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bili ty to guard oss nuclear                                      against ory Concission,  lThe.
in      U. S. Nuclear Regula t                                                                    _
in Sections 70 54caterials in the interest ofor diversion of strategically                importantcarrying out 34              reports wheneverrespectively,                  s for                  requ,irement40.64, national        security, has              and 30 55 of 10 C material                        certain t 1 gram or, coreor tritium occur.ransfers              submittal to the NRC of m tFR Parts 70, 40,        ,                                                        and 3 Reportsofarespecial nuclear a erial transfer material, or 1,000                                    euriesmaterial,a1,000 or core                                    transfer of    kil:gramsof containe 70.53, 30.59, and 40 64 or more of                          of  uran,ium or thorium inor Pu in special nuclear 1
statenents                          .
annual 1:ed              statementsceof sourof to possess specialInnuclearof addition source material and 30, and 40 requ,ireSections 10 CFR Parts 70, material kilecrats of source uries                                      inventories ca tmaterial,              more    frctritiun than 10,000 licensees, inventories and author-        cmore    scaiannual      than 350 of The NRC utilises                          erial, respectively.of contained                    special ear            nucltritium, er core reports.                  an                                                                    ,
00 been              All licenseeselectronic  subject                data processing to these              systen to Identificatien Symbol (RIS)                                          assigned              a three-letter forms (NRC/ERDA-74should te used in inventory r n 1                        )i          be used insynbol      n.            for eidentificatioreporting req relative to such repoteporte          ts .
and otheraccordance    completing      with thethe    instru t transferThis          Reporting Tne symbol XPG                                          correspondence with the NRCc ions, and should      ,
License No.                  has been S'N-176 5 assigned as the RIS for a ctivities under                                      ..
* m              in o                                                                      j j                                                            -' yppM*%ig'    4
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                                                                  / Eug> "ene Sparks Information Systens SSection Leader Enclos ures:                                              Test and Evaluaecticn Division                          tion Bra nch                                                                        ,.
of Safeguards                                                                            g (3 $'..hh i
Forn NRC/ERDA-741                    nstructions with i                                                                                :
                                                                                                                                                                  . f i WY.Q;l s y
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The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in carrying cut its responsi-bility to guard against loss or diversion of strategically important nuclear caterials in the interest of national security, has specified, in Sections 70.54, 40.64, and 30.55 of 10 CFR Parts 70, 40, and 30, respectively, requirements for submittal to the NRC of material transfer reports whenever certain transfers of special nuclear naterial, source material, or tritium occur.      Reports are required for a transfer of 1 gram or more of contained U-233, U-235, or Pu in special nuclear material, 1,000 kilograms or more of uranium or thorium in source material, or 1,000 curies or more of tritium.              In addition, Sections 70.53, 30.55, and 40.64 of 10 CFR Parts 70, 30, and 40 require semiannual statements of special nuclear material and tritiun inventories, and annual statements of source material inventories from licensees author-1:ed to possess more than 350 grams of contained special nuclear material, more than 10,000 curies of tritium, or more than 1,000 Kilegrams of source material, respectively.
The NRC utilizes an electrcnic data processing systen te record these
* reports. All licensees subject to these reporting requirements have been assigned a three-letter symbol for identification. This Peporting I Mntification Symbol (RIS) should be used in completing the transfer            ,
forms (NRC/EEDA-741) in accordance with the instructions, and should be used in inventory reports and other correspondence with the NEC relative to such reports.                                                  .
Tne symbol      XPG  has been assigned as the RIS for activities under License No. S!N-17 6 5    .
Sincerely,    9  j                            __
                                                      . ; $ .. W L E i W v                                        ,
GQ, --
[EugeneSparks,SectionLeader Information Systems Secticn Test and Evaluation Branch Division of Safeguards
Form NRC/ERDA-741 with instructions                                                                  1 8801250015 870821 REG 1 LIC70 SNM-1765              PDR
                                                                        ._          .}}

Latest revision as of 18:39, 21 July 2020

Advises That NRC Has Assigned Reporting Identification Symbol (RIS) Xpg for Activities Under License SNM-1765.RIS Should Be Used in Completing Transfer of Snm,Source Matl or Tritium & in Inventory Repts to NRC
Person / Time
Site: 07002683
Issue date: 09/30/1977
From: Sparks E
Shared Package
ML20148B147 List:
21037, NUDOCS 8801250015
Download: ML20148B441 (1)



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  • . . . + ,O'g WASHINGTON, D. C. 20S55MMISSION-Q SEP Doylestown 595 Hospital 3 0 ny Doylestown, PAWest State Street 18901 Gentlemen:

bili ty to guard oss nuclear against ory Concission, lThe.

in U. S. Nuclear Regula t _

in Sections 70 54caterials in the interest ofor diversion of strategically importantcarrying out 34 reports wheneverrespectively, s for requ,irement40.64, national security, has and 30 55 of 10 C material certain t 1 gram or, coreor tritium occur.ransfers submittal to the NRC of m tFR Parts 70, 40, , and 3 Reportsofarespecial nuclear a erial transfer material, or 1,000 euriesmaterial,a1,000 or core transfer of kil:gramsof containe 70.53, 30.59, and 40 64 or more of of uran,ium or thorium inor Pu in special nuclear 1

statenents .


annual 1:ed statementsceof sourof to possess specialInnuclearof addition source material and 30, and 40 requ,ireSections 10 CFR Parts 70, material kilecrats of source uries inventories ca tmaterial, more frctritiun than 10,000 licensees, inventories and author- cmore scaiannual than 350 of The NRC utilises erial, respectively.of contained special ear nucltritium, er core reports. an ,

00 been All licenseeselectronic subject data processing to these systen to Identificatien Symbol (RIS) assigned a three-letter forms (NRC/ERDA-74should te used in inventory r n 1 )i be used insynbol n. for eidentificatioreporting req relative to such repoteporte ts .

and otheraccordance completing with thethe instru t transferThis Reporting Tne symbol XPG correspondence with the NRCc ions, and should ,

License No. has been S'N-176 5 assigned as the RIS for a ctivities under ..


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E 3[J o WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 -

l o g

-d SEP 3 0 3377 Doyleatown Hospital 595 West State Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Gentlemen:

The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in carrying cut its responsi-bility to guard against loss or diversion of strategically important nuclear caterials in the interest of national security, has specified, in Sections 70.54, 40.64, and 30.55 of 10 CFR Parts 70, 40, and 30, respectively, requirements for submittal to the NRC of material transfer reports whenever certain transfers of special nuclear naterial, source material, or tritium occur. Reports are required for a transfer of 1 gram or more of contained U-233, U-235, or Pu in special nuclear material, 1,000 kilograms or more of uranium or thorium in source material, or 1,000 curies or more of tritium. In addition, Sections 70.53, 30.55, and 40.64 of 10 CFR Parts 70, 30, and 40 require semiannual statements of special nuclear material and tritiun inventories, and annual statements of source material inventories from licensees author-1:ed to possess more than 350 grams of contained special nuclear material, more than 10,000 curies of tritium, or more than 1,000 Kilegrams of source material, respectively.

The NRC utilizes an electrcnic data processing systen te record these

  • reports. All licensees subject to these reporting requirements have been assigned a three-letter symbol for identification. This Peporting I Mntification Symbol (RIS) should be used in completing the transfer ,

forms (NRC/EEDA-741) in accordance with the instructions, and should be used in inventory reports and other correspondence with the NEC relative to such reports. .

Tne symbol XPG has been assigned as the RIS for activities under License No. S!N-17 6 5 .

Sincerely, 9 j __

. ; $ .. W L E i W v ,

GQ, --

[EugeneSparks,SectionLeader Information Systems Secticn Test and Evaluation Branch Division of Safeguards


Form NRC/ERDA-741 with instructions 1 8801250015 870821 REG 1 LIC70 SNM-1765 PDR

._ .