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Insp Rept 50-309/86-06 on 860505-08.Violation Noted:Failure to Indicate Radionuclide Identity,Quantity & Total Activity of Fe-55 on Waste Manifests
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/20/1986
From: Clemons P, Pasciak W
Shared Package
ML20206M377 List:
50-309-86-06, 50-309-86-6, NUDOCS 8607010189
Download: ML20206M458 (5)

See also: IR 05000309/1986006


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Report No. 50-309/86-06

Docket No. 50-309

License No. DPR-36 Category C

Licensee: Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company

83 Edison Drive

Augusta, Maine 04336

Facility Name: Maine Yankee Nuclear Generating Station

Inspection At: Wiscasset, Maine

Inspection Conducted: May 5-8, 1936

Inspector: bd

P. Clemo s, Radiation Specialist




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Approved by: . x 3 CAo Avb b 70 1 t


W. Pasclak, Chief, Effluents Radiation date

Protection Section

Inspection Summary: Inspection on May 5-8, 1986 (Report No. 50-309/86-06)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced safety inspection of the transportation

activities including: purpose, management controls, training, procedures,

shipments of radioactive material, quality control, package selection, low

level waste storage facility, and outstanding items.

Results: One violation was identified relating to omissions of iron-55 in

, shipping documents (failure to indicate the radionuclide identity, quantity,


and total activity on waste manifests, paragraph 5)





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1.0 Persons Contacted

1.1 Licensee Personnel

J. Garrity, Plant Manager

E. Boulette, Assistant Plant Manager

G. Cochrane, Radiological Controls Section Hesd

L. Lawson, Quality Assurance Section Head

G. Pillsbury, Assistant to Manager, Technical Support

R. Wills, Hazardous Waste Coordinator

1.2 NRC Personnel

L. Tripp, Chief, Reactor Project Section 3A

C. Holden, Senior Resident Inspector

2.0 Purpose

The purpose of this routine inspection was to review the licensee's

program with respect to the following areas:


Status of previous inspection findings;


Review of shipments of radioactive material;


Review of procedures;


Review of training;


Review of package selection;


Review of low level waste storage facility; and


Review of management control.

3.0 Status of Previous Inspection Findings

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item (369/83-11-01): No acceptance criteria

for comparing QC samples. The inspector determined that the licensee had

revised a chemistry procedure incorporating the acceptance criteria for

QC samples. The procedure appeared to be adequate.

(Closed) Unresolved (309/84-04-02): Technical adequacy of retest for

respiratory filters. The inspector reviewed the test requirements

specified by the licensee and determined that following the licensee's l

requirements would assure that the adequacy of the retesting requirements I

would be acceptable.


(Closed) Unresolved (309/84-26-04): Check Section XVI and Procedure

DDH-84-092. The inspector reviewed Section XVI of the Application for I

the cask and Procedure DDH-84-092 which appeared to satisfy the cask l

maintenance requirements.



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(Closed) Violation (309/85-04-02): Procedure not reviewed and approved

, by PORC. The inspector determined that all appropriate procedures are

reviewed and approved by PORC.


(Closed) Inspector Followup Item (309/85-04-03): Followup on IE Bulletin

. 79-19 training. The inspector reviewed a letter that was submitted to

) the NRC further defining the training, and personnel that would be

j trained.


4 (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (309/85-17-01): Determine that " hands-on


training" is now required for personnel. The inspector determined that the

licensee's practical factors is now including " hands-on" training for all


(Closed) Violation (309/85-31-01): Determine that training is being

< provided annually. The inspector determined that the Chemistry Tech-

i nicians are being trained annually as required.

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item (309/85-35-01): Assure that H.P. Tech-

nicians have been trained. The inspector reviewed documents that verified

that the licensee H.P. Technicians are being trained as required.

j 4.0 Management Control

! The licensee has documented the management control for radioactive waste

l management in the Job Description Manual. This manual states that the


Radiological Controls Section Head is responsible for developing and

1 implementing controls, methods, and practices as may be necessary to

assure radioactive waste releases and shipments are maintained within


applicable federal state and local limits, and as low as reasonably

l achievable,


The Radiological Controls Section Head has delegated the day-to-day

responsibility for radioactive waste to the Hazardous Waste Coordinator.

All of the activities are governed by procedures which specify methods

i' for handling, processing, sampling, and analyses of liquid radioactive >

waste; directions for operating plant systems to control and process


radioactive waste; and methods for control and processing of solid

! radioactive waste.


Within the scope of this review, no violations were identified.

l 5.0 Shipments of Radioactive Material


The transportation of licensed material was reviewed against the criteria

i contained in 10 CFR 71, " Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive


Material", and 10 CFR 20.311, " Transfer for disposal and manifests."




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The licensee's performance relative to these criteria was determined from

discussions with the Hazardous Waste Coordinator, and by reviewing

shipping documentation.

Within the scope of this review, the following violation was observed.


10 CFR 20.311(b) requires, in part, that the manifest accompanying

radwaste shipments indicate'as completely as practicable the radio-

nuclide identity and quantity, and the total radioactivity of the


The licensee failed to identify the radionuclide iron-55, and its activ-

ity, on the following radwaste shipment manifests:

Shipment No. Description Total Activity (Curies) D,.te

0785-257-A Dewatered Resin 73.2 7/24/85

0386-151-A Dewatered Resin 72.3 3/04/86


The licensee's vendor analyses of various dewatered resin samples

identified the presence of iron-55, and provided the scaling factor

relative to cobalt-60 for iron-55 activity as being 0.5.

The licensee determines the percent isotopic composition for the energetic

gamma-emitting radionuclides (e.g. cobalt-60) based on gamma spectroscopic

analysis. The licensee did not calculate the activity of iron-55, by using

the scaling factor provided in the vendors analytical report.

For the shipment made on March 4, 1986, the licensee reported that the

activity for cobalt-60 was 1.34E4 millicuries. Using the scaling factor

cited above, we determined the activity for iron-55 to bc 0.67E4 millicuries.

Since iron-55 was not identified, and its activity determined for each

shipment, the manifests accompanying each shipment contained incorrect

total activities for those shipments.

Failure to identify iron-55, determine its activity in each shipment, and


stitutes athe radionuclide

violation in the20.311(b)

of 10 CFR total radioactivity of]the shipment con-


6.0 Selection of Packaging

The licensee's program for the selection of packages was reviewed against

the requirements of 10 CFR 71.12, " General License: NRC Approved Package"

and the Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements of 49 CFR 173,

" Shippers - General Requirements for Shipments and Packaging." .


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The licensee's performance relative to the criteria was determined by

interviews of the Hazardous Waste Coordinator, examinations of documents,


procedures, shipping records, and observations during plant tours.

Within the scope of this review, no violations were noted.

7.0 Low Level Waste Storage Facility

The licensee has completed the construction of its low level waste

storage facility at the Wiscasset, Maine site. The facility is designed

to store waste up to five years.


The facility is presently being used to box dry active waste, and con-

taminated equipment. There is very little of either being stored at

this time.


Within the scope of this review, no violations were identified.

8.0 Procedures

The adequacy and effectiveness of the licensee's procedures were reviewed

against the criteria contained in Technical Specification 6.8, "Proce-


The licensee's performance relative to these criteria was determined by

discussion with the Hazardous Waste Coordinator, and by reviewing certain


Within the scope of this review, no violations were identified.


9.0 Training

Personnel training in transportation activities was reviewed against the

criteria contained in 10 CFR 71.105, " Quality Assurance Program", and IE

Bulletin No. 79-19, " Packaging of Low-Level Radioactive Waste for Trans-

port and Burial."

l The licensee's performance relative to these criteria was determined by

discussion with training personnel, and by reviewing appropriate

1 documents.

Within the scope of this review, no violations were identified.

10. Exit Interview

The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in Para-

graph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on May 8, 1986. The

inspector summarized the scope of the inspection and findings as

described in this report.

At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the

licensee by the inspector.


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