IR 05000232/1989001

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Matls Licensing Package for Amend 6 to License 50-23289-01 for Cominco Alaska,Inc.Control:467446
Person / Time
Site: 03030900, 05000232
Issue date: 09/22/1999
From: Hernandez M
467446, 50-23289-01, NUDOCS 9910060258
Download: ML20212K430 (23)




  • *

NRC FoRJ 374 PAGE 1 oF 5 PAGEs u.s. NUCLEAR REculAToRY Commission Amendment No. 6 MATERIALS LICENSE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Ch&pter 1. Parts 30,31, 32,33,34,35,36,39. 40, and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heritofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source. and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receiv ? it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license shill be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all rpplicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now cr hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

Licensee in accordance with letter dated i August 12,1999 )

1. Cominco Alaska, Inc. 3. Ucense number 50-23289-01 is amended in I R p pntir,ety to read as follows:

2. P.O. Box 1230 b 4. EYpiloh date March 31,2004 j Kotzebue, Alaska 99752 5. Docket NoT3p30900

@y l Reference No. Q 6. Byproduct, source, and/or special'/) 7. Chemical and/or physical form 8. mum amount that licensee may .

nuclear materia! /g <

possess at any one time under this


,, j


y , p, a license

?'~n 'af A. Cesium-137 q 7' ' ad sour s(Te as": A. ot to exceed 200 millicuries I


j~ ea I69 $ r source




W, P'

B. Cesium-137 ot to exceed 500 millicuries

, J oc e 57 .exq( /'4f B.y:persource O, l 15j57g)# N


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C. Cesium-137 d -

ourcey exa

  • etB @

CIO Not to exceed 200 millicuries j y , - Co pe+ w,urce t D. Plutonium-238 D. t utr es/das O'D. Not to exceed 50 curies

' #2 Nuclear C-C-1049) h E. Americium-241 E. e ces (Te s E. Not to exceed 50 nanocuries Nu r T 3'12)

F. Cesium-137 F. Sealed sources (Model F. Not to exceed 10 millicuries CPN-131) per source G. Americium-241 G. Sealed neutron sources G. Not to exceed 50 millicuries (Model CPN-131) per source O'"AA_p _

9. Authorized use l

A. For possession and use in Texas Nuclear Model 5201 source housings.


l B. For possession and use in Texas Nuclear Model 5202 source housings.

C. For possession end use in Texas Nuclear Model 5211 source housings.

D. and E. For po3 session and use in Texas Nuclear Model NALA Neutron Activation Analyzers for i samplo analysis. .


9910060258 990922 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY MIA0 PDR ADOCK 03030900 C PDR


NRC FORM 374A U.S. NUCLEAR REculdToRY CoMIISSbN PAGE 2 of 5 PAGES Ucense Number 50-23289-01

MATERIALS LICENSE Doew w Refeca Number GUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 030-30900 Amendment No. 6 I

l l F. and G. For possession and use in Boart Longyear/CPN Model 500 Series moisture-density gauges to measure properties of construction materials.



i l 10. A. Licensed material may be used at th I se cilities located at the Red Dog Mine, Cominco, l Alaska,90 miles north of Kotz a, a Si digs ast of Kivalina, Alaska. j


B. Licensed material de Items F. and G. may also be used at temporary job sites anywhere in the United States who U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisslon' maintains jurisdiction for regulating licensed I, including areas of exclusive Federaljurisdiction within Agreement 1 States.

Q If thejurisdiction status of a ili within a g eement State-is unknown, the licensee I should contact the;$xleral ag o job' site'i(question to determine whether the l


proposed job sitela,an area of 'er I ju ' ictiop. Authorizatlon for use of radioactive materials at job sjt 9 in Ag .. , cigstve FederalTurisdiction snaii de obtained from the approprish stat , j-Q3 ' # p j l ,.! ' : l l- pd l'j 1 11. A. Licensed material Ibe ider the su ervi f F. David Frankovich, Jerry i Hudspeth, or Case ele -

- D% r..

B. Licensed material de in item ay a'd e use y, or under the supervision of 1 Loren Quilliam. Y l C. mNy b sed by, or under the supervision and in the Licensed physical presence material of, individualsdescribed who have re in ite s FIandp'c:eived the training desc I 27,1997.

I 12. A. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is F. David Frankovich.  !

B. In the absence of the Radiation Safety Officer for periods exceeding one month, either Jerry ,

Hudspeth, or Casey Strzelewicz may serve as the Alternate Radiation Safety Officer. l l 13. Sealed sources or source rods containing licensed material shall not be opened or sources removed or


detached from source rods or gauges by the licensee, except as specifically authorized. l l

14. A. Sealed sources and de'ector cells shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed 6 months oi at such other intervals as specified by the certificate of registration referred to in 10 CFR 32.210.

B. Notwithstanding Paragraph A of this Condition, sealed sources designed to emit alpha particles i shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed 3 months.


' NRc FORM 374A u.s. NUCLEAR RE ulIToRY coMMISSloN PAGE 3 of 5 PAGES Ucense Number 50-23289-01 MATERIALS LICENSE . D chat r Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 030-30900 l Amendment No. 6 C. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a leak test has been made within 6 months prior to the transfer, a sealed source or detector cell received from another person shall not be put into use untiltested.

D. Each sealed source fabricated by the licensee shall be inspected and tested for construction defects, leakage, and contamination prior to any use or transfer as a sealed source.


E. Sealed sources need not be leakgstN: C G (i) they contain only h -3; or ho

- (ii) they contain o +a ra dioactive gas; or

.,p (iii) the half-life'oke i days or less; or N /h O (iv) they containget more t ,

i ,

of be d/or gamma. emitting material or not more than picrocurie e mat [I; r (v) they are nobsign er in7s ge, and are not being used.

However, the Trom stordg4fbr ransferred to another person, and have not t luired,leakgst i al, they shall be tested before use or transfer. No s ored for a period of more than 10 years without being i for a tam' idn. U F.


The leak test shall be capa% of detecting y .r y .o'

paence of 0.005 microcurie of radioactive material on the test sample. If the test re _Is tt)e presence of 04 005 microcurie or more of removable contamination, a report shall be with the(U.Sf Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2), and the source shall be removed immediately from service and decontaminated, repaired, or disposed of in accordance with Commission regulations. The report shall be filed within 5 days of the date the leak test result is known with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV,611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas 76011, ATTN: Director, Division of Nuclear Materials Safety. The report shall specify the source involved, the test results, and corrective action taken.

G. (i) The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by Ohmart, Rosemont Kay-Ray Sensall, Inc, or TN Technologies. Inc. Attematively, tests for leakage and/or contamination may be performed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement State to perform such services.

(ii) Tests for leakage and/or contamination on licensed sources described in item A. shall be performed by the licensee or by other persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an l

. Agreement State to perform such services.



E 1






t Ucense Number 50-23289-01 ,

i MATERIALS LlCENSE' dom w RWence Number l SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 030-30900 Amendment No. 6 L

j 15. Each gauge specified in item 9.A.,9.B., and 9 C., shall be tested for the proper operation of the on-off  ;

mechanism and indicator, if any, at no longer than 6 month intervals or at such longer intervals as '

specified by the manufacturer and approved by NRC.

16. Installation, initial radiation survey, relocation, or removal frorn service of Texas Nuclear devices l containing sealed sources shall be performed by F. David Frankovich, Jerry Hudspeth, Casey


Strzelewicz or by persons specifically licensgi by '

such services. Maintenance and rgpair ofdeNces;the; and installation, replacement,Commission and disposal of or an Agreel sealed sources shall be performed onlyg peEso' ns specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement j State to perform such serviceQ TA 3



! 17. Prior to initial use of ea +uge specified in item 9.A.,9.B., and 9.C.0

, arg after installation, relocation, dismantling, alignment, ny er activity involving the sourcejr remo'val of the shielding, the licensee l. shall assure that a rad ica 's performed to detenpirie radiation' levels in accessible areas around, above and below the ga e ' ;, he shutter opepGThis; survey sl(alj be performed only by i persons authorized toqtrform su rv'

a, s - by-th,e ommissi or an Agreement State.

k. ' p . .

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18. The licensee shall ope,rgte eac ages MfteJn .i .B., and 9.Chithin the manufacturer's specified temperature'66d/or nta "E*that thA shielding and shutter mechanism of the


source holder are not gpro


.,g l' .; [ Q @

g d Cn l 19. The licensee shall assu at th auge specified in item 9.A., 9.B., and

, 9.C., is locked in the clo positi unng pe en rtion of_arj individual's body may be :

l subject to the direct radiati n%eam. Thelice W ll r and. modify as appropriate its " lock-out" L procedures whenever a new ga'u'ge is obtaine 3 corporate the device manufacturer's recommendations,


g+ a



4n h l 20. The licensee shall conduct a physicalinventdry every 6 mor'ths, or at other interval approved by NRC, to account for all sources and/or devices received and possessed under the license.

21. Each portable gauge shall have a lock or outer locked container designed to prevent unauthorized or accidental removal of the sealed source from its shielded position. The gauge or its container must be l locked when in transport, storage, or when not under the direct surveillance of an authorized user, i

t 22. Except for maintaining labeling as required by 10 CFR part 20 or 71, the licensee shall obtain



- authorization from NRC before making any changes in the sealed source, device, or source-device combination that would alter the description or specifications as indicated in the respective Certificates of Registration issued either by the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR 32.210 or by an Agreement State.

23. Any cleaning, maintenance, or repair of the portable gauges that requires detaching the source or source rod from the gauge shall be performed only by the manufacturer or other persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement State to perform such services.

i 24. The licensee is authorized to transport licensed material only in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR Part 71, " Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material",






NRC FORM 374A u.s. NUCLEAR REGuL'ATORY Commission PAGE S of 5 PAGEs Ucense Number 50-23289-01

MATERIALS LICENSE D cw a Refam Nurnber SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 030-30900 Amendment No. 6 25. A. If the licensee uses unshielded sealed sources extended more than 3 feet below the surface, the licensee shall use surface casing that extends from the lowest depth to 12 inches above the surface and other appropriate procedures to reduce the probability of the source or probe becoming lodged below the surface. If it is not feasible to extend the casing 12 inches above the surface, the licensee shallimplement procedures to ensure that the cased hole is free of obstruction before making measurements.

B. If a sealed source or a probe containibg eale s u[ces becomes lodged below the surface and it becomes apparent that effogs[to# cover the sealed soIIrc'e orj probe may not be successful, the licensee shall notify the UA. Nuclear Regulatory Commission'apd submit the report required by 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2) and (c)hThe licensee shall not abandon the sealed souru or probe without obtaining the Comm ion's prior written consent.


26. In addition to the posses,s. ion limitslnJtem 8., the licensee sh'alffu,rther re> stilet the po material to quantities decommissioning financialassura be' low

. '. e the e M

, .b imb)\ imit specified 1%0 CFR



y. .

f ., 0 27. Except as specificallyhovided othehs hiUli$ns licensee shall FEnduct its program in accordance with the stat'emen


rqsentstid65 io find y @pd'ce'dops p6ntaindin j


any enclosures, listed be, low. ycleagegulatory!C9nimisppo's regulations shall govern unless the ;

statements, representation,s an restrictive than the regulations. duresdn the lice,nsee's_ O. , s ,pilcation and corres!


G {4 A. Letter dated February 11.1,994


,9 [ ,ONf.


B. Letter dated February 24 1994 V Applicaten dated March 7,1994 j C.  ;,

D. Letter dated March 24,1994 a E. Letter dated March 14,1996 F. Two letters dated October 27,1997 G. Application dated November 3,1997 '

H. Four telefacsimilies dated December 8,1997 l




FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Date By . . de Christi Hemandez, Radiatio & Specialist !

Nuclear Materials Licensing Branch l Region IV  !

Arlington, Texas 76011 i


f1 , ,

! ,





$ E g REGloN IV l



[ 611 RYAN PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 400 i l 3,j+ ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011-8064



September 22,1999 Cominco Alaska,Inc. I ATTN: F. David Frankovich, P.E.

Radiation Safety Officer P.O. Box 1230 Kotzebue, Alaska 99752 l SUBJECT: LICENSE AMENDMENT i Please find enclosed Amendment No. 6 to License No. 50-23289-01. You should review this license carefully and be sure that you understand all conditions. If you have any questions, you l may contact me e t 817-860-8217.

NRC expects licensees to conduct their programs with meticulous attention to detail and a high !

standard of compliance. Because of the serious consequences to employees and the public '

that can result from failure to comply with NRC requirements, you must conduct your radiation safety program according to the conditions of your NRC license, representations made in your license application, and NRC regulations. In particular, note that you must:

1. Operate by NRC regulations 10 CFR Part 19 " Notices, instructions and Reports to Workers: Inspection and Investigations," 10 CFR Part 20, " Standards for Protection Against Radiation," and other applicable regulations.

2. Notify NRC in writing of any change in mailing address.

3. By 10 CFR 30.36(b) and/or license condition, notify NRC, promptly, in writing, and request termination of the license:

a. When you decide to terminate all activities involving materials authorized under the license; or i

b. If you decide not to complete the facility, acquire equipment, or possess and use authorized material.

4. Request and obtain a licent,e amendment before you:

a. Change Radiation Safety Officers; b. Order byproduct material more than the amount or form authorized on the license; c. Add or change the areas or address (es) of use identified in the license application or on the license; or d. Change the name or ownership of your organization.

l S. Submit a complete renewal application or termination request at least 30 days before the expiration date on your license. You will receive a reminder notice approximately 90 days before the expiration date. Possession of radioactive material af ter your license expires is a violation of NRC regulations.




, s .. .


. . .

Cominco Alaska,Inc. .3-l


DOCUMENT NAME: P:\50-23289-01.mic.wpd To receive copy of document, Indipate In box: "C" - Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No cow RIV:NMLB - k MCHernandez [h

'09/ M99 h


I i


, - .

, Cominco Alisk2 lncorporit;d/Rrd Dog Min /P O.

, s Bot 1230/Rotubue, Alaska 99752/Tel. (907)426 2170 l


Mr. Charles Cain, Chief y .. .

A Subsidiary of Cominco Amencan Incorporated

l Nuclear Materials Licensing Branch US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Dr. Suite 400 AUG 2 41999 Arlington, TX 76011 l

Ref: License No. 50-23289-01 Amendment

Dear Mr. Cain:

Cominco Alaska Incorporated, licensee, asks that the thense referred to above be amended as follows:

1. Delete RSO Dave Hunt (License condition 12A)

2. Add RSO Dave Frankovich (License condition 12A) ,

3. In condition ll A, replace Dave Hunt with Dave Frankovich I Licensee states that proposed RSO be considered by reason of training and experience. Enclosed is a letter of certification regarding recent RSO training and a license copy showing where proposed RSO was the stated RSO for a previous employer (from 1984 to 1998). Further, a brief summary of the proposed RSO is shown:

e Graduate electrical engineer

  • Registered professional engineer e 30 years experience in electrical and electronics engineering, including 20 yr. in coal mining, where nuclear density gauges were used.
  • 10 months with current employer, managing the electrical and instrument dept.

Cominco Alaska / Red Dog Operations respectfully submits this request for ainendment. CAK is committed to continuing to own and operate a safe facility, wherein nuclear gauges and instruments are an important tool for effective operation of the mill.

I Your prompt attention to tilis request is appreciated. Please don't hesitate to enll if there ate any j questions. I can be reached at 907-426-9287 or The mill fax number is 907-426-2117.

Sincaely, M ^~- ~ _

F. David Frankovich, PE ,


e__.n_s._o r E&I Coordinator AUG 2 31999 Encl.: Letter of Certification License WN-1024I-l (for reference)

- ( - -

License 50-2328941 DN!a3 L 467446




I .



' '

  1. Attr.rcx/_ ]


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This is to certify that F. David Frankovich, of Cominco Alaska / Red Dog Operations, has attended and successfully completed a 40 hour4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> Industrial I 7N Technologies Radiation Safety Training course, conducted by TN Technologies Inc. on May 23-28,1999 and described in the attached course outline. The participant received scores of 93.5% on the homework assignments and 94% on the exam, resulting in a fmal course grade of 93.8%. A course grade of 70% is considered a passing I score. 'Ihe class average was 86.9%.


The course covers fundamentals of radiation, units of dose and quality of radiation fields, hazards of radiation exposure, detection devices, regulatory controls, industrial devices and specific training on installation and leak testing of TN Technologies density, level, and weigh gauges. It is designed to meet the requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Agreement States for Radiation Safety Officers at companies using industrial gauging devices.

This course is structured to qualify persons who complete it to understand and i safely perform various operatiens involving nuclear devices including the l installation, relocation, and leak testing of such equipment. The operations are to be performed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and/or Agreement States, and are in all respects subject to such rules and regulations.

This letter cannot be used in lieu of a specific license from, or other sanction by, an appropriate regulatory agency.


Radiation afety Officer and Manager Regulatory Affairs OOua 2555 Noch IH-35 P.O. Box 800 Round Rock. TX 78680


c,n 7y,% i

$1.2 380 910L

. fan) 51Mno?W vmw avarrvooges com w9.,ou wp w






' '



TN Tbchnologies'

40-HOUR INDUSTRIAL RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING CCURSE OUTLINE Mathematics Review for Health Physics F. Teratogenic Effects Calculations (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />) G. Carcinogenic Effects A. Basic Mathematica' Concepts H. Background Radiation B. Exponential and Scientific Notation 1. Risk Estimates C. Basic Problem Solving D. Logarithms Regulatory Control (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)

E. Graphing A. Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations B. Agreement states Radiation Dose Units (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />) C. Licensing procedures A. Roentgen D. Generalvs specificlicense B. Rad E. User responsibility C. Rem D. Quelity factor Shipping Radioactive Material (1 % hours)

Radiation Protection Program-ALARA (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)

Atomic Structure (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />) A. ALARA statement A. Bohr model B. Radiation Protection Program B. Nuclides and notation C. Operating, safety, and emergency procedures C. Isotopes D. Compliance with dose limits E. Employeo notification Types of Radiation (2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />) F. Recordkeeping A. Alpha G. Posting B. Beta H. Training C. Gamma and X l. Incident reporting D. Neutrons Radioactive Decay (1% hours) Radiation Detection (2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />)

A. Activity A. Fundamentals of detection B. Instrument characteristics, use, and limitations B. Decay schemes C. Decay law C. Survey meters D. HaMfe Personnel Monitoring (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />)

A. Requirements Interaction of Radiation with Matter (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)

A. lonizing vs. Non-ionizing B. Film badges, TLDs, etc.

B. lonization and excitation C. Alpha particle interactions Industrial (2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />)

A. Industrial device ,nstallation i

D. Beta particle interactions 1. Requirements E. Photon interactions 2. Surveying & leak testing demonstration 1. Photoelectric, Compton, pair production B. Industrial applications 2. Photon exposure rate; shield calculation 3. Half-value layers " Hands-On" At Factory - reviewed by F. Neutron interactions qualified TN Technical Services personnel Shielding (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)

A. Time, distance, and shielding

[ hours)

B. Survey of a fixed gauge B. Inverse square law C. Preparation of survey form C. Linear a .J Mass Attenuation Coefficients D. Leak test of devices using QT/1S procedure D. Dose Calculations

, en ham on Lechs Biological Effects (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)

and Homework Assignments (1 % hours)

A Internal Exposure to Radionuclides B. Physical / Chemical Mechanics of injury Note: A minimum 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of homework is C Ac " '

g igned each evening during the course.

n Te cts E. Genetic Effects TN Technologes Inc * 2555 North Interstate 35 * P O Box 800 * Round Rock, Texas 78680-0800 * 512/388-9100 * Fax- $12/388-9200

c s



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dM6v'f+%'7'/g y7;y f ~0 N h f A % J*' M

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(Z /]Qc 9 State of Washington A. rs Radioactive Materials License p g

%N j$


Page 1 of Pages an Pursuant to the Nuclear Energy and Radiation Control Act, RCW 70.98, and the Radiation Control Regulatio through 246-255 WAC, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by tk. licensee designa hereby issued authorizing such licensee to transfer, receive, possess and use the radioactive material (s) desig such radioactive rnaterials for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below. This license is subject to all a regulations promulgated by the State of Washington Department of Health.


""' 3. t oen e um wN-10z41-1 is amenced in its CENTRAllA MINING COMPANY entirety to read as follows:

, %,,, Subsidiary of PacifiCorp '

c.p..i.n o.. .5u June tyvy 1015 Big Hanaford Road Centralia, Washington 98531-9100 6 neve,ence a ,. .: ,q.3 94-ub-ub; v4-us-tu 6 Radmactwo Maleral r C6 ianewPtiyscalForm (element and mass number) 8 Mausnum quanley bconese may possess el any one trne A. Cesium 137. A. Sealed source (Kay A. 1 curie Ray Model 7700 (37 gigabecquerels).


B. Californium 252. B. Sealed source (Monsanto B. No single source set Model MRC.2765, Amersham (up to 9 sourcer)

CVN.CY6, or Frontier to exceed 200 micrograms Technology Corporation (3996 megabecquerels). l Model 100 Series).

C. Cesium 137. C. Sealed source (Amersharn C. No si ule source set Model CDC.704, CDC.705, (2 sources) to exceed or Isotope Product Labs 2) millicuries Model 225). (925 megabecquerels).



CONDITIONS 9. Authorized use.

A. To be used in 1:ay Ray Model 7063 lieries s.)urce holder in a Kay Ray Systern used for process measureuents.

B.6C. To be used in Gamma Metrics, Inc., Model 2000 fc,r process measurements.


10. Radioactive materials shall be stored and/or used at 1015 Big Hanaford Road, Centralia, Washington.


l OOH V? Dt4 (Rev W)





State of Washirigton s +


Radioactive Materials License 1?s e F


- om Page 2 og 4 p,ge, Uwnw Number AMENDMENT No. 5 11.

The licensee shall comply with the provisions of Chanter 246-220 WAC,

" Radiation Protection --

General Provisions"; Chapter 246-221 WAC,

" Radiation Protection Standards"; Chapter 246-222 WAC, " Radiation Protection --

Worker Rights"; and Chapter 246-235 WAC, " Radioactive 11aterials -- Specific Licenses".

12. The Radiation Safety Officer for this program shall be Dave Frankovich.

13. Radioactive material shall be used by or under the supervision of Dave Frankovich or Ray Linwood.

14. The licensee's emergency procedures shall conform to procedures outlined in the Washington State Radiation Emergency llandbook revised November 1991 or subsequent revisions, or other procedures specifically approved by License Condition.

15. A. 1. Each sealed source containing licensed material, other than hydrogen 3, with a. half-life greater than thirty days and in any form other than gas shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination. Each sealed source specified in Subitem 7.B.

and C. shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed six(6) months. Each sealed source specified in Subitem 7.A shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed three years. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test has been made within six months prior to the transfer, a sealed source received from another person shall not bo put into use until tested.

2. Notwithstanding the periodic leak test required by this condition, any licensed sealed source is exempt from such leak tests when the source contains 100 microcuries (3.7 mega-becquerels) or less of beta and/or gamma emitting material or 10 microcuries (370 kilobecquerels) or less of alpha emitting material.

B. The test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie (185 becquerels) of radioactive material on the test sample. The test sample shall be taken from the sealed source or from the surfaces of the device in which the sealed source is permanently mounted or stored on which one might expect contamina-tion to accumulate. Records of leak test results shall be kept in units of microcuries (or becquerels) and maintained for inspection by the department.

00+f 322 Ot3A [Rev 12,9%


r , ..



i m.

Sta'te of Washington s '

t l

l Radioactive Materials License <


F t

Ins P"ge d Wa8 l UN-10241-1 Uwnse Number AMENDMENT NO. 5 C.

If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie (185 becque-rels) or more of removable contamination, the licensee shall immediately withdraw the sealed source from use and shall cause it to be decontaminated and repaired or to be disposed in accordance with department regulations. A report shall be filed within five (5) days of the test with the department describing the equipment involved, the test results, and the corrective action taken.


The licensee is authorized to perform leak test sampling in accordance with their Radioactive Materials License Application. The analysis shall be performed by persons specifically authorized by the department, the U.S. !!uclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State, or a Licensing State to perform such services. Alterna-tively, leak test samples may be collected and analyzed '.y other persons specifically authorized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State, or a Licensing State to perform such services. Licensing State authorization applies to naturally occurring and accelerator produced radioactive material (NARM) only.

16. Scaled sources containing radioactive material shall not be opened or removed from their respective source holders by the licensee.

17. Installation, relocation, maintenance, repair, and initial radiation survey of devices containing licensed material, and installation, replacements, and disposal of sealed sources containing licensed material used in devices shall be performed only by persons specifically licensed by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State, or a Licensing State (for NARM only) to perform such services.

18. The licensee shall instruct all users that any maintenance or repair on the gauges involving removal of the source holders shall be performed only by the device manufacturer or by other persons specifically authorized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State, or a Licensing State (for NARM only) to perform such services.

19. The licensee shall conduct a physical inventory every six (6) months to account for all scaled sources received and possersed under the license.

The records of the inventories shall be maintained for inspection by the department, and shall include the quantities and kinds of radioactive material, location of sealed sources, and the date of the inventory.

tot 322 013A gnw 12fFJ)


[ .-






State of Washington '



t Radioactive Materials License 1 Ts o i


'8' '"

WN-IO241-1 AMENDMENT NO. 5 20. Cauges containing radioactive sealed sources shall be either returned to the manufacturer, transferred to an authorized licensee or trensferred to a licensed waste broker upon disposal.

21. Except as specifically provided by this license, the licensee shall possess and use radioactive material described in Items 6, 7, and 8 of this license in accordance with statements, representations, and proce-durea contained in the documents listed below. The department's " Rules and Regulations for Radiation Protection" shall govern the licensee's statements in applications or letters, unless the statements - are more restrictive than the regulations.

A. Application and attachments dated 1 June 1994.

B. Letter dated 4 August 1994; RE: Licensee name, authorized user, t.nd Troxler use.

FOR THE TATE O WASHINGTOW DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH oate 14 September 1994 sy /, 6 w_ _

gArdenCderoggs Radioactive Materials Licensing 7bi M CtM(He<t?*q


. .-







STA7, !

State of Washington l

3 1

Radioactive Materials License f, f!

me Page of Pages l

Ucensc Number ._WN-TO241-1 Amentment No. 6 CENTRALIA HINING COMPANY Subsidiary of PacifiCorp 1015 Big Hanaford Road Centralia, Washinnten 98531-9100 Attention: Davo Frankovich Radiatien Safety Officer In accordance with letter dated 24 February 1995, Radioactive Materials License Number WN-IO241-1 is amended as follows:

Subiten D of Items 6, 7, and 8 and License Condition 9.D. are added:

6.D. Cesium 137.

7.D. Seeled source (Amersham Model CDC.711M).



No single source to exceed 2 curies (74 gigabecquerels).

To be used in Ronan Engineering Company Model SA-4 source holdars for process measurements.

License condition 15.A.1 is amended to read 15.A.1.

Each sealed source containing licensed material, other than hydrogen 3, with a half-life greater than thirty days and in any form other than gas shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination. Each sealed source specified in Subitem 7.B and C shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed six (6)

months. Each sealed source specified in Subitem 7.A and D shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed three years.

In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test has been made within six months prior to the transfer, a sealed source received from another person shall not be pu'. into use until tested.

License Condition 21.C. is added:

21.C. Letter dated 24 February 1995; RE: Addition of new source holder.  ;



i l

Date March 21. 1995 By ///N [i t/d/d (95-02-36) ,

fArden C. hpfoggs l Radioactive Materials Licensing rc.i m COA (Hew tWa

. .-


hu OSv4f, , /hymgg / trim /28406 97 pjiOi7 * * iOiFidii&iif5DiOiOi WGTjiBiGiGiOiDif5BiWiFiBif* w w w 4Bif* * 5Di L_ _ . . _ w w iaLw w wJiDidi NRC FORM 374 ) PAGE _g OF



h i I g Puisuant to the Atoni Encigy Att of 1954, as on.cuded, the Encigy Reuigaisi/aiion Ati of 1974 (Public Law 93 438). and Title 10. Code of I l

g Federal Regulations. Chapter I. Parts 30,31,12,33, 34. 35,36. 39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statemenh and representations heretofore made I i by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear +

N material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to 3l N persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions 2:

5 specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the OI

$ Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

9 '$'


$ $'

s Licensee In accordance with two letters dated $

g October 27, 1997 $

g i. Cominco Alaska, Inc. 3. License Number 50-23289-01 is amended in ([

g its entirety to read as follows: g 9 E p ,


P.O. Box 1230 g g Kotzebue, Alaska 99752 4. Expiration Date March 31, 2004 g 9 5 g 5. Docket or Reference No.

030-30900 i:

3 2 g 6. Byproduct, Soutre, and/or 7. Chemical and/or Physical 8. Maximum Amount that Licensee g a Special Nuclear Material Form May Possess at Any One Time g Under This License g

5 A. Cesium-137 A. Sealed sources A. Not to exceed 200 E

(Texas Nuclear millicuries per E R source Model 696894) E 9 G g B. Cesium-137 B. Sealed sources B. Not to exceed 500 i g

g (Texas Nuclear Model 571570)

millicuries per source g i

5 C. Cesium-137 C. Sealed sources C. Not to exceed 200 4

5 (Texas Nuclear millicuries per  !!

Model 696894) . source B E y D. Plutonium-238 D. Neutron sources D. Not to exceed 50 g y (Texas Nuclear HMC- curies y y C-1049) g 5 E. Sealed sources 4 E. Americium-241 E. Not to exceed 50 3 nanocuries E (Texas Nuclear AMT

312) $

h t p F. Cesium-137 F. Sealed sources F. Not to exceed 10 g g (Model CPN-131) millicuries per g g source ;E i

!8 G. Americium-241 G. Sealed neutron G. Not to exceed 50  !

sources (Model CPN- millicuries per 3

  1. source S 131) i B

W f


s 4 I

9 El

B f@


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    • """T6123289-01 5 N


Amendment No. 5 5


i e'

I N I N I N I 9. Authorized use N h

N I A. For possession and use in Texas Nuclear Model 5201 source housings. N h

N N B. For possession and use in Texas Nuclear Model 5202 source housings. N l' N l C. For possession and use in Texas Nuclear Hodel 5211 source housings. $

B g

n O3 .s E D. and E. For possession and use in< Tex _as\ Nuclear Model NALA Neutron Activation Analyzers i for sample analysis.

g g . s/

(l /{ <2 s g

N y

F. and G. For possession andsuse in Boart Longyear/CPN Model'500 Series moisture-density g g gauges to measure: properties of construction materialsD g I ,

O 4 I "


g U s' 'q W


/g . ~

g q

g 10. A. Licensed mathpial may be eUs' diat the'licens,ee?I facilitiei iocated at the Red g'

g Dog Mine, Cominco, Alaska, 90 miles north of, Kotzebue, Alaska, and 55 miles g y

y east of Kivalina, Alaska. ,

, y <;

,# T. /g e :c : .



'( g y

y B. Licensed matirial described in Items'F. and'G. may also be used at temporary g g job sites anywhere intthe United! States where the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory y 5 Commi s s i on mai nt ai n s - j uri sd i ction.5 fo'r! regul at i ng < l icen s ed materi al , i ncl ud i ng g l areas of exclusive ;- Federal;juris'didt'


ion < withins Agreement' States.

.y 7 g.c , G I If the jurisdiction status 'of a,Federallfacififty with15 I N

N unknown, the licensee should contact the fedeVal agen'cy'dn controlling the job Agreement E

site in question to" determine whether the proposed ' job site is an area of 5

N exclusive Federal jurisdiction. Authorization foriuse of radioactive materials E at job sites in Agreementh$tates not under exclusive Federal jurisdiction shall N be obtained from the appropriate state' regulatory agency.



l 11. A. Licensed material shall b2 used by, or under the supervision of David Hunt, E N

Jerry Hudspeth, or Casey Strzelewicz. N ,

N I. B.

I Licensed material described in Items D. and E. may also be used by, or under N the supervision of Loren Quilliam. N I N b C. Licensed material described in Items F. and G. may be used by, or under the N I supervision and in the physical presence of. individuals who have received the N B

training described in letters dated October 27, 1997. N I Wi g


N ( N

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* PAGE OF PAGES g Ucense Nu$$23289-01 E B E g MATERIALS LICENSE oocket or gp3gr E g SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET g

$ Amendment No. 5 E I E I "


1 E I E I N I 12. A. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is David Hunt. E I E I B. In the absence of the Radiation Safety Officer for periods exceeding one month, E g either Jerry Hudspeth, or casey Strzelewicz may serve as the Alternate N I Radiation Safety Officer. N b E R 13. Sealed sources or source rods containing licensed material shall not be opened or W g'

sources removed or detached from s.ource rods or._ gauges by the licensee, except as N g specifically authorized. , r

>< +

ojj, g y ..

g g 14. A. Sealed sou.'ces and dAtec' tor cells shall be testhdTor_ leakage and/or g g contamination at intervals not to exceed 6 months ot at such other intervals as W g specified by the'ceFtificate of registration referred to in 10 CFR 32.210. g g


.c 4 g Notwithstanding Paragraph A of this Condition, sealed sources designed to emit g y alpha particles'shall be' tested for leakage and/or; contamination at intervals W g

y not to exceed 3 months.

4.. , g . 7,.-

g g

y C. In the absence of a certific'at'e from a transferor indicating that a leak test g g has been made within 6 months prior tolthe transfer, a sealed source or g y detector cel1~ received from,another pers'on;shall not be puteinto use until y y tested. '






, g g r eriar- s y D. Each sealed source fabrica'ted by) th'el licensee shall 'be inspected and tested for N g construction ^ defects,- leakage,s andl contamination' prior tof any use or transfer g as a sealed sodrce. .

g >

, ,

g m


1 . . .

,< 3 E. Sealed sources need,not be leak' tested if: N'

f i l

N (i) they contain only hydrogen-3; or -

E I , E N

(ii) they contain only a adio$ctiv'sgas;or l


(iii) the half-life of the isotope is 30 days or less; or E E

4 (iv) they contain not more than 100 microcuries of beta and/or gamma emitting E 5 material or not more than 10 microcuries of alpha emitting material; or E N


(v) they are not designed to emit alpha particles, are in storage, and are not E N

being used. However, when they are removed from storage for use or -E N transferred to another person, and have not been tested within the E N required leak test interval, they shall be tested before use or transfer. E 4 No sealed source or detector cell shall be stored for a period of more E i

N than 10 years without being tested for leakage and/or contamination. E N 8




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LWnu Nu r 23289-01 N E


Amendment No. 5 E N


N 4 14. (Continued) N h

N I F. The leak test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie of M I radioactive material on the test sample. If the test reveals the presence of N p

0.005 microcurie or more of removable contamination, a report shall be filed E R' with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with N p

10 CFR 30.50(b)(2), and the source shall be removed immediately from service N g and decontaminated, repaired, or disposed of in accordance with Commission N g regulations. The report shall be filed within 5 days of the date the leak test E p' result is known with the U.S[ Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV, 611 g g Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1400,' Arlington, Tefas 760ll, ATTN: Director, Division N g of Nuclear Materials! Safety. The report shall'specify the source involved, g g

the test resultscand corrective action taken. '/1 g g s ie g g G. (1) The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by g g Ohmart, Rosemont Kay-Ray Sensall, Inc, or TN Technologies. Inc. g y Alternativ'ely, testst orf leakage and/or contamination may be performed by g g persons specifically g g perform such service,s licensed.i T by"<


the/Commission f, or an.

  • > Agreement State to g


l (2) Tests ,for leakage and/or contamination on licensed sources described in g g Item ATshall be?pe~rformed by the lice'see n or by other Tpersons y y specifically licensed by the, Commission or an Agreement State to perform g I such services.N ' ,

o silfiifi - -


s O 14 d!jj{j!!4 p



I 15. Each gauge speciffid in ktem 9.A.i9,B.!' ands 9.C.,c shall be tested for the proper l y


operation of the on-off mechanism and. indicator, if'any, at no2 longer than 6 month l intervals or at such longer intervals .as'specified,by the , manufacturer and approved by NRC. p *

W- a ,~ l



I 16. Installation, initial radiation survey, relocation, or: removal from service of E Texas Nuclear devices containi_ng. sealed sources shall be performed by E

N David Hunt, Jerry Hudspeth, Casey Strzelewicz or by persons specifically licensed by E the Commission or an Agreement State' to' perform such services. Maintenance and E

$ repair of devices and installation, replacement, and disposal of sealed sources E N

shall be performed only by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an E B Agreement State to perform such services. E I E 3 17. Prior to initial use of each gauge specified in Item 9.A., 9.B., and 9.C., and after E B

installation, relocation, dismantling, alignment, or any other activity involving E b the source or removal of the shielding, the licensee shall assure that a N N

radiological survey is performed to determine radiation levels in accessible areas E E

Wq around, above and below the gauge with the shutter open. This survey shall be 'E W,

performed only by persons authorized to perform such services by the Commission or  %

an Agreement State. e M - 5


W i Ol B


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gj g 50-23289-01 g l g MATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number M


5 g Amendment No. 5 g I N

1 I I I "

18. The licensee shall operate each gauge specified in Item 9.A., 9.B., and 9.C., within the manufacturer's specified temperature and/or environmental limits such that the I l shielding and shutter mechanism of the source holder are not compromised.

g 19. The licensee shall assure that the shutter mechanism of each gauge specified in Item


E 9.A., 9.B., and 9.C., is locked in the closed position during periods when a portion U N of an individual's body may be subject to the direct radiation beam. The licensee 'I N

shall review and modify as appropriate its " lock-out" procedur $s whenever a new I N


it;; (

U u/e R N( 20.The licensee shall conduct'# a ph'yiical inventory eve'r 6 months, or at other interval l


approved by NRC, to account for all sources and/or devicehreceived and possessed U N under the license. .y , .3

$ q- <

N 21. Each portable gauge. shall have a lock or outer locked container designed to prevent i N unauthorized or accidental removal of the sealed source.from'its shielded position. N N The gauge or its contaire erst be locked when in transport, storage, or when not E N

N under the direct / surveillance'of, an authorized, user /,


. . , e . t . < ,

n -


N 22. Except for maintaining labeling as' required by 10 CFR part 20 orf71, the licensee N N shall obtain authorizatiom kom,NRC- before making any changes ins the sealed source, N W device, or sourc'e-device W ination that would; alter the description or E W specifications a's'indicat'ed in the"respectlye" Certificates of Registration issued E N either by the Commission pursuant to.10!CFR)32.210 an Agreement State.

q W W; 'n 23. Any cleaning, maintehance,: or% pair'j!i)ll!$. K ~7 E

E p off the portable * gauges that requires detaching E gi the source or source crod from the gauge shall be.. performed <only by the manufacturer g g or other persons specifi i g performsuchservices.Q,callylicensed/bytheCommissionor'a'nAgreementSta


' d-Q' g n R g 24. The licensee is aut%rized'to transport licensed materlsl only in accordance with g g the provisions of it, CFR Part 7T, s" Pack _agingtand;; Transportation of Radioactive i g Material". -

- e g

$ R \

g 25. A. If the licensee uses unshielded sealed sources extended more than 3 feet below g j g the surface, the licensee shall use surface casing that extends from the lowest g !

g depth to 12 inches above the surface and other appropriate procedures to reduce g y the probability of the source or probe becoming lodged below the surface. If g


y it is not feasible to extend the casing 12 inches above the surface, the g ,

y licensee shall implement procedures to ensure that the cased hole is free of g I g obstruction before making measurements. g !

W U N E i 9 E I N lE

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g PAGE g


OF g



License Number g


M KO-237RQ-n1 N l MATERIALS LICENSE oockei or Reference Number y q SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 030-30400 N b



Amendmont Nn. 5 N I

I N i M a


I I i'

M 25. (Continued)

N l

I B.

I If a sealed source or a probe containing sealed sources becomes lodged below l I the surface and it becomas apparent that efforts to recover the sealed source W I or probe may not be successful, the licensee shall notify the U.S. Nuclear N b Regulatory Commission and submit the report required by 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2) and q <

g (c). The licensee shall not abandon the sealed source or probe without ,q l l obtaining the Commission's prior. written consent, p g

s . K: S iil t 'p,

g <

p 26. In addition to the possession limits in Item 8., the licensee shall further restrict g g the possession of licensed. material to quantities below'the minimum limit specified g g in 10 CFR 30.35(d) for, establishing decommissioning financial assurance. g g ,~

r. g g 27. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall g g conduct its program,in accordance with the statements, representations, and g a procedures contained in the documents, including any enclosures, listed below. The j Nuclear Regulatory Commission's; regulations shall govern unless the statements, y

g i representations and procedures in the licensee's application and/ correspondence are y g more restrictivecthan the regulations. -

g I

g A. Letter dated. February 11, 1994 N g

g B. Letter dated ~Februaryt24, 1994 >

C. Application dated March' 7,1994 g g

D. Letter dated March 24,s1994 g I ,


I E. . Letter dated March 14,01996 .. .?!v N I F. Two letters datdd October'27,1997

N G. Application dated November 3,1997 ,



I l H. Four telefacsimilies dated December 8,1997 -

g // -

g i E l c, <

j. L

= l g .


b '



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