IR 05000354/1988013

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Insp Rept 50-354/88-13 on 880328-29.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp Activities to Ascertain Whether Licensee Activities Conducted in Compliance W/ Applicable ASME Code & Regulatory Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1988
From: Mcbrearty R, Strosnider J
Shared Package
ML20151X690 List:
50-354-88-13, NUDOCS 8805040225
Download: ML20151X692 (5)


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Report No.

50-354/88-13 Dockee No.

50-354 License No.

N P F-57, Licensee:

Public Sertice Electric & Gas Company, Post Off sce i'ox 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 080?@

Facility Name:

Hope Creek haclear Generating Station Inspection At:

Hancocks Bridge, New Jerse Inspection Conducted: March 23-25, 1988 and March 28-29, 1938 Inspectors:

~d d. 7h ' /

M MjdB D,$P R.A Mc re ty, Reactor Engi/eer date


Y/ff/f8 Approved by:


t Strosnider, Chief, Materials and

' date


Processes Section, E3 DRS Inspection Summary:

Inspection On March 23-25, 1988 and_ March 28-29, 1988 (Report No. 50-354/88-13)^

Areas Insmcted:

A routine, unannounced inspection was conducted of inservice inspection activities to ascertain whether the licensee's activities were conducted in compliance with applicable ASME code and regulatory requirements.

Particular emphasis was placed on the licensee's program for qualifying and certifying visual examination personnel.

Other areas of ISI activities which were inspected include the ten year program, implementing NDE procedures, NDE data and inspection of the licensee's erosion-corrosion program for portions of piping systems and components that are mor,t susceptible to a high rate of erosion.


The inspector concluded, based on the areas inspected, that the

'icensee's ISI activities were performed in compliance with applicable requirements of the ASME code,Section XI.

One unresolved item relating to the qualification and certification of visual inspection pe'sonnel was identified.


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1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G)

  • R.W. Beckwith, Station Licensing Engineer
  • A.E. Giardino, Manager, Station Quality Assurance


  • R.T. Griffith, Principal Engineer, Quality Assurance
  • J.J. Hagan, Maintenance Manager


S. LaBruna, General Manager, Hope Creek Operations


  • D. Lospailuto, NDE Supervisor, Inservice Inspection
  • E.T. Maloney, Inservice Inspection Supervisor
  • T. Roberts III, Senior Staff Engineer
  • D.W. Rcjozenski, Inservice Inspection Supervisor
  • W.R. Schultz, Manager, Quality Assurance Programs and Audits A. Sternbstg, Principal Engineer, Quality Assurance Training and Analysis U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • D. Allsopp, Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those present at the exit meeting.

2.0 Scope of Inspection The licensee performed inservice inspection during this outage to comply with requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, and with its inservice inspection schedule for the 1988 outage.

The licensee additionally performed examinations in accordance with its program for the ultrasonic thickness examination of piping systems with probability of erosion.

The following areas were selected for inspection:

- Inservice inspection program

- Examination data related to the recirculation and feedwater system piping welds and components



- NDE implementing procedures

- Visual examination personnel qualification / certification records

- Plant erosion - corrosion inspection program

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.3.0 Fi nding s.-

Inservice' Inspection


Inservice inspection is mandated by the ASME B&PV Code Section XI,.and



the code edition applicable to a specific facility is~ identified in 10. CFR 50.55a(g) based upon the issuance date of'its construction-permit < The Hope Creek facility is committed to the 1983 edition through

"the Summer 1983 Addenda.

The inspector determined that the licensee's first ten year. interval ISI program has been approved by the NRC as evidenced by the NRR Safety Evaluation Report transmitted to the licensee by letter dated


. December 11, 1987.

The SER approved the. program and relief requests with the exception of three requests concerning reactor pressure vessel welds, category B-A.

The welds for which relief was not granted are:


- RPV shell to flange and head to flange welds ' Items 81.30 and 81.40

- RPV circumferential shell and longitudinal shell welds - Items 81.11 and.

Bl.12 The examinations the reviewed data included ultrasonic, magnetic particle and liquid penetrant and were determined by the inspector to meet the applicable code and regulatory requirements regarding test method, recording and evaluation of results, and to meet i

require nents of the applicable NDE implementing procedure.



licensee's review and signoff of the data indicated that the results were


acceptable, and each-item met the applicable code acceptance criteria.

The inspector determined that the NDE Procedures were consistent with i

applicable code and regulatory requirements, and were determined to be technically adequate to perform their intended function.

L Qualification of Visual Inspection Personnel l

L The ASME Section XI, 1983 Edition through Summer 1983 Addenda references E

ANSI N45.2-6 - 1973 for the qualification of personnel performing visual L

examination VT-2, VT-3 and VT-4 of IWA 2212, IWA 2213 and IWA 2214, l


The Hope Creek FSAR Section commits the licensee


to conform to Regulatory Guide (R.G.) 1.58, Revision 1 for the qualifica-tion of nuclear power plant inspection, examination, and testing personnel.

The R.G. references ANSI N45.2.6 - 1978 Edition which changes the experi-

ence requirement of the 1973 edition from 4 years to 3 years.

In addition i

to invoking the qualification provisions of ANSI N45.2.6, ASME XI, IWA 2300 requires that personnel performing nondestructive examinations using methods not covered by SNT-TC-1A shall be trained and qualified to comparable levels of competency by subjection to comparable examinations of the particular method involved.

It further requires that the method examinations shall be performed using procedures and parts representative of the owner's plant.



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l The inspector found that two separate qualification / certification programs were in use by the licensee for personnel performing visual examinations.

l The program in use by the ISI group, procedure it-9-SAP-10, Revision 0,


"Qualification and Certification of Inspection, Examination and Test Personnel" is restricted to personnel performing VT-2, VT-3, and VT-4, requires 3 years experience for certification, but does not require a practical examination for certification.

The second program, used by the QA group, is found in the Training and Certification Program Manual, Appendix C, Revision 8 entitled "Qualifi-cation and Certification Program for Non Destructive Examination (NDE)

Personnel." Appendix C includes VT-1 through VT-4, requires a practical examination for certification, but does not appear to meet the experience requirements of ANSI N 45.2.6-1978.

Based on a review of personnel certification records the inspector concluded that certified individuals had adequate experience to perform the visual inspection to which they were certified.

Personnel certified under the SAP-10 program are required by the licensee to satisfactorily perform the practical examination of hpendix C.

The inspector confirmed that a certification record file was establised and is maintained by the licensee for each certified individual. The file includes records attesting to the completion of training and the successful completion of written and practical examinations prior to certification. Additionally each file contains a resume of experience gained prior to certification, and an annual sumary of experience gained by the individual subsequent to certification.

In response to the inspector's questions regarding the multiplicity of programs and the accurate documentation of work experience, the licensee has proposed to combine the existing programs and to clarify the documentation of work experience.

In addition the licensee proposes to require that contractor personnel who perform examinations at the facility successfully perform the Appendix C practical examination prior to performing examinations at the site.

This item will remain unresolved pending completion of the licensee's action and NRC review of the resulting program (50-354/88-13-01).


Erosion-Corrosion Inspection Program Concerns regarding erosion-corrosion in balance of plant piping systems have been heightened as a result of the December 9, 1986 feedwater line rupture that occurred at Surry Unit 2.

This event was the subject of NRC Information Notice 86-106 issued on December 16, 1986 and its supplement issued on February 13, 1987.


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The licensee's erosion-corrosion program included areas in the following systems:

- Condensate

- Feedwater

- Heater Dumps



- RCIC l

- Extraction Steam j

The EPRI generated CHEC computer diagnostic program was used to determine piping portions or components that are most susceptible to high rate of erosion. All the items are scheduled for inspection during three consecutive refueling outages to facilitate the determination of an erosion rate and the impact of such erosion on the system. At the time of this inspection all scheduled examinations were completed. One component, an 18 x 14 eccentric reducer was removed due to low readings.

The cause of the thinning is being evaluated by the licensee.

4.0 Unresolved Items Unresolved items are mattei s about which more information is required to ascertain whether they are acceptable items, violations, or deviation.

An unresolved item is discussed in paragraph 2 of this report.

5.0 Exit Meeting The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1)

at the conclusion of the inspection on March 29, 1988. The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection.

At no time during the inspection was written material provided by the inspector to the licensee.

The licensee did not indicate that propri-etary information was involved within the scope of this inspection.

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