The licensee reported the discovery of minor leaks detected in two of four surface evaporator waste ponds used as a portion of an
uranium milling process. Each pond has a leak detection system which is checked once per week. The minor leaks were detected on 4/28/04 indicating some minor leakage through the pool liner. The licensee stated there was no release of liquid to the environment. Corrective actions planned are to pump down the two ponds and inspect and repair the liner as needed. This report was made pursuant to License Condition 11.4 which specifies to notify the NRC of any spills or leaks. The licensee also notified the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.
- RETRACTED ON 4/30/04 AT 1115 FROM Nicholson TO LAURA*****
The licensee determined this event was not reportable because 10 CFR40.60 and 10 CFR20.2202 did not apply. The leakage was very minor and none was released to the environment.
NMSS (J. Hickey) and R4DO (C. Marschall).