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Matls Licensing Package for Amend 5 to License 50-23276-01 for Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Co.Control:466888
Person / Time
Site: 03020447
Issue date: 11/02/1998
From: Jackie Cook
466888, 50-23276-01, 50-23276-1, NUDOCS 9812210044
Download: ML20198B630 (29)

See also: IR 05000232/1976001


{{#Wiki_filter:r .



                                                                                                                  mendmen No. 05
                                                      MATERIALS LICENSE

( Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code I

 of Faderal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations
 h:ratofore made by the licensee, e license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct,
 source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to
 deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license
 shril be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all

, applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified l b: low.

                                Licensee                                      In accordance with letter dated
                                                                             August 12,1996
 1. Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company                                    3. Ucense number 50-23276-01 is amended in
                                                                  r       e   its entirety to read as follows:
 2. 3000 Vintage Blvd. Suite 200                           '
                                                                             * 7 Exhiration date March 31,2003
      P.O. Box 32199
                                                i b- \,(, b                  5. Docket No.-030-20447
                                              A                                               '                                -
     Juneau, Alaska 99803-2199._h +)                                              Reference No.A   n
                                                  7. Chemical and/or physical form               8. Niaxirnum amount that licensee may
 6. Byproduct. source, and/or specialpJ
      nuclear material                                                                               possess at any one time under this
     A. Cesium-137
                                                    CAE Sealed sources registered
                                                                                     L[f.   ;        licin~se
                                                                                                     A. @ee Condition 9.A.
                                     I                E feither withiNRC 'under 10                        Q
                                     F-               t JCFR 32.210'or witli ail 4
                                     (f)                                                     -            S,
                                                     1- Abr'eenieht[5 tate'a'nd              . f
                                               h(k'Qncorpofated-iria f{f,yp                              g
                                       O             Rf4,,         atibl,e gatjging deylcs,              %
                                        gl       Dgt) comp'ecified
                                                           as sp                  in item 9 of3fils    CQ
                                         y           figQicefdeg/CQ,5                                Og                                           i
      B. Americium-241                     hO         B.      daleh b b"s rdhered
                                                           either with NRC under 10 h
                                                                                                     B.     See Condition 9.B.
                                                         * CFR 32.210 or.with an^
                                                         ^Agreemerit State and'
                                                           incorporated in a
                                                           compatible gauging device
                                                           as specified in item 9 of this
      C.   Cesium-137                                                                                                                        '
                                                      C.   Sealed sources registered                 C.     See Condition 9.C.
                                                           either with NRC under
                                                           10 CFR 32.210 or with an
                                                           Agreement State and
                                                           incorporated in a
                                                           compatible gauging device
as specified in item 9 of this

l license (

                                                       0FFICIAl. RECORD COPY
                                                                                                                               ML40            ,a
    NRc (oRM 374A                U.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY CoMMisSloN                            PAGE 2   of 5    PAGEs
                                                                       Uconse Number
                       MATERIALS LICENSE                               D cket r Reference Number
 !                     SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET                             030-20447
                                                                       Amendment No. 05
   9.  Authorized use
       A.andB.             To be used, for measurement purposes, in compatible portable Troxler Electronic
                           Laboratories, Inc. or Boart Longyear Company (formerly Campbell Pacific Nuclear
                           Company) gauging devices that have been registered either with NRC under
                           10 CFR 32.210 or with an Agreement State and have been distributed in accordance
                           with an NRC or Agreement State specific license authorizing distribution to persons
                           specifically authorizad.bp an~NRC'or'Agieerne.nt State license to receive, possess, and
                           use the devices..f                           '/      ,
                                          g                                   ej
        C.                 To be use.d,jor evaluated and approved licensing purp,oses, in Ohmart Corporation
                           fixed gauging devices that have been registered either with NRC under 10 CFR 32.210
                           or with sn Agreement State and have been distributed'in'accordance with an NRC or             l
                           Agreement State sp,ecific license authorizing,disfr tiution to persons specifically           j
                           authorizing disiribbtion to persons specifically authorized    L
                                                                                               by>an NRC or Agreement Sta
                           license to receive,. posse'ss, and use the devices.
                                %              g " :t, y    >l        ;: 2                 <~                            l
                                r           ,b n.94                 _      n               y"                            l
                                @          W 7 CONDITIONS,                                                               i
                                          g,M                               j;f,'/
                                                         ~.                     g         g"7                            j
   10. Licensed material may C stored Atitfie liddrisee's ware' house l'o citSd at the Hawk Inlet facility on
       Admiralty Island. Licenssd matdrials may bb used at the'Greeh's Creek Mir'1e/ Mill site on Admiralty Island,
        18 air miles southwest of Juneau,' Alaska?Lidensed'niaie~ri31'de' scribed in'ltems A. and B. may also be
        used at temporary job sites of the li6 ens 5e an wh"e'rd'in the United Stat 3s where the U.S. Nuclear
        Regulatory Commission maindin,s jurisdiction flir'{egulating the use 6f licensed material.            .
   11. A.   Licensed material shall only be used by,'or under the supervision and in the physical presence of
            individuals who have successfully completed the manufacturer's training program for gauge users,
            other training program submitted by Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company, or training program
            submitted and used by the State of Alaska Department of Transpormtion, License No. 50-14102-01,
            approved by NRC; have received copies of, and training in, the licensee's operating and emergency
            procedures, and have been designated by the Radiation Safety Officer.
        B.  The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is Brian A. LaPlaunt.
       C.   Before assuming the duties and responsibilities as RSO for this license and before obtaining licensed
            material, Brian A. LaPlaunt shall have successfully completed one of the training courses described
            in Criteria in Section 8.8 of NUREG-1556, Volume 1, dated May 1997.

( 12. A. Sealed sources and detector cells shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to ! exceed 6 months or at such other intervals as specified by the certificate of registration referred to in

             10 CFR 32.210 or by an Agreement State.


       B.   Notwithstanding Paragraph A of this Condition, sealed sources designed to emit alpha particles shall
            be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to axceed 3 months.


                                                                                                                    _ _ _
  NRC FORM 374A                  u.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY Commission                          PAGE 3    of 5     PAGEs
                                                                     Ucins Numb r
                       MATERIALS LICENSE                             Docket r Reference Number
                       SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET                           030-20447
                                                                     Amendment No. 05


      C.   In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a leak test has been made within
           6 months prior to the transfer, a sealed source or detector cell received from another person shall not
           be put into use until tested.
      D.   Sealed sources need not be leak tested if:
           (i)     they contain only hydrogen-3; or
           (ii)    they contain only a radioactive gas or R r2 g
           (iii) the half-life of the isotop5 is 30 days or less; or         "
           (iv) they contain not more than 100 microcuries of beta and/or gamma emitting material or not more
                   than 10 microcOpes of alpha emitting material; or                P
                                  Q q                                   ,Q            A.
                   when they ara. removed'from[ storage for use or transferred to another pers
                   been tested % thin the re$uiredlleik test in,terval[thi/;shall be tes@d before use or transfer. No
                   sealed      sour'ctror
                   tested for lesRage          detector; cell shall bastored
                                                                                         D f,M y ?orja period of ml
      E.  The leak test shall9e          D'rY          INb b /thd4 presenc[e
                                               capabidWdetNti$g                         N        o,f 005 microcurie o
           on the test sample.\llthe tesEdve'alsu thh presencfof 0.006icrocurG or more of removable
           contamination, a report'shallnfilsdnthe U;S1 nee 5ERegula. tory Commission in accordance
           with 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2 hand tfieD0rcesh5il'bs remoyhd immediately from service and
           decontaminated, repaired ogdisposed of Wa' cedrdance%ith gojmr'nission regulations. The report
           shall be filed within 5 days [of the date the leak test result is known with th
           Commission, Region IV,611 Ryah Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas 76011, ATTN: Director,
           Division of Nuclear Materials Safety. Thiriip6'rt'shall s' pecify the source involved, the test results,
           and corrective action taken.
      F.  The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by TN Technologies, Technical
           Services Group; The Ohmart Corporation; or Boart Longyear Corporation. Alternatively, tests for
           leakage and/or contamination may be performed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission
           or an Agreement State to perform such services.
 13. Sealed sources or detector cells containing licensed material shall not be opened or sources removed
      from source holders by the licensee.
 14. The licensee shall conduct a physicalinventory every 6 months to account for all sources and/or devices

[ received and possessed under the license. l '

 15. Each portable gauge shall have a lock or outer locked container designed to prevent urauthorized or
      accidental removal of ihe sealed source from its shielded position. The gauge or its container must be
      locked when in transport, storage, or when not under the direct surveillance of an authorized user.

l l

  NRC FORM 374A                u.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY Commission                                  PAGE 4 of 5      PAGEs
                                                                          Licenss Number


                       MATERIALS LICENSE                                  Docket or Reference Number
                       SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET                                030-20447
                                                                          Amendment No. 05
 16. Except for maintaining labeling as required by 10 CFR Part 20 or 71, the licensee shall obtain
      authorization from NRC before making any changes in the sealed source, device, or source-device
      combination that would alter the description or specifications as indicated in the respective Certificates of
      Registration issued either by the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR 32.210 or by an Agreement State.
 17. Any cleaning, maintenance, or repair of the portable gauges that requires removal of the source rod shall
      be performed only by the manufacturer or by.other persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an
      Agreement State to perform such sen/ ices'x M f C ;^, / .
                                           g,y ^
 18. The licensee is authorized to transport licensed material only in accordance with the provisions of
      10 CFR Part 71, " Packaging ajnd Transportation of Radioactive Material,"
                                      s,                                                v
 19. In addition to the possession limits in Item 8, the licensee shall further rdstrict the possession of licensed
      material to quantities below the minimum limit specified in 10 CFR'30.35(d) for establishing
      decommissioning finarjci5l assuihnceh                               4 '"                 ,
                              g                               Tp        'l                    N,
 20. Installation, initial , relocation, or rergoval from slervice of Ohmar
                                         radiation     \ survey           & f.
      sealed sources shall be~ performed by Briah A. llaPlaunt, Bryan:D. Hall, or by persons specificaily licensed
      by the Commission or'an Agree pent Stat'e toyerf6ris sUch seJvicese Maintenance and repair of devices
      and installation, replacernent, and disposal of~ sealed' sources shall be performed only by persons
      specifically licensed by the Commission'6riar) Agreement" State'to'perfornTsuch services.
 21. Each Ohmart gauge shall be
                                 0       $2!                  tested k f
                                                          proper operation
                                                                           of,the on-off ~ mechanism and indicator, if any,
      at no longer than 6-month' int'ervals or at such longer: intervals as specified by the manufacturer and
      approved by U.S. Nuclear Reghl
                                                                            '          "
                                          y tory Commis'siong
 22. Prior to initial use and after installation',' relocation, dismantling, alignment, or any other activity involving
      the source or removal of the shielding, the licensee shall assure that a radiological survey is performed to
      determine radiation levels in accessible areas around, above, and below the Ohmart gauge with the
      shutter open.
      This survey shall be performed only by persons authorized to perform such services by the Commission
      or an Agreement State.
 23. The licensee shall operate each fixed gauge within the manufacturer's specified temperature and/or
      environmentallimits such that the shielding and shutter mechanism of the source holder are not
 24. The licensee shall assure that the fixed gauge shutter mechanism is locked in the closed position during
      periods when a portion of an individual's body may be subject to the direct radiation beam. The licensee
      shall review and modify as appropriate its " lock-out" procedures whenever a new gauge is obtained to
incorporate the device manufacturer's recommendations.
  NRC FORM 374A ~               U.s. NUCLEAR RE8uLAToRY Commission                          PAGE 5  of 5  PAGES
                                                                    Ucenso Number
                       MATERIALS LICENSE                            D cket r Reference Number
                      SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET                           030-20447
                                                                    Amendment No. 05
 25. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall conduct its program in
       accordance with the statements, representations, and procedures contained in the documents, including
       any enclosures, listed below. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the
       statements, representations, and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence are more
       restrictive than the regulations.
       A.   Letter dated November 3,1992
       B.   Letter dated January 22,1993
            Letter   dated February 18,1993 g
            Letter dated March 17,1993-
            Letter dated March 22,1993J(
                                                   gR R egg [
       F.   Letter dated Septembeg0h 993
       G.   Letter dated September 5,1996
       H.   Two letters dated Novymber 14,1996                                      hA
     ' l.   Telefacsimile dated,Decernbers11,1996
             Letter     dated
                                                                    d' [W              O
       K.           dated
                                     28,1998       s
                                             p i ',7              [fdir'
                                                                 ygg                    o
                                             g         %,          .b3                  *p
                                               R % C R TrM y                   ,
                                   %                                  i         8
                                               Eh & j Q Y(

l I

                                                        FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

i t

 Date NOV         2 1998                                By       f('/)ugf[4p               jh7
J equ6line D. Coo'k

i uclear Materials Licensing Branch

                                                                Region IV
                                                                Arlington, Texas 76011
            9                                       UNITED STATES
 [[MG0 k       .
                                     NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                      REGION IV
            ' 8
                                           611 RYAN PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 400
                                             AR LINGTON. TEXAS 760118064
   9***#                                          November 2,1998
      Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company
      ATTN: Brian A. LaPlaunt
                 Radiation Safety Officer
      3000 Vintage Blvd., Suite 200
      P.O. Box 32199
      Juneau,AK 99803-2199
      Please find enclosed License No. 50-23276-01. You should review this license carefully and be
      sure that you understand all conditions. If you have any questions, you may contact the                   l
      reviewer who signed your license at 817-860-8132.                                                        1
      The NRC does not recognize " Alternate Radiation Safety Officer." Note that a Radiation Safety            l
      Officer (RSO) is responsible for the overall management of the radiation safety program;
      identifying radiation safety problems, initiating, recommending or providing corrective actions;
      verifying implementation of corrective actions; ensuring compliance with the Cornmission's rules          l
      and regulations and conditions of the license. Ari RSO should actively participate in the day-to-         l
      day management of the radiation safety program. Although the performance of certain                      I
      radiation safety tasks may be delegated by the RSO to other individuals, the responsibility for          l
      the overall effectiveness of the radiation safety program and for compliance with NRC rules and
      regulations and conditions of the license reside with the RSO.
      NRC expects licensees to conduct their programs with meticulous attention to detail and a high
      standard of compliance. Because of the serious consequences to employees and the public                !
      which can result from failure to comply with NRC requirements, you must conduct your program
      involving radioactive materials in accordance with the conditions of your NRC license,                  ,
      representations made in your license application, and NRC regulations. In particular, note that        {
      you must
      1.         Operate in accordance with NRC regulations 10 CFR Part 19, " Notices, Instructions and       l
                 Reports to Workers: Inspection and investigations," 10 CFR Part 20, " Standards for          ,
                 Protection Against Radiation," and other applicable regulations.                            l
      2.         Possess radioactive material only in the quantity and form indicated in your license.       ;
      3.         Use radioactive material only for the purpose (s) indicated in your license.                l
      4.         Notify NRC in writing of any change in mailing address (no fee required if the location of
                 radioactive material remains the same).
      5.         Request and obtain written NRC consent before transferring your license or any right        l
                thereunder, either voluntarily or involuntarily, directly or indirectly, through transfer of !
                control of your license to any person or entity. A transfer of control of your license
                includes not only a total change of ownership, but also a change in the controlling          l
                interest in your company whether it is a corporation, partnerchip, or other entity.          !
                                          - - _ - - __                           - _ - _ _ - - _-___ __-__ _ _ _


    Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company                -2-
             In addition, appropriate license amendments must be requested and obtained for any
             other planned changes in your facility or program that are contrary to your license or
             contrary to representations made in your license application, as well as supplemental
             correspondence thereto, which are incorporated into your license. A license fee may be
             charged for the amendments if you are not in a fee-exempt category.
    6.       Maintain in a single document decommissioning records that have been certified for
            completeness and accuracy listing all the following items applicable to tne license:
                     Onsito areas designated or formerly designated as restricted areas as defin6d in
                     10 CFR 20.3(a)(14) or 20.1003.
            *        Onsite areas, other than restricted areas, where radioactive materials in
                    quantities greater than amounts listed in Appendix C to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2401
                    have been used, possessed, or stored.
                    Onsite areas, other than restricted areas, where spills or other unusual
                    occurrences involving the spread of contamination in and around the facility.
                    equipment, or site have occurred that required reporting pursuant to 10 CFR
                   ,30.50(b)(1) or (b)(4), including areas where subsequent cleanup procedures
                    have removed the contamination.
                    Specific locations and radionuclide contents of previous and current burial areas
                    within the site, excluding radioactive material with half-lives of 10 days or less,
                    depleted uranium used only for shielding or as penetrators in unused munitions,
                    or sealed sources authorized for use at temporary job sites.
                    Location and description o' all contaminated equipment involved in licensed
                    operations that is to rerm a onsite after license termination.
   7. ,    Submit a complete renewal application with proper fee, or termination request at least
           30 days before the expiration date on your license. You will receive a reminder notice
           approximately 90 days before the expiration date. Possession of radioactive material
           after your license expires is a violation of NRC regulations.
   8.      Request termination of your license if you plan to permanently discontinue activities
           involving radioactive material.
   You will be periodically inspected by NRC. Failure to conduct your program in accordance with
   NRC regulations, license conditions, and representations made in your license application and
   suop!emental correspondence with NRC will result in enforcement action against you. This
   could include issuance of a notice of violation; imposition of a civil penalty; or an order
   suspending, modifying, or revoking your license as specified in the " General Statement of
   Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions" (Enforcement Policy), NUREG 1600, Rev.
 x    ,
                                     -  ..-..m..____..    ._. _.._    . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . - _ . . _ - . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ _

K <

          ,.   4                                .



! Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company -



               ' Thank you for your cooperation.


                                                                                'ncerely                                                          ,
                                                                                       M   Q       [hf/

i' equeline D. Cook

                                                                          Health Physicist
                                                                          Nuclear Materials Licensing Branch
                  Docket: 030-20447
                  License:' 50-23276-01                                                                                       *
               . Control: 466888
                  Enclosures: As stated




  y     w              wv-        , * -                -r                  ~ ~~          ,                    n         '-          *-r,--"


                 . \ .-

L l

                     Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company                      -4-



! 2 j i



                    To receive copy of document, Indicate in box: "C" = Copy without enclosures *E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No con
                        RIV:NMLB             iN                                                                                      ,
                        11/,4 /98

s. . ,

                                                               OFFICIAL RECORD COPY


               .            .     ..               ,,        .                          -.    ..     ._.         -           . - .       -

l CCT 28 'o8 Ot!58Pf1 WW IlL.ET CAf #ERY 907790 P.1 [~

   Brian A. LnPlaunt
  Environmental Technician
   Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company                              Minerals
  Neme:          Jacqueline D. Cook


  Org:            Nuclear Matecials Safety Branch


  Fax:            817-860 8263                                                  -
  Phone:         817-860-8132                                            F bIhh2OYg
  From:                                                                 f
                 Brian A. I.aPlaunt                                    I
  Date:          October 28,1998                                       '                           l
  Subject:       License No. 50-23276 01                             j      OCT 2 91998          l
                 Docket No.      030-20447
                                                                    l,                       1
                 Control No. 466888                                         -
  Pages:         9 (including cover)
 Ms. Cook,
 I have also mailed a copy of the faxed information to your attention. If you have any questions
 or comments please contact me at (907) 790-8472. Thank you.
 hn, ) $Y              .-o    ~
 Brian LaPlaunt
 Environmental Technician


                                                           M 9J                                         ^ 'P. 2
  *   *
           K;nucott Grme Creek Mining Compaly
                                                                                                    N}     'hL        J

! P.O. Box 32 U9

          .tunesu. AK 99803
                                                                               y               g
          Phone (907)790-8472
                                                                               5YiM Of0l$
                                                                                    . : ~   ~-
          October 28,1998
                                                                                    f)              b8          IE
          Jacqueline D. Cook                                                       Q                              i
          Nuclear Materials Safety Branch                                                 OCT 2 91998          v;I
          U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
        - Region IV                                                              L
                                                                                                           - - -
          611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400                                                                                   ;
         Arlington, Texas 76011-8064                                                                                        I
         Re:       U.S Nuclear kegulatory Commission,           Materials License No.            50 23276-01                !
                                                                Docket No.                       030-20447                  I
                                                                Control No.                      466888
         Dear Ms. Cook:


         This letter is in response to your fax dated September 29,1998 (a 15 day extension to the original                 !
         response deadline was given to KGCMC via telephone on October 13,1998).
         NRC Comment: Pleasepravide an outline ofthe training submitted by Kennecott Greens Creek
         Mining Company and show its eqtdvalency to the training offerea by the device installer.                           !
         KOCMC Response: Attendees will receive train 8ng in the following areas and be required to
         pass a written exam:
                  e    Basic Atomic Theory (1.5 to 2 hours)
                  e    Radiation Safety (1.5 to 2 hours)
                  e    Regulations (1.5 to 2 hours)
                       Operation and Transportation (1.5 to 2 hours)
         This training is comparable in scope to training offered by both the Ohmart Vega Corporation
         and Troxler Electronic Laboratories,Inc. (see attached outlines of training courses).
        NRC Comment: In addition, please provide an outline ofthe training submitted and used by the
        State ofAlaska Departinent of Transportation (DOT) and show its equivalency to the training
        offeredby the device installer.
        KGCMC Response: The State of Alaska Department of Transportation cunently has a training
        program approved by the NRC per Materials License Number 50-14102-01, Docket 030-07710,
        Amendment 24.
        NRC Comment: Please specify the name ofthe instructor (s) andsubmit the qualifications of the
        instructor (s)for the training submitted by Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company and the
        training wbmitted and rued by the State ofAlaska DOT.

! !

        KGCMC Response: Instructors for Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company's training
        program will be persons whom have either of the following:




      wrwr~wngcwAnrJJuner crCtOW. / 907790                                                           P.3
  . .
                      B:chelor's degree in physica' ur life science or engineering,
                      Successful completion of a manufacturer's gauge user course,

t .

                      Successful completion of an 8 hour radiation safety course; and
                      8 hours hands-on experience with griuges.
                      Successful completion of a manufacturer's gauge user course,                        '
                      Successful completion of 40 hour radiation safety; and

! =

                      30 hours of hands-on experience with gauges.
       This criteria is consistent with Appendix D of the NUREG-1556, Vol.1, ' Consolidated Guidance
       About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance about Portable Gaugo Licenses.' dated
       May 1997.
       .............. .............. ................................ ......_ ..................
       In addition to responding to the NRC comments conceming KGCMC's Materials License
       Amendment, KGCMC requests condition 11b be amended to read;
               The radiation Safety Officerfor this license is Brian A. Larlaunt.4The alternate


               Radiation Safety Officerfor this license is Bryan D. Hall. Before being namedas the

l l

               RSO,fhture RSO 's will have success)hily completed one ofthe training courses described
               in the section entitled ' Individual (s) Responsiblefor Radiation Safety Program and Their  ,


               Daining and Experience - Radiation Safety OBicer'in NUREG.]556, Vol.1,                     j
                ' Consolidated Guidance about Asaterials Licenses: Program Specific Guidance about
              Gauge Licenses, 'datedMay 1997
       KGCMC also requests condition 21 be amended to read;                                                I
              installation, inhial radiallon survey, relocation, or removalfrom service ofOhmart

l. l

              devices containing sealedsources shall be performed by Brian A. LaPlaunt, Bryan D.
              11all, or bypersons specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement State to
              perform such services. Maintenance andrepair ofdevices andinstallation, replacement.         i
              and disposal ofsealed sources s hall be performed only bypersons specifically licensed       I
                  , the Commission or an Agreement State toperform such services.
      I hope this satisfies your written comments regarding the proposed Materials License
      Amendment. If you have any additional questions or comments please contact me at (907) 790-

I t



          ,', % l l , /l$N~
rien A. LaPlaunt

L Environmental Technician l Enclosures (6)

      cc:     B. Itall
              B. Oelklaus
              C. Zimmer
R. Broschat

i ,

          .,            ,                       -     -          ..
      __                                            -
                                                                . ,- _
               Nuclear Gauge
              Safety Training
                Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.
                             and subsidiary
                     Troxlcr International, Ltd.
                          P.O. Box 12057
                       3008 Cornwallis Road
                Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
         TEL: (919) 549 8661             FAX: (919) 549-0761


           CCT 28 '98 OM59PN Hntt ItLET Cf84ERY 907790                                                                                                P.9



, .



          Atomic Structurc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........,.............................. 1                                                             ,
          Radioactivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                           '


          Ty pes of R adi ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...   ...............;........................2                                                       l


          R a d ia t ion Sou rces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................
                                                                                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............
                                                                                                                                                ......                           5  !
          Half Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................                                                                                   6
          R a dia t ion Me as u re m ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............                                    . . . . . . . . . . . 7. . . . . . .l
    RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY                                                                                                                                                             '
          R a diation Exposu r e Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........3
        Effects of Radiation Exposure ..............................% ...........
         Occupation al Exposure L imits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............9  .........
       ALARA...........                   .
                                                ............................................ ............ 9
         Methods to Reduce Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... . . . . . 10
        Personnel Monitoring . . . . . . . . . ...
                                                                 ................................................ 11
       Storage .................... ............................
                                                                                                                         ...................... 12                                  )
       Di5poSAI.......................,......................... ...................... 12
       incidenu .. ......................................... ..........................13                                                                                           I
       Record Keeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          .......................                            ..
                                                                                                                            .................... 13
       Leak Testing .......................................................                                                                 ..
       R e c ip roc i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .15
      General Transportation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................                                                          17
      Certificate of Competent Authority . . . . . . ............                               .................................                                                18 l
      Results of Type A Package Testfrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........,.......
      Training.......................................................................18                                               ................ la
      Emergency Response Sheet .....................................................                                                                                             18
      Emergency Response Telephone Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......                         . . . . 18
      Bill of bding Requirements ......................................................... 19

! RQ bbeling Requirements .......................................................... 19

      Locking or Scaling of Packsge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................................19
      Inspection of Package Prior to Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ................                                               ........                    19
      Aechtent Notification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         ...............                             . 20
      bbeling ............................................. ......... ............... 20                                                                                            ,
     Transportation in Personal Vehicles ..................................................20                                                                                       l
   SAMPLE TRANSPORTATION DOCUMENTS                                                                                                                                                  \
     Certifieste of Competent Authority . . .                   ................. .                       ............................ 21
     Type A Package Test R esults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     .................... 22                                 ,
     Sampic Emergency Response O formation . . . . . . . . . . ......................                                                  ......,......24                              1
     Dill of bding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          ..............................................                                                            ..       . 25
   SAMPLE TRANSPORTA TION LA BELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                   26
   RA DIATION SA FE TY PRO G RA M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                           28
   GA UG E CER TIFICA TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                  31
   G L O S SA R Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              .       . *.. ....                       32
   IN0EX................................................                                                           ~     .. **         *... . *. .                       .      35  !



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                                    /k; cr 201888

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! >


l r j4

             For Users of Nuclear                    !
Gauging Devices

i !




           Ohmart Technical Training Schools

r YRQ9 P.7



                         TABLE OF CONTENTS                   ..
        Section 1- Basic Radiation Theory


               Nuclear Physics
              Double Encapsulation                       1-7
              Radiation Vs Radioactivity                 1-8
              Types of Radiation
              Properties of Radiation
                                                        1 10

i Radioactive Decay and Half-life 1-12

              Penetrating Ability of Radiation          1-14
              X Rays                                    1-19
              Electromagnetic Waves
             Electromagnetic Spectrum                   1-20
             Becoming Radioactive                       1 21
       Section 2-Radiation Measurement and Monitoring
             Radiation Units                           2-2
             Quality Factor                            25
             Activity                                  26
             Monitoring Techniques                     2-8
             Nuclear Oauging Theory                    2-12
             Radiatioh Transmission Equation           2-13
             Web (Sheet) Measurement                   2 16
             Specific Gravity                          2-18
             Operation of a Nuclear Gauge              2 19
             Survey Meter                              2-20
             Personnel Dosimetery                      2-21
           ' Conversion Factors                        2-24
             Metdc Prefixes                           2 25
       Section 3- Radiation Safety Calculations
            Radiation Field Intensity Calculations    3-2
            Inverse Sq' rare Law                      34
            Shielding Jialf-value Layer               3-7
            Calculating Dose Rate at any Distance     3-10
            Total Dose                                3 12
            Planning                              .   3-13
            Method For Calculating Radioactive Decay  3-16
 ' '

\ kf.OCT29;ggg L ,0

      Section 4- Health Effects                                    !
             Illstory of Biological Effects                                         [y
             Radiological Protection Agencies
                                                                4 DN.
             Medical Advice                                     4-4                       :
           ' Health Risks
            Everyday Risks
                                                                4-6                        '

' Radiation Compared with Occupational Risks 4-7

            Natural Background Radiation
                                                                4-8                        l
            Man made Radiation -                               4 10
            Dose Effect Relationship                           4 11

! Low Level Exposures i

                                                               4 13                       1
           Types of Exposures
                                                               4 13                       )
           Body Cell Damage
                                                               4 14
           Reproductive Cell Damage                            4-15
           Interaction with Tissue                             4-16
           Recovery from Radiation Exposure                    4-17                       !
           Effect on Embryonic Development                     4-18
           Dose Limitations                                    4-19
           Ohmart Exposures                                                               i
                                                              4 20,
           Purpose of Regulations                             4 22                        l
     Section 5- Emergency Guidelines
           General Guidelines                                 52
           Exposure VS Contamination
                    Typical Emergency Situations                                          ,
                            Stuck Shutter                                                 l
                                                              5-4                           '
                            Loss of Theft                     5-5
                            Entering a Tank or Vessel      ,  5-5
                            Fall of Collision                 5-7
                            Fire               .
                           Fireproof Source Holders           5-11
                           Emergency Equlpment List           5 12
     Section 6- U.S. NRC Regulations
          U.S. NRC Agreement States                          6-2
          General Licenses                                   6-4
          Specific License                                   6-7
          Tests to be Performed of Nuclear Gauges            6-8
          Posting Requirements                               69
          Record Keeping Requirements                        6 11
          Personnel Monitoring                               6 13
          Radiation Protection Program                 6-14
          Notification / Reports                             6-15
          Other Regulations                                  6-19

l l

                                                                                  / -

r p,9


' I

                   Agreement State Agencies                       6-21     *

i . U.S. NRC Rules and Regulations 6 24 '

                   Cootneting the U.S. NRC
                   Contacting the Canadian Atomic Energy
                                                                  6-26      D2
                           Control Boani
                                                                           j'   'WL     ,j -        {
                                                                 6-27                            I !
          - Section 7- U.S. DOT Shipping Regulations                     N           IS98      /
                . Special Form Radioactive Materials             7-2


                   Normal Form Radioactive Matedals              7-2                              i
                   Type A and Specification 7A Ifackaging -      7-3

. ' Activity Limits for Type A Packages 7-5  !

                  Hazardous Material Identification              7-5                                I
                  Reportable Quantitles                          7-6
                  Shippers Responsibility                        7-7            .
                  Returning Radioactive Material to Ohmart       7-8
                  Bill of Lading                                 7-16                               l
                  Sources of Federal Regulations                 7-17                                l
                 DOT Definitiens                                 7-18
          Section 8- Procedures
                 Receiving a Sourceholder
                                                                82                                  {
                 Installation of a Sourecholder                 8-3
                 Removal of a Sourceholder                      8-7
                 Removal of a Sourceholder with an Open Shutter 88
                 Leak Testing                                                                       j
                                                                8 10                                -
                 Shutter Check                                  8-10
               - Responsibilities of a Radiation Safety Officer 8-11                                <
                 Industrial Gauge Inspection Report Form        8 13
                 Instructions for Leak Testing                                                      !
                                                                8 19                                l
                Shutter Check                                   8-20
                Radiation Lockout Procedures                    8-21
                Radiation Lockout Permit                        8 22
          Section 9- Glossary and Index
                Glossary                                        9-2
                Index                                           9-13


 . o
    Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Co.
    P.O. Box 32199
    Juneau, AK 99803                                                              MnEOM                          i
    Phone - (907)790-8472                                               /      M,neds
                                                                                  i                              i'
    Fax      (907)790-8478        ,
                                                                                      ,   .. ..e ~
                                                                                        .        .U               l
    August 12,1998
                                                                                  gg\1GSS             -          !
    Jacqueline D. Cook                                                                     ~j           1
    Nuclear Materials Safety Branch                                             -r ~                '
     U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                             _.3~"
    Region IV
    611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400
    Arlington, Texas 76011-8064
     Re:     U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Materials License #50-23276-01
     Dear Ms. Cook:                                                                                              i
     Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company (KGCMC) requests an amendment to Material
     License # 50-23276-01. Enclosed is a check for $340.00 to cover the applicable amendment
     KGCMC requests condition lla be amended to read;
             Licensed material shall only be used by, or under the supervision and in the physical                l
             presence ofindividuals who have successfully completed a nynufacturers training                     j
             programfor gauge users or other trainingprogram submitted by Kennecott Greens
             Creek Mining Company, or trainingprogram submitted and used by the State ofAlaska                   j
             Department of Transportation approved by the NRC. These gauge users must have                        l
             received copies of; o"d training in, the licensee 's operating and emergencyprocedures,              l
             and have been designated by the Radiation Safety Oficer.
     KGCMC requests condition 11b be amended to read;                                          *
              The Radiation Safety Oficerfor this license is Brian A. LaPlaunt. The alternate
             Radiation Safety Officerfor this license is Bryan D. Hall.'.
     Both Bryan Hall, Mill Electrical Supervisor, and Brian LaPlaunt, Environmental Technician II,
     received Ohmart Corporation Radiation Safety Training cer:ificates dated June,1998. The
     following subject matter was covered by this 40 hour Ohmart course:
              .   Basic atomic theory

L f"

                                                                                                        466888 i
 __. . _ . .    ...        ..        .    - - . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _             _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ . .

l . *

                                                                                                                      .               -
                       *   Measurement and monitoring techniques                                       :.        .         .     _.
                       .   Exposure effects ofradiation
                       e   Biological effects of radiation                                                              j(JG l T E            -
                       .   NRC regulation                                                                                               , _ , _
                       e   Tests performed on devices                                                                          _
                       e   Hands on lab work
                       e   Emergency procedures
                       .' Proper disposal practices


                       e   DOT regulation


               In addition to the above mentioned training, Bryan Hall has received an Ohmart Basic Users
               Training Certificate dated July,1997 and Bri.ui LaPlaunt has received a Troxler Nuclear Gauge                                      !
               Safety Training Program certificate dated April,1997. Copies of these training certificates have                                   i

L been enclosed for your review. j l

Please contact me at (907) 790-8472 with ant questions regarding this matter or if additional


               information is needed to complete this request.                                                                                    j
               -lA k Y                 ~f
               Brian A. LaPlaunt
               Environmental Technician
               Enclosures (4)
               cc:     B. Hall
                       B. Oelkaus
                       T. Zimmer
                    .                                                                                                                             !

i .

                                                                                                                              L     4U6888
                                                                  _ _ - ._      -
                                      .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ;
      s1MRRT UEEIR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
                                        ' Brian A. La'Plaunt                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .
                                     2Cennecott greens creeka{ining company Juneau,.Rfaska                                                                                                                                                                                                       i
                                               Has successfully completed the                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .
                                  Ohmart Radiation Safety Course
                                                  June 22 - June 26,1998
                                          Presented at Ohmart/Vega Corporation
      Subject matter covered:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                u   \
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5   ;


          .        .
      Basic atomic theory                                                                                                                                                                                                                            $ Mf -d//
      Measurement and monitoring techniques
      Exposure calculations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               George W. Brown              J}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Radiation safety officer   *
      Biological effects of radiation                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Training Manager
      NRC regulations
      Leak test, shutter check
      Installation, r2 location, and removal procedures                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          i
      Hands on lab w8rk
      Proper disposal practices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DMMRRTE                                       V       Corporation
      Emergency procedures
                                                                                                                                                                  Teclinica TrainingScliools, Cinciandi, 0111o 45209
 c)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '

' co

                                                           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
                          _ _ _ _ _ _
 t      MMRR'PUEGRi 1                                                                                                    l
                                          Bryan R Slall
                                   2Cennecott greens creeks {ining company Juneau, Alaska
                                            Has successfully completed the                                               .
                               Ohmart Radiation Safety Course


                                                 June 22 - June 26,1998                         .
                                       Presented at Ohmart/Vega Corporation                                              ;


  Subject matter covered:

' Bas.ic atom.ic theory , ,

                                                                                               @           nd            l,

! Measurement and monitoring techniques George W. Brown

  Exposure calculations                                                              Radiation safety officer            l
  Biological effects of radiation                                                      Training Manager
  NRC regulations
  Leak test, shutter check

l Installation, relocation, and removal procedures j i Hands on lab work U TEU Corporation l Proper disposal practices Technical Training Schools, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

  Emergency procedures                                                                                                   ;
   _  - _ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                         -                    _                 - __  _ .__- _-_--_ _
g THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE USED TO VERIFY TRAINING REQUIRED BY 49CFR172, SUBPART H.                                                                                          g-
                                                                    BRIAN A. LAPLAUhT
                                                                  TRAINING DATE

Training materials used are part of the Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc. Nuclear Caure Safety Trainine Procram. Topics covered apply to recognition, labeling, preparation for transport, transportation, regulatory compliance, emergency response, personal protection, and accident avoidance only as they apply to radioactive White I and Yellow 11 portable gauging devices.

                                              TROXLER ELECTRONIC LABORATORIES, INC.
                                                            3008 CORNWALLIS ROAD
                                                                   P.O. BOX 12057
                                                    RESEARCII TRIANGLE PARK, NC 27709
                                                                                                                    JOHN THORNTON

I hereby certify that the above named employee has been properly trained and tested in accordance with the requirements of 49CFR172,subpart II.

                       Q                                                                                                                         4/24/00


  La % cd vi 7                                  &
  au,m a m men


                                                                                                                     A             TROXLER
7                                                                                                                                                                        C__
                                                                                                                     - _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                  OHM A RT TRAINING                     ATTENDANCE     _
      Course Name:                Basic Gauge User Radiation Safetu                                 1
      Location:             Kennecott/Greenn Creek Mining Co.. Tuneau. Alaska
      Date(s) of Course:                  Tune 19,1997                                            -
      Instructor:                         lohn Blackmon
      Order Number:                       AK97-111-1679 (000010-000)
        Please pirint your name clearly as you would like it to appear on your certificate.
                                    IdenHHead n Number
         Printed Name                (SSN or Employee #)               bigualure                    l
       Tao 7w FGm)                   sw-224izc                 (M6d
        TR r1 ' //. l1'qiuan 525~21 2029                        h hWL
       fcu i ). h . brsnm G 3 7- ?O-4 9 2 4 4A QL,                                          -
        Re C. Aletson                s,r- sa- or 7e              D Ms~
        2nhKC b S ms     I
                                     C 9 O S'- G l5' /          W lo t eI h % w                     l
        L a. e r-     b muls         S t 9 - $~8 ~ 5218          $-        'C%.4.
    &   Al%d Mnu, n a,a              s/7 - 72- c-wc               01. L * w
       3rtpc Hw l l                  5 ? e s + c2 4.3             bb
        R h W H Es) K E.L.           D 9 3G ls G E< t.           .fhk,/]LL   .
      Certificate addressee / comments:
      Mr. Timothy Gibson

l_ Kennecott/ Greens Creek Mining Co.

      c/o Alaska Catamaran.13401 Glacier Hwy
      Tuneau, Alaska 99801
      Phone: (907) 790-8452
      ATTLv0 DOC
                                                                                     k      466888
         -    -. .        .                   .-            -                .    - . ,        .         . . - . - - . . . . .
  .,            v
      +    sca ato ig'q                               UNITED STATES                                                            l
                      g                  NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                                         I
    5 g, :           9j                                  REGION IV
     '  4                                     611 RYAN PLAZA DRIVE. SUITE 400
    ' %, .* . . . . ,o*4                         ARLINGTON. T E AA!, 76011-8064


                        A            C             S             I              M            I         L           E
            Name:                  Brian LaPlaunt
            Organization:          Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company License No. 50-23276-01


                                                                                        Docket No. 030-20447
                                                                                        Control No. 466888
            Fax:                   907-790-8478
            Phone:                 907-790-8472
            From:                  Jacqueline D. Cook
            Date:                  September 29,1998
            Subject:               Amendment Request dated August 12,1998                                                      I
            Pages:                 1


            Mr. LaPlaunt,
            Per your letter dated August 12,1998, the items on the next page are deficiencies which
            require your response. Please respond to this fax within 15 days. Our fax number is                                l
            (817) 860-8263, if you have any questions regarding our discussion and this fax, please call                       l
            me at (817) 860-8132. When responding to this fax, please include your license, docket, and
control numbers located at the top of this page. Thank you. I
              equeline D. Cook
            Health Physicist

l- ! ! s


! ! ! l --

                            . _.      _        ..                   .    -                      . _ -  _        _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ ~
   , - - . .,

I l l Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company -2-

            Please respond to the following items as it pertain to your letter dated August 12,1998:
            y.                   /.          Please provide an outline of the training submitted by Kennecott
                                             Greens Creek Mining Company and show its equivalency to the

l training offered by the device installer. t

                                          f in addition, please provide an outline of the training submitted and
                                        / used by the State of Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT)                                -
                                             and show its equivalency to the training offered by the device
                                             Please specify the name of the instructor (s) and submit the
                                             qualifications of the instructor (s) for the training submitted by
                                             Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company and the training
                                             submitted and used by the State of Alaska DOT.


                                                                                                                                                                                    --                    . - -
                                                                                                                                                           4i         p                             Y'
                                                                                                                                                   ~                                       >

- *'

                                                                     ;                  -(FOR LFMS USE) -                                                     '


                                                                                 ~INFCRMATION FROM LTS
   BETWEEN:                  >
                                                                     -            --------------------                                                                                       %[~q",*
 ; License Fee Management. Branch,. ARM
                                                                     $ Program Code: 03120
                                                                     : , Status Code: 0                                                                                   7
                                                                                                                                                                          e                  ' . , I, -
   Rxgional Licensing Sections                                       : Fee Category: 3P                                                                                   wr                          g
                                                                     :   Exp. Date: 20030331                                                7        n                    *                             .
                                                                     : Fee Comrpents: STORAGE ONLY EFF 4/16                                          U
                                                                                                                                                                  )         *#         .
    .                                                                : Decom Fin Assur Reqd: N.                                             ,
                                                                                                                                                                              g '~n<o3             , ,
                                                                     :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::: :                                 ;
   LICENSE TEE TRANSMITTAL                                                                                                                    Mb b 3. j903              -
   A.           REGION                                                                                                                    J                                                                     [
                Appl $ cant / Licensee: KENNECOTT GREENS CREEK MINING CO.
                Received Date:                  980817                                                                                                                                                          .
                Docket No:                       3020447                                                                                                                                                        '
                C9ntrol No.:                    466888
                Lic9nse No.:


                Action Type:                    Amendment                                                                                                                                                       +
   2.         . FEE ATTACHEDg
                                         . t.A>
                                                                                                                                                                                            z                    ,
                                                                                                                                                                                         -C                     -
                Check NoI: fe%JN-      _
   3. COMMENTS-                                                  l                                                                                                             cn           m                   ,
                                                       Si             /211fY1 f2                                                                                             h h 33
                                                       Dahed  (I ' 3 E -i 1-<q                                                                                               5              .g
   B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when milestone 03 is entered / /)                                                                                                 hw_ $E
   1.           Fee Category and Amount:                                                                                                                                     (5"hh.
                                                                                                                                                                             mSb DO
   2.         . Correct Fee Pa               Application may be processed for:                                                                                               g o o -4
                Renewal                                                                                                                                                      m2ZOm
                                                                                                                                                                             y g R 33 g
                License                                                                                                                                                      g- ' -< m                            .
   3.           OTHER
                                                                          ,             ,
                                                                                                                                                                             jj h*          g
                                                                                                                                                                             gm                                 ,
                                                       Date             '
                                                                                     G. *4 71
                                                                                    G m i90
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                                                                              Log -                     -
                                                                               Remitter -              - -
                                                                                                                 g_T-- ggQk    ~~
                                                                               Check No.1               -
                                                                                                                         --- -
                                                                               Amount . .. --               - -
                                                                               Fee Cctegory _ -- -                                                                                                                t
                                                                                                                              - -
                                                                               Type of Fee -               - -  - -
                                                                               Date Chech Rec'd.-
                                                                                Dste,dmpleted - .a -                   - - - --

' -

                                                                                By: -               - - - -                           - l                                                                       *
                                                                             _                                                                                                                                      .
      >                                                                                                                                                                                                          :
