MONTHYEARML20206G5491999-04-28028 April 1999 Advises That Coc 9176 for Model Nupac 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H, Cnsi 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L & Ln 14-195H Packages Expired on 990401.Certificate Cannot Be Renewed as Packages & Use Are Now Regulated by Us DOT ML20205S6761999-04-14014 April 1999 Requests to Withdraw from NRC consideration,Chem-Nuclear Sys Request to Grant Temporary Extension to Expiration Date for Type a Package Coc ML20204H9881999-03-18018 March 1999 Requests That NRC Grant Temporary eight-month Extension to Expiration Date for Subject Type a Package Cocs (Cask Models Nupac 14-190H & CNS 14-215H Respectively) ML20205G1701999-03-11011 March 1999 Forwards Coc 9176,rev 15 for Model 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H, Cnsi 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L & Ln 14-195H Packages. Approval Constitutes Authority to Use Package for Shipment of Radioactive Matl,Iaw 49CFR173.471 ML20199J7011999-01-21021 January 1999 Notification of Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 9079 & 9176,in Response to 990105 Request ML20199F3791999-01-0505 January 1999 Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Sys CNS 14-215H Series a Radioactive Matls Shipping Cask USA/9176/A ML20197H4671998-12-10010 December 1998 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9176,in Response to 981120 Request ML20197J3131998-12-0101 December 1998 Informs That Molten Metal Technology,Inc Is Transferring All Cocs & TRs Listed in Encl,To Buyer.Buyer Will Be Holder for Encl Info & Accepts Responsibility for Completeness & Accuracy of Statements & Representations in Respective TRs ML20196B7931998-11-20020 November 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc Cnsi 14-215H Series a Radioactive Matl Shipping Cask ML20196A5611998-11-20020 November 1998 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9176,in Response to 981111 Request ML20195F6181998-11-11011 November 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model Nuclear Packaging,Inc Nupac Model 14/210L & 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Package Cask ML20153G2661998-09-25025 September 1998 Notification of Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 9151,9176 & 9222,in Response to 980915 Request ML20153D2031998-09-15015 September 1998 Requests Registration as User of Molten Metal Technology,Inc Nupac Model 14/210 Series Radioactive Matls Shipping Casks ML20151X5001998-09-11011 September 1998 Informs That NRC Records Indicate That Licensee Was Previously Registered as User of Coc 9176,in Response to .No Further Action Is Necessary ML20238F6791998-08-25025 August 1998 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Model 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Package ML20238F6801998-08-25025 August 1998 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Model 14/210L Radioactive Matls Shipping Package ML20236S0141998-07-17017 July 1998 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliances 6601,9094,9159,9168 & 9176,in Response to 980618 Request ML20236E9371998-06-18018 June 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model 14-215 Radioactive Shipping Cask ML20249A9481998-06-17017 June 1998 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9176,in Response to 980611 Request ML20249A6871998-06-11011 June 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model 14/210L & 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Package ML20217Q5161998-04-29029 April 1998 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 8-120A,NUPAC 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L,LN 14-195H,CNS 8-120B & CNS 14-170,Series III ML20217J4931997-10-10010 October 1997 Responds to NRC Bulletin 97-002,requiring Holders of Certificates for Shipping Packages Respond within 30 Days by Notifying Commission of Intent to Review Safety Analyses & Provide Rept Documenting Any Corrective Action ML20211D4111997-09-17017 September 1997 Forwards Certificate of Compliance 9176,rev 14 for Models Nupac 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L & Ln 195H Packages,As Requested by ML20216J4511997-09-10010 September 1997 Requests Registration as User of Listed Radioactive Matls Shipping Packages ML20216J8451997-09-0505 September 1997 Informs That NRC Has Registered Molten Metal Technology,Inc as User of Cocs 9079,9096,9145,9159,9177,9178,9179,9184, 9208 & 9249 IAW General License Provisions of 10CFR71.12 ML20151L2861997-07-24024 July 1997 Requests Registration as User of models,14D-2.0,50-1.5L, 2.5L,4.0L,14/190L,M,H,14/210L,H,10-140,7-100,6-100L,H,PAS-1, 10-142,CNS-14-170 Series Iii,Cns 14-170,CNS 14-195H & CNS 21-300 ML20138F5471997-04-21021 April 1997 Requests Registration as User of Vectra Technologies Inc Radioactive Matl Package Shipping Cask Nupac 14-210 H or L ML20134D5971996-10-23023 October 1996 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9094 & 9176,in Response to 961016 Request ML20129C0411996-10-16016 October 1996 Requests Registration as User of Packages USA/9176/A & USA/9094/A for Nupac Model 14-210H Type a Shipping Cask & Chem-Nuc Model 14-195H Type a Shipping Cask ML20058P5351993-12-16016 December 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9176,in Response to 931215 Request ML20059E8191993-12-15015 December 1993 Requests Registration as User of Nupac 14210 Cask for 931220 Shipment.Requests to Be Advised If Approval Will Be Delayed ML20058P3031993-12-15015 December 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 9176 & 9208,in Response to 931115 Request ML20059M9901993-11-15015 November 1993 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Models 10-142 & 14-210H Shipping Casks ML20138D2051993-02-10010 February 1993 Advises That Cnsi Drawing C-119-B-0017,transmitted in 930118 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9176 for Model Cnsi 14-215H May Be Submitted to PDR for Copying & Distribution ML20128L6421993-02-0202 February 1993 Lists Packages That No Longer Need Trojan Listed as User,Per 930201 Conversation & Closure of Plant.Licensed Packages Util Will Continue to Use Also Listed ML20127E3161993-01-13013 January 1993 Forwards Rev 8 to Certificate of Compliance 9176,for Models Nupac 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L & Ln 14-195H Packages ML20126F2341992-12-21021 December 1992 Forwards Addl Sketches Illustrating an Optional One Inch Thick Lid for Shield Insert for Certificate of Compliance 9176 ML20125D9491992-12-14014 December 1992 Forwards Rev 7 to Certificate of Compliance 9176 for Models Nupac 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series a, Ln 14-195L & Ln 14-195H Packages ML20125B6591992-12-0202 December 1992 Requests That Company Name Be Changed from Nuclear Packaging Inc to Pacific Nuclear Sys,Inc.Address Unchanged ML20058H8381990-11-19019 November 1990 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 21-300, CNS 14-190H & CNS 14-215H Shipping Packages ML20062D7161990-11-0909 November 1990 Notification of Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 9176 & 9208,in Response to 901026 Request ML20058C2611990-10-26026 October 1990 Requests Registration as User of Model 14/210L & 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Cask ML20055D1041990-06-22022 June 1990 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9176,in Response to ML20247R3691989-09-22022 September 1989 Requests That NRC Revise Name & Address of Company Officer to MP Alexich for Which Util Registered as User of Listed Casks ML20247D9771989-09-0606 September 1989 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9176,in Response to 890818 Request ML20246D3391989-08-18018 August 1989 Requests Registration as User of Model Nupac 14/210L, 14/210H,CNSI 14/215H Series A,Ln 14-195L & Ln 14-195H ML20205Q8191988-10-26026 October 1988 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Models 14-190 & 14-210 ML20154C3231988-08-30030 August 1988 Requests Registration as User of Radioactive Matls Shipping Casks Types 14-210 L,14-210 H & 10-142 ML20207D5511988-08-0404 August 1988 Requests Registration as User of Models Hn 142,HN 190-2, Cnsi 1-8,CNSI 14-190 & Cnsi 14-215(H) Shipping Casks ML20154L3241988-05-17017 May 1988 Advises That Documents Submitted w/880216 Request May Be Placed in PDR But Are Protected by Us Copyright Laws.Nrc May Copy Matl for Internal Evaluation & Documentation Purposes Only 1999-04-28
MONTHYEARML20205S6761999-04-14014 April 1999 Requests to Withdraw from NRC consideration,Chem-Nuclear Sys Request to Grant Temporary Extension to Expiration Date for Type a Package Coc ML20204H9881999-03-18018 March 1999 Requests That NRC Grant Temporary eight-month Extension to Expiration Date for Subject Type a Package Cocs (Cask Models Nupac 14-190H & CNS 14-215H Respectively) ML20199F3791999-01-0505 January 1999 Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Sys CNS 14-215H Series a Radioactive Matls Shipping Cask USA/9176/A ML20197J3131998-12-0101 December 1998 Informs That Molten Metal Technology,Inc Is Transferring All Cocs & TRs Listed in Encl,To Buyer.Buyer Will Be Holder for Encl Info & Accepts Responsibility for Completeness & Accuracy of Statements & Representations in Respective TRs ML20196B7931998-11-20020 November 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc Cnsi 14-215H Series a Radioactive Matl Shipping Cask ML20195F6181998-11-11011 November 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model Nuclear Packaging,Inc Nupac Model 14/210L & 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Package Cask ML20153D2031998-09-15015 September 1998 Requests Registration as User of Molten Metal Technology,Inc Nupac Model 14/210 Series Radioactive Matls Shipping Casks ML20238F6801998-08-25025 August 1998 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Model 14/210L Radioactive Matls Shipping Package ML20238F6791998-08-25025 August 1998 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Model 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Package ML20236E9371998-06-18018 June 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model 14-215 Radioactive Shipping Cask ML20249A6871998-06-11011 June 1998 Requests Registration as User of Model 14/210L & 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Package ML20217Q5161998-04-29029 April 1998 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 8-120A,NUPAC 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L,LN 14-195H,CNS 8-120B & CNS 14-170,Series III ML20217J4931997-10-10010 October 1997 Responds to NRC Bulletin 97-002,requiring Holders of Certificates for Shipping Packages Respond within 30 Days by Notifying Commission of Intent to Review Safety Analyses & Provide Rept Documenting Any Corrective Action ML20216J4511997-09-10010 September 1997 Requests Registration as User of Listed Radioactive Matls Shipping Packages ML20151L2861997-07-24024 July 1997 Requests Registration as User of models,14D-2.0,50-1.5L, 2.5L,4.0L,14/190L,M,H,14/210L,H,10-140,7-100,6-100L,H,PAS-1, 10-142,CNS-14-170 Series Iii,Cns 14-170,CNS 14-195H & CNS 21-300 ML20138F5471997-04-21021 April 1997 Requests Registration as User of Vectra Technologies Inc Radioactive Matl Package Shipping Cask Nupac 14-210 H or L ML20129C0411996-10-16016 October 1996 Requests Registration as User of Packages USA/9176/A & USA/9094/A for Nupac Model 14-210H Type a Shipping Cask & Chem-Nuc Model 14-195H Type a Shipping Cask ML20059E8191993-12-15015 December 1993 Requests Registration as User of Nupac 14210 Cask for 931220 Shipment.Requests to Be Advised If Approval Will Be Delayed ML20059M9901993-11-15015 November 1993 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Models 10-142 & 14-210H Shipping Casks ML20138D2051993-02-10010 February 1993 Advises That Cnsi Drawing C-119-B-0017,transmitted in 930118 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9176 for Model Cnsi 14-215H May Be Submitted to PDR for Copying & Distribution ML20128L6421993-02-0202 February 1993 Lists Packages That No Longer Need Trojan Listed as User,Per 930201 Conversation & Closure of Plant.Licensed Packages Util Will Continue to Use Also Listed ML20126F2341992-12-21021 December 1992 Forwards Addl Sketches Illustrating an Optional One Inch Thick Lid for Shield Insert for Certificate of Compliance 9176 ML20125B6591992-12-0202 December 1992 Requests That Company Name Be Changed from Nuclear Packaging Inc to Pacific Nuclear Sys,Inc.Address Unchanged ML20058H8381990-11-19019 November 1990 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 21-300, CNS 14-190H & CNS 14-215H Shipping Packages ML20058C2611990-10-26026 October 1990 Requests Registration as User of Model 14/210L & 14/210H Radioactive Matls Shipping Cask ML20247R3691989-09-22022 September 1989 Requests That NRC Revise Name & Address of Company Officer to MP Alexich for Which Util Registered as User of Listed Casks ML20246D3391989-08-18018 August 1989 Requests Registration as User of Model Nupac 14/210L, 14/210H,CNSI 14/215H Series A,Ln 14-195L & Ln 14-195H ML20205Q8191988-10-26026 October 1988 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Models 14-190 & 14-210 ML20154C3231988-08-30030 August 1988 Requests Registration as User of Radioactive Matls Shipping Casks Types 14-210 L,14-210 H & 10-142 ML20207D5511988-08-0404 August 1988 Requests Registration as User of Models Hn 142,HN 190-2, Cnsi 1-8,CNSI 14-190 & Cnsi 14-215(H) Shipping Casks ML20154L3241988-05-17017 May 1988 Advises That Documents Submitted w/880216 Request May Be Placed in PDR But Are Protected by Us Copyright Laws.Nrc May Copy Matl for Internal Evaluation & Documentation Purposes Only ML20153H5171988-04-21021 April 1988 Forwards Updated Pages to Rev 1 to Cnsi 9176-S1, Suppl to Docket 71-9176 for Chem-Nuclear Sys,Inc CNS 14-215H Series a Type a Radwaste Shipping Cask (USA/9176/A). Pages Revised to Reflect NRC Comments ML20153H3171988-04-19019 April 1988 Withdraws Proprietary Portions of Application for Renewal to Use Nupac Models 14/190,14/210,10/140,7/100 & 6/100. Revised Nonproprietary Drawings Deleting Ref to Proprietary Matl Encl RBG-27487, Requests Registration as User of Listed Radioactive Matl Shipping Casks.Fee Paid1988-02-23023 February 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Radioactive Matl Shipping Casks.Fee Paid ML20149M8331988-02-19019 February 1988 Forwards Suppl to Certificate of Compliance 9176 as Part of Application for Renewal of License.Submittal Includes Complete Operating Procedures,Acceptance Tests & Maint Programs Currently in Use for 14-215H Package.Fee Paid ML20147D9621987-12-21021 December 1987 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215H ML20147E2101987-12-11011 December 1987 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215H NRC-87-0042, Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 14-215H Series A,Nupac 14/210L & Nupac 14/21OH1987-06-10010 June 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 14-215H Series A,Nupac 14/210L & Nupac 14/21OH ML20214W9471987-05-14014 May 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models Cnsi 1-13G, Cnsi 1-13C,CNSI 14-170,Series Iii,Cnsi 7-100,CNSI 8-120A, Cnsi 6-80-2,CNSI 14-190H,CNSI 6-75,CNSI 15-160B,CNSI 4-85, Cnsi 6-101,CNSI 14-170,CNSI 21-300,CNSI 14-195H & Cnsi 3-55 ML20215K4541987-04-30030 April 1987 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Models 10-142 & 14-210H Radioactive Shipping Casks ML20214H4361987-04-27027 April 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models HN-200,NUPAC 14D-2.0,HN-600,NUPAC 100,HN-100S,CNS 21-300,HN-100 (Series 3),NUPAC 14/190L,NUPAC 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNS 8-120B & Nupac 10-142 ML20214G4131987-04-0808 April 1987 Requests Registration as User of Model 14/210L Shipping Cask ML20209B5081987-01-26026 January 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14-210, 50-1.5L,50-2.5L,50-3.0L & 50-4.OL & Hittman HN-100 Series 1, HN-100S,HN-200 & HN-500 ML20211E4491987-01-26026 January 1987 Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Sys Models Cnsi 14-215H,Series a & Cnsi 14-190H,Series a ML20214W5421986-11-0707 November 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 9079,9080,9151,9159, 9176,9177,9178 & 9179 & Confirms Telcons Re Change of Company Name to Ln Technologies Corp.Application for Amend to QA Program to Be Submitted by 861117 ML20214C6021986-10-30030 October 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14/21OL & Nupac 14/21OH ML20214D3031986-10-27027 October 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 14210 & 10/142 ML20214S4861986-08-20020 August 1986 Informs of Intent to Use NRC-approved Transportation Casks Listed in Encl to Transport Licensed Matl DCL-86-209, Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14-210L, Nupac 14-210H & Nupac 10-142B1986-07-18018 July 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14-210L, Nupac 14-210H & Nupac 10-142B ML20203H4971986-07-17017 July 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 14-195-H,21-300, 6-80-2,14-215-H,8-120-A,8-120-B,14-190-H & GE-1600 1999-04-14
[Table view] Category:UTILITY TO NRC
MONTHYEARML20247R3691989-09-22022 September 1989 Requests That NRC Revise Name & Address of Company Officer to MP Alexich for Which Util Registered as User of Listed Casks ML20154C3231988-08-30030 August 1988 Requests Registration as User of Radioactive Matls Shipping Casks Types 14-210 L,14-210 H & 10-142 ML20207D5511988-08-0404 August 1988 Requests Registration as User of Models Hn 142,HN 190-2, Cnsi 1-8,CNSI 14-190 & Cnsi 14-215(H) Shipping Casks RBG-27487, Requests Registration as User of Listed Radioactive Matl Shipping Casks.Fee Paid1988-02-23023 February 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Radioactive Matl Shipping Casks.Fee Paid ML20147D9621987-12-21021 December 1987 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215H ML20147E2101987-12-11011 December 1987 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215H NRC-87-0042, Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 14-215H Series A,Nupac 14/210L & Nupac 14/21OH1987-06-10010 June 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 14-215H Series A,Nupac 14/210L & Nupac 14/21OH ML20214W9471987-05-14014 May 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models Cnsi 1-13G, Cnsi 1-13C,CNSI 14-170,Series Iii,Cnsi 7-100,CNSI 8-120A, Cnsi 6-80-2,CNSI 14-190H,CNSI 6-75,CNSI 15-160B,CNSI 4-85, Cnsi 6-101,CNSI 14-170,CNSI 21-300,CNSI 14-195H & Cnsi 3-55 ML20215K4541987-04-30030 April 1987 Requests Registration as User of Nupac Models 10-142 & 14-210H Radioactive Shipping Casks ML20214H4361987-04-27027 April 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models HN-200,NUPAC 14D-2.0,HN-600,NUPAC 100,HN-100S,CNS 21-300,HN-100 (Series 3),NUPAC 14/190L,NUPAC 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNS 8-120B & Nupac 10-142 ML20214G4131987-04-0808 April 1987 Requests Registration as User of Model 14/210L Shipping Cask ML20211E4491987-01-26026 January 1987 Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Sys Models Cnsi 14-215H,Series a & Cnsi 14-190H,Series a ML20209B5081987-01-26026 January 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14-210, 50-1.5L,50-2.5L,50-3.0L & 50-4.OL & Hittman HN-100 Series 1, HN-100S,HN-200 & HN-500 ML20214C6021986-10-30030 October 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14/21OL & Nupac 14/21OH ML20214D3031986-10-27027 October 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 14210 & 10/142 ML20214S4861986-08-20020 August 1986 Informs of Intent to Use NRC-approved Transportation Casks Listed in Encl to Transport Licensed Matl DCL-86-209, Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14-210L, Nupac 14-210H & Nupac 10-142B1986-07-18018 July 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14-210L, Nupac 14-210H & Nupac 10-142B ML20203H4971986-07-17017 July 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 14-195-H,21-300, 6-80-2,14-215-H,8-120-A,8-120-B,14-190-H & GE-1600 ML20203H4981986-07-0202 July 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models Nupac 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series A,Nus 14-195L & NUS 14-195H L-86-182, Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 8-120B & CNS 14-215H Series a1986-04-24024 April 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 8-120B & CNS 14-215H Series a ML20197D3941986-03-17017 March 1986 Informs of Change of Responsible Individual & Mailing Address,As Listed ML20214C0931986-01-24024 January 1986 Notifies of Intent to Utilize Model Cnsi 14-215H Series a ML20136H4751985-12-20020 December 1985 Requests Registration as User of Listed Models 3F1185-19, Requests Registration as User of Model Cnsi 14-2101985-11-19019 November 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model Cnsi 14-210 ML20136G7461985-10-31031 October 1985 Requests Registration as User of Models HN-500,HN-200,NUPAC OH-142,NUPAC 14/190L,NUPAC 14/190M,NUPAC 14/190H,NUPAC 14/2100L & Nupac 14/210H DCL-85-321, Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-2151985-10-14014 October 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215 GO2-85-715, Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215A1985-10-11011 October 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215A ML20138A9761985-09-17017 September 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model Cnsi 14-215H a ML20138A9861985-09-10010 September 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model Nupac 14/210H.Future Correspondence Re Cask Should Be Sent to Bn Leach at Listed Address 3F0885-09, Requests Registration as User of Model 14-215-H1985-08-20020 August 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model 14-215-H ML20133F0241985-07-16016 July 1985 Requests Registration as User of Nupac 14/210L & 14/210H ML20128B5341985-05-24024 May 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model Nupac 14/210H ML20128C2301985-05-15015 May 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model Cnsi 14-215H ML20128E6111985-05-10010 May 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-215H PLA-2461, Requests Registration as User of Model Cnsi 215H Series a1985-05-0303 May 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model Cnsi 215H Series a ML20128E0101985-05-0101 May 1985 Notifies of Change on Approval List for Certified Cask Users for Util 1989-09-22
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