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Applicant Exhibit A-133A,consisting of Transcript of Audiotape 69
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1995
OLA-3-A-133A, NUDOCS 9512200167
Download: ML20099L212 (15)



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9 10 Transcript of audiotape No. 69, 11 transcribed by Kara K. Lucas, Certified Court 12 Reporter and Notary Public.

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NUCLEAD Rf"GULATC/RY COMMISSION 21 Docket No. 50-424/42NU. A ? EXHIBITNO. TI " 13% A in the matter f_Georata Power Co et af . Voatie Units 1 & 2 22 O Staff Applicant [ l inaritanor O Other O ldentified DRe/c ivtJ D Rejected Reporter SA 23 Dam 9 /14 /4i witness BROWN REPORTING, INC.

24 1100 SPRING STREET, SUITE 750 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30309 l 25 (404) 876-8979 9512200167 950928 i PDR ADOCK 05000424 i T PDR

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. 2 4/26/90


1 Tape 69 ,

2 * *** ,

3 ODOM: The statement there about diesel starts . . .

4 MOSBAUGH: Yeah? l 5 ODOM: They're having - Chaffee basically said, "That's 6 not a correct statement." And then Brockman said --

7 -and Chaffee said, "I remember a couple of weeks ago 8 we were hearing about this not being correct." And ,

e 9 Brockman spoke up and said, " Yeah. You heard it 10 from the Region." And that's all he said. I 11 thought he was going to help us out by what Brockman .

12 had been talking to, you know.

13 MOSBAUGH: Uh-huh. $

14 ODOM: And that's all he said. So they i' 15 -- whether they say anything more or not, I don't 16 know; but they picked up on that statement, and they '

I 17 were making an issue for (inaudible), you know.

' 18 MOSBAUGH: Huh.

. 19 ODOM: You might want to tell John (Aufdenkampe) if you '

20 would that that statement where, you know, we 21 struggled with that that statement in there . . . .

22 MOSBAUGH: Uh-huh.



2A 20 ODOM: Is that it -- it's getting a 21- little more attention by the IIT (inaudible).


23 ODOM: I don't know if they're going to do 24 anything with it or not.

25 MOSBAUGH: Alright.

26 ODOM: They know that something's not_right on 27 that statement, you know, and er . . . .

1 s

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. 3 1 MOSBAUGH: It's more than not right.

2 ODOM: Yeah, I know.

3 MOSBAUGH: I -- I'm not done, but I'm looking 4 at the -- see, Kenny just got the logs . . . .

5 ODOM: Yeah.

6 MOSBAUGH: sent to him, and I reviewed a little bit of >

7 that with him yesterday. We're going to do some 8 more, but I think we've got a real problem.

9 (Inaudible.)

12 ODOM: Well, the other problem with 13 (inaudible) the LER. I don't have it in front of me l 14 now. But it talked about a fuel oil annunciator 15 coming in, a lube oil alarm and a fuel oil.

16 MOSBAUGH: That's correct.

17 ODOM: They're saying --

18 MOSBAUGH: That's in the log somewhere.

19 ODOM: They're saying . . . They don't 20 recall ever hearing that before.

21 MOSBAUGH: Uh-huh. That's in the log.

22 That's written up in the critique log.

23 ODOM: They didn't recall that. . . .

[ LINES 24 - 25 DELETED)

(excerpts continue on p. 8, line 9) i i

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1 [ LINES 1 - 8 DELETED)

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.9 ODOM: I thought they (the IIT) were asking about  ;


, 10 the 18 starts.

1 11 BEACHER: Yeah.


! 12 ODOM: .(Inaudible.) {

13 BEACHER: They had a lot of questions, i

14 concerning the LER. Wow.

15 MOSBAUGH: We're talking about the LER?

16- BEACHER: Well, they reviewed the LER --

i 17 ODOM: And the letter?

18 ODOM: The LER. We're talking about the 19 LER.


4 l 20- (Inaudible.) ,


22 ODOM: Not the letter, the LER.

- 23 BEACHER: LER. In the LER, we talked 24 about what annunciators folks saw in the diesel room.

25 He said.there's a discrepancy because they had more 1

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1 annunciators than what the LER said, and LER might 2 have something they don't have. j 3 ODOM: The fuel oil, the fuel oil. j 4 BEACHER: Fuel oil was one of the ones they picked up.

5 ODOM: Right. And the start phrase -- j i

6 BEACHER: " Eighteen. starts with no s 7 problem" -- he said that he had heard that before, 8 and he thinks that's not true.

9 ODOM: Brockman spoke up and said -- i 10 BEACHER: Brockman spoke up -- spoke up 11 and made a comment that -- ,

12 ODOM: "You heard it from us."

13 BEACHER: Yeah, "you heard it from us."

i 14 ODuM: (inaudible.)

15 BEACHER: He said he has going to check 16 into it.

17 ODOM: Like I say then they said -- then 18 Brockman -- then Chaffee said, "Well, I know 19 something's not right about that." And he said, 20 "We're going to check into that." (Inaudible.)

21 What I'm trying to say is that was in the LER.

22 MOSBAUGH: Yeah. Well, its worded 23 different ways, whether it's in the response to the

'24 confirmation of action letter --

25 ODOM: Right, the April (inaudible).


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1 MOSBAUGH: -- or George's presentation in 2 the Region. ,

3 BEACHER: Yeah, Lewis Ward . . .

4 MOSBAUGH: I brought it up with them, and d.

I told Shipman; and I said, you know, "This is not 5.

.6 true."

7 ODOM: Yeah.

8- MOSBAUGH: "You guys better check your 9 ' facts." And I gave him specific data on dates and 8

10 times that -- where I was aware that we had known 11 failures.

- 12 ODOM: Oh, yeah. This is . . . I wish that . . . .


13 You know that day we had a real sensitive issue with the 14 thing . . . they were picking up . . . .


15 MOSSAUGH: They blew it off.

16 ODOM: I thought they did, too, 17 I heard. I heard the Region was contacted and 18 said, "Okay, we underctand."

19 MOSBAUGH: I was on the phone with the 20 whole thing. They blew it off.

21 ODOM: And they might blow it off now, ,

22 but this IIT team --

23 MOSBAUGH: No. What I mean is they -- I 24 mean SONOPCO blew it off. i 25 ODOM: Oh, okay.

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3 11 1 MOSBAUGH: I'm not saying the NRC blew it 2 off. l 4

3 ODOM: I heard that we contacted Brockman 4 personally --

'5 MOSBAUGH: McCoy came back on the 6 conversation on the phone and said, " Yeah, I just 7 talked to Ken Brockman, and he understands that ,

j 8 there were failures in the process of coming out of 1 j 9 the maintenance on the machine." Okay. Well, that i -10 may be, okay. There were failures coming out of 4

1 4 11 the maintenance on the machine, okay, but there were '

e ,

12 also failures in a period of time that I considered  ;

13 to be beyond the-maintenance on the machine.


l 1 14 ODOM: Okay.

l 15 MOSBAUGH: Okay?

, 16 BEACHER: They want to talk with the guy 17 who actually did the work on those valves, the I 18 accumulator installation valve, the charging and i

' l 19 pump valve. They want to talk with Mike Kagel again l 20 concerning installation of the hatch, pressurizing

  • 21 manway. I guess what they're gettina at -- getting 22 at is how the communication related. It appears as 23 though Hopkins told Mike Kagle (inaudible). ,

24 (LINES 24 - 25 DELETED) 25 (Excerpts continued on p. 14, Line 1) ,

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1 BEACHER: That was another question. So they understand j 2 about the HP, maybe HP told somebody to do something.

3 MOSBAUGH: Oh, okay, so they are definitely on to us (laughter)  :

then. 4 5 VOICE: (inaudible) HP's involvement 6 MOSBAUGH: (inaudible) Definitely onto us if they're asking that.

7 BEACHER: I want to talk to these people, I need to learn 8 (inaudible) 9 ODOM: I think what I got, Herb --

correct me if I'm 10 wrong -- What I got was -- most severely right now is the 11 statement about the eighteen starts, the -- not giving them 12 the event report right now (inaudible) but they (inaudible) 13 yesterday, okay. In ance again this lube oil, fuel oil 14 alarm. The fuel oj.  : . are talking about, (inaudible).

15 BEACHER: It appears that what he was saying was that 16 maybe Tom had the information that they don't have.

17 ODOM: Right, (inaudible).

18 BEACHER: And if that's the case, if they got information 19 they don't have, they need that information. --

20 ODOM: Right (inaudible).

21 BEACHER: -- Where did they get it Tom, if it's not in 22 the transcripts (inaudible).

. 15

[APPROXIMATELY 70% THROUGH SIDE AJ 1 MOSBAUGH: [ Reading] Lube oil pressure sensor 2 malfunction and fuel oil level high.

3 (Inaudible.)

4 ODOM: They're saying this right here is new 5 to them (inaudible).

6 VOICE: They never heard that piece of 7 information.

8 Although they've got the narrative the 9 same as we do.

10 MOSBAUGH: (Inaudible.) tripped the 11 diesel.

12 ODOM: It's in the narrative though.

13 WEBB: That's where it came from. It 14 came from the Event report.

15 ODOM: The other problem that they had a problem with was the starts.

17 WEBB: Where did we talk about that?

18 VOICE: I don't know. (Inaudible).

19 WEBB: Oh, it's the number of starts 20 (inaudible).

21 MOSBAUGH: Where it's at, Tom?

22 WEBB: Back towards the end, wasn't it?

23 BEACHER: Was it page 6 or something?

24 (Telephone ringing.)

25 MOSBAUGH: On page 6, halfway.

- 15A 1 ODOM: Tomorrow a another phone call so --

2 BEACHER: Yeah. 10 o' clock same time. Same place.

3 VOICE: (inaudible).

4 ODOM: (inaudible) fuel oil -- put a statement in there 5 VOICE: (inaudible) top of the page, right here 6 VOICE: It came out of the event report narrative, is 7 where it came from. At first I thought it came out of the 8 April 9th letter, but it was in the event report narrative.

9 BEACHER: There was another question too about 10 (inaudible) maintenance guy said and the Calcon guy said. Was 11 there a comment on that -- earlier?

12 VOICE: Yeah (inaudible).

13 MOSBAUGH: (inaudible) lube oil pressure sensor 14 malfunction and fuel oil level (inaudible).

15 ODOM: (inaudible) Their sentence right here is new to 16 them. They haven't heard that piece of information. It 17 wasn't in -- although they've got the narrative same as we do 18 (inaudible) 19 VOICE: (inaudible).

20 ODOM: It's in the narrative though.

21 WEBB: That's where it came from. It came from the event 22 report - .

23 24 25 s


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10 11 12 13 14 15 ODOM: And the other problem I had -- had a problem 16 with is the starts.

17 WEBB: Where did we tell them that?  ;

18 MOSBAUGH: In Corrective Actions.

19 VOICE: (Inaudible.)

19 WEBB: Oh, the number of starts 20 (inaudible).

21 MOSBAUGH: Where it's at, Tom? l 22 WEBB: Back towards the end, wasn't it?

l 23 BEACHER: Was it page 6 or something?

24 (Telephone ringing.)  !

25 ODOM: On page 6, halfway. I l


17 1 VOICE: " Numerous."

2 ODOM: Say numerous (Inaudible.)

3 WEBB: (Reading] "Have been started 3 at taast eighteen times each and no failure or 4 problems have occurred during any of these starts."

5 ODOM: That's true. Any of the eighteen 6 times --

7 VOICE: I know it's true the way it's written.

8 But it's very misleading.

9 WEBB: Brockman knows (inaudible).

10 ODOM: I just told Allen they were hitting on 11 that. They were really focused on that.

12 WEBB: I thought Brockman was going to 13 explain it to them.

14 ODOM: I thought he was going to help us 15 out.

16 WEBB: He didn't --

17 ODOM: He said, "What you heard -- where the 18 problem was -- is from the Region." And he dropped it, 19 right there. And that's all he said. You know, 20 like, come on, Ken, speak up. Tell us some more --

21 VOICE: Another question --

22 ODOM: -- if you do, help us out here (chuckling).

23 VOICE: (inaudible) we explained (inaudible).

24 ODOM: And he just -- I thought Bob was going to bail us 25 out too with that one, (inaudible) explain it, Allen. I know j 26 McCoy talked,to him; that's what I heard.

l 1

. 18 1 WEBB: And these fellows observed that 2 the jacket water pressure was 12 to 13 pounds. They 3~ asked if that was when the diesel was running or  ;

4 after a trip. I said, "Well, the way it reads, I 5 think it's after the trip."

6 VOICE: It sounds a little better if they are 7 convinced that it was after the trip. He said Okay. s 8 ODOM: That's the way he understood it, too. Okay. Well 9 listen, if you want to run, keep me informed of that call; 10 and I'll consider two or three ears for that phone call today i

11 (inaudible)?

12 BEACHER: Uh-huh.

13 ODOM: And er . . .

14 MOSBAUGH: (inaudible).

15 ODOM: And uh, I wish these guys would 16 just go away, man.

17 MOSBAUGH: Uh-huh. l l

18 BEACHER: (Inaudible) Calcon switches when they did the, j 19 er, data (inaudible) on three sets of data taken, which we l 20 told them -- i 21 ODOM: Yes, it was 1

l 22 BEACHER: -- yes, it was taken. However, l

23 now they want to see the dog-gone data.

I 24 ODOM: They're the same. l 24 BEACHER: I know. They say its the same, but where is j 25 it? We want to see the actual. . . .

26 ODOM: We've given it to them. It's for the same i 27 data.




1 VOICE: Taken three different times (inaudible),

2 BEACHER: That's who I talked to (inaudible).

3 ***

, [End of Side A) 1 4