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Forwards Second Quarterly Status Rept Re Plant Operational Status & Util Activities,Per 820216 Order
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 07/01/1982
From: Locke R
To: Lazo R, Linenberger G, Schink D
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20125C784 List:
FOIA-85-007 NUDOCS 8506120185
Download: ML20125C875 (12)


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    • Vb Judge Robert M. Lazo, Esq., Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board


.p 2 V3" U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission G Washington, D. C. 20555 ,

Judge David R. Schink 4 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Department of Oceanography Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840 Judge Gustave A. Linenberger ~

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington,.D. C. 20555 Re: Docket No. 50-133, OL DPR-7 Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3 Gentlemen In its Memorandum and Order (" Order") dated February 16, 1982, the Board directed PGandE to file a detailed status report with the Board starting April 1, 1982, and each three months thereafter, until final resolution of the future operation of Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3.

Enclosed is Pacific Gas and Electric Company's second qparterly status report, dated July 1, 1982. This report summarizes 1

the current plant status and status of PGandE's activities.

8506120185 850214 PDR FOIA SHAPLEN05--OO7 PDR w w. t-

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Judge Robert M. Lazo, et al. " July 1, 1982 In accordance with I.em 1 of the Order, PGandE will complete studies to support a decision regarding the future dis-position of the Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3, within six months of .the issuance by the NRC of a final reactor safety policy statement and its associated goals and guidelines.

Respectfully submitted, ROBERT OHLBACH PHILIP A. CRANE, JR.

RICHARD F. LOCKE Attorneys for Pacific Gas and Electric Company By:

Richard F. Locke cca Service List Enclosure bec: (w/ enc.)

H boldt Distribution Mr. Mr. R. H. Engelken Regional Administrator Mr. Vern Rooney Project Manager Mr. Dominic Vassallo Chief Operating Reactor Branch No. 2 4

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, .- <.y Judge Robert M. Lazo, Esq., Chairman 5*

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


9 Washington, D. C. 20555 ,

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Judge David R. Schink Atomic Safety and Licensing Board

( Department of Oceanography Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840 Dudge Gustave A. Linenberger Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Re: Docket No. 50-133, OL DPR-7 Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3 Gentlemen:

In its Memorandum and Order (" Order") dated February 16, 1982, the Board directed PGandE to file a detailed status report with the Board starting April 1, 1982, and each three months thereafter, until final resolution of the future operation of Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3.

Enclosed is Pacific Gas and Electric Company's second .

quarterly status report, dated July 1, 1982. This report summarizes the current plant status and status of PGandE's activities.

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Judge Robert M. Lazo, et al. ' July 1, 1982 In accordance.with Item 1 of the Order, PGandE will complete studies to support a decision regarding the future dis-position of the Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3, within six months of.the issuance by the NRC of a final reactor safety policy statement and its associated goals and guidelines.

Respectfully submitted, ROBERT OHLBACH PHILIP A. CPANE, JR.

RICHARD F. LOCKE Attorneys for Pacific Gas and Electric Company By:

Richard F. Locke cc: Service List Enclosure




H (w/ enc.)

boldt Distribution Mr. Mr. R. H. Engelken Regional Administrator Mr. Vern Rooney Project Manager Mr. Dominic Vassallo Chidf Operating Reactor Branch No. 2 t


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Quarterly Status Report 1

. July 1, 1982 .

Since PGandE's last status report dated March 31, 1982, activities on Humboldt Bay, Unit 3, can be broken down into five items. The activities on each of these items are discussed below:

1. Plant Operational Status Humboldt Bay Unit 3 continues to be maintained in a cold shutdown condition. The reactor coolant system is filled with reactor coolant but depressurized.

The reactor vessel head and shield plug are in place. The reactor core is loaded with 184 fuel assemblies, 44 of which are new fuel assemblies.

In the spent fuel pool, 250 spent fuel assemblies continue to be stored. There are 236 empty spaces, remaining in the spent fuel pool.

Reactor control rods are fully inserted. The


control rod drive system is de-energized and cannot be re-energized without the knowledge and consent of the shift foreman. In addition, the control rod hydraulic system is depressurized.

This system would need to be filled and vented before control rods could be withdrawn. The emergency boration system, reactor clean up system, liquid radwaste processing system, refueling building ventilation system, nuclear instrumenta-tion, and radiation monitoring systems are all maintained operational.

Surveillance testing is performed as required by the Technical Specifications. Fire protection, radiation protection, material accountability, radioactive waste management, training and quality assurance programs are being implemented and are audited by NRC's Region V inspectors.

PGandE has continued to comply with the shift manning requirements for the shutdown mode in -

- . accordance with the Humboldt Bay Technical Speci-t fications. The current numbers of licensed operating personnel available to cover four shif ts-( are the following- ,


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a. 5 Senior Operator Licensees, SOL (4 i Shift Foremen, 1 Relief Shift Supervisor).

f b. 9 Operator Licensees, OL (4 Control Operators, 4 Senior Control Operators, Operators, 4 Senior Control Operators, 1 Senior ~ Control Operator in Training for a SOL).

c. 4 management personnel at the plant who hold a current SOL to supplement the operating staff if needed.

PGandE has continued to fully comply with the latest (Revision 2) Humboldt Bay Pcwer Plant i Security Plan dated November 16, 1976. This security plan has been approved by the NRC Staff '

as being adequate. Any further changes in the Plant Security Plan will be submitted to the NRC Staff in accordance with current regulations.

Reports regarding Unit 3 are routinely submitted to the NRC as required by the license and other regulations. These include: Monthly Operating

~( Status Reports; Radioactive Effluent Release and Waste Disposal Reports, and Licensee Event Reports, if required.

Scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the plant have been conducted by the NRC's Inspection and Enforcement Region V Inspectors. Any violations and/or deviations have been resolved to the satis-faction of the NRC Staff.

No revisions or modifications in the Humboldt Bay Unit 3 design or operation have been made that would bear upon the bases on which the NRC Staff concluded that the plant, in its present shutdown condition, poses no risk to the health and safety of the public.

2. Plant Improvements PGandE has commenced activities that will result in the construction of a new low level radwaste storage building on the Humboldt Bay Power Plant .


site. When complete, the new building will provide  !

'a weather protected radioactive waste storage and handling area. The building has been designed to meet all applicable NRC requirements. The building 4 -

design has been completed and a local building permit obtained. Construction was started in early June 1982.

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3. Monitoring of the NRC's Safety Goal Rulemaking As noted in the Order, the NRC has published for comment a, proposed policy statement on safety goals for nuclear power plants. A report dis- =

. cussing the development of the proposed policy ['

statement has been published separately as NUREG- r 0880, Safety Goals for Nuclear Power Plants: A -

I!iscushion Paper. FuB11e comments were due by May 18, 1982. PGandE assumes that the NRC will evaluate the public comments received and issue F final policy recommendations later this year. h i

4. Review of New NRC Requirements for Operating Nuclear Plants F l

PGandE is continuing to review NRC promulgated information such as I&E Circulars, Bulletins, Information Notices, NUREGs, and the Federal Register notices for regulations and guidance ,

applicable to the Humboldt Bay plant in its current E cold shutdown status. PGandE's review also considers =

the potential for significant safety problems associated with the plant for all other operational


, modes and considers those actions which are necessary 4 to comply with the intent of NRC requirements.

Those applicable requirements which are not immediately acted upon are placed on a list of work items that must be satisfactorily resolved prior to restart

- of Unit 3.



Evaluation of Steam Plant Conversion Alternatives PGandE is continuing its evaluation of various fossil fired steam system conversion alternatives.

(r The conversion alternatives presume the decommissioning i of the r.. clear portion of Unit 3 while retaining E the powe'r generation portion of the plant available ,

for continued use with a new steam supply source.  !


The alternative steam supply systems being evaluated E c

in'lude: a coal fired boiler; an oil / natural gas i fired boiler; a biomass (wood chip) fired boiler; g and a combined cycle waste heat boiler. The =-

evaluations focus on engineering feasibility and ["

trade-offs, fuel supply and transportation, pollution y

. control requirements, cycle efficiencies, waste n

( management, permit requirements, PGandE generation 1 and transmission requirements, equipment capital g

( ,

costs, and operation and maintenance costs.






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l In the Matter of I




) License No. DPR-7 (Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3) )


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The foregoing document of Pacific Gas and Electric Company has been served today on the following by deposit in the United States mail, properly stamped and addressed:

Linda J. Brown, Esq. Robert M. Lazo, Esq., Chairman 100 Van Ness Avenue, 19th Floor Atomic Safety and Licensing San Francisco, CA 94102 Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mitzi Young, Esq. Washington, D.C. 20555 Office of Executive Legal

. Director Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger, Member BETH 042 Atomic Safety and Licensing

. k.

I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Board Panel Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Secretary Dr. David R. Schink U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Department of Oceanography Commission Texas A & M University Washington, D.C. 20555 College Station, TX 77840 l Attn: Docketing and Service Section- Michael R. Sherwood, Esq.

Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Inc Gretchen Dumas, Esq. 2044 Fillmore Street California Public Utilities San Francisco, CA 94115 Commission 350 McAllister, Room 5243 San Francisco, CA 94102 Dated: July 1, 1982 l-

. I *

( RICHARD F. LOCKE Attorney Pacific Gas and Electric Company

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- July 1, 1982 1 1

Since PGandE's last status report dated March 31, 1982, activities on Humboldt Bay, Unit 3, can be broken down into five items. The activities on each of these items are discussed below: I l '. Plant Operational Status

. l Humboldt Bay Unit 3 continues to be maintained in a cold shutdown condition. The reactor coolant system is filled with reactor coolant but depressurized.

The reactor vessel. head and shjeld plug are in place. The reactor core is loaded with 184 fuel assemblies, 44 of which are new fuel assemblies.

In the spent fuel pool, 250 spent fuel assemblies continue to be stored. There are 236 empty spaces remaining in the spent fuel pool.

Reactor control rods are fully inserted. The control rod drive system is de-energized and cannot be re-energized without the knowledge and consent of the shift foreman. In addition, the control rod hydraulic system is depressurized.

This system would need to be filled and vented before control rods could be withdrawn. The emergency boration system, reactor clean up system, liquid radwaste processing system, refueling building ventilation system, nuclear instrumenta-tion, and radiation monitoring systems are all maintained operational.

Surveillance testing is performed as required by the Technical Specifications. Fire protection, radiation protection, material accountability, radioactive waste management, training and quality assurance programs are being implemented and are audited by NRC's Region V inspectors.

! PGandE has' continued to comply with the shift '


manning requirements for the shutdown mode in g

accordance with the Humboldt Bay Technical Speci-fications. The current numbers of licensed )

operating personnel available to cover four shifts i are the following:



, -x . .


4  ;


a. 5 Senior _ Operator Licensees, SOL (4 Shift Foremen, 1 Relief Shift Supervisor).


-b. 9 Operator Licensees, OL (4 Control i Operators, 4 Senior Control Operators,

' Operators, 4 Senior Control Operators, 1 Senior Control Operator in Training for a SOL).

4 c. 4 management personnel at the plant who hold a current SOL to supplement the operating staff if needed.

I' PGandE has continued to fully comply with the latest (Revision 2) Humboldt Bay Power Plant

Security Plan dated November 16, 1976. This security plan has been approved by the NRC Staff as being adequate. Any further changes in the Plant Security Plan will be submitted to the NRC Staff in accordance with current regulations.

Reports regarding Unit 3 are routinely submitted to the NRC as required by the license and other -

regulations. These include: Monthly Operating ,

Status Reports; Radioactive Effluent Release and Waste Disposal Reports, and Licensee Event Reports, if required.

Scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the plant have been conducted by the NRC's Inspection and Enforcement Region V Inspectors. Any violations and/or. deviations have been resolved to the satis- .

faction of the NRC Staff.

No revisions or modifications in the Humboldt Bay Un'it 3 design or operation have been made that i, would bear upon the bases on'which the NRC Staff

concluded that the plant, in its present shutdown
condition, poses no risk to the health and safety of the public.
2. Plant Improvements

, PGandE has commenced activities that will result l'

in the construction of a new low level radwaste

- storage building on the Humboldt Bay Power Plant site. When complete, the new building will provide

( 'a weather protected radioactive waste storage and 2

handling area. The building has been designed to  ;

meet all applicable NRC requirements. The building design has been completed and a local building ,

permit obtained. Construction was started in early June 1982. i l

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3. Monitoring of the NRC's Safety Goal Rulemaking As noted in the Order, the NRC has published for
comment a, proposed policy statement on safety goals for nuclear power plants. A report dis-
cussing the development of the proposed policy ,

statement has been published separately as NUREG- '

0880, Safety Goals for Nuclear Power Plants: A Discussion Paper. FuS11c comments were due by-May 18, 1982. PGandE assumes that the NRC will i evaluate the public comments received and issue final policy recommendations later this year.

~4. Review of New NRC Requirements for Operating Nuclear Plants .

PGandE is continuing to review NRC promulgated information such as I&E Circulars, Bulletins,


Information Notices, NUREGs, and the Federal

Register notices for regulations and guidance  ;

applicable to the Humboldt Bay plant in its current cold shutdown status. PGandE's review also considers the potential _for significant safety problems associated with the plant for all other operational modes and considers those actions which are necessary to comply with the intent of NRC requirements.

Those applicable requirements which are not immediately acted upon are placed on a list of work items that must be satisfactorily resolved prior to restart of Unit 3.

5. Evaluation of Steam Plant Conversion Alternatives PGandE is continuing its evaluation of various fossil fired steam' system conversion alternatives.

The' conversion alternatives presume the decommissioning of the nuclear portion of Unit 3 while retaining the power generation' portion of the plant available i for-continued use with a new steam supply source.

The alternative steam supply systems being evaluated i

include: a coal fired boiler; an oil / natural gas fired boiler; a biomass (wood chip) fired boiler; and a combined cycle waste heat boiler. The evaluations focus on engineering feasibility and ,

trade-offs, fuel supply and transportation, pollution

. control requirements, cycle efficiencies, waste j s ' management, permit requirements, PGandE generation  ;

and transmission requirements, equipment capital  ;

costs, and operation and maintenance costs. i

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PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ) Docket No. 50-133 License No. DPR-7

~ '


(Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3) )

- )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The foregoing document of Pacific Gas and Electric Company has been served today on the following by deposit in the United States mail, properly stamped and addressed:

Linda J. Brown, Esq. Robert M. Lazo, Esq., Chairman 100 Van Ness Avenue, 19th Floor Atomic Safety and Licensing San Francisco, CA 94102 Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mitzi Young, Esq. Washington, D.C. 20555 office of Executive Legal Director Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger, Member BETH 042 Atomic Safety and Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Board Panel Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Secretary Dr. David R. Schink U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Department of Oceanography Commission Texas A & M University Washington, D.C. 20555 College Station, TX 77840 Attn: Docketing and Service Section Michael R. Sherwood, Esq.

Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Inc.

Gretchen Dumas, Esq. 2044 Fillmore Street California Public Utilities San Francisco, CA 94115 Commission 350 McAllister, Room 5243 San Francisco, CA 94102 Dated: July 1, 1982

- ~

t RICHARD F. LOCKE Attorney Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1

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