IA-78-307, Responds to 781030 Request for NRC Organizational Info. Forwards NUREG-0325(organization Chart) & NRC Telephone Book.Requests Payment of $12.80

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Responds to 781030 Request for NRC Organizational Info. Forwards NUREG-0325(organization Chart) & NRC Telephone Book.Requests Payment of $12.80
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/09/1978
From: Felton J
To: Barnes P
Shared Package
ML20148J988 List:
FOIA-78-307 NUDOCS 7811160185
Download: ML20148J982 (2)


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-: $ ' $ > WASHINGTON, D. C. 2055$ .

x*****/; November 9, 1978- '

T Ms. Patricia M. Barnes Administrator-Research and Library. Services State of the- Art Seminars i' 5959 West Century Boulevard, Suite 1010 IN RESP 0flSE REFER l Los Angeles, CA 90045 T0'F01A'-78-307: [,


. Dear Ms. Barnesi -[;

This is in response to your letter of October 30,1978 in which you . . M '

reques.ted, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, NRC organizational charts, a telephone directory, and a' listing of personnel by position and office. Your request was received by the Office of Administration on November.6,J1978.

Enclosed is a copy.of NURCG-0325, "U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Functional Organization Charts." Also enclosed is a copy of a computer printout dated Septeinber 30, 1978 containing an organizational . listing of.NRC positions. . The "NRC Directory - Communications Information" may be ordered from. the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing

Office,' Washington, DC 20402.

In your-letter you" indicated that.you would pay' for. reproduction costs.

As provided -in-10 CFR 9.14(b), the cost ~of reproduction is $0.10 per page. The copy of the computer printout is 128 pages; thus, the cost of 1 reproduc tion is . $12.80. Please.: send a check for $12.80, payable to the.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory' Commission, together.with a copy of this letter, ',

to the Director,. Division of Rules and Records, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory c Commission, Room 4210 MNBB, Washington, DC 20555.

. For your information,. I should inform:you that, because of the existing heavy' burden of handling the NRC's-official mail, ;it is the practice of the NRC to limit the use.of its internal mail system to official business. As a result. bulk. commercial solicitations received by the NRC Mail Room will l be' marked " Refused by Addressee," and will'be returned to the sender. This

. action is .in-accordance with Chapter I, Parts 154 and 159, of the' U. S. 9 Postal Service Manual. As you may be aware, Part 154, as interpreted by the A811160185


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General Counsel's Office of the U. S.-Postal Service, provides that mail sent to officials' or employees of Federal agencies is the property of the '

agency and is not the personal-mail of the individuals to whom the . letters are addressed. ,

Sincerely 4 .

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l J. M. Felton, Director

. ' Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


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