On November 16, 2011 at 1637 EST, the licensee's Radiation Safety Officer called the NRC Operations Center, as required by
10 CFR 36.83, to report a source not being able to be returned to its normal down position inside a J.L. Shepherd Model 81-24Q Beam Irradiator.
At approximately 1109 EST on November 16, 2011 the source, located inside the right side of the irradiator, was not able to be returned to the down position. An emergency shutter built into the system was deployed, which reduced the radiation intensity surrounding the irradiator, permitting access into the irradiator room. Upon entering the room, it was noted that the source position indicator found on the operating tower mounted on the top of the irradiator showed that the source was about halfway up from its normal down position. A radiation survey taken around the irradiator found one point in front of the emergency shutter to be less than 10 mR/hr at one foot from the irradiator. Further shielding was added at this point which reduced it down to about 0.3 mR/hr.
Contact was made to J. L. Shepherd and arrangements are being made to have a representative come onsite to help return the source to its normal down position.
The location of the event was in the irradiator room inside the Radiation Effects Facility of Building 22 at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. 8800 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MI 20771.