IR 05000333/1984024

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Ack Receipt of 850403 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/84-24. Completion Dates Acceptable Except for Items 84-24-02, 84-24-06A,84-24-06D,84-24-08C & 84-24-10A
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/28/1985
From: Martin T
To: Glovier H
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 8506030405
Download: ML20128N876 (2)




MAY 2 81985

. Docket No. 50-333 Power Authority of the State of New York James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant ATTN: Mr'. Harold A. Glovier Resident Manager


P. O. Box 41 Lycoming, New York 13093 Gentlemen:

Subject: Inspection Report No. 50-333/84-24 We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 3,1985, in response to our letter dated March 12, 198 Thank you for describing the actions which you have taken or plan to take to

improve your post-accident sampling and monitoring capabilities. We reviewed your schedule for completing these actions, and we find that your completion dates are acceptable, except for the following items: 84-24-02, 84-24-06A, 84-24-06D, 84-24-08C and 84-24-10 Based on a telephone conversation between Mr. Eric Mulcahey of your staff and Dr. Walt Pasciak of this office on May 13, 1985, we understand that the above items will be completed by August 15, 1985. These actions will be examined during a future inspection of your licensed progra Your cooperation with us is appreciate

Sincerely, Original Signed By:




Thomas T. Martin, Directo Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards Cc:


L. W. Sinclair, President J. P. Bayne, First Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer-A. Klausmann, Vice President - Quality Assurance and Reliability R. L. Patch, Quality Assurance Superintendent George M. Wilverding, Chairman, Safety Review Committee Gerald C. Goldstein, Assistant General Counsel NRC Licensing Project Manager Dept. of Public Service, State of New York Public Document Room (PDR)

local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector State of New York 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY RL FITZ 84-24 - 0001.0.0 i

05/22/85-l 8506030405 850528 L PDR ADOCM 05000333 U FDR

, . . . . - . . . -





Power Authority of the State'of 2 New York

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Region I Docket Room (with' concurrences)

0;r,ier Ogn ;.iens OTT;cer Section Chief, DRP '

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4# Authority April 3, 1985 JAFP-85-0324 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 631 Park Avenue King Of Prussia, PA 19406 Attention: Thomas T. Martin, Director Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards SUBJECT: JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-333 INSPECTION NO. 84-24


References: NUREG-0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements Letter dated March 12, 1985 from T. T. Martin Gentlemen:

(NRC) to H. A. Glovier (NYPA)

In accordance with your request in reference 2, we are sub-mitting our response to each of the findings contained in the subject inspection report in Attachment I to this letter. Please note that for those findings which contain several parts, each portion has been provided with an individual designation to simplify response and tracking of the commitments made (if any)

and each finding item has been referenced to the appropriate NUREG-0737 task numbe Please contact Mr. Eric A. Mulcaheyoof the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant staff if you have any questions concerning this matte / .

HAROLD A. GLOVIER HAG:EAM:jaa Attachment Copy: L. W. Sinclair, WP0 R. J. Converse, JAF J. P. Bayne, WPO R. L 3 Patch, JAF R. A. Burns, WPO E. Mulcahey, JAF f J. J. Kelly, WPO NRC Resident Inspector, JAF g , G. M. Wilverding, WP0 NRCI-84-24 File J. A. Gray, Jr., WPO Document Control Center ab p'[% A. Klausmann, WPO

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April 3, 1985 JAFP-85-0324


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Attachment I Page -2-84-24-01:

Revise up in thethe lin procedure to assure that no dilution water is held



bilit NUREG-0737,II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capa-Response:

PSP-17 section 4.8.26 will be revised to repeat air injection coolant dilution to ensure samplethat the water is . removed from the lin October.1, 198 This will be accomplished by 84-24-02: .

Revise the procedure so that personnel are aware of the



proper assembly.loading and installation of iodine / particulate filter Reference:


bilit NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capa-




proper loading Instructions will be added . to PSP-17 delineating filter as semb:L and installation of the iodin /e particulate 198 This will be accomplished by October 1, 84-24-03:

Complete provisions for the aackaging and shipment of the PASS samples to the offsite_ laboratory.


bilit NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capa-Response:

The PIM's " Post Accident Sample Cask Operation and Maintenance and will be Manual" NUPAC PAS-1, revision 1 has been received incorporated into appropriate plant procedures.

This will be accomplished by October 31, 198 _84-24-04:

Evaluate the adequacy of.the MCA software to adequately anal-

yze a post-accident mixture of. radionuclide Reference:

bilit NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post ~ Accident Sampling . Capa-Response:

adequacy ofAn -

the evaluation MCA software will be performed to to determine the accident mixture of radionuclides. adequately This will be analyze accomplished a post


by November 30, 198 * -. w ae-, , , - - , - , - - , - . . . --e., .n_ _ , - . _ - . - - - - - - -

_ -. _ . _ - - -~


Attachment I- -

Page -3-

, 84-24-05A:

Perform of dissolved a time ga and motion study for the sampling and analysis Reference:


-bilit NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capa-Response:

ysis of dissolved A time and gasmotion

..will bestudy for the sampling and anal-performed within 90 days of reactor start-up scheduled for May 6, 198 from the 198 refueling outage. Start-up is-84-24-05B: "

Document the previous commitment for the sampling of dis-solved gas, analytical metho including the sensitivity and -accuracy of the



Reference ~:

bilit NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post _ Accident Sampling Capa-Response:

Sensitivity and accuracy documentation of the'

analytical method for sampling dissolved gas has been pro-vided 18, 1984 by the to General Mr. Darrell Electric G. Company to the NRC by -January Eisenhut. This was found to be

- acceptable by Mr. William V. Johnston NRR on July 17, 198 A:-

'- Alarm set points for the PASS background monitor should be revised

.of the a,re to-reflect the specified criteria for the evacuation Reference:

bilit NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capa-Response:

The PASS radiation monitor alarm set points will be-set to PSP-17 by October the level 31, specified 1985. in the PASS Operating Procedure L




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l Attachment I Page -4-84-24-06B:

Coordination should be established between the groups that ~

perform audits. the calibration of the PASS radiation monitors and Calibration should be conducted in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation Reference:



bilit NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capa-Response:

Radiation source calibration of the PASS radiation monitors partments. will be coordinated between the RES and I & C de-An evaluation will be performed to determine a method for calibrating to the manufacturer's recommendations especially with regard to radiation source calibrations. This will be accomplished by November 30, 198 C:



All PASS components should be included in the formal preven-tive maintenance progra Reference: NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capa-bilit Response: A formal preventative maintenance program will in-clude PASS components recommended by the vendor to be in the program. This will be accomplished by December 31, 198 D:

Procedures should be revised to call for the installation of an Ag-Zeolite cannister during use of the PAS Reference: NUREG-0737, II.B.3, Post Accident. Sampling Capa-bilit Response: The PASS Operating Procedure, PSP-17, will be re-l vised to require the use of silver zeolite cannisters in the L

continuous air monitor and/or low volume air sample under accident condition This will be accomplished by October 1, 198 A:

Evaluate the effect from the iodine / particulate plate-out on the NGEM chamber under high release emergency conditions.


' Reference: NUREG-0737, II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 1, Noble Gas Ef-fluent Monitor Response:

An empirical calculation will be performed to evaluate the effect of iodine / particulate plate-out on the NGEM chamber under high release emergency condition ~s by L December 31, 198 _ - _ - - - . . . - -



Attachment I i

Page -5-

_84 -24- 07B :

Evaluate the energy dependence of the factor c whi h i convert exposure rate to activity s used to response of 'the ion chambers may shiftrelease rate, since the due energy spectrum following an acciden to the variable Reference: NUREG-0737, fluent Monitor II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 1, Noble Gas Ef-

_ Response:

to convert The en'ergy exposure ratedependence of the factor which i pursued through the vendo to activity release s used It is an rate is being information will be received by October.ticipated point, 31, 1985 that this of the calibration._an evaluation will be performed priateness At that on the appr _B4-24-07C:


Provide the capability for the dose assessment to receive the results directly from the Nobl computer model Monito e Gas Effluent

_ Reference: NUREG-0737, fluent Monitor II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 1,


Noble Gas Ef-

_ Response:

inputting The Authority disagrees with the the NGEM results directly to requirement for >

computer model for the following reasons: the dose assessment i Present method for inputting monitor data. procedures


reliable and rapidprovide a simp This would major plant require a major software modificati benefit to be realized. wiring modification with little on and a cost or' no ( data has been identified.No regulatory requirement g monitor for dir



iodine in the sampling line. Perform ane empirical line loss ofdeterminat Reference: NUREG-0737, Analysis 6f Plant Effluents.II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 2, Sampling and Response:

by Decemberdetermine An empirical calculation will be performed 31, 1985. possible line loss ofniodine i the sampling line to i

i r

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Attachment I Page -6-84-24-08B:

Revise procedures to identify sample collection, handling and transport steps under emergency conditions. Identify antici-pated hazards and time constraints under these circumstance . In particular, evaluate the source term and determine expo-sure hazards and constraints to personnel from the NGEM chamber (see section 5.2.1 of this report for details).

Reference: NUREG-0737, II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 2, Sampling and Analysis of Plant Effluent Response: A study will be performed to establish the source term from the NGEM and determine exposure hazards to person-nel occupying the PASS stack sample room. This study will be

. accomplished by December 31, 198 Within 90 days ' of re-ceiving the study, the PASS Operating Procedure, PSP-17, will-

- be revised to reflect study results, sample collection, handling, transport steps, anticipated hazards and time con-straint C:


Incorporate the iodine results into the source term which may be used for offsite dose assessmen Reference: NUREG-0737, II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 2, Sampling and Analysis of Plant Effluent Response: Procedures will be revised to input plant and/or field sample data for dose assessment during an emergenc This wi'll be accomplished by October 31', 198 D:

Provide shielding for cartridge storage in the sample building to limit exposure in the event that a higher than anticipated activity is collected on a cartridg These items wil1~be reviewed during a subsequent inspectio Reference: NUREG-0737, II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 2, Sampling and Analysis of Plant Effluent Response: - The sampling equipment supplier will be requested to evaluate the consequences of a flow element failure. Cor-

-rective and/or safety measure (s) shall be undertaken based upon the evaluation of the supplier's respons .

Attachment I Page -7-84'24-09A:

Define the primary and alternative methods for estimating


core' damage based on reliability of data and methodolog *

Reference: NUREG-0737, II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 3, Containment High-range Radiation Monito Response: The " Containment Radiation Monitoring - Post Acci-dent" procedure RTP-34 will be revised to clarify the primary and alternative methods for estimating core damage. This will be accomplished by October 31, 198 B:

Assure the calibration would be valid for the modified posi-tioning of the "A" detecto .

Reference: NUREG-0737, II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 3, Containment High-range Radiation Monito Response: An enginet ring " evaluation will be performed prior to repositioning the 'A detector which is tentatively planned for the 1986 refueling outag C:

Provide documentation to justify the present detector loca-tions are free from shielding effects or . direct dose rate effects from adjacent structures or equipmen Reference: NUREG-0737, II.F.1, ATTACHMENT 3, Containment High-range Radiation Monito Response: An engineering evaluation is being performed to determine if the present detector locations are appropriat The evaluation will be completed by July 31, 198 A:

Address sample purging and in-plant field analysis in appli-cable procedure Reference: NUREG-0737, II.D.3.3, Improved Inplant . Iodine Instrumentation Under Accident Condition Response: LProcedures which would be used for in-plant field


air sampling / analysis in emergency situations will be re-viewed and revised as necessary to require iodine cartridge purgin This will be accomplished by November 30, 198 _ .

. ._



Attachment I . Page -8-84-24-10B:

Provide readily accessible air samplers for emergeticy situa-tion ,

Reference: NUREG-0737, II.D.3.3, Improved Inplant Iodine


Instrumentation Under Accident Condition Response:" Emergency air samplers are maintained in cabinets designated for emergency use. In addition, the RES depart-ment has plans for building an instrument issue room to control instrument locatio This will ensure a larger, readily available inventory of day-to-day instruments. The instrument issue room is expected to be completed prior to the 1986-refueling outag :


The inspector checked the preceding calibration records which indicated that these instruments were calibrated within -the due date. However the above two calibration records showed that there were extremely high drift with these instrument The licensee ex?lained problems that the radiation instruments were calibrated independently and at different intervals by the I&C department and the radiation departmen The I&C calibration used two point electronic pulse input from a pulse generator while the radiation department cali-bration used one point radiation dose rate input for a fou decade instrument. In order to avoid similar problems from-recurrence, the licensee agreed to have one department in charge for the calibration and that more than one point dose

rate source be used in the calibratio i Reference: None, Response: This item was responded to in item 84-24-06B.

l 84-24-12:

The instrument calibration stickers attached to the instru-j


ments were not properly filled i The instrument numbers were incorrectly placed where the " Calibration Due Date"


should be.



~ Reference: Non Response: Instrument calibration stickers have been replaced by properly completed sticker .



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Attachment I Page -9-



According to the licensee's PASS personnel, the normal cooling water to the sample cooler would not be available after loss of offsite powe They stated that emergency power was available and that an " emergency water supply con-nection" was provided at the sample cooler. However there is


no defined water pump (powered by emergency bus) nor defined water source physically hooked up to this connectio Reference: Non Response: Preliminary evaluations indicated that sample cooling may not be required to maintain sample temperatures within the vendor's recommended temperature for the equip-men Several tests will be run to determine if cooling is require These tests will be completed by December 31, 198 .

O u_ .
