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Proposed Tech Specs,Adding Special Test Exception to Allow Unit to Remain in Operational Condition 4 W/Reactor Coolant Temps Greater than 200 F,But Less than 212 F,When Performing Inservice Leak & Hydrostatic Testing
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Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1997
Shared Package
ML20216F355 List:
NUDOCS 9709110228
Download: ML20216F358 (15)


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+1 NRC-97-0107 Pag ?


1 INDEX LIMITlH3 C0f1DIT10NS FOR OPERATMF' Afl0 SURVElll ANCE RE0VIREMENTS SECTION EbSi REFUELING OPERATIONS (Continued) 3/4.9.7 CRAtlE TRAVEL SPENT FUEL STORAGE P00L............... 3/4 9 9 3/4.9.8 WATER LEVEL REACTOR VESSEL.............. 3/4 9 10 3/4.9.9 WA' TER LEVEL SPENT FUEL 5TORAGE P00L..'.............. 3/4 9 11 3/4.9.10 CONTROL ROD REMOVAL Single Control Rod Remova1........................... 3/4 9-12 Multiple Control Rod Remova1......................... 3/4 9 14 3/4.9.11 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL AtlD COOLANT CIRCULATION High Water le~.e1..................................... 3/4 9-16 Low Water Leve1....................................... 3/4 9-17 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS -( 3/4.10.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY........................ 3/4 10-1 ~ 3/4.10,3 SHUTDOWii MARG!!! DEM0!iSTRAT10tlS.......................3/4 10-3 3/4.10.4 REC I RCUL AT 10's L00PS.................................3/4 10-4 3/4.10.5 DELETED............................................. 3/4 10-5 3/4.10.6-TRAllilliG STARTUPS.................................... 3/4 10 6 3),,n, y .ZMEN/Cf LEAK A40 NYbf0 W M W 'O y JO *? P . FERMI.- UtilT 2 x Amendment No. /E, 67

m .4 INDEX ? t


3/4.9 REFUEllNG OPERATIONS fContinuedi ' 3/4.9.11 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL AND C00LAN1-CIRCULATION....B 3/4 9 2 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY................... B 3/4 10-1 3/4.10.3-SHU100WN MARGIN DEMONSTRATIONS.......'........... B 3/4 10-1 3/4.10.4 RECIRCULATION L00PS............................. B 3/4 10-1 -3/4.10.S DELETED........................................ B 3/4-10 1 3/4.10.6 TRAINING STARTUPS............................... B 3/4 10-1 7 P,f I'JLgMcrLFAeAA UbA" W'l ~ b FERMI.- UNIT.2 -xvi -Amendment No.=/E,-'ES, 67


Run' Any temperature-
Startup/HotStandby Any temperature 8

=3. H0T SHUTDOWN Shutdown,*** > 200* F

4. ' COLD-SHUTDOWN Shutdown,88,***

s 2004 8 5._ REFUELING

  • Shutdown or_ Refuel **,8 s 140' F-IThe reactorimode switch may be placed in the Run,.Startup/ Hot Standby, or Refuel position to test the switch interlock functions and related 1
instrumentation provided that _the control rods are verified to remain fully inserted by a second licensed operator or. other technically qualified member of the unit technical staff.

[ 88The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod drive is being removed'from the reactor pressure vessel per Specification 3.g.10.1.

  • Fuel-in the reactor vessel:with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully

-tensioned or with the head removed.- ~

    • See Special Test Exceptions 3.10.1 and 3.10.3.
      • The reactor mode. switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod is being recoupled or withdrawn provided that the one-rod-out interlock is OPERABLE.


    • $ g & Sfee..% l k f fus*y bh Lie. 9. -

1 A j l FERMI. ^ UNIT 2: 1 Amendment No. 25 12/10/96

l Y SPECI Al, TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.7 INSERVICE LEAK AND IWDROSTATIC TESTING LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 3.10.7 When conducting inservice leak or hydrostatic testing, the average reactor coolant temperature specified in Table 1.2 for OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4 may be increased to 212'F, and operation considered not to be in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3, to allow performance of an inservice leak or hydrostatic test provided the following OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 Specifications are met: a. 3.3.2, ISOLATION ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION, Functions 6.a,6.b. 6.c, and 6.d of Table 3.3.2-1; b., SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY: c., SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AUTOMATIC ISOLATION DAMPERS; and, d., STANDBY OAS TREATMENT SYSTEM. APPLICABILIJ1: OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4, with average reactor coolant temperature >200*F and <_212'F. ACTION: With the requirements of the above Specifications not satisfied, immediately enter the applicable (OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3) action for the afTected Specification; or immediately suspend activities that could increase the average reactor coolant temperature or pressure, and reduce the average mactor coolant temperature to $200*F within 24 hours. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.10.7 Verify applicable OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 surveillances for the Specifications listed in 3.10.7 are met. 3/4 10-7

, ~. - ~........ _.. - -.. - -. -. - - _.. _ - --. ~ .4: x., .= EMERGENCY C')RE COOLING SYSTEM RhSES' i 1 ECCS - OPERATING'and SHUTDOWN-(Continued) i Specification assure that a loss of safety function does not go und.etected. l i - 3/4.5.3 SUPPRESS 10N CHAMBER 5 The suppression chamber is required to-be OPERABLE as part of the ECCS to ensure that a sufficient-sup>1y of* water is available to the NPCI, CS and LPCI systems in the event of-a.0CA. This limit on suppression chamber minimum water volume ensures that sufficient water is available to permit recirculation cooling flow to the core. The OPERABILITY of the suppression chamber in OPERATIONAL' CONDITIONS 1, 2, or 3 is also required by Specification i - Repair. work might require making the suppression chamber inoperable. i This specification will permit those repairs to be made and at the same time give assurance that the irradiated fuel has an adequate cooling water sup when the suppression-chamber must be made inoperaole, including draining, ply in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4 or 5. p - In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4 and 5 the suppression chamber minimum I ~, required-wate w lume is reduced because the reactor coolant is maintained at or below 200*! ince pressure suppression is not required below 212*F. The r-minimum water volume is based on NPSH, recirculation volume and vortex - prevention plus a 2.4' safety margin for conservatism. l l l (-! \\ l1 c.Y TC1 Y f* * *r* Y' A" 3' M* Y l, i- . FERMI;- UNIT 2' B 3/4 5-3 Amendment No. 80 6 m m+- s m e -m-* w w T -*w-

l. l l 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS PASr$ 3/4.10.1 PRIMARY CONTA1NMENT INTEGR1TY The requirement for PRIMARY CONTA14 MENT INTEGRITY is not applicable during the period when open vessel tests are being performed during the low power PHYSICS TESTS. l 4 3/4.10.3 SHUTDOWN MARGIN DEMONSTRAT10h5 Performance of shutdown margin demonstrations with the vessel head removed requires additional restrictiont in order to ensure that criticality is properly monitored and controlled. These additional restrictions are specified in this LCO. 3/4.10,4 RECIRCULATION LOOPS This special test evception permits reactor criticality under no flow conditions and is requir-to perform certain startup and PHYSICS TESTS while at low THERMAL POWER s. v es. 3/4.10.6 TRAINING STAR 1VPS This special test exception permits training startups to be performed with the reactor vessel depressurized at low THERMAL POWER and temperature while controlling RCS temperature with one RHR subsystem aligned in the shutdown cooling mode in order to minimize contaminated water discharge to the radioactive waste disposal system. il fAM E'8 7* A FERMl;- UNIT 2. - B 3/4 10 1 Amendment No. /E, 67- -- l . _. _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _. -- - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - " ~ ~ - - - - ~ ^ ^ - - " ~ ~ ~ ^

\\ INSERT A 3/4.10.7 INSERVICE 1.E AK AND llYDit0 STATIC TESTING This special test exception allows reactor vessel inservice leak and hydrostatic testing to be pciformed in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4 with reactor coolant temperatures >200'F but $212'F. The additionally imposed OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 requirements for SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY provide conservatism in response to an operational event. This allows flexibility because temperatures approach 200*F during the testing and can drill higher due to decay and mechanical heat. 4 B 3/410-1

4 ENCLOSURE 5. PART 2 PROPOSED TECilNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - TYPED REVISED PAGES ._._________.._.___.__-__.__.-___________.____________________._.___._____________m___

i INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVElllANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION IEf. REFUELINGOPERATIONS(Continued) 3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL SPENT FUEL STORAGE P00L............... 3/4 9 9 i 3/4.9.8 WATER LEVEL REACTOR VESSEL......................... 3/4 9 10 3/4.9.9 WATER LEVEL SPENT FUEL STORAGE P00L................ 3/4 9 11 f 3/4.9.10 CONTROL R00 REMOVAL Single Control Rod Removal........................... 3/4 9 12 Mul tiple Control Rod Removal......................... 3/4 9 14 3/4.9.11 RESIDUAL HEAT P.EMOVAL AND COOLANT CIRCULATION High Water Level..................................... 3/4 9 16 Low Water Level...................................... 3/4 9 17 3/4.10' SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.1 PRIMAR', (DNTAINMENT INTEGRITY........................ 3/4 10 1 3/4.10.3 SHUTDOWN MARGIN DEMONSTRATIONS....................... 3/4 10 3 3/4.10.4 RECIRCULATION L00PS.................................. 3/4 10 4 3/4.10.5 DELETE0.............................................. 3/4 10 5 3/4.10.6 TRAINING STARTUPS.................................... 3/4 10 6 3/4.10.7 INSERVICE LEAK AK3 HYDROSTA11C TESTING............... 3/4 10-7 l FERMI . UNIT.2 x Amendment-No.-f5,#7,

l INQlX t BASES SECTION P&E 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS (Continued) { 3/4.9.11. RLSIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL AND COOLANT CIRCULATION... B 3/4 9 2 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY................... B 3/4 10 1 3/4.10.3-SHUTOOWN MARGIN DEMONSTRATIONS.................. B 3/4 10 1 3/4.10.4 RECIRCULATION L00PS............................. B 3/4'10 1 3/4.10.5 DELETED......................................... B 3/4 10 1 3/4.10.6~ TR/11NING STARTUPS............................... B 3/4 10 1-3/4.10.7 INSERVICE LEAK AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING.......... B 3/4 10 1 l t FERMI - UNIT E xvi Amendment No 'f), JJ, JJ w w y w +-w-s+ g

~ _ -. _ y ' btF1@ij % TABLE 1.2 OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS H0DE SWITCH AVERAGE REACTOR CONDITION POSITION. COOLANT TEMPERATURE 1. POWER OPERATION Run Any temperature 2. STARTUP Startup/ Hot Standby Any temperature 3. HOT SHUTDOWN Shutdown #,*** > 200' F 4. COLD SHUTDOWN Shutdown,88,*** s 200' F**** l 8 5. REFUELING

  • Shutdown or Refuel **,8 s 140' F 8The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Run, Startup/ Hot Standby, or Refuel position to test the switch interlock functions and related instrumentation provided that the control rods are verified to remain fully inserted by a second licensed operator or other technically qualified member of the unit technical staff.

88The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod drive is being removed from the reactor pressure vessel per Specification

  • Fuel in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or with the head removed.
    • See Special Test Exceptions 3.10.1 and 3.10.3.
      • The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod is being recoupled or withdrawn provided that the one rod-out interlock is OPERABLE.
        • See Special Test Exception 3.10.7.

l l l FERMI UNIT 2 1-10. Amendment No. U

- _ - = -. O }fiGIAL TEST EXCEPTION $ 3/4.10.7 INSERVICE LEAK AND HYDR 0 STATIC TESTING LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.10.7 When conducting inservice leak or hydrostatic testing, the average reactor coolant temperature specified in Table 1.2 for OPERATIONAL -CONDITION 4 may be increased to 212'F, and operation considered not to be in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3, to allow performance of an inservice leak or hydrostatic test provided the following OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 Specifications are mett a. 3.3.2, ISOLATION ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION, Functions 6.a. 6.b, 6.c, 'and 6.d of Table 3.3.2 1; b., SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY: c., SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AUTOMATIC ISOLATION DAMPERS; and d., STANDBY GAS 1REA1 MENT SYSTEM. APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4, with average reactor coolant temperature >200*F and 5212'F. ACTION: With the requirements of the above Specifications not satisfied, immediately enter the applicable (OPERATIMAL CONDITION 3) action for the affected Specification or immediately suspend activities that could increase the average reactor coolant temperature or pressure, and reduce the average reactor coolant temperature to s200 F within 24 hours. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.10.7 Verify applicable OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 surveillances for the Specifications listed in 3.10.7 are met. FERMI - UNIT 2 3/4 10-7 Amendment No. .n...

o.. O [MERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM BASES ECCS OPERATING and SHUTDQB (Continued) Specification assure that a Inss of safety function does not go undetected. 3/4.5.3 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER i The supprssalon chamber is required to be OPERABLE as part of the ECCS to ensure that a sufficient sup)1y of water is available to the HPCI, CS and LPCI systems in the event of a .0CA. This limit on suppression chamber minimum water volume ensures that sufficient water is available to permit recirculation cooling flow to the core. The OPERABILITY of the suppression chamber in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2, or 3 is also required by Specification Repair work might require making the suppression chamber inoperable.. This specification will permit those repairs to be made and at the same time give assurance that the irradiated fuel has an adequate cooling water supply when the suppression chamber must be made inoperable, including draining, in ~ OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4 or 5. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4 and 5 the suppression chamber minimum required water volume is reduced because the reactor coolant is maintained at or below 200'F*, since pressure suppression is not required below 212'F. The l minimum water volume is based on NPSH, recirculation volume and vortex prevention plus a 2.4' safety margin for conservatism.

  • See Special Test Exception 3.10.7 l

FERMI'- UNIT 2-B 3/4 5 3-Amendment No JJ N

f. V

~ 1/4.10 1PECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS e aAsrs a ~ 3/4.10.1 PRIMARY CONTAllMENT INTEGRITY The requirement for PRIMARY' CONTAINMENT !NTEGRITY is not applicable 1 2 - ~during the period when open vessel tests are being performed during the low power PHYSICS TESTS. i i .I i 3/4.10.3 $HUTDOWN MARGIN DEMONSTRATIONS f I Performance of shutdown margin demonstrations with the vessel head removed requires additional restrictions in order to ensure that criticality is ~ properly monitored ~and controlled. These additional restrictions are specified i in this LCO. t p 3/4.10.4. RECIRCULATION LOOPS This special test exception permits reactor criticality under no flow i conditions and is required to perform certain startup and PHYSICS TESTS while at low THERMAL POWER levels. 3/4.10.8 TRAINING STARTUPS i 4 This special test exception permits training startups to be. performed with the reactor vessel depressurized at low THERMAL POWER and temperature while controlling RCS temperature with one RHR subsyste.ii aligned in the shutdown. cooling mode in order to minimize contaminated water discharge to the radioactiveLwaste disposal system. '3/4.10.7 INSERVICE LEAK AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING -This special-test exception allows reactor vessel inservice leak and


. hydrostatic-testing to be performed in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4 with reactor coolant temperatures >200'F but 1212'F. The additionally imposed OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 requirements for SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY provide, i conservatism in response to an operational event; This allows flexibility _because temperatures approach 200'F during the _ testing and can drift higher due to decay _and mechanical heat.: I i o - 4 FERMic TUNIT 2-B3/4.101 Amendment:No,f%,ip/ ..} a


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