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Response to NUMARC Aquatic Resource Questions
Person / Time
Site: Oconee, Mcguire, Catawba, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/1990
RTR-NUREG-1437 AR, S, WM, NUDOCS 9111110227
Download: ML20079N423 (13)


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9111110227 900725 PDR NUREG ppg 1437 C

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Catawba Nuclear Station: Lake Wylie, S.C.

Aquatic Resource Questions re: 10CFR51 Rule Change Response to question #1:

No post-licensing modifications and/or changes in operations of intake and/or discharge systems have been made that altered the offects of Catawea Nuclear Station (CNS) on the aquatic resources of Lake Wylie, or have been done to mitigate impacts not anticipated in the design of CNS. A description of the CNS condenser cooling water intake and discharge system is described in the final environmental statement for CNS (U. S. Atomic Energy Cortnission 1973).

0 Catawba Nuclear Station: Lake Wylie, S.C.

Aquetic Resource Questions ra: 10CFR51 Rule Change Response to question #2:

Since ' the ef fective date of the first NPDES pe rmit for Catawba Nuclear Station (2/18/75), violations of discharge perrnit conditions have occurred.

Two enforcement actions have resulted from releases of tri-sodium phosphate, sodium hypochlorite, and hydrazine, which were resolved through procedure changes and training. Violations also included sporadic exceedance of fecal colifom, pH, chlorine, biological oxygen demand, and foam limits. Exceedance of these parameters was resolved and attributed primarily to natural causes and equipment malfunctions.


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- Catawba Nuclear Station: Lake Wylie, S.C.

Aquatic Resource Questions re: 10CFR51 Rule Change ,

Response to question #3:

The original NPDES permit for Catawba Nuclear Station (CNS) had eight discharge outfalls in 1975, which were consolidated into five discharge outfalls in 1984 (cooling tower blowdown /once-through cooling water,

- wastewater treatment system, sewage treatment plant, radwaste system, - and chemical metal cleaning). Changes to parameters monitored at each outf all


have included: l

. Cooling Tower Blowdown/ Once-Through Coo ling Water Parameters-Flow-----------Monitoring frequency changed from continuous to hourly in 1981 and to daily in 1984.

- Temperature----Monitoring frequency changed from 1/ week to daily in 1984,

  • and specific intake and discharge limits set.

Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)-Weekly monitoring added in 1981.

'126 Toxic; Pollutants-----Monitoring (1/ year) added in 1984. A mass balance calculation for these pollutants is done annually.

Conventional (physical /chamical)~ Wastewater Treatment System Parameters Flow-----------Monitoring frequency changed from continuous to 1/ week in 1981.

Oil / Grease-----Monitoring frequency changed from 1/ week to 2/mcath-in 1981.

pH-------------Monitoring frequency changed from continuous to 1/wsek in 1981.


Suspended Solids (TSS)---Monitoring frequency changed from 1/ week to.2/ month in 1981.

Hydrazine------Monitoring added'in 1988 andiis done at least twice/ month plus when released.

Ethylene . .

Glycol---------Monitoring added in-1988 and is done when released, but not!

more than twice/ month.

Sewage Treatment Plant Parameters Flow-----------No change.

Biological oxygen Demand (BOD)---Monitoring frequency changed from 1/ month to 1/ quarter in-1981 and then back to 1/ month in 1984.

pH-------------No change.

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=- g TSS------------Monitoring frequency changed from_1/ month to 1/ quarter in 1981 and then back to 1/ month in .1984. _ The discharge limits were changed from 30 mg/l to 90 mg/l for a daily average and from 45 mg/l to 135 mg/l for a daily maximum in 1981.


- Coliform-------Monitoring f requency changed f rom 1/ quarter to 1/ month in 1984. Density limits of _200 organisms /100 ml ' for a daily average -and 400 organisms /100 m1 for a daily maximum were -

established in 1981. .

Chlorine-------Monitoring was dropped in 1981.

- Radwaste System Parameters-Oil / Grease--- -System and monitoring (1/ quarter) added in 1984 and changed L to 1/ year in 1988.

TSS------------System and monitoring (1/ quarter) added in 1984 and changed To 1/ year in 1988.

Boron----------System and monitoring (1/ quarter) added in 1984.


. Hydrazine------Monitoring added in 1989 and is done when a discharge occurs, but no more than 1/ month.

Ethylene --. _

Glycol---------Monitoring added in 1989 and is done when a discharge i;

occurs, but not more than 1/ month.


- Chemical Metal Cleaniya Parameters Flow-----------Monitor ing (1/ week) changed to 1/ batch in - 1981.

Total Copper---Monitoring (1/ week)-changed to 1/ batch in 1981.-

- Total Iron-----Monitoring (1/ week) changed to 1/ batch in 1981.

i. pH-------------Monitoring (1/ week) changed to 1/ batch in 1981. ,

l i-These changes have had no - significant impact en the water quality of Lake l.

lL Wylie.




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Catawba Nuclear Stacion: Lake Wylie, S.C.

Aquatic Resource Questions re: 10CpR51 Rul.9 Change Response to question #4:

Fisheries monitoring studies for Catawba Nuclear Station were designed to obtain pre-operational data as well as operational data needed for the 316 (a) Report. Annual summer cove rotenone, and quarterly electrofishing and gillnetting were conducted to determine species ccc: position and relative abundance of fishes at selected locations of Lake Wylie (Duke Power Coepany 316(a) Demonstration, 1987). Other special monitoring studies included: 1) trapnetting for black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) and white crapple (p. annularis) to determine density, age and size structure, growth and mortality of these fish (Duke Power Co. PES Report, unpublished); 2)

Lake-wide largemouth bass (Micropterus salanoides) population characteristics study conducted in 1984, (McInerny, Duke Power PES Memo, 1985) and again in 1986, (McInerny, Duke Power Report PES /88-02) to assess selected characteristics of the largemouth bass population in Lake Wylie and determine the effects of Catawba Nuclear Station on these characteristics.

Routine water quality monitoring of Lake Wylie since 1973 indicatec no substantial changes in water chemistry or water quality (Duke Power Co.

1988). Operation of CNS did not appear to cause any long term or consistent impacts on phytoplankton, zooplankton, or macroinvertebrates in the vicinity of the station, although natural year to year variability is relatively high.


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Catawba Nuclear Station: Lake Wylie, S.C. ,

i Aquatic Resource Questions re: 10CTR51-Rule change Response to question #5: I Based on field and laboratory studies of fish impingement at steam stations in the Piedmont Carolinas it was deemed unlikely that - Catawba Nuclear Station would have' any ef fect on the Lake Wylie fishery. Because the intake design is such that_the velocity of water through the screens is low enough to allow most f1sh - to swim away from the structure, impingement .of .

. most species .is expected to be minimal.- Threadfin shad (Dorosoma-petenense)^ can be- expected to be impinged in moderate numbers during the

- winter -(Duke Pouer Company Catawba Nuclear Station Environmental Report:

Volume ' 2 ) . Water . velocity studies of the CNS' intake have been congleted and submitted in March 1987 for review to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Centrol (SCDHEC). This issue isc to be addressed

-by SCDHEC in conjunction with renewal of the NPDES permit for CNS.

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k' Catawba Nuclear Station: Lake Wylle. S.C.

Aquatic Resource Questions re: 10CTR51 Rule Change Response to question #6; Aquatic habitat enhan.:ement or degradation - None

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Catawba leucioar station: Lake Wylie, S.C. ,

Aquatic Resource Questions res .10CTR51 Rule Change <

Response to question #7:

Recreational . creel surveys were conducted by Duke Power Cosipany personnel during-Catawba Nuclear Station pre operational: periods 1979-80 and 1982-83, and also during an operational period from 1985-86. Results showed total numbers and weights of. fish harvested, angler- . effort, and Catch-Per-Unit-Effort were highest during the- 1985-86 creel survey compared to the two. previous creel surveys conducted in- 1979-80 and 1982-83 (McInerny, Duke- Power Cor@any Report PES /87-10). Changes- in. creel -

parameters related to the operat3cn of power plants located on Lake Wylie were not detected. . Harvest and pressure - at the Catawba Nuclear Station discharge canal were highest - in the spring, and lowest ~ in the sunamer, similar to trends in ambient zones.

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Catawba Nuclear Station: Lake Wylie, S.C.

Aquatic Resource Questions re: 10CTR51 Rule Change Response to question s8:

Duke Power's Plant Allen is a 1155 MW fossil fired station located on the northern end of Lake Wylie. A 316(a) demonstration for this plant was completed in 1976 (Duke Power Company, Plant Allen 310 (a) Demonstration, 1976). Conclusions from the 316(a) showed that fish utilized both the heated and unheated portions of the heated dishcarge at Plant Allen, and threadfin shad survive the naturally occuring cold winter temperatures because of the heated discharge. A more recent study conducted on bluegill showed that the elevated temperatures in the vicinity of Plant Allen contributed to a longer growing season for this species, and in turn resulted in higher total lengths and weights (McInerny, Duke Power Company Report PES /86-05).

Lake Wylie is a productive lake, and has been classified " eutrophic" by the EPA and SCDHEC. This clas'lification was primarily the result of the relatively large nutrient input from upstream sources. To date, no significant adverse effect of the nutrient loading has been observed (Duke Power Co. 1988), and hence " degradation" cannot be partitioned on a percentage-wise basis among any particular sources. Occassional elevated levels of metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd) are associated with turbidity, and may be influenced by industrial sources in the South Fork Catawba and Catawba River above Plant Allen. Occasional pH excursions from NC/SC water quality standards (1985-1989) appear related to algal photosynthesis and CO2 fluxes.

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Catawba Huclear Station: .ak Wylie, S.C.

Aquatic 9esource Questions re: 10CTR51 Rule Change Response to question 89:

A copy of the completed 316(a) demonstration for two-unit operation of CNS is included (Duke Power Company 1988). Entrainment and impingament concerns are addressed in the operational licensing stage environni...tal report for CNS (Duke power Company 1975). Water velocity studies of the CNS intake have been completed and submitted in Mar-h 1987 for rs41ew to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDMEC).

This issue is to be addressed by SCDHEC in conjunction with renewal of the NPDES permit for CNS. Application for a new NPDES permit has been submitted. Lake-wide environmental maintenance monitoring programs are continuing. No detrimental impact to the biota of Lake Wylie is apparent.

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f Catawba Nuclear Stations Lake Wylie, SC Aq.iatic Resour :s Questions i Bibliography Baker, B.K. ; mci.1erny, M.C. Catawba rotenone sunenary (1984). Prod. Environ.  ;

Serv. Res. Rept. PES /85-!,3. 1985; 21p.

Degan, D.J.; 9arrell, R.D.; Johnson. S.R.; Miller, L.E. 1979-1980 creal j survey of Ice Wylie, North Carolina / South Carolina. Prod. Environ, Serv. i Res. Rept. PES /82-15. 1982 26p.

Duke Power Compe.ny. Catawba Nuclear Station, operationai . ensing stage environmental report. 2 volumes. 1975; Charlotte, N.C.

Duke Power Comepny. Catawba Nuclear Etation 316(a) Deacnstrationt Unit 1 operational report, ~ April 1985 through March 1986. Prod. Environ. Serv.

Aes. Rept. PES /87a14. 1987; 161p.

Duke Power Company. Catawba Nuclear Station, 316(a) Damonstrations two unit ,

operational report. Prod. Environ. Serv. Res. Rept. PES /88-07. 1988; 2 volumes.

Duke Power Company.-Plant Allen 316(a) Demonstration, 1976; Charlotte,'N.C.

Harrell. R.D.; Vaughan, G.E. Catawba ichthyoplankton sunmary (1979 and  ;

1980). Prod. Environ. Serv. Res. Rept. PES /81-23. 1981; 22p.


Industrial Biotest Laboratories Inc. A baseline / predictive environmental Investigation of Lake Wylie, Catawba Nuclear Station, and Plant Allen; September 1973 - August 197 4. Volume 11. . Industrial Biotest Laboratories, No:thbrook.-Illinois; 1974. ,

McInerny, M.C.; Harrell, R.D. Catawba rotenone sunenaryt Prod. Environ.

Serv. Res. R,ept. PES /83-04. 1983 45p.

M.C.; Harrell, R.D. Catawba rotenone summary - 1983. Prod. '

McInern9 Enviroi . Serv. Res. Rept. PES /84-01. 1984; lip, and' appendix.

McInerny, M.C. Age, growth, and condition of bluegill collected from-E selected locations in Lake Wylis prior to the operation of Catawba Nuclear

-Station (1979-1984). Prod. Environ. Serv.-Res. Rept. PES /86-05. 1986; 26p.

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i McInerny, M.C. An evaluation of trap netting as a method for sarpling black crappie in Lake Wylie. Prod. F.nviron. Serv. Res. Rept. PES /8E-15. 1986; 10p.

McInerny, M.C. ; Laker B. . Variation of selected creel parameters at Lake Wylie from 1 December 1985 through November 1986, 2nd comparisons with two previous surveys. Prod. Environ. Serv. Res. Rept. PES /87-10. 1987; 43p.

McInerny, M.C. Characteristics of the Largemouth Bass Population in Lake Wylie. Prod. Environ. Serv. Res. Rept. PES /BB-02. 1988; 50p.

McInerny, M.C. Study Design Document Population Characteristics of Crappie in taka Wylie During operatiers of two steam-electric stations. Prod.

Environ. Serv. Res. Rept. PES /88-11. 13p. and appendicos.

Miller, L.E.; Harrell, R.D. 1982-83 Lake Wy11, cree' sumary. Prod.

Environ. Serv. Res. Rept. PES /85-01. 1985; 30p.

Vaughan, G.E.; Harrell, R.D. Catawba rotenone sumary 1979 and $980). Prod.

Environ. Serv. Res. FES/81-02. 1YJ1; 15p.

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  • Duke Power Company Responses to Waste Management Questions A. Spent fuel questions:
1. Which of the following current techniques for at-reactor storage ate you using and how?

A. Re-racking of spent fuel.

h --Centrol-red-repoeit4toitig.-

C. Above r nund dry storage.

D. Longer  :.41 burnup.

E. Other (; ease identify).


Geoneet A. C, and D. Each of Oconee's two spent fuel pools has been raracked twice: the current total capacity of the pools is 2129 assemblies. A dry above ground spent fuel storage facility which utilizes the NUROMS 24P system has recently been completed, and loading of the first canister /sodule is expected for late July. Higher discharge fuel burnup has occurred over time se a result of econcaic trends and fuel technology improvements. Equilibrium fuel burnups were expected to be around 27,000 MWD /MW when the Oconee units began operation in the early 1970'st currently, discharge burnups are szpected to be about 45,000 MWD /MTU.


-McGuire A and D. As the result of a single raracking of each of McGuire's two pools, present total capacity is 2,779 assemblies.

Discharge burnups were expected to be approximately 33,000 MWD /MTU in the years before plant startup currently, discharge burnups are L

aspected to be about 40,000 MWD /NTU.

Catawba: E. The initial capacity of the two Catawba spent fuel pools totals 2840 fuel assemblies, which provides adequate storage until about 2008.

2. Do you plan on continuing the use of these current techniques for at-reactor storage of spent fuel during the remaining time of y w r operat-ing license or do you expect to change or modify them in some way7 l Response:

General comment: Significantly higher burnups are not presently anticipated for.any of Duke's stations.

Oconee: Oconee's ISFSI license allove addition of enough NUHOMS modules to previde storage until the expiration of the cu rent operating license. 2013.

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5. Do you anticipate the need to acquire additional land for the storage j of spent-fuel for the operating lifetime of the plant, including a ,

20-year period of license renewalt If so, how much landt When would this acquisition occurt Where? (if answer is "yes", 3-4 sentences)


Oconeet No.

McGuire No. i l

Catawbat No.

! 6. Do you anticipate any additional construction activity on-site, or immediately adjacent to the power plant site, associated with the continued at-reactor storage of spent fuel for the operating lifetime of the plant, including a 20-year period of license renews 17 (yes/no)


f Oconeet Yes.

1 l McGuiret Yes, if above ground dry storage is chosen for storage i expansion.

Catawbat Yes, if above ground dry storage is chosen for storage expansion. >


7. If you answered yes to question 6 briefly describe this construction l

activity (e.g., expansion of fuel storage pool, building above ground j dry storage facilities)



_Deoneet Up to the end of current licensed life, activity will involve addition of horis: ental storage module 6. (Of course, periodic avaluations will be made to ensure that continued use of the saisting dry storage system represents our best alternative.) Shou 9 additional dry or ange be required, expansion of the existing facility or construction of another on-site facility would be considered.

McGuire See response to question 6.

Catawbat See response to question 6.


<- I


i continued at-reactor storage of spent fuel for the operating lifetime cf  !

the plant, including a 20 year period of license renewal? (yes/no)  !

7. If you answered yes to question 6 briefly describe this construction activity (e.g., expansion of fuel storage pool, building above ground dry storage facilities)


8. Low-level radioactive waste management questions:

1 I

1. Under the current scheme for LLRW disposal (i.e. LLRW Policy Amendments Act of 1985 and regional compacts) is there currently or will sufficient  ;

capacity for wastes generated during the license renewal period be  !

available to your plant (s)? If so, what is the basis for this eonclusion? ME5, R 445'NT PLAC To A 15em E4*f 08mp4cr ME Fwuso.

If for any reason your plant (s) is/are denied access to a licensed

$ disposal site for a short period of time, what plans do you have for ,

continued LLRW disposal? 6EE. k1TW%CMT 'I .

b et L *- IWo 94 AtrACH Aeur 1.wm. w uttetrD tvaa% 1%8-t M I

2. In a couple of pages, please describe the specific methods of LLRW management currently utilized by your plant. What percentage of your current LLRW (by volume) is managed by:

Su ArrAc%ea r 3L  ;

A. Waste compaction?

B. Wast'e segregation (through special controls or segregation at radiationcheckpoint)?

C. Decontamination of wastes?

D. Sorting of waste prior to shipment?..

E. Other(pleaseidentify) >


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I p To provide information on future low level waste streams which may effect workforce levels, exposure, and waste compact planning, do you anticipate any major plant modifications or refurbishment that are likely to generate unusual volumes of low level radioactive waste pric,r to, or during, the relicensing period for the plant? If so, please describe these activities. Also, what types of modifications do you anticipate to be necessary to achieve license renewal operation through a 20 year license renewal ters?

6sr Amos*icar I .

C. Mixed low-level radioactive waste question:

). . If your plant generates-rixed LLRW, how is it currently being stored and what plans do you have for managing this waste during the license renewal period?



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There is a large selection of process methods available and the choices must reflect consideration of the following factors; waste stream characteristics, site specific environmental limitations, compatibility with interfacing systems, materials handling and storage requirements, transportation limitations, state and federal regulations, burial site requirements, permanent versus transportable systems, future requirements, personnel exposure, and economics. Generally, radwaste volume reduction technologies reduce volumes by removing the non-radioactive components of the waste stream; the volume reduction processes alter only the non-radiological material content while the total radioactivity present remains the same.

This paper discusses the vaste types and generation rates, the vaste processing typically used by PWRs and BWRs, volume reduction, and the economics of waste disposal. The waste streams which power reactors process are gases, liquids and solids.

The basic function of the radwaste systems are to: p

1. Minimize the release of gaseous radwaste to the environs through delay and filtering.
2. Minimize the release of liquid radwaste to the environs by purifying or reclaiming plant vaste water; and
3. Minimize the impact of shallow land disposal by ,

producing a solid waste product vnich is in compliance with federal criteria.

CASES During operation, nuclear power reactors generate radioactive fission products, a portion of which will be released to the coo.lant when there are cladding defects. Because gases are not completely soluble within the coolant, they are available for release from crocess systems and ventilation pathways. Process system efflue'nts contain radioactive materials as a result of stripping or venting gases from process streams. Ventilation pathways contain radioactive materials as a result of radioactive process fluid leakage into buildings and their ventilation systems. The sources of gaseous effluents in PWRs and BWRs are different and are listed below:


1) main condenser evacuation system
2) turbine gland seal system i 3) mechanical vacuum pump exhaust


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beds must be replaced when they are no longer effective for removing radioactive material from the liquid. The filters and ion exchange beds are solid by-products and, therefore, become part of the solid waste streams discussed below.

Filtration is defined as the separation of suspended, undissolved, particulate solids from a fluid mixture by passage of most of the nid through a septum or membrane that retains I the solids on o- ilthin itself. A filter's performance is measured by its ability to remove and hold solid stream contaminants, by the amounts of solid, liquid, and gasenus wastes it generatest by its ease of operations by its maintenance requirements; and by the radiation exposures it causes during operation and maintenance. Filters used in nuclear power plants are changed most often on the basis of pressure drop across the filter, or because the radioactive dose rate of the filter reaches a predetermined upper limit. The degree of filtration required; chemical compatibility of the filter medium with the slurry being processed: the weight, volume, and particle-size distribution of the solids to be removed; and the suspended solids concentration, volume flow rate, temperature, and pressure of the stream to be processed are among the factors that should be considered in the selection of a filter. In LWR nuclear power plants, the liquid streams have various amounts of dissolsed plus suspended solids and varying amounts of radioactivity associated with them, depending upon their source within the plant. f corrosion products in the coolant stream becone activated in the j internals of the reacter core relatively significant fractions J (about one-fourth) of the activated corrosion products tend to be present as suspended solids fission products to bo present dominantly as soluble forms, Traditionally, BWRs have, for the most part, used pressure-pre-coat filters, while PWRs have largely used t disposable-cartridge filters. However, newer types such as nonpre-coat, back-flushable filters are seeing greater application in both types of plants. Disposable cartridge filters contain from one to several replaceable elements that are discarded when they cocome contaminated or loaded to the extent that either the radioactive dose rate or the dif ferential pressure across the filter reaches a preset value. In nuclear power plant applications, multiple elements are often mounted in a single removable supporting structure and, to minimize radiation exposure, the entire assembly is discarded et changeout.

Disposable elements used in nuclear power plants typically have filter media of voven fabric, wound fiber (string), or planted paper, supported.on a rigid inner core of perforated stainless steel. Cotton, nylon, and epoxy-impregnated paper are among the materials commonly used in fabrication of disposable cartridges for nuclear power plants. Disposable cartridge filters perform well in removing suspended solids from the process streams of 1

nuclear power plants. Difficulty of remotn changeout is probably

l impurities must be solidified by mixing with cement or by mixing with a liquid plastic and, therefore, become part of the solid waste streams discussed below. It is a unit operation that has wide application in the nuclear industry for reducing waste volumes and the amount of radioactive nuclides in liquid effluents. Evaporation can be used on solutions or slurries having vastly different compositions and concentrations; however, it is most effectively used on liquid radioactive vastes having high concentrations of impurities. An evaporator is a device designed to transfer heat to a liquid that boils and to separate the vapor thus formed from the liquid. A radioactive waste evaporator system consists basically of the following building blocks: a heating element; a flash chamber; one or more deantrainment devices to separate or disengage liquid droplets from the vapor; a condenser to cool and convert the vapor back to liquid; and pumps as required to feed the system, to circulate the contents where forced circulation is employed, and to discharge the concentrated liquid (bottoms).

Liquid radioactive wastes in a BWR plant are normally segregated into four types as follows: 1) High-purity waste is a liquid of low electrical conductivity but has the potential of containing some particulate solids and dissolved oils. Major sources of high-purity waste are equipment drains from the dry well and the reactor, turbine, and radioactive vaste buildings; ultrasonic resin cleaner wash; resin backwash and transfer water; filter backwash; phase separator decant liquid; and condensed radioactive evaporator overheads. 2) Low-purity waste is liquid of moderate to high conductivity and has the potential for high suspended and/or dissolved solids content. Sources of low-purity waste include floor drains from the dry well and reactor, turbine, and radioactive waste buildings; uncollected valve and pump seal leakoffs; and water resulting from devstering of slurry wastes.

3) chemical waste is liquid of a high conductivity and high suspended and dissolved solids content. The primary source of this vaste is the regenerant solution from deep-bed ion exchange columns. 4) Detergent waste is liquid with a high suspended solids and orgaitic chemicals content. Major sources of detergent vaste are on-site laundry, personnel shower, and detergent-type decontamination wastes, as well as laboratory wash water.

Liquid radioactive vastes in a PWR plant may be segregated into four types as follows: 1) Miscellaneous vaste is composed of liquid having various qualities from a variety of sources which may not be readily amenable to processing and reuse as reactor coolant make-up water. The main sources of miscellaneous waste are floor drains; outdoor controlled-areas wastes; sampling station radioactive vastes; aerated systems and equipment drains; and primary system ion-exchange and filter wastes. 2) Secondary system waste is liquid of low electrical conductivity from the secondary system. Primary sources of such waste are mostly steam generator blow-down and turbine building drains. 3) Chemical

Structural stability can be provided by the waste form itself, processing the waste to a stable form, or placing the vaste in a disposal container (also called a High Integrity container or H1C) or structure that provides stability after disposal.

A Process Control Program (PCP) is a systematic procedure for providing reasonable assurance that the solidified product will have no detectable free liquid. It consists of two parts. The 1

first part is a set of bounding values for system and waste parameters within which satisfactory solidification can be expected to occur with a high degree of confidence. The second part of the PCP is a systematic procedure using appropriate controls and instrumentation, properly documented, to demonstrate that the solidification system has operated within the specified

' boundaries.

The complexity of radwaste treatment systems is increased when each vaste stream requires different processing. Typical radwaste treatment systems are shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4 for PWRs and BWRs with two different reactor cleanup systems.

Some of the waste processing techniques previously discussed are also volume reduction techniques. Duke Power Company has chosen volume reductien techniques based on our studies of each vaste source. Several volume reduction techniques are applied to each vasta stream.

The Volame Reduction (VR) techniques used for each waste type are listed in the Table. The techniques can be summarized as follows:

A) Source Control is exerted by a carefully designed system of administrative controls, administrative procedures and _

practices, and operating procedures to limit the waste being generated. The program is extensive and complex, since it requires awareness and procedure adherence by up to 2500 people working on a given reactor site. The system of controls is outlined in two papers presented by Duke Power personnel at the Waste Management '85 Meeting held in Tucson, Arizona; the papers describe " Liquid Waste Minimizatlon Efforts" and " Solid Waste Minimization Efforts" at Duke Power Company. The papers are attached. Each station and contractor employee must be aware of his responsibility for minimizing the generation of waste. The program includes employee training programs, supervisor accountability, waste source control at each generating point or location, waste segregation, manual sorting, leak detection surveillance, leak isolation and repair, and routing of each vaste to the proper waste systen collection vessel, one example of source volume control is in the issuance of warehouse supplies. Packing materials such as crates or

0) Large compactors are used for compressing paper, plastic, and similar materials into metal boxes for shipment and disposal. This process follows the sorting and segregation processes in the scorce control process described above.

DAW volume reduction of 50 percent at. Oconee produced the disposa,1 volumes for this waste type as listed in the Tacle.

Labor costs were reduced by a factor of five by eliminating g the time-consuming use of 55-gallon drums. Further volume -

reduction can be achieved by supercompaction. It is not cost effective to install this equipment at each reactor site so a service facility is used to previde supercompaction. In 1988, this facility accepted approximately 500,000 ft3 of vaste for supercompaction and shipped 150,000 ft3 after processing.

E) combustible wastes are generally large volumes with low bulk densities, and with relatively low specific activities.

They are chemically neither inert nor stable, and are susceptible to organic decomposition, oxidation, and degradation by the effect of elements. These combustible wastes can be processed by incineration.

Incineration converts combustible wastes into radioactive ashes and residues that are nonflammable, chemically inert, and much more homogeneous than the intital waste. Since ashes are dispersable in the air, immobilization or encapsulation is normally required for their safe transportation and disposal.

The principal objectives in the design of an incineration system for processing of radioactive vastes are complete combustion of the waster appropriate off-gas cleaning; and radiological protection. The radioactive waste incinerator must be radiologically sate and positively contain radioactivity within the incineration system.

An incineration system for processing of radioactive wastes consists basically oft waste feed preparation und loading facilitiest a combustion chamber (s); an off-gas treatment system including induced draft fan (s) and a stack; ash unloading equipment; and necessary instrumentation and controls. Ash transfer and/or immobilization equipment normally interfaces with the ash unloading equipment.

F) Evaporators are used to process pure reactor liquids such that both the concentrate and water can be reused in the reactor systems. Tritium and boric acid discharges from the station are reduced as a result of such reuse.

G) Equipment and floor drainage liquids are processed for radioactivity removal and released from the station using filtration and ion exchange resin. This tecnnology has I


.. .. .~. . . . . . ____-_____m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _____m_ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . ___ __._______J

such as contaminated trash, settling basin solids, fuel racks, and insulation. The establishment of BRC levels for these type materials will eliminate approximately 30 percent of the waste we are currently disposing of with no additional risk to public health and safety.

The other phase of our plan will use vendor supplied process equipment to reduce radwaste volumes. offsite vendor decontamination facilities are used for large items or unusual waste volumes generated by modifications to existing equipment.

offsite super compaction and incineration facilities reduce the volume of waste to be buried while concentrating the radioactivity. Vendor supplied incineration and decontamination facilities can be used most cost effectively as regional facilities where wastes from many generators are processed.

Since 1982, radvaste volumes have been drastically reduced by the use of ion exchange resin for liquid waste processing, improved tool and equipment decontamination technology and improved compaction.

An increase of dedicated personnel assigned to radwaste management functions, and more effective administrative controls which make each worker responsible for the waste that he generates. The volumes of waste generated as a result of these efforts decreased from the 36,046 cubic feet per year por unit to 5,194 cubic feet per year per unit at Oconee. To date, Duke Power has invested $820 million in radwaste processing facilities at three sites for seven reactors. operating and maintenance costs, including the cost of disposal, are $11.4 million per year. Disposal costs are abost 30% of the o&M costs. A point of diminishing returns will soon be reached whereby further expenditures to reduce the volume of waste generated will no longer be economical.

l Duke Power and other utilities are already reducing the volume of l station vastes 96-98%. This reduction is the result of a three i to fvar-fold reduction of waste sources combined with an overall l process volume reduction of 30-40. Further volume reduction, will

! raise the cost,of electricity to our customers.

l l

a 3 &&;;;.;..

500 -

400 -

1 jm0 -



0 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1988 1987 1980 1989 1990 umeofL.egveigoigRodiooctiveWo.te g ,,

5 800 .

b -

h s, j


,- Equipment Drains g n i Deep Bed Sample Equip. Tank W este O' * ' " '

nk i .


[ "

Storage Filter *-""*"""*1 g j _  ; Spent Resm Tank

}  ; (5R7) '

Deep i .

Floor  !

Sludge Bed Drains  ;

  • Tank Demin.

i Filter

" l u $1udges

_- 1 6 .. .:. . ,

i Floor SRT e' Sludge Drain {Evap.i;  ;

Tank Tank *

- g- ; ,

l 2

Fuel Pool &

Condensate \ / ,

Chemical g,,ing

,, 'r

.............., T-- Weste

{ } Laundry Corwmate Sludge N*e Tank Seneretor Chemical W astes f

Reactor Cleanup o "I Hopper Makeup u

Water l Mme - \/ " "

seperater Weste Solidification Process Uguids Trash Resins (Solids) Compactor Figure 3 Simplified BWR Radwaste System:

Powdered Resin and Reactor Cleanup Systems

-- ~~. - . , . _ _ - - - . - . . _ , _ , , . . . - - _ . . . - _ _ ~ . . , . _ . . - - , _,.- .x.. - - . . -

0 tatil 1

+ce .e e t c. e.m WoLL 4 SEDJctica Pit unit 1

- i . ,

i I l cubic l cLeic l l l &#.ticA4Li l I l Fitt i titt j l vt ticMilk4l l W liar.CNtatet i I ffPt lPattt tstplpa gensgl tsuwetts l Unto l tlc.steugt l l l  ;  :

Is etw l ?4,000i roo le.wter pr.irme. l Ir tece.w I suser.itwi seeni.I l l l l6 ster c twit i Purifit. tion l l l 1 l l e., wet tea I retiretten l l l l 1 1: ewing wi.e i swwie intents l l l l l 1 Dr.inee. l 1 I I i l l Purttinit.n l l l

l l l  ;

llwwumer c ieriti 630,000l 150 lt piteis snia. I sun c>=i.try I ..n. est : l l l l lc . u p cente.i i 1 l l l l tire. 4 ter.f.e  ! s n tasa.g. l 1 i I l l s.iviin. l rwit suitwi i i l I i to iw.iiar$== a i esite.iian l l l l l l 1 iw.iim I l l l l l l It wip=nt w I sao. cool 650 le , nin,tv. I swu cm i.iry i . tai. 1 I ti w orete I l \ o,.ie.,. I canir.i l 1 1 1 I Ici.witne..i.e l sen sechm I i i 1 l Itworyw.i.e I ><i t s u t im i 1 l l l l l titiresien l l l l l l l l l lost. w 6.i mui n,coe i s le.w iw e ,oti i s w centrei i me esisi l l l l 1 I s.tteieinii.n l l l l l leram.tieoti. l i,. ie.e . i i -i 1 l t i I It an.iyit. l I I I I l l s tant. I I i l l l l l l lte.c.Acti.ity l l,000I lo lti.e. Sr.i.e l An. t v. t. I bare toi.i l lhei.fii. 1 I l Purific.tlen t in. l 6.t. t iustien i I l l l ls. nit.ey w t. 6.iie. I Dec Aspilt il.n I i l l l llettlingSa.inteite. I truir e. tion I i

l-- , , i i Iw=.i ...wi.e c a.usw cuteni l w i. causw.u I . asi.: l l l=swipt w ri e i ewitic i..n e.ote. t inism easteti u! I I 's-en er-l :=ip a er.ia 1 i l i Ic i.nt. I erw.u ewin. I I I i l leatt.c twiri l l (

, , l . l l Inre r. I it. coo I soo it i., e ou I s w a centrei i . iii. 1 I i  ; lui , p . ei,ine i om.nimir ii.n l l 1 I i len.wi.tini, emi anu l e I I I I I I I see si.e. eat i l I i l l 1 *=w.a.iwiim i I l -

l l l l l l le e, cies., I 3o,000 I s,tse ler.swit I sm. car.t l est.: I Ieie.ii. l l llen. a t. in . I er eti l l 1 l l ev, vie. cietu, I c,ar.t men l I l l 1 l ovvi.. m.i. I sm. s.,t ew l I I I I I I tw=. rim w I I I I I I I ery cianias i 1 1 l 1 l I c=e= stim i I I I l l l seein.e.ii.n ce l l 1 I I

I t s 4.ra = = ti.a l 1 l -

l l l laas,eintic l 1,000i e ite.c. w suev.i. j s u e. contrei I set.: 1 i pieim i I I s u iitution my l I l 1 l lio.cieieiein.ini=. I i.t.i i i i l I i l en.rit =inet te i l l 1 l l l am I l l I l l l irstw.ti.a cm I i I, l I l l@*'.'88P8C 8 i 8" l I f l 1.t.i 1,157,00o : 4,$M W Moi 1

4 8 t

1 LIQUID RADWA$f[ MlNIN12Atl0N EFFORTS AT DUKE P0utR COMPANY R. M. Propst sad 8. L. Norris Nuclear Pro 8Wetton Department Duke Power Company

. Charlotte North Caroline 23242 ASSTRACT Nest fleuld regneste processing systems are sosigned for s aysreges weste processing rates.

Unfortenstely, easte is set generated at this everege rete bst et varies rates which can overtoes the cepecitr et the systems. When the easte systems are overlossede the operation of the entire einf power eltet ton plantcosigned prograu can be adversely it decrease effectes. Duke Power has establishes a liggid regwaste loose on nonrecyclable easte streen process eyseene one to provide estflelent process cepecify to handle the pose laput estes in sech streso.

Elementsleek control, of the progree incisset asete source segregation, recleastion, ellainetton, c%eelcel given for each detection, of these progreeone theclosents.

volves reewetion of process system typressets; (semples are

-elleinsting high-selles, high-resloettivity,A verlety of techniques ens highavolume era of sources uses in which veste reducing con or overloos easte litustrete that systems ens /br proevee 6;gh volumes of bypresucts for disposal. The esseples a combineylon achieve the eleleinstica progree opjautives.of ope.-tring, engineering, ens seslaistrative tools ero esed to INTRODUCTION reglelogical, and cheelcel properties and that Duke Power operates seven nuclear this complemity is frequently compounded when reactors. They are located et Oconse, easte stromes becoes aimed and thee era McGuire, and Cata=be Nuclear Stetton6. All introduced into process equipment, are Pressvriges water Aestfore iPWRes). The central progres philosekhy les During the first years of op**stion et Oconee, the loess on the llevif weste gysteme voce platelse the Input of redlo=

founs to be higher than anticipated. A*ector activity and solids trips, Stees Generator ty&s repelr outages, to nonrecyclable finavan systowe, ens slaulteneove wait outages produced veste segregate end contros veste volumes et high generation rates. These peak strosos as close to the searce rates escoedes liquid easte systes especify and es practical. Provide

'esulted int sufficient process cepetity to

e. honele peak loose free each veste backlogst segregated weste stress,
s. Insbility to receive additional oestel $peelfic progree objectives are 6ened on
c. outage deleys in draining components for salatenancel veste so6rce chorectoristics and on the 6esign lleitati6ne of process equipment. The W. reactor start-up delays in ellowing objectives apply to both station design and reacter coolant feed and bleed. operation. They i t.c l u d e s  !

! The costs in lost generating cepetity, valt 1 Segregation of sources evelleellity, and diversion of plant personnel i


' to unusgel pient operating conditions Recloset ton of tc hetor Coolant

3. Chemical Contros of $ogrcne demonstrates first=hend the leportance of 4 Volsee Redaction of 6yproevets easte sources control ans easte system 5. Elleinstion of sources efficiency.
6. Leek Detection As a result Gf this owportance, and with A verlety of methods are esta in the kneeledge that McGuire era cettete alght. ettempting to meet thesa objectives, emperience slaller operating cif ficuttles e Applications of these methose are shown in the program ses esteellshes to achieve better sweeples described below. One esseple le weste control. The progree is based on the presented for each of the sim objectivete I

evolveti;n of easte volerees and proportles as These emeeples -a ens stetten operating e fancylon of plant design, operating events, amperience == Illustrete that egelpeent end.stetton seintenance activities. The sodification is only one of several leportant characteristics of each weste source are progree elements. fquelly leportent eres evolueted egelnst the capabilities of regneste 1) leproves operating practices. 21 station l process components. The progree recognises ecolnistrttive controls, and 31 ongoing easte l

that meste sources con aave comptes paysacel, progree evolustion.

m - _ . _ ._ _ _ _ ~ . _ _ _ _. ____ __ .- _

ens reector coolant systees, pagetor trip recovery, reactor poeor egente, reactor shutsoon, are f eel pool estatenesse grainese represort peak lose tholdenges to llepis process systems. Annual volwees generetas by Mcovire are se folleess g 3,7* -

IAAg Gaffesa Cggjg Natara a

1982 2.2 Nillion 8.300 1 1983 3.3 Nilllon 12.900 g 3,g, 1984 4.2 Million 15.900 u These totals do not reflect pook loess. On g 2.2 -

J:51 131 one occasion. 730.000 gallone 12.800 cubic meterst ,es processed in ese senth, f

[3 Grets 19ete/ Gamma) ,g,,,,, ,,,,,,, g,,,g,,,,g,,, ,,,,,,

l copecify to rectale the pese volumes of g


- coolen,. grade n.uise ,h. only recourse is ,o 3


.siver, se,e sys,es.these n.wiss ,o the The ,es, ionsnonrecyciab,le sesens en h.

l s

n, _ . ecycle systee le then esperloposes en the '

g m __ _ __ n, ls p..k loss sesign base of th. east. svet.o. As J F M A M J J A hN i

Ilivetrated in the introsettles, operating

$ D emperience hee sesonstrates that such PONTH concurrent peak loess 80 oe"sr .= especially st multl* unit effee with shm es ligels poete systeet.

To eastoss this probles, resycle systees Fig. 3. sietteestivity in Ventitetton heve been upgreses. Westinghdese eveperatore Condessets were subaltted to test progress. The goal see to achieve 15 spo 13.4 esbic noters per hour),

Conseneste volemos during January ens 150,000 gallon 1970 cable seters) per week Februert IFig. 21 liluott ets the esof tiness of process cepecity, and ev.llebility greator the systee in doeling elih pirnt vpects, la then 305. Deficiencies in the vent system, late December, 1983, stone generator feedseter ses stripper, alstillete one concentrote loops velve enterwel leakege developes. Aumillery tre foons er.s correctee. Procese seelters a estoestic controls have been sages to Sullding consensato prossetton le wormally invert each evaporator froe sensel batch very loe curing the months of November ti. rough ocessing to estomatic continWees operation.

March. 64ch that the volenes in January art ,er recycle system posifications allow February thes the fossenter stese leek le the con'elevous use of recycle deelnerellters prior Reactor Bellsing. Mas no cther events to evaporator fees. Rosleective cobalt ens occurres, the entire volume souls have been cosive coneontratione oro resoces te 100 times alscherges without proceselag. lower then reactor coolant concentrations so es to mainteln everage evaporater and boric la sie January, hometye, a seell reactor ecle tank confect sose Delow 0.2 Red /hr 12 coolent stese lost covelopes. The restosctive eGy/hr). The weste evaporetor has been concehtration gresuelly rose to the point that converted to recycle service es a peak lose consensate could not be rolessed because the ans backsp component. This einfelste the feesweter stees ses conteolnetes by the probability of coolant liquis elversion to the reactor coolent leek. Fig. 2 shoot the teste system.

volumes enich requires processing until the

' unit ses shut soon for refueling ens repelr Process rates for e peak week at McGelre Based un these emperiences the shes the system capability as mostiles. 80th Ventilation Unit Consensate systes hos been evaporators were uses sering thle Feek weens judges a valuable esset ens is schosules for

-mostficefloa to further leprove its * . Fees volume . 282.000 Dellons useleiness. Fig. I-shoes. In sottes lines. 's 11070 cubic meteral Process Rate e 28 gpo the assition of features to ellos elversion *" 16.4 cubic meters per hour) either Aunillery or Reactor Sulising Concentrates Recialees - 23.000 gallons consensate erales to the process system prior (57 cubic meters) to entry the Consensate Orsin Tone. The V Distillete boron - 5 pee cos t f ic at ion vill resuce cros s. cont es;lnet t on

  • IKg 8 per elllion Kg Solution) of sources to the tank suring savsvel .

Olstillete Gross Genes

  • Less then operating consitions.

llelt of setection REACTOR COOLANT RECL ANATION High evaporator sistlllate quellty has Reactor coolant graus liquias are been echieven without using the system's high-votume liquis sources. lectuses are polishing lon exchange consononts. Recycle bless liquid from cheelce! shle Iberon system peak loess have not requires steersion to the easte systems et McGuire one Catsobs.

concentrationi changes in the reactor coolent Duke has recently prowlses its sosification systes ans grainage from the spent fuei pool package to e neighboring utility.

~_ _ - _ __ -_ . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .

Coesoments locates la shielses erees lastellation et Catenbe, accessible only or one

  • to a three ton hatch plugs are one emeople. Components in roome which are kept locked sue to high regletion $UMWARY flelse are emother easeple. Deteretning the Duht Poser has establishes progress to location of en esternal leek requires accessing those aree4 ene et a flee entil the roouce plant Inists to oeste **steme entch produce source is founs. The effort is offluents ses ehich presuse the nighest sosealntensive, labor latensive, ens voluses of 6ypresucts requirleg elsposal.

fles.consweing. progree objectives ans esemples of each Incluses i t, en effort to provide fester response 1. Source Segrepetion of yentitettoe to ecote leonage events, e leek setector ese Consensato.  ;

sovelopes. The setectors are press fittes '

into floor grains ens connectos to alare panel 2. Reactor Coolent Rectcle by Evaporator cables by plug connectors. The setectors use and Recycle Systen Upgress.

e fleet ens altroswitch ectustor to provise alare enen input to en insivlevel floor grain 3. Source Cheelcel Control by Choolcol l

reaches rates greater then 0.1 gallons per Approval ens Evaporator Fees I

minute (0.02 cubic esters per hoort. Treatment.

Ortector essemblies are elsposable ens 4 con be enenges out in 15 seconse. The $ovece ellaine+1on of Decontaminetlen setector sees not interfere with flow lato the Choolcels by Equipeent Upgrese.

floor drein. Avellable flow scos late the S. Process Btprosect volose/ Cost floor arela exceses the eres of the grating replaces by the setector. Resection by easte $ysten Filter Upgress.

i Detector Itcetion is Isentitled on each 6. Source Leek Detection by Development local store panel. The control elsre panel l sirects the operator to the appropriate local ens lastellation of floor Drein penal. Operating emperience has sesonstrates Detectors.

the ability to identify enact location of The applicetloe of adelaistrative Auxillery evilding leeks within 5 einutes. controls, refines operating practices, ens Detector inspection one replacement are schosules se other maintenance needs require equipment oostfleetions hos yleises progress entry to each room. The system is la towers the segregetlen era procese cepecity operation et McCulre end is schoseles for f or stet ton weste stroses. Each progree objective has contributes to resoco liquis veste byprosects, cost, ens inventory backlog.

TABLE I FILTER PERFORWANCE DATA ORf MINA? DeSoABf Operating Mose $1ngle Cartriege 2 Perellel Service Lifee 2000 set (7.6 N )

60,000 Gallons (230 N )

Filter Area: 1.2 ft.2 (0.1 N2) 16 x 2 ft2 (3.0 N2 3 Flums 17 gpe/ft.2 (12 Kg/s N2) 0.6gpe/ft.2 (0.4 Kg/s N 2 3 Enhaustes Contact Dose 3 R/hr (30 eGy/hr) besign Base 0.4 Actest R/hr 14 eGy/hr)

- __ ~ __. . < . - -, . . ~_- . - _ _

l l

I SOLIO mASTE MININIZAfl0N AT DUKE PottR CCNPANY H. J. Deeeton Duke Power Comptv General OffIca Charlotte, N. C. 28242 ABSTRACT

.As more nuclear stations como on line, Duke is faces with the fact of incresslag soils weste volumes and increasing Duriel site rates. In en ettempt to resuco these veleoes stuslos were consectos to quantify ens quellfy *solle veste .s As each component teste ttpe ses teentitles, e volume resuction senese ses covelopes to segress speelfic sense fores. The schemes use e incluso ecolnistrative controls, equipment purchase ens bullelt.g test flection, and requests for reguletory enceptions.

INTRODUCTION After ela toers of operstles, Ocenee8 rete of lacrease hee slowes seen to ebest 255

  • Solid
  • resloective veste can generally per year. Annvol elscellaneous weste volumes be troken sown into three categories - Il has increases to 2000 custe seters (7t,000 weste presucts free lieule processing leg., cuale feet) In 1982. (Fig. 21.

tit ters, soolmerellaers, sollelfles evaporator concentrates), 2) . miscellaneous easte leg.,

DAW, contaminates tools and components), or 3) unusual sources. This paper setells Duke Poser's attempts to einfelse the. volume of i m miscellaneous weste ans unusual source weste 3,ong , Q MISC VAlft 10 to burles et low level alsposal altos.



Duke Power company emperience et Ocones and McCulre has shown that los level oeste m +

n volumes increase replely in early plant life. g" 2.000= \

The rete of increase levels off utter about U \

flee to eight years. For emeople, the McGulre * "'

l l



elscellaneous easte volume has increases en M f I \

average of 1735 per year for its first four g years. IFig. 1) j kg k g

' g g ..


\ 5  ! N. \

\ s 3 s s ,.

\ a} s g bulsewAst,t

'00 - \

. k '

h' \



T - .

N k  % \

50= =n ,

0 h s 4 s l tN h


4 N

s' y

g w



1979 1980 1881 1f82 ilt3 19h4

, YEARS 200 - Fig. 2 CN$ Weste Volsees N

\ N ulth this nusper ens 7 riuciver units.

l 100 - ~ ,--

\ \N

\, Duke ses f acing a posslDie 4667 cubic meters

\ N (165.000 cunic feet) or 667 cubic outers


123,300 cubic festi per unit annual burial mm N ,5N N valuse.

l O N - N l

1981 1982 1983 This volume ses visses el*h concern for 1984 several reasons. The first ses a history of l

l YEAR buriel site cost inflation everaging 401 per

! year. IFig. 31 Another ses the location of Fig. I MN$ Weste Volve3s.

McGuire huclear Stetson outsise the state of South Caroline with no guerent8es burle!


-- - - . - - - . - _ . . - - . - . ~ . . ~ - _ . - - - - ._~ , _._ - _ - - ,

cose all trash barrels within the RCA. Red secontaminetton equipeent ens any reestree one yelloe terrels are for contesinated or sosifications.

potentially conteelnetes DAW. Blue ens enite borrois are for clean treen. The 'cleen* The first step la the secon upgrose ses trash is seeltores prior to leaving the to isentify which seconteelnetton opftene were Auvillery 5 sliding to lasure it is oveliable to Duke. The possibillfles non.costeelneted. The accepteble reslation factuses lletts are backgrouts reesings. This trash is egeln sonitores prior to leaving the site as 1. Upgrese the liquis veste system such seeltery weste. Levels sust not excess 0.5 that eggressive secen cheelcons eltro $levert/hr 1.05 ares /hrt. This practice couls be uses in the esisting tenks.

le estlested to save Duke apprealmstely late 2. $ witch to alternate technologies cubic meters 150,000 cuale feet) of burtal which covis incluso electropolishing, space per year. .

sens bleating, lleuls obrasive blasting, freon high pressure sprey, This progree is not e

  • sorting" progree or troon ultrasonic.

es conveniently defined. Duke Power sees not check *potentially" conteelnetes meterial The upgress of the liquis systee oss lle., res and yellow barrels) ens remove any elleinstes since that wouls cost more then the clean trash. Duke chooses not to sort 8270,000 avellable.

contaminates daw for two reasons. The first is the reguistory oncertelnty se to what is or At this point Duke decides to ensortske~s is not *resloective." $ lace Duke has not two part stusy. The flest objective ses to applies for a 'se einfels' ruling on this quellfy ens quantify eestfly onet weste fore no such cutoff level con be set. a non.compactes teste* oss et Duke's stations.

The other rosson is economic . In o+ser to be The secons study enjective ses to eetuelly cost effective et least 105 of the fle's test each possible secon technology to

  • contesinates' etterlei must be f ouns to be get sees reellatic numbers of their
  • cleans. Due to the success of its effectiveness, problems, eenpower esetnistrbtive controls, Duke dess not believe requirements, etc. This stasy ese set up to this number is achievatis unser current bring slfferent vensors into the station to conettlons.

provide seconteelnetlon services suring Another espect of ecolnistrative controls outties. Vensors were selectos such that each

  • identifies technology ses actually tries et le to eeke indfvfeuafn responsible for certelt4 Ov6e station. This stusy ses continues for a

types of meterial taken into the RCA. For four outages et Oconee ans McCulre.

eveople, sll tools are signes out be e specific enelvidual. This indivlsval is held in creer to evoluste each technology a accountable for that tool. This methos log ses developes to retore secon cate, insures tools are returnes after use ens not inf ormation eveliable l Actuseos thrown into the trash. Respirators are henstes the some way. These controls eeke 1. Decon process lle., electropoilsher, trash sorting to recover reuseable items freon ultresentry etc.)

u%necessary. 2. katerial. type fli,, estal, tool, cable, etc.)

TOOL DECON 3 Decon fles Another mejor contributor to the soils 4


Inittel conteelnetten/reeletion level easte burlei volves is 'non.compactes' Residual conteelnetton/reslation level esteriel. This group incieses tools, equipment, estal, voos, cable. etc. These This stucy reveales the following about esterials contribute about 1,260 cubic esters the types of material thet nessed to be '

144,50t cubic test) per year to reeveste seconnese voluees.

.lp 19814 f. 905 covered with oils or grease 1982, the setes for the original 2. 755 painted study, the only seconteelnetton methods 3. act eetal evelleele tore hans wipsng or ester baths. 4, 235 siectrical or pneuestic water baths used small ultrasonics or larger S. 125 alscellaneous seterial thoses, turbulators. Due to liquis resseste system allags, entension cores, etc.)

design, no cleaning cheelcels could be uses with the vetor baths. This type of decon The everage realetion levels on this proves to be ineffective on til fluss esterial ranges free .5 to go alcro conteelnation ene on high levels of loose $leverts/hr 1.05 to g eree/hr) ene the everage conteelnetton. Ant tools or oculpeent that conteelnetton level ranges from 2,000 to costs not be places in water leg., 10,000 com/100 square centleeters.

electronics) or were too large for the tanks could now be seconned.

This sete ese invaluable in soveloping equipment selection criterie. The first Pavlee of published reports, especially reg 6irement ses for a methos to remove oils -

some EPRI work, ens lacustry empertence less only hand alping or freon tecnnologies could Duke to conclude that with property selectog eccomplish this. The secong reautrement ses seton equipment this values could at least be f or e methos to 1ocenteelnato electrical cut in helt. By assualeg a required three egulpeent . only freon technologies could year _pattack, seth station coule spend accoepilth this. A third requirement ses that appromlestely $270.000 on noe any new coulpeent hee to be slople ens

(g tm 6L4 kTr AcWMehl r E i

MIXED WASTE CHARACTEBlZATION AND PROCESSING Julius W. Bryant and Larry D. Evans Nuclear Production Department Duke Power Company Charlotte, N.C. 28242 ABSTRACT Waste that is both radioactivo and hazardous is regulated by both

.the NRC and the EPA. Since there are few treatment, storage, or disposal facilities licensed by both these agencies, mixed waste generated at Duke Power company facilities is stored at the generation site. Processing methods for eliminating this inventory of stored mixed waste are being developed using the limited options available to facilities not possessing a hazardous wasta treatment permit. In order to ensure that the above storage and processing is in compliance with EPA requirements, periodic characterization of thesa mixed wastes is necessary. This paper describes Duke Power Company's mixed waste characterization and processing programs and outlines tbs results achieved to date.

INTRODUCTION Mixed waste is low-level radioactive waste (LLW), as defined in the Low-Level Radioactive Wasta Policy Amendments Act of 1985 (LLRWPAA), that also contains constituents that are either a listed hazardous waste or exhibit hazardous characteristics as described in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation 40CFR Part 261. Prior to 1985, mixed waste was generally disposed of just like LLW with the Nucl(ar Regulatory Commission having regulatory authority. However, during formulation of the LLRWPAA, questions arose as to which agency, the EPA or the NRC, should have regulatory authority over mixed wasta. Congress directed these two agencies to administratively resolve the problem. As a result, the NRC and the EPA issued a joint guidance document that stated the NRC had jurisdiction over the radionuclide portion of the mixed waste while the EPA had authority over the hazardous constituents. With the issuance of the NRC-EPA joint guidance document, a mixed waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF) was requirsd to conform to both NRC and EPA regulations.

EPA regulations require that a mixed waste TSDF obtain an EPA permit and that they characterize their mixed waste to ensure that it can be treated, stored, or disposed of in compliance with the storage permit and EPA regulations. Due to the projected high costs associated with TSDF permits, Duke Power Company has implemented mixed waste characterization and processing programs whose goal is to eliminate any need to maintain these permits by eliminating mixed waste inventories.

!! I k1~{N

A Waste Analysis Plan (WAP) was then developed which outlined the procedures necessary to ensure that each known or potential mixed waste was characterized as per the requirements of 40CFR Part 265. This WAP provides the following information for each of these vaste streams:

  • the parameters for which the waste will be analyzed
  • the rationale for the selection of these parameters
  • the sampling methods which will be used to ensure a representative sample of the waste is collected ,
  • the test methods which will be used to analyze for the selected parameters
  • the frequency with which the analysis sf the waste will be repeated
  • the test acceptance criteria After development of the WAP, the known or potential mixed wastes were characterized. The initial characterization results for these known or potential mixed $iaste streams are shown in Table I and II respectively. Table III lists the LLW which is not and should never become mixed waste.

Table I Initial charatterization results for LLW known to be mixed waste because thgy contain or have contacted a listed hazardous solvent ,

Waste Strggm Parameter (See Note 1) Egsult dry cleaner filters, freon 200 - 2200 ppm paper portion ignitability non-ignitable toxicity toxic, up to 2.0 ppm Cd and 16.0 ppm Pb dry cleaner filters, freon 120 - 350,000 ppm carbon portion ignitability non-ignitable toxicity non-toxic 1


Table II Initial characterization results for LLW vhich could be mixed vaste because they have the potential for exhibitina hazardous characteristica 2213ntial Waste Strean Characteristics Emanli paint solids ignitability non-ignitabic chremate analysis toxicity toxic, up to vaste 240 ppm Cr reactor coolant pump toxicity toxic, up to decen solution 3560 ppm Cr sludge lance toxicity non-toxic filters / sludge chloride analysis toxicity toxic, up to vasta 780 ppm Hg liquid radvaste filter toxicity non-toxic (laundry system) liquid radvaste filter toxicity non-toxic (floor drain system) laundry liquids toxicity non-toxic corrosivity non-corrosive PH=7.2 floor drain liquids toxicity non-toxic corrosivity non-corrosive

  • PH=6.9 wat blast decon toxicity toxic, up to unit grit / filters 28 ppm Cd and 30 ppm Pb lead batteries / See Hote 1 shielding Hotest 1) Lead batteries and shielding are decontaminated.

Consequently, no analysis has been performed on this waste.

I i


f i

Two general strategies are being employed to achieve this goal:

strategy #1 - involves the submittal of delisting petitions for mixed waste streams that contain or have contacted a listed hazardous solvent. Prior to -

petition subeittal, the concentration of the  ;

hazardous solvent in the mixed waste will be i reduced as low as possible. .

Strategy #2 - is applicabis to a mixed waste that exhibits a hazardous characteristic (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity). These wastes will be treated in-container to eliminate their hazardous characteristics.

Table IV lists the mixed wastes that are currently being generated at Duke Power facilities, as identified by the characterization program.-In addition, their hazardous properties and the general processing strategies to be applied to these i mixed wastes are provided. l Table IV Ceneral _ Process Sggg,teav For_Hixed Waste Streams c currently Beinu Gengrated At Duka Power Facilities Mixed Waste Stream Hazardous Properties Strategy dry cleaner filters, listed waste (freon), #1 and #2  :

paper. portion toxic (cd,Pb) See Note 1

-dry cleaner filters, listed waste (freon) #1 carbon portion dry cleaner' bottoms listed waste (freon), #1 and #2 toxic (Pb) scintillation ignitable, #2, see cocktail =See Note 2 Note 3 .

acetone based listed waste (acetone) #2, See cleaning solutions Note 4 3 waste oil / solvent listed waste (solvents) #1, See mixtures Note 5 L

l tool decon unit listed waste (freon), #1 l

' filters See Note 6 7 +

.. . - - . = - . . . . . - . - -,---..--.:--__-----.a-- . . . - . - - , - . . . ,

Iable IV fcentinued)

5) An alternative option being pursued for mixed waste comprised of oil and listed hazardous solvents is approval from the applicable regulatory agencies for a one time burn of current inventories. Afterwards, an oil and selvent segregation program should prevent the generation of additional amounts of this mixed wasta.
6) The tool decon unit waste characterization has not been completed.

Application of Strategy #1 to the applicable wastes required an investigation into effective methods for reducing the listed solvent concentrations of these wastes. At this time, no tasting has been performed on methods for reducing the listed solvent concentration of the waste oil / solvent mixtures. For the freon related wastes, two methods have been tested - distillation and drying using the heat cycle of the dry cleaners. Neither of these two methods of reclaiming freon requitte a hazardous waste treatment permit. Strategy #2 is belpg espicyed to eliminate the hazardous characteristics associated with any of the identified mixed wartes. Generally, these wastes are being solidified with a gypsum based solidification agent. Again, a treatment permit is not required as long as thc solidifications are performed in the original wtute container within 90 days of the waste generation date.

At this time, the only full scale application of the above l process strategies has been on the scintillation cocktail and the reactor coolant pump decon solution. Full scale processing of the rammining mixed wastes was delayed pending the results of hench scale processing of these wastes. The mixed waste processing results achieved thus far are shown in Table V. Testing is in progress for the identified mixed waste streams for which no results are shown.

l-Igble V I

l Current Duke Power Mixed Waste Processina Results Ert-orocessed Post-orouess.34 Mixed Waste Descriotion Eyonerties - Procerties

! dry cleaner dried 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> 6 2200 ppa freon, 1200 ppm freon, I filters, 120 degrees F, 2 ppm Cd and < 0.2 Cd and

) paper then solidified 16 ppm Pb < 0.3 Pb, See Notes 1 thru 5 l

L 9

. . _ - . . . _ = _ ___ _ __. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ -_ .._ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ -

Table V (continued)

4) The scintillation cocktail and the coolant pump decon solution results were obtained from full scale processing. All other post-processed results were obtained from bench scale process testing.
5) The solidification of the reactor coolant pump decen solution was done using cement. All other vaste ,

solidifications were performed using a gypsum based solidification agent.

6) This wet blast filtcrJ/ grit processing was performed on a vaste batch that contained only 2.3 ppm Cd. The .

processing of batches containing Pb and higher levels of Cd is in_ progress.



The Duke Power characterization program has identified all mixed waste currently being generated at Duke Power facilities. This progran provides for the periodic characterization of these wastes and ensures that they continue stored and processed in accordance. with the requirements of 40CTR Part 265. '

The Duke Power processing program has eliminated two of the identified mixed wastes from the companies hazardous waste storage permits - scintillation cocktail and reactor coolant pump decon solution. The processing of the remaining mixed waste is in  ;

progress and the preliminary results are satisfactory. Based upon these results, a reasonable possibility.that all Duke Power mixed waste inventories and hazardous waste storage permits can be eliminated.


1. Low Laval Radioactive Waste Poliev Amendments Act, January.1956.

l 2. Resource'censarvation and Recoverv Act of'1976, October 1976.

3. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory l

Commission,-" Guidance on the Definition and Identification

  • l of Commercial Mixed Low-Inval Radioactive and Hasardous L Waste and Answers to Anticipated Questions", January 8, 1987.
4. Cods of Federal Reaulatient, Title 40, Parts 260 thru 262, and Parts 264 thru 270. [

11 l

...z_. ,, - - , . , . - - . , , -. - - - -_- - -


l This request for information is designed to obtain the utility overview of its 1 power plant's impacts on aquatic resources. It is agl intended to require new j surveys, data collection, or extensive new analyses of existing data.

Responses can be based on existing iaforsation, for example, by sumarization of information contained in monitoring reports, publications, or unpublished files. The questions should be answered separately for each site operated by the utility.

Documents that say be useful in addressing the following questions ares o Annual Aquatic Monitoring Report submitted to the responsible State Agency o Final Environmental Statement o Anr,ual Non-Radiological Monitoring Report as required by Environmental Protection Plan of Technical Specifications, Appendix B o Section 316 (a) and (b) Demonstration Report submitted to Environmental Protection Agency Based on our pilot study, the Aquatic Resource questions should take approximately 40 M Mours to answer.

1. Po:t-11 cent mg modifications and/or changes in operations of intake and/or disenarge systems may have altered the effects of the power plant on aquatic resources, or may have been made specifically to mitigate impacts that were not anticipated in the design of the plant.

Describe any such modtfications and/or operational changes to the cofedenser rosling water intake and discharge systems since-the issuance of the Operating License.

2. Summarize and describe f.or provide documentation of) any known impacts on' aquatic resources (e.g., fish kills, violations of discharge permit NUMARC Page 1

.p- ,- - , . . - . -. , , e ., .; -, ...g-,.._.-- ,-y , - . . .

1 .


the Operating License including those that may have resulted in different _ plant impacts than those initially predicted.

7. Plant operations may have had positive, negative, or no impact on the use of aquatic resources by others. Harvest by commercial or recreational fishermen may be constrained by piact operation.

Alternatively comercial harvesting say be relatively large compared with fish losses caused by the plant. Describe (or provide documentation for) other nearby uses of waters affected by coo',ing water systems (e.g., swiming, boating, annual harvest by commercial and recreational fisheries) and how these impacts have changed since issuance of the Operating License.

8. Describe other sources of impacts on aquatic resources (e.g., industrial discharges, other power plants, agricultural runoff) that could contribute tc cumulative impacts. What are the relative contributions by percent of these sources, including the contributions due to the power plant, to overall water quality degradation and losses of aquatic biota?
9. Provide a copy of your Section 316(a) and (b) Demonstration Report required by the Clean Waste Act. What Section 316(a) and (b) determinations have been made by the regulatory authorities?


~. ;

~,- a

, : T. '- Q ig, July 3, 1990 Cly1LlE, .uN 4 4.4 TAl. . 1 EFPPot< f assCTION I JUL 5 1994 MEMORANDUM P,'"11 M70ROS/OlVIS10N USE

.. klusC.iidlNT 10 EtLE TO: Tami Carpenter ' --:

Design Engineering ..

EC09-H FROM: Gail Addis SUMECT: NUMARC Socioeconomic impact Questionnaire

1. Estimates of number of permanent workers on site for most recent year Average permanent workers = 1509 QA = 82 CMD = 375 PSD = 52 NPD = 1000 Does not include K-Mac (approximately 95) or Globe (approximately 150)
2. Average permanent workers in five-year increments since plant received Operating License:

TOTAL NPD CMD/SMS* QA, PSD 1980 = 953* $621 250 82 -

1985 = 1118* s786 250 82 -

-1990 = 1509 *1000 375' 82 52

  • CMD was basically SMS as far as plant maintenance support in '80 and '85.
3. - Three cases, a typical planned outstre, an ISI outage and the largest single outage.


  • Typical Planned Outage - 2E0C5 Length: 76 days Start Date: 7/5/89 Finish Date: 9/19/89 Cost: $20,234,000 Total Additional Workforce (Peak): 1055

.. . . - - . , _. . . - - - - - _ __ - ~. . .


  • Largest Single Outage - IE006 Length: 132 days Start Date: 1/8/90 Finish Date: 5/20/90 Cort: $25,000,000 (estimate all invoices not yet received)

-Total Additional Workforce (Peak): 1025 Principal Task Workforce:

Refuelius 15 NCP Maintenance 20 Modifications 145 S/G Sludge Lance}

S/G Shot Peen}

S/G Sleeving} 135 S/G Tube Pul1}

S/G Plug Removal)

Routine Maintenance 710 Total Occupational Dose Received: 487R Principal Task Dose:

Refueling 28 NCP maintenance 20 Modifications 16 S/G Sludge Lance 13 S/G Shot Peen 33 S/G Sleeving 40 S/G Tube Pull 37 S/C Plug Removal 16 Routine Maintenance 284

. *All figures are actual except cost.

Please call if you have questions.

ec: T.'L. McConnell J. W. Boyle W. R. Kelley C

-- e , , -- ---a --,e-r

. .N

1. To understand the importance of the plant and the degree of its socioeconomic impacts on the local regior., estimate the number of permanent workers on-site for the most recent year for which data are available.

As of 7/1/90: 1157 NPD 87 Permanent Vendors <-

TUT Total

2. To understand the importance of the plant to the local region, and how that has changed over time, estimate the average number of permanent workers on site, in five-year increments starting with the issuance of the plant's operating License. If possible, provide this information for each unit at a plant site.

Data Tor Both Units:

1/1/89 - 1,248 1/1/88 - 1,242 3/1/87 - 1,099 l

3/1/86 - 1,075 l

3/1/85 - 1.052 Total: 5,716 - 5 = 1,143 Average l

l 3. To understand the potential impact of continued operation for an additional 20 years beyond the original licensing term,

! please provide for the following three cases:


( A) A Typical Planned Outages

1. Estimate of additional workers involved for entire l outages l 60 IAE l 588 Mechanical 1 138 HP 786 Total
2. Length of Outage: 62 Days Planned 74 Days Actual
3. Months & Year In which Work occurred:

November 1988 to February 1989

4. Cost Accounting information not available.
5. occupational Doses Received By Permanent And Temporary Workers During Each Principal Task:

Total occupational Dose 313.124 Per Ram (See attached sheet for breakdown on exposure)

_ - . _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ .. _ _~ __ __

3A M CTIQN Q!all_{ REM 1 360 ECT & U-Bend Stress Relief (UnsR) 54.910 Platform and Playpen Set Up/ Clean Up 15.645 Nossle Dam Installation / Removal 15.535 Tube Plugging 14.540 Code Eddy Current Testing (ECT) 13.450 Manway/ Diaphragm Removal and Installation 9.480 Tube Dampening 4.930 Bowl Washdown and Initial NP Survey 2.760 FoSAR 1 410


Valve Repair 35.300 NOVATS 8.750 Limitorque operator PM 1.975 TOTE 45.500 M CT M DOSE (REN) i Reactor Head Removal / Assembly 13.200 ISI of piping welds / hangers 11.420 Snubber inspection / testing 8.935 General Mealth Physics surveillance (RB) 7.950 SRWP dose for outage tasks 7.910 Inspect / Replace 214 pipe clamps 7.320 General operations surveillaAce (RB) 7.050 L

General Decontamination (RS) 6.775 socket weld tube fittings 5.665 Miscellaneoue PN/pT 5.605 Hanging valve / component labels 4.425 Refuel cavity Decontamination 3.490 RS/ Annulus General Entry 2.915 Miscellaneous Instrument Calibration 2.880 Replace S/G Snubbers 2.735 Relocate 1Nv014 2.595 Inspect /Retube KC EX'c 1A/18 2.455 ECT NV Letdown EX 2.145 TOTAL 105.470 Miscellaneous work 29.494 l


30 ,

AcTIVITIss EAVING ESTIMATED EDOSURES > 1 PER805 - RM General Outace Work (Not Associated with a spee:.fic significant Job or nam /VN)


Temporary shielding 2.5 Upper containment General Entry 1.0 H3usekeeping in Upper containment 1.065 Upper containment Canal Decon 5.0 Lower containment General Entry 1.5 General Decon in Lower containment 6.0 General R. P. Surveillance in Lower Containment 6.0 operations Surveillance and Red Tags 6.7 Miccellaneous Work on SRWP's 15.0 Miccellaneous Instrumentation Calibration 4.0 Miscellaneous PM's and pts 4.5 Suhtotal for General cutage Work 53.265 person - ram NSM's/VN's ACTIVITY ESTIMATED EXPOSURE l (Person - Rem)

CN 20330 Modify control circuitry wiring on Mov's 2.0 CN 20566 Replace inside containment 33 isolation valves 5.0 CN 20582 Provide data for MOV testing 2.0 CH 20594 Delete HVAC Duet in Annulus 1.0 l Subtotal for NEM's/VNat. M person - rem

Miscellaneous Work 12.455 l



- D. Taxes These questions 'are asked to validate information obtained from local government sources or to obtain information if local governments fail to provide it.

1 What types of local taxes must be paid on the plant and property?

u.A usiw fvt  %

2. To what jurist!.ictions are these taxes paid?

bee Sc keht L2

3. What types of state taxes must be paid on the plant and property?

m s t.

-4. For each tax type, please astimate the total amount the utility paid to each relev:mt state and local jurisdiction in 1980, 1985 and 1989 (or the most recent year for which data are available),

see s .. lubb

-5. Have major plant modifications or refurbishment affected the plant's taxable assessed value? '


6. Would an extended outage for major plant modifications or refurbishment result:in a temporary cessation or reduction of tax payments to state and/or local governments?


7. Would tax payments cease in the event of plant decomissioning?

[e 5 C. Public services

  1. /o -

This question is asked to ' validate information obtained from local government sources or to obtain information if local governments fall to provide it.

1) please estimate the total annual plant expenditure for each l-fee-paid public service (e.g., water, sewer, etc.) in five

! year intervals since plant operations began.


I -- -

Ab 4



. 2

.; a -at- ; ;;.0 :2:n :::M ;C;NEZ sc. ele m:. :: r *C Gr:E;0-  : .c.

3. To tederstand the potential impact of continued operation for an additional 20 years beyond the original licensina term, please provide for the follovieg three cases (a) a typical p1manad ostages (b) an ISI outages (c) the largest single outase (in terms of the manber of workers involved) that has occured to dite. An estimata of additional workers involved (for the entire outaas mud for each principio taak), lanath of outage, months and year in which work occured, and cost. Also, esti ete occupational doses received by permanant and tamporary workers during each principle task.

(a) Typical planned outage The normal langth for a typical planned outage is approximately 45 days. Outages occur at the end of a cycle length. Some power manuevering may be used to avoid susiner/ winter power peaks. The following is a listing of additional workers / support involved in the outage Workers / Support Total Building 20 Performance Support 3 Electrical (TSM's) 10 squipment operator (not Polar Crane) 4 Valve Limitorque 15 Ranger 5 Heat Exchangers 20 Material Handling (RB Move) 8 Insulation 30 Material Randling 10 Polar Crane Operator 6 Rasctoc Coolant Pumps 18 General Support 15 Snubber 5 Steel Work (Fissman) 6 Tool / Room Worker 15 Valves 44 Warehouse / Materials Support 8 Welding /ISI 30 TOTAL WORKERS 272 l

t l

l l-l l


. s

?; 5 ?:5;0*/ 2,06 i .

A-0r-;na 121
5 r::M 00*J.EE %C EAE MA!!. ROOM The folioving is the estimated Dose received during an ISI outage by task:

Taska Dose

' OTSG Work 50 Valve Work 25 Head Work 20 Decen Work 15 Insulation 15 Inspecting / General Entry 10 Miscellaneous 10 IEE Work 10 RCP and Motor Work 10 ISI Activities 49 RBCUS 10 ,

NSMS 10 Stage /Removs Equipment 10 RP Surveys 8 Gcaffolding 5 4

Defuel/ refuel Activities 4 Shielding Miscellaneous Pump Work 4 Performance Testing 3 Tendon Work 2 Turbine Building Activities 1

(1) Snubber Work (2) Paint Raswaant Floor J TOTAL DOSE 276 (c) Largest Single Outages The largest Oconee Outage to date by additional workers involved is not readily available however, it should not differ significantly from a typical ISI outage.

Further, we have no accounting records docu:nenting the work incurred coat, nor are our accounting records established to provide a breakdown.

I _

. s W .-09-1950 ;I:!9 'F::M 00SEE %C.E;.R -A! ROOM  ? 32728;c?  :.cs 4

(b) Conduct Career Day presentation to high schools in an effort tot edueate students about Duke Power Sompany, to inform students.of the types of employment opportunities within Duke Power Company and the Ceones Nuclear Station, and to inform students of what skills / qualifications are needed to be consi.dered for the various opportunities.

(c) Conducting Career Day presentations at two year Technical Schools, including predominately minority attended schools.

(d) Serve as company repreesntatives on advisory councils organised in various high schools.

4. To understand the importance of the plant to specific jurisdiction near the plant, what is the current distribution, by city and county or sip code of residanea of permanant workers on site?

Please see the attached printout.



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  • 68 WESTHINISTER 29673 1 M j i UESTHINSTER 29630 ,


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