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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IA-86-299, Partially Deleted Commission Paper Informing That TMI Alert, Inc Requested Dismissal of Order Granting C Husted Hearing & to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss7 March 1986Partially Deleted Commission Paper Informing That TMI Alert, Inc Requested Dismissal of Order Granting C Husted Hearing & to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss
IA-86-683, Partially Withheld SECY-86-203 Re Aamodt Application for Reimbursement for Participation in TMI-1 Restart Proceeding. Us Court of Appeals Decision,Affirming NRC Position,Encl15 July 1986Partially Withheld SECY-86-203 Re Aamodt Application for Reimbursement for Participation in TMI-1 Restart Proceeding. Us Court of Appeals Decision,Affirming NRC Position,EnclAffidavit
ML20056F93824 August 1993Requests Commission Approval to Issue TMI Unit 2 Possession Only License Amend
ML20057B5114 April 1980Partially Withheld Commission Paper Discussing Recommendations Re Susquehanna Valley Alliance,Et Al Vs TMI Reactor,Et Al Civil Action 79-658
ML20057B51515 April 1980Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re Consumer Advocate of PA Petition for NRC Funding of Expert Witnesses Called by Intervenors in TMI-1 Restart Hearing
ML20057B52012 August 1980Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re Certification from Licensing Board in TMI Restart Proceeding Re Procedural Assistance to Intervenors
ML20057B53820 August 1982Partially Withheld Commission Paper Providing Ofc of Policy Evaluation Analysis of Restart Board Partial Initial Decision on Cheating & Response to Enforcement PlanReactor Vessel Water Level
ML20057B55222 September 1982Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re 820910 Meeting on TMI-1 Restart & Commission Decision That Licensing Board Did Not Have Jurisdiction to Impose $100,000 Fine
ML20057B55428 September 1982Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re Oral Presentations on TMI Restart
ML20057B5687 January 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re Review of Present Status of Pane Litigation & to Advise Commission of OptionsSiren
ML20057B5864 May 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re Immediate Effectiveness Steps to Decision Re TMI-1
ML20057B59222 June 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Identifying & Evaluating Info of Possible Significance for Restart Decision & Providing Evaluation of Trial Transcript for Litigation Purposes
ML20057B59323 June 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re TMI Alert,Inc 830519 Request for Hearing on Util 830509 Request for Amend to License Re SG Tube Repairs
ML20057B5965 July 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Providing Proposed Disposition of Closed Meeting Transcripts Responsive to FOIA 83-320
ML20057B59713 July 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re TMI-1 Restart Hardware/Design Separation of Units 1 & 2 & Emergency Planning Issues
ML20057B78513 September 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re FOIA Appeal 83-A-11 for OI Investigation Rept About Allegations of Impropriety in Hiring at TMI
ML20057B78816 November 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re FOIA 83-A-33C Re TMI Restart Documents
ML20057B7921 December 1983Partially Withheld Commission Paper Re Ucs Motion for Leave to Participate in 831205 Commission Meeting
ML20058A39319 May 1981Partially Withheld Affirmation Secy That Seeks Approval of Encl Draft Memo & Order Denying General Public Utils 801208 Tort Claim for Property Damages at Facility.Insurance Claim Form Encl
ML20058A5819 October 1981Partially Withheld Notation Vote Secy That Informs Commission About ALAB-654,Appeal Board Decision Dealing W/ Fuel Cycle Radon Release Question
ML20058A6087 December 1981Partially Withheld Info Secy That Informs Commission of Appeal Board Decision
ML20058A61110 December 1981Partially Withheld Notation Vote Secy That Forwards Draft Order for Consideration
ML20127N76224 May 1985Recommends No Addl Studies on TMI-related Health Effects Other than Studies Already Planned.History,Findings & Description of Studies & Draft Ltr from Palladino to Morris Encl
ML20128H9571 May 1985Recommends That Commission Determine Whether to Release Nonpublic Info to Advisory Panel on TMI-2 Cleanup on case-by-case Basis
ML20129A30313 August 1984Recommends That Commission Postpone Decision on Facility Restart Until Concerns Re Investigation of Radioactive Releases During Facility Accident Fully Resolved
ML20136A69229 August 1975Utilization of Random Sample Insp Technique as Method of Quantifying NRC Insp Program.Anticipated Questions & Responses Encl
ML20148E40525 October 1978Informs Commission of Status of IE Efforts in Evaluating Licensee Regulatory Performance.Requests Approval of two- Year Trial Program
ML20148M86216 March 1977Forwards IE Evaluation of Trial Resident Inspector Program. IE Should Proceed W/Plan to Locate Inspectors Near Certain Reactor SitesIntegrated leak rate test
ML20151K86820 May 1985Partially Withheld SECY-85-176 Advising That Ucs Re NRC Testimony in TMI-1 Restart Proceeding Should Be Referred to Staff for Appropriate Response by Ltr
ML20154M54220 May 1985Partially Withheld SECY-85-174 Discussing FOIA Appeal 85-A-18C Re Documents Concerning Aamodt Motion for Investigation of Radioactive Releases During Facility Accident & Ctr for Disease Control Review of Motion
ML20154M55925 April 1985Partially Withheld SECY-85-148 Discussing Encl Rc Arnold & Eg Wallace 850327 Request for Hearing to Determine Whether Adverse Implications About Mgt Integrity Factually Substantiated
ML20203G12130 October 1998Informs Commission About Staff Preliminary Views Concerning Whether Proposed Purchase of TMI-1,by Amergen,Inc,Would Cause Commission to Know or Have Reason to Believe That License for TMI-1 Would Be Controlled by Foreign Govt
ML20209E15411 March 1985Recommends That Commission Approve Exemption of 10CFR170 Fee Requirements for TMI-2 to Be Effective on Date of Encl Author LtrExemption Request
ML20209H8251 July 1999Provides Commission with Evaluation of & Recommendations for Improvement in Processes Used in Staff Review & Approval of Applications for Transfer of Operating Licenses of TMI-1 & Pilgrim Station
ML20210C0161 March 1999Forwards Corrected Pp 3 of SECY-98-252.Correction Makes Changes to Footnote 3 as Directed by SRM on SECY-98-246
ML20211E3396 February 1987Updates Status of Major Cleanup Issues at TMI-2.CY86 Cleanup Progress Discussed.Licensee Current Schedule Provided.Delays in Refueling Have Not Resulted in Significant Safety Consequences.Related Info EnclBoric Acid
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20212M5397 March 1986Partially Deleted Commission Paper Informing That TMI Alert, Inc Requested Dismissal of Order Granting C Husted Hearing & to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss
ML20215N52415 July 1986Partially Withheld SECY-86-203 Re Aamodt Application for Reimbursement for Participation in TMI-1 Restart Proceeding. Us Court of Appeals Decision,Affirming NRC Position,EnclAffidavit
ML20238C4035 November 1987Informs Commission of Plans to Reorganize Agency Staffing Dedicated to Regulatory Oversight of TMI-2 Cleanup Consistent W/Approved FY88 Budget
ML20246E40630 May 1980Provides Addl Info Re Questions on Staff Proposed Purging of TMI-2 Containment Bldg Atmosphere
ML20248H6998 April 1998Requests,By Negative Consent,Commission Approval of Intent to Inform Doe,Idaho Operations Ofc of Finding That Adequate Safety Basis Support Granting Exemption to 10CFR72 Seismic Design Requirement for ISFSI to Store TMI-2 Fuel DebrisSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Exemption Request