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Response to Prelim White Finding in Integrated Inspection Report 05000354/2016003
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/14/2016
From: Carr E
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
EA-16-184, LR-N16-0232
Download: ML16349A604 (15)

See also: IR 05000354/2016003


PSEG Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038-0236

DEC 14Z016 LR-N16-0232

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory


Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001

Hope Creek Generating

Station Renewed Facility Operating

License No. NPF-57 Docket No. 50-354 PSEG NttcleaT LLC Subject: Response to Preliminary

White Finding in Integrated


Report No. 05000354/2016003;



Hope Creek Generating

Station Unit 1 -Integrated


Report 05000354/2016003

and Preliminary

White Finding, November 14, 2016. By letter dated November 14, 2016 (Reference), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission (NRC) issued Inspection

Report 05000354/2016003


on September

30, 2016. The inspection

report identified

a preliminary

White finding and associated

apparent violation

of Title 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion

V, "Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings," asserting

that PSEG did not adequately


an adverse condition


procedure, specifically

for performing

monthly oil sampling of the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system. As stated in the November 14, 20161etter, PSEG has the option to submit additional



the significance


of this preliminary

finding. Accordingly, we are submitting

the attached additional



our position.

There are no regulatory



with this submittal.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Thomas MacEwen at (856) 339-1097. Eric Carr Site Vice President

Hope Creek Generating

Station ttm Enclosure:




Pursuant to Inspection

Report 05000354/2016003, Preliminary

White Finding

LR-N16-0232 Document Control Desk Page2 cc: Mr. D. Dorman, Regional Administrator, NRC Region I Ms. C. Parker, Project Manager-Hope Creek Mr. J. Hawkins, NRC Senior Resident Inspector-

Hope Creek (X24) Mr. P. Mulligan, Manager IV, NJ Bureau of Nuclear Engineering

Mr. T. MacEwen -Hope Creek Commitment

Coordinator (H02) Mr. L. Marabella



Coordinator (N21)


Document Control Desk Enclosure




Pursuant to Inspection

Report 05000354/2016003, Preliminary

White Finding Contents 1.0 Summary 2.0 Review of PRA Analysis 3.0 Review of Sensitivity

Case 4 4.0 References






Pursuant to Inspection

Report 05000354/2016003, Preliminary

White Finding 1.0 Summary NRC Finding Summary The inspection

report describes

a self-revealing


White finding and apparent violation

because PSEG did not detect and act upon an adverse trend of water intrusion

into the HPCI oil system. Specifically, PSEG did not adequately



to perform monthly HPCI turbine oil analysis for water contamination

with known steam leakage by the Steam Admission

Valve (FD-F001 ). The NRC screened the finding for safety significance

and determined

that a detailed risk evaluation (DRE) was required.

The DRE was performed

by a Region I senior reactor analyst (SRA) and concluded

that the condition

resulted in an increase in core damage frequency (CDF) of low E-6/yr, or of low-to-moderate

safety significance (White). This result was obtained using the NRC's Standardized

Plant Analysis Risk (SPAR) model for Hope Creek. Hope Creek Response PSEG agrees that the performance



Hope Creek did not adequately



to perform monthly HPCI turbine oil analysis, did not identify significant

moisture contamination

in the HPCI oil system, and thus did not take the necessary

response actions. As a result, the HPCI system was not able to perform its design function for a period greater than the fourteen days allowed by plant Technical


PSEG has performed

a Root Cause Evaluation

that identified


in the Adverse Condition

Monitoring (ACM) process, as well as in oversight

of the ACM process and in individual


and accountability

to the process. Corrective

actions to improve the ACM process and management


of the ACM process are being implemented.

PSEG appreciates

the opportunity

to present our perspective

on the facts and assumptions

used by the NRC to arrive at the significance

level of the finding. PSEG does not agree with the characterization

of the finding as low-to-moderate

safety significance (White) and concludes

the characterization

of the finding should instead be one of very low risk significance (Green). This conclusion

is based on a review of the SPAR model which identified

many conservatisms

and some inaccuracies

in the modeling of plant equipment.




PSEG performed

a risk evaluation

similar to the risk evaluation


by the NRC senior reactor analyst. A review of the risk evaluation


using Hope Creek Probabilistic

Risk Assessment (PRA) models found significant


in the modeling approach.

An extensive

PSEG review determined

that failure to credit equipment


to safely shutdown the plant, including


plant equipment, FLEX equipment

and other defense-in-depth

equipment, caused the unnecessarily


results. After an extensive

analysis to incorporate

this equipment

into the internal events and fire PRAs, PSEG concludes

that the risk increase associated

with the HPCI failure is much lower than that originally


by PSEG and much lower than described

in the referenced

NRC inspection

report. Following

review of PSEG models, a review of the NRC model was conducted

and found similar conservatisms

and some inaccuracies

in the modeling of plant equipment.

PSEG is providing

those results to the NRC to better inform the risk evaluation

of the HPCI system failure, and to enhance the accuracy of the NRC PRA model. 1 of 12

LR-N 16-0232 Enclosure



of the unnecessary


in the PRA models, the increase in CDF from both the internal and external events is 7.6E-7/yr, or of very low safety significance (Green). PSEG is requesting

that the NRC use the PSEG risk assessment


and results when assessing

the significance

of the event. A more detailed discussion

of the Hope Creek PRA models and comparison

with the NRC SPAR model is attached in section 2.0, Review of PRA Analysis.

In addition, PSEG reviewed the HPCI system data from June 23, 2016, that was described

in Sensitivity

Case 4 of the inspection

report. The inspection

report described

a concern that water intrusion

could have affected system operation

as early as June 23, 2016, despite the successful

system test that was performed

on that date. The result of that review is being provided for NRC consideration

and is contained

in section 3.0, Review of Sensitivity

Case 4, which concludes

that the HPCI control system was able to perform its design functions

during the June 23, 2016 test. As a result, PSEG believes the exposure time is most accurately


as being 44 days. 2.0 Review of PRA Analysis 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to summarize

PSEG's position on the risk increase associated

with the unavailability

of the HPCI system in July and August 2016. In its inspection

report (05000354/2016003), the NRC discussed

a finding that was preliminarily


to be White under guidance associated

with the Significance


Process (SOP). PSEG's initial risk calculations

were generally


with this determination.

However, further examination

of the Hope Creek PRA models revealed significant


in the modeling approach;

further review of the NRC models revealed similar conservatisms

and additionally

some errors. 2.2 Key Assumptions

and Boundary Conditions

The following


are applied for the HPCI degraded lube oil SOP risk evaluation:

  • The SOP risk evaluation

was performed

based on the following:

o As part of the determination

process, an application-specific

internal events risk model (ASM), HC116A-ASM

was created based on the most recent internal events PRA Model of Record, HC111A. Development

of this ASM included several revisions

to better reflect the as-built, operated plant. This is referred to as the Full Power Internal Events (FPIE) model through the remainder

of this document.

o As part of the determination

process, an application-specific

fire risk model (ASM), HC114FO-ASM

was created based on the most recent fire PRA Model of Record, HC114FO. Development

of this ASM included several revisions

to better reflect the as-built, as-operated

plant. This is referred to as the Fire PRA (FPRA) model throughout

the remainder

of this document.

o Seismic and other external events hazard contributors

were reviewed in the Hope Creek Individual

Plant Examination

for External Events (IPEEE). 2 of 12

LR-N 16-0232 Enclosure

  • Upon discovery

that the HPCI system was inoperable

on August 6, maintenance

on the reactor core isolation

cooling (RCIC) system was prohibited

by Hope Creek guidance.

The RCIC system was expeditiously


by the control room operators

and remained protected

during the last 5 days of the 44 day unavailability.

A more precise PRA calculation

would eliminate

the RCIC test and maintenance

term and lower any risk increase calculations

by 2-3%. For the purposes of this analysis, no credit is taken for the operator actions to protect the RCIC equipment.

All calculations

are shown for a 44 day interval.

  • Repair and/or recovery of the HPCI system are not credited.


of the HPCI hydro-electric

governor (EGR) is a simple task, but this is not credited because of the uncertainty


with the time necessary

to troubleshoot

the failure. * Risk values in this document are generally


showing 3 significant

figures, which allows a reviewer to track exactly where in the ASM documents

the risk value comes from. The reviewer should be aware that risks and changes in risk of the magnitudes



are accurate to one significant

figure. 2.3 PRA Modeling PSEG made preliminary

modeling results available

in time for NRC to incorporate

this information

into Inspection

Report 05000354/2016003.

Since that time, PSEG has undertaken

a major effort to update our Fire and FPIE PRAs. This section describes

the PRA model changes and then shows the best estimate calculations

of risk increase.

The risk increases

are significantly

lower than those discussed

in the Inspection

Report. Initial review of the Hope Creek FPIE and FPRA models identified


compared to the as-built, as-operated

plant. The area that yielded the biggest risk reduction

was properly crediting

shutdown using the secondary

plant. The use of the main feedwater, condensate

and turbine bypass systems was partially

credited in the FPIE model and not credited in the Fire PRA (i.e., the secondary

plant equipment

was considered

to be failed in all fire scenarios).

As part of this effort the control and power cables for the secondary

plant equipment

were modeled and found to be routed through different

fire areas than the RCIC control and power cables. The difference

in the cable routing contributed

to a significant


in the fire risk calculation.

This robust design is now reflected

in risk models. Other improvements

included crediting

newly installed

FLEX equipment

and incorporation

of B.5.b. equipment

that was only partially

modeled in the last PRA updates. Another modeling area that contained



was in the way RCIC failure to run, both from random failures and support system failures, was modeled. Hope Creek models were revised to include: * Credit for injection

from enhanced control rod drive (CRD) system after 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of RCIC operation.

  • Credit for battery charging from FLEX and B.5.b. diesels allowing long term operation

of RCIC. These were credited for station blackout (SBO) scenarios, as well as for SBO scenarios


random failures.

A few numeric changes to basic event probabilities

were made, but the risk reduction

was not as significant

as changes made to properly credit equipment.

The most important

basic events, which are the operator failure to depressurize

using automatic


system (ADS) and random failures of RCIC, were reviewed and not changed. 3 of 12

LR-N 16-0232 Enclosure

Model of Record (MOR) values for CDF and Large Early Release Fraction (LERF) are compared with their respective

ASM base case CDF and LERF values below in Table 1. These changes in risk metrics between the MOR and the ASM are the result of careful evaluation

of each model's conservatisms


Category Model Name CDF LERF HC111A 4.20E-6/yr



3.31 E-6/yr 7.47E-7/yr

[DELTA] 8.90E-7/yr


HC114FO 2.18E-5/yr





[DELTA] 1.5E-5/yr


The baseline CDF changes are significant, especially

in the case of the FPRA. The FPRA is a relatively

immature model. Prior to the analysis associated

with this SOP, the FPRA had not been seriously


to identify and remove conservatisms

such as those identified

below. Additionally, the model benefitted

from recent NRC FAQs that were generally

created and resolved by plants working on NFPA 805. The FPIE model also contained


Most were discovered

by working with the Operations


to ensure that the available


was properly credited.

A FPIE model update is scheduled

for 2017. The model update had been delayed awaiting complete installation

of FLEX equipment

and publication

of NEI guidance for incorporating

FLEX into a PRA model. Changes to both PRA models are addressed

under established


governed by risk management


Update Requirement

Evaluations (UREs) have been created for both the FPIE and Fire PRA model adjustments

to ensure those changes are incorporated

in the next periodic updates. The following


the major changes to the models and the results of the PSEG analysis.

The analysis packages are available

for NRC review. All changes have been made in accordance

with the PRA Standard (Reference

1 ), PSEG Risk management


and industry best PRA practice.

They are permanent

changes to the Hope Creek models. FPIE LlCDF and LlLERF Calculations

The HC116A-ASM

model features the following

changes from the MOR: * Fault Tree Changes: o RCIC success criteria with CRD available

o Crediting

of some FLEX procedures

and equipment

o SACS heat exchanger

valves o MCC 108421 cross-tie

o Diesel generator



o Additional

basic events 4 of 12



  • Data Changes: o HPCI/RCIC

room steam leak event o Dependent

failure to operate high pressure systems o Suction strainer basic event calculation

method o SRV accumulator

leakage event Base FPIE HC116A-ASM

CDF = 3.31E-61yr

FPIE CDF with HPCI OOS(1 l = 8.63E-61yr

FPIE f1CDF = [(8.63E-61yr)-

(3.31 E-61yr)] *exposure

time = 5.32E-61yr

  • [44 days I (365 dayslyr)]

= 6.42E-7 Base FPIE HC116A-ASM

LERF FPIE LERF with HPCI OOS(1 l = 7.47E-71yr

= 1.15E-61yr

FPIE nLERF = [(1.15E-61yr)-


  • exposure

time = 4.03E-71yr

  • [44 days I (365 dayslyr)]

= 4.86E-8 Fire PRA f1CDF and f1LERF Calculations


model features the following

changes from the MOR: * Additional

model detail for hot short spurious actuation

  • Radwaste area hoist scenario refined * Restoration

of circulating

water pump house scenarios

  • Fault tree, data adjustment, and basic event additions

similar to the FPIE changes listed above. * Incorporation

of additional

cable data for the following

systems: o Condensate

o Circulating

Water o Feedwater

o Instrument

Air o Instrument

Gas o 120 VAC Power Panels o Primary Containment

o Reactor Auxiliaries

Cooling * Revised probabilities

& calculations:

o Human error probabilities

o Non-suppression


  • Targets revised in the following

fire areas: o CD28 o CD29 o CD30 o CD31 (1) Set Basic Event HPI-TDP-FS-OP204 (HPCI FTS term) to TRUE via flag file 5 of 12

LR-N 16-0232 Enclosure

Base Fire PRA HC114FO-ASM

CDF = 6.80E-61yr

Base Fire PRA CDF with HPCI OQS(1 l = 7.76E-61yr

Fire 6.CDF = [(7.76E-61yr)-


  • exposure

time = 9.6E-71yr

  • [44 days I (365 dayslyr)]

= 1.16E-7 Base Fire PRA HC114FO-ASM

LERF = 1. 78E-61yr = 1.91 E-61yr Base Fire PRA LERF with HPCI OQS(1 l Fire 6.LERF Results = [(1.91 E-61yr)-(1. 78E-61yr)]

  • exposure

time =1.38E-71yr

  • [44 days I (365 dayslyr)]

= 1.66E-8 The totai6.CDF

is 6.42E-7 (FPIE) + 1.16E-7 (FPRA) = 7.57E-7. The total 6.LERF is 4.86E-8 (FPIE) + 1.66E-8 (FPRA) = 6.52E-8. 2.4 Comments on the SPAR model analysis NRC used the Hope Creek SPAR model to evaluate the internal events risk and clearly described

their risk analysis in the referenced


Report. Using Sensitivity

Case 5, the NRC developed

a refined best estimate delta CDFiyr of 2E-6, which is based on the sum of the internal events risk analysis, calculated

from the SPAR model of 9.92E-7 and the provided fire risk increase of 1.1 E-61yr. This section discusses

the conservatisms

in the SPAR model. The fire risk increase is based on a preliminary

analysis that was made available

to the NRC, as described

in Section 2.3. For sequences

in which RCIC failed to run, the NRC adjusted the probability

of operator failure to depressurize

the reactor from 5E-4 to 1 E-4. The adjustment

was intended to account for the operator action and the inherent conservatism

in using a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> run time for RCIC. Given the simplified


of the SPAR model and the simplified

nature of the SPAR-Human Reliability

Analysis Method (SPAR-H) being used to quantify human error probabilities, this approach is reasonable.

Since the numeric change is a rough estimate based on SRA judgement, there is no conclusive

way to quantify the validity of this adjustment.

However, as discussed

below, this numeric change does fully approximate

the difference

in RCIC failure rates and the failure to depressurize

the reactor, which often appear in the same cutsets. The NRC calculated

a change in CDF of 1.86E-61yr

using this modeling approach.

PSEG reviewed the calculations

done by the NRC, and reproduced

the calculations

based on the NRC descriptions

of the analysis.

The NRC ran five sensitivity

cases: (1) Set Basic Event HPI-TDP-FS-OP204 (HPCI FTS term) to TRUE via flag file 6 of 12




1 (1.64E-6/yr):

SSW 'B' Train Unavailable

Due to Test & Maintenance

The SRA removed event SSW-SYS-TM-LOOPB

from cutsets as a sensitivity

case. This change alone reduced the change in CDF from 1.86E-6/yr

to 1.64E-6/yr, or about 12%. This change should be part of the base case because it stems from an error in the SPAR model. This maintenance

event is modeled in SPAR to immediately

and completely

remove the possibility

of depressurizing

using the ADS valves following

a loss of offsite power (LOOP). The model is incorrect, because the ADS valves would be functional

until battery depletion, which would be over 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> in a LOOP and over 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> if an extended loss of AC power (ELAP) is declared.


to charge the batteries

with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(2)

equipment (usually called B.5.b equipment)

or FLEX equipment, as well as the probability

of recovering

from the LOOP, are not credited in the SPAR model. Sensitivity

2 (2.35E-6/yr):

Basic SPAR run This sensitivity

analysis removes the improvements

made in the base case described

above and provides no additional



3 (1.64E-7/yr):


Changes to Depressurization


This is a further adjustment

to the depressurization


for the base case (depressurization


= 1 E-4) to this case (depressurization


= 7 .5E-5). The risk reduction

of a 25% reduction

in depressurization


leads to a -12% reduction

in CDF increase.

PSEG understands

that the risk increase is very sensitive

to the rare event probability

that the operating

crew fails to depressurize

the reactor when required.

PSEG reviewed and did not change the depressurization


in the Hope Creek PRA model. Sensitivity

4 (2.03E-6/yr):

Full Exposure Time The NRC performed

this sensitivity


assuming an increased

exposure time, including

the failure to depressurize, as well as including

failure to depressurize

human error probability (HEP) changes but not including

SSW B train adjustments.

PSEG concludes

that the HPCI system was operable on June 23, 2016, as discussed

in section 3.0, Review of Sensitivity

Case 4. Therefore, this sensitivity

analysis is not appropriate

for significance



5 (9.92E-7/yr):

Changes to delete core damage sequences

in question and adjust operator depressurization

failure probability

for fast acting initiating

event (Medium Break LOCAs (MLOCA)) This sensitivity

case comes closest to structurally

matching the PSEG analysis, so it provides the best case for discussing

the similarities

and differences

between the SPAR model and the PSEG PRA model. The NRC deleted cutsets that contain LOOP events with SSW train B in test or maintenance.

This should have been done for the base case and all sensitivity

cases because that event is modeled incorrectly

in the SPAR model, as discussed

under sensitivity

case 1. This unlikely . maintenance

activity is correctly

modeled in the PSEG PRA. The NRC revised the HEP for operator failure to depressurize

event as was done in the base case, but not the rest of the sensitivity

cases. The PSEG model uses 3. 75E-4 as the probability

of failing to depressurize

using ADS following

a transient

or a LOOP. PSEG did not adjust the HEP for failure to depressurize

for the RCIC failure to run scenarios

but did model other relevant success paths, such as crediting

enhanced CRD for decay heat removal and inventory

control after 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of RCIC success. 7 of 12



The NRC increased

the operator failure to depressurize

event probability

to 2. 75E-3 for MLOCA scenarios, which resulted in a slight risk increase.

This approach was already used in the PSEG model, so no changes were necessary.

The NRC set RCI-MOV-FC-FRO (RCIC injection

valve fails to reopen) to FALSE because this valve (BD-F013)

would remain open with no automatic

closure signal during RCIC operation.

This valve is correctly

modeled in the PSEG PRA, so no changes are needed. Since this change corrects a SPAR model error, all sensitivity

cases should include this adjustment.

Reasons for the Differences

between the PSEG PRA and the SPAR model NRC sensitivity

case 5 will be used to discuss differences

and similarities

between the SPAR analysis and the PSEG analysis.

Case 5 was chosen because it includes corrections

for errors identified

in the SPAR model, making it a better choice for the basic comparisons.

Case 5 lists the dominant sequences

as: * Loss of condenser

heat sink, with failure to depressurize

and RCIC in Test and Maintenance

  • Loss of Main Feedwater, with failure to depressurize

and RCIC in Test and Maintenance

  • Loss of condenser

heat sink, with failure to depressurize

and RCIC failure to run * Loss of condenser

heat sink, with failure to depressurize

and RCIC failure to start * Loss of Main Feedwater, with failure to depressurize

and RCIC failure to start These scenarios

are essentially


to those in the PSEG analysis;

the differences

are in the quantification.

The NRC calculates

a b.CDF of 9.9E-7/yr

and PSEG calculates

6.4E-7/yr, resulting

in a 35% difference.

The major difference

is caused by the difference

in the probability

of operators

failing to depressurize

using ADS. The basic NRC Human Error Probability (HEP) is 5E-4 while the PSEG HEP is 3. 7E-4, a difference

of 26%. This HEP (or a similar event) is in almost every cutset, so the difference

in b.CDF is almost proportional

to the difference

in HEP. When analyzing

HEPs that are relatively

rare events (probability

< 1 E-2), Human Reliability

Analyses (HRA) routinely

vary by much more than the 26%. The SPAR-H HRA methods, used by the NRC, and the EPRI HRA calculator, used by PSEG, were benchmarked

with many other methods in a broad international

study completed

over the last decade. Numerous examples of the variation

between these and other methods can be found in "International

HRA Empirical


1 Report: Description

of Overall Approach and Pilot Phase Results from Comparing

HRA Methods to Simulator

Data" (NUREG/IA-0216, Vol. 1.) and several subsequent, related documents.

The PSEG HEP analysis was reviewed and no changes were made for this SOP evaluation.

The PSEG HEP analysis is unchanged

from the latest formal peer review of the Hope Creek PRA, and is available

for NRC review. After the HRA differences, the major differences

come from RCIC system reliability

data. The PSEG test and maintenance


for RCIC is 7. 71 E-3 compared to the SPAR unavailability

for RCIC of 1.095E-2, a 30% difference.

The PSEG value is based on data collected

from PSEG plant specific maintenance

rule records during the last PRA update. Other differences

include the SPAR models' use of higher failure rates for RCIC and no credit for using CRD injection

after about 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. Additionally, the SPAR models do not credit the possibility

of using B.5.b or FLEX equipment

to charge batteries

and operate RCIC when the normal chargers are not available.

These details are not normally credited in the SPAR models. 8 of 12

LR-N 16-0232 Enclosure


on the SPAR analysis NRC Sensitivity

Case 5 gives similar results to the PSEG analysis because this case includes corrections

to identified

errors and conservatisms

in the SPAR model. The difference

in the .b..CDF values is clearly understood

to be a result of different

HRA models for a rare event, some differences

in equipment


data and some simplifications

in the SPAR model. None of these differences


the SPAR model as an independent, confirmatory

tool. In fact, the SPAR results confirm that the latest Hope Creek PRA results properly model the condition

because the dominant .b..CDF cutsets and scenarios

are very similar. Summary of predominant

analytic differences

between plant and SPAR model: * ADS is available

for 4 to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> following

a LOOP (Battery life). The ADS function is being modeled as unavailable

if B SSW Loop is in Test or Maintenance.

  • ADS is available

after 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> following

a LOOP because B.5.b and/or FLEX equipment

can be used to maintain batteries.

  • RCIC system reliability

uses the actual plant reliability

values in the plant model * RCIC injection

valve (F013) failure to reopen should be removed from the base case, because this valve remains open following

RCIC initiation.

  • No credit is taken for CRD injection

after 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of successful

RCIC operation.

  • No credit is taken for FLEX or B.5.b equipment

to restore RCIC batteries

and maintain injection


after 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. The HRA model and equipment




in the Hope Creek model were done in accordance

with the PRA Standard and have been subjected

to a peer review with no relevant Findings & Observations.

Therefore, the latest PSEG internal events PRA model and fire PRA model should be used for input into the significance


2.5 Seismic and Other External Hazards Hope Creek does not maintain seismic, external flooding, or other external hazard PRAs. Seismic, external flooding, high winds, and other external hazards are discussed

in the IPEEE (Reference

2). A seismic risk study (PRA that falls short of current standards

but provides clear, NRC reviewed insights)

was performed

for the IPEEE. The top five core damage sequences, labeled seismic damage states (SDS), are discussed

in the IPEEE. The seismic risk is dominated

by loss of instrumentation


panels. Two SDSs are relevant given a HPCI failure: * SDS 26 is a seismic-induced

LOOP followed by a failure of high pressure injection

and random failures.

The random failures are dominated

by RPV depressurization

failures and EDG failures resulting

in an SBO. Given a HPCI failure, this SDS would become more significant, as there would be limited high pressure injection


However, station FLEX capability, which is not considered, should be able to effectively

mitigate the SBO scenarios.

This SDS contributes

-5% to seismic CDF. 9 of 12



  • SDS 18 is a seismic induced LOOP with random failures resulting

in core damage. Random failures are dominated

by EDG failures resulting

in an SBO. Neither random failures of high pressure injection

nor failure to depressurize

were the dominating

failure in this SDS. Given a HPCI failure and SBO, RCIC is available

on batteries

for injection, and additional

B.5.b and FLEX equipment

would provide electrical

backup for RCIC as well as low pressure injection.

The IPEEE review concluded

that external hazards are not a significant

risk contributor.

The analysis provided also did not include newer station capabilities

to mitigate external events with B.5.b and FLEX equipment.

Seismic, high winds and external flooding risk would not be significantly

impacted by HPCI being unavailable.

2.6 Conclusions

For the base case with a 44 day exposure time, the total

is 7.57E-7. (6.42E-7 (FPIE) + 1.16E-7 (Fire PRA)) and the total

is 6.52E-8. (4.86E-8 (FPIE) + 1.66E-8 (Fire PRA)). Thus,

is <1 E-6 and

is < 1 E-7, representing

a finding of very low risk significance (i.e., Green). Table 2 SUMMARY OF HOPE CREEK HPCI SOP RISK CALCULATIONS (BASED ON 44 DAY EXPOSURE TIME) Case FPIE PRA Fire PRA Total Metric

Results 6.42E-7 1.16E-7 7.57E-7 < 1E-6

Results 4.86E-8 1.66E-8 6.52E-8 < 1E-7 PSEG performed

three sensitivity

analyses to evaluate differences

between plant and SPAR models and to evaluate the benefit from FLEX equipment.

The sensitivities

were performed

using the FPIE because the fire PRA is not the dominant contributor

to the total risk increase.

The three analyses were: * Increase the depressurization

HEP from the PSEG calculated


to the SPAR model probability.

  • Increase the RCIC failure to run probability

from Hope Creek's calculated


to the SPAR model probability.

  • Remove credit for FLEX equipment.

None of these sensitivity

analyses increased

the delta risk to the thresholds

for a White finding. 3.0 Review of Sensitivity

Case 4 In Sensitivity

Case 4 of the Inspection

Report, the NRC discussed

a concern that the data from the June 23, 2016, HPCI test show the control valve opened to around the 80 percent position on initial pressurization, which was further than observed on previous tests, and that it achieved a position of about 95 percent under the ramp generator

control. This is greater than previous tests in which a control valve position of 40-55 percent was observed.

The SRA expressed

concern that this response created uncertainty

in the length of the exposure time and therefore


in the increase in risk. However, as shown below the HPCI pump was able to 10 of 12

LR-N 16-0232 Enclosure

perform its design functions

during this test so there should be no change to the assumed exposure time of 44 days. The HPCI start sequence is described

in the EPRI NMAC Terry Turbine User's Manual, as follows: Once the auxiliary

oil pump is started, the turbine oil relay hydraulic

system will pressurize

first. The turbine governor (control)

valve will start to open. Next the governor's


system will pressurize

and the turbine governor valve will start closing again. Then the hydraulic

oil pressure will develop at the turbine stop valve's hydraulic

cylinder and the stop valve leaves its closed position.

The magnitude

of the initial governor valve opening and the overall time period is dependent

upon the drain down condition

of the turbine's

oil system. Once the stop valve leaves its closed position, the ramp generator

signal and signal converter (RGSC) ramp circuit will be initiated

and the voltage output will be increased

in a positive direction.

During the HPCI System Start-up on June 23, 2016: * Aux oil pump started * The indicated

position of the governor valve showed that the valve was open greater than expected * The Pilot valve drove the governor valve towards the closed position in response to the remote servo and EGR as expected and lAW with EPRI NMAC Terry Turbine User's Manual * At this time, flow indication

and therefore

turbine speed was still at zero prior to the governor valve moving towards the open position. (reference

figure 1) * Governor valve then began to open in response to the demand of the RGSC as part of the normal start-up sequence The June 23, 2016, start-up sequence is consistent

with the operation


from the EPRI Manual. During the fall 2016 refueling

outage, a visual and dimensional


of the HPCI pilot valve under was completed.

The pilot valve was found to be in overall good condition, with light wear, and was reused. The pilot valve's top, middle, and bottom control lands were inspected.

The control land corners have light wear but are still sharp and free from burrs and nicks. Outside diameter measurements

of the control lands were taken with a micrometer

and met EPRI manual requirements.

The lower control land had minor wear. The middle control land had approximately

20 minor score marks, which were lightly stoned to be removed. The top control land had very minimal wear. The bore of the pilot bushing was observed in good condition

with minimal oil residue and no corrosion

build up identified.

No erosion or pitting was identified.

The inside corners of the control ports were sharp and free from burrs and nicks. A swab was used to clean out the bushing bore. The inspection

pictures show score marks on the pilot relay which are consistent

with the anomalies

observed in the governor valve stoke trace data from June 23, 2016. 11 of 12



As discussed

above, the June 23, 2016 test results are consistent

with the expected system response.

HPCI pump 1ST G-23-16 * -8.13821 o8tU38671-----,-------,-------, 1"1""00-,1""oo,-----,to=oo,-1'"'2o"'o


  • HC.STR212

<> 2.!U1275 80.74072 %







> 1\. -----r----.........-.J


I { 61231201610:06:00

AM 5/23!201610.07:03.66181



10:08:30 AM * HPCJ STEAM ADM. VALVE POS. (FV-4880)




PRESSURE Figure 1: HPCI Test Data from June 23, 2016 3.1 Conclusions

A review of the EPRI summary of system operation

shows that turbine governor valve will start to open, close, and then open again and the magnitude

and time of this opening is dependent

on system conditions.

On June 23, 2016 the governor valve did open more than expected;

however the data trace from June 23, shows it reopening

in response to the RGSC control signal prior to turbine/pump


The control system demonstrated

that it was able to take control and respond normally.

The plot of the HPCI starting sequence above shows this governor valve movement.

The oil sample taken on that day had water content higher than the EPRI recommended

limit, however from all of the parameters


it is concluded

that the HPCI control system was able to perform its design functions

during the June 23, 2016 test. 4.0 References

1. ASME/ANS RA-Sa-2009, "Standard

for Level 1/Large Early Release Frequency


Risk Assessment

for Nuclear Power Plant Applications," Addendum A to S-2008, ASME, New York, NY, American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois, February 2009. 2. Hope Creek Generating

Station, Individual

Plant Examination

for External Events, Submittal

Report, July, 1997. 12 of 12