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Requests That Util Furnish Ref Matl Listed in Encl 1, Ref Matl Requirements, for Administration of Licensing Exams & Evaluation of Requalification Program Scheduled for Wk of 910304
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1990
From: Conte R
To: Danni Smith
NUDOCS 9011090436
Download: ML20058G154 (14)


{{#Wiki_filter:- - - . - - - - - . . . . . . . . .



       '"'i.1 I

OCT 311990 =

                                          -DocketLNos.            50-277 50-278-PhiladelphiaLElectric Company ATTN: Mr, D. M.-Smith
                                                         . Senior Vice President-Nuclear
       'A                                 _ Nuclear Group Headquarters Correspondence Control Desk


                          ;                 -In a stelephone _ conversation between Mr. R. Andrews, Senior Operations Training
                                           . Supervisor,7and Mr. S. Pullani, Senior Operations Engineer, arrangements were
                                           .made for the administration of licensing examinations and an evaluation of the
                         ,j -                 requalification program at,the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.

7 4 The . initial license examinations. are scheduled for. the week of February 11, 1991.; The.requalification program cvaluation and NRC administered requalifi-

                                           ,cationLexaminations;are scheduled for the week of March 4, 1991.

To-meet the above examination-dates,,it will be necessary for you to furnish m / the, reference material'11sted in Enclosure 1, " Reference Material Requirements" by December 11,1990 (for initial examination) and January 4,1991 (for . _

                                           -requa'lification examination). Any delay in receiving approved,-properly bound m

Land indexed' reference material, or the submittalof inadequate or incomplete reference material may result in the examinations being? rescheduled. .NRC y " rvesLthe rightito postpone NRC administered.requalification'examinationst i f-acility-generated materials are' inadequate-for examination preparation.

                            ,               _Mi . Andrews has been' advised of our~ reference material requirements, and the address where each set is'to be mailed.

O N . oujare'r'esponsible for providing adequate space and accommodations for' admini-stration;of the > written examinations. Enclosure 2, '! Requirements for. Admini-

                       .                        stration of Examinations,"' describes our requirements for conducting these
                                               ~examinationi The. facility ' management is responsible.for ensuring-that allL i

applicants'are aware.of these rules.- Enclosure 3 contains the Rules and Guidelines that will be in effect during l' the; administration'of the written examinations. The' facility management is


_ responsible 1for ensuringjthat all applicants are' aware of these~ rules. N r:the'requalification examinations, the NRC examiners will administer.NRC prepared operating and ' written examinations. The NRC examiners will visit.the site approximately fourteen: days-in advance to meet with the appropriate fecil-if personnel to review the schedu'e and the . process for these examinations. toi1090436 901031 ppa ADOCK 05000277 ' - y PDC -(h w  ; s

                          '                                                                                  ~

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11.- I N Philadelphia Electric Co. () , m 2-

                     ;h f:                                    . _

g LAs Mr. Andrews has agreed,' the requalification examinations and the subsequent  ; E ' evaluation of the facility requalification program will be performed in accord-- '

                                       'ance with Sections 601 through 604 of NUREG 1021, Operator-Licensing Examiner              i Standards, Revision 6...You are encouraged to ensure that your-training staff and proposed examinees are' familiar with these standards.

M2 -l Q 'You are requested-to designate at least one employee to be a member of a joint NRC-facility.requalification examination team. The employee shall be an active t 'SR0 (per the requirements of 10 CFR 55.53(e) or (f)) from the Peach Bottom l Operations Department. You are encouraged to designate a second employee from l theftrainingistaff to:be a member of the requalification examination team. . , This employee should be an active SRO.(per the requirements of 10 CFR 55 53 (e)

f. ,

or_ (f)), but may' be a', facility or INPO certified instructor. If desired and agreed to by_the Chief Examiner,4you may designate one additional employee-from. i the training-staff with appropriate qualifications to be a member.of the g, examination team. Ir, addition to these individuals, a simulator _ operator.must

                                       'be made available for_ scenario preview and validation during the on-site examinationLpreparation week. In some cases, it may be necessary to designate        -t
                                       'a simulator operator during the test item review period. This indi_vidual will-also bes subject ~ to .the examination security agreement.
g. ' The Chief Examiner:may request that the facility submit a proposed requalifi-  !

cation 5 examination for use.during the requalification examination week .in A i caddition to the reference material requirements of Enclosure l'. Submission of-  ; a: proposed examination, even if^ requested, is. optional. However,_if a proposed j

@,                                         examinationLis: submitted. those personnel participating in its development will.
                                      . become subject to the security restrictions described below.                           y n

i EAny facility: representatives under the security agreement shall be restricted _{ from knowinglyLcommunicating by any means the content or scope of the requali-4 fication< examination to unauthorized persons and from participating 'in any i I facility programs such-as instruction, examination, or tutoring in which an "

identified requalification examinees will be present. These restrictions d" s

i shall apply' from the day that the facility representative understands that he or she;has specialized knowledge of the examination. The Chief Examiner will-Y -determine'when facility representatives have-received specialized knowledge ,

                                    , concerning.the exan:ination and' require execution of an: examination security              i agreement.

V, The facility. shall identify-to the NRC 60 days prior to the requalification

                                       . examination administration date, the proposed operators, including crew L                          '
                                      . composition,.forthe examination. This information should be provided by the 7 facility. training staff to the NRC's Chief Examiner.                                        -
                                      ' Pre'liminary reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applications' should be submitted at least 30 days before the initial examination date so          j}
that we will'be' review the training and experience of the candidates, '

LprocessLthe medi, cal certifications, and prepare-final examiner assignments after applicant' eligibility has.been determined. If the applications are not received-at _least.30 days before the initial examination date, it is likely p 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY PULLANI/10/24/90 - 0001.1.0 i 10/24/90 q i gy i.


I g$ i

6 .' '1 l

                        ,       y l

l 'Phil'adelphia Electric Co. 3

              '            ic
                                       'that a postponement will be necessary. Applications certifying completion of all training requirements should be received by the Region fourteen (14) days             ,

L priorfto:the initial examination date. ' fAs agreed'to by your representative, the initial examination will be conducted siniaccordance with Revision 6 of the-Examiners Standards. 'To better document , g the: simulator portion:of the initial license examinations, the Chief Examiner will have the simulator operator- record predetermined plant conditions (i.e., i iplant pressure,_ temperature, reactor vessel water level, etc.), for each simu- ]t lator scenar:o.~ The. applicants will be. responsible for providing this informa-

                                      ? tion,-with any1 appeal of a simulator operating examination. Therefore, your
 #                                    . training"staf f should -retain the original . simulator examinations; scenario Dinformation until all applicants who took examinations have either passed the n'l..


operating; examination, accepted the denial of their license, or filed an typeal.

i q Mr. AndrewsLhas been informed of the above requirements, m This request is covered .by Office: of Management and Budget Clearance , Number 1 315F 91011which expired May 31,11992. The estim'ted a average burden is 7.7 @,u Lhcurger response,-including gathering, xeroxing and mailing the required i

  /J , t                                 r a' fa . Send comments.regarding this burden estimate or any other. aspect-of.

i + . ai. ce51ection' of?information,-including suggestions for reducing: this burden,-

  ,              s          ,         Lto,the Information and Records Management Branch. Division .of Information-                !

p: LSupport Services,2 0ffice of Information~ Resources Management, U.S. Nuclear .{' 4  ! Regulatory Commission, Washington,-D.C. 20555; and to the Paperwork Reduction

                                       - Project (3150-0101),10f fice of Information and Regulatory Af fairs, NE0B-3019, .       <

H ' _Officesof Management'and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. i Thank you forlyour-consideration in this matter. If yao have any questions regarding the examination procedures and requirements,;please contact me~at

                      ,..             l(215)337-5210. .

5 Sincerely, 4

                                                                                        .Origihd N d
  • l e
                                 '                                                       GCHARD J. CONTE
 ,i                                               '

R'ichard J. Conte, Chief. L BWR Section- r Operatlons: Branch l

        ,                                                                                Division of Reactor ^ Safety


                   ,                     1.         Reference Material Requirements                                            g
12. Requirements for Administration of Examinations
                                        '3..        NRC .Rijles?and Guidelines for Written Examinations
                                      ' 4 .-.

Requirements for Facility Review of Examinations 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY PULLANI/10/24/90 - 0001'.1.1 . 10/24/90 i t

4 y - 4 .

. _ a.

PhiladelphiatElectric Co. 4' F cc w/ enc 1:.

                           "                 D. R. Helwig, Vice President, Nuclear Engineering and Services R. J. Lees,- Chairman, Nuclear Review Board-D.- B.' Miller, Vice President, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station a                '

E. Til1, Trainir.g Superintendent

                                           ?.: Urban, General Manager, Fuels Department, Delmarva Power & Light Co.

J._F.. Franz,. Plant Manager, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station

                                           - A. A. Ful_vio,. Regulatory Engineer, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station
                                       .      E.<P. Fogarty, Project Manager, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station JT. B. Conner, Jr. , Esquire W. H. Hirst,: Director, Joint Generation Projects Department,
                                                        .-Atlantic Electric B. W._Gorman, Manager, External Affairs
                                              .E..J. Cullen, Esquire, Assistant' General Counsel (Without. Report) tR. L. Hovis, "., quire.
                                             =R. McLean, Power! Plant Siting,~ Nuclear Evaluations W              '                         G.. Hunger, Manager,_ licensing Section g,                                     ;D,,Poulsen, Secretary of Harford County Council fm                                     fd. LH. Walter, Chief Engineer, Public Service Commission of Maryland 1Public Document _ Room (PDR)

Local-Public Document-Room--(LPDR)_

        ^ , '..
                                              , Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

K.- Abra L , PA0 (34) SALP Report-and (2) A11' Inspection Reports

                                               .NRC , Resident' : Inspector Coinmonwealth of. Pennsylvania
                                               .bcc w/ enc 1:

Region _I-Docket ~ Room (with concurrences)-. H, Management-Assistant,'DRMA'(w/o enc 1)

                                               .: J .J Caldwell , ; EDO

GL Suh,"NRRs 4 S. Pu11ani, DRS-R. Conte-, DRS. R.' Bellamy, DRSS-

                                                .Rn Blough, DRP n'm      A
  • P. Kaufman,-DRP-
                         <                      3L. Doerflein, DRP y"5'                                   >M.' Miller,1 SLO s                   OL Facility File

o Files (3)- m hDRS:RI'. ORS:R P_u Ja. /ajk Cont 10/n/9'O '10/J(/90 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY- PULLANI/10/24/90 - 0001.2.0 10/24/90 I l.

                           ; .v.

v . v r i 4.

                 ,               c I

1 ENCISSURE 1 REFERENCE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ~ Ni ' l '. -- . Existing learning: objectives, Job Performance Measures and lesson plans

                                                          .(including training manuals, plant orientation manual, system descript-ions,etc.)



A copy of the facility Job.and Task Analysis-(J1A), specifying the know-Eledgesland abilities required of an operator at the facility. Each parti-U

                                                           .cular.know' ledge:and/or ability will include an importance rating correlat-ing it to; ensuring the health and the safety of the public.                If a JTA is
_ not; furnished, the Knowledges and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators, NUREG 1123 will be used to establish content validity for'the examination.

kl All- Job Performance. Measures (JPMs) used to ascertain the competence of the es'rators_in 'performi,ng tasks within the control room complex and, as-ide'nt'~ied in the facility JTAs, outside of the control room, i.e., local-o

                                                          ~ operations.f Training -materials:shall include all substantive written material used for
                                                           'preparings applicants for_ initial R0 and SRO licensing. The written mater-ial shall include learning' objectives and the. details presented during lectures,- rather _than outlines. . Training materials shall _ be identified by plant and unit, bound, tabbed, and indexed. Training materials, which
  • include:the following, shall be provided:

~ System descriptions._ including descriptions.of all operationally v 1 relevant ; flow-paths,fcomponents, controls and instrumentation, ur --System training l material ~ should' draw' parallels to the actual'proce-T'

                                     ,                                duresfused for operating 'the applicable system.


Complete and_ operationally useful _ descriptions of all. safety-system c~ '
                                                                     .. interactions-and, where'available, BOP system.intaractions under v                  ,

emergency and' abnormal conditions, sequences of anti-


cipatedLoperator error, maintenance error, and equipment failure. L= Training material used to clarify'and strengthen understanding of

                     ,y '"

emergency operating procedures.


s% J2. . Complete Procedure Index (including surveillance precedures, etc.) S .

3. ' Alloadministrative procedures (as appliccble to reactor operation or safety)
4. E Al1 integrated plant procedures (normal or general operating procedures)
                       +1, w,

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                                     - Er. closure ' 1I                                     2 5.:     :Alliemergencyprocedures-(emergencyinstructions,abnormalorspecialpro-cedures).
                                     '6.       = Standing orders (important orders that are safety related and may super-3 sede the regular procedures)
7. Surveillance procedures (procedures that are run frequently i.e. weekly
                                               -or that can beitun on the simulator) p
8. Fuel-handling and core-loading procedures
9. A1.1: annunciator / alarm response procedures
10. Radiation protection manual (radiation control: manual or proc-dures).


11. Emergency plan implementing procedures y 112. LTechnical Specifications (and interpretations,-if'available)
                                       '13; LSystem operating procedures
14. Piping and Instrumentation diagrams, electrical single-line diagrams, or flow. diagrams
                                      '15'. ' Technical Data' Book, and/or Pla curve information as used by operators i and, facility precauticqn,_ limite. cions, and set points (PLS) for the
                                       '16.1 _ Licensee Event Reports for the previous two years.(as applicable to-Llicensed' operators)c il7.1,Questio'ns and answers specif.ic:to the facility training program which may
                                                  ,be used11nLtheLwritten 'or operating examinations :in addition -to the items
                .c                              _specified in item,191( licensee)
                                        '18.; The: following .on the plant ' reference simulation: f acility:
a. . List ~ of all pre programmed . initial conditions
                                                'b.       List of all preset' malfunctions with:a ' clear identification number.


                     .                                  JThe-list shall. include cause and effect -information. ;Specifically,
                                                         - for' each malfunction a concise description of- the expected result, or range aof results, that will occur upon implementation shall be provided._ Additionally, an indication of which annunciators are to

be. initially expected should be given.

c. A! description of simulator failure capabilities for valves; breakers, indicators and alarms I

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[hs ' s m 7a 1d._ Ewhere: the capability exists,.an explanation of the ability;to vary j i' f, the severity'ofia particular: malfunction shall be provided, .i_.e.,- d i ability. to1 vary theisize of a given -LOCA or steam leak,.or the abil- j

     ,. >                                                             r
itykto,cause;a_ slow' failure of a component such as a feed cump, tur ' .i
: ;. 'binefgenerator or major valve (e.g. , drif ting shut of a main; feed- i

&e m ~ water control valve) YQ ' N tel :Aniidentification of'modeling' conditions / problems that may impact-the_ examination-U

       ',     I
                  ^z i                                <

f f.c identification of- any known performance testidiscrepancies not yet '

                 ,s                                      W                                                   corrected.

JrM m ,- ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .I s nun                                   ,

NT .g.: ?IdentificationDof dif ferences _ betwe(n the simulator and the. reference-t

                                                                                                         . plant!s controle roomo 1 hi y@m#;w                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        j y                                               -

o . . f, the 5 Copies offfacility generated scenarios that expose the applicants,to g@j.- ' 1 situations of/ degraded Lheat removal capbility and containment


%:7 ;; E cchallenges/(voluntary b'!1icensee); y u hpff ... ' f .. 1 j .. , W [id -SimulatorJinstructors; manual-(voluntary by licensee) {l r:E k i[ 7J

                                                                                     , i.                                           . . , . . . .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,e J.(

W e> 4 Lj b 4 (DescriptiontofJthevscenarios used for the training. class -(vol.untary 1 y ,' ea byplicensee)'

19. Testi f tems to s'upport :the written simulator, _ and iplant walk-through 'portit .; '
  1. ) W '

Lof:the1.requalification examinations 1 s + , aa. ;Aiminimumiofi700' test 11temstforfuseLin the written examination equally' .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,              ,1 4.**
,         ,r                              ,
                                                                                                           . divided'between the.two sections _'of:the written examination'andLwhich:
                                                                                                        " cover iall ? safety! related elements; of the ' facility; job ; task analysis.                                                      4 e                              "                                           i(JTA)L i        '

s [ " >"

                                                                                                        ]AJminimumlofl75; job psrformance measures 1(JPMs)Jfor' useEon 'the walk-                                    J M

p, '

through < portion; of J the, operating Lexamination. .. To;theLextent possible, i "Q>  !# G '

epproximately!40*4 of the JPMs should) evaluate "in plant'!-tasksl 1 L(system /cump_onent operation;outside ;the' control Lroo'm) , l c c , u s s :c.  : F1f teen asimuistor; scenarios of approximately .50lminutes each to m :j.Y %h j ' m  ; length lfor useLonJthe simulator portion:of theioperating' examination _- .: yw , 5:P Lfor examinationsladministered in'one week. 4"gp_ ' y :A1.lftestlitemsshould:be*developedin-accordancewith,theguidelines. < T sp_rovidedLinisectionsi602~through 604tof NUREG 1021,.0perator Licensingy D ;';'  : Examiner Standards,~ and their respectiv'eLattachments. j vg 3 _  :;


__^ W 'i ';:"20; tan ExaminationLTest Outline / Sample Plan which meets the requirements'of' , R ! J'

                                                                                     . ES-_601, ^? At tachment12 ;

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y> i p o.[2MAnyl additional'.?t rain ngematerial ju' t ilized ;in licensed operator:requali j, F 4p c ? . Lficationf training not inc1' ded ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         --                   u       in LItems_1.through '18.                                                                                                                l e.,,',                                                      -
                                                                                                                                                                 ,                                       s a.

w$' ~ 1 ,: TjThe Abbve> reference material;$some hall of bethe approved, material .- final issues and shall be~.so_ j

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                                              "                        Umarkedh                                                       iIf 4 plant-                                     has, notifinalized                                                                                          the Chief              Ex'aminer                                                                 '
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                             '.                                 Mhal19erify;with the(facility thatithe.~most complete; Lu'p-to-date' materia 1Lis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '.7' Ri                                       ,, m ;avai.lable andithatlagreementih'asebeen reached withothe licensee'.for-limiting
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O, 4 _ ? Jcha'gesisbeforesthe(administrationiof;the examination. A11Jprocedures'andL n if h@_m.. ' T P. ? _%contentsTso'thatLtheyi jreferenceimateriait shall canfbe6used 'beiboundefficiently.; 1 with- approprjate sFailure totindicesj provide completi, oritables :of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ', _ B 0

[g m; . ' Yproper.lyabouhd!and: indexed plantLreference material could' result in' cancella-L N y;jtion!Mr-:rera:heduling of; the examinations.- . < l e% a

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                                                                            ~ ENCLOSURE 2 1

REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMINISTRATION OF EXAMINATIONS i A single. room shall be provided for administration of the initial written 1. examination and_Section B of-the requalification examinations. The

                                           . location of this room and supporting restroom facilities shall be such as_      ;
     'l                                    to. prevent contact with all other facility and/or contractor _ personnel during the written examination. If necessary, the facility should make arrangements for the use of a suitable room at a local school, motel, or other building. -Obtaining this room is the responsibility of the-Ho        licensee.
2. Minimum spacing is required to ensure examination integrity as determined by-the.ChieffExaminer. Minimum spacing should be one. applicant per; table, with a tnree foot space between tables. No wall charts'models, other- ,

training; materials shall be p'esent r in the examination room, "a a ' 31 ~ Suitable arrangements shall be' made by the-f acility if the applicants are to haveLlunch, coffee, or other refreshments. These arrangements shall

       .           H                     l comply:with Item 1:above and shall be reviewed by the examiner and/or            !

proctor. . i

                               ' 4 .=      The facilityJ11censee'shall provide pads of 8-1/2 by 11 inch lined paper
         *.                               ,in' unopened _ packages for each applicant's use in completing the . initial examination' . The examiner shall distribute these pads to the applicants
                                         'as needed.;


5. LApplicants may bring pe.ns, pencils, calculator.s or slide rules into the examinat' ion . room'. _ Only black ink or dark pencils' used for =
                         ,                . writing < answers to questions.

R* 6 '-. The-reference. material used in the' simulator for Section 'of the requali-cfication examination will be reviewed by the chief examiner. 'No material. 4 TL: will~be'u~ sed that is1 solely used-for1 training.  !

7. .  ; Copies ofureference material' for Section B of the requalification written 7 texamination shall be_provided. The: reference material will be reviewed

by :the: chief examiner and will consist of Technical Specifications,. J operating / abnormal; procedures, administrative procedures, and Emergency 1 Plans-as available-to the. plant" operators.

                                                                                                                        . j 9                            8. EAn_ evaluation of at least. twelve-_ facility licensed operators is required zforcai req'ualification program evaluation. Normally the crew 3cheduled for s
                                        'requalification training during the period selected for the program _            ,

evaluation selected. The sample will include'other-licensed _operatorsjwho are not routinely performing shift duties or are not-

r maintaining;an active license per 10 CFR 55.53(e). The restrictions on crew composition in1the simulator are described in ES-601(C.1.b)~and j ES-604, 4

t h i

           .~                                 -


                                                                                                                             ^ _-             5 hh g.,'<

g $~< ,+7 y y, '


f 4, ': (TEnclosure 2a,, '2 %m e.i y - 4 3 , pg y mem .m - .. M i* . 9.. EVideo tapin'g capabilities may be ut-ilized for the requalification-Ns ,

                                                                                                      ' examination only. The facility-should' contact the chief examiner forl                                  1 w                 ,
                                          ,                                                                 restrictions related to its, usage.                                                               '!

r10. TAnLattempt Will be made to distinguish between R0'and SRO knowledge

     %%                                                                                                     and abilitiesLto the extent-that such a supported'by:
                                                                                                          .thejfacility' training materials.

2 ' 1 e, . E _. N *

11.< Prudent Lscheduling of exam week activities is important- to help -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                -i s                                                                                                        . alleviate undue. stress on-the operators. LYour training staff and tb1

?pj Chief! Examiner should: work very closely in formulating -a' schedule 1 l * .il // ,  ? ;which doesenot result in! crews orc individuals 97 .being administered.their examination. The following are some- o $' suggestionstf or structuring.the exam activities to achieve ~this; i p , y purpose: -! s ,, , g; < 3 Don!t : bring-in crews -or 1ndividuals well' 5efore -their scheo3 1ed j

                                                                                     ,                                    exam times?                                                                       d p                                        m                                                                                      <
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,j j_                                                                                            e J-                  nWhen exami_ning.. operators in groups, it(is-better to-hold the'                    'l H,,

grouplustLeompleting their. exam ;vice the groups that are -taking-



                                                                                                                        ' their_ exam later.                                                                       ;

H%@?; { ' R

                                                                                                           --           iFollowing- simulator scenarios, the facility evaluators and ^NRC                   ,i di!                                                                                        i W," m                                       ,
                                                                                                                       'examinersMshould;quickly determine whether follow up questioning'
lis; required,: so that the crew may. be released to. talk among-k
                                                                                                               ' Ithemselves1about the scenario.                                                          -

4 ,

           %f                                                                ,

t1  ? Ensure that time validation:ofqJPMs', part.icularly those performedi 4 WJ 1 Jin thessimulator,L is -conducted . accurately. A reasonable schedule ;j Mik ^ - ishould"be cestablished;tolprevent< opeustors from. waiting for-  ; O 1 isimulatorfavailab.i'l.itynto complete ;their JPMs-g *M

                                                                                                                                                                                       ,                    ]y
                                                                                      .3 12L (ALfacility; operations management representative (asf a. minimum,7                               f irstT      e W;G          JA @V                                                    $
                                                                                     ,                     . level ' above':shif t supervisor) should) observe' the  simulator.

yNQ , %m 4 , requalification; examination? process at the site. 4 6.g j . l ._ l ' _ s @ ' M, _1 _f..


N 4

                                          ] 4,_                                                                                                                                                               1

-f[Il s', i g , , n> , . es '4 g.jg .. -l

                                         .p ec                 ,"                                                                        '                                   

bh if m [ 1, .- p;p . ; g. ' 9, I., - 1 \ i fi E .,'. '

                                                            ,'f'                                                                                                                                ,                j

iy;p ' , R .; , , yr,  ; Uf i % @[ pm;/wtQ i i M , ,

                                                                                                    ' ,        o:

9a 1

                               .W' gf e -                           .m ib rl[
               .' Ds 1

j;, v =i 1 fyB s ENCLOSURE-3. 4+1-f; -NRC RULES"AND'GUIDEO NES FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS DK ! L1. Use' black' ink'or dark pencil ONLY to facilitate-legible reproduction, 97 -

                                                      '2.                         Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the   -

P4' .. < examination.; h' p ,. >

3. - Fill:'in the date on the cover sheet of the examination, if necessary.

M y ,

                                   " (4i -Answer each question on the' examination or_naswerisheet provided
                                                                                                                                                                               'If'     1

_ additional paper 11strequired, use only the lined paper provided by the- -(},' l examiner. DoLnotai.ite:on the back side of the page. L_ u ~ Wx

                                                     ' 5.                         Use) abbreviations 'only11f L they. are commonly used in facility ' literature, e,.                                                   .?                                ~            ..                 .

l Yg ' ' , i6L .The point value for'each question is indicated in parentheses lafter the j


y question and canibe.Used as a guide for the depth.of answer required.. 1 A '

                                ' ' 17.H LSh'ow'all calculations, methods or. assumptions used to obtain an answer to                                                        2          y{

La:short-answerJtestaitemi- d

    %a '                                         '

s , , d

58. . (Unlessssolicited,,the11ocation of refererces need not be stated, j h


                                                 , ?9,y JProportional. grading-wil_ILbe applied, iAny. additional. wrong information-                                                    d W'l                                                                          uthatLis provided may count'against you, -For. example, 1f.a-.questionsis                                   a P                       .

Eworth one;poin_tlandEasksifor- four; responses,. each of which .is worth 0.25 i! y , < ipointsC andiyou giveLfiverresponses, Leach: response;will be-worth 0,201

                                                                            ; points..j. IfToneLoffyour - f;ive responses sis -incorrect, --0.20 will' be g@                                             ,                                   deductedi and your total credi_t for.that question will4e 0.80, even.                                W'j ip                               ,y                                          ithough)you may(havealisted the fou'rfcorrect responsest in the answer key,-

c -- , . A 7: , T101:P'artialicredit may be given,1except on_md1tiple' choice' questions. There- ]4 9 wg $ fore;fANSWERALLPARTS0FJTHEQUESTION'AND00;NOTLF5VEANYfANSWERS. BLANK.- y 4 2. ' 4 "11b TIfcparts of Lthe1 examination are not clear with respect to >their' intent,. g m

                       '4 ;                                                (askquestions.:ofitheiekamineronly, w

t -


Q j-p* _ . 112L LY ouYmust sign:the stateme.ntcon-the;co'ver sheet that' indicates the work on g

                             ,                                              4theLexaminationfis?your own'and that you:have not-received ^or.been given.                                 d.
    , , ,                                                                  SassistancelinScompleting' the examinatio.n. be signed AFTER the;

9 c5 ' examination h,a'sLbeen-completed. p..

                                                                                  ;                                                       c                                             1 m:g

1 l13;- Restroom tripsf are to' be, limited and;only 4one examinee at ya time mayr d i .2.' ' Eleavea 'You must.avoidLall contact with anyone outside the examination  ! iro'om-to avoid:even thefappearance or_ possibility of examination compro -

                                                                     ,     ? mi se'. -              .

s a [1.4./C$eatlng ,onJthe examination would- result in a revocation of your license j u; e and 'could ! result /in imore severe penalties, i L,7 l m , ( ss'


q , ' [. a' 4


m.w k% E - a" i 1s '# a &[j<pf 4 i v c: .;b y - y

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                                                          , , ( ;.                                  ',           I' # 7 i 3


-'                                          # ; .. , M '                                  '
                                                                                                             ! -         r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        'I g[h;_ ,i_ i i

3 M y&l ,( _ 1

 'TL                                                    .h                                                                     ' if                                                                                                         ,

1M,h-[ g _, 9C. Enh.losur. ei 3? 4 m*ng- , 3 4? $ > y y 4, 7 R ,

                         , ,                            ,il51 /Wi enlyou; are -oone and have turned 'in your examination,-- leave.'th'eexaminam                                                                                        y
                                                                           , :             tion- area. .If::you 'are found'in .this areawhile the examination is still i k.       ' l ', . Cl[l y '

Lin progress,-your l_'icense _may be denied or revoked.


c ' L16. To passithe examination,'you must achieve a grade:of:80% or greater, . f wi

  • ForJ.Requalification t.xaminations:

I a' n s l' l' /17s Eachlsectionzof the examinatlon is designed to take approximately 90 1

                                                                                     ~ minutesLto complete. .You'_will:be given two ho'urs to complete each section'.-                                                                   J 4                                     , ,

toTallow1forf30 minutes of: review. I m):

4 r i 1i
  • 4 Si'(18, iThe examination has been' time validated by knowledgeable persons. You 1

('~'T, yshould be aware that not;every answer needs-to' be' verified -by consulting ' J aireference,i and excessive usage -of) reference material 1may cause you to. i9/4 e

not complete.the; exam'in.Dthe allotted time. -

b- ' a. 3 D. '

19h Due 'totexistence of question's ~ that will- require all examinees to 9 Ng' the"same. indications or tontrols( particular care must be taken to main- it

y n s  ; tainhindividua'l' examination es'ecurity- and avoid any.' possibility. of: compro-<  ! $~L

n. u m l mis'eTorfappearance'of cheating. , q >

-,--l 'M;. t _..g yNi:

                                                                                                                .                  s WForain'i tial1 examinations:                                                                                                                                                      d N;

l20((Therelis-a timej~limilof; four (4)- hours. for completion' of fthe - M" ' . , < '

                                                                               . lex'aminatio'n h '


               , = . -

14 a ) 'fr. . . ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     'v j
        ^ " 4' i ^ 31;;                                       2                 iWhenyturnLi,ngiin your e'xamination, assemble:theLeompleted exaniination with -

Jexamination,questior;,. examination 1aidscand: answer' sheets. ' In addition', ']

$[ , % t9f                                                                ft'urniin9all" scrap? paper.                                                                                                                               71 A


p. . , W' u c' s-4:

d q \h ',4-fh4 t r > 4 , Tj.j, 3 151 I [ii( g


[ti h , . . , . +

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,4:{7 ' ; R 4  ; A,= , J, z y .; . V l y' a.


r~ ,, s , d .. i ' ' I 4 i [e, R #


,)h5 1,( ? *I I Y 1 ', j 7 {- . Q: s f[i . ; .,

                                             ~'                                                          <
l. .h.
w. :. .- _ , , - , , , ,

pp M 6 , f ,g V 4 N. w , J r;w K gjf [V , 96 4% . ;(R jffw W J y mp" . w '," tf ^ (- g y ENCLOSURE 4 R; , 4 4 e

${d t e4i m                      ,

51i 3Atithe; option of the. ChiefcExaminer, .the facility may review the written

        , 4:

y Jexamination for/:1.nitial.~ licensing up to two' weeks prior toLitsadmini-

 ,,                                                                       ;stration;                 Thisl review may take place at the facility or'in the Regionalt

?*$ y p , .i ' Loffice; ;The' Chief Examiner will coordinate the details of-the review with' An.NRC examiner will always be,present during-the review. Jthe facility'.


e ' When'this'optionJof, examination review is utilized, the facility reviewers j

                                                                         ;will< signithe; following; statement prior- to being1 allowed access to the                                                l l! .j                                                                       examination. ,The' examination or written notes will q be retained by the                                             d
 ,s.                                                                        facility.
       #                                                               ^a.               Pre-Examination Security Agreement'                                                                         s J

y , :I tagree'tnat-I.will not knowingly divulgerany informa- 1 i , W  : tion 'concerning' the examination. scheduled for_ ' to any-- d V 6' , ,

                                                                                       ' unauthorized persons...I-understand that:I am not:to participate M Jany instruction; involving those reactor operator:or senior' reactor   '

j n

% M ,'                                                             ,
.' operator, applicants; scheduled to be' administered the above examina-
tion if romTnow -untiliaf ter 'the examination has: been. administered. _ 4I-
                                                                                     ~ understand that violation-of this, security agreement could result in                                       -

c . the examination being; voided. d

;,                                                                       v                                                                                                                      ..

9 J p~ , Signature /Date d a  : W "s

                                                                                     ..:In' addition, the facility staf f reviewers will: sign the                                  )1 statement"after;the examination;has been. administered.                                                   .


                                                 , ,                   lb..             post-Examination.SecurityLAgreement:                                                                    .
                                                                                    'Is                                 -did not, to the best of knowledge any-k s                     <

L.information concerning:the examinati.ons administered during the wee _ke j m.: > To f.-' . to any> unauthorized persons. . I did-not' parti-  ?)

                                                                                    . cipate 31n providing -any ' instruction to ' those_.reactorioperator and.

A m , seniortreactor operator. applicants who were.administeredDthe exami- - M y- natioLn'from/the time.that I'was' allowed access to the examination,

                     '                                                               2 ic'                                                                                                                                                                     .
                                                                                                                                                                                                  .i   7
                                                            ,                                                                                                                               +
                                                                                                                                                                                                <l s                                                                                                                                                                                            si t                                       ,

j 5 ' Si gna ture/Da te -- 4 i 4 4

  *3                                                                                                  s i

'(; , 2

  \'.'                  s a

m .j

,                 . j f i'i                                    i:
  • iv
             --   ^I                               )   !                                                                                                                                          .-

w . w ,

         '4-.         4 -

DEnclosure 4i 2

2. - Regardless;of- whether the above examination review option is exercised, immediately-following the administration of the written examination, the facility; staff-shall be provided a marked up copy of the examination and
     "                                 the answer key. The copy of the written examination shall include pen and
                                    ; ink changes made to questions during the examination administraticn.
        >                              If the facility did not review the examination prior to its administra-tion, they will'have f.ive (5) working days from the day of the written
                                    ' examination to submit formal comments.                         If the facility reviewed the examination prior to its administration, any additional comments must be
given to'an examiner prior to his/her leaving ~the site at the end of the week of the written examination administration. In either case, the comments will be addressed to the responsible Regional Office by the highest on site level of corporate management for plant operations, e.g.,

Vice president for Nuclear Operations. A copy of the oubmittal will-be Lforwarded to the Chief Examiner, as appropriate. Comments not submitted withinDthe required time frame will be considered for inclusion in the grading process.on a case-by-case basis by the Regional Office Section C hi e f., Should the -comment submittal deadline not be met, a long delay in grading the examination may occur.

3. ' :The following format should be adhered to for submittal > of specific comments:
a. . Listing of NRC Question, answer and reference
b. Facility comment / recommendation
c. Reference -(t'o support f acility comment)

NOTES: 1. No change to.the examination will be made vithout submittal'of. of a reference to support - the f acility cor. ment. Any supporting documentation that was not previously supplied, should be .

                                                      .p rov.i d ed .
2. Comments made without a concise facility recommendation will not be addressed.

{ 4 I

                                                                                                              . --.-...--- - -}}