TXX-9304, Forwards Rev 10 to Technical Requirements Manual

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Forwards Rev 10 to Technical Requirements Manual
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/1993
From: William Cahill
Shared Package
ML20128B410 List:
TXX-93041, NUDOCS 9302030042
Download: ML20128B407 (7)


df wwamwsmaa Log (/ TXX-93041 l EU File # 10010 I L  ; 916 (TRM) l Ref. # 10CFR50.36 TUELECTRIC January 26, 1993 d

M 611iam J. Cahill. Jr.

taow h e rorudent U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 l




REVISION 10 REF: 1) TV Electric letter logged TXX-92050 (Dual Unit TRM) from Mr. William J. Cahill, Jr. to the NRC, dated February 14, 1992

2) TV Electric Letter logged TXX-92306 (TRM Revision 8) from Mr. William J. Cahill, Jr. to the NRC, dated June 30, 1992 Gentlemen:

TU Electric herewith submits Revision 10 (enclosed) of the CPSES Technical Requirements Manual.

Enclosed are the following documents:

Technical Requirements Manual 1 signed (and sworn) original Revision 10 and 10 copies Attachmeht (2) contains a page-by-page description of the changes. As has been the TV Electric practice in the past several TRM revisions, all changes described in the attachment have been evaluated for relative significance (t.e., the group number 1, 2, 3, or 4 following each change justification as discusssd in TV Electric letter TXX-88467 dated June 1,1988). In addition, all changes applicable to CPSES Unit I have been reviewed under the TV Electric 10CFR50.59 process and found not to include any *unreviewed safety questions.'

TRM Revision 10, dated January 22, 1993, is being issued on January 26, 1993, and will be executed at 12:01 a.m. on January 28, 1993.

After executicn. compliance to the TRM through Revision 10 is required.

Revision 10 may be entered into controlled copies of the TRM prior to execution as long as compliance to Revision 9 is maintained.

2900Gr' , . !sf )6 9302030042 930126 PDR ADOCK 03000445 p' ' ;"


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PDR 400 N. Obve street LB. M1 Dallas, Te tas 75201 f} ,.

( ~n TXX-93041 Pege 2 of 2 As discussed in references 1 and 2 above. Revision 10 is a dual unit TRH which states that_the Unit'2 requirements will become effective-upon the issuance of the Unit 2 operating license.

If you should have any questions, please-contact Mr. Carl.Corbin at (214) 812 8859.

Sincerely, a

  1. f .g e William J. Cahill Jr.

OS/fds Attachments Enclosure c - Mr. J. L, Milhoan, Region IV Resident inspectors. CPSES (2)

Mr. T. A. Bergman, NRR Mr. B. E. Holian, NRR l .

g Attachment I to TXX-93041 Page 1 of 1 UNITED STATES Of AMERICA HUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION in the Matter of ) f


Texas Utilities Electric Company ) Docket Nos. 50-445

) and 50 446 I (Comanche Peak Steam Electric )

Station, Unit 1 & 2) )


William il. Cahill, Jr. being duly sworn, hereby deposes und says that he is Group Vice President, Nuclear of TV Electric, the lead Applicant herein-that he is duly authorized to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission this transmittal of Revision 10 of the Technical Requirements Manual for the captioned facility; that he is familier with the content thereof: and that the matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of nis knowledge, information and belief.

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, Jr; 'l '# j WilliamJ.Cah[ident, Group Vice Pres Nuclear-  ;



COUNTY OF SOMERVEDL Subscribed and sworn to t,efore me, on this 25th day of. January _,

1993. j

-- _- - && r) gm.,

PA1nica vatson Notary Public m um=-a g;

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.. , ' Attachment 2 to TXX-93041 January 26, 1993 Page 1 of 2 CPSES - TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MANUAL (TRM)

AMENDHENT / REVISION 10 DETAILED DESCRIPTION Prefix Page Lai Ame_Ddad) - Group p_gscription 0-2 4 See Sheet No(s) : 5 thru -11. -16. -17, -26, 1-4 See description for Change Request Number TR 93-1,3.

Editorial  :

See justification for Change Request Number TR-93-1.3.

Change Request Number  : TR 93-1.1 Commitment Register Number :

Related SER : SSER :

SER/SSER Impact  : No 1-18 4 See Sheet No(s) :-19, 20, 2-4, 2-8, 2-10. 2-14, 2-19 See Description for Change Request Number TR-93-1.3.

Editorial  :

See Justification for Change Request Number'TR-93 1.3.

Charge Request Number  : TR-93-1.2 Commitment Register Number :

Related SER : SSER :

SER/SSER Impact  : No-2-20 4 See Sheet No(s) :-26, 3-4, 3 5, 4-3, 4-4, 4-23 & -24 Makes editorial changes, and incorporates results of review (for consistency) of Tech Specs Revisions L &


Editorial  :

Changes herein make the TRH consistent with Tech Specs as revised and makes editorial corrections to text and revision bars.

Change Request Number  : TR-93-1.3-Commitment Register Number :

Related SER : SSER :

SER/SSER Impact  : No 3-3 3 Reinserts statement re: first inspection interval for snubbers.

Correction  :

In the current version of the TRM,' as-revised by Revision 5. it states "...and the first inspection interval determined using this criteria shall be based upon the previous inspection interval _ as established by the requirements in effect-before this revision." There is no initial time interval given in the TRH or any other current-version of a Licensing Basis Document. The time interval which is referenced was removed as part-of Revision 5'to p

the TRM. During the course of an NRC inspection of pipe supports (Module 70370) conducted in January 1993, this situation was noted. It was suggested that the initial time interval be reinserted to support the conduct of these inspections for Unit 2.

d *_ _ _ _ -

m t t Attachment?2 to TXX-93041' January 26,-1993-Page 2 of 2 Prefix Page (As a_ mended) Group Descrintion Change Request Number  : 'TR-93-3.

Commitment Register Number :

Related SER : 3.9 SSER :

SER/SSER Impact;  : No 3 10 3 See Sheet No(s) :& 3-12 Revises applicability footnoteLfor Technical-Requirements 3.2 and 3.3.

Revision  :

Upon issuance of the low power license for Unit 2 Technical Requirements 3.2 and 3.3 will be irt conflict with information contained in the combined Unit Technical Specifications 3/4.7.4. 3/4.7.13.and their Bases. To prevent confusion, footnotes regarding applicability are being revised to direct the user to the combined Unit Technical Specifications. As stated -irr the footnotes.

Technical Requirements 3.2 and 3.3 will be deleted in the first TRM revision following issuance of- the -

low power license.

LChange Request Number  : TR-93 5.

Commitment Register Number :

Related SER : SSER :

SER/SSER Impact  : No 4-17 3 See Sheet No(s) : 22. -23 -24 -28 & -30 Revises TRH Tables 4.1,la and 4.1.1b to reflect as-built conditions, Correction-  :

The changes arose as a result of DCA 98024'R/0, DCA 101003 R/1. DCA 101586 R/1 and ONE Forms 92-1134, 93-0044 & 93-0066. This change brings the +

information supporting the description-of the containment penetration conductor overcurrent protective devices in line with as- built conditions.

Change Request Number  : TR-93 4.

Commitment Register Number :

Related SER : 8.3 SSER :

SER/SSER Impact  : No

n . .- . . .. . _. .-.


The following instructional information and checklist is being furnished to help = i insert Revision 10 into the Comanche -Peak Steam Electric Station TRM.- A description of this revision is provided in TXX-93041, dated January 26, 1993.

Discard the old sheets and insert the new sheets,_as_ listed below. Keep all

  • instruction sheets in the front of the Effective Page Listing to serve as a record of changes.

Remove Insnt Mministrative Controls 0-2 0-2 0-5 thru 0-11 0-5 thru 0-11 ,

0-16 & 0-17 0-16 & 0-17 .

0-26 0-26 1 Section 1 1-4 1-4 1-18 thru l-20 1-18 thru-1-20 '

Section 2 ,

2-4 2-4 2-8 2-8 2-10 2-10 2-14 2-14 2-19 & 2-20 2-19 & 2-20 2-26 2-26 Section 3 m

3-3 thru 3-5 3-3 thru 3-5 3-10 3-10 3-12 3 Section 4 4-3 & 4-4 4-3 & 4-4 4-17 4-17 4-22 thru 4-24 4-22 thru 4-24 4-28 4-28 4-30 4-30


List of Effective Paaei_ .,

EPL-1 thru EPL-4 EPL-1 thru EPL-4 v.


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