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Teck Alaska Incorporated Dba Red Dog Mine; Amendment Request; License 50-23289-01; Docket 030-30900; Control 609985
Person / Time
Site: 03030900
Issue date: 03/23/2018
From: Decker S
Red Dog Mine, Teck Alaska
To: Ricardo Torres
NRC Region 4
Download: ML18270A401 (8)

See also: IR 05000232/1989001


RECEIVED 1! SEP 2 4 2018 DNIIS Roberto J. Torres M.S., Senior Health Physicist

US Nuclear Regulatory


Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard

Arlington, Texas 76011-45 11 arch 23, 2018 Teck Alaska Incorporated

Red Dog Operations

3 I 05 Lakeshorc

Drive Building A , Suite IOI Anchorage, AK USA 99517 Attn: Red Dog Mine E&I Shop Shannon Decker RSO 3105 Lakeshore

Drive, Bldg. A Suite IO I Anchorage, AK. 99517 +I 907 754-5116 Tel t I 888-900-1179

Fax Teck Mr. Torres, I would like to amend our license section 17 A by addin g two (2) new technicians , Jason Anvil and Jason Baucum. Enclosed are their certificates.

Y our quick response is greatly apprecia ted. Shannon Decker Senior RSO (90 7) 754-5208 Docket: 030-30900

License: 50-23289-01 Control: 468399 PUBLIC a Immediate

Release Normal Release NON-PUBLIC

a A.3 Sensitive-Security

Related a A.7 Sensitive

Internal a Other: n L j , Reviewer.~ Date:~ ... 609985


of m:ratntng

This Certifies

That Jason Anvil has been trained. tested and successfully

comp l eted specialized

i nstruc t ion in DOT, NRC, & IAT A Requirements

for Shipping Radioactive


May 15, 2018 Presented

By: Steve Merwin, CHP. Instructor

Dade J l1oeller Training A cademy-an NV5 Company -+38 N. Fn.:dc:rick

.-\venue , Suite 22 0. Gaithersburg.

'\10 20877 www.d a --301-99 0-6006 Pre s ented For: Teck Alaska Presented

At: Anchorage, AK This certifies

that the employee named on this certificate

ha s been train e d and t es ted in accordance

with the training '°"""""""" , f '" CFR f n. S"b~ This certificate

is valid for 2-+ months for [CAO lA TA a nd for three yea rs for l L S. Dc pa11mcnt ofTransponation

and U.S. rsuclcar Regul,ttory

Commi ss ion o r Ag r eement Sta te : '\g encics.


of {[raining

Awarded To Jason Anvil Recognizing


of 5 days of speciali z ed instruction

in Radiation

Safety Officer with DOT Certification

May 1 5, 2018 Presented

By Dade Moeller Training Acade,ny-an NV5 Conipany 41 00 \Vest Flamin go R oad. Suire 2200 Las Vegas. l',;cvada

89103 w,

--301-990-6006 ABIH Diploma tes can claim this course fo r 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> in the II I CM Arca. AAHP has awarded ,bis course 40 C o ntinuing Fducation

Cred i ts. 20 l 5-00-036 (1 ;""\ (\(\{\ -. -A+~~-----Steve Me rw ir'i, CHP


of 'filraining

T hi s Ce rti fi~s T h a t Jason Baucum has bee n t ra in e d , t este d a nd s u ccess fu lly com pl ete d s p ec i a l ize d in s tru ctio n in DOT, NRC, & IAT A Requirements

for Shipping Radioactive


May 15, 2018 Presen t ed By: Steve iVlcrwin , CHP. In st ru c tor Dade Mo e ll e r Tra i nin g Academy-an JVV 5 Company -138 1'. Freder i ck J\\"enue. Suite 220, Gaithersburg.

i'v!D 20877 w,v,

--301-990-6006 P r ese nt ed For: Teck Ala s ka P r esen t e d At: An c horag e , AK 2h;J td_\1 -S teve M e rwin , CHP This certifies

that the employee named on this ~cnificate

h as been trained and tested i n accordance

with the training requ ir eme nt s of 49 CFR l 72. Subpart f l. ~;.;urµ~ This certificate

is valid for 2 4 m ont h s for l CAO I A TA and for tlm:c years for U.S. Depat1ment

of Transpot1ation

~md L.S. ~udear Rcgulatllry

Commi ssio n 01 .-\grcernent

State Agencies.


of \!Craining

Awarded To Jason Baucum Recognizing


of 5 days of specialized


in Radiation

Safety Officer with DOT Certification

May 15, 2018 Presented

By Dade Moeller Training Academy -an NV5 Company --1100 West Flamingo R<lad. Suite 2200 Las Vegas , Nevada 89103

--30 l-990-6006 AB[!! Diplomates

can claim this course for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> in the III CM Arca. AA I IP h::is award e d thi s , , rnr ,e 40 C r m t inuing Edu c ation Cr e dits. 2015 ,.()0-0 3 6 ~h '1 J'flifi,.;

'Steve Merwi ,HP

0) 0 co co a:, CJ'\ I *,_ --*---Teck Alaska Incorporated

Red Dog Operations

31 OS Lakeshore

Drive Bu i ld i ng A, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Teck _,,,. .. Teck Alaska Incorporated

3105 Lakesho r e Drive Bldg. A , Suite 101 * Anchorage , Alaska 99517 Roberto J. Torres Pi J".I c:*l*'I O P'..i\C i'L .:i~1t t 1c1,c;r,1:~, :!l '}' SIE F' ::;;;nIB H?ii li L M.S., Senior Health Phys i cist US Nuclear Regulatory


Region IV 1600 East Lamar Boulevard

Arlington, Texas 76011-4511

Teck RE CE\\f E O St? 11+ i~\t oNMS HECE IV ED SE P 2 4 201 8 .. ?E:::: i i -:::}E:8?:25

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Name and Address of App l icant and/or Licensee Date Mr. Shannon Decke r , Radiation

Safety Officer T eck Alaska Incorporated

dba Red Dog Mine 3105 Lakeshore

Drive, Building A, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 I 09/24/201

s 1 License Number(s)

I 50-23289-01 1 Mail Contro l Number(s)

I 609985 1 Licensing

and/or Technica l Reviewer or Branch C. Hill This is to acknow l edge receipt of your: [Z] Letter and/or D Application

Dated: 03/23/2018

The initial processing, which included an administrative

review, has been performed.

[Z] D D D Amendment

D Term~nation

D New License D Renewal There were no administrative



during our initia l review. This is to acknowledge

receipt of your application

for renewal of the material(s)

license identified

above. Your application

is deemed timely filed, and accordingly, the license will not expire unti l final action has been taken by this office. Your application

for a new NRC l icense did not inc l ude your taxpayer identification

number. Please complete and subm i t NRC Form 531, Request for Taxpayer I dentification

Number, located at the following

link: h ttp://


rms/nrc53 1.pdf Follow the instructions

on the form for submission.

D The following



have been identified:

Your application

has been assigned the above listed MAIL CONTROL NUMBER. When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number. Your application

has been forwarded

to a technical


Please note that the technical

review, which is normally completed

within 180 days for a renewal application

(90 days for all other requests), may identify additional


or require additional


If you have any questions


the processing

of your application, our contact information

is listed below: NRG FORM 532 (05-2016) Region IV U. S. Nuclear Regulatory



-B 1600 E. Lamar Boulevard

Arlington, TX 76011-4511

(817) 200-1103 or (817) 200-1140

BETWEEN: Accounts Receivable/Payable

and Regional Licensing


FROM WBL Program Code: 03120 Status Code: Pending Amendment

Fee Category: 1C 3P Exp. Date: 03/31/2024

Fee Comments: Decom Fin Assur Reqd: N License Fee Worksheet

-License Fee Transmittal


ATIACHED ApplicanULicensee:

Teck Alaska Incorporated

dba Red Dog Mine Received Date: 09/24/2018

Docket Number: 3030900 Mail Control Number: 609985 License Number: 50-23289-01 Action Type: Amendment


BRANCH (Check when milestone

03 is entered 1. Fee Category and Amount: ----------------

--2. Correct Fee Paid. Application

may be processed

for: Amendment:

Renewal: License: Signed: Date: 1