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Amend 2 to Change Request 32 to License DPR-4,requesting Interim Authority to Load Core III Fuel
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/01/1969
From: Neidig R
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110240112
Download: ML20085G111 (7)


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.' hevjsed Apri) 1, 1969 e*


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. *:e q, Docket No. 50-146  :

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) : 't License DPR-4 . '$

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Interim Change Request ~to Technical Specifications, Application for Interim Anendment of Operating Licence, and Amendment No. 2 to Change Requent No. 32, Revised April 1, 1969

1. On August 26, 1968, Applicant submitted Chance Request No. 32 to the Saxton Technical Specifications, and a request for amendment or Applicant's Operatinr License No. DPR-4, to allow operation of the Saxton reactor with Core III at a maximum t

power level of 28 megawatts (thermal). Applicant subsequent]y l

submitted Ln Addendum to Change Request No. 32 dated August 30, 1968, and Amendment No. I to Change Request No. 32 dated l March 12, 1969..


2. Pending the review and approval by the AEC of the above mentioned requests and their supporting documents, Applicant hereby requeste that, as an interim measure, Operating License No. DPR-4 he amended, and the Technical Specifications changed, to authorite loading of the main components of Core III into the Saxton reactor.

3 Core III is described in Section F of Applicant's proposed "SAXTON CORE III TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS" dated August 21, 196P, which was submittod with Change Request No. 32. Subsections F.1. through F.3.c. have been revised and a new-Section 0,

" DEFINITIONS", has been added. These changes are hereby sub-mitted as Amendment No. 2 to Change Request No. 32,

4. For purposes of this interim request, the term " loading" will include insertion into the reactor of the 21-main fuel assemblies, the six control rods-and fuel follower sections, and the nine special L-shaped assemblies. Loading will also include the
installation of the reactor pressure vessel head, but will not include loading of the special removable subassemblies which can be inserted after installation of the reactor head.

9110240112 910424 PDR FOIA PDR DEKOK91-17

5. 11o ri nf r.n1 o rt(r the leadinr oreratienc under the authority reque-ted, t he riain coolant will r'emain at utnb l e nt te!:.perature anl w133 ! F? *. le p r e f D '.' T i r e d . The borC n conc C n'. Pht ion in the inain ceolant w!21 Le cufficient to r:31nt ain t he reacter cuberitica] t>y at least 0.10 with a fully leaded and rodded core.

The fission product inventory of Core III at beginning of life will be at Icast 30% less than that of Core 11 at end of life.

The ficc!1e inventory of Core IIIat beginning of life is 18%

lower thar. that o!' Core II at beginning of Jife.

The control rod bank worth (all rods) lies between the contro?

rod t'ank worth of Core I and that of Core 12.


By /s / h. ).. !!cidig '

~ President (S E A L) l Attest l 'd l

/s/ R. 13. Heist Se c re ti~ry l

1 l

l Sworn and subscribed to before me this 1st day of April, 1969 1

l (S E A L) l l /s/ Charles J. Ausel Notary Public Muhlenberg Township, Berks County

& Commissien Expires October lb,1970 1

l l

r Docket t' , 50-146 DPR-4 Technical Sptearications Amendment No. 2 to Change Request No. 32 Page 1 of 5 Pages Re' vised 4/1/69 DESCRIPTION OF CilAfDE Make the Tc11owing chances to the Saxton Technical Specifications.

Change Sect ion T.1 throuch F. 3.c . _ to read :

F. REACTOR CORE A reactor core having the following features shall be providedi

1. The main coolant shall be licht water,_and shall serve as the moderator and reflector. The designed effective reflector thickness shall be 10 inches.
2. Mixed natural uranium and plutonium dioxide enriched '

initially to a nominal 6.6 w/o PuOp and previou*ly irradiated-in Saxton to:a maximum fuel burnup or-33,500-MWD /MTM sha]1 be in seven of the nine centra' fuel assemblies.- The rtmaining.2 central a Lemblies will be unirradiated enriched UOp fueled, having' enrichments which vary from a nominal 5 7 w/o to a nominal 12.5 w/o U-235.

Eleven of the enriched twelve peripheral assemblies, except for the test assemblies described in F.3.f. will be irradiated UOp assemblies (originally 5 7 w/o U-235 enriched) from Saxton Core I. The twelfth periphertl assembly will be unirradiated and contain 5.7 w/o U-235, Zir,caloy-4 clad fuel.

3 The fuel assemblies shall be supplied as follows:

a. General


Plutonium fuel assemblies Each main plutonium fueled assembly shall have a total overall length of 50.23 inches-with a nominal fuel length of 36.6 inches and shall approximate a 5 386 inch square in cross section.

The fuel rods shall be composed of Zircaloy-4 clad ceramic pellets or vibrationally compacted fuel. The rods shall be arranged in a square lattice with an initial 0 580 inch center-to-center distance.

Every alternate rod will be a water filled tube so -

that the center-to-center distance of the fuel rods will be 0.820. The ceramic pellets'st.all have a diameter of 0 3374 inch (nominal) and a length of 0 3660 inch (nominal).


. Docket ! 50-146 DP3-4 Technica) Specifications Amendment No. 2 to

/ Change Request No. 32 Page 2 of 5 Pages

}< e'v i s e d h / 1 / 6 9 F. RFACTOR CORE (continued)

One end of each pel3et shall be initially dished. The total pellet column tolerance shall be 0.183 inches initially. The maximum initial moisture content of the pellet column shall not exceed 30 ppm on a weight basis. The maximum initial nitrogen content of the pc31et column shall not exceed 100 ppm on a weight basis.  !

The vibrational 3y compacted loose oxide shall have a total column tolerance of 0.188 inches initially. The maximum initial moisture content of the loose oxide i

. fuel column is 100 ppm on a wieg1 basis. The maximum initial nitrogen content of-the loose oxide-fuel co3umn is 100 ppm on a weight basis.

The initial clad diameter shall be 0 3445 inches (nominal).

The initial diametral cicarance for the pelletized fuel shall be 0.0073 inches (nominal).

The cladding shall have a-wall thickness initially of i

i 0.0233 inchet- (nominal).

The gap between the pellet column'and the internal plug end shall contain sintered aluminum oxide (Alp 03 ) discs t

to provide a minimum end gaps initially of 0.509 inches.

The fuel rods shall be initially hermetically sealed with end plugs welded to the tubing. The end plugs shall be Zircaloy.

The top nortle of these assemblies is removable,

b. General


Uranium fuel assemblies from Core I.

Each Core I uranium fueled assembly shall have a total-overall length of 50.25 inches with a nominal fuel length of 36.6 inches and shall approximate a 5 386 inch square in cross section.

The fuel rods shall be composed of stainless steel tubes which contain uranium dioxide fuel in the form of cylindri-cal ceramic pellets. The rods shall be arranged-in a square lattice with an initial 0 580 inch center-to-center distance. The pellets shall have the following initial dimensions:

Diameter (nominal) 0.357 inches Length (nominal)- 0 732 inches y-p---y--y 9 + p y m y,s -pe pp w.g-pw- , --1= m=,-.mme;og.y sm -pye p.g.g .,.gW,,.gr.-g,y-ywy g,w w, y y .g gwmuy ,g yp-,se ay,-n,p9eys pi,y 9.r.,y m.=-i,ygg y y 9.,ye,y.,.-4g 9 y 9,q, w,ye.y ,y y e .g. ,-a,,gp,-wayyy w,ep

Docket No. 50-146 DPH-4 Technical Specifications-l*

Amendment No. 2 to Chnnge Reques.t No. 32 i Page 3 of LPages  !

l Revised 4/1/69 P. REACTOR CORE (Continued)

The ends of each pellet shall be dished initially.

The total pellet column-tolerance shall be 0 366 inches initially.

L The initial clad inside diameter shall be 0 361 inches.

l The diametrni clearance between clad I.D. and pellet ,

0.D. shall be initially 0.004 inches.

The gap between pellet stack and internal plug end -

shall contain sinte: ed aluminum oxide ( Alp 03 ) circular hollow discs, to provide a minimum of 0.174 inch end  :

cap. The initial moisture content of the pellet stack shall not exceed 75 ppm on a-weight basis. -

The fuel rod ends shall be initially hermetically sealed with end plugs welded to the tubing.- - Those fuel rods which require no further welding shall be. clad with 0.015 inch wall of Type 304 welded stainless steel 10% cold-worked with a 400 ppm maximum cobalt content. The end I plugs shall be Type 304 L or 308 stainless steel.

Those fuel rods which require subsequent brazing shall be composed of 0.028 inch wall of Type 348 modified carbon, annealed stainless steel with a 500 ppm maximum l cobalt content. The end plugs shall be Type 304 or l -

304 L stainless steel.

I c. General


Unirradiated Uranium Fuel Assemblies Two of the central nine assemblies will be unirradiated uranium fueled andLshall have a total overall length of i l 50.23 inches with a nominal fuel length of:36.6 inches

( and shall approximate a 5 386 inch square in cross section.-

The fuel rods shall lue composed of-ceramic pellets clad in Zircaloy-4 and stainless steel and the rods shall be


arranged in a square lattico with an initial 0.580 inch center-to-center distance. The-dimensions and enrichment >

of the ceramic pellets are given in the-addendum. (1)

- '( 1 ) WCAP-7219 Addendum to Saxton-Core III Licensing Application (Westinghouse Confidential) July 1968. '

O 9

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. Docket P , 50-146 DM1-4 Technien) Specificationo I.mendment 1:e . 2 to Change Request !!o . 32 Page 4 of 5 Pages Revised 4/1/69 F. REACTOR CORE (Continued)

The top nonzie of these assemblies is removable and held in place with three tie rods. Two of the tic rods in the UO, fueled assemblies will be filled with Inconel and onb of the tie rods will be filled with stainless steel.

One of twelve peripheral assemblies will contain unirradiated 5 . w/o U-235 enriched Zirealoy-4 clad uranium fuel. This assembly has a reinforced assembly '

can and shall have a total overall length of 50.23 inches with a nominal fuel length of 3d.0 inches-and shall approximate a 5 386 inch square in cross section.

The fuel rods shall be composed of Zircaloy-4 tubes which contain uranium dioxide fuel in the- for e m of cylindrienl-ceramic pellets. The rods shall be arranged in a square lattice wit h an initial 0.580 inch center-to-center distance. The pellets shall have the following initial dimensions: ,

Diameter (nominal) 0 338 inches Lencth (nominal) 0.600 inches The ends of each pellet shall be initially dished. The

. total pellet column tolerance shall be 0.656 inches inital]y. The initial clad inside diameter'shall be 0 3445 inches (nominal). The diametral clearance between clad I.D. and pellet 0.D. thall be initially 0.0065 jnches. .

The cladding shall-have a thickness of 0.0245-inches (nominal).

The gap between pellet' stack and internal plus end shall centain sintered aluminum oxide (Al 0 ) circular hollow discs,toprovideaminimumof1.47$inchendgap. The initial moisture content of the pellet stack shall not exceed 30 ppm on a weight basis. The fuel rod ends shall be initially hermetically sealed with end plugs welded to the tubing.- The end plugs shall be Zircaloy-4.

. . Docket

  • 50-146 DPH-4 Technical Specifientions j Amendment flo . 2 to Change Request !!o . 32 Page 5 of 5 Par,es Revised h/1/69 Add Section D. DEFINIT 10!;S F
1. Fuel Burnup (!%'D/MTM ) :

Power Produced in a Fuel Volume (V) x Equivalent Days MWD /!'.TM = of Full Power Operation Metric Tons of Heavy Metal in the Fue FVolume (9)

2. Maximum Fue] Burnup (MWD /MTM):

The burnup in the peak pellet.

Note: For purposes of clarification, the term " maximum fuel

, burnup" as used in Sect 1>n F.2 of the proposed technical specifications and an defined in the new Section 0, means the burnup achieved by the peak fuel pellet. As it has prev $ously appeared in the technical specifications of License DPR-4, the term " maximum fuel burnup" was used to mean maximum rod average burnup.

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