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Integrated Table of Final Gtsts Vs Incorporation of TSTFs by Gtst 11-18-2015
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/18/2015
Craig Harbuck NRR/DSS 301-415-3140
Shared Package
ML22240A001 List: ... further results
Download: ML22240A109 (11)



TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a) 1.1 Definitions TSTF-369-A ML040050211 Removal of Monthly Operating TSTF-369-A Report and Occupational Radiation Exposure Report TSTF-419-A ML012690234 Revise PTLR Definition and TSTF-419-A TSTF-419-A was incorporated in Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4 References in ISTS 5.6.6, RCS PTLR (VEGP 3&4) plant-specific TS (PTS) in COL Amendment 13 (DOC A004)

TSTF-449-A ML051090200 Steam Generator Tube Integrity TSTF-449-A

TSTF-471-A ML062860320 Eliminate use of term CORE TSTF-471-A TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 (DOC ALTERATIONS in ACTIONS and L03)


TSTF-490-A ML052630462 Deletion of E Bar definition and TSTF-490-A GTS 1.1 deleted the definition of E Bar (similar to TSTF-490-A) but kept its revision to RCS specific activity definition of Dose Equivalent I-131 1.2 Logical Connectors None 1.3 Completion Times TSTF-439-A ML051860296 Eliminate Second Completion Times TSTF-439-A TSTF-439-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 (DOC Limiting Time From Discovery of L04)

Failure To Meet an LCO

1.4 Frequency TSTF-475-A ML071420428 Control Rod Notch Testing Frequency TSTF-475-A and SRM Insert Control Rod Action

TSTF-485-A ML051570066 Correct Example 1.4-1 TSTF-485-A

2.0 Safety Limits (SLs) None LCO 3.0 Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) TSTF-006-A ML040340457 Add Exception for LCO 3.0.7 to LCO TSTF-006-A TSTF-006-A, Revision 1, was incorporated into Revision 2 of the STS NUREG Applicability 3.0.1 series, which is the reported basis for the AP1000 GTS. However, TSTF-006 was not included in the AP1000 GTS and it appears that TSTF-006 should be included because it provides an appropriate exception for LCO 3.0.7. This is also consistent with VEGP LAR DOC A005.

TSTF-071-A ML040440038 Add Example of SFDP to the 3.0.6 TSTF-071-A TSTF-071-A was not included in the AP1000 GTS, whereas, TSTF-273-A was Bases included. Incorporating these two TSTFs into the AP1000 STS would make the AP1000 STS consistent with all of the current STS (NUREGs 1430 through 1434). The APOG commented that "This Bases-only change is generally not adopted by most plant-specific ISTS conversions (for example, it is currently not in VEGP Units 1 and 2 Bases). The Bases examples are not considered to be helpful, especially given the plant-specific details provided in procedures."

Therefore, TSTF-071-A is not included as not being applicable to GTS Rev. 19.

TSTF-122-A ML040480070 Revise LCO 3.0.2 Bases to Remove TSTF-122-A TSTF-122 was not included in the AP1000 GTS and it appears that TSTF-122 Possible Confusion should be included because it provides clarification for the LCO 3.0.2 bases discussion.

TSTF-165-A Revise the LCO 3.0.5 Bases to Refer TSTF-165-A to Testing and Not SRs

TSTF-166-A ML040500817 Correct Inconsistency between LCO TSTF-166-A TSTF-166-A was not included in the AP1000 GTS, whereas, TSTF-273-A was 3.0.6 and the SFDP Regarding included. Incorporating these two TSTFs into the AP1000 STS would make the Performance of an Evaluation AP1000 STS consistent with all of the current STS (NUREGs 1430 to 1434).

TSTF-273-A ML040611069 SFDP Clarifications TSTF-273-A Note that TSTF-273-A was incorrectly incorporated into the last sentence of the Bases for GTS LCO 3.0.6. AP1000 STS 3.0.6 corrects the error.

TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A LCO 3.0.4 statement is clarified.

Restraints TSTF-372-A ML041200567 Addition of LCO 3.0.9, Inoperability TSTF-372-A Adds LCO for inoperability of snubbers.

of Snubbers TSTF-427-A ML061240055 Allowance for Non-Technical TSTF-427-A Adds LCO for barrier degradation.

Specification Barrier Degradation on Supported System OPERABILITY LCO 3.0 Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) TSTF-482-A ML050530165 Correct LCO 3.0.6 Bases TSTF-482-A Applicability

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 2 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a)

Applicability TSTF-494-T ML093350037 Correct Bases Discussion of Figure TSTF-494-T B3.0-1

SR 3.0 Surveillance Requirement (SR) Applicability TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A LCO 3.0.4 statement is clarified.

Restraints TSTF-434-A ML021580320 Clarifying SR 3.0.1 Bases to state TSTF-434-A that Surveillance can be performed in steps 3.1 Reactivity Control Systems TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b 3.1.1 SHUTDOW N MARGIN (SDM) None 3.1.2 Core Reactivity None

3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) TSTF-524-T Request copy of Clarify the Application of SR 3.0.2 to TSTF-524-T Superseded by VEGP LAR DOC A009, which replaces a surveillance column TSTF from NRC SR, MTC note with a surveillance frequency. TSTF-524-T modified the surveillance contact for GTST column note to clarify the application of SR 3.0.2.

3.1.4 Rod Group Alignment Limits None

3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits None

3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits None 3.1.7 Rod Position Indication TSTF-437-T Request copy of Correction of Rod Position Indication TSTF-437-T This traveler was not included in NUREG-1431 Rev 3 or 4; Appears to be TSTF from NRC Condition supeceded by pending TSTF-547 contact for GTST 3.1.8 PHYSICS TESTS Exceptions - MODE 2 None 3.1.9 Chemical and Volume Control System None (CVS) Demineralized Water Isolation Valves and Makeup Line Isolation Valves 3.2 Core Operating Limits TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(Z)) (FQ TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T Methodology) and Required Action Notes 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor None N)


3.2.3 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) (Relaxed None Axial Offset Control (RAOC) Methodology)

3.2.4 QUADRANT POW ER TILT RATIO (QPTR) TSTF-483-T Request copy of Delete TS 3.3.1, Condition D, Power TSTF-483-T TSTF-483-T is based on Westinghouse Topical report for operating reactors.

TSTF from NRC Range Neutron Flux - High Channel No analysis is available for AP1000.

contact for GTST Inoperable

3.2.5 OPDMS-Monitored Parameters None

3.3 Instrumentation TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b TSTF-432-A ML103360003 Change in Technical Specification TSTF-432-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to End States (WCAP-16294) the AP1000 STS.

TSTF-493-A ML101160026 Clarify Application of Setpoint TSTF-493-A Setpoint program of GTS 5.5.14 was added to support combined license Methodology for LSSS Functions requirements of 10 CFR 52.97(c) and predates the setpoint program proposed by TSTF-493 that is oriented towards currently operating plants licensed under 10 CFR Part 50.

TSTF-505-A Request copy of Provide Risk-Informed Extended TSTF-505-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to TSTF from NRC Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

contact for GTST 4b

3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation TSTF-347-A ML020320408 P-7 Surveillance TSTF-347-A TSTF-347-A is not applicable to the AP1000 design. AP1000 does not have a P-7 interlock.

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 3 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a) 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation TSTF-371-A ML020670135 NIS Power Range Channel Daily SR TSTF-371-A TSTF-371-A is not applicable to the AP1000 design. The prescribed absolute TS Change to Address Low Power differences in NIS channels that require a channel adjustment are different for Decalibration AP1000. Also, the reactor thermal power thresholds for starting the time clocks on SRs are different for the AP1000.

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-453-T Request copy of Addition of New Tech Spec on RCS TSTF-453-T TSTF-453-T is not applicable to the AP1000 design because it is based on TSTF from NRC Boron Limits and Revisions to Tech Westinghouse NSAL-00-016 the proposed changes, which did not consider the contact for GTST Spec 3.3.1 to address RWFS AP1000 design.

TSTF-483-T Request copy of Delete TS 3.3.1, Condition D, Power TSTF-483-T TSTF-483-T is not applicable to the AP1000 GTS. TSTF-483-T is follow-on to TSTF from NRC Range Neutron Flux - High Channel TSTF-418-A, which relaxed TS completion times based on WCAP-14333-P.

contact for GTST Inoperable WCAP-14333-P did not consider the AP1000 design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.2 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Source Range TSTF-469-T Request copy of Correct Action to Suspend Positive TSTF-469-T Required Actions which prohibit positive reactivity additions are corrected to Instrumentation TSTF from NRC Reactivity Additions prohibit positive reactivity additions that could result in a loss of required SDM.

contact for GTST

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.3 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Intermediate TSTF-469-T Request copy of Correct Action to Suspend Positive TSTF-469-T Required Actions which prohibit positive reactivity additions are corrected to Range Instrumentation TSTF from NRC Reactivity Additions prohibit positive reactivity additions that could result in a loss of required SDM.

contact for GTST

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.4 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Engineered TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

Instrumentation TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.5 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Manual TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T Actuation and Required Action Notes 3.3.6 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Automatic Trip TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Logic Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.7 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Trip Actuation TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Devices for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.8 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 System (ESFAS) Instrumentation for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-444-T ML022470169 ESFAS Interlocks P-4, P-11 & P-12 TSTF-444-T TSTF-444-T is not applicable to the AP1000 GTS. The AP1000 design for the P-LCO Actions and Surveillance 4, P-11, and P-12 interlocks is different than the NUREG-1431 design regarding Requirements Revisions the number of required channels and the implementation hardware.

TSTF-483-T Request copy of Delete TS 3.3.1, Condition D, Power TSTF-483-T TSTF-483-T is not applicable to the AP1000 GTS. TSTF-483-T is follow-on to TSTF from NRC Range Neutron Flux - High Channel TSTF-418-A, which relaxed TS completion times based on WCAP-14333-P.

contact for GTST Inoperable WCAP-14333-P did not consider the AP1000 design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.9 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 System (ESFAS) Manual Initiation Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 4 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a)

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.10 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 System (ESFAS) Reactor Coolant System for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

(RCS) Hot Leg Level Instrumentation Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.11 QUADRANT POW ER TILT RATIO (QPTR) TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.12 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 System (ESFAS) Reactor Trip Initiation Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-444-T ML022470169 ESFAS Interlocks P-4, P-11 & P-12 TSTF-444-T TSTF-444-T is not applicable to the AP1000 GTS. The AP1000 design for the P-LCO Actions and Surveillance 4, P-11, and P-12 interlocks is different than the NUREG-1431 design regarding Requirements Revisions the number of required channels and the implementation hardware.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.13 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 System (ESFAS) Control Room Air Supply for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

Radiation Instrumentation Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.14 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 System (ESFAS) Spent Fuel Pool Level for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

Instrumentation Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.15 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 System (ESFAS) Actuation Logic - for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

Operating Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.16 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation TSTF-051-A ML040400343 Revise containment requirements TSTF-051-A TSTF-51-A eliminates the use of the term CORE ALTERATION as in TSTF-471-System (ESFAS) Actuation Logic - during handling irradiated fuel and A. TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 Shutdown core alterations (DOC L03). The part of this traveler that adds "recently" ' before "irradiated fuel" in Applicability statements is deferred in case it can be shown that such a change is needed even with Specification 3.9.5 "Decay Time."

TSTF-411-A ML022470164 Surveillance Test Interval Extensions TSTF-411-A TSTF-411 is based on WCAP-15376-P, which did not consider the AP1000 for Components of the Reactor design in the analysis.

Protection System (WCAP-15376-P)

TSTF-418-A ML030650848 RPS and ESFAS Test Times and TSTF-418-A TSTF-418 is based on WCAP-14333-P, which did not consider the AP1000 Completion Times (WCAP-14333) design in the analysis.

TSTF-519-T ML093350037 Increase Standardization in Condition TSTF-519-T and Required Action Notes 3.3.17 Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A The clarified statement of LCO 3.0.4 eliminates the need for most LCO 3.0.4 Instrumentation Restraints exceptions in the Specifications.

TSTF-369-A ML040050211 Removal of Monthly Operating TSTF-369-A Reporting Requirements have been changed prompting a renumbering within Report and Occupational Radiation TS 5.6.

Exposure Report TSTF-447-A ML032020007 Elimination of Hydrogen TSTF-447-A Subsection 3.3.3 of GTS Rev. 19 is consistent with TSTF-447-A.

Recombiners and Change to Hydrogen and Oxygen Monitors TSTF-470-T Request copy of Correct Titles and References in PAM TSTF-470-T Subsection 3.3.3 of GTS Rev. 19 is consistent with TSTF-470-T.

TSTF from NRC Instrumentation Bases contact for GTST 3.3.18 Remote Shutdown Workstation (RSW) TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A The clarified statement of LCO 3.0.4 eliminates the need for most LCO 3.0.4 Restraints exceptions in the Specifications.

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 5 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a) 3.3.19 Diverse Actuation System (DAS) Manual None Controls 3.4 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b TSTF-432-A ML103360003 Change in Technical Specification TSTF-432-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to End States (WCAP-16294) the AP1000 STS.

TSTF-505-A Request copy of Provide Risk-Informed Extended TSTF-505-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to TSTF from NRC Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

contact for GTST 4b 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow DNB None Limits 3.4.2 RCS Minimum Temperature for Criticality None 3.4.3 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T) TSTF-499-T Request copy of Revise TS 3.4.3 Bases to Exclude the TSTF-499-T This correction clears up any possible ambiguity related to the pressurizer surge Limits TSTF from NRC Pressurizer Surge Line from the P/T line.

contact for GTST Limits 3.4.4 RCS Loops TSTF-153-A ML040500741 Clarify Exception Notes to be TSTF-153-A TSTF-153-A, Revision 0, was not applied to the AP1000 GTS. However, TSTF-Consistent with the Requirement 438-A, Revision 0, supersedes TSTF-153-A and is applied by this GTST. TSTF-Being Excepted 153 is included for informational purposes.

TSTF-438-A ML021580334 Clarify Exception Notes to be TSTF-438-A TSTF-438-A clarifies when all RCPs may be removed from operation.

Consistent with the Requirement Being Excepted TSTF-449-A ML051090200 Steam Generator Tube Integrity TSTF-449-A TSTF-449-A is included in Subsection 3.4.4 of GTS Rev. 19.

3.4.5 Pressurizer None 3.4.6 Pressurizer Safety Valves TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A TSTF-479-A is included in Subsection 3.4.6 of GTS Rev. 19.

CFR 50.55a 3.4.7 RCS Operational Leakage TSTF-449-A ML051090200 Steam Generator Tube Integrity TSTF-449-A TSTF-449-A is included in Subsection 3.4.7 of GTS Rev. 19.

3.4.8 Minimum RCS Flow TSTF-153-A ML040500741 Clarify Exception Notes to be TSTF-153-A TSTF-153-A, Revision 0, was not applied to the AP1000 GTS. However, TSTF-Consistent with the Requirement 438-A, Revision 0, supersedes TSTF-153-A and is applied by this GTST. TSTF-Being Excepted 153 is included for informational purposes.

TSTF-438-A ML021580334 Clarify Exception Notes to be TSTF-438-A TSTF-438-A clarifies when all RCPs may be removed from operation.

Consistent with the Requirement Being Excepted 3.4.9 RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation TSTF-205-A ML040570179 Revision of Channel Calibration, TSTF-205-A The bases discussion of SR is revised to add clarity regarding a Channel Functional Test, and Related successful Channel Operational Test.

Definitions TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A The clarified statement of LCO 3.0.4 eliminates the need for most LCO 3.0.4 Restraints exceptions in the Specifications.

TSTF-513-A ML102360355 Revise PWR Operability TSTF-513-A TSTF-513-A, Rev 3 revises the Bases to clearly define the RCS leakage Requirements and Actions for RCS detection instrumentation Operability requirements Leakage Instrumentation 3.4.10 RCS Specific Activity TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A The clarified statement of LCO 3.0.4 eliminates the need for most LCO 3.0.4 Restraints exceptions in the Specifications.

3.4.11 Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) - None Operating 3.4.12 Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) - None Shutdown, RCS Intact 3.4.13 Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) - None Shutdown, RCS Open

3.4.14 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A The clarified statement of LCO 3.0.4 eliminates the need for most LCO 3.0.4 (LTOP) System Restraints exceptions in the Specifications.

TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A TSTF-479-A is included in Subsection 3.4.14 of GTS Rev. 19.

CFR 50.55a

TSTF-481-T Request copy of Correct Bases for LTOP COT TSTF-481-T TSTF-481-T clarifies WOG STS SR regarding a COT on the PORVs to TSTF from NRC verify that the PORV is capable of performing its LTOP function. The AP1000 contact for GTST design does not utilize pressurizer PORVs to provide LTOP protection and a similar SR for the AP1000 does not exist.

3.4.15 RCS Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A TSTF-479-A is included in Subsection 3.4.15 of GTS Rev. 19.

CFR 50.55a

3.4.16 Reactor Vessel Head Vent (RVHV) None

3.4.17 Chemical and Volume Control System None Note that requirements for CVS makeup isolation valves were moved to (CVS) makeup Isolation Valves AP1000 STS Subsection 3.1.9.

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 6 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a) 3.4.17 Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity TSTF-449-A ML051090200 Steam Generator Tube Integrity TSTF-449-A TSTF-449-A is included in Subsection 3.4.18 of GTS Rev 19.

[GTS 3.4.18]

TSTF-510-A ML110610350 Revision to Steam Generator TSTF-510-A TSTF-510-A includes changes to NUREG-1431 that add optional SG repair Program Inspection Frequencies and criteria denoted by square brackets. Such SG repair criteria do not currently Tube Sample Selection exist for AP1000 plants. Therefore, this GTST does not replace the phrase tube repair criteria with plugging [or repair] criteria; neither does it replace plugged with plugged [or repaired] where these terms occur in the LCO statement, Condition and Required Action statements, and Surveillance statements of GTS Subsection 3.4.18, nor in the LCO, Actions, and SRs sections of the Bases.

3.5 Passive Core Cooling System (PXS) TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b TSTF-432-A ML103360003 Change in Technical Specification TSTF-432-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to End States (WCAP-16294) the AP1000 STS.

TSTF-505-A Request copy of Provide Risk-Informed Extended TSTF-505-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to TSTF from NRC Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

contact for GTST 4b 3.5.1 Accumulators TSTF-370-A ML003771348 Increase accumulator Completion TSTF-370-A The AP1000 accumulator design and associated required action completion Time from 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (WCAP-times in Subsection 3.5.1 of GTS Rev. 19 differ from the accumulator design of 15049) the conventional Westinghouse plant and the associated required action completion times in WOG STS Subsection 3.5.1.

3.5.2 Core Makeup Tanks (CMTs) - Operating TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A The AP1000 design does not utilize pumps in the pasive core cooling system CFR 50.55a (PXS).

TSTF-523-A ML13053A075 Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing TSTF-523-A Concerns of traveler already addressed by GTS Rev 19.

Gas Accumulation 3.5.3 Core Makeup Tanks (CMTs) - Shutdown, TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A The AP1000 design does not utilize pumps in the pasive core cooling system Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Intact Restraints (PXS).

TSTF-523-A ML13053A075 Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing TSTF-523-A Concerns of traveler already addressed by GTS Rev 19.

Gas Accumulation 3.5.4 Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat TSTF-359-A ML031190607 Increase Flexibility in MODE TSTF-359-A The AP1000 PRHR HX differs in design compared to the conventional Exchanger (PRHR HX) - Operating Restraints Westinghouse AFW system design.

TSTF-412-A ML070100363 Provide Actions for One Steam TSTF-412-A The AP1000 PXS design does not utilize AFW pumps for safety related decay Supply to Turbine Driven AFW/EFW heat removal.

Pump Inoperable TSTF-439-A ML051860296 Eliminate Second Completion Times TSTF-439-A GTS Rev. 19, Subsection 3.5.4 does not include equivalent Required Actions, Limiting Time From Discovery of due to design differences.

Failure To Meet an LCO TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A The AP1000 PRHR HX differs in design compared to the conventional CFR 50.55a Westinghouse AFW system design.

TSTF-523-A ML13053A075 Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing TSTF-523-A Concerns of traveler already addressed by GTS Rev 19.

Gas Accumulation 3.5.5 Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat TSTF-523-A ML13053A075 Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing TSTF-523-A Concerns of traveler already addressed by GTS Rev 19.

Exchanger (PRHR HX) - Shutdown, Gas Accumulation Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Intact

3.5.6 In-containment Refueling Water Storage TSTF-523-A ML13053A075 Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing TSTF-523-A Concerns of traveler already addressed by GTS Rev 19.

Tank (IRWST) - Operating Gas Accumulation

3.5.7 In-containment Refueling Water Storage TSTF-523-A ML13053A075 Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing TSTF-523-A Concerns of traveler already addressed by GTS Rev 19.

Tank (IRWST) - Shutdown, MODE 5 Gas Accumulation 3.5.8 In-containment Refueling Water Storage TSTF-523-A ML13053A075 Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing TSTF-523-A Concerns of traveler already addressed by GTS Rev 19.

Tank (IRWST) - Shutdown, MODE 6 Gas Accumulation 3.6 Containment Systems TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b TSTF-432-A ML103360003 Change in Technical Specification TSTF-432-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to End States (WCAP-16294) the AP1000 STS.

TSTF-446-A ML080510164 Risk Informed Evaluation of TSTF-446-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Extensions to Containment Isolation the AP1000 STS.

Valve Completion Times (WCAP-15791)

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 7 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a)

TSTF-505-A Request copy of Provide Risk-Informed Extended TSTF-505-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to TSTF from NRC Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

contact for GTST 4b 3.6.1 Containment TSTF-52-A ML040400371 Implement 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, TSTF-52-A Subsection 3.6.1 of GTS Rev. 19 already includes some of the TSTF-52-A Option B changes. The remaining TSTF-52-A changes are incorporated in AP1000 STS 3.6.1.

TSTF-343-A Request copy of Containment Structural Integrity TSTF-343-A AP1000 GTS did not include the exceptions made by TSTF-343 for the testing TSTF from NRC of the containment leakage. The exceptions are for prestressed concrete contact for GTST structure. This does not apply to AP1000 containment design.

3.6.2 Containment Air Locks TSTF-52-A ML040400371 Implement 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, TSTF-52-A Subsection 3.6.2 of GTS Rev. 19 already includes some of the TSTF-52-A Option B changes. The remaining TSTF-52-A changes are incorporated in AP1000 STS 3.6.2.

3.6.3 Containment Isolation Valves TSTF-440-A ML021580348 Eliminate Bases Requirement for TSTF-440-A TSTF-440-A removes specific requirements to perform a system walkdown Performing a System Walkdown when verifying that a flow path is isolated or that valves are in the correct position.

3.6.4 Containment Pressure None

3.6.5 Containment Air Temperature TSTF-401-A ML011620490 Revise Incorrect Bases for TSTF-401-A Discussion of peak accident temperature maintained below the containment Containment Air Temperature design temperature is revised. The AP1000 original wording differs from the original wording of the WOG STS, but the change is still applicable.

3.6.6 Passive Containment Cooling System TSTF-439-A ML051860296 Eliminate Second Completion Times TSTF-439-A The AP1000 LCO does not include equivalent Required Actions, due to the (PCS) Limiting Time From Discovery of design differences between the PCS and the containment cooling systems Failure To Meet an LCO provided by the conventional Westinghouse plant's pre-stressed concrete large dry containment.

TSTF-440-A ML021580348 Eliminate Bases Requirement for TSTF-440-A TSTF-440-A removes specific requirements to perform a system walkdown Performing a System Walkdown when verifying that a flow path is isolated or that valves are in the correct position.

TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A The AP1000 PCS design does not utilize containment spray pumps.

CFR 50.55a 3.6.6 Passive Containment Cooling System None

[GTS 3.6.7] (PCS) - Shutdown 3.6.7 Containment Penetrations None

[GTS 3.6.8]

3.6.8 pH Adjustment TSTF-440-A ML021580348 Eliminate Bases Requirement for TSTF-440-A GTS Rev. 19 Subsection 3.6.9 does not include a similar Surveillance

[GTS 3.6.9] Performing a System Walkdown Requirem ent.

3.6.9 Vacuum Relief Valves TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A The AP1000 already includes the use of "ASME OM Code" in the Bases for

[GTS 3.6.10] CFR 50.55a verifying operability of vacuum relief flow path.

3.7 Plant Systems TSTF-412-A ML070100363 Provide Actions for One Steam TSTF-412-A The AP1000 design does not utilize auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pumps.

Supply to Turbine Driven AFW/EFW Pump Inoperable TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b TSTF-432-A ML103360003 Change in Technical Specification TSTF-432-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to End States (WCAP-16294) the AP1000 STS.

TSTF-505-A Request copy of Provide Risk-Informed Extended TSTF-505-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to TSTF from NRC Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

contact for GTST 4b 3.7.1 Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSVs) TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A TSTF-479-A is included in Subsection 3.7.1 of GTS Rev. 19.

CFR 50.55a 3.7.2 Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A TSTF-479-A is included in Subsection 3.7.2 of GTS Rev. 19.

CFR 50.55a TSTF-491-A ML061500078 Removal of Main Steam and Main TSTF-491-A Generic Letter 93-08 indicates that equipment actuation times do not need to be Feedwater Valve Isolation Times in the technical specifications.

From Technical Specifications TSTF-504-T Request copy of Revised the MSIV and MFIV TSTF-504-T TSTF-504-T, Rev. 0 revises WOG Specification 3.7.2 based on license TSTF from NRC Specifications to Provide Actions for amendments granted for Wolf Creek, Callaway, and Palo Verde regarding dual contact for GTST Actuator Trains actuator trains for isolation valves. The Westinghouse plant design feature addressed by this TSTF is not applicable to AP1000 MSIV and MFIV actuator design.

3.7.3 Main Feedwater Isolation and Control TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A TSTF-479-A is included in Subsection 3.7.3 of GTS Rev. 19.

Valves (MFIVs and MFCVs) CFR 50.55a

TSTF-491-A ML061500078 Removal of Main Steam and Main TSTF-491-A Generic Letter 93-08 indicates that equipment actuation times do not need to be Feedwater Valve Isolation Times in the technical specifications.

From Technical Specifications TSTF-504-T Request copy of Revise the MSIV and MFIV TSTF-504-T TSTF-504-T, Rev. 0 revises WOG Specification 3.7.3 based on license TSTF from NRC Specifications to Provide Actions for amendments granted for Wolf Creek, Callaway, and Palo Verde regarding dual contact for GTST Actuator Trains actuator trains for isolation valves. The Westinghouse plant design feature addressed by this TSTF is not applicable to AP1000 MSIV and MFIV actuator design.

3.7.4 Secondary Specific Activity None

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 8 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a) 3.7.5 Spent Fuel Pool Water Level None S MContr ooom Emery eabitability TSTF-51-A ML040400343 Revise containment requirements TSTF-51-A TSTF-51-A eliminates the use of the term CORE ALTERATION as in TSTF-471-stem E during handling irradiated fuel and A. TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 core alterations (DOC L03). The part of this traveler that adds "recently" ' before "irradiated fuel" in Applicability statements is deferred in case it can be shown that such a change is needed even with Specification 3.9.5 "Decay Time."

TSTF-448-A ML062210095 Control Room Habitability TSTF-448-A TSTF-448-A is included in Subsection 3.7.6 of GTS Rev. 19.

ML063630467 TSTF-522-A Revise Ventilation System TSTF-522-A GTS SR, to operate VES for 15 minutes with a 31 day Frequency, Surveillance Requirements to mcs t changeeits treler f testie pqp po Operate for 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> per Month 10, exce that po does not ilude t w"continuous" fe "minutes.

T pttup ceeer fsion Contr None salv 8 Mpte age None V p cl mool Meup t er pources None pte der EpdF fsion sves qc-3RV-A M fncrease cxy MOaE qc-3RV-A q clifiesteme O eliminates t ef mt O oestrs exceions it pcificions. eever, tre is no sNe iqp 10.

p cl mool Bon Conceri None p cl mool ptage None 8 Eleril mower pystems qc-42R-A M oele pveillance crequeies t qc-42R-A oisk-imeqp changes will consire ler time f icion t ceee Contr - ofqpqc ftiive t Am1000 pqp.

1 aC pources Ori qc-432 M Change iqechnic pcificion qc-432 qpqc-is topic report that is not.icable tAm1000.

End ptes EtCAm-qc-4R1-q oequest copy Crect t Btery Moniting qc-4R1-q qpqc-q w iporeisEdm mqp iCOAmendme qpqc from Mee mrogr t Bes contt f dqpq po 2 qc-R00 Mi0V2ST0242 Electrical oeite - rpdate to qc-R00 pe t changes iqpqc-were ready iludeidqp oev. 1V; qc-3S0 sEdm o aOC esses changes simil tqpqc-that were ipore Amendme 13 it ant-scific qp.

2 aC pources phutdown qc-R1-A M oevise conte requiremes qc-R1-A qpqc-R1-A eliminates t e t term COoE AEoAqfON iqpqc-during handling irradiefl A. qpqc-A w iporeisEdm mqp iCOAmendme 13 ce terions EaOC. q part ts treler that "recely" ' fe "irradie fl" iApplicability stemes is ferreice it can showthat s change is eevewitpcificion "aec qime."

qc-4T1-A M Eliminate e term COoE qc-4T1-A sEdm o aOC is consiste witqpqc-A.

qfONin qfONand Not qc-R00 Mi0V2ST0242 Electrical oeite - rpdate to qc-R00 qc-3S0 3 ferters Ori qc-432 M Change iqechnic pcificion qc-432 qpqc-is topic report that is not.icable tAm1000.

End ptes EtCAm-4 ferters phutdown qc-R1-A M oevise conte requiremes qc-R1-A qpqc-R1-A eliminates t e t term COoE AEoAqfON iqpqc-during handling irradiefl A. qpqc-A w iporeisEdm mqp iCOAmendme 13 ce terions EaOC. q part ts treler that "recely" ' fe "irradie fl" iApplicability stemes is ferreice it can showthat s change is eevewitpcificion "aec qime."

qc-4T1-A M Eliminate e term COoE qc-4T1-A sEdm o aOC is consiste witqpqc-A.

qfONin qfONand Not R aistribution pystems Ori qc-432 M Change iqechnic pcificion qc-432 qpqc-is topic report that is not.icable tAm1000.

End ptes EtCAm-

qc-43V-A M Eliminate pecCetion qimes qc-43V-A sEdm o aOC is consiste witqpqc-A.

miting qime cr aiscery cle qMeet an O S aistribution pystems phutdown qc-R1-A M oevise conte requiremes qc-R1-A qpqc-R1-A eliminates t e t term COoE AEoAqfON iqpqc-during handling irradiefl A. qpqc-A w iporeisEdm mqp iCOAmendme 13 ce terions EaOC. q part ts treler that "recely" ' fe "irradie fl" iApplicability stemes is ferreice it can showthat s change is eevewitpcificion "aec qime."

qc-4T1-A M Eliminate e term COoE qc-4T1-A sEdm o aOC is consiste witqpqc-A.

qfONin qfONand Not

E "sEdm o aOC" st f "sogtle Electric dering mlant, rts ant-scific technic scificions ade licee endme request 12 - scsion change numr" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 9 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a) 3.8.7 Battery Param eters TSTF-500 ML092670242 DC Electrical Rewrite - Update to TSTF-500 VEGP LAR DOC L21 is consistent with TSTF-500.

TSTF-360 3.9 Refueling TSTF-425-A ML090850627 Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to TSTF-425-A Risk-informed TS changes will be considered at a later time for application to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative the AP1000 STS.

5b 3.9.1 Boron Concentration TSTF-51-A ML040400343 Revise containment requirements TSTF-51-A TSTF-51-A eliminates the use of the term CORE ALTERATION as in TSTF-471-during handling irradiated fuel and A. TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 core alterations (DOC L03). The part of this traveler that adds "recently" ' before "irradiated fuel" in Applicability statements is deferred in case it can be shown that such a change is needed even with Specification 3.9.5 "Decay Time."

TSTF-471-A ML062860320 Eliminate use of term CORE TSTF-471-A TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 (DOC ALTERATIONS in ACTIONS and L03)

Notes 3.9.2 Unborated Water Source Flow Paths TSTF-471-A ML062860320 Eliminate use of term CORE TSTF-471-A TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 (DOC ALTERATIONS in ACTIONS and L03)

Notes 3.9.3 Nuclear Instrumentation TSTF-471-A ML062860320 Eliminate use of term CORE TSTF-471-A TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 (DOC ALTERATIONS in ACTIONS and L03)

Notes 3.9.4 Refueling Cavity Water Level TSTF-51-A ML040400343 Revise containment requirements TSTF-51-A TSTF-51-A eliminates the use of the term CORE ALTERATION as in TSTF-471-during handling irradiated fuel and A. TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Amendment 13 core alterations (DOC L03). The part of this traveler that adds "recently" ' before "irradiated fuel" in Applicability statements is deferred in case it can be shown that such a change is needed even with Specification 3.9.5 "Decay Time."

[GTS 3.9.5] Containment Penetration None VEGP 3&4 License Amendment Request (LAR) Discussion of Change (DOC)

R1 relocated PTS Subsection 3.9.5 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM),

VEGP 3&4 COL Amendment 13

[GTS 3.9.6] Containment Air Filtration System (VFS) None VEGP LAR DOC R2 relocated PTS Subsection 3.9.6 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM), VEGP 3&4 COL Amendment 13

3.9.5 Decay Time None VEGP LAR DOCs R1 and R2 renumber PTS Subsection 3.9.7 as Subsection

[GTS 3.9.7] 3.9.5, VEGP 3&4 COL Amendment 13

4.0 Design Features None 5.1 Responsibility TSTF-65-A ML040080572 Use of generic titles for utility TSTF-65-A TSTF-65-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Items 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 positions 5.2 Organization TSTF-65-A ML040080572 Use of generic titles for utility TSTF-65-A TSTF-65-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Item 5.2.1 positions TSTF-511-A ML082610292 Eliminate Working Hour Restrictions TSTF-511-A TSTF-511-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS in COL Item 5.2.2 from TS 5.2.2 to Support Compliance with 10 CFR Part 26 5.3 Unit Staff Qualifications None VEGP 3&4 PTS COL Items 5.3 and 5.3.1 made changes to PTS Section 5.3 5.4 Procedures None

5.5.1. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) TSTF-369-A ML040050211 Removal of Monthly Operating TSTF-369-A TSTF-369-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.5.1 by COL Report and Occupational Radiation Amendment 13 (DOC L02)

Exposure Report 5.5.2 Radioactive Effluent Controls Program TSTF-258-A ML040620102 Changes to Section 5.0, TSTF-258-A TSTF-258-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.5.2 by COL Administrative Controls Amendment 13 (DOC L23) 5.5.3 Inservice Testing Program TSTF-279-A ML040611066 Remove "applicable supports" from TSTF-279-A Inservice Testing Program TSTF-479-A ML052990317 Changes to Reflect Revision of 10 TSTF-479-A TSTF-479-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.5.3 by COL CFR 50.55a Amendment 13 (DOCs A119 and L24)

TSTF-497-A ML061930221 Limit Inservice Testing Program SR TSTF-497-A TSTF-479-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.5.3 by COL 3.0.2 Application to Frequencies of 2 Amendment 13 (DOC L24)

Years or Less 5.5.4 Steam Generator (SG) Program TSTF-449-A ML051090200 Steam Generator Tube Integrity TSTF-449-A TSTF-449-A was partially incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.5.4 by COL Amendment 13 (DOC L04)

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 10 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a)

TSTF-510 ML110610350 Revision to Steam Generator TSTF-510-A TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.5.4 by COL Program Inspection Frequencies and Amendment 13 (DOC L03)

Tube Sample Selection TSTF-510-A includes changes to NUREG-1431 that add optional SG repair criteria denoted by square brackets. Such SG repair criteria do not currently exist for AP1000 plants. Therefore, this GTST does not replace the phrase tube repair criteria with plugging [or repair] criteria; neither does it replace plugged with plugged [or repaired] where these terms occur in the LCO statement, Condition and Required Action statements, and Surveillance statements of GTS Subsection 3.4.18, nor in the LCO, Actions, and SRs sections of the Bases.

Omitted bracketed material from AP1000 STS Subsection 5.5.4, and also omitted the TSTF-510 Reviewers Note from Specification 5.5.4.d.2, since it addresses optional content not being adopted in AP1000 STS Subsection 5.5.4.

5.5.5 Secondary Water Chemistry Program None

5.5.6 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control None Program 5.5.7 Safety Function Determination Program TSTF-273-A ML040611069 SFDP Clarifications TSTF-273-A Subsection 5.5.7 of GTS Rev. 19 does not include the text used in TSTF-273-A (SFDP regarding the use of diesel generators (DGs) because the AP1000 DGs are not safety related and are not included in GTS.

5.5.8 Containment Leakage Rate Testing TSTF-343-A Request copy of Containment Structural Integrity TSTF-343-A Subsection 5.5.8 of GTS Rev. 19 does not include the two exceptions made by Program TSTF from NRC TSTF-343 for the testing of the containment leakage. The exceptions are for a contact for GTST containment structure using prestressed concrete, which does not apply to the AP1000 containment design.

5.5.9 System Level OPERABILITY Testing None Program 5.5.10 Component Cyclic or Transient Limit None

5.5.11 Battery Monitoring and Maintenance TSTF-451-T Request copy of Correct the Battery Monitoring and TSTF-451-T Program TSTF from NRC Maintenance Program and the Bases contact for GTST of SR

TSTF-500 ML092670242 DC Electrical Rewrite - Update to TSTF-500 TSTF-360 5.5.12 Main Control Room Envelope Habitability TSTF-448-A ML062210095 Control Room Habitability Section TSTF-448-A Subsectionn 5.5.12 was included in GTS Rev. 19 to incorporate TSTF-448, with Program 5.5.13: Ventilation Filter Testing minor changes to the text as appropriate to its design.

Program 5.5.13 Ventilation Filter Testing Program None 5.5.14 Setpoint Control Program None 5.6 Reporting Requirements TSTF-369-A ML040050211 Removal of Monthly Operating TSTF-369-A TSTF-369-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.6.1 by COL Report and Occupational Radiation Amendment 13 (DOC L02)

Exposure Report TSTF-419-A ML012690234 Revise PTLR Definition and TSTF-419-A TSTF-419-A revised the bracketed text of WOG STS Subsection 5.6.6 to References in ISTS 5.6.6, RCS PTLR require including the date for approved documents. GTS Subsection 5.6.6 included documents specific to its design, with no brackets.

TSTF-447-A ML032020007 Elimination of Hydrogen Recombiners TSTF-447-A Along with deleteing Condition D ("Two hydrogen monitor channels inoperable) and Change to Hydrogen and Oxygen of Subsection 3.3.3 from WOG STS Rev. 2, in Subsection 5.6.7, TSTF-447 Monitors changed the reference to the actions table of Subsection 3.3.3 from "Condition G of LCO 3.3.[3]" to "Condition F of LCO 3.3.[3]"; this change is irrelevant to GTS Rev. 19 because GTS Subsection 3.3.3 includes neither Condition D nor Condition G ("As required by Required Action E.1 and referenced in Table 3.3.3-

1) of WOG STS Rev. 2. That is, GTS Subsection 5.6.7 does not reference a Condition G; GTS 5.6.7 only references "Condition B of LCO 3.3.3." GTS 3.3.3 Action B which states: "Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A not met. l B.1 Initiate action in accordance with Specification 5.6.7.

l Im m ediately"

TSTF-449-A ML051090200 Steam Generator Tube Integrity TSTF-449-A TSTF-471-A was incorporated in VEGP 3&4 PTS Subsection 5.6.6 [5.6.8] by COL Amendment 13 (DOC L03)

TSTF-490-A ML052630462 Deletion of E Bar definition and TSTF-490-A GTS 1.1 deleted the definition of E Bar (similar to TSTF-490-A) but kept its revision to RCS specific activity definition of Dose Equivalent I-131

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number" 11/18/2015 DISPOSITION OF TSTF CHANGES CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION IN AP1000 STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - By GTST Page 11 of 11

TSTF not TSTF already TSTF already GTST for applicable to included in Included in AP1000 STS TSTF considered AP1000 design TSTF GTS Rev. 19 GTS Rev. 19 TSTF Section or for inclusion in ADAMS or included in with with deferred for future Subsection AP1000 STS Section or Subsection Title AP1000 STS Accession No. TSTF Title GTS Rev. 19 AP1000 STS no variation variation consideration Comments (a)

TSTF-510-A ML110610350 Revision to Steam Generator TSTF-510 TSTF-510-A includes changes to NUREG-1431 that add optional SG repair Program Inspection Frequencies and criteria denoted by square brackets. Such SG repair criteria do not currently Tube Sample Selection exist for AP1000 plants. Therefore, this GTST does not replace the phrase tube repair criteria with plugging [or repair] criteria; neither does it replace plugged with plugged [or repaired] where these terms occur in the LCO statement, Condition and Required Action statements, and Surveillance statements of GTS Subsection 3.4.18, nor in the LCO, Actions, and SRs sections of the Bases. Omitted bracketed material from paragraph 5.6.6.f and bracketed paragraph 5.6.6.h from AP1000 STS Subsection 5.6.6

5.7 High Radiation Area None

(a) "VEGP LAR DOC" stands for "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4 plant-specific technical specifications upgrade license amendment request 12 -002, discussion of change number"