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Periodic Leak Reduction Program Test,1982, Omitted from 830228 Submittal
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/13/1983
From: Hukill H
5211-83-094, 5211-83-94, NUDOCS 8304250215
Download: ML20073P468 (4)


, O GPU Nuclear Corporation w- U Guclear 28 1etomeS8s48o Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717 944-7621 TELEX 84-2386 Writer"s Direct Dial Number:

April 13, 1983 5211-83-094 Regional Administrator Region I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Sir:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR'50 Docket No. 50-289 1982 Annual Report, Additional Information Our letter 5211-83-058, dated February 28, 1983, forwarded to you the personnel exposure data and aircraft movement data for our 1982 Annual Report. This report should also have included the information from the Leak Reduction Pro-gram tests (per Section 6.9.1.B.3 of the TMI-l Tech Specs), and information on the pressurizer power operated relief valve and pressurizer safety valve challenges (per Section 6.9.1.B.4 of the TMI-l Tech Specs). This information was not included with submittal 5211-83-058 due to an administrative oversite, and we are, therefore, sending it at this time.

Attachment I is a description of the leak reduction program, and the tests done for the calander year 1982.

There is no information to report on the pressurizer power operated relief valve and pressurizer safety valve challenges, as TMI-l was in an extended cold shutdown condition during 1982.


. D. ukill Director, TMI-1 HDH:JRP:JGB:vj f Attachment cc: Director, Office of Inspection & Enforcement (40 copies)

Director, Office of Management Information 8304250215 830413 i PDR ADOCK 05000289 PDR 9

R GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation

. Attachment 1

. . Page 1 Annual Report Regarding the Periodic Leak Reduction Program Tests (T.S.

The periodic leak reduction program is composed of the following plant sur-

. veillance procedures (the systems affected are as indicated):

Surveillance Procedure No. Affected System 1303-11.16


Decay Heat Re= oval System

'303-11.18 R. B. Local Leak Rate Testing 1303-11.27 Makeup and Purification Syste=

1303-11.28 Liquid Waste Disposal Syst em 1303-11.29 Waste Gas Disposal System 1303-11.30 Reactor Coolant Sampling - Liquid & Gas 1303-11.31 Hydrogen Reco=biner System 1303-11.50 Reactor Building Spray Systen ,


At the time of issuance of Restart Report Section, the leakage reduction program was' still in the conceptual stage. Table 2.1-4 of the Restart report listed these systems which were thought to be within the scope of the NUREG-0578 Leakage Reduction Program at that time. Subsequent development of the leakage reduction program determined that the Fluid Block System would not be within _the scope of the program because this syste= does not centain radicactive fluids when in normal operation and would not contain highly radioactive fluids during a serious trcasient or accident. Additionally, the Reactor Building Local Leakage Penetration Pressurization System is not within the scope of the program because it is an air system which pressurizes the penetrations to prevent out-leakage and does not contain . radioactive gases.

Table I summarizes the results of the leakage Reduction Program tests and inspcc icns by _ procedure nu=ber thct vera perfor:cd between January 1 and December 31, 1982. Component identification of those ccmponents found to be leaking and the type repair (if required) are included in Table 1. Because of TMI-l's extended cold shutdown condition by NRC Order and for OTSG tube repairs, a co=plete battery of leak reduction program tests was not tequired to be completed in 1982. Containment integrity was not required during 1982 and cnly the Decay Heat Removal, Liquid Waste mad Waste Gas Disposal Systems were required to be oper-able during 1982. A total leakage of 5320 cc/hr (all from the Building Spray System) was found; this leakage was successfully repaired and ratested to no detectable leakage.

Attachnent 1 Page 2 TABLE I Surveillance l Date of j Component l Leakage (cc/hr cr CF:: gasecus); Type Repair Per-E?rocedure No. ! Perfor ance ' Identificatien j AS FOUND AS LE FT  ; forced Prior To f f ' ' U

's Left Test

!  : 1 1303-11.16 -9/10/82

~ ~

N/A None 0 N/A .

(Loop A)  ;

7/24/S2 N/A None l' 0 N/A (Looo B) '

1303-11.18 (See Note 1) l 1303-11.27 (See Note 2) E


i 1303-11.28 12/31/82 N/A None l 0 N/A -

l 1303-11.29 (See Note 3) i N/A I

t 1303-11.30 (See Note 4) f 1/18/82 l 1303-11.31 '5/20/82 (See Note 5) 0 l 0 (See Note 6) l

'1303-11.50 10/21/82 BS-V-3B 360 cc/hr. j 0 Repacked valve per

( AS FOUND) i Job Ticket #C9441 and BS-V-60A 1000 cc/hr. O Repacked & cleaned 12/08/82 ,

valve per Job Ticke:

( AS LEFT) dC9428 BS-P-1A 3600 cc/hr. O Cleaned and sealed threaded joints peri l Job Ticket dC9430 BS-Pl3 360 cc/hr. O Cleaned and sealed threaded j oints per Job Ticket dC3721 Note 1: Not required by Tech. Specs, to be perfor=ed ta 1952. Currently being perf ormed.

Results will be reported as part of the 1983 annual report. Since a total of 86 ccmponents are tested as part of the Technical Specifications-required LR Testing pro cedure, for conciseness, only those components deter =ined to require repair as

a. result of as-found leakage will be reported. Also details are covered by the ILRT reporting requirement to NRC. (Tech. Spec. l Note 2: Not performed in 1982 due to long-term cold.S/D plant conditions. Makeup system -

l was not placed in service in 1982. '

l l Note 3: Not performed in 1982. A leakage test was.last performed 10/8/80. Leakage was c


! less than 3.2 x 10 " CFM and acceptable. Due to the requirement to perfor=

, this' test af ter piping and valve replacement near WDG-V4 (Refer to LER 82-02) ,

this surveillance has been deferred to 1983, prior to Unit I restart. Due to i


j - continued -

i l


Attachm2nt 1 Page 3 y e TABLE I (CONTINL'ED) l li .

I ' extended (>3 years) shutdown conditions and the resulting low plant radio-l activity levels, extension of the test interval has not increased significantly the likelihood or magnitude of'off-site releases from this system.

t,, Note 4: Not performed:in 1982. Last performed 7/6/81. Zero leakage found. Requires I; hot plant- conditions - to complete in its entirety. These conditions could noti p be achieved. in 1982 due to' OTSG tube repairs in progress.


L Note'5: The system is 'new' and all . piping except the " tie-in" piping to the spare re .

( combiner was leak tested per Startup Test Procedure 250/3.3 on 1/18/82.

normal service Recombiner and its associated piping we' r e leak tested per The

[J j Startup TP #243/1 on 5/20/82. No leakage was identified during either test.

Note 6: Due to the extended (>3 years) shutdown conditiens and plant radioactivity levels, the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> site boundary and. 30 day low population zone offsite dose considerations were not limiting conditions for acceptable leakage criteria in

! 1982. The Reactor Building Spray System was not required to be operable or in service during 1982. Therefore, the "as-found" leakage recorded did not;

'significantly increase the likelihood or magnitude of either on or off-site' releases during 1982.