ML20065T273 | |
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Site: | Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png |
Issue date: | 09/30/1982 |
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ML20065T240 | List: |
References | |
PROC-820930-01, NUDOCS 8211020299 | |
Download: ML20065T273 (92) | |
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' September 30, 1982 Contact List August, 1982 Implementing Procedures:
Emergency Plan Classification and A.P. 3125 Rev. 4 Action Level Scheme Unusual Event 0.P. 3500 Rev. 1 Alert 0.P. 3501 Rev. 2 Site Area Emergency 0.P. 3502 Rev. 14 General Emergency 0.P. 3503 Rev. 15 Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological 0.P. 3513 Rev. 6 Conditions Off-Site and Site Boundary 0.P. 3510 Rev. 10 Monitoring Off-Site Protective Actions Recommendationt 0.P. 3511 Rev. 0 Emergency Radiation Exposure 0.P. 3507 Rev. 12 Control On-Site Medical Emergency Procedure 0.P. 3508 Rev. 10 Emergency Actions by Plant Security 0.P. 3524 Rev. 2 Personnel Release of Public Information A.P. 0835 Rev. 3 Radiolcgical Coordination 0.P. 3525 Rev. 1 Environmental Sample Collection 0.P. 3509 Rev. 7 During an Emergency Post Accident Sampling 0.P. 3530 Rev. 3
! Sampling Procedures:
f Emergency Plan Training 0.P. 3712 Rev. 6 r
Emergency Preparedness Exercises 0.P. 3505 Rev. 9 and Drills Emergency Equipment Readiness Check 0.P. 3506 Rev. 14 E=ergency Communications 0.P. 3504 Rev. 14 8211020299 821012 i PDR ADOCK 05000271 F PDR
- y , _ , _ _ . , - .-_ _ - + - , y .. --. , ,- - . - _ y. m.wm,.-,, , - , -rn, ,---
- 1. Under the tab " CONTACT LIST" remove the existing table of contents and replace it with the table of contents dated September 30, 1982.
- 2. Under the tab " CLASSIFICATION OF EMERGENCIES" remove the procedure numbered A.P. 3125, Rev. 3 and replace it with the attached procedure numbered A.P. 3125, Rev. 4.
- 3. Under the tab " EVALUATION OF RADIOLOGICAL DATA" remove the procedure j _
numbered 0.P. 3513, Rev. 5 and replace it with the attached procedure numbered 0.P. 3513, Rev. 6. Also remove and discard the Dept. Instruction.
- 4. Under the tab "0FF-SITE MONITORING" remove the procedure numbered 0.P. 3510, Rev. 9 and replace it with the attached procedure numbered 0.P. 3510, Rev. 10,
- 5. Insert the tab " PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMHENDATIONS" and the procedure numbered 0.P. 3511, Rev. O after the tab "0FF-SITE MONITORING" and the procedure numbered 0.P. 3510 Rev. 10.
- 6. Insert the tab " POST ACCIDENT SAMPLING" and.the procedure numbered.
0.P. 3530, Rev. 3 after the tab " ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLE COLLECTION" and the procedure numbered 0.P. 3509, Rev. 7.
r VERMONT YANKEE EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS I September 30, 1982 Contact List August, 1982 Implementing Procedures:
Emergency Plan Classification and A.P. 3125 Rev. 4 Action Level Scheme Unusual Event 0.P. 3500 Rev. 1 Alert 0.P. 3501 Rev. 2 Site Area Emergency 0.P. 3502 Rev. 14 General Emergency 0.P. 3503 Rev. 15 Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological 0.P. 3513 Rev. 6 Conditions Of f-Site and Site Boundary 0.P. 3510 Rev. 10 Monitoring Off-Site Protective Actions Recommendations 0.P. 3511 Rev. 0
' s.
Emergency Radiatioa Exposure 0.P. 3507 Rev. 12 Control l On-Site Medical Emergency Procedure 0.P. 3508 Rev. 10 i
Eraergency Actions by Plant Security 0.P. 3524 Rev. 2 Personnel i
Release of Public Information A.P. 0835 Rev. 3 Radiological Coordination 0.P. 3525 Rev. 1 Environmental Sample Collection 0.P. 3509 Rev. 7 During an Emergency Post Accident Sampling 0.P. 3530 Rev. 3 Sampling Procedures:
Emergency Plan _ Training 0.P. 3712 Rev. 6 Emergency Preparedness Exercises 0.P. 3505 Rev. 9 j and Drills i
Emergency Equipment Readiness Check O.P. 3506 Rev. 14 Emergency Communications O.P. 3504 Rev. 14 l - - - - _ - .
Dept. Supv. f.3f,hNs,[dAProc.No. A.P. 3125
- PORC gp ?av_ Rav. No. 4 Plant Mgr. caus Date _ 9/30/82
To describe how operators recognize plant operations that require a level of the Vermont Yankee Power Station Emergency Plan to be initiated.
Operators are trained so that when they sense that plant operations are off-normal or exceeding administrative controls, they have cause to refer to emergency operating procedures which will subsequcntly refer them to this procedure if necessary.
This procedure in table form is designed to casign the appropriate emergency class for events which are in process or have occurred.
The Emergency Plan is then implemented on the basis for the classifi-cation. The table does not necessarily list all situations which would require implementation of the Emergency Plan; therefore, any off-normal condition should be evaluated in light of the " General Criteria."
Additionally, there may be events listed in the table at high levels which may be rapidly terminated and therefore not require full implementation of the Emergency Plan, but should more appropriately be classified at a lower level. The minimum response to any event listed in the table once it has occurred would be to classify the event at the a
Unusual Event level and to implement the Emergency Plan accordingly.
The table directs the Operator to the following four classes of
- Emergency Action Level Operating Procedures:
- 1. Unusual Event, O.P. 3500
- 2. Alert, O.P. 3501
- 3. Site Area Emergency, O.P. 3502
- 4. General Emergency, O.P. 3503 The definitions of Emergency Classifications are:
- 1. Unusual Event Unusual events in process or have occurred which involve potential degradation of plant safety margins, l which are not likely to affect personnel on-site or the public off-site or result in radioactive releases requiring l off-site monitoring.
, 2. Alert Events are in process or have occurred which involve
, an actual or potential substantial degradation of plant safety margins and could affect on-site personnel, could require off-site impact assessment, but is not likely to
, require off-site public protection action.
- - . . - , _ . , _ g
A.P. 3125
,, Rev. 4
- 3. Site Area Emergency Events are in process or have occurred which involve likely or actual major failures of plant functions needed for protection of the public.
- 4. General Emergency Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of containment integrity.
, The responsibility and authority for classifying the level of emergency is assigned tn the duty Shift Supervisor, or in his absence from the Control Room, to the duty Supervisory Control Room Operr.cor.
The following table is attached:
Table I Table of Categories and Events
A. Tech. Specs.
- 1. All Tech. Specs.
B. Admin. Limits
- 1. None C. Other
- 1. Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG-0654)
- 2. Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)
- 3. Plant Operating Procedures Procedure:
- 1. Refer to Table I and based on the event to be classified, locate the appropriate " Event Categories."
- 2. Determine if any of the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) have been reached for any of the four classes of emergency (Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency).
- 3. If any of the EALs have been reached, classify the emergency at the highest emergency class for which an EAL has been reached.
For EALs which have been reached but are no longer present, the emergency may be classified at a lower level consistant with the
" General Criteria" for the emergency class.
NOTE: For any EAL reached the minimum classification is Unusual Event.
A.P. 3125
, Rsv. 4 a 4. If events are in process or have occurred and no specific EALs in Table I have been reached but in the opinion of the duty Shif t Supervisor or in his absence the duty Senior Control Room Operator, conditions warrant implemantation of the Emergency Plan, refer to the " General Criteria" and classify the event as appropriate.
NOTE: The Shif t Supervisor and/or Supervisory Control Room Operator in making the classification determination should request assistance from any source immediately available (Security, Chemistry & Health Physics, I & C, Maintenance, Engineering Support, etc.).
Input f rom these sources must be prompt, informal, and advisory in nature.
- 5. Once the classification has been assigned, implementation of the appropriate Emergency Operating Procedure should be initiated with the prompt notifications of off-site authorities performed,
't consistant with the need for other emergency actions.
- 6. Request the on-shift Chemistry and Health Physics Tech. to perform 0.P. 3513 (Subsequant Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological Conditions) until the Emergency Operating Facility is manned.
" 7. Utilize the Shift Technical Advisor for operational support.
- 8. Changing conditions may require re-classification. Assess conditions periodically and be prepared to initiate the appropriate
" change.
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' A.P. 3125 *
- 1. RADIOlISICAl, 01NDITIONS , Rev. 4 t 6
Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Refer to 0.P. 3500 Refer to 0.P. 3501 Refer to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 3501
, A. > Tech. Spec, limit for A. >10X Tech. Spec limit for effluents. A. Plant condition producing projected A. Plant conditions producing
- 1. Increase in stack monitor followed ' ***"' ' ' "" I*
- I E' ** ' ***"* *
- " ' " * * " " " 'I
- I ' ' ' "
- 1. Increase in atack monitor by analysis indicates:
' followed by analysis 2 min. r >50mR/hr for more than >lR/hr.
- a. Cross activity exceeds 0.8/El- 30 min.
- a. Cross activity exceeds ci/sec. 1. Dose rates determined by j j O.08/ETC1/sec. R O_R 1. Dose rates determined by direct ! direct field monitoring. ,
4 OR b. 1-131 activity exceeds 4.8 field monitoring. I OR t
- b. 1-131 activity exceeds uct/sec. g 2. Dose rates determined by i 0.48 pel/sec. OR 2. Dose rates determined by projected - projected off-site dose
} OR c. Radioactive particulates with off-site dose rate correlation l rate correlation (0.P.
j c. Radioactive particu- halfIfves>8daysexceed (0.P. 3513). i 3513).
I lates with half lives 3
1.6x10 HPCa ci/sec.
. >B days exceed 1.6x10 i MPCa ci/sec.
- 2. Any liquid release which 2. Any liquid release which analysis j analysis shows following shows following limits at point '
limits at point of dis- of discharge were exceeded: ,
charge were exc eeded,
- a. Co m t M a of W h h i
- a. Concentration of radio- material except tritium and active material except dissgvednoblegasesexceed tritium and dissolved lx10 pci/ml or, when analyzed .
noble~7Eases exceeded on an isotopic basis,10X (10 !
lxlO pci/mi or, when CFR20, App. B. Table II, I analyzed on an isoto- Column 2 limits). '
) pic basis,10CFE,20 OR j App. B, Table 11, Col- b. Concentration gof tritium unn 2 limits. exceeds 3x10 pci/ml.
- b. Concentration of tritium c. Concentration of dissolg exceeds 3x10 3pct /ml. noble gases exceeds 4x10 j OR pct /ml.
- j c. Concentration of dis-B. Unexpected area radiation levels
] solved noble
! exceeds 4x104ases pc t /ml . 1000 times normal.
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e TABLE I A.P. 312$
- 2. FUEL DAMACE Rev. 4 Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency Refer to 0.P. 3500 General Emergency Refer to O.P. 3501 Refer to O.P. 3502 Refer to O.P. 3503 1 A. Indication of in-core fuel A. in-core fuel damage which results in A. Indication of actual or potential damage during operation as A. Indication of actual or po-apparent loss of fuel cladding in- significant in-core fuel damage. tential gross in-core fuel indicated by any of the tegrity as indicated by the following: damage with the actual or followings
- 1. Containment rgdiation monitors likely failure of the pri-
- 1. Air ejector offgas sample activity reading >lm10 R/hr. mary coolant and/or primary
- 1. Air ejector of fgas timer >5ct/sec.
- . OR containment.
trip isolation OR
- 2. Inability to maintain reactor OR 2. Reactor coolant sample activity water level above - 48 inches. 1. Loss of 2 of 3 fission
- 2. Rx water 3.-ple analysis >3GOpci/cc l-131 dose equivalent. product barriers with exceeds 1.1 pci/cc l-131 j dose equivalent, potentiil loss of the 5 third. 5 SE
- 3. Main steam line high radia-tion isolation, a. Loss of significant j amount of the fuel j clad as evident by i l B. Spent fuel assembly accident with B. Indication of actual or potential containment radiation a
release to the reactor building major irradiated fuel assembly i resulting in. trip of the reactor damages monitgra reading
] building ventilation and start of
>lx10 R/hr.
j AND/OR the Standby Cas Treatment System 1. Refuel floor radiation monitors b. Failure of the primary j due to: i reading >1000mR/hr. coolant boundry as l
OR evident by loss of j
- 1. Refuel floor radiation monitors 2. Reactor building ventilation coolant.
high radiation trip. radiation monitor reading i AND/OR !
OR >l40mR/hr.
- 2. Reactor building ventilation c. Failure of the primary OR containment as evident radiation monitor high radia- 3. Spent fuel pool water level below by failure of two in tion trip, the top of the spent fuel assen- series containment blies. Isolation valves, obser- ,
i' ved structural damage, [
or high reactor building radiation levels de-tected indicating con-tainment failure.
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1 A.P. 3125 Rev. 4 TABLE I ,
Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency Ceneral Emergency Refer to 0.P. 3500 Refer to 0.P. 3501 Refer to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 3503 A. Indication of loss of coolant A. Loss of primary coolant as indicated A. less of coolant outside primary A. Loss of all normal reactor j from the primary coolant sys- by the following containment wit hout isolation as makeup systems.
I tem as evidenced by any of indicated by the followings the following:
- 1. All of the following
- 1. Hign area temperatures and/or systems arc inoperable:
i 1. high containment sump flow 1. Coolant leakage within the primary high system line flow and/or l as folinws with reactor containment >$0gpm as indicated high area radiation conditions. a. High Pressure Coolant coolant temperature above by continuous sump pumping and AND Inj ec tion 212'F. radwaste tank level increases. 2. System line isolation valves b. Eeactor Core le91st ion not closed. Cooling
- a. Unidentified leakage 2. Primary coolant line break out- c. Core Spray
>5gpm. side the primary containment which d. Residual Heat Removal oft _ has been isolated as evident by: e. Condensate
- b. Total primary contain- f. Feedwater ment leakage >25 gpm. a. High area temperature and/or AND high flow indications and/or
- 2. Failure of primary coolant high area radiation levels. 2. Fuel melt or primary con-safety or safety relief AND tainment failure has b.1.ine isolation valves closed.
valve to close following occurred or is imminent.
reduction of pressure below their respective setpoints.
- 3. ECCS initiated and inject-ing to the reactor vessel due to low reactor water level or high drywell pressure. I l
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e l 'b 1
A.P. 3125 ,
Rev. 4 TABLE I 4 FIRE (0.P. 3020)
Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Refer to 0.P. 3500 Refer to 0.P. 3501 Refer to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 350 )
1 A. Any on-site or in-plant fire A. Any in-plant fire which affects or A. Any in-plant fire which disables I A. Any in-plant fire which not extinguished within 10 will likely affect a safety syste:n all high pressure safety injec- results in either the minutes, function. tion systems when reactor pressure radiological or fuel damage
! is above 150 psig, conditions described in General Emergency event l
, 1. High Pressure Coolant Injection categories I and 2.
System disabled, M
- 2. keactor Core Isolation Cooling System disabled.
- 3. Automatic Depressurization System B. Any in-plant fire which disables all low pressure safety injection systems when the plant is not in cold shut-down.
- 1. Low Pressure Coolant injection Systems disabled, y
- 2. Core Spray Systems disabled.
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.T.P. 3125 Rev. 4 1ABLE I
- 5. NATURAL PHF.NOMENON (0.P. 3021)
Unusual F. vent Alert Site Area Fm rgency General Faergency Ref er to 0. P. *500 Pefer to 0.P. 3501 Refer to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 1501 i
A. Any of the following natural A . Any natural phenomenon which result s I a. Severe natural phenomenon being A. Any natural phenonwnon re-
, phenomenon recognized by in the following experienced witL the plant not sulting in the conditions of either observattica, dete - in a cold shutdown which renders General Faergency event tion or notification: 1. furthquake which damages plant safe shutd.wan equipment in- catagories I and 2.
systems or st ructures, sperable.
- 2. River water level above 235' OR 1
or below 212', 3. Hurricanelr tornado with on-site OR winds >100 mph,
- 3. Any hurricane or tornado OR causing on-site winds 4. Severe lightning which disatries a exceeding 75 mph, safety system or safety system function.
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A.P. 3125 e new. 4 TABI.E I
- 6. IDSS OF IWER Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Refer to 0.P. 3500 Re f er to 0.P. 3501 Refes_to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 3503 A. loss of off-site AC p.rwer when A. Ions of either all AC or all 125VDC A. loss of either all AC or all 125VDC l in other than cold shutdown: power: power for >l? sinutes:
- 1. loss of availability of all 1." No of f-site or on-site AC power 1. No of f-alte or on-site AC power ,
incoming 345KV and 115KV supply is capable of energizing supply la rapable of energizing transmission lines, either 4160 volt bus 3 or 4, 4160 volt buses 3 or 4 I 9E 9E l
- a. 345KV and 115KV bus 2. Neither 125VDC station battery 2. Neither 125VDC station battery i voltage becomes zero, bus A or B is energized, bus A or 8 is energized.
- b. loss of both start-up NOTE: For power loss extended transformers. beyond 15 minutes, see Site Area Emergency B. less of on-site AC power when in other than cold shutdown:
- 1. Both Diesel generators inoperable.
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TABLE I g,p, g y y ,, o l l
- 7. IDSS OF SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT Rev. 4 Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency I Refer to 0.P. 3500 Refer to 0.P. 3501 Refer to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 3503 i
A. Loss of any system function or A. Loss of functions needed for plant A. loss of functions needed for plant t. Loss of systems or equipment i engineered safety feature which cold shutdown: hot shutdown: such that fuel melt and pri-j requires a plant shutdown in mary coolant and primary a accordance with the Limiting 1. Loss of the normal shutdown 1. Loss of syst ems or equirment containment failure is j Conditions for Operation in cooling mode function, such that reactor pressere cannot imminent. Examples of these the Technical Specifications. Afgl be maintaio a '= low 1240 peig, sequences are as follows:
- 2. Ioss of the alternate cooling OR
) mode function. 2. Loss of systems or equipment such 1. Reacter shutdown occurs but 4
' that Reactor water level cannot be no requisite decay heat maintained above -48 inches, removal systems are avail-
! OR able
- 3. loss of both the condenser and torus as heat sink for decay heat removal. a. Main condenser is not available as heat sink, l B. Loss of all Control Room panel B. Loss of all Control Room panel alarms AND
- alarms. during plant transient. b. Residual Heat Removal System is unavailable C. Failure of the Reactor Protection C. Failure of the Reactor Protection as heat sink for either
- System to accomplish a required System to accomplish a required SCRAM the Reactor or the Con-l SCRAM
- with the main condenser unavailable: tainment.
- 1. Automatic or manual SCRAM signal 1. Automatic or manual SCRAM signal 2. Failure to complete a j required SCRAM with fuel is present, present,
! AND AND melt and primary coolant
- 2. Not all control rods are fully 2. Not all control rods are fully boundary and primary l insert ed, inser t ed , containment failure 4
AND AND immtenent:
- 3. Reactor power remains above St. 3. Reactor power remains above 5%,
AND a. Automatic or manual
- 4. Main condenser not available as SCRAM signal present, heat sink. AND
- b. Not ali" control rods i
fully inserted.
- c. Reacto Epower remains I above 5%,
- d. ReactoUater level is j dec reasing, !
- e. Main condenser is not
available as heat sink.
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TABLE I A.P. 3125 .
- 8. OTHER ilAZARDS OR CONDITIONS Rev. 4 Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Refer to 0.P. 3500 ,,
Re f e r t o 0. P. 3501 Refer to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 350)
A. Other events near or on-site A. Other events on-site causing A. Other severe events being experienced A. Any major near or on-site having an impact on normal potential or actual substantial or projected near or on-site with the event with massive common plant operation. degradation of tl.e level of plant plant not in cold shutdown: damage to plant systems safety: resulting in actual or
- 1. Any near or on-site train de- 1. Any crash impact or explosion which potential releases which railment or tank truck 1. Any crash impact or explosion renders safe shutdown equipment would result in the radio-accident with actual or po- which results in damage to in- inoperable, logical conditions of events tential release of toxic plant safety systems or vital OR category 1. Examples of or hazardous substances structures. 2. Entry of uncont rolled toxic or these events are as follows:
which will likely affect OJL flammable gas into vital areas the plant operation. 2. Entry of uncontrolled toxic or where lack of access constitstes a 1. Any crash impact or ex-OR flammable gas into vital areas of safety problem, plosion which renders
- 2. Unusual aircraf t activity the plant threatening to render OR all decay heat removal over the facility or any safety related equipment in- 3. Evacuation of the Control Room systems inoperable or on-site plane crash, operable, without control of shutdown sys- causes containment and OR OR tems established locally within primary coolant boundary
- 3. Transportation of contam- 3. Turbine failure resulting in 15 minutes. failure.
inated injured individual casing penetration, to off-site medical OR facility, 4. Evacnation of the Cont rol Room OR anticipated or required with
- 4. Significant loss of assess- cont rol of shutdown systems ment capability: established locally.
- a. Loss of all meteorological a'
f instrumentation.
- b. Indications or alarms on
process or effluent para-meters not functional in the Control Room to the extent requiring plant .
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L A.P. 3125 =
Rev. 4 TABLE I
- 9. SECURITY EVENTS Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Re f er to 0.P. 3500 Refer to O.P. 3501 Ref er to 0.P. 3502 Refer to 0.P. 3503 Notification and response in Notification and response in Upon notification to the Control Upon notification to the Control accordance with the Security accordance uith the Security Room by the Security Force that Room by the Security Force that
' . Plan. Plan. loss of physical control of the loss of physical control of the plant is imminent. Pl ant has occurred.
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A.P. 3125 I Rev. 4 TABLF CENERAL CRITERIA Unusual Event Alert Area Emergency General Emergency Refer to 0.P. 3500 Refer to 0.P. 3501 R. . c to 0.P. 3502 Re fer t o 0.P. 350 )
Events in process or have occurred Events in process or have occurred Events in process or have occurred Events are in process or have which warrant plant staff notif- which warrant precautionary activa- which warrant activation of emergency occurred which warrant initia-ication and increased awareness for tion of the Technical Support centers, initiation of off-site non- tion of predetermined protec-off-site authorities. Center and the Emergency Operations itoring and/or notification of the tive action for the public.
Facility, public.
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Dept. Supv. -
hM Proc. No. 0.P. 3513 g ( , PORC 7'G ?L w ,. Rev. No. 6 Plant Mgr. N41. , ,,fL Issue Date 9/30/82 Mgr. of Ops. E4hkidReview Date 9/30/84 f/
To specify the method used to evaluate the stack release rate and projected off-site whole body dose rate, and to determine estimated and actual downwind whole body and thyroid doses, based on field measurements and current meteorology.
In an emergency declared on the basis of an actual stack or ground release, the Plant Emergency Director / Shift Supervisor determines the initial projected off-site whole body dose rate. In an emergency declared on the basis of a potential high level release (i.e., high level activity in containment, but no actual release), the Technical Support Center Coordinator, or Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator, will determine and report the initial whole body off-site dose rate to State Officials should an actual release occur. An Off-Site Dose Non-ogrem (See Figure 1 and Appendix A) is used for this initial determination.
- Additionally, in the event that a loss of all core cooling capability has occurred with likely subsequent release of large quantities of
- radioactive material to the atmosphere, the SS/ PED shall recommend protective actions to states' representatives utilizing the criteria
- in 0.P. 3511, Offsite Protective Action Recommendations.
Following the initial evaluation, a subsequent method to further evaluate and refine the downwind off-site radiological conditions based on actual field measurements and current meteorology has been developed.
The results of this evaluation are reported to the various State Health Officials as they call into the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) for more detailed and refined information.
The_ method described in Appendix B utilizes two sets of diffusion factor (uX/Q) values: one set for ground level releases which are indepen-dent of wind direction, and the other set for elevated stack releases which are dependent on wind direction because of our valley location.
Both sets of diffusion factors are presented as a function of atmo-spheric stability class and distance from the plant out to 10 miles.
In order to help qualitatively define plume width, a transparent overlay has been prepared for the area base map. This transparency consists of three colored angles as follows:
Blue - For all unstable meteorological classes Red -
For neutral meteorology Orange - For all stable meteorological classes
0.P. 3513 R/2v. 6 s
- Included within each angle are areas lateral to the plume centerline
- having I-131 concentrations of at least 5% of the plume center-line value. Centering the stability-dependent angles over the appro-priate downwind direction on the area base map will help qualitatively define the plume width. Using the sector / zone designation appropriate to the plume width, Vermont Yankee can provide State officials with the affected area and corresponding projected whole body dose rates, or airborne concentrations of I-131, out to ten miles.
To facilitate and expedite the necessary classificarton of meteorological conditions, the selection of the appropriate diffusion factor table and subsequent calculations, two programs for the Texas Instrument programmable (TI-59) calculator-printer have been developed.
The first, MET DATA, expeditiously calculates the following:
- 1. Actual time of arrival of the plume downwind for any given distance,
- 2. The downwind direction corresponding to the wind from" direction indicated by the meteorology typer,
- 3. The meteorological stability classification for any given AT, and,
- 4. The proper colored angle to use on the mapboard overlay.
The second, RADOSE II, then calculates the following:
- s
- 1. The projected whole body sector dose rate at any assumed distance from any field measured sector dose rate at a known distance,
- 2. The projected I-131 concentration at any assumed distance from any field measured I-131 concentration at a known distance, and,
- 3. The 5% I-131 concentration value at the angle boundary.
This procedure utilizes the above programs. In the event the calcu-lator should become inoperable, hand calculations will be made as indicated in Appendix B.
Responsibility for completion of Section A of this procedure rests primarily with the Plant Emergency Director /Shif t Supervisor, however, during off-shift hours he also has a collateral responsibility to initiate Section B of this procedure to the extent that such action does not impair his ability to bring the plant to a safe condition.
Upon activiation of the EOF, the EOF Coordinator " takes over" and completes this procedure. A mapboard, angle overlay and calculator-printer are provided in the Control Room emergency kit.
0.P. 3513
, . Rav. 6
- Offsite protective action recommendations shall be made based
- on the guidelines established in 0.P. 3511.
The following table, forms, figures and appendices are attached: .
Table I Air Sample Codes
- Table II 4
! Major Points of Interest by Sector VYOPF 3513.01 Meteorological Data Sheet VYOPF 3513.02 Doses at Selected Locations
- VYOPF 3513.03 Dose Projections Based on Site Data Worksheet VYOPF 3513.04 Dose Projections Based on Field Data Worksheet Figure 1 VY Emergency Off-Site Dose Nomogram Figure 2 Field Sample Thyroid Dose Nomogram Appendix A VY Emergency Off-Site Dose Rate Nomogram, Description and Use Appendix B Diffusion Factors Appendix C TI-59 Calculator-Printer Instructions References :
A. Tech. Specs.
- 1. None B. Admin. Limits
- 1. None
C. Other
- 2. VY Meteorology System Manual
- 3. 0.P. 3510, Off-Site Monitoring Precautions:
- 1. Actual location of reported off-site monitoring team data relative to plant should be verified prior to using the data in calculations.
- 2. Periodically check on the quarter hour for significantly changed meteorological conditions.
A. Immediate action by the Plant Emergency Director / Shift Supervisor, or his designated assistant, in the event a high level stack release is occurring at the time of the emergency declaration.
NOTE: In the event an emergency is declared on the basis of a potential release (i.e., activity confined in contain-ment), the Technical Support Center Coordinator, or his designated assistant, will complete this section should a subsequent release occur.
0.P. 3513 R v. 6 Initials
- 1. Determine the elapsed time in hours following reactor shutdown. (hrs)
- 2. Obtain current windspeed (mph) _
- 3. Obtain high range stack gas monitor -
reading. (mR/hr) (from PNL 9-2) '
NOTE: In the event that installed instrumentation is not functional or a ground or combination release is in progress, dispatch a Security Site Boundary Team for a whole body dose rate at the fence line (0.35 miles) in the downwind direction in accordance with 0.P. 3510.
Record this dose rate in Step #5 below and proceed to Section B. Request a silver zeolite cartridge sample from the main stack sample point as per 0.P. 3530, Post Accident Sampling.
NOTE: If the high range stack gas monitor equals -
or exceeds 20mR/hr, request the Chem. & HP Technician to obtain a silver zeolite cartridge ,
i from the main stack sample point for an iodine release rate determination in accordance with 0.P. 3530, Post Accident Sampling. Ensure that this information is passed on to the EOF s Coordinator when the EOF is activated.
- 4. Obtain the stack flow. (ft/ min)
NOTE: Data Point C062 may be accessed on the Plant Computer to obtain stack flow rate. N -
I m n 0 2 value ' '
Stack Flow (ft/ min) _
- 5. Go to Figure 1 and determine the off-site dose rate at .35 miles (mR/hr) e' B. Action initiated by the Plant Emergency Director or his design.ated assistant pending activation of the Emergency Operations Facility, or by the EOF Coordinator upon activation of the EOF. Utilize ^ ' -
VYOPF 3513.03, Dose Projections Based on Site Data Worksheet.
- 1. Obtain data called for in item 1 of Meteorological Data ,
Sheet (VYOPF 3513.01).
NOTE: 1. In the event the meteorological computer and -
printer are not operating properly, this data may be obtained from strip charts in the Relay House.
w w + w- - --e- , e ,- --,
0.P. 3513
Riv. 6
- 2. In the event that the primary meteorological tower instrumentation is not functioning, instrumentation on the secondary tower provides 4n' read-out of wind' speed, wind direction, ambient
temperature and one value for delta t (At).
CRP 9-48 contains all of this information.
- 3. In the event all instrumented meteorological parameters are unavailable, a generalized determination of atmospheric stability may be made by observing the cloud cover as follows:
- a. Heavy overcast day or night = D-neutral
- b. Any clear sky in daytime = B-mod, unstable
- c. Any clear sky at night = F-mod. stable 4 The Albany National Weather Service (NWS)
Station (tel. 1-518-472-6586, and ask for.
, "Public Forcaster") may be consulted regarding
. meteorological observations and forecasts.
- 2. After obtaining the TI-59 calculator-printer and program cards, press 4, 2nd, 917 (display should show 639.39), then CLR, and load the font sides of MET DATA program. (After each side is
, loaded and a , steady number is seen on display, press CLR.)
,,. NOTE: 1. See appendix C for basic calculator instructions. ,,
29 ( In the event the calculator is in-operable, complete the Meteorological Data Sheet (VYOPF 3513.01) by hand,
= 2.37 PM or 14:37 = 14.37) .
- 1) If in AM, or 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> " Navy" time - Press A
- 2) If in PM clock time - Press 2nd A
- b. Enter wind speed (u mph) - Press B
- c. Calculate estimated time of arrival of plume (in actual 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time), for specific locations.
- d. Post arrival times at mile markers on mapboard with wax crayon.
- e. Enter " WIND FROM" as indicated by meteor-ology typer and press C. The printer will show " Calculated Wind Toward."
0.P. 3513 Rsv. 6 i
- f. Enter appropriate AT.
- 1) If stack release, enter upper AT - Press 2nd D
- 2) If ground, or combination, enter lower AT -
Press D
- 3) The printer will display calculated met.
- class no. and angle color.
- g. In the event the wind speed changes significantly (per MET system typer) enter actual time of new average (from MET typer) in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time (HH.MH) and press E.
- The printer will display calculated plume
- distance.
- 1) Enter new data as in Step B.2.b, above.
NOTE: 1. A new " wind from" or "AT" may be entered as in Steps B.2.e and f above at any time (i.e., Do NOT press E).
- 2. Future time and distance calculations (Step B.2.c) are corrected from the time and distance the new wind speed (u) was specified.
- 3. The calculator'can no longer calculate time or distance problems prior to the wind speed change. If attempted, the display will flash and a question mark will be printed.
- 3. Position mapboard angle wheel in above (Step 2.e) downwind direction and note the distance to the most significant
- population center within the above specified color angle.
(Step 2.f). Consult Table II for major points of interest.
- 4. Determine the appropriate Gamma dose pX/Q value from Tables in Appendix B.
- a. Elevated or ground release (Step B.2.f)
- b. Met class (Step 2.f with l=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc.)
- c. Gamma dose pX/Q value for the selected distance
- 5. a. Calculate the projected whole body dose rate (mR/hr) at the selected location, (from B.3 above) as follows:
, _ , . ._.. - _ , _ . , , _ ~ , _ <
0.P. 3513 i
R:v. 6 l D=[(5 x 10 4)]x[Camma Dose pX/Q x 10-6]x [ Dose rate in mR/hr]
where: Dose rate = The off-site dose rate at 1/3 mi.
from Fig. 1, if an elevated release; 0R The reported measured site boundary i
dose rate, if a ground release.
i b. Calculate thyroid dose (based on measured stack re-lease rate):
i X
[ ]g f.Q where: X g = Plume concentration at selected downwind distance 1 (pci/cc)
_E Concentration pX/Q value for selected
["q]g = distance 1 (from Table B-2) 1
- g = Wind speed in meters /second 31 Q=I release rate (stack sample) in curies /
a second (from 0.P. 2611)
- 6. Post projected dose at selected location on mapboard j
- with wax crayon and record on VYOPF 3513.02.
., 7. Utilize 0.P. 3511, Offsite Protective Action 4 Recommendations, as required, to formulate recommenda-tions to the states' representatives when they call
., in.
- 8. As State Health Department personnel call in for additional
- details, report the following information when available:
. a. Nature of emergency I b. Elevated or ground release
- c. Off-site " boundary" dose rate
- d. Downwind direction of plume
- e. Estimated time of arrival at selected locations
- f. Estimated projected dose rate at selected locations a g. Other information requested and available, including Off-site Protective Action Recommendations from 0.P. 3511 C. Actions by the EOF Coordinator or the Radiological Assistant upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility. Utilize i VYOPF 3513.04, Dose Projections Based on Field Data Worksheet.
- 1. Determine the status of activas required in Section B above from the Plant Emergency Director and assume responsibility for completion, if necessary. Assign this and following duties to the F diological Assistant.
-q ,r-. v -g .,,.,y, . , , _ -.wp,e., , , - - ,, ,,,,,,yg -- ,--% __. __.p - ---
.,w.iw--,-e ,, ,.. ._ _ _n _
0.P. 3513
. Rev. 6 e *
- 2. If the SS/ PED has not previously requested a main stack gas silver zeolite cartridge sample be obtained, ensure thatthissampleisobtainedassoonaspossible.yg{ilize the results of this sample to determine downwind I concentrations following the formula in Appendix B,Section III. Determine projected thyroid dose values from Figure 2.
- 3. Turn calculator OFF, then ON, and load RADOSE II program (sides 1 and 2) and appropriate memory data (sides 3 and 4).
NOTE: 1. For ground releases, use " ground release" card (sides 3 and 4) for all wind directions.
- 2. For elevated releases, use the " elevated release" card (sides 3 and 4) with the applicable " wind to" designation. l
- a. Enter appropriate Met Class # (see printer readout, Step A.2.e above, or Met Data Sheet) and press A.
- b. Enter current average wind speed (miles per hour) (u) and press 2nd A.
- c. As monitoring teams report " air code" numbers, determine the corresponding net CPM from Table I, then enter Figure 2 to determine the I-131 concentration.
NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, a " standard" sample is as follows:
Counting efficiency (RM-14) = 2.5%
Flow rate = 10 LPM Collection time = 1 minute
- d. Enter the above data, and reported dose rates, on VYOPF 3513.02,
- e. Enter the reported data and the distance to the moni-tored location in the TI-59 as follows:
Enter Press Enter Press Dose rate B Distance (mi) C (mR/hr)
I-131 Conc. 2nd B Distance (mi) 2nd C (pCi/cc)
- f. Determine the projected downwind (or upwind) radiological conditions for any number of selected locations by enter-ing the selected distance in miles and pressing D (for average sector dose rate), or 2nd D (for I-131 sector and 5% angle boundary concentrations).
JL.. .a <__.p 3 0.P. 3513 R2v. 6
, e NOTE: A flashing display following a selected upwind distance indicates the plume is still elevated at the selected distance.
- g. Log results of Step f above on VYOPF 3513.02 - Doses at Selected Locations.
- h. Report results to the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator for relay to State Officials, and post on mapboard.
- 1. Request off-site monitoring, or other special teams to change TLD's and/or air samples at environmental monitoring stations (0.P. 3509), if appropriate.
Final Conditions:
- 1. Turn in all log sheets and calculator printouts to the EOF ,
SPS/emr I
1 i
,- - . y__ m - . . _ , _
! " AIR NET " AIR NET CODE" CPM CODE" CPM 0 <40 24 1750 1 40 25 2000 j 2 60 26 2250 3 80 27 2500 4 100 28 2750
- 5 125 29 3000 6 150 30 3250 7 175 31 3500 8 200 32 3750 9 225 33 4000 10 250 34 - 4250 11 275 35 4500 12 300 36 5000
, 13 325 37 ,,
7500 14 350 38 10000 15 375 39 12500 16 400 40 15000 17 425 41 17500 18 450 42 20000 19 500 43 25000 20 750 44 30000 21 1000 45 35000 22 1250 46 40000 1 23 1500 47 50000 i
0.P. 3513 TABLE II R:v. 6 e '
NORTH (A) 348.5-11.5 W. Chesterfield Village 8.5 Dutton Pines State Park 10.0 NNE (B) 11.5-33.5 Chesterfield Village & School 7.75 Lake Spofford (Seasonal) 9.0 NE (C) 33.5-56.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
W. Swanzey 11.0 Keene 15.0 ENE (D) 56.5-78.5 Hinsdale Schools 0.75 Hinsdale Town Hall 1.75 Rte. 10 Raceway (Seasonal) 8.5 EAST (E) 78.5-101.5 Southern hinsdale 1.0 Ashuelot 4.6 Winchester 6.5 ESE (F) 101.5-123.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
SE (G) 123.5-146.5 Northfield Boarding School 5.5 SSE (H) 146.5-168.5 Vernon Green Nursing Home 1.1 Northfield Public Schools 6.25 Picaeer Valley Regional School 6.75 Mt. Hermon Boarding School 7.75 South (J) 168.5-191.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
SSW (K) 191.5-213.5 Bernardston 7.5 Northern Greenfield Schools 12.0 SW (L) 213.5-236.5 Vernon School 0.35 WSW (M) 236.5-258.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
WEST (N) 258.5-281.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
WNW (P) 281.5-303.5 Guilford Center School 5.8 303.5-326.5 NW (Q) Fort Dummer State Park 3.5 Guilford Village 4.0 West Brattleboro 6.0 NNW (RJ 326.5-348.5 Hinsdale Race Track 2.1 Soi nern Brattleboro Boundary 4.25 Brattleboro High School 4.75 Brattleboro Hosp. & Nursing Home 5.1 Brattleboro Business District 5.5 Vt. Forward EOF (& WISA) 6.9 No. Brattleboro Shopping Centers 7.25
- 1. Meteorological Data Type of Release AT*F Wind Speed (MPH) Wind Direction (FROM)
Elevtted (Stack only) or Ground Level (ground or stack / ground comb.)
- 2. Wind Direction Correction Wind direction FROM If direction 1180*, add 180* =
- Wind direction If direction >180*, subtract 180* = toward
- 3. Stabflity class (circle appropriate MET Class)
At(*F) MET Ground Release Elevated Release Class Stability Category Use Angle At<-1.72 At<-2.74 = l-A Extremely Unstable ~
-1. 7156 ti-1. 54 -2.73<Ati-2.45 2-B Moderatly Unstable p -Blue
-1.531Ati-1.36 -2. 441 Ati-2.16-----3-C Slightly Unstable .
-1.355Ati-0.46 -2.151Ati-0.72 4-D Neutra,1) --
-0.4514tf+1.35 -0.715At<+2.15- 5-E Slightly Stable
+1.361Ati+3.62 +2.161Ati+5.74- 6-F Moderately Stable ) Orange
+3.635At +5.751At 7-G Extremely Stable .
- 4. Wind Speed Conversion Last 15 min ave MPH X 0.447 = meters /sec.
- 5. Data Summary Type of release Wind Stability Wind Speed Wind (Circle One) from (Circle One) Meters /sec. Toward Elevated Stable Neutral Ground Unstable VYOPF 3513.01 I
Rev. 6
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. t ) O v a 1 Y e D ( VR 1 ) t
- 1. Complete Step 1 of the Meteorological Data Sheet (VYOPF 3513.01)
- 2. Load MET DATA program into the TI-59 calculator-printer.
- a. Press 4
- b. Press 2nd,
- c. Press 917 (display should show 639.39)
- d. Press Clear (CLR)
- e. Load the four sides of the MET DATA program, pressing CLR after each card is entered and a steady number is seen on the display.
- 1. Enter the time of day the release commenced in HH.MM format .
(24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time)
- 2. Press A.
- 3. Enter wind speed in mph .
- 4. Press B.
- 5. Enter " WIND FROM" in degrees.
- 6. Press C. Record the calculated " WIND TOWARD" value in degrees that is displayed on the readout .
- 7. Enter appropriate AT (only one of the following).
- a. If a stack release, enter upper AT, then press 2nd D.
- b. If a ground or combination release, enter lower AT, then press D.
- 8. Record the Calculated Met Class Number and the Angle Color .
- 9. Position the mapboard angle wheel using the number recorded in #6 above.
- 10. Using preselected points of interest (population centers, etc.) listed in i
Table II, calculate the estimated time of arrival of the plume (in actual 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time) by entering the distance in miles and then pressing B on the keyboard. Record the location and the estimated time of arrival in the spaces provided below.
Location Distance (mi) Arrival Time (24 hr Time) j C. WIND SPEED CHANGES
- 1. Enter actual time of the new average wind speed in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time .
- 2. Press E.
VYOPF 3513.03 Rev. 6 Page 1 of 4
- y. 4w-- m- - +- ' ' " - - "'- -" ~
. . 3. Rscord Calculated Plume Distancs from printar (milss).
- 4. Enter new wind speed (in miles per hour) .
- 5. Press B.
NOTE: Recalculate arrival times per Step B.10.
- 1. Determine the Gamma dose pX/Q values as follows:
Elevated or ground level release (from B.7 above) .
Met Stability Class (f rom B8 above) l=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E, 6=F, 7=G .
Gamma dose pX/Q value for the selected distance. (Gamma dose values found in Appendix B, Locations found in Table II.)
(Table B)
Location Distance Gamma dose uX/Q talue
- 1. -6 xio
- 2. -6 xio
- 3. -6 x10
- 2. Calculate the projected whole body dose rates for locations listed in Step #1 as follows:
- a. Determine the Site Boundary Dose Rate from Procedure Section A.
- b. Determine the Site Boundary Dose Rate from a measured dose rate at the '
fenceline in a downwind location for a ground release, a combined release or failure of installed Control Room instrumentation.
- c. Record the Dose Rate from a. or b. above mr/hr.
- d. For each loc: tion listed in Step #1 above, calculate the projected whole body dose rate.
Location #1 4 mr/hr mr/hr (5 x 10 )x(Gamma dose pX/Q value)x(Dose rate from 2.c),(Whole body dose rate)
Location #2 4 * #
mr/hr )=( * ** ## *)
(5 x 10 )x(Gamma dose uX/Q value)*(Dose rate from 2.c 7 Location #3 4 mr/hr mr/hr (5 x 10 )x(Gamma dose pX/Q value)x(Dose rate from 2.c),(Whole body dose rate)
VYOPF 3513.03 Rev. 6 Page 2 of 4
. - 3. Post projected dosa at salscted locations from abova on mapboard with a wax pencil and record on VYOPF 3513.02.
- 4. If a ground level or combination release is in progress, proceed to Section F.
- 1. Determine the concentration pX/Q value as follows:
ELEVATED RELEASE ONLY. (Based on Iodine sample from plant vent stack)
Met. Stability Class (from B.8 above) l=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E, 6=F, 7=G .
Concentration pX/Q values for the selected distances. (Concentration values found in Appendix B (Table B-2), Locations found in Table II.)
Location Distance Concentration vX/Q value
- 1. -6 x10
- 2. -6 x10
- 3. -6 x10
- 2. Calculate the projected concentration values for locations listed in Step #1 as follows: ,
- a. Determine the I-131 release rate from the stack and record this value in curies per second.
- b. For each location listed in Step #1 above, calculate the projected concentration.
NOTE: (miles / hour x .447 = metero/second)
Location #1 Ci/sec s pei/cc (Conc pX/Q value)*(I-131 release rate(Wind Speedmeters/sec}"(Sector Concentrati i
Location #2 Ci/sec pei/cc (Conc. pX/Q value)*(I-131 release rate)*(Wind Speedmeters/sec)"(Sector Concentratio 1 Location #3 Ci/sec pei/cc (Conc. pX/Q value)*(I-131 release rate)*(Wind Speedmeters/sec)"ISector Concentra l c. Refer to Figure 2 for Thyroid Dose.
- 3. Post projected dose at selected locations from above mapboard with wax pencil and record on VYOPF 3513.02.
VYOPF 3513.03 Rev. 6 -
Page 3 of 4
- 1. Utilize 0.P. 3511, Off-site Protective Actions Recommendations, as required to formulate recommendations to the state's representatives when they call in.
- 2. As states' representatives call in for additional information, report the following information when available:
- a. Nature of emergency
- b. Elevated or groundlevel release
- c. Off-site " boundary" dose rate
- d. Downwind direction of the plume
- e. Estimated time of arrival at selected locations
- f. Estimated projected dose rate at selected locations
- g. Other information requested and available, including Off-site Protective Actions Recommendations from 0.P. 3511.
Reported to:
States' Representatives State Date Time Performed by Date Time Approved by Date Time 1
1 t
VYOPF 3513.03 Rev. 6 Page 4 of 4
- 1. Load the RADOSE II program into the TI-59 Calculator-printer.
- a. Turn calculator OFF, then ON
- b. Load RADOSE II program sides 1 and then 2 for all releases
- c. For ground releases, use " ground release" card sides 3 and then 4 for all wind directions.
- d. For elevated releases, use one of the " elevated release" cards sides 3 and 4 labelled with the appropriate " wind to" designation.
(Refer to latest VYOPF 3513.03, Section B.6 for " wind to" informa-tion.)
B. METEOROLOGICAL DATA (If Meteorological data previously entered and still valid, initial here )
- 1. Enter the appropriate Met Stability Class Number (From VYOPF 3513.03, Section B.8)
- 2. Press A.
- 3. Enter current average wind speed in mph .
- 4. Press 2nd A. *
%s 3
- 1. As monitoring teams report air sample and dose rate information, interpret data using Table I and Figure 2 and then record the information calculated on VYOPF 3513.02.
- 2. Enter the field data (dose rate and I-131 concentration) and the distance to the monitored location as follows: (Use Figure 2 for Thyroid Dose estimation)
Date Monitoring Location Time
- a. Enter Dose Rate (mr/hr) Press B.
- b. Enter Distance (mi) Press C.
- c. Enter I-131 conc. (uci/cc) Press 2nd B.
- d. Enter distance (mi) Press 2nd C.
- 3. Determine the projected radiological conditions for any number of selected locations as follows:
- a. Enter the distance to the selected location (mi) .
- b. Press D.
- c. Record the calculated sector dose rate on VYOPF 3513.02
, d. Enter the distance to the selected location (mi.) .
} e. Press 2nd D.
- f. Record the calculated I-131 sector concentration on VYOPF 3513.02 VYOPF 3513.04 Rev. 6 Page 1 of 2
- ~ ,-
- I
- 4. NOTE: Step 3 may be repeated as often as required to provide the necessary information for plume mapping and dose projection.
- 5. Complete the Off-site Doses Calculations required on VYOPF 3513.02, and utilizing 0.P. 3511, Off-site Protective Actions Recommendations, transmit this information to the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator for relay to states' representatives.
Performed by Date Time i
Approved by Date Time 4
i i
4 VYOPF 3513.04 I
Rev. 6 Page 2 of 2
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0.P. 3513 Rsv. 6 APPENDIX A l
! This nomogram should be used to determine the release rate and off-site dose rate at 1/3 mile (i.e., the " site boundary") when the high range noble gas stack monitor is on scale >.2 mR/hr. The informa-tion required to use this nomogram is: 1) time after reactor shutdown, T, 2) the stack high range monitor response, 3) The stack flow rate, and 4) wind speed.
The stack high range monitor is a Victoreen 847A-1 ion chamber which measures the radiation in the base of the stack. The monitor has a readout in the Control Room on CRP 9-2 with a range from 0.1 mR/hr to 1 x 10 mR/hr.
The stack flow is determined from a local readout in the stack monitoring room and may be approximated by accessing data point C062 on the Plant Computer and applying the following formula; CO "
Stack Flow (ft/ min)
The wind speed (in mph) may be determined from the Met computer terminal in the rear of the Control Room, from thes secondary meteorological instrumentation readout on CRP 9-48 in Control Room, or from primary ,
meteorological instrumentation readouts in the Relay House.
s t
Page 1 of 1
Two sets of diffusion factors for both ground and elevated releases are presented in the attached tables. Both sets are presented as a function of atmospheric stability and downwind distance from the plant, and in the case of elevated releases, the specific downwind direction.
The two types of diffusion factors are as follows:
Concentration pX/Q Values - Can be used to evaluate airborne radionuclide concentrations which contribute to thyroid exposure through inhalation.
Effective Gamma Dose pX/Q Values - Car be used to evaluate gamma radiation levis which contribute to the whole body exposure.
NOTE: Use care that the correct pX/Q value is selected from the table for use in the following equations.
- 1. Initial and Subsequent Off-Site Whole Body Gamma Dese Estimates An estimate of the sector average whole body gamma dose rates D at other downwind distances i can be determined as follows:
i " [((nX/Q)y];
[ D, (1) 4 Rewritten: D = 5 x 10 .
[(pX/Q)y]1 - D 1 9 Where: D = Whole body gamma dcse rate at selected downwind distance 1 (mrem /hr)
[(pX/Q)y] = Elevated effective gamma dose pX/Q value for downwind distance 1 (from tables).
[(pX/Q)y] = Elevated effective gamma dose pX/Q valge at the downwind distance of 0.35 miles (equals 2 x 10 ).
NOTE: This is an average value for initial estimate only.
D = Whole body gamma dose rate at the downwind distance of 0.35
miles (mrem /hr, from emergency nomogram).
I l (1) As field measured dose rates (D ) at known distances become available, select the appropriate [pX/Q] from the tables and substitute in the above equation.
i 1
j Page 1 of 2
_ _ . _ . . - . . . . _ ~
0.P. 3513 Rev. 6 APPENDIX B (Continued)
II. Estimating I-131 Concentrations at Other Downwind Distances Similarly, measured ground level plume centerline I-131 concentra-tion at one downwind distance can be extrapolated to estimate a center-line I-131 concentration at another downwind distance as follows:
= [(uX/Q)],
(( X/Q)))
- Where: X g= Plume centerline concentration at selected downwind distance 1 (pC1/cc).
[(pX/Q)]g = Concentration uX/Q value for selected downwind distance 1.
XO = Measured plume centerline concentration (uC1/cc).
= neentration pX/Q value for measurement location.
III. Estimating I-131 Concentrations Based on Measured Stack Release Rate Measured stack release rate can be extrapolated to estimate a centerline I-131 concentration at a downwind distance as follows:
X 1
.EX , L-Q
.Q -i u Where: = Plume centerline concentration at selected X' downwind distance 1 (pCi/cc)
Idb = Concentration X/Q value for selected downwind 9.1 distance 1 (from Table B-2)
- = Wind speed in meters /second.
u ll Q=I release rate (stack sample) in ci/sec Page 2 of 2
' ) [
(For Air Particulate and Iodine (Multiply Concent'ratig)n's) all values by 10-i Stability Category Downwind Pasquill F Pasquill G Pasquill A Pasquill B .Pasquill C Pasquill D Pasquill E Distance .
- 27. 61. 160. 260. 450. 920.
r D.5 miles 6.4 1.3 4.9 19. 60. 110. 210. 350.
1.0 0.70 0.96 5.9 21. 41. 86. 170.
- ; 2.0 0.66 3.0 12. 24, 53. 110.
- 3.0 0.50 0.51 1.8 7.6 16. 38. 80.
- 4.0 0.39 1.2 5.5 12. 29. 62.
5.0 ' O.32 0.42 0.36 0.92- 4.3 9.6 23. 50.
6.0 0.28 0.24 0.32 0.72 3.5 7.9 20. 43.
7.0 0.29 0.58 3.0 6.8 17. 37.
8.0 0.21 ,
0.26 0.48 2.5 5.8 15, 32.
.) 9.0 0.19 I 29.
0.18 0.24 0.41 2.2 5.1 13.
!. 10.0 '
4 1, -
- NOTE: These values are independent of wind direction.
l :j Page 1 of 2 f
l i
1 I
. s
i O O (3 .
0.P. 3513 Rev.6 TABLE B4 (For Whole Body Expostire Only)
(Multiply all values by 10-6)
Stability Category
',. Downwind Pasquill F Pasquill G Pasquill B Pasquill C Pasquill D Easquill E
' Distance Pasquill A
- 34. 37. 41, 47, 0.5 miles 8.3 19. 26.
4.3 9.5 14. 16, 19, 20.
i 1.0 1.3 0.63 0.68 3.1 5.8 6.9 8.3 9.5
] 2.0 0.42 0.42 l'. 6 3.3 4.2 5.2 6.L.
! 3.0 .
0.31 '0.31 0.97 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.4 4.0 ,
0.25 0.25 0.66 1.6 2.2 2.9 3.4 5.0 0.21 0.21 0.49 '
1.3 1.7 2.3 2.8 6.0 I
0.18 0.18 0.37 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.4 7.0 0.16 0.30 0.85 1.2 1.7 2.1 8.0 0.16 0.14 0.24 0.72 1.0 1.5 1.8 9.0 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.20 0.62 0.92 1.3 1.6
! 10.0 ,
- NOTE: These values are independent of wind direction. .
i Page 2 of 2
- \
0.P. 3513 .
(Multiply all values by 1.0E-6) qtability A Concentration ux/0
- - (Wind Toward) (For air particulate and iodine concentrations)
WSW W WNW NW NNW SE SSE S SSW SW NNE NE ENE. E ESE 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-N 124- 147- 169- 192- 214-34?- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102-236 258 281 303 E 348 78 101 123 146 160 191 213 NILFS 11 . 33 56 6.31 6.11 6.11 6.15 6.15 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6 11 6.11
.5 6.11 6.11 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1 27 1.27 1 27 1.27 1.27 10 1.27
.70 .70
.70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70
.70 .70 .70 .70 .70 2.0 .70 .70 .70
.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50
.50 .50 .50 .50 .50
.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 3.0
.M *M *M # *# *#
.39 .39 .39 .39 .39 .M 4.0 .39 .39
.33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33
+33 '33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 5.0 .33 .33
.28 .28 .28 .20 .28 .28 .28 .28 .28
- .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 6.0 .28 .28
.24 .24 .24 .24 .24 *24 .24 .24
- 24 .24 .24 .24 .24 7.0 .24 .24 .24
.21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21
.21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 8.0 .21 .21 .21 .21
'l9 *l9 *l9 *l9 *l9 *l9
- 19 *19 *19 *I' 'I' 'I' 9.0 .19 .19 .19 .19
.18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18
.18 .18 .18 .18 .18
.18 .18 .18 .18 .18 10.0 Stability A Gamma Dose ux/Q R r whole body exposure only)
ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NHW N NNE NE ENE E 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-347- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124-326 348 5 HILES 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 168 19f 213 236 258 281 303 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.46 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.71 7.71 7.66 7.66
.5 7.66 7.66 7.66 ,7.66 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.24*
1.0 1.25
.62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 2.0 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62
.42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42
, 3'.0 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 4.0 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31
.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 5.0 .25 .25 .25 .25
.21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 6.0 .21 .21
.18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 7.0 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 8.0 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 '.16 .16 .16 .16
.14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .24 .14 .14 .14 9.0 .14 .14 .14
.12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .22 .12 10.0 .12 .12 .12 .12
0.P. 3513 .
TABLE B-2 ( S h e e t 2 o f 7 ) Ray. 6 ,
(Multiply all values by 1.0E-6)
Stability B Concentration UX/0 (Wind Toward) (For air particulate and iodine concentrations) WNW NW NNW SSE S SSW SW WSW W NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE 304- 327-N 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282-349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 303 326 348 146 168 191 213 236 258 281 HILFS 11 33 56 78 101 123 ~
17.11 17.11 17.11 18.16 18 16 17.11 17.11 17.11 17.11 17 11 17.11 17.11 17.11 17.11 17.11
.5 17.11 4.89 4.91 4.91 4.82 4.82 4.70 4.79 4.82 4.79 4.79 4.70 4.70 4 73 4.85 1.0 4.02 4.76
.96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96
.96 .96 .96 .96 .96
.96 .96 .96 .96 .96 2.0
.66 .66 .66 .66 .64
.66 .66 .66 .66 .66
.66 .66 .66 .66 .66 3.0 .66
.51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51
.51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 4.0 .51 .51 .51
.42 42 .42 .42 .42
.42 .42 .42 .42 .42
.42 .42 .42 .42 .42 5.0 .42
.36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .34
.36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 6.0 .36 .36 .36 .36
.32 .32 .32 .32 .32
.32 .32 .32 .32 .32
.32 .32 .32 7.0 .32 .32 .32
.29 .29 .29 .29 .29
.29 .29 .29 .29 .29
.29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 0.0
.26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26
' .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 9.0 .26 .26
.24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24
.24 .24 .24 .24 .2$
.24 .24 .24 .24 10.0 .24 Stability B Gamma Dose ux/Q # * " *"#**
! 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-E HILES 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 168 19f 213 236 258 781 303 326 348
.5 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 1'3.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 14.13 14.13 13.67 13.67 1.0 4.00 4.04 4.06 4.08 4.06 4.06 3.99 3.99 4.01 4.10 4.13 4.14' 4.14 4.08 4.08 3.99 2.0 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 3.0 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 4.0 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 5.0 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 6.0 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 7.0 .18 .18 .38 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .16 8.0 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 9.0 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 10.0 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12
Q.P. 3513 '
TABLE B-2 ( S hee t 3 o f 7 ) Rev. 6 s VY ELEVATED RELEASE __ DIFFUSION FACTORS (m-2) ya va ues by 1.M-6)
S tai)il i ty C Concen tra ti on ux /0 (Wind Toward) (For air particulate and iodine concentrations) W WNW NW NNW SE SSE S SSW SW WSW N HNE NE ENE. E ESE 259- 282- 304- 327-102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237-34- 57- 79-349- 12-33 56 78 101 123 146 160 191 213 236 258 281 303 A 348 MILFS I1 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 10.09 18.09 14.98 14.98
.5 14.98 14.98 14.98 14.Y8 14.98 14.98 14.98 12.34 13.06 15.77 16.93 17.43 17.43 15.13. 15.13 12.34 1.0 15.13 13.77 14.46 15.13 14.46 14.46 12.34 5.50 5.57 5.75 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.57 2.0 5.83 5.91 5.92 5.92 5.89 5.75 2.94 2.93 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.99 2 98 2.90 3.0 2.96 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 1.03 1 83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 4.0 1 83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 5.0 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1 25 1.25 1.25 1.25
.92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 6.0 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92
.72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 7.0 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72
.58 .58 .58 .58 .50 .58 .58 .58 .58 8.0 .58 .58 .58 .58 .58 .58 .58
.48 .48 .48 .49 .48 .48 .48 .40 .48 9.0 .48 48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48
.41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 10.0 .41 S ta bili ty C Gamma Dose ux/Q (For whole body exposure only)
N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-HILFS 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 160 19f 213 236 250 281 303 326 340
.5 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.47 14.37 14.37 13.47 13.47 1.0 7.64 7.23 7.44 7.64 7.44 7.44 6.80 6.00 7.02 7.82 8.15 8.30 8.30 7.64 7.64 6.80 2.0 2.94 2.96 2.97 2.97 2.96 2.90 2.81 2.84 2.90 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.84 3.0 1.51 1.52 1 52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1 51 1.50 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.49
.94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 ,94 ,94 4.0 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 5.0 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .45 .45 .65 .65 .65 6.0 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 39 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 7.0 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 8.0 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 9.0 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 10.0 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20
0.P. 3513 .
TABLE b-2( S hee t 4 o f 7 ) Rev. 6 ,
(Multiply all values by 1'OE-6)
Stabi1ity D Concentration ux/0 (Wind Toward) (For air particulate and iodine ' concentrations)
SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW ENE. E ESE SE SSE S N NNE NE 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192-349- 12- 34-213 236 258 281 303 3?6 348 56 78 101 123 146 168 191 NILFS 11 33
.68 ~.'6 9~ 1.42 1.42 .68 .68
.68 . 6 8 ~ ~~ .68 .68 .68 ~. 68 .68 .68
.5 .68 .68 25.01 35.25 40.67 40.67 20.47 20.47 7.60 16.44 20.47 16.44 16.44 7.60 7.60 10.02 1.0 20.47 12.96 15.17 18.36 22.07 22.07 22.07 22.07 22.07 22.07 15.17 20.09 21.74 22.07 22.07 21.33 18.36 14.03 2.0 10.76 10.60 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.02 11.82 9.87 3.0 11.18 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 11.82 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 4.0 7.71 7.72 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.0 5.59 5.59 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 d.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 6.0 4.34 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 7.0 3.56 3.56 2.99 2.99 2.99 2 99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2 99 0.0 2.99 2.99 2.55 2.55 2.55 2 55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 9.0 2.55 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2 19 2.19 10.0 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 Stability D damma Dose ux/Q r d le b dy exposure only)
N NNE NE ENE. E Ef# SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-NILES 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 168 19f 213 236 258 281 303 326 348 11.47 11.47 11 47 11.47 11.47 11.47 11.47 11.47 11.47 12.30 12.3Q 11.47 11.47
.5 11.47 11 47 11.47 7.94 6.41 6.41 6.89 9.09 10.28 10.85 10.85 8.51 8.51 6.41 1.0 8.51 7.40 7.94 8.51 7.94 5.17 4.78 4.19 4.35 4.78 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 4.35 2.0 5.01 5.22 5.26 5.26 3.04 2.87 2.85 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 2.74 3.0 2.94 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 4.0 2.04 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.G1 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 5.0 1.51 1 51 1.51 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 6.0 1.17 1.17 1 17 1.17
.96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 7.0 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .V6
.80 .80 .00 .80 .00 .80 .80 .80 .80 .00 .80 8.0 .00 .00 .80 .80 .80
.68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68 9.0 .68 .68 .68 .68 .68
.59 .59 .59 .59 .$9 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 10.0 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _m
0.P. 3513 '
TABLE B-2 ( S hee t 5 o f 7 ) Rev. 6 ,_
(Multiply all values by 1.0E-6)
Stability E Concentration ux/Q (Wind Toward) (For air particulate and iodine concentrations)
SW WSW W WNW NW NNW ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW N NNE NE 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192-349- 12- 34-56 57-73 101 123 146 168 191 213 236 258 281 303 A 348 MILES 11 33 .01
.03 .03 .01
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.5 .01 .01 1.85 3.18 19.25 37.81 50.12 50.12 12.98 12.98 1.85 5.28 8.43 12.98 8.43 8.43 1.85 1.0 12.98 43.78 43.78 43.78 43.78 43.78 20.04 43.78 40.78 29.03 17.01 20.04 29.83 43.78 2.0 35.98 42.41 43.78 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 16.24 24.72 24.72 24 72 19.85 19.16 24.72 24.72 3.0 21.70 24.72 24.72 _
16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.49 4.0 16.62 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 ;16.69 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12 39 12.39 12.39 12 39 12.39 5.0 12.39 12.39 12.39 9.79 9.77 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 6.0 9.79 9.79 8.10 8.10 8.10 9.10 B.10 8.10 0.10 8.10 8.10 9.10 9.10 8.10 9.10 7.0 8.10 8.10 B.10 6.87 6.87 6 87 6 07 6.87 6.87 6.07 4.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 8.0 6.87 6.87 6.87 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 9.0 5.94 5.94 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 10.0 5.18 5.18 Stability E Gamma Dose ux/Q (For whole body exposure only)
N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S #5W .SW WSW / W WNW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327 ,
HILES 11 33 ,56 78 101 123 146 168 _,dPf 213 236 2G8 281 303 R 348 7
.5 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 ,11 09 11. 0Y* 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 11 09 11.86 11.86 11.09 11.09 1.0 8.01 6.83 7.39 8.01 7.39 7.39 5.88 I5.88 6.32 8.70 10.25 11.09 11.09 8.01 8 01 5.88
?.0 5.77 6.21 6.30 6.30 6.10 5.33 4.29 4.55 5.33 6.30 6 30 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 4.55 3.0 3.58 3.81 3.81 3.81 3 81 3.81 3.43 3.37 3.81 3.81 3 81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.12 4.0 2.66 2.67 2 67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2 67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 5.0 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2 01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 6.0 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.40 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.40 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 7.0 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1 32 1.32 1.32 1.32 8.0 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 9.0 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 . 9 7. .97 .97 ,97
.97 .97 10.0 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85
0.P. 3513 ,
TABLE B-2(S h ee t 6 o f 7 ) Rev. 6 ,
(Multiplv all values by 1.DE-6)
Stability F Concen tra tion u x/0 (Wind Toward) (For air particulate and iodine concentrations) WSW W WNW NW NNW ESE SE SSE S SSW SW N HNE NE ENE. E 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-102- 124- 147- 169- 192-349- 12- 34- 57- 79-213 236 258 281 303 326 340 78 101 123 146 168 191 NILFS 11 33 56
.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
.00 .00 .00 .00 .00
.5 , .0o .00 .00 .00 22.82 .53 .53 .00
.16 .16 .00 .00 .01 1.58 10.40 22.82 1.0 .53 .04 .16 .53 l 101.51 101.51 10f.51 101.51 101.51 101.51 11.50 101.51 83.29 34.86 7.28 11.50 34.86 2.0 lh8.77 92.92 101.51 59.02 59.02 59.02 59.02 59.02 18 47 59.02 59.02 32.17 29.21 59.02 59.02 3.0 ,41.19 59.02 59.02 59.02 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41 36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 4.0 40.88 41.36 41 36 41.36 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 5.0 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 6.0 24.69 24.69 24 49 24.69 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 7.0 20.79 20.79 20.79 17.93 17 93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 R.0 17.93 17.93 17.93 15 72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 9.0 15.72 15.72 15 72 15.72 13.95 13.95 13 95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 10.0 13.95 13.95 13.95 Stability F Gamma Dose ux/0 (For whole body exposure only) ,
N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-H1LES 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 168 19f 213 236 258 281 303 3?6 348 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 11.60 11.60 10.87 10.87
.5 10.87 10.07 10.87 10.87 10.07 10.87 10.87 5.53 S.53 5.91 7.98 9.50 10.47 10.47 7.35 7.35 5.53 1.0 7.35 6.35 6.83 7.35 6.83 6.83 4.29 5.53 7.77 7.77 7.77 7.77 7.77 7.77 4.29 2.0 6.43 7.52 7.77 7.77 7.23 5.53 3.94 3.82 3.69 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 3 20 3.0 4.16 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 ,4.78 3.41 3.41 3.41' 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 4.0 3.39 3 41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 5.0 2.62 2.62- 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62
- I 2.13- 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2 13 6.0 , 2.13 2.13 2.33 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13
. /
1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 7.0 r 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1 79 1.79 1.79 1.79, g 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 8.0 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 9.0 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34' 1.74, 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1 '.1'9 1 19 1.19 't.19 1 19 1.19 1.19 , 1.19 1.19 1.19 10.0 1.19 -
e ,\-
0.P. 3513 e TABLE B-2 ( S h ee t 7 o f 7 ) Rev. 6 g VY ELEVATED RELEASE DIFFUSION FACTORS (m-2) l' Stability G Concentration ux/0 (Wind Toward) SE (For SSE air particulate S
and iodine SSW SW concbratiTs) WNW NW NNW NNE NE ENE- E ESE 327-N 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304-349- 12- 34- 57-1?1 1 236 258 281 303 326 348 33 56 78 101 123 146 160 213 Hit.F S 11
.00 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
.17 1.18 1 18 00 .00 .00
.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10 00 .00 .00 .00 .00
.47 191 42 246.95 246 95 139.69 11.37 .13 .47 11.37 246.95 246.95 246.95 246.95 246.95 246.95 2.0 51.17 4.64
3.0 49.91 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 24.01 18.02 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99 49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 4.0 96.12 99 49 99.49 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 5.0 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 6.0 59.32 59.32 49.43 49*43 49*43 49'43 49'43 49'43 49*43 49*43 49.43 49*43 49.43 49.43 49.43 49.43 7.0 49.43 49.43 42.33 42.33 42.33 42 33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42 33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 8.0 42.33 42.33 42.33 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 34.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 9.0 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.70' 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 32 78 32.78 32.78 32.78 .
10.0 Stability G Gamma Dose ux/9 (For whole body exposure only)
N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 282- 304- 327-HILES 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 168 19f 213 236 258 281 303 326 348
.5 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.HO 10.00 10.80 10.80 10. B'O 10.80 10.80 11.53 11.53 10.80 10.80 1.0 7.17 6.22 6.67 7.17 6.67 6.67 5.43 5.43 5.80 7.73 9.09 9.94 9.94 7.17 7.17 5.43 2.0 6.39 9.62 9431 9.31 7.92 5.16 3.65 3.95 5.16 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 3.95 3.0 4.33 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 3.72 3.55 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 2.93 4.0 4.13 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 5.0 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 bl.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 s3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.0 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 7.0 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 0.0 1.91 1.91 1.91 ~ 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 9.0 1.68 1.68 1 68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 10.0 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1 49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1 49 1.49 1.49 1.49 m
0.P. 3513
, ,, , Rav. 6 APPENDIX C TI-59 CALCULATOR-PRINTER INSTRUCTIONS Af ter obtaining " met" data from " met" typer, (or Relay House), the TI-59 calculator-printer and the type of release:
- 1. Turn printer ON, then calculator ON. (Printer switch on right side to rear, and calculator switch on top left.) TRACE button on printer should be in UP position.
- 2. Preparecalculatortoaccegg"MetData" program" mag"cardsby pressing the sequence 4, 20 , 917. (The display should show 639.39)
Clear the display by pressing CLR.
- 3. From the mag card folder, select the two " Met Data" cards. Insert side 1 (upper left corner on card) into lower slot (top right) of calculator.
NOTE: A steady "1" (or other negative side number) displayed by the calculator indicates side-1 of the program was loaded successfully. A flashing "1" indicates the opposite. In this event, clean the dark side of card by wiping gently -
on soft cloth (i.e., shirt sleeve or pant leg, etc.), press CLR and reinsert as required to obtain a steady display.
- 4. Invert card, press CLR and insert side 2 as in Step 3, above.
- 5. Using second card, press CLR and insert sides 3 and 4 as in Steps 3 and 4 above.
NOTE: The display should be cleared prior to entering each side of a card.
- 6. Place first card in upper slot (top right) to cue you for future data entry locations. (Return second card to card folder).
- 7. Run " MET DATA" or RADOSE II programs as indicated in the procedure.
- 8. At any time, the calculator may be used for " side calculations" that may be desired without affecting the program entered. Should the operator desire to " log" the result of a " side calculation" press PRINT on the printer when the calculator answer is displayed. Press ADV t on printer to advance tape to identify the printed value, its limits, or make other notes.
- 9. When use of the calculator-printer is no longer required, return displayed cue card to the card folder and turn calculator and printer OFF in the stated order.
.. j
Dept. Supv. hdk Proc. No. O.P. 3510 o PORC jf2 R;v. No. 10
,o Plent Mgr. A/p%go., Issus Dat 9/30/82
' Mgr. of Op2. de M R3vitw D:ta 9/30/84
l To survey and report off-site radiological conditions to the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator.
l The prime objective of the Of f-Site and Site Boundary Monitor-ing Teams is to rapidly survey areas downwind of the plant site in order to determine the extent and magnitude of any release of radio-active eaterial following an incident. It should be stressed that the initial off-site and boundary survey is of great importance; decisions regarding the extent and types of protective actions re-quired by the public will h: bssed upon initial data reported by the survey teams.
The teek of each monitoring team is to collect radiological data and air samples, and transmit information to and/or receive instructions from the Emergency Operations Facility. Unless directed otherwise by the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator, the basic duties and responsibilities of the monitoring teams are as follows:
Site Boundary -Obtains a dose rate reading and a 1 minute (10 LPM) air
(" Yellow" or sample, unless otherwise directed, at the site boundary Security Teams) downwind location where maximum radiation levels are detected.
Off Site - Proceeds off-site to inner predetermined sample (Green) location in downwind sector (i.e., green dot in appropriate downwind sector on area map) obtaining radiation level readings enroute and a 1 minute (10 LPM) air sample, unless otherwise directed, when on station.
The data obtained is radioed to the Emergency Operations Facility.
Off-Site - Proceeds off-site to the vicinity of the outer (Blue) predetermined sample location in downwind section (i.e., blue dot in appropriate downwind sector of area map) and tranverses the plume to determine maximum radiation levels, or the plume centerline. A 1 minute (10 LPM) air sample, unless otherwise directed, is taken at that location and data obtained is radioed to the Emergency Operations Facility.
NOTE: Additional air sampling, utilizing silver zeolite cartridges, will be performed when the count rate on the charcoal cartridge sample exceeds 100 cpm over background.
Silver zeolite retains only radioiodines and allows noble gases to pass through.
The value of 100 cpm over background is
0.P. 3510
. R:v. 10 2 based upon a 5 REN exposure to the thyroid (child) if exposure is 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and a stand-dard 1 minute air sample at 10 liters per minute with a 2.5% efficiency rate for the r RM-14 counting instrument.
The overriding consideration in the initial survey is speed combined with reasonable accuracy. Information is required with as little delay as possible; therefore, the survey consists of simple
, methods to approximate the magnitude of the accident. Once the initial urgency of the situation is satisfied subsequent surveys and/or analysis may be made to obtain more accurate detailed information and a more precise evaluation. Additionally, samples will be collected and returned to the Emergency Operations Facility for further analysis as the emergency and recovery phases continue.
The following table is attached:
Table 1 1 Minute Air Sample I-131 Cartridge Results
A. Tech. Spec.
- 1. None B. Admin. Limits
- 1. None C. Other
- 1. None Precautions:
- 1. Use care not to contaminate monitoring equipment.
- 2. During foul weather, use care not to damage filters by expos-ing them to the elements. (e.g., sample under hood or inside car.)
- 3. The individual driving the vehicle will not perform radio communications or take radiological readings while he is driving the vehicle.
- 1. None Procedure:
NOTE: 1. If an incident occurs during normal work hours, the
, EOF Coordinator will assign tags (i.e., duties) to personnel. If an incident occurs during off hours, the Emergency Assignment Tag Board will be used in numerical sequence.
t l
. . _ = _ ___ ,-______-.m.___ _ . _ _ . . _ . .
0.P. 3510
- Rev. 10
- 2. Each step of this procedure is to be initialed by a f i member of the monitoring team.
! NOTE: If any equipment malfunctions or is missing,
- notify the EOF Coordinator or the Radiological 1
- Assistant.
t 4
1 l
i t
E 1
1 1
1 s.
i e
- h 1
'l 4
I -
__? _ _ - , _ _ , , , _ . _ . .-_. , , _ , , _ , . _ , , . _ _ _ .
0.P. 3510
, R2v. 10 Section I - TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO LEAVING SITE (Unless otherwise directed by the EOF Coordinator)
Team Name Team Members Date Time Initial A. Site Boundary (" Yellow" or Security) Team - Obtain respirator, high range dosimeter, dose rate rate meter (PIC-6) and air sampler.
Off-Site (" Green"& Blue") Teams - Obtain Off-Site Monitoring Kit, air sampler, Eberline RM-14, and dose rate meter (PIC-6).
B. Perform the following checks:
- 1. Air Sampler
- a. Insure that a new filter paper and charcoal cartridges are properly in-stalled in their respective holders.
- 2. RM-14 (Off-Site Teams only)
- a. Turn range switch to BATTERY CHECK position and insure meter reads in the BATT OK range.
- b. Insure that the response switch is in SLOW position,and that the test switch in back is in the DOWN position,
- c. Verify instrument responds properly to radiation by use of the check source in the emergency kit.
- d. Serial # .
- 3. PIC-6
- a. Turn range switch to BATTERY CHECK position and verify that the battery condition is within the indicated range.
- b. Verify that instrument responds properly to radiation by use of the check source in the emergency
- c. Serial #_, .
0.P. 3510 Rev. 10 Initial C. Datermine wind speed and downwind direction from the EOF Coordinator, the Radiological As-sistant, or by calling Control Room.
- 1. Wind speed mph; Direction NOTE: If use of a company vehicle is required, re-quest same from the Manpower and Planning Assistant.
D. Rezero high range dosimeter, if necessary, and/or note initial reading of each.
- E. Obtain potassium iodide (KI) treatment from EOF Coor-
- dinator, if conditions indicate.
F. Proceed to outer gatehouse and obtain one portable radio trqnsceiver per team and your assigned TLD badges.
- 1. Check operability of radio as follows:
- a. Plage frequency selector switch to posi-tion 3.
NOTE: In the event of failure of Freq. 3 in the field, switch to.Freq. 1.
- b. f6*o* normal voice and with microphone approximately 8-10 inches in front of mouth, push microphone button and say:
" Coordinator Base, this is (specify color)
Team requesting a radio check. Do you read me?" Release microphone button. (The Operation Facility base radio should respond to your call.)
- c. Acknowledge response by pushing micro-phone button and saying: " Coordinator Base, this is (specify color) Team. We are proceeding to predetermined sample location in (downwind) sector unless you have special instructions for us. Over."
(Base station will acknowledge or will give special instructions.)
- d. Upon completion of transmissions, the last unit to leave the air should say "This is WRZ-941. Clear."
NOTE: If this is a drill, then state "This is a drill."
- 2. If radio is inoperable, obtain a replace-ment and repeat above step.
- 3. Radio operable and contact made with Coor-dinator Base.
l . Rav. 10 l
Initial NOTE: Boundary and off-site teams should attempt to
- minimize their radiation exposure, as practicable, while performing their duties. Inform the r
- Radiological Assistant by radio in the event a high
' range dosimeter exceeds 1R while performing this procedure.
SECTION II - 0FF-SITE SURVEY ENROUTE - (Of f-Site Teams only, Site Boundary Team proceed to Section III) i l A. Monitor tires of vehicle prior to leaving the site and note initial general background on
- RM-14 in vicinity of Emergency Operations Facility.
Bkg cpm i
NOTE: Unless otherwise specified by the EOF Coordinator:
Green Team proceeds directly to inner (green) down wind sample location and takes air sample.
I Blue Team proceeds to vicinity of outer I (blue) sample location and attempt j to locate the approximate centerline of plume prior to taking air s'a'mple.
B. While enroute, team passenger holds probe of RM-14 inside car window (shielded from wind) and .
notes the approximate location at which the above background doubles or commences to increase.
! NOTE: This is intended to locate the apprcx-imate plume boundary. Do not stop to determine a precise location.
C. Note additional readings enroute at easily identified landmarks. (Should the RM-14 go of f the highest scale, switch to PIC-6.)
Location Reading (Circle one)
(RM-14)(PIC-6) 4 (RM-14) (PIC-6)
(RM-14)(PIC-6) i f
l 1
0.P. 3510
- , Rav. 10 Initial i
J NOTE: Step D below for " Blue" Team only. (Green
{ team proceed to Step E.)
D. In the vicinity of the outer (blue) sample loca-tion on map, seek out nearest roads crossing the ;
direction of the plume and determine the location of the maximum reading as precisely as possible. '
1 NOTE: While crossing the plume, a rapid dose rate change is not anticipated. Look for a wide maximum plateau and do not 1
spend more than 5 minutes in selecting a sampling location.
Location i
Reading (RM-14)(PIC-6)
- E. Contact the Radiological Assistant and advise him your team is on location and (in accordance with the following note) summarize the results of Steps B & C.
(Blue team also reports on findings in Step D.)
a NOTE: Announce actual measurement units over radio; simply refer to them as " counts a per minute," "MR/hr," or "R/hr."
- NOTE: While on station, keep the Radiological Assis-
- tant advised of any significant changes in radiation levels, wind direction, rain, etc.
Section III - ON LOCATION MONITORING A. Site Boundary (Yellow or Security) Teams - Determine downwind location at site boundary where maximum radiation levels are detected.
, Off-Site (Green and Blue) Teams - Upon arrival at sampling location, insure that release cloud has
. arrived by observing stable elevated RM-14 or PIC-6
! background, or by calculating arrival time based on l wind speed.
1 B. Using the PIC-6, take the following survey: (Green Team and Blue Team use RM-14 if dose rate is less than 1 mR/hr)
- 1. Monitor the radiation level at waist height.
i i,
0.P. 3510
. Riv. 10 Initial
- Waist level: " Counts per minute",
- "mR/hr" or "R/hr"
- 2. Check the radiation level 2" above the ground.
- Ground level: " Counts per minute",
"mR/hr" or "R/hr" NOTE: All teams report these readings by radio to
- the Radiological Assistant (or Plant Emergency Director).
C. Using the stopwatch, start air sample by connecting leads to car battery. Record time here and on air sample enve-lopes (one for particulate filter and one for charcoal cartridge).
Time D. Check air flow indication.
- 1. Adjust to 10 LPM and note the flow on air sample envelope.
E. Maintain flow rate during the one minute (or as otherwise directed) sample period, and end the sample by use of the stopwatch.
F. Af ter air sampler has operated for the sampling period, disconnect from battery.
NOTE: Yellow or Security Team - Return to the EOF, request personnel monitoring prior to entry, obtain an RM-14; do an
- instrument check (Step B.2), then, complete Steps G through Q.
G. Retreat to nearest area outside the plume (background RM-14 readings), run air sampler an additional period of time to approximately equal the sample duration and rate of flow. This step is to purge noble gases from the charcoal cartridge.
H. Check RM-14 background level.
Background cpm I. Remove charcoal cartridge wrap in parafilm, and place in probe holder on RM-14. (The sample should be centered in the circled area.) Place filter paper in properly labelled envelope.
J. Place the probe directly over the sample.
K. Obtain count rate of sample after the needle is relatively stable.
Gross count rate cpm
-w- - . v--e--- , v- y - -
0.P. 3510
. Rav. 10 i
Initial L. Correct for background in the following manner:
Step K cpm minus Step H cpm = net cpm M. Refer to Table I " NET cpm" column and locate net cpm value of Step L above and note the correspond-ing " Air Code" number.
" Air Code" number is .
- N. Report the " Air Code" number to the Radiological
- Assistant at the Coordinator Base.
NOTE: Use of "Walkie-Talkies"
- a. To make initial call, say: "Coor-dinator Base, this is (specify team color) Team. Over."
- b. When Coordinator Base responds:
- 1) Identify your team by color.
- 2) Describe sample location.
- 3) Results are " Air Code ."
- 4) Request acknowledgement.
- c. Upon acknowledgement or c'ompletion of other message exchanges, end final transmission with: "This is WRZ-941, Clear." If a drill, state:
"This is a drill."
- d. The only known radio " dead area" is on Broadbrook Road midway between Guilford and Rte. 142. If samples are taken in this area, it may be necessary to proceed to either end (i.e., Guilford or Rte. 142) to establish radio communications and report sample results.
- e. In the event radio communications cannot be established at other loca-tions, seek higher elevations then attempt to contact Coordinator Base or relay message through other teams who are in contact with the EOF Coordi-4 nator.
NOTE: Telephone - In the event of a radio break-down, proceed to nearest available phone and call (802) 257-7090, or 254-4418.
0.P. 3510
. Rev. 10 Initial
- 0. Check and log high range dosimeter reading.
Team member #1 Team member #2 a P. If the net counts per minute value is greater than or equal to 100 cpm in Step L, then return to the sample location and repeat Steps C-L using a silver zeolite cartridge but omit the purge step from Step G. Report the results to the Radiological Assistant at the Coordinator Base and also report that a silver zeolite cartridge was used.
l _ .
Gross CPM Bkgd CPM Net CPM Air Code (f rom Table I) for net CPM value.
- Air Code Q. Place sample cartridge in separate labelled envelope and deliver both samples to the Radiological Coordinator for further analysis and storage.
NOTE: Af ter each survey, the Off-Site Monitor-ing Teams should check their equipment and themselves for contamination using
- the RM-14. If contamination is found,
- notify the Radiological Assistant. In any case, contact Radiological Assistant and request further instructions. If a new location is assigned, complete Sections II and III on a blank copy of this procedure.
Final Conditions:
- 1. Return radio to outer gatehouse.
- 2. Return Emergency Kit and equipment to the Emergency Operations Facility locker.
- 3. Submit completed copy of this procedure to the Radiological Assistant at the EOF.
- 4. Turn in all dosimeters to the Radiological Assistant for evaluation.
SPS/emr 4
TABLE I O.P. 3510
. Rtv. 10 i
" AIR NET CODE" CPM 0 <40 1 40 3 80 4 100 5 125 6 150 7 175 8 200 9 225 10 250 11 275 12 300 13 325 14 350 15 375 16 400 17 425 18 450 19 500 20 750 21 1000 22 1250 23 1500 24 1750 25 2000 26 2250 '
27 2500 28 2750 29 3000 30 3250 31 3500 32 3750 33 4000 34 4250 35 4500 36 5000 37 7500 38 10000 39 12500 40 15000 41 17500 42 20000 43 25000 44 30000 45 35000 46 40000 47 50000 NOTE: AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, samples should each be reevaluated isotopically on available laboratory counting equipment to determine more accurate concentrations and projected doses.
.f__-__ . . _ _ . _ , _ . _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ - _ . - - . _ ,
Dept. _%h Proc. No. 0.P. 3511
, PORC 7" G"7 1 _ <,e Rev. No. Originel Plant Mgr. id A]m,4C ,Issu2 Date 9/30/82
To provide a procedure to make protective action recommendations to the Emergency Planning Zone States.
This procedure describes the criteria which will be used in recommending protective actions to the appropriate state and local authorities during an emergency. The Radiological Assistant to the EOF Coordinator gathers the appropriate information concerning pro-jected and measured dose rates. The population at risk is determined based upon the meteorological data (speed, direction and stability).
The exposure time is based upon available information such as plant condition or type of accident. In the event that this cannot be readily approximated, a default release duration estimate is given.
. - The projected dose is calculated from this information. The protec-tive action recommendation is based upon Environmental Protection Agency guidance contained in Table I.
If the EPA levels are reached, the Radiological Assistant communicates this information to the EOF Coordinator and this infor-mation and recommendation is subsequently passed state repre-sentatives.
Additionally, loss of all core cooling capability shall require protective action recommendations even before any releases are actually in progress or before the activation of the emergency response facilities takes place. The recommendation to evacuate shall be made by the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director during his initial declaration of this event to the EPZ states.
The following form and tables are attached:
VYOPF 3511.01 Public Protective Action Recommendation Work Sheet Table I Protective Action Recommendation Guidelines Table II Major Points of Interest by Sector
A. Tech. Specs.
- 1. None B. Admin. Limits
- 1. None
O.P. 3511
. Original C. Other
- 1. NUREG 0654, Rev.1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of the Radiological Emergency Response Plans at Nuclear Power Planta."
- 2. EPA-520/1-78-001 A&B, " Protective Action Evaluation-Evacuation and Sheltering as Protective Actions Against Nuclear Accidents Involving Gaseous Releases."
- 3. EPA-520/1-75-001, " Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Accidents."
- 1. It shall be emphasized to states' representatives that nct compensation in the recommendation is made for the time to implement and complete protective actions.
A. Af ter the activation of the Emergency Operations Facility, the Radiological Assistant (or the SS/ PED pending activation of the EOF) shall perform the following upon receipt of off-site release infor-mation:
- 1. Using VYOPF 3511.01, document the information in the appropriate spaces as this procedure is performed. For LOSS OF ALL CORE COOLING CAPABILITY go to Procedure Section B for specific recommendations. ,
- 2. Obtain current wind direction.
! 3. Determine the location of concern (Population at Risk from Table II, and Definition, Table I, Section B).
- 4. Obtain the latest dose rate information at the location of concern from any of the following:
- a. In-plant 0.35 mile dose projections
- b. Off-site monitoring results
, c. Projections from other sources of information
- 5. Determine the plume duration. If better information is not available, a value of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> duration shall be used.
- 6. Calculate the projected dose.
- 7. In accordance with Table I, determine the appropriate protective actions as listed in the table and forward this recommendation to the EOF Coordinator.
- 8. The EOF Coordinator shall evaluate the recommendation and forward the protective action recommendations along to the states' representatives through the Recovery Manager.
. < , - %--, - - , - , . _ . , .- , , , _ _ .y - - - , - - - - - - - , , - , - - - - , - , .
- 0.P. 3511
. Original e
B. In the event of rapidly occurring events where the EOF has not been fully activated, the Operations Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director shall be responsible for the following actions:
, 1. In the event that all core cooling capability is lost and the subsequent meltdown of the core and release of large quantities of radioactive material is likely, immediate j protective action recommendations shall be made to states'
, representatives.
- 2. Af ter the initial notification of General Emergency to the State Police agencies, advise the Vermont and New Hampshire representatives when they call in that the protective action recommendation for the towns of Hinsdale, N.H. and
- Vernon, Vermont is evacuation.
Final Conditions:
- 1. Ensure that all documentation is maintained in an orderly fashion and route all documentation to the Emergency Plan Coordinator for review and filing at the conclusion of the emergency response process.
SPS/emr f
i I
i I
i - .
Dose Rate: rem /hr(whole body); Air conc: uci/cc I 131 Plume Duration: (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> if no better information available)
Plume Arrival Time:
Projected Dose: rem (whole body); rem (thyroid) child rem (thyroid) adult t
No Action Shelter Evacuate
- 2. Emergency Responder making recommendation:
- a. Radiological Assistant:
- b. EOF Coordinator:
- c. Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director:
- d. Recovery Manager
- 3. States' Representatives receiving recommendation and information:
- a. Name: State Time j b. Name: State Time
- c. Name: State Time i
VYOPF 3511.01 Original s-ww- ---
w - -.,
, - - , , , - - ..-#-e w.w . -m --- -,-
ay- , - . , . _ , , - + , - - - - - , - , - , - - , - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - --- -,
<1 rem <5 rem No Action 1 to <5 rem 5 to 425 rem Saek Shelter, await further instruetions 2 5 rem 125 rem EVACUATION B. POPULATION y RISK For all sectors the population at risk is in the downwind direction from the point of release- based on stability class angle and plume dispersion meteorology.
O.P. 3511 TABLF,II e
NORTH (A) 348.5-11.5 W. Chesterfield Village 8.5 Dutton Pines State Park 10.0 NNE (B) 11.5-33.5 Chesterfield Village & School 7.75 Lake Spofford (Seasonal) 9.0 NE (C) 33.5-56.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
W. Swanzey 11.0 Keene 15.0 ENE (D) 56.5-78.5 Hinsdale Schocla 0.75 Hinsdale Town Hall 1.75 Rte. 10 Raceway (Seasonal) 8.5 g
EAST (E) 78.5-101.5 Southern Hinsdale 1.0 Ashuelot 4.6
~\t Winchester 6.5 ESE (F) 101.5-123.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
SE (G) 123.5-146.5 Northfield Boarding Sc,hool 5.5 93 0,SSE (H) 146.5-168.5 Vernon Green Nursing Home 1.1 Northfield Public Schools 6.25 Pioneer Valley Regional School 6.75 Mt. Hermon Boarding School 7.75 South (J) 168.5-191.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
SSW (K) 191.5-213.5 Bernardston 7.5 Northern Greenfield Schools 12.0 SW (L) 213.5-236.5 Vernon School 0.35 WSW (M) 236.5-258.5 (None Within 10 Miles) i WEST (N) 258.5-281.5 (None Within 10 Miles)
WNW (P) 281.5-303.5 Guilford Center School 5.8 NW (Q) 303.5-326.5 Fort Dummer State Park 3.5 Guilford Village 4.0 West Brattleboro 6.0 NNW (R} 326.5-348.5 Hinsdale Race Track 2.1 Southern Brattleboro Boundary 4.25 Brattleboro High School 4.75 Brattleboro Hosp. 6 Nursing Home 5.1 Brattleboro Business District 5.5 Vt. Forwcrd EOF (& WTSA) 6.9 No. Brattleboro Shopping Centers 7.25
r Dept. Supv. $IO Proc. No. 0.P. 3530
- PORC Rev. No. 3 Plant Mgr. A BJdL. - 1 Issue Date 9/30/82 Mgr. of Ops. g /I. M IIs Review Date 9/30/84 y- -
To outline the special procedures necessary to handle samples during post accident conditions.
During post accident conditions, system samples may be very radioactive. Because of the high radiation levels, these samples require special handling. This procedure will outline that special handling.
- Table of Contents Page Stack Iodine Particulate and Gas Sampling 2 Reactor Coolant Sampling and Analysis 4 Primary Containment Sampling 13 In-Plant Air Sampling and Analysis with MCA Inoperable 14 Noble Gas Release Rate Determination with Stack Gas Monitors Off-Scale 16 Counting Techniques for Highly Radioactive Samples 16 In addition to the above procedures, conductivity readings of the reactor vessel water may be useful during an accident. Readings can be obtained in the Control Room up to 10 pmho/cm, if exceeded, conduc-tivity readings may be taken at a later date at the discretion of the Chemistry 1 and Health Physics Supervisor.
The following figures and forms are attached:
Figure 1 Liquid Post Accident Sampler Figure 2 Flow Diagram , Liquid Post Accident Sampler Figure 3 Emergency Off-Site Dose Rate Nomogram
- VYOPF 3530.01 Post Accident Data / Analysis
- VYOPF 3530.02 Primary Containment Data / Analysis
A. Tech. Specs.
- 1. None B. Admin. Limits
- 1. None C. Other
- 1. None
3 0.P. 3530 Rev. 3 Precautions:
- 1. A portable dose rate meter should always be used during post accident sampling.
- 2. Respiratory protection should be worn during sampling.
- 3. Personnel involved in sampling and analysis should wear ex-tremity dosimetry.
- 4. During sampling, communications should be maintained using either a portable radio or a Gai-tronics.
- 5. Dose commitment limits have been established and should be adhered to for all Post Accident Sampling. Consult with the OSC Coordinator for specific instructions.
- 1. None Procedure:
I. Stack Iodine Particulate and Gas Sampling A. If dose rates permit, the samples will be taken the same as the iodine and particulate samples in 0.P. 2611 except as specified below, otherwise proceed to.Section s
- 1. No background determination will be made during post accident sampling.
- 2. A dose rate will be determined on the filter holder prior to removal of the cartridge. A dose commitzent will be established for this sample prior to the sample being removed. The dose rate will be used to determine that the dose commitment will not be exceeded. If it appears from the dose rate survey that the dose commitment will be exceeded, the sample should not be taken until the need for the sample is reevaluated.
- 3. A vehicle will be used to transport the sample from the stack to the point of analysis to maximize the distance between the sample and the person doing the sampling and to minimize the transport time. A shield should be used to minimize the exposure rate during transportation (e.g. ,
concrete blocks or lead blankets etc., in car trunk.)
- 4. If the plant lab and counting room are accessible, the sample will be taken to the Chem. Lab and placed in a hood.
- 5. The noble gcsses should be purged from the charcoal car-tridge prior to counting using plant air or bottled air or nitrogen. A purge rate and duration should be utilized to approximately equal the sample time and flow.
0.P. 3530 Ric. 3
- 6. Both the air sample cartridge and the particulate filter shall be wrapped prior to counting to prevent detector contamination.
- 7. The air sample cartridges and particulate filter will be counted using 0.P. 2611 methods.
- 8. If the Chem. Lab and counting room are not accessible, the
- charcoal cartridge can be purged as in Step 5 above and counted using an RM-14 as in 0.P. 3010, a SAM-2 as outlined below, or transported to an off-site multichannel analyzer for analysis. The particulate filter can be counted this way also but need not be purged prior to counting.
- 9. Report all results to the OSC Coordinator.
NOTE: Report release rate in C1/sec.
B. High Dose Rate Post Accident Iodine / Particulate Sampling using a Silver Zeolite Cartridge.
- 1. Obtain lead shielding pig for transportation.
- 2. Obtain vehicle and and portable radio, then proceed to stack base.
- 3. Notify Control Room of intent to sample.
- 4. Open inlet (SRS-23) and outlet (SRS'-24) valves.
- 5. Insure bypass valve (SRS-25) is closed.
- 6. Start pump by turning switch on and note time.
- 7. Adjust flow through rotometer to 100 cc/ min (65mm).
CAUTION: Dose rates will increase when flow is established.
- 8. Run pump for 10 minutes; then disengage inlet quick connect and run pump for 15-30 sec. to purge gases from holder. (Sampling times may vary due to radio-nuclide concentrations) Record information on Air Sampler envelope (VYOPF 4533.01).
- 9. Disengage outlet, quick disconnects and remove filter.
- Secure pump and close valves SRS-23 and SRS-24.
NOTE: Dose rares on filter may be high, use tongs to rer a filter to minimize exposure to extremi tes.
- 10. Place filter assembly into lead shield pig and place pig in back of vehicle.
0.P. 3530 Rsv. 3
- 11. Install a fresh filter assembly onto panel.
, 12. Return to lab and count silver zeolite cartridge and particulate filter using 0.P. 2611 methods or 0.P.
3530 Section VI methods, as applicable.
, 13. Report results to the OSC Coordinator (release rate
, in Ci/sec).
C. Gas Sampling
- 1. Perform Steps 1-3 as outlined in A. above.
- 2. Close inlet (SRS-23) and outlet (SRS-24) valves.
- 3. Open bypass (SRS-25) valve.
4 Start pumps, wait for line to purge % 30 sec.
- 5. Place evacuated vial (14ml gas bottle) on top of hypodermic needle.
, NOTE: Vials can be evacuated in lab prior to
, sampling or by using hand vacuum pump.
- 6. Turn 3-way sample valve so flow is available to sample v ial.
- 7. Turn 3-way sample valve so flow is s'ecured to sample vial, then secure pump.
- 8. Close bypass valve (SRS-25).
NOTE: A gas sample can be obtained while drawing an iodine sample, however, the flow rate should be checked.
- 9. Remove vial and place bato a lead pig using tongs.
- 10. Place pig in back of vehicle and return to lab for analysis,
- 11. If the dead time on the MCA is >50% when counting the gas vial. Perform serial dilutions until dead time is
- <50%.
II. Reactor Coolant Sampling and Analysis A. The following procedure assumes the Reactor Building is accessible, otherwise proceed to Section II.B.
- 1. A dose commitment will be established for this sample prior to it being taken. Dose rates will be monitored during sampling and if it appears the dose commitment will be exceeded, the sampling will be terminated until further evaluation.
0.P. 3530 Rav. 3
- 2. Samples can be obtained from one of three points depending on what systems are in service. All sample points are at the Reactor Building sample sink. The sample points are:
- a. Reactor Cleanup Inlet
- b. Reactor Recire Loop A
- c. RHR System NOTE: If the sample is to be taken from Reactor Recirc Loop A, the operators will have to open FCV-39 and
- FCV-40 prior to sampling. If the sample is to be taken from the RHR System, the operators will have to open V10-198A or B prior to sampling. All other sample valves are on the sample panel.
- 3. Sample lines must be flushed prior to sampling to insure a representative sample is taken. If the sample lines have not been running, they must be flushed for 10 minutes at a rate of about 500 ml/ minute prior to obtaining the sample.
NOTE: Expect that radiation levels will increase at the sample sink during the sample flushing and sampling. Do not stay at the sample sink to wait for the sample lines to flush. Seek a low radiation area in which to wait.
- 4. After the sample line is flushed, if a dissolved oxygen analysis is to be run, use a chemets and run the analysis at the sample panel. Obtain about a 50 m1 sample for further analysis in the Chem Lab, then secure the sample point.
- 5. Place the sample bottle in a large plastic bag and maintain the greatest distance possible between you and the sample.
Proceed promptly to the Chemistry Lab.
- 6. Once at the Chem Lab, place the sample behind a shield.
- 7. If a pH analysis is to be run on the sample, insert the probe into the sample bottle while the bottle is still behind the shield and read the pH.
- 8. If a chloride analysis is to be run, use 0.P. 0630, except use a 1 m1 sample volume instead of a 100 m1 sample volume and multiply the calculated result by 100 for the answer.
- 9. If an isotopic analysis is to be run, perform several dilutions on one milliliter of the sample until standard counting techniques can be used.
- 10. If a boron analysis is to be run, use 0.P. 0630, starting with Step g of the " Calibration and Standardization of
- 0.02N NaOH" Section under the mannitol potentiometric method.
Use a sample volume of 1 milliliter.
n-0.P. 3530 Rsv. 3
- 11. Report all results to the OSC Coordinator.
B. Liquid Post Accident Sampling NOTE: Obtain portable radio from Security prior to sampling.
- 1. Prerequisites for Sample Panel Set-Up
- a. All valves are in the closed position.
- b. Valves PAS-17 and PAS-18 (3-way vall valves) are positioned to the left,
- c. Liquid and gas septums are unused and in place. Septum ports are in the STOP position.
- d. Fill the dilution water funnel with the required volume (up to 900 ml) of demineralized water. CAUTION: Do not exceed 900 ml.
- e. Panel has been flushed with demineralized water and purged with argon.
- f. Argon bottle is >500 psi.
- g. Obtain form VYOPF 3530.01 and complete as required.
- 2. Sample Panel Operation Instruction
- a. Evacuate cylinders B and C and gas septum.
- 1) Start vacuum pump.
- 2) Open Valves PAS-13, PAS-12, PAS-14, and PAS-15.
- 3) Run vacuum pump until approximately O psia reads on PI-2.
- 4) Close Valves PAS-13, PAS-12, and PAS-14.
- 5) Stop vacuum pump.
- 6) Check PI-2 to ensure no leaks. Record pressure
- reading on form VYOPF 3530.01.
- b. Obtain Reactor Coolant sample in cylinder A and cool.
- 1) Sample supply from high pressure feed water heater (open valves).
a) Open Purge Valves PAS-105 and PAS-106 (SW-4 Sol. P-1).
b) Open Valves PAS-1, PAS-5, PAS-6, and PAS-8 on panel.
0.P. 3530 Rsv. 3 c) Throttle Valve PAS-7 on panel to initiate flow, monitor pressure on PI-1.
NOTE: Keep pressure high to avoid flashing the sample, d) Allow system flow for several minutes to ensure a representative sample, e) Close Valves PAS-6 and PAS-5 to isolate sample cylinder A, then close Purge Valves 105 and 106 (SW-4 Sol. P-1), PAS-1 and PAS-8.
f) Fill bath tank with cooling water via the bath water funnel.
g) Maintain bath water at approximately room temperature.
- 2) Sample supply from sensing line taps N2C or N2G (reactor vessel) . - ~~
a) Open Inboard Sample Valves 102 and 104 (SW-1 Sol. 5-1).
b) Open Outboard Sample Valves 101 and 103 (SW-2 Sol. 5-2). ,
c) Open Purge Valves 105 and 106 (SW-4 Sol.
d) Open Valve PAS-2 (for N2C) or Valve PAS-3 for (N2G) and Valves PAS-5, PAS-6, and PAS-8 on panel, e) Throttle Valve PAS-7 on panel to initial flow, monitor pressure on PI-1.
NOTE: Keep pressure high to avoid flashing the sample, f) Allow system flow for several minutes to ensure a representative sample.
g) Close Valves PAS-6 and PAS-5 to isolate sample cylinder A, then close Valves 102 and 104 (SW-2),101 and 103 (SW-1),105 and 106 (SW-4), PAS-2 or PAS-3 and PAS-8.
h) Fill bath tank with cooling water via bath water funnel, i) Maintain bath water at approximately room temperature.
0.P. 3530 Rev. 3
- c. Cas-strip the liquid sample.
- 1) Open Valves PAS-10 and PAS-11 and observe pressure ,
, change on PI-2. Record pressure reading on form
, VYOPF 3530.01.
- 2) Perform a, or b below:
a) If high concentrations of noble gas is assumed present, or if Pl-2 shows no vacuum or a posi-tive pressure:
- 1. Open Valve PAS-16 and crack open Valve PAS-26 to very slowly purge argon gas through i
the liquid sample.
ii. Bring PI-2 to approximately 64 psia, close Valves PAS-16 and PAS-26.
iii. Re-expand cylinder A and B into cylinder C by opening Valve PAS-12. This will ensure good mixing of the internal volumes and will return the system to approximately one
! atmosphere, (14.7 psia).
NOTE: If the system is not at 14.7 psia, then add argon until 14.7 psia is achieved.
b) If noble gas concentration is not significant or PI-2 remains in vacuum:
- 1. Open Valve PAS-16 and crack open Valve PAS-26 to very slowly purge argon gas through the sample.
ii. Bring PI-2 up to one atmosphere (14.7 psia).
iii. Close Valves PAS-26 and PAS-16.
- 3) Open Valve PAS-14 and extract a gas sample with a syringe at the gas septum.
. 4) Close Valves PAS-14, PAS-12, PAS-15, PAS-11
, and PAS-10.
- 5) Return to lab with gas sample and analyze for H and 0 using the Fisher Gas Partitioner.
2 2
- d. Fill grab sample assembly.
- 1) Open Valves PAS-16, PAS-19, PAS-20, and PAS-6.
This will allow the liquid sample in cylinder A to fill the grab sample assembly without pushing the entire volume of cylinder A out of the panel.
0.P. 3530 R;v. 3
- 2) Allow approximately 1/2 minute for level in the
loop to equalize. _
- 3) Position the grab sample assembly Valves 17 and , 'lC' -
18 to the right. This traps approximately 1/2 mi sample between Valves 17 & 18. This also will align the path from the dilution funnel to cylinder D (mixing cylinder).
- 4) Close Valves PAS-6, PAS-7, PAS-16, PAS-19 and PAS-20.
- e. Dilute sample and remove for analysis.
- 1) Open Valves PAS-21 and PAS-24 and allow a measured amount of dilution water to gravity drain through the grab sample assembly then
- into cylinder D. Record volume of dilution -
- water on form VYOPF 3530.01.
- 2) Allow the dilution water funnel to completely drain.
- 3) Close Valve PAS-24,
- 4) Crack open Valve PAS-25 which will bicw argon gas into the line and push all the water into-cylinder D. ,
- 5) Allow the argon gas to bubble through cylinder D to mix the water.
- 6) Close Valve PAS-21 and pressurize cylinder D with argon to approximately 5 psig on PI-3.
- 7) Close Valve PAS-25.
- 8) Open Purge Valves PAS-105 and PAS-106 (SW-4 Sol.
P-1) .
- 9) Open Valves PAS-8, PAS-23, PAS-20, and PAS-22. I This will allow the diluted sample to flow .
from cylinder D, through the liquid septum.
Observe sample flow at liquid septum /sightglass.
NOTE: If you can't see the inside edge of tygon tubing, then it has water in it.
- 10) Close Valve PAS-23 to stop sample flow.
- 11) Open Valve PAS-21 to relesse any remaining argon overpressure on PI-3.
- 12) Extract a liquid sample with a syringe at the liquid septum.
- 13) Place sample in lead shielding and transport to the lab for analysis.
0.P. 3530 R v. 3
- f. Flush system.
NOTE: Prior to flushing the panel, insure that all analyses have been completed (see II.B.2.g).
- 1) Close Valves PAS-22 and PAS-21.
2)' Crack open Valve PAS-25 and repressurize cylinder D to approximately 10 psig on PI-3, close Valve
{ PAS-25.
- 3) Open Valves PAS-22 and PAS-23 to push the re-
{-% _ maining volume out of cylinder D.
- 4) Close Valves PAS-22 and PAS-23 once no more flow is observed at the sightglass.
b/ ' -
- 5) Refill the dilution water funnel.
y 6) Open Valves PAS-24 and PAS-21.
- 7) Allow the flush water in the funnel to gravity
, drain into cylinder D.
,. 8) Close Valves PAS-24 and PAS-21.
- 9) Crack open Valve PAS-25 and pressurize cylinder D to 10 psig on PI-3. ,
- 10) Close Valve PAS-25.
- 11) Open Valve PAS-23 and PAS-22 to allow cylinder D
,, to drain. Repeat Steps 9 through 11 as necessary
, to assure that no liquid remains in cylinder D.
- 12) Close Valves PAS-22 and PAS-23.
, U~ 13)' Position grab sample Valves PAS-17 and PAS-18 to the left.
- 14) Open outboard sample valves PAS-10 and PAS-103 (SW-2 Sol. S-?) and flush valves PAS-107 and "
108 (SW-3 Sol. F-1).
- 15) Close Valves PAS-ll2 and PAS-20.
- 16) Open Valves PAS-110, PAS-lll, PAS-2, PAS-3, PAS-5,
- PAS-6, and PAS-7._
- 17) After several minutes, close Valves PAS-2, PAS-3, and PAS-lll. Then close PAS-107 and PAS-108 (SW-3 Sol. S-F1), PAS-101 and PAS-103 (SW-2 Sol. S-2).
- Open Valves PAS-4, PAS-16, PAS-19 and PAS-20.
- 19) Close Valve PAS-16 after 1 minute.
0.P. 3530 Rav. 3
- 20) Af ter several minutes, close Valves PAS-4, PAS-5, PAS-6, and PAS-7.
- 21) Purge argon through PAS-26 to blow water out of the grab sample assembly (PAS-17 and PAS-18) via Valves PAS-19, - PAS-20, and PAS-8.
- 22) Close Valves PAS-26, PAS-19, PAS-20,'and PAS-8.
23)- Close remote Valves PAS-105 and PAS-106 (5W-4 Sol. P-1).
- 24) Change liquid septum port as necessary.
- 25) Open Valves PAS-ll, PAS-12, PAS-13, PAS-14 and
- PAS-15.
-26) Start vacuum pump to evacuate cylinder B and C. *
- 27) Remove gas septum port and allow air to enter the evacuated systems for 1 minute as vacuum pump is running.
- 28) Stop vacuum pump.
- 29) Insert new gas septum port as necessary.
- 30) Close Valves ?AS-ll, PAS-12, PAS-13, PAS-14, and PAS-15.
- 31) Open Valve PAS-27 to allow bath water to gravity drain.
- 32) Close valve PAS-27.
- 33) Close PAS-110 and open PAS-112.
- g. Chemical analysis NOTE: Keep samples in or behind lead shielding when .
performing analyses.
- 1) Gas samples a) Hydrogen concentration
- 1. Inject 1 ml of H into the Fisher 2 Hamilton gas standard (%25%)
Gas Partitioner (D.P. 2630) and record peak on chart recorder. Repeat several times.
- 11. Using shielded syringe, inject 1 ml of
! gas obtained in Section II.B.2.c into gas partitioner and record results on chart *ecorder.
0.P. 3530 Rev. 3 iii. Using a ratio known H,, gas concentration to peak height vs. unEnown H2 gas concen-tration to peak height, solve for un-known H e ncentration.
- iv. Complete form VYOPF 3530.01, Section
- III.A.l.
b) Oxygen concentration NOTE: The Fisher-Hamilton Gas Partitioner is normally set up for hydrogen analysis, when performing oxygen analyses the carrier gas and cell current must be changed (D.P. 2630).
- i. Inject 1 ml of a O gas standard (N5%)
into the Fisher-Hamilton Gas Partitioner and record the peak height on the chart recorder. Repeat several times.
ii. Using a shielded syringe, inject 1 ml of gas obtained in Section II.B.2.c into gas partition,er and record peak height on chart recorder.
iii. Using a ratio of known 0 concentration 2
to peak height ys. unknown 02 gas concen-tration to peak height, solve for un-knownygoncentration.
- iv. Complete form VYOPF 3530.01, Section
- III.A.2.
NOTE: If performing both the H and O 2
analyses at thesametime,thefactors ,.
will be the same, c) Isotopic analysis
- 1. Obtain 3 ml of sample from gas septum (Sect. II.B.2.c) and inject into a evacuated 14 ml vial.
ii. Count gas vial using steps outlined in Section VI.
- 111. Complete form VYOPF 3530.01, Section
- III.A.3.
- 2) Liquid samples NOTE: Record the amount of dilution water added to the sample.
F, 0.P. 3530 Rsv. 3 a) Chloride analysis
- 1. Using the Dionex Ion Chromatograph, initiste a calibration curve for Cl_
using the concentrator column. Use 10 ml. of 25 ppb chloride standard for calibration. Repeat several times.
- 11. Using shielded syringe, obtain 10 ml of sample from liquid sample septum and inject into Ion Chromatograph and record results.
111. Complete form VYOPF 3530.01,Section III.B.1.
b) Boro'n analysis
- i. Peak in the Plasma Spectrometer for Boron and establish calibration curve (D.P. 2630).
- 11. Using a shielded syringe, obtain 5 ml of sample from liquid septum and aspirate into plasma.
iii. Complete form VYOPF 3530.01,Section III.B.2.
c) Isotopic analysis
- i. Using a shielded syringe, obtain 1 ml of sample into a known geometry container, ii. Count liquid sample using steps outlined in Section VI.
iii. Complete form VYOPF '3530.01,Section III.B.3.
- 3) Report all results to the OSC Coordinator.
III. Primary Containment Sampling
- A. A dose commitment will be established by the OSC Coordinator for this sample prior to the start of sampling. IfLit appears the dose commitment will be exceeded, the sampling will be terminated until further evaluation is made.
B. Evacuate two 40 cc sample bombs and place into their lead shields.
C. Valve in the back-up H2 analyzer per 0.P. 2125.
. 0.P. 3530 Rtv. 3 D. Place the No. 1 shield pig on the sample jack and raise the shield up until the sampling bomb has connected to the samp1-ing quick disconnect.
E. Open Valve VG-39 and VG-40 for 5 seconds.
F. Close VG-39 and VG-40, lower the sample shield pig 2 inches and remove sample bomb from the quick disconnect and drop it into the shield. Lower the shield and replace the cover.
Place the shield aside as this is only a sample line purge.
G. Place the No. 2 sample shield onto the jack and repeat Step D.
H. Open Valves VG-39 and VG-40 for 5 seconds to take sample.
I. Close VG-39 and VG-40 and remove sample bomb and shield as in Step F.
- J. Take sample shield and sample to the Chemistry lab. Complete
- form VYOPF 3530.02.
K. Using a shielded syringe, take 0.1 cc of the sample gas via the sample hole in the bottom of the sample shield and trans-fer it into an evacuated off-gas vial. (Other volumes and dilutions may be used depending on the activity of the sample.)
L. Count the sample on the MCA. ,,
M. If H r0 analyses are required, use the Fisher-Hamilton 2 2
- Paritioner per D.P. 2630. Take sample from sample cylinder.
- N. Report all results to the OSC Coordinator.
IV. In-Plant Air Sampling and Analysis with MCA Inoperable A. If it is necessary to do in-plant air sampling with the MCA out of service, accurate iodine results can be achieved using the normal low volume air samplers, then analyzing the samples as follows.
B. Remove the air sampler to an area of low airborne activity and run the sampler for one minute to purge the noble gasses from the charcoal cartridge.
C. Wrap the charcoal cartridge to protect the detector from contamination and count it as follows:
SAM II Operational Procedure:
- 1. Instrument Preparation:
- a. Check instrument, power cord, and detector cable for damage.
- b. Connect detector cable and detector, plug cable into front of instrument labled " DETECTOR."
( -
0.P. 3530 Rzv. 3 NOTE: Allow 1 1/2 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> warmup time, if instrument has been "0FF". Instru-ment should be energized at all times,
- c. Place detector into an appropriate shield.
- d. Check that front instrument controls are set as indicated on the calibration sticker located on the top of the instrument.
- 2. Operational Check:
- a. Set TIMED - STOP - MAN. switch to MAN. Unit should begin to count.
- b. Set TIMED - STOP - MAN switch to TIMED.
- c. Set COUNT TIME IN MINUTES switches to 1 and X1.
- d. Obtain SAM II check source, place detector directly on top of source,
- e. Press Reset - Start switch.
- f. After a 1 minute count, the instrument should indicate the number of counts within the range labled on topuof the instrument.
- 3. Sample Counting:
- a. With instrument settings remaining as above, perform a background count.
- b. Place. sample on detector and count.
- c. Calculate the iodine-131 concentration as follows:
131 pCi/cc = Sample counts (cpm)-Bkg counts (cpm)
I (E)(Vs) (2. 22x10")
Where: cpm = count rate from SAM-2 E = counting efficiency (instrument top)
Vg = sample volume in cc 2.22x10 = cpm /pci conversion a D. Use of Silver Zeolite Sampler Cartridges 131
- 1. If I concentration calculated 1n Step C above is greater than or equal to 1 x 10 6 pei/ccI]1 7
, then resample and verify results using silver zeolite cartridge (except omit purge step outlined in Step B).
- 2. Report results to OSC Coordinator and record results n in logbook.
t ,
0.P. 3530 R:v. 3
- V. Noble gas release rate determination with Stack Gas Monitors Off-Scale A. If the stack gas monitors are off scale, the release rate can be determined using the Victoreen High Range Monitor (on stack) and the attached Nomogram (Figure 3).
B. Read the dose rate on the Victoreen High Range Monitor in mR/hr.
C. Determine the time since reactor shutdown and stack flow rate (fpm).
D. Using these valves, read the release rate from the Nomogram (Figure 3).
- E. Report results to the SS/ PED or OSC Coordinator.
VI. Counting Techniques for Highly Radioactive Samples NOTE: If sample size or dilutions can be used to permit a j sample to be counted by conventional techniques, this should be done. If this is not possible, the following techniques can be used:
A. Use of the MCA at extended distances.
- 1. Remove the shield top from the small GeLi detector.
- 2. Suspend the sample above the detector at a distance that will give a dead time of <50% (must be >l f t.).
- 3. Measure the distance from the sample to the top of the detector.
- 4. Count the sample and calculate the activity using a 2" filter paper geometry for efficiencies.
- 5. Calculate the sample activity as follows:
pCi/ml = (X)(d )(100) where: X = pCi/ml calculated in 4 above d = distance in f t measured in 3 above 100 = correction factor.
B. Use of portable instruments.
NOTE: If neither conventional methods or those in VI.A above can be used, a portable gamma survey meter can be used to determine sample activities.
- 1. If the MCA is available, it can be used to give a qualitative measure of major isotopes. If it is not available, an assumption must be made based on what is known about the sample at the time.
0.P. 3530 Rev. 3
- 2. Measure the radiation level of the sample at 1 meter.
- 3. Calculate the sample activity as follows:
6 pCi/ml = (R/hr @ l meter)(10 )(A)
(T)(Vs )
where: A = fraction of total activity due to the isotope.
6 10 = pCi/Ci V = sample v lume (milliliters) s T = F/10 R/hr @ l meter /Ci From Page 131 Radiation Health Handbook Value of T for some isotopes are as follows:
- Cs 1
= 0.87
- Cs 60
= 0.33 C = 1.32 31 I = 0.22 l33 Xe 5
= 0.10 Kr = 0.04 SPS/emr C
O.P. 3530 ;l
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POST ACCIDENT SAMPLING DATA / ANALYSIS Sample Taken on , at , by . Date Time Initials I. Correction Factor for Gas Samples when Diluting with Argon A. When cylinder 'A' is vented to cylinder 'B' and pressure on PI-2 is <14.7 psi.
- 1. Record initial pressure on PI-2 (II.B.2.a.6) Pi psi
- 2. Add Argon to bring pressure in cylinder 'B' to 14.7 psi (PI-2) P psi f
- 3. Calculate correction factor (CF)
'f Pi CF
- 4. Go to Section III.A and complete form.
B. When sample is vented to Cylinder 'B' and pressure on PI-2 is >14.7 psi.
- 1. Record initial pressure on PI-2 when 'A' vented to 'B' (II.B.2.a.6) Pi psi
- 2. Add Argon to bring pressure in cylinder 'B' to 64 psi (PI-2) '
P psi g
- 3. Vent cylinder 'B' into cylinder 'C' - pressure reading should be N14.7 psi. If not, add Argon and bring pressure to 14.7 psi (PI-2)
- 4. Calculated correction factor (CF)
CF = 1300cc 300cc CF
- 5. Go to Section III. A and complete form.
II. Liquid Sample
- 1. Volume of dilution water Vi ml 2.
Dilution factor DF = 0 Sml DF VYOPF 3530.01 Rev. 3
. ge 1 of 3
III Post Accident Sampling Analysis A. Gas Sample Analysis
- 1. Hydrogen Concentration a) H e nc. from lab analysis (II.B.2.g.1) 2 Hi %
b) Gas correction factor (VYOPF 3530.01 IA/B) c) H concentration 2 H = Hi X CF = l B d) Chromakographattachedtoform Initial
- 2. Oxygen Concentration a) 0 conc. from lab analysis (II.B.2.g.2) 01 %
2 b) Gas correction factor (VYOPF 3530.01 IA/B) c) 0 concentration 2 0 = Oi X CF l F. d) Chroma $ographattachedtoform Initial
- 3. Isotopic Analysis a) Volume of gas sample in 14m1 vial (Sec. II.B.2.c) m1 b) Gas correction factor from VYOPF 3530.01 Sec. I A or B.
c) Multiply isotopic results by the correction factor in b. above and record these values below. Initial d) Attach isotopic printout to form. Initial B. Liquid Sample Analysis
- 1. Chloride Analysis a) Concentrator column installed in load port.
Initial b) Vol. of 25 ppb C1 standard injected ml c) Vol. of unknown sample injected (same as in
- b. above) ml d) Dilution factor from VYOPF 3530.01, Sec. II DF e) Corrected C1 concentration C1 concentration from Ion Chromatograph X DF ppb f) Attach chromatograph to form.
Initial VYOPF 3530.01 Rev. 3 Pagc 2 of 3 k
- 2. Boron Analysis a) Boron concentration from Plasma Spectrometer ppm b) Dilution factor from VYOPF 3530.01 Sec. II DF c) Correct for dilution (Boron Conc.)
(Dilution Factor) l bpm d) Attach printout to form Initial
- 3. Isotopic Analysis a) Vol. of original sample Vi m1 b) Dilution reqtired to count sample YES/NO (Circle)
- 1) YES-Original sample diluted to (x) ml Correction factor (C )= Vi C L
- 2) NO- C = 1, continue to Step c.
c) Dilution factor from VYOPF 3530.01 Sec. II DF d) Multiply isotopic results by the correction factor C and DF and records results below: Initial e) Attach isotopic printout to form. Initials VYOPF 3530.01 Rev. 3 Page 3 of 3
.t PRIMARY CONTAINMENT DATA / ANALYSIS Sample Taken on , at , by .
Date Time Initials
- 1. Isotopic Analysis a) Vol of samp(e transferred to evacuated 14 ml vial. Vi cc b) Dilution required to count sample YES/NO (Circle one)
- 1) YES- Original sample diluted to X cc Correction factor Cy = (l? C 1
- 2) NO- Cy = 1 continue to Step c.
c) Multiply isotopic results by the correction factor Cy and record results below: Initials d) Attach isotopic printout to form. Initials
- 2. Hydrogen Concentrc' ion a) Results from Sec. III.M i E b) Attach chromatograph to form.
- 3. Oxygen Concentration a) Results from Sec. III.M 1 E b) Attach chromatograph to form Initial VYOPF 3530.02 Rev. 3 Page 1 of 1}}