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Discusses NRC 641026 Summary Analysis of Util Proposed Seismic Design.Author Offers Gratitude for Careful & Sober Assessment of Merits of Bodega Site.Los Angeles Time 641101 Clip Scientists Plan Study of San Andreas Fault Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 11/05/1964
From: Pesonen D
To: Price H
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220227
Download: ML20234D896 (5)


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BAY- AREA CHAPTER Northern California Association 051 To Preserve' Bodega Head and Harbor a m a mamemann . s.rk.i.y 2 com.cni.

2820 Telegraph Avenue j ADVI5 ORS Ansel Adams 'E '

David Brower i

John Emmons Harold oilliam Mr. Harold L. Price, Director .

Joel oustafson Division of Licensing and Regulation  ;

weldon f. Heald U.S. Atomic Energy Commission '

Joel Hedspeth # **

Francis Herring Dear Mr. P & e-D. 8. Luton William Penn Mott, Jr.

When the Pacific Gas and Electric Company announced that Thomas Parkinson it had abandoned plans for a nuclear power plant on' Bodega Head i ,

l Kenneth Rexroth a r pW -

th9 8 p*d D l * "'Y" 'd ' findings of the. Division of Beactor Licensin6 In that one. ,

i respect our organization's reaction was identical to PG&E's' .

1 David E. Pesonen (

necutive sceretary "

On reflection the ' finest surprise was that the staff's i

findings were essentially philosophical in content. And for this l reason the October 26,.1964, Summary Analysis by the Division of i

l Reactor Licensing in Docket 50-205 should be enshrined in the l I

archives of the atomic age as a testament to human control of ,

this potentially mindless technical marvel. The staff observed, I for example, that the matter of the company's proposed a-seismic j design was one "on vhich reasonable men may differ." And the accompanying discussion of the meaning of " reasonable assurance" j confirmed that these were reasonable men. Dr. J. B. Neilands '

l at the University of California--long an opponent of the Bodega . (

installation and a frequently bitter critic of the AEC--observed after the analysis was released last week: "We can never be  ;

1 l

l cynical again." This may be an overstatement; but there is no doubt that great courage was required to disagree vith the ACRS and the sanguine tenor of certain references to Bodega in the Commissions 1962 report on " Civilian Nuclear Power."

We should like to offer.our apologies for any harsh words in the past, our appreciation for a brilliant definition of the dilemma of nuclear power, and our gratitude for the staff's 1 careful and sobar aseessment of the merits of the Bodega site.

The entire performance was in the best tradition of'the public g g tfust. I hope that our feelings can be conveyed to each member ,

  • n. 'I N e> _

of t,he staff who participated in the analysis.

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3 mj Sincerely, e

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g@ a C5cMpd 's.-

. - 2 David E. Pesonen nu.s 3 Executive Secretary omm $ Rec'd Of". Dir


scm Dui:../

v (D O.U.

Purpose e ___ __ 3. _ _ ,. .

o '

To work for preservation of the scenic and historic headlands of Bodego Boy ond to insure thM0Nis- . --

ecolo0ical in'*grity of the marine environment.

R cM 2M, w,,,, ,i ,,



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3* * 'a* * *u ' ' Fa' coaa e- Faraala-Pbrrn A FC-n3 (Rev. May 34.11H7) Note and rett i

For signatu. 6 For information, TO (Name and unit) INI TI A LS REMARE Joe l'oucnard, DPI, mi // cached is clip from Los Angelen_ILws.

l cATE

'/ 11/1/64 " Scientists Plan Study of San Andreas Fault"

) Harold Price, REG, HQ TO (Name od unit) i INITIALS REMARKS i

w Ro .e f it, alD- Q~

[ 2

oATE l Richard L. Doan, REC, HQ TO (Name and unst)



R. W. Smith, Compt. F ., SAN '


FROM (Name and un4t) HEMARKS Rodney L. Southwick Asat. to the Mgr. for Public Information SAN



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,ski: , \ona. y E ARTHQU AKE FAULTS- Mop shows the Son An.

dreas cr'd other earthquake fcults of Californio end .

the detes of principal temblors cf the lost 107Times years.

rnap Scientists Plan Study '

oT San Anc,reas ,rau r. .

Caltech Group Will Use It as ' Window' to ;

t.ock Deep inside Earth, Gauge Hazards i

HY GCOftGE GCTZF Times $1 aft Wnfer

(' .e %u A.tdreas F.iult-!in relation to thd pan of Ca-

"peenua!!y the most dange.lliforna Obviously, something's east ofgot the fault, rout geologic structure in; t Em, and R does so m.y .

l Nocca America - be once in a whi!c. The last ma.

-t: sed as a 'windowa to lookkr movement on the fau't deep into the inside of the -' was in 1906.

' " '- V curm O (s D C

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~~~_ _ . m ___ A team >>f Caltoch geolo suc!1WCmovements ~~

g - - _ .-- M 7 4U A 2"

' are sudden

-N - and jerky. But at I cliister,I 3


"<stsseismologist will use several4 and geo.l# San sou Bedo

@ Cou

' .of San . lose, cree mg has.

different kinds of special m.1been detected by instru -

struments for the 2 year stu ! ments.

dy spon3ored by the Nationd The creermg has occurred at science Foundation. !directly along the fauh, the Some of the infonndion *d ""

  • MC !""VI"" "I~

mo t colitmuu,t81v m a.!irec nistained, it is hoped, w :ll j6e: tim opposite to ihat on the is etul in predicting earthiother side. One ol' the pt.rpo-quakes. Scientists know theLes of the new study u to find out if treeping is going general earthquakes, location but theyofcan.

future lon at any other place on the not tell when they m.ll oc- great fault.

Stewart Smith,' associate cur. professor of geophysics, will Understanding Needed set up a bank of a dozen sta.

=w*e need to understand tions to measure the strain along the fault. The stations the San Andreas Fault.,%11 probably be installed in which slices along 70;o o the length of California,,f,ithe Lake Hughes area,' 45 Imi. north of Los Angeles, wad Robert Sharp. chairmani of the Caltech division cf'where from 2theto 4fracture zone is mi. across, geological sciences.

Smith's first station proba.  !'

"Many turred quakes hiong have and this fault. oc bly will be comple ed by the we need to understand itslend of the year.

nature, mechanics and evem Measurements Goal i

.ts past history better thani Barclay Kamb, prefeuor we do now," he said. tof geology, will try to mea.

Sharp said the fault can be!sure the distortion of the i

considered a window in the ground by using a triangle of earth's crust. mirrors ancho"ed in the rock <

"It's true that it is a dirty about half a mile apart. TheI and cracked window, butjmirrors will reflect light into Mth skill and natience we'll an interferometer," and be able to see' mote deeply any movement of a mirror m ,

and clearly into the earth relation to others will be re '

than ever before

  • CONied- l I' C20 Miles Long , It is h ped thus to mea-i he fault itself is more isure distortion and strain t,aan ca0 i m,les long, reach-fpatterns for 10 mi. on each ing from tc.e coast m.',Iendo iside of the faWt. posChly in cino County to the, Gulf of:the Lake,Wrightwood, Hughes Anza and Hollister dis-Califorma in Imperial Coun'itricts' ty. The fault passes about 30 miles east of Lo C J Wasserburg, nrofes-just on tne cther s$ angeles.:sor ,of geolo y; Rooert Ko-San Gabnel mountains.

ide of theivact usistant profe.uor of

planetary science, and Leon Its fracture zone is G milesjKnopoif, pmfessor of geo<

wide in some places, and is nowhere less than a mile l physics tigate at UCLA, the possibility thatwillinves.l' wide. The exact depth of the earthquakes release heat' fracture is not known, but it #

pmbably is about 30 miles. from the earth's interior.

D. L. Anderson, associate!

According to Caltech geol- professor of geophysics, will ogists, that part of California measure changes in the elas-west of the fault-that is, all ticity of rocks, and this infor-the coastal counties as far.mation could be usefulin an-n o.-th as San . Francisco:ti Couaty - is continuously l cipating earthquakes.

Other scientists takin~

rnoug north at a speed off part in the two-year study al about 2 inches a year, orith e f a mou s ia ult a r e more than 16 It. in a century.. Clarence Allen, professor of

'~'l geology, and Frank Press, Iprofessor of geophysics and l director of the Caltech seis-t mological lab.

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