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Informs That Members of Alameda County Democratic Central Committee Voted Unanimously That AEC Not Approve Proposed Const by PG&E of Power Plant in Bodega Bay
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 04/09/1964
From: Rachel Johnson
To: Seaborg G
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230107
Download: ML20234F378 (10)


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1 April 9,196h Dr. Glenn Seaborg, Chairman i Atomic Mergy *ommission Washington, D. C.


Dear Dr. Seaborg:

j At their last meeting,' the thirty-six members of the Alameda lj County Democratic Contral Committee voted unanimously to express to the Atomic Energy Commi:sion their fervent hope that it will j not give final approval to the proposed construction by the Pocific Cas and Electric bonpany of the power plant on Bodeda Bay.

1 We do not need to refer to the possibic dan;cr of locat,ing - )

such a plant on an earthquake fault line, since we trust that the  !

Commission will give the most careful considerntien to this prob- '!

lem. But we would hope that you, a native Californian, will point  ;

out to your colleagues the tragedy that will be occasioned not only 4 for the present but for all future generation's if the wild beauty f of Bodega Bay is permanently disfigured by a commercial structure I such as has been proposed.  ;

1 Withcthe increasing pressures of its burgeoning population, this State is losing so many of the natural treasures that were its heritage from the Creator at the very time that its citizens have more need for them.

1 We do hope that yo_u will not foist more ugliness upon us in Ll the'name of Scientific Progress. We want invaluable preservation of our natural inheritance more than smaller electric bills.

Sinpe ly f rt . o so

,, -C i ' > Corr pond'.;, Secretary

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N' April 8, 1964 Mr . Joseph McKann St. Lawrence Seaway a ..c rty ggg Massena, New York

Dear Sir:

It has come to my attention that the Niagara Mohawk Power l

Company is co'ncidering to build an atomic plant in the Oswego


area.- I wonder if it has been considered'to have this plant-built either west of the-Irquois Lock or just west of Eisenhower-and Snell Lock for the purpose of utilizing the waste water dis _

charged from the cooling condensers and other apparatus that require huge amounts of water to carry off the waste heat created by such a plant. This is not impossible as the large atomic plant in the State of Washington has warmed up the area around the Columbia River.

This plant being built in our area would serve the purpose of supplying addition.1 power when our waterilevels are low such as we are presently ex}. riencing. Above. all, it would possibly


be the means of keeping .Ge seaway locks open all year ' round on a feasible and economical basis.

I realize the other locks castward towards Montreal possibly would not benefit from th.t . However, eventually other. atomic power plants could be built along the St. Lawrence River between l

Eisenhower and Bohoron locks that would serve the duel purpose l of generating power and keeping the river ice free and available for navigation all year round, flec'd Of. Dir, of fisgn.

Date ____A:1_.u _!_2___

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l L. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ .

4 Mr McKann April 8, 1964 If the seaway were kept open on a year round basis up to Ogdensburg at least we would see a great boom in our economy here in the North country. No doubt many indus tries would want to take advantage of a year round seaway system that  ;

would enable us to have the first ice free port on the American .

side of the St. Lawrence River. Our canadian friends would {

also benefit and increase their national productivity in this j area which again in turn would probably create a greater exchange of goods and currency between northern New York and eastern Ontario ,

and Quebec through the movement of trade goods and tourism. i I sincerely hopeyyou will further this idea, and I have taken I 4

the liberty of sending copies of this letter to Niagara Mohawk, j the New York State Power Commission, and the Atomic Energy l Commission who I believe would be interested parties. I Gir.cerely, U

Edward J. Keenan EJK/cl )  ;

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l F r information.

h ,t J r , appropriate handling. .

I .r preparation of reply for Chairman'c cignaturc l (;'afer to Manual Chapter 0243).

Uce cpbcial calutation:- )


. Far discuccion at Commissioners' Information  !

C Adarence, i For distribution to'other Commissioner..

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i Howard C. Brown, Jr.

For the Chairman ,

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a.r . '

. F . t z ,

I Chief Civil T.ngineer ,

nific Ger. :ta ] .le c tri c C omDany ,

24 6 he rke t S treet , l E nn Franci soo 6, Calif ort is .

Dchr Fir: q t

l The ciinione of the "two dir tircuited Jniversity l of Cc litornitt geologisto" cs runtou in fu ll i n l' .G . h E .

1rogreer for

  • ril, 19 M , nich t bn va boon .t little more reer ruring before th e cataclysn of 17trch :W. Our fearo l of ainuter at Sone:rt Head tro not . llw,* e d , either , by 1

'.G.' ' . . 's ha n ty " n : :citd pent" .i n t h a S e rirn o f the ilant, 'na ?.! e ir sta tec. cn t t hn t " it ir ext-coted tha

  • I th ero i ruld ho no inlairun t of con t:1r.nent anri that the could be brought to n sa fe chutdown ." Sukpose their ex ; ecta ti ons 1r ov e wron@ 'laska is known to be rubj ect to enrth';uuhes one Frencer t Cit:r h<in had many tical wave alerts - but 'o anc " ext.ected" the death en'i costructi on of Gocd Friday nidit. That catastrophe wouin seen to be a FroPhetic warning to th e of ficials l of the lucific Gea ard Electric Company and their scientific advisers, end the Atomic Energy Commission,

.s not to risk their educated G1ccoes against the unpre-g; N dictable violence of the next movement of the San Andreas

?s .s Fault.

0/ ' ,- \ ite:'d Or Dir. ci k'7'

. x 6 y'_____- Very truly yours, (r 63 ,

,;f Date _- g , p -

- '4 .



}T ,

, Time -- IM ~~~

\ ' a--

g 37 ,___,______

coFy to Dr. Glmn Deaborg, Chairnan, Atolaic }nergy Cot:niscion, p r


'n'a chin gto n 35, D. C .

h L M ELLO Copy; '

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b -2.6L _h-l ?--6h D3-799 ,

1300 holl:na.1 Lane l Schstopol,_.hliforr:ia TO.


Dr. Sea'org (Direct 2c to -.3 for 7 rec 8 e 4 3 cys xero ced in sil Unit li , pro Dridt0 IF1..il4.Jg ) Action Nscrosany O ***cuaa'"c' i]  !=^~**'a'a' NOA N Nice 99ARY COMMENT fMD VW class. . .F.. 2_ POST OFFICE FILE COD E:

y R Eo. aO: E3ckat 50-205 DEsc Rt PTsoN ( %f u*: it Urwaawfieds ,g, gn,,o go l oxys bats Reese'p_ my

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Ltr. 4 opoosi+!On 'f ? es'c 1

- ay : nctN ailti; 'th 'It h3 feelc'ir 1 L. Price h-lh ! .

n o -m', y "ccadi'cle" ane "increribl3". <

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I disbussed this with Mennre. Dr4 < n "a"* / and Hbnderson and we decided no

'.Iall 'com distribution: Orir;i nal to 3C-205 Formal File answer should be mant_

1 to a 30 . -toon, %  ! I R. Lowenstein 1 ta . W r Roa.n, sau 4/29/G

r. .( aro.wie extWurcos 3: ssiox 31All, CONTROL FORM ioau aces

$2 U. 9 @OYERNitig a87 PRINYING OFFICis 1983-?O6 906 (8408


[ CHAIRMAN'_,h,VhI i

6-f a ' (Q (Date) ..

TO: -

ID For Information -

S For Appropriate Handling ;q For preparation of reply for Chairman's . ~

signature (Refer to Manual Chapter 0240)

4 For discussion at Commissioner's j Information Meeting 1

! For distribution to'other Commissioners .I l

Daily Log )


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'T @ j' s-  ?#

. s_ . l) Howard C. Brown, Jr.

For the Chairman 1.,7 JK ~ .

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