GNRO-2019/00024, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report

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Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2019
From: Emily Larson
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19120A211 (220)


{{#Wiki_filter:Entergy Operations, Inc. P. 0. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Eric A. Larson - Site Vice President Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Tel. (601) 437-7500 10 CFR 50.36(a)(2) GNR0-2019/00024 April 30, 2019 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (ARE RR) - Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29

Dear Sir or Madam:

Attached is the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the time period of January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. This report is submitted in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36(a)(2) and GGNS Unit 1 Technical Specification 5.6.3. This letter contains no new commitments. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact George Wynn at 601-437-1426. Sincerely, Eric A. Larson EAUdre


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station 2018 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual - -cc: see next page

G N R0-2019/00024 Page 2 of 2 cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Mr. Siva Lingam Mail Stop OWFN 8 81 Rockville, MD 20852-2738 NRG Senior Resident Inspector Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, MS 39150 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region Administrator, Region IV Mail Stop OWFN 8 81 Washington, DC 20555-0001

    . Director, Division of Radiological Health Mississippi State Department of Health Division of Radiological Health 3150 Lawson Street Jackpon, MS 39213 I

Attachment 1 to GNR0-2019/00024 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station 2018 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual



   ;_SUBJECT                                             PAGE I. INTRODUCTION                                           4 II. DETAILED INFORMATION                                   5 A. Regulatory Limits                                   5
1. ODCM Control Limits 5
a. Fission and Activation Gases 5
b. Radioiodines, Tritium and Particulates 5
c. Liquid Effluents 5 2; 10CFR50, Appendix I Limits 6
a. Fission and Activation Gases 6
b. Radioiodines, Tritium and Particulates 6
c. Liquid Effluents 6
3. 40CFR190 Limits 7-*

B. *Effluent Concentrations 7

1. Airborne 7
2. Liquid 7 C. Average Energy 8 D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Activity 8
1. Fission and Activation Gases 9
2. Particulates and Radioiodines , 10
3. Continuous Releases 10
  • 4. Batch Releases: Gases 10
5. Batch Releases: Liquid Effluents 11 E Batch Releases 11
1. Liquid 11
2. Gaseous 12 F. Abnormal Releases 12
1. Liquid 12
2. Gaseous 12 TABLE. OF CONTENTS (CONT1 D)

SUBJECT PAGE G. Estimate of Total Error 12

1. Liquid* 12
2. Gaseous 13
3. Solid Radioactive Waste 13 H. Solid Radioactive Waste* Shipments 13 I: Meteorological Data 13 J. Radioactive Effluent Monitoring lnstrumentatio~ Operability 13 K. Annual Sewage Disposal Summary 13.



14 A.* Water-Related Exposure Pathways 14 B. Airborne-Related Exposure Pathways 14 IV. OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL/ RADIOACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM CHANGES 17 A. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) 17 B. Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems 17 LIST OF TABLES PAGE Ill.A '2018 Liquid Effluent Dose 14 111.B 2018 Airborne EffluentDose 16 1A Gaseous Effluents - Summation of All Releases 18

  • 1B Gaseous Effluents - Elevated Releases 19 1C Gaseous Effluents - Ground-Level Releases - Continuous 20 1D Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 21 2A Liquid Effluents - Summation of All Releases 22 28 Liquid Effluents - Continuous and Batch Modes 23 2C Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 24 3 Solid Radioactive Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments 25 ATTACHMENTS PAGE Attachment I - Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Groundwater Protection Initiative Sample Results 29 I.: INTRODUCTION This Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (ARERR) for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2018 is submitted in accordance with Technical Specifications, Section 5.6.3, of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) *License Number NPF-29. The monitoring of radioactive effluents is referenced in Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) AppendiX-A, Sections 6.11 and 6.12.

Airborne discharges at GGNS are considered ground-level releases. All liquid and airborne discharges to the environment were analyzed in accordance with ODCM requirements. All effluent releases were within the concentration and total release limits specified by the ODCM. Projected offsite doses were within the dose limits specified by the ODCM. Table 1A reports the summation of all known gaseous releases. Table 1B reporting of elevated gaseous releases are not applicable at GGNS .

   .Table 1C reports the summation of all known ground-level gaseous releases.

Table 1D describes the radioactive gaseous*sampling and analysis program implemented atGGNS. Table ?A reports the summation of all liquid releases. Table 28 reports the continuous and batch mode liquid releases. Table 2C describes the radioactive liquid waste sampling and analysis program implemented at GGNS. Table 3 summarizes the solid radioactive waste and irradiated fuel shipments. Attachment I reports the Groundwater Prbtection Initiative (GPI) well sample tritium and gamma results not included in the 2018 Annual Radiological Environmenta.1 Operating Report (AREOR). The annual summary of meteorological data (Joint Frequency Distribution) is maintained on site in accordance with ODCM Administrative Controls Section 5.6.3, and shall be . provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) upon request. I II. DETAILED INFORMATION A. Regulatory Limits

1. ODCM Control Limits
a. Fission and Activation Gases - The release rate limit at any time for noble gases to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be such that:

Dtb = average total body dose rate in the current year (mrem/yr) I

                          = X/Q Li Ki   Q i ~ 500 mrem/yr Ds  = average skin dose rate in the current year (mrem/yr)


                          = X/Q Li   (Li + 1.1 M) Qi ~ 3000 mrem/yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.
b. Radioiodines; Tritium and Particulates - The release rate limit for the sampling period for all radioiodines, tritium and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be such that:

Do = average organ dose rate in current year (mrem/yr)

                          = Li  W Pi Q'i ~ 1500 mrem/yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.
c. Liquid Effluents - The concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas from the site shall not exceed at any time ten times the values specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. The concentration of dissolved or entrained noble gas_es, released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas from all reactors at the site, shall be limited to 2 x 10-4 microcuries/m.l total activity.


2. 10CFR50, Appendix I Limits
a. Fission and Activation Gases - The dose from noble gases in gaseous effluents to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be such that:

D = air dose due to gamma emissions from noble gases y

                     = 3.17 x 1o-8 Li M X/Q' Qi            :::;; 5 mrad/qtr
10 mrad/yr DP = air dose due to beta emissions from noble gases I -
                      =3.17 x 10-8 Li N X/Q' Qi         :::;; 10 mrad/qtr
20 mrad/yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.
b. Radioiodines, Tritium and Particulates - The dose to an individual from tritium, 1-131, 1-133 and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be such that:
                       ,       I                                                            .

Op= dose to an individual from tritium, 1-131, 1-133 and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days (mrem)

                     = 3.17 x *10-8 Li Ri W' Qi:::;; 7 .5 mrem/qtr Any Organ
15 mrem/yr Any Organ where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.
c. Liquid Effluents - The dose from radioactive materials in liquid effluents shall be such that:

m DTau = L [ATau L ~t1 cil F1 ] . :::;; 1.5 mrem/qtr Total Body i 1=1

5 mrem/qtr Any Organ
3 mrem/yr Total Body
10 mr~m/yr Any Organ where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.


3. 40CFR190 Limits
  • Doses are calculated for Fission and Activation Gases; Radioiodines and Particulates; and Liquid Effluents according to equations contained in Sections 2.(a); (b), and (c) respectively, with the exception that the limits applied are:
25 mrem/yr, Total Body or any Organ except Thyroid
75 mrem/yr, Thyroid
10 mrad y/qtr or
::;; 20 mrad y/yr, Fission and Activation Gases *
20 mrad p/qtr or
::;; 40 mrad p/yr, Fission and Activation Gases
15 mrem/qtr or
::;; 30 mrem/yr, any Organ, Iodine and Particulates
3 mrem/qtr or
::;; 6 mrem/yr, Total Body, Liquid Effluents
*10 mrem/qtr or
::;; 20 mrem/yr, any Organ, Liquid Effluents B. Effluent Concentrations
1. Airborne The Effluent Concentration Limit (ECL) of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents is limited by the dose rate restrictions given in Section 11.A.1.c;i. In this case, the ECLs are actually determined by the dose factors in Table 2.1-1 of the GGNS ODCM.

Gaseous dose rates rather than ECL are used to calculate permissible release rates for gaseous releases. The maximum permissible dose rates for gaseous releases are defined in the GGNS ODCM 6.11.4.a as 500 mrem/yr (Total Body) and 3000 mrem/yr (Skin) and in 6.11.4.b as 1500 mrem/yr (Organ).

2. Liquid -

The ECL of radioactive materials in liquid effluents is limited by ten times the values in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. The ECL chosen is the most

  • conservative value of either the soluble or insoluble ECL for each radioisotope.

II. DETAILED INFORMATION (CONT'D) C. Average Energy . Not applicable for GGNS ODCM Appendix A. The GGNS ODCM limits the instantaneous dose equivalent rates due to the release of noble gases to less than or equal to 500 mrem/year to the total body an*d less than or equal to 3000 mrem/year to the skin. The* average beta and gamma energies of the radionuclide mixture in releases of fission and activation gases as described in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluation, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," may be used to calculate doses in lieu of more sophisticated software. The GGNS radioactive effluent programs employs the methodologies presented in U.S. NRG Regulatory Guide 1.109 "Calculation of AnnualDos~s. to. Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants, October t978. Therefore, average energies are not applicable to GGNS. D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Activity The following discussion details the methods used to measure arid approximate the . total activity for* the following: - Fission and Activation Gases Particulates Radioiodines Liquid Effluents Tables 1D and 2C give sampling frequencies and Lower Limit of Detection requirements for the analysis of gaseous and liquid effluent streams,* respectively. Values in the attached tables given as zero do not necessarily imply that the radionuclides were not present. A zero indicates that the radionuclide was not present at levels greater than the sensitivity requirements shown in Tables 1D and 2C. For some radionuclides, lower detection levels than required may be readily achievable; when a radionuclide is measured below its stated detection limits, it is reported. II. DETAILED INFORMATION (CONT'D)

1. Fission and Activation Gases The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification in Table 1D applies exclusively are: *
  • Kr-87 Xe-133 Xe-135 Kr-88 Xe-133m Xe-138 Periodic grab samples from Station effluent streams are analyzed by gamma spectral analysis utilizing high-resolution germanium detectors (see Table 1D for sampling and analytical requirements). Isotopic values thus obtained are used for dose release rate calculations due to effluent releases as giv~n in Section 11.A.1 of this report. The radionuclides that are detected are used in this computation.

When no radionuclides are detected, a historical default mixture is used. During the period between grab samples, the amount of radioactivity rel.eased is based on the effluent monitor readings. Monitors are assigned a Cqlibration factor based upon the last isotopic analysis, using the following relationship: where: Ci = isotopic calibration factor for isotope i Ui = concentration of isotope i in the grab sample in µCi/ml. m = net monitor rea.ding associated with the effluent stream (determined at the time of grab sampling). These calibration factors, along with the hourly effluent monitor values and flow rates, are entered into the laboratory computer where the release rates for individual radionuclides are calculated and stored. If no activity is detected in the grab sample, the calibration factor defaults to a historical default mixture of Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-135m, Xe-135, and.Xe-138. I II. DETAILED INFORMATION (CONT'D)

2. Particulates and Radioiodines The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification in Table 1D applies exclusively are:

Zn-65 Mo-99 Mn-54 Cs-134 Fe-59 Cs-137

                                     -Co-58       Ce-141 Co-60       Ce-144 Sr-89        1-131 Sr-90        1-133
3. Continuous Releases
           . Continuous sampling is performed on the continuous release points:
                 *Offgas/Radwaste Building
                 *Containment Building
  • Fuel Handling Area
  • Turbine Building
  • Turbine Building Occasional Release Point (when releasing)

Particulate material is collected by filtration. Radioiodines are collected by adsorption onto a charcoal filter. Periodically these filters are removed and analyzed by gamma spectral analysis utilizing high-resolution G$rmanium detectors to identify and quantify radioactive materials collected. Particulate filters are then analyzed for gross alpha and Strontium-89/90 as required. Strontium analysis is performed by a qualified contract laboratory. Gross alpha is analyzed using a gas flow proportional detector. Strontium-89/90 values are obtained by chemical separation and subsequent counting analysis using a gas flow proportional detector. Tritium concentrations are determined using distillation and a liquid scintillation detector. During major operational occurrences, the frequency of sampling is increased to satisfy the requirements of footnote "c" of Table 1D, "Radioactive Gaseous Waste' Sampling and Analysis," (GGNS ODCM Appendix A, Table 6.11.4.,1 ). Carbon-14 (C-14) activity of 10.46 Curies released this year in gaseous form was obtained by estimation using EPRI spreadsheet BWR Source Term Calculation (MAL-1 Lr1 and the information in NEAD-NS-11-0060-Rev1-EC42519 and

  • adjusted by 208.3 full power production days. Carbon-14 activity reported in.

Tables 1A and 1C of this report and based on a constant release rate throughout the quarter.

4. Batch Releases: Gases Gaseous batch releases are not normally performed a_t GGNS.


5. Batch Releases: Liquid. Effluents The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification in Table 2C applies exclusively are:
  • H-3 Sr-90 Mn-54 Mo-99 Fe-55 1-131 Co-58 Cs-134 Co-60 Cs-137 Fe-59 Ce-141 Zn-.65 Ce-144 Sr-89 Representative pre-release grab samples are obtained and analyzed as described in Table 2C. Isotopic analyses are performed by gamma spectral analysis utilizing high-resolution germanium detectors. Aliquots of each pre-released sample, proportional to the waste volume released, are composited in accordance with the requirements listed in Table 2C.

Iron and Strontium analyses are performed by a qualified contract laboratory. Strontium-89/90 and lron-55 values are obtained by individual chemical separations. Strontium-89/90 is analyzed using a gas flow proportional detector. lron-55 is analyzed using a low energy photon detector. Gross alpha is analyzed using a gas flow proportional detector. Tritium is distilled and then analyzed using a liquid scintillation detector. Dissolved gases are determined from grab samples analyzed by gamma spectral analysis utilizing high-resolution germanium detectors. E. Batch Releases

1. Liquid
           . Time periods in minutes      1st QTR       2nd QTR   3rd QTR       4th QTR       YEAR Number of Releases              17             42        53.          15          127 Total Release Time           5.30E+03      1.32E+04  1.55E+04     4.39E+03     3.83E+04 Maximum Release Time,        3.82E+02
  • 4.05 E+02 3.36E+02 3.14E+02 4.05E+02 Average Release Time 3.12E+02 3.14E+02 2.92E+02 2.92E+02 3.02E+02 Minimum .Release Time 2.90E+02 2.67E+02 3.00E+OO 1.50E+02 3.00E+OO Average Dilution* Water 6.23E+03 9.95E+03 5.97E+03 4.94E+03 7.24E+03 Flow (GPM)

During the secon_d and third quarters, significantly more releases occurred during Rad Waste System repairs and recovery plan actions. The unusually low Minimum Release Time for third quarter resulted from a liquid discharge that terminated shortly after starting due to high activity on the liquid effluent radiation monitor. After the monitor was flushed, the tank was resampled and discharged under a new release permit. II. . DETAILED INFORMATION (CONT'D)

2. Gaseous No batch releases occurred during the report period.

F. Abnormal Releases

1. Liquid
a. Number of Releases: 0

_b. Total Activity Released: O.OOE+OO Ci No abnormal liquid releases were identified for this reporting period.

2. Gaseous
a. Number of Releases: 1
b. Total Activity Released: 1 :36E-02 Ci
              'One abnormal release occurred during the reporting period. On 5/27/18, a plant system was drained into the outside Condensate Storage Tank basin to support system repairs during a refueling outage. A conservative calculation for basin evaporative losses estimated the tritium activity release indicated above. The activity was insignificant(< 0.1 %) when compared to the total gaseous tritium released in 2018, and is not included in the gaseous effluent totals of this report.

This event is* documented in CR-GGN-2018:.6199 and CR-GGN-2018-6224. G. Estimate of Total Error

1. Liquid The maximum errors are collectively estimated to be as follows:

Fission & Dissolved & Gross. Error values in % Activation Tritium Entrained Alpha Products Gases Sampling 2.60E+01 2.60E+01 2.60E+01 2.60E+01 Measurement 6.80E+01 6.50E+01 6.10E+01 9.20E+01

                 .TOTAL                7.30E+01      7.00E+01      6.60E+01    9.50E+01 Sampling errors include uncertainty associated with mixing, representative sampling and discharge volume. Measurement errors include uncertainty associated with instrument calibration an_d the preparation and counting of low-activity samples. Counting errors are based on measurements of blank samples; For germanium detectors, the least-readily-detectable radioisotope is used to determine the counting error. Calibration errors are calculated by summing the errors associated with the calibration of a particular instrument with-a radioactive source.

The total error is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual errors'.

2. Gaseous The maximum errors (not including sample line loss) are collectively estimated to be as follows:

Fission & Gross Error values in % Activation Iodine Particulate Tritium Alpha Products Sampling 3.20E+01 2.30E+01 2.20E+01 2.20E+01 2.30E+01 Measurement 6.10E+01 6.70E+01 6.50E+01 1.01 E+02 6.20E+01 TOTAL 6.90E+Q1 7.10E+01 6.90E+01 1.03E+02 6.60E+01 Sampling errors include uncertainty as*sociated with sample flow, vent flow and monitor calibration.

  • Measurement and total errors are calculated by the same methods used for liquid effluents.
3. Solid Radioactive Waste Estimated Total Error% for all waste types is +/- 25%. Sampling errors include uncertainty associated with mixing and representative sampling.

H. Solid Radioactive Waste Shipments See Table 3 for shipment information. I. Meteorological .Data The data recovery for the reporting period was 99.6%. The predominant wind direction was from the east-northeast approximately 9.4% of the time. The predominant stability class was class "D" approximately 28.1 % of the time. Average wind speed during the reporting period was approximately 3.9 miles per hour at the 33-foot elevation. ' The annual meteorological data (Hourly Average Data or Joint Frequency Distribution) is maintained on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRG upon request.

  • J. Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Operability On 5/10/19, the Liquid Rad Waste Effluent Flow Monitor had been inoperable for 30 days during a refueling outage whereby normal Circulating Water blowdown flow was u*navailable. The flow monitor returned to operable status when the Circulating Water system was restored during plant startup. CR-GGN-2018-5368 documents this condition.

K. Annual Sewage Disposal Summary There were no sewage disposals in 2018. Ill. RADIATION DOSE


Indicated below is the annual summary of offsite doses attributable to GGNS during 2018.

  • Inspection of the values indicates that GGNS releases were within the 10CFR50, Appendix I, design objectives.
  • Since there are no other fuel cycle facilities within 8 km of GGNS, 40CFR190 limits were also met during this period.

A. Water-Related Exposure Pathways The values calculated in this section utilize the information provided in Tables 2A and 28 of this report and the calculation methodology of the ODCM. Liquid Effluents Total body dose and critical organ doses are computed for the maximum exposed individual. The maximum dose contribution from liquid effluents is considered to occur in the adult age group via consumption of fish. Table Ill.A 2018 Liquid Effluent Dose Dose in mrem 1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR TOTAL Bone 1.58E-02 3.13E-02 7.05E-02 -1.88E-02 1.27E-01 Liver 3.45E-02 5.58E-02 1.27E-01 2.68E-02 2.29E-01 Thyroid 6.87E-04 9.07E-04 9.60E-04 3.80E-04 2.88E-03 Kidney 1.72E-02 2.28E-02 5.25E-02 9.37E-03 9.56E-02 Lung 2.60E-03 5.89E-03 1.13E-02 3.39E-03 2.19E-02 GI-LLI 2.22E-02 2.66E-02 5.20E-02 2.71 E-03 1.00E-01 Applicable Limit 5 5 5 5 10 Percent of Limit 6.89E-01 1.12E+OO 2.54E+OO 5.35E-01 . 2.29E+OO Whole Body 1.95E-02 3.61 E-02 8.09E-02 1.77E-02 1.45E-01

            \_  Applicable Limit        1.5         1.5        1.5        1.5          3 Percent of Limit    1.30E+OO    2.41 E+OO  5.40E+OO   1.18E+OO    4.83E+OO
                                                               )   I
8. Airborne-Related Exposure Pathways The values presented in this section utilize information provided in Tables 1A and 1C of this report and the calculation methodology of the ODCM. *Do?e and dose rates are computed for locations at the site boundary or at unrestricted areas within the site boundary. Because members of the public, on occasion, may be found within the site boundary, two fishing lakes, the recreational vehicle laydown area, and the GGNS Energy Services Center locations were also evaluated.

Consideration of site boundary locations as well as unrestricted areas within and beyond the site boundary provides assurance that offsite doses will not be substantially underestimated while attempting to p*rovide an accurate dose calculation. Doses for a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC are computed based on 2018 meteorological data and on the most recent land use census, with the most limiting location used. During normal operations, the dispersion and deposition factors used for dose calculations are from 10-year historical annual average meteorological data. Ill. RADIATION DOSE


(CONT'D) Organ Dose The maximum organ dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC (critical receptor) from radioiodines, tritium, and particulates was calculated for this report using the most recent land use census and dispersion and deposition parameters from 2018 meteorological data. The critical receptor residence was determined to be located in the southwest sector at a distance of 1432 meters (0.89 miles) from the plant. Pathways. considered for use in the organ dose cplculations are inhalation, ground plane,

       . grass/cow/meat, and vegetation. There *is no grass/cow/milk pathway within five miles of GGNS. It was assumed that the age group receiving the maximum dose lived at the residence and that the receptor consumed food products that were raised or produced at the residence. This dose is documented in the following table as two separate entries. The first organ dose entry excludes C-14 while the second entry includes organ dose from tritium, radioiodines, particulates, and C-14.

Average Total Body and Skin Dose Rate Individual total body and skin dose rates from exposure to a semi-infinite cloud of noble gas was calculated for a location in the .southwest sector at a distance of 1368 meters (0.85 miles) from the plant. This location corresponds to the highest annual average* atmospheric dispersion factor for a location at or within the site boundary based on historical 10-year average meteorological data. The total body and skin dose rates reported are the quarterly average of the maximum instantaneous dose rates determined daily during the reporting period and represent the maximum possible dose rate received by members of the public. Air Dose from Gamma and Beta Emissions Air doses fror:n gaseous effluents were calculated for this r$port using dispersion parameters from historical 10.:.year average meteorological data. The highest dispersion factor for an unrestricted area was in the southwest sector at the site boundary, 1368

        . meters (0.85 miles) from the plant.

Direct Radiation Direct radiation dose is calculated by subtracting average doses measured by thernibluminescent dosimeter {TLD) badges located at control locations from average doses measured by TLD badges located near the site boundary. GGNS reported , measured doses in 2018 as net exposure normalized to 92 days. Carbon-14 Carbon-14 (C-14) is a naturally occurring isotope of carbon. Nudear weapons testing in *

  • the 1950s and 1960.s significantly increased the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere:

Carbon-14 is also produced in commercial nuclear reactors, but the amounts produced are much less than those produced naturally or from weapons testing. In recent years, the analytical methods for determining C-14 have improved. Coincidentally the radioactive effluents from comm*ercial nuclear power plants have also decreased to the point that C-14 has emerged as a principal radionuclide in gaseous effluents. Ill. RADIATION DOSE


(CONT'D) The only significant dose pathway to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from C-14 release is through consumption of vegetation. Vegetation incorporates C-14 in form of carbon dioxide (C02) during photosynthesis so doses are calculated based on the C02 fraction of the carbon released in gaseous form. A C02 fraction of 95% is used based on .EPRI Technical Report 1021106, "Estimation of Carbon-14 in Nuclear Power Plant Gaseous Effluents." The highest atmospheric dispersion factor for an actual garden based on the land use census was used to determine dose from C-14. Carbon-14 is dispersed as a gas (C02) to the garden location, where it is theri incorporated into plant mate~ial. Carbon-14 dose is calculated to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC for the most age restrictive group (Child) and organ (bone) at the garden location. This dose is then added to dose for the same organ from tritium, iodine, and particulates. This organ dose is recorded and compared to the limit in the following table. Table 111.B 2018 Airborne Effluent Dose 1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR. 4th QTR TOTAL Iodine, Tritium & Particulates (excluding Carbon-14) Child (mrem) 9.41 E-03 2.37E-03 2.16E-03 4.38E-03 1.83E-02 Organ Thyroid Thyroid Thyroid Thyroid Thyroid Applicable Limit 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5/ 15 Percent of Limit 1.25E-01 3.16E-02 2.88E-02 5.84E-02 1.22E-01 Iodine, Tritium & Particulates (including Carbon-14) Child (mrem) 7.77E-01 7.00E-02 6.29E-01 9.72E-01 2.45E+OO Organ Bone Bone Bone Bone Bone Applicable Limit 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 15 Percent of Limit 1.04E+01 9.33E-01 8.38E+OO 1.30E+01. 1.63E+01 Total Body Dose Rate (mrem/yr) 5.65E+OO 1.49E-01 1.27E+OO 5.55E-01 Applicable Limit 500 500 500 500 Percent of Limit 1.13E-OO. 2.98E-02 2.54E-01 1.. 11E-01 Skin Dose Rate (mrem/yr) 1.08E+01 2.85E-01 2.42E+OO 9.31 E-01 Applicable Limit 3000 3000 3000 3000 Percent of Limit

  • 3.60E-01 9.50E-03 8.07E-02 3.10E-02 Gamma Air Dose (mrad) 1.50E-01 2.89E-03 1.04E-02 7.88E-03 1.71E-01 Applicable Limit 5 5 5 5 10 Percent of Limit 3.00E+OO 5.79E-02 2.08E-01 , 1.58E-01 1.71 E+OO Beta Air Dose (mrad) 1.59E-01 3.12E-03 1.07E-02 7.72E-03 1.80E-01 Applicable Limit 10 10 10 10 20 Percent of Limit 1.59E+OO 3.12E-02 1.07E-01 7.72E-02 9.01 E-01 Direct Radiation (mrem) O.OOE+OO 1.00E-01 1.00E-01 9:00E-01 1.1.0E+OO


(CONT'D} The first quarter doses in Table 111.B attributed to noble gases were significantly higher than the remaining quarters due to continued operation with steam leaks that caused elevated response on the Turbine Building Vent effluent radiation monitor due to presence of N-13 in the sample strea*m. The effluent dose was calculated conservatively* using ttie default mixture when no noble gas was detected in grab samples, and the higher reported effluent activity was driven by the elevated monitor response. Steam

             . leaks were repaired during refueling *outage in subsequent quarter.



The ODCM was revised in August 2018 to:

1. Revise historic atmospheric dispersion and deposition constants with 2007-2016 annual averages, including constants for "daylight hours only".
2. Added a new air sampler location.

j B. Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems No major changes to the liquid or gaseous radioactive waste treatment systems occurred during this reporting period. TABLE 1A ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES REPORT FOR 2018 Units QTR 1 QTR 2* QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR FISSION AND ACTIVATION GASES

1. Total.Release Ci 4.39E+02 8.75E+OO I

2.94E+Ol 2.21E+Ol 4.99E+02

2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec 5.64E+Ol 1. llE+OO 3.70E+00 2.78E+OO 1. SBE+Ol
3. Percent of TS Limit
a. Gamma Air  % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
b. Beta Air  % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A IODINE-131
1. Total Release Ci 2.68E-04 3.29E-05 4.34E-05 1.SSE-04 4.99E-04
2. Avg. Release*Rate uCi/sec 3.44E-05 4.19E-0.6 S.47E-06 l.95E-05 1.SBE-05
3. Percent of TS Limit % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PARTICULATES - HALF LIFE~ 8 DAYS
1. Total Release Ci 1. SSE-05 1. 33E-05 3.36E-07 5.60E-06 3.47E-05
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec 1.99E-06 1.69E-06 4.23E-08 7.0SE-07 1.lOE-06
3. Percent of TS Limit % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TRITIUM
1. Total Release Ci 7.03E+OO 2.56E+OO 2.0SE+OO 2.96E+OO 1. 46E+Ol
2. Avg. Reiease Rate uCi/sec 9.04E-01 3.26E-01 2.57E-01 3.72E-01 4.63E-01
3. Percent of TS Limit % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CARBON-14
1. Total Release Ci 3.30E+OO 2.91E-01 2.70E+OO 4.17E+OO 1. OSE+Ol
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec 4.20E-01 3.74E-02 3.39E-01 5.24E-01 3.32E-01 GROSS ALPHA RADIOACTIVITY
1. Total Release Ci 7.SSE-10 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.21E-08 3.29E-08 2 . "Avg. Release Rate uCi/ sec 9.11E-11 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.04E-09 l.04E-09 NOTE: Limits are applicable to dose, not concentration. See Table III.Bon page 16 for percentage of dose limits.


        *GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - GROUND-LEVEL RELEASE-CONTINUOUS REPORT FOR 2018         Units         QTR 1       QTR 2     QTR 3     QTR 4      YEAR FISSION AND ACTIVATION GASES AR-41                   ~i         2.39E+OO      O.OOE+OO  3.84E-Ol  O.OOE+OO   2.77E+OO KR-85M                  Ci         3.07E-01     1. 02E-Ol  O.OOE+OO  O.OOE+OO. 4.09E-01 KR-88                   Ci         8 .. 70E+OO  l.68E-01   5.'79E-01 4.04E-01   9.85E+OO XE-133                  Ci         2.04E+02     4.08E+OO   1. 36E+Ol 9.48E+OO   2.31E+02 XE-135                  Ci         1.95E+02     3.79E+OO   1. 30E+Ol 9.49E+OO   2.21E+02 XE-:-135M               Ci         2.31E+Ol     5.llE-01   1'.53E+OO 2.48E+OO   2.76E+Ol XE-138                  Ci         5.22E+OO     1. OlE-01  3.47E-01  2.43E-01   5.91E+OO Total for Period        Ci         4.39E+02     8.75E+OO   2.94E+Ol  2.21E+Ol   4.99E+02 IODINES I-131                   Ci         2.68E-04     3.29E-05   4.34E-05  l.SSE-04   4.99:e:-04 I*-133                  Ci         6.94E-04      4.59E-05  7.46E-05  6.78E-05   8.83E-04 I-135                   Ci         3.14E-04      O.OOE+OO  O.OOE+OO  O.OOE+OO   3.14E-04 Total for Period        Ci         1.28E-03      7.89E-05  1.18E-04  2. 23E-04* 1.70E-03
E>ARTICULATES - HALF LIFE :2: 8 DAYS C0-58 Ci 3.93E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2. 77E-06 6.70E-06 C0-60 Ci 5.75E-06 4.37E-06 O.OOE+OO 1.71E-06 1.18E-05 CS-137 Ci O.OOE+OO 7.53E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 7.53E-07 MN-54 Ci 1. 30E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 8.GOE-07 2.16E-06 RU-106 Ci 4.SOE-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.SOE-06 SE-75 Ci O.OOE+OO 8.18E-06 3.36E-07 2.GOE-07 8.78E-06 Total for Period Ci 1.SSE-05 1. 33E-05 3.36E-07 5.GOE-06 3.47E-05 OTHER H-3 Ci 7.03E+OO 2.56E+OO 2.0SE+OO 2.96E+OO 1.46E+Ol C-14 Ci 3.30E+OO 2.91E-01 2.70E+OO 4.17E+OO 1. OSE+Ol Gross Alpha Ci 7.SSE-10 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.21E-08 3 .29E-08 NOTE: Only radionuclides with positive results reported.

TABLE 1 D ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program I Lower Limit Gaseous Release Sampling Minimum Analysis . Type of Activity of Detection Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (LLD) (uCi/ml) (a) Principal Gamma 1.00E-04 31 D~ys Emitters (b,e) 31 Days Grab Sample (f) A. (1) Radwaste Building H-3 ~ 1.00E-06 Ventilation Exhaust


1-131 1.00E-12. (2) Fuel Handling Area 7 Days (c) Continuous (d) (f) Ventilation Exhaust Charcoal Sample 1-133 1.00E-10 (3) Containment Ventilation Ex,haust Principal Gamma 7 Days (c) Continuous (d) (f) Emitters (e) 1.00E-11 Particulate Sample (4A) Turbine Building (1-131, Others) Ventilation Exhaust 31 Days Composite Continuous (d) (f) Gross Alpha 1.00E-11 (48), Turbine Building Partic~late Sample Occasional Release Point (g). 92 Days Composite Continuous (d) (f) Sr-89, Sr-90 1.00E-11 - (when in service) Particulate Sample Noble Gases Continuous (f) Noble Gas Monitor 1.00E-06 Gross Beta or Gamma B. (1) Offgas Post 31 Days Grab Principal Gamma Treatment Exhaust, 31 bays 1.00E-04 Sample (f) Emitters (e) whenever there is flow (2) Standby Gas \ 31 Days Grab Principal Gamma Treatment A Exhaust, 31 Days 1.00E-04 Sample (f) Emitters (e) whenever there is flow ( (3) Standby Ga.s Principal Gamma 31 Days Grab 1.00E-04 Treatment .B Exhaust, 31 Days Sample (f) Emitters (e) whenever there is flow NOTE: Footnotes indicated are listed in GGNS ODCM, Appendix A, Table 6.11.4-1. TABLE 2A ENTE.RGY OPERATIONS, INC. GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS- SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES REPORT FOR 2018 Units \ QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR FISSION AND ACTIVATION PRODUCTS

1. Total Release Ci 8.GOE-03 1. 53~-02 1. 63E-02 1.99E-03 4.21E-02
2. Avg. Diluted Cone. uCi/ml 6.SOE-08 3.04E-08 4.58E-08 2.37E-08 3.95E-08
3. Percent of Limit  % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TRITIUM
1. Total Release Ci 8.70E+OO 1.83E+01 1.17E+01 3.85E+OO 4.25E+01 2*. Avg. Diluted, Cone. uCi/ml 6.j37E-05 3.65E-05 3.28E-05 4.GOE-05 3.98E-05
1. Total Release Ci 1.29E-05 5.67E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.96E-05
2. Avg._ Diluted Cone. uCi/ml 1.02E-10 .1.13E-10 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+.00 6.52E-11

. 3. Percent of Limit  % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GROSS ALPHA RADIOACTIVITY

1. Total Release Ci O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO

O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO VOLUME Liquid Waste liters 1.82E+06 4.58E+06 5.~2E+06 1.53E+06 1.33E+07 Dilution Water liters 1.25E+08 4.97E+08 3.50E+08 8.21E+07 1.05E+09 NOTE: Limits are applicable to dose, not concentration. See Table III.A on page 14 for percentage of dose limits. TABLE 28 ENTERGYOPERATIONS, ING. GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS - CONTINUOUS AND BATCH MODES REPORT FOR 2018 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR FISSION AND ACTIVATION GASES AG-110M Ci 1. 09E-04 5.40E-04 1.23E-04 O.OOE+OO 7.72E-04 AS-76 Ci O.OOE+OO 3.45E-04 1.29E-04 O.OOE+OO 4.74E-04 C0-58 Ci 5.02E-04 5.21E-04 5.43E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.57E-03 C0-60 Ci 3.0SE-03 4.44E-03 1.14E-02 4.53E-04 1.94E-02 CR-51 Ci 7.llE-04 5.75E-04 1.16E-04 5.40E-05 1.46E-03 CS-134 Ci 1.23E-05 7.SSE-05 7.84E-05 3.95E-06 1.70E-04 CS-137 Ci 6.57E-05 2.61E-04 3.SlE-04 1. 06E.:.04 8.14E-04 FE-55 Ci 2.32E-03 6.37E-03 O.OOE+OO 1. 26E-03 9 ..95E-03 FE-59 Ci 1.19E.;.04 4.45E-05 1.70E-05 O.OOE+OO 1.81E-04 LA-140 Ci O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4 '. 39E-05 O.OOE+OO 4.39E-05 MN-54 Ci 1.02E-:03 1.06E-03 2.09E-03 6.31E-05 4.23E-03 NA-24 Ci O.OOE+OO 1.89E-05 2.70E-05 O.OOE+OO 4.59E-05 NB-95 Ci O.OOE+OO 2. 77E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.77E-05

                                                                                  \I PT-195M                Ci      O.OOE+OO    9.14E-05   4.26E-0~    O.OOE+OO    1.34E-04 RU-106                 Ci      O.OOE+OO    5.57E-05   1.68E-04    2.68E-05    2.SlE-04 SB-125                 Ci      2.33E-05    1.0SE-04   O.OOE+OO    O.OOE+OO    1.29E-04 SR-92                  Ci      7.19E-06    2.29E-05   O.OOE+OO    O.OOE+OO    3.0lE-05 ZN-65                  Ci      6.39E-04    7.12E-04   1.09E-03    1.SSE-05    2.46E-03 ZR-97                  Ci      O.OOE+OO    1.44E-05   O.OOE+OO    O.OOE+OO    1.44E-05 Total for Period       Ci      8.60E-03    1.53E-02   1.63E-02    1.99E-03 *4.21E-02.

TRITIUM Total for Period Ci 8. 70E+OO 1. 83E+Ol' l.17E+01 3. 85E+OO 4 .25E+01 DISSOLVED AND ENTRAINED GASES XE-133 Ci O.OOE+OO 4.97E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.97E-05 XE-135 Ci 1. 29E-05 7.04E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.99E-05 Total for Period Ci 1. 29E-05 5.67E-05 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO 6.96E-05 GROSS ALPHA RADIOACTIVITY Total for Period Ci O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO TABLE 2C ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM lower Limit Liquid Release Minimum Sampling Type of Activity of Detection Type Analysis Frequency Analysis (LLD) Frequency I (µCi/ml) (a) Principal Gamma Prior to Release Prior to Release 5.00E-07 Emitters (d) Each Batch Each Batch 1-131 1.00E-06 Dissolved and Prior to Release 31 Days Entrained Gases 1.00E-05. A. Batch Waste Release One Batch/Month (Gamma Emitters) Tanks (c) Prior to Release 31 Days H-3 1.00E-05 Each Batch Composite (b) Gross Alpha 1.00E-07

   /'                      Prior to Release   92 Days            Sr-89, Sr-90           5.00E-08 Each Batch         Composite (b)


  • 1.00E-06 Principal Gamma B. SSW Basin Prior to Release Prior to Release 5.00E-07 Emitters (d)


1. Type of Waste Unit Class A Class B Class C Total Error
a. Spent resins, filter m3 I

2.50E+02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO sludges, evaporator +/-25% Ci 1.14E+02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO I bottoms, etc.

b. Dry compressible waste, m3 1.46E+03 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO contaminated +/-25%

Ci 1.07E+OO. O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO equipment, etc.

c. Irradiated co"mponents, m3 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 8.43E-01

control rods, etc. Ci O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.71E+04 ( m3 5.74E+02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO

d. Other: Oily waste drums +/-25%

Ci 2.44E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO

2. Estimate of Major Nucljde Composition (by type of waste)
a. Spent resins, filter sludges, evaporator bottoms,. etc.

Isotope (> 0.1 %) Percent Curies H-3 0.97 1.11 E+OO C-14 2.20 2.52E+OO Cr-51 0.48 5.45E-01 Mn-54 7.08 8.09E+OO Fe-55 50.35 5.76E+01 Co-5~ 1.43 1.63E+OO Co-69 32.18 '3.68E+01 Ni-63 0.94 1.08E+OO Zn-65 3.28 3.75E+OO Ag-110m 0.,16 1.78E-01 Sb-125 0.10 1.17E-01 Cs-134 0.19 2.15E-01 Cs-137 0.45 5.12E-01 Ce-144 0.12 1.37E-01

                                                          .J TABLE 3 -. Continued ,


b. Dry compressible waste, contaminated equipment, etc.
  • l~otope (> 0.1 %) Percent Curies H-3 0.83 8.84E-03 Mn-54 8.57 9.12E-02 Fe-55 36.2 3.85E-01 Co-58 0.67 7.14E-03 Co-60 35.7 3.80E-01 Ni-63 0.19 2.07E-03 Zn-65 1.42 1.51 E-02 Sr-90 0.12 1.30E-03 Zr-95 4.63 4.93E-02 Nb-95 9.22 9.82E-02 Sn-113 0.31 3-.31 E-03 Sb-125 1.35 1.44E-02 Cs-137 0.38 4.03E-03 Ce-144 0.38 4.08E-03
c. Irradiated components, control rods, etc.

Isotope (> 0.1 %) Percent Curies Mn-54 0.42 2.81E+02 Fe-55 47.72 2.87E+04 Co-60 48.49 3.25E+04 Ni-63 7.73 5.19E+03 Sb.:.125 0.52 3.51E+02



d. Other: Oil drum sealand, mixed waste for volume reduction Isotope (> 0.1 %) Percent Curies H-3 0.82 2.00E-03 Mn-54 8.57 2.09E-02 Fe-55 35.9 8.75E-02
         .Co-58                 0.70        1.71E-03 Co-60                35.34       8.61E-02 Ni-63                0.19        4.69E-04 Zn-65                1.43        3.47E-03 Sr-90                0.12        2.95E-04*

Zr-95 4.85 1.18E-02

         . Nb-95                9.65        2.35E-02 Sn-113               0.32        7.74E-04 Sb-125               1.34        3.27E-03 Cs-137               0.37        9.12E-04 Ce-144               0.38        9.35E-04
3. Solid Waste Disposition Number of Mode of Destination Name City State Shipments Transportation*

EnergySolutions, Clive Disposal Site 3 Clive UT Hittman (Bulk Waste Facility) EnergySolutions, Clive Disposal Site UT. 26 Clive Hittman (Containerized Waste Facility) EnergySolutions Services, Inc. 5 Memphis TN Hittman Memphis Facility EnergySolutions, Inc. Hittman* 31 Oak Ridge TN Bear Creek Road EnergySolutions 8 Oak Ridge TN Hittman Gallaher Road Facility EnergySolutions 4 Erwin TN Hittman Erwin Resin Solutions Waste Control Specialists, LLC 6 Andrews TX Hittman Compact Waste Disposal Facility TABLE 3 - Continued ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS B. Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Dispositi<?n) Number of Shipments Mode of Transpqrtation

  • Destination None N/A
  • N/A ATTACHMENT I Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Groundwater Protection Initiative Sample Results JANUARY- DECEMBER 2018 GPI Ground Water samples were collected from onsite Dewatering Wells (DW), Monitoring Wells (MW),

Observation Wells (OW), and Sump Wells (SW). Samples were analyzed for Tritium and selected samples were analyzed for gamma and/or hard to detect (HTD) isotopes (Gross Alpha, lron-55, Nickel-63, Strontium-89 and Strontium-90). Analyses are to the Lower Level of Detection (LLD) values for the GGNS I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program., No dose to the public is attributed to ground water since wells with results above MDA are bounded by wells which are less than minimum detectable activity(< MDA). Tritium, gamm*a and/or HTD results are shown in the table below. * *

  • All results were less than Reporting Levels of GGNS-ODCM table 6.12.1-2.

LOCATION DATE. TRITIUM (pCi/L) GAMMA (pCi/Ll DW-01 02/22/18 948 < MDA DW-01 06/06/18 1,980 <MDA DW-01 12/05/18 2,020 <MDA DW-02 02/21/18 722 <MDA DW-02 06/06/18 < 570 <MDA DW-02 09/18/18 744 <MDA DW-02 12/05/18 < 592 <MDA DW-03 02/22/18 < 581 < MDA DW-03 06/06/18 < 512 < MDA DW-03 09/19/18 744 < MDA DW-03 12/05/18 < 572 <MDA DW-04 02/20/18 < 544 <MDA DW-04 06/06/18 < 511 <MDA DW-04 09/19/18 880 < MDA DW-04 12/06/18 < 582 <MDA DW-07 02/20/18 4,010 <MDA DW-07 06/06/18 3,630 <MDA DW-07 09/18/18 3,540 < MDA .. DW-07 12/04/18 2,690 <MDA MW-01 02/20/18 < 558 <MDA MW-01 06/06/18 1,020 < MDA MW-01 09/18/18 972 < MDA MW-01 12/05/18 692 < MDA LOCATION DATE TRITIUM (pCi/L) GAMMA (pCi/L) MW-04 02/22/18 ~ 590 < MDA MW-04 06/06/18 < 528 * < MDA MW-04 09/19/18 < 562 < MDA MW-04 12/06/18 < 585 < MDA MW-05 09/20/18 < 598 < MDA MW-06 02/21/18 1,460 <MDA MW-06 06/05/18 1,640 < MDA MW-06 09/20/18 1,390 "--- < MDA MW-06 12/06/18 1,650 < MDA MW-1008

  • 12/04/18 < 575 <MDA MW-1018 02/21/18 < 491 < MDA MW-1018 06/05/18 < 505 < MDA MW-1018 09/18/18 < 596 < MDA MW-1018 12/05/18 < 579 < MDA MW-1028 12/05/18 < 587 < MDA MW-1038 12/04/18 < 575 <MDA MW-1048 12/04/18 < 572' < MDA MW-1058 02/20/18 617 < MDA MW~1058 06/05/18 < 580 < MDA MW-1058 09/18/18 < 577 < MDA MW-1058 12/04/18 < 581 < MDA MW-1068 02/21/18 < 491 < MDA 1

MW~1068 06/05/18 < 496 < MDA MW-1068 09/18/18 < 586 < MDA MW-1068 12/05/18 < 568 < MDA MW-1078 02/20/18 953 < MDA MW-1078 06/06/18 679 <MDA MW-1078 09/18/18 1,010 <MDA MW-1078 12/04/18 1,090 < MDA MW-1088 . 02/20/18 880 <MDA MW-1088 06/05/18 1,060 <MDA MW-1088 09/20/18 1,300 <MDA MW-1088 12/04/18 920 < MDA LOCATION


I MW-1098 02/21/18 916 * < MDA MW-1098 06/05/18 855 < MDA MW-1098 09/20/18 1150 < MDA MW-1098 12/06/18 < 586 < MDA MW-1108 02/20/18 < 580 <MDA MW-1108 06/05/18 < 504 <MDA MW-1108 09/18/18 < 600 . <MDA MW-1108 12/04/18 < 594 < MDA MW-1118 02/22/18 *< 577 * < MDA MW-1118 06/06/18 1,900 < MDA MW-1118 12/05/18 < 583 < MDA MW-1128 02/22/18 < 576 < MDA MW-1128 06/06/18 652 < MDA MW-1128 09/19/18 812 < MDA MW-1128 12/05/18 < 598 < MDA MW-1138 02/20/18 < 492 < MDA MW-1138 06/05/18 *< 505 < MDA MW-1138 09/18/18 < 561 < MDA MW-1138 12/05/18 < 571 < MDA MW-1148 02/20/18 1,490 < MDA MW-1148 . 06/05/18 1,310 < MDA MW-1148 09/18/18 2,380 < MDA MW-1148 12/05/18 1,580 < MDA MW-1158 02/22/18 < 593 < MDA MW-1158 06/06/18 941 < MDA MW-1158 09/19/18 1,030 < MDA MW-1158 12/05/18 1,210 < MDA MW-1168 02/22/18 < 501 < MDA MW-1168 06/06/18 < 508 < MDA MW-1168 09/19/18 < 582 <MDA MW-1168 12/05/18 < 596 <MDA MW-1188 02/22/18 < 592 < MDA MW-1188 06/06118 1,690 < MDA MW-1188 09/19/18 1,950 < MDA MW-1188 12/05/18 < 566 < MDA LOCATION DATE TR~TI UM (pCi/L) GAMMA (pCi/L) MW-1198 12/05/18 < 580 < MDA MW-1208 12/05/18 < 520 < MDA MW-1218 12/04/18 < 577 < M.DA MW-1228 02/21/18 < 497 < MDA MW-1228 06/05/18 < 510 < MDA MW-1228

  • 09/19/18 < 566 < MDA*

MW-1228 12/05/18 < 578 < MDA MW-1238 02/22/18 < 579 < MDA MW-1238 06/06/18 < 518 < MDA MW-1238 09/19/18 < 579 < MDA MW-1238 12/05/18 < 595 < MDA MW1007C 09/19/18 < 593 < MDA MW1009C 09/18/18 < 585 <MDA MW1012C 09/19/18 < 593 <MDA MW1020C 09/18/18 < 586 < MDA MW1024C 09/19/18 < 595 < MDA MW1027C 09/19/18 < 594 < MDA MW1042C 09/19/18 < 591 < MDA MW1082C 09/18/18 < 587 < MDA MW1134C 09/18/18 < 600 < MDA P-05 09/20/18 < 587 < MDA SW-102 06/05/18 < 504 < MDA SW-103A 02/20/18 < 397 < MDA SW-103A 06/05/18 < 498 < MDA SW-103A 09/19/18 < 579 < MDA SW-103A 12/05/18 < 562 < MDA

    < MDA - Less than Minimum Detectable Activity


                    'r) 1\ ~'IT\

GlJ'LF NUCL.EAR STATION OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL DOCKET NO. 50-416 INTRODUCTION The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) describes the methodology and paramete~s used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents, in the calculation of liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring Alarm/Trip sitpoints, and in the conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The ODCM also contains (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Technical Specification (TS) 5.5.4i and Technical Requirements Manual (TRM), (2) descriptions of the information that is included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Annual Radioacti~e Effluent Release Repoits required by TS 5.6.2 and 5.6.3, (3) a list and graphical description of the specific sample locations for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, and (4) diagrams of the liquid and gaseous radwaste treatment systems. The ODCM will be maintained at the station for use as a reference guide and training document of accepte d methodologies and calculations. 1 Changes in the calcuiationai methods or parameteis.will be incorporated into the ODCM in order to assure that the ODCM represents the present methodology in all applicable areas. Computer software to perform the described calculations will be maintained current with the ODCM. Changes to.the ODCM shall be accomplished as specified in TS 5.5.1. Records of reviews performed .for changes made to the ODCM shall be retained for the duration of the Unit Operating License. GANO GULF, UNIT 1 Revision 3i. - 12/05

ODCM REVISION TABLE The following ODCM Revision Table represents changes to the ODCM listed in the order of the most recent change: Description of Change(s) Revision Month/Year Affected Number of Change Page Number(s)

  • Corrections to Table 6.11.4-1 from LBDCR 2017-017 41 01/2019 A-39, A-41 (Correctsions implemented via LBDCR 2018-126)
  • Revise Tables 2.2-3, 2.2-3a, and 2.2-3b to 40 08/2018 i, vi, vii, replace X/Q and D/Q values with 2007-2016 annual viia, viii, averages. Update Reference 19. Add Reference 2.0-23,
20. 2.0-23a
  • Add air sample location to Table 3.0-1 and to 2. 0-23b,.

Figure 3. 0-1. 3.0-2, 3.0-7, A....:11 A-lla, A-23 A-23a, A-27 A-50, A-52

  • Revise ODCM to align usage of FUNCTIONAL versus LBDCR 1/2017 A-13, A-14, OPERABLE 15051 A-17, A-18, A-19, A-20, A-21, A-22, A-24, A-25, A-26, A-27, A-29, A-34, A-37, A-42, A-44, A-62, A-66, A-71,
  • Corrects Revision Table and List of Effective LBDCR 2/2018 .i, viii Pages Information for LBDCR 2017-00012 and LBDCR 18012 2017-00008 (Ref CR-GGN-2017-6796 CA4)
  • Revise Table 6.3.10-1 Section 3B to include note 39 03/2012 i, vii,
h. Note his to acknowledge ~4 Turbine Building viia, viib, roof hatches may be open in Modes 4 and 5. LDCR 2.0-35, A-2012-017 26, A-28, A-39, A-41,
  • Revise 6. 3. 9 to add condition E. Condition E is 38 03/2012 i, ia, vii, to acknowledge that as long as flow is monitored viib, A-14 and measured, there is no need to suspend dilution flow activities LBDCR 12-012
  • Revise Tables 2.2-3, 2.2-3a and 2.2-3b to replace 37 02/2009 i, ii, iii, X/Q and D/Q values with 2001-2005 annual vii, viia, averages, change to Reference 19, say 2008 Land 2.0-23 Use Census utilized, and specify method of 2.0-23a calculating parameters for unavailable location. 2.0-23b
  • Added second onsite vegetation sample location to Tables 2.2-3b and 3.0-2 and to Figure 3.0-1.
  • Renumbered pages 2.0-24a and 2.0-25. 2.0-25 thru 2.0-30
  • Deleted Pages 3. 0-6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d
  • Deleted Section 2.4, "Definitions of Gaseous 3.0-3a Effluents Parameters" since included throughout 3.0-7 Section 2.0.


LBDCR 2008-034

  • Adds Table 2.2-1.b, "Pathway Dose Factors for LCO 36 11/2008 i, ii, iia, 6.11.4 and Section 2.2.1.b, (Pi)", for age group v, vii "Child". 2.0-8
  • Changes note for Section 2.2.1.b to use Child 2.0-13 Inhalation Pi values from Table 2.2-lb. 2.0-14


LBDCR 2008-014 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 i Revision 41 01/19




~--*-1.....*. . .2._._1..,-..................._ . -.... irnurn Exposed Individual 1 Model 1. 0 7

1. 2. 2 Dose Pro1 ection ) r 1. o-s
   >1. 3                                                                        ! LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I    1.0-15                                                  !

2.0 I GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 2.1  ! GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITOR SETPOINTS 2.1.1 Continuous Ventilation Monitors 2.0-1 L. . --2. :).: .2...................................................,.........................T. . . e. ....x.......t. . . . . . .D......e.......1....e. . . .t. . .e. . . .ct............................................,. . . ~...................................................................................................................................................................................................... . . . -.. . .3.. . . . . . ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       + ......2.......*. . .0


'          2. 2. 1                                                                                         Unrestricted Area Boundary Dose Rate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2. 0-7 i          2. 2. 2                                                               1                         Unrestricted Area Dose to Indi victual                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ! 2. 0-9
!.         2. 2. 3 __ --**--

J___ Dose Projection .. om*-*-----**-*-------**----***-**---- ----*- _____ d J 2 ._0-lOb_ *- i 2.3 rMETEOROLOGICAL MODEL

-----~-:--~ :*~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • f . . . . . . . . . ~~:~-:~~=~~~--*-~~-:~=*~:*~~~--*-{~~~~~~----~~=~-a~"'--:*--. . ;c ......,, .....,..............................,,,....,, ... _............... .,= 0-24 .2 ..........
!          2.3.3                                                                  !                        Deposition (Hourly Averaqe)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            6                  l
1 )

j 2.4 .. j DELETED

;                            .                                                     ;                --*---------------------------~*-------.,,;...------*---------                                                                                                                                                                                                                   --..-------
!----.. ------**-**......*-                                                     *I . . . ,. ,. ,. , ., , ,_______,.,,-.,..,.-*-*-*---****-,*.*,.*,WN_,..,______                                                                                                     w .. -..,----**---*-*-*,..,..,_W<<-N*'"**W.*....                                -*---Wll,..llM-<Nm.._,**"'"'_____llll*'ll'"*"i'"""~-~=**::"""'"""'-:i i 2. 5                                                                             1   GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATME                                                                                                            ..........N                          . . .s.....T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ........T. . . . . .s.,....Y          . . .E      ........................................................................................._.................................................. j!.....2_;,,,,.*;....o.:. . .-.. . .3-......s................j
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . . . .M i

22~ L - -l ~:r~~tSER;~~:z:NJose Measurement ______. .,,. . . . -----*-*..***]~i}i..[=l

                                         .                                         t                                                                 .                                                  . . .                                    .               .                                                                    .
 .j 3.0                                                                            r-
                                                                                   ! RADIOLOGICAL                                                               ENVIRONMENTAL                                                    __, _______________________

MONITORING . _. ._____ ~-----+~--------~ L. .~. .:...! . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ......*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . .s. . .AM ......L

                                                                                              ...........P                  .....G
                                                                                                               ......I......N                .....c. . .A

____, L._. .o .......T........I......o..N ....s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+.......3.....*.....o . . .-. . . .1..................._.....1 APPENDIX A l-1--.*0---;,.,.._._________JJ~!!~!-~QI:~T~I!O:~_'!':i~.~NG ~O~~. .- - RADIOLOGIC~ EFFLUENT CONTROLS AND RADIOLOGICAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .           --=--~                                               A-0 A-2                                                ~
                                         .1                                                                                                       E. . FREQUENCY*-*NOTATION .... (DELETED) --**-..**-*--**--- -*--*-- *-- ........... A-4                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ----*- *-1
                                                                  ..........AP~~~c:_Ii~;r~~~~~J~~t~ TED)                                                                                                                                                                                  .. .                  . , ...                            .. .. . .                            .                 ...... ~---..                   --:=t..                                             *j GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                                                                                                                                                                                                   iii                                                                                                                                                     Revision 37 - 02/09

ODCM TABLE OFCC)NTENTS r*** ............. ~ie*c-t":i"o.n r .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .'rI"tie******************* ********************** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.age******** . .

   ! 5. 0                                                                                        ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS                                                                                                ,-----                                                                                                                                             AT-*
   !-5~--,---- ____ Annual_ Radioloiical .... Environmental                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0J2Brati_RepDrt_-+__                                                                         A:_9_ _ _

i 5. 6. 3 " _ .....[ . Annual_Radioact~:_~ffluent Relea:"e Report 6. 0 I ~!~~TING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE 1

                                                     -===r=_!_.~MENTS                                                                                                     --                                                                                                                                   ---------+------

f..* 6. 3 _w____l INSTRUMENTATION

6. 3. 9 j w,Radioacti ve -Liquid Effluent Monitoring
                                                                   --11-'-".___I_n_s trumen ta tion ________www_L*---*--------------*-----

1 6.3.10 I Radioactive Gaseous Effluent'Monitoring Instrumentation ) '

     !                                                           ------IF""""---                                                                                                      -------*------------------~r-*

i 6

  • 11-;,;__.;________ 4-,_ _ _ "-.,,;;.i-_;;,"o,;;_i;;,.;wc-_;;,-T;...;;-I;;_"VE;...;;--;;;,.-*E*ifFLUENT*s""""'""""'"""'""""'W"'"""W"""""""""""""'"'W'"w"-*"w**-----------....,___,,,,._..,..,__ ..._.._,,_______
     ~11.1                                                                                                        Liquid Effluents Concentration __ - -

6 . 11 . 2 Li quid E ff 1 uen t Dose - - - - - - - - - - - -.........------*---l 6 .11.*3 ~~Effluent_J:_J_§;_ste Treatmen!_-----------+--* 6.11.4 *--,mw,w"-'"""{---------**--*,---m*=-----.w.o-,,,.-w, Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate 6.11.5

   ;,,--..----*--*---*-*-!-""-----------                                                                          Gaseous                                 Effluent Dose - Noble Gases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ----- ---*                                                                                               ------~,-------'!

6.11.6 Gaseous Effluent Dose - Iodine-131, Iodine-133,

                                                                                                    ""*******"*** Tr_i ti_um., ........arrd . . Rad_ionucl_i_de s ....... in.......P.a_r_ticula te...... Form ............-..............

6.11. 7 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment

  • ir -6.11. 8 en ti la tion Exhaust Trea tmen--t--S---s--t--e-m----------
                ------                                          --                                                              **----- .                                                                      --..***--*---"""--*----------------+------,--


     !*****w<<******W**'""'"'"'""'"'"""'"'"'""'""'""'""'""'"'""'"'"'.J,."""'"'"'"'"'"'"""'""'""""'""""""'""'"'"""""""'"""'"'""'"""'"'""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""'"'""""'"'""""""'""'"""""'"""'"""""""" ""'"""'""'"""'""'"'"""'"'"""""""'""'""""'"""'""'"'"""""""'"""'"'"""""'""'""'"'"""""'"""""'"""'"W**-*<<**w*<<*"-""'""""'-'"'"""W**""""+,"*--*"""'""""'"-*"""-'""""'"'-*

6.12.J___ I Monitorigg Program  ! A-48

6. 12. 2 I Land Use Census -59

___ -----~---~-----~-~-~---_-_-_-------------------------- .. ~ SES __,iwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~

_ 6. 3 ------"**-*-- INSTRUMENTATION w,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w, * - - - ----------r----6_2_._____l
   ;         6.3.9                                                                                                Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -62
___________J Instrumentation -------..*-*-----------1,------i i 6. 3 .10 I Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring  ; A-62 1 6
- ~: 1. 1- -: RADI;t~?f ~;~~~;; s ~>==== =~~-=-=::========---===k-63--
   !--~:ii: L__ .r-Ei~~~sw:~~u~~;~tmen~----**-*:=**-**- =.=--* ~ - ~-~=~~ --

6.11. 4 Dose Rate A-66 I 6 .11. 5 Dose \- Noble Gases , ' A-67 *

     '       6.11.6                                                                                                Dose - Iodine-131, Iodine-133, Tritium and                                                                                                                                                                                                              A-69                                .

Radionuclides in Particulate Form

6 .11. 7/6 .11. 8---,-- Gaseous Radwaste Treatment and Ventilation Exhaust A-71
    !; .                                                                 ,.. . . . . . . . pc *......._,

Treatment '


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 iv Revision 28 - 10/04



Example Calibration Curve for Liquid Effluent Monitor 1.0-6

                                        , Liquid Radwaste Treatment System                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1.0-16 i    P1 um_e__D_e_p_~_:__ __:_:_r_:                                          ~_~                                                                 ~

__f_~_:___:. . . . . _a___:_:_._:__n_G____:___:_ ,,u___:_:__:..._~;:_*-~---:~;~_:_m_e_* -----*---------------=1~!;- ~--::---::-- tive Deposition for Ground-Level Releases

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . . . . . . . . . . .r. 2.0-33         j
2. o-34
2. 5-1 i Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System --------- 2. 0-35a 3 . o-1
         .0-2 c*o*I*I*e*c*t I-;~:::::::~~:~:~:~~::::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:::::::::?.::=::~:::::::~-~--~:~:::::::~~:~:~:::::.
                                        ! Collection Site Locations, General Area Map, 4-10 Mile Area Map
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~:~?.. . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :. . . . . . : : : : : :J: t: : ~: :~: :?.: =: ?.: : : : : : : : : :                              3.0-8 E  ~~,.,,..,.,.,,.,,.,.,_.,,,,,,,,..,.- ! ,,~.,,.,..,.,..,..,,,,,, ..,,,_..,,..,.,,..,_.,,,..,.,,,,,,_,,,w,,,,.,.,,,,...,,_..,,_..~,..,.,.,,.                                                                                                                    ~
                                                                                                                                              * *.,,.,,.,,.,.,., *** .,_,,.,.,..,..,.,,.,,, * .,,.,,,..,..,,,,_.,.,,.,,., *.,,,._.,,,,,,..,.,.,~,,,.,, **, *.,,** * .,,.,,,.,.,,,.,.,,..,,..,.,..,., ** ,.,,.,,., * .,,~,.,,.,,,..,.~,,.,,,,,,..,..,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,..,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,,..,.,..,.,,.,..,..,,,,,.,.,,_.,,.,,,,~,,..,.,,, * .,,,.,,,..,.,..,.,.. .,,,.,,..,.,,.,,.,,  - * .,,.,.,,..,..M.,,,.,,,.,.,.,,,.,,,~,,,~*.,.,_,*

LIST OF TABLES ii 1.-2-1 ~ ! Bioaccumµlation ----------*--*-*--------------~ ______,., -----------.*--*-**-* Factors 1. 0-9

                                      -i Ingestion                                                                  Dose Comrersion WF:3-ctors For Adults -- __.,______________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 , , u _ ,_ _ _ _ _                                               ~~.0-10 __
            *---+I s_~_te,,,,.,,::.,:~-~~d                                                                                             Ingestion Dose Commi ~men,,:-__~_::,:or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~2=_~__!

I for Exposure to a Semi-infinite Cloud of Noble 2.0-6 Gases way Dose Factors for LCO 6.11.4 and Section 2.2.1.b . -11 r--w-..----1-*w*,*-mw...*,,m,.,,.,,,,,,,,.,C'"""*-'"'*""-'"'_'_ _,..,,,_ _,_.m_____www_,,__w,_,,,_ _ _,,,,m,,_,,,_,,_,,,._,,,,_.__.,,,,,,_.,,,,,,_.___,________,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..),m---,.-,.---*m,..; t Pathway Dose Factors for LCO 6.11.4 and Section 2.2.1.b 2.0-13


I Pathway Dose Factors for LCO 6.11.6 and Section 2.2.2.b J 2.0-15

;...-2-_-2*-_-2--b*-*"'_J____,___                                      hwayDo-s"e Factors for LCO 6 .T1:-6_a_n_d___Se-ction 2. 2. "2. b :*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ---*r2*:o*-_-1_7_"""
                                            , Pathway Dose Factor~ 1 for LCO 6.11.~ and Section 2.2.2.b
         - - - - . . ; w , . . , _..,,,,,,..._,,_,,,_ _ _,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ ,_ _ _ _,,,,,,,,,_,,,,_,,_ _,,,,,,,,,_,_ _ _ _www_ _, , _ ,__.,_ _.,_,._,,._.w4'*m,m_,__.,,,,_,_____- - j Pathway Dose Factors for LCO 6.11.6 and Section 2.2.2.b Controlling Receptors, Locations and Atmospheric Dispersion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .0-23 Parameters for LCOs 6.11.5, 6.11.6 and 6.11.8
                                                  ~~:: t::~:~a;~c:;::;P~=:~~l~~:P:::~:: : :a: ~:r:o~~:a~~of:~ ~~~ i ~: ~=~~

6.11. 4 1 I r-2. 3-1* -----***------------------.----* "* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Deleted . 0-2 6 ~ 3.0-1 ir Sampler Collection Sites

, 3.0-2                                            Miscellaneous Collection Sites
! 3. 0-3                              TnD -Loca~~-ons                                                                                                          -*-----*------

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 v Revision 36 - 11/08

ODCM LIST OF~ERENCES I l~Boegli, T. S., R. R .. Bellamy, W. L. Britz, and R. L. Wa.terfj_eld, "Preparation I I of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," I NUREG-0133 (October 1978).

  • r~1~~~c~~:~~~~~!e A~¥~;~~~=~~n~!~J~~~~mn~O~~~~~~~~~ci~r U~~~~tS--

l------+---""'-u_l.a tory Guide lJJ22__J~arc~~L~.L ---------- 3~ Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for 1 the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I, U.S. NRC i----_,,,__R_e,.,,,.,ulatory Guide 1.109., Rev. 1 (Octob3-r 1977). ,,,,,,, ------

4. "Environmental Report," Mississippi Power and Light Company, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2.
            "Final Safety Analysis Report," Mississippi Power and Light Company, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.

ethOAC:fs-'ior Estimati-;ig~Atmospheric TI'anSpor1; and Dis-,pe~Sion .of Gaseous __, , , ,. . .,., , ,., . , ,~ Effluents in Routine Releases from Light - Water - Cooled Reactors, U.S. NRC g_ulato~~i~-1.11_1 (March_ 1976). -------------- thods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous fluents in Routine Releases from L~ght - Water - Cooled Reactors, U.S. NRC ula tor Guide_,J-__'._l +1, Rev. 1 l'2.£1-,,,Y.,,_~,~ 7 7) . -----~-*---*-,,-*--*--*--- *----*---*-,,- Age-Specific Radiation Dose Corrimitment Factors for a One-Year Chronic Intake, NUREG-0172, November 1977. EER 93-6246 "X/Q and D/Q Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Factors". i-------f--N,PE Calculation #XC-Ql 111-94 0 02,,, Re-vision 2. _____________,,,_,,,,,_ GIN 97 /01515 "Determination o.f Composite D.ose Factor based on GGNS Historical

         . Gaseous Releases".                                                                                                                                    *                                           .
  • I GIN 99/00i52 "Liquid Monitor-Trip Setpoint for Tankswithn"o Gamma Emit~ers" NUREG/CR-2919, "XOQDOQ: Computer Program for the ~-eteorological Evaluation of-1 Routine Effluent Rel~as~s at Nuclear Powe~-~!at~ons'_'_._ __

1 NPE Calculation #XC~Qll~l-01008, Revision O ' IN-2002/00314 "Evaluation o*:r0pctated Dispersio~- amfoeposition Factors". __ GIN-2002/00~~Histortcal ODCM Meteorological Model and Recirculation Factor Calculation Analysis".

17. I GIN-2001/01196 "Liquid Process and Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitor I Calibration Basis".


18. GIN-2 005/005 62 "Radiological Assessment of Storm Drain Tritium discharges at Lthe Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.
19. GIN-20lq/00046 "Review of 2007-2016 Annual Average Relative Concentration and I Re-la ti ve Deposition". *** .. **m*o,_,,_..,...,, ** ,.., .... .,..,,...,,.,,.A *.,..._ *.,.,_,....,.,...,,,.,..,,._.,,..,,...., ... ~ .... - ..... ,,..,,,,..,.,.,...,,,.._.,....,._.,.,,.,.,.,,..,.,..,A*.,**,,_...,.,.,.,_.,.,#,*....,-*N**..,
20. rl GIN-2018-00104 "2007-2016 Annual Average Relative Concentrati_o_n_a_n_d_R_e_l_a_t_i_v_e~_,,;,l.

Deposition Daylight hours Only." GRAND .GULF, UNIT 1 vi Revision 40 - 8/18

                                    *ODCM LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page No.        Rev No.                   Page No.         Rev No.

Cover Page 31 2.0-16a 25 2.0-16b 25 i 40 2.0-16c 25 ii LBDCR 15051 2.0-16d 25 iii 37 2.0-16e 25 iv 28 2.0-16£ 25 v 36 2.0-17 25 vi 40 2.0-18 25 vii 40 \ 2.0-18a 25 vii a 40

                           .. ( *.

2.0-18b 25 viii 40 2~. 0--:18c 25

1. 0-1 17 2.0-18d 25 1.0-2 17 2.0-18e 25
1. 0-3 17 2.0-18£ .25
1. 0-'-4 15 2.0-18g 25
1. 0-5 26 2.0-18h 25 l.0-5a 26 2.0-19 25
1. 0-6 21 2.0-20. 25
1. 0-7 32 2.0-20a 25
1. 0-8 32 '

2.0-20b 25

1. 0-9 11 2.0-20c 25*
1. 0-10 0 2.0-20d 25 1.0-11 11 2.0-20e 25 1.0-12 0 2.0-20f 25
1. 0-13 22 1.0-14
  • 2.0-20g 25 22 2.0-20h 25 1.0-15 31 2.0-21 25
1. 0-16 31 2.0-22 25 2.0-22a 25 2.0-1 17 2.0-2 2.0-22b 25 25 2.0-3 2.0-22c 25 2

2.0-4 2.0-22d 25 23 2.0-5 2.0-22e 25 24

2. 0-6 . 2.0-22f .25 22 2.0-7 2.0-22g 25 17 2.0-8 2.0-22h 25 36 2.0-9 2.0-23 40 25 2.0-10 2.0-23a 40 25 2.0-lOa 2.0-23b 40 25
  *2.0-lOb                                   2.0-24                 25 17 2 ..0-11                                  2.0-25                 37 22 2.0-12                                    2.0-26                 37 22
2. 0-13 2.0-27 37 36 2.0-14 2.0-28 37 36 2.0-15 2.0-29 37 25 2.0-16 25 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 vii Revision 40 - 08/18

ODCM LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page No. Rev No. Page No. Rev No. 2.0-30 37 2.0-31 15. 2 .* 0-32 25 2.0-33 15 2.0-34 25 2.0-35 ~ 39. 2.0-35a 33 2.0-36 35 2.0-37 35 3.0-1 ( 35 3.0-2 40 3 .'0-3 35

3. o.-3a 37 3.0-4 35 3.0-5 35 3.0-6 20 3.0-7 40 3.0-8 35 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 vii a Revision 40 - 08/18

ODCM LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page No. Rev No. Page No. Rev No. APPENDIX A A-42 LBDCR 15051 A-43 17 iA..:..O 17 IA-4 4 LB"DCR 15051 IA-1 17 IA-45 17 IA-2 17 IA-4 6 17 A-*3 17 A-47 17 A-4 17 A-48 17 I A-5 17 A-49 17 A-6 17 A-50 35 A-7 17 A-51 32 A-8 17 A-52 35 A-9 22 A-53 35 A-10 -17 A-54 20 A-1.1 40 A-55 17 A-lla 40 A-56 17 A-12 17 A-57 17 A-12a 27 A-58 17 A-13 LBDCR 15051 A-59 20 A-14 LBDCR 15051 A-60 20 A-15 17 A-61 17 lA-16 17 lA-62 LBDCR 15051 lA-17 LBDCR 15051 lA-63 17 A-18 LBDCR 15051 A-64 17 IA-19 LBDCR,15051 A-65 17 IA-20 LBDCR 15051 A-66 LBDCR 15051 IA-21 LBDCR 15051 IA-67 22 IA-22 LBDCR 15051 IA-68 17 IA-23 1 40 A-69* 17 IA-23a 40 IA-7 o 17 IA-24 ,1,LBDCR 15051 IA-71 LBDCR 15051 A-25 LBDCR 15051 IA-72 17 A-26 LBDCR 15051 IA-7 3 17 A-27 40 A-74 17 A-28 39 A-29 LBDCR 15051 A-30 17 A-31 17 A-32 17 IA-33 17 IA-34 LBDCR 15051 A-35 17 A-36 17 A-37. LBDCR 15051 A-38 17 A-39 41 A-40 17 A-41 \ 41 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 viii Revision 41 01/19

1.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1.1 Liquid.Effluent Monitor Setpoints 1.1.1 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors provide alarm.and autom&tic termination of release prior to exceeding ten times the concentration limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 at the release point to the unrestricted area. To meet this specification and for tpe, purpose of implementation of LCO 6.3.9, the alarm/trip setpointq for liquid effluent monitors and flow measurement devices are set to assure that the f6llowing equation is satisfied: cf  :::; c F + f (1) where: C t~n times the effluent concentration limit (LCO 6.11.1) implementing 10CFR20 for the site, in µCi/ml. c = The setpoint, representative of a radioactivity concentration in µCi/ml, of the radioactivity monitor measuring the radioactivity in the waste tank effluent line prior to dilution and subsequent release; the, setpoint, which is inversely proportional to the volumetric.flow of the effluent line and directly proportional to* the volumetric flow of the dilution stream plus the waste tank effluent stream, represents a value which, ~f exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding ten times the limits of 10CFR20 in the unrestricted area. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-1 Revision 17 - 03/95

f the waste tank *effluent flow setpoint as measured at the radiation monitor location, in volume per unit time, but in the same units as F, below. F = the d{lution water flow set~oint as measured prior to the release point, in volume per unit time. At Grand Gulf Unit 1, the available dilution water flow (F) should be constant for a given release, and the waste tank flow (f) and monitor setpoint (c) are set to meet the condition of equation 1 for a g~ven effluent concentration, C. The method by which this is accomplished is as follows: Step 1) The isotopic concentration for a waste tank to be released is obtained from the sum of the measured concentrations as determined by the analysis required in ODCM Table 6.11.1-1:

                              ~c.i  LC g + Ca + LC s + Ct + cf          (2) i     g            s where:

L c the sum of concentrations C of each .measured gamma g g g emitter observed by gamma-ray spectroscopy of the waste sample. , c the concentration C of gr6ss alpha emitters in a a liquid waste as measured in the monthly composite sample. L C the measured concentrations of Sr-89 and Sr-90 in s s liquid waste as observed in the quarterly composite sample. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-2 Revision 17 - 03/95

Ct the measured concentration of H-3 in liquid waste as determined from analysis of the monthly composite sample. C = the concentration of Fe-55 in liquid waste as measured f in the quarterly composite sample. The C term will b~ included in the analysis of each waste g_ tank batch to be released; terms £or alpha, strontiums, tritium and iron are included if analysis of liquid waste has shown the presence of these isotopes. Step 2) The measured radionuclide concentrations are used to calculate a Dilution FactoL, D.F., which is the ratio of total dilution flow rate to waste tank effluent flow rate required to assure that ten times the limiting concentration of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 are met at the point of d1scharge. c. l D.F. [L x S.F. i EC. l c c c ct cf g a s [L + + L + + ] x S.F. (3) g EC EC s EC ECt ECf g a s where: C. C, C, Cs' Ct ahd Cf; measured concentrations as i g a. defined in Step 1. Terms C, C, C a~d Cf will be a *s. t included in the calculation as appropriate. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-3 Revision 17 - 03/95

EC. EC, EC, EC ,EC and ECf are ten times the l g a s t , , limiting concentrations of the appropriate radionuclide fro~ 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 1, Column 2. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2.0E-4

                            µCi/ml total activity.

S.F. an administrative safety factor normally applied at Grand Gulf which causes the calculated Dilution Factor to be two (2) times larger than the dilution factor required for compliance with ten times 10CFR20 limits. Step 3) The maximum permissible waste tank effluent flow rate prior to dilution, fd, is calculated based on a fixed fraction of the dilution flow rate, Fd: Fd + fd Fd ( 4) D.F. D.F. where: Fd 0.9 x minimum expected dilution flow rate fd maximum permissible waste tank effluent flow rate D.F. Dilution Factor from Step 2. NOTE: Equation 4 is valid only for D.F~>l; for D.F.Sl, the waste tank effluent concentration meets the limits, of ten times the limiting concentrations of 10CFR20 without dilution, and fd may take on any desired value.

     \   Step 4)  The dilution flow rate setpoint for minimum dilutiqn flow rate, F, and waste tank flow rate setpoint for maximum waste tank effluent flow rate, f, are calculated as follows:

F Fd = 0.9 x minimum expected dilution flow rate(5) f 0.9 x fd = 0.9 x calculated maximum waste tank flow rate for the stated release conditions. (6) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1.0-4 Revision 15 - 01/94

1 Thus, if instrumentation indicates the dilution flow rate falls below the assumed flow rate of 90 percent of the

                  .actual dilution flow, or if the waste tank effluent flow rate exceeds 90 percent of the calculated maximum waste tank effluent flow rate, the release is terminated (manually or automatically).

Step 5) The radioactivity monitor setpoint may now be specified based on the values of I.e., F~ and f which were specified l l to provide compliance with ten times the limits of 10CFR20,


Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. The monitor response is primarily to gamma radiation; therefore, when determining the setpoint, SP the summation of the gamma emitters in the tank is used and SP is determined as follows: Where: fct maximum permissible waste tank effluent flow rate (gpm) fa actual or maximum expected waste' tank effluent flow , ra~e (gpm) ICg Summation of all detected gamma emitters (uCi/ml) MRF Monitor Response Factor ( cpm/uCi/ml) ( Figure 1. 0-1) (l 7) For waste tanks where the quantity of gamma emitters does not produce a significant response above background, Sp, may be determined as follows: If Sp= 0, i.e. no gamma emitters present, then Sp 2700 cpm Or If Sp< (Monitor Error x Background), then Sp= (Monitor Error x Background). Provided that the error times the background is not greater than 2700 cpm. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-5 Revision 26 *- 02/04

Note: 2700 cpm is based on Cesium-137 monitor response and the limits specified in LCO 6 .11.1. ' 12 ) The Monitor Error will normally be set at 25% (based on the 7 calibration error) (l l. The liquid monitor trip setpoint Sp+ Monitor Background NOTE: Setpoint adjustments are not required if the existing setpoint corresponds to a lower count rate th~n the calculated value. The setpoint contains a factor of conservatism, even if the calculated maximum waste tank flow rate is attainable, since the calculated rate contains the safety factor margin, waste tank effluent flow rate margin, and the. dilution flow rate margin. In practice, the actual waste tank effluent flow rate normally is many times less I than the qalculated tank flow rate, thus pr6viding an additional conservatism during release. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-5a Revision 26 - 02/04

I Figure 1.0-1 Example Calibratio n Curve for Liquid Efflu~nt Monit~r 1.0E-04 I


1/ II 1/11 v v 1.0E..()5





                                                                                   ,)7 1111

[/ vv l/

                                                              ,, ~

1,1' I ll vv I 1.0E-07 1 J v




1.0E-08 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1 Count Rate (counts per minute)


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-6 Revision 21 - 12/97

1.2 Dose Calculations for Liquid Effluents

1. 2 .1 Maximum Exposed Individual Model The dose *contribution to the maximum exposed individual from all radionuclides identified in liquid effluents released to unrest~icted areas is calculated for the purpose of implementing LCO 6.11.2, 6.11.3, and TS 5.6.3 using the following expression:

m ( 1) D (millirem) ( 8) Tau L [AiTau i where: A. Site-related ingestion dose commitment factor

                   . 1Tau for radionJclide i, in millirem/hi per µCi/ml~

K UF BF. DF. O l l L1t 1 . length of the time period over which Cil and F 1 are averaged for all liquid releases, in hours. average concentration of radionuclide i observed in the undiluted liquid effl,uent during time period ~t1 from any liquid release in µCi/ml. Concentratio~s are deter~ined in accordance with the requirements of Table 6.11.1-1, 6.12-1-1 and 6.12.1-3. For composite samples, the last measured value from the most recent monthly and quarterly composite samples will be used in the dose calculation. NOTE: LLD values are not used in dose calculations. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-7 Revision 32 - 12/05

F Dilution factor for Cil during any liquid effluent 1 release. For releases via the discharge basin, F 1 is the dilution ip the near field and is defined as the ratio of the average undiluted liquid waste flow during release to the product of the iverage flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted

                                  .                                                (5) receiving waters times the applic_able factor of 2 average undiluted liquid waste flow average flow from site discharge x 2 For releases via the 007 outfall, F 1 is defined as the 007 outfall runoff to the total runoff into Hamilton Lake.        It is the environmental dilution derived from the lowest historical,annual precipitation as
  • recorded in the FSAR = 0. 10 (lBJ 5

K units conversion factor 1.14 x 10 0 6 3 10 pCi x 10 ml 8766 hr

                                µCi              kg           yr (3) adult fish consumption (21 kg/yr)

Bioaccumulation factor for each nuclide, i, in in pCi/kg per pCi/1 from ODCM Table 1.2-1. DF1 Dose conversion factor for each nuclide, ij for adults in preselected organ, Tau, in mrem/pCi, from ODCM Table 1.2-2. Calculated values of A. for radionuclides which might be

  • 1Tau observed in liquid effluents are given in ODCM Tabl~ 1.2-3.
1. 2. 2 Dose Projection Doses from l1quid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS are projected at lea~t every 31 days as required by LCO 6.11.3.

These projections are made by averaging the doses (DT )

                                                                    .        . au from previous operating history (normally the previous six months) which is indicative of expected future operations.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-8 Revision 32 - 12/05

TABLE 1.2-1 BIOACCUMULATION FACTORS, (BF.) l (pCi/kg per pCi/liter)* FRESHWATER ELEMENT FISH INVERTEBRATE H 9.0E-01 9.0E-01 c 4.6E+03 9. 1E+03 NA 1. OE+02 2.0E+02 p 1.0E+05 2.0E+04 CR 2.0E+02 2.0E+03 MN 4.0E+02 9.0E+04 FE 1.0E+02 3.2E+03 co 5.0E+Ol 2.0E+02 NI 1.0E+02 1.0E+02 cu 5.0E+Ol 4.0E+02 ZN 2.0E+03 1.0E+04 BR 4.2E+02 3.3E+02 RB 2.0E+03 1.0E+03 SR 3.0E+Ol 1.0E+02 y 2.5E+Ol 1. OE+03 ZR 3.3E+OO 6.7E+OO NB 3.0E+04 1. OE+02 MO 1.0E+Ol l.OE+Ol TC 1.SE+Ol 5.0E+OO RU l.OE+Ol 3.0E+02 RH l.OE+Ol 3.0E+02 SB 1. OE+OO 1.0E+Ol TE 4.0E+02 6.1E+03 I l.SE+Ol 5.0E+OO cs 2.0E+03 1.0E+03 BA 4.0E+OO 2.0E+02 LA 2.SE+Ol l.OE+03 CE l.OE+OO 1.0E+03 PR 2.SE+Ol 1.0E+03 ND 2.SE+Ol l.OE+03 w 1. 2E+03 1. OE+Ol NP l.OE+Ol 4.0E+02

  • Values in Table 1.2-1 are taken from Reference 3, Table A-1, except for SB which was taken from Reference 2, Table A-8.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-9 Re v ision 11 - 06/88


  • Page 1 of 3 NUCLIDE BONE LIVER T. BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LL I H 3 NO DATA 1.0SE-07 1. OSE-07 l.OSE-07 1.05E-07 l.OSE-07 l.OSE-07 c 14 2.84E-06 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 NA 24 l.70E-06 l.70E-06 1.70E-06 l.70E-06 1. 70E-06 l.70E-06 1.70E-06

p 32 l.93E-04 1.20E-05 7.46E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.17E-05 CR 51 NO DATA NO DATA 2.66E-09 1. 59E-09 5.86E-10 3.53E-09 6 .,69E-07 MN 54 NO DATA 4.57E-06 - B. 72E-07 NO DATA 1. 36E-06 NO DATA l.40E-05 MN 56 NO DATA 1.lSE-07 2.04E-OB NO DATA 1.46E-07 NO DATA 3.67E-06 FE 55 2.75E-06 l.90E-06 4.43E-07 NO DATA NO DATA .. 1.06E-06 l.09E-06 FE 59 4.34E-06 **1.02E-05 3.91£-06 NO DATA NO DATA 2.85E-06 3.40E-05


co 58 NO DATA 7.45E-07 1. 67£-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA l.SlE-05 co 60 NO DATA 2.14E-06 4.72E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4,02E-05 NI 63 l.30E-04 9.0lE- 06 4.36E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO . DATA 1. BBE-06 NI 65 5.28E-07 6.86E-08 3.lJE-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.74E-06 cu 64 NO DATA 8.33E-08 3.91E-08 NO DATA 2.lOE-07 NO DATA 7.lOE-06 ZN 65 4.84E-06 1. 54E,-Q5 6.96E-06 NO DATA 1. 03E-05 NO DATA 9.70E-06 ZN 69 1. 03E-0 8 1. 97E-O B 1. 37E-0 9 NO DATA l.28E-OB NO DATA 2.96E-09 BR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 4.02E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.79E-08 BR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 5.21E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.0 9E-13 BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 2.14E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 RB 86 NO DATA 2. llE-05 9. 83E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.16E-06 RB BB NO DATA 6 . 0SE-08 3.21E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.36E-19

.-- - ~---------------------------------- - -- ------ .

RB 89 NO DATA 4.0lE-08 2.82E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.33E-21 SR 8 9 3 . 0SE-04 NO DATA 8.84E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.94E-05 SR 90 7.SBE-03 NO DATA l.86E-03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.1'9E-04 SR 91 5 . 67E-06 NO DATA 2.29£-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.70E-05 SR 92 2.15E-06 NO DATA 9.JOE-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.26E-05 y 90 9.62E-09 NO DATA 2.58E-10 NO DATA NO DATA

  • NO DATA 1 . 02E-04 Y 91M 9.09E-11 NO DATA 3.52E-12 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2. 67E-10 Y 91 1. 41E-07 NO DATA 3.77E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.76E-05 Y 92 B.45E-10 NO DATA 2. 47E-ll NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.48E-05
  • Values taken from Re f e rence 3, Table E-11.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1. 0-10 Re v ision O - 08/82

TABLE 1. 2-2 (Continued) INGESTION DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS FOR ADULTS, (DF.) l (mrem per pCi ingested)

  • Page 2 of 3 NUCLIDE BONE LIVER T. BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LL I y 93 2.68E-09 NO DATA 7.40E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.50E-05 ZR 95 3.04E-08 9.75E-09 6.60E-09 NO DATA l.53E-08 NO DATA 3.09E-05 ZR 97 l.68E-09 3.39E-10 ) . 55E-10 NO DATA 5.12E-10 NO DATA 1. 05E-04 NB 95 6.22E-09 3.46E-09 l.86E-09 NO DATA 3.42E-09 NO DATA 2.lOE-05 MO 99 NO DATA 4.31E-06 8.20E-07 NO DATA 9.76'E-06 NO DATA 9.99E-06 TC 99M 2.47E..,10 6.98E-10 8.89E-09 NO DATA 1.06E-08 3.42E-10 4,13E-07 TC101 2.54E-10 3.66E-10 3.59E-09 NO DATA 6.59E-09 1.87E-10 l.lOE-21 RU103 1.85E-07 NO DATA 7.97E-08 NO DATA 7 .*06E-07 NO DATA 2.16E-05 RU105 1. 54E-08 NO DATA 6.08E-09 NO DATA 1.99E-07 NO DATA 9.42E-06 RU106 2.75E-06 NO DATA 3.48E-07 NO DATA 5.31E-06 NO DATA l.78E-04 AGllOM l.60E-07 l.48E-07 8.79E'._08 NO DATA 2.91E-07 NO DATA 6.04E-05 SB124 2.80E-06 5.29E-08 1.llE-06 6.79E-09 0.0 2.18E-06 7.95E-05 SB125+D 1.79E-06 2.00E-08 4.26E-07 1. 82E-09 0.0 1. 38E-06 . l.97E-05 SB126 l.15E-06 2.34E-08 4.15E-07 7.04E-09 0.0 7.05E-07 9.40E-05 SB127 2.58E-07 5.65E-09 9.90E-08 3.lOE-09 0.0 1. 53E-07 5.90E-05 TE125M 2.68E-06 9. 71E-07 3.59E-07 8.06E-07 1. 09E-05 NO DATA l.07E-05 TE127M 6.77E-06 2.42E-06 8.25E-07 1.73E-06* 2.75E-05 NO DATA 2.27E-05 TE127 l. lOE-07 3.95E-08 2.38E-08 8.15E-08 4.48E-07 NO DATA 8.68E-06 TE129M 1. 15E-:--05 4.29E-06 1. 82E-06 3.95E-06 4.80E-05 NO DATA 5.79E-05 TE129 3.14E-08 1.18E-08 7.65E-09 2.41E-08 1. 32E-07 NO DATA 2.37E-08 TE131M 1.73E-06 8.46E-07 7.05E-07 1.34E-06 8.57E-06 NO DATA 8.40E-05 TE131 l.97E-08 8.23E-09 6.22E-09 1.62E-08 8.63E-08 NO DATA 2.79E-09 TE132 2.52E-06 1. 63E-06 1. 53E-06 l.80E-06 1. 57E-05 NO DATA 7.71E-05 I 130 7.56E-07 2.23E-06 8.80E-07 l.89E-04 3.48E-06 NO DATA 1. 92E-06 I 131 4.16E-06 5.95E-06 3.41E-06 1.95E-03 1.02E-05 NO DATA 1.57E-06 I 132 2.03E-07 5.43E-07 1. 90E-07 1.90E-05 8.65E-07 NO DATA 1.02E-07 I 133 1.42E-06 2.47E-06 7.53E-07 3.63E-04 4.31E-06 NO DATA 2.22E-06 I 134 1.06E-07 2.88E-07 1.03E-07 4.99E-06 4.58E-07 NO DATA 2.51E-10 I 135 4.43E-07 1.16E-06 4.28E-07 7.65E-05 l.86E-06 NO DATA 1.31E-06 CS134 6.22E-05 1. 4 8E-04 1.21E-04 NO DATA 4.79E-05 1. 59E-05 2.59E-06 CS136 6.51E-06 2.57E-05 1. 85E-05 NO DATA 1.43E-05 1. 96E-06 2.92E-06
  • Values taken from Reference 3, Table E-11, except for SB values which were taken from Reference 8, Table 4.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1.0-11 Revision 11 - 06/88

TABLE 1. 2-2 (Continued) INGESTION DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS FOR ADULTS, (DF.) l (mrem per pCi ingested)

  • Page 3 of 3 NUCLIDE BONE LIVER T. BODY THYROID KIDNEY 'LUNG GI-LLI CS137 7.97E-05 1.09E-04 7.14E-05 NO DATA 3. 70E.-05 1.23E-05 2. llE-06 CS138 5.52E-08 1. 09E-07 5.40E-08 NO DATA 8. OlE-08 7. 91E-09 4.65E-13 BA139 9.70E-08 *6. 91E-11 2.84E-09 NO DATA 6. 46E-11 '\3. 92E-11 1. 72E-07 BA140 2.03E-05 2.55E-08 l.33E-06 NO DATA 8.67E-09 l.46E-08 4.18E-05 BA141 4. 71E-08 3.56E-11 1;59E-09 NO DATA 3.31E-ll 2. 02E-ll ~.22E-17 BA142 2.13E-08 2.19E-ll 1. 34E-09 NO DATA l.85E-ll l.24E-ll 3.00E-26 LA140 2.50E-09 l.26E-09 3.33E-10. NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.25E-05 LA142 1.28E-10 5.82E-11 1. 45E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.25E-07 CE141 9.36E-09 6.33E-09 7.18E-10 NO DATA 2.94E-09 NO DATA 2.42E-05 CE143 1. 65E-09 1. 22E-06 l.35E-10 NO DATA *s.37E-10 NO DATA 4.56E-05 CE144 4.88E-07 2.04E-07 2.62E-08 NO DATA 1. 2 lE-07 NO DATA l.65E-04 PR143 9.20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-10 NO DATA 2*.13E-09 NO DATA 4.03E-05 PR144 . 3. OlE-11 l.25E-11 l.53E-12 NO DATA 7.05E-12 NO DA\I'A 4.33E-18 ND147 . 6. 29E-09 7.27E-09 4.35E-10 NO DATA 4.25E-09 NO DATA 3.49E-05 w 187 1.03E-07 8.61E-08 3.0lE-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.82E-05 NP239 l.19E-09 l.17E-10 6. 45E-ll NO DATA 3.65E-10 NO DATA 2.40E-05
  • Values taken from Reference 3, Table E-11 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1~0-12 Revision O - 08/82

TABLE 1.2-3 SITE RELATED INGESTION DOSE COMMITMENT FACTOR Page 1 of 2 Release Type; 1 Liquid Dose Factor; O AiTau ((mrem/hr)/(uCi/ml) )* AgeGroup; O ADULT Pathway: 2 Fresh Water Fish - Comm. (FFCM) Nuclide Bone J. i ver- Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 2.26e-01 2.26e-01 2.26e-01 2.26e-01 2.26e-01 O.OOe+OO 2.26e-01 C-14 3.13e+04 6.26e+03 6.26e+03 6.26e+03 6.26e+03 6.26e+03 O.OOe+OO 6.26e+03 NA-24 4.07e+02 4.07e+02 4.07e+02 4.07e+02 4.07e+02 4.07e+02 O.OOe+OO 4.07e+02 P-32 4.62e+07 2.87e+06 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.19e+06 O.OOetOO 1.79e+06 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.61e-01 2.Sle-01 1.69e+OO 3.20e+02 O.ODe+OO l.27e+OO MN-54 O.OOe+OO 4.38e+03 O.OOe+OO l.30e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.34e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.35e+02 MN-56 O.OOe+OO 1.10e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.40e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.51e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.95e+Ol FE-55 6.58e+02 4.55e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.54e+02 2.61e+02 O.OOe+OO l.06e+02 FE-59 1.04e+03 2.44e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.82e+02 8.14e+03 O.OOe+OO 9.36e+02 C0-58 0.00e+OO 8.92e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.8le+03 O.OOe+OO 2.00e+02 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 2.56e+02 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.8le+03 O.OOe+OO 5.65e+02 NI-63 3.lle+04 2.16e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.50e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.04e+03 NI-65 1.26e+02 l.64e+Ol O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.17e+02 O.OOe+OO 7.49e+OO CU-64 O.OOe+OO 9.97e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.Sle+Ol 0.00e+OO 8.50e+02 O.OOe+OO 4.68e+OO ZN-65 2.32e+04 7.37e+04 O. OOe+OO 4.93e+04 O.OOe + OO 4. 64e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.33e+04 ZN-69 4.93e+Ol 9.43e+Ol O.OOe+OO 6.13e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.42e+Ol O.OOe+OO 6.56e+OO BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.82e+Ol O.OOe+OO 4.04e+Ol BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.lle-04 O.OOe+OO 5.24e+Ol BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+DD O.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.DDe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.15 e +DO RB-86 O.OOe+OO 1 . Dle+05 O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.99e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.7le+04 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 2 . 90e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.00e-09 O.OOe+OO 1.54e+02 RB-89 O.OOe+OO 1 . 92e+02 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.12e-ll O.OOe+OO l.35e+02 SR-89 2.2le+04 0.00e+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+O O O.OOe+OO *J.55e+03 O.OOe+OO 6.35e+02 SR-90 5 . 44e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.57e+04 O.OOe+OO l.34e+05 SR-91 4.07e+02 O. OOe+,00 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.94e+03 O.OOe+OO l.64e+Ol SR-92 1.54e+02 O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.06e+03 O.OOe+OO- 6.68e+OO Y-90 5.76e-Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6 .10e+03 O.OOe+OO l.54e-02 Y-91 8.44e+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.64e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.26e-01 Y-9111 5.44e-03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.60e-02 O.OOe+OO 2.lle-04 Y-92 5.06e-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O O O.OOe+OO 8.86e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.48e-03 Y-93 1.60e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.09e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.43e - 03 ZR-95 2.40e-01 7.70e-02 0.00e+OO 1.21e-01 O.ODe+OO 2.44e+02 O.OOe+OO 5.2le-02 ZR-97 1.33e-02 2.68e-03 O.OOe+OO 4.04e-03 0.00e+OO 8.30e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.22e-03 NB-95 4.47e+02 2.48e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.46e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.5l e +06 0.00e+OO 1.34e+02 M0-99 0.00e+OO 1.03e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.34e+02 O.OOe+OO 2. 3 9e+02 0.00e+OO 1.96e +Ol TC-99M 8 . 87e-03 2. Sle-02 O.OOe+OO 3.Sle-01 1.23e-02 1.48e+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.19e-01 TC-101 9 . 12e-03 1.31e-02 O.OOe+OO 2.37e-01 6.72e-03 3.95e-14 0.00e+OO 1.29e-01 RU-103 4.43e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.69e +Ol O.OOe+OO 5.17e+02 O.OOe+OO l.91e+OO RU-105 3.69e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.76e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.26e+02 O.OOe +OO 1.46e-01 RU-106 6.58e+Ol O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.27e+02 O.OOe+OO 4.26e+03 O.OOe+OO 8.33e+OO AG-llDM 8.Ble-01 8. 15e-01 O.OOe+OO l.60e+OO O.DOe+OO 3.33e+02 O.OOe+OO 4.84e-01

  • Calculated from Equation 8 .

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1.0 - 1 3 Re vi s i on O - 0 8 / 82

TABLE 1.2-3 (Continued) SITE RELATED INGESTION DOSE COMMITMENT FACTOR Page 2 of 2 Release Type: 1 Liquid Dose Factor: O AiTau { (mrem/hr)/{uCi/ml) )* AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: 2 Fresh Water Fish - Comm. (FFCM) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB ' SB-124 6.70e+OO 1.27e-01 1.63e-02 O.OOe+OO 5.22e+OO 1.90e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.66e+OO SB-125 4.29e+OO 4.79e-02 4.36e-03 O.OOe+OO 3.30e+OO 4.72e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.02e+OO TE-125M 2.57e+03 9.30e+02 7.72e+02 l.04e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.02e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.44e+02 TE-127 1.05e+02 3.78e+01 7.80e+Ol 4.29e+02 O.OOe+OO 8.31e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.28e+Ol TE-127M 6.48e+03 2.32e+03 1.66e+03 2.63e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.17e+04 0.00e+OO 7~90e+02 TE-129 3. Ole+'Ol 1. 13e+01 2. 31e+Ol 1. 2 6e+02 0. OOe+OO 2. 27e+01 0. OOe+OO 7. 33e+OO TE-129M 1.10e+04 4.lle+03 3.78e+03 4.60e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.54e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.74e+03 TE-131 i.89e+Ol 7.88e+OO 1 . 55e+Ol 8.26e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2.67e +OO O.OOe+OO 5.96e+OO TE-131M 1.66e+03 8.10e+02 1.28e+03 8.2le+03 O.OOe+OO 8.04e+04 O.OOe+OO 6.75e+02 tE-132 2.41e+03 1.56e+03 1.72e+03 1.50e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.38e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.47e+03 I-130 2.71e+Ol 8.0le+Ol 6.79e+03 1.25e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.89e+01 0.00e+OO 3.16e+Ol I-131 1.49e+02 2.14e+02 7.00e+04 3.66e+02 0.00e+OO 5.64e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.22e+02 I-132 7.29e+OO 1.95e+Oi 6.82e+02 3.lle+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.66e+OO O.OOe+OO 6.8 2e+OO I-133 5.lOe+Ol 8.87e+Ol 1.30e+04 1.55e+02 O.OOe+OO 7.97e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2 .70e+Ol I-134 3.81e+OO 1.D3~+01 l.79e+02 l.64e+Ol 0.00e+OO 9.0le-03 O.OOe+OO 3.70e+OO I-135 1.59e+Ol 4.17e+Ol 2.75e+03 6.68e+Ol O.OOe+OO 4.70e+Ol D.OOe+OO 1.54e+Ol CS-134 2.98e+05 7.09e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.29e+05 7.6 1e+04 l.2 4 e+04 O.OOe+ OO 5.79e+05 CS-136 3.12e+04 1.23e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.85e+04 9.38e+03 l.40e+04 O.OOe+DO 8.86e+04 CS-137 3.&2e+05 5.22e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.77e+05 5.89e+04 1.0le+04 O.OOe+OO 3~42e+05 CS-138 2.64e+02 5.22e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.84e+02 3.79e+Ol 2.23e-03 O.OOe+OO 2.59e+02 BA-139 9.29e-01 6.62e-04 O.OOe+OO 6.19e-04 3.75e-04 l.65e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.72e-02 BA-140 l.94e+02 2.44e-01 0.00e+OO 8.30e-02 1.40e-01 4.00e+02 0.00e+OO 1. 2 7e+Ol BA-141 4.Sle-013.41e-04 O.OOe+OO 3.17e-04 l.93e-04 2 .13e-10 O.OOe+OO l. 5 2e-02 BA-142 " 2.04e-01 2.lOe-04 O.OOe+OO 1.77e-04 l.19e-04 2 .87e-19 O.OOe+OO l.28e-02 LA-140 l.SOe-01 7.54e-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.54e+03 O.OOe+OO l.99e-02 LA-142 7.66e-03 3.48e-03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .54e+01 O.OOe+OO 8.68e-04 CE-141 2.24e-02 1.52e-02 O.OOe+ OO ~.04e-03 0.00e+OO 5.79e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.72e-03 CE-143 3.95e-03 2.92e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.29e-03 0.00e+OO 1.09e+0 2 O.OOe+OO 3.23e-04 CE- 1 44 1.17e+OO 4.BBe-01 O.OOe+OO 2.90e-Ol O.OOe+OO 3.95e+0 2 O.OOe+OO 6.27e-02 PR-143 5.Sle-01 2.21e-01 O.OOe+OO l.27e-01 O.OOe+OD 2.41e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.73e-02 PR-144 1:BOe-03 7.48e-04 O.OOe+OO 4. 22 e-04 O.OOe+OO 2.59e-10 O.OOe+OO 9.16e-05 ND-147 3.76e-01 4.35e-01 O.OOe+OO 2 .54e-01 O.OOe+OO 2.09e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.60e-02 W-187 2.96e+02 2.47e+02 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 8.10e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.65e+Ol NP-239 2.85e-02 2.BOe-03 O.OOe+OO 8.74e-03 O.OOe+OO 5.75e+02 O.OOe+OO l.54e-03 SB-126 2.75e+OO 5.62e-02 1.69e-02 O.OOe+OO 1.69e+b0 2.25e+02 O.OOe+OO 9.94e - 01 SB-127 6.lBe-01 1.35e-02 7.42e-03 O.OOe+OO 3.66e-01 l.41e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.37e-01

  • Calcuiated from Equation 8.

GRAND GULF, UN IT 1 1. 0 - 14 Re visi on 22 - 03/99

1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System The essential components of the liquid radwaste treatment system are indicated by an asterisk (*). The radwaste system includes provisions for use of alternate liquid radioactive processing equipment. This system may be used in place of the precoat filters and may contain striners, carbon bed filters, cartridge filters, a reverse osmosis unit or other components which process liquid radioactive wastes. Bypassing the precoat filter (an essential component) is acceptable provided that the effluent from the alternative system provides the same level of filtration required for the precoat filters. NOTES for Figure ODCM 1.3-1 (1) The essential components outlined on the following page are those necessary to collect, process and sample liquid radwaste prior to discharge to the environment. (2) Only one of the following is required in order to process liquid waste.

a. Equipment drain filter
b. Floor drain filter
c. Equipment drain demineralizer
d. Floor drain demineralizer (3) The Waste Surge Tanks may be used to replace the Waste Collection Tanks.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1.0-15 Revision 31 - 12/05

FIGURE 1.3~1

              .... ~j                   STEAM                 LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM
'.~~ REACTOR llii rn_tt---:-------------------~;..J.. l~< l l l l l " " r - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ r -..- - -.......~--------l:


                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~: CONDENSER                      I Ill~~ .... ..,. =                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A FROM MISCELLANEOUS WASTE                                                                      ,,                                                   I CONDENSATE               I                          CONDENSATE-I STORAGE TANKa.


/1. EQUIPMENT DRAINS A. CONTAINMENT &                                EQUIPMENT*                                                                                                          RADIATION DRYWELL BLDG .                        ._. DRAINS WASTE -~*,....,_         ... I PRECOAT~                          ... I   MIXED BED* L_.1 SAMPLE,)               MONITOR                                                   -, r B. AUXILIARY BLDG                              COLLECTION         ~.. ,"'"I                 FILTER


                                                                                                                                                             'IP LOW PURITY WASTE ALTERNATIVE LIQUID RADIOACTIVE WASTE




                * ~ l r - - - - - - - - - 1 ~ . . i CHEMl~:~:ASTE         ::~:====~:-___,:                 FROM PRECOAT        !                                             MISSISSIPPI RIVER

[f.!~I.~B.~f.f.~U~NTi GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 REVISION 31; 12/05 1.0-16

2.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 2.1 Gaseous .Effluent Monitor Setpoints 2.1.1 Continuous Ventilation Monitors For the purpose of implementation of LCO 6.3.10, the alarm setpoint level for continuous ventilation noble gas

                                             .            )

monitors will be calculated as follows: SV count rate (cpm) above background of vent noble gas monitor at the alarm setpoint level PF x Rt x DTB the lesser of or PF x R x D S SS where: PF= product of allocation factor (AF) and safety factor (SF), normally set at 0.1 AF allocation factor allowing for a total of four normal effluent release points, normally set at 0.25 SF= safety factor allowing for cumulative uncertainties of measurements, normally set at 0.4 DTB dose rate limit to the total body of an individual at the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY required to limit dose to 500 mrem in one year 500 mrem/yr D dose rate limit to the skin of the body of an SS individual at the ~ITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY required to limit dose to 3000 mrem in one year 3000 mrem/yr GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-1 Revision 17 - .3/95

Rt count rate (cpm) per mrem/yr to the total body C X/Q L K. Q'.] l l i where: C = count rate (cpm) above background of the vent monitor

                         *corresponding to grab sample radionuclide conc'entrations X/Q    highest historical annual average atmospheric dispersion at the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREA9 inside the SITE BOUNDARY from Table 2.2-3a or Table 2.2-3b Ki       t~tal body dose factor due to gamma emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i (mrem/yr per µC~/m 3 )

from ODCM Table 2.1-1 Q'. rate of. release of noble gas radionuclide i ( µCi/sec) l from the release point R count rate (cpm) per mrem/yr to the skin s C.-X/Q [L. (L. + 1.1 M.) Q'.] l l l l L. skin dose factor due to beta emissions from isotope i l 3 (mrem/yr per µCi/m ) from DDCM Table 2.1-1 1.1 mrem skin dose per mrad air dose M. air dose factor due to gamma emissions from isotope i l 3 (mrad/yr per µCi/m ) from ODCM Table 2.1~1 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-2 Revision 25 - 01/03



GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-3 Revision 2 - 05/84

NOTES For Section 2.1.1

1) The calculated setpoint yalues will determine the allowable bounds. for the actual setpoint adjustments. That is,* setpoint adj0stments are not required to be performed if the existing setpoint level corresponds to a count rate that is less than or equal to+ 25% of the calculated valu~.

If radionuclides are n9t detect~d in the grab sample, then the previously calculated setpoint may remain as the valid setpoint.

2) A conservative setpoint may, be calculated using a composi~e total body dose factor. This method may be used when there are no valid isotopics available. The conservative setpoint will be calculated as follows:

S count rate (cpm) above background of vent noble gas monitor at the v alarm setpoint level* PF' x DTB x Rt" where: PF product of allocation factor (AF) and safety factor (SF'), normally set at 0.1 AF allocation factor allowing foi a total of four horm~l effluent release points, normally set at 0.25 SF' safety factor a1lowing for cumulative uncertainties of measurements, normally set at 0.4. R" conservative count rate per mrem/yr to th~ total body (Xe-133 t detection, composite dose factor) (3.53E-5) (60) X/Q (X) (V) (K)

  • The setpoint calculation based on a skin dose is not required because the setpoint based on the total body dose is more conservative.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-4 Revision 23 - 03/01

where:. X Xe-133 volume efficiency factor of the detector system in

              µCi/cc/cpm as determined by the primary calibration*

V maximum designed ventilation flow rate in cubic feet per minute (cfm) 3 3.53E-5 conversion factor, ft per cc 60 conversion factor, seconds per minute K total body dose factor for historical mixture**, l.51E + 03 mrem I yr per µCi. I m3 Other variables as defined in Section 2.1.1

  • The instrument calibration procedures will include checks to ensure that the detector efficiency meets acceptance criteria.
    • ODCM Reference 11 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-5 Revision 24 - 11/02

TABLE 2.1-1 DOSE FACTORS FOR EXPOSURE TO A SEMI-INFI~ITE CLOUD OF NOBLE GASES I Nuclide Y-BodJ'.:** Ki B-Skin** Li Y-Air* Mi B-Air* Ni AR-41 8.84E+03*** 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03 KR-83M 7.56E-02 O.OOE+OO l.93E+Ol 2.88E+02 KR-85 1. 61E+Ol l.34E+03 1. 72E+Ol 1. 95E+03 KR-85M 1.17E+03

  • 1.46E+03 1. 23E+03 1. 97E+03 KR-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1. 03E+04 KR-88 1.47F;:+04 2.37E+03 1. 52E+04 2.93E+03 KR-89 1. 66E+04 1. 01E+04 l.73E+04 1.06E+04 KR-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E+03 XE-131M 9.15E+Ol 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11E+03 XE.-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 1.05E+03 XE-133M 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 XE-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 XE-135M 3.12E+03 7 .11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 XE-137 1~42E+03 l.22E+04 1.51E+03 1.27E+04 XE-138 8.83E+03 4 .13E+03 9.21E+03* 4.75E+03
  • Values taken from Reference 3, Table B-1
  • mrad - m 3 OCi - yr
            **  mrem - m 3 OCi - yr 3
            *** 8.84E+03         8.84 xlO GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                             2.0-6             Revision 22 - 03/99

2.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculations 2.2.1 Un~estricted Area Boundary Dose Rate

a. For the purpose of implementation of LCO 6.11.4.a, the dose rate at the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS within the SITE BOUNDARY due to noble gases shall be calculated as follows:

Dtb = average total body dose rate in current year (mrem/yr) X/Q L K. Q'. l l D average skin dose rate in current year s (mrem/yr) X/Q L (L. + l.lM.) Q'. l l l

b. Organ dose rate due to tritium, I-131, I-133 and all radioactive materials in particulate form, with half-lives greater than eight days will be calculated for the purpose of implementation of LCO 6.11.4.b as follows:

D average organ dose rate in current year 0 (mrem/yr) LW P. Q'. l l i where: / GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-7 Revision 17 - 03/95

w highest historical annual average atmospheric dispersion at the SITE BOUNDARY or UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY for the appropriate pathway from Table 2.2-3a or 2.2-3b. Use X/Q for inhalation and all tritium pathways or Use D/Q for food and ground plane pathways P. the total dose parameter for radionuclide i, l

                                               . 3 (mrem/yr per µCi/m)   for inhalation and all 2

tritium pathways and (m . mrem/yr per µCi/sec) for food and ground plane pathways, fiom ODCM Table 2.2-lb* Q'. rate of release of noble gas radionuclide i l (µCi/sec) from the release point Q'. average release rate of isotope i of tritium, l I-131, I-133 or other radionuclide in particulate form, with half-lives greater than* eight (8) days in the current year (µCi/sec)

  • Use child/inhalation pathw~y from fable 2.2-lb unless land use census identifies an infant/grass/cow/milk pathway. Then Table 2.2-la may apply.
  • GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-8 Revision 36 - 11/08


2. 2. 2 Unrestricted Area Dose to Individual
a. For the purpose of implementation of LCO 6.11.5, the air dose at the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS within the SITE BOUNDARY shall be determined as follows:

D air dose due to gamma emissions from noble gas y radionuclide i (mrad)

                                        -8 3 . 1 7 x 10     ~M . XI Q ' - - Q .

l i l where: X/Q' highest historical annual average atmospheric for the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS within the SITE BOUNDARY from Table 2.2-3a or 2.2-3b. M. air dose factor due* to garmna emissions from l 3 noble gas radionuclide i (mrad/yr per µCi/m ) from ODCM Table 2.1-1 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-9 Revision 25 - 01/03

Q. cumulative release of radionuclide i of noble l gas, tritium, I-131, I-133, or material in* particulate form over the period of interest (µCi) 8 Note: 3.17 x 10- is the inverse of the number of seconds per year, and D~ air dose due to beta emissions from noble gas radionuclide i (mrad)-

                                          -8 3.17 x 10       Z: N. X/Q' Q.

i l l where: 1* N. air dose factor due to beta emissions from l 3 noble gas radionuclide i *(mrad/yr per µCi/m ) from ODCM Table 2.1-1 X/Q' highest historical annual average atmospheric dispersion for the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS within the SITE BOUNDARY, from Table 2.2-3a or 2.2-3b. Q. = cumulative release of radionuclide i of noble l ga~, tritium, I-131, I-133, or material in particulate form over the period of interest (µCi) .GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-10 Revision 25 - 01/03

2.2.2 Unrestricted Area Dose to Individual

b. Dose to an individual from*tritium, I-131~ I-133 _and radioactive materials in particulate form, with half-lives greater than,eight (8) days will be calculated for the purpose of implementation of LCO 6.11.6 as follows:

D = dose to an individual from tritium, I-131, I-133 p and radionuclides in particulate form, with .half-life greater than eight days (mrem) 3.17 x 10-B ~R. W' Q. l l i where: W' historical annual average X/Q and D/Q at a controlling location for an individual from Table 2.2-3* X/Q' for inhalation and all tritium pathways or D/Q' for food and ground plane pathways R. the total dose factor for radionuclide i, l 3 (mrem/yr per µCi/m ) for inhalation and all 2 tritium pathways and (m . mrem/yr per µCi~sec) for food and ground plane pathways from Tables 2.2-2a - d

  • Dose for each controlling receptor in Table 2.2-3 is calculated and the highest dose is selected for implementation of LCO 6.11.6. The most limiting age group, child, is assumed. In accordance with ODCM Reference 1, historical annual average atmospheric dispersion conditions are used. However, "real time" annual average dispersion conditions are coupled with the annual release and summarized in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-lOa Revision 25 - 01/03

2.2.2 Unrestricted Area Dose to Individual Q. cumulative release of radionuclide i of noble l gas, tritium, I-131, I-133, or material in particulate form over the period of interest (µCi)

c. For the purpose of implementing TS 5.6.3, dose calculations will be performed using the above equations or ~ith the substitution of average meteorological parameters (most limiting parameters will be used) which prevailed for the period of the report.

2.2.3 Dose Projection Doses from gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS are projected at least every 31 days as required by LCO 6.11.B. These projections are made by averaging the doses (D, DA, b) from previous operating history (normally the y ~ p . previous six months) which is indicative of future expected operations. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-lOb Revision 17 - 03/95

TABLE 2.2-la PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6 . 11.4 and SECTION 2.2.1.b, (P.) l Page 1 of 2 AGE GROUP (INFANT) N.A. ( INFANT) ISOTOPE INHALATION GROUND PLANE FOOD H-3 6.47E+02 O.OOE+OO 2.38E+03 C-14 2.65E+04 O.OOE+OO 2.34E+09 NA-24 1. 06E+04 1. 99E+07 l.56E+07 P-32 2.03E+06 O.OOE+OD l.6DE+ll CR-51 l.28E+04 7.85E+06 4.70E+06 MN-54 l.OOE+06 l.29E+D9 3.90E+D7 MN-56 7.17E+04 l.52E+D6 2.84E+OO FE-55 8.69E+04 O.OOE+OO l.35E+08 FE-59 l.02E+06 4.56E+08 3.92E+08 C0-58 7.77E+05 6.18E+08 6.05E+07 C0-60 4.51E+06 5.17E+09 2.lOE+OB NI-63 3.39E+05 O.OOE+OO 3.49E+l0 NI-65 5.01E+04 4.93E+05 3.02E+Ol CU-64 1. 50E+04 9.80E+05 3.77E+06 ZN-65 6.47E+05 7.90E+08 1. 90E+l0 ZN-69 l.32E+04 O.OOE+oo. 2.85E-09 BR-83 3.81E+02 l.01E+04 9.27E-01 BR-84 4.00E+02 3.3BE+05 1. 32E-22 BR-85 2.04E+Ol O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO RB-86 1. 90E+05 l.47E+07 2.23E+l0 RB-88 5.57E+02 5.40E+04 l.88E-44 RB-89 3.21E+02 2. 11E+05 3.41E-52 SR-89 2.03E+06 3.56E+04 l.26E+10 SR-90 4.09E+07 O.OOE+OO l.22E+ll SR-91 7.34E+04 3.58E+06 3.19E+05 SR-92 1. 40E+05 l.23E+06 4.96E+Ol Y-90 2.69E+05 7.59E+03 9.42E+05 y~91 2.45E+06 l.70E+06 5.25E+06 Y-91M 2.79E+03 l.66E+05 2.03E-15 Y-92 1. 27E+05 3.06E+05 l.02E+Ol Y-93 1. 67E+05 3.58E+05 l.69E+04 ZR-95 l.75E+06 3.99E+08 8.26E+05 ZR-97 1. 40E+05 4.92E+06 4.44E+04 NB-95 4.79E+05 .2.29E+08 2.06E+08 M0-99 1. 35E+05 6.60E+06 3.10E+08 TC-99M 2.03E+03 3.01E+05 l.64E+04 TC-101 8.44E+02 3.23E+04 4.BBE-57 RU-103 5.52E+05 1. BOE+OB l.05E+05 RU-105 4.84E+04 l.03E+06 3.18E+OO RU-106 1.16E+07 3.59E+08 l.45E+06 AG-llOM 3.67E+06 3.65E+09 L46E+l0 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2. 0-11 Revision 22 - 03/99

TABLE 2.2-la (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.4 and SECTION 2.2.1.b, (P.) l Page 2 of 2 AGE GROUP (INFANT) N.A. (INFANT) ISOTOPE INHALATION GROUND PLANE FOOD TE-125M 4.47E+05 3~01E+06 l.51E+08 TE-127 2.44E+04 4.70E+03 1. 35E+05 TE-127M l.31E+06 l.40E+05 l.04E+09 TE-129 2.63E+04 4.41E+04 l.SlE-07 TE-129M l.68E+06 3.30E+07 l.39E+09 TE-131 8.22E+03 4.93E+07 L41E-30 TE-131M l.99E+05 1. 35E+07 2.29E+07 TE-132 3.40E+05 7.09E+06 6.51E+07 I-130 l.60E+06 9.55E+06 8. 71E+08 I-131 l.48E+07 2.98E+07 l.05E+l2 I-132 1. 69E+05 2.09E+06 l.36E+02 I-133 3.56E+06 4.26E+06 9.59E+09 I-134 4.45E+04 7.57E+05' 7 *. 87E-10 I-135 6. 96E+05 4.21E+06 2.01E+07. CS-134 7.03E+05 3.28E+09 6. 80E+l0 CS-136 l.35E+05 2.44E+08 5. 81E+09 CS-137 6.12E+05 l.34E+09 6. 02E+l0 CS-138 8.76E+02 5.86E+05 2.09E-22 BA-139 5.10E+04 1. 70E+05 2. 71E-05 BA-140 l.60E+06 3.35E+07 2.41E+08 BA-141 4.75E+03 6.79E+04 5.0SE-44 BA-142 l.55E+03 7.23E+04 l.67E-79 LA-140 l.68E+05 3.12E+07 l.88E+05 LA-142 5.95E+04 l.30E+06 1. OSE-05 CE-141 5.17E+05 2.20E+07 l.37E+07 CE-143 l.16E+05 3.75E+06 l.53E+06 CE-144 9.84E+06 6.77E+07 l.33E+08 PR-143 4.33E+05 O.OOE+OO 7.84E+05 PR-144 4.28E+03 3.02E+03 l .13E-48 ND-14 7 3.22E+05 l.44E+07 5.73E+05 W-187 3. 96E+04 3.90E+06 2.48E+06 NP-239 5.95E+04 2.83E+06 9.42E+04 3 -Units: Inhalation 2 ~nd al~ tritium pathways - mrem/yr per µCi/m Others - m . mrem/yr per µCi/sec Values based on standard NUREG-0133, Section 5.2.1 assumptions unless otherwise indicated. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-12 Revision 22 - 03/99


  • ISOTOPE INHALATION GROUND PLANE GRS / ANL/MEAT H-3 1. 13E+03 0.00E+OO 1. 83E+0 2 C-14 3.59E+04 O.OOE+OO 2 .99E+0 8 NA-24 1. 61E+04 l.98E+07 1. 35E-03 P-32 2.61E+06 O.OOE+OO 5 .78E+ 09 CR-51 l.70E+04 7.85E+06 3.64E+05 MN-54 1.58E+06 1.29E+09 6.25E+06 MN-56 1. 23E+05 l.52E+06 1. 90E-51 FE-55 l.11E+05 O.OOE+OO 3.57E+OB FE-59 1. 27E+06 4.56E+08 4.94E+08 C0-58 1. 11E+D6 6.18E+08 7.49E+07 C0-60 7.07E+06 5.17E+09 2.99E+08 NI-63 8.21E+05 O.DOE+OO 2.27E+10 NI-65 8.40E+D4 4.93E+05 3.17E-51 CU-64 3.67E+04 9.BOE+OS 1. 09E-05 ZN-65 9.95E+05 7.9DE+D8 7.80E+D8 ZN-69 1. 02E+04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+DO BR-83 4.74E+D2 l.01E+04 7.43E-57 BR-84 5 .48E+02 3.38E+05 O.OOE+ OD BR-85 2.53E+Ol O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OD RB-86 l.98E+05 1. 4 7E+D7 4.54 E+OB RB-88 5.62E+02 5.40E+04 D.OOE+OD RB-89 3. 45E+02 2 .11E+05 D.OOE+OD SR-89 2.16E+06 3.56E+04 3 .76E+ 08 SR-90 1. 0 1E+08 O.OOE+OO 8. 11E+0 9 SR-91 1. 74E+05 3.58E+06 4.13E-10 SR-92 2.42E+05 l.23E+06 2 . 72E-48 Y-90 2.68E+05 7.59E+03 3.81E+02 Y-91M 2.81E+03 l.66E+05 O.OOE+OO Y-91 2.63E+06 1.70E+06 1. 87E+08 Y-92 2.39E+05 3.06E+05 5.43E-35 y~93 3.89E+05 3.58E+05 1. 21E-07 ZR-95 2.23E+06 3.99E+OB 4.76E+08 ZR-97 3.51E+05 4.92E+06 5 .47E-01 NB-95 6.14E+05 2.29]::+08 1. 7 4E+09 M0-99 1. 35E+05 6.60E+06 1. 92E+05 TC-99M 4.81E+03 3.01E+05 5.39E-18 TC-101 5.85E+02 3.23E+04 O.OOE+OO RU-103 6.62E+05 1. 80E+08 3.13E+09 RU-105 9.95E+04 1. 03E+06 4.59E-2 5 RU-106 1.43E+07 3.59E+08 5.38E+10 AG-110M 5.4BE+06 3.65E+09 5.26E+OB GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-13 Revision 36 - 11 /08

TABLE 2.2-lb (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6 .11. 4 AND SECTION 2.2.1.b, (Pi) Page 2 of 2 AGE GROUP ( CHILD ( N.A. ) ( CHILD ),* I SOTOPE INHALATION GROUND PLANE GRS/ANL/MEAT TE-125M 4.77E+05 3.01E+06 4 .44E+ DB TE-127M 1.4BE+06, 1. 39E+05 3 . 95E+ D9 TE-12 7 5.62E+04 4.70E+03 1 . 25E- 08 TE-129M l.76E+06 3.30E+D7 4 .09E+09 TE-129 2.55E+D4 4.41E+04 O. OD E+ OO TE-131M 3.08E+05 1. 35E+10 7 . 6.6E+03 TE-131 2.05E+03 4.93 E+07 O. ODE+OO TE-132 3. 77E+05 7.09E+06 7 . 27 E+06 I-130 l.85E+06 9.55E+06 5 . 27E- 04 I-131 1. 62E+0 7 2.98E+07 4 . 29E+09 I-132 1. 94E+0.5 2.09E+06 l. 90E-57 I-133 3.8 5 E+06 4.26 E+06 1.0 2E+0 5 I-134 5.07E+04 7.57E+05 O. OO E+ OO I-13 5 7.92E+05 4. 21E+06 B.l OE- 15 , CS-134 1.01E+06 3.28E+09 1. 18E+09 (28-136 1. 71E+05 2.44E+08 3 . 45 E+07 CS-137 9.07E+05 1. 34E+09 1. 04E +09 CS-138 8.40E+02 5.86E+05 O. OOE+OO BA-139 5.77E+04 1.70E+05 O.O OE+OO BA-140 1. 74E+06 3.35E+07 3.42E+0 7 BA-141 2.92E+03 6.79E+04 O. OO E+OO BA-142 1.64E+03 7.23E+04  ! O.O OE+ OO LA-140 2.26E+05 3.12E+07 4.2 BE+02 LA-142 7.59E+04 1. 30E+06 O. OO E+OO CE-141 5.44E-i-OS 2.20E+07 1. OB E+07 CE-143 1. 27E+05 3.75E+06 1. 96E+02 CE-144 1. 20E+07 6.77E+07 l.4 8E+08 PR-143 4.33E+05 O.ODE+OO 2.82 E+07 PR-144 1. 57E+03 3.02E+03 O.O OE+OO ND- 1 4) 3.2BE+05 1. 44E+0 7 l.17E+07 W-187 9.10E+04 3.90E+06 2 .1 8E+OO

  • NP-239 6.40E+04 2.83E+06 1. 7 4E+03 Units: Inhalation and all tritium pathways - mrem/y r per µCi/m 3
  • Others - m2
  • mrem/yr per µCi/sec Values based on standard NUREG-0133, Section 5.2.1 assumptions unless otherwise inidated.
 *Meat consumption a ssumed 75 percent beef and 25 p e rcent mutto n .

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-14 Rev i sion 36 - 11 /08

TABLE 2.2-2a PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 1 of 8 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor:* 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (furem/yr)/(uCi/rnAJ)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: 0 Ground Plane Deposition (GPO) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO C-14 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO NA-24 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.39e+07 1.20e+07 P-32 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO CR-51 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.50e+06 4.65e+06 MN-54 O.COe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.62e+09 1.38e+09 MN-56

  • O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.07e+06 9 .03e +05 FE-55 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO FE-59 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.20e+08 2.73e+08 C0-58 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.45e+08 3.80e+08 C0-60 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO OaOOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.53e+10 2.15e +10 NI-63 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO NI-65 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.45e+05 2 . 97e +05 CU-64 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 6.86e+05 6.05e+05 ZN-65 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O O 8.57e+08 7.46e+08 ZN- 69 O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO J.08e+03 4.87e +03 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.37e+05 2.03e+05 BR-85 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.03e+07 8.98e +06 RB-88 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.78e+ 04 3.3le+04 RB -89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l .48e+0 5 l.23e+05 SR-89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .5le+0 4 2 .l~e+04 SR-'90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O,OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.DOe +OO SR-91 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO . O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 . 5le+06 2.15e+06 SR-92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8 .62 e +05 7.76e+05 Y-90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O. OOe+OO 5.31e+03 4.50e+03 Y-91 O.OOe+OO O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO l.2le+ 06 l.07e+0 6 Y-91M O.OOe+OO O.OOi+OO 0.0 0e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO l.16e+05 1.00e+OS Y-92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .14e+05 1.80e+05 Y-93 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 . 50e+05 l.83e+05 ZR- 95 O.OOe +OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 . 85e+08 2.45e+08 ZR-97 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3 . 44e+06 2.96e+06 NB - 95 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 1. 6le+08 l .37e+08 M0-99 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.62e+06 3.99e+06 TC ~99M O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OC O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .lle+05 l.84e+05 TC-101 O.OOe+OO O.OOi+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O O 2 . 26e+04 2 .0 3e+04 RU-103 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l . 26e+OB l.08e+08 RU-105 0 .00e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.21e+05 6 .36e+0 5 RU - 106 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.04e+08 4.20e+08 AG-llOM O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+O O 4.02e+09 3.45e+09 TE- 125M O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 2.13e+06 l.56e+06 TE -127 O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.29e+03 2.99~+03 TE -1 27M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.08e+05 9.17e+04 TE-129 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3 .08e+0 4 2.6le+04 TE-129M 0.00e+OO O.O Oe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 2.3le+07 l. 98e+0 7 TE-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 3.4 5e+07 2 . 92e+0 4 TE-131M O.OOe +OO O.OOe +OO 0.00e+ OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.46e+06 8 .02e+06 GRAND GU LF, UNIT 1' 2 . 0-15 Rev ision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2a (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 2 of 8 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mn2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: O Ground Plane Deposition (GPO) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung Skin TB TE-132 0. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.,OOe+OO 4. 97e+06 4. 22e+06 I-130 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.68e+06 5:SOe+06 I-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.09e+07 1.72e+07 I-132 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.47e+06 1.25e+06 I-133 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.98e+06 2.45e+06 I-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.30e+05 4.46e+05 I-135 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO* O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.95e+06 2.53e+06 CS-134 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.05e+09 6.90e+09 CS-136 O.OOe+OO o:ooe+oo,o.ooe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.71e+08 1.51e+OB CS-137 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.20e+10 1.03e+10 CS-138 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO 4.10e+05 3.59e+05 BA-139 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.19e+05 1.06e+05 BA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.35e+07 2.05e+07 BA-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.75e+04 4.17e+04 BA-142 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.06e+04 4.44e+04 LA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.18e+07 1.92e+07 LA-142 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.12e+05 7.60e+05 CE-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.54e+07 1.37e+07 CE-143 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.63e+06 2.31e+06 CE-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO B.05e+07 6.96e+07 PR-143 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00~+00 O.OOe+OO PR-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.lle+03 1.84e+03 ND-147 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.0le+07 8.39e+06 W-187 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.73e+06 2.35e+06 NP-239 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.98e+06 1.71e+06 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-16 Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2a (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2. 2. 2 .b, (R.) l Page 3 of 8 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: 1 Inhalation (INHL) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 6.47e+02 6.47e+02 6.47e+02 6.47e+02 6.47e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.47e+02 C-14 2.65e+04 5.3le+03 5.3le+03 5.3le+03 5.3le+03 5.3le+03 O.OOe+OO 5 ..3le+03 NA-24 l.06e+04 l.06e+04 l.06e+04 l.06e+04 l:06e+04 l.06e+04 O.OOe+OO l.06e+04 P-32 2.03e+06 l.12e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.6le+04 O.OOe+OO 7.74e+04 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.75e+Ol l.32e+Ol l.28e+04 3.57e+02 O.OOe+OO 8.95e+Ol MN-54 O.OOe+OO 2.53e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.98e+03 l.00e+06 7.06e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.98e+03 MN-56 O.OOe+OO l.54e+OO O.OOe+OO l.lOe+OO l.25e+04 7.17e+04 D.OOe+OO 2.2le-01 FE-55 l.97e+04 l.18e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.69e+04 l.10e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.33e+03 FE-59 l.36e+04 2.35e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.02e+06 2.48e+04 O.OOe+OO 9.48e+03 C0-58 O.OOe+OO l.22e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.77e+05 l.lle+04 O.OOe+OO l.82e+03 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 8.02e+03 O.OOe+OO O:OOe+OO 4.5le+06 3.19e+04 O.OOe+OO l.18e+04 NI-63 3.39e+05 2.04e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.09e+05 2.42e+03 O.OOe+OO l.16e+04 NI-65 2.39e+OO 2.84e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.12e+03 5.0le+04 O.OOe+OO l.23e-01 CU--'64 O.OOe+OO l.88e+OO O.OOe+OO 3.98e+OO 9.30e+03 l.50e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.74e-01 ZN-65 l.93e+04 6.26e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.25e+04 6.47e+05 5.14e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.lle+04 ZN-69 5.39e-02 9.67e-02 O.OOe+OO 4.02e-02 l.47e+03 l.32e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.lBe-03 BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.8le+02 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.00e+02 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.04e+Ol RB-86 O.OOe+OO l.90e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.04e+03 O.OOe+OO 8.82e+04 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 5.57e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.39e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.87e+02 RB-89 O.OOe+OO 3.2le+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.82e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2.06e+02 SR-89 3.9Se+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.03e+06 6.40e+04 O.OOe+OO l.14e+04 SR-90 4.09e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.12e+07 l.3le+05 O.OOe+OO 2.59e+06 SR-91 9.56e+Ol -0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.26e+04 7.34e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.46e+OO SR-92 l.05e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.38e+04 l.40e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.9le-01 Y-90 3.29e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.69e+05 l.04e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.82e+Ol Y-91 5.88e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.45e+06 7.03e+04 O.OOe+OO l.57e+04 Y-91M 4.07e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.79e+03 2.35e+03 O.OOe+OO l.39e-02 Y-92 l.64e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.45e+04 l.27e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.6le-01 Y-93 l.50e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.64e+04 l.67e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.07e+OO ZR-95 l.15e+05 2.79e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.lle+04 1.75e+06 2.17e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.03e+04 ZR-97 l.50e+02 2.56e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2.59e+Ol l.10e+05 l.40e+05 O.OOe+OO l.17e+Ol NB-95 l.57e+04 6.43e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.72e+03 4.79e+05 l.27e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.78e+03 M0-99 O.OOe+OO l.65e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.65e+02 l.35e+05 4.87e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.23e+Ol TC-99M l.40e-03 2.BBe-03 O.OOe+OO 3.lle-02 8.lle+02 2.03e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.72e-02 TC-101

  • 6.Sle-05 8.23e-05 O.OOe+OO 9.79e-04 5.84e+02 8.44e+02 O.OOe+OO 8.12e-04 RU-103 2.02e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.24e+03 5.52e+05 l.6le+04 O.OOe+OO 6.79e+02 RU-105 l.22e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.99e-01 l.57e+04 4.84e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.lOe-01 RU-106 8.68e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.07e+05 l.16e+07 l.64e+05 O.OOe+OO l.09e+04 AG-llOM 9.98e+03 7.22e+03 O.OOe+OO l.09e+04 3.67e+06 3.30e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.00e+03 TE-125M 4.76e+03 l.99e+03 l.62e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.47e+05 l.29e+04 O.OOe+OO 6.58e+02 TE-127 2.23e+OO 9.53e-01 l.85e+OO 4.86e+OO l.04e+04 2.44e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.89e-01 TE-127M l.67e+04 6.90e+03 4.87e+03 3.75e+04 l.3le+06 2.73e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.07e+03 TE-129 7.BBe-02 3.47e-02 6.75e-02 l.75e-01 3.00e+03 2.63e+04 O.OOe+OO l.BBe-02 TE-129M l.4le+04 6.09e+03 5.47e+03 3.18e+04 l.68e+06 6.90e+04 d.OOe+OO 2.23e+03 TE-131 l.74e-02 8.22e-03 l.58e-02 3.99e-02 2.06e+03 8.22e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.00e-03 TE-131M l.07e+02 5.50e+Ol 8.93e+Ol 2.65e+02 l.99e+05 l.19e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.63e+Ol GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-16a Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2a (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FA~TORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 4 of 8 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (~rem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/ yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: 1 Inhalation (~NHL) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung Gl-Lli Skin TB TE-132 3.72e+02 2.37e+02 2.79e+02 1.04e+03 3.40e+05 4.41e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.7 6e+02 I-130 6.36e+03 l.39e+04 1.~0e+06 1.53e+04 O,boe+OO l.99e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.57e+03 1-131 3.79e+04 4.44e+04 1.48e+07 5.18e+04 O.OOe+OO l.0 6e+03 O.OOe+OO l. 96e+04 1-132 1.69e+03 3.54e+03 1.69e+05 3.95e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.90e+03 O.OOe+OO l.26e+03 1-133 l.32e+04 l.92e+04 3.56e+06 2.24e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.16e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.60e+03 1-134 9.21~+02 l.88e+03 4.45e+04 2.09e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.2 9e+03 O.OOe+OO 6.65e+02 1-135 3.86e+03 7.60e+03 6.96e+05 B.47e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.83e+03 O .. OOe+OO 2 .77e+03 CS-134' 3.96e+05 7.03e+05 0.00e+OO 1.90e+05 7.97e+04 1.33e+03 O.OOe+OO 7.4~e+04 CS-136 4.83e+04 1.35e+05 O.OOe+OO 5.64e+04 1.1Be+04 1.43e+03 O.OOe+OO 5 . 29e+04 CS-137' 5.49e+05 6.12e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.72e+05 7.13e+04 l.33e+03 O.OOe+OO 4 .55e+04 CS-138 5.05e+02 7.81e+02 O.OOe+OO 4.10e~02 6 .54e+Ol 8.76e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.9Be+02 BA-139 l.48e+OO 9.84e-04 O.OOe+OO 5.92e-04 5.95e+03 5.10e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.30e-02

'BA-140    5.60e+04    5.60~+01   O.OOe+OO  l.34e+Ol   1.60e+06   3.84e+04    O.OOe+OO    2 .9 0e+03 BA-141    1.57e-01    l.OBe-04   O.OOe+OO  6 .50e-05  2.97e+03   4 .75e+03   O.OOe+OO    4.97e~03 BA-142    3.98e-02    3 .30e-05  O.OOe+OO  1.90e-05   1.55e+03   6 .93e+ D2  O.OOe+OO    1.96e-03 LA-140    5.05e+D2    2 .00e+0 2 O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO   1.68e+05   8 .48e+0 4  O.ODe+OO    5.15e+Ol LA-14 2   1.03e+OO    3.77e-01   O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO   8.22e+03   5.95 e+04   O.OOe+ OO   9 .04e- 02 CE-141    2.77e+04    1.67e+04   O.OOe+OO  5.25e+03   5.17e+05   2*;16e+0 4  O.OOe+OO    1.99e+03 CE-143    2.93e+02    1.93e+02   O.OOe+DD  5.64e+Ol   1.16e+05   4 . ~7e +04 O.OQe+OO    2.2le+Ol CE-14 4   3.19e+06    l.21e+06   O.OOe+DD  5.38e+05   9.84e+06   l .4 8e+05  O.OOe+OO    l.76e+05 PR-143   l.40e+04    5.24e+03   O.OOe+OO  l.97e+03   4.33e+05   3.72e+04    O~OOe+OO    6 .9 9e+02 PR-144   4 . 79e-0 2 l.85e-02   O.OOe+DO  6.72e-03   1.61e+03   4.2Be+03    O.OOe+OO    2.4le -03 ND-147    7.94e+03    8.13e+03   O.ODe+OO  3 .15e+03  3 . 22e+05 3.12e+04    O.OOe+OO    5.00e+02 W-187     1.30e+Ol    9.02e+OO   O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO   3 .9 6e+04 3 .56e~04   0 .00e+OO   3.12e+OO NP-239    3.71e+02    3.32e+01   O.OOe+OO  6.62e+Ol   5.95e+04   2 .49e+ 04  O.OOe+OO    1.88e+Dl GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                              2.0-16b                    Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2a (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2. 2. 2. b, ( R. ) l Page 5 of 8 Release .Type: 2 Gaseous Dose*Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: 2 Vegetation (VEG) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB Not a pathway for this age group GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-16c Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2a* (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2. 2. 2 .b, (R.) l Page 6 of 8 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Fac:;tor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: 4 Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB Not a pathway for this agegfoup


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-16d Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2a (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 7 of 8 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: 5 Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 2.38e+03 2.38e+03 2.38e+03 2.38e+03 2.38e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.38e+03 C-14 2.34e+09 5.00e+08 5.00e+08 5.00e+08 5.00e+08 5.00e+08 O.OOe+OO 5.00e+08 NA-24 l.56e+07 1.56e+07 l.56e+07 l.56e+07 1.56e+07 1.56e+07 O.OOe+OO l.56e+07 P-32 l.60e+ll 9.42e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.17e+09 O.OOe+OO 6.21e+09 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.05e+05 2.30e+04 2.05e+05 4.70e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.61e+05 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 3.90e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.64e+06 O.OOe+OO l.43e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.84e+06 MN-56 O.OOe+OO 3.13e-02 O.OOe+OO 2.69e-02 O.OOe+OO 2.84e+OO O.OOe+OO 5.39e-03 FE-55 l.35e+08 8.73e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.27e+07 1.lle+07 O.OOe+OO 2.33e+07 FE-59 2.24e+08 3.92e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.16e+08 l.87e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.54e+08 C0-58 O.OOe+OO 2.43e+07 O.OOe+OO o~ooe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.05e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.05e+07 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 8.82e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.10e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.08e+08 NI-63 3.49e+10 2.16e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.07e+08 O.OOe+OO l.21e+09 NI-65 3.5le+OO 3.97e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.02e+Ol O.OOe+OO l.Ble-01 CU-64 O.OOe+OO l.84e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.lle+05 O.OOe+OO 3.77e+06 O.OOe+OO 8.51e+04 ZN-65 5.55e+09 1.90e+10 O.OOe+OO 9.23e+09 O.OOe+OO l.61e+10 O.OOe+OO 8.78e+09 ZN-69 1.94e-11 3.49e-11 O.OOe+OO l.45e-11 O.OOe+OO 2.85e-09 O.OOe+OO 2.60e-12 BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.27e-01 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.32e-22 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.O~e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO 2.23e+10 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.69e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.lOe+lO RB-88 O.OOe+OO 1.88e-44 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.83e-44 O.OOe+OO l.03e-44 RB-89 O.OOe+OO 3.41e-52 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.16e-52 O.OOe+OO 2.35e-52 SR-89 l.26e+10* O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.59e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.61e+08 SR-90 l.22e+ll O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.52e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.lOe+lO SR-91 2.70e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.19e+05 O.OOe+OO 9.76e+03 SR-92 4.60e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.96e+Ol O.OOe+OO l.71e-01 Y-90 6.82e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.42e+05 O.OOe+OO l.83e+Ol Y-91 7.33e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.25e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.95e+03 Y-91M 6.09e-19 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.03e-15 O.OOe+OO 2.0Be-20 Y-92 5.37e-04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.02e+Ol O.OOe+OO l.Sle-05 Y-93 2.14e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.69e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.83e-02 ZR-95 6.8le+03 1.66e+03 O.OOe+OO l.79e+03 O.OOe+OO 8.26e+05 O.OOe+OO l.18e+03 ZR-97 4.05e+OO 6.96e-01 O.OOe+OO 7.0le-01 O.OOe+OO 4.44e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.18e-01 NB-95 5.93e+05 2.44e+05 O.OOe+OO l.75e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.06e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.41e+05 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 2.08e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.10e+08 O.OOe+OO 6.84e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.05e+07 TC-99M 2.74e+Ol 5.65e+Ol O.OOe+OO 6.08e+02 2.95e+Ol l.64e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.28e+02 TC-101 2.28e-59 2.87e-59 O.OOe+OO 3.42e-58 l.57e-59 4.88e-57 O.OOe+OO 2.84e-58 RU-103 8.67e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.80e+04 O.OOe+OO l.05e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.90e+03 RU-105 8.00e-03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.88e-02 O.OOe+OO 3.18e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.69e-03 RU-106 1.90e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.25e+05 O.OOe+OO l.45e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.38e+04 AG-110M 3.86e+08 2.82e+08 O.OOe+OO 4.03i+08 O.OOe+OO l.46e+l0 O.OOe+OO 1.86e+08 TE-12,5M 1.51e+08 5.04e+07 5.08e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.19e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.04e+07 TE-127 6.45e+03 2.16e+03 5.25e+03 l.57e+04 O.OOe+OO l.35e+05 O.OOe+OO l.39e+03 TE-127M 4.21e+08 1.40e+08 1.22e+08 l.04e+09 O.OOe+OO l.70e+08 O.OOe+OO 5.10e+07 TE-129 2.27e-09 7.Ble-10 l.90e-09 5.64e-09 O.OOe+OO l.81e-07 O.OOe+OO 5.29e-10 TE-129M 5.57e+08 l.91e+08 2.14e+08 1.39e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.33e+08 O.OOe+OO 8.58e+07 TE-131 3.49e-32 l.29e-32 3.lle-32 8.91e-32 O.OOe+OO l.41e-30 O.OOe+OO 9.79e-33 TE-131M 3.38e+06 1.36e+06 2.75e+06 9.35e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.29e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.12e+06 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-16e Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2a (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 8 of 8 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 3 INFANT Pathway: 5 Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 2.10e+07 l.04e+07 l.54e+07 6.51e+07 O.ODe+DO 3.85e+07 O.OOe+OO 9.71e+06 I-130 3.53e+06 7.77e+06 8.71e+OB 8.53e+06 O.ODe+OO 1.67e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.12e+06 I-131 2.72e+09 3.20e+09 l.05e+12 3.74e+09 0.0De+OO l.14e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.41e+09 I-132 1.43e+OO 2.91e+OO 1.36e+02 3.25e+OD O,OOe+OO 2.36e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.04e+OO I-133 3.62e+07 5.28e+07 9.59e+09 6.20e+07 D.OOe+OO 8.93e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.55e+07 I-134 1.65e-11 3.37e-11 7.87e-10 3.77e-11 0.00~+00 3.49e-11 O.OOe+OO l.20e-11 I-135 1.13e+05 2.25e+05 2.0le+07 2.5De+05 O.Ode+OO 8.13e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.19e+04 CS-134 3.65e+10 6.BOe+lO O.OOe+OO 1.75e+10 7.18e+09 1.85e+OB 0.00e+OO 6.87e+09 CS-136 1.98e+09 5.8le+09 O.OOe+OO 2.32e+09 4.73e+08 8.82e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.17e+09 CS-137 5.15e+10 6.02e+10 O.OOe+OO 1.62e+10 6.55e+09 1.88e+08 O.OOe+OO 4~27e+09 CS-138 8.06e-23 1.Jle-22 O.OOe+OO 6.53e-23 l.02e-23 2.09e-22 O.DDe+OO 6.35e-23 BA-139 4.29e-07 2.84e-10 O.OOe+OO 1.71e-10 l.7 2e- 10 2.71e-05 O.DDe+OO 1.24e-08 BA-140 2.4le+DB 2 .41 e +05 O.OOe+OO 5.72e+04 l.48 e+05 5.92e+D7 O.OOe+OO 1.24e+07 BA-141 4.16e-45 2 . 85e -48 O.OOe+OO 1.71e- 48 1. 73e -48 5.0Be-44 O.OOe+OO 1. Jle -46 BA-142 4.0Se-80 3.37e-83 O.OOe+OO 1.94e-83 2.04e-83 1. 67e -79 O.ODe+OO 1. 99e-81 LA-140 4.06e+01 1.60e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.88e+O~ O,OOe+OO 4.12e+OO LA-142 1.73e-1 0 6.35e-11 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0 .00e+OO 1.0Be-05 O.OOe +OO 1.52e-11 CE-141 4.34e+04 2.64e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.15e+03 O.OOe+OO l.37e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.11e+03 CE-143 3.96e+02 2.63e+05 O.OOe+OD 7.65e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.53e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.00e+Ol CE-144 2~33e+06 9.52e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.85e+05 O.OOe+OO l.33e +0 8 O.OOe+OO l.30e+05 PR-143 1. 49e+03 5. 56e+02 0. ODe+DD 2 . 07e+02 0. OOe+OO 7 . 84e+05 0. OOe+OO 7. 37e+10l PR-144 6.25e-53 2.42e-53 O.OOe+DO 8.76e-54 O.OOe+OO 1.13e-4 8 O.OOe+OO 3.15e~54 ND-147 8 .81e+02 9.05e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.49e+02 O.OOe+OO 5.73e+05 O.OOe+OO 5.54e+Ol W-187 6.08e+04 4.23e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.48e+06 O.OOe+ OO 1.46e+04 NP-239 3.64e+Ol 3.26e+OO O.DDe+OO 6 .50 e+OO O.OOe+OO 9.42e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.84e+O D 3 Units: Inhalation 2 and a ll tri tium pathways - mrem/yr per µCi/m Others - m . mrem/yr per µCi/sec Values based on st*andard NUREG-0133, Section 5. 3 .1 assumptions unless otherwise indicated. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2 .0-16f Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2b PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2. 2. 2 .b, (R.) l Page 1 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 0 Ground Plane Deposition (GPD) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO C-14 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO NA-24 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.39e+07 l.20e+07 P-32 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.50e+06 4.65e+06 MN-54 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.62e+09 l.38e+09 MN-56 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.07e+06 9.03e+05 FE-55 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO FE-59 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.20e+08 2.73e+08 C0-58 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.45e+08 3.80e+08 C0-60 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.53e+l0 2.15e+10 NI-63 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO NI-65 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.45e+05 2.97e+05 CU-64 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.86e+05 6.05e+05 ZN-65 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.57e+08 7.46e+08 ZN-69 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.08e+03 4.87e+03 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.37e+05 2.03e+05 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00~+00 RB-86 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.03e+07 8.98e+06 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.78e+04 3.31e+04 RB-89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.48e+05 l.23e+05 SR-89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.51e+04 2.16e+04 SR-90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO SR-91 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.51e+06 2.15e+06 SR-92:' O.OOe+OO O.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.62e+05 7.76e+05 Y-90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.3le+03 4.50e+03 Y-91 O.OOe+OO O~OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.21e+06 l.07e+06 Y-91M O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.16e+05 l.00e+05 Y-92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.14e+05 l.80e+05 Y-93 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.50e+05 l.83e+05 ZR-95 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.85e+08 2.45e+08 ZR-97 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.44e+06 2.96e+06 NB-95 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO l.6le+08 l.37e+08

  • M0-99 O.OOe+OO O.. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.62e+06 3.99e+06 TC-99M -'* O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.lle+05 l.84e+05 TC-101 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.26e+04 2.03e+04 RU-103 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.26e+08 l.08e+08 RU-105 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.21e+05 6.36e+05 RU-106 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.04e+08 4.20e+08 AG-llOM O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.02e+09 3.45e+09 TE-125M .O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.13e+06 l.56e+06 TE-127 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.29e+03 2.99e+03 TE-127M O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.08e+05 9.17e+04 TE-129 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.08e+04 2.61e+04 TE-129M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.3le+07 l.98e+07 TE-131 .O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.45e+07 2.92e+04 TE-131M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.46e+06 8.02e+06 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-17 Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2b (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 2 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (~A2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 0 Ground Plane Deposition (GPD) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 O.OOe+oo* O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.97e+06 4.22e+06 I-130 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.68e+06 5.50e+06 I-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+bO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.09e+07 l.72e+07 I-132 O.OOe+OO *o.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.47e+06 l.25e+06 I-133 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00~+00 O.OO~+OD O.OOe+OO 2.98e+06 2.45e+06 I-134 0. OOe+OO O.. OOe+O'O O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO *o. OOe+OO 5. 30e+05 4. 46e+05 I-135 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.95e+06 2.53e+06 CS-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.05e+09 -6.90e+09 CS-136 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO o*.ooe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.7le+08 1.5le+08 CS-137 O.OOe+oo*o.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.20e+l0 l.03e+~O CS-138 O.OOe+OO O.*OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.10e+05 3.59e+05 BA-139 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.19e+05 l.06e+05 BA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.35e+07 2.05e+07 BA-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.75e+04 4.17e+04 BA-1.42 d.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.06e+04 4.44e+04' LA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.06e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.i8e+07 l.92e+07 LA-i42 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.12e+05 7.60e+05 CE-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO b.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.54e+07 l.37e+07 CE-"143 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.63e+06 2.3le+06 CE-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O~OOe+OO 8.05e+07 6.96e+07 PR-143 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O~OOe+OO O.OOe+OO PR-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.lle+03 l.84e+b3 ND-147 O.OOe+OO .O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO i.Ole+07 8.39e+06 W-187 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.73e+06 2.35e+06 NP-239 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.98e+06 l.7le+06


GRAND GULF'* UNIT 1 2.0-18 Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2b (Continu ed ) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6 .11. 6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R. ) l Page 3 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec ) or (mr em/yr ) /( uCi / mAJ ) ) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 1 Inhalation (INHL) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO l.13e+03 1.13 e +03 1.13~+03 l.13e+03 1 .1 3e+ 03 O. OOe+O O 1 .1 3e+ 03 C-14 3.59e+04 6.73e+03 6.73e+03 6.73e+03 6.73e +03 6 . 73e+ 03 O. OO e+OO 6.7 3e+0 3 NA-24 l.6le+04 l.6l e +04 l.6le+04 l. 6 l e+04 l.61 e +04 l.6le+0 4 O. OOe+O O l. 6le +04 P-32 2.61e+06 l.1 4 e+05 O.OOe+O O O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 4 . 22 e+ 04 O.O Oe+ OO 9. 88e +04 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.55e+Ol 2.43e+Dl 1. 70e+ 04 1. 08e+ 03 O.O De+ OO 1. 54 e+ 02 MN-5 4 O.OOe+OO 4.29e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.00e+041,58e+06 2 . 29e+ 0 4 O. OOe +O O 9 . 5 1e + 03 MN-56 O.OOe+OO l.66 e +OO O.OOe+OO l.6 7e+OO l.3le+ 0 4 l . 23e+05 O. OOe + OO 3. 12e - 0 1 FE-55 4.7 4e +04 2.52 e +04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.lle+ 05 2.87e+03 O. OOe +O O 7.77 e + 03 FE-59 2.07e+04 3.35e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO 1.27e+06 7.0 7 e + 0 4 O. OOe +O O 1 .67e+ 04 C0-58 O.OOe+OO 1.77e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO l.lle + 0 6 3 . 44 e+04 O. OOe +O O 3 .1 6e+ 03 C0-60 O.OOe+OO l.3le+04 O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO 7.07e+06 9 . 62e+0 4 O.O Oe + OO 2 . 2 6e+ 04 NI-63 8.2le+05 4.63e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 2.75e+ 05 6 . 33e+0 3 O. OOe+OO 2 . 80e+ 0 4 NI-65 2.99e+OO 2.9 6e -01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.18e+ 03 8. 40e +04 O. OO e+OO l. 64 e- 0 1 CU-64 O.OOe+OO l.99e+OO O.OOe+OO 6.03e+OO 9.5 8e+03 3. £ 7 e + 0 4 O.O Oe +OO 1.07e +OO ZN- 65 4.26e+04 l.13e+05 O.OOe+OO 7.14e+0 4 9.95e+ 0 5 l. 63 e+ 04 O.OOe +OO 7 . 03e+04 ZN-69 6.70e-02 9.66e-02 O.OOe +OO 5.85e -021.4 2 e+031. 02e +0 4 O. OOe+OO 8 . 92e - 0 3 BR-83 O_.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O. OOe +OO 4.7 4e +02 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O. OOe+OO 5 . 48e +0 2 BR-8 5 O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+O O O.OOe +OO O. OO e +O O 2 . 53e +Ol RB-86 O.OOe+OO 1.98e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7 . 99e +03 O. OOe+OO l.1 4e +0 5 RB- 8 8 O.OOe+OO 5.62e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO l. 72e +Ol O. OOe+ OO 3 . 66e +02 RB- 8 9 O.OOe+OO 3.45e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO O.OOe+ OO 1. 89e+OO O.OOe +OO 2 ,9 0e +02 SR-89 5.99e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.16e+0 6 1. 67e+05 O. OOe +OO l.7 2e +04 SR-90 l.Ole+OB O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OO e +OO 1. 4 8e+ 07 3 .43 e+ 0 5 O. OO e+O O 6 . 44e +0 6 SR-91 1.21e+02 0 .00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.33e+ 04 1. 7 4e +0 5 O.O Oe+OO 4 .59e +OO SR-92 1.31e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO 2.40e+0 4 2 .4 2e +05 O.O Oe +OO 5. 2 5e - 01 Y-90 4.lle+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO 2. 62 e +0 5 2 . 68e+0 5 0 . 00 e +OO 1.lle+02 Y-91 9.14e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.63e+ 06 1. 8 4e+0 5 O. OOe+OO 2 . 4 4e+04 Y-91M 5.07e-01 O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.81e +03 1. 72 e +03 O.O Oe + OO 1. 8 4e ~ 02 Y-92 2.04e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO 2.39e+ 04 2 . 39e+0 5 O.O Oe +OO 5 . S l e - 01 Y-93 l.87e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO O.OO e +OO 7 .44e+ 04 3 . 8 9e+05 O.O Oe +OO 5 .lle+ OO ZR-95 l.9 0e+05 4 .18e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.96e+04 2.23e+ 06 6 .ll e+04 O. OOe+OO 3 . 70e +0 4 ZR-97 1.8Be+02 2.72e+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.89e+Ol 1.13 e +05 3 . 5 1e+05 O. OO e +OO l.6 0e +Ol NB - 95 2.35e+04 9.18e+03 O.OOe+OC 8.62e+03 6.14e+05 3 . 70e+04 0 . 00e+OO 6 . 55 e +03 M0-99 0.00e+OO l.72e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.92e+02 1.35e+05 1. 27e+05 O. OOe+OO 4 . 2 5e +O l TC-99M l.7Be-03 .3.48e-03 O.OOe+OO 5.07 e -02 9.5le+ 02 4 . Ble+ 03 O. OOe+ OO 5 . 77e- 02 TC-101 8.lOe-05 8.Sle-05 O.OOe+OO l .45e-03 5 .85e+ 02 1 . 63e+ Ol O. OOe + OO 1 . 0Be - 03 RU-103 2.79e+03 O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7 ! 03e+03 6.62e+ 05 4.4 8e+04 O.OOe+OO 1. 07e +03 RU-105 1.53e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.34 e +OO 1.59e+ 04 9 . 95e+04 O.OO e+OO 5 .55e -0 1 RU-10 6 l.36e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 1.84e+05 1.43e +07 4. 29e+05 O.OOe+OO l. 69e +0 4 AG-110M l.69e+04 1.14e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.12e+04 5.48e +06 1.-00e+O S O. OOe+OO 9 .14 e+03 TE-125M 6.73e+03 2.33e+03' 1 .92e+03 O.OO e +OO 4. 77e+05 3 . 38e+ 04 0 .0 0e + OO 9 .14 e+0 2 TE-127 2.77e+OO 9.Sle-01 1.96e+OO 7.07e+OO l.0 0e+ 04 5 . 62e+ 04 O. OOe+ OO 6 .lle - 0 1 TE-127M 2. 4 9e+04 8.5 5 e+03 6.07e+0 3 6.36e+04 1.48e+06 7 .14 e+04 O.OOe+OO 3 . 02 e +03 TE- 129 9.77e-02 3.SOe-02 7.14e-02 2.57e-01 2.93e+ 03 2. 55e+04 O.OOe+ OO 2 . 38e - 02 TE-129M l.92e+04 6.85 e +03 6.33e+03 5.03e+0 4 1.76e+06 1. 82e+ 05 O.OOe + OO 3 .04 e + 03 TE-131 2. 1 7e-02 8. 44 e- 0 3 1. 7 0e-02 5.BBe-02 2.05e+0 3 1 . 33e+03 O. OOe+O O 6 . 5 9e - 03 TE-131M 1.34e+02 5.92e+Ol 9.7 7e+Ol 4.00e+02 2.06e+ 05 3. 08e+05 O. OOe + OO 5. 07e +Ol GRAND GULF, UN I T 1 2.0-lBa Re v ision 25 - 0 1 /0 3

TABLE 2.2-2b (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2. 2. 2. b, ( R. ) l Page 4 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (rnA2 * (rnrern/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (rnrem/yr)/(uCi/mAJ)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 1 Inhalation (INHL) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 4.81e+02 2.72e+02 3.1Be+02 l.77e+03 3.77e+05 l.38e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.63e+02 I-130 8.18e+03 l.64e+04 1.85e+06 2.45e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.lle+03 O.OOe+OO 8.44e+03 I-131 4.81e+04 4.8le+04 1.62e+d7 7.88e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.84e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.73e+04 I-132 2.12e+03 4.07e+03 1.94e+05 6.25e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.20e+03 O.OOe+OO l.88e+03 I-133 1.66e+04 2.03e+04 3.85e+06 3.38e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.48e+03 O.OOe+OO 7.70e+03 I-134 l.17e+03 2.16e+03 5.07e+04 3.30e+03 O.OOe+OO 9.55e+02 O.OOe+OO 9.95e+02 I-135 4.92e+03 8.73e+03 7.92e+05 l.34e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.44e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.14e+03 CS-134 6.5le+05 1.0le+06 O.OOe+OO 3.30e+05 l.2le+05 3.85e+03 O.OOe+OO 2 .25e+05 CS-136 6.5le+04 l.7le+05 O.OOe+OO 9.55e+04 l.45e+04 4.18e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.16e+05 CS-137 9.07e+05 8.25e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.82e+05 1.04e+05 3.62e+03 O.OOe+OO l.2 8e +05 CS-138 6.33e+02 8.40e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.22e+02 6.Ble+Ol 2.70e+02 O.OOe+OO 5.55e+02 BA-139 l.84e+OO 9.84e-04 O.OOe+OO 8.62e-04 5.77e+03 5.77e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.37e-02 BA-140 7.40e+04 6.48e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2.lle+Ol l.74e+06 1.02e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.33e+03 BA-141 l.96e-01 l.09e-04 O.OOe+OO 9.47e-05 2.92e+D3 2.75e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.36e-03 BA-142 5.00e-02 3.60e-05 O.OOe+OO 2.9le-05 l.64e+03 2.74e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.79e-03 LA-140 6.44e+02 2.25e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.83e+05 2.26e+05 O.OOe+OO 7.55et01 LA-142 1.29e+OO 4.lle-01 O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.70e+03 7.59e+04 O.OOe+OO l.29e-01 CE-141 3.92e+04 l.95e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.55e+03 5.44e+05 5.66e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.90e+03 CE-143 3.66e+02 l.99e+02 O.OOe+OO 8.36e+Ol l.15e+05 1.27e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.88e+Ol CE-144 6.77e+06 2.12e+06 O.OOe+OO l.17e+06 1.20e+07 3.89e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.62e+05 PR-143 l.85e+04 5.55e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.00e+03 4.33e+05 9.73e+04 O.OOe+OO 9.14e+02 PR-144 5.96e-02 1.85e-02 O.OOe+OO 9.77e-03 l.57e+03 l.~7e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.00e-03 ND-147 1.08e+04 8.73e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.8le+03 3.28e+05 8.2le+04 O.OOe+OO 6.8le+02 W-187 1.63e+Ol 9.66e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.lle+04 9.10e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.33e+OO NP-239 4.66e+02 3.35e+Ol O.OOe+OO 9.73e+Ol 5.81e+04 6.40e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.35e+Ol GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-lBb Revision 25 - 01 / 03

rABLE 2.2-2b (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND 3ECTION 2.2.2.b, (R~ )

                                      ?age 5 of 10 Release Type:    2 Gaseous Dose Factor:    2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or        (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3))

AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 2 Vegetation (VEG)

faclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB 3-3 O.OOe+OO 4.0le+03 4.0le+03 4.0le+03 4.0le+03 4.0le+03 O.OOe+OO 4.0le+03 C-14 8.89e+OB 1.78e+08 l.78e+08 1.78e+08 l.78e+OB l.78e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.78e+OB
~A-2 4 3.75e+05 3.75e+05 3.75e+05 3.75e+05 3.75e+05 3.75e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.75e+05
?-32     3.36e+09 l.57e+08  O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO   O.OOe+OO 9.30e+07  O~OOe+OO  l.30e+OB 1:R-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO  6.49e+04 1.77e+04   1.19e+05 6.20e+06  Q.OOe+OO  1.17e+05 MN-54     O.OOe+OO 6.65e+08  O.OOe+OO 1.86e+08   O.OOe+OO 5.58e+08  O.OOe+OO  1.77e+08 MN-56     O.OOe+OO l.87e+Ol  O.OOe+OO 2.26e+Ol   O.OOe+OO 2.71e+03  0.00e+OO  4.22e+OO

?E-55 8.0le+OB 4.25e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.40e+OB ~.87e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.32e+08 ?E-59 3.97e+08 6.42e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.86e+08 6.69e+OB O.OOe+OO 3.20e+OB ,:o-ss O.OOe+OO 6.45e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.76e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.98e+OB C0-60 0.00e+OO 3.78e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.10e+09 O.OOe+OO l.12e+09 ~H-63 3.95e+10 2.11e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO l.42e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.34e+09

u-65 l.05e+02 9.89e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.21e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.77e+OO 1:u-64 O.OOe+OO l.09e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.64e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.13e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.60e+03 rn-65 8.12e+08 2.16e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.36e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.80e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.35e+09
~N-69    9.30e-06 1.34e-05  O.OOe+OO 8.15e-06   O.OOe+OO B.47e-04  O.OOe+OO  l.24e-06 3R-83     O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO   0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO  5.35e+OO 3R-84     O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO   O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO  3.92e-11 3R-85     0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO   O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO
{B-86 O.OOe+OO 4.52e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.91e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.78e+08
{B-88 O.OOe+OO 4.38e-22 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.lSe-23 O.OOe+OO 3.04e-22
{B-89 O.OOe+OO 4.69e-26 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.09e-28 O.OOe+OO 4.17e-26 3R-89 3.59e+10 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 0.00e+OO l.39e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.03e+09 3R-90 l.24e+l2 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.68e+10 O.OOe+OO 3.15e+ll 3R-91 5.22e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.15e+06 0.-00e+OO l.97e+04 3R-92 7.24e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.37e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.90e+Ol
  • (-90 2.31e+04 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.58e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.18e+02 Y-91 l.87e+07 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.49e+09 O.OOe+OO 4.99e+05 Y-91M 9.23e-09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.Ble-05 O.OOe+OO 3.36e-10
  • {-92 1.58e+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.57e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.53e-02

-{-93 2.92e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.35e+06 O.OOe+OO 8.00e+OO m-95 3.87e+06 B.50e+05 O.OOe+OO l.22e+06 O.OOe+OO 8.86e+08 0.00~+00 7.56e+05 m-97 5.70e+02 8.23e+Ol O.OOe+OO l.18e+02 O.OOe+OO l.25e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.86e+Ol

  • m-95 4.10e+05 l.60e+05 O.OOe+OO l.50e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.95e+08 O.OOe+OO l.14e+05 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 7.70e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.65e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.37e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.9le+06 1'C-99M 4.70e+OO 9.22e+OO O.OOe+OO l.34e+02 4.68e+OO 5.25e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.53e+02 TC-101 l.35e-30 l.42e-30 0.00e+00.2.41e-29 7.48e-31 4.SOe-30 O.OOe+OO 1.BOe-29 c<.U-103 l.53e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.86e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.96e+08 O.OOe+OO 5.89e+06
{U-105 9.13e+Ol O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 8.02e+02 O.OOe+OO 5.96e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.3le+Ol
rn-106 7.45e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.0le+09 0.00e+OO 1.16e+l0 O.OOe+OO 9.30e+07
\G-llOM 3.2le+07 2.17e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.04e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.58e+09 O.OOe+OO l.74e+07 TE-125M 3.5le+OB 9.52e+07 9.86e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.39e+08 O.OOe+OO 4.68e+07 TE-127 9.97e+03 2.69e+03 6.90e+03 2.84e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.89e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.14e+03 TE-127M 1.32e+09 3.56e+08 3.16e+08 3.77e+09 O.OOe+OO l.07e+09 O.OOe+OO l.57e+08 TE-129 1.20e-03 3.36e-04 8.59e-04 3.52e-03 O.OOe+OO 7.49e-02 O.OOe+OO 2.86e-04 TE-12 9M 8.40e+08 2.35e+08 2.7le+OB 2.47e+09 O.OOe+OO l.03e+09 O.OOe+OO 1;30e+OB TE-131 2.59e-15 7.90e-16 1.98e-15 7.84e-15 O.OOe+OO 1.J~e-14 0.00e+OO 7.7le-16 TE-131M l.54e+06 5.33e+05 l.10e+06 5.16e+06 0.00e+OO 2.16e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.67e+05 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-18c Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2b (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 6 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uC i/ sec) or (mrern/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 2 Vegetation (VEG) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 6.98e+06 3.09e+06 4.50e+06 2.87e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.11e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.73e+06 I-130 6.t4e+05 1.24e+06 1.37e+OB 1.85e+06 O.OOe+OO 5.80e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.39e+05 I-131 1.43e+08 l.44e+08 4.75e+10 2.36e+OB O.OOe+OO l.28e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.17e+07 I-132 9.23e+Ol l.70e+02 7.87e+03 2.60e+02 0.00e+OO 2.00e+02 O.OOe+OO 7.BOe+Ol I-133 3.53e+06 4.36e+06 8.lle+OB 7.27e+06 O.OOe+OO l.76e+06 O.OOe+OO l.65e+06 I-13.4 1.50e-04 2.78e-04 6.40e-03 4.26e-04 O.OOe+OO. 1.85e-04 0.00e+OO'l.28e-04 I-135 6.28e+04 l.13e+05 1.00e+07 l.73e+05 0.00e+OO 8.61e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.34e+04 CS-134 1.60e+l0 2.63e+l0 O.OOe+OO 8.16e+09 2.93e+09 1.42e+OB O.OOe+OO 5.55e+09 CS-136 8.23e+07 2.26e+OB O.OOe+OO 1.21e+08 1.80e+07 7.95e+06 O.OOe+OO l.46e+08 CS-137 2.39e+10 2.29e+10 O.OOe+OO 7.46e+09 2.69e+09 1.43e+OB O.OOe+OO 3.38e+09 CS-138 6.44e-11 8.95e-11 O.OOe+OO 6.30~-11 6.78e-12 4.12e-11 O.OOe+OO 5.6~e7ll BA-139 4.96e-02 2.65e-05 O.ODe+OO 2.31e-05 1.56e-05 2.86e+OO O.OOe+OO l.44e-03 BA-140 2.77e+08 2.43e+05 O.OOe+OO 7.90e+04 1.45e+05 1.40e+OB O.OOe+OO l.62e+07 BA-141 2.04e-21 l.14e-24 O.OOe+OO 9.90e-25 6.72e-24 1.16e-21 O.OOe+OO 6.65e-23 BA-142 4.06e-39 2.92e-42 O.OOe+OO 2.36e-42 1.72e-42 5.29e-41 O.OOe+OO 2.26e-40 LA-140 3.25e+03 l.14e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.17e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.83e+02 LA-142 3.39e-04 l. OBe -04 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 0.00e+OO 2.lAe+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.38e-05 CE-141 6.56e+05 3.27e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.43e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.0Be+OB O.OOe+OO 4.85e+04 CE-143 1.72e+03 9.30e+05 O.OOe+OO 3:9oe+02 O.OOe+OO 1.36e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.35e+02 CE- 1 44 1.27e+OB 3.99e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.21e+07 O.OOe+OO l.04e+10 O.OOe+OO 6.78e+06 PR-143 l.46e+05 4.38e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.37e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.57e+08 O.OOe+OO 7.24e+03 PR-144 5.64e-26 1.74e-26 0.00~+00 9.22e-27 O.OOe+OO 3.75e-23 O.OOe+OO 2.84e-27 ND-147 7.14e+04 5.79e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.17e+04 O.OOe+OO 9.16e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.48e+03 W-187 6.43e+04 3.81e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.35e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.71e+04 NP-239 2.56e+03 1.84e+02 O.OOe+OO 5.31e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.36e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.29e+02 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-lBd Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2b (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 7 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr )/ (uCi/sec) or (mrem /yr) /(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 4 Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI -Lli Skin TB H-3 O. OOe+OO 2.34e+02 2.3 4e+02 2.34e+02 2 .34e+02 2.34e+02 O.OO e +OO 2.3 4e+02 C-14 3.83e +OB 7.67e+07 7.67e+07 7.67e+07 7 .67e+07 7.67e+07 O.OOe+OO 7 .67e+07 NA-24 1.84e-03 l.84e-03 1.84e-03 l.8 4e -03 l .84 e -03 l.84e-03 O.OOe+OO 1.84e-03 P-32 7 .4le+09 3.4 7e+ OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.05e+08 D.OOe+OO 2.86 e+08 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.8 7e+03 l.33e+03 B.90e+03 4.66e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.78e+03 MN-54 O.OOe +OO 8.0le+06 O.OOe+O O 2.25e+06 O.OOe+OO 6.72e+06 O.OOe+ OO 2 .13e+06 MN-56 0.00e+OO l.56e-53 O.OOe+OO l.89e-53 O.OOe+OO 2.26e-51 0.00e+OO 3.52e-54 FE-5 5 4.57e+08 2.43e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 1.3 7e+0 8 4.49e+07 O.OOe +OO 7.51e+07 FE-5 9 3.76e +OB 6.0Be+OB O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO l.76e+08 6.34e+08 O. OOe+OO 3.03e+08 C0-58 O.OOe+OO 1.64e+07 0.00e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.59e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.03e+07 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 6.93e+07 O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.84e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.04e+08 NI-63 2.9le+l0 l.5 6e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.05e+08 O.OOe+OO 9.91e+08 NI-65 3.55e-52 3.34e-53 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.lDe-51 O.OOe+OO 1 .95e-53 CU-64 O.OOe+OO 2.77e-07 O.OOe+OO 6.68 e -07 O.OOe+OO 1 .JOe-05 0.00e+OO 1. 67e-0 7 ZN-65 3.75e+08 l.00e+09 O.OOe+O O 6.30e+08 O.OOe+OO l.76e+OB O. OO e+OO 6.22e+08 ZN-69 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BR- 83 O.OOe + OO O.O Oe+OO 0.00e+O O O.O Oe+ OO O.OOe+OO O.D Oe+OO O.OOe+OO 8 .89 e -5 7 BR- 84 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO O. OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O. ODe +OO O.OD e +OO BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe + OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO D. OOe +OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO RB - 86 O.OOe+OO 5.76e+08 O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+ OO O.O Oe +OO 3.7 l e +07 O.OOe+OO 3 .55e+08 RB - 88 O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O. OOe +OO RB - 89 O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe'f-00 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO SR-89 4.Ble+O B O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO l.86e +0 7 O.OOe+OO 1. ]8e+07 SR- 90 1 .04e+10 O.OOe+OO O. OOe+ OO O.OOe+ OO O.O Oe+OO 1.40e+08 0.00e+OO 2 .64 e+09 SR- 91 2.26e-1 0 O. OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4 . 99e -1 0 O. OOe +OO 8.54e -12 SR-92 l. 69e -4 9 Q.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 3 .1 9e~48 O.OOe+OO 6.76e - 51 Y-90 1.7 3e+02 O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.O Oe+ OO D.OOe+OO 4 . 9Ze +05 O. OOe+OO 4.62e+OO Y-9 1 l .80e+06 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .4 0e+08 O. OOe+OO 4 . 82e+04 Y- 91M O. OOe + DO O.O Oe+ OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O. OOe+OO Y-92 2 .3 7e - 39 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O O O.OOe+OO 6 . 84e -35 O.OOe+OO 6 . 77e - 41 Y-93 6.97e -1 2 0 . 00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.04e-0 7 O. OOe +OO 1.9le~13 ZR- 95 2 . 67e+06 5 . 86e+05 O. OOe+OO 8.39e+05 O. OOe+OO 6 .ll e +O B O. OOe+ OO 5 .2 2e+05 ZR- 97 3 .1 6e -0 5 4 .57 e-06 O.OOe+OO 6 . 56e - 06 O.OOe+O O 6 . 93e - 01 O.O Oe +OO 2.70e ~06 NB -95 3 . 10e+06 1.21e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.13e+06 O. OOe+OO 2 .2 3e +09 O. OOe+OO 8 . 6le+05 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 1.14e+05 O.OOe+OO 2 . 44e+05 O.OOe+OO 9 .44e+04 O. OCe +OO 2 . 82e +04 TC- 99M 6 .0 2e-2 1 1.lBe-20 O.O Oe+OO 1 .72e -1 9 5 . 99e - 21 6 . 72e -1 8 O. OOe +OO l .96e -19 TC-1 01 O. OOe +OO O.OOe +OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OCe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO RU-103 1 .5 5e +OB O.OOe+OO 0 . 00e+ OO 3 . 90e+ OB O.OOe+OO 4.00e+09 0 . 00e+OO 5.95e+07 RU-105 8 . 48e -2 8 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 7.45e-27 O.O Oe+ OO 5 .5 3e - 25 O.OOe+OO 3 . 0Be - 28 RU - 106 4 . 44e+09 O. OOe +OO O. OOe+ OO 5.99e+09 O.OOe+OO 6.90e+1 0 O.OOe+ OO 5 . 54e+OB AG - llOM 8 . 39e+06 5 . 67e +06 O. OOe+ OO 1 .06e+07 O. OOe+OO 6 . 74e+OB O.OOe+ OO 4.53e+06 TE-125M 5 . 70e+08 1.54e +0 8 l. 60e+ OB O.OOe+OO 0.00e+ OD 5 . 50e+08 O.OOe+ OO 7 . 59e+07 TE - 127 3 .99e-1 0 1.0 Be-10 2.7£e -10 l.1 4e -09 O. DOe+O O l .5 6e-08 O.OOe+OO 8 .5 6e -11 TE-127M 1. 78e+09 4 . 78e+OB 4.24e+OB 5.06e+09 O.OOe+OO l.44e +09 O. OOe+OO 2.l l e +O B TE -129 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.O Oe+ OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.O Oe+OO TE-129M 1.79e+09 5.00e+OB 5 . 77e+OB 5 .25e +09 O.OOe+ OO 2 .1 8e+09 O.O Oe+ OO 2.78e+08 TE-131 O.OOe+OO 0 . 00e+ OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+ OO TE -1 3 1M 6 . 97e+02 2 .41e+ 02 4.96e+02 2.33e+03 O.OOe+O O 9.78e +03 O.OO e+OO 2.57e+02 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2 . 0- lBe Revisi on 25 - 01 /03

TABLE 2.2-2b (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECT10N 2.2.2.b, (R,) l Page 8 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (m"2 * (mrem/yr) I (uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr) I (uCi/m"3)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 4 Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 2.09e+06 9.23e+05 1.35e+06 8.57e+06 O.OOe+OO 9.30e+06 O.ODe+OO 1.12e+06 I-130 2.92e-06 5.89e-06 6.49e-04 8.Ble-06 O.OOe+OO 2.76e-06 O.OOe+OO 3.04e-06 I-131 1.65e+07 1.66e+07 s.soi+09 2.73e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.48e+06 O.OOe+OO 9.45e+06 I-132 1.0Se-58 1.93e-58 8.93e-57 2.95e-58 O.OOe+OO 2;27e-58 O.OOe+OO 8.BSe-59 I-133 .5.64e-01 6.98e-01 1.30e+02 1.16e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.Ble-01 O.OOe+OO 2.64e-01 I-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO I-135 6;86e-17 1.23e-16 l.09e-14 l.89e-16 O.OOe+OO 9.40e-17 O.OOe+OO 5.84e-17 CS-134 9.22e+OS 1.51e+09 o*.ooe+OO 4.69e+08 1.68e+08 8.16e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.19e+08 CS-136 1.62e+07 4.45e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.37e+07 3.54e+06 1.57e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.88~+07 CS-137 1.33e+09 1.28e+09 O.OOe+OO 4.16e+08 1.50e+08 7.99e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.88e+08 CS-138 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 0.00e+OO O.. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-139 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 0.00~+00 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-140 4.39e+07 3.84e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.25e+04 2.29e+04 2.22e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.5~e+06 BA-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-142 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO LA-140 5.66e-02 1.98e-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.52e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.67e-03 LA-142 6.20e-92 1.98e-92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.92e-87 O.OOe+OO 6.19e-93 CE-141 2.22e+04 1.lle+04 0.00~+00 4.85e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.38e+07 O.OOe+OO 1 . 64e+03 CE-143 3.14e-02 1.70e+Ol O.OOe+OO 7.14e-03 O.OOe+OO 2.49e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.46e~03 CE-144 2.32e+06 7.26e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.02e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.89e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.24e+05 PR-143 3.34e+04 l.00e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.44e+b3 O.OOe+OO 3.61e+07 O. OOe+OO 1.66e+03 PR-144 O.OOe+OO 0 .. 00e+OO O.OOe~OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO ND-147 1.l?e+04 9.46e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.19e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.50e+07 O.OOe+OO 7.32e+02 W-187 3.21e-02 l.90e-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 2.67e+OO O.OOe+OO 8.52e-03 NP-239 4.23e-01 3.04e-02 O.OOe+OO 8.79e-02 O.OOe+OO 2.25e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.14e-02 I . GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-lBf Revision 2.5 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2b (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 9 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 5 Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 1.57e+03 1.57e+03 1.57e+03 1.57e+03 1.57e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.57e+03 C-14 1.20e+09 2.39e+08 2.39e+08 2.39e+08 2.39e+08 2.39e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.39e+08 NA-24 8.93e+06 8.93e+06 8.93e+06 8.93e+06 8.93e+06 8.93e+O~ O.OOe+OO 8.93e+06 P-32 7.77e+10 3.64e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.15e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.00e+09 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.65e+04 1.54e+04 1.03e+05 5.40e+06 O.OOe+OO l.02e+05 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 2.10e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.88e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.76e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.59e+06 MN-56 O.OOe+OO l.28e-02 O.OOe+OO 1.54e-02 O.OOe+OO 1.85e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.88e-03 FE-55 1.12~+08 5.93e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.35e+07 l.10e+07 O.OOe+OO l.84e+07 FE-59 1.20e+08 1.94e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.64e+07 2.03e+08 O.OOe+OO 9.69e+07 C0-58 O.OOe+OO 1.21e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.08e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.71e+07 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 4.32e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.39e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.27e+08 NI-63 2.96e+l0 1.59e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.07e+08 O.OOe+OO l.Ole+09 NI-65 l.66e+OO l.56e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.91e+Ol O.OOe+OO 9.lle-02 CU-64 O.OOe+OO 7.39e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.79e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.47e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.47e+04 ZN-65 4.13e+09 1.lOe+lO O.OOe+OO 6.94e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.93e+09 O.OOe+OO 6.85e+09 ZN-69 9.lOe-12 1.32e-11 O.OOe+OO 7.98e-12 O.OOe+OO 8.29e-10 O.OOe+OO 1.22e-12 BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.37e-01 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.84e-23 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO 8.77e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.64e+08 O.OOe+'oo 5.39e+09 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 7.17e-45 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.52e-46 O.OOe+OO 4.98e-45 RB-89 O.OOe+OO 1.40e-52 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.22e-54 O.OOe+OO l.24e-52 SR-89 6.62e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.56e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.89e+08 SR-90 1.12e+ll O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.51e+09 O.OOe+OO 2.83e+10 SR-91 1.29e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.86e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.89e+03 SR-92 2.16e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.09e+Ol O.OOe+OO 8.67e-02 Y-90 3.23e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.19e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.64e+OO Y-91 3.90e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.20e+06 O.OOe+OO l.04e+03 Y-91M 2.87e-19 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.62e-16 O.OOe+OO 1.04e-20 Y-92 2.53e-04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.30e+OO O.OOe+OO 7.23e-06 Y-93 1.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.50e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.76e-02 ZR-95 3.83e+03 8.43e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.21e+03 O.OOe+OO 8.79e+05 O.OOe+OO 7.50e+02 ZR-97 1.92e+OO 2.77e-01 O.OOe+OO 3.97e-01 O.OOe+OO 4.19e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.63e-01 NB-95 3.18e+05 l.24e+05 O.OOe+OO l.16e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.29e+08 O.OOe+OO 8.84e+04 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 8.12e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.74e+08 O.OOe+OO 6.72e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.0le+07 TC-99M 1.32e+Ol 2.58e+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.75e+02 1.31e+Ol 1.47e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.28e+02 TC-101 l.OBe-59 1.13e-59 O.OOe+OO 1.92e-58 5.95e-60 3.58e-59 O.OOe+OO l.43e-58 RU-10 3 4 . 2 8e + 0 3 0 . 0 0e + 0 0 0 . 0 0e + 0 0 1 . 0 8e +0 4 0 . 0 0e + 0 0 1 . 11e_+05

  • 0 . OOe + 0 0 1 . 6 5 e + O3 RU-105 3.79e-Q3 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.33e-02 O.OOe+OO 2.48e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.38e-03 RU-106 9.24e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.25e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.44e+06 O.OOe+OO l.15e+04 AG-llOM 2.09e+08 1.41e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.63e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.68e+10 O.OOe+OO 1.13e+08 TE-125M 7.38e+07 2.00e+07 2.07e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.12e+07 O.OOe+OO 9.84e+06 TE-127 3.04e+03 8.19e+02 2.10e+03 8.64e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.19e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.51e+02 TE-127M 2.08e+08 5.60e+07 4.97e+07 5.93e+08 O.OOe+OO l.68e+08* O.OOe+OO 2.47e+07 TE-129 1.07e-09 2.99e-10 7.63e-10 3.13e-09 O.OOe+OO 6.65e-08 O.OOe+OO 2.54e-10 TE-129M 2.71e+08 7.58e+07 8.75e+07 7.97e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.31e+08 O.OOe+OO 4.21e+07 TE~131 1.64e-32 5.0le-33 1.26e-32 4.97e-32 O.OOe+OO 8.64e-32 O.OOe+OO 4.89e-33 TE-131M l.60e+06 5.53e+05 1.14e+06 5.35e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.24e+07 O.OOe+o*o 5.88e+05 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-18g Revision 25 - 01/03


                         , 1., "


                                   ,~;l"r          SECTION 2. 2. 2. b, ( Ri)

Page 10 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 2 CHILD Pathway: 5 Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 l.02e+07 4.52e+06 6.58e+06 4.19e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.55e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.46e+06 I-130 l.72e+06 3.47e+06 3.83e+08 5.19e+06 O.OOe+OO l.62e+06 O.OOe+OO l.79e+06

j:-131 l.30e+09 l.3le+09 4.33e+ll 2.15e+09 O.OOe+OO l.17e+08 O.OOe+OO 7.45e+08 I-132 6.9le-01 l.27e+OO 5.89e+Ol .l.94e+OO O.OOe+OO l.49e+OO O.OOe+OO 5.84e-Ol I-133 l.72e+07 2.12e+07 3.94e+09 3.54e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.55e+06 O.OOe+OO 8.03e+06 I-134 7.94e-12 l.48e-ll 3.39e-10 2.26e-ll O.OOe+OO 9.78e-12 O.OOe+OO 6.79e-12 I-135 5.43e+04 9.78e+04 8.66e+06 l.50e+05 O.OOe+OO 7.45e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.62e+04 CS-134 2.26e+l0 3.72e+l0 O.OOe+OO l.15e+l0 4.13e+09 2.00e+08 O.OOe+OO 7.84e+09 CS-136 l.Ole+09 2*.78e+09 O.OOe+OO l.48e+09 2.2le+08 9.77e+07 O.OOe+OO l.80e+09 CS-137 3 .22e+l0 3. 09e+l0 0. OOe+OO 1. Ole+lO 3. 62e+09 1. 93e+08 0. OOe+OO 4. 56e+0,9 CS-138 3.82e-23 5.3le-23 O.OOe+OO 3.74e-23 4.02e-24 2.45e-23 O.OOe+OO 3.37e-23 BA-139 2.02e~07 l.08e-10 O.OOe+OO 9.39e-ll 6.33e-ll l.16e-p5 O.OOe+OO 5.84e-09 BA-140 l.17e+08 l.03e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.34e+04 6.12e+04 5.94e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.84e+06 BA-141 l.96e-45 1.09e-48 O.OOe+OO 9.48e-49 6.43e-48 l.12e-45 O.OOe+OO 6.37e-47 BA-142 l.93e-80 l.39e-B3 O.OOe+OO l.12e-83 8.15e-84 2.Sle-82 O.OOe+OO l.08e-81 LA-140 l.94e+Ol 6;80e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.90e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.29e+OO LA-142 8.24e-11 2.63e-ll O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.20e-06 O.OOe+OO 8.22e-12 CE-141 2.19e~04 l.09e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.78e+03 *o.OOe+OO l.36e+07 O.OOe+OO l.62e+03 CE-143 1 . 8 7 e + O2 1 . 01e +05 0 . 0 O*e + 0 0 4 . 2 6e + 0 1 0 . 0 0e +0 0 1. 4 9 e + 0 6 0 . 0 0 e + 0*o 1. 4 7 e + 0 1 CE-144 l.62e+06 5.09e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.82e+05 O.OOe+OO l.33e+08 O.OOe+OO 8.66e+04 PR-143 7.19e+02 2.16e+02 O.OOe+OO l.17e+02 O.OOe+OO 7.75e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.56e+Ol PR-:-144 2.95e-53 9.lle-54 O.OOe+OO 4.82e-54 O~OOe+OO l.96e-50 O.OOe+OO l.48e-54 ND-147 4.44e+02 .3.60e+02 O.Obe+OO l.98e+02 O.OOe+OO 5.70e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.79e+Ol W-187 2.89e+04 l.7le+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.40e+06 O.OOe+OO 7.67e+03 NP-239 l.72e+Ol l.24e+OO O.OOe+OO 3.58e+OO -0.00e+OO 9.15e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.69e-01 3

Units: Inhalation 2 and all tritium pathways - mrem/yr per µCi/m Others - m . mrem/yr per µCi/sec Values based on standard NUREG-0133, Section 5.3.1 assumptions hnless otherwise indicated. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-18h Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2c PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6. 11 . 6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R l Page 1 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mAJ)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: O Ground Plane Deposition (GPD) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO C-14 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OQ 0.00e+OD NA-24 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 1.39e+07 1.20e+07 P-32 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0 .0 0e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.50e+06 4 .65e+ 06 MN:...54 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.62e+09 1.38e+09 MN-56 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.07e+06 9.03e+05 FE-55 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO FE-59 O.DOe+DO O.OOe+OO D.OOe+OO O.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.20e+08 2.73e+08 C0-58 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4 .45e +08 3.80e+08 C0-60 0.00e+OO D.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.53e+l0 2 .15 e+10 NI-63 O.OOe+OO D.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.O Oe+OO 0.00e+OO NI-6 5 O.OOe+OO D.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.45e+05 2.97e+05 CU-64 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 6 .86e+05 6 .05e+05 ZN-65 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO*O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.57e+D8 7.46e+08 ZN-69 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 0.00e+OO BR-83 O.OO e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OQ . Q.OOe +OO 7 .0 8e+03 4. 87e+03 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O O O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .3 7e+05 2 . 03e+05 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.ODe+OO la03e+ 07 8 .9 8e+06 RB-88 O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO O.OOe+OO O. ODe +OO 3.7 8e+04 3 .31e+ 04 RB-89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO O. OOe +OO 1.4 8e+~5 1. 23e+05 SR-89 0 .00 e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO 2 .51e+ 04 2.16e+04 SR-90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO SR-91 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO O: OOe+OO 2 .5le+06 2 .15e+06 SR-92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8 . 62e +05 7 . 76e+05 Y-90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e+OO 5.31 e+03 4.50e+03 Y-91 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 1. 21 e+06 1.07e+06

  • Y-91M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 1.16e+05 l.O Oe+OS Y- 9.2 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO 2 .1 4e+05 1.80e+05 Y- 93 O. OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.~Oe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 . 50e+05 1. 83e+05 ZR-95 O.OOe +O O O.OOe+O O O.OOe+ OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO 2 . 85e+08 2 .45e +08 ZR-97 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO O.O Oe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.44e+06 2 .9 6e+06 NB-95 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe + OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.6le+08 1.37e+OB M0-99 O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4. 62e+06 3.99e+06 TC-99M 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ DO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 2 .lle+OS l.84e+05 TC-101 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.26e+04 2 . 03e+04 RU-103 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1. 26e+OB l.08e+08 RU -1 05 0 . 00e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.2le+05 6.36e+05 RU -106 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5 .04e+ 08 4.20e+08 AG-llOM O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4 .02e+09 3.45e+09 TE-125M O.OOe+OO 0 . 00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .13e+0 6 1.56e+06 TE-127 O.OOe+OO O.OO e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 3.29e+03 2 . 99e+0 3 TE-127M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO l.08e+05 9.17e+04 TE-129 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.08e+04 2.61e+04 TE-129M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.3le+07 l.98e+07 TE-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +O O O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3 .45e+ 07 2 .92e+04 TE-131M O. OOe +OO O.O Oe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO 9.46e+06 8.02e+06 GRAND GULF, UNIT l 2 .0-1 9 Revisi on 25 - 01 /03

TABLE 2.2-2c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6. 11. 6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 2 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (rn"2 * (rnrern/yr)/(uCi/seC) or (rnrern/yr)/(uCi/rn"3))


AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: O Ground Plane Deposition (GPO) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.97e+06 4.22e+06 I-130 0.00et,00 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.68e+06 5.50e+06 I-131 O.OOeiOO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.ODe+OO 2.09e+07 1.72e+07 I-132 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.47e+06 1.25e+06 I-133 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.98~+06 2.45e+06 I-134 O.OOe+OO O~OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.30e+05 4.46e+05 I-135 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.95e+06 2.53e+06 CS-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.05e+09 6.90e+09 CS-136 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.7le+08 1.51e+08 CS-137 O.OOe+OD D.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+~O O.OOe+OO l.20e+10 l.03e+l0 CS-138 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.ODe+OD o.*ooe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.10e+05 3.59e+05 BA~139 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO -0.00e+OO l.19e+05 1.06e+05 BA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.35e+07 2.05e+07 BA-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.75e+04 4.17e+04 BA-142 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.06e+04 4.44e+04 LA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.18e+07 1.92e+07 LA-142 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e+OO O.OOe+OO 9.12e+05 7.60e+05 CE- 141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.54e+07 1.37e+07 CE -143 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.63e+06 2.3le+06 CE-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.05e+07 6.96e+07 PR-143 O.DDe+OD O.ODe+DD O.OOe+OD O.ODe+OD O.OOe+OO O.ODe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO PR-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.11e+03 1.B4e+03 ND-147 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 0.00e+OO 0.00e+DD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO 1.01e+07 8 . 39 e+06 W-187 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD 2.73e+06 2.35e+06 NP-239 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00~+00 O.OOe+OO 1.98e+06 1.71e+06 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-20 Revisi on 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2. 2-2 c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 3 o f 10


Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 1 Inhalation (!NHL) Nuclide Bone Liver Th yroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 1.2 7e +03 1.2 7e +03 1.27e+03 1. 27e+03 l.2 7e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.27e+03 C- 14 2.60e+D4 4.87e+03 4.87e+03 4.87e+03 4.87e+03 4.87e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.87e+03 NA-24 1.38e+04 1.38e+04 1.38e+04 1.38e+04 1.3Be+04 l.38e+D4 O.OOe+OO 1.38e+04 P-32 l.89e +06 1.10e+05 O.OOe +DD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9 .28e+04 O.OO e +OO 7.16e +04 CR-51 O.O Oe+OO O.OOe+OO 7 .50e+ 01 3.07e+Ol 2.10e +04 3.00e+03 O.OOe+OO l.35e+02 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 5.lle+04 O.OOe+OO 1.27e+04 1.98 e +06 6.68e+04 O.OOe+ OO 8.40e+03 MN-56 O.OOe+OO l. 70e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.79e+OO 1.52e+04 5.74e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.52e-01 FE-55. 3.34e+04 2.38e+04 O.OOetO O O. OO e+OO 1.24e+05 6.39e+0 3 O.OOe+OO 5.54e+03 FE-59' 1.59e+04 3.70e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.53e+06 1.78e+05 0.00e+OO 1 .43e+04 C0-58 O.OOe+OO 2.07 e+ 03 O.OOe +OO O.OO e +OO 1.34e+06 9.52e+04 O.OOe+ OO 2.78e+03 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 1.5le+04 O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO 8 . 72e +06 2.59e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.98e+04 NI-63 5.80e+05 4.34e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3. 07e +05 1.42e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.98e+04 NI -65 2.18 e+OO 2.93e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.36e+03 3.67e+ 04 O.OOe+OO 1.27e-01 CU-64 O.OOe+OO 2.03e+OO O.OOe+OO 6.4le+OO 1.lle+04 6.14e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.48e-01 ZN-65 3.86e+04 1 .34e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.64e+04 l.24e+06 4.66e+04 O.OOe+OD 6.24e+0 4 ZN- 69 4.83e-02 9.20e-02 O.OOe+OO 6.02e-02 1.58e+03 2.85e+02 O.OO e+OO 6.46e-03 BR-83 O. OOe +OO O. OOe +OO O. OOe +OO O.O Oe +OO O. OOe +OO O. OOe+ OO O. OOe+ OO 3 .4 4e+0 2 BR- 84 O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O O O.OOe+OO 4. 33e+02 BR- 85 O.OOe+O O O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe +O O O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 1. 83e+O l RB- 86 O. OOe +OO l. 90e +05 O. OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO 1. 77 e+04 O.OOe+ OO 8 . 40e +0 4 RB- 88 O. OOe +O O 5.46e+02 O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 0.00e+O O 2 .92e-05 O.OOe+OO 2.72e+02 RB- 89 O.OOe +OO 3.52e+02 O. OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO 3. 38e-07 O.O Oe+OO 2.33e+02 SR- 89 4. 34e+05 O. OOe +OO O.O Oe +OO O. OOe+OO 2.42e+06 3.71e+05 O.OOe+OO 1. 25e +04 SR-90 1.08 e+08 O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 1.65e+0 7 7*. 65e+05 O. OOe+ OO 6.68e+06 SR- 91 8 . 8 0e+ Ol O.OOe+OO 0 . 00e+OO 0 . 00e +OO 6 . 07e +0 4 2 .5 9e+05 O.OOe+ OO 3.51e+OO SR- 92 9 .52 e+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe +OO 2 . 74e +04 1.19e+05 O.OOe +OO 4.06e-01 Y- 90 2 . 98e +03 O. OOe +OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 2 . 93e+OS 5 . 59e+05 O.OOe+OO 8 . 00e +Ol Y- 91 6 . 6l e+05 O. OOe +O O O. OOe+OO O. DOe+OO 2 . 94e +0 6 4.09e+05 O.OOe +O O 1.77e+04 Y- 91M 3 .70 e -01 O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.O Oe +O O 3 . 20e +0 3 3.02e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.42e-02 y..:92 1.4 7e+Ol O. OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 2 . 68e+04 1.65e+OS O.ODe+OO 4.29e-01 Y-93 1.35e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8 . 32e+04 5 . 79e +05 O. OOe +O O 3 .7 2e +O O ZR-95 1.46e+05 4.5 8e+04 O. OOe +OO 6 . 7 4e+04 2 . 69e+06 l.49e +05 O.OOe+OO 3.15e+04 ZR-97 1 . 38e+02 2 .7 2e+01 O. OOe +OO 4.12e+Ol l .3 0e +05 6.30e+05 O.OOe+OO 1. 26e+Ol NB-95 l.86e+04 1.03e+04 O.OOe +OO l.00e +04 7.5le+05 9 . 68e+04 O.OOe+ OO 5 .6 6e+03 M0-99 O.OOe+ OO 1.69e+02 O. OOe+OO 4.lle+02 1.54e+05 2 .69e +05 O. OOe+OO 3.22e+Ol TC- 99M l. 38e -0 3 3 . 86e - 03 O. OOe+OO 5 . 76e -0 2 1.15e+03 6.13e+03 O. OOe+OO 4.99e-02 TC-101 5 . 92e - 05 8 .4 0e - 05 O. OOe +OO l .5 2e -0 3 6.67e+02 8.72e - 07 O. OOe +O O 8 . 24e -04 RU - 103 2 .1 0e+03 O.OOe +O O O.OO e +OO 7 . 43e +03 7.83e +05 1.09e+05 O.OOe+O O 8.96e+02 RU-1 05 l.1 2e +O O O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO l.4le+OO 1.8 2e +04 9 . 04e +04 O.OOe+OO 4 . 34e- 01 RU-10.6 9 . 84e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.90e+OS 1.6le+07 9.60e+05 O.O Oe+OO 1 . 24e+04 AG-llOM 1. 38e+04 1 . 3le +04 O. OOe+OO 2 . 50e+04 6 . 75e+06 2 . 73e +0 5 O.OOe+OO 7.99e+03 TE-125M 4.88e+03 2 . 24e+03 1.4 0e +03 O. OOe +OO 5.36e+05 7.50e+04 O.OOe+OO 6 . 67e+02 TE-1 27 2 .0l e +OO 9 .1 2e - 01 1.42 e +OO 7.28e+OO 1.12e+04 8.0 8e+0 4 O. OOe+OO 4.42e- 0 1 TE-1 27M 1.80e+04 8 .1 6e+03 4.38e+03 6 .5 4e +04 1.66e+06 1.59e+05 O. OOe+OO 2 .1 8e +0 3 TE-1 29 7.lOe - 02 3 .3 8e -0 2 5 .l Be - 02 2.66e - 01 3 .30e+03 1.62e+03 0.00e+ DO l.'/ 6e-02 TE-129M 1.39e+04 6.58e+03 4 .5 8e +03 5.19e+04 1.98e+06 4.0 5e +05 O.OOe+OO 2 . 25e +03 TE- 13 1 1.58e-02 8 .3 2e -0 3 1 . 2 4e - 02 6.lBe - 02 2 . 34e+03 1. Sle+O l O.OOe+OO 5 .04 e - 03 TE- 131M 9. 84e+Ol 6.0le +Ol 7.25e+01 4. 39 e+02 2 .3 8e+05 6 . 21e+05 O. OOe+OO 4.02e+Ol GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2 . 0-20a Revisi on 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 4 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 1 Inhalation (INHL) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 3.60e+02 2.90e+02 2.46e+02 l.95e+03 4.49e+05 4.63e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.19e+02 I-130 6.24e+03 1.79e+04 l.49e+06 2.75e+04 O.OOe+OO 9.12e+03 O.OOe+OO 7.17e+03 I-131 3.54e+04 4.9le+04 l.46e+07 8.40e+04 O.OOe+OO 6.49e+,03 O.OOe+DO 2.64e+04 I-132 l.59e+03 4.38e+03 l.51e+05 6.92e+03 O.OOe+OD l.27e+03 0.00e+OO 1.58e+03 I-133 1.22e+04 2.05e+04 2.92e+06 3.59e+04 O.OOe+OO l.03e+D4 O.OOe+DO 6.22e+03 I-134 8.88e+02 2.32e+03 3.95e+04 3.66e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.04e+Dl O.ODe+OO 8.40e+02 I-135 3.70e+03 9.44e+03 6.21e+05 l.49e+04 O.DDe+OD 6.95e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.49e+03 CS-134 5.02e+05 l.13e+06 O.ODe+OO 3.75e+05 l.46e+05 9.76e+03 O.OOe+OO 5 .49e+05 CS-136 5.15e+04 1.94e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.10e+05 1.7Be+04 1.09e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.37e+05 CS-137 6.7De+05 8.48e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.04e+05 1.21e+05 8.48e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.lle+D5 CS-138 4.66e+02 8.56e+02 Q.OOe+OO 6.62e+02 7.87e+Dl 2.70e-01 O.OOe+OO 4.46e+02 BA-139 1.34e+OD 9.44e-04 O.OOe+OO 8.88e-04 6.46e+03 6.45e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.90e-02 BA-140 5.47e+04 6.70e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2.28e+Ol 2.03e+06 2.29e+05 O.ODe+OO 3.52e+D3 BA--,141 l.42e-01 1.06e-~4 O.OOe+OO 9.84e-05 3.29e+03 7.46e-04 O.OOe+OD 4.74e~03 BA-142 3.70e-02 3.70e-05 O.DOe+OD 3.14e-05 l.9le+03 4.79e-10 O.OOe+OO 2.27e-03 LA-140 4.79e+02 2.36e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.14e+05 4.87e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.26e+Ol LA-142 9.60e-01 4.25e-01 O.OOe+OD 0.00e+OO 1.02e+04 l.20e+04 O.OOe+OO l.06e-01 CE-141 2.84e+04 l.90e+04 O.DDe+DO 8.88e+03 6.14e+05 1.26e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.17e+03 CE-143 2.66e+02 l.94e+02 O.OOe+OO 8.64e+Ol 1.30e+05 2.55e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.16e+Ol CE-144 4.89e+06 2.02e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.21e+06 1.34e+07 8.64e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.62e+05 PR-143 l.34e+04 5.31e+03 O.OOe+QO 3.09e+03 4.83e+DS 2.14e+OS O.OOe+DD 6.62e+02 PR-144 4.30e-02 l.76e-02 O.DDe+DD 1.0le-02 1.75e+03 2.35e-0~ O.OOe+OO 2.18e-03 ND-147 7.86e+03 8.56e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.02e+03 3.72e+05 1.82e+OS O.OOe+OO 5.13e+02 W-187 l.20e+Ol 9.76e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.74e+04 l.77e+05 O.OOe+DD 3.43e+DO NP-239 3.38e+02 3.19e+Ol O.OOe+OO l.00e+D2 6.49e+D4 1.32e+D5 D.OOe+OO 1.77e+O l GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-20b Revision 25. - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2c (Continuedj PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.J l rag'" 5 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr) /( uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 2 Vegetation (VEG) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 2.59e+03 2.59e+03 2.59e+03 2~59~+03 2.59e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.59e+03 C-14 3.69e+OB 7.38e+07 7 .38e+0 7 7.38e+07 7 .38e+07 7.38e+07 O.OOe+OO 7.38e +07 NA-24 2.40e+05 2.40e+05 2.40e+05 2.40e+05 2.40e+ 05 2.40e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.40e+05 P-32 1.6le+09 9.95e+07 O.OOe+OO O. OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO l.35e+OB O.OOe+OO 6.23e+07 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.42e+04 l.35e+04 8.79e+04 1.03e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.16e+04 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 4.54e+OB O.OOe+OO 1. 36e+OB O.OOe+OO 9.32e+OB* O.OOe+OO 9.0le+0 7 MN-56 O.OOe+OO l .43e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.Ble+Ol O.OOe+OO 9.41e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.54e+OO FE-55 3.26e+OB 2.31e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.47e+08 l.00e+08 0.00e+OO 5.39e+07 FE-59 l.79e+08 4.18e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.32e+08 9.89e+08 O.OOe+O O l. 61e + 08 C0-58 O.OOe+OO 4.37e+07 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.02e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.0le+ OB C0-60 O.OOe+OO 2.49e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.24~+09 O.OOe+OO 5.60e+OB NI-63 l.61e+l0 l.13e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.B le+OB O.OOe+OO 5.45e+08 NI-65 5.73e+Ol 7.32e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.97e+0 2 O.OOe+OO 3.33e+OO CU-64 O.OOe+OO 8.29e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.10e+04 O.OOe+OO 6.43e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.90e+03 ZN-65 4.24e+08 1.47e+09 O.OOe+OO 9.42e+OB O.OOe+OO 6 . 23e+08 O.OOe+OO 6.86e+OB ZN-69 5.04e-06 9.61e-06 0.00e+OO 6.28e-06 0.00e+OO 1.77e-05 O. OOe+OO 6 .7 2e -07 BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO 2.90e+OO BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .31e -11 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O.Ode+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO 2.74e+08 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO D.OOe+OO 4.05e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.29e+ 08 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 3.17e-22 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.72e-29 O.OOe+OO l. 69e - 22 RB - 89 0.00e+OO 3.57e-26 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.46e-35 O.OOe +OO 2.52e-26 SR-89 1.5le+l0 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.80e+09 O.OOe+OO 4.33e+OB SR-90 7.5le+ll O.OOe+OO 0.00e +O O O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .lle+lO O.OOe+OO 1.85e+ll SR-91 2.83e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.2 9e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.13e+04 SR- 92 3.95e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.0le+04 O.OOe+OO 1.68e+Ol Y-90 1.24e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO 1.03e +08 O.OOe+OO 3.35e+02 Y-91 7.84e+06 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO 3 .22e+09 O.OOe+OO 2 .1 0e+05 Y-91M 5.04e-09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.38e - 07 O.OOe+OO 1.93e-10 Y-92 8 .59e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .36e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.49e-02 Y-93 1.58e+02 O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4 .83e+0 6 O.OOe+OO 4.34e+OO ZR-95 l.72e+06 5.44e+ 05 O.OOe+OO 7 .99e +0 5 O.OOe+OO l.26e+09 O.OOe+OO 3 .74e+05 ZR-97 3.12e+02 6.17e+Ol O.OOe+OO 9 .36e+Ol O.OOe+OO l.67e +07 O.OOe+OO 2 .84e +Ol NB-95 l.92e+05 l.0 7e+05 O.OOe+OO l.03e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.56e+OB O.OOe+OO 5. 87e+04 M0-9 9 O.OOe+OO 5.64e +06 O.OOe+OO 1.29e+07 O.OO e +OO 1.0le+07 O.OOe+OO 1.08 e +06 TC-99M 2 .73e +OO 7.62e+OO O.OOe+OO l.1 4e +02 4.23e+OO 5.00e+03 O.OOe +OO 9.87e+Ol TC-101 7 . 35e -31 l.04e-30 O.OOe+OO l.89e- 29 6.37e-31 1.79e-37 0.00e+OO l.03e-29 RU-103 6.82e+06 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .40e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.69e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.91e+06 RU-105 4.98e+Ol O.OOe+OO 0 .00e+OO 6.29e+02 O.O Oe+OO 4.0 2 e+04 O.OOe+OO l.93e+Ol RU-106 3.09e+OB O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 5 . 97e+OB O.OOe+OO l. 48e+ l0 O.OOe+O@ 3 .90e+07 AG-llOM 1.52e+07 1.44e+07 O.OOe+OO 2 . 74e+0 7 O.OOe+OO 4.03e+09 O.OO e+OO 8 . 73e+06 TE -125M l.49e+OB 5 .35e+ 07 4.15e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.38e+OB O.OOe+OO 1.99e+07 TE"-127 5 .40e+03 1.9le+03 3.73e+03 2.19e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.17e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.16e+03 TE-127M 5 . 52e+OB 1. 96e+O B 1.31e+08 2.24e+09 O.OOe+OO l.3 7e +09 O.OOe+OO 6 .56e+07 TE-129 6.50e-04 2.42e-04 4.64e-04 2 . 73e -03 O.OOe+OO 3.56e-03 O.OOe+OO 1.58e- 04 TE-129M 3.61e+OB l.34e+OB l.1 7e+08 l.51e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.36e+09 O.OOe+OO 5.72e+07 TE-131 1 .4le-15 5.BOe-16 l.OSe-15 6 .1 5e -15 C.OOe+OO 1.16e-16 O.OOe+OO 4.40e-1 6 TE -13 1M 8.44e+05 4.05e+05 6.09e+05 4.22e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.25e +07 O.OOe+OO 3.38e+05 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-20c Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 6 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/{uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 2 Vegetation (VEG) Nuclict'e Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 3.90e+06 2.47e+06 2.60e+06 2.37e+07 O.OOe+OO 7.81e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.32e+06 I-130 3.SOe+OS 1.0le+06 B.25e+07 l.56e+06 O.OOe+OO 7.77e+05 O.OOe+OD 4.04e+OS I-131 7.68e+07 1.08e+D8 3.14e+l0 l.85e+08 0.00e+OO 2.13e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.78e+07 I-132 5.20e+Ol l.36e+02 4.59e+03 2;14e+02 O.ODe+OO 5.93e+Dl D.DOe+OO 4.88e+Ol I-133 l.94e+06 3.28e+06 4.58e+08 5.76e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.49e+06 O.OOe+OO l.00e+06 I-134 B.44e-05 2.24e-04 3.73e-b3 3.53e-04 O.OOe+OO 2.95e-06 O.OOe +OO 8.0Je-05 I-135 3.53e+04 9.10e+04 5.85e+06 1.44e+05 b.OOe+OO 1.0le+OS O.ODe+OO 3.37e+04 CS-134 7.10e+09 l . 67e+10 O.OOe+OO 5.31e+09 2.03e+09 2.08e+08 O.OOe+OO 7.76e+09 CS-136 4.37e+07 1.72e+08 O.OOe+OO 9.36e+07 l.48e+07 1.38e+07 O.OOe+OO l.1 6e +OB CS-137 1.0le+lO 1.35e+10 O.OOe+OO 4.59e+09 l.78e+09 1.92e+OB O.OOe+DD 4.70e+09 CS-138 3.54e-11 6.BOe-11 O.OOe+OO 5.02e-11 5.84e-12 3.0Be-14 O.OOe+OO 3.40e-ll BA-139 2.69e-02 1.89e-05 O.OOe+OO l.79e-05 1.31e-05 2.40e-01 O.OO e +OO 7.84e-04 BA-140 1.38e+08 1.69e+05 O.OOe+OO 5.74e+04 ~.14e+05 2,13e+OB O.DDe +OO 8.9le+06 BA-141 1.lle-21 8.26e-25 O.OOe+OO 7.67e-25 5.66e-25 2.36e-27 0.00e+06 3. 6 9e-23 BA-142 2.24e-39 2.24e-42 O.OOe+OO l.90e-42 1.49e-42 6.BBe-51 O.OOe+OO 1.38e-40 LA-140 1.8le+03 8.89e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.lle+07 O.OOe+OO 2 .37e+02 LA-142 1.87e-0 4 8.Jle-05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.53e+OO 0.00e+OO 2.07e-05 CE-141 2.83e+05 1.89e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.89e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.40e+OB O.OOe+OO 2.17e+04 CE-143 9.31e+02 6.7Be+05 O.OOe+OO 3.04e+02 O.OOe+OO 2 .04e+07 O.OOe+OO 7.57e+Ol CE-144 5. 28e +07 2.18e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.30e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.33e+10 O.OOe+OO 2 .83e +06 PR-143 7.02e+04 2.80e+04 O.OOe+OO l.63e+04 O.OOe+ OO 2.3le+08 O.OOe +OO 3.49e +03 PR-144 3.04e-26 1.24e-26 0.00e+O O 7.13e-27 O.OOe+OD 3.35e-29 O.OOe+OO 1.54e-27

. ND-14 7     3.62e+04   3.93e+04   O.OOe+OO  2 .31e+04    O.OOe+OO   l.4 2e+08  O.OOe+OO   2.36e+03 W-187       3.54e+04   2.88e+04   O.OOe+OO  O.OOe+OO     O.OOe + OO 7 .80e+06  O.OOe+OO   1.0le+04 NP-239      1.38e+03   l.31e+02   O.OOe+OO  4.10e+02     O.OOe+OO   2 .10e+0 7 O.OOe+OO   7.25e+Ol GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                                2 .0- 20d                  Revision 25 - 01 / 03

TABLE 2.2-2c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 7 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (rnrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr) / (uCi/mAJ)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 4 Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO l.94e+02 l.94e+ 02 l.94e+02 l.94e+02 l.94e+02 O.OOe+OO l.94e+02 C-14 2.04e+08 4.08e+07 4.08e+0 7 4.08e+07 4.08e+07 4.08e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.08e+07 NA-24 1.16e-03 l.16e-03 l.16e-03 l.16e-03 l.16e-03 l.16e-03 O.OOe+OO l.16e-03 P-32 1.93e+09 2.43e+08 O.DOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3. 30e+OB O.OOe+ OO l.52e+08 CR-51 O~OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.13e+03 l.23e+03 8.04e+03 9.46e+05 O.OOe+DD 5.63e+D3 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 7.0De+D6 O.dOe+OO 2.09e+06 O.OOe+OO l.44e+07 O.OOe+OO l.39e+0 6 MN-56 O.ODe+OO l.17e-53 O.OOe+OO l.48e-53 O.OOe+ OO 7.7le-52 O.OOe+OO 2.0Be-54 FE-55 2.38e+OB l.69e+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.07e+08 7 .3le+07 O.OOe+OO 3.94e+07 FE-59 2.12e+OB 4.95e+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.56e+08 l.17e+09 O.OOe+OO l, 9l e +OB C0-58 O.OOe+OO l.4le+0 7 0.00e+OO O.O Oe+OO O.OOe+OO l.94e+08 D.OOe+OO 3.24e+07 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 5.B4e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.60e+OB O.OOe+OD l.3le +OB NI-63 l.52e+l0 l.07e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1. 71e+OB 0.00e+OO 5.15e+OB NI-65 l.90e-52 2.43e-53 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.32e-51 O.OOe+OO l.lle-53 CU-64 O.OOe+OO 2.06e-07 O.OOe+OO 5.21e-07 O.OOe+OO l.60e-05 O.OOe+OO 9 .~Be-08 ZN-65 2.50e+OB B.69e+08 .D.OOe+OO 5.56e+OB O.OOe+OO 3.68e+OB 0.00e+OO 4.05e +08 ZN-69 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OC O.OOe+DD C.OOe+O O O.OOe+DO O.OOe +OO BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO O.COe+OO 4.73e-57 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OC O. OOe+OC O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD 0.00e+DO C.OOe+OO BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+CO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DD 0.00e+OD D.OOe+DD O.DOe+CC RB-86 O.OOe+OO 4.07e+08 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+DC O.OOe+O O 6.02e+07 D.OCe+OO l.91e+08 RB-88 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+CO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O D O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO RB-89 O.OOe+CO O.OOe+OO O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.DDe+DD O.OOe+OO SR-89 2. 5 4e+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.03e+0 7 O.ODe+ OO 7.28e+0 6 SR-90 8.05e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+DO 2 . 26e+08 O.OOe+OO l.99e+09 SR-91 l.21e-10 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO 0 . 00e+OO 5.47e-10 O.OOe+OO 4.BOe-1 2 SR-92 9.02e-50 O.OOe+OO 6.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.30e-48 0.00e+OO 3.85e-51 Y-90 9.13e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+ DO 7. 53e+05 D.OOe+OO 2 .46e+OO Y-91 9.54e+05 O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.9le+08 O.OOe+OO 2.56e+04 Y-91M O.OOe+OO O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO Y-92 1.2 6e-39 O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD 3.46e-35 C. OOe+OO 3.65e-41 Y-93 3.71e-12 O.OOe+OD 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.13e-0 7 O.OOe+OO l. 02e-13 ZR-95 1 .50e+06 4.74e+05 O.OOe+O O 6.96e+0 5 O.OOe+OO l.09e+0 9 O.OOe+ OO 3. 2 6e +C5 ZR-97 l.70e-05 3.37e-06 O.OOe+OO 5.lOe-06 C.OOe+OD 9.lle-01 O.OOe+OO l.55e-0 6 NB.:..95 1.79e+06 9.95e+05 O.O Oe+OO 9.64e +05 O.OOe+OO 4.25e+09 D.OOe+OO 5.48e+05 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 8.2le+04 O.OOe+OO 1. 8 Be+05 D.OOe+OO l.47e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.57~+04 TC-99M 3.43e-21 9.57e-21 D.ODe+OO 1.43e-19 5.3le-21 6.29e-18 O.OOe+OO 1.24e-19 TC-101 0.00e+OO O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 0.00e+OO O.ODe+O O O.DOe+ OC RU-103 8.57e+07 O.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.02e +08 O.OOe+OO 7.15e+09 O.ODe+OD 3.66e+07 RU-105 4.54e-28 O.OOe+OD O.OOe +OO 5. 73e- 27 O.ODe+OD 3 .67e-25 0.00e+OO*l.76e-28 RU-106 2.36e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.55e+09 D.OOe+OO l.13e+ll O.OOe+ OO 2.97e +08 AG-llOM 5.06e+06 4.79e+0 6 O. ODe+OO 9.13e+06 O.OOe+OO l. 35e+09 O.OOe+ OO 2.91e +C6 TE-125M 3.03e+0 8 l.09e+O B 8.4 8e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD 8.95e+08 O.OOe+ OO 4.0 6e+07 TE-127 2.12e-10 7.52e~11 l.47e-10 8.60e-10 O.OOe+OO l.64e-08 O.OOe+DO 4.57e-11 TE-127M 9.42e+OB 3.34e+08 2.2 4e +08 3.8 2e +09 O.OOe+O O 2 .35e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.12e+08 TE-129 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.ODe+DD 0.CCe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO TE-129M 9.4 9e+08 3 .52e+08 3.06e+08 3.97e+D9 O.DOe+OO 3.56e+09 O.OOe+OD l.50e+08 TE-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.ODe+DO O.DOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OD O.ODe+OO TE-131M 3 .75e +02 l.80e+02 2 .70e+02 l.87e+03 O.OOe+OD l.44e+04 O.OOe+O D l. 5 De+0 2 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0 - 2 0e Revision 25 - 01 / 03


TABLE 2.2-2c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2 .. 2. 2 .b, (R.) l Page 8.of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (m"2. * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/m"3)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 4 Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT) Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 1.14e+06. 7.24e+05 7.63e+05 6.94e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.29e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.8le+05 I-130 1.63e-06 4.72e-06 3.85e-04 7.27e-06 O.OOe+OO 3.63e-06 O.OOe+OO l.89e-06 I-131 8.92e+06 1.25e+07 3.64e+09 2.15e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.47e+06 O.OOe+OO 6.71e+06 I-132 5.79e~S9. 1.52e-58 5.lle-57 2.39e-58 O.OOe+OO 6.60e~59 O.OOe+OO 5.44e-59 I-133 3.04e-01 5.lSe-01 7.19e+Ol 9.03e-01 O.OOe+OO 3.90e-01 O.OOe+OO 1.57e-01 I-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+-00 I-135 3.79e-17 9.75e-17 6.27e-15 1.54e-16 O.OOe+OO 1.0Se-16 O.OOe+OO 3.61e-17 CS-134 5.23e+08 1.23e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.91e+08 1.49e+08 l.53e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.71e+08 cs.,.u6 9.39e+06 3.69e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.0le+07 3.17e+06 2.97e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.48e+07 CS-137 7.24e+08 9.63e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.28e+08 1.27e+08 l.37e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.36e+08 CS-138 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-139 O.OOe+OO .O.OOe+bO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-140 2.38e+07 2.9le+04 O.OOe+OO 9.88e+03 1.96e+04 3.67e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.53e+06 BA-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-142 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO LA-140 3.09e-02 l.52e-02 O.OOe+OO O.Obe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.73e+02 O.OOe+OO 4.0Se-03 LA-142 3.36e-92 1.49e~92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.54e-88 O.OOe+OO 3.7le-93 CE-141 1.18e+04 7.87e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.71e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.25e+07 O.OOe+OO 9.04e+02 CE-143 1.67e-02 1.22e+Ol O.OOe+OO 5.46e-03 O.OOe+OO 3.66e+02 O.OOe+OO l.36e-03 CE-144 1.23~+06 5.08e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.04e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.09e+08 O~OOe+OO 6.60e+04 PR-143 l.77e+04* 7.D5e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.10e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.81e~07 O.OOe+OO 8.79e+02 PR-144 O.OOe+OO O.bOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO ND-147 6*.22e+03 6.77e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.97e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.44e+07 O.Ode+OO 4.05e+02 W-187 1.73e-02 1.41e-02 O.OOe+OO b.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.82e+OO O.OOe+OO 4.94e-03 NP-239 2.25e-01 2.12e-02 O.OOe+OO 6.66e-02 O.OOe+OO 3.41e+03 O.OOe+OO l.18e-02 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-20f Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, ( R.) l Page 9 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (rnA2 * (mrern/yr) / (uCi / sec) or (mrern/yr)/(uCi/mAJ)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 5 Grs / Cow / Milk (CMILK ) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.ODe+OD 9.94e+02 9.94e+02 9.94e+02 9.94e+02 9.94e+02 O.OOe+DO 9.94e+02 C-14 4.86e+OB 9.72e+0 7 9.72e+07 9.72e+07 9.72e+07 9.72e+0 7 O.OOe+OO 9.72e+D7 NA-24 4.29e+06 4.29e+06 4.29e+06 4.29e+06 4.29e+06 4.29e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.29e+06 P-32 3.15e+l0 l.95e+09 O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.65e+09 O.OOe+OO l.22e+09 CR-51 0.00e+OO 0.DDe+DD 2.77e+04 l.09e+04 7.12e+04 8.38e+06 O.OOe+DO 4.99e+04 MN-54 O.OOe+OO l.40e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.18e+06 0.00e+OO 2.8 7e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.7 8e+06 MN-56 O.OOe+OO 7.32e-03 O.OOe+OO 9.27e-03 O.OOe+OO 4.82e-01 O.OOe+OO 1.30e-03 FE-55 4.45e+07 3.16e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.00e+07 l.37e+D7 O.OOe+OO 7.36e+06 FE-59 5.18e+07 l.21e+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.81 e +07 2.86e+08 O.OOe+OO 4.67e+07

  • C0-58 O.ODe+OO 7.94e+06 O.OOe+ OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.10e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.83e+07 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 2.78e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.DDe+OO 3.62e+08 O.OOe+OO 6.26e+07 NI-63 1.18e+l0 8.35e+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.33e+08 O.OOe+OO 4.0le+OB NI-65 6.7Be-01 8 .66e-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO 4. 7 0e+OO 0.DOe+OD 3.94e-02 CU-64 D.DDe+OO 4.21e+04 O.OOe+OO l.06e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.26e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.98e+04 ZN-65 2.lle+09 7.3le+09 0.00e+OO 4.68e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.10e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.4le+09 ZN-69 3.70e-12 7.05e-12 O.OOe+OO 4.61e-12 O.OOe+OO l.30e-11 O.OOe+OO 4.94e-13 BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO D.DOe+OO D.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.78e-01 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO D.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.02 e -23 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOi+OO RB-86 0.00e+OO 4.73e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO 7.00e+OB O.OOe+OO 2.22e+09 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 3.90e-45 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 3.34e-52 O.OOe+OO 2.0Be-45 RB-89 O.OOe+OO 7.96e-53 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.22e-61 O.OOe+OO 5.63e-53 SR-89 2.67e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.18e+08 O.OOe+OO 7.66e+07 SR-90 6.6le+l0 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.86e+09 O.OOe+OO l.63e+10 SR-91 5.27e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.39e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.10e+03 SR-92 8.85e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.26e+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.77e-02 Y-90 l.30e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO l.08e+06 O.OOe+OD 3.Sle+OO Y-91 1.58e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.48e+06 O.OOe+OD 4.24e+02 Y-91M l.lBe-19 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.55e-18 O.OOe+OO 4.49e-21 Y-92 l.03e-04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO 2.82e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.98e-D6 Y-93 4.09e-Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l. 2 5e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.12e-02 ZR-95 l.65e+03 5.2le+02 O.OOe+OO 7.65e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.20e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.58e+02 ZR-97 7. 8 7e-01 1.56e-01 O.OOe+OO 2.36e-01 O.OOe+OO 4.22e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.17e-02 NB-95 1.4le+05 7.81e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.57e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.34e+08 O.OOe+OO 4,30e+04 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 4.46e+07 O.OOe+OO l.02e+08 O.OOe+OO 8.00e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.51e+06 TC-99M 5.74e+OO l.60e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2.39e+02 8.89e+OO l.05e+04 O.OOe+DO 2.08e+D2 TC-101 4.39e-60 6.24e-60 O.OOe+OO l.13e-58 3.BOe-60 1.07e-66 O.OOe+OO 6.13e-59 RU-103 1.Ble+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.38e+03 O.OOe+OO l.5le+D5 O.OOe+OO 7.74e+02 RU-105 l.55e-03 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.96e-02 O.OOe+DO l.25e+OO O.OOe+OD 6.03e-D4 RU-106 3.75e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.23e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.80e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.73e+03 AG-llOM 9.63e+0 7 9.lle+07 O.DOe+OO l.74e+08 0.00e+OO 2.56e+10 O.OOe+OO 5.54e+07 TE-125M 3.0le+07 1 .08e+07 8.40e+06 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.87e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.02e+06 TE-127 l.24e+03 4.38e+02 8.52e+02 5.00e+03 O.ODe+OO 9.54e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.66e+02 TE-127M 8.44e+07 2.99e+07 2.0le+07 3.42e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.lOe+OB O.OOe+OO l.00e+07 TE-129 4.33e-10 l.62e-10 3.lOe-10 1.82e-09 O.OOe+OO 2.37e-09 O.OOe+OO 1.0Se-10 TE-129M 1.10e+08 4.09e+07 3.55e+07 4.6le+08 O.OOe+OO 4.13e+OB O.OOe+OO l.74e+07 TE-131 6.70e-33 2.76e-33 5.16e-33 2.93e-32 O.OOe+OO 5.50e-34 O.OOe+OO 2.09e-33 TE-131M 6.57e+05 3.15e+05 4.74e+05 3.28e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.53e+0 7 O.OOe+OO 2.63e+05 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-20g Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2c (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE.FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECT ION 2 . 2 . 2 . b, ( R . ) l Page 10 of 10 Release.Type: 2 Gaseous Dose' Factor: 2 Ri (rnA2 * (rnrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (rnrern/ yr) / (uCi/rnA3)) AgeGroup: 1 TEEN Pathway: 5 Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB

 --------    ----- ------------------------------- ---------------~--- -------- ---

TE-132 4.28e+06 2.71e+06 2.85e+06 2.60e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.57e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.55e+D6 I-130 7.35e+05 2.13e+06 l.73e+08 3.27e+06 O.OOe+OO l.63e+06 O.OOe+OO 8.49e+05 I-131 5.37e+08 7.52e+08 2.19e+ll 1.30e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.49~+08 O.OOe+OO 4.04e+OB I-132 2.92e-01 7.64e-01 2.58e+Ol 1.20e+OO O.OOe+OO 3.33e-01 O.OOe+OO 2.74e-01 I-133 7.06e+06 1.20e+07 l.67e+09 2.10e+07 O.OOe+OO 9.06e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.65e+06 I-134 3.36e-12 8.89e-12 l.48e-10 1.40e-11 O.OOe+OO 1.17e~13 O.OOe+OO 3.19e-12 I-135 2.29e+04 5.91e+04 3.80e+06 9.33e+04 O.OOe+OO 6.55e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.19e+04 CS-134 9.82e+09 2.3le+l0 O.OOe+OO 7.34e+09 2.80e+09 2.87~+08 O.OOe+OO 1.07e+10 CS-136 4.48e+08 l.76e+09 O.OOe+OO 9.60e+08 1.5le+08 1,42e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.18e+09 CS-137 1.34e+l0 1.78e+10 O.OOe+OO 6.06e+09 2.35e+09 2.53e+08 O.OOe+OO 6.20e+09 CS-138 l.58e-23 3.03e-23 O.OOe+OO 2.23e-23 2.60e-24 l.37e-26 O.OOe+OO l.Sle-23 BA-139 8.20e-08 5.77e-11 O.OOe+OO 5.44e-11 3.98e-11 7.3le-07 O.OOe+OO 2.39e-09 BA-140 4.85e+07 5.95e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.02e+04 ~.00e+04 7.49e+07 O.OOe+OQ 3.13e+06 BA-141 7.95e-46 5.94e-49 0.00e+OO 5.Sle-49 4.07e-49 l.70e-51 O.OOe+OO 2.66e-47 BA-142 7.98e-81 7.98e-84 D.OOe+OO 6.75e-84 5.31e-84 2.45e-92 O.Ode+OO 4.91e-82 LA-140 8.12e+OO 3.99e+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00et00 O.OOe+OO 2.29e+05 O.OOe+OO l.06e+OO LA-142 3.41e-11 l.52e-11 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.6le-07 O.OOe+OO 3.77e-12 CE-141 B.88e+03 5.93e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.79e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.70e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.81e+02 CE-143 7.62e+Ol 5.55e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.49e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.67e+06 O.OOe+OO 6.20e+OO CE-144 6;58e+05 2.72e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.63e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.66e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.54e+04 PR-143 2.90e+02 1.16e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.74e+Ol O.OOe+OO 9.55e+05 O.OOe+OO l.44e+Ol

 .PR-144    1.19e-53 4.87e-54 O.OOe+OO 2.79e-54 O.OOe+OO 1.Jle-56 O.OOe+OO 6.03e-55 ND-147     1.81e+02 1.97e+02 O.OOe+OO l.16e+02 O.OOe+OO 7.lle+05 O.OOe+OO l.18e+Ol W-187      1.19e+04 9.71e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.63e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.40e+03 NP-239     7.00e+OO 6.60e-01 O.ODe+OO 2.07e+OO O.OOe + OD l.06e+05 O.OOe+OD 3.67e-01 3

Units: Inhalation and all tritium pathways rnrern/yr per µCi / m 2 Others - m mrem/yr per µCi/sec Values based on standard NUREG-0133, Section 5.3.1 assumptions unless otherwise indicated. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-20h Revision 25 - 01 / 0~

TABLE 2.2-2d PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 1 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: O Ground Plane Deposition (GPD) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO D.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO C-14 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO NA-24 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO o.oo~+oo O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.39e+07 1.20e+07 P-32 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.50e+06 4.65e+06 MN~S4 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.62e+09 l.38e+09 MN-56 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.07e+06' 9.03e+05 FE-55 0.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO FE-59 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OQe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.20e+08 2 .73e+OB C0-58 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.45e+08 3.80e+OB C0-60 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.53e+10 2.15e+10 NI-63 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO NI-65 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.45e+05 2.97e +05 CU-64 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 6.86e+05 6.05e+05 ZN-65 O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 8.57e+OB 7.46e+08 ZN-69 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O:OOe+OO 0.0De+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.08e +03 4.87e+03 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 2 .3 7e +0 5 2.03e+05 BR-85 O.OOe+OD O.DDe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.ODe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO D.DOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.03e+07 8.98e +06 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 3. 78e +0 4 3.31e+04 RB-89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 1.48e+05 1.23e+05 SR-89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.5le+04 2 .16e+04 SR-90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO SR-91 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.51e+06 2.15e+06 SR-92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.ODe+OO 8 .62e+05 7.76e+05 Y-90 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO 5.31e+03 4.50e+03 Y-91 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+DD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l. 2le +06 l.07e+06 Y-91M O.OOe+OO 0.00e+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OCe+OO 1,16e +05 1.00e+05 Y-92 O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.14e+05 l.80 e+05 Y-93 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.50e+05 1.83e+05 ZR-95 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+CO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O O O.OOe+OO 2.85e+08 2 . 45e+08 ZR-97 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.44e+06 2.96e+06 NB-95 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.6le+OB l. 37e+08 M0-99 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 4.62e+06 3.99e+06 TC-99M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.lle+05 1.84e+05 TC-101 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .2. 6e+04 2 .03e+04 RU-103 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 1. 26e+0 8 1.0Be+OB RU-105 O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7. 21e+05 6.36e+05 RU -106 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 5.04e+08 4.20e+08 AG-110M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.02e+09 3.45e+09 TE-125M 0 .0 0e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .1 3e+06 l.56e+06 TE-127 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.O Oe+OO 3 .29e+03 2.99e+03 TE-127M O.OOe+OO O.OO e+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.ODe+OO l.08e+05 9.17e+04 TE-129 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.08e+04 2 .61e+04 TE-129M O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 2 . 31e+07 1 .98e+07 TE-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.45e+07 2 .92e+04 TE-131M 0 .00 e+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.46e+06 8.02e+Q6 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2 . 0- 21 Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2. 2. 2 .b, (R.) l Page 2 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mAJJ) AgeGroup: 0 ADULT Pathway: 0 Ground Plane Deposition (GPD) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.97e+06 4.22e+06 I-130

  • O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.68e+06 5.50e+06 I-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO -0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.09e+07 1~72e+07 I-132 0.00~+00 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O:OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.47e+06 l.25e+06 I-133 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO o~ooe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.98e+06 2.45e+06 I-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.30e+05 4.46e+05 I-135 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+oo*o.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.95e+06 2.53e+06 CS-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.05e+09 6.90e+09 CS-136 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.7le+08 l.5le+08 CS-137 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.20e+l0 l.03e+l0 CS-138 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.10e+05 3.59e+05 BA-139 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.QOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.19e+05 l.06e+05 BA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.35e+07 2.05e+07 BA..:.141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.75e+04 4.17e+04 BA-142 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.06e+04 4.44e+04 LA-140 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.18e+07 l.92e+07 LA-142 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.12e+05 7.60e+05 CE-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.54e+07 l.37e+07 CE-143 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO o*.ooe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.63e+06 2.3le+06 CE-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.05e+07 6.'96e+07 PR-143 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO PR-144 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.lle+03 l.84e+03 ND-147 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.Obe+OO O.OOe+OO l.Ole+07 8.39e+06 W-187 O.OOe+OO 0.00~+00 O.OOe+OO b.o6e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+dO 2.73e+06 2.35e+06 NP-239 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.98e+06 l.7le+06 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-22 Revision 25 ~ 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECT I ON 2 . 2 . 2 . b, ( R . ) l Page 3 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (rn~2 * (rnrem/yr) /(uCi /sec) or (mrern/yr)/(uC i/rnA3)) AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: 1 Inhalation (INHL ) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+DO l.26e+03 1.26e+03 1.26e+03 l.26e+03 1.26e+03 O.OOe+OO l.2 6e+03 C-14 1.82e+04 3.41e+03 3.41e+03 3.4le+03 3.4le+03 3.4le+03 O.OOe+OO 3.41e+03 NA-24 l.02e+04 1. 02e +04 l.02e+04 1 .02e+ 04 l.02e+04 l.02e+04 O.OOe+OO 1 .02e+04 P-32 1 .32e+06 7.7le+04 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.64e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.0le+04 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.95e+01 2.28e+01 1.44e+04 3.32e+03 O.OOe+OO l.00e+02 MN-54 0.00e+OO 3.96e+04 O.OOe+OO 9.84e+03 l.40e+06 7.74e+04 O.ODe+OO 6.30e+03 MN-S6 O.OOe+OO 1.24e+OO O.OOe+OD 1.30e+OO 9.44e+03 2.02e+04 O.~Oe+OO 1.83e-01 FE-SS 2.46e+04 l.70e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.21e+04 6.03e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.94e+03 FE-S9 l.18e+04 2.78e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD 1. 02e +06 l.88e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.06e+04 CO-SS 0.00e+OO 1.58e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.28e+05 l.06e+05 O.ODe+OO 2.07e+03 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 1.15e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.97e+06 2.85e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.48e+04 NI-63 4.32e+05 3 .14e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.7 8e +05 1.34e+04 O.OOe+OO l.45e+04 NI-6S l.54e+OO 2.lOe-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO S.60e+03 1.23e+04 O.OOe+OO 9.12e-02 CU-64 O.OOe+OO 1. 46e +OO O.OOe+OO 4.62e+OO 6.78e+03 4.90e+04 O.OOe+OO 6.lSe-01 ZN-6S 3.24e+04 1.03e+05 O.OOe+OO 6 .90e+ 04 8.64e+05 5.34e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.66e+0 4 ZN-69 3.38e-02 6.Sle-02 O.OOe+OO 4.22e-02 9 .20e+0 2 1.63e+01 O.OOe+OO 4.52e-03 BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.32e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.4le+02 BR-84 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO. O.OOe+OO 0.DDe+OO 1.64e-03 O.OOe+OO 3.13e+02 BR-BS O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO Q.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.28e+Ol RB786 O.OOe+OO l.35e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOatDO O.OOe+OO l.66e+04 0.00e+OO 5.90e+04 "RB~ BB 0. OOe+OO 3. 87e+02 0. OOe+OO O. Oo'E{~DO O. OOe+OO 3. 34e -09 O. OOe+OO 1. 93e+02 RB- 89 O.OOe+OO 2.56e+02 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 0.0De+OO 9.28e-12 O.OOe+OO 1.70e+02 SR-89 3.04e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.40e+06 3.SOe+OS O.O Oe+OO 8.72e+03 SR-90 9.92e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.60e+06 7.22e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.10e+06 SR-91 6.19e+01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.65e+04 1 .9le+05 O.OOe+OO 2.SOe+OO SR-92 6.74e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.65e+04 4.30e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.9le- 01 Y-90 2.09e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.70e+05 5.06e+05 O.OOe+OO 5.61e+01 Y-91 4.62e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO l.70e+06 3.85e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.24 e + 04 Y-91M 2.61e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.92e+03 l.33e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.02e-02 Y-92 1.03e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.5 7e+04 7 . 35e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.02e-01 Y-93 9.44e+Ol O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.85e+04 4.22e+05 O.OOe+ OO 2.61e+OO ZR-95 l.07e+05 3.44e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.42e+04 l.77e+06 1.SOe+OS O.OO e+OO 2 .33e+04 ZR-97 9.68e+01 1.96e+Ol O.OOe+OO 2.97e+Ol 7.B7e+04 5.23e+05 O.OOe+OO 9.04e+OO NB-95 l.41e+04 7.82e+03 O.OOe+OO 7.74e+03 5.05e+05 1.04e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.2le+03 M0- 9r,) O.OOe+OO l.21e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.91e+02 9.12e+04 2.48e+05 O.OOe+OO 2 .30e+01 TC-99M l.03e-03 2.91e-03 O.OOe+OO 4.42e-02 7.64e+02 4.16e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.70e-02 TC-101 4.lBe-05 6.02e-05 O.OOe+OO 1.0B e -03 3.99e+02 1.09~-11 O.OOe+OO 5.90e-04 RU-103 l .53e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5 . 83e+03 5.05e+05 1.10e +05 O.OOe+OO 6.58e+02 RU-105 7.90e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.02e+OO 1.10e+04 4.82e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.lle-01 RU-106 6.91e+04 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO l.34e+05 9.36e+06 9.12e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.72e+03 AG-110M 1.08e+04 l.00e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.97e+04 4.63e+06 3.02e+05 O.OOe+OO 5.94e+03 TE-125M 3.42e+03 1.58e+03 1.05e+ 03 1.24e+04 3.14e+05 7.06e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.67e+02 TE-127 l.40e+OO 6.42e-01 1.06e+OO 5.lOe+OO 6.Sle+03 5.74e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.lOe-01 TE-127M l.26e+04 5.77e+03 3.29e+03 4.58e+04 9 .60e+05 1.50e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.57e+03 TE-129 4.98e-02 2.39e-02 3.90e-02 1.87e-01 1.94e+03 1 .57e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.24e-02 TE-129M 9.76e+03 4.67e+03 3 .44e+03 3.66e+04 l.16e+06 3.83e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.58e+03 TE-131 1.lle-02 5.95e-03 9.36e-03 4.37e-02 1.39e+03 1.84e+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.59e-03 TE-131M 6.99e+Ol 4.36e+01 5.50e+Ol 3.09e+02 1.46e+05 5.56e+05 O.OOe+OO 2 .90e+Ol GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-22a Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R .) l Page 4 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (rnrern/yr)/(uCi/rnA3)) AgeGroup: O' ADULT Pathway: 1 Inhalation , ( INHL) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 2.60e+02 2.15e+02 1.90e+02 1.46e+03 2.88e+05 5.10e+05 O.OOe+OO l.62e+02 I-130 4.58e+03 l.34e+04 1.14e+06 2.09e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.69e+03 O.OOe+OO 5.28e+03 I-131 2.52e+04 3.58e+04 1.19e+07 6.13e+04 O.OOe+OO 6.28e+63 O.OOe+OO 2.05e+04 I-132 1.16e+03 3.26e+03 l.14e+05 5.18e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.06e+02 O.OOe+OO 1.16e+03 I-133 8.64e+03 l.48e+04 2.15e+06 2.58e+04 O.OOe+OO 8.88e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.52e+03 I-134 6.44e+02 l.73e+03 2.98e+04 2.75e+03 O.OOe+OO l.Ole+OO O.OOe+OO 6.15e+02 I-135 2.6Be+03 6.98e+03 4.48e+05 1.lle+04 O.OOe+OO 5.25e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.57e~03 CS-134 3.73e+05 8.48e+05 ~.OOe+OO 2.87e+05 9.76e+04 1.04e+0 4 O.OOe+OO 7.28e+05 CS-136 3.90e+04 1.46e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.56e+04 l.20e+04 l.1 7e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.10e+05 CS-137 4.78e+05 6.21e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.22e+05 7.52e+04 8.40e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.28~+05 CS-138 3.31e+02 6.21e+02 O.OOe+OO 4.80e+02 4.86e+Ol 1.8 6e-03 O.OOe+OO 3.24e+02 BA-139 9.36e-01 6.66e-04 O.OOe+OO 6.22e-04 3.76e+03 8.96e+02 O.OOe+OO 2 .74e-02 BA-140 3.90e+04 4.90e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.67e+Ol l.27e+06 2.18e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.57e+03 BA-141 1.00e-01 7.53e-05 O.OOe+OO 7.00e-05 l.94e+03 l.16e-07 O.OOe+OO 3.36e-03 BA-142 2.63e-02 2.70e-05 O.OOe+OO 2.29e-05 l.19e+03 l.57e-16 O.OOe+OO l.66e-03 LA-140 3.44e+02 l.74e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.36e+05 4.5 8e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.58e+Ol LA-142 6.83e-01 3.lOe-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.33e+03 2.lle+03 D.OOe+OO 7.72e-02 CE-141 l.99e+04 l.35e+04 ,O.OOe+OO 6.26e+03 3.6 2e+05 1.20e+05. O.OOe+OO 1.53e+03 CE-143 1.86e+02 1.38e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.0Be+Ol 7.98e+04 2 .2 6e +05 O.OOe+OO l.53e+Ol CE-144 3.43e+06 l.43e+06 0.00e+OO 8.48e+05 7.78e+06 8.16e+05 O.OOe+OO 1.84e+05 PR-1'43 9.36e+03 3.75e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.16e+03 2.8le+05 2.00e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.64e+02 PR-144 3.0le-02 l.25e-02 O.OOe+OO 7.0Se-03 1 .0 2e +03 2 .lSe-08 O.OOe+OO l *.53e-03 ND-147 5.27e+03 6.10e+03 O.OOe+OO 3.56e+03 2.21e+05 1.73e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.65e+02 W-187 8.48e+OO 7.0Be+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2 .90e+04 1.55e+05 O.OOe+OO 2 .48e+OO NP-239 2.30e+02 2.26e+Ol O.OOe+Oo-7.00e+Ol 3.76e+04 1.19e+05 O.OOe+OO 1. 2 4e+Ol GRAND GULF, UNIT l 2.0-22b Revision 25 - 01 / 03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 5 of 10 Re lease Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mAJ)) AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: 2 Vegetation (VEG) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 2.26e+03 2.26e+03 2.26e+03 2.26e+03 2.26e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.26e+03 C-14 2.28e+08 4.55e+0 7 4.55e+07 4.55e+07 4.55e+07 4.55e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.55e+07 NA-24 2.7le+05 2.71e+05 2.71e+05 2.7le+05 2.71e+05 2.71e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.7le+05 P-32 1.40e+09 8.72e+07 O.OOe+OO 0.00e*OO O.OOe+OO 1.5Be+08 O.OOe+OO 5.42e+07 CR-51 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.77e+04 l.02e+04 6.15e+04 l.17e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.64e+04 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 3.13e+OB O.OOe+OO 9.31e+07 O.OO e+OO 9.58e+08 O.OOe+OO 5.97e+07 MN-56 O.OOe+OO 1.59et01 O.OOe+OO 2.0le+Ol O.OOe+OO 5.06e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.Ble+OO FE-55 2.10e+08 1.45e+08 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 8.08e+07 8.31e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.38e+07 FE-59 1.26e+08 2.96e+OB O.OOe+OO D.ODe+OO 8.27e+07 9.87e+08 D.DOe+OO 1.14e+08 C0-58 O.OOe+OD 3.08e+07 C.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.24e+OB O.OOe+OO 6.90e+07 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 1.67e+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.14e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.69e+OB NI-63 1.04e+10 7.2le+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.51e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.49e+OB NI-65 6.15e+Ol 7.99e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.03e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.65e+OO CU-64 O.OOe+OO 9.15e+D3 O.OOe+OO 2.31e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.80e+05 O.DOe+OO 4.29e+03 ZN-65 3.17e+D8 1.0le+09 O.OOe+OO 6.75e+OB O.OOe+OO 6.36e+OB O.OOe+OO 4.56e+08 ZN-69 5.38e-06 l .03e-05 0.00e+OO 6.69e -06 O.OOe+OO 1.55 e -0 6 O.OOe+OO 7 .16e-0 7 BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.46e+OO O.OOe+OO 3.lOe+OO BR-84 0.00e+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.99e-16 O. OOe +OO 2.54e-11 BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO 2.19e+DB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.33e+07 0.00e+OO 1.02e+08 RB-88 0.00e+OO 3 . 4Je-22 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO 4.74e-33 O.OOe+OO 1.82 e - 22 RB-89 O.OOe+OO 3.96e- 26 O. OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO 2.30e-39 O.OOe+OO 2 .79e - 26 SR-89 9.95e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.60e+09 O.OOe+OO 2.86e+OB SR-90 6.0Se+ll O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.75e+ 10 O.OOe+OO l.48e+ll SR-91 3.03e+05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.4 5e+ 06 D.OO e +OO l .23 e +04 SR-92 4.24e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.4 le+0 3 O.OOe+OO 1.84e+Ol Y-90 l.33e+04 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.41e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.57e+02 Y-91 5.12e+06 O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.82e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.37e+05 Y-91M 5 .4le-0 9 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO 1.59 e-08 O.OOe+OO 2 .lOe-10 Y-92 9.14e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+DD O.OOe+OO l.60e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.6 7e -02 Y-93 1.69e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.35e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.66e+OO ZR-95 l.1Be+06 3.77e+05 O.OOe+OO 5.92e+05 O.OOe+OD l.20e+0 9 O.OOe+ OO 2.55e+05 ZR-97 3.37e+02 6.80e+Ol O.OOe+OO 1.03 e + 02 O.OOe+DO 2.lle+07 O.OOe+OO 3 .lle+O l NB-95 l .42e+05 7.91e+04 O.OOe+OO 7.82e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.80e+08 0.00e+OO 4.25e+04 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 6.14e+06 O.OOe+OO 1.39e+ 07 O.OOe+OO l;42e +07 O.OOe +O O 1.17e+06 TC-99M 3.lOe+OO 8.75e+OO O.OOe +OO 1.33e+02 4.29e+OO 5.18e+03 O.OOe+OO l.lle+02 TC-101 7 .90e-31 l.14e-30 O.OOe+OO 2.0Se-29 5.82e-3 1 3.42e-42 O.OOe+OO l.1 2e -29 RU-103 4.77e+06 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1 . 82e+0 7 O.OOe+ OD 5.57e+OB O.OOe+OO 2 .0 5e+06 RU-105 5 .3 6e+O l O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.93e+D2 O.OOe+OO 3.28e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.12e+Ol RU-106 l.93e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.72e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.25e+10 O.OOe+OD 2.44e+07 AG-llOM l.05e+07 9.75e+06 O.OOe+OO l.92e+07 O. OOe+OO 3.98e+09 O.OOe+OD 5.79e+06 TE -125M 9 . 67e+07 3.50e+07 2.91e +0 7 3.93e+08 O.OOe+OD 3.86e+08 O.OOe+OO l.30e+07 TE-127 5.73e+03 2.06e+03 4.25e+03 2.33*e+04 O.OOe+OO 4.52e +05 O.OOe+OO 1. 24e+03 Tb;-127M 3.49e+08 l.25e+08 8.92e+07 1.42e+09 O.OOe+DO l.17e+0 9 O.OOe+OO 4.26e+07 TE- 129 6.94e-04 2.61e-04 5.33e-04 2.92e- 03 D.OOe+OO 5.24e-04 O.OOe+OO 1.69e-04 TE-12 9M 2 .51e+08 9.37e+07 8.62e+07 l.05e+ 09 O.OOe+OO l.26e+09 0.00e + OD 3.97e+07 TE-131 1.5le-15 6.32e-16 1.24e-15 6.63e-15 O.OOe+OO 2.14e-16 O.OOe+OO 4.7Be-16 TE-131M 9.12e+05 4.46e+05 7.06e+D5 4.52e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.43e+07 O.OO e+OO 3.72e+05 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-22c Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 6 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous, Dose Factor: 2 Ri (m"2 ' * (rnrern/yr) I (uCi/sec) or (mrern/yr) I (uCi/m"3)) AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: 2 Vegetation (VEG) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 4.29e+G6 2.77e+06 3.06e+06 2.67e+07 O.OOe+OO l.3le +08 O.OOe+OO 2.60e+06 I-130 3.9le+05 l.15e+06 9.78e+07 l.80e+06 O.OOe+OO 9.93e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.55e+05 I-131 8.07e+07 l.16e+08 3.79e+10 l.98e+08 0.00e+OO 3.05e +07 O.OOe+OO 6 .. 62e+07 I-132 5.76e+Ol l.54e+02 5.40e+03 2.46e+02 0.00e+OD 2.90e+Ol O.OOe+OO 5.40e+Ol I-133 2.08e+06 3.63e+06 5.33e+OB 6.33e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.26e+06 O.OOe+OO l.lle+06 I-134 9.33e-05 2.54e-04 4.39e-03 4.03e.:04 O.OOe+OO 2.21e-07 O.OOe+OO 9.07e-'05 I-135 3.91e+04 1.02e+05 6.75e+06 1.64e+05 O.OOe+OO l.16e+05 0.00e+OO 3.78e+04 CS-134 4.67e+09 l.lle+lO O.OOe+OO 3.60e+09 1.19e+09 l.94e+OB O.OOe+OO 9.08e+09 CS-136 4.27e+07 l.68e+08 O.OOe+OO 9.37e+07 l.28e+07 l.91e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.21e+D8 CS-137 6.36e+09 8.70e+09 O.OOe+OO 2.95e+09 9.Ble+OB l.68e+08 O.OOe+OO 5.70e+09 CS-138 3.84e-11 7.58e-11 O.OOe+OO 5 . 57e -11 5.50e-12 3.23e-16 O.OOe+OO 3.75e-11 BA-139 2.86e-02 2.04e-05 O.OOe+OO 1.91e-05 1.16e-05 5.07e-02 O.OOe+OO 8.38e-04 BA-140 1.29e+08 1.62e+05 O.OOe+OO 5.49e+04 9.25e+04 2.65e+08 O.OOe+OO 8.42e+06 BA-141 l.lBe-21 8.95e-2s-o.OOe+OO 8.32e-25 5.0Be-25 5.58e-31 O.OOe+OO 4.00e-23 BA-142 2.43e-39 2.50e-42 O.OOe+OO 2 .lle-4 2 1.4 2e -4 2 3.43e-57. O.OOe+OO l.53e-40 LA-140 1. 98 e+03 9.99e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O~OOe+OO 7.33e+07 O,OOe+OO 2.64e+02 LA-142 2.04e-04 9.27e-05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.77e-01 O.OOe+OO 2 .31e-05 CE-141 l.97e+05 1.33e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.19e+04 O.OOe+OO 5.09e+08 O.OOe+OO l. 5 l e +04 CE-143 9.97e+02 7.37e+05 O,OOe+OO 3.24e+02 O.OOe+OO 2.75e+07 O.OOe+OO 8 .15e+Ol CE-144 3.29e+07 1.38e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.16e+06 O.OOe+OO l.lle+lO O.OOe+OO 1. 77e+06 PR-143 6.27e+04 2.52e+04 O.OOe+OO l.45e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.75e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.lle+03 PR-144 3.24e-26 1.34e-26 O.OOe+OO 7 .58e-2 7 O.OOe+OO 4.66e-33 O.OOe+OO l.65e-2 7 ND-147 3.33e~04 3.85e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.25e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.85e+08 O.OOe+OO 2 .30e+Qj W-187 3.80e+04 3.18e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+ OO l.04e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.lle+04 NP-239 l.43e+03 l.40e+02 0.00e+OO 4.37e+02 O.OOe+OO 2 . 88e+07 O.OOe+OO 7.73e+Ol GRAND GULF, UNIT l 2 .0- 22d Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 7 of 10 Release .Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (rnA2 * {mrern/yr)/{uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/{uCi/rn"3)) AgeGroup : O ADULT Pathway: 4 Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.OOe+OO 3.25e+02 3.25e+02 3.25e+02 3.25e+02 3.25e+02 O.OOe+OO 3.25e+02 C-14 2.4le+OB 4.83e+07 4.83e+07 4.83e+07 4.83e+07 ~.83e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.83e+07 NA-24' 1.45e-03 l.45e-03 l.45e-03 1.45e-03 1.45e-03 l.45e-03 O.OOe+OO l.45e-03 P-32 4.65e+09 2.89e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.23e+08 O.OOe+OO l.BOe+OB CR-51 O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO 4.21e+03 1*.55e+03 9.34e+ 03 l.77e+06 O.OOe+OO 7.04e+03 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 9.18e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.73e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.8le+07 O.OOe+OO l.75e+06 MN-56 O.OOe+OO l.44e-53 0.00e+00'1.83e-53 O.OOe+OO 4.60e-52 O.OOe+OO 2.56e-54 FE-55 2.93e+08 2.03e+08 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.13e+OB l.16e+OB O.OOe+OO 4.73e+07 FE-59 2.65e+OB 6.24e+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.74e+08 2.08e+09 O.OOe+OO 2.39e+08 C0-5.8 O.OOe+OO l.83e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.70e+OB O.OOe+OO 4.09e+07 C0-60 O.OOe+OO 7.52e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.41e+09 O.OOe+OO l.66e+08 NI-63 l.89e+l0 l.3le+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.73e+OB O.OOe+OO 6.33e+08 NI-65 2.27e-52 2.94e-53 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO *0.00e+QO 7.47e-52 O.OOe+OO l.34e-53 CU-64 O.OOe+OO 2.52e-07 O.OOe+OO 6.36e-07 O.OOe+OO 2.15e-05 O.OOe+OO l.lBe-07 ZN-65 3.56e+OB 1.13e+09 O.OOe+OO 7.57e+08 O.OOe+OO 7.~3e+08 O.OOe+OO 5.12e+08 ZN-69 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BR-83 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 8.0Be-57 O.OOe+OO 5.6le-57 BR-84 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BR-85 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO 4.87e+OB O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 9.60e+07 O.OOe+OO 2 .27e+OB RB-88 0. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. O.Oe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O. OOe+OO RB-89 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO SR-89 3.0le+OB O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.83e+07 O.OOe+OO 8.65e+06 SR-90 l.24e+l0 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.59e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.05e+09 SR-91 l.43e-10 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.BJe-10 0.00e+OO 5.79e-12 SR-92 l .OBe -49 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.13e-48 O.OOe+OO 4.66e-51 Y-90 l.08e+02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.15e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.9le+OO Y-91 l.13e+06 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.23e+08 O.OOe+OO 3.03e+04 Y-91M O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO Y-92 l.49e-39 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.QOe+OO 2.6 le-35 O.OOe+OO 4.36e-41 Y-93 4.39e-12 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO 1.39e-07 O.OOe+OO l.2le-13 ZR-95 l.87e+06 6 .0le+05 0.00e+OO 9.43e+05 O.OOe+OO l.9le +09 0.00e+OO 4.0 7e+05 ZR-97 2.04e-05 4.12e-0 6 O.OOe+OO 6.22e-06 O.OOe+OO l.2 7e +OO O.OOe+OO l.88e-06 NB-95 2.30e+06 1 , 28e +06 O.OOe+OO 1 .26e+06 O.OOe+OO 7.75e +09 O.OOe+OO 6.87e+05 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 9.93e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.25e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.30e+05 O.OOe+OO l.89e+0 4 TC-9 9M 4.32e-21 l.22e-20 O.OOe+OO l.86e-1 9 5.98e-21 7 .23e - 18 O.OOe+OO l.56e-19 TC-101 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RU-103 l.05e+08 0.00e+OC O.OOe+OO 4.0le+OB O.OOe+OO 1.23e+l0 O.OOe+OO 4.53e+07 RU-105 5.43e-28 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.02e -27 0.00e+OO 3.32e-25 O.OOe+OO 2.15e-28 RU-106 2.80e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.40e+09 O.OOe+OO l.Ble+ll O.OOe+OO 3.54e+08 AG-llOM 6.6Be+06 6.18e+06 O.OOe+OO l.22 e +0 7 O.OOe+OO 2.52e+09 O.OOe+OO 3.67e+06 TE-125M 3.59e+08 l.30e+08 l.OBe+ OB l.46e+0 9 O.OOe+OO l.4 3e+09 O.OOe+OO 4.Sle+07 TE-127 2.50e-10 8.98e-ll l. 85e-10 l.02e-09 O.OOe+OO l.97e-0 8 O.OOe+OO 5.4le-ll TE-127M l.12e+09 3.99e+08 2.85e+08 4.53e+09 O.OOe+OO 3. 74e+09 O.OOe+OO l.36e+OS TE-129 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO TE-129M l.13e+09 4.23e+08 3.89e+08 4.)3e+09 O.OOe+OO 5.7le+09 O.OOe+OO l.79e+OB. TE-131 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+O~ O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO TE~l31M 4.49e+02 2.20e+02 3.48e+02 2.23e+03 O.OOe+OO 2.18e+04 O.OOe+OO l.83e+02 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-22e Revision 25 - 01/03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 8 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (m"2 * (mrem/yr) I (uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr) I (uCi/m"3)) AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: 4 Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI -Lli Skin TB TE-132 L.40e+06 9.03e+05 9.98e+05 8.70e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.27e+0 7 O.OOe+OO 8.48e+05 I-130 2.03e-06 5.98e-06 5.07e-04 9.33e-06 O.OOe+OO 5.15e-06 O.OOe+OO 2.36e-06 I-131 l.07e+07 1.54e+07 5.03e+09 2.63e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.05e+06 O.OOe+OO 8.80e+06 I-132 7.13e-59 l.9le-58 6.68e-57 3.04e-58 O.OOe+OO 3.58e-59 O.OOe+OO 6.68e-5 9 I-133 3.63e-Ol 6.31e~Ol 9.28e+Ol 1.lOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.68e-01 O.OOe+OO 1.93e-Ol I-134 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO I-135 4.66e-17 1~22e-16 8.04e-15 l.96e~l6 O.OOe+OO l.38e-16 0.00~+00 4.SOe-17 CS-134 6.58e+08 1,57e+O~ O.OOe+OD 5.D7e+OB 1.68e+08 2.74e+07 O.OOe+OO 1. 2 8e+09 CS-136 1.20e+07 4.75e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.65e+07 3.63e+06 5.40e+06 O.OOe+OO 3.42e+07 CS-137 8.72e+08 l.19e+09 O.OOe+OO 4.05e+08 l.35e+08 ~.3le+07 O.OOe+OO 7.81~+08 CS-138 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-139 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe~OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-140 2.88e+07 3.61e+04 O.OOe+OO l.23e+04 2.07e+04 5.92e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.88e+06 BA-141 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO BA-142 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe +OO O.OOe+OO LA-140 3.76e-02 1:90e-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO l .. 39e +03 O.OOe+OO 5.0le-03 LA-142 4.06e-92 l.BSe-92 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.35e-88 O.OOe+OO 4 .60e- 93 CE-141 1. 40e+04 9. 50e+03 0. OOe.+00 4. 4 le+03 0. OOe+ OO 3 , .6 3e+07. 0. OOe +OO 1. 0Be +03 CE..:143 1.99e-02 l. 47 e+01 O.OOe+OO 6.47e-03 O.OOe+OO 5.49e+0 2 O.OOe+OO l.62e-03 CE...:144 l.46e+06 6.09e+05 O.OOe+OO 3.62e+05 O.OOe+OO 4.93e+OB O.OOe+OO 7.83e+04 PR-143 2.10e+04 8.42e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.86e+03 O.OOe+OO 9.20e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.04e+03 PR-144 0.00~+00 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO ND-147 7.06e+03 8.16e+03 O.OOe+OO 4.77e+03 O.OOe+OO ~-92e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.88e+02 W-187 2.07e-02 l.73e-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe +O O O.OOe+OO 5.66e+OO O.OOe+OO 6.04e-03 NP-239 2.57e-Ol 2.53e-02 O.OOe+DO 7.90e-02 O.OOe+OO 5.19e + 03 O.OOe+OO l.40e-0 2 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2 .0- 22 f Revision 25 - 01 /03

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2.2.2.b, (R.) l Page 9 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Ri (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: 5 Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK) Nuclide Bone Liver* Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB H-3 O.ODe+OO 7.63e+02 7.63e+02 7.63e+02 7.63e+02 7.63e+02 Q.OOe+OO 7.63e+02 C-14 2.63e+08 5.27e+07 5.27e+07 5.27e+07 5.27e+07 5.27e+07 O.OOe+DO 5.27e+07 NA-24 2.46e+06 2.46e+06 2.46e+06 2.46e+06 2 .46e+06 2.46e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.46e+06 P-32 1.7le+10 l.06e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.O Oe +OO 1.92e+09 O.OOe+OO 6.60e+08 CR-51 D.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.7le+04 6.29e+03 3.79e+04 7 .18 e+06 0.0 0e +OO 2.86e+04 MN-54 O.OOe+OO 8.4le+06 O.ODe+DO 2.50e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.58e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.6le+06 MN-56 0.00e+OO 4 .13e-03 O.OOe+OO 5.24e-03 O.OOe+OO 1.32e-01 O.OOe+OO 7.32e-04 FE-55

  • 2.51e+07 1.74e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.68e+06 9.95e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.05e+06 FE-59 2.97e+07 6.98e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.95e+07 2.33e+08 0.00e+OO 2.68e+07 C0-58 O.ODe+OO 4. 72e+06 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9 .56e+0 7 O.OOe+OO l.06e+07 C0-60 0.00e+OO l.64e+07 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.08e+OB O.OOe+OO 3.62e+07 NI-63 6.73e+09 4.66e+D8 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.73e+07 O.OOe+OO 2.26e+OB NI-65 3.70e-01 4.Ble-02 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.22e+DD O.OOe+OO 2.20e-02 CU-64 O.OOe+OO 2.36e+04 O.OOe+OO 5 . 95e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.0le+06 O.OOe+OO l. lle+04 ZN-65 l.37e+09 4.37 e +09 O.DOe+OO 2 .92e+0 9 O.OOe+OO 2.75e+09 O.OOe+OO 1.97e+09 ZN-69 2.0le-12 3. 84e d2 O.OOe+OO 2.5oe~12 O.OOe+OO 5.78e-13 O.OOe+OO 2.67e-13 BR-83 O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l. 39e -01 O.OOe+OO 9.65e-02 BR-84 O.OOe+OD O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO l.33e-28 O.OOe+OO 1.69e-23 BR-85 D.OOe+OO O.dOe+OO O.OOe+OO D.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO RB-86 O.OOe+OO 2.60e+09 O.OO e +OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 5.12e+08 O.OOe+OO l.2le+D9 RB-88 O.OOe+OO 2.14e-45 O.OOe+OO O. OOe +OO O.OOe+OO 2. 96e-56 O.OOe+OO 1.14e-45 RB-89 O.OOe+OO 4.50e-53 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.6le-66 O.OOe+DO 3.16e-53 SR-89 1. 45e+09 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.33e+08 O.ODe+OO 4.16e+07 SR-90 4.68e+10 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.35e+09 O.DOe+OO l.15e+10 SR-91 2.87e+04 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.37e+05 O.OOe+OO l.16e+03 SR-92 4.84e-01 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9.58e+OO O.OOe+OO 2.09e-02 Y-90 7.lOe+Ol O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7.52e+05 O.OOe+OO 1. 90e+OO Y-91 8.59.e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 4.73e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.30e+02 Y-91M 6.42e-20 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.89e-19 O.OOe+OO 2.49e-21 Y-92 5.57e-05 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 9 .75e-01 O.ODe+OO l.63e-06 Y-93 2.22e-01 0.00e+OO O.OOe+OO O. OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 7 .03 e +03 O.OOe+OO 6.12e-03 ZR-95 9.44e+02 3.03e+02 O.OOe+OD 4.75e+02 O.OOe+OO 9.59e+05 O.OOe+OO 2.05e+02 ZR-97 4.32e-01 8. 72e-02 O.OOe+OO l.32e-01 O.OOe+OO 2.70e+04 0 .00e+O O 3.99e-02 NB-95 B.25e+04 4.59e+04 O.OOe+OD 4.54e+04 O.OOe+OO 2.79e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.47e+04 M0-99 O.OOe+OO 2.47e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.60e+07 O.OOe+OO 5.73e+07 O.OOe+OO 4.71e+06 TC-99M 3.3le+OO 9.35e+OO O.OOe+OO 1. 42e+02 4.58e+OO 5.53e+03 O.OOe+OO l.19e+02 TC-101 2.40e-60 3.46e-60 O.OOe+OO 6 .22e-59 1.77e-60 1. 04e-71 0.00e+OO 3.39e-59 RU-103 l.02e+03 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 3.88e+03 O.OOe+OO 1.19e+05 0.00e+OO 4.39e+02 RU-105 8.5le-04 O.OOe+OO 0.00e+OO l.lOe-02 O.OOe+OO 5 .20e-01 O.OOe+ OO 3.36e-04 RU-106 2.04e+04 o.ooe+oo O.OOe+OO 3.94e+04 O.OOe+OO l.32e,t06 O.OOe+OO 2.58e+03 AG-llOM 5.82e+07 5.39e+07 O.OOe+OO l.06e+08 O.OOe+OO 2.20e+10 O.OOe+OO 3.20e+07 TE-125M 1. 63e +07 5.91e+06 4.90e+06 6 .63e+0 7 O.OOe+OO 6.5le+07 O.OOe+OO 2 .1Be+o6 TE-127 6.66e+02 2.39e+02 4.94e+02 2.7le+03 O.OOe+OO 5.26e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.44e+02 TE-127M 4.58e+07 l.64e+07 1.1 7e +0 7 l. B6e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.54e+OB O.OOe+OO 5.58e+06 TE-129 2.35e-10 8 .85e-11 l.Ble-10 9.89e-10 O. OOe +OO l .78e-10 O.OOe+OO 5.74e-11 TE-129M 6.02e+07 2 .25e+07 2.07e+07 2 . 5le+08 O.OOe+OO 3.03e+OB O.OOe+OO 9.52e+06 TE-131 3.66e-33 1. 53e-33 3.0le-33 1.61e-32 O.OOe+OO 5.19e-34 O.OOe+O O 1.16e-33 TE-131M 3.6le+05 1.76e+05 2.80e+05 l.79e+D 6 O.OOe+OO 1. 7 5e+07 O. OOe +OO 1. 4 7e+05 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-22g Revision 25 - 01/03

TABiE 2.2-2d (Continued) PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS FOR LCO 6.11.6 AND SECTION 2. 2. 2. b, ( R. ) l Page 10 of 10 Release Type: 2 Gaseous Dose Factor: 2 Rj (mA2 * (mrem/yr)/(uCi/sec) or (mrem/yr)/(uCi/mA3)) AgeGroup: O ADULT Pathway: 5 Grs/Cciw/Milk (CMILK) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB TE-132 2.39e+D6 1.55e+06 l.71e+06 1.49e+07 O.OOe+OO 7.32e+07 O.OOe+OO l.45e+06 I-130 4.18e+05 1.23e+06 l.05e+08 1.92e+06 O.OOe+OO l.06e+06 O.OOe+OO 4.86e+05 I:-131 2.96e+08 4.23e+08 1.39e+ll 7.26e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.12e+08 O.OOe+bo 2.43e+08 I-132 1.65e-01 4.40e-01 1.54e+Ol 7.02e-01 O.OOe+OO 8.27e-02 O.OOe+OO 1.54e-01 I-133 3.87e+06 6.73e+06 9.88e+08 1.17e+07 O.OOe+OO 6.04e+06 O.OOe+OO 2.05e+06 I-134 1.8.9e-12 5.13e-12 8.89e-11 8.15e-12 O.OOe+OO 4.47e-15 O.OOe+OO 1°.83e-12 I-135 1.29e+04 3.38e+04 2.23e+06 5.42e+04 O.OOe+OO 3.82e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.25e+04 CS-134 5.65e+09 1.35e+10 O.~Oe+OO 4.35e+09 1.45e+09 2.35e+08 O.OOe+OO 1.lOe+lO CS-136 2.63e+08 l.04e+09 O.OOe+OO 5.78e+08 7'.92e+07 1.18e+08 O.OOe+OO 7.48e+08 CS-137 7.38e+09 1.0le+lO O.OOe+OO 3.43e+09 1.14e+09 l.95e+08 O.OOe+OO 6.61e+09 CS-138 8.69e-24 l.72e-23 O.OOe+OO 1.26e-23 1.25e-24 7.32e-29 O.OOe+OO 8 .50e-24 1 BA-139 4.43e-08 3.16e-11 O.OOe+OO 2.95e-11 1.79e-11 7.86~-08 O.OOe+OO 1~30e-09 BA-140 2.£9e+07 3.38e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.15e+04 l.93e+04 5.54e+07 O.OOe+OO 1.76e+06 BA-141 4.3Je-46 3.27e-49 O.OOe+OO 3.04e-49 1.86e-49 2.04e-55 O.OOe+OO 1.46e-47 BA.'...1.42 4.41~-81 4.53e~84 O.OOe+OO 3.83e-84 2.57e-84 o;ooe+OO O.OOe+OO 2.77e-82 LA-140 4.52e+OO 2.28e+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 1.67e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.03e-01 LA-142 1.89e-11 8.60e-12 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO 6.28e-08 O.OOe+OO 2.14e-12 CE-141 4.84e+03 3.28e+03 O.OOe+OO l.52e+03 O.OOe+OO l.25e+07 O.OOe+OO 3.72e+02 CE-143 4.15e+Ol 3.07e+04 O.OOe+OO l.35e+01 O.OOe+OO 1.15e+0£ O.OOe+OO 3.39e+OO CE-144 3.58e+05 l .. 50e+05 O.OOe+OO 8.87e+04 O.OOe+OO l.2le+08 O.OOe+OO l.92e+04 PR-143 1.58e+02 6.34e+Ol O.OOe+OO 3.66e+Ol O.OOe+OO 6.92e+05 O.OOe+OO 7.83e+QO PR-144 6.45e-54 2.68e-54 O.OOe+OO l.5le-54 O.OOe+OO 9.28e-61 O.OOe+OO 3.28e-55 ND-147 9.41e+Ol 1.09e+02 O.OOe+OO 6.36e+Ol O.OOe+OO 5.22e+05 O.OOe+OO 6.51e+OO W-187 6.5le+03 5.45e+03 0.00~+00 O.OOe+OO O.OOe+OO l.78e+06 O.OOe+OO l.90e+03 NP-2.39 3.67e+OO 3.61e-01 O.OOe+OO 1.13e+OO O.OOe+OO 7.40e+04 O.OOe+OO 1.99e-01 3 Units: Inhalation 2 and all tritium pathways - mrem/yr per µCi/m Others - m . mrem/yr per µCi/sec Values based on standard NUREG-0133, Section 5.3.1 assumptions unless otherwise indicated. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-22h Revision 25 - 01/03


  • A N 1. 02 8.5E-7 3.8E-9 1. 02 3.8E-9 6.60 E-7 B NNE 1. 51 3.lE-7 1.5E-9 1. 52 1.5E-9 2.70 E-7 c NE 0.70 7.6E-7 5.2E-9 4.14 2.4E-10 4.80 E-8 D ENE 2.60 8.9E-8 4.9E-10 4.50 1. 8E-10 3.90 E-8 E E 0.83 5.3E-7 I, 3.lE-9 0.89 2.8E-9 4.90 E-7 F ESE 2.25 8.5E-8 3.8E-10 4.49 1.lE-10 2.70 E-8 G SE 3. 72 5.lE-8 2.0E-10 4.20 1. 6E-10 3.90 E-8 H SSE 1.10 5.7E-7 3.2E-9 4.31 2.9E-10 5.60 E-8 J s 3.14 1.9E-7 6.5E-10 3.16 6.5E-10 1. 30 E-7 K SSW 2.20 7.lE-7 1.4E-9 2.18 1.4E-9 4.10 E-7 L SW 0.89 6.0E-6 7.6E-9 0.89 7.6E-9 2.70 E-6 M WSW >5 N/A N/A >5 N/A N/A N w >5 N/A N/A >5 N/A N/A p WNW >5 N/A N/A >5 N/A N/A Q NW >5 N/A N/A >5 N/A N/A R NNW 1. 44 5.4E-7 2.lE-9 >5 N/A 3.90 E-7 Table 2.2-3 locations based on 2016 Land Use Census, onsite vegetation sample locations are not considered for the Land Use Census.
  • Values from ODCM Reference 19.
 **   Distances shown are actual miles in each sector. In cases where dispersion and deposition parameters were not available for a location, they were calculated based on values at known distances.
 *** Values from ODCM Reference 20.

N/A: No residence/garden within 5 miles. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-23 Revision 40 - 08/18

TABLE 2.2-3a SITE BOUNDARY ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION PARAMETERS for LCO 6.11. 4 SITE BOUNDARY / DISTANCE, SECTOR DIRECTION MILES** x/Q* D/Q* A N 0. 7\9 1.2E-6 5.9E-9 B NNE 0.66 1.lE-6 6.0E-9 c NE 0.63 9.lE-7 6.2E-9 D ENE 0.63 8.5E-7 5.6E-9 E E 0.55 1.0E-6 .\6.2E-9

 ~*            ESE            0.55                   8.lE-7      4.2E-9 G             SE             0.51                   1. 2E-6     6.2E-9 H             SSE            0.46                   2.3E-6      1.4E-8 J             s              0.61                   2-. 4E-6    l.lE-8 K             SSW            0.65                   4.4E-6      1.lE-8 L             SW             0.85                   6.5E-6      8.2E-9 M             WSW            1. 07                  4.3E-6      4.5E-9 N             w              1.14                   2. 9E-.6    3.8E-~

p WNW 1. 34 1.4E-6 2.BE-9 Q NW 1. 37 8.2E-7 3.0E-9 R NNW 1. 02 9.lE-7 3.7E-9

  • Values from ODCM Referepce 19.
    • Distances shown are actual miles in each sector~

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-23a Re~ision 40 - 08/18

TABLE 2.2-3b ADDITIONAL RECEPTOR LOCATIONS WITHIN THE SITE BOUNDARY** For LCO 6 .11. 4 Unrestricted Daylight SECTOR DIRECTION MILES DESCRIPTION x/Q* D/Q* Area Within Site Only Boundary x/Q*** B NNE 0.5 Recreational 1.7E-6 9.5E-9 Yes NA Vehicle Laydown Area R NNW 0.5 Energy 2.7E-6 1.2E-8 Yes NA Services Center 1 Q NW 0.75 Gin Lake 1 2.0E-6 8.3E-9 Yes NA p WNW 0.75 Hamilton 3.3E-6 7.5E-9 Yes NA Lake 1 J s 0.40 Onsite 4.6E-6 2.2E-8 Yes 3.4E-6 vegetation sample locations H SSE 0.46 Onsite 2.3E-6 1.4E-8 Yes 2-. 2E-6 vegetation sample location 1 These locations occupy multiple sectors. In each case the SITE BOUNDARY locations used in the dose calculation was limiting.

  *Values from ODCM Reference 19
  **The X/Q and D/Q factors from ODCM References 14 and 19 may be used to evaluate dose to members of the public that are located inside the site boundary.

If appropriate, occupancy factors should be applied to the dose calculation.

  *** Values from ODCM Reference 20.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-23b Revision 40 - 08/18

2.3 Meteorological Model 2.3.1 Atmospheric Dispersion (Annual Average) The, NUREG/CR-2919, Computer Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent

                  'Releases at Nucle~r Power Stationsi or similar, should be used to calculate atmospheric dispersion factors for routine continuous long term releases.      Software input parameters use the normal settings as described in Table 2.1 of NUREG/CR~2919 with the following exceptions:

Calm values are distributed in a sep~rate windspeed category (i.e., 1st windspeed category) with the same proportion and direction as the direction frequency of the 2nd windspeed class. (Reference 10, 14, 15) No terrain recirculation factor is applied. (Reference I 5,

                   . Section 3A) 0.224 m/sec for calm (Reference*7, 15) 14 ~indspeed categbries are used (Reference lA,15) 7 stability clases, A-G (Reference 10,14,15) 1 release exit point (Reference 10,14,15) 10 meter for measured wind, ground level release (Reference 7, 10, 14, 15)'

No decay Normally, maximum windspeed categories are 0.224, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 7.00, 13.00 (m/sec) (Reference 14, 15) Height of vent's release point= 31 meters (Reference 15) Height of vent's building= 53.3 meters (Reference 15) Minimum cross-sectional area for the vent's building 2729 meters 2 (Reference 14, 15) (' GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-24 Revision 25 - 01/03 I J


2. 3. 2 Atmospheric Dispersion (Hourly Average)

The atmospheric dispersion for gaseous releases may be calculated using a ground level, wake-split form of the straight line flow model. X/Q atmospheric dispersion (sec/m 3 ) 2.03 8 k ruI: where: r distance (m) from release point to location of interest plume depletion factor at distance r from ODCM Figure 2.3-1 u hourly average wind speed at ground level (ml sec_) k open terrain recirculation factor at distance r, from ODCM Reference 16 the lesser of (cr 2 + b 2 /2n)~ or (3)~cr where: (J vertical standard deviation (m) of the plume at distance r for ground level releases under the stability category indicated by 6T, f::rom Figure 2.3-2

  • 6T temperature differential with vertical separation (°F/40m) b height of the reactor building 53.3m GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-25 Revision 37 - 02/09

2.3.3 Deposition (Hourly Average) Relative deposition per unit area for all releases is calculated for a ground level release as follows:

                                                                 -2 D/Q     relative deposition per unit area (m )

(2.55 x Dg x K)/r where: D relative deposition rate at distance r for ground g level releases from ODCM Figure 2.3-3 k open Terra1,in Recirc Factor (ODCM Reference 16) r distance from release point (meters) Additional information on the X/Q and D/Q calculations can be found in ODC~ ~eferences 9 and 10. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-26 Revision 31 - 02/09

                  "TEXT DELETED" GRAND GULF, UNIT 1       2.0-27   Revision 37 - 02/09
                  "TEXT DELETED" GRAND GULF} UNIT 1       2.0-28. Revision 37- 02/09
                  "TEXT DELETED" GRAND GULF, UNIT 1       2.0-29   Revision 37 - 02/09
                  "TEXT DELETED".

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-30 Revision 37 - 02/09

I Figure 2.3-1 Plume Depletion Effect for Ground-Level Releases {All Atmospheric Stability Class~s) q

                                                                  ,V                  8 N




                                                            ., ~

7 J 7



                                           ,I I            :                                ........



I I I c

                                                                                    ...Q -~=
  ~                                  I                                                     :E

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  "                          I                                                    I u


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rl} Q c c:.


I J - q ril1


Ei-I ril1 I I


I ~ I =-,: I q I en c *c .. c:

                                                                      .N d

d l> , FRACTION REMAINING IN PLUME GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-31 Revision 15 - 01/94

Figure 2.3-2 Vertical standard Deviation of Material in a Flume (Letters*denote Pasquill Stability Class)

                                                               *           .                            .,   ~


                                                                        ,I i...""

I .,,~ ,,.-

                                                          ' v _v                                -~
                                                     ~                                                                      ,...i-
                                                                                                                                    ..... ~
A 'I ,~ ... . ..... ~




                                              "             1./
                                                                       - ~
                                                                                                ~- __...   -
                  / /" ~ l,'                                v          /             ...... ~

_,"' I v ... v ""* ij / / ;_,; l,,,i' I,,

                    .                    I
            ,,, I
            ,/    /
                              ... ,    ~

V,,; / v 11!1 Temperatliln Cuage Scablllty 1t'fdt -- -;-" -;'/48m) Pasqlllll Categwy Claasllkatioa S-1.37 A ~-Unst:alde

                           > -1.37 ud ~ -1.ll                                  B                       ModenmJv Ullltlble
                          > -1.21 SDd < -LOS                                   c                        ShhttY Ulldable
                          > -1.08 and S-0.36                                   D                                  Neutral
                           > -o.31!i ll!ld < l.fl8                             11;*                        Slid.ttv Stab!e
                            > 1.0had ~ 2.88                                    F                        Mod......,..Stable
                                   >188                                        G                        .               Stahle GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                                                          2.0-32                                        Revision 25 - 01/03

I Figure 2.3-3 Relative Deposition for Ground-Level Releases (All Atmospheric Stability Classes)

                                "' , ...                     I
                                         ' ~

r--,._ f"'-..

                                                                                               ... ~

10-7 o., ,.o 10.0 c. 100.0 200.0 r, PLUME TRAVEL DISTANCE (KILOMETERS) Graph taken from Reference 7, Figure 6 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-33 Revision 15 - 01/94



GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-34 Revision 25 - 01/03

2.5 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System The instruments required to be checked by LCO 6.11.7 to ensure that the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (Offgas) SYSTEM is functioning are:

1. Adsorber train bypass switch (1N64-HS-M611)
2. Bypass valve indication (1N64-F045)

When the adsorber train bypass switch is in the TREAT position and the bypass valve indicates closed, the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (Offgas) SYSTEM is functioning. NOTES for ODCM Figure 2.5-1 A flow diagram for the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System is provided on the following page. Notes for the diagram are listed below. (1) The charcoal beds are bypassed during startup unti+ an adequate dewpoint is obtained in the process stream. (2) This pathway may be utilized for power levels~ 5%. (3) Standby Gas Treatment System not normally operated. (4) In modes 1, 2 and 3, the south-east most smoke natch of , the turbine building may be used as an occasional release point provided that the proper,monitoring equipment is used. During Modes 4 & 5 up to four roof hatches may be used and release rates estimated based* on calculated flow rates and measured activity. I GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-35 Revision 39 - 03/12

Figure 2.5-1 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-35a Revision 33 - 3/07

2.6 Annual Dose Commitment If required, the annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will be calculated by summing the following doses for the calendar year: Direct radiation dose Liquid effluent dose (D ) Tau Noble gas dose (Dy, D~) Particulate dose (D) p These calculations are required only if the liquid or gaseous effluents exceed twice the limits of LCOs 6.11.2, 6.11.5 and 6.11.6.

2. 6 .1 Direct Radiation Dose Measurement LCOs 6.11.2, 6.11.5 and 6.11.6 require the determination of cumulative dose contributions to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from direct radiation from the reactor units and from radwaste storage tanks. This requirement is applicable only under conditions set forth in Action B.1 of the applicable LCO. This determination is made by the utilization of direct radiation measurements from indicator thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) 'located near the GGNS property line.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-36 Revision 35 - 9/07

Measurements from these TLDs represent the direct radiation generated by the facility plus normal background radiation. The locations are identified in ODCM Table 3.0-3 by the following TLD numbers: M-16 M-22 M-23 M-97 M-100 M-19 M-25 M-95 M-98 M-21 M-28 M-96 M-99 Control TLDs are also utilized to differentiate between background radiation and direct radiation from the I facility. The following two TLDs are designated as controls based on the criterion that they are located ten miles or greater from the.facility. Exact locations are identified in ODCM Table 3.0-3. M-14 M-33 The difference between the averaged quarterly radiation measurements of the indicator TLDs and the control TLDs represents the direct radiation dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the operating facility. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-37 R~vision 35 - 9/07

3.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3.1 Sampling Locations Sampling locations to fulfill the requirements of LS? 6.12.1, as described in ODCM Table 6.12.1-1, are identified in ODCM Tables 3.0-1 through 3.0-3 and shown on maps in ODCM Figures 3.0-1 and 3.0-2. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 3.0-1 Revision 35 - 9/07


                          'TABLE 3.0-1 AIR SAMPLER COLLECTION SITES AIR SAMPLERS NUMBER            FIGURE          LOCATION ASll PG           3.0-2           Southeast of GGNS at the Port Gibson City Barn (Sector G Radius, 5.5 miles)
  • AS-3 61VA 3.0-2 NNE of GGNS on Hwy. 61, north of the Vicksburg Airport (Sector B Radius, 18 miles)

AS-7 UH 3.0-1 SSE of GGNS at the IBEW Union Hall (Sector H Radius, 0.5 miles) AS-20 GR 3.0-1 SSE of GGNS at the Former Glodjo. residence (Sector L, Radius 0.9 miles) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 3.0-2 Revision 40 - 08/18.

ODCM TABLE 3.0-2 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION SITES Page 1 of 2 (d~::*.* /Miik"sAMPLES (CONTROL LOCATION) FIGURE AL CONT 3.0-2 Located SSW of GGNS at Alcorn State Qniversity (Sector K Radius 10.5 miles) GROUND WATER PGWELL 3.0-2 PORT GIBSON WELLS - Taken from distribution system or one of the five wells (Sector G Radius 5.0 miles) Construction Water Well 3.0-1 GGNS CONSTRUCTION WATER WELL - Taken from distribution system or the well (Sector Q Radius 0.4 miles) SURFACE WATER Upstream 3.0-1 At least 4500 ft upstream of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River to allow adequate mixing of the Mississippi and Big Black Rivers (Sector R, 1.8 mtles) Downstream 3.0-1 At least 5000 ft downstream of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River near Radial Well No. 1 (Sector N, 1.6 miles) MS River Downstream 3.0-1 Downstream of the GGNS discharge point (during a liquid radwaste discharge) in the Mississippi River near Radial Well No. 5 (Sector*P, 1.3 miles) Storm Drain Outfall 007 3.0-1 Outfall 007 (Sector N, 0.2 miles) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 3.0-3 Revision 35 - 9/07


ODCM TABLE 3.0-2 (Continued) MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION SITES Page 2 of 2 SEDIMENT SAMPLES FIGURE SEDHAM 3.0-1 Downstream of the GGNS discharge point in the Mississippi River near Hamilton Lake outlet (Sector N, 1.6 miles) SEDCONT 3.0-1 Upstream of the GGNS discharge point in the Mississippi River (Minimum of 100 yds) VEGETATION Broadleaf Vegetation 3.0-1 S of GGNS near former Training Center on Bald Hill Road (Sector J, 0.4 miles) OR SSE of GGNS near' former Training

                                            *center on Bald Hill Road (Sector H, 0 . 4 6 miles )

NOTE: The abqve location is located inside the SITE BOUNDARY. The sampling site exceeds the requirements of LCO 6.12.1. 3.0-2 Alcorn State University SSW of GGNS (Sector K, 10.5 miles) any alternate location 15-30 km distant may be used. FISH SAMPLES Fish and Invertebrates 3.0-1 Downstream of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River 3.0-1 Upstre~m of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River uninfluenced by plant operations GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 3.0-3a Revision 37 - 02/09

ODCM TABLE 3.0-3 TLD.LOCATIONS Page 1 of 2 TLD NO. LOCATION FIGURE SECTOR MILE M-01 Across the road from Lake 3.0-1 E 3.5 Claiborne entry gate M-07 AS-1 PG, Port Gibson City Barn 3.0-2 G 5.5 M-09 Warner Tully Y-Camp 3.0-1 D 3. 5 M-10 Grand Gulf Military Park 3.0-1 A 1.5 M-14 AS-3-61VA, Hwy. 61, north of 3.0-2 B 18.0 (CONTROL) Vicksburg Airport M-16 Meteorological Tower 3.0-1 A 0.9 M-19 Eastern SITE BOUNDARY 3.0-1 E 0.5 property line, NNE of HWSA M-21 Near former Training Center 3.0-1 J 0.4 Building, on Bald Hill Road M-22 Former RR entrance crossing on 3.0-1 G 0.5 Bald Hill Road M-23 Gin Lake Road 50 yards north of 3.0-1 Q 0.5 Heavy Haul Road on power pole M-25 Radial Well Number 1 3.0-1 N 1. 6 M-28 Former Glodjo reside;ce 3.0-1 L 0.9 M-33 Newellton, Louisiana, Water 3.0-2 p 12.5 Tower M-36 Curve on HW 608, point nearest p 5.0 GGNS at power pole M-38 Lake Bruin State Park, entrance road3.0-2 M 9.5 M-39 St. Joseph, Louisiana, Aux. 3.0-2 M 13.0 Water Tank M-40 Headley Drive, near River 3.0-1 M 2.3 Port entrance GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 3.0-4 Revision 35 - 9/07

ODCM TABLE 3.0-3 (Continued) TLD LOCATIONS Page 2 of 2 TLD NO. LOCATION FIGURE SECTOR MILE M.-4 8 0.4 miles South on Mont Gomer 3.0-2 K 4.8 Road on west side M-49 Fork in Bessie Weathers Road/ 3.0-2 H 4.5 Shaifer Road M-50 Panola Hunting Club entrance 3:0-2 B 5. 3 M-5*5 Near Ingelside Karnac Ferry Road/ 3. 0-:-2 D 5.0 Ashland Road Intersect~on M-57 Hwy. 61, behind the Welcome 3.0-2 F 4.5 to Port Gibson sign at Glensdale Subdivision M-94 Sector R near 3.0-1 R O. 8 Meterological tower J:1-95 Spoils Area, fence of old storage 3.0-1 F 0.5 area, near entrance gate M-96 North Gate fence 3.0-1 0.7 M-97 Grana Gulf Road entrance gate 3.0-1' D O.B to spoils area M-98 Bald Hill Road, across from 3.0-1 H 0.5 Union Hall, in curve M-99 North Fence of old Ball Field 3.0-1 K 0.4 Near utility pole M-100 Grand Gulf Road, across from 3.0-1 c 0. 6 L. Frazier GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 3.0-5 Revision 35 - 9/07

                  "TEXT DELETED" GRAND GULF, UNIT 1     3.0-6      Revision 20 07 /96

FIGURE 3.0-i Collection Site Locations 0-4 Mile Area Map LEGEND

      ?     Fish D     Air Sampler 0     Surface Water
     ~ Ground Water GJ Broad!eaf Vegetation 0

Sediment TLD Ranney Wells Milk J ENTERGY_ GRAND GUlf NUCLEAR S1ATION o--4 Mile Environmental Sampling Location Map-, 1 \

                .'5 I.- - -~--'

Q) SCALE IN MILES Grand Gulf, Unit 1 3.0-7 Revision 40 09/18

Figure 3.0-2 Collection Site Locations, General Area Map; 4-10 Mile Area Map Q B (NNE) FIGURE 3.0-2 (tffl) Collection Site Locations, General Area Map c (NE) 4-10 Mile Area Map p MNW) LEGEND O Air Sampler O Surface Water

                                                                                          .A D         *

Ground Water Sediment Ranney Wells Q [:] Broadleaf Vegetation TLD Milk N See Figure E 3.0-1 (E) 18 MILES FROM GRAND GULF 10 VICKSBURG AIRPORT SeclOf (BJ F (ESE) G ENTERGY (SE) -GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION lrom L


10 MilaB ()(and Gull H w 4-10 Mile Environmental Sampling Location Map (SSW) (SSE) Grand Guff, Unit 1 3.0-8 Revision 35 09-07 (S) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 3.0-8 Revision 35 - 9/07



GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-0 Revision 17 - 03/95

                  "TEXT DELETED" GRAND GULF, UNIT 1     A-1        Revision 17 - /95

1.0 DEFINITIONS GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM 1.1 The GASEOUS RADWASTE .TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM is the system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system offgases from the primary system and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity pr~or to release to the environment.

  • MEMBER(S) OF THE PUBLIC 1.2 MEMBER(S) OF THE PUBLIC shall include individuals in a controlled or unrestricted area. However, an indi victual .is not a member of the*

public during any period. in which the individual receives an occupational dose. OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)

1. 3 . The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ( ODCM)* shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses
       ~esulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluent$, *ii the calcuiation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring Alarm/Trip Setpoints,. and in the conduct of the Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Technical Specification 5.5.4 and Techni~al Requirement and (2) descriptions of the information that should b~ included in the Annual Radiol?gical Environmental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports required by Technical Specifications 5.6.2 and 5.6.3.

PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 1.4 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current formulas, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10CFR Parts 20, 61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-2 Revision 17 - 03/95

SITE BOUNDARY 1.5 The SITE BOUNDARY shall be that line beyond which the land or pro erty is not owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the licensee. UNRESTRICTED AREA 1.6 An UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area, at or beyond the SITE BOU DARY, access to which is not controlled by the licensee for the purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or for industrial cormnercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes. The UNRESTRICTED AREA and SITE BOUNDARY synonymous with the exception of areas over bodies of water. VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM 1.7 A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material i particulate. form in ef£luents by passing ventilation or vent exha st gases through charcoal adsorbers and/or HEPA filters for the purplse of removing iodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream ~rior to the release to the environment (such a system is not considered to hav~ an~ effect on noble gas effluents). Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be VENTIL TION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components. Additional Definitions are listed in Technical Specification Section 1.1. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-3 Revision 17 - 03/95

TABLE 1.1 SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY NOTATION Surveillance Frequencies.are specified in individual tcos. For more information see'Technical Specification Section 1.4.


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-4 Revision 17 - 03/95

TABLE 1.2 MODES Modes of operation are shown in Technical Specification Table 1 1 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-5 Revision 17 03/95

3.0 APPLICABILITY LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO) See Technical Specification *Section 3.0 for LCO Applicability. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-6 Revision 17 - 03/95


                                                                       *II APPLICABILITY                                                             t i

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (SR) I See Technical Specification Section 3.0 for SR applicability.

                                                                      *I I

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-7 Revision - 03/95.

5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6.2 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT i Routine radiological environmental operating reports covering the operation1of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted before May\l of each year.

                                                                   .         I The annual radiological environmental operating reports shall include summaJies, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the radiologicJl environmental surveillance activities for the report* period, including a co~parison with preoperational studies; operational controls (as appropriate), and pre~ious environmental surveillance reports and an assessment of the observed impact~ of the plant operation on the environment. The reports shall also include the resililts of land use censuses required by LCO 6.12.2. If harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are detected by the monitoring, the report shall providJ an analysis of the problem and a planned course ~faction to alleviate the pro~lem.

The annual radiological environmental operating reports shall include summalized and tabulated results in the format of the Table in the Radiological Assessment!Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979 of all radiological environme~tal .samples taken during the report period. Deviations from the sampling program identified in LCO 6.12.1 shall be reported. In the event that some resultslare not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noti4g and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report. I The reports shall also include the following: I

1) a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring progtam; i


2) a map of all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and d~rections from one reactor;
3) i and the results of licensee (or offsite laboratory's) participation in tthe Interlaboratory Comparison Program, required by LCO 6.12.1. i GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-9 Revision - 03/99

5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6.3 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT A Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous year shall be submitted before May 1 of each year.

a. The Radioactive Effl~ent Release Report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes* and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Reviiion *1~ June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format *of Appendix B thereof. For solid wastes, the format for Table 3 and Appendix B shall be supplemented with three additional categories: class of solid wastes (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61), type of container (e.g., Steel Liner, High Integrity Cbntainer) and SOLIDIFICATION Agent or absoibent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).
  • The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include an annual summary of hourly collected over the previous year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing on magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and *precipitation (if measured), or in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.* This same report shall include an assessmertt of the radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit or station during the previous calendar year. This same report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY during the reporting period. All assumptions used in making these assessments, i.e., specific activity, exposure time, and location, shall.*be included in these reports. The meteorological conditions concurrent with the time of release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents, as determined by sampling frequency and measurement or historical annual average meteorological conditions, shall be used for determining the gaseous pathway doses. The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).

Thi Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall also include an assessment of radiation doses to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuel cycle sources, including doses from primary effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the previous calendar year to show conformance with 40 CFR Part 190, "Environmental. Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operation. Acceptable methods for calculating the dose contribution from liquid and gaseous effluents are given in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev 1, October 1977. and NUREG - 0133. The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include a list and ~escription of unplanned releases from the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting period. The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include any changes made during the reporting period .to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM), pursuant to Technical Specification 5.5.1, as well as any major change to Liquid, Gaseous, or Solid Radwaste Treatment Systems. It shall also include a listing of new locations for dose calculations and/or environmental monitoring identified by the Land Use Census p~rsuant to LCO 6.12.2.

  • In lieu of submission with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required meterological data onsite in a file that shall be provided to the NRC on request.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-10 Revision 17 - 03/95


5. 6. 3 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (Continued) I The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall also include the f~llowing:

an explanation as to why the inoperability of liquid or gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation was not corrected within the time spedified in LCOs 6.3.9 or 6.3.10, and description of the events leading to l~quid holdup tanks exceeding the limits of Technical Specification 5.5.18.b.

            .                                                                   i
b. Major changes to the Radioactive Waste Treatment System (liquid, !gaseous and solid**) shall be reported to the Commission in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the evaluation wds reviewed by the OSRC.  !

(1) A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination th1t the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59;.  : I (2) Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the change .without benefit of additional or supplemental information; I I (3 ). A detailed description of the equipment, components and processed involved and the interfaces with other plant systems; ( 4) An evaluation of the change which shows the predicted releas~s of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and/or: quantity of solid waste that differ from those previously predicted ih the license application and *amendments thereto; i I (5) An evaluation of the change which shows the expected maximum\ exposures to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC in the UNRESTRICTED AR~A ~nd to the general population that differ from those previously'_-~st{rq._a.t"~~~~n the license application and amendments thereto; * *

  • i * ***/.>"

I ( 6) A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materi?ls, in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste, to the actual releases for the period before when the changes are to be ma~e; I ( 7) An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as 1 result of the change; and

  • i I

( 8) Documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and fbund acceptable by the OSRC. I

    • The information called for in this Specification may be submitted!as part of the next UFSAR update.

I I I GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-11 Revision 40 - 08/18 I


c. The Radi~act.ive Effluent Release Report shall also include a summary of tbe quantities of radioactive solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Report Radidactivity in Solid Wa~tes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized following the format of Appendix Band Table 3.

The following information for each type of solid waste shipped off-site will be included in the report: (1) The total quantity in cubic meters and the total radioactivity in curies for fhe categories or types of waste. (a) Spent resins, filter sludges, evaporator bottoms (b) Dry compressible waste, contaminated equipment, etc. (c) Irradiated components, control rods, etc. (d) Other (furnish description) (2) An estimate of the major nuclide composition in the categories of waste in 5.6.3.c(l), (3) The disposition of solid waste shipments, identifying the number of shipments, the mode.of transport, and the destination. (4) The disposition of irradiated fuel shipments, identifying the number of shipments, the mode of transport, and -the destination. Estimates of the total error associated with certain total values should be provided in each report. These error values should be the best effort of and overall estimate of the errors associated with the totals in the report. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1- A-lla Revision 40 - 08/18


6.0 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO) APPLICABILITY LCO 6.0.1 When a Technical Specificat~on (if LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable) or an Offsite Dose Calculation Manual LCO is not met and the associated ACTIONS are not met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by the associated ACTIONS, the following

                 ~ctions shall be taken:
1. Develop and implement compensatory actions as needed.
2. Verify that a required safety function is not compromised by the inoperabilities.
3. Develop a plan for exiting LCO 6.0.1.
4. Obtain Duty Manager approval of the compensatory actions and a plan for exiting LCO 6.0.1 within 4 hours.
                'Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation in accordance with the LCO or ACTIONS, completion of the actions required by LCO 6.0.1 is not required.

LCO 6.0.1 is always applicable to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual LCOs and only applicable to Technical Specification LCOs if LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.


LCO 6.0.1 is not to be voluntarily entered and actions to exit LCO 6.0.1 must be pursued without delay- and inJa controlled manner. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-12a Revision 27 - 05/04


6. 3. 9 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING IN.STRUMENTATION LCO 6.3.9 The radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 6.3.9-1 shall be FUNCTIONAL with required 9 larm/trip setpoints set to ensure that.the limits of LCO 6.11.1 are:not exceeded. The alarm/trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined in accordance with the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).


NOT ES---------------------------1----------

1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each Channel.
2. The provisions of .LCO 3.0.3 are not applicable.

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or.more ~equir~d . A. 1 Suspend release of Immediately channels n6nfuncti6nal~ radioactive effluent via

                                      ~~~ affected pathway.

Once required Action A.2 is entered the Completion Time for Condition B or C can not be restarted by reentering Required Action A.1. A.2 Enter the Condition Immediately referenced in Table 6.3.9-1 for the channel. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-13 LBDCR 15051 02/17

ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. As.' required by Required B.1 At least two independent Prior to eacn Action A.2 and referenced in samples are analyzed in release. Table 6.3.9-1. accordance with LCO 6.11.1. I AND B.2 At least two technically Prior to each qualified members of the release. Facility Staff independently verify the release rate calculations and discharge path valve line-up. AND B.3 Restore channel to 14 days FUNCTIONAL\

c. As required by Required C.1 Estimate the flow rate tor Once per 4 hours Action A.2 and referenced in the affected pathway during Table 6.3.9-1. actual releases. Pump curves or discharge canal flow monitor may be used to estimate flow.

AND 30 days C.2 Restore channel to FUNCTIONAL. D. Required Action and D.1 Suspend release of Immediately associated Completion Time radioactive effluent via of Condition B not met. affected pathway. Immediately D.2 Initiate action to explain why this nonfunctionality was not corrected in a timely manner in the next Annual Radioactive Effluent ~elease Report.* E. Required Action and E.1 Initiate action to explain Immediately associated Completion Time why this nonfunctionality was of Condition C not met. not corrected in a timely manner in the next Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-14 LBDCR 15051 02/17

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS - ----------* -------------------------------NOTES-------- ------------------------------ Refer to Table 6.3.9-1 to determine which SR~ apply to each channel. SURVEILLANCE FREpUENCY SR 6.3.9.i -----------------------NOTE-------------- - - - - - - For flow rate measurement devices a CHANNEL CHECK 24 hours shall consist of verifying indication of flow during periods of release. A CHANNEL CHECK sball be made at least once per 24 hours on days which batch releases are made. Perform CHANNEL CHECK.


SR Perform a source check, a qualitative assessment Prior to each of channel response when the channel sensor is release. exposed to a radioactive source. SR -----------------------NOTE----.-------------- ---- The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate 92 days that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occur if any of the following conditions exists:

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.
3. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
4. Instrument controls not set in operate mode.

Perform CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-15 Revision 17 - 03/95

SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR . Perform CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. 92 days SR -----------------------NOTE----------------------- The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed 12 months using one or more of the reference standards

  • certified by the National .Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial '

calibration shall be used.

                        .                 r*

Perform a CHANNEL CALIBRATION. I SR Perform a CHANNEL CALIBRATION 18 months GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-16 Revision 17 - 03/95


a. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line 1 B SR SR SR SR
a. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line 1 c SR 6. 3. 9 .1 SR 6. 3. 9. 4 SR 6. 3. 9. 6
b. Circulating Water Blowdown 1 c SR 6. 3. 9 .1 SR 6. 3. 9. 4 SR 6. 3. 9. 6 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-17 LBDCR 15051 02/17

6.3 INSTRUMENTATION 6.3.10 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION LCO 6.3.10 The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 6.3.10-1 shall be FUNCTIONAL with their alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of LC0*6.ll.4 are not exceeded. The alarm/trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined in accordance with the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM). APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 6.3.10-1 ACTIONS


1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each Channel.
2. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 and LCO 3.0~4 are not applicable.

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more required A. 1 Suspend release of Immediately channels nonfunctional. radioactive effluent via affected pathway.


Once required Action A.2 is entered the Completion Time for Condition Referenced on Table 6.3.10-1 can not be restarted by reentering

                                       '-../Required Action A.f.

A. 2 Enter the Condi tio.n Immediately refer~nced in Table 6.3.10-1 for the channel. (continued)


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-18 LBDCR 15051 02/17

ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. As required by Required B.1 Take grab samples during Once per 8 hours Action A.2 and referenced release. in Table 6.3.10-1. B.2 .Analyze the above required Within 24 hours of

                                     ***samples for gross          taking the sample activity.

30 days B. 3 Restore channel to FUNCTIONAL.

c. As required by Required C.l Establish ah alternate Immediately Action A.2 and referenced means to collect samples in Table 6.3.10~1. required by Table

C. 2 Enter Condition D for the Immediat~ly alternate sample established in C.1. C. 3 Restore channel to FUN CT ION AL. 30 days D. As required by Required D.1 Estimate flow rate. Once per 8 hours Acti-on A. 2 and referenced in Table 6.3.10-1 or Required Action C.2. D.2 Restore channel to 30 days FUNCTIONAL. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-19 LBDCR 150 02/17

ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME 1 E. As required by Required E. 1 Place the nonfunctional 1 hour Action A.2 and referenced channel in downscale trip. in Table 6.3.10-1.


With both required monitors nonfunctional take Required Actions E.2. E.2.1 Take grab samples during Once per 8 hours release. E.2.2 Analyze the above Within 24 hours of required samples for taking the sample gross activity. E.2.3 Restore channel to 30 days FUNCTIONAL. F. As-required by Required F.l Verify the offgas system is Immediately Action A.2 and referenced not bypassed, except for in Table 6.3rl0-1. filtration system bypass during plant startups. F.2 Verify by administrative Immediately means that the charcoal vault radiation monitor and the main steam line radiation monitors ~re FUNCTIONAL. F.3.lTake grab samples and Within 8 hours and analyze. once per 24 hours thereafter. F.3.2Verify an installed Once per 4 hours portable radiation monitor on the offgas pre-treatment line is capable of - detecting a 50% change in radiation level and record the value. F.4 Restore channel to 30 days FUNCTIONAL. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-20 LBDCR 15051 02/17

ACTIONS (continued) CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME G. As required by Required G.l Take grab samples during Once per 4 hours Action A.2 and referenced release. in Table 6.3.10-1. AND G. 2 Analyze the above required Within 24 hours of samples for gross taking the sample activity. 30 days G. 3 Restore channel to FUNCTIONAL. H. Required Actions and H. 1 Suspend release of Immediately associated Completion radioactive effluent via Times of Condition B,C,D,E this pathway. or G not met. H. 2 Initiate action to explain Immediately why this nonfunctionality  ! was not corrected in a timely manner in the next i Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. I. Required Action and I.l Enter LCO 6.0.1 Immediately associated Completion Time of Condition F not met. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-21 02/17




1. Refer to Table 6.3.10-1 to determine which SRs apply to each channel.
2. When a monitor is placed in an nonfunctional status solely for performance of required Surveillance's, entry into associated Conditions and Required Actions in accordance with LCO 6.3.10 may be delayed for up to 1 hour.
                .    -  .                                      \              -

SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours SR Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 7 days SR -----------------------NOTE-----------------------

1. Not required to be performed in MODES 1 and 2 for the offgas pre-treatment monitor if inacc~ssible due to a high radiation area.
2. Not required to be performed for the offgas pretreatment monitor when entering MODES 3 and 4 from MODES 1 or 2 until 8 hours aft~r entering MODE 3 or 4 if monitor was inaccessible due to a high radiation area.

Perform SOURCE CHECK, a qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is 31 days exposed to a radioactive source. SR -----------------------NOTE----------------------- The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate the automatic isolation capability of the instrumentation for this pathway and the control room alarm annunciation *capability, ~f any of the following conditions exist$: *

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.
3. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
4. Instrument controls not set in operate mode.

92 days Perform CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A LBDCR 15051 02/17

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR -----------------------NOTE----------------------- The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occur if any of the following conditions exists:

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.
3. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
4. For SGTS "A" radioactivity monitoring, Instrument Controls not set in operate mode.

For SGTS "B" radioactivity monitoring, in 92 days deferred. For all other equipment, Instrument Controls not set in operate mode. Perform CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. SR -----------------------NOTE----------------------- Compare the measured flow rate to the expected design flow rate for existing plant conditions. Perform CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. 92 days SR -----------------------NOTE-----------------------

1. The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION .shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.
2. The offgas pre-treatment and offgas post-treatment sensors will be calibrated for mr/hr or cpm from the calibration standard. The conversion to release rate will be performed during subsequent unit operation, but within one week.

Perform a CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 12 months GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-23 Revision 40 08/18

SR -----------------------NOTE-----------~-----------

1. The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or µsing standqrds that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.

Perform a CHANNEL CALIBRATION 18 months


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-23a Revision 40 08/18


a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor Providing Alarm. 1 (a) B SR SR SR SR
b. Iodine Sampler 1 (a) c SR
c. Particulate Sampler 1 (a) c SR
d. Effluent System Flow Rate Measuring Device 1 (a) D SR SR
e. Sample; Flow Rate Measuring Device 1 (a) D SR SR
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor Providing Alarm 1 (a) B SR SR SR SR 6. 3. 10 __7 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-24 LBDCR 15051 02/17


b. Iodine Sampler 1 (a) c SR 6.3,.10.2
c. Particulate Sampler 1 (a) c SR
d. Effluent System Flow Rate
1. High Volume Flow Device 1 (d) D SR SR
2. Low Volume Flow Device 1 (e) D SR SR SR
e. Sampler Flow Rate 1 (a) D SR Measuring Device SR 3A. TURBINE BLDG. VENTILATION MONITORING SYSTEM
a. Noble Gas Activity 1 (a) B SR Providing Alarm SR SR SR
b. Iodine Sampler 1 (a) c SR
c. Particulate Sampler 1 (a) c SR
d. Effluent System Flow Rate 1 (a) D. SR Measuring Device SR
e. Sampler Flow Rate 1 (a) D SR
            - - Measuring Device                                                                            SR 6.3.lp.8 I

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-:-25. LBDCR 15051 02/17


a. Noble Gas Activity 1 (f) Immediately SR 6.3.10.l(g)

Providing Alarm isolate SR SR SR

b. Iodine Sampler 1 (f) Immediately SR isolate
c. Particulate Sampler 1 (f) Immediately SR isolate
d. Effluent System Flow Rate 1 (f) Immediately SR 6.3.10.l(g)

Measuring Device isolate SR SR 6.3.10.S(g)

e. Sampler Flow Rate 1 (f) Immediately SR 6.3.10.l(g)

Measuring Device isolate SR 6.3.10.S(g)

a. Noble Gas Activity 1 (a) B SR Providing Alarm SR SR SR
b. Iodine Sampler 1 (a) c SR
c. Particulate Sampler 1 (a) c SR
d. Effluent Flow Rate 1 (a) D SR Measu-ring Device SR -6. 3 .10. 8
e. Sampler Flow Rate 1 (a) D SR
            . Measuring Device                                                                         SR GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                                            A-26                             LBDCR 15051   02/17


a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor 1 (c) F SR Providing Alarm SR SR, SR
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor Providing 2 (b) E SR Alarm and Automatic Termination of SR Release SR SR
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor 1/system (a) G SR 6. 3. 1.0 .1 Providing Alarm SR SR SR
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor 1/system (a) G SR 6. 3: .10 .1 Providing Alarm SR SR SR GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-27 Revision 40 08/18

TABLE 6.3.10-1 (Continued) RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION TABLE NOTATION (a) At all times. (b) During main condenser offgas treatment system operation. (c) When any steam jet air ejector (SJAE) is in operation. (d) During containment high volume purge. (e) During containment low volume purge. (f) In modes 1, 2 and 3, when in service. (g) Prior to each use and at the specified frequency. (h) When in modes 4, & 5, UP TO 4 Turbine roof hatches may be open as long as the radionuclide concentrations are ~30% of the ODCM dose limits in 6.11.4 and 6.11.6. (i) When in modes 4 and 5, this monitoring instrumentation is not required. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-28 Revision 39 - 03/12

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONCENTRATION LCO 6 .11.1 The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be limited to ten times the effluent concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2 x 10- 4 microcuries/ml total activity. APPLICABILITY: At a"il times. ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The concentration of A.1 Restore the concentration Immediately radioactive material to within the above limits. released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS exceeds the above limits. A.2 Declare the liquid effluent waste treatment system nonfunctional. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-29 LBDCR 15051 02/17

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR The radioactivity content of each batch of Per (ODCM) radioactive liquid waste shall be determined Table 6.11.1-1. before release by sampling and analysis in accord-ance with (ODCM)Table 6.11.1-1. SR 6 .11.1. 2 Post-release analyses of samples composited from Per (ODCM) batch releases shall be performed in accordance Table 6.11.1-1. with (ODCM)Table 6.11.1-1. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-30 LBDCR 15051 02/17

TABLE 6 .11.1-1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Minimum Type of Lower Limit Liquid Release Sampling Analysis Activity of Detection Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (LLD) (µCi/ml) (a) A. Batch Waste Prior to Prior to Principal Gamma Release Release Release Emitters(d) Tanks (c) Each Batch Each Batch I-131 Prior to 31. days Dissolved and Release Entrained Gases One Batch/M (Gamma emitters) Prior to 31 days H-3 Release Composite(b) Each Gross Alpha Prior to 92 days Sr-89, Sr-90 Release Composite(b) Each Batch Fe-55 B. SSW Basin Prior to Prior to Principal Gamma (before Release Release Emitters(d) blowdown) Each Each Batch Blowdown I-131 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-31 Revision 17 - 03/95


a. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count (above sy~tem background) that will be detected with 95%

probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation): 4.66 Sb E

  • V
  • 2.22 x 106
  • Y
  • exp(-A~t) where LLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above (as µCi per unit mass or volume). (Current literature defines the LLD as the detection capability for the instrumentation only, and the MDC, minimum detectable concentration, as the detection capability for a given instrument, procedure, and type of sample.)

is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute) E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration) v is the sample size (in units of mass or volume) 2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurie y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable) is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide

          ~t     is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of the sample collection period) and time of counting The value of sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a particular measurement system should be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicated variance.

Typical values of E, V, Y and ~t should be used in the calculation. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an£ priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as£ posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-32 Revision 17 - 03/95


b. A composite sample is pne in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.
c. A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume. Before sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated, and then thoroughly mixed to assure representative sampling.
d. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively are the following radionuclides: Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs~137, Ce-141, and Ce-144.. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be tdentified and reported.(

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-33 Revision 17 - 03/95

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.2 LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE LCO 6 .11. 2 The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be: .

a. ~ 1.5 mrem to the total body and~ 5 mrem to any organ, during any calendar quarter, and
b. ~ 3 mrem to the total body and~ 10 mrem to any organ, during any calendar year.


NOTES--------- ------------------------------

1. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.
2. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each of the above limits.

CONDITION RE::OUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The calculated dose from A.1 Initiate action to prepare Immediately the release of radioactive and submit a Special Report materials in liquid within 30 days.

  • effluents greater than any of the above limits.

A.2 Declare the liquid effluent waste treatment system nonfunctional. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-34 LBDCR 15051 02/17

I B. The calculated doses from B. 1 Initiate action to Immediately the release of radioactive calculate the direct materials in liquid radiation contributions effluents greater than from the reactor unit and twice any of the above from outside storage tanks limits. to determine whether the total annual dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC greater than: a) 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid. b) 75 mrem to the thyroid. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY~ . SR Cumulative dose contributions from liquid 31 days effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters of the ODCM. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-35 Revision 17 - 03/95

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.3 LIQUID EFFLUENT WASTE TREATMENT LCO 6 .11. 3 The liquid radwaste system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in liquid wastes before their discharge when the projected doses due to the liquid effluent to UNRESTRICTED AREAS would be> 0.06 mrem to the total body or> 0.2 mrem to any organ, in a 31-day period. APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTIONS

NOTES--------- ------------------------------

The provisions of specification 3.0.3 are not applicable. CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive iiquid waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Doses due to liquid releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS 31 days shall be projected in accordance with methodology and parameters in the ODCM.


Not required to be met when the projected dose less than or equal to the above limit. Verify the liquid effluent waste treatment system is being used to reduce radioactive materials before discharge. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-36 Revision 17 - 03/95


6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - DOSE RATE LCO 6 .11. 4 The dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be:

a. For noble gases: ~ 500 mrem/yr to the total body and~ 3000 mrem/yr to the skin, and
b. For all iodine-131, io~ine-133, tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days: ~ 1500 mrem/yr to any organ.

"APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Dose rate exceeding the A .1 Decrease the release rate Immediately above limits. to within the above limit (s). A.2 Declare the ventilation exhaust treatment system nonfunctional.


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-37 LBDCR 15051 02/17

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY I SR 6 .11. 4 .1 The dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous Per (ODCM) effluents shall be determined to be within the Table 6 .11. 4-1. above limits by obtaining representative samples ahd performing analyses in accordance with (ODCM)Table 6.11.4-1. SR 6 .11. 4. 2 The dose rate due to iodine-131, iodine-133, Per (ODCM) tritium and to radionuclides in particulate form Table 6 .11. 4-1. with half lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the above limits by obtaining representative samples and performing analyses in accordance with (ODCM)Table 6.11.4-1. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-38 Revision 17 - 03/95

TABLE 6.11.4-1 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Gaseous Release Sampling Minimum Type of Lower Limit Type Frequency Analysis Activity of Detection Frequency ,'Analysis (LLD) (µCi/ml) (a) A.


(1) Radwaste 31 days 31 days Principal Gamma Building Grab Sample(f) Emitters,(b, e) Ventilation Exhaust H-3 (2) Fuel Handling Continuous(d) 7 days(c) I-131 1x10- 12 Area Ventila- - . (f) Charcoal tion Exhaust Sample I-133 1x10-lO ( 3) Containment

  • Continuous(d) 7 days(c) Principal Gamma 1x10-ll Ventilation (f) Particulate Emitters(e)

Exhaust Sample (I-131, Others) ( 4A) Turbine Continuous(d) 31 days , -Gross Alpha Building (f) Composite Ventilation Particulate Exhaust Sample (4B) Turbine Building Continuous(d) 92 days Sr-89, Sr-90 Occasional *r (f) Composite Release Point(g) Particulate (when in service) Sample Continuous (f)* Noble Gas Noble Gases Monitor Gross Beta or Gamma B. (1) Off gas Post 31 days 31 days Principal Gamma Treatment Grab Sample ( f} Emitters(e) Exhaust, whenever there is flow


(2) Standby Gas Treatment A Exhaust, whenever there is flow (3) Standby Gas Treatment B Exhaust, whenever there is flow See "Table Notation" which follows.


GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-39 Revision 41 - 01/19


a. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count (above system background) that will be detected with 95%

probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation): 4.66 Sb LLD= E

  • V
  • 2.22 x 106
  • Y exp (-Af1t) where LLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above (as µCi per unit mass or volume). (Current literature defines the LLD as the detection capability for the instrumentation only, and the MDC, minimum detectable concentration, as the detection capability for a given instrument, procedure, and type of sample.)

is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute) E is the cou'nting efficiency (as counts per disintegration) v is the sample size (in units of mass or volume) 2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurie y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)

            "'-  is the radioactive decay cons:tani;.. for the particular radionuclide f1t    is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of the sample collection period) and time of counting The value of sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a particular measurement system should be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicated variance.

Typical values of E, V, Y and f1t should be used in the calculation. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an£ priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as£ posteriori (after the fact) limit-for a particular measurement. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-40 Revision 17 - 03/95


b. Analyses shall also be performed following startup from cold shutdown, or a THERMAL POWER change exceedi\ig 15 percent of the RATED THERMAL POWER within a one hour period. This requiremen~ does not apply if:

(1) routine analysis requir~d by the Surveillance Requirements of LCO 3.4.8 shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 concentration in the primary coolant has not increased more than a fac(tor of 3; and (2) the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased more than a factor of 3.

c. Samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours after changing or after removal from sampler. Sampling and analyses shall be performed at least once per 24 hours for at least 7 days following each shutdown, startup or THERMAL POWER change exceeding 15 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER in one hour. When samples collected for 24 hours are analyzed, the corresponding LLD's may be increased by a factor of 10. This requirement does not apply if:

(1) routine analysis required by the Surveillance Requirements of LCO 3.4.8 shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 concentration in the primary coolant ~has not increased more than a factor of 3; and (2) the noble gas .monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased more than a factor of 3.

d. The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for the time period covered by eacih dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with LCOs 6.11.4 and 6.11.6.
e. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively are the following radionuclides: Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138 for gaseous emissions and Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144 for particulate emissions. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, .together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.
f. When a m9nitor is placed in an nonfunctional status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated Conditions and Required Actions in accordance with LCO 6.3.10 may be delayed for up to 1 hour.
g. When in mod~s 4 and 5, continuous noble gas monitor alarm is not required.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-41 Revision 41 - 01/19 I

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.5 GASEOUS EFFLUENT DOSE - NOBLE GASES LCO 6 .11. 5 The air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents, from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be:

a.  :::, 5 mrad for gamma radiation and :::, 10 mrad for beta radiation,during any calendar quarter and
b.  :::, 10 mrad for gamma radiation and:::, 20 mrad for beta radiation during any calendar year.


1. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

-2. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each of the above limits. CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The calculated air dose A.1 Initiate action to prepare Immediately from the radioactive noble and submit, a Special gases in gaseous effluents Report within 30 days. greater than any of the above limits. A.2 Declare the ventilation exhaust treatment system nonfunctional. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-42 LBDCR 15051 02/17

B. The calculated doses from B. 1 Initiate action to II!lTI}ediately the release of radioactive calculate the direct materials in gaseous radiation contributions effluents greater than from the reactor unit and twice any of the above from outside storage tanks limits .. to determine whether the total annual dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC greater than: a) 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid. 12_) 75 mrem to the thyroid. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 6 .11. 5 .1 Cumulative dose contributions for noble gases for 31 days the current calendar quarter and current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and *parameters in the ODCM. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-43 LBDCR 15051 02/17

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.6 GASEOUS EFFLUENT DOSE - IODINE-131, IODINE-133, TRITIUM AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORM LCO 6 .11. 6 The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released, from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be~

a. ~ 7.5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter, and
b. ~ 15 mrem to any organ during any calendar year.



1. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.
2. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each of the above limits.

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The calculated dose from A.1 Initiate action to prepare Immediately the release of iodine-131, and submit, a Special iodine-133, tritium and Report within 30 days. radionuclides in particulate form, with half-lives greater than days, in gaseous effluents A.2 Declare the ventilation greater than any of the exhaust treatment system above limits. nonfunctional. (continued) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-44 LBDCR 15051 02/17


B. The calculated doses from B. 1 Initiate action to Immediately the release of radioactive calculate the direct '\ materials in' gaseous radiation contributions effluents greater than from the reactor unit and twice any of the above from outside storage tanks limits. to determine whether the total annual dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC greater than: a) 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid. b) 75 mrem to the thyroid. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Cumulative dose contributions from iodine-131, 31 days iodine-133, tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-45 LBDCR 15051 02/17

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.7 GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT LCO 6 .11. 7 The GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM shall be in operation: APPLICABILITY: When the steam jet air ejector (SJAE) is in operation. ACTIONS

NOTES---------- ------------------------------

The provisions __________ of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable. CONDITION I REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Gaseous radwaste from the A.1 Restore treatment to this 7 days SJAE being discharged discharge. without treatment. B. Required Action A.1 and B.1 Initiate action to prepare Immediately Associated Completion Time and submit a Special Report not met. to the Commission within 30 days. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Ensure that the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT 12 hours (OFFGAS) SYSTEM is operating. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-46 Revision 17 - 03/95

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 6.11.8 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM LCO 6 .11. 8 The VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste before their discharge when the projected dose due to gaseous effluent releases to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY in a 31 day period would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ. APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTIONS


The provisions of Specification 3.0.3.are not app~icable. CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Gaseous waste being A.1 Initiate action to prepare Immediately discharged without and submit a Special Report treatment and greater than to the Commission within the above limit. 30 days. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 6 .11. 8 .1 Doses due to gaseous releases to areas at and 31 days beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be projected in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.

                     * ----------------------NOTE------------------
1. Not required to be met when the ventilation exhaust treatment system is undergoing routine maintenance.
2. Not required to be met when the projected dose less than or equal to the above limit.

Verify the ventilation exhaust treatment system is operating. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-47 Revision 17 - 03/95

6.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 6.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM LCO 6.12.1 The radiological environmental monitoring program shall be conducted as specified in ODCM Table 6.12.1-1. The results of this program shall be validated by use of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program corresponding to samples required by Table 6.12.1-1. APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTIONS

NOT ES---------------------------------------

The provisions LCO 3.0.3 are not applicable. CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. The radiological A.1 Initiate action to include Immediately environmental monitoring in the next Annual program not being Radiological Environmental conducted as specified in Operating Report, a ODCM Table 6.12.1-1. description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and the plans for preventing a The required recurrence. Interlaboratory Comparison Program not performed. The level of radioactivity B.1 Initiate action to prepare Immediately as the result of plant and submit a Special effluent in an Report within 30 days. environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceeding the reporting levels of ODCM Table 6.12.1-2 when ' averaged over any*calendar quarter. (continued GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-48 Revision 17 - 03/95


c. Milk ?r broad leaf C.l Initiate action to identify Immediately vegetation sampling is this changed location(s) in 1

relocated from one or more the next Annual Radioactive of the sample locations Effluent Release Report. required by ODCM Table 6.12.1-1. C.2 Add this location(s) to the 30 days radiological environmental monitoring program. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Radiqlogical environmental monitoring samples Per ODCM shall be collected pursuant to ODCM Table 6.12.1-1 Table 6.12.1-1. from the locations given in the iable and figures I in the ODCM and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of ODCM Tables 6.12.1-1 and 6.12.1-3. SR 6 .12 .1. 2 Conduct an Interlaboratory Comparison Program and 366 days include a summary of the results in the Annual Radiological Environmental Oper~ting Report. I GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-49 Revision 17 - 03/95

TABLE 6".12 .1-1 OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples.(a) Sampling and Type and Frequency and/or Sample and Locations. Collection Frequency(a) of Analysis AIRBORNE Radioiodine and Samples from 3 locations: Continuous sampler Radioiodine Cannister: Particulates operation with sample I-131; 7 days 1 sample close to the SITE collection per 7 days or as BOUNDARY having the highest required by dust calculated annual average loading, whichever is groundlevel D/Q. more. frequent 1 sample from the vicinity of a Particulate Sampler: community having the highest Gross beta radio-calculated annual average

  • activity following groundlevel D/Q. filter change(b),

composite (by location) 1 sample from a control location for gamma isotopic(c); 15-30 km (10-20 miles) distance(d) 92 days


DIRECT RADIATION(e) 16 stations with two or more 92 days Gamma'dose; 92 days dosimeters or one instrument for measuring and recording dose rate continuously. The-stations will be placed Jn accessible sectors alternating between inner and outer ring locations*:

1) an inner ring of stations in the general areas of the SITE BOUNDARY
2) an outer ring approximately 3 to 5 miles from the site.

8 additional stations should be placed :j_n special interest areas such. as population centers, nearby residences, schools, and in 1 or 2 a~eas to serve as qontrol stations. 5 additional stations will be placed in locations in the general area of the site boundary to supplement the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---4---inne~ * *

  • GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-50 Revision 35 - 9/07

TABLE 6.12.1-1 (Continued) OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Samples(a) Sampling and Type and Frequency and/or Sample and Locations Collection Frequency(a) of Analysis WATERBORNE Surface 1 sample upstream 92 days Gamma isotopic(c) and 1 sample downstream tritium analyses; 92 days One sample downstream 366 days Gamma Isotopic (c) and during a liquid Radwaste tritium analyses; 366 days Discharge 1 sample from Outfall 007 31 days Tritium; 31 days Ground Samples from 2 sources 366 days Gamma isotopic(c) and tritium; 366 days Sediment from 1 sample from downstream area 366 days Gamma isotopic(c); Shoreline 1 sample from upstream area 366 days

 . INGESTION Mil~            1 sample from milking animals       92 days when required        Gamma isotopic(c) and within 8 km if milk is                                           I-131; 92 days available commercially.

1 control sample (only if indicator exists) > 8 km if milk is available. ) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-51 Revision 32 - 12/05

TABLE-6.12.1-1 (Continued) OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway* Number of Samples(a) Sampling and Type and Frequency , and/or Sample and Locations

  • Collection Frequency(a} of Analysis Food Products 1 sample of broad leaf 92 days when avai:table Gamma isotopic(c) vegetation grown*in one of and I-131; 92 days two different offsite locations with highest anticipated annual average ground level D/Q i f milk sampling is not performed 1 sample of similar 92 days when available Gamma isotopic(c) vegetation grown 15-30 km and I-131; 92 days distant i f rcii]:k sampling is not performed Fish 1 sample (e) in vicinity of GGNS 366 days Gamma isotopic(c) discharge point on edible portion; 366 days 1 sample (e) uninfluenced by GGNS 366 days Gamma isotopic(c) discharge on edible portion; 366 days

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-52 Revislori 35 - 9/07


  • As described in the ODCM. If a location is not accessiblef instruments may be placed in an adjacent inner or outer location.

a Specific parameters of*distance and direction sector from the centerline of one reactor, and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample locati.on in Tab~e 6.12.1-1 in the table(s) and figure(s) in .. the 1 ODCM. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power. Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. - Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazatdous conditions, se*asonal unavailability., malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons. If specimens.are unobtainable due to sampling equipment, malfunction, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action before the end of the next sampling period. All above deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. It is recognized that, at times, it may not be possible or practicable to continue to obtain samples of the media of choice at the most desired location or time. In these instances suitable alternative media and locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question and appropriate substitutions made within 30 days in the radiological environmental monitoring program. Identify the cause of the unavailability of samples for that pathway and identify the new location(s) for obtaining replacement samples in the next Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and *also include in the report a revised figure(s) and table(s) for the ODCf1 reflecting the new location(s).

  • b Particulate sample filters should be analyzed for gross beta 24 hours or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air or water is greater than ten times the yearly mean of control samples .for any medium, gamma isotopic analysis should be.performed on the individual samples
  • I c Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.

d *The purpose of thi~ sample .is to obt;:ain background information. e Commercially important species preferred (catfish, buffalo); however, if unavailable, other species may be substituted. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-53 Revision 35 - 9/07

TABLE 6.12.1-1 (Continued) OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM TABLE NOTATION (Continued) e One or more instruments, such as a *pressurized ion chamber, for measuri g and recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in additio to, integrating dosimeters. For the purposes of this table, a thermolumine cent dosimeter may be considered to be one phosphor and two or more phosphor in a packet may be considered as two or more dosimeters. Film badges should not be used for measuring direct radiation. GRAND GULF, UNIT l A-54 Revision O - 07/96

TABLE 6.12.1-2 REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES Reporting Levelsb Water Airborne Particulate Fish Milk Food Products Analysis (pCi/1) or Gases (pCi/m 3 ) (pCi/Kg wet) I (pCi/1) (pCi/Kg wet) I 4a H-3 2 x 10 NA NA NA NA 3 4 Mn-54 1 x 10 NA 3 x 10 NA NA 2 4 Fe-59 4 x 10 NA 1 x 10 NA NA 3 4 Co-58 1 x 10 NA 3 x 10 NA NA 2 4 Co-60 3 x 10 NA 1 x 10 NA NA 2 4 Zn-65 3 x 10 NA 2 x 10 NA NA 2 Zr-Nb-95 4 x 10 NA NA NA NA 2 I-131 2 0.9 NA 3 1 x 10 3 3 Cs-134 30 10 1 x 10 60 1 x 10 3 3 Cs-137 50 20 2 x 10 70 2 x 10 2 2 Ba-La-140 2 x 10 NA NA 3 x 10 NA a For drinking water samples. This is a 40 CFR Part 141 value. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3 x 10 4 pCi/1 may be used. b See BASES 6.12.1 for reporting requirements when multiple or unlisted radionuclides are detected. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-55 Revision 17 - 03/95

TABLE 6.12.1-3 MAXIMUM VALUES FOR THE LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD} (a 1 b} Airborne Particulate Broad Leaf Water or Gas Fish Milk Vegetation Sediment Analysis (pCi/1) (pCi/m3) (pCi/kg w~t) I (pCi/1) (pCi/kg wet) I (pCi/kg dry) I

                                           -2 Gross beta         4                1 x 10                    NA        NA                NA            NA H-3            2 x 10 3 (d)         NA                        NA        NA                NA            NA Mn-54             15                NA                   1. 3 x 10 2    NA                NA            NA Fe-59             30                NA                   2.6 x 10 2     NA                NA            NA Co-58,60          15                NA                   1.3 x 10 2     NA                NA            NA Zn-65             30                NA                   2.6 x 10 2     NA                NA            NA Zr-95             30                NA                        NA        NA                NA            NA Nb-95             15                NA                        NA        NA                NA            NA I-131             1 (c)             7 x 10- 2                 NA          1               60            NA Cs-134            15                5 x 10- 2            1.3 x 10 2      15               60        1. 5 x 10 2 Cs-137            18                6 x 10-2             1. 5 x 102      18               80        1. 8 x 10 2 Ba-140            60                NA                        NA         60               NA            NA La-140            15                NA                        NA        15                NA            NA GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                        A-56                     Revision 17 -  03/95


a. Acceptable detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosi~eters used for environmental measu~ements a~e given in Regulatory Guide 4 .13 ..

b~ Table 6~12.1-3 indicates acceptable detection capabilities for radioactive materials in environmental samples. These detection capabilities are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLD is defined, for purposes of this g1.,1ide, as the.smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count. (above system backgroun4) that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation): 4.66 Sb LLD E.

  • V
  • 2 . 22
  • Y
  • exp ( - Xii t) where LLD is the "a p;r:-iori" _lower limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume). (Current literature defines the LLD as the

_detection capability for the instrumentation only, and the MDC, minimum detectable concentration, as the detection capability for a given instrument, procedure, and type of sample.)

  • is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)

E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration) v is the sample size (in units of mass or volume) 2.22 is the number of disintegrations per minute per picocurie y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable) is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide

          ~t       is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of the sample collection period) and time of counting The value of sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a particular measurement system should be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicated variance.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-57 Revision 17 - 03/95

TABLE 6.12.1-3 (Continued) MAXIMUM VALUES FO~ THE LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD) TABLE NOTATION (Continued) Typical values of E-, V, Y and ~t should be used in the calculation. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an£ priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as£ osteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement. Occasionally back round fluctuations, unavoidable small sample size, the presence of interferin nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievabl In such cases, the contributing factors should be identified and described i n t e Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

c. LLD for drinking water samples. If no drinking water pathway exists, t e LLD of gamma isotopic may be used.
d. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3 x 10 3 pCi/1 may be us d.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-58 Revision 7 - 03/95

6.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 6.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS LCO 6.12.2 A land use census shall be conduct~d and shall identify within a distanc'e of 8 km (5 miles) the location in each of the 16 meteorological sectors of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence and the nearest garden'of greater than 50 m2 (500 ft2) producing broad leaf vegetation. Broad leaf vegetation sampling may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in one of two different offsite locations with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of the garden census. APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTI,ONS


The provisions of LCO 3.0.3 are riot applicable. CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. A land use census A.1 Initiate action to identify Immediately identifies a location(s) the new location(s) ,in the which yields a calculated next Annual Radioactive dose or dose commitment Effluent Release Report. greater than the values currently being calculated in LCO 6 .11. 6. B. A land use census B.1 Initiate action to identify Immediately identifies a location(s) these higher dose which yi~lds a calculated locatiQn(s) in the next dose or dose commitment Annual Radioactive Effluent (via the same exposure Release Report. pathway) 20 percent greater than at a location from which samples are currently being obtained B.2 Add these location(s) to 30 days in accordance with LCO the radiological 6.12.1. environmental monitoring program. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-59 Revision 20 - 07/96

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SU~VEILLANCE FRECUENCY SR Conduct. a land use census during the growing Once per 2 years season. The land use census shall verify the appropriateness of the sample location used to fulfill the requirements of LCO 6.12.1 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-60 Revision 20 - 07/96



GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-61 Revision 17 - 03/95

6.3 INSTRUMENTATION BASES 6.3.9 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The LCO for radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases of liquid effluents. The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordan e with the procedures in th~ ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur before exceeding ten times the effluent concentration limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The FUNCTIONALITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General design Criteria 60, 63 and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR 50. 6.3.10 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The LCO for radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, gaseous effluents during actual or otential releases. Those instruments that monitor the activity of gaseous effluents being released .to the environment shall have their alarm/trip setpoints calculated in accordance with the methods in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur before exceeding the limits of 10 *cFR Part 20. Other instruments that monitor offgas processing, (i.e., Offgas Pre-Treatment Monitor and Offgas Post-Tre tment Monitor) are calibrated according to plant procedures. The FUNCTIONALITY nd use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63 and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 LBDCR 15 51 02/17

6.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES LIQUID EFFLUENTS 6.11.1 CONCENTRATION This LCO is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released* in liquid waste effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be less than ten times the effluent concentration values specified in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2402. It provides operational flexibility for releasing liquid effluents in concentrations to follow the Section II.A and II.C design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. This limitation provides reasonable assurance that the levels of radioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result in exposures within (1) the Section II.A design objectives of Appendix I, 10 CFR 50, to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, and (2) restrictions authorized by 10 CFR 20.1301(e). The concentration limit for dissolved or entrained noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-135 is the controlling radionuclide and its effluent concentration in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration in water. This LCO does not affect the requirement to comply with the annual limitations of 10 CFR 20.1301(a). The results of pre-release analyses and post release analyses (of composited samples) shall be used with the calculational methods and parameters in the ODCM to assure that the concentrations at the poi'nt of release are maintained within the limits. The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in liquid waste samples are tabulated in terms of the. lower limits of detection (LLDs). Detailed discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits, can be found in: 1 (1) HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300. (2) Currie, L.A., "Limits for Qualitative Detection and':Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968). (3) Hartwell, J. K., "Detection Limits for Radioisotopic Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company/Report ARH-2537 (June 22, .1972). 6 .11. 2 DOSE This LCO is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.A, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I which assure that the releases of radioactive material in.liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." Also, for fresh water sites with drinking water supplies which can be potentially affected by plant operations, there is reasonable assurance that the I operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentrations in the finished drinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR 141. The dose calculations in the ODCM implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational .procedures based on models and* data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underE!stimated. I GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-63 Revision 17 - 03/95

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 6.11.2 DOSE (Continued) j The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the a tual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent ith the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Calculation of Annual Doss to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating C mpliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluent from Accidental an Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I," April 1977. This LCO, in conjunction with LCOs 6.11.5 and 6.11.6 is also provided tom et the dose limitation of 40 CFR 190 that has been incorporated into 10 CFR 20.13 1 (d). Even if a site contained up to four reactors, it is highly unlikely that t e resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives f 10 CFR 50 Appendix I, and the direct radiation doses from the units (including ou side storage tanks, etc.) are kept small. Special Report: .LCO 6.11.2 requires preparation anb submittal of a report in accordance wi h 10 CFR 50.4 and as defined in 10 CFR 20.2203(a) (4), if the dose design objectives of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I are exceeded. If either the quarterly or the annual limit is exceeded, the r~port will: (1) identify the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s), (2) define the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce_ the eleases, and (3) define the corrective actions to be taken to ensure that future r leases will be in compliance with the limits. If a drinking water supply is taken from the receiving water body within tree miles downstream of the plant discharge, the report shall also include: (1) results of radiological analyses of the drinking water source, an (2) the radiological impact on finished drinking water supplies with egard to the requirements of 40 CFR 141. If the doses exceed the limits of 40 CFR 190, 25 mrems to the whole body o any organ, except the thyroid, which is limited to 75 mrems, the report shall: (1) define the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent rel ases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits, (2) include the schedule for achieving conformance with the above lim'ts, (3) include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) o.a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including a 1 effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that include the release(s) covered by this report, (4) describe the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactiv material involved, (5) describe the cause of the exposure level or concentrations involv d, GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1 A-64 Revision 7 - 03/95

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 6.11.2 DOSE (Continued) (6) describe a course of action that should result in the limitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF TBE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR 190 limits. For the purposes of the report it may be assumed that the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the exception that the dose distribution from other nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 kilometers must be considered. The Special Report with a request for a variance (provided the release conditions resulting in a violation of 40 CFR 190 have not already been corrected), in. accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 190.11 and 10 CFR 20.2203(a) H.), is<;".*uLnt.*i-*:t:s.~.;l:}.:fml*)r: .. considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR.>'.iJ:l't:Y * ** NRC staff action is completed. The variance only relates to the limits of 40 CfR 190, and does not apply in any way to other requirements for dose limitations of 10 CFR 20, as addressed in LCOs 6.11.1 and 6.11.4. An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that is part of the nuclear fuel cycle. Demonstration of compliance with the limits of 40 CFR 190 or with the design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 will be considered to demonstrate compliance with the 0.1 rem limit of 10 CFR 20.1301. GRAND GULF,

  • UNIT 1 A-65 Revision 17 - 03/95

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 6.11.3 LIQUID WASTE TREATMENT ~ The LCO that the appropriate portions of this system be used when spec'fied provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid ef luents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." This LCO implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendi~ A to 1 10 CFR Part 50 and the design objective given in Section II.D of Appendix] to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limit governing the use of appropriate port'ons of the liquid radwaste treatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Par 50, for liquid effluents. Special Report: LCO 6.11.3 requires preparation and submittal of a report in accordance wi h .10 CFR 50.4 if radioactive liquid waste is being discharged without treatment and in excess of the limits. The report shall include: (1) an explanation why liquid radwaste was being discharged without treatm nt, (2) identification of any nonfunctional equipment or subsystems which resu ted in liquid radwaste being discharged without treatment, (3) the reason for the nonfunctionality (4) action(s) taken to restore the nonfunctional equipment to an FUNCTIONAD status, (5) summary descriptions of actions taken to prevent a recurrence. GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 6.11.4 DOSE RATE This LCO provides reasonable assurance that radioactive material disch rged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLI in an UNRESTRICTED AREA, either at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY in excess of the gesign objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. This specification is provided to ensure that gaseous effluents from all units on the site will be appropria~ely controlled. It provides operational flexibility for releasing gaseous eff~uents to satisfy the Section II.A and II.C design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CF1 Part

50. For MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDAR, the occupancy of that MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will usually be sufficiently low to compensate for the reduced atmosphere dispersion of gaseous effluents relauive to that for the SITE BOUNDARY. The calculational methods and parameters in ttie ODCM are used to assure that the dose rates are maintained within the limits. ~xamples of calculations for such MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, with the appropriate occup~ncy factors, shall be given in the ODCM. The specified release rate limits reJs,trict, i

at all times, the corresponding dose rates above background to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500 mrem/ye r to the total body or to less than or equal to 3000 mrem/year to the skin. These eleases 1 rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding thyroid dose ra e above background to a child via the inhalation pathway to less than or equal to 1500 mrem/year. This specification does not affect the requirement to comply w~th the annual limitations of 10 CFR 20.130l(a).

  • The dose rate due to radioactive gaseous effluents shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters of the ODCM.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-66 LBDCR 15 51 02/17

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 6.11.4 DOSE RATE (Continued) , The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in gaseous waste I samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). Detailed discussion of the LLD, *and other detection limits, can be found in: (1) HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually). (2) Currie, L. A;, "Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968). (3) Hartwell, J. K., "Detection Limits for Radioisotopic Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-2537 (.June 22, 1972). 6.11.5 DOSE - NOBLE GASES This LCO is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.B, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Section. II.B of Appendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is-' reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculattonal procedures based on ~odels and data such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The dose calculations established in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseo~s effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10* CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, Octob~r 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in R~µtine*Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for determining the*air doses at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. This LCO, in conjun~tion with LCOs 6.11.2 and 6.11.6 is also provided to meet the dose limitation of 40 CFR 190 that has been incorporated into 10 CFR 130l(d). Even if a site contained up to four reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I, and if the direct radiation doses from the units (including outside storage tanks, etc.) are kept small. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-67 Revision 22 - 03/99

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 6.11.5 DOSE - NOBLE GASES (Continued) Special Report: LCO 6.11.5 requires preparation and submittal of a .report in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4 and as defined in 10 CFR 20.2203(a) (4), if the dose design objectives of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I are exce~ded. If either the quarterly or the annual limit is exceeded, the report will: (1) identify the cause(s) foi exceeding the limit(s), (2) define the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases, and (3) define the corrective actions to be taken to ensure that future r leases

          .will be in compliance .with the limits.

If the doses exceed the limits of 40 CFR 190, 25 mrems to the whole body o any organ, except the thyroid, which is limited to 75 mrems, the report shall: (1) define the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent rel ases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits, (2) include the schedule for achieving conformance with the above lim'ts, (3) include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) o a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including a 1 effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year tha includes the release(s) covered by this report, (4) describe the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactiv material involved, (5) describe the cause of the exposure level or concentrations involv d, I (6) describe a course of action that should result in the limitation f the annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR 190 li its. For the purposes of the report it may be assumed that the dose co:l:itment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the exception that the dose distribution from ot er nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 1 kilometers must be considered. The Special Report with a request for a variance (provided the release con itions resulting in a violation of 40 CFR 190 have not already been corrected), i accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 190.11 and 10 CFR 20.2203(a) (4), s considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR 90 until .NRC staff action is completed. The variance only relates to the limits of 40 CFR 190, and does not apply *n any way to other requirements for dose limitations of 10 CFR 20, as addressed *n LCOs 6.11.1 and 6.11.4. An individual is not considered 1 a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that i part of the nuclear fuel cycle. Demonstration of compliance with the limits of 40 CFR 190 or with the desi n objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 will be considered to demonstrate co pliance with the 0.1 rem limit of 10 CFR 20.1301. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-68 Revision 7 - 03/95

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 6.11.6 DOSE - IODINE-131, IODINE-133, TRITIUM AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORM This LCO is provided to implement the requirements of Se.ctions II. C, III .A q.nd IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Conditions for Operation are the guides set forth in Section II.C of Appendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required ope{ating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section I~.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in the Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III .. A. of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown,by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathw~ys is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The ODCM calculational methods for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates, of the subject materials are consistent with the methQdology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors, Revision 1, July 1977. These equations also provide. for determining the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. The release rate specifications for iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and radionuclides in particulate form are dependent on the existing radionuclide pathwiy to man in the areas ~t and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY. The pathwiys which were examined in the development of these calculations were: (1) individual inha-lation of airborne radionuclides, (2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man,. (3) deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals and meat-producing animals graze with consumption of the milk and meat by man, and (4) deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man. This LCO, in conjunction with LCOs 6.11.2 and 6.11.5 is also provided to meet the dose limitation of 40 CFR 190 that has been incorporated into 10 CFR 130l(d). Even if a site contained up to four reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant qose to a MEMBER' OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I, and if the direct radiation doses from the units (including outside storage tanks, etc.) are kept small. Special Report: LCO 6.11.6 requires preparation and submittal of a report in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4 and as defined in 10 CFR 20.2203(a) (4), if the dose design objectives of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I are exceeded. If either the quarterly or the annual limit is exceeded, the report wLll: (1) identify the .cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s), (2) define the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases, and (3) define the corrective actions to be taken to ensure that future releases will be in compliance with the limits. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-69 Revision 17 - 03/95

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 6.11.6 DOSE - IODINE-131 IODINE-133 TRITIUM AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTIC LATE FORM (Continued) If the*doses exceed the limits of 40 CFR 190, 25 mrems to the whole body o any organ, except the thyroid, which is limited to 75 mrems, the report shall: (1) define the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent rel prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits, (2) include the schedule for achieving conformance with the above lim'ts, (3) include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including a effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that include the release{s) covered by this report, (4) describe the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactiv material involved, (5) describe the cause of the exposure level or concentrations involv (6) describe a course of action that should result in the limitation annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR 190 li For the purposes of the report it may be assumed th~t the dose co itment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources negligible, with the exception that the dose distribution from ot nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius 8 kilometers must be considered. The Special Report with a request for a variance (provided the release con itions resulting in a violation of 40 CFR 190 have not already been corrected), i accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 190.11 and 10 CFR 20.2203(a) (4), considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR until NRC staff action is completed. The variance only relates to the limits of 40 CFR 190, and does not apply *n any way to other requirements for dose limitations of 10 CFR 20, as addressed *n LCOs '6.11.1 and 6.11.4. An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that i part of the nuclear fuel cycle. Demonstration of compliance with the limits of 40 CFR 190 or with the desi objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 will be considered to demonstrate co with the 0.1 rem limit of 10 CFR 20.1301. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-70 Revision 7 - 03/95

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES i ' 6.11.7 and 6.11.8 GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT AND VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT The FUNCTIONALITY of the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM and the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM ensures that the system will be available for use whenever gaseous effluents require treatment before release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of the system be use1, when specified, provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectives given in Section II.D of Appendix I,to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Section II.Band II.C of Appendix I, 10 CFR 50, for gaseous effluents.

  • Special Report:.

LCOs 6.11.7 and 6.11.8 require preparation and submittal ,of a report in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4 including: (1) an explanation of why gaseous radwaste was being discharged without treatment, (2) identification of the nonfunctional equipment or subsystems which resulted in gaseous radwaste being discharged without treatment, (3) the reason for the nonfunctionality, (4) action(s) taken to restore the nonfunctional equipment to an FUNCTIONAL status, (5) summary descriptions of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence. LCO 6.11.8 .is not applicable to the Turbine Building ventilation exhaust unless filtration media is installed. Instruments checked to ensure the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM is functioning are: (1) .Adsorber Train Bypass Switch (1N64-HS-M611), (2) Bypass Valve Indication (1N64-F045). When the Adsorber Train Bypass Switch is in the TREAT position and the bypass valve indicates CLOSED, the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM is functioning. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-71 LBDCR 15051 02/17

6.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING BASES 6.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM The radiological monitoring program required by this LCO provides mea 9 urements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides, which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC resulting from the station operation. This monitoring progra implements Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of .radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways. The initially specified monitoring progra will be effective for at least the first three years of commercial operation. ollowing ihis period, program changes may be initiated based on operation~l experie ce. The detection capabilities required by Table 6.12.1-3 are state-of-the art for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories. It should be recognized that the defined as an "a priori" (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a particular measurement. Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions. Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievable. In such cases, the contributing factors will be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operatin Report. For a more complete discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits, see the following: (1) HASL Procedure Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually). (2) Currie, L. A.,* "Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry,11 Anal.Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968). (3) Hartwell, J. K., "Detection Limits for Radioisotopic Counting Tee niques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-2537 (June 22, 1972). If milk or broadleaf vegetation sampling locations are relocated, the shall be reported in the next Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. iticlude in this report, revised ODCM figure(s) and table(s) reflecting the new locations. The specific locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deleted from the radiological environmental monitoring program and the table(s) in the ODCM, provided the locations from which the replacement samples were o tained are added to the table(s) as replacement locations. The requirement for participation in an approved Interlaboratory Compa ison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measures of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices a e performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are valid for the purposes of Sectio IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-72 Revision 7 - 03/95

6.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ( BASES 6.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM (Continued) Special Report:* LCO 6.12.1 requires preparation and submittal of a report in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4 when: (1) the level of radioactivity as a result of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceeds the reporting level{st in ODCM Table 6.12.1-2 when averaged over a calendar quarter, or (2) more than one of the radio nuclides in ODCM Table 6.12.1-2 are detected in the sampling medium and concentration (1) + concentration (2) + ... ~1.0, or reporting level (1) reporting level (2) (3) radio nuclides other than those in ODCM Table 6.12.1-2 are detected, and the potential annual dose to a ~EMBER OF THE PUBLIC is equal to or greater* than the calendar year limits of LCOs 6.11.2, 6.11.5 and 6.11.6. The report shall: (1) identify the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s), and (2) define the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of LCOs 6.11.2, 6.11.5 and 6.11.6. The Special Report is not required if the measured le~el of radioactivity is not the result of plant effluents; however in such an event, the condition shall be reported and identified in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. 6.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS This LCO is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE .BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the radiological environmental monitoring program are made if required by the results of the census. The best information from door-to-door survey, visual or aerial survey or from consulting with local agricultural authorities shall be used. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. Restricting the census to gardens of greater than 50 m2 provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables will be identified and monitored since a garden of this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26 kg/year) of leafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child. To determine this minimum gardEfo size, the following assumptions were made: (1) 20% of the garden was'used* for growing broad leaf vegetation (i.e., similar to lettuce and cabbage), and (2) a vegetat~on yield of 2 kg/m 2 . Specifications for broad leaf vegetation sampling in the Table 6.12.1-1 shall be followed, ~ncluding analysis of control samples. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-73 Revision 17 - 03/95

6.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING BASES 6.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS (Continued) The land use census should utilize information which provides the best res lts, such as a door-to-door-survey, an aerial survey or by consulting local agricult re authorities. The results of the land use census shall be included in the nnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Technical Specific tion

5. 6. 2.

When the Land Use Census requires addition of sampling location(s) to the Environmental Monitoring Program, the sampling locations(s) having the low st calcu)at.ed dose or dose cornrnitments(s), via the same exposure pathway, may be deleted from the monitoring program. This deletion may take place after O tober 31 of the year in which this land use census was conducted. The new sampling location(s) shall be identified in the next Annual Radioa tive Effluent Release Report including a revised figure(s) and table(s) for the ODCM. _) GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 A-74 Revision 7 - 03/95}}