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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents & Partially Withheld App B Documents (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5 & 6)
Person / Time
Site: Catawba, Prairie Island, Brunswick, Vermont Yankee, San Onofre, Maine Yankee, Erwin, LaSalle, 05000000, Trojan, 05000143
Issue date: 07/14/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Felton J
Shared Package
ML20151S378 List:
FOIA-88-249 NUDOCS 8808150177
Download: ML20151S375 (4)




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ee.."/ JI)1141988 Docati Nvustas *m=#w It ot.t S *T* --=-' I Jos d lh. Fel m PART 1.-RECORDS RELE ASEO C4 NOT LOCATED (See checked bonest i

, %c sns 'ecords subrect to the request have been located i

i Ne r.cno ai agency records subrect to the request have been located


Apre words subsect to the request that are centsf.ed m Appendia are aireaA ava4taNo for pubhc erspecton and cwyeg e the NRC Soc Document Room.

17** = 5 reet. N W., Washergton DC

, Ape f. words sub ect l i to the reouest thM a-o nientifed m Append 4a are becg made ava.lable for pubsec tr socct.or and cop,eg c tN .a o bbc Dexament

,Roca '' H Street N W , Washington. OC, e a folder under the FOI A vce av requester name f TN 'Wooretary verson of the proposaus) that you agreed to accept er a teer. acne corwersation wth a member of my sta" is now teq NSe avaia'.sa :r Doba.c esoection j enc =vty at the NRC Pubhc Docurrent Room.1717 H Street. N W . VeasNn;rer DC . m a lo6 der under this FOIA nurrber and 'equester name I

I' E .r.sec a informaton on how yev may obtain access to and the charges for c.cv1N 'ecords placed m the NRC Puelic Document Room 1717 H Street. N A *%asNngton OC 1 ,

15 l l Agree words sobrect to the request are enclosed Any apphcatwo charge 'o =ce cf the records provided and rpa rrent t. Xedu r es at noted m the vr ems secton.

Re:::r:s set to the sequest have been referred to another Federal agency as. 't., reve and direct response to you.

In ww , :r NRC's response to tNs request, no fur ther acDon is beeg taken or ccme letter dated PART 11 A-INFORMATION ENELD FROM PUBLIC OISCLOSURE Cav enormaton in the requested records e beq wthbeid from pubhc oscrm.m oursuant to the FOIA enemptons descreed m and for the reasons sure er Pa't li. sec- i tzn 3 0 and D. Any reiaased portons of the documents for wh ch orwy pa- :r tw record es becg withhead ere being made avadab6e for put*c inspectan a,d copyng e  !

the SAC *uche Docur%nt Room.1717 H Street, N W., WasNngton DC. e a race under ths FOtA number and roovester name 1

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  1. -d-igm _ a4 6;-A M; de 8808150177 88'071'4 PDR FOIA l._. FELTON88-249 PDR NIC Fopw a6a 44 1 A ff


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PA;1T 118- APPLICABLE FOIA EXEMPTIONS Records subject to the request thy r1 Jescribed in the enclosed Appendices _ _.__ a*e wg withheld in their entirety or in part under FOI A Exemptions and for the reasons m 6.r- below pursuant to 5 U.S C. 552(b) and 10 CFR 9 Slat of V ; 8egulations

1. The wthheld beformation a : ass 4ed pursuant to Eaecutrve Order 12356 IEXEMPTION 11
2. The wthheid mformaton re(ates saarv 1: tke mternal personnoi rules and procedures of NRC IEXEVPTION 2
3. The uthbeid informaton e scwctr e.:vN e=empted from putAc drsciosure by statute irocated (EXEVPTION U Secton 141 145of the Atom c t en ;s Act which prohibits the dsclosure of Restricted Data or For-er% seced Data 142 U.S C. 216121666.

Secten 147 of the Atcree E*w p A. *Nch prohbts the disciosure of Unctassified Safegua os tr@ mar.r < t S C. 21671.

4. The wthheld information a a t' sat wcv or commercial or financial informaton that is bemg utVeid for t** sasonis) indicated. (EXEVPTION di The eformaton a cors.ceerd it :e buscess Ipropretary) mformaton.

The informat,on e cons 4ered tt :s :coprietary informaton puisuant to 10 CFR 2 790idH16 The rformaton was submmec rc we'ved m confidence from a foregn source pursuant to 10 CFR 2 75Ky

5. The withheld informaton cor sists :r r se agency or intraagency records that are not availabie through decow. Arms litsaton Osclosure of predecsonat inforrnaton would tend to mhebet the open anc m enchange of ideas esser'tial to the dehberatrve process. V6ere recor:s eo wthheid m ther entrety, the facts are inestncath edecsonal nmr*ieten. There eiso are no reasonab l intertweed indirect ethmto moury the t{e preceasona 3rwess of the agency. IEXEMPTiON segregible factual portons became re release of the facts would permet an


6. The wthheH informaton a ener vac 'r:rn putAc dsclosure because ets declosure woved resutt m a csearty irwar a-ted invas.on of personal privacy. (EXEMPTION 6)
7. '.he withheid informaton conus's cr rsestigatory records compied for law enforcement purposes and a beirq acceid for the reasorust mdecated. (E.XEMPTION 7s Otsclosure would inter 9ere wth si - h M proceedmg because it could reveal the scope. dwecton. anc *tr as of enforcement efforts. and thus could poss&y asow them to take actan t snield potential wrongdoing or a volaten of NRC requwemeets frorr an,esegators IEXEMPTION 7( A))

Orsciosure would corsutute an istueur ented invason of personal pnvecy IEXEMPTION 71CH Tbc irtformaton consats of naass er riduiduals and other informaton the declosure of wheth would reveu ort:t>es of confidential sources. IEXEMPTION 780n  :

1 PART 11 C-DENYING OFFICIALS i Pursuant to to CFR 9 9 and or 915 of the . 3 %cieer Regutatory Commason regulatons, it has teen deterrraned that t=e r%rmaton wthheid a enempt from producten or declosure.

and that its producten or d:sclosure a cow to the pubhc mterest. The persons respons6e for the denial are those s' cases identded below as denyng off.cials and the 0 vector.

Drvson of Rules and Records O'* ice or a,:r wnstration, for any deniais that may be appealed to the Execu1rw Ders:ter tr Operatons < foot DENylNG OFFICIAL TITLE / OFFICE RECORDS din EO APPELLATE OFFICIAL SECR(TARV (Do 7A.J.L k % roe M A L i <

Bf- BC x L Lu kJA. /fBT 8-(a )< -

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PART 11 D- APPEAL RIGHTS TM denial by each danying offca cer%ed in Part li.C may be appeated to the Appellate Offoal ime t' sed in that section. Any such appeal must be in writing and must be made within I avs of receipt of this response. Appeals must be addressed as ap:recrsate to the Executive Director for Operations or to the Secretary of the Cottrnessen. ..$ *duclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20%5, anc roJd clearty state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an "Appeal from an Insta FCLA Decision."


l Re: F01A-88-249 APPENDIX A Leleased Records

1. 04/14/88 Listing of attenc:tes at "Meeting on April 14,1988," (I :a ge)
2. 03/28/88 Letter to Robert M. Brugger from Charles E. Norelius (2 pages) with an accompany'r.g six-page inspection report having ac attachments: two-ptge generic letter 86-11, dated June 25, 1986; and two-page gene ic letter 88-04, undated.

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F0!A-88-249 APPENDIX B Records Partially Withbt':

1, 11/06 i- Memorandum for T. Murley from J. 5 'e:ek, Subj: HRR Management Team Visit (October 6-9,1987) to ie; ion 111 w/ enclosure Denied: The third paragraph of the # irst page of the enclosure through the balance of the enclosure (ending on page 7),

Exemption 5.

2. 02/08.18 liemorandum for V. Stello, Jr. fror T. Murley, Subj: NRC Management Team Visit (December 1-4,1987) tc Region II w/ enclosures Denied: Enclosure 2 in total (enc c.g on page 8), Exemption 5 l
3. 02/24,35 Memorandum for T. Murley and H. Th:mpson from J. Sniezek, Subj:

Management Team Visit (February 9~.1,1988) to Region Y w/ enclosures l l

Denied: The third paragraph of the '*rst page of enclosure 2 through the balance (ending en page 7), Exemption 5.


4. 03/03,58 Memorandum for V. Stello, Jr. fror T. Murley, Subj: NRC Management l Team Visits (January 11-15,1988) :o ,.=gion IV and V w/ enclosures Denied: The third paragraph of the #irst page of enclosure 2 through the balance (ending on page 8), Exemption 5.
5. 05/23.38 Memorandum for V. Stello, Jr. fror T. Murley, Subj: Management Team Visit to Region I w/ enclosure:

Denied: The third paragraph of the first page of enclosure 2 through the balance (endits on page 6), Exemption 5.

6. 04/08 38 Letter from Charles H. Weil, (1 pa;e)

Denied: Identity of the addressee, Exemption 6.


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