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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML17257A39225 September 2017Request for Additional Information Regarding Areva Inc. Topical Report ANP-10337P, PWR Fuel Assembly Structural Response to Externally Applied Dynamic ExcitationsSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML17360A20719 January 2018Transmittal of Request for Additional Information Regarding Areva Inc. Topical Report ANP-10332P, Revision 0, AURORA-B: an Evaluation Model for Boiling Water Reactors; Application to Loss of Coolant Accident Scenarios
ML18228A82221 September 2018Transmittal of Request for Additional Information Regarding Topical Report ANP-10346P, Revision 0, ATWS-I Analysis Methodology for BWRs Using RAMONA5-FA
ML18254A13521 September 2018Request for Additional Information for ANP-10346P, Revision 0, ATWS-I Analysis Methodology for BWRs Using RAMONA5-FA (Non-Proprietary)
ML19095B76424 October 2017Transmittal of Request for Additional Information Regarding Areva Inc. Topical Report ANP-10332P, Revision 0, AURORA-B: an Evaluation Model for Boiling Water Reactors; Application to Loss of Coolant Accident Scenarios (Set 1, Non-Proprietar
ML19095B76724 October 2017Request for Additional Information Regarding Areva Inc. Topical Report ANP-10332P, Revision 0, AURORA-B: an Evaluation Model for Boiling Water Reactors; Application to Loss of Coolant Accident Scenarios (Set 1, Non-Proprietary)
ML19095B77019 January 2018Transmittal of Request for Additional Information Regarding Areva Inc. Topical Report ANP-10332P, Revision 0, AURORA-B: an Evaluation Model for Boiling Water Reactors; Application to Loss of Coolant Accident Scenarios (Set 2, Non-Proprietar
ML19095B77319 January 2018Request for Additional Information Regarding Areva Inc. Topical Report ANP-10332P, Revision 0, AURORA-B: an Evaluation Model for Boiling Water Reactors; Application to Loss of Coolant Accident Scenarios (Set 2, Non-Proprietary)Stroke time