05000155/LER-1992-008, Advises That Util Terminated Corrective Actions Re LER 92-008 of Loss of Station Power 125 Volt Dc sys.SOP-28 Has Been Deleted in Entirety.Commitments No Longer Applicable

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Advises That Util Terminated Corrective Actions Re LER 92-008 of Loss of Station Power 125 Volt Dc sys.SOP-28 Has Been Deleted in Entirety.Commitments No Longer Applicable
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/1999
From: Powers K
NUDOCS 9905040173
Download: ML20206D633 (1)

LER-2092-008, Advises That Util Terminated Corrective Actions Re LER 92-008 of Loss of Station Power 125 Volt Dc sys.SOP-28 Has Been Deleted in Entirety.Commitments No Longer Applicable
Event date:
Report date:
1552092008R00 - NRC Website


_ . . .

A CMS Energy Company Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant Kenne* P. Peeners

'##88 #3' " * ##"'"" """'au April 26* 1999 Charlevorx, WI 49720 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 DOCKET 50-155 - LICENSE DPR BIG ROCK POINT PLANT - RESIDENT COMMITMENT REVISION WITH REGARD TO LICENSEE EVENT REPORT 92-008; LOSS OF # 1 STATION POWER 125 VDC SYSTEM DATED MAY 26,1992.  ;

By letter forwarded May 26,1992, Big Rock Point submitted a Licensee Event Report that documented an unexpected totalloss of #1 Station Power 125 VDC during a refueling outage.

To avoid recurrence Consumers Energy Company committed to and completed a revision of Standard Operating Procedure 28, Station Power, to enhance the equipment tagging section which was determined to be inadequate and the root cause of the event.

At the time, this commitment presumed that the Big Rock Point Plant would be operated until the end of its operating license, May 31,2000. Since then, Consumers Energy Company notified the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) by le'.ter dated June 18,1997, of its intentions to permanently cease operations of the Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant by August 30,1997. On September 20,1997, the last fuel bundle was removed from the reactor vessel and placed in the spent fuel pool.

Since Consumers Energy Company has permanently ceased operation of the Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant, and is currently decommissioning the facility and has removed the 125 VDC system from service, the Big Rock Point staff has concluded this commitment :s no longer applicable. SOP-28 has been deleted in its entirety. O Therefore, based on the foregoMg discussion, Consumers Energy Company has terminated the corrective action previously committed to as it is no longer ,

applicable. /v

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Site General Manager CC: Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC NRC Reactor Decommissioning inspector - Big Rock Point NRR Project Manager - OWFN 9905040173 990426 7 PDR ADOCK 05000155 S PDR ,