 7 0 0 'e 6 Sunmits HNC personnel e.posures et THI,to 790at3. Info CMwEMONOID 790416 NOIO

) partietty *tenaeldstuentification of individuals (ref FOIA ROISMAN79-98 7904167906070006 Foerrtinn A),

p Stn.pnlE",'.J. Office of Inspection 6 Enforceaent. 79/04/16 1p.

79eePopea6 Tenulates eAC personnel empesures at THI to 790015. CM*EMONDIR1 790416=01 N0!R1 g ROIS4AN79-98 7904167906200408 lefo nartinity withhelotnamas of indiviouets (ref FUIA Eseertion e).

p Ft"*OCIF e'..l. heaton le philadelphia, uffice of the Otrector.

79/s.c/16 Ip.

I CLZXT EPSSIG 790at? EPSSIG 794de6h2/P Far-ards list of remaintnp special Instrumentation Group tasks. Info partially wituneletbewe telephone numbers (ref F0lS4AN79-98 7904177906060228 g F til a Ene etlan 6).


E C nLF "Co ..' .J . Special Instrument Group. 79/na/17 B 79d417 79ocrfniel2 Fer-ards transcript of 7904fi5,06 R 09 closed eeetinos. Info CMMEMONRCGC NRCC nertially =1thneld: staff and scene of Commission sponsored RUISMAN79-98 7904177906070012 g tovesti7atinn (ret FdlA Lueeption 6).

PICo 11.L. Office of the General Counsel. 79/04/17 8pp.

D 790000015u offtee of State Pronraes telephone too from 790328-0818 VATH taESD TM.790418

-Infn partially *ttaneldtnares A no+e telephone numbers (ref ROISMAN79-98 7904187906060150

[) F e'l a tme-ptenn 6).

  • office cf State Progrees. 79/0a/30 ta6pp.



4% I

). - 05/80/00 = 99/99/99 PAGE 7 cont >LY TITLE LIST U. 5. etOLLEAR NtGblAIO9V COMw13310H I DTC AAl Dku P N Cdk 33

) Frs tL (SPE C E)=6 Ch"EMONORO 790419-01 NORO I 7 9.5e. *6s 191 Forwares four labs' results of boron acesureeent of 790411 #0!SMA479-98 7904197906060191 prieery sys saeple (non-pressuriseo). Info paettally

.itnreletnoce teleonone numbers fref FDIA Exemption 6).

IILF'*l ,J.T. laivtston of operatina Weactors. 79/0e/19 Sop.

8 .

CMMEw0Nox5 790419 MORO

) 79t4'7eone Fnewards status of nati lens .ork requests made since 79040.

Into peettally withnelosnovie telephone numbers ot' contractor R013*AN79-98 7904197906070004 coatacts (ref EUIA Laception 6).

Division of Weoctor Safety kesearch. 79/04/19 Ilop.

I L * * ' I m6. . .f .

CM*EMONOSD 790424 01 NRCIA p 7 9 c 7'314 0 6 Provines notes a co++.ents re TNI effects on local R OI 5 4 4 P.'7 9-98 7904247907050486 por.al at inn.tsi scusses s tu Jy of incident.Inic Pertfally witnnelaineme telephone nuebers fref FnIA Exemption 6).

t'f fice of standards Development. 79/0G/24 16pp.

) Gs4 45wllh,b.

79naptern06 Forwares miscellaneous docu*ents for 79032R,310400,07 & 27, VAOLS NOIO OL5-790427

) trow Incident pesponse Action Conrdinatic-n Icem. Info ROISMAN79-98 7904277906200006 ractially withnelognome phone nu.oer (ret FOIA E*ception 6). ,


  • Office of Inspection s Lnforcement. 79/0c/27. 37pp.

70r7'Toul5 provices t'mecutive *at Team ofrector ton for 79040e-27. Info VAOLS Nul0 OLS-790427 01

) caettally withheld nore telephone numberstret FOIA Lue+ptfo,n R0!SMAN79-98 7904277907050415 A).


) e office of Inspection b Enforcement. 79/0a/27 VATR NOID TN=790427 D 79n7050439 provides telephone log from IE files for 79 nano-0427. Info partially witnneld nome telennone numeces (ret FDIA R0lSMAN79-98 7904277907050430 Fmaention 6).

) e uffice of Inspection

  • Lnforcement. 79/04/27 32po.

79at,20'*195 Hvorolony 4 meteoroloay 790330-0428 dete from Ofc of Nuclear VAOLP NOND OLP=790428 01 D RUISWAH79-98 7904267906200395 vereter denulation files. info nartially withheldthome telephone nu*ners (ret bela Exce ption 6).

$ e est f tca of %sclear Weac tor We'aulat ion. 79/04/28. 180pp.

I 3


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3 Fola (3PEC Ei-A OLP=790420 02

) 79ne/ legal Fletd co==unicator notes,790328-0428. Info portfally witnrelotntrth date,nocie aodress & social securt*y nuwber v40LP NOID RO{SMAN79-98 7904287906210341 (ret F in i t Imerotton o).

e hffice of Inspection 4 inforcement. 79/04/28. 200pp.

g 7991osia3s provines Incinent Fesronse 7.ction Coord*notton Team (IRACT) VAOLS NOID OLS-790428 01 nirector ton for 799251.um26. Info certtelly witnbelothome ROISMAN79=98 7904287907050435 televacne nu*bers (ret Fula Fueention 6).

e uffice of Inspection a tnforcement. 79/04/28. 8 top.


p 79 ell /4tal For.orns state progre= too for 790e09-26. Info porttelly VAOLS NESD OLS-790428 witnaelotno=e telennune numbers (ref FOIA Lue*ption 6). RutSMAN79-98 7904287907120141 e uffica of State Pro 3 rams. 79/04/26 1700 D

7916'odte l F nr.eeds opas ted Ifsts of 'mC personnel who require access CMMEMON010 790429 EUTMEED to f* I site. Info partially withhelotSocial Securtty numbers ROISMAN79-98 7904297906660241

- [)

feet Fela L uc art ton o).

S*ITF,G.a., +CUSCaw,J.J. Uffice of Inspection & Enforcement.

D 79/94/79 eno.

79Je?70049 Frrwaros notes on T*l-related telcons,for 790328 a429 CMMEMONESO 790429 NESO

() Info partially witonelutnome telcomene numoors (ref FUI4 N0!SMAN79-90 7904297906070049 r ewr.tton c).

fem A.F. nffice of state Programs. 79/04/29 npp.


7 9 9e 2 J o r>/ 4 Fer. eros 6 seiss fat workinn f i l'e for F90328-0430. Info VAOLS NOID OLS=790430 01

() nartially =ttnuelotname telepnene numoers R0!SuAN79 98 7904307966200020 (ret Fb!S Eme*ntion o). 74pp.

'fftre of Inspection E Enforcement. 79/04/30

() c L i ss,' .

7906& ton 53 Fer,arns =1scellaneous docu+ents for 79n328-0410 from VAOLS NOID OLS-790430-02

() incicent-resnonse action coordination tese. Info partfally ROISMAN79-98 7904307906200053

.ttnbetitncie telennune numoers (ref F91A tremotion 6).

79/04/30 95pp.

() e ofttee nf Insrection

  • Lnforcement.



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  • 00NTHLv TITLE LIST S0/00/n0 - 99/99/99 PAGE 9 ,

U. S. outLEAD DEGULATowY COMMISSION D P W CA1 33 Ott AAl OlN D FotA (SPEC Es-4 D 794o20"073 Forwaros notet prepared in conjunction w/early THI actions. CMMEMONORSS 790430 NORDPS Info trctuaes notes on energency proceoures. Info partially ROISMAH79-98 7904307906200073 witn%elo:none teleonone nomoers (ref FOIA Esemotion 6).

D 16)t*CO,*.L. Assistant otrector for Heactor Safety. 79/Oa/30 .

s h ,o .

D OLP=790501 7%n62o03e4 stscellaneoas loos & data from Ofc of NuCItar Reactor VAOLP NORD peculation files 79032d-obul. Info partially withheldtheme ROISMAN79-98 7905017906200384

$ teleewone cumners (ref Fotn fuocotton 6).

. .ffice of :.uclese heactor Requlation. 79/05/01. 350pp.

D VAOLP NORD OLP=790501-01 79ne243401 I I-2 Instramentation & tiectrical Outy leem 109 book, 793ea9.n541 Info partially witnneintbove teleonone nuwbers RotSWAN79=98 7905017906200401

$ tret FPIA Emeention o). 53pp.

  • Jffice of .uclear Heactor Heaulation. F9/05/01.

D VAOLP NORO OLP=790501-02 79067U a35 *tscellaneoas cata from two hRC branches for 790409 0501 ROISMA479-98 7905017906200435 Into otrtially withneldano.e teleonone numbers tret FOIA g Emaention 61

  • Ofttce of wuclear Reactor Regulation. 79/05/01. 190pp.

D 799627Clat Fer-aros info re 190328 esposures of personnel investigating CLUTN EUTHEED 790501 NOID le4< ale of Fan-aste. info partietly withheldansees, social RUISMAN79-96 7905017906270141 3 secueity nucoces.utethoates (ref FHIA Eweentton 6).

er*R I",.l.b. ' e t rnosi t ten Entson Co. 79/05/01. Spp.

O CMMEHONORSEME 790502-01 NORSEPE 790529013T Suv=arires into ootained from Mto re TMI incidentein ROISMAN79-98 7905027906200037 response to ak Denton 79da24 me*o. Info partially withheldt

[) nc =e teleorone nuenar (ret FOIA Fueention 6).

Cut-af,F.C. 'ecnanical Engineering Hranch. 79/05/02 13p0 O 79t6404417 Forwards list of 4NC personnel recelving access key & Cneds CH9EMONDIRt 790504 N0!R1 MUISMAN79-98 790$047906200417 for T-I I. Info partially withheld: Social Security nuecers i () tret Fula tme=otten s).

St.+1du l E F ,' . J . 4egion I, Philadelpnfa, Offlee of the Director.


, 79/65/na. Son.





y -

og/04/no a 99/99/99 PaGL 10

). .


u. 3 .eULLEad 4EGutaioey COAT:ISSION I OTC AA1 DIN P Q cal 32

) Fora (Saft E==6 VAOLE NOIO OLE =790506

) 790$200363 Incinent Respons Action Coordination Team notes ROISMAN79*98 7905067906200363 791311-8 536. Info partially withheldtbo-e telephone nueners (ret FotA Emeeption 6).


  • alftice of Inspection a Enforcement. 79/05/06, 91po. .


) 790 a / a t'47 6 Foc4aros S nanaoer 79035t=0a2a loos & notebooks for THI.

into partielly withneldinome teleonone nunders (ref FOIA ROIS4AN79 98 7905107906200076 Fue-rtien 5).

assistant Director for Plant Systens. 79/05/10

) eC '.Ek,3.a.

8% % ".

> ChMEMONDINI 790515 N0!R1 79r670n3R5 Otscusses proceaures for handling redwaste snipeents from ROISMAN79-98 7905157906200305 facility. Info nartially witnneldenome telerhone nu+ber g- fraf Ffla imemotion o).

Stont,J.P. Heaton 1, e'h t l ed a l ph i a , Office of the Director.

79/d5/l5. 2nn.

CMMEMONOREAAA 790516 NORD 74an2voo27 01scusses 790401 telcons re potential for hvorogen ROISMAN79-98 7905167906200022 g emelesions in environ of hinh huaietty. Info partially

.Stnhe17:nn=e teleonone nu.oer teet 701A Eme+ption 6). Ip.

SCIFMLI Gen. accioent Analysis Hranch. 79/n5/l6 D

CH*EMONDIH1 790516 NOIRI 7906?cn3Pl utscusses procedure for cooroinatino DUT safety insp of ROISMAN79-90 7905167906200381 g vehicles transnartini 1 1 radweste. Info partially vithhe14:bo=c telen%one'oumoers (ref F0la imemption 6).

S T' eiN , J .P. beetton le l'hi t netel nbi a, nffice of the Director, g 79/95/16. 20p.


[) Torensuler List of officials to contact ce it1. Info partially withheldt ROISMAN79-98 7905247906060187 bo-e talephone nu+ bars (ref FOIA tuemption 6).

  • Co.-ission. 79/.o/24 In.

.D. NOROS CLSTN ESGPA 790524 79c6729092 Forwaros *E aallace Itr ce chemical emplosive hazard et TMI. ROISMAN79-98 7905247906220092

() Ines parti.illv witnnelotattdress and telephone numDers (ret Fail s twe etinn 6). 3pp.

It tS,0 L. Pennsylventae State of. 79/05/2a.

> C) o t)


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OTC AAl DIN P Q EA1 32 ,

9 FUIA (SPEC th 6 t 79n6nerdes For.oros na*es to os sooed to 790o13 11st for radiation work CL4TU NOID 799525 LUTMEED rer*it tratainn.Into cartially withbelo Social Security R0!SMAh79-96 7905257906060203 aueners (ref F r,I A Lue*ption 6).

) 5-I1*,G.a. Office of Inspection t Enforcement. 79/05/25. 10.

79ah2ea41b Discusses wnote cocy count of exposed inoividual. Skin dose CMMEMONDINI 790525 NOIR 1 D

rravi sen for beta E aanta radiation. Info partially withheld ROISMAN79-95 7905257906200410 no-e 4 social security nu+ner tref Fola Exemption 6).

9 S t. r 'c D i t t , .J . Weaton I, Philacelente, Office of the Director.

7 9 / < **/25. lo.

I 790526 NOIRt 7H 627' 13e Provices nuicance re ortority in notifying inoividuals in CMMEMONOID case of sitnificant 9aseous or 11outo release. Info partially ROISMAN79-98 7905267906270134

) witn*'eldthe*e telepnone numoers (ref Flil A Enemotion 6).

Stri',J v. riffice of insrection A Enfreceaent. 79/05/26 app.

D-794erM'262 tit ters sungestions to release gas oubble pressure. Info CXZTN ECle****7983]I NORD cartially .itnnelo: hose telephone nuaber (ref FUIA Emeeption R0!SuAN79-98 7905307906060250A

) n).

At LL' ,E . Affiliation unxnown. 79/03/31. lo.

I va0LE NOID OLE =790606 7un e ?.au2u tavienn loa cook for 799501 0A06. Info partially withheldt ho'e telepande an*oer (ref F0IA tue+otion 6). ROISMAN79-98 7906067906200424


  • Office of insoertion Lnforcement. 79/06/06 102pp.


-D 4 5

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DTC AA1 DIN P R RA1 SN APPENDIX D FOIA (SPEC EX-5 7906060042 Forwards comments on NRC response to Senator Hart CMMEMONRCCC 790411 NRCSEY 790403 Itr re TMI. Document withheldtrof FOIA Esemption St. ROISMAN79-98 7904117906060042e BICKWIT.L. Office of the Ceneral Counsel. 79/04/11. 2pp.

--7906060046 Comments on NRC's response to Senator Hart's Itr concerning CHNEMONE ED 790409-01 NRCC TMI-related items including NRC actions w/ respect to B&W ROISMAN79-98 7904117906060042A plants & PA's emergency plans. Document withheld (ref FOIA Esemption 5).

COSSICK.L.V. Office of the Executive Director for Operations.

79/04/09. Ip.

--7906060050 Responds to Senator Hart's 790403 Itr to shutdown of other CLNTCCNRCC 790411 EUSCONG B&W plants. state emergency plans 4. other THI related items. ROISMAN79-98 7904117906060042B Forwards major factors contributing to accident (preliminary analysis). Document withheld (ref FOIA Esemption 58.

HENDRIE.J.M. Commission. 79/04/11. 5pp.

7906180603 Submits info re Roisman's testimong. Document withheld CMMEMOtStCC 790423-01 NRCC (ref FOIA Esemption 5). ROISMAN79-98 7904237906100603 HODGDON.A. Commission. 79/04/23. 1p.

7906060036 Provides comments re release of TMI transcripts 790406-13. CMMEMOt#ICCC 790424 NRCC Forwards transcript pages to be withheld. Document withheld ROISMAN79-98 7904247906060036 (ref FOIA Esemption St.

BICMWIT.L Office of the General Counsel. 79/04/24. 23pp.


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APPENDIX E DTC AAl DIN P R RA1 SN FOIA (SPEC EX-7 7906210432 Lists transcripts provided to IE Headquarters. CMMEMON0IR1 790523 NOIR 1 Info partially withheld: name of individual (ref FOIA ROISMAN79-98 7905237906210432 Exemption 7).
GIBSON, A. Region 1, Philadelphia,.0ffice of the Director.

79/05/23 5pp.

. .