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Part 08 Enclosures (Rev. 2) - Part 08 - Enclosures - Subsurface Data Report - Appendix E.3 - Pages 351-400
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 01/18/2019
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of New Reactors
Fetter A
Download: ML19030A970 (50)


{{#Wiki_filter:MP~420 Zone 2

., +---~--~--~-------------------------------------------------------------~-----------



r-----*-*. . . . . . . . . . . J ~ 1.5 " 0.0 1,0 2.0 s.o 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 Elapsed Time (minuteS) Notes: Test pressure approximately at the maxlrnurntest pressure (Po), Flow rate typically measured over a SO second Interval. 1 Prep ared by/Date :_;J(,-k-'-L-,,..,..J.....,~r-<:/'-')-'- _f_ Checked by/Date: ~l;t"Jt.j"'-'rt--z:.....!'<'i""l?J<+~=4_ __ t/ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-351 of 515


                'PROJECT NAME: Clinch R!yer SMRPro!ec\                                                        JOB _NO. 6468-13-1072                                               DATE: 1* 31{}* I?>

Boling Notv\P** ft¢ Borehole Dla1:neter, ln.: *S.8 Total Borlng Depth, Ft.~~¢ Gnd Elev, Ft: e02,S *

              . Casing .Height above gr~und,                  Ft:~*~                            Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing He!ght): .'er>a,l~ "'Datum
  • TEST ID:N\?* ~ ~9! ~ ~ Testlength: i-. S Test section Depth (from Datum): From~~.(...<...
  • To 8":\,\ lo (A) Depth to IJYater Table From Datum, Ft: f5=h"?:!. Test WaterTemp:~ Bar2, f1essure,&s!: \ A..' 1.\.t..

V-feu.. tJA7'G'~ ltitMP . ~e~ F . fld~:c:), (8). Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.~ Depth to Center ofTest Interval From Datum, Ft:

  • 1$'3,41

--* --~*-**-(C/'D~tance WaterTal5lero"Center ofTesflntervai.Ft. . Z{p, 'Z¢ Static water pressure

                                                                                                                                                          .at center= (0*62.4/144) + Baro =           f'!l(p MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po" ((A+B*1] +.C*9.57) {Po"'                                               xt\-      1 Test Pressure sequence;= 113 Po, 213 Po, Po, .1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID:               A        B     C .D Po Values: 1/3 Po == ~; 2/3 Po=~ ; 1/2 PO"'                                                     :0":\
  • Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at canter of test Interval E

TEST NO. \:A,?-42.¢t,a_Sequence No. /.:::.., Planned Center Pressure; 5 *1 Transducer Readings Before l'ackers Inflated: Top \ <.o , 1> \ .; Middle f,? . (/>(,  :. Bottom: 28.89 Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top * \to,~'":\-  : Middle Z 3 ,£..¢ : Bottom: ZB,St MP~AZ;¢ Z'2... SeQUE NCE A FLOW MeTER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW, gpm Transducer Surface Gage Minutes * *REMARKS Reading, psi Pressure, psi

  • lriltlal Final Difference t1>t'l~ tfl>cD ~'i>\_?*..\
                                                                                                                                                     'Z..'?v                 (/}_        7f3(!J'&tiAI     c~4IP.          J
                                                                                                                                                               ~(...                      I r-               Ft..o..._,

111.t z.e * "S" ~<:> '"--' 'Z-"5 \"2.,1 ¢ cl> '2,~ :~.."5 (,2$

           ~-;: i.~ ~ (p{/)

2-S\'2. \ . ~?, -z.'1 c; () '2..~. ~5 C2l r~: t~ *, 1 c1 Z.? \ '"Z..\ 2.'$ \7..\ (/> (~ z:~:a.B ~

           \~~ ~C/J ~            IPIP 2.'5            \'G.\      . zis \'2.c                        l -¢' ,. **-     r&-.     ~                       '"!lt..   ~t.:>*        \U>
           \'M        1C/ ~ \1}          ?~t:;         \'2..2.        2'5 \ ?..."2-                        t.P                  t,t>                   4~.S'l               . \U            \r-l\i',       ?,\
  • f# 'a,C) \?.. -z. 2.? \~~ \ z.. t\t!l,"54 Hh '

I~! "\ \ \. 3 t1 z.s \'2.~ Z? _rz.:~ ¢ (/> SQ).82 \ \ l'3~ ~ 'L ** ({)<!> '2.C:.. \Z.~ \2.~ ¢ tP 2.~ S\.~':1 \l 1'3: Yl.~.;<P z.~ \'Z~ '2..? \'2.~ (/J (/) _5 \ "2.1-" ll t:s: ~'!.: 41'rJ zc::. \'2.1 '2.":) t"lA \

  • t.. * '51.S~ II n.: }) ; }/J i.;zq, l'Zt\ zs. \~.A (/) cp ~l.~<; : ~\


           \"31         '\~: fP(J z~                     I~A      z.~              \2A                                      C/>                       ~1'.~4                   \\
                                                       \2A zs * \ '2.S
  • z.. es l

l'3~  ?<\'oW 2CS \ z.g \\

                                                       \ZS v; \2.'5                                      ¢                                                                                                             *-


                                                                                                                              .                                                  \


           ~~*                                                                                                             (,tl .                   '5 \. \(.,
           \~;. ~~',}_IJ*             zc.;*            \'2..S                      \ '2.'-5             t/J
                                                                                                                                                                            -*\ \

2..~ ~ SLS~ 6t-...~D

                                                                                                                   . 13: Jt,.: f¢              _7$<>"1'7... _           ~..Q..U.S               Z8 4~

L.........-- I '3

  • 3(,. I .4'$ t:.P *nA . . . $ /L.,'771
                            *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fom1 Approved for'use.Qn Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. Tlce, Technical Lead                                                                   Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by         9J3:      I 'V ({ f {I J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-352 of 515

DOUBLE PACKER 80REHOI..E PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL &INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of.2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Project JOB .NO.' 6468-13-1072 'DATE: 1* 3¢* I';?, I So ring NaMP~ 4f.¢ Borehole Diat:neter, ln.:*3,8 Total Boring Depth, Ft. '3 g; ~ Gnd Elev, Ft: ..e.~

  • I . . Casing .Height above gr~un~, Ft:~Cl, Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Haight): 'eg>3,14 =Datum
  • I
  • I . TEST ID: ~'?* ~'a.¢ 'l. i?, Tesllength~ I* '5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From ':f<?l (., <.... . TO' e 4,)..k_

l (A) Depth to water Tabre From Datum, Fl! ?:I,"?-( . Test Water Tem'p:~ Baro Pressure,?si~. \ c.. 1\-<... I 11-hi!t..l.. IJAT<!YIZ.

                                                                                                                                                        <P~    t>,::'     . Cl'ld=l"(!).

I I (B) . Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. ~ TttfMi"" Depth to Center of Teat Interval From Datum, Ft: .

  • g '3 4 1 i

I ---(C)DI~t~WaterTatil'elOcenter ofTeSrlntervai.Ft. u I ~1> Static water pressure at center::: (C*62.4/144) + Baro.. g;c; 1 I 14 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po:: ([A+B*1] + C*~.57) £Po-= 1 Test Pressure sequence;:; 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Pll, Po Sequence ID: A 8 C D E: Po Values: 1/3 Po "' 'al '0 ;

  • 2/3 Po"'~:' 1/2 Po= '0 ":\ Add .APpropriate ~9 value to stallc pressure at center of test Interval I

TEST NO. t<\,P-4?-tl-a 'f..Se<juence No. B I 'f S Planned Center Pre!!Sllre: . I Transducer Readings Before P9:ckera Inflated: Top \ <..t> , ~ \  ; Middle Z.'S. (JX..  :' Bottom: 28. 8S

                                                                                                                                ~i     ,?..Cf> : Bottom:

I I Transducer Readings After Packets int!ated: Top * \ ~::<h ':\":\> ; Middle

  • t;.B, 5I Jv\?- AZt;b I


                                         ~'2.-                ;NCE                       R FLOW METER REAPING, GaUons

! Time, Minutes

  • Fl.OW,gpm Middle
  • Surface Gage
  • REMARKS Reading, psi Pressure, psi
  • Initial Final Difference
                   ;-o*          l2.c:>     I 2 ":l               """'"'"'--
                                                                                                                    ----                                                          '"Bif'tM { IA>CA&o.o..:; II" 1~1               1,(()                                                                                                        ?1.'5'5                        II           I                   t:t~.~ ~o.r
          \'}',     1.~\ f)t)    12.'5      121            2..;; . 1   ze                     .l                       2..              G.t.-::t+                      ~r

1 C) I ~ tP l?_c; I~S 'ZIE> l2:. ~ I z. -:J ~ ,l..'g '51 I~! 4£P 1(J)lJ . ~s \2') '2? 13¢ l z: ":f'5, "';} ':\ 31 ('\: 4 (j)~ ?,(t 2 .'5 n>¢ 2-S \ '?.,t_; tb d;* 1S~~~ '3 ., n : 4J'* r;t) zs \~ttl z~ l~ \ \ 2 * :u.~ .1 z. '51 1'\. ** 4\ .. 3{J) Zc:; \~I .zs \~ ~ tD Cl> '::!G.. Z3 . "5 I I\3. 1.\. oz.:, tJ fJ zc; \ '?!.\ I 215 \~2.

                                                                                     - l                              2                  1-C., IS                   1>1 Lri \ *.t-t ~ *3." 215                  \~'"2.. zc:.         n. z.                   ¢                      ¢                    "':1-(.... ~1-            ~~


  • 43 11.a~o 2'5 \ ~'"2... zs \1:.~ \ 'Z.. i-(..,~~ * . ~I 1'1.:1 i 4~\'3(JI 2-S \"1~ 2.5 \~3 .¢ c.P . 1-(.,. I\<... .31
      ,,.., : 44\/lll             zs            ~~~        e::c:;        ('34                  l                     '2..                 i-t...."'5Z.. .           '3f
        \~       ; 4A' 3tl        2.~           1~4       ?t;           I '&'5                (                       z..                i-C.,Z.c;t                 3l                E!>

1'3 :4 -5"112.. '13o77<> M- l!¢4"-1$ Z'8,4'

                                                                                                           . J ~:4"5": 4+            (c. I'>                 . 7-E!&..u,s'                   I?. r;;r...
                         ~*From    Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved fo,.'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by              _,9JL~_l"-t,__-_,__l(riJ.

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP:1112.16 Page E.3-353 of 515

DOUBLE PACKER 60REHOLS PS.RMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL &INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Pa~e 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME; .Q1!n@ River 8MB project . JOB !'JO.* 6468-13*1072. DATE: 7* 3~* 13 Boring Nofx\P' 4~¢ Borehole Diar:neter, ln.:.::fufi.. Total Boring Depth, Ft.} V~ Gnd Elav, Ft: ema.s *

                . Castng ..Helght above     gr\iun~, Ft:~'q.                 Elev, Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev+ Casing Height):                'aa>a*,J(... =Datum
  • TEST ID: N\?* ~'a.¢~ 2.,' Test length:' ':(- 5 TestSeotlon Depth (from Datum): From~~.£..:.<.,. . To e-=t.,\ <..o (A)* Depth to \!Yater Table From Datum, Ft: ?:I,"'?!

(B) ; Surface' Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. ~ - * -'----- - '-(C)'D!'gt'!ii'fCe\Nater Tatii610Center ofTesfl~t. :o(;i, Z¢ Static water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/'144) + Baro" g;c.; MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+8"1] t.C*9.57) (Po"' ':(-4: ] Test Pressure sequence~ 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, .1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A B C D S Po Values:* 1/3 Po ** ~ 213 Po== 4c:> ;' 1/2 Po= '0 ':1:

  • Add Appropriate ~~value to static pressure at center of test Interval.

TEST No.'M-?-424>1 ~Sequence No. C Planned Center Pressure: l ¢C/J Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top \ lo , '0 \ .: Middle f,$. (tl?. :. Bottom: 28.89

  • Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top * \G. * ":\ -=1. : Middle 2':1, Z¢ ; Bottom: * *Z tJ *'51

se:QLIFENCE. c FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Tlme, FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes *REMARKS *. Reading, psi Pressure, psi

                                          *Initial            Final               Difference r~: 48~        otA    ~C5       \~'=>          --~                    ~-   ..... -             ,.:..w_..,
                                                                                                                                ':'fG.,i \.            "5\
                                                                                                                                                                  -f:!><<4.1M {IAJ.c.R.Ii!t4 5C J f:!_ .        ,t::~.,()u 13~     At;>' t/Jtb -~s          \oC?     ~s     14(                    z.                      4                llP£.6.4~     '      'DP
                                                                                                                                                                             . ( DJ.,t::i14P4#'


               \) ~ .4 9\ 3(J ~~~
               .                                \4\      2"5     1.41                 ¢                       as                /¢?, 92                c,¢ 1>4 S_/Rl        ¢¢ ~l'~         l4\'     Z.5     142                   I                     z.                   985Z                 5I
                                               \42. as           \l\Z                (,b                    C/>

I '5) '5(0 l MP

                                   - ~';)
                                                                                                                                   ~8.35               5/
                       ?\ ~         1~5         14'Z.. 2S       \t\5                   \        '            'Z.

II~~ ¢f)

                                                                                                                                    ~B.l...:l          SJ in**       '5\ I 3d ~~              \A3 Z$          \M                     \                      z                   '78,2.~ .         * ~}

f'3 ', S'l;t;a Z'5 \AA 25 \44 * ~ ¢ 9~.42. St n: ?Z3(/ zs \44 25 \4'5 l z -* . '7)6,44 51

              \'!)', S'3'..t1Jd      Z.£,':\)             51
             ~-~ s-3~ .~(1 Z,?                   \4"5   'Z-5      \A~                   l *-                z                     9B.=t 2.            51              'IE;..;~

1'3: 'f14; I? 'l?ta7"7Pf~A '7'/21..\.vs 4C... 2!}. J3:5'4!5 4 /o.po 7ie:4..u.S l:t Z4

                             ~*From   Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'usa.on Clinch River SMR ProJect-               J. A. Tice, Technical Lead                           Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-354 of 515
                                                                                                                                                                                                          .i I

DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOlE PERMEABIL;ITY TEST DATA SHEET I AMEC ENVIRONMENTAl & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: Cllrich River SMR Project DATE: '1* 3~..:.l.'ZI so'rtng Noly\P* 4t¢ Borehole Diar:neter, ln.:.::L8 Total Boring Depth, . Ft....l&~- Gl'ld Elev, Ft: .erA2 *S ~

             . Casing Height above ~r~und,
                        '                       . J=t:~4t .

Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. {Gnd Elev+ Casing Helght)~BQ)'3.IG, * = Datum

  • TEST ID:N\?* -4~¢ A. 2., Test length: =t. '5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From ':l~. <..<... *.To e~,\l.o .

(A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft:!2.:L.:f :t Test Water Tem'p:~ Baro Pressure, psi: .\ to,. 1 ~(.,. (S). Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.~¢ v../e(.L 0ArG'fl. f(J].'MI"' <""'B"~=" * (flrf1"CO), . , I Depth to Center of Test lnteNal From Datum, Ft:

  • 8'3,41 I

--- *- - - (c)-DtgtanceWi!ler TaolelOC.."efiler ~f'TesrinteNai.Ft. z.G>, ~¢ Static water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144) + Bare= ZG i MAXIMUM T~ST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*~J +.c*0.57) (Po.,. 'f-4 ] Test Pressure sequence:' 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, .1/2 Po, Po i Sequence ID: Po Values: 1/3 Po = ~ '5  : 2/3 Po:o A<:::> ;. 1/2 Po,;, '0 ":\:

  • A B C D Add Appropriate P9 value to static pressure at center oftest lnte!Val E

TEST NO. J+..P-4UF. a-sequence No.  ::0 Planned Center Pressure: (o ~ Transducer Readings Before P~okers Inflated: Top \ lo 1 0 \  : Mtddle ~ '5 ,l/X,. :. Bottom: 28, $9' \ I Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top * \Y,,} ":\ * ; Middle 2.A3 ,ft<lJ : Bottom: . .za, S I M?~A2,¢ . 'Z.. '2.- SsG:JU~f../CE ""D FLOW METER REAPING, Gallons Middle lime, FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes

  • Reading, ps! Presswre, psi
                                     *Initial Final                  Difference 1"!:>\ S'\\'3tP       zs       \~\                                          .,.._ ....              ~
                                                                                                                              ~e.s1                   51 131,141~ (iD<f'~l)
                                                                                                                                                                        "h p:_            /lt"~,...<:>,_,
            \1>:     $~\ (/)f.P  zs        1~1           z.s        15/                  Cl>                    qs             it.~3                    I~

\ "'; '. St, \ '3at ~s I COl 25 I.? I c) (/J C..81c/J 19 I ) ~-~C)\ ~lft ~s~ I "5 I 2'5 1'51

\clr\ *(/)~ ' tNJ 12.? \S\ z..s \'5 'L \ '2. l.:>~.~~ \~ l\~'. (/)(/): :w 2.5. \S?..- 2."5 \ '5"2- (/; 0 c:.., ~ BS \l!) \L\ \ dll \ t/)lJ zs \"5'2. ~5 \~'2. (/J cJ l...'3 .~s . \9 t4lun: 3t; 25 1~2 2"5 l?~ \ '2. Co~.~\ \ !;) lA' ¢'Z.' t/r.D ?S \5"!> 2'5 \~'3 (j> tP (., ~ '":1 (l) ~9 .lA ~ t;_Z \_~~ :z.e::; \'5~ '2.5 l_cpAr l 2. (. '3. 8$ 1'7 /.E;.£0 L4W)_~ ~ lc/J Bco77'

.s . zs; '3S 141 ¢~\4S ToP' . "T;tt..<t~$ ~ 1":\,4~ ~*From Preli'minary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'U$e.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by 9J'? , ,~flt.{I:J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-355 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BORE:HOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Prolect JOB _NO.' 6468-1S-1Q72 DATE:~* 3(2$* t';?) Boring NoMP* ~~¢ Borehole Dtameter,ln.:.:i&_ Total Boring Depth, Ft._l~g Gnd Elev, Fl: _802*S * . Casing .Height above ground, F\:~4 . Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): B({>'~. fG. "'Datum

  • TEST ID: 1-1\?* ~~~ 2 2- Test length: T* S Test Section Depth (from Datum): From ";f'?. (..(,.
  • To. 8"::\,,\(..,

(A} Depth to Water Tabte From Datum, Ft: '5~ TestWaterTern'p:~ Baro Pressure, sl: .*\A.., 4-c.... (6). Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.~

  • lt.. feLt..tJArear~~P ~R:p .. t:
  • Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft:

0;z.{"liSC.). *. B '3, 41 - - - *--~(C)Distance water T85leroC'Einter ofTesfinterval Fl. U, Z¢ Static water pressure at center=> (C*62.4/144) + Baro = zc;; MAXIMUM T~ST PRESSURE, Po = ([A+B"1J +.c*~.57) [Po= f- 4 *1 Test Pressure sequence~ 1/3 Po, 2.13 Po, Po, . 1/2 Po, Po *

  • Sequence ID: A B 0 D

. Po Valu~s: 1/3 Po " ~0  : 2/3 Po=~:* 1/2 Pa:o '0 ":\

  • E Add Appropriate- P? value to staUc pressllre at center of test ltiterval TEST NO. \AP-42.1/>~'f-.Sequence No. __,G.._---,.- Planne~ Center Pressure: I <P¢ TransducerReadlngsBeforePackerslnffated: Top \to, '0\ .: Middle ~$ . @(..  :. Bottom: 28.89 Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top \lP * ~ ~ * ~'=I
  • Z Cf Middle  : Bottom:
  • Z.S 1 5 I


  • FLOWMETER READING, Gallons s SQU!:;f../C IE. -

Middle *rime, FLOW;gpm Surface Gage *Transducer

  • REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi
  • Initial Final Difference 14',¢'5'1 ?,0 2'5 I?L..

_.... ... _......... ..... .. m>tCt011-'( /!Jt.R.~:ti!il ~ L..t\, tP z.. I "7 I p P:.r..CJ ..... 14l ¢(,p\ (/)C{I zco \~(., Z.5 l?$ '2... 4 B3, (tJ~ 45 /r-1 ~ t\

(/J(;. \ "'$ () Z..'S l '5~ Z5 I 'Sf; ¢ c.P l tfl t; I z.:z., 52.

14 .. ¢? \ {J(fi 2"5 15~ ZIO

  • 1'5, l 't.. /1/)tl, (.,."f. . 5<:...

14\ I.P":Jl io' . '?'5 /'59 z.:s* !C.. II I  ; 'Z.. /~/.!.93 . 52. lA ~ GbB.t tPtl z.~ I G,(/J Z.2 /{.pI { 'Z. I (/)t!, C.. '2... 57.. I til ~$1 '311 2'5 I 1..t> I Z.'$ I~( cp Ct1 I tfll. ~~ .-sz.. I At (.,1~: ~@ 25 JU:>l. 2'5 l~z. l "2.. 1ibwl -c ~ 5--z.... 14t ¢,1311 '2-'S l£...,7.. ~s ... \( ~ \ '2. 1~tat/) 57.. t4l ' ~ ! _(/){) lz.; IL>~ zs \t...4 \ z. \ tP\,2'3 sz. \t\'. tii:Jo lL.A Z'5 \(?4 q, (jJ I (.b L. "3tS -S'Z.. ~s 14\ \\~/Pll 't."' \(.....!\ '2'5 . lt,.S \ 'Z. \tP~.S4 .S~'- lA '. \\\ "3U '2."t> \C...':> Z'-"5 \ (.,.(... \ "2.. \tl>t *.'3 3 5'2.. zs z.... t I r/i (, lA *, \ 'Z. ', IJI) \.£...(... Z.."5 \ (p ':I; ' z~ 5Z. E.if.-11'"".> 14 '/2! ~ 49 75 f:> 7 7'c:>t-:- \ U4,UI . -Z&,'$8 14411 :2$ 'J&>,n ~AJ.I$ l'(,(,.f ~* From Preliminary Borlng Layout Survey t"L((4 ((J

  • Form Approved for'use.on Cllnc11 Rtver SMRProjeot- J. A .Tice, Technical Lead Form Re)J 0- Reviewed by t)jl.

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP: 1112.16 Page E.3-356 of 515 I. DOUBLE PAClillRBOREHOLE PERMEABJLITY TEST DATA SHEET Page 2 . 1v-1 ~ She~f Atr)(c_; / 1 BORING: f\1\ P. . 4 2,.('/; A-ll l 7 '?e ~ l'lJb' DATE: :Z ~*~9)--l'} . sif?.. ,,_{I~ {I J ~RESSURE: J{(t( ~ \'I- \I *\I PSi TIM~ *-*-" S:tl:REACKGAGE ---CENTER-TRANSD-UCER----****-- minute ~ A /_ PRESSURE, psi PRESSURE) psi *'-.)',....... ~"';... h ~/ .... -<[((> ~ .L ~.A ("",~ "'{- ~\~\?l ........... L q~ .. ~ .. ,a> .. I~ EQUIPMENT USED . . Transducers: MiniTrol Serial Numbers: ":.~5 69<.. (to .. \'2.~ \ ~) \~?..\A1. ( <.~ 'l.(/1~ \ "'!!) 1\-S),~\ ( (...- ~tl). ~ .' l'!>) St.c.l'(.l'"l.O"'-' ** N\..\1..1*...... ( ~ .. \\'" \"3) Surface P1*essnre Gage:. M.\U

  • 4 q 1\.t\V..( * ~ (to-\\*\"\)  !.f/sRMOMGTE*A~ l \~B (~~\- \~s NIT R. 0 c_.,*r;; 1--J G.6, t/ C1 i.S: ""'\J,) .. \ \ t-A.,\IJ -d~ (.(... ~ \ \- '")

Barometric Probe: \'&\ ~ \S * (,~ .. \'a* \"'\2'l Flow Meter: 6 8 J;.4 "=! B'B (t:"* jlt.f:? '?I* 8* I~ J Stop Watch: _ L ~8 C... ( t..o ~ Ul>M '\ ~ ) Date of Calibration: P.o..tt15: M~ ~-SIs -Calibrationdue: "P.:>'&t'l' Tdi"s"'"t,....~ J*l\ P"' 4Z.Cb E_.2,- (~) ~~ l'?> ~ ¢1 - "1>¢ '~* \8' "rl..' WSL tv'\~~ 4f!0 E~ (6) R.~ I~,. rJJ'1 - ~0 \A.. \'6.,:\.c... 2x.C..E.L. M ?- 4Z.tb za. (T) R-¢ I*~~ t'b~ - ~(/) \~. \1>..,{/)l.. \f-./SL !v\\J-. 4~d> zs:a (T) 2-<bl 0~ <<ZJ1 - ~(/) \4; \4~11>4 'E XCt?:.:L_ \'-\? ~ A~w za (~A) 2/;'D l '?> ~ (b :9- ~. '3.1./J \4, \~. ~4 'v...f SL .MP~ 42lP 7.2. (M)  ?.Jp I 'j~ (/)1-

  • j{/) )~ *\(o ,Zi\ E: 'iC.(SL Jv\p~ 42<ll E~ CL) ~OJ l'~ -ell? ~ 3@ \o\. \"":\,4th \J'CIL

*"-"p. *4 Z..I/J z~ (L') 2l/J (?-J ._ ¢>"?, - 3(/J \.A., \ ':.\.A<h ExcEL Form Rev 0- Reviewed by S.7l- f'tl({~ {I J Form Approved for Use on Clinch River SMR Prqject- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-357 of 515 Clinch River SMR Project Prepared by: Date: &f -'ff Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet Checked by: Date: .f..-;;..-(4-AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. AMEC Project# 6468*13-1072 Boring: MP-420 Zone: Z3 100.0 feet to 107.5 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1/3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Tirl)e Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 10:45:30 0.0 33.40 10:56:30 0.0 68 .90 11:13:30 0.0 91.75 10;46:00 0.5 37.07 16 10:57:00 0.5 68.97 8 11:14:00 0.5 100.05 12 10:46:30 1.0 77.35 14 10:57:30 1.0 78.61 6 11:14:30 1.0 102.98 10 10:47:00 1.5 82.64 16 10:58:00 1.5 79.60 8 11:15:00 1.5 110.03 14 10:47:30 2.0 75 .98 12 10:58:30 2.0 82.61 8 11:15:30 2.0 111.99 14 10:48:00 2.5 76.91 10 10:59:00 2.5 83.67 10 11:16:00 2.5 115.92 24 10:48:30 3.0 71.15 6 10:59:30 3.0 85.44 10 11:16:30 3.0 118.67 8 10:49:00 3.5 71.13 8 11:00:00 3.5 86.78 8 11:17:00 3.5 119.96 10 10:49:30 4.0 68.52 6 11:00:30 4.0 87.20 8 11:17:30 4.0 121.45 18 10:50:00 4.5 68.26 4 11:01:00 4.5 87.68 6 11:18:00 4.5 122.08 12 10:50:30 5.0 68.26 6 11:01:30 5.0 88.07 8 11:18:30 5.0 122.70 16 10:51:00 5.5 68.34 6 11:02:00 5.5 88.37 8 11 :19:00 5.5 123.55 18 -- -- - - ~ 6~ 0 *- *12 10:51:30 6.0 "613:39 "4 T1:02T3Cl ~-88 :62 8 - 11:19:30 " 6:0 122:83 10:52:00 6.5 68.49 6 11:03:00 6.5 89.82 6 11:20:00 6.5 123.18 12 "1MJ2~(J " 7..;a

  • 6K5l "6 H:03:30 . l.O. -- '8.9.:.9_6_*- 8_ j J*2Q*3Q 7:0 ~~-- 123.64 ---* -14 10:53:00 7.5 68.59 4 11:04:00 7.5 90.27 8 11:21:00 7.5 121.79 10
  • - -- - --- *- ---~ - *- - - -- *-*--- -*----**** *** --1-1:04:30 - 8.0 ..90.38 .a i1~2L3Q *- -- 8.Q -* 121..41 12 11:05:00 8.5 90.64 8 11:22:()\l 8.5 - 1"2~.19 10 11:05:30 9.0 90.83 8 11:22:30 9.0 121.22 12 11:06:00 9.5 91.09 6 11:23:00 9.5 121.42 10 11:06:30 10.0 91.04 6 11:23:30 10.0 121 .55 10 11:07:00 10.5 91.22 8 11:24:00 10.5 121.58 12 11 :07;30 11.0 91.34 6 11:24:30 11.0 121.57 10 11:08:00 11 .5 91.31 8 11:08:30 12.0 91 .35 6 11 :09:00 12.5 91.46 6 11:09:30 13.0 91.49 8 SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po)

Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 11:28:30 0.0 122.32 11:40:30 0.0 77.44 11:29:00 0.5 111.32 -8 11:41:00 0.5 98.71 22 11:29:30 1.0 83.21 -18 11:41:30 1.0 118.24 12 11:30:00 1.5 79.53 -12 11:42:00 1.5 118.65 16 11:30:30 2.0 75.56 -10 11:42:30 2.0 121.31 22 11:31:00 2.5 73.61 -6 11:43:00 2.5 122.73 14 11:31:30 3.0 75.21 0 11:43:30 3.0 118.99 16 11:32:00 3.5 78 .51 0 11:44:00 3.5 118.78. 10 11:32:30 4.0 78.78 4 11:44:30 4.0 118.51 12 11:33:00 4.5 78.73 2 11:45:00 4.5 119.22 6 11:33:30 5.0 78.56 4 11:45:30 5.0 119.42 12 11:34:00 5.5 78.41 2 11:46:00 5.5 119.8.4 24 11:34:30 6.0 78.27 2 11:46:30 6.0 120.03 12 11:35:00 6.5 78.15 4 11:47:00 6.5 120.46 10 11:35:30 7,0 77.99 4 11:47:30 7,0 120.52 10 11:48:00 7.5 120.72 12 11:48.:30 8.0 120.92 10 11:49:00 8.5 121.06 10 11:49:30 9.0 121 .38 14 11:50:00 9.5 121.47 12 1.1:50:30 10.0 121.55 10 11:51:00 10.5 121 .50 10 11:51:30 11 .0 121.69 10 11:52:00 11.5 121.69 10 11:52:30 12.0 121.87 10 11:53:00 12.5 121.81 10 11:53:30 13.0 121.83 10 11:54:00 13.5 121.95 12 11:54:30 14.0 121.95 10 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-358 of 515 25 .................................................................___ ,..............................................................................................................._ ......- ..... ,_ ................................................................_ ...........................- ......................... 20 1---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------ E' ~*&l 15 " ....................~ . .........,, ~ u: 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0' 4:0 s.o 6.0 7.0 8,0 Elapsed Tlme .(mlnutes) -<--1/3 Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 1/8 Of the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow* ................................................................................ ., ................................................................................................................................  :.:.~~.~-t.Y.P.'~~ILY..!::~.~~~!.~~-~.~~.~:..~~:~.?.~.?~.~. '.~~.:.~~~* ......: .;................... ~.................... MP-420 Zone 3 30 ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

25. ' ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

20 -~--------*---------------* v--/ ."--v*----v-*----~~ 10 ' ..*--*----*--*--*- .. 7--~-~-------------------*------*-----*- . . . .......--*-..------**-... 5

  • 0 ~ * -**- --R----*-*-*-*-~ -------- -.---*-----.....-~- ---- -....-Hj_______ , ~_, ,., __,_,'T,___ ~.. - - - . ---... -* -r--~---- --\

0,0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8,0 10.0 12.0 11\.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) -*-2/3 Po Notes: Test pressur~ approxlmately.2/S of the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow rate typically measur*ed over a 30 second Interval. Prepared by/Date: ~I\ L I h /l <.f Checked by/Date: )6-.:J'(to/lll Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-359 of 515 MP-420 Zone 3 30 -----**----------~--------**---*----------------------*--~- 25 " 20 ' "'"""---.--*--*-- 5 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 2,0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Elapsed Time {minutes) -...-Po Notes: Test pressure appi*oxl'mately at the maximuin test pressure (Po). Flow rate typically measu1*ed *over a 30 second Interval. MP~420 Zone 3 20 * , _________________ ,. _____,____, _____, __ ~- ..--------*---*****-""'""'-"""-- **----~-~----*- ...- ................_, __,,__, ____, ___,_ +-------- 1 10 5 ;.............. ~ ~ u:: 0 " - - - - - - - - - - - - - -............... --*-**-***---*7"* ---"-*--*-*-****"---....-....~..- -..--.---------*----*-*--..--------*

=--7-----~-----------*-**-* .- - - - * - .- *-

*5 **20 . ---*-----.. '"'":"~---*- l- ~-*~- ...- ...... _. ___ 1"~"*--*-*-*-- ..........,_..._.... .,...---*-----....---*-~*-*----*-*--r**..-.-.......,.;.,..._ __,,__,,_, __ ,_~------"1'*--...- ...--.~--**---., o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) .......... 1/2 Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 1/2 of the maximum test pressure (Po). Flow rate typically meosured over a 30 second lntetval. Prepared by/Date: IL\-'1.1.. 1/ Y/1 ~ Checked by/Date: fJ<ilsk '/-if{14-Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 ' 0 . CRP-11~'101-' Page E.3-360 of 515 MP-420 Zone 3 30..----- 5 +---------------------~--------~-----------------------------------~* 0 ---,---------.**-----r----------r-;--------*...,...........------r----*-* -*---r-~----..., o.o 2.0 4,0 6.0 8.0 . 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) ... ~._....... Po Notes': Test pressure approximately at the* maximum test pressure (Po). Flow rate typically measured over a 30 *second Interval . ................~~* ***'"""'""'"""'"'"'"""'"'"'"""'~***""'"""""'-*-*~**-**""'""'""'~"""""""'""'""""'""'"'""""'""-""'"'""""""'"""'h""'"'"'""'"*"""'"""'"IJ""'"'"'~"""""'"'"~" "'"'~'""""'-"":............................................................................................................................. Prepared by/Date: __ IG\L-P:k....,......,l;.,../q~/....,.14--r-_ Checked by/Date: --.$J~*.!:::4-".....L9',1c..::;0~4!:____ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 .**.:. Page E.3-361 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABiLITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME'; Cllnqh River SMR Pro[ect JOB ,NO. 6468-13*1 072 DATE: '?

  • 3g!* I* Z, Boring Nolx\P~. 42~ Bo~hole Diameter, In,:~ Total Boring Depth, Ft. 3 f.¢ Gnd Elev, Ft: e02.S *

. Casing Height above ground, Ft:~ct Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): f>a> 3,1(,. "'Datum . TEST ID: N\.?* -4 'a¢ 'e. ~ Testlength: ':f 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From. t 1/H/J. ~r_ To I W81 (.k_. (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: (;., .(B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. _l 1 9~ I. ec:t> Test Water Tem'p: 3' ~ "r Saro Prassure, sl: V-./o;;c.L tU.<vrG'Il. Ti:rnP (p ~ * . /":#,0 JfC.): *4":l-Depth to Center ofTest Interval From Datum, Ft:

  • I i>4, 41 Transducer ~eadlng$ Before Pa.ckers Inflated: Top I*~ * ~4 .; Middle ~~.lbi'  :. Bottom:

Tran7ctucerReadlngs AJferPackers Inflated: Top * \ ~. ¢9 : Middle '3 ~ ,~(o: Bottom: .M?~ 42.<:6 ~'Z> Ss~nUENC.E: A FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference . \ It>\ .0.<? ', 1>al ?.lA ?AL: .. -...... **- .,..,. ... ,... 1>~Acp <,?5 '15 G-4; I 1-.J

  • 1r=

c:_ ~(./e.I!!-4,S p._.,.._ <<: I) * ~! 4~ ~ q>tJ '2.-~ CSA'L 1!-d. '5'5 (/1 6 \(.,g ~~.$':{ Ia.. 1¢: A<..', >tP z..h.- t5 7)cp '2-A <5~'":\ ':t \t.\ ~':t, :;cs . ~~ 't){.:!' ( D ic~-~lt~f ~ ,:L,.o._. I tP: .t\~'.fR/1 z{\. $S":.l 2.4 I$G:6 B \L.. 82.i...4 14 '"\ a";(',3" -z,A- .ztt 15':1\ (., \"'Z, 1~.~8 1"5 ~(.,<<; 'OP J¢_: AB: r/)(} 'z4 s.~\ Zt\ . ~":\(. '5 H/J :u.... c:;, t e ,~: t\~'* .,., Z.A '5"::\C- z4 ~ *~ ~ L.. '::.1. \.\ '5 8 *' loP: 4<?>~ tPIJ '2;.4 ~".\'? ZA 63"3 4 'B i\ .\'"S 8 l.:::u::: lttP1 .t\C)\1d Zd. ~B~ '2.4 5e"' ";) ~_p* t..B,'O-z.... 5 IJIP ~ ~¢ .: rltJ 24 '58£.. Z4 ':.'>88 z 4 (... '6.ZG. 5 l~<t~: SQ'!3" 2.4 56'13 24 '59( ~ IJ. *~~.iG- 5 /11: 1*.<'-"-:c ~~~ ~\'¢() 2~ *S~ 3 !J, t..S. ";i4 5 INA! ':i~'-1~ S'2.\l,hJ Z'4 Z4 '5 'i;)<\ .2d. 59(.. la4 .IS C;) <;) .

2. 4

-- t-$, '3'9 5 ((/): ?tpG. ~ {I> C.$,4~ 5 ( Z4 '" ) t¢: ~2: 3tl 12.t Z4 '5r:>., ~ 24 G,.(O"Z. "3 ~. t..?J,$1 s tf/J: 53. ~ fit) ~- (.,. (/) 7.. ~ ~t/4  ?. 4 <...8. 'S"!> s _G 1--ft? . I (II ' 5'5 : 4t.. 'Bt> 'l"?'o-, ~~41~ b 3(..... 'C){... t¢: '04 :3'?1 *~ Z I. 4Z ~-......_ *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Appr*oved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tice, Technical Lea~

  • Form Rev 0- Reviewed by~l... . 1-v( (C, {/J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-362 of 515

I DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT ,NAME: Qlloch RlverSMR Protect JOB ,NO. 6468-13-1072 . DATE: 7* 3¢* I* '?I Boring NoMP*. ;42.¢ Borehole Diameter, ln.:* 3,8 Total Boring Depth, R. 3V~ Gnd Elev, Ft: e rb2 .$ * . Caslf)g .Height above ground, f!t:~'~ Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. {Gnd Elev +Casing Height); S(l>a,IG. "'Datum . TEST ID: t-A?* -4~¢?;. ~Test length: .f, 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From I t/JtP, t...L..To I W8; (y (A)' Depth to \/Yater Table From Datum, Ft; ~ t, '0¢ Test WaterTern'p: 3' '3 "'~ Barp Pressure, sr: .14.4 ~ (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l. 9~ \rJtaLL tUr..reR. fii!'MP V.(o . Depth to Center of'Test Interval From Datum, Ft: 0/'1,'72'$'C.) .

  • I (>4, 41

. ~----:---(C}Dis"mJ'fCeWatetTafi1etOCSi1terofTesTinterval *~t. ~I Static w~ter pressure at center=: (0*62.4/144) + Baro = '5 ':5 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Pp"' ({A+8"1l + c*0.57) [Po= 88 J Test Pressure sequence?' 1/3 Po, 273 Po, Po*, 1/2 Po, Po

  • Sequence ID: A 8 Po Values: 1/3 po "~ 2f'J Po"'~; 1/2 Po= 44 C D Add Appropriate ~o value to static pressure at center oftest Interval E

TEST NO. ~?-4'?-4'1:. 'Osequence No. B Planned Center Pressure: 9& Tr~u;~sducerReadlngsBeforeP~ckerslnfiated: Top \~ i ~4 : Middle 'B~.lb1 :. !3ottom: '5Co.~<D Tran,sducerReadlngsAfterPackerslnflated: Top I~; r.p~; Middle ~~.1>.(.,.: Bottom: lr(a.4t;) . - s t;tQUt;NC.l!£ FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm SL1rface Gage ' *Transducer REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pre1!Sute, psi i!lltlal Final Difference . lt./> ~ lij{. \ ~~ 2-4 caz! - * *--~ ... --- Lo$, '?ltl 5 . Tf!hrt!l! ,.... ( IP o..u..N!.r;:..4 .'> v !2't..u ._ ) 10~ r;:;~ '.(Jcl 24 (..2 ( -z:.A* C...Z-5 4* .s l.. 'iS *4} ":1- IS 1.¢ ', '::>1 t ~.tJ Z4 l...Z.5 Z.A G.i.B 3 G. ':t$,&.1 1(.. I !)_', '56'.<h.J 2.A c..ze 24 t... '3 '1.- 4 e  ::) \L.. {P* \ q) ' . StGI '3¢ 2.4 (...3'Z... .'Zt\ {,'";3(... 4 *(.;:) C> &z.~t Z. I I (b I 'S~ .~ I.P!/__ 24 G.ll.. z..A- * ~41 s ~~ 8"5.l..':J 2(' /I::Z lt.O', '5<::)'.1 f) 2A C..41 Ztlr (..4<.. 5 U.{J 85.44 *Z~ \\ \ ({)tfi l tp() Z4 GA<... ?4' C..t:()c; 4 'D lj(;. =t8 . ~s li.SCJ If\ *~(II( 3 tP 2.4 ~ Z4 G."S4r A 6 ' ' ?Fl. ZtfJ Zl$' tl'* (tll \Jj)U *.v.\. (..5__4: ~4 t'..CSl . ~ (.,;. s~.c..s* z.s II'. /)( \ '3~ 24 vSl zA. C.{..( 4- B .. .,eg (/)"} oz:.? II', (/)'(,.\ (/)Q Z.Ll (.,L, I 24 .c..t.s 4 B . !!>~. l~ Z-5 IP I!\ . (/li?-13" ZA (,. c..s ?4 C..t.., 4 8 ts~.(..,Z. 2';/ ' /I  ! (t>3 : ?A &.~., 24' *~'.42.* 1> t- l3';>,$Z.. ~() z.~ rU-.l t,P"S:3d ?4. c...-:rz.. Zd (..,!:}{;. 4- <Ill> 0 89\ ':)C.. ce.1-n: ¢tl : 1/1/ til G-";}C.. z4 G..fjCP 4 s 9t.P. 'Z1 z.~ ll~ ~4~3£.1 ~I(. [..,flcft Z.4 cP8A 4 B ~'P*'"Sf> z.-a tt'* tJ)'O ~ ~/) -z..,t\- . CoB4 2-A .. G..!9f> t\- e - 9<P,t...4 ze; ~*From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey* Fonn Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Revlew~d by _.,.S)"-1&__1'V_\(_~_(IJ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-363 of 515 DOUBLe PACKER BOREJIOLE PERMEA131LITY TEST OATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: ClinQb .River SMR Projeet JOB .NO.* 646§-13-107g DATE:~" :3~ Boring NoMP**. 42.¢

  • Borehole Dlameter,ln.:<3.8 Total Borlng Depth, Ft. 3~~ Gnd Elav, Ft:~ *

. Casing .H~lght above groun~, Ft:~~'4 Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev + Casing Height): 'f~a> '6,1 (;;, = Datum

  • TEST ID: 1'-A~* 4 ~gl ~ "!l Test length: 'f, '5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From l ~fA L.(.. To I 0 8 * ((,g (AJ Depth to Water Table Fro'!l Datum, Ft: C. /, ~(.b Test Water Tem.p: 3' '3 ,.r- Sara Pressure,Qsf: j 4. 4 ":t-

'f..ii.'lLL \Jt...Tiilrl. Th""'P ' (r.<,;; . f":#,mr: (8) Surface.Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l, 90 Depth .to Center ofTest Interval From Datum, F!:

  • 1f/.14, 41

. --(C)DfSle ml%WateF Talil'6lifCe rjter ofT6silntervai .Ft. 4aI~' Static water pressure at center"' (0*62.4/144) + Baro "' '5 ~ MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*1] + c*0:57) [Po"' 88 J Test Pressure sequence:" 1/3 Po, 213Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po SequenceiD: A Po Values:* 113 Po= ~':')

  • 2/3 Po"-~; 1/.2 Poe: 44 B C D

. Add Appropriate PI? value to s~atlc_ pressure at cer)ter oftest Interval E TEST NO. t<\,?*0\U~ 'Osequenqe No. B Plahned Center Pressure: ., "L-Tratlsducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top \ -~

  • Z.f\ .; Middle '3 ~, tb 1- :' Bottom:

Transducer. Readings After i"ackers Inflated: Top

  • 19, <t> ~ : Middle
  • 33,-;;(;_**": Bottom:

MP- AZ.t;tl ~0 . SetQU~NC~ ~ (C..aJ..rr1 D FLOW METER READlNG, Gallons Middle Tlme, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Reading, psi Pressure, psi initial Final Difference . \ \ \ /J) '? \ "$(.f Z.4 ~gg Z.4 (g~'Z... 4- 8 C? tR. ~"3 z.~ \1 ~ t;~\ (fJ cJ 24 l-2. Z--1.\. L. ')'$ '3 (p c:Tl,CO';> .. ~~* ?4 3 G. z., t\\ lj)(.-.('3-U U.':)'5 z.4

  • t..":J~ 9-t'JJl4 2..'9

.I\\'. irt* ,;~ ?4 c..~e :7.*4 =1-@1- 4 0 (!) ~L '2..4-- l \ *, lP":l '. 3 (J/ 2'4 ~ arz. .zA i cPS 3 (,. ~i.1>4 Z.<;) l\ '. ~BHN Z4- ":JW'5 z.(. '::j[,b';l 4 ' s ~(~ z.~ *~~ - ~~ 'S.¢*1) ll ... (I~~'QiP zA. ':\Cll9 'Z.-4 ':\ \7.. 3 (,p ~l."5"5 .z, "' I\ ', (~-"' *, f/J II lt.-4 ~\'2- 7-4 ":\~'5 .* ~ (p ~~.4[. *z., \\ ... lP~ \ 30 1.-A '=l-V5 '2A ':\~~ 4 8 9(.4'7 29 G{oJ1;) IIIJIIU':i' * 'Bo?"?'c:>.V U4.vs ~t> 3.C...~4 ..- 5 *j:.. II :1¢ t r~ '?4:.-t.<.>:; ,2.3.~'? .. *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'Use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lea? Form Rev 0 .* Reviewed by qJl--' ~ ('\I { { { ( ? Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-364 of 515 DOUBLe PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SH6E.T AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2

  • PROJECT NA~E! Clinch RlverSMRProf~cl JOB _NO. Q1§8-13*1072 DATE: '1* 9~- 1*3 Boring No MP~. 4~¢ Borehole 0\ameter,ln.:.J.JL Total Borlng Depth, Ft. a~C'.!1 Gnd Elev, Ft: erA a o$ *

. Casing .Haight above ground,_Ft:~~-~ Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Ca5\ng Height): B(l>3, I~  ;, Datum

  • TEST ID: !-<\?* 4 'a.¢ ':g_ ~ T* 5 ~est Section Depth (from Datum):

From t ~PtA t...C... To Test l.ength: I 0 8., (t, (A)" Depth to yYater Table From Datum, Ft: ~ I. e(,p * (.('~.WC:.,b. (8) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft l ,<;?J<iJ Depth to Center ofTest!Rterval From Datum, Ft:

  • t/>4, 4 I

--~---(C)D~tanooWatefTEil:lleWCenteroflestl~l-1...._,_St~at~lc-w'"""'at-er-p-re-ss-ur-e'"""'at,....ce-n""""te '* -r=-(-:-C:::o::*6=2.-:-4/""'14-;-;4')

o: +-.B=-a-ro~=--....,s::t"':);?,-.------:-~

MAXIMUM TE;ST PRESSURE, Po:: ([A+B*1] + C*~.67) [Po"' S 8 ] Test Pressure sequence:" _1/3 Po, 21'3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po c D e Po Values: 1/3 Po"' Z.-:> : 2/3 Po=~; 1/2 Po== 44 . Sequence ID: A B Add Appropriate ~9 value. to static pressure at canter oftest Interval TES-T NO. M.,P-4~1 'Osequence No. C Planned Center Pressure: \ ~\ Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top \ *~ , ~?\ ; Middle '3?, ll> f :* Bottom: '?J(p, 9¢ Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top * \ 9 J/J "'J ; Middle ~~ *7> C.. : Bottom: ~(..,4-5 ... s t::!(;)UENCi£! c... FLOW MeTER READING, Gallons. Middle Time, FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Mrnutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference . In: \~\~$U ~4 '::l-45 .... --- ~~- ~\.'":\'5 - ~tP r;:/44/tt-J ( tA..uft<:PM'If IF ,t:.:~-,.<:J.._. i) \\'. \A\ 'I ti '2.4 ':\4S ~4 ':\-l$\ . L.. (Z \ t/HJ, WCJ 4"2... .\ *, \1-\'."$¢ '2..4 "::\S\ 2.4 ~~ s J(b . \ ip'z.,';}~ 4"3 IP l\ *, \S\ (/)t/J 'ZA -=1St, 24- . '::\ t..1 \A "':.} \\4?,/hl1 51 H\ I .S t 3() .':\£..~ . ~A ":{-':} <ll "1 \A \\\. ~" . $~ It= \a.. 1\\ \Loll!tP 2A- ":\-':ltb 2-1\-  :":.'l5Z. . ~4. \\S,"::>Z. (o(j) \\ *. u.. \~o 12.4- '1-8"2. '2.A t80 4 .8 \ \S,(J>i ~C) l\ ', \ '".\' ~t) '2.4' 18G> 2.4 ':l;~t 5 l(,ti \\~.~(,. w.t/1 \\ '. l \"\~'?,{/) '7. 4- ~~~ Z.o/ 8tPlJ 9 \B \ 'C.,\.A'5 £..'2... 11\\ \t \fl~(j .2.&. BlPIA 24 8f/JL. (.p 1'2.. \ '2~,lJB ~~ l\ ~ ,-t'.11Jl z_~ 81/J~ 2.~ 8(~ 8 JG.. *tzz, ~-iJ 4-f h/1~- ("Pd'~4-s'lf' ,t:'t.t:>'-' ._/ 814 .Z.A -Bi3 I I~ '~', cp() Zk 18 /2."3' 5'5' G.Z. ' .,\: ,-,:)

> I? IZ'3 1$ ll~ '2.¢' 3a' 2.4 8'35 124 &42. l 14 IZ3 ,54 (,4 "'DP u: z.t I ~ll  ::'!4 84'2- *:z..r 84i 5 1¢ I 2,.\ I  ::z, Gd \\.: 'Z.~ U\ S+l tA £$'5~ ~ 1'2. I 2/, 41 (.j s ~ \\I Z2~ ~(I ZA $?""?> 2.4- ~58 1(/J /Z{./S> G../ *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tice, Technical Lea~ Form Rev q- Reviewed by SfL 11.- {I~(/ J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3 ~365 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BO~EHOLE PERMEABILITY TaST*PATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clfnch RlverSMR Ero!ec! JOB _NO. 6468*13*1072 DATE: ':1* ;}~* 1*'?1 Boring No f:1p~ 4t¢ Borehole Diameter, ln.:* 3.8 . Ictal Boring Depth, Ft. 3 ~~ Gnd Elev, Ft: efAle ,5 * . 9aslng .Height above groun~. Ft:~4 Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (G~d Elev +Casing Helghl):.ea> a. IG. "Datum . TEST ID: M.'f* At'a-<;4 i [ ~ Test length; f, 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From..J.!PlP, t..<:. . To . j W8

  • l v (A) . Depth to \f\/atei'Tabre From Datum, Ft: 4 /, BG!l Test Water Tem.p: :t '3 "'r- Baro Pressure, psr: .14.41-(!3)

¥-le!.L 0'-**rG'a. rfi,...l * ~~ tf1&i'CO).

  • Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l , ~(/) Depth to Center o'frest Interval From Datum, Ft: .
  • l r/>4, 41

- - . -*--(c)-OI~tEif\WWater;ral5!enrCenter of'Tesflntervai.Ft. ~I Static water pressure at center;, (C*62A/144) + Baro"' '?> '=3 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSUR'E, Po= ([A+B*i] +c*~.G7) .[Po.: e8 I Test Pressure sequence;- 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: 44 A B . C D E Po Values: 113 Po= ~':;) : 2/3 Po"'~; 1/2 Po= Add Appropriate ~9 value to a~atlc pressure at cef')ter oftestlnterval TE:sr NO.)JJ'-42$1. 'Osequence No. C.. Planned Center Pressure: \2:\ Transducer Readings Before P~ckers Inflated: Tap I ':l* "Z..?\ .: Middle ~?. tL> '1 :. Bottom: '3Co. S)¢ Transd.ucerReaalngs After Packers Inflated: Top *\ ~ *tP C,

  • Middle '3 ~ ,1> G.  : Bottom: ~C.. , A-~
  • M? ~ .t\2,~ 'l.o St=!!GUi:=NC.!E. c.. ( Co~>.~T~P')

FLOW METER READING, Gallons. Middle Time, FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Mlriutes

  • Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Flrial Difference .

I( ' z:z. . "Su z~ ~?$ 'Z-4 . 8£..4 (.p J't_ lZl,Z.Z- t.! ll ~ z:t ~ (0¢ z .t\.. ~{..4 Z4 &t...9 s /(/J /Z!.4Z.. *t-1 H: Z>

  • l'-1 zA ~(,.'!) Z.4. B-=14 5 If/ I if. 55 G. I zA \

Z"' (p/) I!', ~ 2A 8=1-4 eBt:o t. J'"'Z- IZI.SB &I \ \ \ Z-4 l "!>l[l Z4 eJ8t/J .Z..4 f.?BS ~  ; 1¢ IZ.I,'S~ G./ fPMt:> ~~~~s\lf 'St>? ?t.>J-..... ':'74-AN$ ~ ~,;, (. 7... ll t '2.5 t45 7'7.,,-.. UA~V$ 2!'5', 1.4, *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey* Form Appr*oved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. Tice, Technical Lea.d Form Rev 0.* Reviewed by 6ft: Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-366 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOlE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENIAL. & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: .QUnch RlverSMR~ JOB _NO, §.1§8-13-1012 . DATE: '1* $~~ 1*3 . Boring NoMP~. 4~¢ Borehole Diam~ter,ln.:

  • 3.S_ Total Borlng Depth, Fl.)~~

Gnd Elev, Ft: 8@~,5

  • I

. Casing .Height above grou~; P!: $ih{C((.

  • Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Helg!il):~ 3, f Ga TES11D: ~?- 4 'a.~~ ~ Test length: 1:, 5 Tes\ Seotlon Depth (from Datum): From t i/1/P, t...<.... To 11/J B~

=Datum . I I I (A} Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: ~I. e(.t.l (B) Surface Gage HeighLAbove Datum, Ft. l , 9(/) ---:--*-*-(C)Ptstai'!<%waterTaoleroGei11efafTesrt~ I Static water pressure at center= (C*62.4/144) + Bare" '5':5 MAXIMUM TEST 'PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1l + c*o.57) [Po= ee 1 Test Pressure sequence;= 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence 10: A Po Values: 1/3 Po " ~':)  ; 2/3 Po::o ~; 1/2 Po= 44 . B C D E Add Approprlate ~? value to s~atlc pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. ~?-4U1. 'Osequence No. \.::) Planned Center Pressure: "f *'1-Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top \ <;;l. ~Dr  : Middle ~ "?, ll>"f  :. Bottom: -:,~, ~ </) Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top * \ ~ , £{) '~:;! ; Middle* ~) ;~(... : Bottom: *"S~ , 4 "::'l FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gaga REMARKS * .. Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Jn.ltial Difference . Plnal \\' z.~ ~ , ;; Z4 9'31 .,..--~ ..,~ ...... -- 12.2.34 (..?_ "13 d &u:; (D c;:t-~UJ:-M u

  • 7)t:' ' Pt-P~

\.\.\ z.~*. 1/J(/ 2A ~'51 Z4 ~Z..':\ .. 4 -s Ill..'~~ . 2~ -pp \\ \ 'i c,: '$(.II z~~ zA- C)CB -<?> .,. 18 83.21 1'5 ~~ ** 'Si'P 1. (Jr) Zll c:>l'D t-.4 ~\'Z -~ - {"2. ~<!!) ,t:;;"S 12. \\ *, ~~~! 'SU Z-4 c::;,\"2.. Z.4 9(/}'1- ~ .'1> - /(,!) ~'S. C:St,tJ t I II= ( /MC!It.PA.$.C : \\ '* '"!>~ ** th.J Ci)(/J"':J ZA '~7¢4 -'3 -(.., :f'3L..I t( \\\ "l>\'r""ScJ . oz:_e:\- 9@4 Z-4 9¢'4 ¢ ("/> "fC,S, 'Z..( *I 5 \' ', ~"l.. t!tt "ZA C) (pi{- 1-A ~f/J 4 (j) cp ':{S.SI . I 'S lt\ 'l?-\:,d z+ 9<tl4 Z4 C'j(j)(... z 4- 1'0.':1-S ., '? \\ *, '3~ .thJ .~4 ' ';; cpr., 9(JJ-:J. ~ t '2. -q !S =13 IS \\ \ 1>1 ~3.:.1 .?.f '3~-=f_ '2..1\' ~U)~ z. 4- 713,tS"'- -*-- I~ ~.1.A. *,Ill/ 't4- 2ft /!4 . ~*l(tl I 'Z- =18.41 15' " \l *, J 4\ "34 Z4 ~l(tl &:-If.. '71l t z. "18, Z+ IS . tl * \ 35\ tPrJ 2tf' '7 t ~ z-r *'7 n "2... 4 ':18 1% /5 I\~ "?>"';,. '* '34 Z4 ~\1, a4 'i:)l~* z_ 4 .:.'\ ':\ .~'S) 15 E;,...,~  ! ' ~ '.11 :l(.. *.~¢ 13<:>"'2"7<>M.. /,<> ]C..,'3~ I L: ~':\-' (/)~ TpP T/Z.ANS 2*s, ~z ~*Fmm Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Projeot- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lea.d Form Rev 0.- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-'1112.16 Page E.3-367 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET . AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL &INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch RlverSMRProjso\ JOB J'lO. 6468~13*1072 DATE: '1"* 3~* 1*3 Boring NoM[:* 4t¢ Borel1o!e Diameter, ln.:*S,S Total Boring Depth, Ft. 3 ~~ Gnd Elav, Ft: 8rA2.$ * . Casing _Height above groun~, Ft:~~ Elev, Top of Casing, FL (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): f>(bg, fGt :o Datum . TEST ID: t-A.~- 4 'a.¢ -.e. ~ Test length:  ::;. 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From tiPtA !...(.. . To I wa. (lt (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: ~ I. 'C(ll Test WaterTem.p :]'3 *r- . Baro Pressure,esr: .14 .4-:} 'vJELI. t<JAT>!i'IZ. tU:~Aof" (t>l;o . J1/~"1C:) . (8) Surfa.ce Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l , 9<./J Depth to Center of Test lnteNal From Datum, Ft:

  • l t/J4, 4 I

~~---(c)D~tiD'l'C13WaterTal:mnocenter ofTesfl~E ~I Statio water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144) + Baro "' '5 ~ MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po::: ([A+B*1] + C*0.57) [Po"' 88 ] Test Pressure sequence;= 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID:

4. 4

-A 8 C D E Po Values: *113 Po" Z,':) ; 2/3 Po=~; 1/2 Po::: Add Appropriate P.'? value to s!atlc pressure at cef)ter of test lnte~al TEST NO. M,P*4U1 'Osequence No. E Planned Center Pressure: * \"a.\ Transducer Readings Before Pa_ckers Inflated: Top ~ *~ 1 'i!-4 .; Middle '3 ~. tl> 1 :. Bottom: 'E>c;£, <::; <D Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top \ ~. (/) ~ : Mlddie '?> 1>, "?;,L,. : Bottom: a(... *4~ I ~ . - s. SQJlEf../CE FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressme, psl tnitlal Final Difference . n'.A.IP\l~ Zit~~~ -:-""'- ... --- """-- ...  ::{'::},44 \"5 I 7i!ltr611,... { It=' . 11-iGILt;.IJ,SI/T  ;::::<-~'-' j l\\ A\\ !flrl ~ 9"S "3 'l-4-'$4(... \\ z.-z. ~~ '":t I . 4' . IF 1\ ** Al'. >tP zn ';>'A c... e4 ~5-z. (.,. l?.. \\~.2.4- l..\ \\ ', l.\-'2..', f/Jc/J Z4 95'2- z4 ~£..{$ 8 H... V\~.t.-5 C...l ';(;.I \\ *, Ll. 'Z.'. ~~ t.A -~~(J .24- .'7:f I \\ z.z. 1?..-l ~\ G. C.. r!l~* ~1:. ', (ftl) '2-4 ~::}( ~4 -~':\S 1- \t.\ I '2.2."=13 L..S '1:>*~ {. pa~lf!.M(f' \ l="r..~w ./ ni !r~ ', ~#. t.A 9qe. Z.4 ~~(... 8 \L, \\8,~'? *5'? \\I 44 '. (){) 'ZA 9~(... 2A: ~'31 t5 \(/) \\~.'::\~ .* S'? \I\ lirA '._3tP ZA- 9<;)_1* tA ~<7":\. Ct,. l"2.. \ \8SI 5:7 Ll~ 4?Uit,J .~4 -1 a/~ tP l(J (/) ~' &, \\~igz_ ' 59' q; 4s\"3(1) z.s cpf(J Cfl z.s (/!(; (; (o \'!. . \\~L\7... S'} . qt 4-C.. \ (fil) z.c; tflll {; Z."'S ~/7.. \'2. 2..4 II~.~- S5 .. II: 4(..~ 3_cft zs /)1-z.. 2'5 ~/ $. G. \'Z. J"ZCI,W3 t..¢ \\ ~ 4-"\ /)() Z"S ¢tB 2'5 (4{:."5 .5 \(/) t 2(/;, 4(. {.,.~ ll : 4-=\ *, 3{) G.? ~Z."3 zc; tiz.e , '5 Hb 12.,P. sz (,.¢

  • II I A9J~ ~d 2."5 (/)Zf] _25@ ~4 G. \Z. IZQ, rZ- t..V

\I : A~: 3cJ ~s ¢'34- 2'5 @"$., '5 \cP 12~*92. (.,CI ll ~ 4i)l tN-1 z-5 cp 3'7 12'5 Ce'A-4 s \lP 121\~t.. . t..,tP *From PreHminsry Boring Layout *survey Font1 Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lea?

  • Form Rev o.- Reviewed .by '3Jl.- \"LLlli& l/1 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-368 of 515

DOUBLE PACKE!R BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch RlyerSMR Project JOB _NO. 64~6-13-1072 DATE:':?* :3~* 1*3 Boring NoMP** 4t¢ BoreholeD!ameter, -ln.: *3.S Total Boring Depth, Ft. '3£,¢ Gnd Elev, Ft:~ * . Casing _Height above ground, Ft:~'~ Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 'f>q> 'a, f(, ~*Datum . . TEST ID: 1"'-f* 4 'a.qj ~*~ Test length: ~L_, Test Section Depth (from Datum): From l '1/JtP, !...(... _To 11/J 8, ( L. 0 dl*C.).*4 i-t t64.4 I (A)' Depth to vyater Table f~rom Datum, Ft Co I. 'O<'Ll TeatWater Tem'p: ]a.,p: Baro Pressure, sl: \1-let..t... lt.JA'l"G'rt Tl.f'~'~~"' (.p(<;> . /1, (13) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l , 9</J Depth to Center of Test Interval From D~tum, Ft: -* *--:---*-(c)-CIIstanceWE!~erTallle to CentefOfTSsllntervai .Pt. 4'(;, (p.l .Statio water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144) + Baro = '5 '? I. MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1) + C*0,57) [Po"' 68 ) Test Pressure sequence;:: 113 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, .1/2 . * . 4.

  • Sequence 10: A B c D E Po, Po Po Values: 1/3 Po" 2.'3 *; 2/3 Po=~: 1/2 Po" 4 Add Appropriate ~9 value to s~aUo pressure at cel')ter oftest Interval TEST NO. tAP-4'?¢1t. '?.>sequence No. E Planned Center Pressure: \ 2.\
  • Tra("Jsducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top \ *~ * ~£\. .; Middle  ?>?.lb1 :. Bottom:

Tran~ducer Readings After Packet's Inflated: Top *

  • l ~ , tP '7 : Middle 1J ~ 1 'S.G. : Bottom: *l

.M?- Ae¢ ~0 SE.'G:l!J.Sf../C.i:f  !:i (Cc:...,,. ~.,_;)

  • ftLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm Transducer Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Reading, pel Pressure, psi*

lt'\ltlal Final Difference . l\t4"\ ~{I) z '? (,t) 4*4 -zs* ¢4' 5 \UJ I Z-1. 3ft G.~ ll (I "5 fiJ _I <fl r.P t.? C.P4~ zs 055 (..., \?_ I t.t.41 (,c) l\~ ~!1~'30 .z '5 {,t> '55 ~'S t/)&,IJ) 6 \l(l I Zt.SS

  • t..¢ ll~ ~\: (J/) Zo$' (Jc.. (} Z5 ~l.S 5 \t() l Zt.St.A 4-cd

'\\ ~ ?h 3 tP _z.._ (/Jt-'5 . z<S ¢:f(j) 5 \t.p \2.t.t.~ c..~. n~ '0 'l...\ IN) zs rr::-,o Z"5 . '11-:t-S 5 u.p l z I ,t. ,_ C..(() \*\ ~ ll)Zi31i z.s (fl ":\S z.~ lPBltl 5 .\(p t ?..l.B1 c. a \\ *. en\ ~(J '2-S (/)f5$ 2'5 qJss 5 UP \ '2.l,BI ' .(.,{) t\\ s~: ~tP Z"S ¢8'-5 ;t.i::; dJ '? {fJ 6 UP IZLS$ (..~ l\ \ '56.\(/J() .z...; f/)~1/) ~~ t/J9 (- (,.. \1.. \ Z.\,';)5 (..() \~\ SA\ 3tP ~'5 tPf::;(., z.c; t(J)I s \t/) .I_ZI_~?t ,i 6.(/J /:'£J.Io ss: z.z 'J(., 48 ~* II: 'Bo7'tt-"'""

  • 7k..s.vl II: Stq I'!S f:) /;',e. ..... . ~A-<J$ 4'5,2'

*From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'use.on Clinch RlvE?r SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technlofll Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by ~()Z.. 1'1--{(,(/~ Clihch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-,112.1 6 Page E.3-369 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PE!Th1;EABILITY TEST DATA SHEET Page2 . fh(< .~(~~ *Aifl!'t~h BORING: {\/\? .. 4~rj) At! 'b~J r""b' DATE: "'i:f ~ * ~!p .. ~1? .. . 5f2.- /'7../1' /t;J DATACOLLECTEDBY: ToM*M~Gu..L/ ..::T/1-"'- Govo'ARD , ~SSURE: #./lflc "J~ I psi \'\;t\(. ~l1 IYI . l ~ S~ACE-GAGE CENXER..'J:'RA.N.SllUCER-.. - - - minure. ~ A / PRESSURE psi PRESSURE1 psi . *c.S'...... . . . . ~..,. ~-;a~/.,_,' -<\c;::o ~.l\ ~ J a~- 3..._-~\~\'?:l l.. - --.....:.. ct.~* ' ~.-'3tP-11 EQUIPMENT USED Transducers: Mini Trol Serial Nmnbers: ~}5 69t. (c.,. .. \C!.* \ ~) \4?.. \A "Z.- ( <..~ t<t>~ \ ~) $\S),'E).\ ( (..._~~* ~ ., I~) /5~1f(.~l..ol,j: 1'-1\\1.1*-.,. . (t.-\\*\"'3)

  • SurfacePressureGage:: M..\4.1**4 4 f\.1\.V..l*c:;, (t:.o-\\*\"'\) THr:RMOMETE*R.~ L\~B (~~\~\,'1,.j NiT~ 0 e,.,_*c;N G.0.£( c.~ 6.' 1\.\. \I.). \ ' t-1\.\IJ *.!: (.(..: \ \* \~)

Barometric Probe: 1'?..\*~\5' * ( t.. .. \'~*r~.) Flow W!ete.r: 8 8 C..~":\ e,g ( c:'t rz to 3 - 8* I~ J Stop Watch:~ L ~8C.. . (t.o~ ~4>- \3) Date o~ Calibration: Po. Ita ~3' "ac?SIS ~1\ p - 4Z.(b z.s (~') Z¢ 13 ~ ttn ~* ~rb \~d,P'Z...(. "2. WSL .IV\?- 4~(b 2::, (8) Z-01 ~ ~ (/)'"?-.- -~(/) \'Z,, 4)Z, 'e.Z 1::: XC: E:. L. j M ~- 4C.& ~~ (T) i qi \ *~ .. <!rt ~  ?:.cb \\,~"'=\.~t 'vJSL l(.~ I I I""> lv\ ?~ Aatb 23 (T) (U,6 \ ?:. -*(,2) t ~ ~ (/) '\ .~"'=\.(/)4- IE XC.tE L ";l-"f,(p~ IV\\=) ~ A<!({> t:3 (t--1\) ~(/) \ ~- (/)~ **. j~ "* ~'8. A.~ \t-.1 SL .MP~ 42ib z;, C\Y\) 0¢ \ ~~ ~1-- ~ '3

z~.* (Lj '(..;(/:Jl?J~¢1-- 3tJ ' a , CD' * \ "Z. l:::)(CEL Form Approved for Use on Clinch River SMR Project - J. A. Tlce, Technical lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed bySJ1=- I'V{li/J J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-370 of 515

  • Clinch River SMR Project Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.

Prepared by: Checked by:  ?'J-* C:. !)'J" Date: (;./, - Date: '6-1<1-4 .,.,/l"' (4-" AMEC Project# 6468c13-1 072 Boring: MP-420 Zone: Z4 132,5 feet to 140.00 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1 /3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressu re (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 8:38:30 0.0 46.50 8:47:00 0.0 88.39 8:59:30 0.0 123.37 8:39:00 0.5 69.74 12 8:47:30 0.5 116.03 6 9:00:00 0.5 139.23 12 8:39:30 1.0 81.84 2 8:48:00 1.0 120.12 8 9:00:30 1.0 145.70 8 8:40:00 1.5 80.49 2 8:48:30 1.5 120.52 4 9:01:00 1.5 149.68 8 8:40:30 2.0 88.84 2 8:49:00 2.0 121.82 6 9:01:30 2.0 150.94 10 8:41:00 2.5 86.93 4 8:49:30 2.5 121.74 6 9:02:00 2.5 151.62 8 8:41:30 3.0 87.25 2 8:50:00 3.0 122.43 6 9:02:30 3.0 152.41 10 8:42:00 3.5 87.98 2 8:50:30 3.5 124.16 4 9:03:00 3.5 154.21 10 8:42:30 4.0 88.14 2 8:51:00 4.0 126.03 6 9:03:30 4.0 156.13 8 8:43:00 4.5 87.99 2 8:51:30 4.5 123.33 4 9:04:00 4.5 155.61 8 8:43:30 5.0 88.46 4 8:52:00 5.0 123.52 6 9:04:30 5.0 156.45 10 8:44:00 5.5 88.31 2 8:52:30 5.5 123.58 6 9:05:00 5.5 156.34 10 **- -- * - -* 8:53:00 6;0 123.46 6 ** 9:05:30 6;0 154:92 10 - 8:53:30 6.5 123.85 6 9:06:00 6.5 154.06 8 8*5<\;QQ *- 7:0 123.60 6 9:06:30 7:0 - 153:50 - --10 8:54:30 7.5 124.35 4 9:07:00 7.5 154.00 8 8:55:0.0 - *---* . 8.0 .. 124.00 § .. jl:Q7:30 8.0 155.15 10 8:55:3U . 8.5 1'23.77 l\ SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 9:11:30 0.0 155.42 9:21:30 0.0 106.09 9:12:00 0.5 110.46 6 9:22:00 0.5 134.D7 12 9:12:30 1.0 109.80 6 9:22:30 1.0 155.73 10 9:13:00 1.5 109.80 6 9:23:00 1.5 157.39 12 9:13:30 2.0 107.88 4 9:23:30 2.0 153.84 6 9:14:00 2.5 107.59 6 9:24:00 2.5 153.38 10 9:14:30 3.0 107.37 6 9:24:30 3.0 153.45 6 9:15:00 3.5 106.02 4 9:25:00 3.5 153.05 10 9:15:30 4.0 105.85 6 9:25:30 4.0 153.35 8 9:16:00 4.5 106.07 6 9:26:00 4.5 153.49 10 9:16:30 5.0 105.84 4 9:26:30 5.0 153.24 10 9:17:00 5.5 105.83 6 9:27:00 5.5 153.47 10 9:17:30 6.0 105.66 6 9:18:00 6.5 106.08 6 9:18:30 7.0 105.81 6 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-371 of 515 MP~420 Zone 4 14 't""""""'""""""'"'""""'""'""""""'"'""""""""'"'"""'"'""""'"""""""'""'"""'""""'""""""'""""'"""""'"""""""'"""""'""'""'"'"'""'"-"""""""""""'"'"""""" ""'"'""'""" """"""""'"'"""'""'"""'"'""'"'""'""""""'"*'""""""'"""'"'"""'"-"""'""'""""'""'""'""" 12*1------r---\ -~-------~ 10 -----+\*-*-*.------.. ---"""""-""""""'"""""'"'~""'-""""""'"'"-*---*-*-"-"'~ ~---- . 1 8. \ *~ ~ j_ *-* --- --* .. .-- -\

  • 4 * *- - *  :;>'<:"'"'"""'"""""'""""""'"""""""""""""""""""'".................................................................................................;;>'(.. """"'""""'""""""""""'""""""""'"""""'"

2 +-------------4-------------~------------~--~-----------~L------~-~-------- /~ /'~ 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.o* 4.0 5,0 E!lapsed Time (minutes) --i/3 Po appl'oXItnatedy 1/S of the* maXImum over a 30 second Interval. MP-420 Zone 4 9 .........._ .., ______..........- ...................................................._,..........- ......................................._.. -*-....- ..........- .............~-----*.. - ..--~..*-----*-..---.........- -..--......- 7 _ _ _ ..,.____,*__.. _ _ , ________................________..._ ......, _........... - - - - - -............______......- - - - - - * - - - * - - - -..-*................... _ _ e.E9 5 ' ............. ~ ~4+--- ------------------- tt: 3 -----------------------------~----------- 0 ------......,.-----r----- 5.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Elapsed l'lme (minutes) ........,... 2/3 Po Notes: Test pressure appi'OXImately 2/3 of the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow rate typically measured oval' a so second lnte~val. Clinch River Data Report Page E.3-372 of 515 MP~420 Zone 4 12 ~~----~-------------------~-~--------------------*------------------------ E' JB ~ 6 "..... - ......- -.. --............. ................. _ ............_........~... ~................................................................ ___... ~.*-.........--.-*----*****-- ................. - ..............~ ......... - ........................ _ .* _ . .. ~- 4 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2' .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0 ' - , - - -*-----.. 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5,0 6.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) Notes: Test pressure approximately at the maximum test presStlre (Po), Flow * - - - *...-.-o-............. -~-w ~ -- -- --- ------ -..--- A---, _......, __.__,. .rate . .,___ typically measured over.-a SO second Interval, ,....,_~~-*---~*----~**~"'"',_.._,_....,..._ .,. -.,,....,_,,_.....,,,,,...,.,_,,.. __,..,_._._ MP~420 Zone 4 E' 4 * ........................... - ..........................................._.......... ..................... ..........................~............. JB ~ .§3+-------------- u. 2 -*--~-------*---~-*-*----*-*~*~---*.,-**---*----*-*--*------*----*--*-- ....____ .________ _ 1 0 +--------~---------~* --,----*--.,--------,..-- --------, 0.0 1.0 2.0 3,0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Elapsed Time {minutes) --1/2Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 1/2 of the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow rate typically measured over a 30 second Interval. /{ h '-- 1 /LI/1 11 jli,:J-'&tilL Prepared by/Date: Checked by/Date: . Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-373 of 515 MP-420 Zone 4 12 """'"'"'"'"'"'"""""'"'""""'""'"""'""""'""'"'"""' s.@ 8 +-----~~-----------------------------~----r-----~~--~~------~~----------- ~ ~ 6 ........................................................................................................................................................................ ,_ .... ,............. -.......................................................- ..... 4 +---~-----~-------- 2 +---------------------------------------~-------------------------------- 0 ----------.---*-..,..---- o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) -.....po Notes: Test pressure approximately at the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow* ...........------~--------*****-******* ...........*-*-*****-**----- *---*--********-****** **.............---*--*---~-~~~~-~~.::~.~.~-~~!.."...!l~~!~:_erval, ----* -*---~----- .. - IC~ \. . 1/Lf/Jtl  ;[':j 'li'l//{4-Prepared by/Date: Checked by/Date: Ciinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-374 of 515 DOUt!!L.S PACI<SR BORE1HOLE PE\t~MMBILITY n:sr PATASHSET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFr~AS'I'RUCTURE, INC: P01ge 1 or 2 ilROJECT NAME: Clinch l'{ivel' SMR Prg.{llli JOB ,NO. §.ifill::~.ll DATE:.l.::..~~ 13orinJ No.M..!?.:A.&¢ SorehoieDiameter, *ln.!.:]ll To1s.iBoling Depth, Ft. ag.d Gnd "'lev, Ft: ~ *~ . 0f1slng .Height <tbove groun~, Ft:~~ Ele~. Top.of caelhg, Ft (Gnd Elev +Casing Helghl),:.~ :;Jfatl~1/q /I'( . ' TSST ID:,f*l\'?* 4'a.¢ it fr Test length: ~*-M____, Test Section Depth (frorn Datum): Fram:4~~\t ~~~ *.(A)* Depth to Water Table From Datum, .Ft: 1!.-:\, ~'l (B) l!lllrface Gaue Height Abova Datum, Ft.~ TestW~tarTernp:.];'S "I=' B~ro Preeaura,)laf: V...l~al.l... \Ut~urz. 'Tii1'1->11o ~ * **L/4{1/ iM1 . . Depth to Cenle\ ofTest Interval From Oa\wn,.Ft:~--..:.:_j '0(,. '71 _..:_ __ _ (crDi~ttrilee'Waten~oiEfWClinter of'TeBfintetviFt. *a~¢ Statio water pressure nt G~l~ter ~ (C*62.4/144) Baro"' + 'S'g, MAXIMUM TES'T PRE88UR6, Po"' ([NB*1J + c*O.ti7) (Po"' _LQZJ *rest PressurQ eequenca p 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po '

  • Sequence ID: A B C D E Po Values: 1/$ Po" jA; 2/3 Po"-'~; 1/2 Pam 5 \ , Add Approprl~te ~9 value to static pressme at center of test Interval TEST NO. !Af'*4~t\-s~quenoo No. A Pl<~nned Center Pressure: 8 4>

Transducer Readings' Before P~akers lnfl11\ed: Top ~¢.l~ .; Middle 4tt> *<54 :. Bottom: 5'¢. '3(.,. Transducsr Readings Aftet' Palikera Inflated: Top Z/P *3(/) : Middle _4_,~. r.o*~ : Bottom: . . e ¢*:*-z~ J-v\.?~ 4~¢ A ~~*~* . Ss:rQ,~lfZ.N.kL FLOW MeTSR READING, Gallons *- -~. Middle

nri1s, FLOW, gpm *Transctuoal' Surface Gage, REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psf.

~iiu~--~~ Difference --*w f---.--*-- (I NJ.c.tP..$-Mo \e B ~t!tl /-of ~~ I<Pe\-o~\~46 ~~?.,~ ... .. . .., ............ ....... ~- IS . Q5 ) r::: "\ -- ~P:,!..r,.'O(/) ~ . P:wtJ> """' - tb"t> .. l!,:J *, *(/)l.ft aA~\S  ?-'C.£ ' * ~t.\ -*~.--~ - ~ 1.~ ~~',:vi ~9 . 'R:&A- .~,'a,S .. ~* ({)'Q\'~~ ~A *~. \ .:.__&_ 6\.i$1.\. \~ II::': e<P. 4~* w (~'6 : A-tb i {PI) ~A ~~v~- ~A ~,:~..f.D \ ~ _.JL_ ' IPP.. \AI/!~~ ~&-~~ .~t.\ {p~ t ."'*.. I 1-;:, .

  • A\ I lj)Q . ?A ..~~1- R.A

~~:T \ *c,

- 'a., - e.g~ ~-~ 2.4: -~

f,!?,..'? 4 ~l~.~>  ?.A ~ ~~'g\ 4\\1.£1 ~~ .. ?::a..'L ~. ~'Ml \ ~* 8":{ *.i'5 a "f. """ t!'f:>' A~' lM ZA ~~tf 2.A  ;(.~ \ \. ,a _ ....,.___§~, ,_._ a'\ - iii)~\ A'Z. \ '1Cft Zl.\ 2.1.l Z.A-' ~~-a. t 2.. 8$,\4 ~4 ~p_: 41)\ tp~- z,.A. ~:~'?... ....'GA <a".J3 l a ~":).<=;Jj 2.'\- ~: A\ l $11_ f-A 2.'11'$ . 2-A Z.'?>~ *.....J.. 4 . z., 8~$ *.!;)~ c____..,...-~ ~~ _a_, ~-~-~t. r:r>~ ', 4l'l *, {ftC? '  ?.A z:~s ~A ' ~%t.J. ~4 litl:!..r.:>' ..  !-----~ *~* r-----*-- -*-" ~~----~-* ¢181~*4'\~ 13o7"'1tP "'"'-. 7'rlA~>-~~ --~ Si, 5'4. 1--*-~- *--~-~- ¢1:\14'5: 24 n..- "'1/t~i,l.,) S' Z¢,~3 --~ .................... r--*~-- *  : ~*-* --~*---- - .. -~- *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Forrn Approved fc1:'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. lice, Teol\nlcai Lsad *Form Rev 0 .. Reviewed by $1'- IL...{l'-{f~ Form Prepared By: J. Goddard Work Procedure: Project Procedure CRP-3 Rev 6 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-375 of 515 DOUBLI: PACKElR MRSHOLE PE\RM!:ASIJ"ITY Ti'!ST DA'fA SHBET AME:C ENVIF<ONMENTAL & INI:RA8TRU01'1.JRE, INC; Pt\ga i of 2 PROJSCI NAME: Ol!ocll !31ver8MR Project .

  • JOS~!0. 6168-13*'1072 DATE: ":/* 3~Jj\

Boring No_M P- 12¢ B~rehole Dlamallli\ *ln.:* 3,8 Total Bo11ng Depth, Ft. a~.~* Gnd Elev, Fh ~\..$ ~ . Oaelng .Height abOVI:) gi'Ol~ll~, Ft:~4 ~ . , Elev, 1op,of o~alng, Ft. (Gn~ Elav +Casing ~ellhQ~~l: D~l~) II.( TEST IO:N\~* 4~c;?l ~ 4 Test length; __;,;l_, S TestSeo[lonDepth(from Datum}: F'rom~- To \ A<Q ,(,(, (A)* PepifltoWateriablaFroJrrDa\IJm,~t: 6~.~\ . (B) Surfae$ Gage Height ~bove Datum, F't *.! $ 1'ostWator Temp:yCS .<>I~ Ba. rof?J:~s~lr~ti: lt-/L;;LL tUA'J'C!i'/1. /(!!',1'1/D 'Depth to Con\et ofTastlnhirval From Datum, Ft: IS~ 1'1 ' 14-,"1(;; \'&P ** t '0(.,, '?I ---**-----(or-*o.tstarrce-wmer-rn,fii<ITOCentel:of~esnmer~-f/rstet lc water ~reesura at center~ (0*62.4/144) *r Baro .., __::§,(!!..

  • MAXIMUM TEST PRESSUR8, Po= ([A:"B*1l+ c*0,67) [Po"

,I <k 41 Teat'Pressure sequence 7' 1/3 Po, 27;3 Po, Po, 1/2 PO.f'o

  • Sequence ID: A 6 c 0 E Po Val~1ea: 1/3 Po"~ 2/$ Po:~,~: '1/2 Po"'.* '$ \ Add Appropriate~? vallre t~ statio pressure at canter of teet Interval TEST' NO, ~y>-~?:¢"k A-seq(len~ No* ._...B~ Planned Qenter PreaaLire: _ \

~ f1>. Tra11sdu6er Readings ~More P~okera ll'iftllted: Top ~~ .........; Middle .::4 '5 :1 *:' (t;)

  • Bottom: o¢. oG. I I

Transducer R<~acllng~ After Paokers lnilated: Top * 'Z ¢i', '::l*(/)  ; Middle :14 '"5 *~: Bottom: 5@.7::'2.. i ..I I I I FLOWMETER READING, Gallons Middle Time*, FI:.OW,gP,m *Transducer Surface Gage M!J1utes *. REMARKS ~eadlng, p~l f'ressUI'e; pal* Initial Final Difference t------1---~-1----- 1---~- -+----~-...../---. ~4':\trN ~&As ~-** - ... -~ "' ........... e'!S.~~ ;e4 . - 7'/"'lN~-,;: 4~ m- .rJ'8 t 4 ':\ \ 3f/ ;.l.U.A5_f.-!:Z::::..4!.........!::~~a-t-_--...:D:;:__,~-+-~c.."-._ ,---:..,~~ 1 \ \1.. ,{j+--...=... '1 ot


~- _ ' ~. ~~~'!" n As\ IP Lf .~.'2,4 z A. ~~ '2.. - *~4*--. --1---.....!':g'!..--.....;. \~<h.\ z.. (/J{>,: &A~ .l-_:...!.~. s~ ~s\ t\~~ 2.A 2$Z i?A ia.~4 2. t~ I z_(/,&$2, , 1'$ I ~ *g,a; 45~* rP<J . Z.4- z.<.::A* . ~4 ~~J..f-. .- ...:. ~::._.,.,-:ft-._<-_-+..........:..\ Ll:l.~__?.._l__ f-""'-- -'--*--. .....J a:;:.* 9,'>*e. ~ A":>\ ~ ~ .a..A Zs":t Z-1.\ . ~t.t~ ffl _ 1S \ '2. \ :t-4 15 l ---~------*--~---1 g \ '5¢', ¢1/Q ~~ .. Z~ttl '2.A ?l.. "b ':> \'2'2..4~ 5I ~' SIP! 35! *Z.t\. 2t-.'!.  ;;?,4 ZL..5 ~ _,_.;:;~.4~-J,...........:...:~- I '51 S*~

  • CS \ '. IP<t. 2. A 2 (;,0 24 .f).t... ~ 3 -* &. d:.t 1./>"3 ~.';'!::2.?.:_ * -+*--*~*.........;.---!

g ~ 5't t3r1 z.&\ . ~t..$ ~-?-3£e__*J ___~ _ ...L ...~. .JZ3.~-~ 1--.. 4 8 -*~ ~~.f..:.tP!I~A ?-:=?(b 1':4 Z';}'S S '- *. IZ'3.':$Z :4JL_:.._._ _ _ _ _~-~ .z.: &i! StP 'i?,.t-\ Z3.1- ~A * ~3t~ 1-"~~~ _ .(.. I lts,S8.". 4$ _$ ~ !)3\~,! ~A . Z.':\.~2k ~~':\~ ____3_ _ ~~~.-:.\-=2"'.~::. .':...:4.. :. . . W__-:..4...:..:::..g__f ------* 1 ,._~: 5Si3t~l.&tt Z'::l"? 124, *~~~~--~~-~. 12.~.85_ ~~--------"'"1 b-~ * : ~A.\~P..Y *zt\ z~~ ~ _ ze~ ~?..._ .,. ~ .EJ*t.~--~-JJ?~- *~*--~--"1 ~.54 ~}.!...2 4 284 +~.......k$k__ 2 ' --~~*-~?..?\ ..~~~.. 413* ......._*--*--~. - r-$~ I 'f>f>'. WI... 24 t8(p M 46:2:_. '3 C. I Z4.cP(I 4B _ __ g t <5.-:,~ 2?\ ~8";) ?A* )!<,;>l _.-.:. ~ 4 *~--1?'3.,11_'----* 4t __ ~~A-1!::__.--~' wprom Preliminary Boring Layo11t Survey 13"r>...,..,'l>/'-'o.. frlt~,....J "'. i" ~,IR f'l'fJA IJS "' Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by Form Prepared By: J. Goddard , Work Procedure: Project Procedure CRP-3 Rev 6 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-376 of 515 OOUBJ..a }:IA¢KE!R SORE!HO!..El PERME:ASlLITY TES'f PATA SHEE1' AMF.:C E!NVIRONMI:':NTAL & INFRA81'RUO~URE, INC: Paga1 of2 PROJECT NAME': .Q!ln.Qh.Bl'l§r SMB Pt*olflQt DATE:'/* 3@: 1*';1 Sorlng NoM I?** 4£¢ Borehole Dlameter,*ln.:*3 ,$ Total Sorlng Oepth, Ft. 3 U~ *~ G'nd Elev, Ft:.~ * . Casing .Helg~t* abow gr<J\md, Ft:~&4 .121ev. Top*.of 0~\llhg, Ft. (Gt1? Elev ~Casing Holgh§1 !t1t: '11~~~ {Jt( TGST ID:.M,.£::,. .-!y?-..S?l"a ~ Testlenglh: ..  :,Z, ~ .. Test Secl/on Depth (from Datum): From *

  • To _lA~

(A) Oeplh to Water labia From Datum, Ft:..J;? \. ~J Te$l W~terTemp: 'f'5 "I=' samJ::reJsw*e,*ps[: JA@ * \J..JrqL'- \JArl\i't~ Tw.v.P ,, ';>) :_:;~* P '[_l4,"7t;'b.,t..... (13) Surface Gage HelghtAbovo, Datum, Ft.\. 'f)~ Depth to Cenle\ ofTesllnteNnl From Daturn, Ft: *

  • 1'i!l4. '?l ' I
  • ~~~(Q)DI'Srnryce.wawr'fa;llletoCenter ofleaTlffte~al 'pt. .Jj~~tatlc watm* pressure_ at cerlter .; (0'62.4/144) + 8aro " '5 F.!J MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po "' ([A~EI*1J + c*0.67) [Po"'~ Teat Pressure 8Gquence :" *f/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Po VaiLtss: 1/3 Po ... ......:a,a;
  • 8aquenceiD:

2/3 Po=1 ~ i 112 Po"~- Add Appropriate ~~ value tp statio pressure at center of test Interval A

  • B 0 D E TtiST NO. ~?4£;¢(k.f\*sequl;lnce No. C... Planned Center Pres$ure:,
  • i :5t.\

1'ransducer Readings' Before P(\ckers Inflated: Top * ~ ~~ t@ .; Middle 4 (.o

  • CO 4 : Botto1~: , _ 'S ¢' ".?G.

Tnmsctuao1* Readings After Paokers Inflated: Top -2i/>10::1 C/)  : Mkldle _A to *'5'_2.. : Bottom: ~z Z. M?- A.2.(Ll 'ri. *~ . 'Ss-!Qq~f./c:e: c FLOW METSR READING, Gallons Middle Time, Fl..OW, gpm *Tran!ldllcer

  • Sllrt'!lce Gage REMARKS Minutes*. Reading, psi Pressure, psi-rnlllal Final Difference  !

Z4 '3 II f - .. -* :f:J~I~'-' r. /itt.,:,<:.lf.4!4/dr-.L\ .r B!S-;?too ..:. ..... ~ .... .... I *'<PC_ ......... ----~..........:__,_~, /2~~i'i ' 4~ I - , (~l,.r  ; ~\ tflt.nt{JtJ 24 3( \ 2.4 _31 ~.). . G. 1'2- I'M't,2'3 ' ';{'Z  ! ~.\ IMl31P £4 ~\-:t - 2.4' 32.\  ;.1-- a .. f4,S, "141 -':('2. - rr- .. ~l\4'(/ -~4- ~2 t 24 ~-~. $2~ .. 4 s 14~.(..2)  ;;t... ~ BZfl_ .24 5 ;rs ~-- .~I t/IJ l $~ ~4. S'~L l(,tJ

**-:-~t;S4?,,S74. .M-

~ \ tp.'7..-t!P!L 24 .._ 8 -*---~----- 3~07 ~A- '3'!)4 4 1~\. ~7- 'fS. jjZ: " ~* . ' ~- ..~.l_¢.)~ I !:~ 24' -S34 24 ~~~ 5 f(jJ 1'52*41 . '8[ ~-' (/>) \ Mi} 2-A- i3'3"';) 24* 3A4 0 I~ 1-'54,2. ( 81 ~ r - - - ' - * - -,..----'---'**~-- ~ill_ ~7 "t>44 Z4 34.~ )_j_£AL,4>¢ a4 '4 4: - - if l '54..!.1 '3 !JJI *-- ~48 ?::!_. ~ '5 '?. ( -:.........~t2- * -*_\§.~ '(J_ ~-'- I ~ '. tfJ 'A \7>_1) ~4, 3:'J'Z

.:::;.. ~L-~2S1 5. -- /t/) -1~f . 4$ 81 .

---~*~--- t;>~ (f)?\ 1/J/) 24 351__ 24 ' 3&.2. -~~ -~~ /(/) I '5t.n t ~4' . 81 ... '~~ tft?\ '3_q __ t-4 ~ 31'PZ_ Z4 ~/, *q -*~~---- 5 /cP 1~4.92: ,.. tEl 4 ~--* ~ ~ r.p~ ~ (/(J ~t4 __ 'S~r .a4

  • 34 I 8 1154_. ¢~

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  • 14~~~ .

Depth to Qente\ofTe~t lnte'!Val From Datum, F: * ~(,;,.".?I

\C)DI'st'ailCe'WaterT~~Center of'Tasl"rnterval 'F't. 'CF!i'(o;"ft$ Statio Wutm* pressure ~;~! cenier ~ (C*62.4/144) + Baro => -s-g*- --,-

MAXIMUM TEsr PR8SSURE, Po"" ([A+B~i] *~ c*9.67) [Po"' I ~ ~ l Test PressUI:e sequence;; 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, *112. Po, f'o

                                               .                                                .                                                  SeqliEihcaiP:

Po Vah.tes: '1/3 Po "'~ *2(3 Po"'~: *112 Po~~~ Add Apprqprlata ~9 ~aiLte A . - B C 0 E to statio pressure at center oftest interval TSST NO, \-&?A~'H\-SeqLtence No. 1) . Planned qentel' Prassl.lte! \ Sb 3 Tranaducer Readings Be fare P~okera1nflat~d: Top ~ ~~ '\ L: Middle 4 to * %4 * :. Bo\tom: '5 !/.>I 3 (e. _: TransctucerRoa.dlng!.l After Packers Inflated: Top ...:...f&2~; Middle 4C.C.. '5@ .: -Bottorn; -*;'5@.2'2 M?~A2,.¢ '3.4 'Se:G:JUJ :;fJC&: D FLOW ~ETER READING, Gallons Middle Time, PI:.OW, gprn *Trcmaducer Surface Gage Minutes*. REMARKS

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                        *Prom Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'Use.on 'clinch River SMR Proj~ot- J.                            A.Tlce, TechniGal 'Lead                                                   Form. Rev 0- Reviewed by                         Sf?:=           It   ll'{l} ,

Form Prepared By: J. Goddard

  • Work .Procedure: Project Procedure CRP-3 Rev 6 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-378 of 515

DOUS!..I~ PACK~!\ BOREHOI..E!PERMEAEIILITY *rasr PA'fA SHEET AME:C ISN\:'IRONMENrAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC: Pog~ *1 of2 PROJI::CT NAME: Q!lnQJ1 Siver SMRE.l:llliJ.Qt JOB .NO. ~:'J3*i07~ DATE:.l.:J~:J:.-' Boring NoME:~ 4lt¢ Sorehole Plameter,*ln.:; 8,8 Tot\II:'Jorlng Oepth, Ft._l~- G'nd Elev, Ft: ~ *

          *. Oaslng*Hal g~t above gl*ouncf,. F.t:M'q, El<tv. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd*Eiev *r Casing            Heigh     e t~;   $;[ "'D~tt/ly A- Test length; __M~ Test Section Depth (from patum): From I . , s To'- \ W TEST ID: N\\'1-    ~ ~-$?:! it
                                                                                                                                                                          'l.o l.

(A)* l)epth to 0aterT1)ble Fran~ Datum, Ft: 15\ *';:!,\ TeatW<itflr Temp: :;f'5 "/.:" BatQ.Preaaure,?af: ~ lt-ftac..l,.. t<JA'rlfl'f~ 7'/4'MP 'f:)>$) . U4-,':j~~.. (13) SurfaC(} Gage ~Ieight Above! Datum, Ft*.L...'Z¢ Depth to COnte~ ofTast'lnlerval From Datum, Ft: ..

  • I ~4 1 '?I

-~-~(C)Dtst'Willli"VVateFTtni\e10Genter ofmllntarva! .Ft** *f?~~¢ Statio water pressure at ceriier"' (0'62.4/'144) + Baro " t;;) F!

  • MAXIMUM 'fE:ST PRESSURE,* Po'" ([A+B*11 + 0'0.57) (Po "'~ Te:sl Pressure Mqltence
                                                                                                                                        !" 113 Po 1 2.)3 Po, Po, 112 Po, Po ,
                          .                  .        *              .
  • sequence Po Val~1es: 113 Po<~ ~6_: 213 Po"'~.: 112 Poe~;..._..21.,_ Acid Appl'opliale iD: A B o o g
                                                                                                                             ~9 value t0 s!;1tlc pre$    SUra 01! center oltest Interval TEST NO. }J.-f'-4'U?14-sequence No.                *e?           Planned Centl;lr Pressure:               f 54 T;Msduoer I'Seadlngs' Before       P~ckere Inflated:   Top      ~~, l¢_._,..: Mtddi(:) 4 (t:.
  • c.:> A : *eo \tom: 5"(/J, '0(..

Transducer Readings After Paokere lrrflated:' Top ' et/J, '1@ : Middle A(., 5 '2 : Bottom:. 6t(J, 2. 2. I Fl.OW METEH R~DINO, Gallons Time, Middle FLOW,gpm *Traneducer Smface Gage REMARKS Minutes*. Pressure, pal* R.eadlng, psi

                                         -*-~*-1---* --~------J-~--:--r

I~* 2t ~(j ~':\- _4':\:,..:,'B'-+~'".,...~-~...,...~-+--'-"'_~...__,.**~*-~' _&,:- I _,~ 2-r.' IJ>m ~L\ _4:\~_1:!;4_AJ34-* .L .-L-. 17.. 1~4.~'1* 1_......;8::;:_

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                           "'From Preliminary Boring LE1yotlt Survey Ponn Approved far'Use.on Clinch HJver SMR Project- J, A. '!'ice, Tephnlc;a!'Lead Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by Form Prepared By: J. Goddard                       ,

Work Procedure: Project Procedure CRP-3 Rev 6 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-379 of 515


                                                                                                                   --{l,tt ~h~e ~ Y-'(fJ~~ . fa BORING:     M~ . 4~(/;                                                                                             trtl -b,~ 4 It b DATE:    3 -*:;,g?" \'}             .
  • DATA COLLECTED BY: To tv, M~ <;; Lt:. / ...:JI r.A.. Gt on D A R'O 1
                                                                                                                     ~           (1-fl' /13

~ESStJRE: v~It~~ I psi

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(. FlowMeter: 8 e ~~"!\SS (r:'t18l.J;> *:t* 8-I~J

.Stop Watch:       L ~8C...       (c....-: \Cb*\"1!1 ')

Date o~ Calibration: P.o..fle. IJI;' \-\W'SI *S

  • Calibration dne: "P~'!o'T Td;,,..,....,~

F\ r .. 4e<A z..4. (~) *eC/J 13- ¢"'".~ .- ?:>¢ ~ -;:,, 'b':l '\ c:t. VJSL M?- 4~0 E4 (6) Z,cp l ~ ~ (/)f. - i;(b (b";l, ~~. \? Ex.C.EL. M P- 4ea ~4 (T) g_ ~ 1*o <ll't - y  :.w (/:,~, '2..'?~ (/)"'!;)

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\V\ ? ~ 4(!lb z4 (1-t\ ') ~~ 1~ - ctrr -. '3.(1; a><;>, ~~cp. z\ \tJSL .MP* 42dJ Z4 (,t-A) ~(b l ~- ¢1- ~ 'j(/; ¢~. ~(/), '2.\ E. ~C.E;L JV\ ?

  • 42<1> z.4 (L) ?J/J I *~ -(/)? ~ 3@. ¢~I "5~, ~,.
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                                                                                                                                             . lr ~tJ
                                                                                                                                            ,-z- lP.  .

Form Approved for Use on Clinch River SMR Prqject- J. A Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev~ .. Reviewed by ~ -~Jlr Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-380 of 515

Clinch River SMR Project Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Prepared by: Checked by: 9(),1 aP*r Date: Date: 4-rJ ....J'/

                                                                                                                                                  .t;-tJ~t4-AMEC Project# 6468-13*1 072 Boring: MP-420 Zone: Z5 166.0 feet to 173.5 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1/3 Po)                                     Sequence B (2/3 Po)                                    Sequence C (Po)

Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 11:51:30 0.0 61.74 12:10:00 0.0 106.21 12:24:00 0.0 146.00 11:52:00 0.5 81.64 8 12:10:30 0.5 106.14 6 12:24:30 0.5 157.37 6 11:52:30 1.0 77.27 6 12:11:00 1.0 126.83 4 12:25:00 1.0 162.52 6 11:53:00 1.5 99.49 2 12:11:30 1.5 127.59 4 12:25:30 1.5 164.66 6 11:53:30 2.0 100.15 4 12:12:00 2.0 136.42 6 12:26:00 2.0 178.55 6 11:54:00 2.5 101.13 6 12:12:30 2,5 141.37 6 12:26:30 2.5 180.34 8 11:54:30 3.0 104.89 4 12:13:00 3.0 140.85 6 12:27:00 3.0 180.75 8 11:55:00 3.5 105.17 4 12:13:30 3.5 143.70 6 12:27:30 3.5 187.20 10 11:55:30 4.0 106.06 4 12:14:00 4.0 147,81 4 12:28:00 4.0 189.44 4 11:56:00 4.5 105.43 4 12:14:30 4.5 147.95 6 12:28:30 4.5 190.21 8 11:56:30 5.0 106.42 4 12:15:00 5.0 148.84 6 12:29:00 5.0 187.55 8 11:57:00 5.5 107.22 6 12:15:30 5.5 150.20 6 12:29:30 5.5 189.76 6 11:57:30 6.0 107.47 6 12:16:00 6.0 149.82 4 12:30:00 6.0 189.43 8 11:58:00 6.5 108.07 4 12:16:30 6.5 147.42 6 12:30:30 6.5 190.67 8 11:58:30 7.0 105.89 4 12:17:00 7.0 146.45 6 12:31:00 7.0 189.77 6 11:59:00 7.5 105.85 4 12:17:30 7.5 144.86 6 11:109;30 8.0 =f06:58 4 12:18;00 8.0 fL\6;86 6 12:00:00 8.5 107.07 4 12:18:30 8.5 145.81 6 . -12:00:30 __ 9,0 107.41. -- A .. 12:19:00 -- .9.0 - .144.83 ... .. 6 - -- -- --** 12:01:00 9.5 106.25 4 12:19:30 9.5 146.50 4 12:01:30 10.0 106.72 4 12:20:00 10.0 146.54 6 12:02:00 10.5 106.87 4 12:20:30 10.5 144.92 6 12:02:30 11.0 107.37 4 12:21:00 11.0 146.54 4 12:03:00 11.5 107.09 4 12:21:30 11.5 no readinq 12:03:30 12.0 105.58 4 12:04:00 12.5 105.88 2 12:04:30 13.0 105.53 4 12:05:00 13.5 105.22 4 12:05:30 14.0 106.24 4 12:06:00 14.5 106.37 4 12:06:30 15.0 105.72 2 SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 12:34:30 0.0 190.07 12:45:00 0.0 127.11 12:35:00 0.5 139.66 6 12:45:30 0.5 191.85 10 12:35:30 1.0 132.02 2 12:46:00 1.0 191.87 6 12:36:00 1.5 131.93 4 12:46:30 1.5 192.72 8 12:36:30 2.0 131.76 6 12:47:00 2.0 187.59 6 12:37:00 2.5 129.36 4 12:47:30 2.5 190.12 6 12:37:30 3.0 129.09 4 12:48:00 3.0 189.13 4 12:38:00 3.5 129.80 4 12:48:30 3.5 188.68 8 12:38:30 4.0 125.34 4 12:49:00 4.0 189.07 10 12:39:00 4.5 125.10 6 12:49:30 4.5 190.48 6 12:39:30 5.0 125.76 4 12:50:00 5.0 188.82 6 12:40:00 5.5 125.99 4 12:50:30 5.5 188.62 8 12:40:30 6.0 125.32 4 12:51:00 6.0 190.22 8 12:41:00 6.5 125.70 4 12:41:30 7.0 125.93 4 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-381 of 515

*----*---*------**------*- .. ----~--*---*--------

MP-420 Zone 5 9- ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 ........................,................................................ _, ____ ,............................................,...................................................,..........._ .....................- ................................................................................................... . 7 * ****-*. ........._ ... ,... ,_________________ ,_, ____ , ** ,.................,........................ - ... ---*-*-*""'*"*-~------*---..-----*--**"'"""""""'"'"'"'""""______ .. __ _ 0 +-------~---------~--------r--*------r--------r------~-----~------~ 0.0 2.0 4.0 6,0 8,0 10.0 12;0 14.0 .16,0 Elapsed Time (m"lnutes)

       ---*1/3Po NotOSI Test pl'essura approximately 1/3 olthe*maxlmum tost pressure (Po), Plow rate typically measured over. a 30 secohd Interval.

MP-420 Zone 5 7 ------ . 2 _______,_,___________, __________,..,.*._, _______________,,____________..,,__..__________ _ 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................- ...............................- ....................................-. 0,0 2.0 4.0 6,0 8,0 10.0 . 12.0 14.0 Elapsed Time (mhtutes)

     ~2/3 Po r

Notes: Test pressure approxlrnotoly 2/3 of tho maxlmumtos~ pressure (Po), '-----------*---- --------- Plow l'ate typically measured over a 30 second lnte1val,


l/t.t II<~ liV.L-Prepared by/Date: ~c Checked by/Date:_ ~~2/.;t-' Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *f ,'

Page E.3-382 of 515 I

MP-420 zones 12 ..,............................................................................................................................................._...._,_,_, ..................................................................................... _ ....,_,_,_, ___.......... .............................. .


0 +. . . . . ._....................,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . .-.. . . . . . . . . .,..................................,.-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5,0 7.0 8.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

      -*'-Po Notes: Test pressure approximately at the moxlrnurn test pressure (Po), Flow rate typically tneasured over a so second fnterva"J.

M P*420 Zone 5

             +*. ****--*--.-***---..--*****..............__ ......._.._ ..-.... ...._.._. __..........- .............._________,________,__,...._ .._

0.0 1.0 2,0 s.o 4.0 5,0 6,0 7.0 8.0

     ~1/2Po                                                                                                                                   Elapsed Time (minutes)

Notes: Test pressure opproxltnately 1/2 of the moxlmurn test pressure (Po), Flow measured over. a 30 second ft1terval. Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-383 of 515

MP-420 Zone 5 8 ---*--*-*- - - ------*--*--***----*-- e

        *~   6 " ..~..*-**--*"""""'""'"" ................"'""""""""""""""" - * - - ...................................f***"""'"'"'"'""'"'"""""""'"""""""""~---**--**"*********""'""""""""'""""""'""'"'"""'"'""""""'""""'"""""""

j 4 0,0 1.0 2.0' 3.0 4.0 s.o 6,0

     *--*Po                                                                                         *Elapsed Time !minutes)

Notes: last pressure approximately at the Flow rate typically measured over a 30 s.econd Interval. Prepared by/Date: Checked by/Date:f.....;l* Y>Z; /i.1 fb\~ 1

                                                                          / )(1 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-384 of 515
  • II I

OOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PE:RMEABill'rY TESI DATA SHEeT AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clingh River SMR Protect *JOB .NO. 6468=13-1Q72 DATE: ":I* ~'S* I~ Boring NoMP- 42.¢ Borehole Dlamete~. ln.:.:..?.&_ Tote.! Boring Depth, Ft._l.'tL Gnd Elev, Ft: _e¢2 ,5 *

      . Casing Height above ground, Ft:~~.

Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Eiev +Casing Helght):.Ba>3: IGs = Dat~m * . TEST ID: ~\')* 4 'tS?J 'a "5 Test length: ft 5 rest Sectio~ Depth (from Datum): Fr~m \lb lb. 4L. TCi \ ~L), \t.. (A} Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: 58, <<J (t? (B) Surface Gage Height Abo~e Datum, ,Ft. \ , ~(./)

(c)DI~tance WatefTal'il~loCEifi!er ofTesTinterv~l *i="!. ~ l Static water pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Baro "' G '5 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po.= ((A+B*i]+ 0"0.57) [Po= /24 J Test Pressure sequence:" 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

                                                                                                    .             Sequence lD:              A        8    C      D. E Po Values: 1/3 Po                          2/3 Po"~ ; 1/2 Po:o Cl'> fi!.. . Add Appropriate~? value to static pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO.IJ..'?-42411 Ssequence No.                           A           P.lanned Center Pressure:            \  C/J 4 Transducer Readings. Before Packers Jnnated: Top                          I  ~' 1> 1-. ; Middle            Cp'2, ~I :. Bottom: * (.p4 .. 1"'2..

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top * \~. 8¢: Middle 4:-1,-::?4 :* Bottom: Co'5,55 M?- A2.~ ]:.~ St:tQl!8NC.l2'. A FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW, gpm *Transducer

  • Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference I\\ 11$\. ',"SiP e~e .ee
                                                             .,._- ...               .... --           ............ G./.'~4                   ¢ 1311!411'1 ( /,t;ltf.IC...,Srf I r:   .        .c"i..O&..I    I
       \\\ .., 'Z. ~ f!q>        e~       e136 ~~ ~~z.                                  4                 B               ~£.t..4                 C/J
       \\'.'52.~~(}             Z.:"S       ~~z         1!.?>* 6'?5                      ~         I, G.               ~":l.Z-=1             l'l5
        \ \ \ '::)~*. l~(j) . 2')        ~- Z."!> B~t                                   \               "Z-.         . ~~-~~~                    1?,3
       \\~ ~'?>'. 3(./          2'"3.      8~(.., .:1::?'          $';>$                 z.  ;

4 \l{J{;p, l"5 \'a, u:

       \ \'* S4 \     f{J(J     2'3        e~e ;1.1!             9ttl I                ~               LA              1¢\, \::,                 21
       \ \', ?4 '. 3iP <!'$              !,i(/)l       23.         :i)jp";.              z               A                 '<t>A s~~               Zl H ~ '5"bl tM            2~          9~3        2"3         ~<llS                 z..              4                \tP? ,l"+               '21
    . \\\ "S."i>: ~(I           ~'$.        9d!S .2'$               ~(j>"':f            z                 4,               \l/>(.,,lP(..,          21
       \\ ** t$v.~IPI.P 2"3                9{1)'1 2'3               .9 (/)9             z.               4-                ~~~.43                  2.1
      \\'. OSLo! ~tJ           2'3         9(/)t;      2~            9 Il              'Z.              4                  I 41C...~ 'Z..          Zf
      \\'. <5":\"1 fJ¢ ?"'S               9_ll         ~3       . <;J\4                 ~               ~                   \ @1 Z'Z.           Zl
                                                                                         '                                                                            . ( 7;>6'"Gre<"'H,$,Y)
      \\'.    '5~\~Cil       lt..1.        '?~         23          ':l\"q               ~*             *&                   \ t.P1. 41 .                       'Df.;
                                                                                                                                                  '?I                       t::'LtJl->
      \\', J2~.. F.~                      ';! \"'1:    23        * ~ll:).                t.              4:                 \<PBJtl't              I;>
      \V* -:;~*.;o~ (;::"$               9\~          z.~          9Zt .                "Z.              4                 \ {)t:f:;,~~            ~~
      \\ '* t:5 ';)I ~0 :&:"S
      \\   '*  I!)~\    '51P 2'1
                                         '?2.(        Z11 9 2-"\ Z"!>-
                                                                <;>zs z

z.. 4 4 I IP IS ,'(,'5.

                                                                                                                          'lbc... $f3 1'

l~ I'Z 'I tfliP I fPI.P 2.""> 92'5 Z'l 9Z."".f 7.. 4* l(/>1,(l)1 1'7 "From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'Use.on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRR-1112.16 Page E.3-385 of 515


PROJECT NAME: .QJinch RlyerSMB Proleg JOB NO. 6468-13-1072 DATE:"'?*~)- I ';I I

  • Bortng NoMP~ 42¢ .Borehole Diameter, ln.: *3,8 Total Boring Deptll, Ft.~~ Gnd Elev, Ft: ~@2,$ *
            . Casing .Helghi above ground, Ft:~4                            Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 'ea')'~, f(... = Dat~m
  • TEST ID: 1-A?' 4 'a.¢~ 'P rest length: f, '3 Test Section Depth (from Datum): Fr~m \ ls &.. tt-L. To \ '":\-~

(A} Depth io \fYater Table From Datum, Ft: 58 ,4')@ Test WaterTem'p:* ':"f~ <> (: *Bar; Pr~ssure,?sf: 14,?~ l,_ir;,t'- \I.JJ.>.iG'rl. TI£"M I" <?4 F (!8.~ 0 C.), (B) Surface Gag.e Height Above Datum, Ft. I . !:Jl*UJ . Depth to Center ofTest Interval From Datum, Ft: t 9 al, ~ 1

~-(0/D~tarrceWiitei'TaJ::HetaCEifiWOfTeenntervarFt. //2, 4-1 Static water pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Bare "' G'3

  • MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, P~v* ([A+B*1J + c*o.o7) [Po"'. /£,4 ) Test Pressure sequence:" 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po
                                                      **          .         *                              .      Sequence 10:
  • A B C D* E Po Values: 1/3 Pc =~ 2/3 Po=> 8 "'& ; 1/2 Po= CD£.. Add Appropriate P? value to static pressure at center of teat Interval TEST NO. !J..~-4Ul Ssequence No. A PJanned Center Pressure: llA 4 Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top I ~' ~ 1-. ; Middle (p '2 * ~ I :' Bottom: t... 4 * *I "'Z Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top
  • l ';> * 'Q cp  ; Middle 6. I
  • f 4-: Bottom: G, S, '$ "S M?~A2.¢ Zc& Ss:r.:~USf../C.E A Cc~lo,Jr'*P.\
                         ..                   FLOW METER READING, Gallons                                                      *Middle Tlme,                                                                           FLOW,gpm               *Transducer            Surface Gage                     REMAHKS Minutes                                                                                                  Reading, P51           Pressure, psi Initial              Final              Difference**-

I' l'Z.\ *¢r.P:~II' z.~ ~Z1 '2.'3 ~2.9 z. 4 11/)7,41 '"Dt:: tt: ~I t/1¢ z~* '7Z.~ <t? ~~( 'Z- 4 . I f/J e,. ,z.s I$ l'Z. 93l  ?.3 4 2~ ~'$~ Z-. I' l"f/)&,?Z- iL_ { t f/J7.. ¢¢ Z"'> '?3~ ~~

                                                                 "~~                   z                    4-                  /(/)(.,,8-':f             rg l '2. </PZ:3o           z*~       9~"5 .&. '?.'      9'5-:f                 z    :

4- J (/) ;;, --s-:r 18 vJ:? l z: ~3 tP¢ 2~ 95-:t 2'3 9~'? z. 4

  • 1(,0'~ /;19 1

11 12)~1:~() Z> ~l~ 7..~ 94t ' 2. 4 /!J7),'5'8 /7-I Z ' I!_A ¢(; z.~ 941 Z) 94~ I 2. l $S,88 I? Z3 z_.. 4

         .lti~ ~4\;.tP                        ':J4"    - Z'3     9At\                                                         fr}5,f:!)3                /';f f/J'5 \_(/)(1 Z> 94'-\ 2'}                  s:>4t..                z.               4 I 'Z l tl'5: '3 41 '2'> _lli 2'3
                                                                                                                        -     I(O"'$.ZZ                 I?
          /Z ',                                                  94Z                    '2               4                    11/Jt..., '2!'4           /";?

l z. : .(/)~: l)tJ ~* <;!4~ 2':. *'CSa' z_ 4 I¢G.,"'l>"':f . 17-12\ ¢l..l ~{j  ;?..~ 9"5@ 2'3 ,'7.)1 I* "Z- 1¢5.':7?-. 1-:'/ ,S;'",vo rz 1vr:r ; /4 73<>7"Tt:>M 7r.M,I(Jj ' L.. 8, ~'

                                                                                                   /Z.l¢9: <1-a               r.,....,..           '/'A<:A;(.J.S                ie.t. 2 (.


                           *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. Tjce, Technical Lead
                                                                                                                                 . Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by _'J.u'Fc___ _
                                                                                                                                                                          /;..'TL    ('L-' ((/-IJ.

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-'1112.16 Page E.3-386 of 515

DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEASILITY TESTDATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL& INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page1of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Proleqt *JOB ~10. §19.fl..::1.M.Qlg DATE: 7 * ~~- l :9 8ortng Nof:!\P.., 42.¢ Borehole Dlameter,ln.:*3,9 Total Boring Depth,.Ft. ~ '(.~ Gnd Elev, Ft: 8rA2,S *

              . Casing Height above          groun~, Ft:~4                        Elev. Top of Casing,                 ~t. (Gnd Elev + casing Height): 'e<t>S. IG. "'Dat~m *                               .

TESTID:~S?* 4y;2li"5 Test length: f S _ TestSectionDepth(fromDatum): Fr~m \l.!ll.t..<t.L.. To \-:J.~. \I... (A} Depth to I!IJater Table From Datum, Ft: 56 ,Cb Gt' TestWatei: Tem.p: ':f~" f-' Baro Pressure,(lsi: J4, ot\ V-cfe~;.L tJt.>*rea. Tt$MI" (q4 "t= liM'S" C.). (13) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. I. ~ {/) , Depth to Center ofTest Interval From Datum, Ft:~....-4 \ - : - - -- (C}Di'S'ta!'fC'eWatefTaolt;J (o center of'Testlnterv~I*Ft; tt2.4 r Statio water pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Baro" G'5 I. MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Pg,,:* ([A+B~1J oft o*0.57) £Po::: 1g.4 ] Test Pressure seqLtence ;> 1/3 Pq, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

                                                               *                  *                                           . Sequence 10:               A             B      C *D
  • E Po Values: 1/3 Po c _A:L; 213 Po= . 8 '& ; 1/2 PO" C'.P};., Add Appropriate ~?value to static pressure at center of test lnterval TSSI NO. }}..P-4'?/Pl-. Ssequence No. '8 ~fanned Center Pressure: I /Jr.~
                'rranaducar Re?dlngs Before Packers Inflated: Top                       1 *~' 111-.;                  Middle        . V. ~ *~    l :. Bottom:           (.. "-
  • I 'Z.

TransducerRea dlngsAfterPackerslntlated: Top * \~.CC>Ul ; Middle G.!.14 :Bottom: G.'5.SS

                       .                                                    s I:QLIGNCE
                                                .FLOW METER READING, Gallons                                                                  Middle Time, ..                                                                                      FI..OW,.gpm         *Transducer              Surface Gage                        REMARKS Minutes                                                                                                                                      Pressure, psi Reading, psi Initial                  Fl11a1           Difference

_..... __ .. ... .... "/.:.1'$4<1 I"" ( I JI.J<./1!.&4 J c: J 1'2: tl/)\ (/JtJ ~~9(...4 ,....,-.~ lf.Jt.~ ' "2. ( I "":I ' ,t:::'I..<> t... l a:: lit~ ~c) 2. ~ t;?l.o4 zg-c;:,c..oq . "?:. (.... {1./J(.,, l4 11-I~: ' I\\ (/JU Z.!. ~(,":\- 2'!'$ ~(.;9 z.

  • 4 I*Zt.....~'!> "?>'9
              \z',        \\ ', ~(.11    t.*~    9~~            ?~ ';/':\-1                   z                              4
  • lz;r.?~ "3'9 If-I'Z.. ', li. './Pl/J 2~ '?"'1-\ .2"5 9=\4 ~ .. c.. I ~L.., 42.. 51
             ~~    *,    I~    ', c3_tP  2~       '?~4          2:'5     ~'::}'1                '3.                         G.                ltH .31-                    s-z..           ;;:::
              \1. *. 1)',1/JrJ           2~      ~':\'":\- .2~ 9JB<J .                         .'?:>                         G:.            \AI./>                     . '5 "Z.

IZ', 11'.1di Z'3 (..

                                                  ~8$          2-?       ')~"?-.                 ~                                            lA~    ,':ft'P              CS-::J..
  • Ji* I IAttNJ i~ 9~3 .?3 ~~s z. 4 , .. \A':\ . e.' S'B I '2 ~ 14l:31.P Z."S ~SIS_ 21> ~<BB ~ (j, 14"".\-,~ s~

I '2

  • IS~ fPt.d 21> ~~5 2~ 9~t ~ (.-
  • t4B/~L\ 5':> -oP IC..',\"?~"tl¢ 0?3, 9<:;).1 2"$ * ~~4 IS¢, zt! .
                                                                                                 ~                                                                        (.(,/)           'OF l  z\       \l.o: f/)(J ~'5          9-c;ll\       :Z"3 99(..                    z,                            4
  • l41!:,),~z $C..

IZI 1£.. ~ JCI -z:, <;)<}(... ~"1 '2>9~ ' "3 G.. I A":l A--z_ .?C.. t~l \":t'.I,Dcb 2~ '91?~ zA (~f/J'Z. 3 Cr-. 14(..., 4<5 5(.. tz: l".'?t;,tJ Zt\ IPI/JZ z4 tPrtS '3 (, 1A_4,8t.. 5G:. IZ; /!~~ ¢t.; 2A (/)(1'5 24 ~¢B 3 (.,. 14t...~G. rot.. I Zt IB I 'jt# Z-4 ¢118 24 (J/1 ':S {.p 145./3 ( $~

                              "'From PreliminarY Bot*ing Layout Sul'\ley Form Approved for'use.on Clinch River SM.R Project. J. A. T'lce, Technical Lead                                                                  .                 .          /~            ('1,-(t..* ("3 Form Rev 0- Reviewed by _"?J':=--- -

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-387 of 515

DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMI::ABIUTY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page~ 1 of2 PROJECT NAME; ClinCh River SMR ProJect *JOB .NO. 6468"13-1072 DATE: 1* P~* I~ Boring Nofy\p~ 1f.¢ Borehole Diameter, ln.:* 3,9 Total Boling Depth, Ft.liL Gnd Elev, Ft: 8@a,S *

   . Casing _Height above     groun~, Ft:~-~                  Elav. Top of Casing,      Ft. (Gnd Elev + Casing Height): e~ 9, , (. "' Datum                    .

TEST ID; 1-o\.~* ..(.'a.~ e, '5 Test length; 1-,5 TestSectfo~ Depth (from Datum): Fr~m ~l!.t..,<..L. To \~l\. \l.. (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Fi: 58,/,i:)(t)* (8) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l , ~ UJ --~'(C)'DrntanceWatefTii:lilll to Center ofT6sflntervai .Ft. :LlMl Statlc water pressure at center= (C62.4!144) +Bare= G."3 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, PQ."' ([A+B"1] + c*o.57) (Po::: */ Z,4 J Test Pressure sequence:=< 1/3 Po,_213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po , Po

                                         ..                    .                             . Sequence ID:             . A                B *C            D. E Po Values: 1/3 Po=      AL;       2/3 Po"'    8~      *;   1/2 PO"'     (p~         Acid Appropriate p~ VfliUe to staUc pressure at center of last Interval TEST NO. }A,f'-4~1. Ssequence No.                 Tf!.          P,lanned Center Pressure:            J4C-Transduoer Readings Before Pa_ckere Inflated: Top.              *I ~ * ~ "1-_ ;   Middle       Ct. 2 * ~ l : Bottom:                  ~ ~
  • J '2..

Transducer Readings f.ftsr Packers Inflated:* Top

  • I '7, 8£6  ; Middle C.. f *74  :-' Bottom: Co'S ,SS M?~ A.2.¢ zco '

SsQ UENC£ 13 (Cb~T'oJ

  • R.OW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, . . FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi ln!ttal Final DifferenCe l 'Z \ I -, t t/cfl 24 c; r. I Z4 ¢14 '3 ~ I L\.i.\-. 8"> c;5c...

LZ\ l~t"!>tJ .Z4 (fll4 ~4 (}/c... *z.. 4 I.:\(..., '$ttl ~c.. I Z.. t'Z.(..:l: Ul(IJ Z4 t)rt...  ?:4 ¢(~ '"$ ' ~ l c:\,.{.. ,c;)4 ~(,. J "Z.. \ Z.QI: 3d Z4 (/)/ 9

                                        . 24' ¢z.:z.                     ?>                 6.              lM.~z..                     i!SC...

IZ.'. Z.I~Q@ 'l-4 (/JZ't .24' $24 z. 4- 14to,$4 '5C.. . GNr.::> I Z. t Z I: 3~ '

                                                                                    /'2/ Z I : ist. . 73o7'7DM                   . 7;ft4A..l$        .::-          (.:;>,St.;t J 'Z,'Z'Z / 31'      /e:,p                       /',tf!AP~
  • 22, rJI w
                   *From Prellminai)r Boring Layout Survey

{I~ (1 Fonn Approved for'use.on Clinch RlverSMI'l. Project

  • J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead C:.Jl...-- ('\..- ~

Form Rev 0- Reviewed by_=.-1_ __ ll Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-~112.16 Page E.3-388 of 515


  • Sorehole Diameter, ln.:*3,8 Total Boring Depth,' Ft. 3t~ Gnd Elev, Ft: ..M.~ *
    . Casing _Height above ground,        Ft:~4 .                      Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd El~v *~Casing Height): e0 '3, f(o                    =-*Dat~m .

TESTID:I'A.~* ~~¢~'0 Test!ength: i,S TestSectfonDepth(fromDatum): Fr6m \t..r.~.4t... To \"";\~_,\l. (A} Depth to Water.Table From Datum, F't: 58, rkl (t? Test Water Tem'p: 9 ':&" I= *Saro Pr1ssure, sl: 14 'OL\ 1/Jeu... IJ.JArG'~ Tt;;t-o.P

  • G.~* f.! 10, " .

(B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. \. o:::Jt/J . Depth to Center ofTest Interval From QatLim, Ft: 11- \ ---(C)Dtst'8.1'\"C6Watei'Ta151~Gemter ofleSTfntervai.Ft. t! 2;4 f Statu~ water pressure at center= (C.62.4/144) + Baro "' G'3 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, .Pr;v= ([A+B*1]-l; C*0,57) [Po"' te4 ] Test Pressure sequence;> 1~3 Po,.:ll3 Po, Po, 112 Po, Po

                     *                         .                      .'                      . .              Sequence ID:              A          B       C        D . E Po Values: 1/3 Po= _A:L; 2/3 Po=> 8~ ; 1/2 Po= *G> £..                                   Add Appropriate P9 value to static pressure at canter of test Interval TEST NO. b\P-4~}. S&lquence No.                           C.           Planned Center Pressure:                   I 6~

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top I ~' 'b "1-_: Middle ~ 2 * ~ I :* Bottom: G.. ~ 1 .I "Z. Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: lop I '7 1 8 (/) : Mlddl!'l G.l ':t 4  : Bottom: C... S 1 <5"5


s tt<>Jli~NC~ c..: FLOWMETERREADING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes " REMARKS Reading, pal Pressure, psi Initial **

  • Final Difference I"Z} 24! ~¢ 2.4 ¢4~. ....... #" ...

14G>.~qf) 5C. 7aea;.AJ {_IM41:.l:1~~u IF

  • t:'t-o'-' )
   ;z.:    24 :;Ol         :t4   ¢4~           z4*        (1143                 3                  (..

15~31 '=14 J t.l zs l Q'lP *iZ4 .¢ 43 24 ¢4lr. ~ (.p

  • I t.'t,, 'fSZ ':75 !F IZ.\ ~?l~(l) 24 J£4~ ZA 3 (..;.' 7..;;
  'l'Z; Z4>! r;fJ "t-4 ¢4~ Z4


                                                                                                                   . '/(p41t,.(; .
                                                        ~                      3                    6:.                  l -=lfJI'i> 5          '7Z.
   /21  1 z~;    -:,tJ   Z4      tZJS'Z. z-4           ¢'5G.                 4                    8                  't8¢,~4                  S>Z.                 /~

li l t.-=1: 1#,; Zif ¢f)I,. Z4 ~.t>(JJ . 4 ~- lfj~":?-5 *I(NI I'Z ~ z.;~*l3i 24 ¢(pf! ?4 ¢>&$  :; 1¢ 18':/\ 2~ ~~~ I i; 7$\ (IYR i4 (t)~5 Z4 ~&>1 . 2.. 4-. /8<:;>144 .l~ll I Z ', Z.f,! ?!tft Z:4 (j)/s, ':f :?4 ({:) ":/ I 4 a I 9ql1Zt /t.Jt! IZ~ i '? f ¢'1/! ~tf (t)"f ( Ztf. (415 4 e I Bi 5$ I¢ I I z.: '291.,11 ?4' ¢95 z4 . (/)ytjj ~ G. I $7;,'=it, . 1¢1 It J 3¢ I¢() t4 ~'qs ~4* ftl8Z. 4 8 18~.43 I¢ I

   /Zl J~ r Jd            Z4      ¢f!}Z        24 *(If; BC...*                4                 8                       '/9(/),(p':i           /(f)Z
   /2: 31: ¢¢ Z4                  ¢$G.         Z4 ¢$.CJ                      ;                  {...                  - tB~ ...:r1             ltPZ.              G';.t.t::>                     !

{;!I "';f  :.4,, 1J-<>'7'7(f'Jo- 7"aA.v5 .. :{'/, ':/Z

                                                                                         /~!lZ:               C:S    f~,:>P                 ~A~S                      'Z 2.. ':f '"+
                 ~*From PreliminarY Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'U$e.on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. Ttce, Technical Lead Fo~m Rev o- Reviewed by 4)fl... 1 ~ -((,-0.

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP: 1112.16 Page E.3-389 of 515

DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Pco!ecl 'JOB .NO. §468-13*1072 DATE:~*?,.)* l'21 BoringNo/11P* 42.¢ . BoreholeDiameter,ln.:*3,9 TotaiB~rlngDepth,. Ft. 3~~ GndEiev,Ft:~*

          . Casing .Height above ground,            Ft:~{t                      Elev, Top of Casing, Ft. (God Elev +Calling Height): 'eg>S, I~=                                Dat~m
  • TEST ID: ~?* .c\'a.¢ e. '5 Test 113ngth: f 5 Test Sectlo~ Depth (from Datum): F~m H~tn. t..C.... To \"Jcl\, \l..

(A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: 5 B, 1/J (/) Test WaterTem.p: ':f~" r- *Baro Pressure,es!: 14.'~A V-ii21..L tU~TIO'~ li!'MP <64 "'t= 18,P,S"(; ). (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. \, '7:rl.b . Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: I '9 (ill ,_41

(C)DIS tance Waterla!ii~COOrerofTest 1ntervai .Ft-~ I Static water pressure at center'"' (C~62.4/144) + Baro = Gl'5 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, PQ,"' ([A+B*1] + c*o.57) [Po~ I Z.4 ] Test Pressure sequence *:- 1/3 Po,2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

                                                        *             .         * *                         * . .                 Sequence ID:
  • A B c D* E Po Values: 1/3 Po= Al_: 2/3 Po"~ 8"& ; 1/2 Po= Co£,. Add Appropriate ~9 value to statio pressure at cantet of test Interval lEST NO. N\?-42¢1 Ssequence No. -p PJanneci Center Pressure: \ 'CS
  • Transducer Re~dings Before Packers Inflated: Top II';> * 'b ""l.; Middle ,i:., Z, ~ I :. Bottom: ~ ~ *.1 "2..

TransducerReadlngsAfterPackers!ntlated: Top 19,81;; Middle Ct./, :f+: Bottom: G.';i,~~


s S'Q L!Ef../C.e: FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, .. FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure*.psi Initial Final Difference

          \4i '1>4\ ;,(IJ           ZA 114                     ... --   ....            ~  ---                  ......  -   .....

I ~(.tJ, 4:11' I C/J z 7$dt't(I,__{"D~et2.d-4.$d )

                                                                                                                                                                                   "T.:;)It::'        Pt..U'-'
          \ 'Z. \ 1,"';)\tPIJ       '?.4      I \ <\      <!4*       lit                    *~                      G:.                     I    '39,~{..            4!
           \'2.l [,~*. ~,P.          Zll      \ \1:       24         \ \'B                    \                      z.                       l~2.i;~                41 1"2..\     1l.l  f/)(~    -z-4       llfS       '24         I'Z~                   z.                    4                         \ ~\.<?'3               41              PP
          \7.\ 3£..1 111>           24         l '2 (ti .Z4           \Z~                    3                       G.                       \ ~\. 1 c...           '3§,
         \'t \       1':\1¢0!       .?4        12.7> Z4             . \?.:0                 z            :

4- J.zc;,. -;;c- '58 ti'. 1.'1\~(Jl Z4 IZ? Z4 I 21* z_ 4* /2 9tf)") 35. t'l..' '3~\ (!)(}  :?4 \2.:1 Z4 .\Z~ . '2. 4- !Z9.5tll '52:!> Pi=

        .til          '?>t3\W       it\        1'2."'     2.4           n1                   2.                      4,                        I Z"5, '34               ~s
          !Z\          ~')\ (/(J    '24         l ~\       Z4           \ ?,"\-                ~*                      (.,..                   l 'Z'S. /tp              '3S I  z. \     i~\ ;ll Z.4               1)4       z4          \~c...                 -z_                      4-                        \ '2"S, ;':)C..

cy~  :;- z. '5~ t?,

  • L~I 41Pl tM t-t\* 1)(.... ZA n<& z.. 4 t'ZS.":>~. "3'5 I Z. \ 41P: ~d .::::4 I 'bf> Z4 \ L\.<tJ 2;.. '4 1z~. 3z.. '3S I Z. i 41 :"II "2'.4 \4 (/) Z4 14Z..* z 4 I Z.?, '::/(/) $S
       . l   z   ~    4 II  "$ IJ  .za.          !4z.. Z4            144                      ~                     4                       /'2'5,9~                  3"5            /?'NO l"z.l 4Z! f/":7-               1.?t>7'fP,._            {,.:t..4.v'i -.*          (.., 9 '4-7
                                                                                                        . 12:42::a:;~o                      "Tc,;r? .             7i~,.tN._:      F            22*24
                          **From PreliminarY Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for' Use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. Tlce, Technical Lead
                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ 1---l<,~t  1 Form Rev 0- Reviewed by ...,.,~'-'-i)_"-"...:..1 __       J' Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP:1112.16 Page E.3-390 of 515

DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASIRUCTURE, INC, Page 1 o12 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Project *JOB ,NO. 6468*13*1072 DATE: 'T* ~)* 13 B~rlng NoM.P~* 42-¢ Borehole Diameter, ln.:<.J,B Total Borlng Depth,' Ft. 3~~ Gncl Elev, Ft: ~

  • _ Casing _Height above ground, Ft:~4 . 8ev.* Top o~ Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Holght): e(l'.?'~, f(, ""Dat~m . .
        . TEST ID: t-1\?*     Ar ~¢ 'l. GO      Test length:                i-, '5       Test Seot!o~ Depth (from Datum):          Fr~m   \ ul.o. l..L.      To \ ":),.~ * \!...

(A)' Depth to vyaterTable From Datum, Ft: TestWaterTem.p: 7~ ~ ~ *Baro Pressure, sl: 14, '04 11--iGu.. WAr6'12. 'T~w" <.,4 ,. F I(J, 0 (S) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. \, "':J'Ui . Depth to Center ofTest Interval firam Datum, Ft:..........-'+-'01......,. -~---~(C)Dt6taneeW~terTa!llna-Center ofTeafintervai.Ft. //2, 4 f Sta!lc water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144) + Baro = G~3 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Pq,= ([A+8"11.+ c*0.67) [Po= /£.4 ) Test Pressure sequ.ence ;= 1/3 Po,.213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po .

                                                   .                          .                                     Sequence !P:        . A .          B          C          D. E Po Values: 1/3 Po "'..t8_; 2/3 PO"' B ~ ; 1/2 Po=                                 G>f0        Add     Appropriate ~9 value to static pressure at center oftest Interval TEST NO. ~P-.4'?(r~ Ssequence N~.                          G            P,lanned Center Pressure:             I 5"':\-

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Tap *I ~' ~f. ; Middle * (p 2 * ~ I :' Botklm: * (.p f..t. * .I "Z.

       . TransducerReadlngsAfterPackerslnflated: Top                                 7'9,S<I; Middle                  ol.'=t-4-:       Bottom:        (."5,16'5
                 -                                                  s SQUENCS.                    IS.

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle. Time, .. FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes . Reading, psi Press1.1re, psf initial Final Difference I '2..\ 4<S\ ((>IJ ei\ 1.'5<8 ............ - --r..o -

                                                                                                           ...... ...       { "Z.':},/.1          -as 7::5<!411"- {

If- *.

                                                                                                                                                                                         ,,.,t;,.lfU;,.$/1 lfl.'t-ot....
         \'Z' 4.'5'.30         Z.L\      IS'V        ~4             /(.p.'?>            s                 /(/)              191.85               1~1
      ,L'Z\      Al.Pt tp{fl ztt          !U.."!>     .z,A                              0                                    l9i,tJ1             ((/){
                                                                      '"'~ .                          '      ~                                                          "OP:
        \ 7..\    tl~ \ 3<!. '24           J(p(p     Z4              t 1-f.l            4                    8              f9Z,1'l.              1¢(

l1.\ 4."1.\ $W ~t\ 17fP . t4' 1-:;;, 3 (.,. IFSr,S?J 1¢()

        \Z.~41~~               Z!4         /9~       2'4           1. -:;c...           ~                   t-                19~.12-             /(/)~

I 'i '. A. e~ ,pi/! Z4 17&. Zt!- I ':.}-'0* z.. 4 I BS>,I> ' t I; (I I Z: 4<3\~(} ozA 1-=l'fJ Z'4' IBZ... .4 8 l B!l,iPf> I (/) {/)

    .In> 4 C,ltOli ~4                     18Z           ...          IB":l              5                      co'            189,11':1             rqJ(}
                                                     ~                                                      J                                                                       
        \ 'Z. .. 4~ !'3(~ Z4               IB"f z4                 l<;!(/l             5                     (_,.             /9(/),48              lqJtJ                                              .,

t <;> -s I 'Z .\ Sti :tltJ ~4 L~(ll Z4 ~ (._ IBS.zrz tdltl

      ' l.-z.. \ ?II; ?>tP Z4 .            t~?       Z4             191               4                    (:3                 188,£s.Z.            I (/JtJ
       ,z.:?l~tp,p            24           1\)'1     ~4-           Z.t/1               4*                 *e                 19tAz:z                1¢~

5t-~b IZ.I 15.1/48 '"8 <<> r_?OM 7;'eA,(.I" *. =7/,;(tf

                                                                .                                  /7.'SZ: 33             /c.,p                ~4~'$.                           z:c.,8.9
                      *From PreliminarY Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP:1112.16 Page E.3-391 of 515


                                                                                                                                                        ~r.s S~e(/-1               f\fflt'"J .~

I I I BORING:M?~ 41:!.~ Ail ~;.,*e ~I t/b . I DATE: ~ -* ;e~~ \3 . *

  • I
                                                                                                                                                                                                    . I l

DATACOLLECTEDBY: ToM M~G/I.,I_L ..:r;,._t-. I GovDARU *.~rc ,t ~, ~-'J  ! I

  ~RESSlJR];: ftl/.L.
                                                           ~    <SL- '1.., .l <.-1 ?           psi                                                                                                    I I


                                 ~ 1_ 1 \IJ I ,~

minute ~ A ; PRESSURE, psi PRESSURE,_ psi

                                                               ..... ~ .......
                                                                         ;;--- b -----.!1                                                                                         .-


                                                                                                                 ...___                                                                               I
                                                                                     -<\.~           ~./'-..
                                                                      --                   ~       .£ I'

(')~ ~-~\~\"?..J ............. t---.. I

l. ' ~
                                                                                                                                                                     ---...:*.                        II
E:QUliMENT USED Transducers: Mini Trol SetialNumbers: I 4-Z 14-'2 l '-'- -z(()~ I"S) "5 "\ S 'O<a. \ ( (... ~ t.(f)'... \ ~ J
     .                                        .    *.                     -'3'3'SB~<... Lt..-I"Z.--1~)

73,.,...:::.,..~t:l.....:>\...> Gr.4'"'"~e- .. MIJ...l*> (C..-Il~/"":>) SurfaceP:ressureGage:. MI/..J-4 4 M.IJ..h*'5 (c..-t~-~;) /..HE"RMOMETE.R ~ /..TZ..$ (s-/-/3) . NITR.O.C.... 'GN GA i.tO,E.: MII..J-t i j\11.1;../- ~ CG.- -IH"!>J Barometric Probe: /Z.l ~\ -S * (c...: 1'2:-l~) FlowMeter: Si3Z:4":7 @'D f..e.tfX'~t...r.:> " 7-B:* /'"S) Stop Watch: L.. e.Bc..:. ( 6. -1¢* / '3) Date o~ Calibration: P.AA!:s:-..w "?N&- Sl S

-Calibration due: "Pos.,. f(l[iS r;;..I(Jr Co) ~

e v.JSL ~1\ P ~ 4Z~ E.-5 1 ( / ) (..... tv\?*- 42¢ (6) Z,Q) I ~- tP? - 'i.~ I~ co '0, Cfl(.,., 2'5 I E_ X,C.E.l.. M p. 4Zlb z:s (T) . ~¢ 1*o ~ t/J - zs , ....t.~~l 2...'"S 'v,Js*L lv\?~ 42/JI z.s (T) 'UP l ~ - tP-:f - zs \ 7. "&"'3-' l:. E.xC.t:::L .IV\\)~ 421 Z5 U-A)  ?..l;D 1o- f/J-'1 -. Z5 \C.. ,_S'\ *'0~ 'v..f '5 L JV\ P* 4-Z¢ zs (.\'A) ~~ ~- (/)~ - zs . \ "i , '5~, lOCO E )('C.EL .M ?* AZ~ zs (L) ~ l "~- q>""f - 25 \(...~<...., f5"$ \t..../ ~.L ,tv\ P~ *424' zs (L J ~cp\ 3- (f):{ - ~ \ 'l. '?C.... s "3 E l{CEL Z'".$ ({_~. *"l.- ~'S* - l"S . Form Approved for Use on Clinch River SMR ProJ~ct- J, A. Iteel Technical Lead Form Rev 0.- Reviewed by 5(12

  • n -/ (, ~ JJ Clinch River Data Report Rev; 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-392 of 515

Clinch River SMR Project Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Prepared by: Checked by: 9().J.- I! 0 ..,-- AMEC Project# 6468-13-1072 Boring: MP-420 Zone: Z6 186.0 feet to 193.5 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1/3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Pres*sure Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 10:00:00 0.0 70.07 10:11:00 0.0 117.53 10:19:30 0.0 163.17 10:00:30 0.5 74.76 6 10:11:30 0.5 143.72 6 10:20:00 0.5 184.16 8 10:01:00 1.0 94.34 0 10:12:00 1.0 145.51 4 10:20:30 1.0 185.22 6 10:01:30 1.5 104.08 0 10:12:30 1.5 145.48 6 10:21:00 1.5 181.90 10 10:02:00 2.0' 103.08 2 10:13:00 2.0 160.43 4 10:21:30 2.0 196.20 6 10:02:30 2.5 113.06 4 10:13:30 2.5 163,36 8 10:22:00 2.5 195.79 8 10:03:00 3.0 114.35 0 10:14:00 3.0 163.67 6 10:22:30 3.0 203.82 14 10:03:30 3.5 ~14.26 2 10:14:30 3.5 162.89 6 10:23:00 3.5 205.13 6 10:04:00 4.0 116.47 2 10:15:00 4.0 162.13 8 10:23:30 4.0 207.99 12 10:04:30 4.5 116.21 2 10:15:30 4.5 161.90 8 10:24:00 4.5 207.24 12 10:05.:00 5.0 116.66 4 10:16:00 5.0 162.fl4 6 10:24:30 5.0 206.79 10 10:05:30 5.5 116.65 2 10:16:30 5.5 163.79 10 10:25:00 5.5 206.66 12 10:06:00 6.0 116.58 2 10:25:30 10:26:00 -- 6.0 - 6.5 --- 206.50 12 12 -- ~- - '10!06!30 6:5 1.16: 6'1 - 2 205~91 10:07:00 7.0 117.12 2 10:26:30 7.0 210.58 14 --- 10:07:30 - 7c5 116:65 2 10,27od0 7.5 209,64 n 10:27:30 8,0 209.86 14 *10:28:00 8.5 209.68 12 - *- - - - --10:28:30 C._ --9;\) 2()8.54 f2 10:29:00 9.5 207.25 14 10:29:30 10.0 208.11 8 10:30:00 10.5 208.68 10 10:30:30 11.0 208.87 14 10:31:00 11.5 205.48 16 10:31:30 12.0 205.46 12 10:32:00 12.5 208.21 12 10:32:30 13.0 207.90 12 10:33:00 13.5 207.87 1.2 10:33:30 14.0 207.46 14 10:34:00 14.5 207.95 14 SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Pressure flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) (psi) (gpm) 10:41:00 0.0 204.46 10:51:30 0.0 139.92 10:41:30 0.5 146.89 14 10:52:00 0.5 201.43 14 10:42:00 1.0 146.87 10 10:52:30 1.0 203.57 16 10:42:30 1.5 146.70 10 10:53:00 1.5 207.72 16 10:43:00 2.0 142.07 10 10:53:30 2.0 209.52 16 10:43:30 2.5 142.15 10 10:54:00 2.5 209.89 14 10:44:00 3.0 140.50 10 10:54:30 3.0 209.15 12 10:44:30 3.5 140.19 10 10:55:00 3.5 209.65 14 10:45:00 4.0 140.60 10 10:55:30 4.0 209 .83 16 10:45:30 4.5 140.01 10 10:56:00 4.5 209.01 16 10:46:00 5.0 140.14 10 10:56:30 5.0 209 .27 16 10:46:30 5.5 . 140.43 8 10:57:00 5.5 210.08 14 10:47:00 6.0 140.22 10 10:57:30 6.0 209.11 10 10:47:30 6.5 140.36 10 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-393 of 515

  • -*----*-**-*---*---*--*-**-*---------*~--********---*----------~~----*---*------

MP*42:0 Zone 6 l*-----...,.--.. . . ~~*-~*~r*--*--*---*~-~------*r----*---, 0,0 1.0 2.0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Elapsed ilme (minutes) --.1/3 Po Notes: TOsl pressure approximately 1/3 of the maximum test prossu1.. (Po), Flow rate typically measured over a SO second Jntetval. MP*420 Zone 6 10 +--~"':""'"-~* 8 .........,.................- ............................. ,_,.,.,..............................................................._ ......................., ....... _ ................................ - ............~-*-'"""-"'""""'"'fr'---""'C"'""""""'""""""-""""'""""""'""""""'""'"""""'""""""""'"" e.@i ~ 6 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. *------ .................................................................................................~.:.................................................................. J 0,0 1.0 2,0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Elapsed !me (minutes) ............ 2/3 Po Noles: Test pro;sure approxhnately 2/S of the maximum test pressure (Po), rate typically measured oval' a 30 sacond Interval. Prepared by/Date: __--rr!C....;.l.\_,L~l/;-~t/r-l..!.tl_ 1 Checked by/Date: _ 770.IZ-'11.;...,;J.:z:-;_,~u0..e:;2~w~i-w.1 l __ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-394 of 515 MP-420 Zone 6 18 ---~-*-*----------~--------*-----------------------*----- 4+---------~------------~------------------------ 2 ---- -,--- - - -*------------------*---- -**----*--*-*-- 0 ' _,..,,,,,,,.,.-~,....., ....,,.,~,-r"-.,.....,,,..,,..,,.,,,,.,.,.,,.._,,.J""---"'-"""'~"-"r- " ....... ""'"'-'"'.."..T""""'-'"*-.,..,..... _,.......,. ............. ,, ... ,..- , ........ --r ... - ........................................., ........................,,.....,,, ............, 0,0 2,0 4.0 6,0 0.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Elapsed.Time (minutes) --Po Notes:. Test *pressure approximately at the maximum test. pressure (Po), Plow rata typically measured over a 30 !econcllntel'/al, MP-420 Zone 6 16 ~----------------------------------------------------~------ 6 * **-*--***-*** ..- .......................... ,, ______ , .. __.___________,__,______,______ ,............................................. -._,_,_, __ , ____ ,,**. - .............______ ,__,........................ """"'*--*-**---* 4 -~--------------------* 0 -***-- - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - r- ...... -*-----.....,.----....-.**-*-----.-----*..---..-.....-*r-.. ----............ _.""-r--_ _ ~8-* ..* - - - - , M W W ~ U ~ U W Elapsed Time (minutes) ----1/2 Po Notes: Test pressure approxlmataly 1/?. or the maximum \est pressul'o (Po), Flow 1*ate typically measured over a 30 second lntel'/al. Prepared by/Date: _ _~:---:---:-7.....:...:..- Checi<ed by/Date: ----,-9=::=-'oL-"-"..!....: Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112'.16 Page E.3-395 of 515 MP~420 Zone 6 18 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 ------------------------~-----"'-'----- ~ ~ 8 . ----*--*----------------*--*-**--------*--- -*--*-----*----*----*-*-~- 0: 4* . *--------***-********..**-*-*--*--******-*----*---------~--*-----**-* 2 +----~---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 *- . --- ---*-<--- 0,0 1,0 2.0 3.0 4.0 s.o 6.0 7.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) --Po Notos: Tost pressu1*e approximately at the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow rate typically measured over a ao second Interval. Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-396 of 515 OOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONME:NTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Prom JOB _NO. 64!28*13-1072 DATE: ;i* itS* I~ Boring NoMP** 42.<6 Borehole Diameter, ln.:* 3,13 Total Boring Depth, Ft. )f,£;3 Gnd Elev, Ft: a<Ale.$ * . Casing Height above ground, Ft:~'q, Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (God Elev+ Casing Height): 60'3.1~: Datum

  • TEST ID: 1-A.Jl* 4 ~91 ~ G. Test length: 1-, 5 Test section Depth (from Datum): From ti!J~. /,(, . To /~4. It..

(A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: (:., ¢. IS (8) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.~¢

    • -**----(C/DI<J!ID'ice" WaterTai5!610C9nlerofTesrtn erva , _ _,_

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+8""1] + C*0.57) [Po= 13(., ] Test Pressure sequence;:: 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A B C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po=~; 2/3 Po"~; 1/2 Po"' (.1{1 6 Add Appropriate P? value to statio pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. G.Sequence No. A Planned Center Pressure: \ \<.o Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top Z(/), 84; Middle* :t ¢. $4,' Bottom: .:Z3.88 Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top . G a\ f¢l ~ Middle i t/J *. ()S : Bo;tom: 73.8¢ ~?-A2.~ _"l. G Se-Q USAf(' I}: h FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Fli1al Dlfferehce \ (/)' C/.H/> '* (/)(/) 2. r>"o -t.1 ~(b.C/>"':J: (/) "SEt. I~ I 1: ( 1/JCit'i;i~<;.t:r . ,.:' (.,C.o.J \<1>~1 dJ¢' 3~ ~'n~~i- ~:~ 11-e,cp ~ (p ':l4,":\C... ¢ \!It : l:/>1 \ q)(.l) a-,11 ~ ~C/J 2:,~ ~~(.!$ (/:> ~ - ~~ :~t\ 1"1 1\fl; ~\', ~LP ~~ -~1>0 ~} ~0~ (/J (./) \ <PA,tpS 11 \16 \ (/le_*. (/J(} 2..~ '?J~{,t) 2~ ~1>\ \ t t t/J"3.we . l""\. It' ~~: t~:'3111 *v~  :\~\ ~"'?> - ~?>~ -a. d \ \ ~ (f)l,p e.v I w) : (Jf~ UD (.II ~'e> '5*"&"$ ~:~ 1~"?. (/) (/; \ \A,lS z<... ~~ tu>i (,/)31~t'Jl  ?,.~ '3 33 ~~  ?>~4 \ z \\b. 2.<o 2-.'B .1W : 0~* IP~ ~~ I!.~ 'a'3S \ z \\L~>A':! .2 8

"4 1

~:}6. /(~ ~~ *, !JtP 23 '83~ ~~ it>s :tJ"' Z'l 33"- ~3 3~t.... ~1B 2. \ ---i\ \\~.z1* \ \lt-,&4 2'3 2.'1 Ia> l iPS: 311 Z"!:> s35 .J!1o *lV~ .\ '2.. \ \ ll v.'$ . 2'::1 I tJ l (ti(.. 't 10() Z.l ~1~ z~ '3~c:l t z. Hi,,'O~ (!5 l ?f.-:1}\.11 t"!> . 'SA\ . __J__ \ lt- ,l... ( 1¢ 14~ z~ "'Z'... 2.8 I.P ; (j)':f 1/)IJ Z!> 34*1 Z.1 34-l. I z. \ \'1 \7 Z5 ' (/) : ¢-:n 3(/ ~> 34t. z~ s43 I 2.. ~\to.t..r.S ze tNO . lt~D .'a:J 'tll;s Bao'?-~>i"P.. 7"1/!A.U! :f4. I 3 11/J:~B ; :;J<.. 7'/,.r? 7/~AP~ 24, '5$ *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.Oii Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by £fL (~- ~~~/ J. Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-397 of 515 DOUBLE PACKeR BOREHOLE PERMEABILrrYTESTOATASHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL &INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: .Q!!nch River SMR Pmlect JOB NO. 6468-13-1072 DATE: ":1

  • ZS
  • I ~

Borhig NoMp~ 42.¢ 13orehole Diameter, ln.: *3,8 TotaiSorlng Depth, Ft._~- Gnd Elev, Ft: a¢2,5 * . Casing .Height above groun~, F\:~'4 Sa> 9,](., "Datum

  • I'"*

Elav. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Etev +Casing Height); TEST IO)-A~* 4 'a.¢~ G. Test length: f, 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From IBt., (.,. t.. To I<... (A) Depth to Water Tabla From Datum, Ft: Gr. ¢, IS (B) Surface Gag~ Height Above Datum, Ft.~(/)

*-(c):-oJgt~amrnt!Jfetocenwanesr Interval Ft. t3fir.2c; MAXIMUM T,EST PRESSURE, Po= ([A.+B*i] *1- c*0,57) [Po= /.9 Ca 1 Test Pressure sequence:= "1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID:. A B C D E

       . Po Values: 1/3 Po = ~: 2/3 Po=~; 1/2 Po"'                                     1.11 S        Add Appropriate ~?value to statio pressure at center of test interval TEST NO. 1-<\fl--4~$. Gasequence No.                .  '8          Planned Center Pressure:                  1/..b Z..

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top ,?(6, 8~:* Middle  ?'¢* ¢4" Bottom: :Z$. 8f3 TransducerReadlngsAftarPackerslnflated: Top Z-2.. c;>z..; Middle . tliJ;(/J.{S : Bottom: ':?~. Bt/J


s S'(..;)Ul==./JC.E!. FLOW METER READiNG, Gallons Middle Time,

  • FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surf~ce Gage Minutes REMARKS Readlhg, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference I(/)'*. \\.'. <PdJ 2~ "'bStJ \11*--- .......... -

II~,S3 2..73 "8 (/C<t/ ;..J I r- _l I PC./tG,iJ,,U t='"G "'"-'

        \ tP *. \\' ?,I.P 2.1>           ~$¢        2"""$    ~S3               - ~                        ~               l41> ;=!'2.              53 It/> :.1-~*. 1P tJ Z3       3'53        Z-'3    3'5~                 z                     4                 14<=::. ,c:o \            52.         . I~
         \ th'* \'l\~ib         z>       ~t:5t.>    z-:s     ~lt:.5               ~                      G.                \G\S,48                  G.S
       . llj\', l>',IJ)r.P*      2.~      ~<5S      z~*     '":b~tl                2                     4                \U.UJ.Ll-'3               &,!..,         /,:'
          \. ~ .. ~~~3~ .-~(b~ 2'$                           1> (../.j             4                     8               _ l(,~.-.u      ..         '14'
          \If>~, I A.'. f/J/P 21          3<...4    '2.1      ~(-';{              '3                    G.                 l L. ~ *. *L,-::t         G.9
          \lb:"ll\\31# Z'1                ~to:{   ...£}__33_(£)                    ~                    c..              \lo"2,9.~                   c.. a
         ,~*~ l~i ${P 2'3                 3"1$      z~       ?.'":1-4              4                    8                 \~'2...\'"1                Co8
         \tk\ I.._, *! ~1.11 '2.3         3":\4 2.3 .'3-=! ~                       4                     B                  \L.\.~t'P                G.~

1¢', \(, ~ f)@ ?~-  ?,~A <n '":\r1t '?> 6:, \L.2, ':)t\- G.B It.h '. lt.. ~ ~<J 23 ~tH 2"?.> 38~ 5 /(/) J ~ 3.':t':l ." 68 lEt-~6 lt/J: 11 :/S B m-r7D~>J" TR.AiUS  ::;.4, ";f(p J&: n :4a Tt>~"' ze,c~t:;}

                       ~*From    Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for' Use. on Clinch River SMR Project* j, A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by             )'J'C         /v'" ~~"IJ .

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.1 6 Page E.3-398 of 515


  • I:;?

Boring NoMP* 4t¢ Borehole Diameter, ln.:.].&:_ Total Boring Depth, Ft. 3l!.t:l Gnd E!ev, Ft: e@2,5 *

       . Casing Height above ground, Ft:~4 Elev, Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev *I* Casing Helght):,80 'a, fGa            =Datum
  • TEST 10: !-.\~- 4 1..¢ ~ G. Test length: __:fw~s'-
  • _Test Section Depth (frcim Datum): From ti!Jt.. G. t,. 'To I ,4, lt..

(A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: * ~ ¢,15 (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. -~¢ - --(C)-Dtstan w'Water Ta:Eii610Ge~!er ofTesrt[ltefilal Ft/-a-t/>, 2GO Static water pressure at center= (C*62.4/144) + Baro = -..:....:.- MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ((A+B*i] + C*o.57) [Po = 1,3 Gt J Test Pressure sequence::: 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A .B C D E PQ ValUes: 1/3 Po=~; 2/3 Po::~; 1/2 Po= 4r 6 Add Appropriate P9 value to static pressure at center oftest Interval TEST NO. 1-\?*4-U'; G.sequence No. -~C~- Planned Center Pressure: Z.$'1 TransdUC!r Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top ,2.(¢, 84: Middle  ?:¢* ())4 Bottom: .:Z3. 88 TransducerReadlngsAfterPacl<erslnflated: Top - ~Z

  • SZ.; Middle 7'¢, ¢8: Bottom:  ::r~ *8¢
               -                                                     s fZCIUEf../C.IE: c FLOW METER READING, Gallons                                                       Middle Time,                                                                                 FLOW,gprn          *Transducer          Surface Gage                REMARKS Minutes                                                                                                   Reading, psi         Pressure, psi Initial                 Final                Dlfferelice
       ,~,     ,., \ 1>1J      2"!.     .tttf.b             .............            .... --             ...... -        lt.P'!,,/"=1            (..(..
                                                                                                                                                               ?3(iif'Crl~ ( /'AS({"'

It:: t:t..QW

       \'4l \  "Z.r.P', 1/)(j) z;       4-tlb z.:. 4\A.                                   A-              8                IB4,l'5               66
       \til\ t.~\      '3 <P    (!~    4\lt          2~         4l1                        ~               (...            lBS.ZZ..               B~
      \¢~ '2-\'.        (j)</J '(.)    tl-\'1        ~~           4 Z'Z--                '5             /(/)
                                                                                                                            \8\     ~(().         ee            /P.

I tb~ "ZA\~

.4Z'Z.. . ~"'!. 42-8  ?> - ~ \ ~<...,Ztb ( f/)(P I¢>~ 21-\1/)fP 7.~ 4ZS 2.1 '4 '31... 4 8 l9~.~ ~~a IP I!)', e:t '1 ~<P 2:. 4~"2.. Z'\ 4-19 . .':I /4 _za~:s-. Bz I liP \ t. ~ \ IPii Z.) A-~'7 ,23 44Z 3 ~ 2¢'5,/3 ~~~ IP. *~*~ 21.','N :23 44~ e-""3 4-48 (- /Z ?111, ~'"} 1-J 't~ *. '::)- Z."S* I r~: \ qJ<.I Z:') 4-48 2'"!> .. 4"54 G. /'?. Zdl1,2.4* 1/"Z;-- *~' z'4\ w  ?.~ *4<54 2."} 4?'? 5 ltfl ~t;t,.,";f' ~ /1-'L.. I ttl~'. is\tPO 2"?. 45~ Zl

  • 4i.S (.,;. /*2- t(/H,., I..~ . II "Z-11/> 1 _?<;)', 3t1 Z> 4l.t>S ~~ 411 (....

/?.. i<Jr....r::o~ Ill ...f.P-)6~ -:J~ZS-IJ I IP \ 2-_(.., :.fM 41*( Z.'3 4 ':li G. I"Z. I f tP )~ 2~ - /?..~5.91 lP ~~; Z.t.' )<J "2.,~ 4"1'.:1- z~ 4~4 + Itt ~I (,1,?8 11'5 1¢'>'* 21 ~* IP U z;., 484 Z.> AC?J(t> G. (t.. 2tl"f,t-4 115 II/>: ;a. "I ~dl 2!-t. 4"'W Z3 4 ';>'t + I4 Zri"'Jr '0'- If~ !Pf . 'Z.ll\ rPtl Z'? 4~":1- '2,."1> CSI/i"~'l (.co \7.. 2 t~"). f.AS liS *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'u~e.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead ,.I(]J Form Rev 0 - Reviewed b~ _.">F"'------ l"t"'l&--11 . Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16

  • Page E.3-399 of 515


  • I*~

Boring NoMP*: 4f-¢

  • Borehole Diameter, ln.: 3.8 Total Borlng Depth, Ft. 3 i!-0 Gnd Elev, Ft: fHA2.S ~

. Casing Height above ground, Ft:~q, Ele\f. Top of Casing, Ft. (God Elev + Cas in~ Height}: 60 3, I~ = Datum

  • TE.ST I~:N\.9- 4'a.g!-g_ G. Test length: ~5.___ TestSeotlo~ Depth (from Datum): From t8t., /.,G, To /~4. lt.

(A} *.Depth to vvater Table From Datum, Ft: ~ ¢ I CO (f:l) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft ~(b -:-- --~*-(croR;tance Water Tal'iletOCEii'iterol'Testlnterval Fr:t3"tb;zc; static water pressure at center" (C*62.4/144) + Baro = -..:.....:.- MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE! Po"' ([A+B*11 + c*o.67) [Po"' 13 G, ] Test Pressure sequence:= 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: c Po Values:. 113 Po "' . 45 ;  :;!/3 Po"~; 1/2 Po= 4 e A El 0 E .Add Appropriate P~ valw~ to static pressure at center oftestinterval TEST NO. \A? *4U£ G,sequence No. C. Planned Center Pressure: ~(/) '1 Transducer~eadlngs Before Packers Inflated: Top .?:¢* 8~; Middle '{¢* ¢4' 8o!t6m:  ::[3. 88 TransducerReadlngs After Packers Inflated: Top 2-~. '.? z.. ; Middle ':? ¢. ct>H : Bottom: i ~ Bcp I - s;;NC.E (c 0/..IT P FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW, gpm *Transducer

  • Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference ltWt~Sl)

    15 (/] ~ ca!l  !§>tfJ~ &. /Z. 'Z ttl B, ~t\ ns 1/.b: z '? t f(JiJ ?'"?. s~~ z> <Ott.. ":[.. /4 z ¢-=1, 2'5 115 ltt'l~~:31.P Z"b CD\C:... Z1> rp'tc; 4 9 '2.¢6.1\ ~

liS* 1~\~lb~f.PI)J ~~ t::)ZdJ ~~ ~zs 5 /OJ z.llf3,/;B ll '5 \$~ ~ID'.-~o' g;?> "5Z5 . ~~ lb'b z. '1- 14 Z¢8,5':1- It :5  !!.D\ ~l:(/Jifl .~'?. '5 ~'Z. ~1> ' tf,/),1./) e /(... 2¢5.4$ llCP lr- . lip\ 'S l \ 1>¢> ~1> C:S4c0 ' 2. ">:. ~£\(.., ~ /2 Z ¢S:4c.. I \CO \~: ~7...~flf) 2~ '54v 2~ '5Sz. ~ /2. z¢r.; z1 /I~ I 1/> ! '32l3Li> Z"'b *'5-s-z. . Z'3 ~lf,~ {._. rz. 2{/?, 9(/) II~ If/>; 37J', rflCJ. z:. S5~ 2 '",S 15~4 G:. i"Z 2(/J1.5~ 1/5 liP\

  • is:!.cJ 14 z.~ ~(., t\ zJ
  • 15':/ I ~-

- -irl¥,11.&. II 5 ___:.._.. 23 1¢1 3t.l\ /tli.P Z"'S S=l r .t~i8 Ill Zrh, ~!5 . lfS !E:wr.; H~>t' 34rtrz. t..ei.\MS  :-(.:S,44 6e>.,-r~~"'  : ... ~ I¢H3S3</ ('., .... fklli.J$__ ~ J¢.,R.<;; *From Pretlmlnary Boring Layout Survey Form Appmved for 'usa.on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. T!ce, Technical lead Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E:3-400 of 515}}