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{{#Wiki_filter:REGULATOR NFORMA'TION DISTRIBUTION "TEM{'RIDS)AOCESSION NBR:8208170214 DOC~DATE:82/08/12NOTARIZED:,NO OOGKETFACIL:50244RobertEmmetGinnaNuclearPlant~Uni!tiiRochester G05000244AUTHINANEAUTHORAFFILIATION MAIERiJ~E~Rochester GasEElectricCorp<'RBCIP~NAMERECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON,H,RE OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulationg DirectorSUBJECT;Forwardsapplication foramendtoLicenseOPR18irevising TechSpecstoincorporate radiological effluent'TechSpecs,'han'ge supersedes 790214proposoe'//rcFDISTRIBUTION CODE:C002BCOPIESRECEIVED:LTR 9-ENCLX~SIZE:/+TITLE:Environ.Comments, NOTES:NRR/DL/SEP icy,05000244INTERNAL:
" TEM{'RIDS)AOCESSION NBR:8208170214 DOC~DATE: 82/08/12 NOTARIZED:,NO OOGKET FACIL:50 244 Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Plant~Uni!t ii Rochester G 05000244 AUTH INANE AUTHOR AFFILIATION MAIERi J~E~Rochester Gas E Electric Corp<'RBC IP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON,H,RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationg Director SUBJECT;Forwards application for amend to License OPR 18irevising Tech Specs to incorporate radiological effluent'Tech Specs,'han'ge supersedes 790214 propos oe'//rcF DISTRIBUTION CODE: C002B COPIES RECEIVED:LTR 9-ENCL X~SIZE:/+TITLE: Environ.Comments, NOTES:NRR/DL/SEP icy, 05000244 INTERNAL: 'I,/,EXTERNAL:
"'21 NRR/DS I/AEB 19 NRR/DS I/RAB 17 RGN1 COPIES LTTR ENCL 7 7 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 5 1 1 1 1 LPOR NRC PDR NTIS 03 02 REC IP IENT'D CODE/NAME ORB e5 LA LYONSiJ~01 NRR NORRI'SgJ NRR/DE/EEB 16 NRR/DE/SAB 18/ETSB 15 REG F IL 04>COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R~t E'w$p~q~~C2l.e~s TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: L~TTR 32 ENCL 30
~89EASTAVENUE,ROCHESTER, N.Y.14649JOHNE.MAILERVicePreskfent TELEPHONE ARE*cooETle546-2700August12,1982Mr.HaroldR.DentonDirectorOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Re:Rochester GasandElectricCorporation, R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant,UnitNo.1DocketNo.50-244
~89 EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.Y.14649 JOHN E.MAILER Vice Preskfent TELEPHONE ARE*cooE Tle 546-2700 August 12, 1982 Mr.Harold R.Denton Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Re: Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No.1 Docket No.50-244  

==Dear Mr.Denton:==
Enclosedare:l.Three(3)originals andnineteen(19)copiesofanApplication forAmendment toOperating LicensetoamendAppendixAofthatlicensetoreviseTechnical Specifications toincorporate radiological effluentspecifications.
Enclosed are: l.Three (3)originals and nineteen (19)copies of an Application for Amendment to Operating License to amend Appendix A of that license to revise Technical Specifications to incorporate radiological effluent specifications.
2.Alsoenclosedareforty(40)copiesofdocuments designated Attachments AandB,whichsetforththerevisedTableandfurtherdescribethepurposesofthechangesmade.Thischangesupersedes ourpreviousproposal, datedFebruary14,1979,onthissubject.Thus,nofeeisrec(uired.
2.Also enclosed are forty (40)copies of documents designated Attachments A and B, which set forth the revised Table and further describe the purposes of the changes made.This change supersedes our previous proposal, dated February 14, 1979, on this subject.Thus, no fee is rec(uired.
Sincerely, 8208i702i 0500024448208i2PDRADGCHP
Sincerely, 8208i702i 05000244 4 8208i2 PDR ADGCH P
<i~rt/~K~A'-//8~~~56''<~,e~/rz/sE-~ams czar~s/~o/sC3pgAttachment ARevisetheTechnical Specifications asfollows:RemoveTableofContentsp1-21-5p3.5-1through3.5-3p3.9-1through3.9-7p4.1-1p4.1-5through4.1-7p4.10-1hrough4.10-5p4.12-1through4.12-5p6.5-10p6.8-1p6.9-1through6.-2p6.9-6through6.9-3,Insert.TableofContentsp1-2p1-2ap1-5p3.5-1throug3.5-3p3.5-7through3.5-9p3.9-1thrp6gh3.9-12p3.15-1tlfrough3.15-8p4.1-1p4.1-5~through4.1-7p4.1-14p4.1/~2p4.10-1through4.10-5p4/12-1through4.12-9p+.5-1p~6.5-106.5-10ap6.8-1p.6.8-2p6.9-1through6.9-3p6.9-3athrough6.9-3cp6.9-6through6.9-10p6.14-1p6.15-1p6.15-2  
<i~rt/~K~A'-//8~~~5 6''<~,e~/rz/sE-~ams czar~s/~o/s C3pg Attachment A Revise the Technical Specifications as follows: Remove Table of Contents p 1-2 1-5 p 3.5-1 through 3.5-3 p 3.9-1 through 3.9-7 p 4.1-1 p 4.1-5 through 4.1-7 p 4.10-1 hrough 4.10-5 p 4.12-1 through 4.12-5 p 6.5-10 p 6.8-1 p 6.9-1 through 6.-2 p 6.9-6 through 6.9-3, Insert.Table of Contents p 1-2 p 1-2a p 1-5 p 3.5-1 throug 3.5-3 p 3.5-7 through 3.5-9 p 3.9-1 thrp6gh 3.9-12 p 3.15-1 tlfrough 3.15-8 p 4.1-1 p 4.1-5~through 4.1-7 p 4.1-14 p 4.1/~2 p 4.10-1 through 4.10-5 p 4/12-1 through 4.12-9 p+.5-1 p~6.5-10 6.5-10a p 6.8-1 p.6.8-2 p 6.9-1 through 6.9-3 p 6.9-3a through 6.9-3c p 6.9-6 through 6.9-10 p 6.14-1 p 6.15-1 p 6.15-2  

TABLEOFCONTENTS1.0DEFINITIONS 2.0SAFETYLIMITSANDLIMITINGSAFETYSYSTEMSETTINGS2.1SafetyLimit,ReactorCore2.2SafetyLimit,ReactorCoolantSystemPressure2.3LimitingSafetySystemsSettings, Protective Instrumentation
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 DEFINITIONS 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS 2.1 Safety Limit, Reactor Core 2.2 Safety Limit, Reactor Coolant System Pressure 2.3 Limiting Safety Systems Settings, Protective Instrumentation 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION PacCe 2.1-1 2.1-1 2 k2 1 2~3 1 3.1-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Reactor Coolant System 3.1.1 Operational Components 3.1.2 Heatup and Cooldown 3.1.3 Minimum Conditions for Criticality 3.1.4 Maximum Coolant Activity 3.1.5 Leakage 3.1.6 Maximum Reactor Coolant Oxygen, Fluoride, and Chloride Concentration Chemical and Volume Control System Emergency Core Cooling System Auxiliary Cooling Systems, Air Recirculation Fan Coolers, Containment Spray, and Charcoal Filters Turbine Cycle Instrumentation System Containment System Auxiliary Electrical Systems Refueling Plant Effluents Control Rod and Power Distribution Limits Fuel Handling in the Auxiliary Building Movable In-Core Instrumentation Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)
Fire Suppression System Radiological Environmental Monitoring 3~1 1 3 0 1 1 3.1-5 3.1-17 3.1-20 3.1-25 3~1 3 1 3~2 1 3~3 1 3.4-1 3.5-1 3.6-1 3~7 1 3.8-1 3.9-1 3.10-1 3.11-1 3.12-1 3.13-1 3.14-1 3.15-1 I
~Pa e 4.1-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.1S Operational Safety Review Primary Components Tests Primary System Testing Following Opening Containment Tests Safety Injection, Containment Spray and Iodine Removal Systems Tests Emergency Power System Periodic Tests Main Steam Stop Valves Auxiliary Feedwater System Reactivity Anomalies Radiological Environmental Monitoring Spent Fuel Pit Charcoal Adsorber Testing Effluent Surveillance Radioactive Material Source Leakage Test Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)
Fire Suppression System Test 4.1-1 4.2-1 4.3-1 4.4-1 4.5-1 4.6-1 4.7-1 4.8-1 4.9-1 4.10-1 4.11-1 4.12-1 4.13-1 4.14-1 4.15-1 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES 5.1 Site 5.2 Containment, Design Features 5.3 Reactor Design Features S.4 Fuel Storage 5.5 Waste Treatment Systems 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1-1 5.2-1 5.3-1 5.4-1 5.5-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 Responsibility Organization 6.2.1 Offsite 6.2.2.Facility Staff Station Staff Qualifications Training Review and Audit 6.5.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)6.5.2 Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board (NSARB)6.5.3 Quality Assurance Group Reportable Occurrence Action Safety Limit Violation Procedures Reporting Requirements 6.9.1 Routine Reports 6.9.2 Reportable Occurrence 6.9.3 Unique Reporting Requirements Record Retention Radiation Protection Program (Deleted)High Radiation Area Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems 6.1-1 6.1-1 6.1-1 6.1-1 6.3-1 6.5-1 6.5-5 6.5-11 6.6-1 6.6-1 6.8-1 6.9-1 6.9-1 6.9-3b 6.9-10 6.10-1 6.11-1 6.13-1 6.14-1 6.15-1

0 eratin Performing all intended functions in the intended manner..De ree of Redundanc Instrument Channels The difference between the number of operable channels and the number of channels which, when tripped, will cause an automatic system trip.Instrument Surveillance Channel Calibration The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output so that it responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel moni-tors.The Channel Calibration shall encompass the entire channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip func-tions, and shall include the Channel Functional Test.The Channel Calibration may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping or total channel steps so that the entire channel is calibrated.
FOROPERATION PacCe2.1-12.1-12k212~313.1- Components 3.1.2HeatupandCooldown3.1.3MinimumConditions forCriticality 3.1.4MaximumCoolantActivity3.1.5Leakage3.1.6MaximumReactorCoolantOxygen,Fluoride, andChlorideConcentration ChemicalandVolumeControlSystemEmergency CoreCoolingSystemAuxiliary CoolingSystems,AirRecirculation FanCoolers,Containment Spray,andCharcoalFiltersTurbineCycleInstrumentation SystemContainment SystemAuxiliary Electrical SystemsRefueling PlantEffluents ControlRodandPowerDistribution LimitsFuelHandlingintheAuxiliary BuildingMovableIn-CoreInstrumentation ShockSuppressors (Snubbers)
Channel Check The qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation.
FireSuppression SystemRadiological Environmental Monitoring 3~1130113.1-53.1-173.1-203.1-253~1313~213~313.4-13.5-13.6-13~713.8-13.9-13.10-13.11-13.12-13.13-13.14-13.15-1 I
This determination shall in-elude, where possible, comparison of the channel indica-tion and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrumentation channels measur-ing the same parameter.
1 Channel Functional Test a.Analog channels-the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify operability including alarm and/or trip funci ions.b.Bistable channels-the injection of a simulated signal into the sensor to verify operability includ-ing alarm and/or trip function.Source Check The qualitative assessment.
~Pae4.1- SafetyReviewPrimaryComponents TestsPrimarySystemTestingFollowing OpeningContainment TestsSafetyInjection, Containment SprayandIodineRemovalSystemsTestsEmergency PowerSystemPeriodicTestsMainSteamStopValvesAuxiliary Feedwater SystemReactivity Anomalies Radiological Environmental Monitoring SpentFuelPitCharcoalAdsorberTestingEffluentSurveillance Radioactive MaterialSourceLeakageTestShockSuppressors (Snubbers)
of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source.1-2a I
FireSuppression SystemTest4.1-14.2-14.3-14.4-14.5-14.6-14.7-14.8-14.9-14.10-14.11-14.12-14.13-14.14-14.15-15.0DESIGNFEATURES5.1Site5.2Containment, DesignFeatures5.3ReactorDesignFeaturesS.4FuelStorage5.5WasteTreatment Systems6.0ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS5.1-15.2-15.3-15.4-15.5- Organization 6.2.1Offsite6.2.2.Facility StaffStationStaffQualifications TrainingReviewandAudit6.5.1PlantOperations ReviewCommittee (PORC)6.5.2NuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard(NSARB)6.5.3QualityAssurance GroupReportable Occurrence ActionSafetyLimitViolation Procedures Reporting Requirements 6.9.1RoutineReports6.9.2Reportable Occurrence 6.9.3UniqueReporting Requirements RecordRetention Radiation Protection Program(Deleted)
Fre uenc Notation The frequency notation specified for the performance of surveillance requirements shall correspond to the inter-vals defined below.Notation S, Each Shift D, Daily Twice per week W, Weekly B/W, Biweekly N, Nonthly B/N, Bimonthly Q, Quarterly SA, Semiannually A, Annually R, Refueling N.A.Fre uenc At least once per 12 hours.At least once per 24 hours At least once per 4 days and at least, twice per 7 days At least once per 7 days At least once per 14 days At, least.once per 31 days At least once per 62 days At least once per 92 days At least once per 6 months At least once per 12 months At least once per 18 months Prior to each startup Not Applicable Within 12 hours prior to each release Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual ODCN The ODCN is a manual containing the methodology and parameters to be used for calculating the offsite doses due to liquid and gaseous effluents and in calculation of liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm/trip setpoints.
HighRadiation AreaOffsiteDoseCalculation ManualMajorChangestoRadioactive WasteTreatment Systems6.1-16.1-16.1-16.1-16.3-16.5-16.5-56.5-116.6-16.6-16.8-16.9-16.9-16.9-3b6.9-106.10-16.11-16.13-16.14-16.15-1

0eratinPerforming allintendedfunctions intheintendedmanner..DereeofRedundanc Instrument ChannelsThedifference betweenthenumberofoperablechannelsandthenumberofchannelswhich,whentripped,willcauseanautomatic systemtrip.Instrument Surveillance ChannelCalibration Theadjustment, asnecessary, ofthechanneloutputsothatitrespondswiththenecessary rangeandaccuracytoknownvaluesoftheparameter whichthechannelmoni-tors.TheChannelCalibration shallencompass theentirechannelincluding thesensorandalarmand/ortripfunc-tions,andshallincludetheChannelFunctional Test.TheChannelCalibration maybeperformed byanyseriesofsequential, overlapping ortotalchannelstepssothattheentirechanneliscalibrated.
===3.5 Instrumentation===
ChannelCheckThequalitative assessment ofchannelbehaviorduringoperation byobservation.
S stem 0 erational Safet Instrumentation 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3~1''1'pplies to plant instrumentation systems.~b'o delineate the.conditions of the plant instrumenta-tion and safety circuits necessary to assure reactor safety and to limit the release of radioactive materials.
Thisdetermination shallin-elude,wherepossible, comparison ofthechannelindica-tionand/orstatuswithotherindications and/orstatusderivedfromindependent instrumentation channelsmeasur-ingthesameparameter.
'f'or on-line testing or in the event of a sub-system instrumentation channel failure, plant operation at rated power shall be permitted to continue in accordance with Tables 3.5-1 through 3.S-3.In the event the number of channels of a particular sub-system in service falls below the limit given by the columns entitled Minimum Operable Channels and/or Minimum Degree of Redundancy cannot be achieved, opera-tion shall be limited according to the requirement shown in Column 6 of Tables 3.S-1 through 3.5-3.The radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation shown in Table 3.5-4 shall be operable with alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of Specifica-tions and are not exceeded.3.S.3.1 If a radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm/trip setpoint, is less conservative than required, immediately suspend the release of effluents.
1 ChannelFunctional Testa.Analogchannels-theinjection ofasimulated signalintothechannelasclosetothesensoraspracticable toverifyoperability including alarmand/ortripfunciions.b.Bistablechannels-theinjection ofasimulated signalintothesensortoverifyoperability includ-ingalarmand/ortripfunction.
monitored by the affected channel or declare the channel inoperable.
SourceCheckThequalitative assessment.
3.5-1 I f If, during a release, the number of channels which are operable is less than reguired, take the action shown in Table 3.5-4.Basis: During plant operations, the complete instrumentation
ofchannelresponsewhenthechannelsensorisexposedtoaradioactive source.1-2a I
')systems will normally be in service.Reactor safety is provided by the Reactor Protection System, which auto-matically initiates appropriate action to prevent.exceeding established limits.Safety is not compromised, however, by continuing operation with certain instru-mentation channels out, of service since provisions were made for this in the plant design.This specification outlines limiting conditions for operation necessary to preserve the effectiveness of the reactor control and protection system when any one or more of the channels is out of service.Almost all reactor protection channels are supplied with sufficient redundancy to provide the capability for channel calibration and test at power.Exceptions are backup channels such as reactor coolant pump breakers.The removal, of one trip channel is accomplished by placing that channel bistable in a tripped mode;e.g., a two-out-of-three circuit becomes a one-out-of-two circuit..Testing does not trip the system unless a trip condition exists in a concurrent channel.3.5-2  
FreuencNotationThefrequency notationspecified fortheperformance ofsurveillance requirements shallcorrespond totheinter-valsdefinedbelow.NotationS,EachShiftD,DailyTwiceperweekW,WeeklyB/W,BiweeklyN,NonthlyB/N,Bimonthly Q,Quarterly SA,Semiannually A,AnnuallyR,Refueling N.A.FreuencAtleastonceper12hours.Atleastonceper24hoursAtleastonceper4daysandatleast,twiceper7daysAtleastonceper7daysAtleastonceper14daysAt,least.onceper31daysAtleastonceper62daysAtleastonceper92daysAtleastonceper6monthsAtleastonceper12monthsAtleastonceper18monthsPriortoeachstartupNotApplicable Within12hourspriortoeachreleaseOffsiteDoseCalculation NanualODCNTheODCNisamanualcontaining themethodology andparameters tobeusedforcalculating theoffsitedosesduetoliquidandgaseouseffluents andincalculation ofliquidandgaseouseffluentmonitoring instrumentation alarm/trip setpoints.
~J 3.9 Plant Effluents A licabilit Applies to the release of radioactive liquids and gases from the plant.~b'o define the conditions for release of radioactive liquid and gaseous wastes.S ecifications 3.9.1 Li uid Effluents Concentration The release of radioactive liquid effluents shall be such that the concentration of gross beta activity above background in the circulating water discharge does not exceed the limits stated below unless the discharge is controlled on a radionuclide basis in accordance with Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 and Note 1 thereto of 10CFR20.Maximum concentration (excluding tritium and dissolved or entrained noble gases)1 x 10 uCi/ml Maximum tritium concentration 3 x 10 uCi/ml Maximum dissolved or entrained noble gas concentration 2 x 10 uCi/ml During release of liquid radioactive wastes, at least one condenser circulating water pump shall be in opera-tion.3.9-1  
~>l If the limits of and are not, met, restore the concentration to within the limits or initiate normal orderly shutdown of the liquid waste discharge within one hour.Dose The dose or dose commitment to an individual from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas shall be limited: (i)During any calendar quarter to<1.5 mrem to the total body and to<5 mrem to any organ, and (ii)During any calendar year to<3 mrem to the total body and to<10 mrem to any organ. Whenever the calculated dose resulting from the release of radioactive materials in.liquid effluents exceeds the limits of, a report shall be submitted to the Commission within thirty days which identifies the cause for exceeding the dose limit and defines cor-rective actions to be Waken to reduce the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents.
~I 3.5Instrumentation Sstem0erational SafetInstrumentation''1'pplies toplantinstrumentation systems.~b'odelineate the.conditions oftheplantinstrumenta-tionandsafetycircuitsnecessary toassurereactorsafetyandtolimitthereleaseofradioactive materials. K,iquid Waste Treatment The system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge when the projected dose due to projected liquid effluent releases when averaged over 31 days would otherwise exceed 0.'25 mrem to the total body or 0.8 mrem to any organ.3.9-2  
'f'oron-linetestingorintheeventofasub-system instrumentation channelfailure,plantoperation atratedpowershallbepermitted tocontinueinaccordance withTables3.5-1through3.S-3.Intheeventthenumberofchannelsofaparticular sub-system inservicefallsbelowthelimitgivenbythecolumnsentitledMinimumOperableChannelsand/orMinimumDegreeofRedundancy cannotbeachieved, opera-tionshallbelimitedaccording totherequirement showninColumn6ofTables3.S-1through3.5-3.Theradioactive effluentmonitoring instrumentation showninTable3.5-4shallbeoperablewithalarm/trip setpoints settoensurethatthelimitsofSpecifica-tions3.9.1.1and3.9.2.1arenotexceeded.
~k l If radioactive liquid waste is being discharged without treatment.
3.S.3.1Ifaradioactive effluentmonitoring instrumentation alarm/trip
when reguired by Specification, prepare and submit, a report to the Commission within 30 days which includes the following information: (i)Identification of equipment or subsystems not operated and the reasons.(ii)Action(s)taken to restore the inoperable eguipment to operable status.(iii)Summary description of action(s)taken to prevent a recurrence.
: setpoint, islessconservative thanrequired, immediately suspendthereleaseofeffluents.
3.9.2 Gaseous Wastes Release Rate 3.9.2.l.a The dose rate, at any time, due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to the following values: (i)The dose rate for noble gases shall be<500 mrem/yr to the total body and<3000 mrem/yr to the skin, and (ii)The dose rate for all radioiodines, radioactive materials in particulate form, and radionuclides other than noble gases with half lives greater than 8 days shall be<1500 mrem/yr to any organ. For unplanned release of gaseous wastes, compliance with may be determined by averaging over a 24-hour period.3.9-3  
monitored bytheaffectedchannelordeclarethechannelinoperable.
~l During planned release of gaseous waste from Gas Decay Tanks to the Auxiliary Building Vent, at least one auxiliary building exhaust, fan shall be in operation.
3.5-1 If If,duringarelease,thenumberofchannelswhichareoperableislessthanreguired, taketheactionshowninTable3.5-4.Basis:Duringplantoperations, thecompleteinstrumentation If the limits of above are not met for contain-ment purge or Gas Decay Tank release, decrease the release rate from that.system to comply with the limits, or initiate normal orderly shutdown of that gaseous release within one hour.Dose (10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I) The air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to the follow-ing: (i),During any calendar quarter to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and to 10 mrad for beta radiation.(ii)During any calendar year 10 mrad for gamma radia-tion and 20 mrad for beta radiation.
')systemswillnormallybeinservice.ReactorsafetyisprovidedbytheReactorProtection System,whichauto-matically initiates appropriate actiontoprevent.exceeding established limits.Safetyisnotcompromised, however,bycontinuing operation withcertaininstru-mentation channelsout,ofservicesinceprovisions weremadeforthisintheplantdesign.Thisspecification outlineslimitingconditions foroperation necessary topreservetheeffectiveness ofthereactorcontrolandprotection systemwhenanyoneormoreofthechannelsisoutofservice.Almostallreactorprotection channelsaresuppliedwithsufficient redundancy toprovidethecapability forchannelcalibration andtestatpower.Exceptions arebackupchannelssuchasreactorcoolantpumpbreakers. The dose to an individual from radioiodine, radioactive materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases with half-lives greater than eight days released with gaseous effluents.from th site shall be limited to the following: (i)During any calendar quarter to 7.5 mrem to any quarter.(ii)During any calendar year to 15 mrem to any quarter.3.9-4  
Theremoval,ofonetripchannelisaccomplished byplacingthatchannelbistableinatrippedmode;e.g.,atwo-out-of-three circuitbecomesaone-out-of-two circuit..Testingdoesnottripthesystemunlessatripcondition existsinaconcurrent channel.3.5-2  
~4 Whenever the calculated dose to an individual resulting from noble gases or from radionuclides other than noble gases exceeds the limits of or, a report shall be submitted to the Commission within 30 days which identifies the cause for exceeding the dose limit and defines corrective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents.
~J 3.9PlantEffluents Alicabilit Appliestothereleaseofradioactive liquidsandgasesfromtheplant.~b'odefinetheconditions forreleaseofradioactive liquidandgaseouswastes.Secifications 3.9.1LiuidEffluents Thereleaseofradioactive liquideffluents shallbesuchthattheconcentration ofgrossbetaactivityabovebackground inthecirculating waterdischarge doesnotexceedthelimitsstatedbelowunlessthedischarge iscontrolled onaradionuclide basisinaccordance withAppendixB,TableII,Column2andNote1theretoof10CFR20.Maximumconcentration (excluding tritiumanddissolved orentrained noblegases)1x10uCi/mlMaximumtritiumconcentration 3x10uCi/mlMaximumdissolved orentrained noblegasconcentration 2x10uCi/ml3.9.1.1.b Duringreleaseofliquidradioactive wastes,atleastonecondenser circulating waterpumpshallbeinopera-tion.3.9-1  
Gaseous Waste Treatment The gaseous radwaste treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas when averaged over 31 days would otherwise'exceed 0.8 mrad for gamma radiation and 1.7 mrad for beta radiation.
~>l Ifthelimitsof3.9.1.1.a and3.9.1.1.b arenot,met,restoretheconcentration towithinthelimitsor3.9.1.2initiatenormalorderlyshutdownoftheliquidwastedischarge withinonehour.Dose3.9.1.2.a Thedoseordosecommitment toanindividual fromradioactive materials inliquideffluents releasedtounrestricted areasshallbelimited:(i)Duringanycalendarquarterto<1.5mremtothetotalbodyandto<5mremtoanyorgan,and(ii)Duringanycalendaryearto<3mremtothetotalbodyandto<10mremtoanyorgan. Wheneverthecalculated doseresulting fromthereleaseofradioactive materials in.liquideffluents exceedsthelimitsof3.9.1.2.a(i), The ventilation exhaust system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases from the site when averaged over 31: days would otherwise exceed 1.25 mrem to any organ. If gaseous waste is being discharged without treatment when reguired by Specifications or, prepare and submit a report to the Commission within C 3.9-5  
areportshallbesubmitted totheCommission withinthirtydayswhichidentifies thecauseforexceeding thedoselimitanddefinescor-rectiveactionstobeWakentoreducethereleasesofradioactive materialinliquideffluents.
~4~1 30 days which includes the following information: (i)Identification of equipment or subsystems not operated and the reasons.(ii)Action(s)taken to restore the inoperable equip-ment to operable status.(iii)Summary description of action(s)taken to prevent a recurrence.,iquidWasteTreatment Thesystemshallbeusedtoreducetheradioactive materials inliquidwastespriortotheirdischarge whentheprojected doseduetoprojected liquideffluentreleaseswhenaveragedover31dayswouldotherwise exceed0.'25mremtothetotalbodyor0.8mremtoanyorgan.3.9-2 Dose (40 CFR Part 190) If the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials from the plant in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeds twice the limits of Specifications,, or, prepare and submit a report to the Commission and limit the subsequent.
~kl Ifradioactive liquidwasteisbeingdischarged withouttreatment.
releases such that the dose or dose commitment to a real individual is limited to<25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except thyroid, which is limited to<75 mrem)over the quarter in which the limits were exceeded plus the subsequent three quarters.This report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radiation exposure's to all real individuals from the plant are less than the 40 CFR Part 190 limits.Otherwise, obtain a vari-ance from the Commission to permit releases to exceed 40 CFR Part 190.3.9-6  
whenreguiredbySpecification, prepareandsubmit,areporttotheCommission within30dayswhichincludesthefollowing information:
(i)Identification ofequipment orsubsystems notoperatedandthereasons.(ii)Action(s) takentorestoretheinoperable eguipment tooperablestatus.(iii)Summarydescription ofaction(s) takentopreventarecurrence.
3.9.2GaseousWastes3.9.2.1ReleaseRate3.9.2.l.a Thedoserate,atanytime,duetoradioactive materials releasedingaseouseffluents fromthesiteshallbelimitedtothefollowing values:(i)Thedoseratefornoblegasesshallbe<500mrem/yrtothetotalbodyand<3000mrem/yrtotheskin,and(ii)Thedoserateforallradioiodines, radioactive materials inparticulate form,andradionuclides otherthannoblegaseswithhalflivesgreaterthan8daysshallbe<1500mrem/yrtoanyorgan. Forunplanned releaseofgaseouswastes,compliance with3.9.2.1.a maybedetermined byaveraging overa24-hourperiod.3.9-3  
~l DuringplannedreleaseofgaseouswastefromGasDecayTankstotheAuxiliary BuildingVent,atleastoneauxiliary buildingexhaust,fanshallbeinoperation. Ifthelimitsof3.9.2.1abovearenotmetforcontain-mentpurgeorGasDecayTankrelease,decreasethereleaseratefromthat.systemtocomplywiththelimits,orinitiatenormalorderlyshutdownofthatgaseous3.9.2.2releasewithinonehour.Dose(10CFRPart50,AppendixI) Theairdoseduetonoblegasesreleasedingaseouseffluents fromthesiteshallbelimitedtothefollow-ing:(i),Duringanycalendarquarterto5mradforgammaradiation andto10mradforbetaradiation.
(ii)Duringanycalendaryear10mradforgammaradia-tionand20mradforbetaradiation. Thedosetoanindividual fromradioiodine, radioactive materials inparticulate formandradionuclides otherthannoblegaseswithhalf-lives greaterthaneightdaysreleasedwithgaseouseffluents
~4 Wheneverthecalculated dosetoanindividual resulting fromnoblegasesorfromradionuclides otherthannoblegasesexceedsthelimitsof3.9.2.2.a(i) or3.9.2.2.b(i),
areportshallbesubmitted totheCommission within30dayswhichidentifies thecauseforexceeding thedoselimitanddefinescorrective actionstobetakentoreducethereleasesofradioactive materialingaseous3.9.2.3effluents.
GaseousWasteTreatment Thegaseousradwastetreatment systemshallbeusedtoreduceradioactive materials ingaseouswastepriortotheirdischarge whentheprojected airdosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasestounrestricted areaswhenaveragedover31dayswouldotherwise
'exceed0.8mradforgammaradiation and1.7mradforbetaradiation. Theventilation exhaustsystemshallbeusedtoreduceradioactive materials ingaseouswastepriortotheirdischarge whentheprojected dosesduetogaseouseffluentreleasesfromthesitewhenaveragedover31:dayswouldotherwise exceed1.25mremtoanyorgan. Ifgaseouswasteisbeingdischarged withouttreatment whenreguiredbySpecifications or3.9.2.3.b, prepareandsubmitareporttotheCommission withinC3.9-5  
~4~1 30dayswhichincludesthefollowing information:
(i)Identification ofequipment orsubsystems notoperatedandthereasons.(ii)Action(s) takentorestoretheinoperable equip-menttooperablestatus.(iii)Summarydescription ofaction(s) takentopreventarecurrence. Ifthecalculated dosefromthereleaseofradioactive materials fromtheplantinliquidorgaseouseffluents exceedstwicethelimitsofSpecifications,, or3.9.2.2.b, prepareandsubmitareporttotheCommission andlimitthesubsequent.
releasessuchthatthedoseordosecommitment toarealindividual islimitedto<25mremtothetotalbodyoranyorgan(exceptthyroid,whichislimitedto<75mrem)overthequarterinwhichthelimitswereexceededplusthesubsequent threequarters.
Thisreportshallincludeananalysiswhichdemonstrates thatradiation exposure's toallrealindividuals fromtheplantarelessthanthe40CFRPart190limits.Otherwise, obtainavari-ancefromtheCommission topermitreleasestoexceed40CFRPart190.3.9-6  
~~\t4$ GasNixture3.9.2.5.a Theconcentration of'xygenineachgasdecaytankshallbelimitedto<2%byvolume. Iftheconcentration ofoxygeninagasdecaytankis>2%byvolumebut.<4%byvolume,restoretheconcentra-tionofoxygentowithinthelimitwithin48hours. Iftheconcentration ofoxygeninagasdecaytankis>4%byvolume,immediately suspendalladditions ofwastegasestothatgasdecaytank*andreducetheconcentration ofoxygento<2%within48hours.BasisIiguidwastesfromtheRadioactive WasteDisposalSystemaredilutedintheCirculating WaterSystemdischarge priortoreleasetothelake.Withtwopumpsoperating, thecapacityoftheCirculating WaterSystemis400,000gpm.Operation ofasinglecirculating waterpumpreducesthenominalflowratebyabout50%.Thecirculating waterflowundervariousoperating conditions hasbeencalculated fromtheheaddifferential acrossthepumpsandthemanufacturer's head-capacity curves.Becauseofthelowradioactivity levelsinthecirculating waterdischarge, theconcentration ofliquidradioactive effluents at.thispointwillnotbemeasureddirectly. Explosive Gas Nixture The concentration of'xygen in each gas decay tank shall be limited to<2%by volume. If the concentration of oxygen in a gas decay tank is>2%by volume but.<4%by volume, restore the concentra-tion of oxygen to within the limit within 48 hours. If the concentration of oxygen in a gas decay tank is>4%by volume, immediately suspend all additions of waste gases to that gas decay tank*and reduce the concentration of oxygen to<2%within 48 hours.Basis Iiguid wastes from the Radioactive Waste Disposal System are diluted in the Circulating Water System discharge prior to release to the lake.With two pumps operating, the capacity of the Circulating Water System is 400,000 gpm.Operation of a single circulating water pump reduces the nominal flow rate by about 50%.The circulating water flow under various operating conditions has been calculated from the head differential across the pumps and the manufacturer's head-capacity curves.Because of the low radioactivity levels in the circulating water discharge, the concentration of liquid radioactive effluents at.this point will not be measured directly.The concentration in the circulating water discharge will be calculate'd from the measured concentration in the Waste Condensate Tank, the flow 3.9-7 1'
Theconcentration inthecirculating waterdischarge willbecalculate'd fromthemeasuredconcentration intheWasteCondensate Tank,theflow3.9-7 1'
rate of the Waste Condensate Pumps, and the flow in the Circulating Water System.Radioactive effluents released to unrestricted areas on the basis of gross beta analysis are based on the assumption that I-129 and'radium are not present,.Accordingly, Appendix B, Table II, Column H 2 of 10CFR20 will permit a concentration up to 1 x 10 uCi/ml in the circulating water discharge.
rateoftheWasteCondensate Pumps,andtheflowintheCirculating WaterSystem.Radioactive effluents releasedtounrestricted areasonthebasisofgrossbetaanalysisarebasedontheassumption thatI-129and'radiumarenotpresent,.
If the con-centration of liquid wastes in the circulating water discharge equals NPC as specified, the average concentra-tion at the intake of the nearest, public water supply at Ontario, New York, would be well below NPC.Thus, discharge of liquid wastes at.the specified maximum concentrations will not result in significant exposure to members of the public as a result of consump-tion of drinking water from the lake, even if the effects of potable water treatment systems on reducing radioactive concentration of the water supply are neglected.
Accordingly, AppendixB,TableII,ColumnH2of10CFR20willpermitaconcentration upto1x10uCi/mlinthecirculating waterdischarge.
The concentration limit for noble gases is based upon the assumption that.Xe-135 is the controlling radio-isotope and its NPC in air was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using ICRP Publication 2 method-ology.Specification is provided to implement.
Ifthecon-centration ofliquidwastesinthecirculating waterdischarge equalsNPCasspecified, theaverageconcentra-tionattheintakeofthenearest,publicwatersupplyatOntario,NewYork,wouldbewellbelowNPC.Thus,discharge ofliquidwastesat.thespecified maximumconcentrations willnotresultinsignificant exposuretomembersofthepublicasaresultofconsump-tionofdrinkingwaterfromthelake,eveniftheeffectsofpotablewatertreatment systemsonreducingradioactive concentration ofthewatersupplyareneglected.
the requirements of Sections II.A, III.A and-IV.A of Appendix I.The Limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set.forth in Section II.A of Appendix I.The 3.9-8  
Theconcentration limitfornoblegasesisbasedupontheassumption that.Xe-135isthecontrolling radio-isotopeanditsNPCinairwasconverted toanequivalent concentration inwaterusingICRPPublication 2method-ology.Specification
\I8 Specifications provide the required operating flexi-bility and at the same time implement the guides set.forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I.The dose calcula-tions in the ODCN implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I is to be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of a real individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.
therequirements ofSectionsII.A,III.Aand-IV.AofAppendixI.TheLimitingCondition forOperation implements theguidesset.forthinSectionII.AofAppendixI.The3.9-8  
The requirements that the appropriate portions of this system be used when specified provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will'e kept"as low as is reasonably achievable." This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and design objective Section II.D of Appendix I.The limits governing the use of appro-priate portions of the liquid radwaste'reatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the guide set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I for liquid effluents.
\I8 Specifications providetherequiredoperating flexi-bilityandatthesametimeimplement theguidesset.forthinSectionIV.AofAppendixI.Thedosecalcula-tionsintheODCNimplement therequirements inSectionIII.AofAppendixIthatconformance withtheguidesofAppendixIistobeshownbycalculational procedures basedonmodelsanddatasuchthattheactualexposureofarealindividual throughappropriate pathwaysisunlikelytobesubstantially underestimated.
A dose projection which exceeds the stated limit does not necessarily imply that all portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system be used because certain subsystems may have minimal effects on'educing doses.Specification is provided to ensure that, the dose rate at.any time at, the site boundary from gaseous effluents will be within the annual dose limits of 10 3.9-9 elCl CFR Part 20 for unrestricted areas.The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II.These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of an individual in an unrestricted area, to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II of 10 CFR Part 20 (10 CFR Part 20.106(b)).
Therequirements thattheappropriate portionsofthissystembeusedwhenspecified providesassurance thatthereleasesofradioactive materials inliquideffluents will'ekept"aslowasisreasonably achievable."
For individuals who may at, times be within the site boundary, these occupancy times will be sufficiently small to compensate for any increase in the atmospheric diffusion factor above that for the site, boundary.Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.B, II.C, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I.The limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix I.The Specifications provide the required operating flexibility and at, the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I.The requirement that the appropriate portions of the gaseous radwaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system be used when specified provides reasonable assurance that.the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept"as low as is reasonably achievable." This specification implements 3.9-10  
Thisspecification implements therequirements of10CFRPart50.36a,GeneralDesignCriterion 60ofAppendixAto10CFRPart50anddesignobjective SectionII.DofAppendixI.Thelimitsgoverning theuseofappro-priateportionsoftheliquidradwaste'reatment systemwerespecified asasuitablefractionoftheguidesetforthinSectionII.AofAppendixIforliquideffluents.
Adoseprojection whichexceedsthestatedlimitdoesnotnecessarily implythatallportionsoftheliquidradwastetreatment systembeusedbecausecertainsubsystems mayhaveminimaleffectson'educing doses.Specification,thedoserateat.anytimeat,thesiteboundaryfromgaseouseffluents willbewithintheannualdoselimitsof103.9-9 elCl CFRPart20forunrestricted areas.Theannualdoselimitsarethedosesassociated withtheconcentrations of10CFRPart20,AppendixB,TableII.Theselimitsprovidereasonable assurance thatradioactive materialdischarged ingaseouseffluents willnotresultintheexposureofanindividual inanunrestricted area,toannualaverageconcentrations exceeding thelimitsspecified inAppendixB,TableIIof10CFRPart20(10CFRPart20.106(b)).
Forindividuals whomayat,timesbewithinthesiteboundary, theseoccupancy timeswillbesufficiently smalltocompensate foranyincreaseintheatmospheric diffusion factorabovethatforthesite,boundary.
Specification therequirements ofSectionsII.B,II.C,III.AandIV.AofAppendixI.ThelimitingCondition forOperation implements theguidessetforthinSectionsII.BandII.CofAppendixI.TheSpecifications providetherequiredoperating flexibility andat,thesametimeimplement theguidessetforthinSectionIV.AofAppendixI.Therequirement thattheappropriate portionsofthegaseousradwastetreatment systemandtheventilation exhausttreatment systembeusedwhenspecified providesreasonable assurance that.thereleasesofradioactive materials ingaseouseffluents willbekept"aslowasisreasonably achievable."
Thisspecification implements 3.9-10  

therequirements of10CFRPart50.36a,GeneralDesignCriterion 60ofAppendixAto10CFRPart,50,anddesignobjective SectionII.DofAppendixI.Thelimitsgoverning theuseofappropriate portionsofthesystemswerespecified asasuitablefractionoftheguidesetforthinSectionsII.BandII.CofAppendixI,10CFRPart50,forgaseouseffluents.
the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part, 50, and design objective Section II.D of Appendix I.The limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the guide set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.
Adoseprojection whichexceedsthestatedlimitdoesnotnecessarily implythatallportionsofthegaseousandventilation exhausttreatment.
A dose projection which exceeds the stated limit does not necessarily imply that all portions of the gaseous and ventilation exhaust treatment.
systemsbeusedbecausecertainsubsystems mayhaveminimaleffectonreducingdoses.Specification,thereporting requirements of40CFR190.Sincetheplantiswellremovedfromotherfuelcyclefacilities, it,issuffi-cienttoapplytheSpecification onlytotheplant.Specification
systems be used because certain subsystems may have minimal effect on reducing doses.Specification is provided to meet, the reporting requirements of 40 CFR 190.Since the plant is well removed from other fuel cycle facilities, it, is suffi-cient to apply the Specification only to the plant.Specification
=- isprovidedtoensurethattheconcentration ofpotentially explosive gasmixturescontained inthegasdecaytanksaremaintained belowtheflammability limitofoxygen.Naintaining theconcentration ofoxygenbelowitsflammability limitsprovidesassurance thatthereleasesofradioactive materials willbecontrolled inconformance withtherequirements ofGeneralDesignCriterion 60ofAppendixAto10CFRPart50.3.9-11  
=- is provided to ensure that the concentration of potentially explosive gas mixtures contained in the gas decay tanks are maintained below the flammability limit of oxygen.Naintaining the concentration of oxygen below its flammability limits provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials will be controlled in conformance with the requirements of General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.3.9-11  
~PIll References (1)(2)(3)FSAR,Section10.2FSAR,Section2,Appendix2AFSAR,Sections2.6and2.73.9-12  
~P Ill References (1)(2)(3)FSAR, Section 10.2 FSAR, Section 2, Appendix 2A FSAR, Sections 2.6 and 2.7 3.9-12  
~lI RadioloicalEnvironmental Monitorin b'1'pplies toroutinetestingoftheplantenvirons.
~l I Radiolo ical Environmental Monitorin b'1'pplies to routine testing of the plant environs.~b'o establish a program which will assure recognition of changes in radioactivity or exposure pathways in the environs.~f'onitorin Pro ram 3.15.1.a The radiological environmental monitoring program shall be conducted as specified in Table 3.15- If the radiological environmental monitoring program is not conducted as specified in Table 3.15-1, prepare and submit to the Commission, in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence.(Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if speci-mens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, or to malfunction of automatic sampling equipment.
~b'oestablish aprogramwhichwillassurerecognition ofchangesinradioactivity orexposurepathwaysintheenvirons.
If the latter, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end 3.15.1.c of the next sampling period.)If the level of radioactivity in an environmental sampling medium at one or more of the locations specified in the ODCN exceeds the reporting levels of-Table 6.9-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter, a report 3.15-1  
~f'onitorin Proram3.15.1.aTheradiological environmental monitoring programshallbeconducted asspecified inTable3.15- environmental monitoring programisnotconducted asspecified inTable3.15-1,prepareandsubmittotheCommission, intheAnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report,adescription ofthereasonsfornotconducting theprogramasrequiredandtheplansforpreventing arecurrence.
~J shall be submitted to the Commission within 30 days pursuant to Specification 6.9.2.b(5) which includes an evaluation of any release conditions, environmental factors or other aspects which caused the reporting levels of Table 6.9-2 to be exceeded.This report is'1 not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents; however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in.the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.3.15.l.d If milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples are unavailable for more than one sample period from one or more of the sampling locations required by the ODCN, prepare and 7 submit to the Commission within 30 days a report which identifies the cause of the unavailability of samples and identifies locations for obtaining replacement samples.If a milk or leafy vegetable sample location becomes unavailable, alternate sample locations within 5 miles of the plant will be reviewed.The locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deleted from the ODCN provided that, the alternate locations are 3.15.2 3.15.2.a added to the environmental monitoring program.Land Use Census A land use census shall be conducted and shall identify the location of the nearest.milk animal and the nearest residence in each of the 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of five miles.3.15-2 I
(Deviations arepermitted fromtherequiredsamplingscheduleifspeci-mensareunobtainable duetohazardous conditions, seasonalunavailability, ortomalfunction ofautomatic samplingequipment.
3.15.2.b If a land use census identifies a location(s) which" yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than that of the maximally exposed individual currently being calculated in Specification, prepare and submit a report to the Commission within 30 days which identifies the new location(s).
Ifthelatter,everyeffortshallbemadetocompletecorrective actionpriortotheend3.15.1.cofthenextsamplingperiod.)Ifthelevelofradioactivity inanenvironmental samplingmediumatoneormoreofthelocations specified intheODCNexceedsthereporting levelsof-Table6.9-2whenaveragedoveranycalendarquarter,areport3.15-1  
3.15.2.c 3.15.3 If a land use census identifies a milk location(s) which yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than that at a location from which samples are currently being obtained in accordance with Specifica-tion 3.15.1, prepare and submit a report, to the Com-mission within 30 days which identifies the new location.The new location shall be added to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days, if possible.The milk location having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment may be deleted from this monitor-ing program after October 31 of the year in which this land use census was conducted.
~J shallbesubmitted totheCommission within30dayspursuanttoSpecification 6.9.2.b(5) whichincludesanevaluation ofanyreleaseconditions, environmental factorsorotheraspectswhichcausedthereporting levelsofTable6.9-2tobeexceeded.
Interlaborator Com arison Pro ram 3.15.3.a Analyses shall be performed on applicable radioactive materials supplied as part of an interlaboratory com-parison program which has been approved by NRC, if such a program exists.3.15.3.b If analyses are not performed as required above, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.3.15-3 I Ck Basis The radiological monitoring program required by this specification provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highest'I potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station operation.
Thisreportis'1notrequiredifthemeasuredlevelofradioactivity wasnottheresultofplanteffluents; however,insuchanevent,thecondition shallbereportedanddescribed in.theAnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report.3.15.l.dIfmilkorfreshleafyvegetable samplesareunavailable formorethanonesampleperiodfromoneormoreofthesamplinglocations requiredbytheODCN,prepareand7submittotheCommission within30daysareportwhichidentifies thecauseoftheunavailability ofsamplesandidentifies locations forobtaining replacement samples.Ifamilkorleafyvegetable samplelocationbecomesunavailable, alternate samplelocations within5milesoftheplantwillbereviewed.
This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.The initially specified monitoring program will be effective for at least three years.Following this period, program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.
Thelocations fromwhichsampleswereunavailable maythenbedeletedfromtheODCNprovidedthat,thealternate locations are3. monitoring program.LandUseCensusAlandusecensusshallbeconducted andshallidentifythelocationofthenearest.milkanimalandthenearestresidence ineachofthe16meteorological sectorswithinadistanceoffivemiles.3.15-2 I
Specification 3.15.2 is provided to ensure that changes in the use of unrestricted areas are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census.A garden census is not required since an onsite garden will be used.This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.The requi'rement for participation in an interlaboratory comparison program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices 3.15-4  
3.15.2.bIfalandusecensusidentifies alocation(s) which"yieldsacalculated doseordosecommitment greaterthanthatofthemaximally exposedindividual currently beingcalculated inSpecification, prepareandsubmitareporttotheCommission within30dayswhichidentifies thenewlocation(s).
3.15.2.c3.15.3Ifalandusecensusidentifies amilklocation(s) whichyieldsacalculated doseordosecommitment greaterthanthatatalocationfromwhichsamplesarecurrently beingobtainedinaccordance withSpecifica-tion3.15.1,prepareandsubmitareport,totheCom-missionwithin30dayswhichidentifies thenewlocation.
Thenewlocationshallbeaddedtotheradiological environmental monitoring programwithin30days,ifpossible.
Themilklocationhavingthelowestcalculated doseordosecommitment maybedeletedfromthismonitor-ingprogramafterOctober31oftheyearinwhichthislandusecensuswasconducted.
Interlaborator ComarisonProram3.15.3.aAnalysesshallbeperformed onapplicable radioactive materials suppliedaspartofaninterlaboratory com-parisonprogramwhichhasbeenapprovedbyNRC,ifsuchaprogramexists.3.15.3.bIfanalysesarenotperformed asrequiredabove,reportthecorrective actionstakentopreventarecurrence intheAnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report.3.15-3 ICk BasisTheradiological monitoring programrequiredbythisspecification providesmeasurements ofradiation andofradioactive materials inthoseexposurepathwaysandforthoseradionuclides whichleadtothehighest'Ipotential radiation exposures ofindividuals resulting fromthestationoperation.
Thismonitoring programtherebysupplements theradiological effluentmonitoring programbyverifying thatthemeasurable concentrations ofradioactive materials andlevelsofradiation arenothigherthanexpectedonthebasisoftheeffluentmeasurements andmodelingoftheenvironmental exposurepathways.
Theinitially specified monitoring programwillbeeffective foratleastthreeyears.Following thisperiod,programchangesmaybeinitiated basedonoperational experience.
Specification 3.15.2isprovidedtoensurethatchangesintheuseofunrestricted areasareidentified andthatmodifications tothemonitoring programaremadeifrequiredbytheresultsofthiscensus.Agardencensusisnotrequiredsinceanonsitegardenwillbeused.Thiscensussatisfies therequirements ofSectionIV.B.3ofAppendixIto10CFRPart50.Therequi'rement forparticipation inaninterlaboratory comparison programisprovidedtoensurethatindependent checksontheprecision andaccuracyofthemeasurements ofradioactive materialinenvironmental samplematrices3.15-4  

areperformed aspartofaqualityassurance programforenvironmental monitoring inordertodemonstrate thattheresultsarereasonably valid.Onlysampleswithradioactivity levelscomparable tolevelsinenvironmental samplesneedbeanalyzed.
are performed as part of a quality assurance program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are reasonably valid.Only samples with radioactivity levels comparable to levels in environmental samples need be analyzed.3.15-5 J
3.15-5 J
TABLE 3.15-1 Ez osure Pathwa and or Sam le Sam lin and an Sam le Locate.ons Co lection Fre uenc RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAN Number of Sam les T e and Fre uenc of Anal sos l.AIRBORNE Cr>Ul Ch a.Radioiodine b.Particulates 3 on site 5 on site 2 off site Continuous of sampler collection once per 7 operation with sample at least days.Radioiodine canister.Analyze at least once per 7 days for I-131.Particulate sampler, Analyze for gross beta radioactivity
TABLE3.15-1EzosurePathwaandorSamleSamlinandanSamleLocate.ons ColectionFreuencRADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRANNumberofSamlesTeandFreuencofAnalsosl.AIRBORNECr>UlCha.Radioiodine b.Particulates 3onsite5onsite2offsiteContinuous ofsamplercollection onceper7operation withsampleatleastdays.Radioiodine canister.
>24 hours following filter change.Perform gamma isotopic analysis on each sample for which gross beta activity is>10 times the mean of offsite samples.Perform gamma isotopic analysis on composite (by location)sample at least once per 92 days.2." DIRECT RADIATION Film at least.once per month.or TLD's at least quarterly.
Analyzeatleastonceper7daysforI-131.Particulate sampler,Analyzeforgrossbetaradioactivity
Gamma dose monthly.or Gamma dose quarterly.
>24hoursfollowing filterchange.Performgammaisotopicanalysisoneachsampleforwhichgrossbetaactivityis>10timesthemeanofoffsitesamples.Performgammaisotopicanalysisoncomposite (bylocation) sampleatleastonceper92days.2."DIRECTRADIATION Filmatleast.oncepermonth.orTLD'satleastquarterly.
P TABLE 3.15-1 CONTINUED RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONNENTAL NONITORING PROGRAM Number of Sam les Ex osure Pathwa and/or Sam le and Sam e Locations Sam lin and Collection Fre uenc T e and Fre uenc of Anal sz.s 3.WATERBORNE 4J Vl I a.Surface b.Drinking 1 Inlet Condenser Water 1 Ontario Water District Intake Composite sample collected daily over a period of<31 days Composite sample col-lected daily over a period of<31 days.Gamma isotopic analysis of each sample.Tritium analysis of sample at least once per 92 d'ays.Gross beta and gamma isotopic analysis of each composite sample.Tritium analysis of one composite sample at leas once per 92 days S
TABLE 3.15-1 CONTINUED RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Ex osure Pathwa and or Sam le 4.INGESTION a.Milk b.Fish Number of Sam les and-Sam le Locate.ons 3 June through October each of 3 farms 1 November thru May one of the farms 8 Off shore at.Ginna Sam lin and Collection Fre uenc At least once per 15 days At least once per 31 days.Twice during fishing season including at least four species T e and Fre enc of Anal sos Gamma isotopic and I-131 analysis of each sample.Gamma isotopic and I-131 analysis of each sample.Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portions of each sample.c.Food Products 2 On site Annual at time of harvest.One sample of: 1.apples 2.cherries Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portion of sample.2 On site garden At time of harvest.One sample of: 1.broad leaf vegetation 2.squash I-131 analysis
P TABLE3.15-1CONTINUED RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONNENTAL NONITORING PROGRAMNumberofSamlesExosurePathwaand/orSamleandSameLocations SamlinandCollection FreuencTeandFreuencofAnalsz.s3.WATERBORNE 4JVlIa.Surfaceb.Drinking1InletCondenser Water1OntarioWaterDistrictIntakeComposite samplecollected dailyoveraperiodof<31daysComposite samplecol-lecteddailyoveraperiodof<31days.Gammaisotopicanalysisofeachsample.Tritiumanalysisofsampleatleastonceper92d'ays.Grossbetaandgammaisotopicanalysisofeachcomposite sample.Tritiumanalysisofonecomposite sampleatleasonceper92days S
~P J
TABLE3.15-1CONTINUED RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMExosurePathwaandorSamle4.INGESTION a.Milkb.FishNumberofSamlesand-SamleLocate.ons 3JunethroughOctobereachof3farms1NovemberthruMayoneofthefarms8Offshoreat.GinnaSamlinandCollection FreuencAtleastonceper15daysAtleastonceper31days.Twiceduringfishingseasonincluding atleastfourspeciesTeandFreencofAnalsosGammaisotopicandI-131analysisofeachsample.GammaisotopicandI-131analysisofeachsample.Gammaisotopicanalysisonedibleportionsofeachsample.c.FoodProducts2OnsiteAnnualattimeofharvest.Onesampleof:1.apples2.cherriesGammaisotopicanalysisonedibleportionofsample.2OnsitegardenAttimeofharvest.Onesampleof:1.broadleafvegetation 2.squashI-131analysis

REUIREPIENTS intervals maybeadjustedplusorminus25%toaccommodate normaltestschedules.
RE UIREPIENTS 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 Specified intervals may be adjusted plus or minus 25%to accommodate normal test schedules.
0erational SafetReview~l.''1'pplies toitemsdirectlyrelatedtosafetylimitsandlimitingconditions foroperation.
0 erational Safet Review~l.''1'pplies to items directly related to safety limits and limiting conditions for operation.
~b'ospecifytheminimumfrequency andtypeofsurveillance tobeappliedtoplantequipment andconditions.
~b'o specify the minimum frequency and type of surveillance to be applied to plant equipment and conditions.
'f'alibration, testing,andcheckingofanalogchannelandtestingoflogicchannelshallbeperformed asspecified inTable4.1-1.Equipment andsamplingtestsshallbeconducted asspecified inTable4.1-2.Eachradioactive effluentmonitoring instrumentation channelshallbedemonstrated operablebyperforming thechannelcheck,sourcecheck,channelfunctional test,andchannelcalibration atthefrequency showninTable4.1-3.Basis:CheckFailuresuchasblowninstrument fuses,defective in-dicators, faultedamplifiers whichr'esultin"upscale" or"downscale" indication canbeeasilyrecognized bysimpleobservation ofthefunctioning ofaninstrument orsystem.Furthermore, suchfailuresare,inmanycases,revealed4.1-1 4C TABLE4.1-1(CONTINUED)
'f'alibration, testing, and checking of analog channel and testing of logic channel shall be performed as specified in Table 4.1-1.Equipment and sampling tests shall be conducted as specified in Table 4.1-2.Each radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated operable by performing the channel check, source check, channel functional test, and channel calibration at the frequency shown in Table 4.1-3.Basis: Check Failure such as blown instrument fuses, defective in-dicators, faulted amplifiers which r'esult in"upscale" or"downscale" indication can be easily recognized by simple observation of the functioning of an instrument or system.Furthermore, such failures are, in many cases, revealed 4.1-1 4 C TABLE 4.1-1 (CONTINUED)
Channel10.RodPositionBankCountersCheckS(1,2)Calibrate N.A.TestN.A;Remarks1)Eachsixinchesofrodmotionwhendataloggerisoutofservice2)Withanalogrodposition11. LevelChargingFlowResidualHeatRemovalPumpFlowBoricAcidTankLevelRefueling WaterStorageTankLevelVolumeControlTankLevelReactorContainment PressureRadiation Monitoring SystemBoricAcidControlContainment DrainSumpLevelValveTemperature Interlocks Pump-Valve Interlock TurbineTripSet-Point, Accumulator LevelandPressureN.A.N.A.DN.A.N.A.DDN.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.RRRRRRN.A.N.A.RRN.A.N.'A.N.A.N.A.N.A.M(1)N.A.N.A.N.A.M(1)N.A.Bubblertuberoddedweekly1)Isolation ValvesignalAreaMonitorsRltoR9SystemMonitorsR16,R17,andR201)Blocktrip k
Channel 10.Rod Position Bank Counters Check S(1,2)Calibrate N.A.Test N.A;Remarks 1)Each six inches of rod motion when data logger is out of service 2)With analog rod position Generator Level Charging Flow Residual Heat Removal Pump Flow Boric Acid Tank Level Refueling Water Storage Tank Level Volume Control Tank Level Reactor Containment Pressure Radiation Monitoring System Boric Acid Control Containment Drain Sump Level Valve Temperature Interlocks Pump-Valve Interlock Turbine Trip Set-Point, Accumulator Level and Pressure N.A.N.A.D N.A.N.A.D D N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.R R R R R R N.A.N.A.R R N.A.N.'A.N.A.N.A.N.A.M(1)N.A.N.A.N.A.M(1)N.A.Bubbler tube rodded weekly 1)Isolation Valve signal Area Monitors Rl to R9 System Monitors R16, R17, and R20 1)Block trip k
RadioloicalEnvironmental Monitorin
Radiolo ical Environmental Monitorin~1''1'ppl''1 pl environs.~b'-*bl'pl'~ly'g which will assure recognition of changes in radioactivity in the environs.'1'he radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table 3.15-1.Acceptable locations are shown in the ODCM.Samples shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Tables 3.15-1 and 4.10-1.A land use census shall be conducted annually (between June 1 and October 1).Basis The environmental survey has been designed to utilize the knowledge about dilution in the atmosphere and in the lake which has been gained during the pre-operational and operational period of study.The radiological monitoring program provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those'xposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of*individuals resulting from the station operation.
This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the 4.10-1 k
~b'-*bl'pl'~ly'gwhichwillassurerecognition ofchangesinradioactivity intheenvirons.
measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.The detection capabilities required by Table 4.10-1 are state-of-the-art for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories.
'1'heradiological environmental monitoring samplesshallbecollected pursuanttoTable3.15-1.Acceptable locations areshownintheODCM.Samplesshallbeanalyzedpursuanttotherequirements ofTables3.15-1and4.10-1.Alandusecensusshallbeconducted annually(betweenJune1andOctober1).BasisTheenvironmental surveyhasbeendesignedtoutilizetheknowledge aboutdilutionintheatmosphere andinthelakewhichhasbeengainedduringthepre-operational andoperational periodofstudy.Theradiological monitoring programprovidesmeasurements ofradiation andofradioactive materials inthose'xposurepathwaysandforthoseradionuclides whichleadtothehighestpotential radiation exposures of*individuals resulting fromthestationoperation.
The specified lower limits of detection for I-131 in water, milk, and other food products correspond to approximately one-quarter of the Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 design objective dose-equivalent of 15 mrem/year for atmospheric releases and 10 mrem/year for liquid releases to the maximally exposed organ and individual.
Thismonitoring programtherebysupplements theradiological effluentmonitoring programbyverifying thatthe4.10-1 k
measurable concentrations ofradioactive materials andlevelsofradiation arenothigherthanexpectedonthebasisoftheeffluentmeasurements andmodelingoftheenvironmental exposurepathways.
Thedetection capabilities requiredbyTable4.10-1arestate-of-the-art forroutineenvironmental measurements inindustrial laboratories.
Thespecified lowerlimitsofdetection forI-131inwater,milk,andotherfoodproductscorrespond toapproximately one-quarter oftheAppendixIto10CFRPart50designobjective dose-equivalent of15mrem/year foratmospheric releasesand10mrem/year forliquidreleasestothemaximally exposedorganandindividual.


FSAR-Section2.104.10-2 I
FSAR-Section 2.10 4.10-2 I
TABLE4.10-1NAXINUNVALUESFORTHELOWERLINITSOFDETECTION (LLD)~Tobeachievedon98%ofanalysesWaterAnalysis(pCi/1)grossbeta4AirborneParticulate orGay(pCi/m)1X10Fish.Nilk(pCi/kg,wet)(pCi/1)FoodProducts(pCi/kg,wet)
TABLE 4.10-1 NAXINUN VALUES FOR THE LOWER LINITS OF DETECTION (LLD)~To be achieved on 98%of analyses Water Analysis (pCi/1)gross beta 4 Airborne Particulate or Gay (pCi/m)1 X 10 Fish.Nilk (pCi/kg, wet)(pCi/1)Food Products (pCi/kg,wet)
H54Nn59Fe5'60Co95Zr-M131I4,Ba-La2000(1000)1530115(10),18157X101X1013026013Q13015156060 I
H 54 Nn 59 Fe 5'60Co 95Zr-M 131I 4, Ba-La 2000 (1000)15 30 1 15(10),18 15 7 X 10 1 X 10 130 260 13Q 130 15 15 60 60 I
TABLE4.10-1CONTINUED TABIENOTATIONa-TheLLDisthesmallestconcentration ofradioactive materialinasamplethatwillbedetectedwith95%probability withonly5%probability offalselyconcluding itspresence.
TABLE 4.10-1 CONTINUED TABIE NOTATION a-The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95%probability with only 5%probability of falsely concluding its presence.For a particular measurement system (which may include radio-chemical separation):
Foraparticular measurement system(whichmayincluderadio-chemicalseparation):
4.66 s E.V.2.22.Y.exp(-Aht)where LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume)S is the standard deviation of the background counting ate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute).'is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation)
4.66sE.V.2.22.Y.exp(-Aht) whereLLDisthelowerlimitofdetection asdefinedabove(aspCiperunitmassorvolume)Sisthestandarddeviation ofthebackground countingateorofthecountingrateofablanksampleasappropriate (ascountsperminute).'
V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22 is the number of transformations per minute per picocurie Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)
isthecountingefficiency (ascountspertransformation)
A, is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide b,t is the elapsed time between sample collection and analysis The value of s used in the calculation of the ILD for a detection system shall be based on the actual observed'ariance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicted variance.In calculating the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma-ray spectrometry, the back-ground shall include the typical contributions of other radio-nuclides normally present in the samples (e.g., potassium-40 in milk samples).Typical values of E, V, Y and bt should be used in the calculations.
Visthesamplesize(inunitsofmassorvolume)2.22isthenumberoftransformations perminuteperpicocurie Yisthefractional radiochemical yield(whenapplicable)
Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions..
A,istheradioactive decayconstantfortheparticular radionuclide b,tistheelapsedtimebetweensamplecollection andanalysisThevalueofsusedinthecalculation oftheILDforadetection systemshallbebasedontheactualobserved'ariance ofthebackground countingrateorofthecountingrateoftheblanksamples(asappropriate) ratherthanonanunverified theoretically predicted variance.
Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interferring nuclides, or other uncontrollable cir-cumstances.
Incalculating theLLDforaradionuclide determined bygamma-ray spectrometry, theback-groundshallincludethetypicalcontributions ofotherradio-nuclidesnormallypresentinthesamples(e.g.,potassium-40 inmilksamples).
may-render these LLDs unachievable.
In such cases, the contributing factors will be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.4.10-4 J 4 TABLE 4.10-1 CONTINUED TABLE NOTATION The LLD is defined as an a riori (before the fact)limit representing the capability o a measurement system and not 2''(f h f)I''5~'I measurement.
Analysesshallbeperformed insuchamannerthatthestatedLLDswillbeachievedunderroutineconditions..
b-LLD for drinking water.c-Total for parent and daughter.4.10-5 J 4
Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably smallsamplesizes,thepresenceofinterferring
~4.12 Effluent Surveillance A licabilit, 4.12.1 Applies to the periodic test, and record requirements of the plant effluents.
: nuclides, orotheruncontrollable cir-cumstances.
~b To ascertain that radioactive liquid and gaseous releases from the plant are within allowable limits.S ecifications Liquid Effluents Concentration The concentration of radioactive material at any time in'liquid'ffluents released from the site shall be continuously monitored in accordance with Table 3.5- The liquid effluent continuous monitors listed in I.Table 3.5-4 having provisions for automatic termina-h tion of liquid releases shall be used to limit the concentration of radioactive material released at.any time from the site to the values given in Specification 3.9.1.l.a.
4.12.l.l.c The radioactivity content, of each batch of radioactive liquid waste to be discharged shall be-determined prior to release by sampling and analysis in accordance with Table 4.12-1.The results of pre-release analyses shall be used with the calculational methods in the ODCN to assure that the concentration at the point of release is limited to the values in-Specification 3.9.1.l.a.
Insuchcases,thecontributing factorswillbeidentified anddescribed intheAnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report.4.10-4 J4 TABLE4.10-1CONTINUED TABLENOTATIONTheLLDisdefinedasanariori(beforethefact)limitrepresenting thecapability oameasurement systemandnot2''(fhf)I''5~'Imeasurement.
4.12-1' J I I Post,-release analyses of samples composited from batch r'eleases shall be performed in accordance with Table 4.12-1.The results of the post,-release analyses shall be used with the calculational methods in the ODCM to assure that the dose commitments from liquids were limited to the values in Specification
b-LLDfordrinkingwater.c-Totalforparentanddaughter. Dose Cumulative dose contributions from liquid effluents shall be determined in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculational Manual (ODCM)at least once per 31 days. Liquid Waste Treatment Doses due to liquid releases to unrestricted areas shall be projected at least once per 31 days.4.12.2 Gaseous Wastes Release Rate The release rate, at.any time, of noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be controlled as established in Specification The gas effluent continuous monitors as listed in Table 3.5-4 having provisions for the automatic termina-tion of gaseous releases, shall be used to limit releases within the values established in Specification when monitor setpoint values are exceeded.4.12-2  
4.10-5 J4
~4.12EffluentSurveillance Alicabilit, 4.12.1Appliestotheperiodictest,andrecordrequirements oftheplanteffluents.
~bToascertain thatradioactive liquidandgaseousreleasesfromtheplantarewithinallowable limits.Secifications LiquidEffluents Theconcentration ofradioactive materialatanytimein'liquid'ffluents releasedfromthesiteshallbecontinuously monitored inaccordance withTable3.5- Theliquideffluentcontinuous monitorslistedinI.Table3.5-4havingprovisions forautomatic termina-htionofliquidreleasesshallbeusedtolimittheconcentration ofradioactive materialreleasedat.anytimefromthesitetothevaluesgiveninSpecification 3.9.1.l.a.
4.12.l.l.c Theradioactivity content,ofeachbatchofradioactive liquidwastetobedischarged shallbe-determined priortoreleasebysamplingandanalysisinaccordance withTable4.12-1.Theresultsofpre-release analysesshallbeusedwiththecalculational methodsintheODCNtoassurethattheconcentration atthepointofreleaseislimitedtothevaluesin-Specification 3.9.1.l.a.
4.12-1' JII Post,-release analysesofsamplescomposited frombatchr'eleases shallbeperformed inaccordance withTable4.12-1.Theresultsofthepost,-release analysesshallbeusedwiththecalculational methodsintheODCMtoassurethatthedosecommitments fromliquidswerelimitedtothevaluesinSpecification DoseCumulative dosecontributions fromliquideffluents shallbedetermined inaccordance withtheOffsiteDoseCalculational Manual(ODCM)atleastonceper31days. Dosesduetoliquidreleasestounrestricted areasshallbeprojected atleastonceper31days.4.12.2GaseousWastes4.12.2.1ReleaseRate4.12.2.1.a Thereleaserate,at.anytime,ofnoblegasesingaseouseffluents shallbecontrolled asestablished inSpecification Thegaseffluentcontinuous monitorsaslistedinTable3.5-4havingprovisions fortheautomatic termina-tionofgaseousreleases, shallbeusedtolimitreleaseswithinthevaluesestablished inSpecification
4.12-2 Thereleaserateofradioactive materials, otherthannoblegases,ingaseouseffluents shallbedetermined byobtaining representative samplesandperforming analysesinaccordance withthesamplingandanalysisprogram,specified inTable4.12-,50,AppendixI) Cumulative dosecontributions forthetotaltimeperiodshallbedetermined inaccordance withtheOffsiteDoseCalculation Nanual(ODCN)atleastonceevery31days. Dosesduetogaseousreleasestounrestricted areasshallbeprojected atleastonceper31days. IfrequiredbySpecification dosecontributions fromliquidandgaseouseffluents shallbedetermined inaccordance withtheOffsiteDoseCalculational Nanual. GasNixture4.12.2.5.a Theconcentration ofoxygeninwastegassystemshallbemonitored asrequiredbyTable3.5-4.4.12-3 A The release rate of radioactive materials, other than noble gases, in gaseous effluents shall be determined by obtaining representative samples and performing analyses in accordance with the sampling and analysis program, specified in Table 4.12- Dose (10 CFR Part, 50, Appendix I) Cumulative dose contributions for the total time period shall be determined in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual (ODCN)at least once every 31 days. Gaseous Waste Treatment Doses due to gaseous releases to unrestricted areas shall be projected at least once per 31 days. Dose (40 CFR Part 190) If required by Specification cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluents shall be determined in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculational Nanual. Explosive Gas Nixture The concentration of oxygen in waste gas system shall be monitored as required by Table 3.5-4.4.12-3 A
Basis:Sufficient testswillbemadetobecertainthat,radio-activematerials arenotreleasedtotheenvironment inquantities greaterthanallowable.
Basis: Sufficient tests will be made to be certain that, radio-active materials are not released to the environment in quantities greater than allowable.
Installed radia-tionmonitoring equipment intheplantwillbeusedinconjunction withlaboratory analysestomaintainsur-veillance ofnormaleffluents.
Installed radia-tion monitoring equipment in the plant will be used in conjunction with laboratory analyses to maintain sur-veillance of normal effluents.
Sufficient recordswillbemaintained todetermine theconcentration ofradioactive materials inunrestricted areas.Isotopicanalysisofrepresentative sampleswillservetoverifytheaccuracyofroutinesamplesbyidentification ofsignificant energypeaks.4.12-4  
Sufficient records will be maintained to determine the concentration of radioactive materials in unrestricted areas.Isotopic analysis of representative samples will serve to verify the accuracy of routine samples by identification of significant energy peaks.4.12-4  
)i' TABLE4.12-1RADIOACTIVE LIQUIDWASTESAHPLINGANDANALYSISPROGRAHBatchWasteReleaseTanksPEachBatchSamplingLiquidReleaseTypeFrequency HinimumTypeofActivityLowerLimitAnalysisAnalysisofDetection Frequency (LLD)(uCi/ml)-7bP1.Principa)
)i' TABLE 4.12-1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAHPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAH Batch Waste Release Tanks P Each Batch Sampling Liquid Release Type Frequency Hinimum Type of Activity Lower Limit Analysis Analysis of Detection Frequency (LLD)(uCi/ml)-7 b P 1.Principa)Gamma 5 x 10 Each Batch Emitters and-6 I-131 1x10 or 2.Gross Beta:" P One Batch/51 Dissolved and Entrained Gases (Gamma Emitters)1 x 10 P H Each Batch Composite c Gross alpha P-32 1x10 1x10 1 x 10 P e Each Batch Composite Sr-89, Sr-90 c Fe-55 5x10-6 1x10-If gross beta is performed for batch releases, then a weekly composite shall also be analyzed for Principal Gamma Emitters and I-131.4.12-5 I L TABLE 4.12-1 CONTINUED TABLE NOTATION The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95%probability with S%probability of falsely concluding that, a blank observation representa a"real" signal.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):
Gamma5x10EachBatchEmittersand-6I-1311x10or2.GrossBeta:"POneBatch/51Dissolved andEntrained Gases(GammaEmitters) 1x10PHEachBatchComposite cGrossalphaP-321x101x101x10PeEachBatchComposite Sr-89,Sr-90cFe-555x10-61x10-Ifgrossbetaisperformed forbatchreleases, thenaweeklycomposite shallalsobeanalyzedforPrincipal GammaEmittersandI-131.4.12-5 IL TABLE4.12-1CONTINUED TABLENOTATIONTheLLDisthesmallestconcentration ofradioactive materialinasamplethatwillbedetectedwith95%probability withS%probability offalselyconcluding that,ablankobservation representa a"real"signal.Foraparticular measurement system(whichmayincluderadiochemical separation):
LLD=4.66sb E.V.2.22 x 10.Y.exp-Ab,t)where LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as uCi per unit mass or volume)s is the standard deviation of the background counting r te or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transforma-tion)V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22 x 10 is the number of transformations per minute per microcurie Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)
LLD=4.66sbE.V.2.22x10.Y.exp-Ab,t)whereLLDisthelowerlimitofdetection asdefinedabove(asuCiperunitmassorvolume)sisthestandarddeviation ofthebackground countingrteorofthecountingrateofablanksampleasappropriate (ascountsperminute)Eisthecountingefficiency (ascountspertransforma-tion)Visthesamplesize(inunitsofmassorvolume)2.22x10isthenumberoftransformations perminutepermicrocurie Yisthefractional radiochemical yield(whenapplicable) the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide ht is the elapsed time between midpoint of sample col-lection and time of counting (for plant effluents, not environmental samples).The value of s used in the calculation of the LLD for a detection system shall be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicted variance.In calculating.the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma-ray spectrometry, the background shall include the typical contributions of other radionuclides normally present in the samples.Typical values of E, V, Y and ht should be used in the calculation.
A.istheradioactive decayconstantfortheparticular radionuclide htistheelapsedtimebetweenmidpointofsamplecol-lectionandtimeofcounting(forplanteffluents, notenvironmental samples).
Thevalueofsusedinthecalculation oftheLLDforadetection systemshallbebasedontheactualobservedvarianceofthebackground countingrateorofthecountingrateoftheblanksamples(asappropriate) ratherthanonanunverified theoretically predicted variance.
.theLLDforaradionuclide determined bygamma-ray spectrometry, thebackground shallincludethetypicalcontributions ofotherradionuclides normallypresentinthesamples.TypicalvaluesofE,V,Yandhtshouldbeusedinthecalculation.

Thebackground countrateiscalculated fromthebackground countsthataredetermined tobewithin+oneFWHNenergybandabouttheenergyofthegammaraypeakusedforthequantitative analysisforthisradionuclide.
The background count rate is calculated from the background counts that are determined to be within+one FWHN energy band about the energy of the gamma ray peak used for the quantitative analysis for this radionuclide.
Itshouldberecognized thattheLLDisdefinedasanapriori(beforethefact)limitrepresenting thecapability f@*5~(fhfact)limitforaparticular measurement.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact)limit representing the capability f@*5~(f h fact)limit for a particular measurement.
Analysesshallbeperformed insuchamannerthatthestatedLLDswillbeachievedunderroutineconditions.
Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions.
Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably smallsamplesizes,thepresenceofinterferring
Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interferring nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievable.
: nuclides, orotheruncontrollable circumstances mayrendertheseLLDsunachievable.
When circumstances result in LLDs higher than required, the reasons shall be documented in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent, Report.For certain radionuclides with low gamma yield or low energies, or for certain radionuclide mixtures, it may not be possible to measure radionuclides in concentrations near the LLD.Under these circumstances, the LLD may be increased inversely the magnitude of the gamma yield (i.e., 5 x 10/I, where I is the photon abundance expressed as a decimal fraction), but in no case shall the LLD, as calculated in this manner for a specific radionuclide, be greater than 10%of the NPC value specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix 8, Table II, Column II.A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste dis-charged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification will apply are exclusively the following radionuclides:
Whencircumstances resultinLLDshigherthanrequired, thereasonsshallbedocumented intheSemiannual Radioactive
Nn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141.This list does not mean that, only these nuclides are to be detected and reported.Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses should be reported as less than the LLD and should not be reported as being present at the LLD level.The less than values should not be used in the required dose calculations.
: Effluent, Report.Forcertainradionuclides withlowgammayieldorlowenergies, orforcertainradionuclide
When unusual circumstances result in LLD's higher than required, the reasons shall be documented in the semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.4.12-7  
: mixtures, itmaynotbepossibletomeasureradionuclides inconcentrations neartheLLD.Underthesecircumstances, theLLDmaybeincreased inversely propoPionally
.tothemagnitude ofthegammayield(i.e.,5x10/I,whereIisthephotonabundance expressed asadecimalfraction),
butinnocaseshalltheLLD,ascalculated inthismannerforaspecificradionuclide, begreaterthan10%oftheNPCvaluespecified in10CFR20,Appendix8,TableII,ColumnII.Acomposite sampleisoneinwhichthequantityofliquidsampledisproportional tothequantityofliquidwastedis-chargedandinwhichthemethodofsamplingemployedresultsinaspecimenwhichisrepresentative oftheliquidsreleased.
Theprincipal gammaemittersforwhichtheLLDspecification willapplyareexclusively thefollowing radionuclides:
Otherpeakswhicharemeasurable andidentifiable, togetherwiththeabovenuclides, shallalsobeidentified andreported.
Whenunusualcircumstances resultinLLD'shigherthanrequired, thereasonsshallbedocumented inthesemiannual Radioactive EffluentReleaseReport.4.12-7  

TABLE4.12-2RADIOACTIVE GASEOUSWASTESAMPLINGANDANALYSISPROGRAMGaseousReleaseTypeSamplingFrequency MinimumAnalysisFrequency TypeofActivityAnalysisLowerLimitofDetection fLLD)(uCi/ml)A.GasDecayTankPEachTankGrabSamplePEachTankPrincipal GammaEmitters1x1.0Auxiliary BuildingVentilation GrabSamlePrincipal GammaEmittersD.AirEjectorIranSamleE.AllReleasesTypesContinuous aslistedinBandCaboveM'cCharcoalSamlePrinciple GammaEmittersH-3I-131I-133cdPc~fB.Containment PurgeEachPurge'achPurgePrincipal GammaEmittersGrabSamleH-31x101x1010-4b-6=4b1x101x101x101x10Continuous Continuous WPParticulate Principal GammaEmittersSample(I-131,Others)MGrossalphaComposite Particulate Samle1x10-1.11x10Continuous QComposite Particulate SampleSr-89,Sr-901x10
TABLE 4.12-2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Gaseous Release Type Sampling Frequency Minimum Analysis Frequency Type of Activity Analysis Lower Limit of Detection fLLD)(uCi/ml)A.Gas Decay Tank P Each Tank Grab Sample P Each Tank Principal Gamma Emitters 1 x 1.0 Auxiliary Building Ventilation Grab Sam le Principal Gamma Emitters D.Air Ejector Iran Sam le E.All Releases Types Continuous as listed in B and C above M'c Charcoal Sam le Principle Gamma Emitters H-3 I-131 I-133 cd P c~f B.Containment Purge Each Purge'ach Purge Principal Gamma Emitters Grab Sam le H-3 1 x 10 1 x 10 10-4b-6=4b 1x10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 Continuous Continuous W P Particulate Principal Gamma Emitters Sample (I-131, Others)M Gross alpha Composite Particulate Sam le 1 x 10-1.1 1 x 10 Continuous Q Composite Particulate Sample Sr-89, Sr-90 1 x 10 SystemsRadioactive LiquidWasteTreatment Theliquidwastetreatment systemconsistsofa'asteHoldupTank,aWasteEvaporator, amixedbedde-mineralizer andtheReverseOsmosisunit.Portions.ofthesystemmaybebypassedandstillmeetthereleaselimits.GaseousRadwasteTreatment Thegaseousradwastetreatment systemconsistsoffour(4)'GasDecayTanksandtwo(2)gascompressors.
5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 Waste Treatment Systems Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment The liquid waste treatment system consists of a'aste Holdup Tank, a Waste Evaporator, a mixed bed de-mineralizer and the Reverse Osmosis unit.Portions.of the system may be bypassed and still meet the release limits.Gaseous Radwaste Treatment The gaseous radwaste treatment system consists of four (4)'Gas Decay Tanks and two (2)gas compressors.
Onlyonecompressor andthreeGasDecayTanksarenecessary tothesystem.Ventilation ExhaustSystemTheventilation exhaustistreatedtoreducegaseousradioiodine andmaterialinparticulate formbypassingthroughcharcoaladsorbers and/orHEPAfilters.Thissystemhasnoeffectonnoblegaseffluents.
Only one compressor and three Gas Decay Tanks are necessary to the system.Ventilation Exhaust System The ventilation exhaust is treated to reduce gaseous radioiodine and material in particulate form by passing through charcoal adsorbers and/or HEPA filters.This system has no effect on noble gas effluents.
Thecom-ponentsoftheventilation exhaustsystemare:Auxiliary BuildingHEPAfiltersAuxiliary Building"G"Charcoal&HEPAfiltersAuxiliary Building"A"CharcoalAdsorbers Containment PurgeCharcoal8HEPAfilters5.5-1  
The com-ponents of the ventilation exhaust system are: Auxiliary Building HEPA filters Auxiliary Building"G" Charcoal&HEPA filters Auxiliary Building"A" Charcoal Adsorbers Containment Purge Charcoal 8 HEPA filters 5.5-1  

AUDITS(Continued) g.TheFacilityFi.reProte'ction Programandimplement-ingprocedures atleastoncepertwoyears.h.',Anindependent fireprotection andlossprevention programinspection andauditperformed atleastonceper12monthsutilizing eitherqualified offsitelicenseepersonnel oranoutsidefirepro-tectionfirm.i.Aninspection andauditofthefireprotection andlossprevention programperformed bynon-licensee personnel atleastonceper36months.Thepersonnel mayberepresentatives ofANI,aninsurance brokerage firm,orotherqualified individuals.
AUDITS (Continued) g.The Facility Prote'ction Program and implement-ing procedures at least once per two years.h.', An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection and audit performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire pro-tection firm.i.An inspection and audit of the fire protection and loss prevention program performed by non-licensee personnel at least once per 36 months.The personnel may be representatives of ANI, an insurance brokerage firm, or other qualified individuals.
j.Theradiological environmental monitoring programandtheresultsthereofatleastonceper12months.k.TheOffsiteDoseCalculation Manualandimplementing procedures atleastonceper24months.l.Anyotherareaoffacility.
j.The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 12 months.k.The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.l.Any other area of facility.operation considered appropriate by the NSARB or the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.
operation considered appropriate bytheNSARBortheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction.
6.5-10 I J AUTHORITY a.The chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the Executive Vice President on all activities for which the review board is responsible.
6.5-10 IJ AUTHORITY totheExecutive VicePresident onallactivities forwhichthereviewboardisresponsible.
b.The NSARB shall report to and advise the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, on those areas of responsibility specified in Sections and Records of NSARB activities shall be prepared, approved, and distributed as indicated below: 6.5-10a  
b.TheNSARBshallreporttoandadvisetheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction, onthoseareasofresponsibility specified inSections6.5.2.7and6.5.2.8.RECORDS6.5.2.10RecordsofNSARBactivities shallbeprepared,
: approved, anddistributed asindicated below:6.5-10a Nrittenprocedures shallbeestbl'd,axse,implemented, andmao.ntained coveringtheactivities referenced below:a.Theapplicable procedures recommended inAppendix"A",ofRegulatory Guide1.33,November1972.b.Refueling operations.
6.8 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 PROCEDURES Nritten procedures shall be est bl'd, a xs e , implemented, and mao.ntained covering the activities referenced below: a.The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix"A", of Regulatory Guide 1.33, November 1972.b.Refueling operations.
c.Surveillance andtestactivities ofsafetyrelatedequipment.
c.Surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment.
d.Security Plan implementation.
e.Emergency Planimplementation.
e.Emergency Plan implementation.
f.FireProtection Programimplementation.
f.Fire Protection Program implementation.
g.Theradioloicg'lenvironmental monitoring program.h.Offsiteitereleasesofgaseousandliquideffluents containing radioactive materials.
g.The radiolo ic g'l environmental monitoring program.h.Offsite ite releases of gaseous and liquid effluents containing radioactive materials.
OffsiteDoseCalculation Manualimplementation.
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual implementation.
Eachprocedure andadministrative policyof6.8.1above,andchangesthereto,shallbereviewedbythePORCandapprovedbytheStationSuperintendent priortoimple-mentation andreviewedperiodically assetforthintheapplicable procedures.
Each procedure and administrative policy of 6.8.1 above, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the PORC and approved by the Station Superintendent prior to imple-mentation and reviewed periodically as set forth in the applicable procedures.
Temporary changestoprocedures of6.8.1abovemaybemadeprovided:
Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided: a.The intent of the original procedure is not, altered.b.The chan hange is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom is the Shift Foreman who holds a S enior Reactor Operator's License.6.8-1 l
a.Theintentoftheoriginalprocedure isnot,altered.b.Thechanhangeisapprovedbytwomembersoftheplantmanagement staff,atleastoneofwhomistheShiftForemanwhoholdsaSeniorReactorOperator's License.6.8-1 l
c.The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC, and approved by the Station Superintendent within 10 days of implementation.
c.Thechangeisdocumented, reviewedbythePORC,andapprovedbytheStationSuperintendent within10daysofimplementation.

6.9ReortinReuirements Inadditiontothe'applicable reporting requirements ofTitle10,CodeofFederalRegulations, thefollowing identified reportsshallbesubmitted totheDirectoroftheappropriate RegionalOfficeofInspection andEnforcement unlessotherwise noted. testingshallbesubmitted following (1)receiptofanoperating license,(2)amendment tothelicenseinvolving aplannedincreaseinpowerlevel,(3)installation offuelthathasadifferent designorhasbeenmanufactured byadifferent fuelsupplier, and(4)modifications thatmayhavesig-nificantly alteredthenuclear,thermal,orhydraulic performance oftheplant.Thereportshalladdresseachofthetestsperformed andshallingeneralincludeadescription ofthemeasuredvaluesoftheoperating conditions orcharacteristics obtaineddur-ingthetestprogramandacomparison ofthesevalueswithdesignpredictions andspecifications.
6.9 Re ortin Re uirements In addition to the'applicable reporting requirements of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, the following identified reports shall be submitted to the Director of the appropriate Regional Office of Inspection and Enforcement unless otherwise noted.6.9.1 Routine Reports Startu Re ort.A summary report of plant startup and power escalation testing shall be submitted following (1)receipt of an operating license, (2)amendment to the license involving a planned increase in power level, (3)installation of fuel that has a different design or has been manufactured by a different fuel supplier, and (4)modifications that may have sig-nificantly altered the nuclear, thermal, or hydraulic performance of the plant.The report shall address each of the tests performed and shall in general include a description of the measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics obtained dur-ing the test program and a comparison of these values with design predictions and specifications.
Anycorrective actionsthat.wererequiredtoobtainsatis-factoryoperation shallalsobedescribed.
Any corrective actions that.were required to obtain satis-factory operation shall also be described.
Anyaddi-\tionalspecificdetailsrequiredinlicenseconditions 4basedonothercommitments shallbeincludedinthisreport.6.9-1  
Any addi-\tional specific details required in license conditions 4 based on other commitments shall be included in this report.6.9-1  

Startupreportsshallbesubmitted within(1)90daysfollowing completion ofthestartuptestprogram,or(2)90daysfollowing resumption ofcommercial poweroperation, whichever isearliest.
Startup reports shall be submitted within (1)90 days following completion of the startup test program, or (2)90 days following resumption of commercial power operation, whichever is earliest.If the Startup Report does not cover both events (i.e., completion of startup test program, and resumption of commercial power operation), supplementary reports shall be sub-mitted at least every three months until both events have been completed.
IftheStartupReportdoesnotcoverbothevents(i.e.,completion ofstartuptestprogram,andresumption ofcommercial poweroperation),
Nonthl 0 eratin Re ort..Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience shall be submitted on a monthly basis to the Director, Office of Nanagement Information and Program Control, U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.20555 by the fifteenth of each.month following the calendar month covered by the report.The monthly report shall include a narrative summary of operating experience describing the operation of the facility, including major safety related main-tenance for the monthly period, except that safety related maintenance performed during tne refueling outage may be reported in the monthly report for the month following the end of the outage rather than each month during the outage.Annual Radiolo ical Environmental 0 eratin Re ort Routine radiological environmental reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to Nay 1 of each year.6.9-2  
supplementary reportsshallbesub-mittedatleasteverythreemonthsuntilbotheventshavebeencompleted.
Nonthl0eratinReort..Routinereportsofoperating statistics andshutdownexperience shallbesubmitted onamonthlybasistotheDirector, OfficeofNanagement Information andProgramControl,U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.20555bythefifteenth ofeach.monthfollowing thecalendarmonthcoveredbythereport.Themonthlyreportshallincludeanarrative summaryofoperating experience describing theoperation ofthefacility, including majorsafetyrelatedmain-tenanceforthemonthlyperiod,exceptthatsafetyrelatedmaintenance performed duringtnerefueling outagemaybereportedinthemonthlyreportforthemonthfollowing theendoftheoutageratherthaneachmonthduringtheoutage.AnnualRadioloicalEnvironmental 0eratinReortRoutineradiological environmental reportscoveringtheoperation oftheunitduringthepreviouscalendaryearshallbesubmitted priortoNay1ofeachyear.6.9-2  

Theannualradiological environmental reportsshallincludesummaries,
The annual radiological environmental reports shall include summaries,=interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environ-mental surveillance activities for the report period, including a comparison with preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate}, and previous environmental surveillance reports and an assessment.
=interpretations, andanalysisoftrendsoftheresultsoftheradiological environ-mentalsurveillance activities forthereportperiod,including acomparison withpreoperational studies,operational controls(asappropriate},
of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment.
andpreviousenvironmental surveillance reportsandanassessment.
The reports shall also include the results of land use censuses as required.The annual radiological environmental reports shall include summarized and tabulated results in the format of Table 6.9-1 of all radiological environmental samples taken during the report.period.In the event that some results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results.The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.The reports shall also include the following:
oftheobservedimpactsoftheplantoperation ontheenvironment.
a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring program including a map of all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and direc-tions from the reactor, and the results of the participa-tion in an interlaboratory comparison program.6.9-3  
Theannualradiological environmental reportsshallincludesummarized andtabulated resultsintheformatofTable6.9-1ofallradiological environmental samplestakenduringthereport.period.Intheeventthatsomeresultsarenotavailable forinclusion withthereport,thereportshallbesubmitted notingandexplaining thereasonsforthemissingresults.Themissingdatashallbesubmitted assoonaspossibleinasupplementary report.Thereportsshallalsoincludethefollowing:
asummarydescription oftheradiological environmental monitoring programincluding amapofallsamplinglocations keyedtoatablegivingdistances anddirec-tionsfromthereactor,andtheresultsoftheparticipa-tioninaninterlaboratory comparison program.6.9-3  

Note:Routine'surveillance testing,instrument calibration, orpreventative maintenance whichrequiresystemconfigurations asdescribed initems2.b(l)and2.b(2)neednotbereportedexceptwheretest,results.themselves revealadegradedmodeasde-scribedabove.(3)Observedinadequacies intheimplementation ofadministrative orprocedural controlswhichthreatentocausereduction ofdegreeofre-dundancyprovidedinreactorprotection systemsorengineered safetyfeaturesystems.(4)Abnormaldegr'adation ofsystemsotherthanthosespecified initems2.a(3)abovedesignedtocontainradioactive materialresulting fromthefissionprocess.Note:Sealedsourcesorcalibration sourcesarenotincludedunderthisitem.Leakageof'alvepackingorgasketswithinthelimitsforidentified leakageset,forthintechnical specifications neednotbereportedunderthisitem.(5)Measuredlevelsofradioactivity inanenviron-mentalsamplingmediumdetermined toexceedthereporting levelvaluesofTable6.9-2whenaveragedoveranycalendarquartersamplingperiod.Whenmorethanoneoftheradionuclides 6.9-7  
Note: Routine'surveillance testing, instrument calibration, or preventative maintenance which require system configurations as described in items 2.b(l)and 2.b(2)need not be reported except where test, results.themselves reveal a degraded mode as de-scribed above.(3)Observed inadequacies in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls which threaten to cause reduction of degree of re-dundancy provided in reactor protection systems or engineered safety feature systems.(4)Abnormal degr'adation of systems other than those specified in items 2.a(3)above designed to contain radioactive material resulting from the fission process.Note: Sealed sources or calibration sources are not included under this item.Leakage of'alve packing or gaskets within the limits for identified leakage set, forth in technical specifications need not be reported under this item.(5)Measured levels of radioactivity in an environ-mental sampling medium determined to exceed the reporting level values of Table 6.9-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter sampling period.When more than one of the radionuclides 6.9-7'etected inthesamplingmedium,thisreportshallbesubmitted if:concentration (1+concentration 2+....)1.0lxmxteve1xmas.tevel2Whenradionuclides otherthanthoseinTable6.9-2aredetectedandaretheresultofplanteffluents, thisreportshallbesubmitted ifthepotential annualdosetoanindividual isequaltoorgreaterthanthecalendaryearlimitofSpecifications or3.9.2.2.a.
6.9.3 in Table 6.9-2 are'etected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted if: concentration (1+concentration 2+....)1.0 lxmxt eve 1 xmas.t evel 2 When radionuclides other than those in Table 6.9-2 are detected and are the result of plant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the potential annual dose to an individual is equal to or greater than the calendar year limit of Specifications or
Thisre-port.isnotrequiredifthemeasuredlevelofradioactivity wasnottheresultofplantefflu-ents;however,insuchanevent,thecondition shallbereportedanddescribed intheAnnualRadiological Environmental Monitoring Report.UniueReortinReuirements Annually:
This not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant efflu-ents;however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report.Uni ue Re ortin Re uirements Annually: Results of required leak tests performed on sources if the tests reveal the presence of 0.005 micro-curie or more of removable contamination.
Resultsofrequiredleaktestsperformed onsourcesifthetestsrevealthepresenceof0.005micro-curieormoreofremovable contamination. Annually: A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility and other personnel (including con-tractors)receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem/yr and their associated man rem exposure according to work and job functions, e.g., reactor operations and sur-veillance, in-service inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance (describe maintenance), waste pro-cessing, and refueling.
The dose assignment to various duty functions may be estimates based on pocket dosi-6.9-8 4 I TABLE 6.9-2 REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SANPLES Reporting Levels Analysis H-3 Water (pCi/1)3x10 Airborne Particu)ate or Gases (pCi/m)Broad Leaf Fish Nilk Vegetables (pCi/Kg, wet)(pCi/1)(pCi/Kg, wet)bIn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zr-Nb-95 I-131 Cs-134 1000 400 1000 300 400 30 Cs-137 50 Ba-La-140 200 0.9'10 20 3x10 1 x 10 3x10 1 x 10 1 x 10 2x10 60 70 300 1 x 10 1 x 10 2x10 (a)Total for parent.and daughter I~h~
Atabulation onanannualbasisofthenumberofstation,utilityandotherpersonnel (including con-tractors) receiving exposures greaterthan100mrem/yrandtheirassociated manremexposureaccording toworkandjobfunctions, e.g.,reactoroperations andsur-veillance, in-service inspection, routinemaintenance, specialmaintenance (describe maintenance),
meter, TLD, or film badge measurements.
Small exposures totalling less than 20%of the individual total dose need not be accounted for.In the aggregate, at least 80%of the total whole body dose received from external sources shall be assigned to specific major work functions.(NOTE: This tabulation supplements the reguirements of Section 20.407 of 10 CFR Part;20.)6.9-10  
Thedoseassignment tovariousdutyfunctions maybeestimates basedonpocketdosi-6.9-8 4I TABLE6.9-2REPORTING LEVELSFORRADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS INENVIRONMENTAL SANPLESReporting LevelsAnalysisH-3Water(pCi/1)3x10AirborneParticu)ate orGases(pCi/m)BroadLeafFishNilkVegetables (pCi/Kg,wet)(pCi/1)(pCi/Kg,wet)bIn-54Fe-59Co-58Co-60Zr-Nb-95I-131Cs-1341000400100030040030Cs-13750Ba-La-140 2000.9'10203x101x103x101x101x102x1060703001x101x102x10(a)Totalforparent.anddaughter I~h~
Smallexposures totalling lessthan20%oftheindividual totaldoseneednotbeaccounted for.Intheaggregate, atleast80%ofthetotalwholebodydosereceivedfromexternalsourcesshallbeassignedtospecificmajorworkfunctions.
(NOTE:Thistabulation supplements thereguirements ofSection20.407of10CFRPart;20.)6.9-10  

6.15bIa'orChanestoRadioactive WasteTreatment Sstems(IiguidandGaseous)FUNCTION6.15.1Theradioactive wastetreatment systems(liguidandgaseous)arethosesystemsdefinedinTechnical Speci-fication5. wastesystems(liquidandgaseous)shallbereportedbythefollowing method.Forthepurposeofthisspecification,
6.15 bIa'or Chan es to Radioactive Waste Treatment S stems (Iiguid and Gaseous)FUNCTION 6.15.1 The radioactive waste treatment systems (liguid and gaseous)are those systems defined in Technical Speci-fication Major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid and gaseous)shall be reported by the following method.For the purpose of this specification,'major changes's defined in Specification 6.16.3 below.The Commission shall be informed of all major changes by the inclusion of a suitable discussion or by reference to a suitable discussion of each change in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the changes were made.The discussion of each change shall contain: a)a summary of the evaluation that led to the deter-mination that the change could be made (in accord-ance with 10 CFR 50.59): b)sufficient detailed information to support the reason for the change;c)a detailed description of the equipment, components and processes involved and, the interfaces with other plant systems;6.15-1 4
'majorchanges's definedinSpecification 6.16.3below.TheCommission shallbeinformedofallmajorchangesbytheinclusion ofasuitablediscussion orbyreference toasuitablediscussion ofeachchangeintheSemiannual Radioactive EffluentReleaseReportfortheperiodinwhichthechangesweremade.Thediscussion ofeachchangeshallcontain:a)asummaryoftheevaluation thatledtothedeter-minationthatthechangecouldbemade(inaccord-ancewith10CFR50.59):b)sufficient detailedinformation tosupportthereasonforthechange;c)adetaileddescription oftheequipment, components andprocesses involvedand,theinterfaces withotherplantsystems;6.15-1 4
Attachment B The proposed Technical Specifications for radiological effluents have been developed based upon NRC guidance provided in th b 7'7, 1,~d~'~'~Effluent Technical S ecifications for PWRs.The NRC has een adapted to a format su>.table or inclusion in the Ginna Technical Specifications and changes have been made,to account for the Ginna facility design.The proposal includes requirements to ensure compliance with 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and 40 CFR 190.Effluent monitors are provided to aid in ensuring that the limits of 10 CFR Part 20 are met.The allowance for inoperability is generally consistent with the NRC guidance and requires that sampling of effluents be performed in case a monitor is required but inoperable.
Attachment BTheproposedTechnical Specifications forradiological effluents havebeendeveloped baseduponNRCguidanceprovidedinthb7'7,1,~d~'~'~EffluentTechnical Secifications haseenadaptedtoaformatsu>.table orinclusion intheGinnaTechnical Specifications andchangeshavebeenmade,toaccountfortheGinnafacilitydesign.Theproposalincludesrequirements toensurecompliance with10CFRPart20,AppendixIto10CFRPart50and40CFR190.Effluentmonitorsareprovidedtoaidinensuringthatthelimitsof10CFRPart20aremet.Theallowance forinoperability isgenerally consistent withtheNRCguidanceandrequiresthatsamplingofeffluents beperformed incaseamonitorisrequiredbutinoperable.
Instead of shutting down the plant if the oxygen monitor is inoperable, samples will be taken at short intervals.
Insteadofshuttingdowntheplantiftheoxygenmonitorisinoperable, sampleswillbetakenatshortintervals.
This is preferred since a plant shutdown would a sig-nificant amount of waste gas which would have to be handled during a time at which it may be desirable to minimize gas handling.4 Limiting 0onditions for operation to implement, 10 CFR Parts 20 and 50 have been developed following NRC guidance.For un-planned gaseous releases, a 24 hour averaging is permitted in determining compliance with 10 CFR Part 20.This is acceptable based on the definitions within Part 20 and based upon effluent surveillance instrumentation analysis schedules.
Thisispreferred sinceaplantshutdownwouldresult.inasig-nificantamountofwastegaswhichwouldhavetobehandledduringatimeatwhichitmaybedesirable tominimizegashandling.
Radwaste treat-ment equipment will be operated, as appropriate, to limit potential doses due to plant effluents.
4Limiting0onditions foroperation toimplement, 10CFRParts20and50havebeendeveloped following NRCguidance.
Portions or all of the radwaste treatment systems are required to be operated should the projected doses otherwise exceed preestablished values.No limits have been proposed for contents of the gas decay tanks.This due to the fact that any credible quantity of waste gas in any single tank will be well below the quantity which would have to be released to yield a site boundary dose of 0.5 Rem, even with accident, meteorology.
Forun-plannedgaseousreleases, a24houraveraging ispermitted indetermining compliance with10CFRPart20.Thisisacceptable basedonthedefinitions withinPart20andbaseduponeffluentsurveillance instrumentation analysisschedules.
Specifically, FSAR Section 14.2.3 reports a reactor coolant system inventory of equivalent xenon assuming no release over a full core cycle and one percent failed fuel as 46,000 Curies.Using the equations presented in.NUREG-0133, one finds that a release of approximately 100,000 Curies is necessary to yield a site boundary dose of 0.5 Rem.This assumes that accident meteorology is used instead of annual average meteorology, which seems more appropriate and would provide even greater margins.An environmental monitoring program is reestablished based on NRC guidance.Samples are collected and analyzed at intervals throughout the year with sampling being conducted at a reduced level during the winter.This reduction is acceptable based on the fact that food pathways are either absent or of reduced con-sequences in the winter.
Radwastetreat-mentequipment willbeoperated, asappropriate, tolimitpotential dosesduetoplanteffluents.
gO ,(
Portionsoralloftheradwastetreatment systemsarerequiredtobeoperatedshouldtheprojected dosesotherwise exceedpreestablished values.Nolimitshavebeenproposedforcontentsofthegasdecaytanks.Thisduetothefactthatanycrediblequantityofwastegasinanysingletankwillbewellbelowthequantitywhichwouldhavetobereleasedtoyieldasiteboundarydoseof0.5Rem,evenwithaccident, meteorology.
Radiation monitoring instrumentation used for effluent.surveillance has been removed from Table 4.1-1 and placed in Table 4.1-3.In Table 4.1-1, the emergency plan instruments will be calibrated annually instead of at refueling intervals.
Specifically, FSARSection14.2.3reportsareactorcoolantsysteminventory ofequivalent xenonassumingnoreleaseoverafullcorecycleandonepercentfailedfuelas46,000Curies.Usingtheequations presented in.NUREG-0133, onefindsthatareleaseofapproximately 100,000Curiesisnecessary toyieldasiteboundarydoseof0.5Rem.Thisassumesthataccidentmeteorology isusedinsteadofannualaveragemeteorology, whichseemsmoreappropriate andwouldprovideevengreatermargins.Anenvironmental monitoring programisreestablished basedonNRCguidance.
This will allow calibration to be performed at times other than the refueling outage..In Table 4.1-3, channel calibration is to be annually instead of at, refueling intervals.
Samplesarecollected andanalyzedatintervals throughout theyearwithsamplingbeingconducted atareducedlevelduringthewinter.Thisreduction isacceptable basedonthefactthatfoodpathwaysareeitherabsentorofreducedcon-sequences inthewinter.
This necessity to calibrate during refueling outages.intends the interval"R" to imply every 18 months the refueling outage, we request that.that be the interval listed as refueling.
performed is to avoid the If the NRC independent.
Radiation monitoring instrumentation usedforeffluent.
of calibration Environmental surveillance requirements are consistent with NRC guidance.Effluent surveillance is presented in Section 4.12.Batch releases are sampled as shown in Table 4.12-1.Since compliance with 10 CFR Part 20 may be shown through a gross beta analysis, this is permitted.
surveillance hasbeenremovedfromTable4.1-1andplacedinTable4.1-3.InTable4.1-1,theemergency planinstruments willbecalibrated annuallyinsteadofatrefueling intervals.
A composite sample analyzed for principal gamma emitters and I-131 will provide the information required for dose calculations.
Thiswillallowcalibration tobeperformed attimesotherthantherefueling outage..InTable4.1-3,channelcalibration istobeannuallyinsteadofat,refueling intervals.
For the purposes of this Specification, release of the neutraliz-ing tank to the retention tank is considered a batch release.No additional sampling is required of the retention tank since its major input is the neutralizing tank.(Small sources, in terms of radioactivity, include floor drains in non contaminated areas.)The retention tank discharge is activated on high level in the tank and is through a radiation monitor.Waste treatment systems considered in the evaluation which was performed Appendix I are listed in Section 5.5.Under audits, the change in the insurance brokerage firm from NELPIA to ANI is reflected.
Thisnecessity tocalibrate duringrefueling outages.intendstheinterval"R"toimplyevery18monthstherefueling outage,werequestthat.thatbetheintervallistedasrefueling.
This is purely an administra-tive change.The Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual is presently in draft form.Revisions to the draft, are being considered based upon revised guidance provided by the NRC letter dated January 18, 1979, which was received February 2, 1979.Specifications for solid radwaste have not been proposed since they are unrelated to Appendix I or to Part.20.In addi-tion, they appear to be based on Standards which are still in draft form.Also, although solid wastes generated by Ginna Station comply with'current regulations, they do not, meet the Specifications suggested by the NRC.Finally, an industry task force is being established under the auspices of AIF to develop requirements appropriate for currently operating plants and equipment and consistent, with the regulations.
performed istoavoidtheIftheNRCindependent.
Pending the outcome of the study, it does not seem appropriate to propose Specifications.  
ofcalibration Environmental surveillance requirements areconsistent withNRCguidance.
$1 Introduction'n a May 28, 1974 letter from Mr.Robert A.Pury c-, the United States Atomic Energy Commission asked several questions on the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.
Effluentsurveillance ispresented inSection4.12.BatchreleasesaresampledasshowninTable4.12-1.Sincecompliance with10CFRPart20maybeshownthroughagrossbetaanalysis, thisispermitted.
The information requested/and further clarification of the program are provided in Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License y Supplement IV is a revised description
Acomposite sampleanalyzedforprincipal gammaemittersandI-131willprovidetheinformation requiredfordosecalculations.
.,of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation and supersedes Supplement II in its entirety.The revisions have been made to the description of the program: Section IV.2 Additions That all{}uality Assurance, Quality.Control, Eng'n-eering, and Purchasing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every/two years.That the list of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality ad'surance program are based on the list in Section 1..1 of the FSAR.That management review of the quality assurance program may be in a form otHer than'an audit.That the Nuclear>Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assuram(ce program at least once every two years.s That the CQ irman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and, Review Board reports to the Chairman of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation on NSARB activities.
ForthepurposesofthisSpecification, releaseoftheneutraliz-ingtanktotheretention tankisconsidered abatchrelease.Noadditional samplingisrequiredoftheretention tanksinceitsmajorinputistheneutralizing tank.(Smallsources,intermsofradioactivity, includefloordrainsinnoncontaminated areas.)Theretention tankdischarge isactivated onhighlevelinthetankandisthrougharadiation monitor.Wastetreatment systemsconsidered intheevaluation whichwasperformed pursuant.
Section V.3 Addj~tions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.IV-i Revision 1 August 1974 1 0, 1 That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.
toAppendixIarelistedinSection5.5.Underaudits,thechangeintheinsurance brokerage firmfromNELPIAtoANIisreflected.
That design deficiencies are documented and controlled in accordance with Section IV.16.That design documents are collected,'tored, and main-tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.
Thisispurelyanadministra-tivechange.TheOffsiteDoseCalculation Nanualispresently indraftform.Revisions tothedraft,arebeingconsidered baseduponrevisedguidanceprovidedbytheNRCletterdatedJanuary18,1979,whichwasreceivedFebruary2,1979.Specifications forsolidradwastehavenotbeenproposedsincetheyareunrelated toAppendixIortoPart.20.Inaddi-tion,theyappeartobebasedonStandards whicharestillindraftform.Also,althoughsolidwastesgenerated byGinnaStationcomplywith'currentregulations, theydonot,meettheSpecifications suggested bytheNRC.Finally,anindustrytaskforceisbeingestablished undertheauspicesofAIFtodeveloprequirements appropriate forcurrently operating plantsandequipment andconsistent, withtheregulations.
Clarification Clarified which design documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
Pendingtheoutcomeofthestudy,itdoesnotseemappropriate toproposeSpecifications.  
Section IV.4 Additions That procurement documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.
$1 Introduction'n aMay28,1974letterfromMr.RobertA.Puryc-,theUnitedStatesAtomicEnergyCommission askedseveralquestions ontheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation.
That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are available for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts for similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
Theinformation requested/and furtherclarification oftheprogramareprovidedinSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFull-Term Operating LicenseySupplement IVisareviseddescription
Section IV.6 Addition Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.IV-ii Revision 1 August 1974 t P 4 That suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.
.,oftheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation andsupersedes Supplement IIinitsentirety.
Section IV.9 Additions Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process activi-'ies. revisions havebeenmadetothedescription oftheprogram:SectionIV.2Additions Thatall{}ualityAssurance, Quality.Control, Eng'n-eering,andPurchasing procedures arereviewedforadequacyatleastonceevery/two years.Thatthelistofstructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbythequalityad'surance programarebasedonthelistinSection1..1oftheFSAR.Thatmanagement reviewofthequalityassurance programmaybeinaformotHerthan'anaudit.ThattheNuclear>Safety AuditandReviewBoardisrequiredtoreviewthestatusandadequacyofthequalityassuram(ce programatleastonceeverytwoyears.sThattheCQirmanoftheNuclearSafetyAuditand,ReviewBoardreportstotheChairmanoftheBoardofRochester GasandElectricCorporation onNSARBactivities.
Section IV.10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection is available to the inspector prior to the performance of, the activity.That Quality Control inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the organization responsible for performing the inspection, the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.That inspection equipment is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration status is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IV.ll Addition That test procedures include test methods and test instrumentation definition.
SectionV.3Addj~tions Thatspareorreplacement partsmeet,atleast,therequirements oftheoriginaldesign.IV-iRevision1August1974 10,1 Thatforplantmodification, thedesignengineerselectsandreviewsmaterials, parts,andequipment forsuitability ofapplication.
IV-iii Revision 1 August 1974 j llf f II Section IV.12 Addition That shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.
Thatdesigndeficiencies aredocumented andcontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.16.Thatdesigndocuments arecollected,'tored, andmain-tainedinaccordance withSectionII.17andalistingofwhichdesigndocuments aremaintained.
Section IV.14 Addition That written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags and labels and that the procedures require the recording of the name.of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries, that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and that when unsatisfactory trends are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audits and the monitoring of activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.
Clarification Clarified whichdesigndocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
That inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.
SectionIV.4Additions Thatprocurement documents forspareorreplacement partsareprocessed inthesamemannerasotherprocurement documents.
IV-iv Revision 1 August 1974 t f (1'O t, ll 1 0 Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits listed in Table IV.18-1.In July 1974, the United States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for.Station Operation to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The infor-, mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.1 Additions A description of the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).On October 1, 1974, Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration revised its corporate structure.
Thatthereviewandapprovalofprocurement documents isreflected onthedocumentoronacontrolformwhichisattachedtotheprocurement document.
This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.In addition, the RG&E commitment to the"Orange Book" in August has necessitated some shifting of responsibilities.
Thatthedocuments areavailable forverification inPurchasing andplantrecords.ThatQualityControlreviewsprocurement documents forspareandreplacement partsforsimilarity totheoriginalrequirements, andadequacyofqualityrequire-ments.SectionIV.5Clarification Clarifies whichdocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
The changes RG&E has made are reflected in Revision 2 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License.The changes affect every section of the supplement except sections 12&14.Change pages are listed in Instructions 2 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.IV-v Revision 2 November 1, 1974 0 11 y II F'I C I 0 Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.Some editorial corrections have been made, and these are also marked..3 Effective February 1, 1976, three additional organizations in the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation have been assigned responsi-bilities for control of quality related activities.
SectionIV.6AdditionMadeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consistent withSectionIV.4.IV-iiRevision1August1974 tP4 Thatsuppliers ofmaterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredbyprocurement documents toprovidecontrolofmanufacturing inspection andtestinginstructions.
The changes are reflected in Revision 3 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement Accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License.Revision 3 also reflects some reclarification of terms and responsibilities which do not lesson our program commitments.
SectionIV.9Additions Madeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consistent withSectionIV.4.AddedQualityControlresponsibilities forsur-veillance andinspection ofspecialprocessactivi-'ies.
Reclarification changes are concentrated in sections IV-3, IV-4, IV-5, IV-6 and IV-15.Change pages are listed in Instructions-3, and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level-is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement XI and Supplement IV.During July, 1978, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation revised its corporate structure.
SectionIV.10Additions Thatalldocumentation necessary toperformaninspection isavailable totheinspector priortotheperformance of,theactivity.
This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.Revision 4 also reflects some reclarification of terms and respon-sibilities which do not lessen Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration program commitments.
ThatQualityControlinspection procedures includetheidentification ofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected andadescription ofthemethodofinspection tobeused,theidentification oftheorganization responsible forperforming theinspection, theacceptance andrejection
Reclarification changes are concentrated in sections XV-1, IV-2, IV-3, XV-7, XV-10 and IV-15.Change pages are listed in Instructions-4 and each revised page is marked with revision level.Since single spacing of each page has reduced the number of pages, each page beginning with IV-1 is numbered consecutively resulting in the Revision 4 notation at the bottom for that page" containing different information than the corresponding page number of previous revisions.
: criteria, therequirements fortherecording ofinspection results,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification oftheinspection activity.
Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.4/IV-vA Revision 4 December 1978
Thatinspection equipment iscalibrated inaccor-dancewithSectionIV.12andthatcalibration statusisverifiedpriortoperforming theinspection activity.
SectionIV.llAdditionThattestprocedures includetestmethodsandtestinstrumentation definition.
IV-iiiRevision1August1974 jllffII SectionIV.12AdditionThatshopstandards calibration istraceable tonationalstandards or,wherenationalstandards arenotavailable, thebasisofcalibration isdocumented.
SectionIV.14AdditionThatwrittenprocedures controltheuseofholdtags,testtagsandlabelsandthattheprocedures requiretherecording ofthename.ofthepersonplacingandremovingthetag.SectionIV.15AdditionThatQualityControlissuesmonthlymaterialdeficiency reportsummaries, thatthesesummaries arereviewedandanalyzedbyQualityAssurance, andthatwhenunsatisfactory trendsarenoted,theyarereportedtomanagement, usingthecorrective actionreportinaccordance withSectionIV.16.SectionIV.17Additions Thatplantrecordsincludeoperating logs,specifications, calibration procedures andnonconformance reports,andtheresultsoftions,tests,auditsandthemonitoring ofactivities andmaterialanalyses.
: drawings, reports,inspec-plantThatqualityassurance recordsofspecialprocessactivities aremaintained byEngineering andthattheyincludethequalification recordsofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment.
Thatinspection andtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeoftestorinspection
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oftheactivity, results,thenameoftheinspector ordatarecorder, theacceptance orrejection oftheactivity, andarecordofanynonconformances.
IV-ivRevision1August1974 tf(1'Ot,ll10 SectionIV.18AdditionThatQualityAssurance isresponsible forconducting theauditslistedinTableIV.18-1.InJuly1974,theUnitedStatesAtomicEnergyCommission requested information ontheconformance oftheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance Programfor.StationOperation tothedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0).Theinfor-,mationrequested isprovidedinRevision1toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFull-Term Operating License.Thefollowing changeshavebeenmadetoSupplement IV:SectionIV.1Additions Adescription oftheextenttowhichthequalityassurance programconformstothedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringTheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0).OnOctober1,1974,Rochester GasandElectricCor-porationreviseditscorporate structure.
Thisorganization changehasnotaffectedthefunctional interrelationships betweentheorganizations responsible forimplementing thequalityassurance program.Inaddition, theRG&Ecommitment tothe"OrangeBook"inAugusthasnecessitated someshiftingofresponsibilities.
ThechangesRG&Ehasmadearereflected inRevision2toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFullTermOperating License.Thechangesaffecteverysectionofthesupplement exceptsections12&14.ChangepagesarelistedinInstructions 2andeachrevisedpageismarkedwithrevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.IV-vRevision2November1,1974 011yIIF'ICI0 Tablesandfigureswhichhavebeencompletely revisedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepageandbyreference intheindex,pageIV-vii.Unrevised pageswithaverticalsolidblacklineinthemarginreflectchangestothedocumentbetweenSupplement IIandSupplement IV.Someeditorial corrections havebeenmade,andthesearealsomarked..3Effective February1,1976,threeadditional organizations intheRochester GasandElectricCorporation havebeenassignedresponsi-bilitiesforcontrolofqualityrelatedactivities.
Thechangesarereflected inRevision3toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement Accompanying Application foraFullTermOperating License.Revision3alsoreflectssomereclarification oftermsandresponsibilities whichdonotlessonourprogramcommitments.
Reclarification changesareconcentrated insectionsIV-3,IV-4,IV-5,IV-6andIV-15.ChangepagesarelistedinInstructions-3, andeachrevisedpageismarkedwithrevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevel-isnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.Tablesandfigureswhichhavebeencompletely revisedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepageandbyreference intheindex,pageIV-vii.Unrevised pageswithaverticalsolidblacklineinthemarginreflectchangestothedocumentbetweenSupplement XIandSupplement IV.DuringJuly,1978,Rochester GasandElectricCorporation reviseditscorporate structure.
Thisorganization changehasnotaffectedthefunctional interrelationships betweentheorganizations responsible forimplementing thequalityassurance program.Revision4alsoreflectssomereclarification oftermsandrespon-sibilities whichdonotlessenRochester GasandElectricCor-porationprogramcommitments.
Reclarification changesareconcentrated insectionsXV-1,IV-2,IV-3,XV-7,XV-10andIV-15.ChangepagesarelistedinInstructions-4 andeachrevisedpageismarkedwithrevisionlevel.Sincesinglespacingofeachpagehasreducedthenumberofpages,eachpagebeginning withIV-1isnumberedconsecutively resulting intheRevision4notationatthebottomforthatpage"containing different information thanthecorresponding pagenumberofpreviousrevisions.
Tablesandfigureswhichhavebeencompletely revisedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepageandbyreference intheindex,pageIV-vii.4/IV-vARevision4December1978

~~InaFebruary8,1979letterfromMr.DennisL.Ziemann,theNuclearRegulatory Commission requested additional information associated withtheirreviewofRevision4.Revision5providestheadditional information andbetterclarification oftheprogramconsistent withthatwhichwasforwarded inRochester GasandElectricletterdatedMarch9,1979.ChangepagesarelistedinInstructions
~~In a February 8, 1979 letter from Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information associated with their review of Revision 4.Revision 5 provides the additional information and better clarification of the program consistent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Gas and Electric letter dated March 9, 1979.Change pages are listed in Instructions
-5,andeachrevisedpageismarkedwitharevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.Tableswhichhavebeenre-visedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepage.6InaJune5,1979letterfromMr.DennisL.Ziemann,theNuclearRegulatory Commission requested additional information associated withtheirreviewofRevision5.Revision6providestheadditional information consistent withthatwhichwasforwarded inRochester GasandElectricletterdatedJune25,1979.ChangepagesarelistedinInstruction
-5, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables which have been re-vised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page.6 In a June 5, 1979 letter from Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information associated with their review of Revision 5.Revision 6 provides the additional information consistent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Gas and Electric letter dated June 25, 1979.Change pages are listed in Instruction
-6,andeachrevisedpageismarkedwitharevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.There-visionlevelisnotedbyarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.ovlRevision7waspreparedtoindicaterecentorganization changesinthecorporate structure, QualityAssurance andGeneralMaintenance.
-6, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The re-vision level is noted by arabic numeral next to each vertical line.o vl Revision 7 was prepared to indicate recent organization changes in the corporate structure, Quality Assurance and General Maintenance.
Change pages are listed in Instructions
-7,andeachrevisedpageismarkedwitharevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.Revision7November1980IV-vB  
-7, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Revision 7 November 1980 IV-vB  

TABLEOFCONTENTSSectionTitlePa<acIV.1IV.2IV.3IV.4IV.5IV.6IV.7QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMFORSTATIONOPERATION QualityAssurance ProgramOrganization DesignControlProcurement DocumentControlInstructions, Procedures andDrawingsDocumentControlControlofPurchased
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Pa<ac IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 IV.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Instructions, Procedures and Drawings Document Control Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services IV-1 IV-4 IV-8 IV-10 XV-lla IV-13 IV-15 IV.8 XV.9 IV.10 IV.11 IV.12 IV.13 XV.14 IV.15 XV.16 IV.17 IV.18 Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components Control of Special Processes Inspection Test Control Control of Measuring an/Test Equipment Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection, Test and Operating Status Nonconforming Materials,,Parts and Components Corrective Action Qua'lity Assurance Records Audits IV-17 IV-18 IV-19 IV-20 XV-21 IV-22 IV-23 IV-24 XV-25 f IV-26 IV-28 IV-vi Revision'5 April 1979 I C h l LIST OF TABLES Table Number IV.1-1 IV.4-1 IV.18-1 Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pa<ac IV-30*IV-40*IV-41*LIST OF FIGURES Fi ure Number IV.2-1 IV.2-2 IV.2-3 IV.2-4 IV.2-5 3 IV.2-6 Title Management Organization Deleted Ginna Station Organization General Maintenance Organization Engineering Department Organization Review and Audit Functions Pacae IV-43*IV-44*IV-45*IV-46*IV-47*IV-48**All tables and figures except Figure IV.2-5 have been revised in Revision 3.IV-vii Revision 7 November 1980
: Material, Equipment andServicesIV-1IV-4IV-8IV-10XV-llaIV-13IV-15IV.8XV.9IV.10IV.11IV.12IV.13XV.14IV.15XV.16IV.17IV.18Identification andControlofMaterials, PartsandComponents ControlofSpecialProcesses Inspection TestControlControlofMeasuring an/TestEquipment
: Handling, StorageandShippingInspection, TestandOperating StatusNonconforming Materials,,Parts andComponents Corrective ActionQua'lityAssurance RecordsAuditsIV-17IV-18IV-19IV-20XV-21IV-22IV-23IV-24XV-25fIV-26IV-28IV-viRevision'5 April1979 IChl LISTOFTABLESTableNumberIV.1-1IV.4-1IV.18-1TitleQualityAssurance ProgramProcedures SubjectListingProcurement DocumentRequirements AuditListPa<acIV-30*IV-40*IV-41*LISTOFFIGURESFiureNumberIV.2-1IV.2-2IV.2-3IV.2-4IV.2-53IV.2-6TitleManagement Organization DeletedGinnaStationOrganization GeneralMaintenance Organization Engineering Department Organization ReviewandAuditFunctions PacaeIV-43*IV-44*IV-45*IV-46*IV-47*IV-48**AlltablesandfiguresexceptFigureIV.2-5havebeenrevisedinRevision3.IV-viiRevision7November1980

QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMFORSTATIONOPERATION QualitAssurance ProramThequalityassurance programdescribed inthisSupplement hasbeendeveloped bytheRochester GasandElectricCor-porationtoassuresafeandreliableoperation oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant.Thisprogramappliestoallactivities affecting thesafetyrelatedfunctions of.thestructures, systems,andcomponents thatpreventormitigatetheconsequences ofpostulated accidents thatcouldcauseunduerisktothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.,Thesequalityaffecting activities includeoperation, maintenance, repair,inservice inspection, refueling, modification, testandinspection.
QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Qualit Assurance Pro ram The quality assurance program described in this Supplement has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of.the structures, systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public.,These quality affecting activities include operation, maintenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modification, test and inspection.
Inaddition, thequalityassurance programappliestotheactivities associated withthepackaging oflicensedradioactive materials tobeshippedinaccordance with10CFRPart,71.ThebasicRochester GasandElectricCorporation qualityassurance policyisestablished bytheChairmanoftheBoardandChiefExecutive OfficerinhisCorporate Statement ofQualityAssurance Policy.Thispolicyisimplemented bytheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction, throughtheManager,QualityAssurance, andtheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
In addition, the quality assurance program applies to the activities associated with the packaging of licensed radioactive materials to be shipped in accordance with 10 CFR Part, 71.The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in his Corporate Statement of Quality Assurance Policy.This policy is implemented by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, through the Manager, Quality Assurance, and the Ginna Station Superintendent.
The'rogram isgovernedbyaGinnaStationQualityAssurance Manualwhi'chcontainstherequirements andassignment ofresponsibilities forimplementation oftheprogram.Themanualisprepared,
The'rogram is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual whi'ch contains the requirements and assignment of responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is prepared, reviewed, and maintained by Quality Assurance and approved by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.
: reviewed, andmaintained byQualityAssurance andapprovedbytheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction.
The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Ginna Station, Engineering, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory and Purchasing Procedures.
Theprogramisimplemented throughQualityAssurance, GinnaStation,Engineering, GeneralMaintenance, ElectricMeterandLaboratory andPurchasing Procedures.
These procedures are prepared and approved by the responsible organization and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.
Theseprocedures arepreparedandapprovedbytheresponsible organization andreviewedandconcurred withbyQualityAssurance.
The p'rocedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.
Thep'rocedures arecontained inseparatemanualsmaintained bytheresponsible organization.
All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years by the responsible organization.
Alltheseprocedures arereviewedforadequacyatleastonceeverytwoyearsbytheresponsible organization.
Table IV.l-l provides a listing of the subjects and a short description of the subject matter which is contained in the procedures.
TableIV.l-lprovidesalistingofthesubjectsandashortdescription ofthesubjectmatterwhichiscontained intheprocedures.
Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities are described in Section IV.2.The quality assurance program covers all existing Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities.
Organizational interfaces aredefinedandcontrolled bysectionsoftheQualityAssurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities aredescribed inSectionIV.2.Thequalityassurance programcoversallexistingSeismicCategoryIstructures, systems,andcomponents, including theirfoundations andsupports.
affecting the quality of these structures, systems, and components are IV-1 Revision 4 December 1978 II controlled to an extent consistent'ith their importance to safety.A detailed of the structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program, based on Section 1.2.1 of the Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assur-ance Manual.Details of the system boundaries and the quality classi-fication of water-and-steam-containing components are con-tained on system flow drawings.The listing of structures, systems, and components-covered by the quality assurance program and the system flow drawings are prepared and main-tained by Engineering and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.
r Modifications or additions to existing, structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accordance with the'guidelines in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.29.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.
affecting thequalityofthesestructures, systems,andcomponents areIV-1Revision4December1978 II controlled toanextentconsistent'ith theirimportance tosafety.Adetailedlists.ngofthestructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance program,basedonSection1.2.1oftheFinalFacilityDescription andSafetyAnalysisReport,iscontained intheQualityAssur-anceManual.Detailsofthesystemboundaries andthequalityclassi-ficationofwater-and-steam-containing components arecon-tainedonsystemflowdrawings.
Refresher sessions are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.
Thelistingofstructures, systems,andcomponents
Training of personnel not in the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training requirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.1n addition to training in quality assurance, each depart-ment conducts on-the-job training to the extent necessary'to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments.
-coveredbythequalityassurance programandthesystemflowdrawingsarepreparedandmain-tainedbyEngineering andreviewedandconcurred withbyQualityAssurance.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-fication of operators, as necessary.
rModifications oradditions toexisting, structures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated thesameseismicclassifica-tionastheexistingsystem.Newstructures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated aseismicclassification inaccordance withthe'guidelines inUSNRCRegulatory Guide1.29.Supervisory personnel areindoctrinated inqualityassurance
Wlhere necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years to assure that it is meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and 10CFR50, Appendix B.This review consists of audits or a review equivalent to an audit performed, by IV-2 Revision 4 December 1978
: policies, manuals,andprocedures toassuretheyunderstand thatthesearemandatory requirements whichmustbeimple-mentedandenforced.
Personnel responsible forperforming activities affecting qualityaretrainedandindoctrinated intherequirements, purpose,scope,andimplementation ofqualityrelatedmanualsandprocedures.
Refresher sessionsareheldperiodically andretraining isrequiredwheneveranewprocedure isissuedoramajorrevisionismadetoanexistingprocedure.
Trainingofpersonnel notinthequalityassurance organization istheresponsibility ofeachdepartment performing anactivityaffecting quality.QualityAssurance assistsinestablishing trainingrequirements andassuresthatpersonnel aretrainedbyauditingtrainingrecords.1nadditiontotraininginqualityassurance, eachdepart-mentconductson-the-job trainingtotheextentnecessary'to assurethatpersonnel arequalified fortheirprimaryworkassignments.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheformaltraining, qualification, licensing, andrequali-ficationofoperators, asnecessary.
Wlherenecessary, personnel aretrainedinradiation protection, plantsafetyandsecurity.
TheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisrequiredtoreviewthestatusandadequacyofthequalityassurance programatleastonceeverytwoyearstoassurethatitismeaningful andiseffectively complying withcorporate policyand10CFR50,AppendixB.Thisreviewconsistsofauditsorareviewequivalent toanauditperformed, byIV-2Revision4December1978

~~~companypersonnel oroutsideorganizations.
~~~company personnel or outside organizations.
Reviewswillbeconducted everysixmonthsduringthefirsttwoyearsthattheprogramisimplemented.
Reviews will be conducted every six months during the first two years that the program is implemented.
Thequalityassurance programisdesignedtomeettherequire-mentsofTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants."Theprogramconformstothefollowing NRCRegula-toryGuidesandANSIStandards:
The quality assurance program is designed to meet the require-ments of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program conforms to the following NRC Regula-tory Guides and ANSI Standards:
a.NRCRegulatory Guide1.8,Revision1,"Personnel Selec-tionandTraining."
a.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1,"Personnel Selec-tion and Training." b.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 2,"Quality Assur-ance Program Requirements (Design and Construction)." c.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment." d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the docu-ment entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." f.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.38, Revision 2,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." g.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.39, Revision 2,"Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." h.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.58, Revision 0,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel." i.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.64, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants." Revision 6 July 1979 p
b.NRCRegulatory Guide1.28,Revision2,"QualityAssur-anceProgramRequirements (DesignandConstruction)."
j.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.74, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions." k.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.88, Revision 2,"Collections, Stor-age and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Records." Note: Nhen record storage facilities are not designed in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.88, duplicate records are kept in two separate stroage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.1 1.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.116, Revision O-R,"Quality Assur-ance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems." 41 m.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.123, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Ser-vices for Nuclear Power Plants." n.ANSI N45.2.12, D3, R4, 2/74"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants." The major organizations participating in the quality assur-ance program are the Purchasing, Engineering, Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory Department; Quality Assurance and Quality Control Groups;the Plant Operations Review Committee; and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Fj.gure IV.2-1 is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to the corporate organization.
c.AECRegulatory Guide1.30,Revision0,"QualityAssurance Requirements fortheInstallation, Inspection, andTestingofInstrumentation andElectricEquipment."
Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are: 7'I Chairman of the Board Vice President, Electric and Steam Production Vice President and Chief Engineer Manager, Quality Assurance Purchasing Agent Ginna Station Superintendent Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory Superintendent, General Maintenance General Maintenance Quality Control Coordinator Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning Supervisor, Materials Engineering Revision 7 November 1980
d.AECRegulatory Guide1.33,Revision0,"QualityAssurance ProgramRequirements (Operation),"
andregulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocu-mententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants,"Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)e.AECRegulatory Guide1.37,Revision0,"QualityAssurance Requirements forCleaningofFluidSystemsandAssociated Components ofWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants."f.AECRegulatory Guide1.38,Revision2,"QualityAssurance Requirements forPackaging,
: Shipping, Receiving, Storage,andHandlingofItemsforWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants."g.AECRegulatory Guide1.39,Revision2,"Housekeeping Requirements forWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants."h.AECRegulatory Guide1.58,Revision0,"Qualification ofNuclearPowerPlantInspection, Examination andTestingPersonnel."
i.AECRegulatory Guide1.64,Revision1,"QualityAssurance Requirements fortheDesignofNuclearPowerPlants."Revision6July1979 p
j.AECRegulatory Guide1.74,Revision0,"QualityAssurance TermsandDefinitions."
k.AECRegulatory Guide1.88,Revision2,"Collections, Stor-ageandMaintenance ofNuclearPowerPlantRecords."
Note:Nhenrecordstoragefacilities arenotdesignedinaccordance withtherequirements ofRegulatory Guide1.88,duplicate recordsarekeptintwoseparatestroagelocations inseparatebuildings whicharephysically isolatedfromeachother.11.NRCRegulatory Guide1.116,RevisionO-R,"QualityAssur-anceRequirements forInstallation, Inspection, andTestingofMechanical Equipment andSystems."
41m.NRCRegulatory Guide1.123,Revision1,"QualityAssurance Requirements forControlofProcurement ofItemsandSer-vicesforNuclearPowerPlants."n.ANSIN45.2.12, D3,R4,2/74"Requirements forAuditingofQualityAssurance ProgramsforNuclearPowerPlants."Themajororganizations participating inthequalityassur-anceprogramarethePurchasing, Engineering, GinnaStation,GeneralMaintenance, ElectricMeterandLaboratory Department; QualityAssurance andQualityControlGroups;thePlantOperations ReviewCommittee; andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.Fj.gureIV.2-1isanorganizational chartshowingtheseorganizations andtheirrelationship tothecorporate organization.
Positions responsible fortheprincipal elementsofthequalityassurance programare:7'IChairmanoftheBoardVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction VicePresident andChiefEngineerManager,QualityAssurance Purchasing AgentGinnaStationSuperintendent GinnaStationQualityControlEngineerSuperintendent, ElectricMeterandLaboratory Superintendent, GeneralMaintenance GeneralMaintenance QualityControlCoordinator
: Director, Strategic andFuelPlanningSupervisor, Materials Engineering Revision7November1980

2'IInadditiontotheaboveindividuals, twoadvisorygroupsareutilizedtoreviewandaud'itplantoperations.
2'I In addition to the above individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and aud'it plant operations.
ThesegroupsarethePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee actsinhnadvisorycapacitytotheGinnaStationSuperintendent andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardadvisesthe.VicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction.
These groups are the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in hn advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the.Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.
Thequalifications ofmembersandtherespon-sibilities oftheseorganizations aredescribed inAppendixAtoProvisional Operating LicensedNo.DPR-18,Section6.0;Technical Specifications.
The qualifications of members and the respon-sibilities of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating Licensed No.DPR-18, Section 6.0;Technical Specifications.
TheChairmanoftheBoardoftheRochester GasandElectricCorporation directedtheestablishment ofthequalityassur-anceprogramandissuedthegoverning policystatement.
The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the quality assur-ance program and issued the governing policy statement.
Hehasestablished theNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardtoreviewandauditplantoperations.
He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board to review and audit plant operations.
TheChairmanoftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisresponsible totheExecutive VicePresident onallactivities oftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.TheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction hascor-porateresponsibility foroperation ofGinnaStationinaccordance withapplicable regulatory requirements.
The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the Executive Vice President on all activities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Vice President, Electric and Steam Production has cor-porate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Heisresponsible forestablishing thepoliciesandrequirements necessary toassuresafeandreliableoperations ofGinnaStation.Heisalsoresponsible forthoseitemsdelineated inSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
He is responsible for establishing the policies and requirements necessary to assure safe and reliable operations of Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
Hehasoverallresponsibility forandauthority todirectqualityaffecting activities.
He has overall responsibility for and authority to direct quality affecting activities.
Hehasassignedtheresponsibility forthedetaileddevelopment andoverallcoordination ofthequalityassurance programtotheManager,QualityAssurance.
He has assigned the responsibility for the detailed development and overall coordination of the quality assurance program to the Manager, Quality Assurance.
Theresponsibility forproperimplementation ofthequalityassurance programrequirements atGinnaStationhasbeenassignedtotheGinnaStat'ionSuperintendent.
The responsibility for proper implementation of the quality assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Ginna Stat'ion Superintendent.
TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerhascorporate responsi-bilityforthedesignandconstruction ofnuclearpowerplantsandrelatedmajormodifications.
The Vice President and Chief Engineer has corporate responsi-bility for the design and construction of nuclear power plants and related major modifications.
Inthiscapacity, theVicePresident andChiefEngineerisresponsible fordirecting andsupervising theEngineering Department asshowninFigureIV.2-5.4lTheVicePresident andChiefEngineerhastheresponsibility forpreparing drawingsandspecifications fortheprocurement ofmaterials andcomponents forplantmaintenance andmodifi-cationasrequired.
In this capacity, the Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for directing and supervising the Engineering Department as shown in Figure IV.2-5.4l The Vice President and Chief Engineer has the responsibility for preparing drawings and specifications for the procurement of materials and components for plant maintenance and modifi-cation as required.He is responsible for reviewing operating and fuel handling procedures referred to him by the Ginna Station Superintendent and for reviewing unique maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.
Heisresponsible forreviewing operating andfuelhandlingprocedures referredtohimbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent andforreviewing uniquemaintenance andrepairprocedures formajorequipment.
3)The Manager, Quality Assurance, is responsible for estab-lishing and executing the overall quality assurance program.2:)He is responsible for assuring that the program satisfies Revision 7.November 198 0
3)TheManager,QualityAssurance, isresponsible forestab-lishingandexecuting theoverallqualityassurance program.2:)Heisresponsible forassuringthattheprogramsatisfies Revision7.November1980

therequirements oflOCFR50,AppendixB,andforkeepingthetotalprogramupdated.Heisresponsible forassuringthatalltheplannedandsystematic actionsnecessary toprovideadequateconfidence thatGinnaStationwilloperatesafelyandreliablyareestablish'ed andfollowed.
the requirements of lOCFR50, Appendix B, and for keeping the total program updated.He is responsible for assuring that all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and reliably are establish'ed and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the individual or group directly responsible for performing the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all necessary quality affecting activities are performed.
Heprovidesmanagement withobjective information concerning quality,independent oftheindividual orgroupdirectlyresponsible forperforming thespecificactivity.
He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff, Figure IV.2-1, for the conduct of staff training, for directing its activities and for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.The Manager, Quality Assurance is a graduate engineer with at.least six years of responsible experience, of which two years i: s in quality assurance and three years in the design or operation of nuclear or fossil fuel power plants.0 The Manager, Quality Assurance and the Quality Assurance Staff are responsible for supervising both the on-site and off-site Quality Assurance program.This includes writing Quality Assurance policies and procedures, and reviewing the procedures of the organizations participating in the Quality Assurance program.They are also responsible for auditing all aspects of the Quality Assurance Program and for ensuring significant conditions adverse to quality are corrected.
Hehastheauthority andorganizational freedomtoassureallnecessary qualityaffecting activities areperformed.
They are responsible for assuxing that proper codes, standards, and quality requirements are specified in design, procurement, and installation documents.
Heisresponsible formaintaining aqualityassurance staff,FigureIV.2-1,fortheconductofstafftraining, fordirecting itsactivities andforestablishing andimplementing acomprehensive auditprogram.TheManager,QualityAssurance isagraduateengineerwithat.leastsixyearsofresponsible experience, ofwhichtwoyearsi:sinqualityassurance andthreeyearsinthedesignoroperation ofnuclearorfossilfuelpowerplants.0TheManager,QualityAssurance andtheQualityAssurance Staffareresponsible forsupervising boththeon-siteandoff-siteQualityAssurance program.ThisincludeswritingQualityAssurance policiesandprocedures, andreviewing theprocedures oftheorganizations participating intheQualityAssurance program.Theyarealsoresponsible forauditingallaspectsoftheQualityAssurance Programandforensuringsignificant conditions adversetoqualityarecorrected.
They are responsible for assuring that the suppliers of safety-related material, equipmeng and services are properly qualified, and they are responsible for conducting audits and surveillances at these, supplier.'s facilities.
Theyareresponsible forassuxingthatpropercodes,standards, andqualityrequirements arespecified indesign,procurement, andinstallation documents.
In ad-'ition, the staff assists the Manager, Quality Assurance, in the preparation of the audit schedule, audit status reports, corrective action report summaries and in the preparation and maintenance of the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual.IV-6 Revision 7 November 1980>I  
Theyareresponsible forassuringthatthesuppliers ofsafety-relatedmaterial, equipmeng andservicesareproperlyqualified, andtheyareresponsible forconducting auditsandsurveillances atthese,supplier.'s facilities.
Inad-'ition,thestaffassiststheManager,QualityAssurance, inthepreparation oftheauditschedule, auditstatusreports,corrective actionreportsummaries andinthepreparation andmaintenance oftheQualityAssurance Procedures Manual.IV-6Revision7November1980>I  

ThePurchasing Agentisresponsible fortheprocurement ofmaterials,
The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.
: services, andcomponents, fromqualified suppliers, inaccordance withapplicable commercial, technical, andqualityrequirements.
He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made by Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance and the other involved depart-ments as appropriate.
Hemaintains alistingofqualified suppliers determined throughanevaluation madebyPurchasing, Engineering, QualityAssurance andtheotherinvolveddepart-mentsasappropriate.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible to the Superintendent, Nuclear Production for safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the performance of the Ginna Station operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, inservice inspection, modification, test and inspection quality affecting activities in accordance with the require-ments of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for providing qualified personnel to perform these activi-ties in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and procedures.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible totheSuperintendent, NuclearProduction forsafeoperation ofGinnaStation.Heisresponsible fortheperformance oftheGinnaStationoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, inservice inspection, modification, testandinspection qualityaffecting activities inaccordance withtherequire-mentsofthequalityassurance program.Heisresponsible forproviding qualified personnel toperformtheseactivi-tiesinaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications, andprocedures.
He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
Heisalsoresponsible forthoseitemsdelineated inSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
The Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent supports the Ginna Station Superintendent in discharging his respon-sibilities.
TheGinnaStationAssistant Superintendent supportstheGinnaStationSuperintendent indischarging hisrespon-sibilities.
He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the station and implementing the policies," procedures, and directions of the Ginna Station Superintendent.
Heisresponsible fortheday-to-day operation ofthestationandimplementing thepolicies,"
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible to the Station Superintendent for supervising the station Quality Control Organization, which is responsible for assuring that activities affecting quality are prescribed and carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and procedures.
procedures, anddirections oftheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
In his day-to-day acti-vities, the Quality Control Engineer reports to the Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent and is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsible totheStationSuperintendent forsupervising thestationQualityControlOrganization, whichisresponsible forassuringthatactivities affecting qualityareprescribed andcarriedoutinaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications, andprocedures.
He also reviews pro-curement documents initiated at the station.He is responsible for the coordination of inspection activities 4 and for assuring that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.
Inhisday-to-day acti-vities,theQualityControlEngineerreportstotheGinnaStationAssistant Superintendent andisamemberofthePlantOperations ReviewCommittee.
He is also responsible for the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts, and com-ponents and the processing of nonconformance reports.He coordinates the processing of corrective action reports, and assures that corrective action is taken.He is responsible for routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provides the Ginna Station Superin-tendent with objective information concerning the quality of'hese activities.
Healsoreviewspro-curementdocuments initiated atthestation.Heisresponsible forthecoordination ofinspection activities 4andforassuringthatinspection requirements areincludedinapprovedprocedures.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is assisted in the performance of his duties by a staff which reviews documents and which performs inspection and surveillance activities.
Heisalsoresponsible forthereceiptinspection ofincomingmaterials, parts,andcom-ponentsandtheprocessing ofnonconformance reports.Hecoordinates theprocessing ofcorrective actionreports,andassuresthatcorrective actionistaken.Heisresponsible forroutinesurveillance ofothergroupsinvolvedinqualityaffecting activities andprovidestheGinnaStationSuperin-tendentwithobjective information concerning thequalityof'heseactivities.
Additional inspectors are assigned to this group as required by the level of work activities.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisassistedintheperformance ofhisdutiesbyastaffwhichreviewsdocuments andwhichperformsinspection andsurveillance activities.
Revision 4 December l978
Additional inspectors areassignedtothisgroupasrequiredbythelevelofworkactivities.

InadditiontotheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer, theGinnaStation,Superintendent isassistedbyotherdesig-natedstaffmembers,FigureIV.2-3,intheimplementation ofcertainqualityassurance programrequirements attheplant.Thesestaffmembersareassignedresponsibility fortesting,storageofmaterialandequipment, operating andtest,statuscontrol,calibration andcontrolofmeasuring andtestequipment notusedbyQualityControl,maintenance ofmaterialhandlingequipment, operatortraining, andcontrolofallactivities involving operation, maintenance, repair,refueling andmodification.
In addition to the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, the Ginna Station, Superintendent is assisted by other desig-nated staff members, Figure IV.2-3, in the implementation of certain quality assurance program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assigned responsibility for testing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test, status control, calibration and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling and modification.
TheDirector, Strategic andFuelPlanningisresponsible forcoordinating allactivities relatedtotheprocurement ofnuclearfuel.Thesedutiesincludethecoordination, pre-parationandexecution ofthecontracts andtheirsupporting documents usedtocontroltheprocurement.
The Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning is responsible for coordinating all activities related to the procurement of nuclear fuel.These duties include the coordination, pre-paration and execution of the contracts and their supporting documents used to control the procurement.
FuelPlanningalsocoordinates bidevaluation andrecommends selection ofthesuccessful bidder.TheSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance, isresponsible forsupervising anddirecting astaff,FigureIV.2-4,whichsupervises theperformance andverification ofsafetyrelatedmaintenance, repairandmodification activities performed attheGeneralMaintenance facility.
Fuel Planning also coordinates bid evaluation and recommends selection of the successful bidder.The Superintendent, General Maintenance, is responsible for supervising and directing a staff, Figure IV.2-4, which supervises the performance and verification of safety related maintenance, repair and modification activities performed at the General Maintenance facility.He is also responsible for the routine maintenance of material handling equipment, control of special processes and establishment of the inservice inspection program.The General Maintenance Quality Control Coordinator is responsible to the Superintendent, General Maintenance, for performing or directing the performance of verification activities for which General Maintenance Quality Control is responsible.
Heisalsoresponsible fortheroutinemaintenance ofmaterialhandlingequipment, controlofspecialprocesses andestablishment oftheinservice inspection program.TheGeneralMaintenance QualityControlCoordinator isresponsible totheSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance, forperforming ordirecting theperformance ofverification activities forwhichGeneralMaintenance QualityControlisresponsible.
In this capacity he is responsible for assuring that activities, affecting, quality, are carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications and proce-dures.He is also responsible, for the preparation of Quality Maintenance procedures and for the training of General Maintenance personnel in the implementation of these procedures.
Inthiscapacityheisresponsible forassuringthatactivities, affecting, quality,arecarriedoutinaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications andproce-dures.Heisalsoresponsible, forthepreparation ofQualityMaintenance procedures andforthetrainingofGeneralMaintenance personnel intheimplementation oftheseprocedures.
He also reviews procurement documents initiated by General Maintenance, coordinates receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts and components, performs routine surveillance of General Maintenance activities and coordinates the process-ing of nonconformance reports., corrective action reports and the replies to audit reports.The Supervisor, Materials Engineering is responsible to the Superintendent, General Maintenance for the development and qualification of procedures utilized for special processes.
Healsoreviewsprocurement documents initiated byGeneralMaintenance, coordinates receiptinspection ofincomingmaterials, partsandcomponents, performsroutinesurveillance ofGeneralMaintenance activities andcoordinates theprocess-ingofnonconformance reports.,
Revision 7 November 1980 0
corrective actionreportsandtherepliestoauditreports.TheSupervisor, Materials Engineering isresponsible totheSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance forthedevelopment andqualification ofprocedures utilizedforspecialprocesses.
He is also responsible for, assuring that personnel are trained and qualified for activities involving nondestructive exami-nation and for providing functional guidance and direction in those methods for which he is a qualified Level III.He is also responsible for establishing'he inservice inspection program.The Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory is responsible for providing routine maintenance and testing services for Ginna Station safety related protective relays as requested.
Revision7November1980 0
IV.3 Desi n Control Design activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.IV-8 a Revision 7 November 1980
Heisalsoresponsible for,assuringthatpersonnel aretrainedandqualified foractivities involving nondestructive exami-nationandforproviding functional guidanceanddirection inthosemethodsforwhichheisaqualified LevelIII.Heisalsoresponsible forestablishing'he inservice inspection program.TheSuperintendent, ElectricMeterandLaboratory isresponsible forproviding routinemaintenance andtestingservicesforGinnaStationsafetyrelatedprotective relaysasrequested.
IV.3DesinControlDesignactivities areperformed byRochester GasandElectricCorporation personnel oraresubcontracted toorganizations providing servicestoRochester GasandElectric.

Engineering isresponsible forthedesignandcontrolofdesignactivities (including designinterfaces) formajormodifications ofstructures, systemsorcomponents.
E ngineering is responsible for the design and control of design activities (including design interfaces) for major modifications of structures, systems or components.
4IGinnaStationisresponsible forthedesignandcontrolof4designactivities forminormodifications ofstructures, sys-tems,orcomponents.
4I Ginna Station is responsible for the design and control of 4 design activities for minor modifications of structures, sys-tems, or components.
GinnaStationisalsoresponsible forclassifying stationoriginated modifications aseitherMajororMinor.Engineering reviewsandconcurswithmodifications beingclassified asMinor.Minormodifications typically involve(1)component changeswhichinvolvevendordesignand'imitedtotheextentthatthechangedoesnotimpactexistingperformance requirements.
Ginna Station is also responsible for classifying station originated modifications as either Major or Minor.Engineering reviews and concurs with modifications being classified as Minor.Minor modifications typically involve (1)component changes which involve vendor design and'imited to the extent that the change does not impact existing performance requirements.
(2)Additions withinSeismicCategoryIbuildings whichperformnosafetyfunctions andwhicheitherinterface withSeismicCategoryIitemsorwhosefailurecouldreducethefunctioning ofanysafetyrelatedcomponent requiredforsafeshutdownoftheplanttoanunacceptable level.(3)Changestoasafetyrelatedsystemdetermined nottobemajor(i.e.vents, drains,alarms,indicating lights,etc.).Designcontrolisimplemented bymeansofprocedures whichinclude:designconsiderations, designreviewrequirements; internalandexternalinterface controlconsiderations; designdocumentreview,approval, distribution, control,andrevisionrequirements; andcorrective action.Designcon-siderations include,asappropriate:
(2)Additions within Seismic Category I buildings which perform no safety functions and which either interface with Seismic Category I items or whose failure could reduce the functioning of any safety related component required for safe shutdown of the plant to an unacceptable level.(3)Changes to a safety related system determined not to be major (i.e.vents, drains, alarms, indicating lights, etc.).Design control is implemented by means of procedures which include: design considerations, design review requirements; internal and external interface control considerations; design document review, approval, distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design con-siderations include, as appropriate:
physics,stress,materials, thermal,hydraulic, radiation andaccidentanalysis; (appropriate designbases,codes,standards andregulations; Iacceptability foroperation, maintenance andrepair;acceptance (andrejection criteria; qualitystandards andotherquality)assurance requirements.
physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;(appropriate design bases, codes, standards and regulations; I acceptability for operation, maintenance and repair;acceptance (and rejection criteria;quality standards and other quality)assurance requirements.
Designverification utilizesvariousmethodssuchasformaldesignreviews,alternate calculations, ortestsasappropriate toassuretheadequacyofthedesign.Thedesignofplantmodifications isverifiedbyanengineerotherthantheonewhoperformed theoriginaldesign.ForMajormodification design,thismaybedonebyEngineering department designengineers orconsulting engineers asre-quested.ForMinormodification stationdesign,thismaybedonebyGinnaStationandorEngineering department designengineers asappropriate.
Design verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests as appropriate to assure the adequacy of the design.The design of plant modifications is verified by an engineer other than the one who performed the original design.For Major modification design, this may be done by Engineering department design engineers or consulting engineers as re-quested.For Minor modification station design, this may be done by Ginna Station and or Engineering department design engineers as appropriate.
Spareorreplacement partsmustatleastmeettheoriginalequipment technical andqualityrequirements.
Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the original equipment technical and quality requirements.
Forplantmodifications, standard"off-the-shelf" commercial orpre-viouslyapprovedmaterials, parts,andequipment areselectedandreviewedforsuitability ofapplication bythedesignengineer.
For plant modifications, standard"off-the-shelf" commercial or pre-viously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by the design engineer.Design changes, are normally reviewed and approved in accord-ance with the same procedures as the original design.Supple-mental procedures are established for the review and approval of field changes.In general, design changes including field changes, are reviewed and approved by the organizations or IV-9 Revision 5 April l979 V I'J I I I J(I JV f-I I',~I P J I E 1 I I I, I I I P'I V I II I'V I V'I il F I V Vg I individuals that performed the original design, review and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals designated, provided they have access to pertinent background information and are com-petent in the specific design area.Design verification and field change systems are methods utilized to detect, document and correct design process errors and deficiencies.
Designchanges,arenormallyreviewedandapprovedinaccord-ancewiththesameprocedures astheoriginaldesign.Supple-mentalprocedures areestablished forthereviewandapprovaloffieldchanges.Ingeneral,designchangesincluding fieldchanges,arereviewedandapprovedbytheorganizations orIV-9Revision5Aprill979 VI'JIIIJ(IJVf-II',~IPJIE1III,IIIP'IVIIII'VIV'IilFIVVgI individuals thatperformed theoriginaldesign,reviewandapproval.
In addition, the corrective action system, described in section IV.16, is utilized to control and docu-ment corrective action to preclude recurrence of those design 4 process errors and deficiencies which are considered to be a significant condition adverse to quality.3 Qua 1 ity Assurance is responsib 1 e f or assuring that des i gn control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incorporate appropriate design control practices, checks, and reviews.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent verification is perf ormed.IV-9a Revision 5 April 1979 P P 1 0
Wherethisisnotpractical, otherresponsible designorganizations orindividuals designated, providedtheyhaveaccesstopertinent background information andarecom-petentinthespecificdesignarea.Designverification andfieldchangesystemsaremethodsutilizedtodetect,documentandcorrectdesignprocesserrorsanddeficiencies.
~~5/Engineering and Ginna Station are responsible for establishing
Inaddition, thecorrective actionsystem,described insectionIV.16,isutilizedtocontrolanddocu-mentcorrective actiontoprecluderecurrence ofthosedesign4processerrorsanddeficiencies whichareconsidered tobeasignificant condition adversetoquality.3Qua1ityAssurance isresponsib 1eforassuringthatdesigncontrolprocedures, whethertheworkisdonebyRochester GasandElectricorbyotherorganizations, arepreparedandimplemented andincorporate appropriate designcontrolpractices, checks,andreviews.Designcontrolprocedures arereviewedtoassurethatanindependent verification isperformed.IV-9aRevision5April1979 PP10
'easures for the proper control of design documents and re-visions there-to, to assure that distribution is to responsible individuals and in a timely manner to prevent inadvertent use of superseded design information.
~~5/Engineering andGinnaStationareresponsible forestablishing
The measures include the use of document.revision levels, document transmittals, release stamps, field change request forms and distribution lists.Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in accordance with Section IV.6 and IV.17, as appropriate.
'easuresforthepropercontrolofdesigndocuments andre-visionsthere-to, toassurethatdistribution istoresponsible individuals andinatimelymannertopreventinadvertent useofsuperseded designinformation.
Design documents include design criteria, analyses, speci-fications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.5 4<J3 Quality Assurance and Station Quality Control through pre-paration assistance and/or review assure the proper inclusion.
of quality standards in the design of major and minor modifications, respectively.
revisionlevels,documenttransmittals, releasestamps,fieldchangerequestformsanddistribution lists.Designdocuments arecollected, stored,andmaintained inaccordance withSectionIV.6andIV.17,asappropriate.
Quality Assurance is also responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in specifications.
Designdocuments includedesigncriteria,
The Manager, Quality Assurance reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when they occur.Plant modifications are controlled by means of applicable 3 Ginna Station, Engineering-and Quality Assurance procedures.
: analyses, speci-fications,
These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and approval of design documents, safety analyses, and plant modification procedures.
: drawings, designreviewrecords,andchangesthereto.54<J3QualityAssurance andStationQualityControlthroughpre-parationassistance and/orreviewassuretheproperinclusion.
Proposed plant modifications are reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
ofqualitystandards inthedesignofmajorandminormodifications, respectively.
IV.4 Procurement Document Control Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement documents for materials, parts, components, and services required to perform quality affecting activities.
QualityAssurance isalsoresponsible forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements areincludedinspecifications.
Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, contracts, specifications; and drawings.3[Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is-~initiated by department staff personnel.
TheManager,QualityAssurance reviewsandapprovesanydeviations fromqualitystandards whentheyoccur.Plantmodifications arecontrolled bymeansofapplicable 3GinnaStation,Engineering
Procurement proce-dures require that organizations preparing procurement documents consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table IV.4-1.Revision 6 July 1979
-andQualityAssurance procedures.
Theseprocedures provideforthepreparation, review,andapprovalofdesigndocuments, safetyanalyses, andplantmodification procedures.
Proposedplantmodifications arereviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardasrequiredbySection6.0,Technical Specifications.
IV.4Procurement DocumentControlProcurement documentcontrolappliestothecontrolofprocurement documents formaterials, parts,components, andservicesrequiredtoperformqualityaffecting activities.
Suchdocuments maybepreparedbyRochester GasandElectricorbyacontractor andincludepurchaserequisitions, purchaseorders,serviceagreements, contracts, specifications; anddrawings.
3[Procurement ofmaterials, parts,components, andservicesis-~initiated bydepartment staffpersonnel.
Procurement proce-duresrequirethatorganizations preparing procurement documents considerandinclude,asappropriate, theitemslistedinTableIV.4-1.Revision6July1979

Procurement documents, including thoserequesting spareorreplacement parts,initiated atGinnaStationandGeneralMaintenance arereviewedbyQualityControlandapprovedbythedepartment superintendent orhisdesignated representative.
Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station and General Maintenance are reviewed by Quality Control and approved by the department superintendent or his designated representative.
Procurement documents initiated inEngineering andQualityAssurance arereviewedbyQualityAssurance andapprovedbytheChiefEngineer, ordesignees.
Procurement documents initiated in Engineering and Quality Assurance are reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by the Chief Engineer, or designees.
Procurement documents fornuclearfuelareinitiated bythefuelmanagement staff,reviewedbyQualityAssurance andapprovedbytheDirector, Strategic andFuelPlanning.
Procurement documents for nuclear fuel are initiated by the fuel management staff, reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by the Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning.Procurement, documents initiated at Electric Meter and~Laboratory are reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by the department superintendent or designated alternate.
Procurement, documents initiated atElectricMeterand~Laboratory arereviewedbyQualityAssurance andapprovedbythedepartment superintendent ordesignated alternate.
Evidence of review and approval of procurement.
documents is recorded on the documents or on the attached control form.The attached control form identifies to Purchasing a procure-ment method which will ensure that the selected supplier is capable of providing the item or service in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.
documents isrecordedonthedocuments orontheattachedcontrolform.Theattachedcontrolformidentifies toPurchasing aprocure-mentmethodwhichwillensurethattheselectedsupplieriscapableofproviding theitemorserviceinaccordance withtherequirements oftheprocurement documents.
Considerations used in selecting a supplier and for determining the corres-ponding procurement method are described in Section IV.7 After purchase requistions, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required re-views and approvals, a purchase order is issued by Purchasing to the selected supplier and controlled as described in Section IV.7.These documents are maintained by Purchasing, by the originating department, and/or by the receiving locations, as appropriate, until procurement is completed.
Considerations usedinselecting asupplierandfordetermining thecorres-pondingprocurement methodaredescribed inSectionIV.7Afterpurchaserequistions, serviceagreements, contracts, specifications, anddrawingshavereceivedtherequiredre-viewsandapprovals, apurchaseorderisissuedbyPurchasing totheselectedsupplierandcontrolled asdescribed inSectionIV.7.Thesedocuments aremaintained byPurchasing, bytheoriginating department, and/orbythereceiving locations, asappropriate, untilprocurement iscompleted.
Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve the original documents as described above.Changes or revisions to procurement documents are subject to the same review and approval requirements as the original documents.
Undernocircumstances arepurchasing requirements altered(exceptforquantityorpricing)duringorderplacement unlessreviewandconcurrence isobtainedfromthosewhowererequiredtoreview,concurwith,andapprovetheoriginaldocuments asdescribed above.Changesorrevisions toprocurement documents aresubjecttothesamereviewandapprovalrequirements astheoriginaldocuments.
Originating department technical review of procurement documents includes verification of applicable regulatory, code and design requirements.
Originating department technical reviewofprocurement documents includesverification ofapplicable regulatory, codeanddesignrequirements.
Quality Assurance/
Quality Control review of the above includes checks to verify proper inclusion of quality standard, quality assurance program requirements, method or procurement and the applicable acceptance criteria.Quality Control also reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement paits for adequacy of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compati-bility, and the inclusion of the quality requirements and acceptance criteria of the original design.IV-11 Revision 5 April 1979 t I IV.5 Instructions Procedures and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric company organization is responsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and imple-menting procedures as required to implement the quality assurance program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of personnel, and responsibili-ties and duties of personnel.
QualityControlreviewoftheaboveincludescheckstoverifyproperinclusion ofqualitystandard, qualityassurance programrequirements, methodorprocurement andtheapplicable acceptance criteria.
Quality Assurance reviews and concurs with th'ese procedures.
QualityControlalsoreviewsprocure-mentdocuments forspareorreplacement paitsforadequacyofqualityrequirements andtodetermine similarity, compati-bility,andtheinclusion ofthequalityrequirements andacceptance criteriaoftheoriginaldesign.IV-11Revision5April1979 tI IV.5Instructions Procedures andDrawinsEachRochester GasandElectriccompanyorganization isresponsible fordeveloping, reviewing, approving, andimple-mentingprocedures asrequiredtoimplement thequalityassurance program.Theseprocedures coveractivities suchasdocumentcontrol,trainingofpersonnel, andresponsibili-tiesanddutiesofpersonnel.
Table IV.1-1 provides a summary'f the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, and drawings.IV-11a I Revision 5 April 1979 1 f N'''f!CI 1 I f P'$k1 P f ll Ginna Station is responsible for providing and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modification, testing and, inspection.
QualityAssurance reviewsandconcurswithth'eseprocedures.
This includes instructions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety related systems;correction of abnormal, offnormal, or alarm conditions, combat of emergencies and other significant events;radioactivity control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.
TableIV.1-1providesasummary'f thesubjectmattercontained intheprocedures whichareusedtoimplement thequalityassurance program.Procurement documents requiresuppliers andcontractors tohaveappropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, anddrawings.
Ginna Station is responsible for the preparation and implementation of quality control inspec-tion procedures utilized for detailed station inspection activities.
IV-11aIRevision5April1979 1fN'''f!CI1IfP'$k1Pfll GinnaStationisresponsible forproviding andimplementing instructions andprocedures associated withoperation, maintenance, repair,in-service inspection, refueling, modification, testingand,inspection.
Ginna Station is responsible for appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the completion of plant modifications.
Thisincludesinstructions andprocedures listedinUSAECRegulatory Guide1.33foradministrative control;generalplantoperation; startup,operation, andshutdownofsafetyrelatedsystems;correction ofabnormal, offnormal, oralarmconditions, combatofemergencies andothersignificant events;radioactivity control;controlofmeasuring andtestequipment; chemicalandradiochemical control;andfuelhandlingandrefueling.
Ginna Station is also responsible for the preparation and issuance of those minor modification design documents not provided by Engineering or the equipment supplier.General Maintenance is responsible for providing and for implementing instructions and procedures associated with special processes, the routine maintenance and inspection of cranes and handling equipment, as well as shop work required to support Ginna Station maintenance, repair and modification activities.
GinnaStationisresponsible forthepreparation andimplementation ofqualitycontrolinspec-tionprocedures utilizedfordetailedstationinspection activities.
General Maintenance is also responsible for the preparation and for the implementation of quality control inspection procedures utilized for detailed inspection activities at their facilities.
GinnaStationisresponsible forappropriate changestosuchdocuments uponreceiptofregulatory directives, instructions fromRochester GasandElectricmanagement, orthecompletion ofplantmodifications.
Electric Meter and Laboratory is responsible for the prepara-tion and implementation of relay inspection and testing procedures as required to direct detailed inspections and testing activities for which they are responsible.
GinnaStationisalsoresponsible forthepreparation andissuanceofthoseminormodification designdocuments notprovidedbyEngineering ortheequipment supplier.
Electric Meter and Laboratory also'assists in the preparation of routine relay maintenance and testing procedures used by their personnel in the annual Ginna Station protective relay surveillance program.Engineering is responsible for providing approved specifi-cations, and drawings associated with major modifications and when minor modifications necessitate drawings or specifi-cations.These documents require those performing the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate procedures, specifications and drawings.Engineering has established procedures for revising drawings and specifications.
GeneralMaintenance isresponsible forproviding andforimplementing instructions andprocedures associated withspecialprocesses, theroutinemaintenance andinspection ofcranesandhandlingequipment, aswellasshopworkrequiredtosupportGinnaStationmaintenance, repairandmodification activities.
These procedures cover updating of as-built drawings after plant"modifications and the revision, approval, distribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.
GeneralMaintenance isalsoresponsible forthepreparation andfortheimplementation ofqualitycontrolinspection procedures utilizedfordetailedinspection activities attheirfacilities.
Revision 7 November 1980
ElectricMeterandLaboratory isresponsible fortheprepara-tionandimplementation ofrelayinspection andtestingprocedures asrequiredtodirectdetailedinspections andtestingactivities forwhichtheyareresponsible.
ElectricMeterandLaboratory also'assists inthepreparation ofroutinerelaymaintenance andtestingprocedures usedbytheirpersonnel intheannualGinnaStationprotective relaysurveillance program.Engineering isresponsible forproviding approvedspecifi-cations,anddrawingsassociated withmajormodifications andwhenminormodifications necessitate drawingsorspecifi-cations.Thesedocuments requirethoseperforming theworktoobtain,understand, andcomplywithappropriate procedures, specifications anddrawings.
Engineering hasestablished procedures forrevisingdrawingsandspecifications.
Theseprocedures coverupdatingofas-builtdrawingsafterplant"modifications andtherevision,
: approval, distribution, andcontrolofalldrawingsandspecifications.

Personspreparing andapproving documents areresponsible forassuringthatspecifications, instructions, procedures, anddrawingsincludeappropriate quantitative orqualitative acceptance criteriafordetermining thatimportant activities havebeensatisfactorily accomplished andassuringthatthedocuments arekeptcurrent.indoctrination andtrainingofpersonnel isprovidedbytheresponsible organizations toensurethatqualityaffecting activities areconducted inaccordance withestablished documents.
Persons preparing and approving documents are responsible for assuring that specifications, instructions, procedures, and drawings include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished and assuring that the documents are kept current.indoctrination and training of personnel is provided by the responsible organizations to ensure that quality affecting activities are conducted in accordance with established documents.
1naddition, surveillance byQualityControlpersonnel, asdescribed inSectionXV.10andauditsbyQualityAssurance asdescribed inSectionIV.18areusedtoverifythatqualityaffecting activities arebeingperformed inaccordance withapprovedinstructions, procedures anddrawings.
1n addition, surveillance by Quality Control personnel, as described in Section XV.10 and audits by Quality Assurance as described in Section IV.18 are used to verify that quality affecting activities are being performed in accordance with approved instructions, procedures and drawings.XV.6 Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of pro-cedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.
XV.6DocumentControlProcedures areestablished tocontroltheissuanceofpro-cedures,instructions,
Standard document control requirements are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the control of all documents issued at Ginna Station.General Maintenance and Electric Meter and Labora-tory are responsible for the control of documents issued by their respective organizations.
: drawings, andspecifications.
Engineering controls all documents issued by Engineering, Quality Assurance and Purchasing.
Standarddocumentcontrolrequirements arecontained intheQualityAssurance Manual.TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forthecontrolofalldocuments issuedatGinnaStation.GeneralMaintenance andElectricMeterandLabora-toryareresponsible forthecontrolofdocuments issuedbytheirrespective organizations.
Each organization controlling documents has a separate procedure to control documents in accord-ance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual designates responsibilities and defines requirements for the preparation, review and approval of documents.
Engineering controlsalldocuments issuedbyEngineering, QualityAssurance andPurchasing.
Each department responsible for an activity is responsible for providing the necessary review and approval of instructions, procedures or drawings to assure that they are adequte, and include appropriate quali-tative and quantitative requirements.
Eachorganization controlling documents hasaseparateprocedure tocontroldocuments inaccord-ancewiththerequirements oftheQualityAssurance Manual.TheQualityAssurance Manualdesignates responsibilities anddefinesrequirements forthepreparation, reviewandapprovalofdocuments.
Departmental Quality Control representatives review departmental maintenance, repair, refueling and modification procedures, prior to use, to assure quality assurance requirements are included.The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsibility for reviewing Ginna Station procedures prior to their approval as required by Section 6.0 Technical Specifications.
Eachdepartment responsible foranactivityisresponsible forproviding thenecessary reviewandapprovalofinstructions, procedures ordrawingstoassurethattheyareadequte,andincludeappropriate quali-tativeandquantitative requirements.
Detailed inspection, test and examination procedures used by qualified personnel require the review and concurrence of the responsible technical person associated with that activity.Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Engineering, Purchasing, and Electric Meter and Laboratory quality assurance implementing procedures require the review and concurrence of Quality Assurance and the approval of the appropriate department supervisor.
Departmental QualityControlrepresentatives reviewdepartmental maintenance, repair,refueling andmodification procedures, priortouse,toassurequalityassurance requirements areincluded.
Revision 4 December 1978 h lj Quality Assurance.procedures are approved by the Manager, Quality Assurance.
ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee hastheresponsibility forreviewing GinnaStationprocedures priortotheirapprovalasrequiredbySection6.0Technical Specifications.
The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of document involved, its importance to safety, and the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must be controlled; identifies the difference between con-trolled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies of a document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists of document holders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled documents using approved forms internally and externally.
Detailedinspection, testandexamination procedures usedbyqualified personnel requirethereviewandconcurrence oftheresponsible technical personassociated withthatactivity.
Types of documents which are controlled include Technical Specifications, FSAR, Technical Supplements, Quality Assur-ance Manual, procedures (such as quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, cali-bration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications and drawings.Suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in procurement documents to provide for control of documents, including manufacturing, inspection and testing instructions.
GinnaStation,GeneralMaintenance, Engineering, Purchasing, andElectricMeterandLaboratory qualityassurance implementing procedures requirethereviewandconcurrence ofQualityAssurance andtheapprovaloftheappropriate department supervisor.
The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to assure that documents are available when required;to pro-perly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organiza-tions which review and approve documents have access to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation into documents; and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations, in the responsible departments, are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents and, therefore, procure-ment document control requirements.
Revision4December1978 hlj QualityAssurance
Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations are further responsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to assure adequate systems are implemented.
.procedures areapprovedbytheManager,QualityAssurance.
Revision 4 December 1978 Ih Ip Control of Purchased Material E ui ment and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, planning for item or service acceptance control of supplier performance and acceptance of items and services are five major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment and services.All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section IV-4.All reviews, inspec-tions, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Procurement planning is utilized by the procuring organiza-tions for determining the methods to be used for acceptance of the item or service as well as requirements for the control of the supplier performance.
TheQualityAssurance Manualrequiresthatdocuments becontrolled asappropriate, considering thetypeofdocumentinvolved, itsimportance tosafety,andtheintendeduseofthedocument.
Source inspection (surveillance) certificate of conformance, receipt inspection and post instal-lation test are methods which are considered for item acceptance with receipt inspection utilized in the acceptance of all items.In lieu of these methods, acceptance of services is based on either or a combination of: (1)surveillance of the activity and (2)review of objective evidence for conformance to the procurement document requirements (i.e.certifications, stress reports etc.).The extent of the acceptance methods and as-sociated verification activities will vary and be a function of the relative importance and complexity of the purchased item or service and the suppliers past performance.
Itspecifies thetypesofdocuments whichmustbecontrolled; identifies thedifference betweencon-trolledanduncontrolled copiesofthesamedocument; includesthemethodforidentifying holdersofcontrolled copies;requiresthatonlycontrolled copiesofadocumentbeusedforofficialpurposes; requiresthatlistsofeffective revisions beissuedperiodically; requireslistsofdocumentholderstobemaintained bythedistributors; andrequiresthatdistributors transmitcontrolled documents usingapprovedformsinternally andexternally.
Consideration for the control of supplier performance includes 5 the necessity for document submittals or surveillance, and under what situation the supplier is to report nonconformances.
Typesofdocuments whicharecontrolled includeTechnical Specifications, FSAR,Technical Supplements, QualityAssur-anceManual,procedures (suchasqualityassurance, engineering, purchasing, repair,maintenance, test,cali-bration,fuelhandling, modification, andadministrative),
Results of the planning are incorporated in the procurement documents and or on the attached procurement control form as described in Section IV.4.Selection of a supplier is based on the evaluation of its capability to provide the item or services in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.
specifications anddrawings.
The evaluation which is accomplished during the procurement planning, deter-: mines the necessity for the'upplier selection to be from the approved suppliers list maintained by Purchasing.
Suppliers ofmaterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredinprocurement documents toprovideforcontrolofdocuments, including manufacturing, inspection andtestinginstructions.
Purchasing utilizes the approved suppliers list for the selection source of those suppliers required to have a satisfactory quality assurance program.The evaluation guidelines for source se-lection considers the item complexity, method(s)of acceptance and for a replacement item, if the source is to be restricted to the original supplier.For engineered and off-the-shelf items, procured from suppliers required to have a quality assurance program and for which item acceptance is based other than on receipt inspection, supplier selection is from the approved suppliers list or one who is in the process of being added to the list, after having had its capability evaluated si Revision 5 April 1979 t!t 4I to purchaser satisfaction.
TheQualityAssurance Manualfurtherrequiresthateachorganization provideinitsprocedures formeasures:
Other off-the-shelf items, that are manufactured to industry standards, that are typically utilized in applications other than nuclear, and for which item acceptance is based exclusively on receipt inspection may be purchased from sources other than the approved suppliers list.These other sources may include the manufacturer of the replacement part, authorized distributor for the manufacturer's replacement parts and distributor of catalog items which satisfy the guidelines of not requiring status on the approved suppliers list.Departmental procedures establish guidelines for source selection evaluations and for documenting the results on the procurement control form through, indication of the corresponding procurement method.The purchase requisition will also identify the source when replacement parts are to be procured from the original equipment supplier.Addition of a supplier to the approved suppliers list is based on satisfactory evaluation of the supplier's capability by Quality Assurance, Purchasing and other departments, as appropriate.
toassurethatdocuments areavailable whenrequired; topro-perlyreviewandapprovedocuments suchasprocedures, instructions, specifications, anddrawings; toprovidethesamereviewsandapprovals forchangestodocuments aswasrequiredoftheoriginaldocument; torequirethatorganiza-tionswhichreviewandapprovedocuments haveaccesstopertinent information andadequateknowledge oftheoriginaldocumentintent;toassurethatapprovedchangesarepromptlytransmitted forincorporation intodocuments; andtoassurethatobsoleteorsuperseded documents areeliminated fromthesystemandnotused.QualityAssurance andtheQualityControlorganizations, intheresponsible departments, areresponsible forreviewandconcurrence ofprocurement documents and,therefore, procure-mentdocumentcontrolrequirements.
For Engineered items, Engineering is responsible for evalu-ating'the overall d'esign or manufacturing capability of the supplier including his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.
QualityAssurance andtheQualityControlorganizations arefurtherresponsible forreview,inspection, surveillance, andaudit,asappropriate, ofdocumentcontrolsystemstoassureadequatesystemsareimplemented.
As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabilities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabili-ties, and experience are reviewed.4(S n/Quality Assurance is responsible for, evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accordance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of lOCFR50 Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric requirements.
Revision4December1978 IhIp ControlofPurchased MaterialEuimentandServicesProcurement documents, supplierselection, planningforitemorserviceacceptance controlofsupplierperformance andacceptance ofitemsandservicesarefivemajormeansusedincontrolling purchased
The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices, accept-ance criteria,'required quality assurance records and their retention, and quality assurance, requirements and controls imposed by the supplier on his subcontractors.
: material, equipment andservices.
Supplier evaluation is conducted by means of procedures or checklists which identify applicable regulatory or code quality assur-ance requirements.
Allprocurement isconducted inaccordance withprocurement documents asstatedinSectionIV-4.Allreviews,inspec-tions,surveillances, andauditsareconducted bypersonnel whoarecompetent inestablishing whetherornotasupplieriscapableofproviding acceptable, qualityproducts.
Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Quality Assurance and Electric Meter and Laboratory evaluate the suppliers of inspection, test, and calibration services which they intend to use.The departments responsible for performing supplier evalu-ations shall document-their results in reports which discuss areas investigated, findings, and conclusions.
Procurement planningisutilizedbytheprocuring organiza-tionsfordetermining themethodstobeusedforacceptance oftheitemorserviceaswellasrequirements forthecontrolofthesupplierperformance.
As applicable, concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance, I IV-15a Revision 5 April 1979 C'7 0)'~LI 4I I Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory and Fuel Planning is required to place a supplier 3 on the qualified suppliers'ist.
Sourceinspection (surveillance) certificate ofconformance, receiptinspection andpostinstal-lationtestaremethodswhichareconsidered foritemacceptance withreceiptinspection utilizedintheacceptance ofallitems.Inlieuofthesemethods,acceptance ofservicesisbasedoneitheroracombination of:(1)surveillance oftheactivityand(2)reviewofobjective evidenceforconformance totheprocurement documentrequirements (i.e.certifications, stressreportsetc.).Theextentoftheacceptance methodsandas-sociatedverification activities willvaryandbeafunctionoftherelativeimportance andcomplexity ofthepurchased itemorserviceandthesuppliers pastperformance.
One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Measures are established by Engineering and Quality Assurance to control supplier performance for engineered items.These measures typically include the processing of change infor-mation, surveillance of supplier activities and the control of documents exchanged with the supplier.In addition, each department procuring off-the-shelf items or services establishes similar measures for the control of supplier performance.
Consideration forthecontrolofsupplierperformance includes5thenecessity fordocumentsubmittals orsurveillance, andunderwhatsituation thesupplieristoreportnonconformances.
With the exception of processing change information, the need for and applicable extent of purchaser controls of the supplier are determined during procurement planning.Quality Assurance is responsible for determining and document-ing the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.
Resultsoftheplanningareincorporated intheprocurement documents andorontheattachedprocurement controlformasdescribed inSectionIV.4.Selection ofasupplierisbasedontheevaluation ofitscapability toprovidetheitemorservicesinaccordance withtherequirements oftheprocurement documents.
The objective of supplier surveil-lance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of product conformance with respect to the purchase order requirements.
Theevaluation whichisaccomplished duringtheprocurement
For complex engineered items, Quality Assurance and Engi-neering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.T he results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or trip reports which are distributed 3 to the Manager, Quality Assurance, and the department which initiated the procurement.
: planning, deter-:minesthenecessity forthe'upplier selection tobefromtheapprovedsuppliers listmaintained byPurchasing.
When a deviation from purchase order requirements is noted, the Quality Assurance represen-tative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if necessary.
Purchasing utilizestheapprovedsuppliers listfortheselection sourceofthosesuppliers requiredtohaveasatisfactory qualityassurance program.Theevaluation guidelines forsourcese-lectionconsiders theitemcomplexity, method(s) ofacceptance andforareplacement item,ifthesourceistoberestricted totheoriginalsupplier.
4IGinna Station Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they meet all technical and quality requirements.
Forengineered andoff-the-shelf items,procuredfromsuppliers requiredtohaveaqualityassurance programandforwhichitemacceptance isbasedotherthanonreceiptinspection, supplierselection isfromtheapprovedsuppliers listoronewhoisintheprocessofbeingaddedtothelist,afterhavinghaditscapability evaluated siRevision5April1979 t!t 4Itopurchaser satisfaction.
The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.
Otheroff-the-shelf items,thataremanufactured toindustrystandards, thataretypically utilizedinapplications otherthannuclear,andforwhichitemacceptance isbasedexclusively onreceiptinspection maybepurchased fromsourcesotherthantheapprovedsuppliers list.Theseothersourcesmayincludethemanufacturer ofthereplacement part,authorized distributor forthemanufacturer's replacement partsanddistributor ofcatalogitemswhichsatisfytheguidelines ofnotrequiring statusontheapprovedsuppliers list.Departmental procedures establish guidelines forsourceselection evaluations andfordocumenting theresultsontheprocurement controlformthrough,indication ofthecorresponding procurement method.Thepurchaserequisition willalsoidentifythesourcewhenreplacement partsaretobeprocuredfromtheoriginalequipment supplier.
The verification methods for the acceptance of items and services.are specified on the attached procurement control form during procurement planning and the purchase requisition preparation.
Additionofasuppliertotheapprovedsuppliers listisbasedonsatisfactory evaluation ofthesupplier's capability byQualityAssurance, Purchasing andotherdepartments, asappropriate.
Department superintendents are responsible for receiving and storing items pending their acceptance.
ForEngineered items,Engineering isresponsible forevalu-ating'theoveralld'esignormanufacturing capability ofthesupplierincluding hisparticular technical abilitytoproducethedesign,service,item,orcomponent delineated intheprocurement documents.
Upon receipt, the IV-16 Revision 5 April 1979 F'L r EE II r F)fF i f;ty C I I ,'I'F F*1 1 I'F''I E E F U department stockkeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon 3 de 1 ivery of items and associated services f or maintenance, repair, modification, and refueling.
Aspartofthisreview,thesupplier's designcapabilities, machinery capabilities, handlingcapabilities, testingfacilities, servicecapabili-ties,andexperience arereviewed.
This inspection in-cludes the use of written procedures or checklists to verify that the items and services conform to the procurement docu-ments (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that, documentary evidence of conformance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence sufficient to identify the codes, standards or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is~~retained.In the event a final source inspection for the 4 acceptance is conducted prior to receipt by RGGE, Quality Control performs an inspection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required docu-mentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document the extent of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted," files the documentation and receipt inspection results, and releases the item for storage or use.If the item is nonconforming or the documentation 4[pIis unsatisfactory, Quality Control initiates a nonconformance report which is controlled in accordance with Section IV.15.n All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have docu-mentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event the traceability is lost or the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not be released for use.IV.8 Identification and Control of Materials Parts and The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance with written requirements and applies to material, parts, or components in any stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.
4(Sn/QualityAssurance isresponsible for,evaluating thesupplier's overallqualityassurance organization andprograminaccordance withapplicable codes,standards, applicable partsoflOCFR50AppendixB,andRochester GasandElectricrequirements.
Identification and control requirements are established by either an existing, procedure or requirements documents which are prepared during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability IV-17 Revision 5 April 1979 I~~I.t I I I'1 I~1~II~g I, or quality;and the proper identification of materials,.parts, and components prior to release, for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.
Thereviewincludesconsideration of:companyorganization, qualityassurance personnel qualifications, reviewandcontrolofdesigndocuments, manufacturing procedures, qualityassurance procedures, calibration practices, accept-ancecriteria,
2(Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that drawings and specifications contain appropriate require-ments for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components, as appropriate.
'required qualityassurance recordsandtheirretention, andqualityassurance, requirements andcontrolsimposedbythesupplieronhissubcontractors.
Suppliers are required to assure that all required documentation for an item is prop-erly identified and related to the item.Each item is re-quired to be physically identified, either by marking on the=item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase order number is used to the maximum extent possible for IV-17a Revision 5 April 1979
Supplierevaluation isconducted bymeansofprocedures orchecklists whichidentifyapplicable regulatory orcodequalityassur-ancerequirements.
~~'4))r~'f, ,h relating an item at any time to applicable documentation.
GinnaStation,GeneralMaintenance, QualityAssurance andElectricMeterandLaboratory evaluatethesuppliers ofinspection, test,andcalibration serviceswhichtheyintendtouse.Thedepartments responsible forperforming supplierevalu-ationsshalldocument-theirresultsinreportswhichdiscussareasinvestigated,
Identification is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appro-priate means are employed.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and control of materials, parts, and components at the plant are approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.
: findings, andconclusions.
The.superintendents of other departments which receive material which is to be stored away from the plant are responsible for establishing procedures, for identification and control and for maintaining identification and control of material, parts, or components, stored or used in their area of responsibility.
Asapplicable, concurrence ofPurchasing, Engineering, QualityAssurance, IIV-15aRevision5April1979 C'70)'~LI 4IIGinnaStation,GeneralMaintenance, ElectricMeterandLaboratory andFuelPlanningisrequiredtoplaceasupplier3onthequalified suppliers'ist.
In the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, it is handled as nonconforming material and deviations and waivers are controlled and documented in accordance with Section IV.15.IV.9 Control of S ecial Processes Written procedures are established to control special pro-cesses, such as welding, heat treating, and nondestructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes, standards, and design specifications.
Oneorganization canremoveasupplierfromthelistwithoutconcurrence oftheothers.Measuresareestablished byEngineering andQualityAssurance tocontrolsupplierperformance forengineered items.Thesemeasurestypically includetheprocessing ofchangeinfor-mation,surveillance ofsupplieractivities andthecontrolofdocuments exchanged withthesupplier.
Qualification of personnel and procedures complies with the requirements of applicable codes and.standards.
Inaddition, eachdepartment procuring off-the-shelf itemsorservicesestablishes similarmeasuresforthecontrolofsupplierperformance.
When special process qualifi-cation requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel qualification requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification requirements.
Withtheexception ofprocessing changeinformation, theneedforandapplicable extentofpurchaser controlsofthesupplieraredetermined duringprocurement planning.
4 3"3 Initiators of procurement activities are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.
QualityAssurance isresponsible fordetermining anddocument-ingthedegreeofsuppliersurveillance (including review,inspection, oraudit)requiredduringdesign,fabrication, inspection, testing,andshipping, andforproviding therequiredsurveillance.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control personnel are respon-sible for reviewing procurement documents to ensure that requirements for control of special processes are included.7 3t Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Materials Engineering.
Theobjective ofsuppliersurveil-lanceistoprovideasamplingreviewofthesupplier's qualityassurance programimplementation andofproductconformance withrespecttothepurchaseorderrequirements.
Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and con-tractors are reviewed and concurred with by Materials Engi-neering.The Ginna Station Maintenance Engineer and Quality Control Engineer are responsible for assuring that personnel per-forming special processes under their cognizance are quali-fied and are using qualified procedures in accordance with Revision 7 November 1980 IV-18  
Forcomplexengineered items,QualityAssurance andEngi-neeringareresponsible forjointdevelopment ofsurveillance plansinadvanceofsurveillance tripstoidentifyareastobereviewed.
Theresultsofthesurveillance triparedocumented bymeansofinspection sheetsortripreportswhicharedistributed 3totheManager,QualityAssurance, andthedepartment whichinitiated theprocurement.
Whenadeviation frompurchaseorderrequirements isnoted,theQualityAssurance represen-tativehastheauthority toinformthevendorthataparticular itemisunacceptable, toissueanonconformance report,ortostopwork,ifnecessary.
4IGinnaStationQualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofsitecontractors toassurethattheymeetalltechnical andqualityrequirements.
Thereporting anddocumenting ofcontractor surveillance ismanagedinamannersimilartosuppliersurveillance.
Theverification methodsfortheacceptance ofitemsandservices.
arespecified ontheattachedprocurement controlformduringprocurement planningandthepurchaserequisition preparation.
Department superintendents areresponsible forreceiving andstoringitemspendingtheiracceptance.
Uponreceipt,theIV-16Revision5April1979 F'LrEEIIrF)fFif;tyCII,'I'FF*11I'F''IEEFU department stockkeeper logstheitem,placesa"hold"tagontheitem,andnotifiesQualityControlthattheitemhasarrived.QualityControlisresponsible forreceiptinspection upon3de1iveryofitemsandassociated servicesformaintenance, repair,modification, andrefueling.
Thisinspection in-cludestheuseofwrittenprocedures orchecklists toverifythattheitemsandservicesconformtotheprocurement docu-ments(ifthishasnotbeenperformed bysourceinspections) andthat,documentary evidenceofconformance isavailable attheplantpriortoinstallation oruse.Documentary evidencesufficient toidentifythecodes,standards orspecifications metbythepurchased
: material, equipment, andservicesis~~retained.
Intheeventafinalsourceinspection forthe4acceptance isconducted priortoreceiptbyRGGE,QualityControlperformsaninspection forshippingdamageorlostpartsandadocumentchecktoassurethattherequireddocu-mentation hasbeenreviewedandiscomplete.
Areceiving inspection checklist iscompleted forallitemsreceivedtodocumenttheextentoftheinspection performed, including thedocuments checked,andtheinspection results.Iftheitemanddocumentation areadequate, QualityControllabelstheitemas"Accepted,"
filesthedocumentation andreceiptinspection results,andreleasestheitemforstorageoruse.Iftheitemisnonconforming orthedocumentation 4[pIisunsatisfactory, QualityControlinitiates anonconformance reportwhichiscontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.15.nAllitemsissuedmustbearanacceptance tagandhavedocu-mentation tosupporttheacceptability oftheitem.Intheeventthetraceability islostorthedocumentation reviewisunsatisfactory, theitembecomesnonconforming andmaynotbereleasedforuse.IV.8Identification andControlofMaterials PartsandTheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,andcomponents isaccomplished inaccordance withwrittenrequirements andappliestomaterial, parts,orcomponents inanystageoffabrication, storage,orinstallation.
Identification andcontrolrequirements areestablished byeitheranexisting, procedure orrequirements documents whicharepreparedduringtheplanningstagesofaproject.Theidentification andcontrolrequirements coveritemssuchas:traceability toassociated documents suchasdrawings, specifications, purchaseorders,manufacturing testdataandinspection documents, andphysicalandchemicalmilltestreports;specification ofthedegreeofidentification toprecludeadegradation oftheitem'sfunctional capability IV-17Revision5April1979 I~~I.tIII'1I~1~II~gI, orquality;andtheproperidentification ofmaterials,
.parts,andcomponents priortorelease,formanufacturing,
: shipping, construction, andinstallation.
2(Engineering andQualityAssurance areresponsible forassuringthatdrawingsandspecifications containappropriate require-mentsfortheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents, asappropriate.
Suppliers arerequiredtoassurethatallrequireddocumentation foranitemisprop-erlyidentified andrelatedtotheitem.Eachitemisre-quiredtobephysically identified, eitherbymarkingonthe=itemorbytags.Physicalidentification bypurchaseordernumberisusedtothemaximumextentpossibleforIV-17aRevision5April1979
~~'4))r~'f,,h relatinganitematanytimetoapplicable documentation.
Identification iseitherontheitemorrecordstraceable totheitem.Wherephysicalidentification isimpractical, physicalseparation, procedural control,orotherappro-priatemeansareemployed.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible formain-tainingidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents
: received, stored,installed, andusedattheplant.Procedures coveringtheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,andcomponents attheplantareapprovedbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
The.superintendents ofotherdepartments whichreceivematerialwhichistobestoredawayfromtheplantareresponsible forestablishing procedures, foridentification andcontrolandformaintaining identification andcontrolofmaterial, parts,orcomponents, storedorusedintheirareaofresponsibility.
Intheeventthattraceability islostforaspecificitem,itishandledasnonconforming materialanddeviations andwaiversarecontrolled anddocumented inaccordance withSectionIV.15.IV.9ControlofSecialProcesses Writtenprocedures areestablished tocontrolspecialpro-cesses,suchaswelding,heattreating, andnondestructive examination toassurecompliance withapplicable codes,standards, anddesignspecifications.
Qualification ofpersonnel andprocedures complieswiththerequirements ofapplicable codesand.standards.
Whenspecialprocessqualifi-cationrequirements arenotincludedinexistingcodesandstandards, theyaredescribed inprocedures whichgivedetailsofthespecialprocess,thepersonnel qualification requirements, theequipment necessary, andthespecialprocessqualification requirements.
43"3Initiators ofprocurement activities areresponsible forrequiring suppliers, inprocurement documents, tocontrolspecialprocesses inaccordance withtheaboverequirements.
QualityAssurance andQualityControlpersonnel arerespon-sibleforreviewing procurement documents toensurethatrequirements forcontrolofspecialprocesses areincluded.
73tRochester GasandElectricprocedures forspecialprocesses areprepared,
: reviewed, andapprovedbyMaterials Engineering.
Specialprocessprocedures submitted bysuppliers andcon-tractorsarereviewedandconcurred withbyMaterials Engi-neering.TheGinnaStationMaintenance EngineerandQualityControlEngineerareresponsible forassuringthatpersonnel per-formingspecialprocesses undertheircognizance arequali-fiedandareusingqualified procedures inaccordance withRevision7November1980IV-18  

applicable codes,specifications, andstandards.
applicable codes, specifications, and standards.
TheSupervisor, Materials Engineering isresponsible forthequalification ofNDEpersonnel andprocedures.
The Supervisor, Materials Engineering is responsible for the qualification of NDE personnel and procedures.
TheSuper-visor,Materials Engineering isresponsible forthequalifi-cationofweldingprocedures andthetrainingandqualifi-cationofwelders.Engineering maintains recordsforpersonnel andprocedures todemonstrate thatrequiredqualifications havebeenobtainedandarekeptcurrent.QualityAssurance andQualityControlperformsurveillance inspections, andauditsofspecialprocesses performed byRochester GasandElectricorcontractors toassurecom-pliancewithprocedures.
The Super-visor, Materials Engineering is responsible for the qualifi-cation of welding procedures and the training and qualifi-cation of welders.Engineering maintains records for personnel and procedures to demonstrate that required qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality Assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.
Procedures preparedforthecontrolofactivities includeinspection requirements andholdpointsasrequiredbydrawings, instructions, requirements documents, specifications, codes,standards, orregulatory requirements.
Procedures prepared for the control of activities include inspection requirements and hold points as required by drawings, instructions, requirements documents, specifications, codes, standards, or regulatory requirements.
Forclarification andtodistinguish frompreventative maintenance inspections thefollowing controlsareassociated withthequalityassurance functioninspections andreferredtoasverification inspec-tions.Instructions forconducting detailedverification inspections arecontained ininspection procedures.
For clarification and to distinguish from preventative maintenance inspections the following controls are associated with the quality assurance function inspections and referred to as verification inspec-tions.Instructions for conducting detailed verification inspections are contained in inspection procedures.
Theseinspection procedures andallsupporting specifications anddrawingsareprovidedtoinspection personnel forusepriortoperforming theinspection.
These inspection procedures and all supporting specifications and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.
Inspection requirements andholdpointsareutilizedtoverifyconformance ofactivities tothedocumented instructions, specifications, anddrawingsforaccomplishing theactivity.
Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify conformance of activities to the documented instructions, specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Inspection procedures in-clude the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected, a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the group responsible for per-forming the inspection, thy acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.Verification inspections are performed by qualified inspection personnel who are independent of the personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are required by procurement documents to have and follow similar procedures and to use independent inspectors.
Inspection procedures in-cludetheidentification ofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected, adescription ofthemethodofinspection tobeused,theidentification ofthegroupresponsible forper-formingtheinspection, thyacceptance andrejection
Inspectors are sufficiently trained to adequately evaluate the activity they are inspecting.
: criteria, therequirements fortherecording ofinspection results,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification oftheinspection activity.
41 Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing veri-fication inspections, as required, during plant operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modi-fication, and testing when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.
Verification inspections areperformed byqualified inspection personnel whoareindependent ofthepersonnel performing thework.Outsidecontractors arerequiredbyprocurement documents tohaveandfollowsimilarprocedures andtouseindependent inspectors.
When the work is performed by outside contractors, Quality Control is responsible for sur-veillance of the subcontractor's inspection activities.
Inspectors aresufficiently trainedtoadequately evaluatetheactivitytheyareinspecting.
All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section IV.12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.
41QualityControlpersonnel areresponsible forperforming veri-ficationinspections, asrequired, duringplantoperation, maintenance, repair,in-service inspection, refueling, modi-fication, andtestingwhentheworkisperformed byRochester GasandElectricpersonnel.
Revision 7-'ovember 1980 0
Whentheworkisperformed byoutsidecontractors, QualityControlisresponsible forsur-veillance ofthesubcontractor's inspection activities.
In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing methods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when control is inadequate without both.5(4~3I2[Quality Assurance is responsible for the adequate inclusion of 7)inspection requirements in specif ications.3 4 The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in maintenance, repair, refueling, modification and testing procedures.
Allinspection equipment iscalibrated andcontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.12.Calibration statusisverifiedbyinspection personnel priortoperforming aninspection operation.
He is also responsible for the assignment, of qualified inspection personnel required for inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the performance of and conducting the surveil-lance of inservice inspection.
Revision7-'ovember 1980 0
The General Maintenance Quality Control Coordinator is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection require-ments are included in procedures', instructions and/or checklists controlling maintenance, modification and repair activities and related fabrication processes at the General Maintenance facility.With the exception of that which pertains to Pump and Valve Testing, the Supervisor, Materials Engineering is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Inspection Program.Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program.The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is contained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.
Intheeventaninspection ofprocessed materialorproductsisimpossible orimpractical, indirectcontrolbymonitoring processing methods,equipment, andpersonnel isprovided.
IV.11 Test Control Whenever testing is requix'ed to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satisfactorily in service, a test program is instituted employing written and approved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical Specifications, draw-ings, instructions, procurement documents, specifications, codes, standards, and regulatory requirements.
Bothinspection andprocessmonitoring arerequiredwhencontrolisinadequate withoutboth.5(4~3I2[QualityAssurance isresponsible fortheadequateinclusion of7)inspection requirements inspecifications.
The test program requires the identification, control, and documen-tation of all tests, and the preparation of written proce-dures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary test equipment and calibration requirements; material require-ments;test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment conditions; limiting conditions; detailed performance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instruc-tions for disposition of deviations; data collection require-ments;and test result approval.IV-20 Revision 7 November 1980
34TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsible forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements andholdpointsareincludedinmaintenance, repair,refueling, modification andtestingprocedures.
Heisalsoresponsible fortheassignment, ofqualified inspection personnel requiredforinspection ofqualityaffecting activities andforcoordinating theperformance ofandconducting thesurveil-lanceofinservice inspection.
TheGeneralMaintenance QualityControlCoordinator isresponsible forassuringthatadequateinspection require-mentsareincludedinprocedures',
instructions and/orchecklists controlling maintenance, modification andrepairactivities andrelatedfabrication processes attheGeneralMaintenance facility.
Withtheexception ofthatwhichpertainstoPumpandValveTesting,theSupervisor, Materials Engineering isresponsible forestablishing therequirements fortheInservice Inspection Program.QualityAssurance isresponsible forestablishing therequirements fortheInservice PumpandValveTestingProgram.Theprogramforinservice inspection ofthereactorcoolantsystemandothersafetyrelatedsystemsiscontained inSection4.2,Technical Specifications.
IV.11TestControlWhenevertestingisrequix'ed todemonstrate thatamaterial, part,component, orsystemwillperformsatisfactorily inservice,atestprogramisinstituted employing writtenandapprovedprocedures whichareinaccordance withbasicrequirements established inTechnical Specifications, draw-ings,instructions, procurement documents, specifications, codes,standards, andregulatory requirements.
Thetestprogramrequirestheidentification, control,anddocumen-tationofalltests,andthepreparation ofwrittenproce-duresrequiredforsatisfactory accomplishment ofthetesting.Writtentestprocedures andchecklists include:necessary testequipment andcalibration requirements; materialrequire-ments;testpersonnel requirements; prerequisite plantandequipment conditions; limitingconditions; detailedperformance instructions forthetestingmethodandtestequipment instrumentation; acceptance andrejection criteria; instruc-tionsfordisposition ofdeviations; datacollection require-ments;andtestresultapproval.

TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forthestationtestprogram,whichincludesthesurveillance testprogramrequiredbySection4.0,Technical Specifications andtestingassociated withmodifications.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the station test program, which includes the surveillance test program required by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications and testing associated with modifications.
Testprocedures arepreparedbytheplantstaff,reviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andQualityControl,andapprovedbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Control, and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheperformance oftherequiredtestsinacorrectandtimelymannerutilizing writtenandapprovedprocedures.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved procedures.
Whencontractors areemployedfortests,thecontractor isrequriedtoperformtestinginaccordance withhisqualityassurance programrequirements.
When contractors are employed for tests, the contractor is requried to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.
Alltestresultsarerequiredtobedocu-mented,reviewed, andapprovedbythoseresponsible forperforming thetest.6f,34:35Whenrequested byGinnaStation,ElectricMeterandLaboratory performstestactivities todetermine thecauseofprotective relaymalfunctions.
All test results are required to be docu-mented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.6f ,3 4:3 5 When requested by Ginna Station, Electric Meter and Laboratory performs test activities to determine the cause of protective relay malfunctions.
Thesetestactivities areperformed inaccordance withapprovedprocedures byqualified personnel.
These test activities are performed in accordance with approved procedures by qualified personnel.
Engineering andQualityAssurance areresponsible forassuringthatrequiredtestsformajormodifications areincludedinspecifications.
Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that required tests for major modifications are included in specifications.
Engineering assistance inthepreparation ofmodification-related testprocedures maybeprovidedtotheGinnaStationstaff.TheGinnaStationTechnical Engi-neerisresponsible fortheadequateinclusion oftestre-quirements inminormodification designdocuments andforreviewing modification-related testresultsforacceptability todesignrequirements.
Engineering assistance in the preparation of modification-related test procedures may be provided to the Ginna Station staff.The Ginna Station Technical Engi-neer is responsible for the adequate inclusion of test re-quirements in minor modification design documents and for reviewing modification-related test results for acceptability to design requirements.
Reviewsofminormodification designbyStationQualityControlverifiesadequateinclusion oftestrequirements.
Reviews of minor modification design by Station Quality Control verifies adequate inclusion of test requirements.
IV.12ControlofMeasurinandTestEuimentThecalibration andcontrolsystemformeasuring andtestequipment includescalibration procedures, establishment ofcalibration frequencies, andmaintenance andcontrolrequire-mentsofmeasuring andtestinstruments, tools,gauges,shopstandards, andnondestructive testequipment whicharetobeusedinthemeasurement, inspection, andmonitoring ofcomponents, systems,andstructures.
IV.12 Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measuring and test equipment includes calibration procedures, establishment of calibration frequencies, and maintenance and control require-ments of measuring and test instruments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondestructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems, and structures.
Calibration procedures includestep-by-step methodsforcalibration andrequirements forinstrument accuracy.
Calibration procedures include step-by-step methods for calibration and requirements for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, experience, and other condi-tions affecting measurement capability.
Calibration frequency isbasedonrequiredaccuracy, degreeofusage,stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, experience, andothercondi-tionsaffecting measurement capability.
6 Revision 6 July 1979 I
6Revision6July1979 I
Control of measuring and test equip'ment requires: a recall.system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a system providing unique identification of equipment, traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing trace-ability of shop standards*to nationally recognized standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures contain instructions to document the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing Revision 6 July 1979 XV-21a I
Controlofmeasuring andtestequip'ment requires:
for records to be maintained which indicate the complete status of all items under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of new equipment to be entered into the calibration and control system including require-ments for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.
arecall.systemassuringtimelycalibration ofequipment; asystemproviding uniqueidentification ofequipment, traceability tocalibration testdata,andidentification ofthenextcalibration dateontheequipment; asystemproviding trace-abilityofshopstandards*to nationally recognized standards (wherenationalstandards donotexist,procedures containinstructions todocumentthebasisforcalibration) andperiodicrevalidation ofshopstandards; asystemproviding Revision6July1979XV-21a I
In the event a measuring instrument is found out of calibration, an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.
forrecordstobemaintained whichindicatethecompletestatusofallitemsunderthecalibration systemincluding themaintenance, calibration results,abnormalities, andlastandfuturecalibration dates;andasystemcontrolling thepurchaserequirements ofnewequipment tobeenteredintothecalibration andcontrolsystemincluding require-mentsforaccuracy, stability, andrepeatability undernormaluseconditions.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is resonsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and calibration of measuring and test equipment at Ginna Station in accordance with the above requirements.
Intheeventameasuring instrument isfoundoutofcalibration, aninvestigation isconducted todetermine thevalidityofpreviousmeasurements.
Instruments specified in Section 4.1, Technical Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, inspection, and test are cali-brated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresonsible fortheprocedures andprogramrequiredtoassurecontrolandcalibration ofmeasuring andtestequipment atGinnaStationinaccordance withtheaboverequirements.
Measuring, test or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.The Superintendent, General Maintenance, and Superintendent, Electric Heter and Laboratory, are responsible for establish-ing a program and the preparation of procedures for the control and calibration of measuring and test equipment used by their respective departments.
Instruments specified inSection4.1,Technical Specifications, areincludedintheprogram.Tools,gauges,andinstruments necessary formaintenance, inspection, andtestarecali-bratedandcontrolled inaccordance withstationprocedures.
'JV.13 Etandlin Stora e and Shi in 4)The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for develop-ing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located at Ginna Station.The Superintendent, General Maintenance, and the Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory, are responsible for preparing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located in their work areas.In addition, the Superintendent, General Maintenance, is responsible for preparing and implement-ing procedures for the routine maintenance and inspection of lifting and handling equipment.
Measuring, testorinspection equipment usedbyQualityControlisincludedintheprogram.TheSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance, andSuperintendent, ElectricHeterandLaboratory, areresponsible forestablish-ingaprogramandthepreparation ofprocedures forthecontrolandcalibration ofmeasuring andtestequipment usedbytheirrespective departments.
Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written instructions and recommen-dations and purchase, specification requirements are invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handling, and storage with respect to environmental requirements.
'JV.13EtandlinStoraeandShiin4)TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fordevelop-ingandimplementing procedures forthehandling, storage,shipping, preservation, andcleaningofmaterialandequipment delivered toorlocatedatGinnaStation.TheSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance, andtheSuperintendent, ElectricMeterandLaboratory, areresponsible forpreparing andimplementing procedures forthehandling, storage,shipping, preservation, andcleaningofmaterialandequipment delivered toorlocatedintheirworkareas.Inaddition, theSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance, isresponsible forpreparing andimplement-ingprocedures fortheroutinemaintenance andinspection ofliftingandhandlingequipment.
In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the department superintendent may invoke additional require-ments in accordance with department procedures.
Undernormalcircumstances, manufacturer's specificwritteninstructions andrecommen-dationsandpurchase, specification requirements areinvokedforcleanliness, preservation, specialhandling, andstoragewithrespecttoenvironmental requirements.
The Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in procurement documents and in engineering specifications that written procedures be used, as, appropriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning,, and preservation of materials and equipment IV-22 Revision 4 December 1978
Intheabsenceof,orinadditionto,specificmanufacturer requirements, thedepartment superintendent mayinvokeadditional require-mentsinaccordance withdepartment procedures.
TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forspecifying inprocurement documents andinengineering specifications thatwrittenprocedures beused,as,appropriate, forthehandling,
: shipping, storage,cleaning,,
andpreservation ofmaterials andequipment IV-22Revision4December1978

procured for modifications.
Theseprocedures arepreparedbycontractors, bythestationstaff,orbystaffmembersofGeneralMaintenance orElectricMeterandLaboratory, asappropriate.
These procedures are prepared by contractors, by the station staff, or by staff members of General Maintenance or Electric Meter and Laboratory, as appropriate.
Rochester GasandElectricprocedures arereviewedandapprovedasdescribed inSectionIV.6.Lnthepreparation ofprocurement documents, department procedures, andcontractor procedures, consideration ofhandling,
Rochester Gas and Electric procedures are reviewed and approved as described in Section IV.6.Ln the preparation of procurement documents, department procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, shipping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of'manufacturing and installation prior to operational acceptance.
: shipping, storage,cleanliness, andpreservation isgiventoallmaterialandequipment throughout variousstagesof'manufacturing andinstallation priortooperational acceptance.
Quality Assurance is responsible for review of engineering specifications to assure that proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forreviewofengineering specifications toassurethatproperhandling, storing,andshippingrequirements havebeenspecified.
Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of handling, storage, and shipping activities by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.
QualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofhandling, storage,andshippingactivities bysuppliers, Rochester GasandElectricpersonnel, andcontractors.
IV.14 Ins ection Test and 0 eratin Status Equipment or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by use of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for indicat-ing the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance, repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Rochester Gas and Electric Intra-Station Holding Rules.The Ginna Station Superintendent designates personnel who have station holding authority.
IV.14InsectionTestand0eratinStatusEquipment orsystemsnotreadyfornormalserviceareclearlyidentified byuseoftags,controllogs,andothersuitablemeanstoindicatethestatusinapositivemanner.Theidentification issufficient topositively indicatethestatusoftheparticular equipment orsystembeingisolated.
Personnel who have station holding authority are responsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems in accordance with the approved company Intra-Station Holding Rules.System status is indicated through the use of hold tags and control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test status are indicated by use of test tags, labels,'r work inspection and test status sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags,.test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forindicat-ingthestatusofoperating equipment orsystemstoberemovedfromserviceformaintenance, repair,ormodification inaccordance withtheapprovedRochester GasandElectricIntra-Station HoldingRules.TheGinnaStationSuperintendent designates personnel whohavestationholdingauthority.
IV-23 Revision 4 December 1978
Personnel whohavestationholdingauthority areresponsible fordirecting thestatuschangeofequipment andsystemsinaccordance withtheapprovedcompanyIntra-Station HoldingRules.Systemstatusisindicated throughtheuseofholdtagsandcontrollogs.Equipment orsysteminspection andteststatusareindicated byuseoftesttags,labels,'r workinspection andteststatussheets.Writtenprocedures controltheuseofholdtags,.testtags,andlabels.Theprocedures requiretherecording ofthenameofthepersonplacingandremovingthetag.Systems,components, andequipment whicharefoundtobeunacceptable duringoraftertestingareclearlyidentified.

Fuelhandlingoperations involving fuelassemblies orotherradioactive sourcesareidentified andcontrolled bytheuseoftags,stamps,orothersuitablemeans.Maintenance, repair,ormodification ofcomponents, systems,orstructures utilizesprocedures, travelers, datasheetsandchecklists toindicatestatusofthework,inspections andtestsandcorresponding acceptance orrejection forapar-ticularcomponent, system,orstructure.
Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources are identified and controlled by the use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Maintenance, repair, or modification of components, systems, or structures utilizes procedures, travelers, data sheets and checklists to indicate status of the work, inspections and tests and corresponding acceptance or rejection for a par-ticular component, system, or structure.
Thesejobcontrolformsarepreparedjointlybythejobsupervisor andQualityControlandmaintained atadesignated controllocationtoindicatethestatusandthecompletion ofrequiredinspection's andtests.QualityControlmonitorsthestatuschangeactivities fortheircompliance toapprovedprocedures andassuresthatinspection resultsareproperlylogged.QualityControlalsoestablishes theprocedures forimplementing theinspection statussheetsutilizedduringinservice inspection.
These job control forms are prepared jointly by the job supervisor and Quality Control and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status and the completion of required inspection's and tests.Quality Control monitors the status change activities for their compliance to approved procedures and assures that inspection results are properly logged.Quality Control also establishes the procedures for implementing the inspection status sheets utilized during inservice inspection.
IV.15Nonconformin Materials PartsandComonentsProcedures areestablished forthecontrol,evaluation anddisposition ofdeficient
IV.15 Nonconformin Materials Parts and Com onents Procedures are established for the control, evaluation and disposition of deficient material, parts, and components.
: material, parts,andcomponents.
Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to the drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold tag and reported on a nonconformance rep'ort.Quality Control is responsible for issuing nonconformance reports, recommending disposition, initiating repair or rework, and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.Prior to installation or use, nonconforming items generally remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved.disposition has been received.Nonconforming items which are released for installation to meet critical fabrication schedules are controlled by Quality Control to prevent inadvertant use prior to clearance of the nonconformance.
Materials, parts,orcomponents whichdonotconformtothedrawingorspecification requirements areidentified withaholdtagandreportedonanonconformance rep'ort.QualityControlisresponsible forissuingnonconformance reports,recommending disposition, initiating repairorrework,andinspecting andapproving repairedorreworkeditems.Priortoinstallation oruse,nonconforming itemsgenerally remaininaQualityControlreceiving inspection areauntilapproved.
After installation or use, nonconforming items are identi-fied and controlled until approved disposition has been received.Nonconformances identified at a supplier's facility and reported to RGSE, which have supplier recommended diposi-tions of use-as-is, or repair, are normally processed by the department originating the procurement.
disposition hasbeenreceived.
Organizations which specify the requirement being dispositioned are responsible for reviewing and approving the supplier recommended disposition.
Nonconforming itemswhicharereleasedforinstallation tomeetcriticalfabrication schedules arecontrolled byQualityControltopreventinadvertant usepriortoclearance ofthenonconformance.
This also applies to nonconformances discovered after receipt inspection, during handling or after installation or use.Items are repaired and reworked only in accordance with approved procedures and current drawings.Quality Control assures that approved procedures and/or drawings are avail-rv-24 Revision 5 April 1979 I II 4 I able for use prior to the repair or rework and reinspects all repaired or reworked items.The repair or rework must be verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at least equal to the original inspection method.'V-24a Revision 5 April 1979 I~I r 4 Jy II N items which are accepted"use-as-is" are fully documented with the drawing'or specification requirement and technical justification for acceptance.
Afterinstallation oruse,nonconforming itemsareidenti-fiedandcontrolled untilapproveddisposition hasbeenreceived.
All such items are approved prior to use by the cognizant organization having responsi-4 bility for the requirement.
Nonconformances identified atasupplier's facilityandreportedtoRGSE,whichhavesupplierrecommended diposi-tionsofuse-as-is, orrepair,arenormallyprocessed bythedepartment originating theprocurement.
In addition, those"use-as-is" nonconformances which also deviate from a Design Criteria requirement shall require additional approval of the Vice 2[President, Electric and Steam Production.
Organizations whichspecifytherequirement beingdispositioned areresponsible forreviewing andapproving thesupplierrecommended disposition.
3~Quality Control issues monthly nonconformance report summaries~which are reviewed and analyzed hy Quality Assurance.
Thisalsoappliestononconformances discovered afterreceiptinspection, duringhandlingorafterinstallation oruse.Itemsarerepairedandreworkedonlyinaccordance withapprovedprocedures andcurrentdrawings.
Unsatisfactory trends are reported to management by means of the.corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.IV.16 Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identi-fication, review and correction of significant conditions adverse to quality.Significant conditions adverse to quality such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations,.defective material and equipment, and non-conformances are reported on a corrective action report.Significant conditions'dverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.
QualityControlassuresthatapprovedprocedures and/ordrawingsareavail-rv-24Revision5April1979 III4I ableforusepriortotherepairorreworkandreinspects allrepairedorreworkeditems.Therepairorreworkmustbeverifiedasacceptable byaninspection oftheaffecteditemwhichisatleastequaltotheoriginalinspection method.'V-24a Revision5April1979 I~Ir4JyIIN itemswhichareaccepted"use-as-is" arefullydocumented withthedrawing'orspecification requirement andtechnical justification foracceptance.
The corrective'ction report identifies the condition, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.41 Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assur-ance, Engineering, Ginna Station, Fuel Planning, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory or Purchasing staff personnel.
Allsuchitemsareapprovedpriortousebythecognizant organization havingresponsi-4bilityfortherequirement.
Corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station" and General Maintenance are submitted to Quality Control for review and subsequent processing.
Inaddition, those"use-as-is" nonconformances whichalsodeviatefromaDesignCriteriarequirement shallrequireadditional approvaloftheVice2[President, ElectricandSteamProduction.
Corrective action reports initiated by departments other than at Ginna Station or General Maintenance are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.
3~QualityControlissuesmonthlynonconformance reportsummaries
W hen a significant condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates the affect 2 of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up or preclude identification and correction of the deficiency, continuing the activity would increase the extent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition, stop work action is taken.The Ginna Station Quality Control 3 Engineer has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modification, testing or inspection deficiencies, at Ginna Station.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer may recommend stop work action to the Ginna Station Superintendent on operating deficiencies.
IV-25 Revision 4 December 1978
Unsatisfactory trendsarereportedtomanagement bymeansofthe.corrective actionreportinaccordance withSectionIV.16.IV.16Corrective ActionQualityAssurance establishes therequirements foridenti-fication, reviewandcorrection ofsignificant conditions adversetoquality.Significant conditions adversetoqualitysuchasfailures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations,
.defective materialandequipment, andnon-conformances arereportedonacorrective actionreport.Significant conditions'dverse toqualityincludeconditions affecting safety,conditions whichcouldresultinplantshutdown, highmaintenance items,andoperating procedure deficiencies.
Thecorrective'ction reportidentifies thecondition, thecauseofthecondition, andthecorrective actiontaken.41Corrective actionreportsmaybeinitiated byQualityAssur-ance,Engineering, GinnaStation,FuelPlanning, GeneralMaintenance, ElectricMeterandLaboratory orPurchasing staffpersonnel.
Corrective actionreportsinitiated atGinnaStation"andGeneralMaintenance aresubmitted toQualityControlforreviewandsubsequent processing.
Corrective actionreportsinitiated bydepartments otherthanatGinnaStationorGeneralMaintenance arereviewedandprocessed byQualityAssurance.
Whenasignificant condition adversetoqualityatGinnaStationisidentified, QualityControlevaluates theaffect2ofcontinuing theactivity.
Ifcontinuing theactivitywouldcoveruporprecludeidentification andcorrection ofthedeficiency, continuing theactivitywouldincreasetheextentofthedeficiency orleadtoanunsafecondition, stopworkactionistaken.TheGinnaStationQualityControl3Engineerhasauthority tostopworkonmaintenance, repair,inservice inspection, refueling, modification, testingorinspection deficiencies, atGinnaStation.TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineermayrecommend stopworkactiontotheGinnaStationSuperintendent onoperating deficiencies.

3(ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee reviewsallcorrective actionreportsinitiated atGinnaStationandrecommends interimcorrective actioniftheactiondoesnotrepresent achangeinconfiguration ofthedeficient item.TheCommittee recommends permanent corrective actionforallconditions adversetoqualitywhichinvolveoperating procedures.
3(The Plant Operations Review Committee reviews all corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and recommends interim corrective action if the action does not represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating procedures.
Significant conditions adversetoqualityidentfied inGeneralMaintenance areprocessed bytheQualityControlCoordinator.
Significant conditions adverse to quality identfied in General Maintenance are processed by the Quality Control Coordinator.
TheGeneralMaintenance QualityControlCoor-dinatorhastheauthority tostoporlimitworkactivities withinhisdepartment.
The General Maintenance Quality Control Coor-dinator has the authority to stop or limit work activities within his department.
Conditions adversetoqualitywhichinvolvedesigndefi-cienciesor,arecommended corrective actionwhichinvolvesadesignchangearereviewedbyGinnaStationorEngineering asapplicable.
Conditions adverse to quality which involve design defi-ciencies or, a recommended corrective action which involvesa design change are reviewed by Ginna Station or Engineering as applicable.
Thecognizant oiganization determines thecauseofthecondition andrecommends corrective actiontoprecluderepetition.
The cognizant oiganization determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective action to preclude repetition.
QualityAssurance reviewsallcorrective action,reportstoassurethatthecauseofthecondition hasbeendetermined andthatcorrective action.has beentakentoprecluderepe-tition.QualityAssurance alsoreviewsnonconformance reportsummaries forunsatisfactory trendsandinitiates acorrective actionreportifsuchatrendoccurs.Completed corrective actionreportsaresubmitted tothe2.VicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction tokeephimawareofsignificant conditions adversetoquality.IV.17QualitAssurance Records4I31QualityAssurance isresonsible forestablishing thebasicrequirements forqualityassurance recordretention andmaintenance.
Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action, reports to assure that the cause of the condition has been determined and that corrective action.has been taken to preclude repe-tition.Quality Assurance also reviews nonconformance report summaries for unsatisfactory trends and initiates a corrective action report if such a trend occurs.Completed corrective action reports are submitted to the 2.Vice President, Electric and Steam Production to keep him aware of significant conditions adverse to quality.IV.17 Qualit Assurance Records 4I 31 Quality Assurance is resonsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.
TheGinnastationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheretention andmaintenance ofplant'records.
The Ginna station Superintendent is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant'records.
Engineer-ingisresponsible fortheretention andmaintenance ofEngineering records.QualityAssurance, Purchasing, FuelPlanning, GeneralMaintenance andElectricMeterandLabora-torydepartments areresponsible forassuringthemaintenance andretention ofrecordswhichtheyoriginate.
Engineer-ing is responsible for the retention and maintenance of Engineering records.Quality Assurance, Purchasing, Fuel Planning, General Maintenance and Electric Meter and Labora-tory departments are responsible for assuring the maintenance and retention of records which they originate.
Thismaybeaccomplished eitherbyretaining therecordsintheirdepart-mentorbyforwarding themtoGinnaStationorEngineering, asappropriate.
This may be accomplished either by retaining the records in their depart-ment or by forwarding them to Ginna Station or Engineering, as appropriate.
Eachorganization retaining recordsisresponsible forpreparation, review,approval, andimple-mentation ofspecificqualityassurance recordprocedures fortheirareasofresponsibility inaccordance withtheserequirements.
Each organization retaining records is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and imple-mentation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.
Therecordswhichfallwithinqualityassur-ancerecordrequirements includethoserecordsrequiredbySection6.10oftheTechnical Specifications andthequalityassurance program.Allrecordsassociated withtheoperation, maintenance, repair,inservice IV-26Revision5April1979
The records which fall within quality assur-ance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.10 of the Technical Specifications and the quality assurance program.All records associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, inservice IV-26 Revision 5 April 1979
'IgLllIItIe~II~'x.IftIq4ILIt'L~'LL'~VI~gP inspection, refueling, modification, inspection andtestingofstructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programareincluded.
'I g L ll I It I e~I I~'x.I ft I q 4 I L I t'L~'L L'~V I~gP inspection, refueling, modification, inspection and testing of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.4 3 Ginna Station records include operating logs;the results of inspections, tests, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonconforming and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment for special processes and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering.
43GinnaStationrecordsincludeoperating logs;theresultsofinspections, tests,andthemonitoring ofplantactivities;
Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.
: drawings, procurement documents andmaterialanalyses; calibration procedures andreports;andnonconforming andcorrective actionreports.Recordsofthequalification ofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment forspecialprocesses andtheresultsofreviewsaremaintained byEngineering.
4l The requirements and responsibilities for record accessibility and transmittal are described in the Quality Assurance manual sections as appropriate.
Inspection andtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeoftestorinspection
Requirements and responsi-bilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenance, and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable qualityassurance record procedures, codes, standards, and procurement documents.
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oftheactivity, results,thenameoftheinspector ordatarecorder, theacceptance orrejection oftheactivity, andarecordofanynonconformances.
Records are available to authorized personnel.
4lTherequirements andresponsibilities forrecordaccessibility andtransmittal aredescribed intheQualityAssurance manualsectionsasappropriate.
Removal from record storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible record control activity.Records are either stored in record storage facilities which are designed to prevent destruction of records through fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, classifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.The procedures establish retention requirements, accessibility, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining plant operating records as required in Section 6.10, Technical Specifications.
Requirements andresponsi-bilitiesforpreparation, inspection, identification, review,storage,retrieval, maintenance, andtheretention ofqualityassurance recordsareinaccordance withapplicable qualityassurance recordprocedures, codes,standards, andprocurement documents.
Engineering is responsible for maintaining design records, such as specifications, drawings, design review reports, and design control documentation; quality assurance records, such as audit reports and supplier surveillance reports;purchasing records, such as supplier qualifications, bid evaluatons, and purchase orders.IV-27 Revision 4 December 1978
Recordsareavailable toauthorized personnel.
Removalfromrecordstorageisdocumented onsign-outcardsandaccountability ismaintained bytheresponsible recordcontrolactivity.
Recordsareeitherstoredinrecordstoragefacilities whicharedesignedtopreventdestruction ofrecordsthroughfire,flooding, theft,anddeterioration bytemperature orhumidityconditions; or,duplicate recordsarekeptintwoseparatestoragelocations inseparatebuildings whicharephysically isolatedfromeachother.Recordkeepingprocedures provideforreceiving, classifying,
: indexing, labeling, andpreparing recordsforstorage.Theprocedures establish retention requirements, accessibility, controlofobsoleterecorddestruction, andcontrolforissuanceandreturnofallrecords.TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible formain-tainingplantoperating recordsasrequiredinSection6.10,Technical Specifications.
Engineering isresponsible formaintaining designrecords,suchasspecifications,
: drawings, designreviewreports,anddesigncontroldocumentation; qualityassurance records,suchasauditreportsandsuppliersurveillance reports;purchasing records,suchassupplierqualifications, bidevaluatons, andpurchaseorders.IV-27Revision4December1978
IvslsAudits,5Compliance withallaspectsofthequalityassurance programandtheeffectiveness oftheprogramisdetermined byauditsofallorganizations performing qualityaffecting activities.
Ivsls Audits ,5 Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is determined by audits of all organizations performing quality affecting activities.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forconducting auditsofeachorganization involvedinthequalityassurance programonaplanned,periodicbasis.Auditintervals arebasedonthestatusandsafetyimportant ofactivities beingperformed.
Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting audits of each organization involved in the quality assurance program on a planned, periodic basis.Audit intervals are based on the status and safety important of activities being performed.
(AuditsofGinnaStation,Engineering, GeneralMaintenance,
(Audits of Ginna Station, Engineering, General Maintenance,)Electric Meter and Laboratory and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table-IVe18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.
)Electric MeterandLaboratory andPurchasing organizations areperformed annually.
Audit*frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are established to assure that each of the 4(activities are audited at the frequency specified in Technical Specifications 6.0 which includes annually for those activ-ities required to meet the criteria of Appendix B, 10CFR.Additional audits are conducted as required by special con-.ditions or circumstances.
Table-IVe18-1 isalistoftheactivities tobeauditedineachoftheorganizations.
Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about the audit, such as the functional areas to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit, the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.
Audit*frequencies arebasedonthelevelofactivityineacharea.Auditschedules areestablished toassurethateachofthe4(activities areauditedatthefrequency specified inTechnical Specifications 6.0whichincludesannuallyforthoseactiv-itiesrequiredtomeetthecriteriaofAppendixB,10CFR.Additional auditsareconducted asrequiredbyspecialcon-.ditionsorcircumstances.
The audits are performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit results are documented and reported to the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited, the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, and the 2 Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory the area audited is required to review the audit results,.take necessary action to correct the deficiencies revealed by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.2 Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans'nd audit checklists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits.Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified personnel, such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.
Eachauditrequiresthedevelopment ofanauditplantoprovideinformation abouttheaudit,suchasthefunctional areastobeaudited,thenamesandassignments ofthosewhowillperformtheaudit,thescheduling arrangements, andthemethodofreporting findingsandrecommendations.
Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procure-ment, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program for compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.
Theauditsareperformed inaccordance withwrittenprocedures orchecklists byappropriately trainedpersonnel nothavingdirectresponsibilities intheareasbeingaudited.Auditresultsaredocumented andreportedtothepersonhavingsupervisory responsibility intheareaaudited,theVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction, andthe2NuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.Withinaspecified periodoftime,thepersonhavingsupervisory responsibility
Audits are conducted, as required, to assure that major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents.
.intheareaauditedisrequiredtoreviewtheauditresults,.takenecessary actiontocorrectthedeficiencies revealedbytheaudit,anddocumentandreportthecorrective action.2QualityAssurance isresponsible fordeveloping auditplans'ndauditchecklists, designating andtrainingauditpersonnel, andconducting audits.Auditsmaybeconducted byQualityAssurance engineers orotherqualified personnel, suchastechnical specialists fromothercompanydepartments andoutsideconsultants.
During the project, Revision 5 April 1979 XV-28 I f I' additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly imple-mented in accordance with procurement documents.
Auditsofmajorcontractors, subcontractors, andsuppliers areconducted duringtheearlystagesofdesignandprocure-ment,asrequired, toevaluatetheirqualityassurance programforcompliance withallaspectsoftheprocurement documents.
2 Quality Assurance performs regular analyses of audit results to evaluate quality trends.Results of these analyses will be provided to management for their regular review.IV-29 Revision 4 December 1978
Auditsareconducted, asrequired, toassurethatmajorcontractors, subcontractors, andsuppliers areauditingtheirsuppliers'uality assurance programsinaccordance withprocurement documents.
'0 Table IV.l-l Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination of Quality Assurance and Supervisory Personnel~'Training of Quality Assurance Personnel Management Review of the Quality Assurance Program Periodic Review of Quality Assurance Procedures Quality Assurance Group Organization and Responsibilities Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Design Criteria Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Engineering Specifications IIX Quality Assurance Review of Architect/Engineer's Design Documents XIX Requisitioning Quality Assurance Services IV Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Procurement Documents IV Preparation, Review and Approval of Rochester Gas and Electric Q.A.Specifications Preparation, Review and Approval of Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual IV Preparation, Review and Approval of Quality Assurance Procedures Review of Departmental Procedures VI Preparation, Review and Approval of Procedure Deviation Requests by Quality Assurance VI Qualification of Suppliers Supplier Surveillance VII VII IV-30 Revision" 4 December 1978
Duringtheproject,Revision5April1979XV-28 IfI' additional auditsareperformed, asrequired, toassureallqualityassurance programrequirements areproperlyimple-mentedinaccordance withprocurement documents.
2QualityAssurance performsregularanalysesofauditresultstoevaluatequalitytrends.Resultsoftheseanalyseswillbeprovidedtomanagement fortheirregularreview.IV-29Revision4December1978
'0 TableIV.l-lQualityAssurance ProgramProcedures SubjectListingQualitAssurance Procedures AppendixBCriteriaIndoctrination ofQualityAssurance andSupervisory Personnel
~'Training ofQualityAssurance Personnel Management ReviewoftheQualityAssurance ProgramPeriodicReviewofQualityAssurance Procedures QualityAssurance GroupOrganization andResponsibilities QualityAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricDesignCriteriaQualityAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricEngineering Specifications IIXQualityAssurance ReviewofArchitect/Engineer's DesignDocuments XIXRequisitioning QualityAssurance ServicesIVQualityAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricProcurement Documents IVPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofRochester GasandElectricQ.A.Specifications Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofGinnaStationQualityAssurance ManualIVPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofQualityAssurance Procedures ReviewofDepartmental Procedures VIPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofProcedure Deviation RequestsbyQualityAssurance VIQualification ofSuppliers SupplierSurveillance VIIVIIIV-30Revision" 4December1978
TableIV.l-l(cont'd)QualitAssurance Procedures AppendixBCriteriaControlofSupplierPerformance QualityAssurance BidEvaluations QAReviewofInservice Inspection
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Control of Supplier Performance Quality Assurance Bid Evaluations QA Review of Inservice Inspection
.VIIVIIPreparation, ReviewandProcessing ofCorrective ActionReportsbyQualityAssurance XVIQualification ofAuditingPersonnel AuditScheduling andPlanningPerformance ofQualityAssurance AuditsReporting andFollow-Up ofAuditFindingsConductofQualityAssurance DuringandinFollow-Up ofUSNRCandManagement AuditsXVIIIXVIIIXVIIIXVIIIXVIIIIV-31Revision7November1980
.VII VII Preparation, Review and Processing of Corrective Action Reports by Quality Assurance XVI Qualification of Auditing Personnel Audit Scheduling and Planning Performance of Quality Assurance Audits Reporting and Follow-Up of Audit Findings Conduct of Quality Assurance During and in Follow-Up of USNRC and Management Audits XVIII XVIII XVIII XVIII XVIII IV-31 Revision 7 November 1980

TableIV.l-l(cont'd)GinnaProcedures AppendixBCriteriaGinnaQualityAssurance ProgramImplementation TrainingofGinnaPersonnel GinnaOrganization WorkStartAuthorization Modification ControlActivities GinnaStationModification Evaluation Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofDesignDocuments Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofMinorModification SafetyAnalysisControlofProcurement, Documents forPurchased Materials, Parts,Components andServicesIVPlantProcedures PlantProcedure
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Ginna Quality Assurance Program Implementation Training of Ginna Personnel Ginna Organization Work Start Authorization Modification Control Activities Ginna Station Modification Evaluation Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Minor Modification Safety Analysis Control of Procurement, Documents for Purchased Materials, Parts, Components and Services IV Plant Procedures Plant Procedure Document, Control Control of Engineering Documents Control of NRC Correspondence Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Control of Purchased Services VX VI VI VII VII VII Control of Accepted Material, Parts and Components VIII Identification and Marking of Material Control of Welding Welding Equipment Performance Verification Nondestructive Examination Inspection and Surveillance Activities VIII IX IX IV-32 Revision 5 April 1979
: Document, ControlControlofEngineering Documents ControlofNRCCorrespondence ReceiptandAcceptance ofPurchased Materials SupplierQualification Technical Evaluation ControlofPurchased ServicesVXVIVIVIIVIIVIIControlofAcceptedMaterial, PartsandComponents VIIIIdentification andMarkingofMaterialControlofWeldingWeldingEquipment Performance Verification Nondestructive Examination Inspection andSurveillance Activities VIIIIXIXIV-32Revision5April1979
~~a Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix 8 Criteria Qualification of.Surveillance and Inspection Personnel Inservice Inspection X, XIV Performance of Tests XI Qualification of Test Personnel Calibration and Control of Test Instruments XI XII Calibration and Control of Mechanical Measuring Tools and Equipment XII Calibration and Control of Process System Instrumentation XII Control of Material Handling and Handling Equipment XIII Storage and Preservation of Materials Station Holding Roles XIII XIV Test Status Control Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Materials Issue of Nonconformance Reports Corrective Action at Ginna Station Control of Quality Assurance Records Record Storage Facility and Equipment System and Equipment Histories Ginna Station Response to Internal Audits XIV XV XV XVI XVII XVII XVII XVIII IV-33 Revision 5 April 1979
~~a TableIV.l-l(cont'd)GinnaProcedures Appendix8CriteriaQualification of.Surveillance andInspection Personnel Inservice Inspection X,XIVPerformance ofTestsXIQualification ofTestPersonnel Calibration andControlofTestInstruments XIXIICalibration andControlofMechanical Measuring ToolsandEquipment XIICalibration andControlofProcessSystemInstrumentation XIIControlofMaterialHandlingandHandlingEquipment XIIIStorageandPreservation ofMaterials StationHoldingRolesXIIIXIVTestStatusControlControlandDisposition ofNonconforming Materials IssueofNonconformance ReportsCorrective ActionatGinnaStationControlofQualityAssurance RecordsRecordStorageFacilityandEquipment SystemandEquipment Histories GinnaStationResponsetoInternalAuditsXIVXVXVXVIXVIIXVIIXVIIXVIIIIV-33Revision5April1979
~'r'I ht f H Table IV.l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training Engineering Department Organization and Responsibilities I n IX Preparation, Review and Aprpoval of Design Input Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Analyses Fngineering Drawings Preparation, Review and Approval of Specifications Design Verification Design Interface Control Preparation, Review and Approval of Safety Analyses IIX XII XXI Review and Approval of Architect Engineer or Consultant Design Documents IIX Preparation, Review and Approval of Field Change Requests Purchase Requisition Engineering Procedures Engineering Procedure Deviation Request IV Distribution and Control of Documents by the Control Number Method VI Control of Documents by the List of Current Revisions Method VI Distribution and Control of Documents by Project Correspondence Procedures VI Receipt, Control and Distribution of Drawings and Aperature Cards Supplier Evaluation VI VII IV-34 Revision 5 April 1979 I 0 1'I k (k\EI I'j~'~
~'r'IhtfH TableIV.l-l(cont'd)EnineerinProcedures AppendixBCriteriaIndoctrination andTrainingEngineering Department Organization andResponsibilities InIXPreparation, ReviewandAprpovalofDesignInputDocuments Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofDesignAnalysesFngineering DrawingsPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofSpecifications DesignVerification DesignInterface ControlPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofSafetyAnalysesIIXXIIXXIReviewandApprovalofArchitect EngineerorConsultant DesignDocuments IIXPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofFieldChangeRequestsPurchaseRequisition Engineering Procedures Engineering Procedure Deviation RequestIVDistribution andControlofDocuments bytheControlNumberMethodVIControlofDocuments bytheListofCurrentRevisions MethodVIDistribution andControlofDocuments byProjectCorrespondence Procedures VIReceipt,ControlandDistribution ofDrawingsandAperature CardsSupplierEvaluation VIVIIIV-34Revision5April1979 I01'Ik(k\EII'j~'~
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Preparation, Review and Approval of Bid Requests, Bid Evaluations and Recommendations for Award VII Engineering Review of Nonconforming Materials, Parts 4 or Components XV Initiating and Responding to Corrective Action Reports XVI Records Engineering Response to Audits XVII XVIII IV-35 Revision 5 April 1979 pl Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Purchasin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Periodic Review of Purchasing Procedures Indoctrination and Training of Purchasing Personnel Purchasing Department Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review, Approval and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Changes to Purchase Orders IV Requests for Bids and Bid Evaluation Purchasing Procedures Purchasing Procedure De~iation Request Supplier Evaluation IV VII Establishment and Maintenance of Qualified Suppliers List VII Supplier Nonconformance Processing XV Purchasing Department Response to Corrective Action Reports and Corrective Action Reporting XVI Purchasing Records Purchasing Response to Audits XVII XVIII IV-36 Revision 4 December 1978
TableIV.l-l(cont'd)EnineerinProcedures AppendixBCriteriaPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofBidRequests, BidEvaluations andRecommendations forAwardVIIEngineering ReviewofNonconforming Materials, Parts4orComponents XVInitiating andResponding toCorrective ActionReportsXVIRecordsEngineering ResponsetoAuditsXVIIXVIIIIV-35Revision5April1979 pl TableIV.l-l(cont'd)Purchasin Procedures AppendixBCriteriaPeriodicReviewofPurchasing Procedures Indoctrination andTrainingofPurchasing Personnel Purchasing Department Organization andResponsibilities Preparation, Review,ApprovalandIssuanceofPurchaseOrdersandChangestoPurchaseOrdersIVRequestsforBidsandBidEvaluation Purchasing Procedures Purchasing Procedure De~iation RequestSupplierEvaluation IVVIIEstablishment andMaintenance ofQualified Suppliers ListVIISupplierNonconformance Processing XVPurchasing Department ResponsetoCorrective ActionReportsandCorrective ActionReporting XVIPurchasing RecordsPurchasing ResponsetoAuditsXVIIXVIIIIV-36Revision4December1978
TableIV.1-1(cont'd)IGeneralMaintenance Procedur'es AppendixBCriteriaIndoctrination andTrainingGeneralMaintenance Organization andResponsibilities Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofPurchaseRequisitions andRelatedProcurement Documents IVQualityMaintenance Procedures QualityMaintenance Procedure Deviation RequestPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofGeneralMaintenance Fabrication RouteCardsGeneralMaintenance Instructions forMaterialHandlingandLiftingEquipment ControlandDistribution ofDocuments Regulating SafetyRelatedActivities VIReceiptandAcceptance ofPurchased Materials ControlofAcceptedMaterial, PartsandComponents Traceability ofMaterialVIIVIIIVIIIIssue,ControlandStorageofWeldConsumables 7WeldingProcedures 4>WeldingProcedure Qualification HeatTreatingProcedures 4WelderQualification andCurrency~7Inservice Inspection ControlofWelding4WeldingEquipment Performance Verification VIIIIXIXIXIXIXIXNondestructive Examination Procedures IXIV-37Revision7November1980
Table IV.1-1 (cont'd)I General Maintenance Procedur'es Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training General Maintenance Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review and Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Related Procurement Documents IV Quality Maintenance Procedures Quality Maintenance Procedure Deviation Request Preparation, Review and Approval of General Maintenance Fabrication Route Cards General Maintenance Instructions for Material Handling and Lifting Equipment Control and Distribution of Documents Regulating Safety Related Activities VI Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Control of Accepted Material, Parts and Components Traceability of Material VII VIII VIII Issue, Control and Storage of Weld Consumables 7 Welding Procedures 4>Welding Procedure Qualification Heat Treating Procedures 4 Welder Qualification and Currency~7 Inservice Inspection Control of Welding 4 Welding Equipment Performance Verification VIII IX IX IX IX IX IX Nondestructive Examination Procedures IX IV-37 Revision 7 November 1980

TableIV.l-l(cont'd)IGeneralMaintenance Procedures AppendixBCriteria4(Nondestructive Examination Procedures Manual7'ondestructive Examination Personnel Certifications Inspection andSurveillance Activities IXIXQualification ofSurveillance andInspection Personnel Calibration andControlofNondestructive Examination Instruments XIIInspection andMaintenance ofMaterialHandlingEquipment XIIIOverheadandGantryCranesInspection andMaintenance ofPortableLiftingandHandlingEquipment XIIIUnderhung Cranes,JibCranesandMonorailSystemsSlingsandRelatedApparatus XIIIXIIIClassification andTrainingofMaterialHandlingEquipment Personnel XIIIMobileHydraulic CranesBaseMountedDrumHoistsForkliftLoadingForksControlandDisposition ofNonconforming
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)I General Maintenance Procedures Appendix B Criteria 4 (Nondestructive Examination Procedures Manual 7'ondestructive Examination Personnel Certifications Inspection and Surveillance Activities IX IX Qualification of Surveillance and Inspection Personnel Calibration and Control of Nondestructive Examination Instruments XII Inspection and Maintenance of Material Handling Equipment XIII Overhead and Gantry Cranes Inspection and Maintenance of Portable Lifting and Handling Equipment XIII Underhung Cranes, Jib Cranes and Monorail Systems Slings and Related Apparatus XIII XIII Classification and Training of Material Handling Equipment Personnel XIII Mobile Hydraulic Cranes Base Mounted Drum Hoists Forklift Loading Forks Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Material, Parts and Components Corrective Action at General Maintenance Quality Maintenance Records General Maintenance Response to Internal Audits XIII XIII XIII XV XVI XVII XVIII IV-38 Revision 7 November 1980 0
: Material, PartsandComponents Corrective ActionatGeneralMaintenance QualityMaintenance RecordsGeneralMaintenance ResponsetoInternalAuditsXIIIXIIIXIIIXVXVIXVIIXVIIIIV-38Revision7November1980 0
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Electric Heter and Laborator Procedures Appendix 8 Criteria Quality Assurance Program Implementation for Electric Meter and Laboratory Department Training of Electric Meter and Laboratory Personnel Periodic Review of Quality Relay Procedures Electric Meter and Laboratory Organization Design/Modification Activities Control Control of Procurement Documents for Purchased Materials, Parts, Components and Services IV Preparation, Review, and Approval of Electric Meter and Laboratory Procedures V Control of Electric Meter and Laboratory Procedures Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Performance of Tests at Ginna Station VI VII XI Performance of Tests at Electric Meter and Laboratory Shop XI Documentation, Evaluation and Disposition of Test Results Xl Qualification of Test Personnel Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Materials Corrective Action at Electric Meter and Laboratory Control of Quality Assurance Records Response to Internal QA Audits XII XV XVI XVlI XV1II IV-39 Revision 4 December 1978 I
TableIV.l-l(cont'd)ElectricHeterandLaborator Procedures Appendix8CriteriaQualityAssurance ProgramImplementation forElectricMeterandLaboratory Department TrainingofElectricMeterandLaboratory Personnel PeriodicReviewofQualityRelayProcedures ElectricMeterandLaboratory Organization Design/Modification Activities ControlControlofProcurement Documents forPurchased Materials, Parts,Components andServicesIVPreparation, Review,andApprovalofElectricMeterandLaboratory Procedures VControlofElectricMeterandLaboratory Procedures SupplierQualification Technical Evaluation Performance ofTestsatGinnaStationVIVIIXIPerformance ofTestsatElectricMeterandLaboratory ShopXIDocumentation, Evaluation andDisposition ofTestResultsXlQualification ofTestPersonnel Calibration andControlofTestInstruments ControlandDisposition ofNonconforming Materials Corrective ActionatElectricMeterandLaboratory ControlofQualityAssurance RecordsResponsetoInternalQAAuditsXIIXVXVIXVlIXV1IIIV-39Revision4December1978 I
TABLE IV.4-1 Procurement Document Re uirements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: formed.*2.Technical Re uirements-by reference to specific drawings, specifications, codes, regulations, procedures or instruc-tions including revisions, therto that describe the items or services to be furnished.
TABLEIV.4-1Procurement DocumentReuirements Itemstobeconsidered forinclusion inprocurement documents include:formed.*2.Technical Reuirements
Also identified shall be test, inspection and acceptance requirements, and any re-quirements for such activities as designing, identifi.cation, fabrication, cleaning, erecting, packaging, handling, shpping and extended storage.*3.Qualit Assurance Pro ram Re uirements-which require the supplier to have a documented quality assurance program that implements portions or all of lOCFR50 Appendix B as well as applicable quality assurance program requirements of other nationally recognized codes and standards.
-byreference tospecificdrawings, specifications, codes,regulations, procedures orinstruc-tionsincluding revisions, thertothatdescribetheitemsorservicestobefurnished.
Also included shall be the requirement that the supplier in-corporate appropriate quality assurance program require-ments in subtier procurement documents.
Alsoidentified shallbetest,inspection andacceptance requirements, andanyspeci.alre-quirements forsuchactivities asdesigning, identifi.cation, fabrication,
*4.Ri ht of Access-to include the facilities and records of the supplier for source inspection and audit by the Purchaser or parties designated by the purchaser.
: cleaning, erecting, packaging,
Also included shall be provisions for the identification of witness and hold points and the minimum time of advance notice.*5.Documentation Re uirements-Submittal approval and retention requirements for documents such as quality assurance manuals, special process and test procedures, materials records, calcu-lations and analyses.*6.Nonconformances
: handling, shppingandextendedstorage.*3.QualitAssurance ProramReuirements
-Requirements for reporting and disposition of nonconformances to procurement requirements.
-whichrequirethesuppliertohaveadocumented qualityassurance programthatimplements portionsoralloflOCFR50AppendixBaswellasapplicable qualityassurance programrequirements ofothernationally recognized codesandstandards.
*-Included in the review by Quality Assurance/Quality Control.IV-40 Revision 5 April 1979 J t 1 TABLE IV.18-1 Audit List Functional Or anization Engineering Activities Audited Indoctrination and Training Design Control Procurement Document Control Document Control Records Procurement Control Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Procurement Control Ginna Station QA Indoctrination and Training Ginna Staff Training, Retraining-Qualification and Performance Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control and Records Inservice Inspection Surveillance Testing Handling, Storage and Shipping Facility Operation Conformance to all provisions contained in Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions Refueling Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics 6 Chemistry Security Plan'nd Procedures Emergency Plan and Procedures Inspection 6 Surveillance Fire Protection Corrective Action associated with deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, struc-tures, system or method of operation IV-41 Revision 4 December 1978 P il V TABLE IV.18-1 (cont'd.)Audit List Functional Or anization Activities Audited sl~)General Maintenance Indoctrination and Training Maintenance and Repair Procurement'ontrol Document Control Fabrication/
Alsoincludedshallbetherequirement thatthesupplierin-corporate appropriate qualityassurance programrequire-mentsinsubtierprocurement documents.
Inspection Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Special Processes Handling, Storage and Shipping E lectx ic Meter and Lab Indoctrination and Training Procurement Control Document Control Handling and Shipping Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Test Control IV-42 Revision 5 April 1979 A~~r 4 I R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHART CHAIRMAN OF TMC ROAAD SVFCRVISIOH AHO ADMINISTRATION OTNCR FUNCTIONAL ACIATIOl SNIPS~AESPOHSISLt FOA FIRE PROTECTION
*4.RihtofAccess-toincludethefacilities andrecordsofthesupplierforsourceinspection andauditbythePurchaser orpartiesdesignated bythepurchaser.
Alsoincludedshallbeprovisions fortheidentification ofwitnessandholdpointsandtheminimumtimeofadvancenotice.*5.Documentation Reuirements
-Submittal approvalandretention requirements fordocuments suchasqualityassurance manuals,specialprocessandtestprocedures, materials records,calcu-lationsandanalyses.
-Requirements forreporting anddisposition ofnonconformances toprocurement requirements.
*-IncludedinthereviewbyQualityAssurance/Quality Control.IV-40Revision5April1979 Jt1 TABLEIV.18-1AuditListFunctional Oranization Engineering Activities AuditedIndoctrination andTrainingDesignControlProcurement DocumentControlDocumentControlRecordsProcurement ControlPurchasing Indoctrination andTrainingProcurement DocumentControlProcurement ControlGinnaStationQAIndoctrination andTrainingGinnaStaffTraining, Retraining-Qualification andPerformance Modification Maintenance andRepairProcurement ControlDocumentControlandRecordsInservice Inspection Surveillance TestingHandling, StorageandShippingFacilityOperation Conformance toallprovisions contained inTechnical Specifications andapplicable licenseconditions Refueling ControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment HealthPhysics6Chemistry SecurityPlan'ndProcedures Emergency PlanandProcedures Inspection 6Surveillance FireProtection Corrective Actionassociated withdeficiencies occurring infacilityequipment, struc-tures,systemormethodofoperation IV-41Revision4December1978 PilV TABLEIV.18-1(cont'd.)
AuditListFunctional Oranization Activities Auditedsl~)GeneralMaintenance Indoctrination andTrainingMaintenance andRepairProcurement'ontrol DocumentControlFabrication/
.SUPERVISOR l%~IALS I ENQ~~Q.Re pm 8 Ul.D'p.Qp t ,LD CQ C>Figure lV.2-4 November l980 4 V Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Engineering Department Organisation Vice President and Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer-Engineering and Construction As~istant Chief Engineer Administration, Maintenance, Quality Assurance, Drafting, Environmental Construction Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Electrical Engineering Structural Engineering'eneral Maintenance Drafting Quality Assurance Records Figure IV.2-5 November 1980 I't~1;rJ Rochester Gas and Electric'orporation Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions NSARB H I QA PORC Electric Meter and Lab Purchasing General Maintenance Engineering Plant UA IO 8 h<9 IO O'~S 0 Review----Audit Figure IV.2-6%?ebruary 1, 1976 e P
Inspection ControlControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment SpecialProcesses
&-~4%Guv&>5~~~+~M Cpm~onymy~),",'P~GL.Introduction'a chal i+~ll-l->4 1-l5-7-P up~In a May 28, 1974 letter from Mr.Robert A.Purple, the United States Atomic Energy Commission asked several questions on the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.
: Handling, StorageandShippingElectxicMeterandLabIndoctrination andTrainingProcurement ControlDocumentControlHandlingandShippingControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment TestControlIV-42Revision5April1979 A~~r4I R.E.GINNANUCLEARPOWERPLANTMANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHARTCHAIRMANOFTMCROAADSVFCRVISIOH AHOADMINISTRATION OTNCRFUNCTIONAL ACIATIOlSNIPS~AESPOHSISLt FOAFIREPROTECTION
The information requested and further clarification of'he program are provided in Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.Supplement IV is a revised description of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation and supersedes Supplement II in its entirety.The following revisions have been made to the description of the program: Section IV.2 Additions That all Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engin-eering, and Purchasing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years.That the list of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are based on the list in Section 1.2.1 of the FSAR.That management review of the quality assurance program may be in a form other than an audit.That the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years.That the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board reports to the Chairman of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation on NSARB activities.
Section IV.3 Additions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.IV-i Revision 1 August 1974
.SUPERVISOR l%~IALSIENQ~~Q.Repm8Ul.D'p.Qpt,LDCQC>FigurelV.2-4Novemberl980 4V Rochester GasandElectricCorporation Engineering Department Organisation VicePresident andChiefEngineerAssistant ChiefEngineer-Engineering andConstruction As~istantChiefEngineerAdministration, Maintenance, QualityAssurance,
: Drafting, Environmental Construction Engineering Mechanical Engineering NuclearEngineering Electrical Engineering Structural Engineering'eneral Maintenance DraftingQualityAssurance RecordsFigureIV.2-5November1980 I't~1;rJ Rochester GasandElectric'orporation GinnaStationReviewandAuditsFunctions NSARBHIQAPORCElectricMeterandLabPurchasing GeneralMaintenance Engineering PlantUAIO8h<9IOO'~S0Review----AuditFigureIV.2-6%?ebruary1,1976 eP
&-~4%Guv&>5~~~+~MCpm~onymy~),",'P~GL.Introduction'a chali+~ll-l->41-l5-7-Pup~InaMay28,1974letterfromMr.RobertA.Purple,theUnitedStatesAtomicEnergyCommission askedseveralquestions ontheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation.
Theinformation requested andfurtherclarification of'heprogramareprovidedinSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFull-Term Operating License.Supplement IVisareviseddescription oftheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation andsupersedes Supplement IIinitsentirety.
Thefollowing revisions havebeenmadetothedescription oftheprogram:SectionIV.2Additions ThatallQualityAssurance, QualityControl,Engin-eering,andPurchasing procedures arereviewedforadequacyatleastonceeverytwoyears.Thatthelistofstructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programarebasedonthelistinSection1.2.1oftheFSAR.Thatmanagement reviewofthequalityassurance programmaybeinaformotherthananaudit.ThattheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisrequiredtoreviewthestatusandadequacyofthequalityassurance programatleastonceeverytwoyears.ThattheChairmanoftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardreportstotheChairmanoftheBoardofRochester GasandElectricCorporation onNSARBactivities.
SectionIV.3Additions Thatspareorreplacement partsmeet,atleast,therequirements oftheoriginaldesign.IV-iRevision1August1974

Thatforplantmodification, thedesignengineerselectsandreviewsmaterials, parts,andequipment forsuitability ofapplication.
That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.
Thatdesigndeficiencies aredocumented andcontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.16.That,designdocuments arecollected, stored,andmain-tainedinaccordance withSectionII.17andalistingofwhichdesigndocuments aremaintained.
That design deficiencies are documented and controlled in accordance with Section IV.16.That, design documents are collected, stored, and main-tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.
Clarification Clarified whichdesigndocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
Clarification Clarified which design documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
SectionIV.4Additions Thatprocurement documents forspareorreplacement partsareprocessed inthesamemannerasotherprocurement documents.
Section IV.4 Additions That procurement documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.
Thatthereviewandapprovalofprocurement documents isreflected onthedocumentoronacontrolformwhichisattachedtotheprocurement document.
That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are available for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts for similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
Thatthedocuments areavailable forverification inPurchasing andplantrecords.ThatQualityControlreviewsprocurement documents forspareandreplacement partsforsimilarity totheoriginalrequirements, andadequacyofqualityrequire-ments.SectionIV.5Clarification Clarifies whichdocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
Section IV.6 Addition Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.IV-ii Revision 1 August 1974 t It That suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.
SectionIV.6AdditionMadeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consistent withSectionIV.4.IV-iiRevision1August1974 tIt Thatsuppliers ofmaterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredbyprocurement documents toprovidecontrolofmanufacturing inspection andtestinginstructions.
Section IV.9 Additions Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process activi-'ies.
SectionIV.9Additions Madeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consistent withSectionIV.4.AddedQualityControlresponsibilities forsur-veillance andinspection ofspecialprocessactivi-'ies.
Section IV.10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection is available to the inspector prior to the performance of the activity.That Quality Control inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the organization responsible for performing the inspection, the a'cceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.That inspection equipment.
SectionIV.10Additions Thatalldocumentation necessary toperformaninspection isavailable totheinspector priortotheperformance oftheactivity.
is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration status is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IV.11 Addition That test procedures include test methods and test instrumentation definition.
ThatQualityControlinspection procedures includetheidentification ofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected andadescription ofthemethodofinspection tobeused,theidentification oftheorganization responsible forperforming theinspection, thea'cceptance andrejection
IV-iii Revision 1 August 1974 I
: criteria, therequirements fortherecording ofinspection results,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification oftheinspection activity.
Section IV.12 Addition That shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.
Thatinspection equipment.
Section IV.14 Addition That written procedures control the use of hold tags, test.tags and labels and that the procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries, that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and that when unsatisfactory trends are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audits and the monitoring of activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.
iscalibrated inaccor-dancewithSectionIV.12andthatcalibration statusisverifiedpriortoperforming theinspection activity.
That inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.
SectionIV.11AdditionThattestprocedures includetestmethodsandtestinstrumentation definition.
IV-iv Revision 1 August, 1974  
IV-iiiRevision1August1974 I
SectionIV.12AdditionThatshopstandards calibration istraceable tonationalstandards or,wherenationalstandards arenotavailable, thebasisofcalibration isdocumented.
SectionIV.14AdditionThatwrittenprocedures controltheuseofholdtags,test.tagsandlabelsandthattheprocedures requiretherecording ofthenameofthepersonplacingandremovingthetag.SectionIV.15AdditionThatQualityControlissuesmonthlymaterialdeficiency reportsummaries, thatthesesummaries arereviewedandanalyzedbyQualityAssurance, andthatwhenunsatisfactory trendsarenoted,theyarereportedtomanagement, usingthecorrective actionreportinaccordance withSectionIV.16.SectionIV.17Additions Thatplantrecordsincludeoperating logs,specifications, calibration procedures andnonconformance reports,andtheresultsoftions,tests,auditsandthemonitoring ofactivities andmaterialanalyses.
: drawings, reports,inspec-plantThatqualityassurance recordsofspecialprocessactivities aremaintained byEngineering andthattheyincludethequalification recordsofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment.
Thatinspection andtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeoftestorinspection
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oftheactivity, results,thenameoftheinspector ordatarecorder, theacceptance orrejection oftheactivity, andarecordofanynonconformances.

SectionIV.18AdditionThatQualityAssurance isresponsible forconducting theauditslistedinTableIV.18-1.InJuly1974,theUnited,StatesAtomicEnergyCommission requested information ontheconformance oftheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation tothedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0).Theinfor-mationrequested isprovidedinRevision1toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFull-Term Operating License.Thefollowing changeshavebeenmadetoSupplement IV:SectionIV.lAdditions Adescription oftheextenttowhichthequalityassurance programconformstothedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringTheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0).Revision1August1974 lI'I TABLEOFCONTENTSSectionTitlePa<acQUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMFORSTATIONOPERATION IV.1IV.2IV.3IV.4IV.5IV.6IV.7IV.8IV.9IV.10IV.11IV.12IV.13IV.14IV.15IV.16IV.17IV.18QualityAssurance ProgramOrganization DesignControlProcurement DocumentControlInstructions, Procedures, andDrawingsDocumentControlControlofPurchased
Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits listed in Table IV.18-1.In July 1974, the United, States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The infor-mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.l Additions A description of the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).Revision 1 August 1974 l I'I TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Pa<ac QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 IV.7 IV.8 IV.9 IV.10 IV.11 IV.12 IV.13 IV.14 IV.15 IV.16 IV.17 IV.18 Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings Document Control Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and Components Control of Special Processes Inspection Test Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment.
: Material, Equipment andServicesIdentification andControlofMaterials, Parts,andComponents ControlofSpecialProcesses Inspection TestControlControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment.
Handling, Storage, and Shipping Inspection, Test, and Operating Status Nonconforming Materials, Parts, and Components Corrective Action Quality Assurance Records Audits IV-1 IV-5 IV-12 IV-16 IV-18 IV-21 IV-23 IV-28 IV-30 IV-31 IV-34 IV-35 IV-37 IV-39 IV-41 IV-42 IV-45 IV-47 IV-vi Revision 1 August 1974 1
: Handling, Storage,andShippingInspection, Test,andOperating StatusNonconforming Materials, Parts,andComponents Corrective ActionQualityAssurance RecordsAuditsIV-1IV-5IV-12IV-16IV-18IV-21IV-23IV-28IV-30IV-31IV-34IV-35IV-37IV-39IV-41IV-42IV-45IV-47IV-viRevision1August1974 1
LIST OF TABLES Table Number IV.l-l IV.4-1 IV.18-1 Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pa<ac IV-51 IV-77 IV-78*LIST OF FIGURES Fi ure Number IV.2-1 IV.2-2 IV.2-3 IV.2-4 IV.2-5 IV.2-6 Title Management Organization Quality Assurance Organization Ginna Station Organization Quality Control Organization Engineering Department.
LISTOFTABLESTableNumberIV.l-lIV.4-1IV.18-1TitleQualityAssurance ProgramProcedures SubjectListingProcurement DocumentRequirements AuditListPa<acIV-51IV-77IV-78*LISTOFFIGURESFiureNumberIV.2-1IV.2-2IV.2-3IV.2-4IV.2-5IV.2-6TitleManagement Organization QualityAssurance Organization GinnaStationOrganization QualityControlOrganization Engineering Department.
Organization Review and Audit Functions Pacae IV-79*IV-80 IV-81*IV-82 IV-83 IV-84**Table IV.18-1, Figure IV.2-1 and Figure IV.2-3 Have been revised.Figure IV.2-6 has been added.IV-vii Revision 1 August 1974 I I QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Qualit Assurance Pro ram The quality assurance program described in this Supplement has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corpora-tion to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of the structures, systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the con-sequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue , risk to the health and safety of the public.These quality affecting activities include operating, maintaining, repair-ing, refueling, and modifying.
Organization ReviewandAuditFunctions PacaeIV-79*IV-80IV-81*IV-82IV-83IV-84**TableIV.18-1,FigureIV.2-1andFigureIV.2-3Havebeenrevised.FigureIV.2-6hasbeenadded.IV-viiRevision1August1974 II QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMFORSTATIONOPERATION QualitAssurance ProramThequalityassurance programdescribed inthisSupplement hasbeendeveloped bytheRochester GasandElectricCorpora-tiontoassuresafeandreliableoperation oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant.Thisprogramappliestoallactivities affecting thesafetyrelatedfunctions ofthestructures, systems,andcomponents thatpreventormitigatethecon-sequences ofpostulated accidents thatcouldcauseundue,risktothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.Thesequalityaffecting activities includeoperating, maintaining, repair-ing,refueling, andmodifying.
The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in his Corporate State-ment of Quality Assurance Policy.This policy is imple-mented by the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam through the Quality Assurance Coordinator and the Ginna Station Superintendent.
ThebasicRochester GasandElectricCorporation qualityassurance policyisestablished bytheChairmanoftheBoardandChiefExecutive OfficerinhisCorporate State-mentofQualityAssurance Policy.Thispolicyisimple-mentedbytheSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteamthroughtheQualityAssurance Coordinator andtheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
The program is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual which contains the requirements and assignment of responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is developed and maintained by the Quality Assurance Coordinator and reviewed and approved>>I by the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam.  
TheprogramisgovernedbyaGinnaStationQualityAssurance Manualwhichcontainstherequirements andassignment ofresponsibilities forimplementation oftheprogram.Themanualisdeveloped andmaintained bytheQualityAssurance Coordinator andreviewedandapproved>>IbytheSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteam.  

Theprogramisimplemented throughQualityAssurance, QualityControl,Engineering, andPurchasing Pro-cedures..Theseprocedures aredeveloped bytheresponsible organization (i.e.,QualityAssurance, Operations, Engineer-ing,andPurchasing) andreviewedandapprovedbytheQualityAssurance Coordinator.
The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engineering, and Purchasing Pro-cedures..These procedures are developed by the responsible organization (i.e., Quality Assurance, Operations, Engineer-ing, and Purchasing) and reviewed and approved by the Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Theprocedures arecontained inseparatemanualsmaintained bytheresponsible organization.
The procedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.
Alltheseprocedures arereviewedforadequacyatleastonceeverytwoyearsbytheresponsible organization.
All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years by the responsible organization.
TableIV.1-.1providesalistingofthesubjectsandashortdescrip-tionofthesubjectmatterwhichiscontained inthepro-cedures.Organizational interfaces aredefinedandcontrolled bysectionsoftheQualityAssurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities aredescribed inSectionIV.2.Thequalityassurance programcoversallexistingSeismicCategoryIstructures, systems,andcomponents, including theirfoundations andsupports.
Table IV.1-.1 provides a listing of the subjects and a short descrip-tion of the subject matter which is contained in the pro-cedures.Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities are described in Section IV.2.The quality assurance program covers all existing Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities, affecting the quality of these structures, systems, and components are controlled to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.A detailed listing of the structures, systems, IV-2 I
Activities, affecting thequalityofthesestructures, systems,andcomponents arecontrolled toanextentconsistent withtheirimportance tosafety.Adetailedlistingofthestructures, systems,IV-2 I
and components covered by'he quality assurance program, based on Section 1.2.1 of the Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.I Details of the system boundaries and the quality classifica-tion of water-and-steam-containing components are contained on system flow drawings.The listing of structures, systemsi and components covered by the quality assurance program D and the system flow drawings are prepared and maintained by Engineering and reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance.
andcomponents coveredby'hequalityassurance program,basedonSection1.2.1oftheFinalFacilityDescription andSafetyAnalysisReport,iscontained intheQualityAssurance Manual.IDetailsofthesystemboundaries andthequalityclassifica-tionofwater-and-steam-containing components arecontained onsystemflowdrawings.
t Modifications or additions to existing structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accordance with the guidelines in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.29.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.
Thelistingofstructures, systemsiandcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programDandthesystemflowdrawingsarepreparedandmaintained byEngineering andreviewedandapprovedbyQualityAssurance.
Refresher sessions XV-3 0
tModifications oradditions toexistingstructures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated thesameseismicclassifica-tionastheexistingsystem.Newstructures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated aseismicclassification inaccordance withtheguidelines inUSAECRegulatory Guide1.29.Supervisory personnel areindoctrinated inqualityassurance
are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.
: policies, manuals,andprocedures toassuretheyunderstand thatthesearemandatory requirements whichmustbeimple-mentedandenforced.
Training of personnel not in the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training re-quirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.In addition to training in quality assurance, each department conducts on-the-job training to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments.
Personnel responsible forperforming activities affecting qualityaretrainedandindoctrinated intherequirements, purpose,scope,andimplementation ofqualityrelatedmanualsandprocedures.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-I fication of operators, as necessary.
Refresher sessionsXV-3 0
Where necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years to assure that it is meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and lOCFR50, Appendix B.'his review consists of audits or a review equivalent to an audit performed by company personnel or outside consultants.
areheldperiodically andretraining isrequiredwheneveranewprocedure isissuedoramajorrevisionismadetoanexistingprocedure.
Reviews will be conducted every six months during the first two years, that the program is implemented.
Trainingofpersonnel notinthequalityassurance organization istheresponsibility ofeachdepartment performing anactivityaffecting quality.QualityAssurance assistsinestablishing trainingre-quirements andassuresthatpersonnel aretrainedbyauditingtrainingrecords.Inadditiontotraininginqualityassurance, eachdepartment conductson-the-job trainingtoassurethatpersonnel arequalified fortheirprimaryworkassignments.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheformaltraining, qualification, licensing, andrequali-Ificationofoperators, asnecessary.
Wherenecessary, personnel aretrainedinradiation protection, plantsafetyandsecurity.
TheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisrequiredtoreviewthestatusandadequacyofthequalityassurance programatleastonceeverytwoyearstoassurethatitismeaningful andiseffectively complying withcorporate policyandlOCFR50,AppendixB.'hisreviewconsistsofauditsorareviewequivalent toanauditperformed bycompanypersonnel oroutsideconsultants.
Reviewswillbeconducted everysixmonthsduringthefirsttwoyears,thattheprogramisimplemented.

Thequalityassurance programisdesignedto,meettherequirements ofTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants."Theprogramcon-formstothefollowing AECRegulatory GuidesandANSIStandards:
The quality assurance program is designed to,meet the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program con-forms to the following AEC Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards:
a.AECRegulatory Guide1.8,"Personnel Selection andTraining",
a.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.8,"Personnel Selection and Training", and.regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)b.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.28,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Construction)", and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)Note: The requirements and guidelines contained in ANSI N45.2 and associated standards are applied only to Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.c.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment" d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)
and.regulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)b.AECRegulatory Guide1.28,"QualityAssurance ProgramRequirements (DesignandConstruction)",
", and regula-tory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)IV-4A Revision 1'ugust.1974  
andregulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringDesignandProcurement PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision1datedMay1974(GrayBook-Revision1)Note:Therequirements andguidelines contained inANSIN45.2andassociated standards areappliedonlytoSeismicCategoryIstructures, systems,andcomponents, including theirfoundations andsupports.
~~l l e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" f.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.38,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" g.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.39,"Housekeeping Require-ments for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" h.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.58,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel" i.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.64,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants" C j.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.74,"Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions" k.Extracts from ANSI N45.2.8,"Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspec-tion, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems for the Construction'Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)1.ANSI N45.2.9,"Requirements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants" Note: When record storage facilities are not designed in accordance with the require-ments of ANSI 45.2.9, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which axe physically isolated from each other.m.ANSI N45.2.12,"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants"" IV-4B Revision 1 August 1974
c.AECRegulatory Guide1.30,"QualityAssurance Requirements fortheInstallation, Inspection, andTestingofInstrumentation andElectricEquipment" d.AECRegulatory Guide1.33,"QualityAssurance ProgramRequirements (Operation)
~I n.ANSI N45.2.13,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Equipment, Materials and Services for Nuclear Power Plants," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)IV-4C Revision 1 August 1974
",andregula-torystaffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)IV-4ARevision1'ugust.1974  
~'s~Q l, The major organizations participating in the quality assurance program are the Purchasing, Engineering, and Electric and Steam Production Departments; Quality Assurance; the Plant Operations Review Committee; and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Figure IV.2-l is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to.the corporate organization.
~~ll e.AECRegulatory Guide1.37,"QualityAssurance Requirements forCleaningofFluidSystemsandAssociated Components ofWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants"f.AECRegulatory Guide1.38,"QualityAssurance Requirements forPackaging,
Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are the: Chairman of the Board Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam Vice President and Chief Engineer Quality Assurance Coordinator Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations Quality Assurance Engineer, Design Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and Non-destructive Examination Purchasing Agent Ginna Station Superintendent Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer In addition to the above individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and audit plant operations.
: Shipping, Receiving, Storage,andHandlingofItemsforWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants"g.AECRegulatory Guide1.39,"Housekeeping Require-mentsforWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants"h.AECRegulatory Guide1.58,"Qualification ofNuclearPowerPlantInspection, Examination, andTestingPersonnel" i.AECRegulatory Guide1.64,"QualityAssurance Requirements fortheDesignofNuclearPowerPlants"Cj.AECRegulatory Guide1.74,"QualityAssurance TermsandDefinitions" k.ExtractsfromANSIN45.2.8,"Supplementary QualityAssurance Requirements forInstallation, Inspec-tion,andTestingofMechanical Equipment andSystemsfortheConstruction'Phase ofNuclearPowerPlants",contained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)1.ANSIN45.2.9,"Requirements forCollection, Storage,andMaintenance ofQualityAssurance RecordsforNuclearPowerPlants"Note:Whenrecordstoragefacilities arenotdesignedinaccordance withtherequire-mentsofANSI45.2.9,duplicate recordsarekeptintwoseparatestoragelocations inseparatebuildings whichaxephysically isolatedfromeachother.m.ANSIN45.2.12, "Requirements forAuditingofQualityAssurance ProgramsforNuclearPowerPlants""IV-4BRevision1August1974
These are the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear
~I n.ANSIN45.2.13, "QualityAssurance Requirements forControlofProcurement ofEquipment, Materials andServicesforNuclearPowerPlants,"andregulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringDesignandProcurement PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision1datedMay1974(GrayBook-Revision1)IV-4CRevision1August1974
~'s~Ql, Themajororganizations participating inthequalityassurance programarethePurchasing, Engineering, andElectricandSteamProduction Departments; QualityAssurance; thePlantOperations ReviewCommittee; andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.FigureIV.2-lisanorganizational chartshowingtheseorganizations andtheirrelationship to.thecorporate organization.
Positions responsible fortheprincipal elementsofthequalityassurance programarethe:ChairmanoftheBoardSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteamVicePresident andChiefEngineerQualityAssurance Coordinator QualityAssurance
: Engineer, Operations QualityAssurance
: Engineer, DesignQualityAssurance
: Engineer, WeldingandNon-destructive Examination Purchasing AgentGinnaStationSuperintendent GinnaStationQualityControlEngineerInadditiontotheaboveindividuals, twoadvisorygroupsareutilizedtoreviewandauditplantoperations.
ThesearethePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andtheNuclear

SafetyAuditandReviewBoard.ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee actsinanadvisorycapacitytotheGinnaStationSuperintendent andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardadvisestheSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteam.Thequalifications ofmembersandtheresponsibilites oftheseorganizations aredescribed inAppendixAtoProvisional Operating LicenseNo.DPR-18,Section6.0,Technical Specifications.
Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam.The qualifications of members and the responsibilites of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18, Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
TheChairmanoftheBoardoftheRochester GasandElectricCorporation directedtheestablishment ofthequalityassurance programandissuedthegoverning policytstatement.
The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the quality assurance program and issued the governing policy t statement.
Hehasestablished theNuclearSafetyAudit.andReviewBoardtoreviewandauditplantoperations.
He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit.and Review Board to review and audit plant operations.
TheChairmanoftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisresponsible'to theChairmanoftheBoardonallactivities oftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.TheSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteamhascor-porateresponsibility foroperation ofGinnaStationinIaccordance withapplicable regulatory requirements.
The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible'to the Chairman of the Board on all activities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam has cor-porate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in I accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Heisresponsible forestablishing thepoliciesandreguire-mentsnecessary toassuresafeandreliable, operation ofGinnaStation.Heisalsoresponsible forthoseitemsXV-6  
He is responsible for establishing the policies and reguire-ments necessary to assure safe and reliable, operation of Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items XV-6  

delineated inSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
Hehasoverallresponsibility forandauthority qualityaffecting activities.
He has overall responsibility for and authority quality affecting activities.
Hehasassignedthere-sponsibility forthedetaileddevelopment andoverallcoordination ofthequalityassurance programtotheQualityAssurance Coordinator.
He has assigned the re-sponsibility for the detailed development and overall coordination of the quality assurance program to the Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Theresponsibility forproperimplementation of-thequa-lityassurance programrequirements atGinnaStationhasbeenassignedtotheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
The responsibility for proper implementation of-the qua-lity assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Ginna Station Superintendent.
The Vice President*and Chief Engineer is responsible for the design of plant modifications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes, a and standards.
*andChiefEngineerisresponsible forthedesignofplantmodifications inaccordance withapplicable designbases,regulatory requirements, codes,aandstandards.
He has the responsibility for prep ring drawings and specifications for the procurement of materials and components for plant maintenance and modification as required.'e is responsible for reviewing operating and fuel handling procedures referred to him by the Ginna Station Superintendent and for reviewing maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.
Hehastheresponsibility forprepringdrawingsandspecifications fortheprocurement ofmaterials andcomponents forplantmaintenance andmodification asrequired.
The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for establishing and executing the overall quality assurance program.He is responsible for assuring that the program satisfies the requirements of lOCFR50, Appendix B, that all applicable regulatory guides have been considered,  
'eisresponsible forreviewing operating andfuelhandlingprocedures referredtohimbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent andforreviewing maintenance andrepairprocedures formajorequipment.
TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isresponsible forestablishing andexecuting theoverallqualityassurance program.Heisresponsible forassuringthattheprogramsatisfies therequirements oflOCFR50,AppendixB,thatallapplicable regulatory guideshavebeenconsidered,  

andforkeepingthetotalprogramupdated.Heisre-sponsible forassuringthatalltheplannedandsystematic actionsnecessary toprovideadequateconfidence thatGinnaStationwilloperatesafelyandreliablyareestablished andfollowed.
and for keeping the total program updated.He is re-sponsible for assuring that all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and reliably are established and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the individual or group directly responsible for per-forming the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all necessary quality affecting activities are performed.
Heprovidesmanagement withobjective information concerning quality,independent oftheindividual orgroupdirectlyresponsible forper-formingthespecificactivity.
He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff and directing its activities and for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is a graduate engineer with at least six years of responsible experience, of which two years is in quality assurance and three'years in the design or operation of nuclear or fossil fuel power plants.The Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations is responsible for supervising the operational quality assurance program for Ginna Station.This includes writing quality assurance policies and procedures, coordinating supplier qualification and surveillance, and establishing and implementing the in-service inspection program.He is responsible for staying
Hehastheauthority andorganizational freedomtoassureallnecessary qualityaffecting activities areperformed.
Heisresponsible formaintaining aqualityassurance staffanddirecting itsactivities andforestablishing andimplementing acomprehensive auditprogram.TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isagraduateengineerwithatleastsixyearsofresponsible experience, ofwhichtwoyearsisinqualityassurance andthree'yearsinthedesignoroperation ofnuclearorfossilfuelpowerplants.TheQualityAssurance
: Engineer, Operations isresponsible forsupervising theoperational qualityassurance programforGinnaStation.Thisincludeswritingqualityassurance policiesandprocedures, coordinating supplierqualification andsurveillance, andestablishing andimplementing thein-serviceinspection program.Heisresponsible forstaying

currentinallapplicable regulatory andcodequalityassurance requirements andproviding guidanceandassistance rtotheGinnaStationSuperintendent, theGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer, andotheraffectedpersonnel ontheserequirements.
current in all applicable regulatory and code quality assurance requirements and providing guidance and assistance r to the Ginna Station Superintendent, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and other affected personnel on these requirements.
The Quality Assurance Engineer, Design is responsible for interpreting the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B and applicable regulatory and code requirements related to plant modifications and providing guidance and assistance to engineerin'g and station personnel on these requirements.
: Engineer, Designisresponsible forinterpreting therequirements of10CFR50,AppendixBandapplicable regulatory andcoderequirements relatedtoplantmodifications andproviding guidanceandassistance toengineerin'g andstationpersonnel ontheserequirements.
He writes quality assurance policies and procedures related to design activities and interfaces between Engineering and other departments.
Hewritesqualityassurance policiesandprocedures relatedtodesignactivities andinterfaces betweenEngineering andotherdepartments.
He is responsible for reviewing engineering and procurement documents to assure that quality assurance requirements are incorporated.
Heisresponsible forreviewing engineering andprocurement documents toassurethatqualityassurance requirements areincorporated.
The Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and Nondestructive Examination is responsible for developing and qualifying procedures for special processes.
He is also responsible for assuring that personnel are trained and qualified in special processes and for inspection activities in-volving nondestructive examination.
: Engineer, WeldingandNondestructive Examination isresponsible fordeveloping andqualifying procedures forspecialprocesses.
The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified IV-9  
Heisalsoresponsible forassuringthatpersonnel aretrainedandqualified inspecialprocesses andforinspection activities in-volvingnondestructive examination.
ThePurchasing Agentisresponsible fortheprocurement ofmaterials,
: services, andcomponents, fromqualified IV-9  

suppliers, inaccordance withapplicable commercial, technical, andqualityrequirements.
suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.
Hemaintains alistingofqualified suppliers determined throughanevaluation made'byPurchasing, Engineering, Operations, andQualityAssurance.
He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made'by Purchasing, Engineering, Operations, and Quality Assurance.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forsafeoperation ofGinnaStation.Heisresponsible fortheoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification ofGinnaStationinaccordance withtherequirements ofthequalityassurance program.Heisresponsible forpro-vidingqualified personnel toperformtheseactivities inaccordance'with approveddrawings, specificationsi andprocedures.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of Ginna Station in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for pro-viding qualified personnel to perform these activities in accordance'with approved drawings, specificationsi and procedures.
Heisalso'esponsible forthoseitemsdelineated inSection6;0,Technical Specifications.
He is also'esponsible for those items delineated in Section 6;0, Technical Specifications.
TheGinnaStationAssistant Superintendent supportstheGinnaStationSuperintendent indischarging,his responsi-bilities.
The Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent supports the Ginna Station Superintendent in discharging,his responsi-bilities.He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the station and implementing the policies, procedures i and directions of the Ginna Station Superintendent.
Heisresponsible fortheday-to-day operation ofthestationandimplementing thepolicies, procedures ianddirections oftheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible to the Station Superintendent for assuring that activities affecting quality are prescribed and carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and"  
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsible totheStationSuperintendent forassuringthatactivities affecting qualityareprescribed andcarriedoutinaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications, and"  

Inhisday-to-day activities, hereportstotheGinnaStationAssistant Superintendent.
In his day-to-day activities, he reports to the Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent.
HeisamemberofthePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andisresponsible forthereviewofallplantprocedures pre-sentedtotheCommittee.
He is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee and is responsible for the review of all plant procedures pre-sented to the Committee.
Healsoreviewsprocurement documents initiated attheplant.Heisresponsible forthecontrolofdocuments andrecordsstoredattheplant.Heco-ordinates inspection activities andassuresthatinspection requirements areincludedinapprovedprocedures.
He also reviews procurement documents initiated at the plant.He is responsible for the control of documents and records stored at the plant.He co-ordinates inspection activities and assures that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.
Hecoordinates thereceiptinspection ofincomingmaterials, parts,andcomponents andtheprocessing ofmaterialdeficiency reports.Hecoordinates theprocessing ofcorrective actionreports,andassuresthatcorrective actionistaken.Heisresponsible forroutinesurveillance ofothergroupsinvolvedinqualityaffecting activities andprovidestheGinnaStationSuperintendent withobjective information concerning thequalityoftheseactivities.
He coordinates the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts, and components and the processing of material deficiency reports.He coordinates the processing of corrective action reports, and assures that corrective action is taken.He is responsible for routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provides the Ginna Station Superintendent with objective information concerning the quality of theseactivities.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisassistedintheperformance ofhisdutiesbyastaffwhichincludesanengineerandatechnician whocoordinate inspection andrecord-keeping activities, respectively.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is assisted in the performance of his duties by a staff which includes an engineer and a technician who coordinate inspection and record-keeping activities, respectively.
Additional inspectors areassignedtothisgroupasrequiredbythelevelofworkactivities.  
Additional inspectors are assigned to this group as required by the level of work activities.  

InadditiontotheGinna'tation QualityControlEngineer,.
In addition to the Ginna'tation Quality Control Engineer,.
theGinnaStationSuperintendent isassistedbyotherdesignated staffmembersintheimplementation ofcertainqualityassurance programrequirements attheplant.Thesestaffmembersareassignedresponsibility fortest-ing,storageofmaterialandequipment, operating andtest,statuscontrol,calibration andcontrolofmeasuring andtestequipment notusedbyQualityControl,maintenance ofmaterialhandlingequipment, operatortraining, andcontrolofallactivities involving operation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification.
the Ginna Station Superintendent is assisted by other designated staff members in the implementation of certain quality assurance program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assigned responsibility for test-ing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test, status control, calibration and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.
IV.3DesinControlDesignactivities areperformed byRochester GasandEle'ctric.Corporation personnel oraresubcontracted toorganizations providing servicestoRochester GasandElectric.
IV.3 Desi n Control Design activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Ele'ctric.Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for the design and control of design activities (including design interfaces) for the modification of structures,'f systems, or components.
TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerisresponsible forthedesignandcontrolofdesignactivities (including designinterfaces) forthemodification ofstructures,
Design control is implemented by means of engineering procedures which include: design considerations; design review requirements; internal and external interface I
control considerations; design document review, approval distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design considerations include, as appropriate:
Designcontrolisimplemented bymeansofengineering procedures whichinclude:designconsiderations; designreviewrequirements; internalandexternalinterface I
physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;appropriate design bases, codes, standaxds and regulations; acceptance and rejection criteria;and quality assurance requirements.
controlconsiderations; designdocumentreview,approvaldistribution, control,andrevisionrequirements; andcorrective action.Designconsiderations include,asappropriate:
Design verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests as ap-pxopxiate to assure the adequacy of the design.The design of plant modifications's reviewed by an, engineer other than the one who performed the original design.This may be done by Rochester Gas and Electric design engineers or consulting engineers as required.The design also is reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee for acceptability for operation, maintenance, and repair.Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the original equipment technical and quality requirements.
physics,stress,materials, thermal,hydraulic, radiation andaccidentanalysis; appropriate designbases,codes,standaxds andregulations; acceptance andrejection criteria; andqualityassurance requirements.
For plant I modifications, standard"off the shelf" commercial or previously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by 1 the design engineer.XV-l3  
Designverification utilizesvariousmethodssuchasformaldesignreviews,alternate calculations, ortestsasap-pxopxiate toassuretheadequacyofthedesign.Thedesignofplantmodifications's reviewedbyan,engineerotherthantheonewhoperformed theoriginaldesign.ThismaybedonebyRochester GasandElectricdesignengineers orconsulting engineers asrequired.
ThedesignalsoisreviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee foracceptability foroperation, maintenance, andrepair.Spareorreplacement partsmustatleastmeettheoriginalequipment technical andqualityrequirements.
ForplantImodifications, standard"offtheshelf"commercial orpreviously approvedmaterials, parts,andequipment areselectedandreviewedforsuitability ofapplication by1thedesignengineer.
Designchanges,j.ncluding fieldchanges,arereviewedandapprovedinaccordance withthesameprocedures astheoriginaldesign.Ingeneral,designchangesarereviewedandapprovedbytheorganizations
Design changes, j.ncluding field changes, are reviewed and approved in accordance with the same procedures as the original design.In general, design changes are reviewed and approved by the organizations
'orindividuals thatperformed theoriginaldesign,review,andapproval.
'or individuals that performed the original design, review, and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals are designated, provided they have access to pertinent background information and are competent in the specific design area.Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in accordance with Section IV.l7.Design documents in-elude design criteria, analyses, specifications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for assuring that design control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incorporate appropriate design control practices, checks, and re-views.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent design verification is performed; The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for the timely approval and updating of specifications and drawings, as well as changes or deviations thereto, IV-14  
Wherethisisnotpractical, otherresponsible designorganizations orindividuals aredesignated, providedtheyhaveaccesstopertinent background information andarecompetent inthespecificdesignarea.Designdocuments arecollected, stored,andmaintained inaccordance withSectionIV.l7.Designdocuments in-eludedesigncriteria,
: analyses, specifications,
: drawings, designreviewrecords,andchangesthereto.TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isresponsible forassuringthatdesigncontrolprocedures, whethertheworkisdonebyRochester GasandElectricorbyotherorganizations, arepreparedandimplemented andincorporate appropriate designcontrolpractices, checks,andre-views.Designcontrolprocedures arereviewedtoassurethatanindependent designverification isperformed; TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerisresponsible forthetimelyapprovalandupdatingofspecifications anddrawings, aswellaschangesordeviations thereto,IV-14  

utilizedforpurchaseorinstallation ofmaterials, parts,orcomponents.
utilized for purchase or installation of materials, parts, or components.
Anyotherdesigndocuments, specifi-cations,drawings, installation requirements, andchangesthereto,areapprovedinthesamemanner.Errorsanddeficiencies detectedinthedesignprocessaredocumented asconditions adversetoqualityandcon-trolledinaccordance withthecorrective actionrequire-mentsofSectionIV.16.Designcriteriaandspecifications, andchangesthereto,arereviewedbyQualityAssurance fortheinclusion ofqualityassurance andqualitycontrolprogramrequire-mentsaswellasfortheuseofpropercodes,materialspecifications, regulatory requirements, designbases,andqualitystandards.
Any other design documents, specifi-cations, drawings, installation requirements, and changes thereto, are approved in the same manner.Errors and deficiencies detected in the design process are documented as conditions adverse to quality and con-trolled in accordance with the corrective action require-ments of Section IV.16.Design criteria and specifications, and changes thereto, are reviewed by Quality Assurance for the inclusion of quality assurance and quality control program require-ments as well as for the use of proper codes, material specifications, regulatory requirements, design bases, and quality standards.
TheQualityAssurance Coordinator reviewsandapprovesanydeviations fromqualitystandards when.theyoccur.Plantmodifications arecontrolled bymeansofapplicable qualityassurance andqualitycontrolprocedures.
The Quality Assurance Coordinator reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when.they occur.Plant modifications are controlled by means of applicable quality assurance and quality control procedures.
Theseprocedures provideforthepreparation, review,and.approvalofdesigndocuments, safetyanalyses, andplantmodification procedures.
These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and.approval of design documents, safety analyses, and plant modification procedures.
Proposedplantmodifications are=reviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardasrequiredbySection6.0,Technical Specifications.  
Proposed plant modifications are=reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.  

Procurement DocumentControlProcurement documentcontrolappliestothecontrolofprocurement documents formaterials, parts,components, andservicesrequiredtoperformqualityaffecting activities.
Procurement Document Control Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement documents for materials, parts, components, and services required to perform quality affecting activities.
Suchdocuments maybepreparedbyRochester GasandElectricorbyacontractor andincludepurchaserequisitions, purchaseorders,serviceagreements, con-tracts,specifications, anddrawings.
Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, con-tracts, specifications, and drawings.Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is initiated by Ginna Station or Engineering Department staff personnel.
Procurement ofmaterials, parts,components, andservicesisinitiated byGinnaStationorEngineering Department staffpersonnel.
Procurement procedures require that organizations preparing procurement documents consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table IV.4-1.Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station are re-viewed for concurrence by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent or his designated representative.
Procurement procedures requirethatorganizations preparing procurement documents considerandinclude,asappropriate, theitemslistedinTableIV.4-1.Procurement documents, including thoserequesting spareorreplacement parts,initiated atGinnaStationarere-viewedforconcurrence byQualityControlandapprovedbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent orhisdesignated representative.
Procurement documents initiated in Engineering are reviewed for concurrence by Quality Assurance and approved by the-Vice President and Chief Engineer or his designated representative.
Procurement documents initiated inEngineering arereviewedforconcurrence byQualityAssurance andapprovedbythe-VicePresident andChiefEngineerorhisdesignated representative.
Evidence of review and approval of procurement documents is recorded on the'documents or on the attached*control IV-16 1
Evidenceofreviewandapprovalofprocurement documents isrecordedonthe'documents orontheattached*controlIV-16 1
form.These documents are maintained in Purchasing and plant records.After purchase requisitions, service'greements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required reviews and approvals, a purchase order is issued to a qualified supplier and controlled as described in Section IV.7.Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve the original documents as described above.Engineering review of procurement documents includes verification of appropriate classifications, technical requirements, and code application.
form.Thesedocuments aremaintained inPurchasing andplantrecords.Afterpurchaserequisitions, service'greements, contracts, specifications, anddrawingshavereceivedtherequiredreviewsandapprovals, apurchaseorderisissuedtoaqualified supplierandcontrolled asdescribed inSectionIV.7.Undernocircumstances arepurchasing requirements altered(exceptforquantityorpricing)duringorderplacement unlessreviewandconcurrence isobtainedfromthosewhowererequiredtoreview,concurwith,andapprovetheoriginaldocuments asdescribed above.Engineering reviewofprocurement documents includesverification ofappropriate classifications, technical requirements, andcodeapplication.
Quality Assurance review of the above includes checks to verify that proper codes, regulatory requirements, and material specifications are invoked;that FSAR and Technical Supplement commit-ments are included;that ppropriate acceptance or rejection criteria are required;and that quality assurance require-'ents are incorporated.
QualityAssurance reviewoftheaboveincludescheckstoverifythatpropercodes,regulatory requirements, andmaterialspecifications areinvoked;thatFSARandTechnical Supplement commit-mentsareincluded; thatppropriate acceptance orrejection criteriaarerequired; andthatqualityassurance require-'ents areincorporated.
Quality Control reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement parts for adequacy IV-17  
QualityControlreviewsprocure-mentdocuments forspareorreplacement partsforadequacyIV-17  

ofqualityrequirements andtodetermine similarity, compatibility, andtheinclusion ofthequalityrequire-mentsandacceptance criteriaoftheoriginaldesign.Instructions, Procedures, andDrawinsEachRochester GasandElectricorganization isre-sponsible fordeveloping, reviewing, approving, andimplementing procedures asrequiredtoimplement thequalityassurance program.Theseprocedures coveractivities suchasdocumentcontrol,trainingofper-sonnel,andresponsibilities anddutiesofpersonnel.
of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compatibility, and the inclusion of the quality require-ments and acceptance criteria of the original design.Instructions, Procedures, and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric organization is re-sponsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and implementing procedures as required to implement the quality assurance program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of per-sonnel, and responsibilities and duties of personnel.
TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isresponsible forthereviewandapprovaloftheseprocedures.
The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for the review and approval of these procedures.
TableIV.l-lprovidesasummaryofthesubjectmattercontained intheprocedures whichareusedtoimplement thequalityassurance program.Procurement documents requiresuppliers andcontractors tohaveappropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, anddrawings.
Table IV.l-l provides a summary of the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, and drawings.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for pre-paring, reviewing, approving, and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forpre-paring,reviewing, approving, andimplementing instructions andprocedures associated withoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification.
This includes in-structions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide l.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety IV-18  
Thisincludesin-structions andprocedures listedinUSAECRegulatory Guidel.33foradministrative control;generalplantoperation; startup,operation, andshutdownofsafetyIV-18  

relatedsystems;correction ofabnormal, offnormal, oralarmconditions; combatofemergencies andothersig-nificantevents;radioactivity control;controlofmeasuring andtestequipment; chemicalandradiochemical control;andfuelhandlingandrefueling.
related systems;correction of abnormal, offnormal, or alarm conditions; combat of emergencies and other sig-nificant events;radioactivity control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.
Heis'lsoresponsible fortheissuanceofappropriate changestosuchdocuments uponreceiptofregulatory directives, instructions fromRochester GasandElectricmanagement, orthecompletion ofplantmodifications.
He is'lso responsible for the issuance of appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the completion of plant modifications.
ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee hastheresponsibility forreviewing procedures priortotheirapprovalbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent asrequiredbytheSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsibility for reviewing procedures prior to their approval by the Ginna Station Superintendent as required by the Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
QualityControlisresponsible forreviewing plantad-ministrative, operating, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification procedures priortousetoassurequalityassurance req'uirements areincluded.
Quality Control is responsible for reviewing plant ad-ministrative, operating, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures prior to use to assure quality assurance req'uirements are included.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving and issuing specifications, drawings, and installation requirements associated with plant modifications.
TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerisresponsible forpreparing, reviewing, approving andissuingspecifications,
These documents require those per-forming the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications,  
: drawings, andinstallation requirements associated withplantmodifications.
Thesedocuments requirethoseper-formingtheworktoobtain,understand, andcomplywithappropriate instructions, procedures, specifications,  

and drawings.The Vice President and Chief Engineer has established procedures for maintaining drawings and I specifications in a current status.These procedures cover updating of as-built drawings after plant modifi-cations and the revision, approval, distribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.
TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerhasestablished procedures formaintaining drawingsandIspecifications inacurrentstatus.Theseprocedures coverupdatingofas-builtdrawingsafterplantmodifi-cationsandtherevision,
Quality Assurance is responsible for the review of design criteria and specifications, and changes thereto, for concurrence with quality assurance'requirements.
: approval, distribution, andcontrolofalldrawingsandspecifications.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible I for preparing and implementing plant quality control procedures.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forthereviewofdesigncriteriaandspecifications, andchangesthereto,forconcurrence withqualityassurance'requirements.
The procedures require the approval of the Quality Assurance Coordinator and the Ginna Station Superintendent.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsible Iforpreparing andimplementing plantqualitycontrolprocedures.
Persons preparing and approving documents are.responsible for assuring that specifications, instructions, pro-cedures, and drawings include'ppropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomp-lished and assuring that the documents are kept current.Surveillance of the implementation of instructions, drawings, and procedures for operation, maintenance, XV-20  
Theprocedures requiretheapprovaloftheQualityAssurance Coordinator andtheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
Personspreparing andapproving documents are.responsible forassuringthatspecifications, instructions, pro-cedures,anddrawingsinclude'ppropriate quantitative orqualitative acceptance criteriafordetermining thatimportant activities havebeensatisfactorily accomp-lishedandassuringthatthedocuments arekeptcurrent.Surveillance oftheimplementation ofinstructions,
: drawings, andprocedures foroperation, maintenance, XV-20  

repair,modification, andrefueling istheresponsibility oftheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer.
repair, modification, and refueling is the responsibility of the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer.Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of procedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.
DocumentControlProcedures areestablished tocontroltheissuanceofprocedures, instructions,
Standard document, control requirements are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Ginna Station Superin-tendent is responsible for the control of,all documents issued at Ginna Station.Engineering is responsible for the control of all documents issued by Engineering, Quality Assurance, and Purchasing.
: drawings, andspecifications.
Engineering and Operations have separa'te procedures to control documents in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of document involved, its importance to safety, and the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must be controlled; identifies the difference between controlled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies of a document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists IV-21  
Standarddocument, controlrequirements arecontained intheQualityAssurance Manual.TheGinnaStationSuperin-tendentisresponsible forthecontrolof,alldocuments issuedatGinnaStation.Engineering isresponsible forthecontrolofalldocuments issuedbyEngineering, QualityAssurance, andPurchasing.
Engineering andOperations havesepara'te procedures tocontroldocuments inaccordance withtherequirements oftheQualityAssurance Manual.TheQualityAssurance Manualrequiresthatdocuments becontrolled asappropriate, considering thetypeofdocumentinvolved, itsimportance tosafety,andtheintendeduseofthedocument.
Itspecifies thetypesofdocuments whichmustbecontrolled; identifies thedifference betweencontrolled anduncontrolled copiesofthesamedocument; includesthemethodforidentifying holdersofcontrolled copies;requiresthatonlycontrolled copiesofadocumentbeusedforofficialpurposes; requiresthatlistsofeffective revisions beissuedperiodically; requireslistsIV-21  

ofdocument.'olders tobemaintained bythedistributors; andrequiresthatdistributors transmitcontrolled documents usingapprovedformsinternally andexternally.
of document.'olders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled documents using approved forms internally and externally.
Typesofdocuments whicharecontrolled includeTechnical Specifications, FSAR,Technical Supplements, QualityAssurance Manual,procedures (suchas,qualityassurance, engineering, purchasing, repair,maintenance, test,calibration, fuelhandling, modification, andadministrative),
Types of documents which are controlled include Technical Specifications, FSAR, Technical Supplements, Quality Assurance Manual, procedures (such as, quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, calibration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications, drawings, and nonconformance and corrective action docu-mentation.
Suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in procurement documents to provide for control of documents, including manufacturing inspection and test-ing instructions.
: drawings, andnonconformance andcorrective actiondocu-mentation.
The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to insure that documents are available when required;to properly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organizations which review and approve documents have access to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation IV-22  
Suppliers ofmaterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredinprocurement documents toprovideforcontrolofdocuments, including manufacturing inspection andtest-inginstructions.
TheQualityAssurance Manualfurtherrequiresthateachorganization provideinitsprocedures formeasures:
toinsurethatdocuments areavailable whenrequired; toproperlyreviewandapprovedocuments suchasprocedures, instructions, specifications, anddrawings; toprovidethesamereviewsandapprovals forchangestodocuments aswasrequiredoftheoriginaldocument; torequirethatorganizations whichreviewandapprovedocuments haveaccesstopertinent information andadequateknowledge oftheoriginaldocumentintent;toassurethatapprovedchangesarepromptlytransmitted forincorporation IV-22  

intodocuments; andtoassurethatobsoleteorsuperseded documents areeliminated fromthesystemandnotused.QualityAssurance andQualityControlareresponsible forreviewandconcurrence ofprocurement documents and,therefore, procurement documentcontrolrequirements.
into documents; and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents and, therefore, procurement document control requirements.
QualityAssurance andQualityControlarefurtherre-sponsible forreview,inspection, surveillance, andaudit,asappropriate, ofdocumentcontrolsystemstoassureadequatesystemsareimplemented.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control are further re-sponsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to assure adequate systems are implemented.
ControlofPurchased Ma't'erial','
Control of Purchased Ma't'erial','
uiment,andServicesProcurement documents, supplierselection, suppliersur-veillance, andreceiptinspection arethefourmajormeansusedincontrolling purchased
ui ment, and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, supplier sur-veillance, and receipt inspection are the four major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment, components, and services.All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section IV-4.All reviews, inspections, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Suppliers must be on an approved suppliers'ist prior to being issued,a purchase order.Supplier evaluations are conducted by a team consisting of qualified personnel IV-23  
: material, equipment, components, andservices.
Allprocurement isconducted inaccordance withprocurement documents asstatedinSectionIV-4.Allreviews,inspections, surveillances, andauditsareconducted bypersonnel whoarecompetent inestablishing whetherornotasupplieriscapableofproviding acceptable, qualityproducts.
Suppliers mustbeonanapprovedsuppliers'ist priortobeingissued,apurchaseorder.Supplierevaluations areconducted byateamconsisting ofqualified personnel IV-23  

fromQualityAssurance, Engineering, Purchasing, andotherinterested partiesortheirrepresentatives asre-quired.Thedepthofthesupplierevaluation variesdepending onthecomplexity andimportance tosafetyoftheiteminvolved.
from Quality Assurance, Engineering, Purchasing, and other interested parties or their representatives as re-quired.The depth of the supplier evaluation varies depending on the complexity and importance to safety of the item involved.For example, for mass produced or off-the-shelf items, only a check of past performance may be necessary.
Forexample,formassproducedoroff-the-shelf items,onlyacheckofpastperformance maybenecessary.
On the other hand, for complex, im-portant items a very thorough review is performed.
Engineering is responsible for evaluating the overall design or manufacturing capability of the supplier in-eluding his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.
Engineering isresponsible forevaluating theoveralldesignormanufacturing capability ofthesupplierin-eludinghisparticular technical abilitytoproducethedesign,service,item,orcomponent delineated intheprocurement documents.
As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabili-ties, special fabrication processes, output capabilities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabilities, and experience are reviewed.Quality Assurance is responsible for evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accordance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of 10CFR50 Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric requirements.
Aspartofthisreview,thesupplier's designcapabilities, machinery capabili-ties,specialfabrication processes, outputcapabilities, handlingcapabilities, testingfacilities, servicecapabilities, andexperience arereviewed.
The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance
QualityAssurance isresponsible forevaluating thesupplier's overallqualityassurance organization andprograminaccordance withapplicable codes,standards, applicable partsof10CFR50AppendixB,andRochester GasandElectricrequirements.
Thereviewincludesconsideration of:companyorganization, qualityassurance

personnel qualifications, reviewandcontrolofdesigndocuments, manufacturing procedures, qualityassurance procedures, calibration practices, acceptance
personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices, acceptance criteria, required quality assurance records and their retention, and quality assurance requirements and controls im-posed by the supplier on his subcontractors.
: criteria, requiredqualityassurance recordsandtheirretention, andqualityassurance requirements andcontrolsim-posedbythesupplieronhissubcontractors.
Supplier evaluation is conducted by means of procedures or checklists which identify applicable regulatory or code quality assurance requirements.
Supplierevaluation isconducted bymeansofprocedures orchecklists whichidentifyapplicable regulatory orcodequalityassurance requirements.
Quality Assurance and Engineering document their supplier evaluation results in reports which discuss areas in-vestigated, findings, and conclusions.
QualityAssurance andEngineering documenttheirsupplierevaluation resultsinreportswhichdiscussareasin-vestigated,
Concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Operations, and Quality Assurance is required to place a supplier on the qualified suppliers list.One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Quality Assurance is responsible for determining and documenting the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.
: findings, andconclusions.
The objective of supplier surveillance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of product conformance with respect, to the purchase XV-25  
Concurrence ofPurchasing, Engineering, Operations, andQualityAssurance isrequiredtoplaceasupplieronthequalified suppliers list.Oneorganization canremoveasupplierfromthelistwithoutconcurrence oftheothers.QualityAssurance isresponsible fordetermining anddocumenting thedegreeofsuppliersurveillance (including review,inspection, oraudit)requiredduringdesign,fabrication, inspection, testing,andshipping, andforproviding therequiredsurveillance.
Theobjective ofsuppliersurveillance istoprovideasamplingreviewofthesupplier's qualityassurance programimplementation andofproductconformance withrespect,tothepurchaseXV-25  
order requirements.
Forcomplexequipment anddesigns,QualityAssurance andEngineering areresponsible forjointdevelopment ofsurveillance plansinadvanceofsurveillance tripstoidentifyareastobereviewed.
For complex equipment and designs, Quality Assurance and Engineering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.The results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or trip reports which are distri-buted to the Quality Assurance Coordinator, the Vice President and Chief Engineer, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and the Ginna Station Superintendent.
Theresultsofthesurveillance triparedocumented bymeansofinspection sheetsortripreportswhicharedistri-butedtotheQualityAssurance Coordinator, theVicePresident andChiefEngineer, theGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer, andtheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
When a deviation from purchase order requirements is noted, the Quality Assurance representative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if.necessary.
Whenadeviation frompurchaseorderrequirements isnoted,theQualityAssurance representative hastheauthority toinformthevendorthataparticular itemisunacceptable, toissueanonconformance report,ortostopwork,if.necessary.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they I meet all technical and quality requirements.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsible forsurveillance ofsitecontractors toassurethattheyImeetalltechnical andqualityrequirements.
The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.
Thereporting anddocumenting ofcontractor surveillance ismanagedinamannersimilartosuppliersurveillance.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for re-ceiving and storing materials, parts, and components.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forre-ceivingandstoringmaterials, parts,andcomponents.
Upon arrival, the plant storekeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.IV-26  
Uponarrival,theplantstorekeeper logstheitem,placesa"hold"tagontheitem,andnotifiesQualityControlthattheitemhasarrived.IV-26  

QualityControlisresponsible forreceiptinspection upondeliveryattheplantofmaterial, equipment, andassociated servicesforoperation, maintenance, repair,modifications, andrefueling.
Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon delivery at the plant of material, equipment, and associated services for operation, maintenance, repair, modifications, and refueling.
Thisinspection includestheuseofwrittenprocedures orchecklists to.verifythatthematerial, equipment, andservicesconformtotheprocurement documents (ifthishasnotbeenperformed bysourceinspections) andthatdocumentary evidenceofcon-formanceisavailable attheplantpriortoinstallation oruse.Documentary evidencesufficient toidentifythecodes,standards, orspecifications metbythepurchased
This inspection includes the use of written procedures or checklists to.verify that the material, equipment, and services conform to the procurement documents (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that documentary evidence of con-formance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence sufficient to identify the codes, standards, or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is retained.In the event a final source inspection is conducted prior'to the arrival at, the plant, Quality Control performs an in-spection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required documentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document, the extent of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted", files the documentation and receipt inspection results, and returns the item to the station stockroom.
: material, equipment, andservicesisretained.
Xf the item is nonconforming or the
Intheeventafinalsourceinspection isconducted prior'tothearrivalat,theplant,QualityControlperformsanin-spectionforshippingdamageorlostpartsandadocumentchecktoassurethattherequireddocumentation hasbeenreviewedandiscomplete.
Areceiving inspection checklist iscompleted forallitemsreceivedtodocument, theextentoftheinspection performed, including thedocuments checked,andtheinspection results.Iftheitemanddocumentation areadequate, QualityControllabelstheitemas"Accepted",
filesthedocumentation andreceiptinspection results,andreturnstheitemtothestationstockroom.
Xftheitemisnonconforming orthe

documentation isincomplete, QualityControlinitiates amaterialdeficiency reportwhichiscontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.15.Allitemsissuedmustbearanacceptance tagandhavedocumentation tosupporttheacceptability oftheitem.Intheeventthetraceability islostoxthedocumentation reviewisunsatisfactory, theitembecomesnonconforming andmaynot'bereleasedforuse.Identification andC'ont'rol'f Ma't'e'ri'a'1's',
documentation is incomplete, Quality Control initiates a material deficiency report which is controlled in accordance with Section IV.15.All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have documentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event the traceability is lost ox the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not'be released for use.Identification and C'ont'rol'f Ma't'e'ri'a'1's', Parts, and Com onents The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance with written require-ments and applies to material, parts, or components in any stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.
Parts,andComonentsTheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,andcomponents isaccomplished inaccordance withwrittenrequire-mentsandappliestomaterial, parts,orcomponents inanystageoffabrication, storage,orinstallation.
Identi-fication and control requirements are established by either an existing procedure or requirements documents which are pxepaxed during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification and'control necessary; location and method of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability or quality;and the proper identification of materials,  
Identi-ficationandcontrolrequirements areestablished byeitheranexistingprocedure orrequirements documents whicharepxepaxedduringtheplanningstagesofaproject.Theidentification andcontrolrequirements coveritemssuchas:traceability toassociated documents suchasdrawings, specifications, purchaseorders,manufacturing testdataandinspection documents, andphysicalandchemicalmilltestreports;specification ofthedegreeofidentification and'controlnecessary; locationandmethodofidentification toprecludeadegradation oftheitem'sfunctional capability orquality;andtheproperidentification ofmaterials,  

parts,andcomponents priortoreleaseformanufacturing,
parts, and components prior to release for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.
: shipping, construction, andinstallation.
The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that.specifications contain appropriate requirements for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components.
TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerisresponsible forassuringthat.specifications containappropriate requirements fortheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents.
Suppliers are'equired to assure that all required documentation for an item is properly identified and related to the item.Each item is required to be physically identified, either by marking on the item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase order number is used to the maximum extent.possible for rela'ting an item at any time to applicable documentation.
Suppliers are'equired toassurethatallrequireddocumentation foranitemisproperlyidentified andrelatedtotheitem.Eachitemisrequiredtobephysically identified, eitherbymarkingontheitemorbytags.Physicalidentification bypurchaseordernumberisusedtothemaximumextent.possibleforrela'ting anitematanytimetoapplicable documentation.
Identification is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical~identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appropriate means are employed.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and control of materials, parts, and components are prepared by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.
Identification iseitherontheitemorrecordstraceable totheitem.Wherephysical~identification isimpractical, physicalseparation, procedural control,orotherappropriate meansareemployed.
Xn the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, it is handled as nonconforming material and deviations
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible formain-tainingidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents
: received, stored,installed, andusedattheplant.Procedures coveringtheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,andcomponents arepreparedbyQualityControlandapprovedbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
Xntheeventthattraceability islostforaspecificitem,itishandledasnonconforming materialanddeviations

andwaiversarecontrolled anddocumented inacc'ordance withSectionIV.15.ControlofSecialProce'sses Writtenprocedures areestablished tocontrolspecialprocesses, suchaswelding,heattreating, andnondestructive examination toassurecompliance withapplicable codes,standards, anddesignspecifications.
and waivers are controlled and documented in acc'ordance with Section IV.15.Control of S ecial Proce'sses Written procedures are established to control special processes, such as welding, heat treating, and nondestructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes, standards, and design specifications.
Qualification ofpersonnel andprocedures complieswiththerequirements ofapplicable codesandstandards.
Qualification of personnel and procedures complies with the requirements of applicable codes and standards.
Whenspecialprocessqualification requirements arenotincludedinexistingcodesandstandards, theyaredescribed inprocedures whichgivedetailsofthespecialprocess,thepersonnel qualification requirements, theequipment necessary, andthespecialprocessqualification requirements.
When special process qualification requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel qualification requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification requirements.
TheVicePresident andChief.Engineer andtheGinnaStationSuperintendent areresponsible forrequiring suppliers, inprocurement documents, tocontrolspecialprocesses inaccordance withtheaboverequirements.
The Vice President and Chief.Engineer and the Ginna Station Superintendent are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.
QualityAssurance andQualityControlareresponsible forreviewing procure-ment.documents toassurethat.requirements forcontrolofspecialprocesses areincluded.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for reviewing procure-ment.documents to assure that.requirements for control of special processes are included.Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Quality Assurance.
Rochester GasandElectricprocedures forspecialprocesses areprepared,
Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and contractors are reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance.
: reviewed, andapprovedbyQualityAssurance.
Specialprocessprocedures submitted bysuppliers andcontractors arereviewedandapprovedbyQualityAssurance.

TheGinnaStationMaintenance Engineerisresponsible forassuringthat.personnel performing specialprocesses underhiscognizance arequalified andareusingqualified procedures inaccordance withapplicable codes,specifi-cations,andstandards.
The Ginna Station Maintenance Engineer is responsible for assuring that.personnel performing special processes under his cognizance are qualified and are using qualified procedures in accordance with applicable codes, specifi-cations, and standards.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forthequalification ofweldingandNDEpersonnel andprocedures.
Quality Assurance is responsible for the qualification of welding and NDE personnel and procedures.
Engineering maintains recordsforpersonnel andprocedures todemonstrate thatrequiredqualifications havebeenobtainedandarekeptcurrent.Qualityassurance andQualityControlperformsurveillance, inspections, andauditsofspecialprocesses performed byRochester GasandElectricorcontractors toassurecom-pliancewithprocedures.
Engineering maintains records for personnel and procedures to demonstrate that required qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance, inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.
Procedures preparedforthecontrolofplantactivities includeinspection requirements andholdpointsasre-quiredbydrawings, instructions, requirements docu-ments,specifications, codes,standards, orregulatory requirements.
Procedures prepared for the control of plant activities include inspection requirements and hold points as re-quired by drawings, instructions, requirements docu-ments, specifications, codes, standards, or regulatory requirements.
Instructions forconducting inspections arecontained inQualityControlinspection procedures.
Instructions for conducting inspections are contained in Quality Control inspection procedures.
Theseinspection procedures andallsupporting specifica-tionsanddrawingsareprovidedtoinspection personnel forusepriortoperforming theinspection.
These inspection procedures and all supporting specifica-tions and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.
Inspection requirements andholdpointsareutilizedtoverifycon-formanceofactivities tothedocumented instructions,
Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify con-formance of activities to the documented instructions,~I  

specifications, anddrawingsforaccomplishing theactivity.
specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Quality Control inspection procedures include the identifi-cation of quality characteristics to be inspected, a des-cription of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the'organization responsible for per-forming the inspection', the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of-in-spection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the in-spection activity.Inspections are performed by.Quality Control personnel who are independent of the personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are'equired by procurement documents to have'and follow similar procedures and to use independent inspectors.
QualityControlinspection procedures includetheidentifi-cationofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected, ades-criptionofthemethodofinspection tobeused,theidentification ofthe'organization responsible forper-formingtheinspection',
In-spectors are sufficiently trained to adequately evaluate 1 the activity they are inspecting.
theacceptance andrejection
Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing inspections, as required, during plant operation, main-tenance, repair, refueling, and modification when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.
: criteria, therequirements fortherecording of-in-spectionresults,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification ofthein-spectionactivity.
When the work is performed by outside contractors, Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of the subcontractor s inspection activities.
Inspections areperformed by.QualityControlpersonnel whoareindependent ofthepersonnel performing thework.Outsidecontractors are'equired byprocurement documents tohave'andfollowsimilarprocedures andtouseindependent inspectors.
All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section IV.12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.
In-spectorsaresufficiently trainedtoadequately evaluate1theactivitytheyareinspecting.
QualityControlpersonnel areresponsible forperforming inspections, asrequired, duringplantoperation, main-tenance,repair,refueling, andmodification whentheworkisperformed byRochester GasandElectricpersonnel.
Whentheworkisperformed byoutsidecontractors, QualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofthesubcontractor sinspection activities.
Allinspection equipment iscalibrated andcontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.12.Calibration statusisverifiedbyinspection personnel priortoperforming aninspection operation.

Intheeventaninspection ofprocessed materialorproductsisimpossible orimpractical, indirectcontrolbymonitoring processing methods,equipment, andpersonnel isprovided.
In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing methods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when" control is inadequate without both.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for including inspection requirements in engineering specifications.
Bothinspection andprocessmonitoring arerequiredwhen"controlisinadequate withoutboth.TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerisresponsible forincluding inspection requirements inengineering specifications.
Quality Assurance is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in engineering specifications and for establishing the re-quirements for the inservice inspection program.1 The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsi-4 ble for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements areincludedinengineering specifications andforestablishing there-quirements fortheinservice inspection program.1TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsi-4bleforassuringthatadequateinspection requirements andholdpointsareincludedinoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification procedures.
He is also responsible for the assignment of qualified in-spection personnel required for inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the perfor-mance of and conducting the surveillance of inservice inspection.
Heisalsoresponsible fortheassignment ofqualified in-spectionpersonnel requiredforinspection ofqualityaffecting activities andforcoordinating theperfor-manceofandconducting thesurveillance ofinservice inspection.

Theprogramforinservice inspection ofthereactorcoolantsystemandothersafetyrelatedsystemsiscon-tainedinSection4.2,Technical Specifications.
The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is con-tained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.
IV.11TestControlWhenevertestingisrequiredtodemonstrate thatamaterial, part,component, orsystemwillperformsatis-factorily inservice,atestprogramisinstituted employ-ingwrittenandapprovedprocedures whichareinaccordance withbasicrequirements established inTechnical Specifications,
IV.11 Test Control Whenever testing is required to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satis-factorily in service, a test program is instituted employ-ing written and approved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical Specifications, drawings, instructions, procurement documents, specificationsf codes, standards, and.regulatory requirements.
: drawings, instructions, procurement documents, specificationsf codes,standards, and.regulatory requirements.
The test program requires the identification, control, and documentation of all tests and the preparation of written procedures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary test equipment and calibration requirements; material requirements; test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment conditions; limiting conditions; detailed performance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instructions for disposition of deviations; data collection requirements; and test result approval.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the station test program, including the surveillance test program required'by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications.
Thetestprogramrequirestheidentification, control,anddocumentation ofalltestsandthepreparation ofwrittenprocedures requiredforsatisfactory accomplishment ofthetesting.Writtentestprocedures andchecklists include:necessary testequipment andcalibration requirements; materialrequirements; testpersonnel requirements; prerequisite plantandequipment conditions; limitingconditions; detailedperformance instructions forthetestingmethodandtestequipment instrumentation; acceptance andrejection criteria; instructions fordisposition ofdeviations; datacollection requirements; andtestresultapproval.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forthestationtestprogram,including thesurveillance testprogramrequired'by Section4.0,Technical Specifications.

Testprocedures arepreparedbytheplantstaff,reviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andQualityCon-trol,andapprovedbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Con-trol, and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheperformance oftherequiredtestsinacorrectandtimelymannerutilizing writtenandapprovedprocedures.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved procedures.
Whencontractors areemployedfor'tests, thecontractor isre-quiredtoperformtestinginaccordance withhisqualityassurance programrequirements.
When contractors are employed for'tests, the contractor is re-quired to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.
All test results are required to be documented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that required tests for modifications are re-,quired in engineering specifications.
: reviewed, andapprovedbythoseresponsible forperforming thetest.TheVicePresident andChiefEngineerisresponsible forassuringthatrequiredtestsformodifications arere-,quiredinengineering specifications.
He is further responsible for providing engineering assistance to the Ginna Station staff in the preparation of modification-related test procedures.
Heisfurtherresponsible forproviding engineering assistance totheGinnaStationstaffinthepreparation ofmodification-relatedtestprocedures.
Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving modification-related test results.Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measuring and test equipment includes calibration procedures, estab-lishment of calibration frequencies, and maintenance and control requirements of measuring and test in-IV-35  
Engineering isresponsible forreviewing andapproving modification-related testresults.ControlofMeasurinandTestEuimentThecalibration andcontrolsystemformeasuring andtestequipment includescalibration procedures, estab-lishmentofcalibration frequencies, andmaintenance andcontrolrequirements ofmeasuring andtestin-IV-35  

struments, tools,gauges,shopstandards, andnondes-tructivetestequipment whicharetobeusedinthemeasurement, inspection, andmonitoring ofcomponents, systems,.
struments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondes-tructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems,.and structures.
Calibration procedures in-clude step-by-step methods for calibration and require-ments for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics,.manufacturer
Calibration procedures in-cludestep-by-step methodsforcalibration andrequire-mentsforinstrument accuracy.
'recommendations, ex-perience, and other conditions af fecting measurement capability.
Calibration frequency isbasedonrequiredaccuracy, degreeofusage,stability characteristics,
Control of measuring and test equipment requires: a recall system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a system providing unique identification of equipment,'traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing traceability of shop standards to nationally recognized standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures contain instructions to document.the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing for records to be maintained which indicate the complete status of all items under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of IV-36 I
new equipment to be entexed into the calibration and control system including requirements for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.
'recommendations, ex-perience, andotherconditions affectingmeasurement capability.
In the event a measuring instrument is found out.of calibration, an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.
Controlofmeasuring andtestequipment requires:
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and calibration of measuring and test, equipment at Ginna Station in ac'cordance with the above requirements.
arecallsystemassuringtimelycalibration ofequipment; asystemproviding uniqueidentification ofequipment,
In-struments specified in Section 4.1, Technical Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, in-spection, and test are calibrated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.
'traceability tocalibration testdata,andidentification ofthenextcalibration dateontheequipment; asystemproviding traceability ofshopstandards tonationally recognized standards (wherenationalstandards donotexist,procedures containinstructions todocument.
Measuring, test, or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.IV.13 Handlin , Stora e, an'd'hi in The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for develop.-s ing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment'delivered to or located at Ginna Station.Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written IV-37  
thebasisforcalibration) andperiodicrevalidation ofshopstandards; asystemproviding forrecordstobemaintained whichindicatethecompletestatusofallitemsunderthecalibration systemincluding themaintenance, calibration results,abnormalities, andlastandfuturecalibration dates;andasystemcontrolling thepurchaserequirements ofIV-36 I
newequipment tobeentexedintothecalibration andcontrolsystemincluding requirements foraccuracy, stability, andrepeatability undernormaluseconditions.
Intheeventameasuring instrument isfoundout.ofcalibration, aninvestigation isconducted todetermine thevalidityofpreviousmeasurements.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheprocedures andprogramrequiredtoassurecontrolandcalibration ofmeasuring andtest,equipment atGinnaStationinac'cordance withtheaboverequirements.
In-struments specified inSection4.1,Technical Specifications, areincludedintheprogram.Tools,gauges,andinstruments necessary formaintenance, in-spection, andtestarecalibrated andcontrolled inaccordance withstationprocedures.
Measuring, test,orinspection equipment usedbyQualityControlisincludedintheprogram.IV.13Handlin,Storae,an'd'hiinTheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fordevelop.-
singandimplementing procedures forthehandling, storage,shipping, preservation, andcleaningofmaterialandequipment'delivered toorlocatedatGinnaStation.Undernormalcircumstances, manufacturer's specificwrittenIV-37  

instructions andrecommendations andpurchasespecification requirements aieinvokedforcleanliness, preservation, specialhandling, andstoragewithrespecttoenviron-mentalrequirements.
instructions and recommendations and purchase specification requirements aie invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handling, and storage with respect to environ-mental requirements.
Intheabsenceof,orinadditionto,specificmanufacturer requirements, thesuperintendent mayIinvokeadditional requirements inaccordance withtheplantprocedures.
In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the superintendent may I invoke additional requirements in accordance with the plant procedures.
The Vice President'and Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in procurement documents and in engineering specification's that written procedures be used, as ap-propriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning,'I and preservation of materials and equipment procured for modifications.
'andChiefEngineerisresponsible forspecifying inprocurement documents andinengineering specification's thatwrittenprocedures beused,asap-propriate, forthehandling,
These procedures are prepared by con-.tractors or by the station staff as appropriate.
: shipping, storage,cleaning,
Rochester Gas and Electric procedures are reviewed and approved by Quality Control and the Ginna Station Superintendent.
'Iandpreservation ofmaterials andequipment procuredformodifications.
In the preparation of procurement documents, plant procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, ship-ping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of manufacturing and installation prior to operational acceptance.
Theseprocedures arepreparedbycon-.tractors orbythestationstaffasappropriate.
Rochester GasandElectricprocedures arereviewedandapprovedbyQualityControlandtheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
Inthepreparation ofprocurement documents, plantprocedures, andcontractor procedures, consideration ofhandling, ship-ping,storage,cleanliness, andpreservation isgiventoallmaterialandequipment throughout variousstagesofmanufacturing andinstallation priortooperational acceptance.

QualityAssurance isresponsible forreviewofengineering specifications and,contractor procedures toassurethat'properhandling, storing,andshippingrequirements havebeenspecified.
Quality Assurance is responsible for review of engineering specifications and, contractor procedures to assure that'proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.
QualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofhandling, storage,andshippingactivities Ibysuppliers, Rochester GasandElectricpersonnel, andcontractors.
Quality Control is responsible for sur veillance of handling, storage, and shipping activities I by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.
Insection,Test,and'''e'r'atih'tatus Equipment orsystemsnotreadyfornormalserviceareclearlyidentified by'seoftags,controllogs,andothersuitablemeanstoindicatethe,statusinapositivemanner.Theidentification issufficient topositively indicatetheIstatusoftheparticular equipment orsystembeingisolated.
Ins ection, Test, and'''e'r'atih'tatus Equipment or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by'se of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the, status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the I status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Ginna Station Superintendent.
is responsible for indicating the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance,.
isresponsible forindicating thestatusofoperating equipment orsystemstoberemovedfromserviceformaintenance,.
repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Rochester Gas and Electric Xntra-Station Holding Rules.The Ginna Station Superintendent designates personnel who have station holding authority.
repair,ormodification inaccordance withtheapprovedRochester GasandElectricXntra-Station HoldingRules.TheGinnaStationSuperintendent designates personnel whohavestationholdingauthority.
Personnel who have station holding authority are responsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems in accordance with the approved company Xntra-Station  
Personnel whohavestationholdingauthority areresponsible fordirecting thestatuschangeofequipment andsystemsinaccordance withtheapprovedcompanyXntra-Station  

HoldingRules.Systemstatusisindicated throughtheuseofhold'tags andcontrollogs.Equipment orsysteminspection andtest,statusareindi-catedbyuseoftesttags,labels,orworkinspection andteststatussheets.Writtenprocedures controltheuseofholdtags,testtags,andlabels.Theprocedures requiretherecording ofthenameofth'epersonplacingandremovingthetag.Systems,components, andequipment whicharefoundtobeunacceptable duringoraftertestingareclearlyidentified.
Holding Rules.System status is indicated through the use of hold'tags and control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test, status are indi-cated by use of test tags, labels, or work inspection and test status sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of th'e person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.
Fuelhandlingoperations involving fuelassemblies orotherradioactive sourcesareidentified andcontrolled bytheuseoftags,stamps,orothersuitablemeans.Plantmaintenance, repair,ormodification ofcomponents, Psystems,orstructures utilizesaworkinspection orteststatussheettoindicateacceptance orrejection foraparticular component, system,orstructure.
Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources are identified and controlled by the use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Plant maintenance, repair, or modification of components, P systems, or structures utilizes a work inspection or test status sheet to indicate acceptance or rejection for a particular component, system, or structure.
WorkIinspection orteststatussheetsarepreparedandmaintained atadesignated controllocationtoindicatethestatusofworkandthecompletion ofrequiredinspections andtests.QualityControlmonitorsthestatuschangeactivities Vfortheircompliance toapprovedprocedures andassuresIIV-40  
Work I inspection or test status sheets are prepared and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status of work and the completion of required inspections and tests.Quality Control monitors the status change activities V for their compliance to approved procedures and assures I IV-40  

thatinspection results"are properlylogged.QualityControlalsoestablishe theprocedures forimplementing theworkinspection orstatussheetsduringmaintenance, repair,andmodification.
t hat inspection results"are properly logged.Quality Control also establishe the procedures for implementing the work inspection or status sheets during maintenance, repair, and modification.
Nonconformin Material's,'a'rts, andComonentsProcedures areestablished forthecontrol,evaluation anddisposition ofdeficientmaterial, parts,andcomponents.
Nonconformin Material's,'a'rts, and Com onents Procedures are established for the control, evaluation and disposition o f de f icient material, parts, and components.
Materials, parts,orcomponents whichdonotconformtodrawingorspecification requirements areidentified withaholdtagandreportedonamaterialdeficiency report.QualityControlisrespnsibleforissuingmaterialdeficiency reports,recmmendingdisposition, initiating repairorrework,"andinspecting andapproving repairedorreworkeditems.Priortoinstallation oruse,non-conforming itemsremaininaQualityControlreceiving inspection areauntilapproveddisposition hasbeenreceived.
Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold tag and reported on a material deficiency report.Quality Control is resp nsible for issuing material deficiency reports, rec mmending disposition, initiating repair or rework," and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.Prior to installation or use, non-conforming items remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved disposition has been received.After installation or use, nonconforming items are identified until approved disposition has been received.Prior to installation r use, suppliers are notified of all nonconforming items~and reguested to recommend dis-position.Purchasing is responsible for obtaining the recommended disposition from the supplier.Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving supplier's recommended disposition.
Afterinstallation oruse,nonconforming itemsareidentified untilapproveddisposition hasbeenreceived.
After installation or use, Engineering is responsible for determining and approving disposition of nonconforming.
Priortoinstallation ruse,suppliers arenotifiedofallnonconforming items~andreguested torecommend dis-position.
Purchasing isresponsible forobtaining therecommended disposition fromthesupplier.
Engineering isresponsible forreviewing andapproving supplier's recommended disposition.
Afterinstallation oruse,Engineering isresponsible fordetermining andapproving disposition ofnonconforming.
i Itemsarerepairedorreworkedonlyinaccordance withdocumented procedures'nd
i Items are repaired or reworked only in accordance with documented procedures'nd drawings, prepared and ap-proved by Engineering.
: drawings, preparedandap-provedbyEngineering.
Quality Control assures that approved procedures and drawings are available for use prior to the repair or rework and reinspects all re-paired or reworked items.The repair or rework 1 verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at, least equal to the original inspection method.Items which are accepted for use with a known deficiency are fully documented with the specification requirement, justification for acceptance, and affect of such use.All such items are approved prior to use by the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam.Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency re-port summaries which are reviewed and analyzed by E Quality Assurance.
QualityControlassuresthatapprovedprocedures anddrawingsareavailable forusepriortotherepairorreworkandreinspects allre-pairedorreworkeditems.Therepairorreworkmust.be1verifiedasacceptable byaninspection oftheaffecteditemwhichisat,leastequaltotheoriginalinspection method.Itemswhichareacceptedforusewithaknowndeficiency arefullydocumented withthespecification requirement, justification foracceptance, andaffectofsuchuse.AllsuchitemsareapprovedpriortousebytheSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteam.QualityControlissuesmonthlymaterialdeficiency re-portsummaries whicharereviewedandanalyzedbyEQualityAssurance.
Unsatisfactory trends are reported to management by means of the corrective action accordance with Section IV.16.IV.16 Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identification, review and correction of conditions adverse to quality.Conditions adverse to quality, IV-42  
Unsatisfactory trendsarereportedtomanagement bymeansofthecorrective actionreport.inaccordance withSectionIV.16.IV.16Corrective ActionQualityAssurance establishes therequirements foridentification, reviewandcorrection ofconditions adversetoquality.Conditions adversetoquality,IV-42  

suchas,failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, Idefective materialandequipment, andnonconformances arereportedonacorrective actionreport.Conditions adversetoqualityincludeconditions affecting safety,conditions whichcouldresultinplantshutdown, high/maintenance items,andoperating procedure deficiencies.
such as, failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, I defective material and equipment, and nonconformances are reported on a corrective action report.Conditions adverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high/maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.
Thecorrective actionreportidentifies thecondition, thecauseofthecondition, andthecorrective actiontaken.Corrective actionreportsmaybeinitiated byQualityAssurance, Engineexing, Ginna.Station, orPurchasing staffpersonnel.
The corrective action report identifies the condition, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assurance, Engineexing, Ginna.Station, or Purchasing staff personnel.
Corrective'action reportsinitiated atGinnaStationaresubmitted toQualityControlforreviewandsubsequent processing.
Corrective'action reports initiated at Ginna Station are submitted to Quality Control for review and subsequent processing.
Corrective actionreportsinitiated byEngineering andPurchasing arereviewedandprocessed byQualityAssurance.
Corrective action reports initiated by Engineering and Purchasing are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.
Whenacondition adversetoqualityatGinnaStationisidentified, QualityControlevaluates theaffectofcontinuing theactivity.
When a condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates the affect of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up and preclude identification and coxrection of the deficiencyi continuing the-activity would increase the ext'ent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition, stop work action is taken.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, refueling, or modification deficiencies.
Ifcontinuing theactivitywouldcoverupandprecludeidentification andcoxrection ofthedeficiencyi continuing the-activity wouldincreasetheext'entofthedeficiency orleadtoanunsafecondition, stopworkactionistaken.TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerhasauthority tostopworkonmaintenance, repair,refueling, ormodification deficiencies.
The Ginna Station Quality

ControlEngineermayrecommend stopworkactiontotheGinnaStationSuperintendent onoperating deficiencies.
Control Engineer may recommend stop work action to the Ginna Station Superintendent on operating deficiencies.
ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee'eviews allcorrective actionreportsinitiated atGinnaStationandrecommends interimcorrective actioniftheactiondoesnot,represent achangeinconfiguration ofthedeficient item.TheCommittee recommends permanent corrective actionforallconditions adversetoqualitywhichinvolveoperating procedures.
The Plant Operations Review Committee'eviews all corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and recommends interim corrective action if the action does not, represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating procedures.
Conditions adversetoqualitywhichinvolvedesigndeficiencies orarecommended corrective actionwhichinvolvesadesignchangearereviewedbyEngineering.
Conditions adverse to quality which involve design deficiencies or a recommended corrective action which involves a design change are reviewed by Engineering.
Engineering determines thecauseofthecondition andrecommends corrective action.toprecluderepetition.
Engineering determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective preclude repetition.
QualityAssurance reviewsallcorrective actionreportstoassurethatthecauseofthecondition hasbeendetermined andthatcorrective actionhasbeentakentoprecluderepetition.
Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action reports to assure that the cause of the condition has been determined and that corrective action has been taken to preclude repetition.
QualityAssurance alsoreviewsmaterialdefi-ciencyreportsummaries forunsatisfactory trendsandinitiates acorrective actionreportifsuchatrendoccurs.Completed corrective actionreportsaresubmitted totheSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteamtokeephimawareofsignificant conditions adversetoquality.IV-44  
Quality Assurance also reviews material defi-ciency report summaries for unsatisfactory trends and initiates a corrective action report if such a trend occurs.Completed corrective action reports are submitted to the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam to keep him aware of significant conditions adverse to quality.IV-44  

IV.17QualitAssurance RecordsQualityAssurance isresponsible forestablishing thebasicrequirements forqualityassurance recordretention andmaintenance.
IV.17 Qualit Assurance Records Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheretention andmaintenance ofplant'ecords.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant'ecords.
RecordsofEngineering andQualityAssurance activities areretainedandmaintained byEngineering.
Records of Engineering and Quality Assurance activities are retained and maintained by Engineering.
Purchasing isresponsible formaintaining Purchasing records.Eachorganization isresponsible forpreparation, review,approval, andimplementation ofspecificqualityassurance recordprocedures fortheirareasofresponsibility inaccordance withtheserequirements.
Purchasing is responsible for maintaining Purchasing records.Each organization is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and implementation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.
TherecordswhichJIfallwithinqualityassurance recordrequirements includethoserecordsrequiredbySection6.5,Technical Specifica-
The records which J I fall within quality assurance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.5, Technical Specifica-
=tions,thequalityassurance program,andprocurement docu-ments.Alldocuments andrecordsassociated withtheoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification ofstructures, systemsandcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programareincluded.
=tions, the quality assurance program, and procurement docu-ments.All documents and records associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of structures, systems and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.Plant records include operating logs;the results of inspections, tests, audits, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, specifications, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonforming and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment IV-45 I
Plantrecordsincludeoperating logs;theresultsofinspections, tests,audits,andthemonitoring ofplantactivities;
for special processes and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering.
: drawings, specifications, procurement documents andmaterialanalyses; calibration procedures andreports;andnonforming andcorrective actionreports.Recordsofthequalification ofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment IV-45 I
Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity., results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record.of any nonconformances.
forspecialprocesses andtheresultsofreviewsaremaintained byEngineering.
The requirements and responsibilities for record accessa-bility and transmittal are in accordance with document control procedures as described in Section IV.6.Require-ments and responsibilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenance, and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable quality assurance record pro-cedures, codes, standards, and procurement documents..
Inspection andtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeoftestorinspection
Records are available to authorized personnel.
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oftheactivity.,
Removal from record storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible document control activity.Records are stored in record storage facilities which are designed to prevent, destruction of records through fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept
results,thenameoftheinspector ordatarecorder, theacceptance orrejection oftheactivity, andarecord.ofanynonconformances.
Therequirements andresponsibilities forrecordaccessa-bilityandtransmittal areinaccordance withdocumentcontrolprocedures asdescribed inSectionIV.6.Require-mentsandresponsibilities forpreparation, inspection, identification, review,storage,retrieval, maintenance, andtheretention ofqualityassurance recordsareinaccordance withapplicable qualityassurance recordpro-cedures,codes,standards, andprocurement documents..
Recordsareavailable toauthorized personnel.
Removalfromrecordstorageisdocumented onsign-outcardsandaccountability ismaintained bytheresponsible documentcontrolactivity.
Recordsarestoredinrecordstoragefacilities whicharedesignedtoprevent,destruction ofrecordsthroughfire,flooding, theft,anddeterioration bytemperature orhumidityconditions; or,duplicate recordsarekept

intwoseparatestoragelocations inseparatebuildings whicharephysically isolatedfromeachother.Recordkeepingprocedures provideforreceiving, clas-sifying,indexing,
in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, clas-sifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.'The procedures establish retention require-ments, accessability, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for maintaining plant operating records as required in Section 6.5, Technical Specifications.
: labeling, andpreparing recordsforstorage.'Theprocedures establish retention require-ments,accessability, controlofobsoleterecorddestruction, andcontrolforissuanceandreturnofallrecords.TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible formaintaining plantoperating recordsasrequiredinSection6.5,Technical Specifications.
The Vice Pres'ident and Chief Engineer is responsible for maintaining design records, such as specifications,'rawings, design review reports, and design control documentation.
TheVicePres'ident andChiefEngineerisresponsible formaintaining designrecords,suchasspecifications,'rawings, designreviewreports,anddesigncontroldocumentation.
The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for lI maintaining records of quality assurance activities, such as audit reports and vendor surveillance reports.IV.18 Audits Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is-de-termined by audits of all organizations performing IV-47  
TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isresponsible forlImaintaining recordsofqualityassurance activities, suchasauditreportsandvendorsurveillance reports.IV.18AuditsCompliance withallaspectsofthequalityassurance programandtheeffectiveness oftheprogramis-de-terminedbyauditsofallorganizations performing IV-47  

qualityaffecting activities.
quality affecting activities.
QualityAssurance isre-sponsible forconducting auditsofeachorganization'nvolved inthequalityassurance programonaplannedperiodicbasis.Auditintervals arebasedonthestatusandsafetyimportance ofactivities beingperformed.
Quality Assurance is re-sponsible for conducting audits of each organization'nvolved in the quality assurance program on a planned periodic basis.Audit intervals are based on the status and safety importance of activities being performed.
AuditsofGinnaStation,Engineering andPurchasing organizations areperformed annually.
Audits of Ginna Station, Engineering and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table IV.18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.
TableIV.18-1isalistoftheactivities tobeauditedineachoftheorganizations.
Audit frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are established to assure that each activity is audited at least annually.Additional audits are conducted as required by special conditions or circumstances.
Auditfrequencies arebasedonthelevelofactivityineacharea.Auditschedules areestablished toassurethateachactivityisauditedatleastannually.
Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about the audit, such as the func-tional areas to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit, the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.
Additional auditsareconducted asrequiredbyspecialconditions orcircumstances.
The audits are performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit results are documented and reported to the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited, the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam, and the II IV-48 0
Eachauditrequiresthedevelopment ofanauditplantoprovideinformation abouttheaudit,suchasthefunc-tionalareastobeaudited,thenamesandassignments ofthosewhowillperformtheaudit,thescheduling arrangements, andthemethodofreporting findingsandrecommendations.
Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited is required to review the audit.results, take necessary action to correct the deficiencies revealed by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans and audit check lists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits..Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified personnel,,such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.
Theauditsareperformed inaccordance withwrittenprocedures orchecklists byappropriately trainedpersonnel nothavingdirectresponsibilities intheareasbeingaudited.Auditresultsaredocumented andreportedtothepersonhavingsupervisory responsibility intheareaaudited,theSeniorVicePresident, ElectricandSteam,andtheIIIV-48 0
Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and sup-pliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procurement, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program for compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.
NuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.Withinaspecified periodoftime,thepersonhavingsupervisory responsibility intheareaauditedisrequiredtoreviewtheaudit.results, takenecessary actiontocorrectthedeficiencies revealedbytheaudit,anddocumentandreportthecorrective action.QualityAssurance isresponsible fordeveloping auditplansandauditchecklists,designating andtrainingauditpersonnel, andconducting audits..Auditsmaybeconducted byQualityAssurance engineers orotherqualified personnel,,such astechnical specialists fromothercompanydepartments andoutsideconsultants.
Audits are conducted, as re-quired, to assure that major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents.
Auditsofmajorcontractors, subcontractors, andsup-pliersareconducted duringtheearlystagesofdesignandprocurement, asrequired, toevaluatetheirqualityassurance programforcompliance withallaspectsoftheprocurement documents.
During the project, additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly implemented in accordance with procurement documents.
Auditsareconducted, asre-quired,toassurethatmajorcontractors, subcontractors, andsuppliers areauditingtheirsuppliers'uality assurance programsinaccordance withprocurement documents.
Duringtheproject,additional auditsareperformed, asrequired, toassureallqualityassurance programrequirements areproperlyimplemented inaccordance withprocurement documents.

TheQualityAssurance Coordinator willperformregularanalysesofauditresultstoeval'uate qualitytrends.Resultsoftheseanalyseswillbeprovidedtomanagement fortheirregularreview.IV-50  
The Quality Assurance Coordinator will perform regular analyses of audit results to eval'uate quality trends.Results of these analyses will be provided to management for their regular review.IV-50  

Table IV.l-l Quality Assurance.
ProgramProcedures SubjectListingQualitAssurance Procedures AppendixBCriteriaQualitAssurance GrouImlementation ofQualitAssurance ProramThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish theQualityAssurance Procedures ManualfortheRochester GasandElectricCompanytoassuresafeandreliableoperation ofanuclearplant.Themanualisestab-.lishedtoassuremeetingtherequirements ofTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants"andtherequirements oftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.TraininofQualitAssurance Personnel Toestablish aneducation programforpersonnel whoseworkhasaneffectonthequalityprogram.Theedu-cationprogramdescribed bythisprocedure isconcerned withinforming personnel ofqualityoperations anddoesnotincludetrainingofpersonnel intechnical skills.ManaementReviewofQualitAssurance ProramThisprocedure describes howmanagement reviewsofthequalityassurance programareconducted.
Program Procedures Subject Listing Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Qualit Assurance Grou Im lementation of Qualit Assurance Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is estab-.lished to assure meeting the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainin of Qualit Assurance Personnel To establish an education program for personnel whose work has an effect on the quality program.The edu-cation program described by this procedure is concerned with informing personnel of quality operations and does not include training of personnel in technical skills.Mana ement Review of Qualit Assurance Pro ram This procedure describes how management reviews of the quality assurance program are conducted.
Thisincludeshowmanagement levelauditsareconducted, whatreports
This includes how management level audits are conducted, what reports

Table IV.1-1 (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria are submitted-to management for review, and how manage-ment comments are incorporated into the program.Qualit Assurance Grou Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Quality Assurance Organ-ization and its responsibilities for establishing and executing a quality assurance program to assure that the Rochester Gas and Electric nuclear facilities are operated in conformance to lOCFR 50, Appendix B requirements.
QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd.)
Modification of Structures, S stems and Com onents Covered B the Quaint Assurance Pro ram III This procedure defines the method followed to perform modifications to safety related structures, systems and components.
AppendixBCriteriaaresubmitted-to management forreview,andhowmanage-mentcommentsareincorporated intotheprogram.QualitAssurance GrouOranization andResonsibilities Thisprocedure describes theQualityAssurance Organ-izationanditsresponsibilities forestablishing andexecuting aqualityassurance programtoassurethattheRochester GasandElectricnuclearfacilities areoperatedinconformance tolOCFR50,AppendixBrequirements.
Review of En ineerin Documents This procedure defines the requirements for Quality Assurance review of design criteria and specifications to assure that appropriate quality requirements are included.III  
Modification ofStructures, SstemsandComonentsCoveredBtheQuaintAssurance ProramIIIThisprocedure definesthemethodfollowedtoperformmodifications tosafetyrelatedstructures, systemsandcomponents.
ReviewofEnineerinDocuments Thisprocedure definestherequirements forQualityAssurance reviewofdesigncriteriaandspecifications toassurethatappropriate qualityrequirements areincluded.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Procurement of Material, E ui ment, and Services Covered B The Qualit Assurance Pro ram IV This procedure describes the requirements to be met in the procurement of safety related parts, components, materials, structures, systems, and services.Review of Purchase Re uisitions IV To define the procedure for controlling the quality of supplier and subcontractor furnished materials, com-ponents, parts, and services.Re uirements for Su lier Qualit Assurance Programs IV This procedure establishes the requirements for the quality assurance program which must be in existance at a supplier's facility.Re uirements for Qualit Assurance Manual and Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the quality and safety related procedures which are required to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the require-ments for instructions, procedures and drawings,  
QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd.)
AppendixBCriteriaProcurement ofMaterial, Euiment,andServicesCoveredBTheQualitAssurance ProramIVThisprocedure describes therequirements tobemetintheprocurement ofsafetyrelatedparts,components, materials, structures, systems,andservices.
ReviewofPurchaseReuisitions IVTodefinetheprocedure forcontrolling thequalityofsupplierandsubcontractor furnished materials, com-ponents,parts,andservices.
Reuirements forSulierQualitAssurance ProgramsIVThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthequalityassurance programwhichmustbeinexistance atasupplier's facility.
Reuirements forQualitAssurance ManualandProcedures Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish thequalityandsafetyrelatedprocedures whicharerequiredtoimplement theRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Itdefinestherequire-mentsforinstructions, procedures anddrawings,  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria defines the responsibilities for preparing procedures for each involved department, establishes the inter-faces between the various sections of the several procedures manuals, and provides directions for the preparation of quality assurance procedures and instructions.
QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd.)
Qualit Assurance Procedures V The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for Quality Assurance procedures needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance'Manual.
AppendixBCriteriadefinestheresponsibilities forpreparing procedures foreachinvolveddepartment, establishes theinter-facesbetweenthevarioussectionsoftheseveralprocedures manuals,andprovidesdirections forthepreparation ofqualityassurance procedures andinstructions.
It defines the responsibilities for preparing the Quality Assurance procedures manual, establishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments, and provides direction for the preparation of the Quality Assurance procedures.
QualitAssurance Procedures VThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequirements forQualityAssurance procedures neededtoimplement theRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance'Manual.
Review of Qualit Control, En ineerin and Pure assn Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for the review and approval of all quality and safety related documents generated by the Rochester Gas and Electric Company in accordance with the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.  
Itdefinestheresponsibilities forpreparing theQualityAssurance procedures manual,establishes theinterfaces betweensectionsofthemanualandthemanualsofotherdepartments, andprovidesdirection forthepreparation oftheQualityAssurance procedures.
ReviewofQualitControl,EnineerinandPureassnProcedures Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequirements forthereviewandapprovalofallqualityandsafetyrelateddocuments generated bytheRochester GasandElectricCompanyinaccordance withtherequirements oftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Document Issuance, Control and Distribution This procedure defines the requirements for the identification, issuance, revision, distribution, and storage of all documents related to safety related structures, systems, and components controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Qualification of Su liers This procedure describes the requirements for quali-fying suppliers and maintaining an approved suppliers list.Evaluation of Su lier Qualit Assurance Pro rams VII This procedure establishes the requirements for the evaluation of the quality assurance program con-trolling the operations of suppliers of safety related parts, materials, components, structures, or systems to the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation.
QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd.)
Control of Purchased Material, E ui ment and Services the Qualit Assurance Pro ram VIII This procedure describes the method used to control material and services through the procurement cycle from the time of placing the order until the material is placed'in stock or released for use or until the service contracted for has been completed.  
AppendixBCriteriaDocumentIssuance, ControlandDistribution Thisprocedure definestherequirements fortheidentification,
: issuance, revision, distribution, andstorageofalldocuments relatedtosafetyrelatedstructures, systems,andcomponents controlled bytheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Qualification ofSuliersThisprocedure describes therequirements forquali-fyingsuppliers andmaintaining anapprovedsuppliers list.Evaluation ofSulierQualitAssurance ProramsVIIThisprocedure establishes therequirements fortheevaluation ofthequalityassurance programcon-trollingtheoperations ofsuppliers ofsafetyrelatedparts,materials, components, structures, orsystemstotheRochester GasandElectricCorporation.
: Material, EuimentandServicestheQualitAssurance ProramVIIIThisprocedure describes themethodusedtocontrolmaterialandservicesthroughtheprocurement cyclefromthetimeofplacingtheorderuntilthematerialisplaced'instockorreleasedforuseoruntiltheservicecontracted forhasbeencompleted.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Weldin Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be designed.Weldin Procedure Qualification IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be qualified.
QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd.)
Welder Qualification IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which individual welders shall be qualified.
AppendixBCriteriaWeldinProcedures IXThepurposeofthisprocedure istoidentifytheprocessbywhichweldingprocedures shallbedesigned.
Nondestructive Examination Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to outline the program-by which nondestructive examination procedures shall be developed.
WeldinProcedure Qualification IXThepurposeofthisprocedure istoidentifytheprocessbywhichweldingprocedures shallbequalified.
Nondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification IX The purpose of this procedure is to outline the program by which nondestructive examination (NDE)procedures shall be qualified and approved.  
WelderQualification IXThepurposeofthisprocedure istoidentifytheprocessbywhichindividual weldersshallbequalified.
Nondestructive Examination Procedures IXThepurposeofthisprocedure istooutlinetheprogram-bywhichnondestructive examination procedures shallbedeveloped.
Nondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification IXThepurposeofthisprocedure istooutlinetheprogrambywhichnondestructive examination (NDE)procedures shallbequalified andapproved.  

Table IU.1-1 (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures
QualitAssurance Procedures
{cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Heat Treatin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to define how heat treating procedures shall be established and implemented.
Test, Pro ram Re uirements XI This procedure defines the requirements for control of the nuclear plant test progzam.The test program shall.include, but not be limited to surveillance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, physics testing, testing following modification or significant changes in operating procedures, and any evaluation or qualification testing required for new designs.Material Deficienc Re ortin S stem This procedure establishes the methods for handling and control of non-conformant material and the docu-mentation of non-conformances of all safety related materials, parts, and components to meet the require-ments of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Dis osition of Discre ant Material This procedure defines the categories of non-conforming or discrepant material and describes the handling and
AppendixBCriteriaHeatTreatinProcedures Thepurposeofthisprocedure istodefinehowheattreatingprocedures shallbeestablished andimplemented.
Test,ProramReuirements XIThisprocedure definestherequirements forcontrolofthenuclearplanttestprogzam.Thetestprogramshall.include,butnotbelimitedtosurveillance testing,specialtests,postmaintenance testing,physicstesting,testingfollowing modification orsignificant changesinoperating procedures, andanyevaluation orqualification testingrequiredfornewdesigns.MaterialDeficienc ReortinSstemThisprocedure establishes themethodsforhandlingandcontrolofnon-conformant materialandthedocu-mentation ofnon-conformances ofallsafetyrelatedmaterials, parts,andcomponents tomeettherequire-mentsoftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.DisositionofDiscreantMaterialThisprocedure definesthecategories ofnon-conforming ordiscrepant materialanddescribes thehandlingand

Table IV.l-l (cont'd..)
QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd.)
Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria control of each category from the time of identification until disposition is complete.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin S stem XVI This procedure establishes the method required to detect, identify, analyze, review, and.correct conditions which adversely affect quality or safety and to preclude repetition of the deficiency.
AppendixBCriteriacontrolofeachcategoryfromthetimeofidentification untildisposition iscomplete.
Records XVII This procedure defines the requirements for the storage of all records related to safety related, structures, systems, and components controlled by Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Performance of Qualit Assurance Audits XVIII This procedure provides the instructions for imple-mentation of audits scheduled and planned in accordance with procedure QAl802 including preparation performance, reporting, and followup.  
QualitControlDeficienc ReortinSstemXVIThisprocedure establishes themethodrequiredtodetect,identify, analyze,review,and.correctconditions whichadversely affectqualityorsafetyandtoprecluderepetition ofthedeficiency.
RecordsXVIIThisprocedure definestherequirements forthestorageofallrecordsrelatedtosafetyrelated,structures, systems,andcomponents controlled byRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Performance ofQualitAssurance AuditsXVIIIThisprocedure providestheinstructions forimple-mentation ofauditsscheduled andplannedinaccordance withprocedure QAl802including preparation performance, reporting, andfollowup.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures Ginna Q.A.Pro ram Im lementation Appendix B Criteria This procedure establishes the guidelines for the im-plementation of the Quality Assurance Program at Ginna Station.Trainin of Ginna Personnel To provide instructions regarding the indoctrination and training of Ginna Personnel about the Ginna Quality Assurance Program and implementing QC procedures.
QualitControlProcedures GinnaQ.A.ProramImlementation AppendixBCriteriaThisprocedure establishes theguidelines fortheim-plementation oftheQualityAssurance ProgramatGinnaStation.TraininofGinnaPersonnel Toprovideinstructions regarding theindoctrination andtrainingofGinnaPersonnel abouttheGinnaQualityAssurance Programandimplementing QCprocedures.
Ginna Qualit Control Or anization To describe the organization responsible for imple-menting the requirements of the Quality Assurance requirements at Ginna Station.Work Start Authorization To provide instructions which ensure that necessary preparation for plant modifications are complete prior to the start of work.Procurement of Nuclear Materials, Parts, and Com onents IV To provide an outline for processing of orders for nuclear material, parts, and components, at Ginna I
GinnaQualitControlOranization Todescribetheorganization responsible forimple-mentingtherequirements oftheQualityAssurance requirements atGinnaStation.WorkStartAuthorization Toprovideinstructions whichensurethatnecessary preparation forplantmodifications arecompletepriortothestartofwork.Procurement ofNuclearMaterials, Parts,andComonentsIVToprovideanoutlineforprocessing ofordersfornuclearmaterial, parts,andcomponents, atGinna I
Table IV.,l-l.(cont'd.)
Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Station, and to assure that regulatory requirements, design bases, and other requirements necessary to ensure adequate quality are suitably included and referenced in the procurement documents.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Review, A royal, Notification, and Transmittal of Su lier Desi n and QA QC Re uirements IV To provide written instruction for outlining the steps necessary for review, approval, notification, and transmittal of supplier procedures, design.drawings, or any other requirements as specified in.the procurement documents for nuclear material;parts, or components ordered for spare parts or maintenance purposes by plant personnel.
AppendixBCriteriaStation,andtoassurethatregulatory requirements, designbases,andotherrequirements necessary toensureadequatequalityaresuitablyincludedandreferenced intheprocurement documents.
Plant Qualit Control Procedures To describe the intent, scope, and format of the plant quality control procedures.
Review,Aroyal,Notification, andTransmittal ofSulierDesinandQAQCReuirements IVToprovidewritteninstruction foroutlining thestepsnecessary forreview,approval, notification, andtransmittal ofsupplierprocedures, design.drawings, oranyotherrequirements asspecified in.theprocurement documents fornuclearmaterial; parts,orcomponents orderedforsparepartsormaintenance purposesbyplantpersonnel.
Procedures for Performin Routine Maintenance, Re air, or Mode xcatzon To outline procedure requirements for routine main-tenance, repair, or modification activities on safety class A and B systems, equipment, or structures.  
PlantQualitControlProcedures Todescribetheintent,scope,andformatoftheplantqualitycontrolprocedures.
Procedures forPerformin RoutineMaintenance, Reair,orModexcatzonTooutlineprocedure requirements forroutinemain-tenance,repair,ormodification activities onsafetyclassAandBsystems,equipment, orstructures.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Plant 0 eratin Procedures To outline Quality Assurance requirements to be in-cluded in plant operating procedures which are used to direct operating, test, and refueling activities on safety Class A and B structures, systems, or equipment.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Issuance Control of Procedures Used For the 0 eration of the Plant VI This procedure establishes the method by which pro-cedures and check off lists used in the operation of the plant are to be controlled.
AppendixBCriteriaPlant0eratinProcedures TooutlineQualityAssurance requirements tobein-cludedinplantoperating procedures whichareusedtodirectoperating, test,andrefueling activities onsafetyClassAandBstructures, systems,orequipment.
Document Control for Procedure Chan es VI This procedure describes the method by which procedures described in reference 2.3 to be revised shall be controlled.
IssuanceControlofProcedures UsedForthe0erationofthePlantVIThisprocedure establishes themethodbywhichpro-ceduresandcheckofflistsusedintheoperation oftheplantaretobecontrolled.
Document Control at Ginna VI To define those non-procurement documents requiring control at Ginna and the method by which they shall be controlled.
DocumentControlforProcedure ChanesVIThisprocedure describes themethodbywhichprocedures described inreference 2.3toberevisedshallbecontrolled.
Drawin Chan es at Ginna VI To define the responsibilities and to provide in-structions for ensuring that existing piping and
DocumentControlatGinnaVITodefinethosenon-procurement documents requiring controlatGinnaandthemethodbywhichtheyshallbecontrolled.
DrawinChanesatGinnaVITodefinetheresponsibilities andtoprovidein-structions forensuringthatexistingpipingand

Table ZV.l-l.(cont'd.)
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria circuit.drawings are kept current and updated to always reflect the"As built" condition of the plant following modifications to systems and equipment.
AppendixBCriteriacircuit.drawingsarekeptcurrentandupdatedtoalwaysreflectthe"Asbuilt"condition oftheplantfollowing modifications tosystemsandequipment.
Receivin Ins ection of Purchased Material VZI To define the activities and responsibilitie's necessary for properly receiving nuclear materials and in-specting them prior to acceptance for use.Control of Purchased Material, E ui ment, and Services VIII To outline the program for control of material, equip-ment, and services purchased through contractors.
ReceivinInsectionofPurchased MaterialVZITodefinetheactivities andresponsibilitie's necessary forproperlyreceiving nuclearmaterials andin-spectingthempriortoacceptance foruse.ControlofPurchased
Control of Materials, Parts, and Com onents VIII To establish the system for effective control of material, parts, or components from receipt at Ginna through installation or use.Identification and Markin of Material VZZZ To establish an outline for identification and mark-ing of material to maintain quality and traceability through the life of the material.4 av Table IV.l-l (cont,'d.).
: Material, Euiment,andServicesVIIITooutlinetheprogramforcontrolofmaterial, equip-ment,andservicespurchased throughcontractors.
Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control of Weldin IX The purpose of this procedure is to establish the pro-gram for effective control of qualified personnel and procedures pertaining to welding.Issue, Control, and Stora e of Weld Consumables IX To provide instructions for issue, control, and storage of weld consumables.
ControlofMaterials, Parts,andComonentsVIIIToestablish thesystemforeffective controlofmaterial, parts,orcomponents fromreceiptatGinnathroughinstallation oruse.Identification andMarkinofMaterialVZZZToestablish anoutlineforidentification andmark-ingofmaterialtomaintainqualityandtraceability throughthelifeofthematerial.
Welding E ui ment Performance Verification IX To outline the program for periodic performance verification of equipment used on special processes.
4 av TableIV.l-l(cont,'d.).
Ins ection Activities at Ginna To establish guide lines for the activities requir-ing inspectors, source of inspectors, and qualifi-cations of inspectors.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Ins ector Qualification and Res onsibilities X To establish requirements for those designated to perform inspection activities at Ginna.  
AppendixBCriteriaControlofWeldinIXThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish thepro-gramforeffective controlofqualified personnel andprocedures pertaining towelding.Issue,Control,andStoraeofWeldConsumables IXToprovideinstructions forissue,control,andstorageofweldconsumables.
WeldingEuimentPerformance Verification IXTooutlinetheprogramforperiodicperformance verification ofequipment usedonspecialprocesses.
InsectionActivities atGinnaToestablish guidelinesfortheactivities requir-inginspectors, sourceofinspectors, andqualifi-cationsofinspectors.
InsectorQualification andResonsibilities XToestablish requirements forthosedesignated toperforminspection activities atGinna.  

Table IV.l-l.(cont'd.)
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Test Procedure Re uirements XI To outline requirements for the procedures which are performed to verify the correct operability of safety related equipment or structures.
AppendixBCriteriaTestProcedure Reuirements XITooutlinerequirements fortheprocedures whichareperformed toverifythecorrectoperability ofsafetyrelatedequipment orstructures.
Performance of Tests XI To establish requirements for performing tests to include, but not be limited to, surveillance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, physics testing, and testing following modification or sig-nificant changes in operating procedures.
Performance ofTestsXIToestablish requirements forperforming teststoinclude,butnotbelimitedto,surveillance testing,specialtests,postmaintenance testing,physicstesting,andtestingfollowing modification orsig-nificantchangesinoperating procedures.
Documentation, Evaluation and Dis osition of Test Results XI To describe the requirements for accumulating, documenting, evaluating, and dispositioning of results of all tests.Test Personnel Re uirements XI To establish requirements for personnel designated to perform and/or assist in the conductance of tests.Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Used For Calx.ration XII To provide guidelines for test instrument calibration and control which satisfy the requirements of the
Documentation, Evaluation andDisositionofTestResultsXITodescribetherequirements foraccumulating, documenting, evaluating, anddispositioning ofresultsofalltests.TestPersonnel Reuirements XIToestablish requirements forpersonnel designated toperformand/orassistintheconductance oftests.Calibration andControlofTestInstruments UsedForCalx.rationXIIToprovideguidelines fortestinstrument calibration andcontrolwhichsatisfytherequirements ofthe

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Quality Assurance Manual.Calibration and Control of Maintenance Measurin Tools and E uz.ment XII To provide guidelines for calibration and control of measuring tools and equipment used by maintenance
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
'to perform critical maintenance measurement.
AppendixBCriteriaQualityAssurance Manual.Calibration andControlofMaintenance MeasurinToolsandEuz.mentXIIToprovideguidelines forcalibration andcontrolofmeasuring toolsandequipment usedbymaintenance
Calibration and Control of Qualit Control Measurin Tools XII To outline calibration and control instructions for inspection measuring tools used by quality control to determine the reject or accept status of parts and components.
'toperformcriticalmaintenance measurement.
Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in XIII To outline the plan for control of handling, storage, shipping,'and preservation of material to prevent damage, deterioration, or loss from on-site delivery through installation.
Calibration andControlofQualitControlMeasurinToolsXIITooutlinecalibration andcontrolinstructions forinspection measuring toolsusedbyqualitycontroltodetermine therejectoracceptstatusofpartsandcomponents.
Material Handlin E ui ment XIII To outline the requirements for ensuring that material handling equipment remains in good condition.  
Handlin,Storae,andShiinXIIITooutlinetheplanforcontrolofhandling, storage,shipping,
'andpreservation ofmaterialtopreventdamage,deterioration, orlossfromon-sitedeliverythroughinstallation.
MaterialHandlinEuimentXIIITooutlinetherequirements forensuringthatmaterialhandlingequipment remainsingoodcondition.  

Table IV.l-l.(cont'd.)
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Work, Ins ection, Test Status Control as Related to Maintenance, Re air, Modification, or Refuelin XIV To establish work inspection or test status sheets.for indicating the inspection and test status of components and systems involved in maintenance, repair, or modification.
AppendixBCriteriaWork,Insection,TestStatusControlasRelatedtoMaintenance, Reair,Modification, orRefuelinXIVToestablish workinspection orteststatussheets.forindicating theinspection andteststatusofcomponents andsystemsinvolvedinmaintenance, repair,ormodification.
S stems or E ui ment 0 eratin and Test Status Control Indicators XIV To define the system for indicating the operating status of structures, systems, and components to pre-vent their inadvertent operation during maintenance, repair, modification, or test.Control and Dis osition of Deficient Materials To outline the necessary steps for effective control and disposition of non-conforming materials, parts, and components.
SstemsorEuiment0eratinandTestStatusControlIndicators XIVTodefinethesystemforindicating theoperating statusofstructures, systems,andcomponents topre-venttheirinadvertent operation duringmaintenance, repair,modification, ortest.ControlandDisositionofDeficient Materials Tooutlinethenecessary stepsforeffective controlanddisposition ofnon-conforming materials, parts,andcomponents.
Issue of Material Deficienc Re orts To establish an outline for issuing and processing Material Deficiency Reports.  
IssueofMaterialDeficienc ReortsToestablish anoutlineforissuingandprocessing MaterialDeficiency Reports.  

Table IV.l-l'(cont'd.)
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Qualit Deficiencies and Corrective Action Appendix B Criteria To provide instructions for identifying, reporting, and correcting conditions adverse to quality.Control of Qualit Assurance Records at.Ginna XVII To outline the procedure for control of records and documents to be retained.Processin of New Records XVII To detail the processing steps required of new records from their receipt in Central Records until final placement in their storage location.Record Stora e Facilit and E ui ment XVII To provide a description of the record storage facilities and equipment requirements.
QualitDeficiencies andCorrective ActionAppendixBCriteriaToprovideinstructions foridentifying, reporting, andcorrecting conditions adversetoquality.ControlofQualitAssurance Recordsat.GinnaXVIITooutlinetheprocedure forcontrolofrecordsanddocuments toberetained.
Routine Surveillance XVIII To provide instructions for Quality Control Sur-veillance of plant activities covered by the quality assurance program.Correction of Audit Deficiencies XVIII To provide instructions to be used for correcting audit deficiencies at Ginna.  
Processin ofNewRecordsXVIITodetailtheprocessing stepsrequiredofnewrecordsfromtheirreceiptinCentralRecordsuntilfinalplacement intheirstoragelocation.
RecordStoraeFacilitandEuimentXVIIToprovideadescription oftherecordstoragefacilities andequipment requirements.
RoutineSurveillance XVIIIToprovideinstructions forQualityControlSur-veillance ofplantactivities coveredbythequalityassurance program.Correction ofAuditDeficiencies XVIIIToprovideinstructions tobeusedforcorrecting auditdeficiencies atGinna.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures A ppendix B Criteria En ineerin Im lementation of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Engineering Procedures Manual for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is.estab-lished to assure meeting the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainincl This procedure explains the requirements for the training of engineering personnel in the use of the Engineering Procedures Manual.En ineerin De artment Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Engineering Department Organization and defines its responsibilities for the design of safety related components, structures and systems.Desi n Criteria This procedure defines the criteria to be considered in the design of modifications to a nuclear plant.
EnineerinProcedures AppendixBCriteriaEnineerinImlementation oftheQualitProramThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish theEngineering Procedures ManualfortheRochester GasandElectricCompanytoassuresafeandreliableoperation ofanuclearplant.Themanualis.estab-lishedtoassuremeetingtherequirements ofTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants"andtherequirements oftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Trainincl Thisprocedure explainstherequirements forthetrainingofengineering personnel intheuseoftheEngineering Procedures Manual.EnineerinDeartmentOranization andResonsibilities Thisprocedure describes theEngineering Department Organization anddefinesitsresponsibilities forthedesignofsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures andsystems.DesinCriteriaThisprocedure definesthecriteriatobeconsidered inthedesignofmodifications toanuclearplant.
I Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Zt establishes the requirements for documentation and review of these criteria.Desi n Anal sis&Calculations IZZ This procedure defines the requirements for controlling the prepaiation and documentation of design analyses and calculations.
I TableIV.l-l(cont'd.)
En ineerin Drawin s ZII This procedure establishes the requirements for the preparation and revision of Engineering Drawings.En ineerin S ecifications This procedure defines the requirement for specifi-cations and requirements documents needed to assure that all safety related structures, components, and systems are purchased, constructed, inspected and tested in accordance with applicable codes and standards and the provisions of 10CFR50, Appendix B.The procedure establishes the content and format of the documents.
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
Design Control and Review This procedure defines the activities required to assure adequate control of design modifications and the requirements for design verification and review.  
AppendixBCriteriaZtestablishes therequirements fordocumentation andreviewofthesecriteria.
DesinAnalsis&Calculations IZZThisprocedure definestherequirements forcontrolling theprepaiation anddocumentation ofdesignanalysesandcalculations.
EnineerinDrawinsZIIThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthepreparation andrevisionofEngineering Drawings.
EnineerinSecifications Thisprocedure definestherequirement forspecifi-cationsandrequirements documents neededtoassurethatallsafetyrelatedstructures, components, andsystemsarepurchased, constructed, inspected andtestedinaccordance withapplicable codesandstandards andtheprovisions of10CFR50,AppendixB.Theprocedure establishes thecontentandformatofthedocuments.
DesignControlandReviewThisprocedure definestheactivities requiredtoassureadequatecontrolofdesignmodifications andtherequirements fordesignverification andreview.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Purchase Re uisitions IV This procedure describes the actions required of Engineering personnel to purchase material related to quality or safety of a nuclear power plant.En ineerin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for Engineering instructions, pro-cedures and drawings needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the responsibilities for preparing and approving the Engineering procedures manual, estab-lishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the preparation of the Engineering procedures.
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
Fabrication and Construction S ecifications This procedure describes the requirements for documentation of the interpretation of engineering drawings and specifications into work instructions to permit plant operations to properly make modi-fications to the nuclear plant.
AppendixBCriteriaPurchaseReuisitions IVThisprocedure describes theactionsrequiredofEngineering personnel topurchasematerialrelatedtoqualityorsafetyofanuclearpowerplant.EnineerinProcedures Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequirements forEngineering instructions, pro-ceduresanddrawingsneededtoimplement theRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Itdefinestheresponsibilities forpreparing andapproving theEngineering procedures manual,estab-lishestheinterfaces betweensectionsofthemanualandthemanualsofotherdepartments andprovidesdirection forthepreparation oftheEngineering procedures.
I' Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control and Issuance of En ineering Documents VI This procedure establishes the requirements for the control and issuance of engineering drawings, specifications, requirements documents, and work in-structions.
Fabrication andConstruction Secifications Thisprocedure describes therequirements fordocumentation oftheinterpretation ofengineering drawingsandspecifications intoworkinstructions topermitplantoperations toproperlymakemodi-fications tothenuclearplant.
It establishes the numbering system, the control of originals, approvals, distribution, and revisions for both Rochester Gas and Electric and supplier originated, drawings.Su lier Evaluation VII This procedure defines the requirements for the ,evaluation of a supplier's engineering and manu-facturing organization and his design and production capabilities to be performed prior to subcontracting a safety or quality related effort to a new supplier.Review of Test Results XI The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for the review and evaluation of test results to implement the requirements of Section ll of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure establishes the requirements for  
I' TableIV.l-l(cont'd.)
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
AppendixBCriteriaControlandIssuanceofEnineeringDocuments VIThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthecontrolandissuanceofengineering
: drawings, specifications, requirements documents, andworkin-structions.
Itestablishes thenumbering system,thecontroloforiginals, approvals, distribution, andrevisions forbothRochester GasandElectricandsupplieroriginated, drawings.
SulierEvaluation VIIThisprocedure definestherequirements forthe,evaluation ofasupplier's engineering andmanu-facturing organization andhisdesignandproduction capabilities tobeperformed priortosubcontracting asafetyorqualityrelatedefforttoanewsupplier.
ReviewofTestResultsXIThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequirements forthereviewandevaluation oftestresultstoimplement therequirements ofSectionlloftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.QualitControlDeficienc ReortinThisprocedure establishes therequirements for  

Table XV.l-l.(cont'd.)
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria evaluating and answering Quality Control Deficiency Reports which are related to design deficiencies.
AppendixBCriteriaevaluating andanswering QualityControlDeficiency Reportswhicharerelatedtodesigndeficiencies.
En ineerin Records This procedure establishes the-requirements for the storage of all Engineering Department drawings, specifications, requirements documents and supplier documents for all safety related components, structures, and systems controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVZlZ The purpose of this procedure is to describe the re-sponsibilities of the Engineering Department before, during, and after an audit.Purchasin Procedures Purchasin Im lementation of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Purchasing Procedures for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is es-tablished to assure meeting the requirements of I
EnineerinRecordsThisprocedure establishes the-requirements forthestorageofallEngineering Department
Table IV.l-l.(cont'd.)
: drawings, specifications, requirements documents andsupplierdocuments forallsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures, andsystemscontrolled bytheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.AuditReuirements XVZlZThepurposeofthisprocedure istodescribethere-sponsibilities oftheEngineering Department before,during,andafteranaudit.Purchasin Procedures Purchasin Imlementation oftheQualitProramThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish thePurchasing Procedures fortheRochester GasandElectricCompanytoassuresafeandreliableoperation ofanuclearplant.Themanualises-tablished toassuremeetingtherequirements of I
Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance.
Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainin of Purchasin Personnel This procedure defines the requirements for the training of Purchasing Department personnel in the use of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Purchasin De artment Or anization and-Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Purchasing Department organization and its responsibilities for the pro-curement of safety related materials, components, structures, and systems: Pre aration, Review, A royal and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Chan e Orders This procedure establishes the procedure for processing a Purchase Order upon receipt of a Purchase Requisition.
Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)
Purchasin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirement for purchasing instructions and I I' Table IV.1-1.(cont'.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria procedures needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the re-sponsibilities for preparing and approving the Pur-chasing Procedures Manual, establishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the pre-paration of the purchasing procedures.
AppendixBCriteriaTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance.
Control and Issuance of Purchasin Procedures VI This procedure establishes the methods for the de-velopment, maintenance, control, and issuance of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Su lier Qualification, Surveillance, and Control VII This procedure describes the requirements for qualifying suppliers, maintaining records of approved suppliers, and evaluating their performance during the manufacturing stage to assure conformance to specification requirements.
CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants"andtherequirements oftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.TraininofPurchasin Personnel Thisprocedure definestherequirements forthetrainingofPurchasing Department personnel intheuseofthePurchasing Procedures Manual.Purchasin DeartmentOranization and-Resonsibilities Thisprocedure describes thePurchasing Department organization anditsresponsibilities forthepro-curementofsafetyrelatedmaterials, components, structures, andsystems:Prearation,Review,AroyalandIssuanceofPurchaseOrdersandChaneOrdersThisprocedure establishes theprocedure forprocessing aPurchaseOrderuponreceiptofaPurchaseRequisition.
Suppliers shall be evaluated prior to issuance of a purchase order to insure that they are capable of manufacturing and delivering a product conforming to the applicable purchase specifications.
Purchasin Procedures Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequirement forpurchasing instructions and II' TableIV.1-1.(cont'.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)
Qualified Su liers List VII This procedure describes the method to be used for the development and maintenance of the Qualified Suppliers List.  
AppendixBCriteriaprocedures neededtoimplement theRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Itdefinesthere-sponsibilities forpreparing andapproving thePur-chasingProcedures Manual,establishes theinterfaces betweensectionsofthemanualandthemanualsofotherdepartments andprovidesdirection forthepre-parationofthepurchasing procedures.
ControlandIssuanceofPurchasin Procedures VIThisprocedure establishes themethodsforthede-velopment, maintenance, control,andissuanceofthePurchasing Procedures Manual.SulierQualification, Surveillance, andControlVIIThisprocedure describes therequirements forqualifying suppliers, maintaining recordsofapprovedsuppliers, andevaluating theirperformance duringthemanufacturing stagetoassureconformance tospecification requirements.
Suppliers shallbeevaluated priortoissuanceofapurchaseordertoinsurethattheyarecapableofmanufacturing anddelivering aproductconforming totheapplicable purchasespecifications.
Qualified SuliersListVIIThisprocedure describes themethodtobeusedforthedevelopment andmaintenance oftheQualified Suppliers List.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure describes the actions to be taken by.the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.
Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)
Purchasin Records This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures, and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.  
AppendixBCriteriaMaterialDeficienc ReortsThisprocedure describes theactionstobetakenbythePurchasing Department inprocessing MaterialDeficiency Reportswhichaffectsuppliermaterial.
QualitControlDeficienc ReortinThisprocedure describes theactionstobetakenby.thePurchasing Department whensupplierdeficiencies whichrequirecorrective actionarediscovered.
Purchasin RecordsThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthestorageofallPurchasing Department recordsforsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures, andsystemsascontrolled bytheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.AuditReuirements XVIIIThepurposeofthisprocedure istodescribetheresponsibilities ofthePurchasing Department duringaninternalaudit.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Pro'cedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure describes the actions to be taken by.the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.
Purchasin Pro'cedures (cont'd.)
Purchasin Records XVII This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures,.
AppendixBCriteriaMaterialDeficienc ReortsThisprocedure describes theactionstobetakenbythePurchasing Department inprocessing MaterialDeficiency Reportswhichaffectsuppliermaterial.
and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.  
QualitControlDeficienc ReortinThisprocedure describes theactionstobetakenby.thePurchasing Department whensupplierdeficiencies whichrequirecorrective actionarediscovered.
Purchasin RecordsXVIIThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthestorageofallPurchasing Department recordsforsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures,.
andsystemsascontrolled bytheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.AuditReuirements XVIIIThepurposeofthisprocedure istodescribetheresponsibilities ofthePurchasing Department duringaninternalaudit.  

TABLEIV.4-1Procurement DocumentReuirements Itemstobeconsidered forinclusion inprocurement documents include:1.Component identification.
TABLE IV.4-1 Procurement Document Re uirements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: 1.Component identification.
2.Component orsystemsafetyclass.43.Quantitative andqualitative technical andfunctionrequire-mentsandacceptance/rejection criteria.
2.Component or system safety class.4 3.Quantitative and qualitative technical and function require-ments and acceptance/rejection criteria.4.Applicable regulatory code and standard requirements.
4.Applicable regulatory codeandstandardrequirements.
5.Drawings, specifications, instructions, and procedures to be invoked on suppliers.
5.Drawings, specifications, instructions, andprocedures tobeinvokedonsuppliers.
6.Special test and inspection requirements.
6.Specialtestandinspection requirements.
7.Submittal, approval, and retention requirements for documents l such as special process and test procedures, quality assurance manuals, materials records, calculations and analyses.8.Applicable lOCFR50, Appendix B quality assurance requirements, such as for document control, control of special processes, and control of sub-contractors work or services.9.Access rights for visits and audits by Rochester Gas and Electric and their agents.10.Interface requirements with other organizations; e.g., document submitt'al and review requirements between organizations.
ll.Special requirements or responsibilities for design, procedure preparation, fabrication, cleaning, testing, packaging, handling, shipping, and storing.  
: approval, andretention requirements fordocuments lsuchasspecialprocessandtestprocedures, qualityassurance manuals,materials records,calculations andanalyses.
8.Applicable lOCFR50,AppendixBqualityassurance requirements, suchasfordocumentcontrol,controlofspecialprocesses, andcontrolofsub-contractors workorservices.
9.AccessrightsforvisitsandauditsbyRochester GasandElectricandtheiragents.10.Interface requirements withotherorganizations; e.g.,documentsubmitt'al andreviewrequirements betweenorganizations.
ll.Specialrequirements orresponsibilities fordesign,procedure preparation, fabrication,
: cleaning, testing,packaging,
: handling, shipping, andstoring.  

TABLEIV.18-1AuditListE~Functional Oranization Activities AuditedEngineering Indoctrination andTrainingDesignControlProcurement DocumentControlDocumentControlControlofSpecialProcesses RecordsPurchasing Indoctrination andTrainingProcurement DocumentControlRecordsGinnaStationIndoctrination andTrainingModification Maintenance andRepairProcurement ControlDocumentControlIn-Service Inspection Surveillance TestingStorageOperations Refueling ControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment HealthPhysicsandChemistry OperatorTrainingandRetraining SecurityEmergency PlanInspection andSurveillance RecordsIV-78 I
TABLE IV.18-1 Audit List E~Functional Or anization Activities Audited Engineering Indoctrination and Training Design Control Procurement Document Control Document Control Control of Special Processes Records Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Records Ginna Station Indoctrination and Training Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control In-Service Inspection Surveillance Testing Storage Operations Refueling Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics and Chemistry Operator Training and Retraining Security Emergency Plan Inspection and Surveillance Records IV-78 I
ROCHESTER GASAmELECTRICCORPORATION GIROLSTATIONMANAGEHENT ORGANIZATION ChairmanoftheBoardandChiefExecutive OfficerPresident Sr.VicePresident Finance5GeneralServicesSr.VicePresident Electric5SteamNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardVicePresident Purchasino, Harketing, IandDistricts VicePresidentandChiefEngineerVicePresident SteamandElectricPurchasing AqentGeneralSuperintendent Electric5SteamOperations ChiefDesignEngineers qualityAssurance Coordinator DivisionSuperintendent Elec.8SteamProduction Superintendent GinnaStationPlantOperations ReviewConmittee Supervision andAdministration Otherpunctional Relationships equalityControlEngineerPlantOperations StaffFigureIV.2rlJuly1,1974  
ROCHESTER GAS Am ELECTRIC CORPORATION GIROL STATION MANAGEHENT ORGANIZATION Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer President Sr.Vice President Finance 5 General Services Sr.Vice President Electric 5 Steam Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board Vice President Purchasino, Harketing, I and Districts Vice Pr esident and Chief Engineer Vice President Steam and Electric Purchasing Aqent General Superintendent Electric 5 Steam Operations Chief Design Engineers quality Assurance Coordinator Division Superintendent Elec.8 Steam Production Superintendent Ginna Station Plant Operations Review Conmittee Supervision and Administration Other punctional Relationships equality Control Engineer Plant Operations Staff Figure IV.2rl July 1, 1974  

ROCHESTER GASANDELECTRICCORPORATION QUALITYASSURANCE ORGANIZATION QualityAssurance Coordinator HIEDQualityAssurance EngineerWeldingandNDE'~QualityAssurance EngineerOperations QualityAssurance EngineerConstruction OualityAssurance EngineerDesign*Nondestructive Examination FigureIV.2-2July1,1974  
ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANIZATION Quality Assurance Coordinator H I ED Quality Assurance Engineer Welding and NDE'~Quality Assurance Engineer Operations Quality Assurance Engineer Construction Ouality Assurance Engineer Design*Nondestructive Examination Figure IV.2-2 July 1, 1974  

ROCHESTER CASANDELECTRICCORPORATION GINNASTATIONORGANIZATION Superintendent Assistant Superintendent TrainingCoordinator ResultsandTestsEngineerSupervisor Chemistry andHealthPhysicsSOLOperations EngineetNaintenance EngineerNuclearEngineerOualityContxolEngineer>SOLSh1ftForeman1/Sh1ftHeadControlOLOperatorl/Sh1ftControlOperatorOL1/Sh1ftSOL-Sen1orOperatorL1censeOL-OperatorL1censeAux111ary Operator2/Sh1ftPigutcIV.2-3JulyI,1974  
ROCHESTER CAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION GINNA STATION ORGANIZATION Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Training Coordinator Results and Tests Engineer Supervisor Chemistry and Health Physics SOL Operations Engineet Naintenance Engineer Nuclear Engineer Ouality Contxol Engineer>SOL Sh1ft Foreman 1/Sh1ft Head Control OL Operator l/Sh1f t Control Operator OL 1/Sh1 f t SOL-Sen1or Operator L1cense OL-Operator L1cense Aux111ary Operator 2/Sh1f t Pigutc IV.2-3 July I, 1974  

GINNASTATIONEQUALITYCONTROLORGANIZATION gualityControlEngineergualityControlEngineerInspection gualityControlTechnician Records.FigureIV.2-4July1,1974  
GINNA STATION EQUALITY CONTROL ORGANIZATION guality Control Engineer guality Control Engineer Inspection guality Control Technician Records.Figure IV.2-4 July 1, 1974  

ROCHESTER GASAHDELECTRICCORPORATION EHGIHEERIHG DEPARTNEHT ORGANIZATION VicePresident andChiefEngineerAssistant ChiefEngineerEvaluation EngineerChiefEnvironmental EngineerChiefNuclearEngineerChiefElectrical EngineerChiefNechanical EngineerChiefCivilEngineerqualityAssurance Coordinator FigureIV.2-5July1,1974 S
ROCHESTER GAS AHD ELECTRIC CORPORATION EHGIHEERIHG DEPARTNEHT ORGANIZATION Vice President and Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer Evaluation Engineer Chief Environmental Engineer Chief Nuclear Engineer Chief Electrical Engineer Chief Nechanical Engineer Chief Civil Engineer quality Assurance Coordinator Figure IV.2-5 July 1, 1974 S
Rochester GaldElectricCorporation GinnaStationReviewandAuditsFunctions NSARBPORCPurchasing Engineering PlantReview----AuditPigureIV.2-6July1,1974 8'L$0 QpgCCtJL6l-i(o~Introduction SectionIV.2InMay28,1974letterfromMr.RobeA.Purple,theUnitStatesAtomicEnergyCommissio askedseveralquestions ntheR.E.GinnaQualityAssanceProgramforStatioOperation.
Rochester Gald Electric Corporation Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions NSARB PORC Purchasing Engineering Plant Review----Audit Pigure IV.2-6 July 1, 1974 8'L$0 QpgCCtJL 6 l-i(o~Introduction Section IV.2 In May 28, 1974 letter from Mr.Robe A.Purple, the Unit States Atomic Energy Commissio asked several questions n the R.E.Ginna Quality Ass ance Program for Statio Operation.
Theinformatio requested andfurtherciaification oftheprogrameprovidedinSupplement ItotheTechnical Suppmentaccompanying Application raFull-Term Operat'License.Supplement IVisarevisddescription oftR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgamforStation0erationandsupersedes Supplement IIiitsentirety.
The informatio requested and further cia ification of the program e provided in Supplement I to the Technical Supp ment accompanying Application r a Full-Term Operat'License.Supplement IV is a revis d description of t R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Prog am for Station 0 eration and supersedes Supplement II i its entirety.The following revisions have been made the descri ion of the program: Additions That all Quality ssurance, Quality Control, Engin-eering, and Pur a ing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at le st o ce every two years.That the li of stru tures, systems, and components covered by he quality assurance program are based on the list'n Section 1.2 1 of the FSAR.h That m naaement review o the quality assurance program may b in a form other th an audit.Tha the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is re ired to review the statu and adequacy of the q ality assurance program at east once every two ears.That the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board reports to the Chai an of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Cor ration on NSARB activities.
Thefollowing revisions havebeenmadethedescriionoftheprogram:Additions ThatallQualityssurance, QualityControl,Engin-eering,andPuraingprocedures arereviewedforadequacyatlestoceeverytwoyears.Thattheliofstrutures,systems,andcomponents coveredbyhequalityassurance programarebasedonthelist'nSection1.21oftheFSAR.hThatmnaaementreviewothequalityassurance programmaybinaformotherthanaudit.ThatheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisreiredtoreviewthestatuandadequacyoftheqalityassurance programateastonceeverytwoears.ThattheChairmanoftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardreportstotheChaianoftheBoardofRochester GasandElectricCorrationonNSARBactivities.
Section IV.3 Additions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.Revis'on 1 August 1974 f (I t f II~
SectionIV.3Additions Thatspareorreplacement partsmeet,atleast,therequirements oftheoriginaldesign.Revis'on1August1974 f(ItfII~
That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.
Thatforplantmodification, thedesignengineerselectsandreviewsmaterials, parts,andequipment forsuitability ofapplication.
That design deficiencies, are documented and controlled in accordance with Section IV.16.That design documents are collected, stored, and main-.tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.
Thatdesigndeficiencies, aredocumented andcontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.16.Thatdesigndocuments arecollected, stored,andmain-.tainedinaccordance withSectionII.17andalistingofwhichdesigndocuments aremaintained.
I Clarification Clarified which design documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
IClarification Clarified whichdesigndocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
Section IV.4 Additions That procurement documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.
SectionIV.4Additions Thatprocurement documents forspareorreplacement partsareprocessed inthesamemannerasotherprocurement documents.
That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are available for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts fox similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
Thatthereviewandapprovalofprocurement documents isreflected onthedocumentoronacontrolformwhichisattachedtotheprocurement document.
Section IV.6 Addition Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.IV-ii Revision 1 August 1974
Thatthedocuments areavailable forverification inPurchasing andplantrecords.ThatQualityControlreviewsprocurement documents forspareandreplacement partsfoxsimilarity totheoriginalrequirements, andadequacyofqualityrequire-ments.SectionIV.5Clarification Clarifies whichdocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
SectionIV.6AdditionMadeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consistent withSectionIV.4.IV-iiRevision1August1974

Thatsuppliers ofmaterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredbyprocurement documents toprovidecontrolofmanufacturing inspection andtestinginstructions.
That suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.
SectionIV.9Additions Madeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consistent withSectionIV.4.AddedQualityControlresponsibilities forsur-veillance andinspection ofspecialprocessactivi-ties.SectionIV..10Additions Thatalldocumentation necessary toperformaninspection isavailable totheinspector priortotheperformance oftheactivity.
Section IV.9 Additions Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process activi-ties.Section IV..10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection is available to the inspector prior to the performance of the activity.That Quality Control inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification
ThatQualityControlinspection procedures includetheidentification ofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected andadescription ofthemethodofinspection tobeused,theidentification
'of the organization responsible for performing the inspection, the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.I That inspection equipment is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration status is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IU.ll Addition That test procedures include test methods and test instrumentation definition.
'oftheorganization responsible forperforming theinspection, theacceptance andrejection
IV-iii Revision 1 August l974
: criteria, therequirements fortherecording ofinspection results,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification oftheinspection activity.
IThatinspection equipment iscalibrated inaccor-dancewithSectionIV.12andthatcalibration statusisverifiedpriortoperforming theinspection activity.
SectionIU.llAdditionThattestprocedures includetestmethodsandtestinstrumentation definition.

SectionIV.12AdditionThatshopstandards calibration istraceable tonationalstandards or,wherenationalstandards arenotavailable, thebasisofcalibration isdocumented.
Section IV.12 Addition That shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.
SectionIV.14AdditionThatwrittenprocedures controltheuseofholdtags,testtagsandlabelsandthattheprocedures requiretherecording ofthenameofthepersonplacingandremovingthetag.SectionIV.15AdditionThatQualityControlissuesmonthlymaterialdeficiency reportsummaries, thatthesesummaries arereviewedandanalyzedbyQualityAssurance, and'thatwhenunsatisfactory trendsarenoted,theyarereportedtomanagement, usingthecorrective actionreportinaccordance withSectionIV.16.SectionIV.17Additions Thatplantrecordsincludeoperating logs,specifications, calibration procedures andnonconformance reports,andtheresultsoftions,tests,auditsandthemonitoring ofactivities andmaterialanalyses.
Section IV.14 Addition That written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags and labels and that the procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries, that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and'that when unsatisfactory trends are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audits and the monitoring of activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.
: drawings, reports,inspec-plantThatqualityassurance recordsofspecialprocessactivities aremaintained byEngineering andthattheyincludethequalification recordsofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment.
That inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the, activity, and a record of any nonconformances.
Thatinspection andtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeoftestorinspection
IV-iv Revision 1 August 1974
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oftheactivity, results,thenameoftheinspector ordatarecorder, theacceptance orrejection ofthe,activity, andarecordofanynonconformances.

SectionIV.18AdditionThatQualityAssurance isresponsible forconducting theaudits'isted inTableIV.18-1.InJuly1974,theUnitedStatesAtomicEnergyCommission requested information ontheconformance of'theR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation tothe-document entitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctob'er1973(OrangeBook-Revision0).The-infor-mationrequested isprovidedinRevision1toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFull-Term Operating License.Thefollowing changeshavebeenmadetoSupplement IV:SectionIV.lAdditions Adescription oftheextenttowhichthequalityassurance programconformstothedocument.
Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits'isted in Table IV.18-1.In July 1974, the United States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of'the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation to the-document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated Octob'er 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The-infor-mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.l Additions A description of the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document.entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).On October 1, 1974, Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration revised its corporate'structure.
entitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringTheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0).OnOctober1,1974,Rochester GasandElectricCor-porationreviseditscorporate'structure.
This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.In addition, the RGSE commitment to the"Orange Book" in August has necessitated some shifting of responsibilities.
Thisorganization changehasnotaffectedthefunctional interrelationships betweentheorganizations responsible forimplementing thequalityassurance program.Inaddition, theRGSEcommitment tothe"OrangeBook"inAugusthasnecessitated someshiftingofresponsibilities.
The changes RG&E has made are reflected in Revision 2 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License.The changes affect every section of the supplement except, sections 12 6 14.Change pages are listed in Instructions-2 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest zevision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next,to each vertical line.Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
ThechangesRG&Ehasmadearereflected inRevision2toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFullTermOperating License.Thechangesaffecteverysectionofthesupplement except,sections12614.ChangepagesarelistedinInstructions-2andeachrevisedpageismarkedwithrevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestzevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnext,toeachverticalline.Revision2November1,1974  

Tablesandfigureswhichhavebeencompletely revisedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepageandbyreference intheindex,pageIV-vii.Unrevised pageswithaverticalsolidblacklineinthemarginreflectchangestothedocumentbetweenSupplement IIandSupplement IV.Someeditorial corrections havebeenmadeandthesearealsomarked.IV-vARevision2November1,1974  
Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.Some editorial corrections have been made and these are also marked.IV-vA Revision 2 November 1, 1974  

TABLEOFCONTENTSSectionTitlePacaeQUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMFORSTATIONOPERATION Iv.lIV.2IV.3IV.4IV.5IV.6IV.7QualityAssurance ProgramOrganization DesignControlProcurement DocumentControlInstructions, Procedures, andDrawingsDocumentControlControlofPurchased
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Pacae QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Iv.l IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 IV.7 Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings Document Control Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services IV-1 IV-5 IV-12 IV-16 IV-18 IV-21 23 IV.8 IV.9 IV.10 IV.11 IV.12 IV.13 IV.14 IV.15 IV.16 IV.17 IV.18 Identification and Control of Materials,~Parts, and Components Control of Special Processes Inspection Test Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment EIandling, Storage, and Shipping Inspection, Test, and Operating Status Nonconforming Materials, Parts, and Components Corrective Action Quality Assurance Records Audits IV-28 IV-30 IV-31 IV-34 IV-35 IV-37 IV-39 IV-41 IV-42 IV-45 IV-47 IV-vi Revision 1 August'1974  
: Material, Equipment andServicesIV-1IV-5IV-12IV-16IV-18IV-2123IV.8IV.9IV.10IV.11IV.12IV.13IV.14IV.15IV.16IV.17IV.18Identification andControlofMaterials,
~Parts,andComponents ControlofSpecialProcesses Inspection TestControlControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment EIandling, Storage,andShippingInspection, Test,andOperating StatusNonconforming Materials, Parts,andComponents Corrective ActionQualityAssurance RecordsAuditsIV-28IV-30IV-31IV-34IV-35IV-37IV-39IV-41IV-42IV-45IV-47IV-viRevision1August'1974  

LISTOFTABLESTableNumberIV.1-1IV.4-1IV.18-1TitleQualityAssurance ProgramProcedures SubjectListingProcurement DocumentRequirements AuditListPa<acIV-51*IV-77**IV78**LISTOFFIGURESFiureNumberIV.2-1IV.2-2IV.2-3IV.2-4IV.2-5IV.2-6TitleManagement Organization PacaeIV-79**QualityControlOrganization IV-82Engineering Department OrganizationIV-83**
LIST OF TABLES Table Number IV.1-1 IV.4-1 IV.18-1 Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pa<ac IV-51*IV-77**IV 78**LIST OF FIGURES Fi ure Number IV.2-1 IV.2-2 IV.2-3 IV.2-4 IV.2-5 IV.2-6 Title Management Organization Pacae IV-79**Quality Control Organization IV-82 Engineering Department OrganizationIV-83**
dlReviewandAuditFunctions IV-84QualityAssurance Organization IV-80**GinnaStationOrganization IV-81*PagesIV-51throughIV-58havebeenrevised.,**TableIV.4-1,TableIV.18-1,FigureIV.2-1,'igure IV.2-2andFigureIV.2-5havebeenrevised.IV-viiRevision2November1,1974  
dl Review and Audit Functions IV-84 Quality Assurance Organization IV-80**Ginna Station Organization IV-81*Pages IV-51 through IV-58 have been revised.,**Table IV.4-1, Table IV.18-1, Figure IV.2-1,'igure IV.2-2 and Figure IV.2-5 have been revised.IV-vii Revision 2 November 1, 1974  

QUALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMFORSTATIONOPERATION QualitAssurance ProramThequalityassurance programdescribed inthisSupplement hasbeendeveloped bytheRochester GasandElectricCorpora-tiontoassuresafeandreliableoperation oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant.Thisprogramappliestoallactivities affecting thesafetyrelatedfunctions ofthestructures, systems,andcomponents thatpreventormitigatethecon-sequences ofpostulated accidents thatcouldcauseunduerisk.tothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.Thesequalityaffecting activities includeoperating, maintaining, repair-ing,refueling andmodifying.
QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Qualit Assurance Pro ram The quality assurance program described in this Supplement has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corpora-tion to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of the structures, systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the con-sequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue the health and safety of the public.These quality affecting activities include operating, maintaining, repair-ing, refueling and modifying.
ThebasicRochester GasandElectricCorporation qualityassurance policyisestablished bytheChairmanoftheBoardandChiefExecutive OfficerinhisCorporate State-mentofQualityAssurance Policy.Thispolicyisimple-mentedbytheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction throughtheQualityAssurance Coordinator andtheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in his Corporate State-ment of Quality Assurance Policy.This policy is imple-mented by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production through the Quality Assurance Coordinator and the Ginna Station Superintendent.
TheprogramisgovernedbyaGinnaStationQualityAssurance Manualwhichcontainstherequirements andassignment ofresponsibilities forimplementation oftheprogram.Themanualis.prepared,
The program is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual which contains the requirements and assignment of responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is.prepared, reviewed, and maintained by Quality Assurance and approved by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.
: reviewed, andmaintained byQualityAssurance andapprovedbytheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction.
IV-1 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  

Theprogramisimplemented throughQualityAssurance, QualityControl,Engineering, andPurchasing Procedures.
The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engineering, and Purchasing Procedures.
Theseprocedures arepreparedandapprovedbytheresponsible organization (i.e.,QualityAssurance, Opera-tions,Engineering, andPurchasing) andreviewedandconcurred withbyQualityAssurance.
These procedures are prepared and approved by the responsible organization (i.e., Quality Assurance, Opera-tions, Engineering, and Purchasing) and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.
Theprocedures arecontained inseparatemanualsmaintained bytheresponsible organization.
The procedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.
Alltheseprocedures arereviewedforadequacyatleast,,once everytwoyearsbytheresponsible organization.
All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least,,once every two years by the responsible organization.
TableIV.1-1providesalistingofthesubjectsandashortdescription ofthesubjectmatterwhichiscontained intheprocedures.
Table IV.1-1 provides a listing of the subjects and a short description of the subject matter which is contained in the procedures.
Organizational interfaces aredefinedandcontrolled bysectionsoftheQualityAssurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities aredescribed inSectionIV.2.Thequalityassurance programcoversallexistingSeismicCategoryIstructures, systems,andcomponents, including theirfoundations andsupports.
Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities are described in Section IV.2.The quality assurance program covers all existing Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities affecting the quality of these structures, systems, and components are controlled to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.A detailed listing of the structures, systems, IV-2 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 S.i and components covered by, the quality assurance program, based on Section 1.2.1 of the Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.Details of the system boundaries and the quality classifi-cation of water-and-steam-containing components are con-tained on system Slow drawings.The listing of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program and'the system flow drawings are prepared and maintained by Engineering and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.
Activities affecting thequalityofthesestructures, systems,andcomponents arecontrolled toanextentconsistent withtheirimportance tosafety.Adetailedlistingofthestructures, systems,IV-2Revision2November1,1974 S.i andcomponents coveredby,thequalityassurance program,basedonSection1.2.1oftheFinalFacilityDescription andSafetyAnalysisReport,iscontained intheQualityAssurance Manual.Detailsofthesystemboundaries andthequalityclassifi-cationofwater-and-steam-containing components arecon-tainedonsystemSlowdrawings.
Modifications or additions to existing structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accordance with the guidelines in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.29.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities
Thelistingofstructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programand'thesystemflowdrawingsarepreparedandmaintained byEngineering andreviewedandconcurred withbyQualityAssurance.
'affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.
Modifications oradditions toexistingstructures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated thesameseismicclassifica-tionastheexistingsystem.Newstructures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated aseismicclassification inaccordance withtheguidelines inUSAECRegulatory Guide1.29.Supervisory personnel areindoctrinated inqualityassurance
Refresher sessions IV-3 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
: policies, manuals,andprocedures toassuretheyunderstand thatthesearemandatory requirements whichmustbeimple-mentedandenforced.
Personnel responsible forperforming activities
'affecting qualityaretrainedandindoctrinated intherequirements, purpose,scope,andimplementation ofqualityrelatedmanualsandprocedures.
Refresher sessionsIV-3Revision2November1,1974  

areheldperiodically andretraining isrequiredwheneveranewprocedure isissuedoramajorrevisionismadetoanexistingprocedure.
are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.
Trainingofpersonnel notinthequalityassurance organization istheresponsibility ofeachdepartment performing anactivityaffecting quality.QualityAssurance assistsinestablishing trainingre-quirements andassuresthatpersonnel aretrainedbyauditingtrainingrecords.Inadditiontotraininginqualityassurance, eachdepartment conductson-the-job trainingtoassurethatpersonnel arequalified fortheirprimaryworkassignments.
Training of personnel not in the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training re-quirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.In addition to training in quality assurance, each department conducts on-the-job training to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheformaltraining, qualification, licensing, andrequali-ficationofoperators, asnecessary.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-fication of operators, as necessary.
Wherenecessary, personnel aretrainedinradiation protection, plantsafetyandsecurity.
Where necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years to assure that it is meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and lOCFR50, Appendix B.This review consists of audits or a review equivalent to an audit performed by company personnel or outside consultants.
TheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisrequiredtoreviewthestatusandadequacyofthequalityassurance programatleastonceeverytwoyearstoassurethatitismeaningful andiseffectively complying withcorporate policyandlOCFR50,AppendixB.Thisreviewconsistsofauditsorareviewequivalent toanauditperformed bycompanypersonnel oroutsideconsultants.
Reviews will be conducted every six months during the first two years that the program is implemented.  
Reviewswillbeconducted everysixmonthsduringthefirsttwoyearsthattheprogramisimplemented.  

Thequalityassurance programisdesignedtomeettherequirements ofTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants."Theprogramcon-formstothefollowing AECRegulatory GuidesandANSIStandards:
The quality assurance program is designed to meet the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program con-forms to the following AEC Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards:
a~AECRegulatory Guide1.8,"Personnel Selection andTraining",
a~AEC Regulatory Guide 1.8,"Personnel Selection and Training", and regulatory staf f comments and supplementary guidance contained i'n the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)b.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.28,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Construction)", and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)c~Note: The requirements and guidelines contained in ANSI N45.2 and associated standards are applied only to Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and"supports.
andregulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained i'nthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)b.AECRegulatory Guide1.28,"QualityAssurance ProgramRequirements (DesignandConstruction)",
AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30,"Quality Assurance Requirements for'the Installation, Inspection; and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment" d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)", and regula-tory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)IV-4A Revision"1 August 1974 1
andregulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringDesignandProcurement PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision1datedMay1974(GrayBook-Revision1)c~Note:Therequirements andguidelines contained inANSIN45.2andassociated standards areappliedonlytoSeismicCategoryIstructures, systems,andcomponents, including theirfoundations and"supports.
e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" f.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.38,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" g.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.39,"Housekeeping Require-ments for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" h.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.58,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel" i.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.64,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants" j.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.74,"Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions" k.Extracts from ANSI N45.2.8,"Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspec-tion, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)l.ANSI N45.2.9,"Requirements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants" Note: When record storage facilities are not, designed in accordance with the requirements of ANSI N45.2.9, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.m.ANSI N45.2.12,"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants" IV-4B Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
AECRegulatory Guide1.30,"QualityAssurance Requirements for'theInstallation, Inspection; andTestingofInstrumentation andElectricEquipment" d.AECRegulatory Guide1.33,"QualityAssurance ProgramRequirements (Operation)",
andregula-torystaffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)IV-4ARevision"1 August1974 1
e.AECRegulatory Guide1.37,"QualityAssurance Requirements forCleaningofFluidSystemsandAssociated Components ofWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants"f.AECRegulatory Guide1.38,"QualityAssurance Requirements forPackaging,
: Shipping, Receiving, Storage,andHandlingofItemsforWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants"g.AECRegulatory Guide1.39,"Housekeeping Require-mentsforWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants"h.AECRegulatory Guide1.58,"Qualification ofNuclearPowerPlantInspection, Examination, andTestingPersonnel" i.AECRegulatory Guide1.64,"QualityAssurance Requirements fortheDesignofNuclearPowerPlants"j.AECRegulatory Guide1.74,"QualityAssurance TermsandDefinitions" k.ExtractsfromANSIN45.2.8,"Supplementary QualityAssurance Requirements forInstallation, Inspec-tion,andTestingofMechanical Equipment andSystemsfortheConstruction PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",contained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)l.ANSIN45.2.9,"Requirements forCollection, Storage,andMaintenance ofQualityAssurance RecordsforNuclearPowerPlants"Note:Whenrecordstoragefacilities arenot,designedinaccordance withtherequirements ofANSIN45.2.9,duplicate recordsarekeptintwoseparatestoragelocations inseparatebuildings whicharephysically isolatedfromeachother.m.ANSIN45.2.12, "Requirements forAuditingofQualityAssurance ProgramsforNuclearPowerPlants"IV-4BRevision2November1,1974  

n.ANSI N45.2.13,-"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Equipment, Materials and Services for Nuclear Power Plants," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement
-"Quality Assurance Requirements forControlofProcurement ofEquipment, Materials andServicesforNuclearPowerPlants,"andregulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringDesignandProcurement
'Phase of Nuclear Power Plants",, Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)IV-4C Revision 1 August 1974

y,IV.2Themajororganizations participating inthequalityassurance programarethePurchasing, Engineering, andElectricandSteamProduction Departments; QualityAssurance; thePlantOperations ReviewCommittee; andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.FigureIV.2-1isanorganizational chartshowingtheseorganizations andtheirrelationship tothecorporate organization.
y, IV.2 The major organizations participating in the quality assurance program are the Purchasing, Engineering, and Electric and Steam Production Departments; Quality Assurance; the Plant Operations Review Committee; and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Figure IV.2-1 is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to the corporate organization.
Positions responsible fortheprincipal elementsofthequalityassurance programare:ChairmanoftheBoardVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction VicePresident, Engineering andConstruction ChiefEngineerQualityAssurance Coordinator QualityAssurance
Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are: Chairman of the Board Vice President, Electric and Steam Production Vice President, Engineering and Construction Chief Engineer Quality Assurance Coordinator Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Programs Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations Quality Assurance Engineer, Design Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and=Nondestructive Examination Purchasing Agent Ginna Station Superintendent Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer In addition to the above.individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and audit plant operations.
: Engineer, QAProgramsQualityAssurance
These IV-5 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 II are the Plant'Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.
: Engineer, Operations QualityAssurance
The qualifications of members and the responsibilities of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18, Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
: Engineer, DesignQualityAssurance
The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and fl Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the quality assurance program and issued the governing policy statement.
: Engineer, Weldingand=Nondestructive Examination Purchasing AgentGinnaStationSuperintendent GinnaStationQualityControlEngineerInadditiontotheabove.individuals, twoadvisorygroupsareutilizedtoreviewandauditplantoperations.
He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board to review and audit plant operations.
TheseIV-5Revision2November1,1974 II arethePlant'Operations ReviewCommittee andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee actsinanadvisorycapacitytotheGinnaStationSuperintendent andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardadvisestheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction.
The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the Chairman of the Board on all acti-vities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Vice President, Electric and Steam Production has.corporate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Thequalifications ofmembersandtheresponsibilities oftheseorganizations aredescribed inAppendixAtoProvisional Operating LicenseNo.DPR-18,Section6.0,Technical Specifications.
He is responsible for establishing the policies and require-ments necessary to assure safe and reliable operation'f Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items XV-6 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
TheChairmanoftheBoardoftheRochester GasandflElectricCorporation directedtheestablishment ofthequalityassurance programandissuedthegoverning policystatement.
Hehasestablished theNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardtoreviewandauditplantoperations.
TheChairmanoftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisresponsible totheChairmanoftheBoardonallacti-vitiesoftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.TheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction has.corporate responsibility foroperation ofGinnaStationinaccordance withapplicable regulatory requirements.
Heisresponsible forestablishing thepoliciesandrequire-mentsnecessary toassuresafeandreliableoperation'f GinnaStation.Heisalsoresponsible forthoseitemsXV-6Revision2November1,1974  

delineated inSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
Hehasoverallresponsibility forandauthority todirectqualityaffecting activities.
He has overall responsibility for and authority to direct quality affecting activities.
Hehasassignedtheresponsibility forthedetaileddevelopment andoverallcoordination ofthequalityassurance programtotheQualityAssurance Coordinator.
He has assigned the responsibility for the detailed development and overall coordination of the quality assurance program to the Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Theresponsibility forproperimplementation ofthequalityassurance programrequirements atGinnaStationhasbeenassignedtotheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
The responsibility for proper implementation of the quality assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Ginna Station Superintendent.
TheVicePresident, Engineering andConstruction isresponsible forthedesignandconstruction ofplantI,"modifications inaccordance withapplicable designbases,regulatory requirements, codesandstandards.
The Vice President, Engineering and Construction is responsible for the design and construction of plant I," modifications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes and standards.
Hedelegates theseresponsibilities totheChiefEngineer.
He delegates these responsibilities to the Chief Engineer.The Chief Engineer has the responsibility for preparing drawings and specifications for the procurement of materials H and components for plant maintenance and modification as required.He is responsible for reviewing operating and fuel handling procedures referred to him by the Ginna Station Superintendent and for reviewing maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.
TheChiefEngineerhastheresponsibility forpreparing drawingsandspecifications fortheprocurement ofmaterials Handcomponents forplantmaintenance andmodification asrequired.
The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for establishing and executing the overall quality assurance program.He is responsible for assuring that the program 2 satisfies the requirements of lOCFR50, Appendix B, IV-7 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 O.
Heisresponsible forreviewing operating andfuelhandlingprocedures referredtohimbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent andforreviewing maintenance andrepairprocedures formajorequipment.
and for keeping the total program updated.He is re-sponsible for assuring that all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and.reliably are established and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the individual or group directly responsible for per-forming the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all necessary quality affecting activities are performed.
TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isresponsible forestablishing andexecuting theoverallqualityassurance program.Heisresponsible forassuringthattheprogram2satisfies therequirements oflOCFR50,AppendixB,IV-7Revision2November1,1974 O.
He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff and directing its act'ivities and for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is a graduate engineer with at least six years of responsible experience, of which two years is in quality assurance and three years in the design or operation of nuclear or fossil fuel power plants.The Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations
andforkeepingthetotalprogramupdated.Heisre-sponsible forassuringthatalltheplannedandsystematic actionsnecessary toprovideadequateconfidence thatGinnaStationwilloperatesafelyand.reliably areestablished andfollowed.
'is responsible for supervising the operational quality assurance program for Ginna Station.This includes writing quality assurance policies and procedu'r'es., coordinating supplier qualification and surveillance, and establishing and implementing the in-C service inspection program.He is responsible for staying<'n IV-8 il current in all applicable regulatory and code quality assurance requirements and providing guidance and assistance to the Ginna Station Superintendent, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and other affected personnel on these requirements.
Heprovidesmanagement withobjective information concerning quality,independent oftheindividual orgroupdirectlyresponsible forper-formingthespecificactivity.
The Quality Assurance Engineer, Design is responsible for interpreting the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B and applicable regulatory and code requirements related to plant modifications and providing guidance and assistance to engineering and station personnel on these requirements.
Hehastheauthority andorganizational freedomtoassureallnecessary qualityaffecting activities areperformed.
He writes quality assurance policies and procedures related to design activities and interfaces between Engineering and other departments.
Heisresponsible formaintaining aqualityassurance staffanddirecting itsact'ivities andforestablishing andimplementing acomprehensive auditprogram.TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isagraduateengineerwithatleastsixyearsofresponsible experience, ofwhichtwoyearsisinqualityassurance andthreeyearsinthedesignoroperation ofnuclearorfossilfuelpowerplants.TheQualityAssurance
He is responsible for reviewing engineering and procurement documents to assure that~quality assurance requirements are incorporated.
: Engineer, Operations
The Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and Nondestructive v'Examination is responsible for developing and qualifying procedures
'isresponsible forsupervising theoperational qualityassurance programforGinnaStation.Thisincludeswritingqualityassurance policiesandprocedu'r'es.,
'for special processes.
coordinating supplierqualification andsurveillance, andestablishing andimplementing thein-Cserviceinspection program.Heisresponsible forstaying<'nIV-8 il currentinallapplicable regulatory andcodequalityassurance requirements andproviding guidanceandassistance totheGinnaStationSuperintendent, theGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer, andotheraffectedpersonnel ontheserequirements.
He is also responsible for assuring that personnel are trained and qualified in special processes and for inspection activities in-volving nondestructive examination.
The Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Program assists the Quality Assurance Coordinator and is responsible for implementing IV-9~Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
: Engineer, Designisresponsible forinterpreting therequirements of10CFR50,AppendixBandapplicable regulatory andcoderequirements relatedtoplantmodifications andproviding guidanceandassistance toengineering andstationpersonnel ontheserequirements.
Hewritesqualityassurance policiesandprocedures relatedtodesignactivities andinterfaces betweenEngineering andotherdepartments.
Heisresponsible forreviewing engineering andprocurement documents toassurethat~qualityassurance requirements areincorporated.
: Engineer, WeldingandNondestructive v'Examination isresponsible fordeveloping andqualifying procedures
Heisalsoresponsible forassuringthatpersonnel aretrainedandqualified inspecialprocesses andforinspection activities in-volvingnondestructive examination.
: Engineer, QAProgramassiststheQualityAssurance Coordinator andisresponsible forimplementing IV-9~Revision2November1,1974  

theprogramrequirements assignedtoQualityAssurance.
the program requirements assigned to Quality Assurance.
Heisresponsible forthepreparation andmaintenance oftheQualityAssurance Procedures Manual.Healsopreparesandmaintains thequalityassurance auditschedule, plansandconductstrainingprograms, forqualityassurance personnel, andreviewscorrective actionreportsonqualityassurance deficiencies.
He is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual.He also prepares and maintains the quality assurance audit schedule, plans and conducts training programs, for quality assurance personnel, and reviews corrective action reports on quality assurance deficiencies.
ThePurchasing Agentisresponsible fortheprocurement ofmaterials,
The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified ZV-9A Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
: services, andcomponents, fromqualified ZV-9ARevision2November1,1974  

suppliers, inaccordance withapplicable commercial, technical, andqualityrequirements.
suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.
Hemaintains alistingofqualified suppliers determined throughanevaluation madebyPurchasing, Engineering, Operations,,
He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made by Purchasing, Engineering, Operations,, and Quality Assurance.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of Ginna.Station in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for pro-viding qualified personnel to perform these activities in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, i and procedures.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forsafeoperation ofGinnaStation.Heisresponsible fortheoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification ofGinna.Stationinaccordance withtherequirements ofthequalityassurance program.Heisresponsible forpro-vidingqualified personnel toperformtheseactivities inaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications, iandprocedures.
He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
Heisalsoresponsible forthoseitemsdelineated inSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
The Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent supports the Ginna Station Superintendent in discharging his responsi-bilities.He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the station and implementing the policies, procedures, and directions of the Ginna Station Superintendent.
TheGinnaStationAssistant Superintendent supportstheGinnaStationSuperintendent indischarging hisresponsi-bilities.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible to the Station Superintendent for assuring that activities affecting quality are prescribed and carried accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and IV-10  
Heisresponsible fortheday-to-day operation ofthestationandimplementing thepolicies, procedures, anddirections oftheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsible totheStationSuperintendent forassuringthatactivities affecting qualityareprescribed andcarriedout.inaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications, andIV-10  

Inhisday;to-day activities, hereportstotheGinnaStationAssistant Superintendent.
In his day;to-day activities, he reports to the Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent.
HeisamemberofthePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andisresponsible forthereviewofallplantprocedures pre-sentedtotheCommittee.
He is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee and is responsible for the review of all plant procedures pre-sented to the Committee.
Healsoreviewsprocurement documents initiated attheplant.Heisresponsible forthecontrolofdocuments andrecordsstoredattheplant.Heco-ordinates inspection activities andassuresthatinspection requirements areincludedinapprovedprocedures.
He also reviews procurement documents initiated at the plant.He is responsible for the control of documents and records stored at the plant.He co-ordinates inspection activities and assures that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.
Hecoordinates thereceiptinspection ofincomingmaterials, parts,andcomponents andtheprocessing ofmaterialdeficiency reports.Hecoordinates theprocessing ofcorrective actionreports,andassuresthatcorrective Pactionistaken.Heisresponsible forroutinesurveillance ofothergroupsinvolvedinqualityaffecting activities andprovidestheGinnaStationSuperintendent withobjective information concerning thequalityoftheseactivities.
He coordinates the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts, and components and the processing of material deficiency reports.He coordinates the processing of corrective action reports, and assures that corrective P action is taken.He is responsible for routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provides the Ginna Station Superintendent with objective information concerning the quality of these activities.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisassistedintheperformance ofhisdutiesbyastaffwhichincludesanengineerandatechnician whocoordinate inspection andrecord-keeping activities, respectively.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is assisted in the performance of his duties by a staff which includes an engineer and a technician who coordinate inspection and record-keeping activities, respectively.
Additional inspectors areassignedtothisgroupasrequiredbythelevelofworkactivities.  
Additional inspectors are assigned to this group as required by the level of work activities.  
~k1'SP' InadditiontotheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer, theGinnaStationSuperintendent isassistedbyotherdesignated staffmembersintheimplementation ofcertainqualityassurance programrequirements attheplant.Thesestaffmembersareassignedresponsibility fortest-ing,storageofmaterialandequipment, operating andteststatuscontrol,calibration andcontrolofmeasuring andtestequipment notusedbyQualityControl,maintenance ofmaterialhandlingequipment, operatortraining, andcontrolofallactivities involving operation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification.
~k 1'S P' In addition to the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, the Ginna Station Superintendent is assisted by other designated staff members in the implementation of certain quality assurance program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assigned responsibility for test-ing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test status control, calibration and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.
DesinControlDesign.activities areperformed byRochester GasandElectricCorporation personnel oraresubcontracted toorganizations providing servicestoRochester GasandElectric.
Desi n Control Design.activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.Engineering is responsible for the design and control of\design activities (including design interfaces) for the modification of structures, systems, or components.
Engineering isresponsible forthedesignandcontrolof\designactivities (including designinterfaces) forthemodification ofstructures, systems,orcomponents.
Design control is implemented by means of engineering procedures which include: design considerations, design review requirements; internal and external interface IV-12 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Designcontrolisimplemented bymeansofengineering procedures whichinclude:designconsiderations, designreviewrequirements; internalandexternalinterface IV-12Revision2November1,1974  

controlconsiderations; designdocument, review,'approval, distribution, control,andrevisionrequirements; andcorrective action.Designconsiderations include,asappropriate:
control considerations; design document, review,'approval, distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design considerations include, as appropriate:
physics,stress,materials, thermal,hydraulic, radiation andaccidentanalysis; appropriate designbases,codes,standards andregulations; acceptance andrejection criteria; andqualityassurance requirements.
physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;appropriate design bases, codes, standards and regulations; acceptance and rejection criteria;and quality assurance requirements.
Designverification utilizesvariousmethodssuchasformaldesignreviews,alternate calculations, ortestsIasappropriate toassuretheadequacyofthedesign.Thedesignofplantmodifications isreviewedbyanengineerotherthantheonewhoperformed theoriginaldesign.ThismaybedonebyRochester GasandElectricdesignengineers orconsulting engineers asrequired.
Design verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests I as appropriate to assure the adequacy of the design.The design of plant modifications is reviewed by an engineer other than the one who performed the original design.This may be done by Rochester Gas and Electric design engineers or consulting engineers as required.The design also is reviewed by Ginna Station for accept-ability for operation, maintenance, and repair.Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the original equipment technical and quality requirements.
ThedesignalsoisreviewedbyGinnaStationforaccept-abilityforoperation, maintenance, andrepair.Spareorreplacement partsmustatleastmeettheoriginalequipment technical andqualityrequirements.
For plant modifications, standard"off the shelf" commercial or previously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by tne design engineer.Revision 2 November 1, 1974 I
Forplantmodifications, standard"offtheshelf"commercial orpreviously approvedmaterials, parts,andequipment areselectedandreviewedforsuitability ofapplication bytnedesignengineer.
Design changes, including field changes, are reviewed and approved in accordance with the same procedures as the original design.In general, design changes are reviewed and approved by the organizations or individuals that performed the original design, review, and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals are designated, provided they have access to pertinent background information and are competent in the specific design area.'Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in accordance with Section IV.17.Design documents in-clude design criteria, analyses, specifications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for assuring that design control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas, and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incor-V porate appropriate design control practices,'hecks, and reviews.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent verification is performed.
Revision2November1,1974 I
The Chief Engineer is responsible for the timely approval and updating of specifications and drawings, as well as changes or deviations thereto, utilized for purchase IV-14 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 A'
Designchanges,including fieldchanges,arereviewedandapprovedinaccordance withthesameprocedures astheoriginaldesign.Ingeneral,designchangesarereviewedandapprovedbytheorganizations orindividuals thatperformed theoriginaldesign,review,andapproval.
or installation of materials, parts, or componen Any other design documents, specifications, draw'nstallation requirements, and changes thereto, approved in the same manner.S~ngs, re H Errors and deficiencies detected in the design process are documented as conditions adverse to quality and con-trolled in accordance with the corrective action require-ments of Section IV.16.Design criteria and specifications, and changes thereto, are reviewed by Quality Assurance for the inclusion of quality assurance and quality control program requirements and the proper quality standards.
Wherethisisnotpractical, otherresponsible designorganizations orindividuals aredesignated, providedtheyhaveaccesstopertinent background information andarecompetent inthespecificdesignarea.'Designdocuments arecollected, stored,andmaintained inaccordance withSectionIV.17.Designdocuments in-cludedesigncriteria,
The Quality Assurance Coordinator reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when they occur.Quality Assurance also spot checks design criteria and specifications for use of proper codes, material specifications, regulatory require-ments and design bases.Plant modifications are controlled by means of applicable quality assurance and quality control procedures.
: analyses, specifications,
These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and approval of design documents, safety analyses, and plant modification procedures.
: drawings, designreviewrecords,andchangesthereto.TheQualityAssurance Coordinator isresponsible forassuringthatdesigncontrolprocedures, whethertheworkisdonebyRochester Gas,andElectricorbyotherorganizations, arepreparedandimplemented andincor-Vporateappropriate designcontrolpractices,'hecks, andreviews.Designcontrolprocedures arereviewedtoassurethatanindependent verification isperformed.
Proposed plant modifications are tl reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forthetimelyapprovalandupdatingofspecifications anddrawings, aswellaschangesordeviations thereto,utilizedforpurchaseIV-14Revision2November1,1974 A'
IV-15 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 lU Procurement Document Control I Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement documents for materials, parts, components, (and services required to perform quality affecting activities.
orinstallation ofmaterials, parts,orcomponenAnyotherdesigndocuments, specifications, draw'nstallation requirements, andchangesthereto,approvedinthesamemanner.S~ngs,reHErrorsanddeficiencies detectedinthedesignprocessaredocumented asconditions adversetoqualityandcon-trolledinaccordance withthecorrective actionrequire-mentsofSectionIV.16.Designcriteriaandspecifications, andchangesthereto,arereviewedbyQualityAssurance fortheinclusion ofqualityassurance andqualitycontrolprogramrequirements andtheproperqualitystandards.
Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, con-tracts, specifications, and drawings..Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is initiated by Ginna Station or Engineering Department staff personnel.
TheQualityAssurance Coordinator reviewsandapprovesanydeviations fromqualitystandards whentheyoccur.QualityAssurance alsospotchecksdesigncriteriaandspecifications foruseofpropercodes,materialspecifications, regulatory require-mentsanddesignbases.Plantmodifications arecontrolled bymeansofapplicable qualityassurance andqualitycontrolprocedures.
Procurement procedures require that organizations preparing procurement docume'nts consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table IV.4-1.Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station are re-viewed for concurrence by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent or his designated repre-sentative.
Theseprocedures provideforthepreparation, review,andapprovalofdesigndocuments, safetyanalyses, andplantmodification procedures.
Procurement documents initiated in Engineer-ing are reviewed for concurrence by Quality Assurance and approved by the Chief Engineer or his designated represen-tative.Evidence of review and approval of procurement documents is recorded on the documents or on the attached control IV-16 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 J'
Proposedplantmodifications aretlreviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardasrequiredbySection6.0,Technical Specifications.
form.These documents are maintained in Purchasing and plant records.After purchase requisitions, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required reviews an6 approvals, a purchase order is issued to a qualified supplier and controlled as described in Section IV.7.Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve.the original documents as described above.Engineering review of procurement documents includes verification of appropriate classifications, technical requirements, and code application.
IV-15Revision2November1,1974 lU Procurement DocumentControlIProcurement documentcontrolappliestothecontrolofprocurement documents formaterials, parts,components, (andservicesrequiredtoperformqualityaffecting activities.
Quality Assurance review of the above includes checks to verify that proper codes, regulatory requirements, and material specifications are invoked;that FSAR and Technical Supplement commit-ments are included;that appropriate acceptance or rejection criteria are required;and that quality assurance require-ments are incorporated., Quality Control reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement parts for adequacy IV-17 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Suchdocuments maybepreparedbyRochester GasandElectricorbyacontractor andincludepurchaserequisitions, purchaseorders,serviceagreements, con-tracts,specifications, anddrawings.
.Procurement ofmaterials, parts,components, andservicesisinitiated byGinnaStationorEngineering Department staffpersonnel.
Procurement procedures requirethatorganizations preparing procurement docume'nts considerandinclude,asappropriate, theitemslistedinTableIV.4-1.Procurement documents, including thoserequesting spareorreplacement parts,initiated atGinnaStationarere-viewedforconcurrence byQualityControlandapprovedbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent orhisdesignated repre-sentative.
Procurement documents initiated inEngineer-ingarereviewedforconcurrence byQualityAssurance andapprovedbytheChiefEngineerorhisdesignated represen-tative.Evidenceofreviewandapprovalofprocurement documents isrecordedonthedocuments orontheattachedcontrolIV-16Revision2November1,1974 J'
form.Thesedocuments aremaintained inPurchasing andplantrecords.Afterpurchaserequisitions, serviceagreements, contracts, specifications, anddrawingshavereceivedtherequiredreviewsan6approvals, apurchaseorderisissuedtoaqualified supplierandcontrolled asdescribed inSectionIV.7.Undernocircumstances arepurchasing requirements altered(exceptforquantityorpricing)duringorderplacement unlessreviewandconcurrence isobtainedfromthosewhowererequiredtoreview,concurwith,andapprove.theoriginaldocuments asdescribed above.Engineering reviewofprocurement documents includesverification ofappropriate classifications, technical requirements, andcodeapplication.
QualityAssurance reviewoftheaboveincludescheckstoverifythatpropercodes,regulatory requirements, andmaterialspecifications areinvoked;thatFSARandTechnical Supplement commit-mentsareincluded; thatappropriate acceptance orrejection criteriaarerequired; andthatqualityassurance require-mentsareincorporated.,
QualityControlreviewsprocure-mentdocuments forspareorreplacement partsforadequacyIV-17Revision2November1,1974  

~ofqualityrequirements andtodetermine similarity, compatibility, andtheinclusion ofthequalityrequire-Imentsandacceptance criteriaoftheoriginaldesign.I'Ve5Instructions, Procedures, andDrawinsEachRochester GasandElectricorganization isresponsible fordeveloping, reviewing, approving, andimplementing procedures asrequiredtoimplement thequalityassurance program.Theseprocedures coveractivities suchasdocumentcontrol,trainingofpersonnel, andresponsibilities anddutiesof-personnel.
~of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compatibility, and the inclusion of the quality require-I ments and acceptance criteria of the original design.I'Ve5 Instructions, Procedures, and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric organization is responsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and implementing procedures as required to implement the quality assurance program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of personnel, and responsibilities and duties of-personnel.
QualityAssurance reviewsandfconcurswiththeseprocedures.
Quality Assurance reviews and f concurs with these procedures.
TableIV.1-1providesasummaryofthesubjectmattercontained intheprocedures whichareusedtoimplement thequalityassurance program.Procurement documents requiresuppliers andcontractors to,haveappropriate instructions, procedures, specifica-tions,anddrawings.
Table IV.1-1 provides a summary of the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to, have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifica-tions, and drawings.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for pre-paring, reviewing, approving, and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forpre-paring,reviewing, approving, andimplementing instructions andprocedures associated withoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification.
'This includes in-structions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety 4 IV-18 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 I r h related systems;correction of abnormal, of fnormal, or alarm conditions; combat of emergencies and other sig-nificant events;radioactivity control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.
'Thisincludesin-structions andprocedures listedinUSAECRegulatory Guide1.33foradministrative control;generalplantoperation; startup,operation, andshutdownofsafety4IV-18Revision2November1,1974 Irh relatedsystems;correction ofabnormal, offnormal,oralarmconditions; combatofemergencies andothersig-nificantevents;radioactivity control;controlofmeasuring andtestequipment; chemicalandradiochemical control;andfuelhandlingandrefueling.
He is responsible for the preparation and implementation of Quality Control Procedures.
Heisresponsible forthepreparation andimplementation ofQualityControlProcedures.
He is also responsible for the issuance of appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the com-pletion of plant modifications.
Heisalsoresponsible fortheissuanceofappropriate changestosuchdocuments uponreceiptofregulatory directives, instructions fromRochester GasandElectricmanagement, orthecom-pletionofplantmodifications.
The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsi-bility for reviewing procedures prior to their approval by the Ginna Station Superintendent as required by the Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee hastheresponsi-bilityforreviewing procedures priortotheirapprovalbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent asrequiredbytheSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
Quality Control is responsible for reviewing plant administrative, operating, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures prior to use to assure quality assurance requirements are included.The Chief Engineer is responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving and issuing specifications, drawings, and installation requirements associated with plant modifi-cations.These documents require those performing the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications and drawings.IV-19 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 II l'N I The Chief Engineer has established procedures.for)maintaining drawings and specifications in a current status.These procedures
QualityControlisresponsible forreviewing plantadministrative, operating, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification procedures priortousetoassurequalityassurance requirements areincluded.
'cover updating of as-built drawings after plant modifications and the revision, approval, distribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.
TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forpreparing, reviewing, approving andissuingspecifications,
Quality Assurance reviews design criteria and specifi-cations', and changes thereto, for concurrence with quality assurance requirements.
: drawings, andinstallation requirements associated withplantmodifi-cations.Thesedocuments requirethoseperforming theworktoobtain,understand, andcomplywithappropriate instructions, procedures, specifications anddrawings.
Station Quality Control Procedures require the review and concurrence of Quality Assurance and the approval of the Ginna Station Superintendent.
IV-19Revision2November1,1974 IIl'NI TheChiefEngineerhasestablished procedures
Persons preparing and approving documents are responsible for assuring that specifications, instructions, procedures, and drawings include appropriate quantitative or quali-tative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished and assuring that the documents are kept current.Surveillance of the implementation of instructions, drawings, and procedures for operation, maintenance, repair, modification, and re'fueling is the responsibility of the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer.IV-20 Revision 2 November l, l974 4
.for)maintaining drawingsandspecifications inacurrentstatus.Theseprocedures
Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of procedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.
'coverupdatingofas-builtdrawingsafterplantmodifications andtherevision,
Standard document control requirements are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Ginna Station Super-intendent is responsible for the control of all documents issued at Ginna Station.Engineering controls all docu-ments issued by Engineering, Quality Assurance, and Purchasing.
: approval, distribution, andcontrolofalldrawingsandspecifications.
Engineering and Operations have separate procedures to control documents in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of docu-ment involved, its importance to safety, and'the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must, be controlled; identifies the difference between controlled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies of a document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists of document holders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled docu-ments using approved forms internally and externally.
QualityAssurance reviewsdesigncriteriaandspecifi-cations',
Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
andchangesthereto,forconcurrence withqualityassurance requirements.
StationQualityControlProcedures requirethereviewandconcurrence ofQualityAssurance andtheapprovaloftheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
Personspreparing andapproving documents areresponsible forassuringthatspecifications, instructions, procedures, anddrawingsincludeappropriate quantitative orquali-tativeacceptance criteriafordetermining thatimportant activities havebeensatisfactorily accomplished andassuringthatthedocuments arekeptcurrent.Surveillance oftheimplementation ofinstructions,
: drawings, andprocedures foroperation, maintenance, repair,modification, andre'fueling istheresponsibility oftheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer.
IV-20Revision2Novemberl,l974 4
DocumentControlProcedures areestablished tocontroltheissuanceofprocedures, instructions,
: drawings, andspecifications.
Standarddocumentcontrolrequirements arecontained intheQualityAssurance Manual.TheGinnaStationSuper-intendent isresponsible forthecontrolofalldocuments issuedatGinnaStation.Engineering controlsalldocu-mentsissuedbyEngineering, QualityAssurance, andPurchasing.
Engineering andOperations haveseparateprocedures tocontroldocuments inaccordance withtherequirements oftheQualityAssurance Manual.TheQualityAssurance Manualrequiresthatdocuments becontrolled asappropriate, considering thetypeofdocu-mentinvolved, itsimportance tosafety,and'theintendeduseofthedocument.
Itspecifies thetypesofdocuments whichmust,becontrolled; identifies thedifference betweencontrolled anduncontrolled copiesofthesamedocument; includesthemethodforidentifying holdersofcontrolled copies;requiresthatonlycontrolled copiesofadocumentbeusedforofficialpurposes; requiresthatlistsofeffective revisions beissuedperiodically; requireslistsofdocumentholderstobemaintained bythedistributors; andrequiresthatdistributors transmitcontrolled docu-mentsusingapprovedformsinternally andexternally.

Typesofdocuments whicharecontrolled includeTech-nicalSpecifications, FSAR,Technical Supplements, QualityAssurance Manual,procedures (suchas,qualityassurance, engineering, purchasing, repair,maintenance, test,calibration, fuelhandling, modification, andadministrative),
Types of documents which are controlled include Tech-nical Specifications, FSAR, Technical Supplements, Quality Assurance Manual, procedures (such as, quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, calibration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications and drawings.Suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in'rocurement documents to provide for control of documents, including manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.
specifications anddrawings.
The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to assure that documents are available when required;to properly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organizations which review and approve documents have'ccess to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation into documents; and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents and, therefore, procurement document control requirements.
Suppliers ofmaterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredin'rocurement documents toprovideforcontrolofdocuments, including manufacturing inspection andtestinginstructions.
IV-22 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
TheQualityAssurance Manualfurtherrequiresthateachorganization provideinitsprocedures formeasures:
toassurethatdocuments areavailable whenrequired; toproperlyreviewandapprovedocuments suchasprocedures, instructions, specifications, anddrawings; toprovidethesamereviewsandapprovals forchangestodocuments aswasrequiredoftheoriginaldocument; torequirethatorganizations whichreviewandapprovedocuments have'ccesstopertinent information andadequateknowledge oftheoriginaldocumentintent;toassurethatapprovedchangesarepromptlytransmitted forincorporation intodocuments; andtoassurethatobsoleteorsuperseded documents areeliminated fromthesystemandnotused.QualityAssurance andQualityControlareresponsible forreviewandconcurrence ofprocurement documents and,therefore, procurement documentcontrolrequirements.

QualityAssurance andQualityControlarefurtherresponsible forreview,inspection, surveillance, andaudit,asappropriate, ofdocumentcontrolsystemstoassureadequatesystemsareimplemented.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control are further responsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to assure adequate systems are implemented.
Control of Purchased Naterial, E ui ment, and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, supplier 0 surveillance, and receipt inspection are the four major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment, components, and services.All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section IV-4.All reviews, inspections, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier: is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Suppliers must be on an approved suppliers'ist prior to being issued a purchase order.Supplier evaluations are performed by Quality Assurance, Engineering, Purchasing, and/or Ginna Station, as necessary, for the item or service involved.The depth of the supplier evaluation varies depending on the complexity and importance to safety of the item involved.For example, for mass produced or off-the-shelf items, only a check of past performance may be necessary.
: Naterial, Euiment,andServicesProcurement documents, supplierselection, supplier0surveillance, andreceiptinspection arethefourmajormeansusedincontrolling purchased
On the other hand, for complex, important.
: material, equipment, components, andservices.
items a very thorough review is performed.
Allprocurement isconducted inaccordance withprocurement documents asstatedinSectionIV-4.Allreviews,inspections, surveillances, andauditsareconducted bypersonnel whoarecompetent inestablishing whetherornotasupplier:
IV-23 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
iscapableofproviding acceptable, qualityproducts.
Suppliers mustbeonanapprovedsuppliers'ist priortobeingissuedapurchaseorder.Supplierevaluations areperformed byQualityAssurance, Engineering, Purchasing, and/orGinnaStation,asnecessary, fortheitemorserviceinvolved.
Thedepthofthesupplierevaluation variesdepending onthecomplexity andimportance tosafetyoftheiteminvolved.
Forexample,formassproducedoroff-the-shelf items,onlyacheckofpastperformance maybenecessary.

Engineering isresponsible forevaluating theoveralldesignormanufacturing capability ofthesupplierin-eludinghisparticular technical abilitytoproducethedesign,service,item,orcomponent delineated intheprocurement documents.
Engineering is responsible for evaluating the overall design or manufacturing capability of the supplier in-eluding his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.
Aspartofthisreview,thesupplier's designcapabilities, machinery capabil-ities,handlingcapabilities, testingfacilities, servicecapabilities, andexPerience arereviewed.
As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabil-ities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabilities, and exPerience are reviewed.Quality Assurance is responsible for evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accordance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of 10CFR50 Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric Requirements.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forevaluating thesupplier's overallqualityassurance organization andprograminaccordance withapplicable codes,standards, applicable partsof10CFR50AppendixB,andRochester GasandElectricRequirements.
The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices,,acceptance criteria, required quality assurance records and their retention, I and quality assurance requirements and controls imposed by the supplier on his subcontractors.
Thereviewincludesconsideration of:companyorganization, qualityassurance personnel qualifications, reviewandcontrolofdesigndocuments, manufacturing procedures, qualityassurance procedures, calibration practices,,acceptance
Supplier evaluation is conducted by means of procedures or checklists which identify applicable regulatory or code quality assurance requirements.
: criteria, requiredqualityassurance recordsandtheirretention, Iandqualityassurance requirements andcontrolsimposedbythesupplieronhissubcontractors.
IV-24 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 1
Supplierevaluation isconducted bymeansofprocedures orchecklists whichidentifyapplicable regulatory orcodequalityassurance requirements.
Ginna Station qualifies suppliers of inspection, test, and calibration services and the suppliers of spare and replacement parts if the procurement is of the identical part from the original supplier.Quality Assurance, Engineering, and Ginna Station 2 document their supplier evaluation results in reports which discuss areas investigated, findings, and con-clusions.As'applicable, concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Ginna Station, and Quality Assurance is required to place a supplier on the qualified suppliers'ist.
IV-24Revision2November1,1974 1
One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Quality Assurance is responsible for determining and documenting the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.
GinnaStationqualifies suppliers ofinspection, test,andcalibration servicesandthesuppliers ofspareandreplacement partsiftheprocurement isoftheidentical partfromtheoriginalsupplier.
The objective of supplier surveillance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of'roduct conformance with respect to the purchase order requirements.
QualityAssurance, Engineering, andGinnaStation2documenttheirsupplierevaluation resultsinreportswhichdiscussareasinvestigated,
For complex equipment and designs, Quality Assurance and IV-25 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 E.'h I' Engineering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.The results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or trip reports which are distributed to the Quality Assurance Coordinator, the t Purchasing Agent, the Chief Engineer, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and the Ginna Station Superin-tendent.When a deviation from purchase order require-ments is noted, the Quality Assurance representative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if necessary.
: findings, andcon-clusions.
The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they meet.all technical and quality requirements.
As'applicable, concurrence ofPurchasing, Engineering, GinnaStation,andQualityAssurance isrequiredtoplaceasupplieronthequalified suppliers'ist.
The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.
Oneorganization canremoveasupplierfromthelistwithoutconcurrence oftheothers.QualityAssurance isresponsible fordetermining anddocumenting thedegreeofsuppliersurveillance (including review,inspection, oraudit)requiredduringdesign,fabrication, inspection, testing,andshipping, andforproviding therequiredsurveillance.
The Ginna Station Superintendent, is responsible for receiving and storing materials, parts, and components.
Theobjective ofsuppliersurveillance istoprovideasamplingreviewofthesupplier's qualityassurance programimplementation andof'roduct conformance withrespecttothepurchaseorderrequirements.
Upon arrival, the plant storekeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.IV-26 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Forcomplexequipment anddesigns,QualityAssurance andIV-25Revision2November1,1974 E.'hI' Engineering areresponsible forjointdevelopment ofsurveillance plansinadvanceofsurveillance tripstoidentifyareastobereviewed.
't Al t'\\~
Theresultsofthesurveillance triparedocumented bymeansofinspection sheetsortripreportswhicharedistributed totheQualityAssurance Coordinator, thetPurchasing Agent,theChiefEngineer, theGinnaStationQualityControlEngineer, andtheGinnaStationSuperin-tendent.Whenadeviation frompurchaseorderrequire-mentsisnoted,theQualityAssurance representative hastheauthority toinformthevendorthataparticular itemisunacceptable, toissueanonconformance report,ortostopwork,ifnecessary.
Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon delivery at the plant of material, equipment, and associated services for operation, maintenance, repair, modifications, and refueling.
TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresponsible forsurveillance ofsitecontractors toassurethattheymeet.alltechnical andqualityrequirements.
This inspection includes the use of written procedures or checklists to verify that the material, equipment, and services conform to the procurement documents (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that documentary evidence of con-formance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence sufficient to identify the codes, standards, or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is retained.In the event a final source inspection is conducted prior to the arrival at the plant, Quality Control performs an in-spection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required documentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document the extent of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, h and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted", files the documentation and, receipt inspection results, and returns the item to the station stockroom.
Thereporting anddocumenting ofcontractor surveillance ismanagedinamannersimilartosuppliersurveillance.
If the item is nonconforming or the IV-27 f 4 documentation is incomplete, Quality Control initiates a material deficiency report.which is controlled in accordance with Section IV.15.All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have)documentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event, the traceability is lost or the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not be released for use.Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and Com onents The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent, isresponsible forreceiving andstoringmaterials, parts,andcomponents.
'with written require-ments and applies to material, parts, or components in any stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.
Uponarrival,theplantstorekeeper logstheitem,placesa"hold"tagontheitem,andnotifiesQualityControlthattheitemhasarrived.IV-26Revision2November1,1974  
Identi-fication and control requirements are established by either an existing procedure or requirements documents which are prepared during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification and control necessary; location and method of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability or quality;and the proper identification of materials, IV-28  
QualityControlisresponsible forreceiptinspection upondeliveryattheplantofmaterial, equipment, andassociated servicesforoperation, maintenance, repair,modifications, andrefueling.
Thisinspection includestheuseofwrittenprocedures orchecklists toverifythatthematerial, equipment, andservicesconformtotheprocurement documents (ifthishasnotbeenperformed bysourceinspections) andthatdocumentary evidenceofcon-formanceisavailable attheplantpriortoinstallation oruse.Documentary evidencesufficient toidentifythecodes,standards, orspecifications metbythepurchased
: material, equipment, andservicesisretained.
Intheeventafinalsourceinspection isconducted priortothearrivalattheplant,QualityControlperformsanin-spectionforshippingdamageorlostpartsandadocumentchecktoassurethattherequireddocumentation hasbeenreviewedandiscomplete.
Areceiving inspection checklist iscompleted forallitemsreceivedtodocumenttheextentoftheinspection performed, including thedocuments checked,handtheinspection results.Iftheitemanddocumentation areadequate, QualityControllabelstheitemas"Accepted",
filesthedocumentation and,receiptinspection results,andreturnstheitemtothestationstockroom.
Iftheitemisnonconforming ortheIV-27 f4 documentation isincomplete, QualityControlinitiates amaterialdeficiency report.whichiscontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.15.Allitemsissuedmustbearanacceptance tagandhave)documentation tosupporttheacceptability oftheitem.Intheevent,thetraceability islostorthedocumentation reviewisunsatisfactory, theitembecomesnonconforming andmaynotbereleasedforuse.Identification andControlofMaterials, Parts,andComonentsTheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,andcomponents isaccomplished inaccordance
'withwrittenrequire-mentsandappliestomaterial, parts,orcomponents inanystageoffabrication, storage,orinstallation.
Identi-ficationandcontrolrequirements areestablished byeitheranexistingprocedure orrequirements documents whicharepreparedduringtheplanningstagesofaproject.Theidentification andcontrolrequirements coveritemssuchas:traceability toassociated documents suchasdrawings, specifications, purchaseorders,manufacturing testdataandinspection documents, andphysicalandchemicalmilltestreports;specification ofthedegreeofidentification andcontrolnecessary; locationandmethodofidentification toprecludeadegradation oftheitem'sfunctional capability orquality;andtheproperidentification ofmaterials, IV-28  

parts,andcomponents priortoreleaseformanufacturing,
parts, and components prior to release for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.
: shipping, construction, andinstallation.
The Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that specifications contain appropriate requirements for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components.
TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forassuringthatspecifications containappropriate requirements fortheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents.
Suppliers are required to assur'e that all required documentation for an item is properly identified and related to the item.Each item is required to be physicall'y identified, either by marking on the item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase order number is used to the maximum extent possible for relating an item at any time to applicable documentation.
Suppliers arerequiredtoassur'ethatallrequireddocumentation foranitemisproperlyidentified andrelatedtotheitem.Eachitemisrequiredtobephysicall'y identified, eitherbymarkingontheitemorbytags.Physicalidentification bypurchaseordernumberisusedtothemaximumextentpossibleforrelatinganitematanytimetoapplicable documentation.
Identifi-cation is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appro-priate means are employed.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and 5 control of materials, parts, and components are prepared by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.
Identifi-cationiseitherontheitemorrecordstraceable totheitem.Wherephysicalidentification isimpractical, physicalseparation, procedural control,orotherappro-priatemeansareemployed.
In the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, i;t is handled as nonconforming material and deviations IV-29 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible formain-tainingidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents
: received, stored,installed, andusedattheplant.Procedures coveringtheidentification and5controlofmaterials, parts,andcomponents arepreparedbyQualityControlandapprovedbytheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
Intheeventthattraceability islostforaspecificitem,i;tishandledasnonconforming materialanddeviations IV-29Revision2November1,1974  

andwaiversarecontrolled anddocumented inaccordance withSectionIV.15.ControlofSecialProcesses Writtenprocedures areestablished tocontrolspecialprocesses, suchaswelding,heattreating, andnondes-tructiveexamination toassurecompliance withapplicable codes,standards, and"designspecifications.
and waivers are controlled and documented in accordance with Section IV.15.Control of S ecial Processes Written procedures are established to control special processes, such as welding, heat treating, and nondes-tructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes, standards, and" design specifications.
Qualifica-tionofpersonnel andprocedures complieswiththeJrequirements ofapplicable codesandstandards.
Qualifica-tion of personnel and procedures complies with the J requirements of applicable codes and standards.
Whenspecialprocessqualification requirements arenotincludedinexistingcodesandstandards, theyaredescribed inprocedures whichgivedetailsofthespecialprocess,thepersonnel qualification requirements, theequipment necessary, andthespecialprocessqualification require-'ments.TheChiefEngineerandtheGinnaStationSuperintendent areresponsible forrequiring suppliers, inprocurement.
When special process qualification requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel qualification requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification require-'ments.The Chief Engineer and the Ginna Station Superintendent are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement.
documents, tocontrolspecialprocesses inaccordance withtheaboverequirements.
documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.
QualityAssurance andQualityControlareresponsible forreviewing procurement documents toassurethatrequirements forcontrolofspecialprocesses areincluded.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for reviewing procurement documents to assure that requirements for control of special processes are included.Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Quality Assurance.
Rochester GasandElectricprocedures forspecialprocesses areprepared,
Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and contractors are reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance.
: reviewed, andapprovedbyQualityAssurance.
IV-30 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Specialprocessprocedures submitted bysuppliers andcontractors arereviewedandapprovedbyQualityAssurance.

TheGinnaStationMaintenance Engineerisresponsible forassuringthatpersonnel performing specialprocesses underhiscognizance arequalified andareusingqualified procedures inaccordance withapplicable codes,specifi-cations,andstandards.
The Ginna Station Maintenance Engineer is responsible for assuring that personnel performing special processes under his cognizance are qualified and are using qualified procedures in accordance with applicable codes, specifi-cations, and standards.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forthequalification ofweldingandNDEpersonnel andprocedures.
Quality Assurance is responsible for the qualification of welding and NDE personnel and procedures.
Engineering maintains recordsforpersonnel andprocedures todemonstrate that,requiredqualifications havebeenobtainedandarekeptcurrent.QualityAssurance andQualityControlperformsurveillance, inspections, andauditsofspecialprocesses performed byRochester GasandElectricorcontractors toassurecom-pliancewithprocedures.
Engineering maintains records for personnel and procedures to demonstrate that, required qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality Assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance, inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.
InsectionProcedures preparedforthecontrolofplantactivities includeinspection requirements andholdpointsasre-quiredbydrawings, instructions, requirements documents, specifications, codes,standards, orregulatory require-ments.Instructions forconducting inspections arecon-tainedinQualityControlinspection procedures.
Ins ection Procedures prepared for the control of plant activities include inspection requirements and hold points as re-quired by drawings, instructions, requirements documents, specifications, codes, standards, or regulatory require-ments.Instructions for conducting inspections are con-tained in Quality Control inspection procedures.
Theseinspection procedures andallsupporting specifications anddrawingsareprovidedtoinspection personnel forusepriortoperforming theinspection.
These inspection procedures and all supporting specifications and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.
Inspection requirements andholdpointsareutilizedtoverifyconformance ofactivities tothe'ocumented instructions, IV-31Revision2November1,1974 I
Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify conformance of activities to the'ocumented instructions, IV-31 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 I
specifications, anddrawingsforaccomplishing theactivity.
specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Quality Control inspection procedures include the identifi-cation of quality characteristics to be inspected, a des-cription of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the organization responsible for per-forming the inspection, the acceptance and rejection'criteria, the requirements for the recording of in-spection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the'in-spection activity.Inspections are performed by Quality Control personnel who are independent.
QualityControlinspection procedures includetheidentifi-cationofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected, ades-criptionofthemethodofinspection tobeused,theidentification oftheorganization responsible forper-formingtheinspection, theacceptance andrejection
of the personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are required by procurement documents to have and follow similar procedures and to use independent
'criteria, therequirements fortherecording ofin-spectionresults,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification ofthe'in-spectionactivity.
Inspections areperformed byQualityControlpersonnel whoareindependent.
ofthepersonnel performing thework.Outsidecontractors arerequiredbyprocurement documents tohaveandfollowsimilarprocedures andtouseindependent
In-spectorsaresufficiently trainedtoadequately evaluatetheactivitytheyareinspecting.
In-spectors are sufficiently trained to adequately evaluate the activity they are inspecting.
QualityControlpersonnel areresponsible forperforming inspections, asrequired, duringplantoperation, main-tenance,repair,refueling, andmodification whentheworkisperformed byRochester GasandElectricpersonnel.
Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing inspections, as required, during plant operation, main-tenance, repair, refueling, and modification when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.
Whentheworkisperformed by'outside,contractors, QualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofthesubcontractor's inspection
When the work is performed by'outside,contractors, Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of the subcontractor's inspection
Allinspection equipment iscalibrated andcontrolled inaccordance withSectionIV.12.Calibration statusisverifiedbyinspection personnel priortoperforming aninspection operation.
All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section IV.12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.

Intheeventaninspection ofprocessed materialorproductsisimpossible orimpractical, indirectcontrolbymonitoring processing'ethods, equipment, andpersonnel isprovided.
In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing'ethods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when control is inadequate without both., The Chief Engineer is responsible for including inspec-tion requirements in engineering specifications.
Bothinspection andprocessmonitoring arerequiredwhencontrolisinadequate withoutboth.,TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forincluding inspec-tionrequirements inengineering specifications.
Quality Assurance is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in engin-eering specifications and for establishing the require-ments for the inservice inspection program.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is resp'onsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements areincludedinengin-eeringspecifications andforestablishing therequire-mentsfortheinservice inspection program.TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerisresp'onsible forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements andholdpointsareincludedinoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification procedures.
He is also responsible for the assignment of qualified inspection personnel required for inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the performance of and conducting the surveillance of inservice inspection.
Heisalsoresponsible fortheassignment ofqualified inspection personnel requiredforinspection ofqualityaffecting activities andforcoordinating theperformance ofandconducting thesurveillance ofinservice inspection.
IV-33 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 0
IV-33Revision2November1,1974 0
The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is con-tained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.
Theprogramforinservice inspection ofthereactorcoolantsystemandothersafetyrelatedsystemsiscon-tainedinSection4.2,Technical Specifications.
Test Control Whenever testing is required to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satis-factorily in service, a test program is instituted employ-ing written and approved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical, Specifications, drawings, instructions, procurement documents, specifications, codes, standards, and regulatory requirements.
TestControlWhenevertestingisrequiredtodemonstrate thatamaterial, part,component, orsystemwillperformsatis-factorily inservice,atestprogramisinstituted employ-ingwrittenandapprovedprocedures whichareinaccordance withbasicrequirements established inTechnical, Specifications,
The test program requires the identification, control, and documentation of all tests, and the preparation of written procedures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary and calibration requirements; material requirements; test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment conditions; limiting conditions; detailed performance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instructions for disposition of deviations; data collection requirements; and test xesult approval.t The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the station test program, including the surveillance test program required by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications.
: drawings, instructions, procurement documents, specifications, codes,standards, andregulatory requirements.
IV-34 Revision 2 Yiovember 1, lg74 I
Thetestprogramrequirestheidentification, control,anddocumentation ofalltests,andthepreparation ofwrittenprocedures requiredforsatisfactory accomplishment ofthetesting.Writtentestprocedures andchecklists include:necessary andcalibration requirements; materialrequirements; testpersonnel requirements; prerequisite plantandequipment conditions; limitingconditions; detailedperformance instructions forthetestingmethodandtestequipment instrumentation; acceptance andrejection criteria; instructions fordisposition ofdeviations; datacollection requirements; andtestxesultapproval.
Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Control,, and approved by the Ginna Station Super-intendent.
tTheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forthestationtestprogram,including thesurveillance testprogramrequiredbySection4.0,Technical Specifications.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved'procedures.
IV-34Revision2Yiovember 1,lg74 I
When contractors are employed for tests, the contractor is required to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.
Testprocedures arepreparedbytheplantstaff,reviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andQualityControl,,
All test results are required to be documented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.I z The Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that required tests for modifications are required in engin-eering specifications.
He is further responsible for providing engineering assistance to the Ginna Station staff in the preparation of modification-related test procedures.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheperformance oftherequiredtestsinacorrectandtimelymannerutilizing writtenandapproved'procedures.
Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving modification-related test results.a Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measurin'g and test equipment includes calibration procedures, estab-lishment of calibration frequencies, and maintenance I'nd control requirements of measuring and test in-IV-35 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Whencontractors areemployedfortests,thecontractor isrequiredtoperformtestinginaccordance withhisqualityassurance programrequirements.
: reviewed, andapprovedbythoseresponsible forperforming thetest.IzTheChiefEngineerisresponsible forassuringthatrequiredtestsformodifications arerequiredinengin-eeringspecifications.
Heisfurtherresponsible forproviding engineering assistance totheGinnaStationstaffinthepreparation ofmodification-related testprocedures.
Engineering isresponsible forreviewing andapproving modification-related testresults.aControlofMeasurinandTestEuimentThecalibration andcontrolsystemformeasurin'g andtestequipment includescalibration procedures, estab-lishmentofcalibration frequencies, andmaintenance I'ndcontrolrequirements ofmeasuring andtestin-IV-35Revision2November1,1974  

struments, tools,gauges,shopstandards, andnondes-tructivetestequipment whicharetobeusedinthemeasurement, inspection, andmonitoring ofcomponents, systems,andstructures.
struments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondes-tructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems, and structures.
Calibration procedures in-cludestep-by-step methodsforcalibration andrequire-mentsforinstrument accuracy.
Calibration procedures in-clude step-by-step methods for calibration and require-ments for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, ex-perience, and other conditions affecting measurement capability.
Calibration frequency isbasedonrequiredaccuracy, degreeofusage,stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, ex-perience, andotherconditions affecting measurement capability.
Control of measuring and test equipment requires: a recall system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a syst'm providing unique identification, of equipment, traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing traceability of shop standards to nationally recognized standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures contain instructions to document the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing for records to be maintained k which indicate the complete status of all items under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration 4 dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of ZV-36  
Controlofmeasuring andtestequipment requires:
arecallsystemassuringtimelycalibration ofequipment; asyst'mproviding uniqueidentification, ofequipment, traceability tocalibration testdata,andidentification ofthenextcalibration dateontheequipment; asystemproviding traceability ofshopstandards tonationally recognized standards (wherenationalstandards donotexist,procedures containinstructions todocumentthebasisforcalibration) andperiodicrevalidation ofshopstandards; asystemproviding forrecordstobemaintained kwhichindicatethecompletestatusofallitemsunderthecalibration systemincluding themaintenance, calibration results,abnormalities, andlastandfuturecalibration 4dates;andasystemcontrolling thepurchaserequirements ofZV-36  

newequipment tobeenteredintothecalibration andcontrolsystemincluding requirements foraccuracy, stability, andrepeatability undernormaluseconditions.
new equipment to be entered into the calibration and control system including requirements for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.
Intheeventameasuring instrument isfoundoutofcalibration, aninvestigation isconducted todetermine thevalidityofpreviousmeasurements.
In the event a measuring instrument is found out of calibration, an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheprocedures andprogramrequiredtoassurecontrolandcalibration'of measuring andtestequipment atGinnaStationinaccordance withtheaboverequirements.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and calibration'of measuring and test equipment at Ginna Station in accordance with the above requirements.
struments specified inSection4.1,Technical In-4Specifications, areincludedintheprogram.Tools,gauges,andinstruments necessary formaintenance, in-spection, andtestarecalibrated andcontrolled inaccordance withstationprocedures.
struments specified in Section 4.1, Technical In-4 Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, in-spection, and test are calibrated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.
Measuring, test,orinspection equipment usedbyQualityControlisincludedintheprogram.IV.13Handlin,Storae,andShiinTheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fordevelop-,
Measuring, test, or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.IV.13 Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for develop-, ing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located at Ginna Station.Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written IV-37  
ingandimplementing procedures forthehandling, storage,shipping, preservation, andcleaningofmaterialandequipment delivered toorlocatedatGinnaStation.Undernormalcircumstances, manufacturer's specificwrittenIV-37  

instructions andrecommendations andpurchasespecifi-cationrequirements areinvokedforcleanliness, preservation, specialhandl'ing, andstoragewithrespecttoenvironmental requirements.
instructions and recommendations and purchase specifi-cation requirements are invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handl'ing, and storage with respect to environmental requirements.
Intheabsenceof,orinadditionto,specificmanufacturer requirements, thesuperintendent mayinvokeadditional requirements inaccordance withtheplantprocedures.
In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the superintendent may invoke additional requirements in accordance with the plant procedures.
TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forspecifying inpro-curementdocuments andinengineering specifications thatwrittenprocedures beused,asappropriate, forthehandling,
The Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in pro-curement documents and in engineering specifications that written procedures be used, as appropriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning, and preservation of materials and equipment procured for modifications.
: shipping, storage,cleaning, andpreservation ofmaterials andequipment procuredformodifications.
These.procedures are prepared by contractors or by the'station staff as appropriate.
These.procedures arepreparedbycontractors orbythe'stationstaffasappropriate.
Rochester Gas and Electric'rocedures are reviewed and approved by Quality Control and the Ginna Station Superintendent.
Rochester GasandElectric'rocedures arereviewedandapprovedbyQualityControlandtheGinnaStationSuperintendent.
In the preparation of procurement documents, plant procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, ship-ping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of manufacturing and installation prior to operational accept-ance.IV-38 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Inthepreparation ofprocurement documents, plantprocedures, andcontractor procedures, consideration ofhandling, ship-ping,storage,cleanliness, andpreservation isgiventoallmaterialandequipment throughout variousstagesofmanufacturing andinstallation priortooperational accept-ance.IV-38Revision2November1,1974  

QualityAssurance isresponsible forreviewofengineering specifications toassurethatproperhandling, storing,andshippingrequirements havebeenspecified.
Quality Assurance is responsible for review of engineering specifications to assure that proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.
QualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofhandling, stor-age,andshippingactivities bysuppliers, Rochester GasandElectricpersonnel, andcontractors.
Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of handling, stor-age, and shipping activities by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.
Ins ection, Test, and 0 eratin Status Equipment.
orsystemsnotreadyfornormalserviceareclearlyidentified byuseoftags,controllogs,andothersuitablemeanstoindicatethestatusinapositivemanner.Theidentification issufficient topositively indicatethestatusoftheparticular equipment orsystembeingisolated.
or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by use of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for indicating the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance, repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Rochester Gas and Electric Intra-Station Holds;ng Rules.The Ginna Station Superintendent designates personnel who have station holding authority.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible forindicating thestatusofoperating equipment orsystemstoberemovedfromserviceformaintenance, repair,ormodification inaccordance withtheapprovedRochester GasandElectricIntra-Station Holds;ngRules.TheGinnaStationSuperintendent designates personnel whohavestationholdingauthority.
Personnel who have station holding authority are'esponsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems in accordance with the approved company Intra-Station IV-39 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Personnel whohavestationholdingauthority are'esponsible fordirecting thestatuschangeofequipment andsystemsinaccordance withtheapprovedcompanyIntra-Station IV-39Revision2November1,1974  

HoldingRules.Systemstatusisindicated throughtheuseofholdtagsandcontrollogs.Equipment orsysteminspection andteststatusareindi-catedbyuseoftesttags,labels,orworkinspection andtest'tat'us sheets.Writtenprocedures controltheuseofholdtags,testtags,andlabels.Theprocedures requiretherecording ofthenameofthepersonplacingandremovingthetag.Systems,components, andequipment whicharefoundtobeunacceptable duringoraftertestingareclearlyidentified.
Holding Rules.System status is indicated through the use of hold tags and control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test status are indi-cated by use of test tags, labels, or work inspection and test'tat'us sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.
Fuelhandlingoperations involving fuelassemblies orotherradioactive sources're identified andcontrolled bythe,useoftags,stamps,orothersuitablemeans.Plantmaintenance, repair,ormodification ofcomponents, systems,orstructures utilizesaworkinspection orteststatussheet,toindicateacceptance orrejection foraparticular component, system,orstructure.
Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources're identified and controlled by the, use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Plant maintenance, repair, or modification of components, systems, or structures utilizes a work inspection or test status sheet, to indicate acceptance or rejection for a particular component, system, or structure.
Workinspection orteststatussheetsarepreparedandmaintained atadesignated controllocationtoindicatethestatusofworkandthecompletion ofrequiredinspections andtests.QualityControlmonitorsthestatuschangeactivities fortheircompliance toapprovedprocedures andassuresjv-40 0
Work inspection or test status sheets are prepared and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status of work and the completion of required inspections and tests.Quality Control monitors the status change activities for their compliance to approved procedures and assures jv-40 0
thatinspection resultsareproperlylogged.QualityIControlalsoestablishes theprocedures forimplementing theworkinspection=
that inspection results are properly logged.Quality I Control also establishes the procedures for implementing the work inspection=
orstatussheetsduringmaintenance, repair,andmodification.
or status sheets during maintenance, repair, and modification.
Nonconformin Materials,"
Nonconformin Materials," Parts, and Com onents Procedures are established for the control, evaluation and disposition of deficient material, parts, and components.
Parts,andComonentsProcedures areestablished forthecontrol,evaluation anddisposition ofdeficient
Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold'tag and reported on a material deficiency report.Quality Control'is responsible for issuing material deficiency reports, recommending disposition,.initiating repair or rework, and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.'rior to installation or use, non-conforming items remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved disposition has been received.After installation or use, nonconforming items are identified until approved disposition has been received.Prior to installation or use, suppliers are notified of all nonconforming items and requested to recommend dis-position.Purchasing is responsible for obtaining the recommended disposition from the supplier.Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving supplier's recommended disposition.
: material, parts,andcomponents.
After installation or use, Engineering is responsible for determining and approving disposition of nonconforming items.
Materials, parts,orcomponents whichdonotconformtodrawingorspecification requirements areidentified withahold'tagandreportedonamaterialdeficiency report.QualityControl'isresponsible forissuingmaterialdeficiency reports,recommending disposition,
4 Items are repaired or reworked only in accordance with documented procedures and drawings prepared and approved by Engineering.
.initiating repairorrework,andinspecting andapproving repairedorreworkeditems.'rior toinstallation oruse,non-conforming itemsremaininaQualityControlreceiving inspection areauntilapproveddisposition hasbeenreceived.
Quality Control assures that approved'rocedures and drawings are available for use prior to the repaix or rework and reinspects all repaired or reworked items.The repair or rework must be verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at least equal to the original inspection method.Items which are accepted for use with a known deficiency are fully documented with the specification requirement, justification for acceptance, and affect of such use.All such items are approved prior to use by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.
Afterinstallation oruse,nonconforming itemsareidentified untilapproveddisposition hasbeenreceived.
Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries which are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance.
Priortoinstallation oruse,suppliers arenotifiedofallnonconforming itemsandrequested torecommend dis-position.
Unsatisfactory trends are reported to manage-ment by means of the corrective action report in accor-dance with Section IV.16.IV.16 Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identification, review and correction of conditions adverse to quality.Conditions adverse to quality, IV-42 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Purchasing isresponsible forobtaining therecommended disposition fromthesupplier.
Engineering isresponsible forreviewing andapproving supplier's recommended disposition.
Afterinstallation oruse,Engineering isresponsible fordetermining andapproving disposition ofnonconforming items.
4 Itemsarerepairedorreworkedonlyinaccordance withdocumented procedures anddrawingspreparedandapprovedbyEngineering.
QualityControlassuresthatapproved'rocedures anddrawingsareavailable forusepriortotherepaixorreworkandreinspects allrepairedorreworkeditems.Therepairorreworkmustbeverifiedasacceptable byaninspection oftheaffecteditemwhichisatleastequaltotheoriginalinspection method.Itemswhichareacceptedforusewithaknowndeficiency arefullydocumented withthespecification requirement, justification foracceptance, andaffectofsuchuse.AllsuchitemsareapprovedpriortousebytheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction.
QualityControlissuesmonthlymaterialdeficiency reportsummaries whicharereviewedandanalyzedbyQualityAssurance.
Unsatisfactory trendsarereportedtomanage-mentbymeansofthecorrective actionreportinaccor-dancewithSectionIV.16.IV.16Corrective ActionQualityAssurance establishes therequirements foridentification, reviewandcorrection ofconditions adversetoquality.Conditions adversetoquality,IV-42Revision2November1,1974  

suchas,failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, defective materialandequipment, andnonconformances arereportedonacorrective actionreport.Conditions adversetoqualityincludeconditions affecting safety,conditions whichcouldresultinplantshutdown, highmaintenance items,andoperating procedure deficiencies.
such as, failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances are reported on a corrective action report.Conditions adverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.
Thecorrective actionreportidentifies thecondition, thecauseofthecondition, andthecorrective actiontaken.Corrective actionreportsmaybeinitiated byQualityAssurance, Engineering, GinnaStation,orPurchasing staffpersonnel.
The corrective action report identifies the condition, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assurance, Engineering, Ginna Station, or Purchasing staff personnel.
Corrective actionreportsinitiated't GinnaStationaresubmitted toQualityControlforreviewandsubsequent processing.
Corrective action reports initiated't Ginna Station are submitted to Quality Control for review and subsequent processing.
Corrective actionreportsinitiated byEngineering andPurchasing arereviewedandprocessed byQualityAssurance.
Corrective action reports initiated by Engineering and Purchasing are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.
Whenacondition adversetoqualityatGinnaStationisidentified, QualityControlevaluates theaffectofcontinuing theactivity.
When a condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates the affect of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up e or preclude identification and correction of the deficiency, continuing the activity would increase the extent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition, stop work action is taken.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, refueling, or modification deficiencies.
Ifcontinuing theactivitywouldcoverupeorprecludeidentification andcorrection ofthedeficiency, continuing theactivitywouldincreasetheextentofthedeficiency orleadtoanunsafecondition, stopworkactionistaken.TheGinnaStationQualityControlEngineerhasauthority tostopworkonmaintenance, repair,refueling, ormodification deficiencies.
The Ginna Station Quality IV-43 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  

ControlEngineermayrecommend stopworkactiontotheGinnaStationSuperintendent onoperating deficiencies.
Control Engineer may recommend stop work action to the Ginna Station Superintendent on operating deficiencies.
ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee reviewsallcorr-ectiveactionreportsinitiated atGinnaStationandhrecommends interimcorrective actioniftheactiondoesnotrepresent achangeinconfiguration ofthedeficient item.TheCommittee recommends permanent corrective actionforallconditions adversetoqualitywhichinvolveoperating 8procedures.
The Plant Operations Review Committee reviews all corr-ective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and h recommends interim corrective action if the action does not represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating 8 procedures.
Conditions, adversetoqualitywhichinvolvedesigndefici-enciesorarecommended corrective actionwhichinvolvesadesignchangearereviewedbyEngineering.
Conditions, adverse to quality which involve design defici-encies or a recommended corrective action which involves a design change are reviewed by Engineering.
Engineering determines thecauseofthecondition andrecommends corrective actiontoprecluderepetition.
Engineering determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective action to preclude repetition.
QualityAssurance reviewsallcorrective actionreports,toassurethatthecauseofthecondition hasbeendeter-minedandthatcorrective actionhasbeentakentoprecluderepetition.
Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action reports ,to assure that the cause of the condition has been deter-mined and that corrective action has been taken to preclude repetition.
QualityAssurance alsoreviewsmaterialdeficiency reportsummaries forunsatisfactory trendsandinitiates acorrective actionreportifs'uch~atrendoccurs.Completed corrective actionreportsaresubmitted totheVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction tokeephimawareofsignificant conditions adversetoquality.IV-44,Revision 2November1,l974  
Quality Assurance also reviews material deficiency report summaries for unsatisfactory trends and initiates a corrective action report if s'uch~a trend occurs.Completed corrective action reports are submitted to the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production to keep him aware of significant conditions adverse to quality.IV-44 ,Revision 2 November 1, l974  
~lr0 QualitAssurance RecordsQualityAssurance isresponsible forestablishing thebasicrequirements forqualityassurance recordretention andmaintenance.
~l r 0 Qualit Assurance Records Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.
TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible fortheretention andmaintenance ofplantrecords.RecordsofEngineering andQualityAssurance activities areretainedandmaintained byEngineering.
The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant records.Records of Engineering and Quality Assurance activities are retained and maintained by Engineering.
Purchasing isresponsible formaintaining Purchasing records.Eachorganization isresponsible forpreparation, review,approval, andimplementation ofspecificqualityassurance recordprocedures fortheirareasofresponsibility inaccordance withtheserequirements.
Purchasing is responsible for maintaining Purchasing records.Each organization is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and implementation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.
Therecordswhichfallwithinqualityassurance recordrequirements includethoserecordsrequiredbySection6.5oftheTechnical Speci-fications, thequalityassurance program,andprocurement documents.
The records which fall within quality assurance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.5 of the Technical Speci-fications, the quality assurance program, and procurement documents.
Alldocuments andrecordsassociated withtheoperation, maintenance, repair,refueling, andmodification ofstructures, systemsandcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programareincluded.
All documents and records associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of structures, systems and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.Plant records include operating logs;the results of inspec-tions, tests, audits, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, specifications, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonforming and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment for special processes IV-45 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Plantrecordsincludeoperating logs;theresultsofinspec-tions,tests,audits,andthemonitoring ofplantactivities;
: drawings, specifications, procurement documents andmaterialanalyses; calibration procedures andreports;andnonforming andcorrective actionreports.Recordsofthequalification ofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment forspecialprocesses IV-45Revision2November1,1974  

andtheresultsofreviewsaremaintained byEngineering.
and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering.
Inspection andtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeoftestorinspection
Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oftheactivity, results,thenameoftheinspector ordatarecorder, theacceptance orrejection oftheactivity, andarecordofanynonconformances.
The requirements and responsibilities for record accessa-bility and transmittal are in accordance with document control procedures as described in Section IV.6.Require-ments and responsibilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenanceg and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable quality assurance record pro-cedures, codes,-standards, and procurement documents.
Therequirements andresponsibilities forrecordaccessa-bilityandtransmittal areinaccordance withdocumentcontrolprocedures asdescribed inSectionIV.6.Require-mentsandresponsibilities forpreparation, inspection, identification, review,storage,retrieval, maintenanceg andtheretention ofqualityassurance recordsareinaccordance withapplicable qualityassurance recordpro-cedures,codes,-standards, andprocurement documents.
Records are available to authorized personnel.
Recordsareavailable toauthorized personnel.
Removal from record storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible document control activity.are designed to prevent destruction of records through fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept IV-46 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Removalfromrecordstorageisdocumented onsign-outcardsandaccountability ismaintained bytheresponsible documentcontrolactivity.
aredesignedtopreventdestruction ofrecordsthroughfire,flooding, theft,anddeterioration bytemperature orhumidityconditions; or,duplicate recordsarekeptIV-46Revision2November1,1974  

intwoseparatestoragelocations inseparatebuildings whicharephysically isolatedfromeachother.Recordkeepingprocedures provideforreceiving, clas-sifying,indexing,
in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, clas-sifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.The procedures establish retention requirements, accessability, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for maintaining plant operating records as required in Section 6.5, Technical Specifications.
: labeling, andpreparing recordsforstorage.Theprocedures establish retention requirements, accessability, controlofobsoleterecorddestruction, andcontrolforissuanceandreturnofallrecords.TheGinnaStationSuperintendent isresponsible formaintaining plantoperating recordsasrequiredinSection6.5,Technical Specifications.
Engineering is responsible for maintaining design records, such as specifications, drawings, design review reports, and design control documentation; quality assurance records, such as audit reports and vendor surveillance reports;and purchasing records, such as supplier qualifi-cations, supplier surveillance reports, bid evaluations, and purchase requi.sitions.
Engineering isresponsible formaintaining designrecords,suchasspecifications,
Audits Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is deter-mined by audits of all organizations performing quality affecting activities.
: drawings, designreviewreports,anddesigncontroldocumentation; qualityassurance records,suchasauditreportsandvendorsurveillance reports;andpurchasing records,suchassupplierqualifi-cations,suppliersurveillance reports,bidevaluations, andpurchaserequi.sitions.
Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting audits of each organization involved in the IV-47 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
AuditsCompliance withallaspectsofthequalityassurance programandtheeffectiveness oftheprogramisdeter-minedbyauditsofallorganizations performing qualityaffecting activities.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forconducting auditsofeachorganization involvedintheIV-47Revision2November1,1974  

qualityassurance programonaplanned,periodicbasis.Audit.intervals arebasedonthestatusandsafetyimportance ofactivities beingperformed.
quality assurance program on a planned, periodic basis.Audit.intervals are based on the status and safety importance of activities being performed.
AuditsofGinnaStation,Engineering andPurchasing organizations areperformed annually.
Audits of Ginna Station, Engineering and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table XV.18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.
TableXV.18-1isalistoftheactivities tobeauditedineachoftheorganizations.
Audit frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are established to assure that each activity is audited at least annually.Additional audits are conducted as required by special conditions or circumstances.
Auditfrequencies arebasedonthelevelofactivityineacharea.Auditschedules areestablished toassurethateachactivityisauditedatleastannually.
Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about, the audit, such as the functional area's-to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit," the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.
Additional auditsareconducted asrequiredbyspecialconditions orcircumstances.
The audits are performed in accordance with written pro-cedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit results are documented and reported to the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited, the a Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, and the IV-48 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  
Eachauditrequiresthedevelopment ofanauditplantoprovideinformation about,theaudit,suchasthefunctional area's-tobeaudited,thenamesandassignments ofthosewhowillperformtheaudit,"thescheduling arrangements, andthemethodofreporting findingsandrecommendations.
Theauditsareperformed inaccordance withwrittenpro-ceduresorchecklists byappropriately trainedpersonnel nothavingdirectresponsibilities intheareasbeingaudited.Auditresultsaredocumented andreportedtothepersonhavingsupervisory responsibility intheareaaudited,theaVicePresident, ElectricandSteamProduction, andtheIV-48Revision2November1,1974  

NuclearSafetyAudit,andReviewBoard.Withinaspecified periodoftime,thepersonhavingsupervisory
Nuclear Safety Audit, and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory
'responsibility intheareaauditedisrequiredtoreviewtheauditresults,takenecessary actiontocorrectthedeficiencies revealedbytheaudit,anddocumentandreportthecorrective action.QualityAssurance isresponsible fordeveloping auditplansandauditchecklists, designating andtrainingauditpersonnel, andconducting audits.Auditsmaybeconducted byQualityAssurance engineers orotherqualified
'responsibility in the area audited is required to review the audit results, take necessary action to correct the deficiencies revealed by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans and audit checklists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits.Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified.personnel, such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.=
.personnel, suchastechnical specialists fromothercompanydepartments andoutsideconsultants.=
Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and sup-pliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procurement, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program'or compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.
Auditsofmajorcontractors, subcontractors, andsup-pliersareconducted duringtheearlystagesofdesignandprocurement, asrequired, toevaluatetheirqualityassurance program'or compliance withallaspectsoftheprocurement documents.
Audits are conducted, as re-quired, to assure that major contractors, subcontractorsg and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents; During the project, additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly implemented in accordance with procurement.
Auditsareconducted, asre-quired,toassurethatmajorcontractors, subcontractorsg andsuppliers areauditingtheirsuppliers'uality assurance programsinaccordance withprocurement documents; Duringtheproject,additional auditsareperformed, asrequired, toassureallqualityassurance programrequirements areproperlyimplemented inaccordance withprocurement.
XV-49 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  

aQualityAssurance performsregularanalysesofauditresultstoevaluatequalitytrends.Resultsoftheseanalyseswillbeprovidedtomanagement fortheirregularreview'.IV-50Revision2November1,1974  
a Quality Assurance performs regular analyses of audit results to evaluate quality trends.Results of these analyses will be provided to management for their regular review'.IV-50 Revision 2 November 1, 1974  

TableIV.l-lQualityAssurance ProgramProcedures SubjectListingQualitAssurance Procedures AppendixBCriteriaIndoctrination ofQualitAssurance andSuervzsorPersonnel Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovidetheinstruc-tionsforindoctrination ofQualityAssurance andsuper-visorypersonnel inqualityassurance
Table IV.l-l Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination of Qualit Assurance and Su ervzsor Personnel The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions for indoctrination of Quality Assurance and super-visory personnel in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures.
: policies, manuals,andprocedures.
H I Trainin.of Qualit Assurance Grou Personnel The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions for training of the Quality Assurance Group in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures.
HITrainin.ofQualitAssurance GrouPersonnel Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovidetheinstruc-tionsfortrainingoftheQualityAssurance Groupinqualityassurance
Mana ement Review of Qualit Assurance Pro ram This procedure describes how management reviews of the quality assurance program are conducted.
: policies, manuals,andprocedures.
This includes how management level audits are conducted, what reports are submitted to management for review, and how manage-ment comments are incorporated into the 0 8 e r.8 o Periodic Review of Qualit Assurance Procedures This procedure provides the instructions necessary for the periodic review of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Quality Assurance Procedures.  
ManaementReviewofQualitAssurance ProramThisprocedure describes howmanagement reviewsofthequalityassurance programareconducted.
Thisincludeshowmanagement levelauditsareconducted, whatreportsaresubmitted tomanagement forreview,andhowmanage-mentcommentsareincorporated intotheprogram.ax08er.8oPeriodicReviewofQualitAssurance Procedures Thisprocedure providestheinstructions necessary fortheperiodicreviewofRochester GasandElectricCorporation QualityAssurance Procedures.  

TableIV.l-l(cont'd)QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd)AppendixBCriteriaQualitAssurance GrouOranization andResonsibilities Thepurposeofthisprocedure istodescribetheRochester GasandElectricqualityassurance organization andtheresponsibilities withintheorganization.
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Qualit Assurance Grou Or anization and Res onsibilities The purpose of this procedure is to describe the Rochester Gas and Electric quality assurance organization and the responsibilities within the organization.
HIVltVQualitAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricDesinCriteriaeThepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovidetheinstruc-tionsnecessary forqualityassurance reviewofRochester GasandElectricdesigncriteria.
H I Vl tV Qualit Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Desi n Criteria e The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions necessary for quality assurance review of Rochester Gas and Electric design criteria.Qualit Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric En sneer>.n S eca.fxcatzons-The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions necessary for quality assurance review of Rochester Gas and Electric engineering specifications.
QualitAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricEnsneer>.nSeca.fxcatzons-Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovidetheinstruc-tionsnecessary forqualityassurance reviewofRochester GasandElectricengineering specifications.
Qualit Assurance Review of Architect En ineer's Desi n Documents R X o 6 s o This procedure provides instructions for quality assurance review of design criteria, specifications, and related~documents prepared by an architect engineer.This review is performed when design criteria and/or specifications are submitted for Rochester Gas and Electric review and comment as a result of a procurement document requirements.
QualitAssurance ReviewofArchitect Enineer'sDesinDocuments RXo6soThisprocedure providesinstructions forqualityassurance reviewofdesigncriteria, specifications, andrelated~documents preparedbyanarchitect engineer.
I I/
Thisreviewisperformed whendesigncriteriaand/orspecifications aresubmitted forRochester GasandElectricreviewandcommentasaresultofaprocurement documentrequirements.
Table IV.1-1 (cont')Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Re uisitionin Qualit Assurance Services IV This procedure describes the requirements to be met in the preparation, review and approval of purchase requisitions for services procured by Quality Assurance.
Qualit Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Procurement Documents IV H I The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for quality assurance review of Rochester Gas and Electric procurement documents and release of Purchase Requisitions and Nuclear Procurement Control Forms (QA-07)prepared by other departments..
TableIV.1-1(cont')QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd)AppendixBCriteriaReuisitionin QualitAssurance ServicesIVThisprocedure describes therequirements tobemetinthepreparation, reviewandapprovalofpurchaserequisitions forservicesprocuredbyQualityAssurance.
Pre aration, Review and A royal of Rochester Gas and Electric Q.A.S ecifications IV The purpose of this procedure is to establish the methods required for preparation, review, approval, issuance, and revision of Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Specifications.
QualitAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricProcurement Documents IVHIThepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovideinstructions forqualityassurance reviewofRochester GasandElectricprocurement documents andreleaseofPurchaseRequisitions andNuclearProcurement ControlForms(QA-07)preparedbyotherdepartments..
0 8 8 V 8 0 Quality Assurance specifications establish the Quality Assurance program requirements imposed;on suppliers of'safety related equipment, and services.  
Prearation,ReviewandAroyalofRochester GasandElectricQ.A.Secifications IVThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish themethodsrequiredforpreparation, review,approval,
: issuance, andrevisionofRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Specifications.
088V80QualityAssurance specifications establish theQualityAssurance programrequirements imposed;on suppliers of'safetyrelatedequipment, andservices.  

TableIV.l-l(cont'd)QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd)FPrearation,ReviewandArovalofGinnaStationQualitAssurance ManualAppendixBCriteriaThepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovidetheinstruc-tionsnecessary forthepreparation, reviewandapproval, ofchangestotheGinnaStationQualityAssurance Manual.Prearation,ReviewandAroyalofQualitAssurance Procedures Thisprocedure providestheinstructions forpreparation, reviewandapprovaloftheRochester GasandElectricCorporation QualityAssurance Procedures.
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)F Pre aration, Review and A roval of Ginna Station Qualit Assurance Manual Appendix B Criteria The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions necessary for the preparation, review and approval, of changes to the Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual.Pre aration, Review and A royal of Qualit Assurance Procedures This procedure provides the instructions for preparation, review and approval of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Quality Assurance Procedures.
.ReviewofQualitControl,QualitAssurance, EnineerinandPurchasxn Procedures VIThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequire-mentsforthereviewandapprovalofallqualityandsafetyrelateddocuments generated bytheRochester GasandElectricCompanyinaccordance withtherequirements oftheRG&EQualityAssurance Manual.Prearation,ReviewandAroyalofProcedure Deviation ReuestsbQualitAssurance VIThisprocedure providestheinstructions forpreparing, reviewing andapproving adeviation fromanapprovedQualityAssurance Procedure for(1)aspecified periodrrv
.Review of Qualit Control, Qualit Assurance, En ineerin and Purchasxn Procedures VI The purpose of this procedure is to establish the require-ments for the review and approval of all quality and safety related documents generated by the Rochester Gas and Electric Company in accordance with the requirements of the RG&E Quality Assurance Manual.Pre aration, Review and A royal of Procedure Deviation Re uests b Qualit Assurance VI This procedure provides the instructions for preparing, reviewing and approving a deviation from an approved Quality Assurance Procedure for (1)a specified period r rv

TableIV.l-l(cont'd)QualitAssurance Procedures'(cont'd)
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures'(cont'd)
AppendixBCriteriatimeoractivity, or(2)inadvanceoftheformalreleaseofarevisiontothesubjectprocedure, or-ofanewpro-cedurewhichwouldeliminate theneedforsuchadeviation.
Appendix B Criteria time or activity, or (2)in advance of the formal release of a revision to the subject procedure, or-of a new pro-cedure which would eliminate the need for such a deviation.
Qualification ofSuliersVIIThisprocedure describes therequirements forevaluation andqualification ofsupplierbyQualityAssurance.
Qualification of Su liers VII This procedure describes the requirements for evaluation and qualification of supplier by Quality Assurance.
SulierSurveillance VIIHIVlVlThisprocedure establishes therequirements fortheevalua-tionofthequalityassurance program:controlling theoperations ofsuppliers ofsafetyrelatedpart's,materials, components, structures orsystemstotheRochester Gas&ElectricCorporation.
Su lier Surveillance VII H I Vl Vl This procedure establishes the requirements for the evalua-tion of the quality assurance program:controlling the operations of suppliers of safety related part's, materials, components, structures or systems to the Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation.
JQualitAssurance ReviewofArchitect
J Qualit Assurance Review of Architect-En ineer's Bid Selection VII This procedure provides the basis and requirements for Quality Assurance Review of the Architect-Engineer's Bid Selection.
-Enineer'sBidSelection VIIThisprocedure providesthebasisandrequirements forQualityAssurance ReviewoftheArchitect
w4 0 8 I r.Qualit Assurance Review of Architect-En ineer's Bidders List 4'his procedure provides the requirement for quality assurance review and approval of the Architect-Engineer's Bidders List.VII  
-Engineer's BidSelection.
w408Ir.QualitAssurance ReviewofArchitect
-Enineer'sBiddersList4'hisprocedure providestherequirement forqualityassurance reviewandapprovaloftheArchitect
-Engineer's BiddersList.VII  

'ableIV.l-l(cont'd)QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd)AppendixBCriteriaWeldinProcedures IXThepurposeofthisprocedure istoidentifytheprocessbywhichweldingprocedures shallbedesigned.
'able IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Weldin Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be designed.Weldin Procedure Qualification The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be qualified.
WeldinProcedure Qualification Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoidentifytheprocessbywhichweldingprocedures shallbequalified.
IX Welder Qualification The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which individual welders shall be qualified.
IXWelderQualification Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoidentifytheprocessbywhichindividual weldersshallbequalified.
Nondestructive Examination Procedures d The purpose of this procedure is to outline the program by which nondestructive examination procedures shall be developed.
Nondestructive Examination Procedures dThepurposeofthisprocedure istooutlinetheprogrambywhichnondestructive examination procedures shallbedeveloped.
IX Nondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification IX The purpose of'this procedure is to outline the program by which nondestructive examination (NDE)procedures shall be qualified and approved.Heat Treatin Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to define how heat treating procedures shall be established and implemented.  
IXNondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification IXThepurposeof'thisprocedure istooutlinetheprogrambywhichnondestructive examination (NDE)procedures shallbequalified andapproved.
HeatTreatinProcedures IXThepurposeofthisprocedure istodefinehowheattreatingprocedures shallbeestablished andimplemented.  

TableIV.l-l(cont'd)QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd)AppendixBCriteriaQualitAssurance ReviewandAnalsisofMaterialDeficienc Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovidetheinstruc-tionnecessary toimplement theprocessforthereviewandanalysisofMaterialDeficiency ReportSummaries.
Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Qualit Assurance Review and Anal sis of Material Deficienc Re ort The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tion necessary to implement the process for the review and analysis of Material Deficiency Report Summaries.
Prearation,ReviewandProcessin ofR.G.&E.Corrective
Pre aration, Review and Processin of R.G.&E.Corrective.Action Re orts b Qualit Assurance H I The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tion necessary to implement the methods for preparation, review, and processing of RGGE Corrective Action Reports by quality assurance.
.ActionReortsbQualitAssurance HIThepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovidetheinstruc-tionnecessary toimplement themethodsforpreparation, review,andprocessing ofRGGECorrective ActionReportsbyqualityassurance.
Qualification of Auditin Personnel XVII I This procedure describes the requirements for qualification of auditing personnel.
Qualification ofAuditinPersonnel XVIIIThisprocedure describes therequirements forqualification ofauditingpersonnel.
Audit Schedulin and Plannin XVIII This procedure describes the methods for scheduling and planning internal and external audits.o 8 8 0 Performance of Qualit Assurance Audits This procedure describes the methods for conducting the pre-audit conference, performing the audit and conducting the post-audit conference.
AuditSchedulin andPlanninXVIIIThisprocedure describes themethodsforscheduling andplanninginternalandexternalaudits.o880Performance ofQualitAssurance AuditsThisprocedure describes themethodsforconducting thepre-audit conference, performing theauditandconducting thepost-audit conference.

TableIV.1-1(cont')QualitAssurance Procedures (cont'd)AppendixBCriteriaReortinandFollow-UofAuditFindinsXVIIIThisprocedure describes themethodsforreporting auditfindings, following-up onauditreportsandfilingauditrecords.ConductofQualitAssurance DurinandintheFollow-uofUSAECandManaementAuditsXVIIIThisprocedure provides.theinstructions forauditprepara-tion,auditperformance andcorrection ofnonconformances foundbytheauditors.
Table IV.1-1 (cont')Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Re ortin and Follow-U of Audit Findin s XVIII This procedure describes the methods for reporting audit findings, following-up on audit reports and filing audit records.Conduct of Qualit Assurance Durin and in the Follow-u of USAEC and Mana ement Audits XVIII This procedure provides.the instructions for audit prepara-tion, audit performance and correction of nonconformances found by the auditors.4X 0 9 m r-8 0 r ro N
4X09mr-80rro N
Table IV.l-l (cont'.)Qualit Control Procedures Appendix B Criteria Ginna Q.A.Pro ram Im lementation This procedure establishes the guidelines for the im-plementation of the Quality Assurance Program at Ginna Station.Trainin of Ginna Personnel To provide instructions regarding the indoctrination and training of Ginna Personnel about the Ginna Quality Assurance Program and implementing QC procedures.
TableIV.l-l(cont'.)QualitControlProcedures AppendixBCriteriaGinnaQ.A.ProramImlementation Thisprocedure establishes theguidelines fortheim-plementation oftheQualityAssurance ProgramatGinnaStation.TraininofGinnaPersonnel Toprovideinstructions regarding theindoctrination andtrainingofGinnaPersonnel abouttheGinnaQualityAssurance Programandimplementing QCprocedures.
Ginna Qualit Control Or anization To describe the organization responsible for imple-menting the requirements of the Quality Assurance requirements at Ginna Station.Work Start Authorization To provide instructions which ensure that necessary preparation for plant modifications are complete prior to the start of work.Procurement of Nuclear Materials, Parts, and Com onents IV To provide an outline for processing of orders for nuclear material, parts, and components, at Ginna 4 j'I I I Table lV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Station, and to assure that regulatory requirements, design bases, and other requirements necessary to ensure adequate quality are suitably included and referenced in the procurement documents.
GinnaQualitControlOranization Todescribetheorganization responsible forimple-mentingtherequirements oftheQualityAssurance requirements atGinnaStation.WorkStartAuthorization Toprovideinstructions whichensurethatnecessary preparation forplantmodifications arecompletepriortothestartofwork.Procurement ofNuclearMaterials, Parts,andComonentsIVToprovideanoutlineforprocessing ofordersfornuclearmaterial, parts,andcomponents, atGinna 4j'III TablelV.l-l(cont'd.)
Appendix B Criteria Review, A royal, Notification, and Transmittal of Su lier Des'and QA/QC Re uirements IV To provide written instruction for outlining the steps necessary for review, approval, notification, and transmittal of supplier procedures, design drawings, or any other requirements as specified in the procurement documents for nuclear material, parts, or components ordered for spare parts or maintenance purposes by plant personnel.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Plant Qualit Control Procedures To describe the intent, scope, and format of the plant quality control procedures.
Station,andtoassurethatregulatory requirements, designbases,andotherrequirements necessary toensureadequatequalityaresuitablyincludedandreferenced intheprocurement documents.
Procedures for Performin Routine Maintenance, Re air, or Mo a.icatxon.To outline procedure requirements for routine main-tenance, repair, or modification activities on safety class A and B systems, equipment, or structures..  
AppendixBCriteriaReview,Aroyal,Notification, andTransmittal ofSulierDes'andQA/QCReuirements IVToprovidewritteninstruction foroutlining thestepsnecessary forreview,approval, notification, andtransmittal ofsupplierprocedures, designdrawings, oranyotherrequirements asspecified intheprocurement documents fornuclearmaterial, parts,orcomponents orderedforsparepartsormaintenance purposesbyplantpersonnel.
PlantQualitControlProcedures Todescribetheintent,scope,andformatoftheplantqualitycontrolprocedures.
Procedures forPerformin RoutineMaintenance, Reair,orMoa.icatxon.Tooutlineprocedure requirements forroutinemain-tenance,repair,ormodification activities onsafetyclassAandBsystems,equipment, orstructures..  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Plant 0 eratin Procedures Appendix B Criteria To outline Quality Assurance requirements to be in-cluded in plant operating procedures which are used to direct operating, test, and refueling activities on safety Class A and B structures, systems-, or equipment.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Issuance Control of Procedures Used For the 0 eration of'the Plant VI This procedure establishes the method by which pro-cedures and check off lists used in the operation of the plant are to be controlled.
Plant0eratinProcedures AppendixBCriteriaTooutlineQualityAssurance requirements tobein-cludedinplantoperating procedures whichareusedtodirectoperating, test,andrefueling activities onsafetyClassAandBstructures, systems-,
Document Control for Procedure Chan es VI This procedure describes the method by which procedures described in reference 2.3 to be revised shall be controlled.
Document Control at Ginna VI To define those non-procurement documents requiring control at Ginna and the method by which they shall be controlled.
IssuanceControlofProcedures UsedForthe0erationof'thePlantVIThisprocedure establishes themethodbywhichpro-ceduresandcheckofflistsusedintheoperation oftheplantaretobecontrolled.
Drawin Chan es at Ginna VI To define the responsibilities and to provide in-structions for ensuring that existing piping and
DocumentControlforProcedure ChanesVIThisprocedure describes themethodbywhichprocedures described inreference 2.3toberevisedshallbecontrolled.
DocumentControlatGinnaVITodefinethosenon-procurement documents requiring controlatGinnaandthemethodbywhichtheyshallbecontrolled.
DrawinChanesatGinnaVITodefinetheresponsibilities andtoprovidein-structions forensuringthatexistingpipingand

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria circuit drawings are kept current and updated to always reflect the"As built" condition of the plant following modifications to systems and equipment.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Receivin Ins ection of Purchased Material VII To define the activities and responsibilities necessary for properly receiving nuclear materials and in-specting them prior to acceptance for use.Control of Purchased Material, E ui ment, and Services VIII To outline the program for control of material, equip-ment, and services purchased through contractors.
AppendixBCriteriacircuitdrawingsarekeptcurrentandupdatedtoalwaysreflectthe"Asbuilt"condition oftheplantfollowing modifications tosystemsandequipment.
Control of Materials, Parts, and Com onents VIII To establish the system for effective control of material, parts, or components from receipt at Ginna through installation or use.Identification and Markin of Material VIII To establish an outline for identification and mark-ing of material to maintain quality and traceability through the life of the material.  
ReceivinInsectionofPurchased MaterialVIITodefinetheactivities andresponsibilities necessary forproperlyreceiving nuclearmaterials andin-spectingthempriortoacceptance foruse.ControlofPurchased
: Material, Euiment,andServicesVIIITooutlinetheprogramforcontrolofmaterial, equip-ment,andservicespurchased throughcontractors.
ControlofMaterials, Parts,andComonentsVIIIToestablish thesystemforeffective controlofmaterial, parts,orcomponents fromreceiptatGinnathroughinstallation oruse.Identification andMarkinofMaterialVIIIToestablish anoutlineforidentification andmark-ingofmaterialtomaintainqualityandtraceability throughthelifeofthematerial.  

TableIV.1-1(cont'd.)QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Table IV.1-1 (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control of Weldin IX The purpose of this procedure is to establish the pro-gram for effective control-of qualified personnel and procedures pertaining to welding.Issue, Control, and Stora e of Weld Consumables To provide instructions for issue, control, and storage of weld consumables.
AppendixBCriteriaControlofWeldinIXThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish thepro-gramforeffective control-of qualified personnel andprocedures pertaining towelding.Issue,Control,andStoraeofWeldConsumables Toprovideinstructions forissue,control,andstorageofweldconsumables.
Weldin E ui ment Performance Verification IX To outline the program for periodic performance verification of equipment used on special processes.
WeldinEuimentPerformance Verification IXTooutlinetheprogramforperiodicperformance verification ofequipment usedonspecialprocesses.
Ins ection Activities at Ginna To establish guide lines for the activities requir-ing inspectors, source of inspectors, and qualifi-cations of inspectors.
InsectionActivities atGinnaToestablish guidelinesfortheactivities requir-inginspectors, sourceofinspectors, andqualifi-cationsofinspectors.
Ins ector Qualification and Res onsibilities To establish requirements for those designated to perform inspection activities at Ginna.  
InsectorQualification andResonsibilities Toestablish requirements forthosedesignated toperforminspection activities atGinna.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix 8 Criteria Test Procedure Re uirements XI To outline requirements for the procedures which are performed to verify the correct operability of safety related equipment or structures.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Performance of Tests XI To establish requirements for performing tests to include, but not be limited to, surveillance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, physics testing, and testing following modification or sig-nificant changes in operating procedures.
Appendix8CriteriaTestProcedure Reuirements XITooutlinerequirements fortheprocedures whichareperformed toverifythecorrectoperability ofsafetyrelatedequipment orstructures.
Documentation, Evaluation and Dis osition of Test Resu ts XI To describe the requirements for accumulating, documenting, evaluating, and dispositioning of results of all tests.1 Test Personnel Re uirements XI To establish requirements for personnel designated to perform and/or assist in the conductance of tests.Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Used For Calx ration XII To provide guidelines for test instrument calibration and control which satisfy the requirements of the f,a' Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.).Quality Assurance Manual., Calibration and Control of Maintenance Measurin Tools and E ux ment Appendix B Criteria XII To provide guidelines for calibration and control of measuring tools and equipment used by maintenance to perform critical maintenance measurement.
Performance ofTestsXIToestablish requirements forperforming teststoinclude,butnotbelimitedto,surveillance testing,specialtests,postmaintenance testing,physicstesting,andtestingfollowing modification orsig-nificantchangesinoperating procedures.
Calibration and Control of Qualit Control Measure.n Tools XII To outline calibration and control instructions for inspection measuring tools used by quality control to determine the reject or accept status of parts and components.
Documentation, Evaluation andDisositionofTestResutsXITodescribetherequirements foraccumulating, documenting, evaluating, anddispositioning ofresultsofalltests.1TestPersonnel Reuirements XIToestablish requirements forpersonnel designated toperformand/orassistintheconductance oftests.Calibration andControlofTestInstruments UsedForCalxrationXIIToprovideguidelines fortestinstrument calibration andcontrolwhichsatisfytherequirements ofthe f,a' TableIV.l-l(cont'd.)QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in'III To outline the plan for control of handling, storage, shipping, and preservation of material to prevent damage, deterioration, or loss from on-site delivery through installation.
.QualityAssurance Manual.,Calibration andControlofMaintenance MeasurinToolsandEuxmentAppendixBCriteriaXIIToprovideguidelines forcalibration andcontrolofmeasuring toolsandequipment usedbymaintenance toperformcriticalmaintenance measurement.
Material Handlin E ui ment To outline the requirements for ensuring that material handling equipment remains in good condition.
Calibration andControlofQualitControlMeasure.n ToolsXIITooutlinecalibration andcontrolinstructions forinspection measuring toolsusedbyqualitycontroltodetermine therejectoracceptstatusofpartsandcomponents.
Handlin,Storae,andShiin'IIITooutlinetheplanforcontrolofhandling, storage,shipping, andpreservation ofmaterialtopreventdamage,deterioration, orlossfromon-sitedeliverythroughinstallation.
MaterialHandlinEuimentTooutlinetherequirements forensuringthatmaterialhandlingequipment remainsingoodcondition.

Table IU.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Work, Ins ection, Test Status Control as Related to Maintenance, Re air, Modification, or Refuelin XIU To establish work inspection or test status sheets for indicating the inspection and test status of components and systems involved in maintenance, repair, or modification.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
S stems or E ui ment 0 eratin and Test Status Control Indicators XIU To"define the system for indicating the operating status of structures, systems, and components to pre-vent their inadvertent operation during maintenance, repair, modification, or test.Control and Dis osition of Deficient Materials To-outline the necessary steps for effective control and disposition of non-conforming materials, parts, and components.
AppendixBCriteriaWork,Insection,TestStatusControlasRelatedtoMaintenance, Reair,Modification, orRefuelinXIUToestablish workinspection orteststatussheetsforindicating theinspection andteststatusofcomponents andsystemsinvolvedinmaintenance, repair,ormodification.
Issue of Material Deficienc Re orts To establish an outline for issuing and processing Material Deficiency Reports.
SstemsorEuiment0eratinandTestStatusControlIndicators XIUTo"define thesystemforindicating theoperating statusofstructures, systems,andcomponents topre-venttheirinadvertent operation duringmaintenance, repair,modification, ortest.ControlandDisositionofDeficient Materials To-outline thenecessary stepsforeffective controlanddisposition ofnon-conforming materials, parts,andcomponents.
I Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Qualit Deficiencies and Corrective Action To provide instructions for identifying, reporting, and correcting conditions adverse to quality.Control of Qualit Assurance Records at, Ginna XVII To outline the procedure for control of records and documents to be retained.Processin of New Records XVI I To detail the processing steps required of new records from their receipt in Central Records until final placement in their storage location.Record Stora e Facilit and E ui ment XVII To provide a description of the record storage facilities and equipment requirements.
IssueofMaterialDeficienc ReortsToestablish anoutlineforissuingandprocessing MaterialDeficiency Reports.
Routine Surveillance XVIII To provide instructions for Quality Control Sur-veillance of plant activities covered by the quality assurance program.Correction of Audit Deficiencies XVIII To provide instructions to be used for correcting audit deficiencies at Ginna.
I TableIV.l-l(cont'd.)
d Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures A ppendix B Criteria En ineerin Im lementation.
QualitControlProcedures (cont'd.)
of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Engineering Procedures Manual for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is estab-lished to assure meeting the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.~rainincr This procedure explains the requirements for the training of engineering personnel in the use of the Engineering Procedures Manual.En ineerin De artment Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Engineering Department Organization and defines its responsibilities for the design of safety related components, structures and systems.Desi n Criteria This procedure defines the criteria to be considered in the design of modifications to a nuclear plant.  
AppendixBCriteriaQualitDeficiencies andCorrective ActionToprovideinstructions foridentifying, reporting, andcorrecting conditions adversetoquality.ControlofQualitAssurance Recordsat,GinnaXVIITooutlinetheprocedure forcontrolofrecordsanddocuments toberetained.
Processin ofNewRecordsXVIITodetailtheprocessing stepsrequiredofnewrecordsfromtheirreceiptinCentralRecordsuntilfinalplacement intheirstoragelocation.
RecordStoraeFacilitandEuimentXVIIToprovideadescription oftherecordstoragefacilities andequipment requirements.
RoutineSurveillance XVIIIToprovideinstructions forQualityControlSur-veillance ofplantactivities coveredbythequalityassurance program.Correction ofAuditDeficiencies XVIIIToprovideinstructions tobeusedforcorrecting auditdeficiencies atGinna.
d TableIV.l-l(cont'd.)
EnineerinProcedures AppendixBCriteriaEnineerinImlementation.
oftheQualitProramThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish theEngineering Procedures ManualfortheRochester GasandElectricCompanytoassuresafeandreliableoperation ofanuclearplant.Themanualisestab-lishedtoassuremeetingtherequirements ofTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants"andtherequirements oftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.~rainincr Thisprocedure explainstherequirements forthetrainingofengineering personnel intheuseoftheEngineering Procedures Manual.EnineerinDeartmentOranization andResonsibilities Thisprocedure describes theEngineering Department Organization anddefinesitsresponsibilities forthedesignofsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures andsystems.DesinCriteriaThisprocedure definesthecriteriatobeconsidered inthedesignofmodifications toanuclearplant.  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd..)
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria It establishes the requirements for documentation and review of these criteria..
AppendixBCriteriaItestablishes therequirements fordocumentation andreviewofthesecriteria..
Desi n Anal sis 6 Calculations This procedure defines the requirements for controlling the preparation and documentation of design analyses and calculations.-
DesinAnalsis6Calculations Thisprocedure definestherequirements forcontrolling thepreparation anddocumentation ofdesignanalysesandcalculations.-
En ineerin Drawin s This procedure establishes the requirements for the preparation and revision of Engineering Drawings.En ineerin S ecifications This procedure defines the requirement for specifi-cations and requirements documents needed to assure that all safety related structures, components, and systems are purchased, constructed, inspected and tested in accordance with applicable codes and standards and the provisions of-10CPR50, Appendix B.The procedure establishes the content and format of the documents.
EnineerinDrawinsThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthepreparation andrevisionofEngineering Drawings.
Design Control and Review This procedure defines the activities required to assure adequate control of design modifications and the requirements for design verification and review.
EnineerinSecifications Thisprocedure definestherequirement forspecifi-cationsandrequirements documents neededtoassurethatallsafetyrelatedstructures, components, andsystemsarepurchased, constructed, inspected andtestedinaccordance withapplicable codesandstandards andtheprovisions of-10CPR50,AppendixB.Theprocedure establishes thecontentandformatofthedocuments.
0 0 Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Purchase Re uisitions IV This procedure describes the actions required of Engineering personnel to purchase material related to quality or safety of a nuclear power plant.En ineerin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the-requirements for Engineering instructions, pro-cedures and drawings needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the responsibilities for preparing and approving the Engineering procedures manual, estab-lishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the preparation of the Engineering procedures.
DesignControlandReviewThisprocedure definestheactivities requiredtoassureadequatecontrolofdesignmodifications andtherequirements fordesignverification andreview.
Fabrication and Construction S ecifications V This procedure describes the requirements for documentation of the interpretation of engineering drawings and specifications into work instructions to permit plant operations to properly make modi-fications to the nuclear plant.
00 TableIV.l-l(cont'd.)
0 0 Table=IU.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control and.Issuance of En ineering Documents UI This procedure establishes the requirements for the control and issuance of engineering drawings, specifications, requirements documents, and work in-structions.
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
It establishes the numbering system, the control of originals, approvals, distribution, and revisions for both Rochester Gas and Electric and supplier originated drawings.Su lier Evaluation VII This procedure defines the requirements for the evaluation of a supplier's engineering and manu-facturing organization and his design and production capabilities to be.performed prior to subcontracting a safety or quality related effort to a new supplier.Review of Test Results XI The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for the review and evaluation of test results to implement the requirements of Section ll of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin XVI This procedure establishes the requirements for 0
AppendixBCriteriaPurchaseReuisitions IVThisprocedure describes theactionsrequiredofEngineering personnel topurchasematerialrelatedtoqualityorsafetyofanuclearpowerplant.EnineerinProcedures Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish the-requirements forEngineering instructions, pro-ceduresanddrawingsneededtoimplement theRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Itdefinestheresponsibilities forpreparing andapproving theEngineering procedures manual,estab-lishestheinterfaces betweensectionsofthemanualandthemanualsofotherdepartments andprovidesdirection forthepreparation oftheEngineering procedures.
Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria evaluating and answering Quality Control Deficiency Reports which are related to design deficiencies.
Fabrication andConstruction Secifications VThisprocedure describes therequirements fordocumentation oftheinterpretation ofengineering drawingsandspecifications intoworkinstructions topermitplantoperations toproperlymakemodi-fications tothenuclearplant.
En ineerin Records XVI I This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Engineering Department drawings, specifications, requirements documents and supplier documents for all safety related components, structures, and systems controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the re-sponsibilities of the Engineering Department before, during, and after an audit.Purchasin Procedures Purchasin Im lementation of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Purchasing Procedures for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is es-tablished to assure meeting the requirements of  
00 Table=IU.l-l(cont'd.)
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
AppendixBCriteriaControland.IssuanceofEnineeringDocuments UIThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthecontrolandissuanceofengineering
: drawings, specifications, requirements documents, andworkin-structions.
Itestablishes thenumbering system,thecontroloforiginals, approvals, distribution, andrevisions forbothRochester GasandElectricandsupplieroriginated drawings.
SulierEvaluation VIIThisprocedure definestherequirements fortheevaluation ofasupplier's engineering andmanu-facturing organization andhisdesignandproduction capabilities tobe.performed priortosubcontracting asafetyorqualityrelatedefforttoanewsupplier.
ReviewofTestResultsXIThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequirements forthereviewandevaluation oftestresultstoimplement therequirements ofSectionlloftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.QualitControlDeficienc ReortinXVIThisprocedure establishes therequirements for 0
EnineerinProcedures (cont'd.)
AppendixBCriteriaevaluating andanswering QualityControlDeficiency Reportswhicharerelatedtodesigndeficiencies.
EnineerinRecordsXVIIThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthestorageofallEngineering Department
: drawings, specifications, requirements documents andsupplierdocuments forallsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures, andsystemscontrolled bytheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.AuditReuirements XVIIIThepurposeofthisprocedure istodescribethere-sponsibilities oftheEngineering Department before,during,andafteranaudit.Purchasin Procedures Purchasin Imlementation oftheQualitProramThepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish thePurchasing Procedures fortheRochester GasandElectricCompanytoassuresafeandreliableoperation ofanuclearplant.Themanualises-tablished toassuremeetingtherequirements of  

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainin of Purchasin Personnel This procedure defines the requirements for the training of Purchasing Department personnel in the use of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Purchasin De artment Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Purchasing Department organization and its responsibilities for the pro-curement of safety related materials, components, structures, and systems.Pre aration, Review, A royal and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Chan e Orders IV This procedure establishes the procedure for processing a Purchase Order upon receipt of a Purchase Requisition.
Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)
Purchasin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirement for purchasing instructions and C
AppendixBCriteriaTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants"andtherequirements oftheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.TraininofPurchasin Personnel Thisprocedure definestherequirements forthetrainingofPurchasing Department personnel intheuseofthePurchasing Procedures Manual.Purchasin DeartmentOranization andResonsibilities Thisprocedure describes thePurchasing Department organization anditsresponsibilities forthepro-curementofsafetyrelatedmaterials, components, structures, andsystems.Prearation,Review,AroyalandIssuanceofPurchaseOrdersandChaneOrdersIVThisprocedure establishes theprocedure forprocessing aPurchaseOrderuponreceiptofaPurchaseRequisition.
Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria procedures needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the re-sponsibilities for preparing and approving the Pur-chasing Procedures Manual, establishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the pre-paration of the purchasing procedures.
Purchasin Procedures Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoestablish therequirement forpurchasing instructions and C
Control and Issuance of Purchasin Procedures VI This procedure establishes the methods for the de-velopment, maintenance, control, and issuance of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Su lier Qualification, Surveillance, and Control VII This procedure describes the requirements for qualifying suppliers, maintaining records of approved suppliers, and evaluating their performance during-the manufacturing stage to assure conformance to specification requirements.-
Suppliers shall be evaluated prior to issuance-of a purchase order to insure that they are capable of manufacturing and delivering a product conforming to the applicable purchase specifications.
Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)
Qualified Su liers List VII This procedure describes the method to be used for.the development and maintenance of the Qualified Suppliers List.
AppendixBCriteriaprocedures neededtoimplement theRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.Itdefinesthere-sponsibilities forpreparing andapproving thePur-chasingProcedures Manual,establishes theinterfaces betweensectionsofthemanualandthemanualsofotherdepartments andprovidesdirection forthepre-parationofthepurchasing procedures.
0 Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to~be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure describes the actions to, be taken by the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.
ControlandIssuanceofPurchasin Procedures VIThisprocedure establishes themethodsforthede-velopment, maintenance, control,andissuanceofthePurchasing Procedures Manual.SulierQualification, Surveillance, andControlVIIThisprocedure describes therequirements forqualifying suppliers, maintaining recordsofapprovedsuppliers, andevaluating theirperformance during-themanufacturing stagetoassureconformance tospecification requirements.-
Purchasin Records XVII This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures, and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.
Suppliers shallbeevaluated priortoissuance-of apurchaseordertoinsurethattheyarecapableofmanufacturing anddelivering aproductconforming totheapplicable purchasespecifications.
Qualified SuliersListVIIThisprocedure describes themethodtobeusedfor.thedevelopment andmaintenance oftheQualified Suppliers List.
0 TableIV.l-l(cont'd.)
Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)
AppendixBCriteriaMaterialDeficienc ReortsThisprocedure describes theactionsto~betakenbythePurchasing Department inprocessing MaterialDeficiency Reportswhichaffectsuppliermaterial.
QualitControlDeficienc ReortinThisprocedure describes theactionsto,betakenbythePurchasing Department whensupplierdeficiencies whichrequirecorrective actionarediscovered.
Purchasin RecordsXVIIThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthestorageofallPurchasing Department recordsforsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures, andsystemsascontrolled bytheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.AuditReuirements XVIIIThepurposeofthisprocedure istodescribetheresponsibilities ofthePurchasing Department duringaninternalaudit.
Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This.procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.
Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)
Purchasin Records XVII This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures, and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements The purpose of this procedure is to describe the.responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.XVIII  
AppendixBCriteriaMaterialDeficienc ReortsThisprocedure describes theactionstobetakenbythePurchasing Department inprocessing MaterialDeficiency Reportswhichaffectsuppliermaterial.
QualitControlDeficienc ReortinThis.procedure describes theactionstobetakenbythePurchasing Department whensupplierdeficiencies whichrequirecorrective actionarediscovered.
Purchasin RecordsXVIIThisprocedure establishes therequirements forthestorageofallPurchasing Department recordsforsafetyrelatedcomponents, structures, andsystemsascontrolled bytheRochester GasandElectricQualityAssurance Manual.AuditReuirements Thepurposeofthisprocedure istodescribethe.responsibilities ofthePurchasing Department duringaninternalaudit.XVIII  

TABLEIV.4-1Procurement DocumentReuirements Itemstobeconsidered forinclusion inprocurement documents include:1.Detailedstatement oftheworktobeperformed.2.Completeidentification ofthegoodsorservicestobeprovided.
TABLE IV.4-1 Procurement Document Re uirements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: 1.Detailed statement o f the work to be per f ormed.2.Complete identification of the goods or services to be provided.3.Identification of the safety class of the item.4.Quantitative and qualitative technical and functional require-ments and acceptance criteria.5.Applicable regulatory codes and standards.
3.Identification ofthesafetyclassoftheitem.4.Quantitative andqualitative technical andfunctional require-mentsandacceptance criteria.
6.Identification of applicable drawings, specifications, instruc-tions, and procedures.
5.Applicable regulatory codesandstandards.
7.Identification of all test and inspection requirements.
6.Identification ofapplicable
8.Listing of documentation required to be submitted.
: drawings, specifications, instruc-tions,andprocedures.
9.Retention and submittal requirements of supplier quality assurance records, such as special process and test procedures, materials records, calculations and analyses.10.Applicable portions of 10CFR50, Appendix B, special quality assurance program requirements, and requirements for supplier'rocurement documentation.
7.Identification ofalltestandinspection requirements.
ll.Access rights for visits and/or audits.12.Witness and hold point requirements.
8.Listingofdocumentation requiredtobesubmitted.
13.Interfaces between RGGE and supplier organizations.
9.Retention andsubmittal requirements ofsupplierqualityassurance records,suchasspecialprocessandtestprocedures, materials records,calculations andanalyses.
14.Identification of special requirements or responsibilities for design, fabrication, cleaning, identification, erecting, packaging, handling, shipping and storage (including extended field storage).15.Requirements for reporting and approving disposition of noncon-formances.
10.Applicable portionsof10CFR50,AppendixB,specialqualityassurance programrequirements, andrequirements forsupplier'rocurement documentation.
16.Requirements for control of special processes.
17.Requirement for the supplier to provide a list of his exceptions to the specification.
13.Interfaces betweenRGGEandsupplierorganizations.
18.Control of measuring and test equipment.
14.Identification ofspecialrequirements orresponsibilities fordesign,fabrication,
IV-77 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 0 0
: cleaning, identification,
'TABLE IV.18-1 Audit List\Functional Or anization Activities Audited Engineering Indoctrination and Training'esign Control Procurement Document Control Document Control Control of Special Processes Records Procurement Control Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Records Procurement Control Ginna Station Indoctrination and Training Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control In-Service Inspection Surveillance Testing Handling, Storage, and Shipping Operations Refueling Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics and Chemistry Operator Training and Retraining Security Emergency Plan Inspection and Surveillance Records IV-78 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 i 8 i ROCHESTER GAS C ELECTRIC CORP.GIMME STATION MSNAGKMENT ORGLN I SATION CIIAIRMAN OF TIIE i)CARD PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE V.P.Y.P.MARI)ETING PURCNASING, PUBLIC INFORMATION DISTRICTS H 1 PURCNASINC ACENT ASST.CIIIEf'NG.
: erecting, packaging,
: handling, shippingandstorage(including extendedfieldstorage).
15.Requirements forreporting andapproving disposition ofnoncon-formances.
16.Requirements forcontrolofspecialprocesses.
17.Requirement forthesuppliertoprovidealistofhisexceptions tothespecification.
18.Controlofmeasuring andtestequipment.
IV-77Revision2November1,1974 00
'TABLEIV.18-1AuditList\Functional Oranization Activities AuditedEngineering Indoctrination andTraining'esignControlProcurement DocumentControlDocumentControlControlofSpecialProcesses RecordsProcurement ControlPurchasing Indoctrination andTrainingProcurement DocumentControlRecordsProcurement ControlGinnaStationIndoctrination andTrainingModification Maintenance andRepairProcurement ControlDocumentControlIn-Service Inspection Surveillance TestingHandling, Storage,andShippingOperations Refueling ControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment HealthPhysicsandChemistry OperatorTrainingandRetraining SecurityEmergency PlanInspection andSurveillance RecordsIV-78Revision2November1,1974 i8i ROCHESTER GASCELECTRICCORP.GIMMESTATIONMSNAGKMENT ORGLNISATIONCIIAIRMAN OFTIIEi)CARDPRESIDENT EXECUTIVE V.P.Y.P.MARI)ETING PURCNASING, PUBLICINFORMATION DISTRICTS H1PURCNASINC ACENTASST.CIIIEf'NG.

ROCHESTER GASANDELECTRICCORPORATION QUALITYASSURANCE ORGANIZATION QualityAssurance Coordinator QualityAssurance EngineerWeldingandNDTQualityAssurance EngineerOperations QualityAssurance EngineerQ.A.ProgranQualityAssurance EngineerConstruction QualityAssurance EngineerDesignRA08FigureIV.2-2November1,1974  
ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANIZATION Quality Assurance Coordinator Quality Assurance Engineer Welding and NDT Quality Assurance Engineer Operations Quality Assurance Engineer Q.A.Progran Quality Assurance Engineer Construction Quality Assurance Engineer Design RA 0 8 Figure IV.2-2 November 1, 1974  

ROCHESTER GASANDELECTRICCORPORATION GINNASTATIONORGANIZATION Superintendent TrainingCoordinator Assistant Superintendent ResultsandTestsEngineerSupervisor Chemistry andHealthPhysicsOperations EngineerSOLMaintenance EngineerNuclearEngineerqualityControlEngineeraSOLShiftForeman1/ShiftHeadControlOLOperator1/ShiftControlOperatorOL1/ShiftSOL-SeniorOperatorLicenseOL-OperatorLicenseAuxiliary Operator2/ShiftFigurcIV.2-3July1,1974 0
ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION GINNA STATION ORGANIZATION Superintendent Training Coordinator Assistant Superintendent Results and Tests Engineer Supervisor Chemistry and Health Physics Operations Engineer SOL Maintenance Engineer Nuclear Engineer quality Control Engineer aSOL Shift Foreman 1/Shift Head Control OL Operator 1/Shift Control Operator OL 1/Shi f t SOL-Senior Operator License OL-Operator License Auxiliary Operator 2/Shift Figurc IV.2-3 July 1, 1974 0
GINNASTATIONOUALITYCONTROLORGANIZATION equalityControlEngineerequalityControlEngineerInspecti'on equalityControlTechnician RecordsFigureIV.2-4July1,1974  
GINNA STATION OUALITY CONTROL ORGANIZATION equality Control Engineer equality Control Engineer Inspecti'on equality Control Technician Records Figure IV.2-4 July 1, 1974  

Rochester GasandElectricCorporation EngineeringDeparbnent Organixation ChiefEngineerAssistant ChiefEngineer-Engineering andConstruction Assistant ChiefEngineer-Administration, Maintenance, QualityAssurance,
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Engineer ing Deparbnent Or ganixation Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer-Engineering and Construction Assistant Chief Engineer-Administration, Maintenance, Quality Assurance, Drafting, Environmental 1 Civil Engineering 4J Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Electrical Engineering Ginna Project Manager General Maintenance Drafting Quality Assurance Records Figure IV.2 5 November I, 1974 0 8 8 i" g Q S 0 0
: Drafting, Environmental 1CivilEngineering 4JMechanical Engineering NuclearEngineering Electrical Engineering GinnaProjectManagerGeneralMaintenance DraftingQualityAssurance RecordsFigureIV.25NovemberI,1974088i"gQS0 0
O.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions NSARB QA PORC Purchasing Engineering plant Review 1'inure IV.2-6 July 1, 1974 Q y'I I l}}
O.Rochester GasandElectricCorporation GinnaStationReviewandAuditsFunctions NSARBQAPORCPurchasing Engineering plantReview1'inureIV.2-6July1,1974 Qy'IIl}}

Revision as of 11:22, 6 July 2018

Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-18,revising Tech Specs to Incorporate Radiological Effluent Tech Specs. Change Supersedes 790214 Proposal
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1982
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17256B182 List:
NUDOCS 8208170214
Download: ML17308A072 (625)



" TEM{'RIDS)AOCESSION NBR:8208170214 DOC~DATE: 82/08/12 NOTARIZED:,NO OOGKET FACIL:50 244 Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Plant~Uni!t ii Rochester G 05000244 AUTH INANE AUTHOR AFFILIATION MAIERi J~E~Rochester Gas E Electric Corp<'RBC IP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON,H,RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationg Director SUBJECT;Forwards application for amend to License OPR 18irevising Tech Specs to incorporate radiological effluent'Tech Specs,'han'ge supersedes 790214 propos oe'//rcF DISTRIBUTION CODE: C002B COPIES RECEIVED:LTR 9-ENCL X~SIZE:/+TITLE: Environ.Comments, NOTES:NRR/DL/SEP icy, 05000244 INTERNAL: 'I,/,EXTERNAL:


"'21 NRR/DS I/AEB 19 NRR/DS I/RAB 17 RGN1 COPIES LTTR ENCL 7 7 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 5 1 1 1 1 LPOR NRC PDR NTIS 03 02 REC IP IENT'D CODE/NAME ORB e5 LA LYONSiJ~01 NRR NORRI'SgJ NRR/DE/EEB 16 NRR/DE/SAB 18/ETSB 15 REG F IL 04>COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R~t E'w$p~q~~C2l.e~s TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: L~TTR 32 ENCL 30




~89 EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.Y.14649 JOHN E.MAILER Vice Preskfent TELEPHONE ARE*cooE Tle 546-2700 August 12, 1982 Mr.Harold R.Denton Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Re: Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No.1 Docket No.50-244

Dear Mr.Denton:

Enclosed are: l.Three (3)originals and nineteen (19)copies of an Application for Amendment to Operating License to amend Appendix A of that license to revise Technical Specifications to incorporate radiological effluent specifications.

2.Also enclosed are forty (40)copies of documents designated Attachments A and B, which set forth the revised Table and further describe the purposes of the changes made.This change supersedes our previous proposal, dated February 14, 1979, on this subject.Thus, no fee is rec(uired.

Sincerely, 8208i702i 05000244 4 8208i2 PDR ADGCH P

<i~rt/~K~A'-//8~~~5 6''<~,e~/rz/sE-~ams czar~s/~o/s C3pg Attachment A Revise the Technical Specifications as follows: Remove Table of Contents p 1-2 1-5 p 3.5-1 through 3.5-3 p 3.9-1 through 3.9-7 p 4.1-1 p 4.1-5 through 4.1-7 p 4.10-1 hrough 4.10-5 p 4.12-1 through 4.12-5 p 6.5-10 p 6.8-1 p 6.9-1 through 6.-2 p 6.9-6 through 6.9-3, Insert.Table of Contents p 1-2 p 1-2a p 1-5 p 3.5-1 throug 3.5-3 p 3.5-7 through 3.5-9 p 3.9-1 thrp6gh 3.9-12 p 3.15-1 tlfrough 3.15-8 p 4.1-1 p 4.1-5~through 4.1-7 p 4.1-14 p 4.1/~2 p 4.10-1 through 4.10-5 p 4/12-1 through 4.12-9 p+.5-1 p~6.5-10 6.5-10a p 6.8-1 p.6.8-2 p 6.9-1 through 6.9-3 p 6.9-3a through 6.9-3c p 6.9-6 through 6.9-10 p 6.14-1 p 6.15-1 p 6.15-2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 DEFINITIONS 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS 2.1 Safety Limit, Reactor Core 2.2 Safety Limit, Reactor Coolant System Pressure 2.3 Limiting Safety Systems Settings, Protective Instrumentation 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION PacCe 2.1-1 2.1-1 2 k2 1 2~3 1 3.1-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Reactor Coolant System 3.1.1 Operational Components 3.1.2 Heatup and Cooldown 3.1.3 Minimum Conditions for Criticality 3.1.4 Maximum Coolant Activity 3.1.5 Leakage 3.1.6 Maximum Reactor Coolant Oxygen, Fluoride, and Chloride Concentration Chemical and Volume Control System Emergency Core Cooling System Auxiliary Cooling Systems, Air Recirculation Fan Coolers, Containment Spray, and Charcoal Filters Turbine Cycle Instrumentation System Containment System Auxiliary Electrical Systems Refueling Plant Effluents Control Rod and Power Distribution Limits Fuel Handling in the Auxiliary Building Movable In-Core Instrumentation Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)

Fire Suppression System Radiological Environmental Monitoring 3~1 1 3 0 1 1 3.1-5 3.1-17 3.1-20 3.1-25 3~1 3 1 3~2 1 3~3 1 3.4-1 3.5-1 3.6-1 3~7 1 3.8-1 3.9-1 3.10-1 3.11-1 3.12-1 3.13-1 3.14-1 3.15-1 I


~Pa e 4.1-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.1S Operational Safety Review Primary Components Tests Primary System Testing Following Opening Containment Tests Safety Injection, Containment Spray and Iodine Removal Systems Tests Emergency Power System Periodic Tests Main Steam Stop Valves Auxiliary Feedwater System Reactivity Anomalies Radiological Environmental Monitoring Spent Fuel Pit Charcoal Adsorber Testing Effluent Surveillance Radioactive Material Source Leakage Test Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)

Fire Suppression System Test 4.1-1 4.2-1 4.3-1 4.4-1 4.5-1 4.6-1 4.7-1 4.8-1 4.9-1 4.10-1 4.11-1 4.12-1 4.13-1 4.14-1 4.15-1 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES 5.1 Site 5.2 Containment, Design Features 5.3 Reactor Design Features S.4 Fuel Storage 5.5 Waste Treatment Systems 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1-1 5.2-1 5.3-1 5.4-1 5.5-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 Responsibility Organization 6.2.1 Offsite 6.2.2.Facility Staff Station Staff Qualifications Training Review and Audit 6.5.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)6.5.2 Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board (NSARB)6.5.3 Quality Assurance Group Reportable Occurrence Action Safety Limit Violation Procedures Reporting Requirements 6.9.1 Routine Reports 6.9.2 Reportable Occurrence 6.9.3 Unique Reporting Requirements Record Retention Radiation Protection Program (Deleted)High Radiation Area Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Major Changes to Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems 6.1-1 6.1-1 6.1-1 6.1-1 6.3-1 6.5-1 6.5-5 6.5-11 6.6-1 6.6-1 6.8-1 6.9-1 6.9-1 6.9-3b 6.9-10 6.10-1 6.11-1 6.13-1 6.14-1 6.15-1

0 eratin Performing all intended functions in the intended manner..De ree of Redundanc Instrument Channels The difference between the number of operable channels and the number of channels which, when tripped, will cause an automatic system trip.Instrument Surveillance Channel Calibration The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output so that it responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel moni-tors.The Channel Calibration shall encompass the entire channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip func-tions, and shall include the Channel Functional Test.The Channel Calibration may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping or total channel steps so that the entire channel is calibrated.

Channel Check The qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation.

This determination shall in-elude, where possible, comparison of the channel indica-tion and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrumentation channels measur-ing the same parameter.

1 Channel Functional Test a.Analog channels-the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify operability including alarm and/or trip funci ions.b.Bistable channels-the injection of a simulated signal into the sensor to verify operability includ-ing alarm and/or trip function.Source Check The qualitative assessment.

of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source.1-2a I

Fre uenc Notation The frequency notation specified for the performance of surveillance requirements shall correspond to the inter-vals defined below.Notation S, Each Shift D, Daily Twice per week W, Weekly B/W, Biweekly N, Nonthly B/N, Bimonthly Q, Quarterly SA, Semiannually A, Annually R, Refueling N.A.Fre uenc At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> At least once per 4 days and at least, twice per 7 days At least once per 7 days At least once per 14 days At, least.once per 31 days At least once per 62 days At least once per 92 days At least once per 6 months At least once per 12 months At least once per 18 months Prior to each startup Not Applicable Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> prior to each release Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual ODCN The ODCN is a manual containing the methodology and parameters to be used for calculating the offsite doses due to liquid and gaseous effluents and in calculation of liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm/trip setpoints.



3.5 Instrumentation

S stem 0 erational Safet Instrumentation 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3~11'pplies to plant instrumentation systems.~b'o delineate the.conditions of the plant instrumenta-tion and safety circuits necessary to assure reactor safety and to limit the release of radioactive materials.

'f'or on-line testing or in the event of a sub-system instrumentation channel failure, plant operation at rated power shall be permitted to continue in accordance with Tables 3.5-1 through 3.S-3.In the event the number of channels of a particular sub-system in service falls below the limit given by the columns entitled Minimum Operable Channels and/or Minimum Degree of Redundancy cannot be achieved, opera-tion shall be limited according to the requirement shown in Column 6 of Tables 3.S-1 through 3.5-3.The radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation shown in Table 3.5-4 shall be operable with alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of Specifica-tions and are not exceeded.3.S.3.1 If a radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm/trip setpoint, is less conservative than required, immediately suspend the release of effluents.

monitored by the affected channel or declare the channel inoperable.

3.5-1 I f If, during a release, the number of channels which are operable is less than reguired, take the action shown in Table 3.5-4.Basis: During plant operations, the complete instrumentation

')systems will normally be in service.Reactor safety is provided by the Reactor Protection System, which auto-matically initiates appropriate action to prevent.exceeding established limits.Safety is not compromised, however, by continuing operation with certain instru-mentation channels out, of service since provisions were made for this in the plant design.This specification outlines limiting conditions for operation necessary to preserve the effectiveness of the reactor control and protection system when any one or more of the channels is out of service.Almost all reactor protection channels are supplied with sufficient redundancy to provide the capability for channel calibration and test at power.Exceptions are backup channels such as reactor coolant pump breakers.The removal, of one trip channel is accomplished by placing that channel bistable in a tripped mode;e.g., a two-out-of-three circuit becomes a one-out-of-two circuit..Testing does not trip the system unless a trip condition exists in a concurrent channel.3.5-2

~J 3.9 Plant Effluents A licabilit Applies to the release of radioactive liquids and gases from the plant.~b'o define the conditions for release of radioactive liquid and gaseous wastes.S ecifications 3.9.1 Li uid Effluents Concentration The release of radioactive liquid effluents shall be such that the concentration of gross beta activity above background in the circulating water discharge does not exceed the limits stated below unless the discharge is controlled on a radionuclide basis in accordance with Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 and Note 1 thereto of 10CFR20.Maximum concentration (excluding tritium and dissolved or entrained noble gases)1 x 10 uCi/ml Maximum tritium concentration 3 x 10 uCi/ml Maximum dissolved or entrained noble gas concentration 2 x 10 uCi/ml During release of liquid radioactive wastes, at least one condenser circulating water pump shall be in opera-tion.3.9-1

~>l If the limits of and are not, met, restore the concentration to within the limits or initiate normal orderly shutdown of the liquid waste discharge within one hour.Dose The dose or dose commitment to an individual from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas shall be limited: (i)During any calendar quarter to<1.5 mrem to the total body and to<5 mrem to any organ, and (ii)During any calendar year to<3 mrem to the total body and to<10 mrem to any organ. Whenever the calculated dose resulting from the release of radioactive materials in.liquid effluents exceeds the limits of, a report shall be submitted to the Commission within thirty days which identifies the cause for exceeding the dose limit and defines cor-rective actions to be Waken to reduce the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents. K,iquid Waste Treatment The system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge when the projected dose due to projected liquid effluent releases when averaged over 31 days would otherwise exceed 0.'25 mrem to the total body or 0.8 mrem to any organ.3.9-2

~k l If radioactive liquid waste is being discharged without treatment.

when reguired by Specification, prepare and submit, a report to the Commission within 30 days which includes the following information: (i)Identification of equipment or subsystems not operated and the reasons.(ii)Action(s)taken to restore the inoperable eguipment to operable status.(iii)Summary description of action(s)taken to prevent a recurrence.

3.9.2 Gaseous Wastes Release Rate 3.9.2.l.a The dose rate, at any time, due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to the following values: (i)The dose rate for noble gases shall be<500 mrem/yr to the total body and<3000 mrem/yr to the skin, and (ii)The dose rate for all radioiodines, radioactive materials in particulate form, and radionuclides other than noble gases with half lives greater than 8 days shall be<1500 mrem/yr to any organ. For unplanned release of gaseous wastes, compliance with may be determined by averaging over a 24-hour period.3.9-3

~l During planned release of gaseous waste from Gas Decay Tanks to the Auxiliary Building Vent, at least one auxiliary building exhaust, fan shall be in operation. If the limits of above are not met for contain-ment purge or Gas Decay Tank release, decrease the release rate from that.system to comply with the limits, or initiate normal orderly shutdown of that gaseous release within one hour.Dose (10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I) The air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to the follow-ing: (i),During any calendar quarter to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and to 10 mrad for beta radiation.(ii)During any calendar year 10 mrad for gamma radia-tion and 20 mrad for beta radiation. The dose to an individual from radioiodine, radioactive materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases with half-lives greater than eight days released with gaseous effluents.from th site shall be limited to the following: (i)During any calendar quarter to 7.5 mrem to any quarter.(ii)During any calendar year to 15 mrem to any quarter.3.9-4

~4 Whenever the calculated dose to an individual resulting from noble gases or from radionuclides other than noble gases exceeds the limits of or, a report shall be submitted to the Commission within 30 days which identifies the cause for exceeding the dose limit and defines corrective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents.

Gaseous Waste Treatment The gaseous radwaste treatment system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected air doses due to gaseous effluent releases to unrestricted areas when averaged over 31 days would otherwise'exceed 0.8 mrad for gamma radiation and 1.7 mrad for beta radiation. The ventilation exhaust system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases from the site when averaged over 31: days would otherwise exceed 1.25 mrem to any organ. If gaseous waste is being discharged without treatment when reguired by Specifications or, prepare and submit a report to the Commission within C 3.9-5

~4~1 30 days which includes the following information: (i)Identification of equipment or subsystems not operated and the reasons.(ii)Action(s)taken to restore the inoperable equip-ment to operable status.(iii)Summary description of action(s)taken to prevent a recurrence. Dose (40 CFR Part 190) If the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials from the plant in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeds twice the limits of Specifications,, or, prepare and submit a report to the Commission and limit the subsequent.

releases such that the dose or dose commitment to a real individual is limited to<25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except thyroid, which is limited to<75 mrem)over the quarter in which the limits were exceeded plus the subsequent three quarters.This report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radiation exposure's to all real individuals from the plant are less than the 40 CFR Part 190 limits.Otherwise, obtain a vari-ance from the Commission to permit releases to exceed 40 CFR Part 190.3.9-6

~~\t4$ Explosive Gas Nixture The concentration of'xygen in each gas decay tank shall be limited to<2%by volume. If the concentration of oxygen in a gas decay tank is>2%by volume but.<4%by volume, restore the concentra-tion of oxygen to within the limit within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. If the concentration of oxygen in a gas decay tank is>4%by volume, immediately suspend all additions of waste gases to that gas decay tank*and reduce the concentration of oxygen to<2%within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.Basis Iiguid wastes from the Radioactive Waste Disposal System are diluted in the Circulating Water System discharge prior to release to the lake.With two pumps operating, the capacity of the Circulating Water System is 400,000 gpm.Operation of a single circulating water pump reduces the nominal flow rate by about 50%.The circulating water flow under various operating conditions has been calculated from the head differential across the pumps and the manufacturer's head-capacity curves.Because of the low radioactivity levels in the circulating water discharge, the concentration of liquid radioactive effluents at.this point will not be measured directly.The concentration in the circulating water discharge will be calculate'd from the measured concentration in the Waste Condensate Tank, the flow 3.9-7 1'

rate of the Waste Condensate Pumps, and the flow in the Circulating Water System.Radioactive effluents released to unrestricted areas on the basis of gross beta analysis are based on the assumption that I-129 and'radium are not present,.Accordingly, Appendix B, Table II, Column H 2 of 10CFR20 will permit a concentration up to 1 x 10 uCi/ml in the circulating water discharge.

If the con-centration of liquid wastes in the circulating water discharge equals NPC as specified, the average concentra-tion at the intake of the nearest, public water supply at Ontario, New York, would be well below NPC.Thus, discharge of liquid wastes at.the specified maximum concentrations will not result in significant exposure to members of the public as a result of consump-tion of drinking water from the lake, even if the effects of potable water treatment systems on reducing radioactive concentration of the water supply are neglected.

The concentration limit for noble gases is based upon the assumption that.Xe-135 is the controlling radio-isotope and its NPC in air was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using ICRP Publication 2 method-ology.Specification is provided to implement.

the requirements of Sections II.A, III.A and-IV.A of Appendix I.The Limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set.forth in Section II.A of Appendix I.The 3.9-8

\I8 Specifications provide the required operating flexi-bility and at the same time implement the guides set.forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I.The dose calcula-tions in the ODCN implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I is to be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of a real individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.

The requirements that the appropriate portions of this system be used when specified provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will'e kept"as low as is reasonably achievable." This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and design objective Section II.D of Appendix I.The limits governing the use of appro-priate portions of the liquid radwaste'reatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the guide set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I for liquid effluents.

A dose projection which exceeds the stated limit does not necessarily imply that all portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system be used because certain subsystems may have minimal effects on'educing doses.Specification is provided to ensure that, the dose rate at.any time at, the site boundary from gaseous effluents will be within the annual dose limits of 10 3.9-9 elCl CFR Part 20 for unrestricted areas.The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II.These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of an individual in an unrestricted area, to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II of 10 CFR Part 20 (10 CFR Part 20.106(b)).

For individuals who may at, times be within the site boundary, these occupancy times will be sufficiently small to compensate for any increase in the atmospheric diffusion factor above that for the site, boundary.Specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.B, II.C, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I.The limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix I.The Specifications provide the required operating flexibility and at, the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I.The requirement that the appropriate portions of the gaseous radwaste treatment system and the ventilation exhaust treatment system be used when specified provides reasonable assurance that.the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept"as low as is reasonably achievable." This specification implements 3.9-10

the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part, 50, and design objective Section II.D of Appendix I.The limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the guide set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.

A dose projection which exceeds the stated limit does not necessarily imply that all portions of the gaseous and ventilation exhaust treatment.

systems be used because certain subsystems may have minimal effect on reducing doses.Specification is provided to meet, the reporting requirements of 40 CFR 190.Since the plant is well removed from other fuel cycle facilities, it, is suffi-cient to apply the Specification only to the plant.Specification

=- is provided to ensure that the concentration of potentially explosive gas mixtures contained in the gas decay tanks are maintained below the flammability limit of oxygen.Naintaining the concentration of oxygen below its flammability limits provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials will be controlled in conformance with the requirements of General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.3.9-11

~P Ill References (1)(2)(3)FSAR, Section 10.2 FSAR, Section 2, Appendix 2A FSAR, Sections 2.6 and 2.7 3.9-12

~l I Radiolo ical Environmental Monitorin b'1'pplies to routine testing of the plant environs.~b'o establish a program which will assure recognition of changes in radioactivity or exposure pathways in the environs.~f'onitorin Pro ram 3.15.1.a The radiological environmental monitoring program shall be conducted as specified in Table 3.15- If the radiological environmental monitoring program is not conducted as specified in Table 3.15-1, prepare and submit to the Commission, in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence.(Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if speci-mens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, or to malfunction of automatic sampling equipment.

If the latter, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end 3.15.1.c of the next sampling period.)If the level of radioactivity in an environmental sampling medium at one or more of the locations specified in the ODCN exceeds the reporting levels of-Table 6.9-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter, a report 3.15-1

~J shall be submitted to the Commission within 30 days pursuant to Specification 6.9.2.b(5) which includes an evaluation of any release conditions, environmental factors or other aspects which caused the reporting levels of Table 6.9-2 to be exceeded.This report is'1 not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents; however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in.the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.3.15.l.d If milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples are unavailable for more than one sample period from one or more of the sampling locations required by the ODCN, prepare and 7 submit to the Commission within 30 days a report which identifies the cause of the unavailability of samples and identifies locations for obtaining replacement samples.If a milk or leafy vegetable sample location becomes unavailable, alternate sample locations within 5 miles of the plant will be reviewed.The locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deleted from the ODCN provided that, the alternate locations are 3.15.2 3.15.2.a added to the environmental monitoring program.Land Use Census A land use census shall be conducted and shall identify the location of the nearest.milk animal and the nearest residence in each of the 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of five miles.3.15-2 I

3.15.2.b If a land use census identifies a location(s) which" yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than that of the maximally exposed individual currently being calculated in Specification, prepare and submit a report to the Commission within 30 days which identifies the new location(s).

3.15.2.c 3.15.3 If a land use census identifies a milk location(s) which yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than that at a location from which samples are currently being obtained in accordance with Specifica-tion 3.15.1, prepare and submit a report, to the Com-mission within 30 days which identifies the new location.The new location shall be added to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days, if possible.The milk location having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment may be deleted from this monitor-ing program after October 31 of the year in which this land use census was conducted.

Interlaborator Com arison Pro ram 3.15.3.a Analyses shall be performed on applicable radioactive materials supplied as part of an interlaboratory com-parison program which has been approved by NRC, if such a program exists.3.15.3.b If analyses are not performed as required above, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.3.15-3 I Ck Basis The radiological monitoring program required by this specification provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highest'I potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station operation.

This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.The initially specified monitoring program will be effective for at least three years.Following this period, program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.

Specification 3.15.2 is provided to ensure that changes in the use of unrestricted areas are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census.A garden census is not required since an onsite garden will be used.This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.The requi'rement for participation in an interlaboratory comparison program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices 3.15-4

are performed as part of a quality assurance program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are reasonably valid.Only samples with radioactivity levels comparable to levels in environmental samples need be analyzed.3.15-5 J

TABLE 3.15-1 Ez osure Pathwa and or Sam le Sam lin and an Sam le Locate.ons Co lection Fre uenc RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAN Number of Sam les T e and Fre uenc of Anal sos l.AIRBORNE Cr>Ul Ch a.Radioiodine b.Particulates 3 on site 5 on site 2 off site Continuous of sampler collection once per 7 operation with sample at least days.Radioiodine canister.Analyze at least once per 7 days for I-131.Particulate sampler, Analyze for gross beta radioactivity

>24 hours following filter change.Perform gamma isotopic analysis on each sample for which gross beta activity is>10 times the mean of offsite samples.Perform gamma isotopic analysis on composite (by location)sample at least once per 92 days.2." DIRECT RADIATION Film at least.once per month.or TLD's at least quarterly.

Gamma dose monthly.or Gamma dose quarterly.

P TABLE 3.15-1 CONTINUED RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONNENTAL NONITORING PROGRAM Number of Sam les Ex osure Pathwa and/or Sam le and Sam e Locations Sam lin and Collection Fre uenc T e and Fre uenc of Anal sz.s 3.WATERBORNE 4J Vl I a.Surface b.Drinking 1 Inlet Condenser Water 1 Ontario Water District Intake Composite sample collected daily over a period of<31 days Composite sample col-lected daily over a period of<31 days.Gamma isotopic analysis of each sample.Tritium analysis of sample at least once per 92 d'ays.Gross beta and gamma isotopic analysis of each composite sample.Tritium analysis of one composite sample at leas once per 92 days S

TABLE 3.15-1 CONTINUED RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Ex osure Pathwa and or Sam le 4.INGESTION a.Milk b.Fish Number of Sam les and-Sam le Locate.ons 3 June through October each of 3 farms 1 November thru May one of the farms 8 Off shore at.Ginna Sam lin and Collection Fre uenc At least once per 15 days At least once per 31 days.Twice during fishing season including at least four species T e and Fre enc of Anal sos Gamma isotopic and I-131 analysis of each sample.Gamma isotopic and I-131 analysis of each sample.Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portions of each sample.c.Food Products 2 On site Annual at time of harvest.One sample of: 1.apples 2.cherries Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portion of sample.2 On site garden At time of harvest.One sample of: 1.broad leaf vegetation 2.squash I-131 analysis

~P J


RE UIREPIENTS 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 Specified intervals may be adjusted plus or minus 25%to accommodate normal test schedules.

0 erational Safet Review~l.1'pplies to items directly related to safety limits and limiting conditions for operation.

~b'o specify the minimum frequency and type of surveillance to be applied to plant equipment and conditions.

'f'alibration, testing, and checking of analog channel and testing of logic channel shall be performed as specified in Table 4.1-1.Equipment and sampling tests shall be conducted as specified in Table 4.1-2.Each radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated operable by performing the channel check, source check, channel functional test, and channel calibration at the frequency shown in Table 4.1-3.Basis: Check Failure such as blown instrument fuses, defective in-dicators, faulted amplifiers which r'esult in"upscale" or"downscale" indication can be easily recognized by simple observation of the functioning of an instrument or system.Furthermore, such failures are, in many cases, revealed 4.1-1 4 C TABLE 4.1-1 (CONTINUED)

Channel 10.Rod Position Bank Counters Check S(1,2)Calibrate N.A.Test N.A;Remarks 1)Each six inches of rod motion when data logger is out of service 2)With analog rod position Generator Level Charging Flow Residual Heat Removal Pump Flow Boric Acid Tank Level Refueling Water Storage Tank Level Volume Control Tank Level Reactor Containment Pressure Radiation Monitoring System Boric Acid Control Containment Drain Sump Level Valve Temperature Interlocks Pump-Valve Interlock Turbine Trip Set-Point, Accumulator Level and Pressure N.A.N.A.D N.A.N.A.D D N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.R R R R R R N.A.N.A.R R N.A.N.'A.N.A.N.A.N.A.M(1)N.A.N.A.N.A.M(1)N.A.Bubbler tube rodded weekly 1)Isolation Valve signal Area Monitors Rl to R9 System Monitors R16, R17, and R20 1)Block trip k

Radiolo ical Environmental Monitorin~11'ppl1 pl environs.~b'-*bl'pl'~ly'g which will assure recognition of changes in radioactivity in the environs.'1'he radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table 3.15-1.Acceptable locations are shown in the ODCM.Samples shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Tables 3.15-1 and 4.10-1.A land use census shall be conducted annually (between June 1 and October 1).Basis The environmental survey has been designed to utilize the knowledge about dilution in the atmosphere and in the lake which has been gained during the pre-operational and operational period of study.The radiological monitoring program provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those'xposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of*individuals resulting from the station operation.

This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the 4.10-1 k

measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.The detection capabilities required by Table 4.10-1 are state-of-the-art for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories.

The specified lower limits of detection for I-131 in water, milk, and other food products correspond to approximately one-quarter of the Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 design objective dose-equivalent of 15 mrem/year for atmospheric releases and 10 mrem/year for liquid releases to the maximally exposed organ and individual.


FSAR-Section 2.10 4.10-2 I

TABLE 4.10-1 NAXINUN VALUES FOR THE LOWER LINITS OF DETECTION (LLD)~To be achieved on 98%of analyses Water Analysis (pCi/1)gross beta 4 Airborne Particulate or Gay (pCi/m)1 X 10 Fish.Nilk (pCi/kg, wet)(pCi/1)Food Products (pCi/kg,wet)

H 54 Nn 59 Fe 5'60Co 95Zr-M 131I 4, Ba-La 2000 (1000)15 30 1 15(10),18 15 7 X 10 1 X 10 130 260 13Q 130 15 15 60 60 I

TABLE 4.10-1 CONTINUED TABIE NOTATION a-The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95%probability with only 5%probability of falsely concluding its presence.For a particular measurement system (which may include radio-chemical separation):

4.66 s E.V.2.22.Y.exp(-Aht)where LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume)S is the standard deviation of the background counting ate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute).'is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation)

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22 is the number of transformations per minute per picocurie Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)

A, is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide b,t is the elapsed time between sample collection and analysis The value of s used in the calculation of the ILD for a detection system shall be based on the actual observed'ariance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicted variance.In calculating the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma-ray spectrometry, the back-ground shall include the typical contributions of other radio-nuclides normally present in the samples (e.g., potassium-40 in milk samples).Typical values of E, V, Y and bt should be used in the calculations.

Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions..

Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interferring nuclides, or other uncontrollable cir-cumstances.

may-render these LLDs unachievable.

In such cases, the contributing factors will be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.4.10-4 J 4 TABLE 4.10-1 CONTINUED TABLE NOTATION The LLD is defined as an a riori (before the fact)limit representing the capability o a measurement system and not 2(f h f)I5~'I measurement.

b-LLD for drinking water.c-Total for parent and daughter.4.10-5 J 4

~4.12 Effluent Surveillance A licabilit, 4.12.1 Applies to the periodic test, and record requirements of the plant effluents.

~b To ascertain that radioactive liquid and gaseous releases from the plant are within allowable limits.S ecifications Liquid Effluents Concentration The concentration of radioactive material at any time in'liquid'ffluents released from the site shall be continuously monitored in accordance with Table 3.5- The liquid effluent continuous monitors listed in I.Table 3.5-4 having provisions for automatic termina-h tion of liquid releases shall be used to limit the concentration of radioactive material released at.any time from the site to the values given in Specification 3.9.1.l.a.

4.12.l.l.c The radioactivity content, of each batch of radioactive liquid waste to be discharged shall be-determined prior to release by sampling and analysis in accordance with Table 4.12-1.The results of pre-release analyses shall be used with the calculational methods in the ODCN to assure that the concentration at the point of release is limited to the values in-Specification 3.9.1.l.a.

4.12-1' J I I Post,-release analyses of samples composited from batch r'eleases shall be performed in accordance with Table 4.12-1.The results of the post,-release analyses shall be used with the calculational methods in the ODCM to assure that the dose commitments from liquids were limited to the values in Specification Dose Cumulative dose contributions from liquid effluents shall be determined in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculational Manual (ODCM)at least once per 31 days. Liquid Waste Treatment Doses due to liquid releases to unrestricted areas shall be projected at least once per 31 days.4.12.2 Gaseous Wastes Release Rate The release rate, at.any time, of noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be controlled as established in Specification The gas effluent continuous monitors as listed in Table 3.5-4 having provisions for the automatic termina-tion of gaseous releases, shall be used to limit releases within the values established in Specification when monitor setpoint values are exceeded.4.12-2 The release rate of radioactive materials, other than noble gases, in gaseous effluents shall be determined by obtaining representative samples and performing analyses in accordance with the sampling and analysis program, specified in Table 4.12- Dose (10 CFR Part, 50, Appendix I) Cumulative dose contributions for the total time period shall be determined in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual (ODCN)at least once every 31 days. Gaseous Waste Treatment Doses due to gaseous releases to unrestricted areas shall be projected at least once per 31 days. Dose (40 CFR Part 190) If required by Specification cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluents shall be determined in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculational Nanual. Explosive Gas Nixture The concentration of oxygen in waste gas system shall be monitored as required by Table 3.5-4.4.12-3 A

Basis: Sufficient tests will be made to be certain that, radio-active materials are not released to the environment in quantities greater than allowable.

Installed radia-tion monitoring equipment in the plant will be used in conjunction with laboratory analyses to maintain sur-veillance of normal effluents.

Sufficient records will be maintained to determine the concentration of radioactive materials in unrestricted areas.Isotopic analysis of representative samples will serve to verify the accuracy of routine samples by identification of significant energy peaks.4.12-4

)i' TABLE 4.12-1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAHPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAH Batch Waste Release Tanks P Each Batch Sampling Liquid Release Type Frequency Hinimum Type of Activity Lower Limit Analysis Analysis of Detection Frequency (LLD)(uCi/ml)-7 b P 1.Principa)Gamma 5 x 10 Each Batch Emitters and-6 I-131 1x10 or 2.Gross Beta:" P One Batch/51 Dissolved and Entrained Gases (Gamma Emitters)1 x 10 P H Each Batch Composite c Gross alpha P-32 1x10 1x10 1 x 10 P e Each Batch Composite Sr-89, Sr-90 c Fe-55 5x10-6 1x10-If gross beta is performed for batch releases, then a weekly composite shall also be analyzed for Principal Gamma Emitters and I-131.4.12-5 I L TABLE 4.12-1 CONTINUED TABLE NOTATION The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95%probability with S%probability of falsely concluding that, a blank observation representa a"real" signal.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):

LLD=4.66sb E.V.2.22 x 10.Y.exp-Ab,t)where LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as uCi per unit mass or volume)s is the standard deviation of the background counting r te or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transforma-tion)V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22 x 10 is the number of transformations per minute per microcurie Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable) the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide ht is the elapsed time between midpoint of sample col-lection and time of counting (for plant effluents, not environmental samples).The value of s used in the calculation of the LLD for a detection system shall be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicted variance.In calculating.the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma-ray spectrometry, the background shall include the typical contributions of other radionuclides normally present in the samples.Typical values of E, V, Y and ht should be used in the calculation.


The background count rate is calculated from the background counts that are determined to be within+one FWHN energy band about the energy of the gamma ray peak used for the quantitative analysis for this radionuclide.

It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact)limit representing the capability f@*5~(f h fact)limit for a particular measurement.

Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions.

Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interferring nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievable.

When circumstances result in LLDs higher than required, the reasons shall be documented in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent, Report.For certain radionuclides with low gamma yield or low energies, or for certain radionuclide mixtures, it may not be possible to measure radionuclides in concentrations near the LLD.Under these circumstances, the LLD may be increased inversely the magnitude of the gamma yield (i.e., 5 x 10/I, where I is the photon abundance expressed as a decimal fraction), but in no case shall the LLD, as calculated in this manner for a specific radionuclide, be greater than 10%of the NPC value specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix 8, Table II, Column II.A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste dis-charged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification will apply are exclusively the following radionuclides:

Nn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141.This list does not mean that, only these nuclides are to be detected and reported.Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses should be reported as less than the LLD and should not be reported as being present at the LLD level.The less than values should not be used in the required dose calculations.

When unusual circumstances result in LLD's higher than required, the reasons shall be documented in the semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.4.12-7

TABLE 4.12-2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Gaseous Release Type Sampling Frequency Minimum Analysis Frequency Type of Activity Analysis Lower Limit of Detection fLLD)(uCi/ml)A.Gas Decay Tank P Each Tank Grab Sample P Each Tank Principal Gamma Emitters 1 x 1.0 Auxiliary Building Ventilation Grab Sam le Principal Gamma Emitters D.Air Ejector Iran Sam le E.All Releases Types Continuous as listed in B and C above M'c Charcoal Sam le Principle Gamma Emitters H-3 I-131 I-133 cd P c~f B.Containment Purge Each Purge'ach Purge Principal Gamma Emitters Grab Sam le H-3 1 x 10 1 x 10 10-4b-6=4b 1x10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10 Continuous Continuous W P Particulate Principal Gamma Emitters Sample (I-131, Others)M Gross alpha Composite Particulate Sam le 1 x 10-1.1 1 x 10 Continuous Q Composite Particulate Sample Sr-89, Sr-90 1 x 10

5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 Waste Treatment Systems Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment The liquid waste treatment system consists of a'aste Holdup Tank, a Waste Evaporator, a mixed bed de-mineralizer and the Reverse Osmosis unit.Portions.of the system may be bypassed and still meet the release limits.Gaseous Radwaste Treatment The gaseous radwaste treatment system consists of four (4)'Gas Decay Tanks and two (2)gas compressors.

Only one compressor and three Gas Decay Tanks are necessary to the system.Ventilation Exhaust System The ventilation exhaust is treated to reduce gaseous radioiodine and material in particulate form by passing through charcoal adsorbers and/or HEPA filters.This system has no effect on noble gas effluents.

The com-ponents of the ventilation exhaust system are: Auxiliary Building HEPA filters Auxiliary Building"G" Charcoal&HEPA filters Auxiliary Building"A" Charcoal Adsorbers Containment Purge Charcoal 8 HEPA filters 5.5-1

AUDITS (Continued) g.The Facility Prote'ction Program and implement-ing procedures at least once per two years.h.', An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection and audit performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire pro-tection firm.i.An inspection and audit of the fire protection and loss prevention program performed by non-licensee personnel at least once per 36 months.The personnel may be representatives of ANI, an insurance brokerage firm, or other qualified individuals.

j.The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 12 months.k.The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.l.Any other area of facility.operation considered appropriate by the NSARB or the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.

6.5-10 I J AUTHORITY a.The chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the Executive Vice President on all activities for which the review board is responsible.

b.The NSARB shall report to and advise the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, on those areas of responsibility specified in Sections and Records of NSARB activities shall be prepared, approved, and distributed as indicated below: 6.5-10a

6.8 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 PROCEDURES Nritten procedures shall be est bl'd, a xs e , implemented, and mao.ntained covering the activities referenced below: a.The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix"A", of Regulatory Guide 1.33, November 1972.b.Refueling operations.

c.Surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment.

d.Security Plan implementation.

e.Emergency Plan implementation.

f.Fire Protection Program implementation.

g.The radiolo ic g'l environmental monitoring program.h.Offsite ite releases of gaseous and liquid effluents containing radioactive materials.

Offsite Dose Calculation Manual implementation.

Each procedure and administrative policy of 6.8.1 above, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the PORC and approved by the Station Superintendent prior to imple-mentation and reviewed periodically as set forth in the applicable procedures.

Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided: a.The intent of the original procedure is not, altered.b.The chan hange is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom is the Shift Foreman who holds a S enior Reactor Operator's License.6.8-1 l

c.The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC, and approved by the Station Superintendent within 10 days of implementation.


6.9 Re ortin Re uirements In addition to the'applicable reporting requirements of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, the following identified reports shall be submitted to the Director of the appropriate Regional Office of Inspection and Enforcement unless otherwise noted.6.9.1 Routine Reports Startu Re ort.A summary report of plant startup and power escalation testing shall be submitted following (1)receipt of an operating license, (2)amendment to the license involving a planned increase in power level, (3)installation of fuel that has a different design or has been manufactured by a different fuel supplier, and (4)modifications that may have sig-nificantly altered the nuclear, thermal, or hydraulic performance of the plant.The report shall address each of the tests performed and shall in general include a description of the measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics obtained dur-ing the test program and a comparison of these values with design predictions and specifications.

Any corrective actions that.were required to obtain satis-factory operation shall also be described.

Any addi-\tional specific details required in license conditions 4 based on other commitments shall be included in this report.6.9-1

Startup reports shall be submitted within (1)90 days following completion of the startup test program, or (2)90 days following resumption of commercial power operation, whichever is earliest.If the Startup Report does not cover both events (i.e., completion of startup test program, and resumption of commercial power operation), supplementary reports shall be sub-mitted at least every three months until both events have been completed.

Nonthl 0 eratin Re ort..Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience shall be submitted on a monthly basis to the Director, Office of Nanagement Information and Program Control, U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.20555 by the fifteenth of each.month following the calendar month covered by the report.The monthly report shall include a narrative summary of operating experience describing the operation of the facility, including major safety related main-tenance for the monthly period, except that safety related maintenance performed during tne refueling outage may be reported in the monthly report for the month following the end of the outage rather than each month during the outage.Annual Radiolo ical Environmental 0 eratin Re ort Routine radiological environmental reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to Nay 1 of each year.6.9-2

The annual radiological environmental reports shall include summaries,=interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environ-mental surveillance activities for the report period, including a comparison with preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate}, and previous environmental surveillance reports and an assessment.

of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment.

The reports shall also include the results of land use censuses as required.The annual radiological environmental reports shall include summarized and tabulated results in the format of Table 6.9-1 of all radiological environmental samples taken during the report.period.In the event that some results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results.The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.The reports shall also include the following:

a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring program including a map of all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and direc-tions from the reactor, and the results of the participa-tion in an interlaboratory comparison program.6.9-3

Note: Routine'surveillance testing, instrument calibration, or preventative maintenance which require system configurations as described in items 2.b(l)and 2.b(2)need not be reported except where test, results.themselves reveal a degraded mode as de-scribed above.(3)Observed inadequacies in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls which threaten to cause reduction of degree of re-dundancy provided in reactor protection systems or engineered safety feature systems.(4)Abnormal degr'adation of systems other than those specified in items 2.a(3)above designed to contain radioactive material resulting from the fission process.Note: Sealed sources or calibration sources are not included under this item.Leakage of'alve packing or gaskets within the limits for identified leakage set, forth in technical specifications need not be reported under this item.(5)Measured levels of radioactivity in an environ-mental sampling medium determined to exceed the reporting level values of Table 6.9-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter sampling period.When more than one of the radionuclides 6.9-7

6.9.3 in Table 6.9-2 are'etected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted if: concentration (1+concentration 2+....)1.0 lxmxt eve 1 xmas.t evel 2 When radionuclides other than those in Table 6.9-2 are detected and are the result of plant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the potential annual dose to an individual is equal to or greater than the calendar year limit of Specifications or

This not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant efflu-ents;however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report.Uni ue Re ortin Re uirements Annually: Results of required leak tests performed on sources if the tests reveal the presence of 0.005 micro-curie or more of removable contamination. Annually: A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility and other personnel (including con-tractors)receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem/yr and their associated man rem exposure according to work and job functions, e.g., reactor operations and sur-veillance, in-service inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance (describe maintenance), waste pro-cessing, and refueling.

The dose assignment to various duty functions may be estimates based on pocket dosi-6.9-8 4 I TABLE 6.9-2 REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SANPLES Reporting Levels Analysis H-3 Water (pCi/1)3x10 Airborne Particu)ate or Gases (pCi/m)Broad Leaf Fish Nilk Vegetables (pCi/Kg, wet)(pCi/1)(pCi/Kg, wet)bIn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zr-Nb-95 I-131 Cs-134 1000 400 1000 300 400 30 Cs-137 50 Ba-La-140 200 0.9'10 20 3x10 1 x 10 3x10 1 x 10 1 x 10 2x10 60 70 300 1 x 10 1 x 10 2x10 (a)Total for parent.and daughter I~h~

meter, TLD, or film badge measurements.

Small exposures totalling less than 20%of the individual total dose need not be accounted for.In the aggregate, at least 80%of the total whole body dose received from external sources shall be assigned to specific major work functions.(NOTE: This tabulation supplements the reguirements of Section 20.407 of 10 CFR Part;20.)6.9-10

6.15 bIa'or Chan es to Radioactive Waste Treatment S stems (Iiguid and Gaseous)FUNCTION 6.15.1 The radioactive waste treatment systems (liguid and gaseous)are those systems defined in Technical Speci-fication Major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid and gaseous)shall be reported by the following method.For the purpose of this specification,'major changes's defined in Specification 6.16.3 below.The Commission shall be informed of all major changes by the inclusion of a suitable discussion or by reference to a suitable discussion of each change in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the changes were made.The discussion of each change shall contain: a)a summary of the evaluation that led to the deter-mination that the change could be made (in accord-ance with 10 CFR 50.59): b)sufficient detailed information to support the reason for the change;c)a detailed description of the equipment, components and processes involved and, the interfaces with other plant systems;6.15-1 4

Attachment B The proposed Technical Specifications for radiological effluents have been developed based upon NRC guidance provided in th b 7'7, 1,~d~'~'~Effluent Technical S ecifications for PWRs.The NRC has een adapted to a format su>.table or inclusion in the Ginna Technical Specifications and changes have been made,to account for the Ginna facility design.The proposal includes requirements to ensure compliance with 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and 40 CFR 190.Effluent monitors are provided to aid in ensuring that the limits of 10 CFR Part 20 are met.The allowance for inoperability is generally consistent with the NRC guidance and requires that sampling of effluents be performed in case a monitor is required but inoperable.

Instead of shutting down the plant if the oxygen monitor is inoperable, samples will be taken at short intervals.

This is preferred since a plant shutdown would a sig-nificant amount of waste gas which would have to be handled during a time at which it may be desirable to minimize gas handling.4 Limiting 0onditions for operation to implement, 10 CFR Parts 20 and 50 have been developed following NRC guidance.For un-planned gaseous releases, a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> averaging is permitted in determining compliance with 10 CFR Part 20.This is acceptable based on the definitions within Part 20 and based upon effluent surveillance instrumentation analysis schedules.

Radwaste treat-ment equipment will be operated, as appropriate, to limit potential doses due to plant effluents.

Portions or all of the radwaste treatment systems are required to be operated should the projected doses otherwise exceed preestablished values.No limits have been proposed for contents of the gas decay tanks.This due to the fact that any credible quantity of waste gas in any single tank will be well below the quantity which would have to be released to yield a site boundary dose of 0.5 Rem, even with accident, meteorology.

Specifically, FSAR Section 14.2.3 reports a reactor coolant system inventory of equivalent xenon assuming no release over a full core cycle and one percent failed fuel as 46,000 Curies.Using the equations presented in.NUREG-0133, one finds that a release of approximately 100,000 Curies is necessary to yield a site boundary dose of 0.5 Rem.This assumes that accident meteorology is used instead of annual average meteorology, which seems more appropriate and would provide even greater margins.An environmental monitoring program is reestablished based on NRC guidance.Samples are collected and analyzed at intervals throughout the year with sampling being conducted at a reduced level during the winter.This reduction is acceptable based on the fact that food pathways are either absent or of reduced con-sequences in the winter.

gO ,(

Radiation monitoring instrumentation used for effluent.surveillance has been removed from Table 4.1-1 and placed in Table 4.1-3.In Table 4.1-1, the emergency plan instruments will be calibrated annually instead of at refueling intervals.

This will allow calibration to be performed at times other than the refueling outage..In Table 4.1-3, channel calibration is to be annually instead of at, refueling intervals.

This necessity to calibrate during refueling outages.intends the interval"R" to imply every 18 months the refueling outage, we request that.that be the interval listed as refueling.

performed is to avoid the If the NRC independent.

of calibration Environmental surveillance requirements are consistent with NRC guidance.Effluent surveillance is presented in Section 4.12.Batch releases are sampled as shown in Table 4.12-1.Since compliance with 10 CFR Part 20 may be shown through a gross beta analysis, this is permitted.

A composite sample analyzed for principal gamma emitters and I-131 will provide the information required for dose calculations.

For the purposes of this Specification, release of the neutraliz-ing tank to the retention tank is considered a batch release.No additional sampling is required of the retention tank since its major input is the neutralizing tank.(Small sources, in terms of radioactivity, include floor drains in non contaminated areas.)The retention tank discharge is activated on high level in the tank and is through a radiation monitor.Waste treatment systems considered in the evaluation which was performed Appendix I are listed in Section 5.5.Under audits, the change in the insurance brokerage firm from NELPIA to ANI is reflected.

This is purely an administra-tive change.The Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual is presently in draft form.Revisions to the draft, are being considered based upon revised guidance provided by the NRC letter dated January 18, 1979, which was received February 2, 1979.Specifications for solid radwaste have not been proposed since they are unrelated to Appendix I or to Part.20.In addi-tion, they appear to be based on Standards which are still in draft form.Also, although solid wastes generated by Ginna Station comply with'current regulations, they do not, meet the Specifications suggested by the NRC.Finally, an industry task force is being established under the auspices of AIF to develop requirements appropriate for currently operating plants and equipment and consistent, with the regulations.

Pending the outcome of the study, it does not seem appropriate to propose Specifications.

$1 Introduction'n a May 28, 1974 letter from Mr.Robert A.Pury c-, the United States Atomic Energy Commission asked several questions on the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.

The information requested/and further clarification of the program are provided in Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License y Supplement IV is a revised description

.,of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation and supersedes Supplement II in its entirety.The revisions have been made to the description of the program: Section IV.2 Additions That all{}uality Assurance, Quality.Control, Eng'n-eering, and Purchasing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every/two years.That the list of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality ad'surance program are based on the list in Section 1..1 of the FSAR.That management review of the quality assurance program may be in a form otHer than'an audit.That the Nuclear>Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assuram(ce program at least once every two years.s That the CQ irman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and, Review Board reports to the Chairman of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation on NSARB activities.

Section V.3 Addj~tions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.IV-i Revision 1 August 1974 1 0, 1 That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.

That design deficiencies are documented and controlled in accordance with Section IV.16.That design documents are collected,'tored, and main-tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.

Clarification Clarified which design documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.4 Additions That procurement documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.

That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are available for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts for similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.6 Addition Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.IV-ii Revision 1 August 1974 t P 4 That suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.

Section IV.9 Additions Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process activi-'ies.

Section IV.10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection is available to the inspector prior to the performance of, the activity.That Quality Control inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the organization responsible for performing the inspection, the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.That inspection equipment is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration status is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IV.ll Addition That test procedures include test methods and test instrumentation definition.

IV-iii Revision 1 August 1974 j llf f II Section IV.12 Addition That shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.

Section IV.14 Addition That written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags and labels and that the procedures require the recording of the name.of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries, that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and that when unsatisfactory trends are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audits and the monitoring of activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.

That inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.

IV-iv Revision 1 August 1974 t f (1'O t, ll 1 0 Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits listed in Table IV.18-1.In July 1974, the United States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for.Station Operation to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The infor-, mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.1 Additions A description of the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).On October 1, 1974, Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration revised its corporate structure.

This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.In addition, the RG&E commitment to the"Orange Book" in August has necessitated some shifting of responsibilities.

The changes RG&E has made are reflected in Revision 2 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License.The changes affect every section of the supplement except sections 12&14.Change pages are listed in Instructions 2 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.IV-v Revision 2 November 1, 1974 0 11 y II F'I C I 0 Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.Some editorial corrections have been made, and these are also marked..3 Effective February 1, 1976, three additional organizations in the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation have been assigned responsi-bilities for control of quality related activities.

The changes are reflected in Revision 3 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement Accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License.Revision 3 also reflects some reclarification of terms and responsibilities which do not lesson our program commitments.

Reclarification changes are concentrated in sections IV-3, IV-4, IV-5, IV-6 and IV-15.Change pages are listed in Instructions-3, and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level-is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement XI and Supplement IV.During July, 1978, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation revised its corporate structure.

This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.Revision 4 also reflects some reclarification of terms and respon-sibilities which do not lessen Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration program commitments.

Reclarification changes are concentrated in sections XV-1, IV-2, IV-3, XV-7, XV-10 and IV-15.Change pages are listed in Instructions-4 and each revised page is marked with revision level.Since single spacing of each page has reduced the number of pages, each page beginning with IV-1 is numbered consecutively resulting in the Revision 4 notation at the bottom for that page" containing different information than the corresponding page number of previous revisions.

Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.4/IV-vA Revision 4 December 1978

~~In a February 8, 1979 letter from Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information associated with their review of Revision 4.Revision 5 provides the additional information and better clarification of the program consistent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Gas and Electric letter dated March 9, 1979.Change pages are listed in Instructions

-5, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables which have been re-vised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page.6 In a June 5, 1979 letter from Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information associated with their review of Revision 5.Revision 6 provides the additional information consistent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Gas and Electric letter dated June 25, 1979.Change pages are listed in Instruction

-6, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The re-vision level is noted by arabic numeral next to each vertical line.o vl Revision 7 was prepared to indicate recent organization changes in the corporate structure, Quality Assurance and General Maintenance.

Change pages are listed in Instructions

-7, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Revision 7 November 1980 IV-vB

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Pa<ac IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 IV.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Instructions, Procedures and Drawings Document Control Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services IV-1 IV-4 IV-8 IV-10 XV-lla IV-13 IV-15 IV.8 XV.9 IV.10 IV.11 IV.12 IV.13 XV.14 IV.15 XV.16 IV.17 IV.18 Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components Control of Special Processes Inspection Test Control Control of Measuring an/Test Equipment Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection, Test and Operating Status Nonconforming Materials,,Parts and Components Corrective Action Qua'lity Assurance Records Audits IV-17 IV-18 IV-19 IV-20 XV-21 IV-22 IV-23 IV-24 XV-25 f IV-26 IV-28 IV-vi Revision'5 April 1979 I C h l LIST OF TABLES Table Number IV.1-1 IV.4-1 IV.18-1 Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pa<ac IV-30*IV-40*IV-41*LIST OF FIGURES Fi ure Number IV.2-1 IV.2-2 IV.2-3 IV.2-4 IV.2-5 3 IV.2-6 Title Management Organization Deleted Ginna Station Organization General Maintenance Organization Engineering Department Organization Review and Audit Functions Pacae IV-43*IV-44*IV-45*IV-46*IV-47*IV-48**All tables and figures except Figure IV.2-5 have been revised in Revision 3.IV-vii Revision 7 November 1980

QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Qualit Assurance Pro ram The quality assurance program described in this Supplement has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of.the structures, systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public.,These quality affecting activities include operation, maintenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modification, test and inspection.

In addition, the quality assurance program applies to the activities associated with the packaging of licensed radioactive materials to be shipped in accordance with 10 CFR Part, 71.The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in his Corporate Statement of Quality Assurance Policy.This policy is implemented by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, through the Manager, Quality Assurance, and the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The'rogram is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual whi'ch contains the requirements and assignment of responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is prepared, reviewed, and maintained by Quality Assurance and approved by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.

The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Ginna Station, Engineering, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory and Purchasing Procedures.

These procedures are prepared and approved by the responsible organization and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.

The p'rocedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.

All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years by the responsible organization.

Table IV.l-l provides a listing of the subjects and a short description of the subject matter which is contained in the procedures.

Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities are described in Section IV.2.The quality assurance program covers all existing Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities.

affecting the quality of these structures, systems, and components are IV-1 Revision 4 December 1978 II controlled to an extent consistent'ith their importance to safety.A detailed of the structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program, based on Section 1.2.1 of the Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assur-ance Manual.Details of the system boundaries and the quality classi-fication of water-and-steam-containing components are con-tained on system flow drawings.The listing of structures, systems, and components-covered by the quality assurance program and the system flow drawings are prepared and main-tained by Engineering and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.

r Modifications or additions to existing, structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accordance with the'guidelines in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.29.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.

Refresher sessions are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.

Training of personnel not in the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training requirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.1n addition to training in quality assurance, each depart-ment conducts on-the-job training to the extent necessary'to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-fication of operators, as necessary.

Wlhere necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years to assure that it is meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and 10CFR50, Appendix B.This review consists of audits or a review equivalent to an audit performed, by IV-2 Revision 4 December 1978

~~~company personnel or outside organizations.

Reviews will be conducted every six months during the first two years that the program is implemented.

The quality assurance program is designed to meet the require-ments of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program conforms to the following NRC Regula-tory Guides and ANSI Standards:

a.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1,"Personnel Selec-tion and Training." b.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 2,"Quality Assur-ance Program Requirements (Design and Construction)." c.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment." d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the docu-ment entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." f.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.38, Revision 2,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." g.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.39, Revision 2,"Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." h.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.58, Revision 0,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel." i.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.64, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants." Revision 6 July 1979 p

j.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.74, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions." k.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.88, Revision 2,"Collections, Stor-age and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Records." Note: Nhen record storage facilities are not designed in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.88, duplicate records are kept in two separate stroage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.1 1.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.116, Revision O-R,"Quality Assur-ance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems." 41 m.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.123, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Ser-vices for Nuclear Power Plants." n.ANSI N45.2.12, D3, R4, 2/74"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants." The major organizations participating in the quality assur-ance program are the Purchasing, Engineering, Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory Department; Quality Assurance and Quality Control Groups;the Plant Operations Review Committee; and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Fj.gure IV.2-1 is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to the corporate organization.

Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are: 7'I Chairman of the Board Vice President, Electric and Steam Production Vice President and Chief Engineer Manager, Quality Assurance Purchasing Agent Ginna Station Superintendent Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory Superintendent, General Maintenance General Maintenance Quality Control Coordinator Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning Supervisor, Materials Engineering Revision 7 November 1980

2'I In addition to the above individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and aud'it plant operations.

These groups are the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in hn advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the.Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.

The qualifications of members and the respon-sibilities of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating Licensed No.DPR-18, Section 6.0;Technical Specifications.

The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the quality assur-ance program and issued the governing policy statement.

He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board to review and audit plant operations.

The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the Executive Vice President on all activities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Vice President, Electric and Steam Production has cor-porate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.

He is responsible for establishing the policies and requirements necessary to assure safe and reliable operations of Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

He has overall responsibility for and authority to direct quality affecting activities.

He has assigned the responsibility for the detailed development and overall coordination of the quality assurance program to the Manager, Quality Assurance.

The responsibility for proper implementation of the quality assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Ginna Stat'ion Superintendent.

The Vice President and Chief Engineer has corporate responsi-bility for the design and construction of nuclear power plants and related major modifications.

In this capacity, the Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for directing and supervising the Engineering Department as shown in Figure IV.2-5.4l The Vice President and Chief Engineer has the responsibility for preparing drawings and specifications for the procurement of materials and components for plant maintenance and modifi-cation as required.He is responsible for reviewing operating and fuel handling procedures referred to him by the Ginna Station Superintendent and for reviewing unique maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.

3)The Manager, Quality Assurance, is responsible for estab-lishing and executing the overall quality assurance program.2:)He is responsible for assuring that the program satisfies Revision 7.November 198 0

the requirements of lOCFR50, Appendix B, and for keeping the total program updated.He is responsible for assuring that all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and reliably are establish'ed and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the individual or group directly responsible for performing the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all necessary quality affecting activities are performed.

He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff, Figure IV.2-1, for the conduct of staff training, for directing its activities and for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.The Manager, Quality Assurance is a graduate engineer with at.least six years of responsible experience, of which two years i: s in quality assurance and three years in the design or operation of nuclear or fossil fuel power plants.0 The Manager, Quality Assurance and the Quality Assurance Staff are responsible for supervising both the on-site and off-site Quality Assurance program.This includes writing Quality Assurance policies and procedures, and reviewing the procedures of the organizations participating in the Quality Assurance program.They are also responsible for auditing all aspects of the Quality Assurance Program and for ensuring significant conditions adverse to quality are corrected.

They are responsible for assuxing that proper codes, standards, and quality requirements are specified in design, procurement, and installation documents.

They are responsible for assuring that the suppliers of safety-related material, equipmeng and services are properly qualified, and they are responsible for conducting audits and surveillances at these, supplier.'s facilities.

In ad-'ition, the staff assists the Manager, Quality Assurance, in the preparation of the audit schedule, audit status reports, corrective action report summaries and in the preparation and maintenance of the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual.IV-6 Revision 7 November 1980>I

The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.

He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made by Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance and the other involved depart-ments as appropriate.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible to the Superintendent, Nuclear Production for safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the performance of the Ginna Station operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, inservice inspection, modification, test and inspection quality affecting activities in accordance with the require-ments of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for providing qualified personnel to perform these activi-ties in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and procedures.

He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

The Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent supports the Ginna Station Superintendent in discharging his respon-sibilities.

He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the station and implementing the policies," procedures, and directions of the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible to the Station Superintendent for supervising the station Quality Control Organization, which is responsible for assuring that activities affecting quality are prescribed and carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and procedures.

In his day-to-day acti-vities, the Quality Control Engineer reports to the Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent and is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee.

He also reviews pro-curement documents initiated at the station.He is responsible for the coordination of inspection activities 4 and for assuring that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.

He is also responsible for the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts, and com-ponents and the processing of nonconformance reports.He coordinates the processing of corrective action reports, and assures that corrective action is taken.He is responsible for routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provides the Ginna Station Superin-tendent with objective information concerning the quality of'hese activities.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is assisted in the performance of his duties by a staff which reviews documents and which performs inspection and surveillance activities.

Additional inspectors are assigned to this group as required by the level of work activities.

Revision 4 December l978

In addition to the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, the Ginna Station, Superintendent is assisted by other desig-nated staff members, Figure IV.2-3, in the implementation of certain quality assurance program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assigned responsibility for testing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test, status control, calibration and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling and modification.

The Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning is responsible for coordinating all activities related to the procurement of nuclear fuel.These duties include the coordination, pre-paration and execution of the contracts and their supporting documents used to control the procurement.

Fuel Planning also coordinates bid evaluation and recommends selection of the successful bidder.The Superintendent, General Maintenance, is responsible for supervising and directing a staff, Figure IV.2-4, which supervises the performance and verification of safety related maintenance, repair and modification activities performed at the General Maintenance facility.He is also responsible for the routine maintenance of material handling equipment, control of special processes and establishment of the inservice inspection program.The General Maintenance Quality Control Coordinator is responsible to the Superintendent, General Maintenance, for performing or directing the performance of verification activities for which General Maintenance Quality Control is responsible.

In this capacity he is responsible for assuring that activities, affecting, quality, are carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications and proce-dures.He is also responsible, for the preparation of Quality Maintenance procedures and for the training of General Maintenance personnel in the implementation of these procedures.

He also reviews procurement documents initiated by General Maintenance, coordinates receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts and components, performs routine surveillance of General Maintenance activities and coordinates the process-ing of nonconformance reports., corrective action reports and the replies to audit reports.The Supervisor, Materials Engineering is responsible to the Superintendent, General Maintenance for the development and qualification of procedures utilized for special processes.

Revision 7 November 1980 0

He is also responsible for, assuring that personnel are trained and qualified for activities involving nondestructive exami-nation and for providing functional guidance and direction in those methods for which he is a qualified Level III.He is also responsible for establishing'he inservice inspection program.The Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory is responsible for providing routine maintenance and testing services for Ginna Station safety related protective relays as requested.

IV.3 Desi n Control Design activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.IV-8 a Revision 7 November 1980

E ngineering is responsible for the design and control of design activities (including design interfaces) for major modifications of structures, systems or components.

4I Ginna Station is responsible for the design and control of 4 design activities for minor modifications of structures, sys-tems, or components.

Ginna Station is also responsible for classifying station originated modifications as either Major or Minor.Engineering reviews and concurs with modifications being classified as Minor.Minor modifications typically involve (1)component changes which involve vendor design and'imited to the extent that the change does not impact existing performance requirements.

(2)Additions within Seismic Category I buildings which perform no safety functions and which either interface with Seismic Category I items or whose failure could reduce the functioning of any safety related component required for safe shutdown of the plant to an unacceptable level.(3)Changes to a safety related system determined not to be major (i.e.vents, drains, alarms, indicating lights, etc.).Design control is implemented by means of procedures which include: design considerations, design review requirements; internal and external interface control considerations; design document review, approval, distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design con-siderations include, as appropriate:

physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;(appropriate design bases, codes, standards and regulations; I acceptability for operation, maintenance and repair;acceptance (and rejection criteria;quality standards and other quality)assurance requirements.

Design verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests as appropriate to assure the adequacy of the design.The design of plant modifications is verified by an engineer other than the one who performed the original design.For Major modification design, this may be done by Engineering department design engineers or consulting engineers as re-quested.For Minor modification station design, this may be done by Ginna Station and or Engineering department design engineers as appropriate.

Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the original equipment technical and quality requirements.

For plant modifications, standard"off-the-shelf" commercial or pre-viously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by the design engineer.Design changes, are normally reviewed and approved in accord-ance with the same procedures as the original design.Supple-mental procedures are established for the review and approval of field changes.In general, design changes including field changes, are reviewed and approved by the organizations or IV-9 Revision 5 April l979 V I'J I I I J(I JV f-I I',~I P J I E 1 I I I, I I I P'I V I II I'V I V'I il F I V Vg I individuals that performed the original design, review and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals designated, provided they have access to pertinent background information and are com-petent in the specific design area.Design verification and field change systems are methods utilized to detect, document and correct design process errors and deficiencies.

In addition, the corrective action system, described in section IV.16, is utilized to control and docu-ment corrective action to preclude recurrence of those design 4 process errors and deficiencies which are considered to be a significant condition adverse to quality.3 Qua 1 ity Assurance is responsib 1 e f or assuring that des i gn control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incorporate appropriate design control practices, checks, and reviews.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent verification is perf ormed.IV-9a Revision 5 April 1979 P P 1 0

~~5/Engineering and Ginna Station are responsible for establishing

'easures for the proper control of design documents and re-visions there-to, to assure that distribution is to responsible individuals and in a timely manner to prevent inadvertent use of superseded design information.

The measures include the use of document.revision levels, document transmittals, release stamps, field change request forms and distribution lists.Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in accordance with Section IV.6 and IV.17, as appropriate.

Design documents include design criteria, analyses, speci-fications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.5 4<J3 Quality Assurance and Station Quality Control through pre-paration assistance and/or review assure the proper inclusion.

of quality standards in the design of major and minor modifications, respectively.

Quality Assurance is also responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in specifications.

The Manager, Quality Assurance reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when they occur.Plant modifications are controlled by means of applicable 3 Ginna Station, Engineering-and Quality Assurance procedures.

These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and approval of design documents, safety analyses, and plant modification procedures.

Proposed plant modifications are reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

IV.4 Procurement Document Control Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement documents for materials, parts, components, and services required to perform quality affecting activities.

Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, contracts, specifications; and drawings.3[Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is-~initiated by department staff personnel.

Procurement proce-dures require that organizations preparing procurement documents consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table IV.4-1.Revision 6 July 1979

Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station and General Maintenance are reviewed by Quality Control and approved by the department superintendent or his designated representative.

Procurement documents initiated in Engineering and Quality Assurance are reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by the Chief Engineer, or designees.

Procurement documents for nuclear fuel are initiated by the fuel management staff, reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by the Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning.Procurement, documents initiated at Electric Meter and~Laboratory are reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by the department superintendent or designated alternate.

Evidence of review and approval of procurement.

documents is recorded on the documents or on the attached control form.The attached control form identifies to Purchasing a procure-ment method which will ensure that the selected supplier is capable of providing the item or service in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.

Considerations used in selecting a supplier and for determining the corres-ponding procurement method are described in Section IV.7 After purchase requistions, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required re-views and approvals, a purchase order is issued by Purchasing to the selected supplier and controlled as described in Section IV.7.These documents are maintained by Purchasing, by the originating department, and/or by the receiving locations, as appropriate, until procurement is completed.

Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve the original documents as described above.Changes or revisions to procurement documents are subject to the same review and approval requirements as the original documents.

Originating department technical review of procurement documents includes verification of applicable regulatory, code and design requirements.

Quality Assurance/

Quality Control review of the above includes checks to verify proper inclusion of quality standard, quality assurance program requirements, method or procurement and the applicable acceptance criteria.Quality Control also reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement paits for adequacy of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compati-bility, and the inclusion of the quality requirements and acceptance criteria of the original design.IV-11 Revision 5 April 1979 t I IV.5 Instructions Procedures and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric company organization is responsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and imple-menting procedures as required to implement the quality assurance program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of personnel, and responsibili-ties and duties of personnel.

Quality Assurance reviews and concurs with th'ese procedures.

Table IV.1-1 provides a summary'f the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, and drawings.IV-11a I Revision 5 April 1979 1 f Nf!CI 1 I f P'$k1 P f ll Ginna Station is responsible for providing and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modification, testing and, inspection.

This includes instructions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety related systems;correction of abnormal, offnormal, or alarm conditions, combat of emergencies and other significant events;radioactivity control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.

Ginna Station is responsible for the preparation and implementation of quality control inspec-tion procedures utilized for detailed station inspection activities.

Ginna Station is responsible for appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the completion of plant modifications.

Ginna Station is also responsible for the preparation and issuance of those minor modification design documents not provided by Engineering or the equipment supplier.General Maintenance is responsible for providing and for implementing instructions and procedures associated with special processes, the routine maintenance and inspection of cranes and handling equipment, as well as shop work required to support Ginna Station maintenance, repair and modification activities.

General Maintenance is also responsible for the preparation and for the implementation of quality control inspection procedures utilized for detailed inspection activities at their facilities.

Electric Meter and Laboratory is responsible for the prepara-tion and implementation of relay inspection and testing procedures as required to direct detailed inspections and testing activities for which they are responsible.

Electric Meter and Laboratory also'assists in the preparation of routine relay maintenance and testing procedures used by their personnel in the annual Ginna Station protective relay surveillance program.Engineering is responsible for providing approved specifi-cations, and drawings associated with major modifications and when minor modifications necessitate drawings or specifi-cations.These documents require those performing the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate procedures, specifications and drawings.Engineering has established procedures for revising drawings and specifications.

These procedures cover updating of as-built drawings after plant"modifications and the revision, approval, distribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.

Revision 7 November 1980

Persons preparing and approving documents are responsible for assuring that specifications, instructions, procedures, and drawings include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished and assuring that the documents are kept current.indoctrination and training of personnel is provided by the responsible organizations to ensure that quality affecting activities are conducted in accordance with established documents.

1n addition, surveillance by Quality Control personnel, as described in Section XV.10 and audits by Quality Assurance as described in Section IV.18 are used to verify that quality affecting activities are being performed in accordance with approved instructions, procedures and drawings.XV.6 Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of pro-cedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.

Standard document control requirements are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the control of all documents issued at Ginna Station.General Maintenance and Electric Meter and Labora-tory are responsible for the control of documents issued by their respective organizations.

Engineering controls all documents issued by Engineering, Quality Assurance and Purchasing.

Each organization controlling documents has a separate procedure to control documents in accord-ance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual designates responsibilities and defines requirements for the preparation, review and approval of documents.

Each department responsible for an activity is responsible for providing the necessary review and approval of instructions, procedures or drawings to assure that they are adequte, and include appropriate quali-tative and quantitative requirements.

Departmental Quality Control representatives review departmental maintenance, repair, refueling and modification procedures, prior to use, to assure quality assurance requirements are included.The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsibility for reviewing Ginna Station procedures prior to their approval as required by Section 6.0 Technical Specifications.

Detailed inspection, test and examination procedures used by qualified personnel require the review and concurrence of the responsible technical person associated with that activity.Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Engineering, Purchasing, and Electric Meter and Laboratory quality assurance implementing procedures require the review and concurrence of Quality Assurance and the approval of the appropriate department supervisor.

Revision 4 December 1978 h lj Quality Assurance.procedures are approved by the Manager, Quality Assurance.

The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of document involved, its importance to safety, and the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must be controlled; identifies the difference between con-trolled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies of a document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists of document holders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled documents using approved forms internally and externally.

Types of documents which are controlled include Technical Specifications, FSAR, Technical Supplements, Quality Assur-ance Manual, procedures (such as quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, cali-bration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications and drawings.Suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in procurement documents to provide for control of documents, including manufacturing, inspection and testing instructions.

The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to assure that documents are available when required;to pro-perly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organiza-tions which review and approve documents have access to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation into documents; and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations, in the responsible departments, are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents and, therefore, procure-ment document control requirements.

Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations are further responsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to assure adequate systems are implemented.

Revision 4 December 1978 Ih Ip Control of Purchased Material E ui ment and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, planning for item or service acceptance control of supplier performance and acceptance of items and services are five major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment and services.All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section IV-4.All reviews, inspec-tions, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Procurement planning is utilized by the procuring organiza-tions for determining the methods to be used for acceptance of the item or service as well as requirements for the control of the supplier performance.

Source inspection (surveillance) certificate of conformance, receipt inspection and post instal-lation test are methods which are considered for item acceptance with receipt inspection utilized in the acceptance of all items.In lieu of these methods, acceptance of services is based on either or a combination of: (1)surveillance of the activity and (2)review of objective evidence for conformance to the procurement document requirements (i.e.certifications, stress reports etc.).The extent of the acceptance methods and as-sociated verification activities will vary and be a function of the relative importance and complexity of the purchased item or service and the suppliers past performance.

Consideration for the control of supplier performance includes 5 the necessity for document submittals or surveillance, and under what situation the supplier is to report nonconformances.

Results of the planning are incorporated in the procurement documents and or on the attached procurement control form as described in Section IV.4.Selection of a supplier is based on the evaluation of its capability to provide the item or services in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.

The evaluation which is accomplished during the procurement planning, deter-: mines the necessity for the'upplier selection to be from the approved suppliers list maintained by Purchasing.

Purchasing utilizes the approved suppliers list for the selection source of those suppliers required to have a satisfactory quality assurance program.The evaluation guidelines for source se-lection considers the item complexity, method(s)of acceptance and for a replacement item, if the source is to be restricted to the original supplier.For engineered and off-the-shelf items, procured from suppliers required to have a quality assurance program and for which item acceptance is based other than on receipt inspection, supplier selection is from the approved suppliers list or one who is in the process of being added to the list, after having had its capability evaluated si Revision 5 April 1979 t!t 4I to purchaser satisfaction.

Other off-the-shelf items, that are manufactured to industry standards, that are typically utilized in applications other than nuclear, and for which item acceptance is based exclusively on receipt inspection may be purchased from sources other than the approved suppliers list.These other sources may include the manufacturer of the replacement part, authorized distributor for the manufacturer's replacement parts and distributor of catalog items which satisfy the guidelines of not requiring status on the approved suppliers list.Departmental procedures establish guidelines for source selection evaluations and for documenting the results on the procurement control form through, indication of the corresponding procurement method.The purchase requisition will also identify the source when replacement parts are to be procured from the original equipment supplier.Addition of a supplier to the approved suppliers list is based on satisfactory evaluation of the supplier's capability by Quality Assurance, Purchasing and other departments, as appropriate.

For Engineered items, Engineering is responsible for evalu-ating'the overall d'esign or manufacturing capability of the supplier including his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.

As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabilities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabili-ties, and experience are reviewed.4(S n/Quality Assurance is responsible for, evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accordance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of lOCFR50 Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric requirements.

The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices, accept-ance criteria,'required quality assurance records and their retention, and quality assurance, requirements and controls imposed by the supplier on his subcontractors.

Supplier evaluation is conducted by means of procedures or checklists which identify applicable regulatory or code quality assur-ance requirements.

Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Quality Assurance and Electric Meter and Laboratory evaluate the suppliers of inspection, test, and calibration services which they intend to use.The departments responsible for performing supplier evalu-ations shall document-their results in reports which discuss areas investigated, findings, and conclusions.

As applicable, concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance, I IV-15a Revision 5 April 1979 C'7 0)'~LI 4I I Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory and Fuel Planning is required to place a supplier 3 on the qualified suppliers'ist.

One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Measures are established by Engineering and Quality Assurance to control supplier performance for engineered items.These measures typically include the processing of change infor-mation, surveillance of supplier activities and the control of documents exchanged with the supplier.In addition, each department procuring off-the-shelf items or services establishes similar measures for the control of supplier performance.

With the exception of processing change information, the need for and applicable extent of purchaser controls of the supplier are determined during procurement planning.Quality Assurance is responsible for determining and document-ing the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.

The objective of supplier surveil-lance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of product conformance with respect to the purchase order requirements.

For complex engineered items, Quality Assurance and Engi-neering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.T he results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or trip reports which are distributed 3 to the Manager, Quality Assurance, and the department which initiated the procurement.

When a deviation from purchase order requirements is noted, the Quality Assurance represen-tative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if necessary.

4IGinna Station Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they meet all technical and quality requirements.

The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.

The verification methods for the acceptance of items and services.are specified on the attached procurement control form during procurement planning and the purchase requisition preparation.

Department superintendents are responsible for receiving and storing items pending their acceptance.

Upon receipt, the IV-16 Revision 5 April 1979 F'L r EE II r F)fF i f;ty C I I ,'I'F F*1 1 I'FI E E F U department stockkeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon 3 de 1 ivery of items and associated services f or maintenance, repair, modification, and refueling.

This inspection in-cludes the use of written procedures or checklists to verify that the items and services conform to the procurement docu-ments (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that, documentary evidence of conformance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence sufficient to identify the codes, standards or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is~~retained.In the event a final source inspection for the 4 acceptance is conducted prior to receipt by RGGE, Quality Control performs an inspection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required docu-mentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document the extent of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted," files the documentation and receipt inspection results, and releases the item for storage or use.If the item is nonconforming or the documentation 4[pIis unsatisfactory, Quality Control initiates a nonconformance report which is controlled in accordance with Section IV.15.n All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have docu-mentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event the traceability is lost or the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not be released for use.IV.8 Identification and Control of Materials Parts and The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance with written requirements and applies to material, parts, or components in any stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.

Identification and control requirements are established by either an existing, procedure or requirements documents which are prepared during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability IV-17 Revision 5 April 1979 I~~I.t I I I'1 I~1~II~g I, or quality;and the proper identification of materials,.parts, and components prior to release, for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.

2(Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that drawings and specifications contain appropriate require-ments for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components, as appropriate.

Suppliers are required to assure that all required documentation for an item is prop-erly identified and related to the item.Each item is re-quired to be physically identified, either by marking on the=item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase order number is used to the maximum extent possible for IV-17a Revision 5 April 1979

~~'4))r~'f, ,h relating an item at any time to applicable documentation.

Identification is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appro-priate means are employed.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and control of materials, parts, and components at the plant are approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The.superintendents of other departments which receive material which is to be stored away from the plant are responsible for establishing procedures, for identification and control and for maintaining identification and control of material, parts, or components, stored or used in their area of responsibility.

In the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, it is handled as nonconforming material and deviations and waivers are controlled and documented in accordance with Section IV.15.IV.9 Control of S ecial Processes Written procedures are established to control special pro-cesses, such as welding, heat treating, and nondestructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes, standards, and design specifications.

Qualification of personnel and procedures complies with the requirements of applicable codes and.standards.

When special process qualifi-cation requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel qualification requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification requirements.

4 3"3 Initiators of procurement activities are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control personnel are respon-sible for reviewing procurement documents to ensure that requirements for control of special processes are included.7 3t Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Materials Engineering.

Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and con-tractors are reviewed and concurred with by Materials Engi-neering.The Ginna Station Maintenance Engineer and Quality Control Engineer are responsible for assuring that personnel per-forming special processes under their cognizance are quali-fied and are using qualified procedures in accordance with Revision 7 November 1980 IV-18

applicable codes, specifications, and standards.

The Supervisor, Materials Engineering is responsible for the qualification of NDE personnel and procedures.

The Super-visor, Materials Engineering is responsible for the qualifi-cation of welding procedures and the training and qualifi-cation of welders.Engineering maintains records for personnel and procedures to demonstrate that required qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality Assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.

Procedures prepared for the control of activities include inspection requirements and hold points as required by drawings, instructions, requirements documents, specifications, codes, standards, or regulatory requirements.

For clarification and to distinguish from preventative maintenance inspections the following controls are associated with the quality assurance function inspections and referred to as verification inspec-tions.Instructions for conducting detailed verification inspections are contained in inspection procedures.

These inspection procedures and all supporting specifications and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.

Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify conformance of activities to the documented instructions, specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Inspection procedures in-clude the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected, a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the group responsible for per-forming the inspection, thy acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.Verification inspections are performed by qualified inspection personnel who are independent of the personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are required by procurement documents to have and follow similar procedures and to use independent inspectors.

Inspectors are sufficiently trained to adequately evaluate the activity they are inspecting.

41 Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing veri-fication inspections, as required, during plant operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modi-fication, and testing when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.

When the work is performed by outside contractors, Quality Control is responsible for sur-veillance of the subcontractor's inspection activities.

All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section IV.12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.

Revision 7-'ovember 1980 0

In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing methods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when control is inadequate without both.5(4~3I2[Quality Assurance is responsible for the adequate inclusion of 7)inspection requirements in specif ications.3 4 The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in maintenance, repair, refueling, modification and testing procedures.

He is also responsible for the assignment, of qualified inspection personnel required for inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the performance of and conducting the surveil-lance of inservice inspection.

The General Maintenance Quality Control Coordinator is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection require-ments are included in procedures', instructions and/or checklists controlling maintenance, modification and repair activities and related fabrication processes at the General Maintenance facility.With the exception of that which pertains to Pump and Valve Testing, the Supervisor, Materials Engineering is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Inspection Program.Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program.The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is contained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.

IV.11 Test Control Whenever testing is requix'ed to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satisfactorily in service, a test program is instituted employing written and approved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical Specifications, draw-ings, instructions, procurement documents, specifications, codes, standards, and regulatory requirements.

The test program requires the identification, control, and documen-tation of all tests, and the preparation of written proce-dures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary test equipment and calibration requirements; material require-ments;test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment conditions; limiting conditions; detailed performance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instruc-tions for disposition of deviations; data collection require-ments;and test result approval.IV-20 Revision 7 November 1980

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the station test program, which includes the surveillance test program required by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications and testing associated with modifications.

Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Control, and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved procedures.

When contractors are employed for tests, the contractor is requried to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.

All test results are required to be docu-mented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.6f ,3 4:3 5 When requested by Ginna Station, Electric Meter and Laboratory performs test activities to determine the cause of protective relay malfunctions.

These test activities are performed in accordance with approved procedures by qualified personnel.

Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that required tests for major modifications are included in specifications.

Engineering assistance in the preparation of modification-related test procedures may be provided to the Ginna Station staff.The Ginna Station Technical Engi-neer is responsible for the adequate inclusion of test re-quirements in minor modification design documents and for reviewing modification-related test results for acceptability to design requirements.

Reviews of minor modification design by Station Quality Control verifies adequate inclusion of test requirements.

IV.12 Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measuring and test equipment includes calibration procedures, establishment of calibration frequencies, and maintenance and control require-ments of measuring and test instruments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondestructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems, and structures.

Calibration procedures include step-by-step methods for calibration and requirements for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, experience, and other condi-tions affecting measurement capability.

6 Revision 6 July 1979 I

Control of measuring and test equip'ment requires: a recall.system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a system providing unique identification of equipment, traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing trace-ability of shop standards*to nationally recognized standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures contain instructions to document the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing Revision 6 July 1979 XV-21a I

for records to be maintained which indicate the complete status of all items under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of new equipment to be entered into the calibration and control system including require-ments for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.

In the event a measuring instrument is found out of calibration, an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is resonsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and calibration of measuring and test equipment at Ginna Station in accordance with the above requirements.

Instruments specified in Section 4.1, Technical Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, inspection, and test are cali-brated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.

Measuring, test or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.The Superintendent, General Maintenance, and Superintendent, Electric Heter and Laboratory, are responsible for establish-ing a program and the preparation of procedures for the control and calibration of measuring and test equipment used by their respective departments.

'JV.13 Etandlin Stora e and Shi in 4)The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for develop-ing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located at Ginna Station.The Superintendent, General Maintenance, and the Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory, are responsible for preparing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located in their work areas.In addition, the Superintendent, General Maintenance, is responsible for preparing and implement-ing procedures for the routine maintenance and inspection of lifting and handling equipment.

Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written instructions and recommen-dations and purchase, specification requirements are invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handling, and storage with respect to environmental requirements.

In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the department superintendent may invoke additional require-ments in accordance with department procedures.

The Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in procurement documents and in engineering specifications that written procedures be used, as, appropriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning,, and preservation of materials and equipment IV-22 Revision 4 December 1978

procured for modifications.

These procedures are prepared by contractors, by the station staff, or by staff members of General Maintenance or Electric Meter and Laboratory, as appropriate.

Rochester Gas and Electric procedures are reviewed and approved as described in Section IV.6.Ln the preparation of procurement documents, department procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, shipping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of'manufacturing and installation prior to operational acceptance.

Quality Assurance is responsible for review of engineering specifications to assure that proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.

Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of handling, storage, and shipping activities by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.

IV.14 Ins ection Test and 0 eratin Status Equipment or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by use of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for indicat-ing the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance, repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Rochester Gas and Electric Intra-Station Holding Rules.The Ginna Station Superintendent designates personnel who have station holding authority.

Personnel who have station holding authority are responsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems in accordance with the approved company Intra-Station Holding Rules.System status is indicated through the use of hold tags and control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test status are indicated by use of test tags, labels,'r work inspection and test status sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags,.test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.

IV-23 Revision 4 December 1978

Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources are identified and controlled by the use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Maintenance, repair, or modification of components, systems, or structures utilizes procedures, travelers, data sheets and checklists to indicate status of the work, inspections and tests and corresponding acceptance or rejection for a par-ticular component, system, or structure.

These job control forms are prepared jointly by the job supervisor and Quality Control and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status and the completion of required inspection's and tests.Quality Control monitors the status change activities for their compliance to approved procedures and assures that inspection results are properly logged.Quality Control also establishes the procedures for implementing the inspection status sheets utilized during inservice inspection.

IV.15 Nonconformin Materials Parts and Com onents Procedures are established for the control, evaluation and disposition of deficient material, parts, and components.

Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to the drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold tag and reported on a nonconformance rep'ort.Quality Control is responsible for issuing nonconformance reports, recommending disposition, initiating repair or rework, and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.Prior to installation or use, nonconforming items generally remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved.disposition has been received.Nonconforming items which are released for installation to meet critical fabrication schedules are controlled by Quality Control to prevent inadvertant use prior to clearance of the nonconformance.

After installation or use, nonconforming items are identi-fied and controlled until approved disposition has been received.Nonconformances identified at a supplier's facility and reported to RGSE, which have supplier recommended diposi-tions of use-as-is, or repair, are normally processed by the department originating the procurement.

Organizations which specify the requirement being dispositioned are responsible for reviewing and approving the supplier recommended disposition.

This also applies to nonconformances discovered after receipt inspection, during handling or after installation or use.Items are repaired and reworked only in accordance with approved procedures and current drawings.Quality Control assures that approved procedures and/or drawings are avail-rv-24 Revision 5 April 1979 I II 4 I able for use prior to the repair or rework and reinspects all repaired or reworked items.The repair or rework must be verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at least equal to the original inspection method.'V-24a Revision 5 April 1979 I~I r 4 Jy II N items which are accepted"use-as-is" are fully documented with the drawing'or specification requirement and technical justification for acceptance.

All such items are approved prior to use by the cognizant organization having responsi-4 bility for the requirement.

In addition, those"use-as-is" nonconformances which also deviate from a Design Criteria requirement shall require additional approval of the Vice 2[President, Electric and Steam Production.

3~Quality Control issues monthly nonconformance report summaries~which are reviewed and analyzed hy Quality Assurance.

Unsatisfactory trends are reported to management by means of the.corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.IV.16 Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identi-fication, review and correction of significant conditions adverse to quality.Significant conditions adverse to quality such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations,.defective material and equipment, and non-conformances are reported on a corrective action report.Significant conditions'dverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.

The corrective'ction report identifies the condition, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.41 Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assur-ance, Engineering, Ginna Station, Fuel Planning, General Maintenance, Electric Meter and Laboratory or Purchasing staff personnel.

Corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station" and General Maintenance are submitted to Quality Control for review and subsequent processing.

Corrective action reports initiated by departments other than at Ginna Station or General Maintenance are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.

W hen a significant condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates the affect 2 of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up or preclude identification and correction of the deficiency, continuing the activity would increase the extent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition, stop work action is taken.The Ginna Station Quality Control 3 Engineer has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modification, testing or inspection deficiencies, at Ginna Station.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer may recommend stop work action to the Ginna Station Superintendent on operating deficiencies.

IV-25 Revision 4 December 1978

3(The Plant Operations Review Committee reviews all corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and recommends interim corrective action if the action does not represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating procedures.

Significant conditions adverse to quality identfied in General Maintenance are processed by the Quality Control Coordinator.

The General Maintenance Quality Control Coor-dinator has the authority to stop or limit work activities within his department.

Conditions adverse to quality which involve design defi-ciencies or, a recommended corrective action which involvesa design change are reviewed by Ginna Station or Engineering as applicable.

The cognizant oiganization determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective action to preclude repetition.

Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action, reports to assure that the cause of the condition has been determined and that corrective action.has been taken to preclude repe-tition.Quality Assurance also reviews nonconformance report summaries for unsatisfactory trends and initiates a corrective action report if such a trend occurs.Completed corrective action reports are submitted to the 2.Vice President, Electric and Steam Production to keep him aware of significant conditions adverse to quality.IV.17 Qualit Assurance Records 4I 31 Quality Assurance is resonsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.

The Ginna station Superintendent is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant'records.

Engineer-ing is responsible for the retention and maintenance of Engineering records.Quality Assurance, Purchasing, Fuel Planning, General Maintenance and Electric Meter and Labora-tory departments are responsible for assuring the maintenance and retention of records which they originate.

This may be accomplished either by retaining the records in their depart-ment or by forwarding them to Ginna Station or Engineering, as appropriate.

Each organization retaining records is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and imple-mentation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.

The records which fall within quality assur-ance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.10 of the Technical Specifications and the quality assurance program.All records associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, inservice IV-26 Revision 5 April 1979

'I g L ll I It I e~I I~'x.I ft I q 4 I L I t'L~'L L'~V I~gP inspection, refueling, modification, inspection and testing of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.4 3 Ginna Station records include operating logs;the results of inspections, tests, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonconforming and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment for special processes and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering.

Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.

4l The requirements and responsibilities for record accessibility and transmittal are described in the Quality Assurance manual sections as appropriate.

Requirements and responsi-bilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenance, and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable qualityassurance record procedures, codes, standards, and procurement documents.

Records are available to authorized personnel.

Removal from record storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible record control activity.Records are either stored in record storage facilities which are designed to prevent destruction of records through fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, classifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.The procedures establish retention requirements, accessibility, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining plant operating records as required in Section 6.10, Technical Specifications.

Engineering is responsible for maintaining design records, such as specifications, drawings, design review reports, and design control documentation; quality assurance records, such as audit reports and supplier surveillance reports;purchasing records, such as supplier qualifications, bid evaluatons, and purchase orders.IV-27 Revision 4 December 1978


Ivsls Audits ,5 Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is determined by audits of all organizations performing quality affecting activities.

Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting audits of each organization involved in the quality assurance program on a planned, periodic basis.Audit intervals are based on the status and safety important of activities being performed.

(Audits of Ginna Station, Engineering, General Maintenance,)Electric Meter and Laboratory and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table-IVe18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.

Audit*frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are established to assure that each of the 4(activities are audited at the frequency specified in Technical Specifications 6.0 which includes annually for those activ-ities required to meet the criteria of Appendix B, 10CFR.Additional audits are conducted as required by special con-.ditions or circumstances.

Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about the audit, such as the functional areas to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit, the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.

The audits are performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit results are documented and reported to the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited, the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, and the 2 Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory the area audited is required to review the audit results,.take necessary action to correct the deficiencies revealed by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.2 Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans'nd audit checklists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits.Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified personnel, such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.

Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procure-ment, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program for compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.

Audits are conducted, as required, to assure that major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents.

During the project, Revision 5 April 1979 XV-28 I f I' additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly imple-mented in accordance with procurement documents.

2 Quality Assurance performs regular analyses of audit results to evaluate quality trends.Results of these analyses will be provided to management for their regular review.IV-29 Revision 4 December 1978

'0 Table IV.l-l Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination of Quality Assurance and Supervisory Personnel~'Training of Quality Assurance Personnel Management Review of the Quality Assurance Program Periodic Review of Quality Assurance Procedures Quality Assurance Group Organization and Responsibilities Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Design Criteria Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Engineering Specifications IIX Quality Assurance Review of Architect/Engineer's Design Documents XIX Requisitioning Quality Assurance Services IV Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Procurement Documents IV Preparation, Review and Approval of Rochester Gas and Electric Q.A.Specifications Preparation, Review and Approval of Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual IV Preparation, Review and Approval of Quality Assurance Procedures Review of Departmental Procedures VI Preparation, Review and Approval of Procedure Deviation Requests by Quality Assurance VI Qualification of Suppliers Supplier Surveillance VII VII IV-30 Revision" 4 December 1978


Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Control of Supplier Performance Quality Assurance Bid Evaluations QA Review of Inservice Inspection

.VII VII Preparation, Review and Processing of Corrective Action Reports by Quality Assurance XVI Qualification of Auditing Personnel Audit Scheduling and Planning Performance of Quality Assurance Audits Reporting and Follow-Up of Audit Findings Conduct of Quality Assurance During and in Follow-Up of USNRC and Management Audits XVIII XVIII XVIII XVIII XVIII IV-31 Revision 7 November 1980

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Ginna Quality Assurance Program Implementation Training of Ginna Personnel Ginna Organization Work Start Authorization Modification Control Activities Ginna Station Modification Evaluation Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Minor Modification Safety Analysis Control of Procurement, Documents for Purchased Materials, Parts, Components and Services IV Plant Procedures Plant Procedure Document, Control Control of Engineering Documents Control of NRC Correspondence Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Control of Purchased Services VX VI VI VII VII VII Control of Accepted Material, Parts and Components VIII Identification and Marking of Material Control of Welding Welding Equipment Performance Verification Nondestructive Examination Inspection and Surveillance Activities VIII IX IX IV-32 Revision 5 April 1979

~~a Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix 8 Criteria Qualification of.Surveillance and Inspection Personnel Inservice Inspection X, XIV Performance of Tests XI Qualification of Test Personnel Calibration and Control of Test Instruments XI XII Calibration and Control of Mechanical Measuring Tools and Equipment XII Calibration and Control of Process System Instrumentation XII Control of Material Handling and Handling Equipment XIII Storage and Preservation of Materials Station Holding Roles XIII XIV Test Status Control Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Materials Issue of Nonconformance Reports Corrective Action at Ginna Station Control of Quality Assurance Records Record Storage Facility and Equipment System and Equipment Histories Ginna Station Response to Internal Audits XIV XV XV XVI XVII XVII XVII XVIII IV-33 Revision 5 April 1979

~'r'I ht f H Table IV.l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training Engineering Department Organization and Responsibilities I n IX Preparation, Review and Aprpoval of Design Input Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Analyses Fngineering Drawings Preparation, Review and Approval of Specifications Design Verification Design Interface Control Preparation, Review and Approval of Safety Analyses IIX XII XXI Review and Approval of Architect Engineer or Consultant Design Documents IIX Preparation, Review and Approval of Field Change Requests Purchase Requisition Engineering Procedures Engineering Procedure Deviation Request IV Distribution and Control of Documents by the Control Number Method VI Control of Documents by the List of Current Revisions Method VI Distribution and Control of Documents by Project Correspondence Procedures VI Receipt, Control and Distribution of Drawings and Aperature Cards Supplier Evaluation VI VII IV-34 Revision 5 April 1979 I 0 1'I k (k\EI I'j~'~

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Preparation, Review and Approval of Bid Requests, Bid Evaluations and Recommendations for Award VII Engineering Review of Nonconforming Materials, Parts 4 or Components XV Initiating and Responding to Corrective Action Reports XVI Records Engineering Response to Audits XVII XVIII IV-35 Revision 5 April 1979 pl Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Purchasin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Periodic Review of Purchasing Procedures Indoctrination and Training of Purchasing Personnel Purchasing Department Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review, Approval and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Changes to Purchase Orders IV Requests for Bids and Bid Evaluation Purchasing Procedures Purchasing Procedure De~iation Request Supplier Evaluation IV VII Establishment and Maintenance of Qualified Suppliers List VII Supplier Nonconformance Processing XV Purchasing Department Response to Corrective Action Reports and Corrective Action Reporting XVI Purchasing Records Purchasing Response to Audits XVII XVIII IV-36 Revision 4 December 1978


Table IV.1-1 (cont'd)I General Maintenance Procedur'es Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training General Maintenance Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review and Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Related Procurement Documents IV Quality Maintenance Procedures Quality Maintenance Procedure Deviation Request Preparation, Review and Approval of General Maintenance Fabrication Route Cards General Maintenance Instructions for Material Handling and Lifting Equipment Control and Distribution of Documents Regulating Safety Related Activities VI Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Control of Accepted Material, Parts and Components Traceability of Material VII VIII VIII Issue, Control and Storage of Weld Consumables 7 Welding Procedures 4>Welding Procedure Qualification Heat Treating Procedures 4 Welder Qualification and Currency~7 Inservice Inspection Control of Welding 4 Welding Equipment Performance Verification VIII IX IX IX IX IX IX Nondestructive Examination Procedures IX IV-37 Revision 7 November 1980

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)I General Maintenance Procedures Appendix B Criteria 4 (Nondestructive Examination Procedures Manual 7'ondestructive Examination Personnel Certifications Inspection and Surveillance Activities IX IX Qualification of Surveillance and Inspection Personnel Calibration and Control of Nondestructive Examination Instruments XII Inspection and Maintenance of Material Handling Equipment XIII Overhead and Gantry Cranes Inspection and Maintenance of Portable Lifting and Handling Equipment XIII Underhung Cranes, Jib Cranes and Monorail Systems Slings and Related Apparatus XIII XIII Classification and Training of Material Handling Equipment Personnel XIII Mobile Hydraulic Cranes Base Mounted Drum Hoists Forklift Loading Forks Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Material, Parts and Components Corrective Action at General Maintenance Quality Maintenance Records General Maintenance Response to Internal Audits XIII XIII XIII XV XVI XVII XVIII IV-38 Revision 7 November 1980 0

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Electric Heter and Laborator Procedures Appendix 8 Criteria Quality Assurance Program Implementation for Electric Meter and Laboratory Department Training of Electric Meter and Laboratory Personnel Periodic Review of Quality Relay Procedures Electric Meter and Laboratory Organization Design/Modification Activities Control Control of Procurement Documents for Purchased Materials, Parts, Components and Services IV Preparation, Review, and Approval of Electric Meter and Laboratory Procedures V Control of Electric Meter and Laboratory Procedures Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Performance of Tests at Ginna Station VI VII XI Performance of Tests at Electric Meter and Laboratory Shop XI Documentation, Evaluation and Disposition of Test Results Xl Qualification of Test Personnel Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Materials Corrective Action at Electric Meter and Laboratory Control of Quality Assurance Records Response to Internal QA Audits XII XV XVI XVlI XV1II IV-39 Revision 4 December 1978 I

TABLE IV.4-1 Procurement Document Re uirements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: formed.*2.Technical Re uirements-by reference to specific drawings, specifications, codes, regulations, procedures or instruc-tions including revisions, therto that describe the items or services to be furnished.

Also identified shall be test, inspection and acceptance requirements, and any re-quirements for such activities as designing, identifi.cation, fabrication, cleaning, erecting, packaging, handling, shpping and extended storage.*3.Qualit Assurance Pro ram Re uirements-which require the supplier to have a documented quality assurance program that implements portions or all of lOCFR50 Appendix B as well as applicable quality assurance program requirements of other nationally recognized codes and standards.

Also included shall be the requirement that the supplier in-corporate appropriate quality assurance program require-ments in subtier procurement documents.

  • 4.Ri ht of Access-to include the facilities and records of the supplier for source inspection and audit by the Purchaser or parties designated by the purchaser.

Also included shall be provisions for the identification of witness and hold points and the minimum time of advance notice.*5.Documentation Re uirements-Submittal approval and retention requirements for documents such as quality assurance manuals, special process and test procedures, materials records, calcu-lations and analyses.*6.Nonconformances

-Requirements for reporting and disposition of nonconformances to procurement requirements.

  • -Included in the review by Quality Assurance/Quality Control.IV-40 Revision 5 April 1979 J t 1 TABLE IV.18-1 Audit List Functional Or anization Engineering Activities Audited Indoctrination and Training Design Control Procurement Document Control Document Control Records Procurement Control Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Procurement Control Ginna Station QA Indoctrination and Training Ginna Staff Training, Retraining-Qualification and Performance Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control and Records Inservice Inspection Surveillance Testing Handling, Storage and Shipping Facility Operation Conformance to all provisions contained in Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions Refueling Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics 6 Chemistry Security Plan'nd Procedures Emergency Plan and Procedures Inspection 6 Surveillance Fire Protection Corrective Action associated with deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, struc-tures, system or method of operation IV-41 Revision 4 December 1978 P il V TABLE IV.18-1 (cont'd.)Audit List Functional Or anization Activities Audited sl~)General Maintenance Indoctrination and Training Maintenance and Repair Procurement'ontrol Document Control Fabrication/

Inspection Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Special Processes Handling, Storage and Shipping E lectx ic Meter and Lab Indoctrination and Training Procurement Control Document Control Handling and Shipping Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Test Control IV-42 Revision 5 April 1979 A~~r 4 I R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHART CHAIRMAN OF TMC ROAAD SVFCRVISIOH AHO ADMINISTRATION OTNCR FUNCTIONAL ACIATIOl SNIPS~AESPOHSISLt FOA FIRE PROTECTION







.SUPERVISOR l%~IALS I ENQ~~Q.Re pm 8 Ul.D'p.Qp t ,LD CQ C>Figure lV.2-4 November l980 4 V Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Engineering Department Organisation Vice President and Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer-Engineering and Construction As~istant Chief Engineer Administration, Maintenance, Quality Assurance, Drafting, Environmental Construction Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Electrical Engineering Structural Engineering'eneral Maintenance Drafting Quality Assurance Records Figure IV.2-5 November 1980 I't~1;rJ Rochester Gas and Electric'orporation Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions NSARB H I QA PORC Electric Meter and Lab Purchasing General Maintenance Engineering Plant UA IO 8 h<9 IO O'~S 0 Review----Audit Figure IV.2-6%?ebruary 1, 1976 e P

&-~4%Guv&>5~~~+~M Cpm~onymy~),",'P~GL.Introduction'a chal i+~ll-l->4 1-l5-7-P up~In a May 28, 1974 letter from Mr.Robert A.Purple, the United States Atomic Energy Commission asked several questions on the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.

The information requested and further clarification of'he program are provided in Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.Supplement IV is a revised description of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation and supersedes Supplement II in its entirety.The following revisions have been made to the description of the program: Section IV.2 Additions That all Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engin-eering, and Purchasing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years.That the list of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are based on the list in Section 1.2.1 of the FSAR.That management review of the quality assurance program may be in a form other than an audit.That the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years.That the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board reports to the Chairman of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation on NSARB activities.

Section IV.3 Additions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.IV-i Revision 1 August 1974

That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.

That design deficiencies are documented and controlled in accordance with Section IV.16.That, design documents are collected, stored, and main-tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.

Clarification Clarified which design documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.4 Additions That procurement documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.

That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are available for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts for similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.6 Addition Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.IV-ii Revision 1 August 1974 t It That suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.

Section IV.9 Additions Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process activi-'ies.

Section IV.10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection is available to the inspector prior to the performance of the activity.That Quality Control inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the organization responsible for performing the inspection, the a'cceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.That inspection equipment.

is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration status is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IV.11 Addition That test procedures include test methods and test instrumentation definition.

IV-iii Revision 1 August 1974 I

Section IV.12 Addition That shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.

Section IV.14 Addition That written procedures control the use of hold tags, test.tags and labels and that the procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries, that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and that when unsatisfactory trends are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audits and the monitoring of activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.

That inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.

IV-iv Revision 1 August, 1974

Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits listed in Table IV.18-1.In July 1974, the United, States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The infor-mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.l Additions A description of the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).Revision 1 August 1974 l I'I TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Pa<ac QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 IV.7 IV.8 IV.9 IV.10 IV.11 IV.12 IV.13 IV.14 IV.15 IV.16 IV.17 IV.18 Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings Document Control Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and Components Control of Special Processes Inspection Test Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment.

Handling, Storage, and Shipping Inspection, Test, and Operating Status Nonconforming Materials, Parts, and Components Corrective Action Quality Assurance Records Audits IV-1 IV-5 IV-12 IV-16 IV-18 IV-21 IV-23 IV-28 IV-30 IV-31 IV-34 IV-35 IV-37 IV-39 IV-41 IV-42 IV-45 IV-47 IV-vi Revision 1 August 1974 1

LIST OF TABLES Table Number IV.l-l IV.4-1 IV.18-1 Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pa<ac IV-51 IV-77 IV-78*LIST OF FIGURES Fi ure Number IV.2-1 IV.2-2 IV.2-3 IV.2-4 IV.2-5 IV.2-6 Title Management Organization Quality Assurance Organization Ginna Station Organization Quality Control Organization Engineering Department.

Organization Review and Audit Functions Pacae IV-79*IV-80 IV-81*IV-82 IV-83 IV-84**Table IV.18-1, Figure IV.2-1 and Figure IV.2-3 Have been revised.Figure IV.2-6 has been added.IV-vii Revision 1 August 1974 I I QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Qualit Assurance Pro ram The quality assurance program described in this Supplement has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corpora-tion to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of the structures, systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the con-sequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue , risk to the health and safety of the public.These quality affecting activities include operating, maintaining, repair-ing, refueling, and modifying.

The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in his Corporate State-ment of Quality Assurance Policy.This policy is imple-mented by the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam through the Quality Assurance Coordinator and the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The program is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual which contains the requirements and assignment of responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is developed and maintained by the Quality Assurance Coordinator and reviewed and approved>>I by the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam.

The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engineering, and Purchasing Pro-cedures..These procedures are developed by the responsible organization (i.e., Quality Assurance, Operations, Engineer-ing, and Purchasing) and reviewed and approved by the Quality Assurance Coordinator.

The procedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.

All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years by the responsible organization.

Table IV.1-.1 provides a listing of the subjects and a short descrip-tion of the subject matter which is contained in the pro-cedures.Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities are described in Section IV.2.The quality assurance program covers all existing Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities, affecting the quality of these structures, systems, and components are controlled to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.A detailed listing of the structures, systems, IV-2 I

and components covered by'he quality assurance program, based on Section 1.2.1 of the Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.I Details of the system boundaries and the quality classifica-tion of water-and-steam-containing components are contained on system flow drawings.The listing of structures, systemsi and components covered by the quality assurance program D and the system flow drawings are prepared and maintained by Engineering and reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance.

t Modifications or additions to existing structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accordance with the guidelines in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.29.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.

Refresher sessions XV-3 0

are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.

Training of personnel not in the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training re-quirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.In addition to training in quality assurance, each department conducts on-the-job training to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-I fication of operators, as necessary.

Where necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years to assure that it is meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and lOCFR50, Appendix B.'his review consists of audits or a review equivalent to an audit performed by company personnel or outside consultants.

Reviews will be conducted every six months during the first two years, that the program is implemented.


The quality assurance program is designed to,meet the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program con-forms to the following AEC Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards:

a.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.8,"Personnel Selection and Training", and.regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)b.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.28,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Construction)", and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)Note: The requirements and guidelines contained in ANSI N45.2 and associated standards are applied only to Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.c.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment" d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)

", and regula-tory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)IV-4A Revision 1'ugust.1974

~~l l e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" f.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.38,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" g.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.39,"Housekeeping Require-ments for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" h.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.58,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel" i.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.64,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants" C j.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.74,"Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions" k.Extracts from ANSI N45.2.8,"Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspec-tion, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems for the Construction'Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)1.ANSI N45.2.9,"Requirements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants" Note: When record storage facilities are not designed in accordance with the require-ments of ANSI 45.2.9, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which axe physically isolated from each other.m.ANSI N45.2.12,"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants"" IV-4B Revision 1 August 1974

~I n.ANSI N45.2.13,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Equipment, Materials and Services for Nuclear Power Plants," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)IV-4C Revision 1 August 1974

~'s~Q l, The major organizations participating in the quality assurance program are the Purchasing, Engineering, and Electric and Steam Production Departments; Quality Assurance; the Plant Operations Review Committee; and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Figure IV.2-l is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to.the corporate organization.

Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are the: Chairman of the Board Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam Vice President and Chief Engineer Quality Assurance Coordinator Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations Quality Assurance Engineer, Design Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and Non-destructive Examination Purchasing Agent Ginna Station Superintendent Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer In addition to the above individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and audit plant operations.

These are the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear

Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam.The qualifications of members and the responsibilites of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18, Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the quality assurance program and issued the governing policy t statement.

He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit.and Review Board to review and audit plant operations.

The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible'to the Chairman of the Board on all activities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam has cor-porate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in I accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.

He is responsible for establishing the policies and reguire-ments necessary to assure safe and reliable, operation of Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items XV-6

delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

He has overall responsibility for and authority quality affecting activities.

He has assigned the re-sponsibility for the detailed development and overall coordination of the quality assurance program to the Quality Assurance Coordinator.

The responsibility for proper implementation of-the qua-lity assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The Vice President*and Chief Engineer is responsible for the design of plant modifications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes, a and standards.

He has the responsibility for prep ring drawings and specifications for the procurement of materials and components for plant maintenance and modification as required.'e is responsible for reviewing operating and fuel handling procedures referred to him by the Ginna Station Superintendent and for reviewing maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.

The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for establishing and executing the overall quality assurance program.He is responsible for assuring that the program satisfies the requirements of lOCFR50, Appendix B, that all applicable regulatory guides have been considered,

and for keeping the total program updated.He is re-sponsible for assuring that all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and reliably are established and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the individual or group directly responsible for per-forming the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all necessary quality affecting activities are performed.

He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff and directing its activities and for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is a graduate engineer with at least six years of responsible experience, of which two years is in quality assurance and three'years in the design or operation of nuclear or fossil fuel power plants.The Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations is responsible for supervising the operational quality assurance program for Ginna Station.This includes writing quality assurance policies and procedures, coordinating supplier qualification and surveillance, and establishing and implementing the in-service inspection program.He is responsible for staying

current in all applicable regulatory and code quality assurance requirements and providing guidance and assistance r to the Ginna Station Superintendent, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and other affected personnel on these requirements.

The Quality Assurance Engineer, Design is responsible for interpreting the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B and applicable regulatory and code requirements related to plant modifications and providing guidance and assistance to engineerin'g and station personnel on these requirements.

He writes quality assurance policies and procedures related to design activities and interfaces between Engineering and other departments.

He is responsible for reviewing engineering and procurement documents to assure that quality assurance requirements are incorporated.

The Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and Nondestructive Examination is responsible for developing and qualifying procedures for special processes.

He is also responsible for assuring that personnel are trained and qualified in special processes and for inspection activities in-volving nondestructive examination.

The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified IV-9

suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.

He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made'by Purchasing, Engineering, Operations, and Quality Assurance.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of Ginna Station in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for pro-viding qualified personnel to perform these activities in accordance'with approved drawings, specificationsi and procedures.

He is also'esponsible for those items delineated in Section 6;0, Technical Specifications.

The Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent supports the Ginna Station Superintendent in discharging,his responsi-bilities.He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the station and implementing the policies, procedures i and directions of the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible to the Station Superintendent for assuring that activities affecting quality are prescribed and carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and"


In his day-to-day activities, he reports to the Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent.

He is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee and is responsible for the review of all plant procedures pre-sented to the Committee.

He also reviews procurement documents initiated at the plant.He is responsible for the control of documents and records stored at the plant.He co-ordinates inspection activities and assures that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.

He coordinates the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts, and components and the processing of material deficiency reports.He coordinates the processing of corrective action reports, and assures that corrective action is taken.He is responsible for routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provides the Ginna Station Superintendent with objective information concerning the quality of theseactivities.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is assisted in the performance of his duties by a staff which includes an engineer and a technician who coordinate inspection and record-keeping activities, respectively.

Additional inspectors are assigned to this group as required by the level of work activities.

In addition to the Ginna'tation Quality Control Engineer,.

the Ginna Station Superintendent is assisted by other designated staff members in the implementation of certain quality assurance program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assigned responsibility for test-ing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test, status control, calibration and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.

IV.3 Desi n Control Design activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Ele'ctric.Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for the design and control of design activities (including design interfaces) for the modification of structures,'f systems, or components.

Design control is implemented by means of engineering procedures which include: design considerations; design review requirements; internal and external interface I

control considerations; design document review, approval distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design considerations include, as appropriate:

physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;appropriate design bases, codes, standaxds and regulations; acceptance and rejection criteria;and quality assurance requirements.

Design verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests as ap-pxopxiate to assure the adequacy of the design.The design of plant modifications's reviewed by an, engineer other than the one who performed the original design.This may be done by Rochester Gas and Electric design engineers or consulting engineers as required.The design also is reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee for acceptability for operation, maintenance, and repair.Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the original equipment technical and quality requirements.

For plant I modifications, standard"off the shelf" commercial or previously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by 1 the design engineer.XV-l3


Design changes, j.ncluding field changes, are reviewed and approved in accordance with the same procedures as the original design.In general, design changes are reviewed and approved by the organizations

'or individuals that performed the original design, review, and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals are designated, provided they have access to pertinent background information and are competent in the specific design area.Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in accordance with Section IV.l7.Design documents in-elude design criteria, analyses, specifications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for assuring that design control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incorporate appropriate design control practices, checks, and re-views.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent design verification is performed; The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for the timely approval and updating of specifications and drawings, as well as changes or deviations thereto, IV-14

utilized for purchase or installation of materials, parts, or components.

Any other design documents, specifi-cations, drawings, installation requirements, and changes thereto, are approved in the same manner.Errors and deficiencies detected in the design process are documented as conditions adverse to quality and con-trolled in accordance with the corrective action require-ments of Section IV.16.Design criteria and specifications, and changes thereto, are reviewed by Quality Assurance for the inclusion of quality assurance and quality control program require-ments as well as for the use of proper codes, material specifications, regulatory requirements, design bases, and quality standards.

The Quality Assurance Coordinator reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when.they occur.Plant modifications are controlled by means of applicable quality assurance and quality control procedures.

These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and.approval of design documents, safety analyses, and plant modification procedures.

Proposed plant modifications are=reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

Procurement Document Control Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement documents for materials, parts, components, and services required to perform quality affecting activities.

Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, con-tracts, specifications, and drawings.Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is initiated by Ginna Station or Engineering Department staff personnel.

Procurement procedures require that organizations preparing procurement documents consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table IV.4-1.Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station are re-viewed for concurrence by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent or his designated representative.

Procurement documents initiated in Engineering are reviewed for concurrence by Quality Assurance and approved by the-Vice President and Chief Engineer or his designated representative.

Evidence of review and approval of procurement documents is recorded on the'documents or on the attached*control IV-16 1

form.These documents are maintained in Purchasing and plant records.After purchase requisitions, service'greements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required reviews and approvals, a purchase order is issued to a qualified supplier and controlled as described in Section IV.7.Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve the original documents as described above.Engineering review of procurement documents includes verification of appropriate classifications, technical requirements, and code application.

Quality Assurance review of the above includes checks to verify that proper codes, regulatory requirements, and material specifications are invoked;that FSAR and Technical Supplement commit-ments are included;that ppropriate acceptance or rejection criteria are required;and that quality assurance require-'ents are incorporated.

Quality Control reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement parts for adequacy IV-17

of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compatibility, and the inclusion of the quality require-ments and acceptance criteria of the original design.Instructions, Procedures, and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric organization is re-sponsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and implementing procedures as required to implement the quality assurance program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of per-sonnel, and responsibilities and duties of personnel.

The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for the review and approval of these procedures.

Table IV.l-l provides a summary of the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, and drawings.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for pre-paring, reviewing, approving, and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.

This includes in-structions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide l.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety IV-18

related systems;correction of abnormal, offnormal, or alarm conditions; combat of emergencies and other sig-nificant events;radioactivity control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.

He is'lso responsible for the issuance of appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the completion of plant modifications.

The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsibility for reviewing procedures prior to their approval by the Ginna Station Superintendent as required by the Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

Quality Control is responsible for reviewing plant ad-ministrative, operating, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures prior to use to assure quality assurance req'uirements are included.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving and issuing specifications, drawings, and installation requirements associated with plant modifications.

These documents require those per-forming the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications,

and drawings.The Vice President and Chief Engineer has established procedures for maintaining drawings and I specifications in a current status.These procedures cover updating of as-built drawings after plant modifi-cations and the revision, approval, distribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.

Quality Assurance is responsible for the review of design criteria and specifications, and changes thereto, for concurrence with quality assurance'requirements.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible I for preparing and implementing plant quality control procedures.

The procedures require the approval of the Quality Assurance Coordinator and the Ginna Station Superintendent.

Persons preparing and approving documents are.responsible for assuring that specifications, instructions, pro-cedures, and drawings include'ppropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomp-lished and assuring that the documents are kept current.Surveillance of the implementation of instructions, drawings, and procedures for operation, maintenance, XV-20

repair, modification, and refueling is the responsibility of the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer.Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of procedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.

Standard document, control requirements are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Ginna Station Superin-tendent is responsible for the control of,all documents issued at Ginna Station.Engineering is responsible for the control of all documents issued by Engineering, Quality Assurance, and Purchasing.

Engineering and Operations have separa'te procedures to control documents in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of document involved, its importance to safety, and the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must be controlled; identifies the difference between controlled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies of a document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists IV-21

of document.'olders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled documents using approved forms internally and externally.

Types of documents which are controlled include Technical Specifications, FSAR, Technical Supplements, Quality Assurance Manual, procedures (such as, quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, calibration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications, drawings, and nonconformance and corrective action docu-mentation.

Suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in procurement documents to provide for control of documents, including manufacturing inspection and test-ing instructions.

The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to insure that documents are available when required;to properly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organizations which review and approve documents have access to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation IV-22

into documents; and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents and, therefore, procurement document control requirements.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control are further re-sponsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to assure adequate systems are implemented.

Control of Purchased Ma't'erial','

ui ment, and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, supplier sur-veillance, and receipt inspection are the four major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment, components, and services.All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section IV-4.All reviews, inspections, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Suppliers must be on an approved suppliers'ist prior to being issued,a purchase order.Supplier evaluations are conducted by a team consisting of qualified personnel IV-23

from Quality Assurance, Engineering, Purchasing, and other interested parties or their representatives as re-quired.The depth of the supplier evaluation varies depending on the complexity and importance to safety of the item involved.For example, for mass produced or off-the-shelf items, only a check of past performance may be necessary.

On the other hand, for complex, im-portant items a very thorough review is performed.

Engineering is responsible for evaluating the overall design or manufacturing capability of the supplier in-eluding his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.

As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabili-ties, special fabrication processes, output capabilities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabilities, and experience are reviewed.Quality Assurance is responsible for evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accordance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of 10CFR50 Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric requirements.

The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance

personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices, acceptance criteria, required quality assurance records and their retention, and quality assurance requirements and controls im-posed by the supplier on his subcontractors.

Supplier evaluation is conducted by means of procedures or checklists which identify applicable regulatory or code quality assurance requirements.

Quality Assurance and Engineering document their supplier evaluation results in reports which discuss areas in-vestigated, findings, and conclusions.

Concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Operations, and Quality Assurance is required to place a supplier on the qualified suppliers list.One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Quality Assurance is responsible for determining and documenting the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.

The objective of supplier surveillance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of product conformance with respect, to the purchase XV-25


order requirements.

For complex equipment and designs, Quality Assurance and Engineering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.The results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or trip reports which are distri-buted to the Quality Assurance Coordinator, the Vice President and Chief Engineer, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and the Ginna Station Superintendent.

When a deviation from purchase order requirements is noted, the Quality Assurance representative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if.necessary.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they I meet all technical and quality requirements.

The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for re-ceiving and storing materials, parts, and components.

Upon arrival, the plant storekeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.IV-26

Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon delivery at the plant of material, equipment, and associated services for operation, maintenance, repair, modifications, and refueling.

This inspection includes the use of written procedures or checklists to.verify that the material, equipment, and services conform to the procurement documents (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that documentary evidence of con-formance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence sufficient to identify the codes, standards, or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is retained.In the event a final source inspection is conducted prior'to the arrival at, the plant, Quality Control performs an in-spection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required documentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document, the extent of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted", files the documentation and receipt inspection results, and returns the item to the station stockroom.

Xf the item is nonconforming or the

documentation is incomplete, Quality Control initiates a material deficiency report which is controlled in accordance with Section IV.15.All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have documentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event the traceability is lost ox the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not'be released for use.Identification and C'ont'rol'f Ma't'e'ri'a'1's', Parts, and Com onents The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance with written require-ments and applies to material, parts, or components in any stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.

Identi-fication and control requirements are established by either an existing procedure or requirements documents which are pxepaxed during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification and'control necessary; location and method of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability or quality;and the proper identification of materials,

parts, and components prior to release for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.

The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that.specifications contain appropriate requirements for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components.

Suppliers are'equired to assure that all required documentation for an item is properly identified and related to the item.Each item is required to be physically identified, either by marking on the item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase order number is used to the maximum extent.possible for rela'ting an item at any time to applicable documentation.

Identification is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical~identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appropriate means are employed.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and control of materials, parts, and components are prepared by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.

Xn the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, it is handled as nonconforming material and deviations


and waivers are controlled and documented in acc'ordance with Section IV.15.Control of S ecial Proce'sses Written procedures are established to control special processes, such as welding, heat treating, and nondestructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes, standards, and design specifications.

Qualification of personnel and procedures complies with the requirements of applicable codes and standards.

When special process qualification requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel qualification requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification requirements.

The Vice President and Chief.Engineer and the Ginna Station Superintendent are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for reviewing procure-ment.documents to assure that.requirements for control of special processes are included.Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Quality Assurance.

Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and contractors are reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance.


The Ginna Station Maintenance Engineer is responsible for assuring that.personnel performing special processes under his cognizance are qualified and are using qualified procedures in accordance with applicable codes, specifi-cations, and standards.

Quality Assurance is responsible for the qualification of welding and NDE personnel and procedures.

Engineering maintains records for personnel and procedures to demonstrate that required qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance, inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.

Procedures prepared for the control of plant activities include inspection requirements and hold points as re-quired by drawings, instructions, requirements docu-ments, specifications, codes, standards, or regulatory requirements.

Instructions for conducting inspections are contained in Quality Control inspection procedures.

These inspection procedures and all supporting specifica-tions and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.

Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify con-formance of activities to the documented instructions,~I

specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Quality Control inspection procedures include the identifi-cation of quality characteristics to be inspected, a des-cription of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the'organization responsible for per-forming the inspection', the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of-in-spection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the in-spection activity.Inspections are performed by.Quality Control personnel who are independent of the personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are'equired by procurement documents to have'and follow similar procedures and to use independent inspectors.

In-spectors are sufficiently trained to adequately evaluate 1 the activity they are inspecting.

Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing inspections, as required, during plant operation, main-tenance, repair, refueling, and modification when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.

When the work is performed by outside contractors, Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of the subcontractor s inspection activities.

All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section IV.12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.


In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing methods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when" control is inadequate without both.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for including inspection requirements in engineering specifications.

Quality Assurance is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in engineering specifications and for establishing the re-quirements for the inservice inspection program.1 The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsi-4 ble for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures.

He is also responsible for the assignment of qualified in-spection personnel required for inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the perfor-mance of and conducting the surveillance of inservice inspection.


The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is con-tained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.

IV.11 Test Control Whenever testing is required to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satis-factorily in service, a test program is instituted employ-ing written and approved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical Specifications, drawings, instructions, procurement documents, specificationsf codes, standards, and.regulatory requirements.

The test program requires the identification, control, and documentation of all tests and the preparation of written procedures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary test equipment and calibration requirements; material requirements; test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment conditions; limiting conditions; detailed performance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instructions for disposition of deviations; data collection requirements; and test result approval.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the station test program, including the surveillance test program required'by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications.


Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Con-trol, and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved procedures.

When contractors are employed for'tests, the contractor is re-quired to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.

All test results are required to be documented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.The Vice President and Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that required tests for modifications are re-,quired in engineering specifications.

He is further responsible for providing engineering assistance to the Ginna Station staff in the preparation of modification-related test procedures.

Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving modification-related test results.Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measuring and test equipment includes calibration procedures, estab-lishment of calibration frequencies, and maintenance and control requirements of measuring and test in-IV-35

struments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondes-tructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems,.and structures.

Calibration procedures in-clude step-by-step methods for calibration and require-ments for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics,.manufacturer

'recommendations, ex-perience, and other conditions af fecting measurement capability.

Control of measuring and test equipment requires: a recall system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a system providing unique identification of equipment,'traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing traceability of shop standards to nationally recognized standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures contain instructions to document.the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing for records to be maintained which indicate the complete status of all items under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of IV-36 I

new equipment to be entexed into the calibration and control system including requirements for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.

In the event a measuring instrument is found out.of calibration, an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and calibration of measuring and test, equipment at Ginna Station in ac'cordance with the above requirements.

In-struments specified in Section 4.1, Technical Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, in-spection, and test are calibrated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.

Measuring, test, or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.IV.13 Handlin , Stora e, an'd'hi in The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for develop.-s ing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment'delivered to or located at Ginna Station.Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written IV-37

instructions and recommendations and purchase specification requirements aie invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handling, and storage with respect to environ-mental requirements.

In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the superintendent may I invoke additional requirements in accordance with the plant procedures.

The Vice President'and Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in procurement documents and in engineering specification's that written procedures be used, as ap-propriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning,'I and preservation of materials and equipment procured for modifications.

These procedures are prepared by con-.tractors or by the station staff as appropriate.

Rochester Gas and Electric procedures are reviewed and approved by Quality Control and the Ginna Station Superintendent.

In the preparation of procurement documents, plant procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, ship-ping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of manufacturing and installation prior to operational acceptance.


Quality Assurance is responsible for review of engineering specifications and, contractor procedures to assure that'proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.

Quality Control is responsible for sur veillance of handling, storage, and shipping activities I by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.

Ins ection, Test, ande'r'atih'tatus Equipment or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by'se of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the, status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the I status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Ginna Station Superintendent.

is responsible for indicating the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance,.

repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Rochester Gas and Electric Xntra-Station Holding Rules.The Ginna Station Superintendent designates personnel who have station holding authority.

Personnel who have station holding authority are responsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems in accordance with the approved company Xntra-Station

Holding Rules.System status is indicated through the use of hold'tags and control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test, status are indi-cated by use of test tags, labels, or work inspection and test status sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of th'e person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.

Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources are identified and controlled by the use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Plant maintenance, repair, or modification of components, P systems, or structures utilizes a work inspection or test status sheet to indicate acceptance or rejection for a particular component, system, or structure.

Work I inspection or test status sheets are prepared and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status of work and the completion of required inspections and tests.Quality Control monitors the status change activities V for their compliance to approved procedures and assures I IV-40

t hat inspection results"are properly logged.Quality Control also establishe the procedures for implementing the work inspection or status sheets during maintenance, repair, and modification.

Nonconformin Material's,'a'rts, and Com onents Procedures are established for the control, evaluation and disposition o f de f icient material, parts, and components.

Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold tag and reported on a material deficiency report.Quality Control is resp nsible for issuing material deficiency reports, rec mmending disposition, initiating repair or rework," and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.Prior to installation or use, non-conforming items remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved disposition has been received.After installation or use, nonconforming items are identified until approved disposition has been received.Prior to installation r use, suppliers are notified of all nonconforming items~and reguested to recommend dis-position.Purchasing is responsible for obtaining the recommended disposition from the supplier.Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving supplier's recommended disposition.

After installation or use, Engineering is responsible for determining and approving disposition of nonconforming.


i Items are repaired or reworked only in accordance with documented procedures'nd drawings, prepared and ap-proved by Engineering.

Quality Control assures that approved procedures and drawings are available for use prior to the repair or rework and reinspects all re-paired or reworked items.The repair or rework 1 verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at, least equal to the original inspection method.Items which are accepted for use with a known deficiency are fully documented with the specification requirement, justification for acceptance, and affect of such use.All such items are approved prior to use by the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam.Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency re-port summaries which are reviewed and analyzed by E Quality Assurance.

Unsatisfactory trends are reported to management by means of the corrective action accordance with Section IV.16.IV.16 Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identification, review and correction of conditions adverse to quality.Conditions adverse to quality, IV-42

such as, failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, I defective material and equipment, and nonconformances are reported on a corrective action report.Conditions adverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high/maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.

The corrective action report identifies the condition, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assurance, Engineexing, Ginna.Station, or Purchasing staff personnel.

Corrective'action reports initiated at Ginna Station are submitted to Quality Control for review and subsequent processing.

Corrective action reports initiated by Engineering and Purchasing are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.

When a condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates the affect of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up and preclude identification and coxrection of the deficiencyi continuing the-activity would increase the ext'ent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition, stop work action is taken.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, refueling, or modification deficiencies.

The Ginna Station Quality

Control Engineer may recommend stop work action to the Ginna Station Superintendent on operating deficiencies.

The Plant Operations Review Committee'eviews all corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and recommends interim corrective action if the action does not, represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating procedures.

Conditions adverse to quality which involve design deficiencies or a recommended corrective action which involves a design change are reviewed by Engineering.

Engineering determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective preclude repetition.

Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action reports to assure that the cause of the condition has been determined and that corrective action has been taken to preclude repetition.

Quality Assurance also reviews material defi-ciency report summaries for unsatisfactory trends and initiates a corrective action report if such a trend occurs.Completed corrective action reports are submitted to the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam to keep him aware of significant conditions adverse to quality.IV-44

IV.17 Qualit Assurance Records Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant'ecords.

Records of Engineering and Quality Assurance activities are retained and maintained by Engineering.

Purchasing is responsible for maintaining Purchasing records.Each organization is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and implementation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.

The records which J I fall within quality assurance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.5, Technical Specifica-

=tions, the quality assurance program, and procurement docu-ments.All documents and records associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of structures, systems and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.Plant records include operating logs;the results of inspections, tests, audits, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, specifications, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonforming and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment IV-45 I

for special processes and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering.

Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity., results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record.of any nonconformances.

The requirements and responsibilities for record accessa-bility and transmittal are in accordance with document control procedures as described in Section IV.6.Require-ments and responsibilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenance, and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable quality assurance record pro-cedures, codes, standards, and procurement documents..

Records are available to authorized personnel.

Removal from record storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible document control activity.Records are stored in record storage facilities which are designed to prevent, destruction of records through fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept

in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, clas-sifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.'The procedures establish retention require-ments, accessability, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for maintaining plant operating records as required in Section 6.5, Technical Specifications.

The Vice Pres'ident and Chief Engineer is responsible for maintaining design records, such as specifications,'rawings, design review reports, and design control documentation.

The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for lI maintaining records of quality assurance activities, such as audit reports and vendor surveillance reports.IV.18 Audits Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is-de-termined by audits of all organizations performing IV-47

quality affecting activities.

Quality Assurance is re-sponsible for conducting audits of each organization'nvolved in the quality assurance program on a planned periodic basis.Audit intervals are based on the status and safety importance of activities being performed.

Audits of Ginna Station, Engineering and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table IV.18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.

Audit frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are established to assure that each activity is audited at least annually.Additional audits are conducted as required by special conditions or circumstances.

Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about the audit, such as the func-tional areas to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit, the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.

The audits are performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit results are documented and reported to the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited, the Senior Vice President, Electric and Steam, and the II IV-48 0

Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited is required to review the audit.results, take necessary action to correct the deficiencies revealed by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans and audit check lists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits..Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified personnel,,such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.

Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and sup-pliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procurement, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program for compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.

Audits are conducted, as re-quired, to assure that major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents.

During the project, additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly implemented in accordance with procurement documents.


The Quality Assurance Coordinator will perform regular analyses of audit results to eval'uate quality trends.Results of these analyses will be provided to management for their regular review.IV-50

Table IV.l-l Quality Assurance.

Program Procedures Subject Listing Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Qualit Assurance Grou Im lementation of Qualit Assurance Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is estab-.lished to assure meeting the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainin of Qualit Assurance Personnel To establish an education program for personnel whose work has an effect on the quality program.The edu-cation program described by this procedure is concerned with informing personnel of quality operations and does not include training of personnel in technical skills.Mana ement Review of Qualit Assurance Pro ram This procedure describes how management reviews of the quality assurance program are conducted.

This includes how management level audits are conducted, what reports

Table IV.1-1 (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria are submitted-to management for review, and how manage-ment comments are incorporated into the program.Qualit Assurance Grou Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Quality Assurance Organ-ization and its responsibilities for establishing and executing a quality assurance program to assure that the Rochester Gas and Electric nuclear facilities are operated in conformance to lOCFR 50, Appendix B requirements.

Modification of Structures, S stems and Com onents Covered B the Quaint Assurance Pro ram III This procedure defines the method followed to perform modifications to safety related structures, systems and components.

Review of En ineerin Documents This procedure defines the requirements for Quality Assurance review of design criteria and specifications to assure that appropriate quality requirements are included.III

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Procurement of Material, E ui ment, and Services Covered B The Qualit Assurance Pro ram IV This procedure describes the requirements to be met in the procurement of safety related parts, components, materials, structures, systems, and services.Review of Purchase Re uisitions IV To define the procedure for controlling the quality of supplier and subcontractor furnished materials, com-ponents, parts, and services.Re uirements for Su lier Qualit Assurance Programs IV This procedure establishes the requirements for the quality assurance program which must be in existance at a supplier's facility.Re uirements for Qualit Assurance Manual and Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the quality and safety related procedures which are required to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the require-ments for instructions, procedures and drawings,

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria defines the responsibilities for preparing procedures for each involved department, establishes the inter-faces between the various sections of the several procedures manuals, and provides directions for the preparation of quality assurance procedures and instructions.

Qualit Assurance Procedures V The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for Quality Assurance procedures needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance'Manual.

It defines the responsibilities for preparing the Quality Assurance procedures manual, establishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments, and provides direction for the preparation of the Quality Assurance procedures.

Review of Qualit Control, En ineerin and Pure assn Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for the review and approval of all quality and safety related documents generated by the Rochester Gas and Electric Company in accordance with the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Document Issuance, Control and Distribution This procedure defines the requirements for the identification, issuance, revision, distribution, and storage of all documents related to safety related structures, systems, and components controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Qualification of Su liers This procedure describes the requirements for quali-fying suppliers and maintaining an approved suppliers list.Evaluation of Su lier Qualit Assurance Pro rams VII This procedure establishes the requirements for the evaluation of the quality assurance program con-trolling the operations of suppliers of safety related parts, materials, components, structures, or systems to the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation.

Control of Purchased Material, E ui ment and Services the Qualit Assurance Pro ram VIII This procedure describes the method used to control material and services through the procurement cycle from the time of placing the order until the material is placed'in stock or released for use or until the service contracted for has been completed.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Weldin Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be designed.Weldin Procedure Qualification IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be qualified.

Welder Qualification IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which individual welders shall be qualified.

Nondestructive Examination Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to outline the program-by which nondestructive examination procedures shall be developed.

Nondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification IX The purpose of this procedure is to outline the program by which nondestructive examination (NDE)procedures shall be qualified and approved.

Table IU.1-1 (cont'd.)Qualit Assurance Procedures

{cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Heat Treatin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to define how heat treating procedures shall be established and implemented.

Test, Pro ram Re uirements XI This procedure defines the requirements for control of the nuclear plant test progzam.The test program shall.include, but not be limited to surveillance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, physics testing, testing following modification or significant changes in operating procedures, and any evaluation or qualification testing required for new designs.Material Deficienc Re ortin S stem This procedure establishes the methods for handling and control of non-conformant material and the docu-mentation of non-conformances of all safety related materials, parts, and components to meet the require-ments of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Dis osition of Discre ant Material This procedure defines the categories of non-conforming or discrepant material and describes the handling and

Table IV.l-l (cont'd..)

Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria control of each category from the time of identification until disposition is complete.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin S stem XVI This procedure establishes the method required to detect, identify, analyze, review, and.correct conditions which adversely affect quality or safety and to preclude repetition of the deficiency.

Records XVII This procedure defines the requirements for the storage of all records related to safety related, structures, systems, and components controlled by Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Performance of Qualit Assurance Audits XVIII This procedure provides the instructions for imple-mentation of audits scheduled and planned in accordance with procedure QAl802 including preparation performance, reporting, and followup.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures Ginna Q.A.Pro ram Im lementation Appendix B Criteria This procedure establishes the guidelines for the im-plementation of the Quality Assurance Program at Ginna Station.Trainin of Ginna Personnel To provide instructions regarding the indoctrination and training of Ginna Personnel about the Ginna Quality Assurance Program and implementing QC procedures.

Ginna Qualit Control Or anization To describe the organization responsible for imple-menting the requirements of the Quality Assurance requirements at Ginna Station.Work Start Authorization To provide instructions which ensure that necessary preparation for plant modifications are complete prior to the start of work.Procurement of Nuclear Materials, Parts, and Com onents IV To provide an outline for processing of orders for nuclear material, parts, and components, at Ginna I

Table IV.,l-l.(cont'd.)

Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Station, and to assure that regulatory requirements, design bases, and other requirements necessary to ensure adequate quality are suitably included and referenced in the procurement documents.

Review, A royal, Notification, and Transmittal of Su lier Desi n and QA QC Re uirements IV To provide written instruction for outlining the steps necessary for review, approval, notification, and transmittal of supplier procedures, design.drawings, or any other requirements as specified in.the procurement documents for nuclear material;parts, or components ordered for spare parts or maintenance purposes by plant personnel.

Plant Qualit Control Procedures To describe the intent, scope, and format of the plant quality control procedures.

Procedures for Performin Routine Maintenance, Re air, or Mode xcatzon To outline procedure requirements for routine main-tenance, repair, or modification activities on safety class A and B systems, equipment, or structures.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Plant 0 eratin Procedures To outline Quality Assurance requirements to be in-cluded in plant operating procedures which are used to direct operating, test, and refueling activities on safety Class A and B structures, systems, or equipment.

Issuance Control of Procedures Used For the 0 eration of the Plant VI This procedure establishes the method by which pro-cedures and check off lists used in the operation of the plant are to be controlled.

Document Control for Procedure Chan es VI This procedure describes the method by which procedures described in reference 2.3 to be revised shall be controlled.

Document Control at Ginna VI To define those non-procurement documents requiring control at Ginna and the method by which they shall be controlled.

Drawin Chan es at Ginna VI To define the responsibilities and to provide in-structions for ensuring that existing piping and

Table ZV.l-l.(cont'd.)

Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria circuit.drawings are kept current and updated to always reflect the"As built" condition of the plant following modifications to systems and equipment.

Receivin Ins ection of Purchased Material VZI To define the activities and responsibilitie's necessary for properly receiving nuclear materials and in-specting them prior to acceptance for use.Control of Purchased Material, E ui ment, and Services VIII To outline the program for control of material, equip-ment, and services purchased through contractors.

Control of Materials, Parts, and Com onents VIII To establish the system for effective control of material, parts, or components from receipt at Ginna through installation or use.Identification and Markin of Material VZZZ To establish an outline for identification and mark-ing of material to maintain quality and traceability through the life of the material.4 av Table IV.l-l (cont,'d.).

Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control of Weldin IX The purpose of this procedure is to establish the pro-gram for effective control of qualified personnel and procedures pertaining to welding.Issue, Control, and Stora e of Weld Consumables IX To provide instructions for issue, control, and storage of weld consumables.

Welding E ui ment Performance Verification IX To outline the program for periodic performance verification of equipment used on special processes.

Ins ection Activities at Ginna To establish guide lines for the activities requir-ing inspectors, source of inspectors, and qualifi-cations of inspectors.

Ins ector Qualification and Res onsibilities X To establish requirements for those designated to perform inspection activities at Ginna.

Table IV.l-l.(cont'd.)

Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Test Procedure Re uirements XI To outline requirements for the procedures which are performed to verify the correct operability of safety related equipment or structures.

Performance of Tests XI To establish requirements for performing tests to include, but not be limited to, surveillance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, physics testing, and testing following modification or sig-nificant changes in operating procedures.

Documentation, Evaluation and Dis osition of Test Results XI To describe the requirements for accumulating, documenting, evaluating, and dispositioning of results of all tests.Test Personnel Re uirements XI To establish requirements for personnel designated to perform and/or assist in the conductance of tests.Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Used For Calx.ration XII To provide guidelines for test instrument calibration and control which satisfy the requirements of the

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Quality Assurance Manual.Calibration and Control of Maintenance Measurin Tools and E uz.ment XII To provide guidelines for calibration and control of measuring tools and equipment used by maintenance

'to perform critical maintenance measurement.

Calibration and Control of Qualit Control Measurin Tools XII To outline calibration and control instructions for inspection measuring tools used by quality control to determine the reject or accept status of parts and components.

Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in XIII To outline the plan for control of handling, storage, shipping,'and preservation of material to prevent damage, deterioration, or loss from on-site delivery through installation.

Material Handlin E ui ment XIII To outline the requirements for ensuring that material handling equipment remains in good condition.

Table IV.l-l.(cont'd.)

Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Work, Ins ection, Test Status Control as Related to Maintenance, Re air, Modification, or Refuelin XIV To establish work inspection or test status sheets.for indicating the inspection and test status of components and systems involved in maintenance, repair, or modification.

S stems or E ui ment 0 eratin and Test Status Control Indicators XIV To define the system for indicating the operating status of structures, systems, and components to pre-vent their inadvertent operation during maintenance, repair, modification, or test.Control and Dis osition of Deficient Materials To outline the necessary steps for effective control and disposition of non-conforming materials, parts, and components.

Issue of Material Deficienc Re orts To establish an outline for issuing and processing Material Deficiency Reports.

Table IV.l-l'(cont'd.)

Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Qualit Deficiencies and Corrective Action Appendix B Criteria To provide instructions for identifying, reporting, and correcting conditions adverse to quality.Control of Qualit Assurance Records at.Ginna XVII To outline the procedure for control of records and documents to be retained.Processin of New Records XVII To detail the processing steps required of new records from their receipt in Central Records until final placement in their storage location.Record Stora e Facilit and E ui ment XVII To provide a description of the record storage facilities and equipment requirements.

Routine Surveillance XVIII To provide instructions for Quality Control Sur-veillance of plant activities covered by the quality assurance program.Correction of Audit Deficiencies XVIII To provide instructions to be used for correcting audit deficiencies at Ginna.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures A ppendix B Criteria En ineerin Im lementation of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Engineering Procedures Manual for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is.estab-lished to assure meeting the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainincl This procedure explains the requirements for the training of engineering personnel in the use of the Engineering Procedures Manual.En ineerin De artment Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Engineering Department Organization and defines its responsibilities for the design of safety related components, structures and systems.Desi n Criteria This procedure defines the criteria to be considered in the design of modifications to a nuclear plant.

I Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Zt establishes the requirements for documentation and review of these criteria.Desi n Anal sis&Calculations IZZ This procedure defines the requirements for controlling the prepaiation and documentation of design analyses and calculations.

En ineerin Drawin s ZII This procedure establishes the requirements for the preparation and revision of Engineering Drawings.En ineerin S ecifications This procedure defines the requirement for specifi-cations and requirements documents needed to assure that all safety related structures, components, and systems are purchased, constructed, inspected and tested in accordance with applicable codes and standards and the provisions of 10CFR50, Appendix B.The procedure establishes the content and format of the documents.

Design Control and Review This procedure defines the activities required to assure adequate control of design modifications and the requirements for design verification and review.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Purchase Re uisitions IV This procedure describes the actions required of Engineering personnel to purchase material related to quality or safety of a nuclear power plant.En ineerin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for Engineering instructions, pro-cedures and drawings needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the responsibilities for preparing and approving the Engineering procedures manual, estab-lishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the preparation of the Engineering procedures.

Fabrication and Construction S ecifications This procedure describes the requirements for documentation of the interpretation of engineering drawings and specifications into work instructions to permit plant operations to properly make modi-fications to the nuclear plant.

I' Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control and Issuance of En ineering Documents VI This procedure establishes the requirements for the control and issuance of engineering drawings, specifications, requirements documents, and work in-structions.

It establishes the numbering system, the control of originals, approvals, distribution, and revisions for both Rochester Gas and Electric and supplier originated, drawings.Su lier Evaluation VII This procedure defines the requirements for the ,evaluation of a supplier's engineering and manu-facturing organization and his design and production capabilities to be performed prior to subcontracting a safety or quality related effort to a new supplier.Review of Test Results XI The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for the review and evaluation of test results to implement the requirements of Section ll of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure establishes the requirements for

Table XV.l-l.(cont'd.)

En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria evaluating and answering Quality Control Deficiency Reports which are related to design deficiencies.

En ineerin Records This procedure establishes the-requirements for the storage of all Engineering Department drawings, specifications, requirements documents and supplier documents for all safety related components, structures, and systems controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVZlZ The purpose of this procedure is to describe the re-sponsibilities of the Engineering Department before, during, and after an audit.Purchasin Procedures Purchasin Im lementation of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Purchasing Procedures for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is es-tablished to assure meeting the requirements of I

Table IV.l-l.(cont'd.)

Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance.

Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainin of Purchasin Personnel This procedure defines the requirements for the training of Purchasing Department personnel in the use of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Purchasin De artment Or anization and-Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Purchasing Department organization and its responsibilities for the pro-curement of safety related materials, components, structures, and systems: Pre aration, Review, A royal and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Chan e Orders This procedure establishes the procedure for processing a Purchase Order upon receipt of a Purchase Requisition.

Purchasin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirement for purchasing instructions and I I' Table IV.1-1.(cont'.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria procedures needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the re-sponsibilities for preparing and approving the Pur-chasing Procedures Manual, establishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the pre-paration of the purchasing procedures.

Control and Issuance of Purchasin Procedures VI This procedure establishes the methods for the de-velopment, maintenance, control, and issuance of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Su lier Qualification, Surveillance, and Control VII This procedure describes the requirements for qualifying suppliers, maintaining records of approved suppliers, and evaluating their performance during the manufacturing stage to assure conformance to specification requirements.

Suppliers shall be evaluated prior to issuance of a purchase order to insure that they are capable of manufacturing and delivering a product conforming to the applicable purchase specifications.

Qualified Su liers List VII This procedure describes the method to be used for the development and maintenance of the Qualified Suppliers List.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure describes the actions to be taken by.the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.

Purchasin Records This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures, and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Pro'cedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure describes the actions to be taken by.the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.

Purchasin Records XVII This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures,.

and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.

TABLE IV.4-1 Procurement Document Re uirements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: 1.Component identification.

2.Component or system safety class.4 3.Quantitative and qualitative technical and function require-ments and acceptance/rejection criteria.4.Applicable regulatory code and standard requirements.

5.Drawings, specifications, instructions, and procedures to be invoked on suppliers.

6.Special test and inspection requirements.

7.Submittal, approval, and retention requirements for documents l such as special process and test procedures, quality assurance manuals, materials records, calculations and analyses.8.Applicable lOCFR50, Appendix B quality assurance requirements, such as for document control, control of special processes, and control of sub-contractors work or services.9.Access rights for visits and audits by Rochester Gas and Electric and their agents.10.Interface requirements with other organizations; e.g., document submitt'al and review requirements between organizations.

ll.Special requirements or responsibilities for design, procedure preparation, fabrication, cleaning, testing, packaging, handling, shipping, and storing.

TABLE IV.18-1 Audit List E~Functional Or anization Activities Audited Engineering Indoctrination and Training Design Control Procurement Document Control Document Control Control of Special Processes Records Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Records Ginna Station Indoctrination and Training Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control In-Service Inspection Surveillance Testing Storage Operations Refueling Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics and Chemistry Operator Training and Retraining Security Emergency Plan Inspection and Surveillance Records IV-78 I

ROCHESTER GAS Am ELECTRIC CORPORATION GIROL STATION MANAGEHENT ORGANIZATION Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer President Sr.Vice President Finance 5 General Services Sr.Vice President Electric 5 Steam Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board Vice President Purchasino, Harketing, I and Districts Vice Pr esident and Chief Engineer Vice President Steam and Electric Purchasing Aqent General Superintendent Electric 5 Steam Operations Chief Design Engineers quality Assurance Coordinator Division Superintendent Elec.8 Steam Production Superintendent Ginna Station Plant Operations Review Conmittee Supervision and Administration Other punctional Relationships equality Control Engineer Plant Operations Staff Figure IV.2rl July 1, 1974

ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANIZATION Quality Assurance Coordinator H I ED Quality Assurance Engineer Welding and NDE'~Quality Assurance Engineer Operations Quality Assurance Engineer Construction Ouality Assurance Engineer Design*Nondestructive Examination Figure IV.2-2 July 1, 1974

ROCHESTER CAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION GINNA STATION ORGANIZATION Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Training Coordinator Results and Tests Engineer Supervisor Chemistry and Health Physics SOL Operations Engineet Naintenance Engineer Nuclear Engineer Ouality Contxol Engineer>SOL Sh1ft Foreman 1/Sh1ft Head Control OL Operator l/Sh1f t Control Operator OL 1/Sh1 f t SOL-Sen1or Operator L1cense OL-Operator L1cense Aux111ary Operator 2/Sh1f t Pigutc IV.2-3 July I, 1974

GINNA STATION EQUALITY CONTROL ORGANIZATION guality Control Engineer guality Control Engineer Inspection guality Control Technician Records.Figure IV.2-4 July 1, 1974

ROCHESTER GAS AHD ELECTRIC CORPORATION EHGIHEERIHG DEPARTNEHT ORGANIZATION Vice President and Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer Evaluation Engineer Chief Environmental Engineer Chief Nuclear Engineer Chief Electrical Engineer Chief Nechanical Engineer Chief Civil Engineer quality Assurance Coordinator Figure IV.2-5 July 1, 1974 S

Rochester Gald Electric Corporation Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions NSARB PORC Purchasing Engineering Plant Review----Audit Pigure IV.2-6 July 1, 1974 8'L$0 QpgCCtJL 6 l-i(o~Introduction Section IV.2 In May 28, 1974 letter from Mr.Robe A.Purple, the Unit States Atomic Energy Commissio asked several questions n the R.E.Ginna Quality Ass ance Program for Statio Operation.

The informatio requested and further cia ification of the program e provided in Supplement I to the Technical Supp ment accompanying Application r a Full-Term Operat'License.Supplement IV is a revis d description of t R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Prog am for Station 0 eration and supersedes Supplement II i its entirety.The following revisions have been made the descri ion of the program: Additions That all Quality ssurance, Quality Control, Engin-eering, and Pur a ing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at le st o ce every two years.That the li of stru tures, systems, and components covered by he quality assurance program are based on the list'n Section 1.2 1 of the FSAR.h That m naaement review o the quality assurance program may b in a form other th an audit.Tha the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is re ired to review the statu and adequacy of the q ality assurance program at east once every two ears.That the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board reports to the Chai an of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Cor ration on NSARB activities.

Section IV.3 Additions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.Revis'on 1 August 1974 f (I t f II~

That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.

That design deficiencies, are documented and controlled in accordance with Section IV.16.That design documents are collected, stored, and main-.tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.

I Clarification Clarified which design documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.4 Additions That procurement documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.

That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are available for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts fox similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.6 Addition Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.IV-ii Revision 1 August 1974

That suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.

Section IV.9 Additions Made procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process activi-ties.Section IV..10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection is available to the inspector prior to the performance of the activity.That Quality Control inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification

'of the organization responsible for performing the inspection, the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.I That inspection equipment is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration status is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IU.ll Addition That test procedures include test methods and test instrumentation definition.

IV-iii Revision 1 August l974

Section IV.12 Addition That shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.

Section IV.14 Addition That written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags and labels and that the procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries, that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and'that when unsatisfactory trends are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audits and the monitoring of activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.

That inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the, activity, and a record of any nonconformances.

IV-iv Revision 1 August 1974

Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits'isted in Table IV.18-1.In July 1974, the United States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of'the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation to the-document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated Octob'er 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The-infor-mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating License.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.l Additions A description of the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document.entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).On October 1, 1974, Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration revised its corporate'structure.

This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.In addition, the RGSE commitment to the"Orange Book" in August has necessitated some shifting of responsibilities.

The changes RG&E has made are reflected in Revision 2 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating License.The changes affect every section of the supplement except, sections 12 6 14.Change pages are listed in Instructions-2 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest zevision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next,to each vertical line.Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.Some editorial corrections have been made and these are also marked.IV-vA Revision 2 November 1, 1974

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Pacae QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Iv.l IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 IV.7 Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings Document Control Control of Purchased Material, Equipment and Services IV-1 IV-5 IV-12 IV-16 IV-18 IV-21 23 IV.8 IV.9 IV.10 IV.11 IV.12 IV.13 IV.14 IV.15 IV.16 IV.17 IV.18 Identification and Control of Materials,~Parts, and Components Control of Special Processes Inspection Test Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment EIandling, Storage, and Shipping Inspection, Test, and Operating Status Nonconforming Materials, Parts, and Components Corrective Action Quality Assurance Records Audits IV-28 IV-30 IV-31 IV-34 IV-35 IV-37 IV-39 IV-41 IV-42 IV-45 IV-47 IV-vi Revision 1 August'1974

LIST OF TABLES Table Number IV.1-1 IV.4-1 IV.18-1 Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pa<ac IV-51*IV-77**IV 78**LIST OF FIGURES Fi ure Number IV.2-1 IV.2-2 IV.2-3 IV.2-4 IV.2-5 IV.2-6 Title Management Organization Pacae IV-79**Quality Control Organization IV-82 Engineering Department OrganizationIV-83**

dl Review and Audit Functions IV-84 Quality Assurance Organization IV-80**Ginna Station Organization IV-81*Pages IV-51 through IV-58 have been revised.,**Table IV.4-1, Table IV.18-1, Figure IV.2-1,'igure IV.2-2 and Figure IV.2-5 have been revised.IV-vii Revision 2 November 1, 1974

QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION Qualit Assurance Pro ram The quality assurance program described in this Supplement has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corpora-tion to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of the structures, systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the con-sequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue the health and safety of the public.These quality affecting activities include operating, maintaining, repair-ing, refueling and modifying.

The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in his Corporate State-ment of Quality Assurance Policy.This policy is imple-mented by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production through the Quality Assurance Coordinator and the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The program is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual which contains the requirements and assignment of responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is.prepared, reviewed, and maintained by Quality Assurance and approved by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.

IV-1 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engineering, and Purchasing Procedures.

These procedures are prepared and approved by the responsible organization (i.e., Quality Assurance, Opera-tions, Engineering, and Purchasing) and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.

The procedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.

All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least,,once every two years by the responsible organization.

Table IV.1-1 provides a listing of the subjects and a short description of the subject matter which is contained in the procedures.

Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual.Organizational responsibilities are described in Section IV.2.The quality assurance program covers all existing Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities affecting the quality of these structures, systems, and components are controlled to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.A detailed listing of the structures, systems, IV-2 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 S.i and components covered by, the quality assurance program, based on Section 1.2.1 of the Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.Details of the system boundaries and the quality classifi-cation of water-and-steam-containing components are con-tained on system Slow drawings.The listing of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program and'the system flow drawings are prepared and maintained by Engineering and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.

Modifications or additions to existing structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accordance with the guidelines in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.29.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities

'affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.

Refresher sessions IV-3 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.

Training of personnel not in the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training re-quirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.In addition to training in quality assurance, each department conducts on-the-job training to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-fication of operators, as necessary.

Where necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program at least once every two years to assure that it is meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and lOCFR50, Appendix B.This review consists of audits or a review equivalent to an audit performed by company personnel or outside consultants.

Reviews will be conducted every six months during the first two years that the program is implemented.

The quality assurance program is designed to meet the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program con-forms to the following AEC Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards:

a~AEC Regulatory Guide 1.8,"Personnel Selection and Training", and regulatory staf f comments and supplementary guidance contained i'n the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)b.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.28,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Construction)", and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)c~Note: The requirements and guidelines contained in ANSI N45.2 and associated standards are applied only to Seismic Category I structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and"supports.

AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30,"Quality Assurance Requirements for'the Installation, Inspection; and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment" d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)", and regula-tory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)IV-4A Revision"1 August 1974 1

e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" f.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.38,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" g.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.39,"Housekeeping Require-ments for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" h.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.58,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel" i.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.64,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants" j.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.74,"Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions" k.Extracts from ANSI N45.2.8,"Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspec-tion, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)l.ANSI N45.2.9,"Requirements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants" Note: When record storage facilities are not, designed in accordance with the requirements of ANSI N45.2.9, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.m.ANSI N45.2.12,"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants" IV-4B Revision 2 November 1, 1974

n.ANSI N45.2.13,-"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Equipment, Materials and Services for Nuclear Power Plants," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement

'Phase of Nuclear Power Plants",, Revision 1 dated May 1974 (Gray Book-Revision 1)IV-4C Revision 1 August 1974

y, IV.2 The major organizations participating in the quality assurance program are the Purchasing, Engineering, and Electric and Steam Production Departments; Quality Assurance; the Plant Operations Review Committee; and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Figure IV.2-1 is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to the corporate organization.

Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are: Chairman of the Board Vice President, Electric and Steam Production Vice President, Engineering and Construction Chief Engineer Quality Assurance Coordinator Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Programs Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations Quality Assurance Engineer, Design Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and=Nondestructive Examination Purchasing Agent Ginna Station Superintendent Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer In addition to the above.individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and audit plant operations.

These IV-5 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 II are the Plant'Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.

The qualifications of members and the responsibilities of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18, Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and fl Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the quality assurance program and issued the governing policy statement.

He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board to review and audit plant operations.

The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the Chairman of the Board on all acti-vities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Vice President, Electric and Steam Production has.corporate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.

He is responsible for establishing the policies and require-ments necessary to assure safe and reliable operation'f Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items XV-6 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

He has overall responsibility for and authority to direct quality affecting activities.

He has assigned the responsibility for the detailed development and overall coordination of the quality assurance program to the Quality Assurance Coordinator.

The responsibility for proper implementation of the quality assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The Vice President, Engineering and Construction is responsible for the design and construction of plant I," modifications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes and standards.

He delegates these responsibilities to the Chief Engineer.The Chief Engineer has the responsibility for preparing drawings and specifications for the procurement of materials H and components for plant maintenance and modification as required.He is responsible for reviewing operating and fuel handling procedures referred to him by the Ginna Station Superintendent and for reviewing maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.

The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for establishing and executing the overall quality assurance program.He is responsible for assuring that the program 2 satisfies the requirements of lOCFR50, Appendix B, IV-7 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 O.

and for keeping the total program updated.He is re-sponsible for assuring that all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and.reliably are established and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the individual or group directly responsible for per-forming the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all necessary quality affecting activities are performed.

He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff and directing its act'ivities and for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is a graduate engineer with at least six years of responsible experience, of which two years is in quality assurance and three years in the design or operation of nuclear or fossil fuel power plants.The Quality Assurance Engineer, Operations

'is responsible for supervising the operational quality assurance program for Ginna Station.This includes writing quality assurance policies and procedu'r'es., coordinating supplier qualification and surveillance, and establishing and implementing the in-C service inspection program.He is responsible for staying<'n IV-8 il current in all applicable regulatory and code quality assurance requirements and providing guidance and assistance to the Ginna Station Superintendent, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and other affected personnel on these requirements.

The Quality Assurance Engineer, Design is responsible for interpreting the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B and applicable regulatory and code requirements related to plant modifications and providing guidance and assistance to engineering and station personnel on these requirements.

He writes quality assurance policies and procedures related to design activities and interfaces between Engineering and other departments.

He is responsible for reviewing engineering and procurement documents to assure that~quality assurance requirements are incorporated.

The Quality Assurance Engineer, Welding and Nondestructive v'Examination is responsible for developing and qualifying procedures

'for special processes.

He is also responsible for assuring that personnel are trained and qualified in special processes and for inspection activities in-volving nondestructive examination.

The Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Program assists the Quality Assurance Coordinator and is responsible for implementing IV-9~Revision 2 November 1, 1974

the program requirements assigned to Quality Assurance.

He is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual.He also prepares and maintains the quality assurance audit schedule, plans and conducts training programs, for quality assurance personnel, and reviews corrective action reports on quality assurance deficiencies.

The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified ZV-9A Revision 2 November 1, 1974

suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.

He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made by Purchasing, Engineering, Operations,, and Quality Assurance.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of Ginna.Station in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for pro-viding qualified personnel to perform these activities in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, i and procedures.

He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

The Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent supports the Ginna Station Superintendent in discharging his responsi-bilities.He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the station and implementing the policies, procedures, and directions of the Ginna Station Superintendent.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible to the Station Superintendent for assuring that activities affecting quality are prescribed and carried accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and IV-10


In his day;to-day activities, he reports to the Ginna Station Assistant Superintendent.

He is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee and is responsible for the review of all plant procedures pre-sented to the Committee.

He also reviews procurement documents initiated at the plant.He is responsible for the control of documents and records stored at the plant.He co-ordinates inspection activities and assures that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.

He coordinates the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts, and components and the processing of material deficiency reports.He coordinates the processing of corrective action reports, and assures that corrective P action is taken.He is responsible for routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provides the Ginna Station Superintendent with objective information concerning the quality of these activities.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is assisted in the performance of his duties by a staff which includes an engineer and a technician who coordinate inspection and record-keeping activities, respectively.

Additional inspectors are assigned to this group as required by the level of work activities.

~k 1'S P' In addition to the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, the Ginna Station Superintendent is assisted by other designated staff members in the implementation of certain quality assurance program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assigned responsibility for test-ing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test status control, calibration and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.

Desi n Control Design.activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.Engineering is responsible for the design and control of\design activities (including design interfaces) for the modification of structures, systems, or components.

Design control is implemented by means of engineering procedures which include: design considerations, design review requirements; internal and external interface IV-12 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

control considerations; design document, review,'approval, distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design considerations include, as appropriate:

physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;appropriate design bases, codes, standards and regulations; acceptance and rejection criteria;and quality assurance requirements.

Design verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests I as appropriate to assure the adequacy of the design.The design of plant modifications is reviewed by an engineer other than the one who performed the original design.This may be done by Rochester Gas and Electric design engineers or consulting engineers as required.The design also is reviewed by Ginna Station for accept-ability for operation, maintenance, and repair.Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the original equipment technical and quality requirements.

For plant modifications, standard"off the shelf" commercial or previously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by tne design engineer.Revision 2 November 1, 1974 I

Design changes, including field changes, are reviewed and approved in accordance with the same procedures as the original design.In general, design changes are reviewed and approved by the organizations or individuals that performed the original design, review, and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals are designated, provided they have access to pertinent background information and are competent in the specific design area.'Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in accordance with Section IV.17.Design documents in-clude design criteria, analyses, specifications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible for assuring that design control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas, and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incor-V porate appropriate design control practices,'hecks, and reviews.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent verification is performed.

The Chief Engineer is responsible for the timely approval and updating of specifications and drawings, as well as changes or deviations thereto, utilized for purchase IV-14 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 A'

or installation of materials, parts, or componen Any other design documents, specifications, draw'nstallation requirements, and changes thereto, approved in the same manner.S~ngs, re H Errors and deficiencies detected in the design process are documented as conditions adverse to quality and con-trolled in accordance with the corrective action require-ments of Section IV.16.Design criteria and specifications, and changes thereto, are reviewed by Quality Assurance for the inclusion of quality assurance and quality control program requirements and the proper quality standards.

The Quality Assurance Coordinator reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when they occur.Quality Assurance also spot checks design criteria and specifications for use of proper codes, material specifications, regulatory require-ments and design bases.Plant modifications are controlled by means of applicable quality assurance and quality control procedures.

These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and approval of design documents, safety analyses, and plant modification procedures.

Proposed plant modifications are tl reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

IV-15 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 lU Procurement Document Control I Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement documents for materials, parts, components, (and services required to perform quality affecting activities.

Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, con-tracts, specifications, and drawings..Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is initiated by Ginna Station or Engineering Department staff personnel.

Procurement procedures require that organizations preparing procurement docume'nts consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table IV.4-1.Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station are re-viewed for concurrence by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent or his designated repre-sentative.

Procurement documents initiated in Engineer-ing are reviewed for concurrence by Quality Assurance and approved by the Chief Engineer or his designated represen-tative.Evidence of review and approval of procurement documents is recorded on the documents or on the attached control IV-16 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 J'

form.These documents are maintained in Purchasing and plant records.After purchase requisitions, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required reviews an6 approvals, a purchase order is issued to a qualified supplier and controlled as described in Section IV.7.Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve.the original documents as described above.Engineering review of procurement documents includes verification of appropriate classifications, technical requirements, and code application.

Quality Assurance review of the above includes checks to verify that proper codes, regulatory requirements, and material specifications are invoked;that FSAR and Technical Supplement commit-ments are included;that appropriate acceptance or rejection criteria are required;and that quality assurance require-ments are incorporated., Quality Control reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement parts for adequacy IV-17 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

~of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compatibility, and the inclusion of the quality require-I ments and acceptance criteria of the original design.I'Ve5 Instructions, Procedures, and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric organization is responsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and implementing procedures as required to implement the quality assurance program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of personnel, and responsibilities and duties of-personnel.

Quality Assurance reviews and f concurs with these procedures.

Table IV.1-1 provides a summary of the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to, have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifica-tions, and drawings.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for pre-paring, reviewing, approving, and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification.

'This includes in-structions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety 4 IV-18 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 I r h related systems;correction of abnormal, of fnormal, or alarm conditions; combat of emergencies and other sig-nificant events;radioactivity control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.

He is responsible for the preparation and implementation of Quality Control Procedures.

He is also responsible for the issuance of appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the com-pletion of plant modifications.

The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsi-bility for reviewing procedures prior to their approval by the Ginna Station Superintendent as required by the Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

Quality Control is responsible for reviewing plant administrative, operating, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures prior to use to assure quality assurance requirements are included.The Chief Engineer is responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving and issuing specifications, drawings, and installation requirements associated with plant modifi-cations.These documents require those performing the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications and drawings.IV-19 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 II l'N I The Chief Engineer has established procedures.for)maintaining drawings and specifications in a current status.These procedures

'cover updating of as-built drawings after plant modifications and the revision, approval, distribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.

Quality Assurance reviews design criteria and specifi-cations', and changes thereto, for concurrence with quality assurance requirements.

Station Quality Control Procedures require the review and concurrence of Quality Assurance and the approval of the Ginna Station Superintendent.

Persons preparing and approving documents are responsible for assuring that specifications, instructions, procedures, and drawings include appropriate quantitative or quali-tative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished and assuring that the documents are kept current.Surveillance of the implementation of instructions, drawings, and procedures for operation, maintenance, repair, modification, and re'fueling is the responsibility of the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer.IV-20 Revision 2 November l, l974 4

Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of procedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.

Standard document control requirements are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Ginna Station Super-intendent is responsible for the control of all documents issued at Ginna Station.Engineering controls all docu-ments issued by Engineering, Quality Assurance, and Purchasing.

Engineering and Operations have separate procedures to control documents in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of docu-ment involved, its importance to safety, and'the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must, be controlled; identifies the difference between controlled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies of a document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists of document holders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled docu-ments using approved forms internally and externally.

Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Types of documents which are controlled include Tech-nical Specifications, FSAR, Technical Supplements, Quality Assurance Manual, procedures (such as, quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, calibration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications and drawings.Suppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in'rocurement documents to provide for control of documents, including manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.

The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to assure that documents are available when required;to properly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organizations which review and approve documents have'ccess to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation into documents; and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents and, therefore, procurement document control requirements.

IV-22 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Quality Assurance and Quality Control are further responsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to assure adequate systems are implemented.

Control of Purchased Naterial, E ui ment, and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, supplier 0 surveillance, and receipt inspection are the four major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment, components, and services.All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section IV-4.All reviews, inspections, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier: is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Suppliers must be on an approved suppliers'ist prior to being issued a purchase order.Supplier evaluations are performed by Quality Assurance, Engineering, Purchasing, and/or Ginna Station, as necessary, for the item or service involved.The depth of the supplier evaluation varies depending on the complexity and importance to safety of the item involved.For example, for mass produced or off-the-shelf items, only a check of past performance may be necessary.

On the other hand, for complex, important.

items a very thorough review is performed.

IV-23 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Engineering is responsible for evaluating the overall design or manufacturing capability of the supplier in-eluding his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.

As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabil-ities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabilities, and exPerience are reviewed.Quality Assurance is responsible for evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accordance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of 10CFR50 Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric Requirements.

The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices,,acceptance criteria, required quality assurance records and their retention, I and quality assurance requirements and controls imposed by the supplier on his subcontractors.

Supplier evaluation is conducted by means of procedures or checklists which identify applicable regulatory or code quality assurance requirements.

IV-24 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 1

Ginna Station qualifies suppliers of inspection, test, and calibration services and the suppliers of spare and replacement parts if the procurement is of the identical part from the original supplier.Quality Assurance, Engineering, and Ginna Station 2 document their supplier evaluation results in reports which discuss areas investigated, findings, and con-clusions.As'applicable, concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Ginna Station, and Quality Assurance is required to place a supplier on the qualified suppliers'ist.

One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Quality Assurance is responsible for determining and documenting the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.

The objective of supplier surveillance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of'roduct conformance with respect to the purchase order requirements.

For complex equipment and designs, Quality Assurance and IV-25 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 E.'h I' Engineering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.The results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or trip reports which are distributed to the Quality Assurance Coordinator, the t Purchasing Agent, the Chief Engineer, the Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer, and the Ginna Station Superin-tendent.When a deviation from purchase order require-ments is noted, the Quality Assurance representative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if necessary.

The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they meet.all technical and quality requirements.

The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.

The Ginna Station Superintendent, is responsible for receiving and storing materials, parts, and components.

Upon arrival, the plant storekeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.IV-26 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

't Al t'\\~

Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon delivery at the plant of material, equipment, and associated services for operation, maintenance, repair, modifications, and refueling.

This inspection includes the use of written procedures or checklists to verify that the material, equipment, and services conform to the procurement documents (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that documentary evidence of con-formance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence sufficient to identify the codes, standards, or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is retained.In the event a final source inspection is conducted prior to the arrival at the plant, Quality Control performs an in-spection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required documentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document the extent of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, h and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted", files the documentation and, receipt inspection results, and returns the item to the station stockroom.

If the item is nonconforming or the IV-27 f 4 documentation is incomplete, Quality Control initiates a material deficiency report.which is controlled in accordance with Section IV.15.All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have)documentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event, the traceability is lost or the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not be released for use.Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and Com onents The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance

'with written require-ments and applies to material, parts, or components in any stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.

Identi-fication and control requirements are established by either an existing procedure or requirements documents which are prepared during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification and control necessary; location and method of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability or quality;and the proper identification of materials, IV-28

parts, and components prior to release for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.

The Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that specifications contain appropriate requirements for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components.

Suppliers are required to assur'e that all required documentation for an item is properly identified and related to the item.Each item is required to be physicall'y identified, either by marking on the item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase order number is used to the maximum extent possible for relating an item at any time to applicable documentation.

Identifi-cation is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appro-priate means are employed.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and 5 control of materials, parts, and components are prepared by Quality Control and approved by the Ginna Station Superintendent.

In the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, i;t is handled as nonconforming material and deviations IV-29 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

and waivers are controlled and documented in accordance with Section IV.15.Control of S ecial Processes Written procedures are established to control special processes, such as welding, heat treating, and nondes-tructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes, standards, and" design specifications.

Qualifica-tion of personnel and procedures complies with the J requirements of applicable codes and standards.

When special process qualification requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel qualification requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification require-'ments.The Chief Engineer and the Ginna Station Superintendent are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement.

documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control are responsible for reviewing procurement documents to assure that requirements for control of special processes are included.Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Quality Assurance.

Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and contractors are reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance.

IV-30 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

The Ginna Station Maintenance Engineer is responsible for assuring that personnel performing special processes under his cognizance are qualified and are using qualified procedures in accordance with applicable codes, specifi-cations, and standards.

Quality Assurance is responsible for the qualification of welding and NDE personnel and procedures.

Engineering maintains records for personnel and procedures to demonstrate that, required qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality Assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance, inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.

Ins ection Procedures prepared for the control of plant activities include inspection requirements and hold points as re-quired by drawings, instructions, requirements documents, specifications, codes, standards, or regulatory require-ments.Instructions for conducting inspections are con-tained in Quality Control inspection procedures.

These inspection procedures and all supporting specifications and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.

Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify conformance of activities to the'ocumented instructions, IV-31 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 I

specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Quality Control inspection procedures include the identifi-cation of quality characteristics to be inspected, a des-cription of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the organization responsible for per-forming the inspection, the acceptance and rejection'criteria, the requirements for the recording of in-spection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the'in-spection activity.Inspections are performed by Quality Control personnel who are independent.

of the personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are required by procurement documents to have and follow similar procedures and to use independent


In-spectors are sufficiently trained to adequately evaluate the activity they are inspecting.

Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing inspections, as required, during plant operation, main-tenance, repair, refueling, and modification when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.

When the work is performed by'outside,contractors, Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of the subcontractor's inspection


All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section IV.12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.


In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing'ethods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when control is inadequate without both., The Chief Engineer is responsible for including inspec-tion requirements in engineering specifications.

Quality Assurance is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in engin-eering specifications and for establishing the require-ments for the inservice inspection program.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer is resp'onsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification procedures.

He is also responsible for the assignment of qualified inspection personnel required for inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the performance of and conducting the surveillance of inservice inspection.

IV-33 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 0

The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is con-tained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.

Test Control Whenever testing is required to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satis-factorily in service, a test program is instituted employ-ing written and approved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical, Specifications, drawings, instructions, procurement documents, specifications, codes, standards, and regulatory requirements.

The test program requires the identification, control, and documentation of all tests, and the preparation of written procedures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary and calibration requirements; material requirements; test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment conditions; limiting conditions; detailed performance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instructions for disposition of deviations; data collection requirements; and test xesult approval.t The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the station test program, including the surveillance test program required by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications.

IV-34 Revision 2 Yiovember 1, lg74 I

Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Control,, and approved by the Ginna Station Super-intendent.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved'procedures.

When contractors are employed for tests, the contractor is required to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.

All test results are required to be documented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.I z The Chief Engineer is responsible for assuring that required tests for modifications are required in engin-eering specifications.

He is further responsible for providing engineering assistance to the Ginna Station staff in the preparation of modification-related test procedures.

Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving modification-related test results.a Control of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measurin'g and test equipment includes calibration procedures, estab-lishment of calibration frequencies, and maintenance I'nd control requirements of measuring and test in-IV-35 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

struments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondes-tructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems, and structures.

Calibration procedures in-clude step-by-step methods for calibration and require-ments for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, ex-perience, and other conditions affecting measurement capability.

Control of measuring and test equipment requires: a recall system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a syst'm providing unique identification, of equipment, traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing traceability of shop standards to nationally recognized standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures contain instructions to document the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing for records to be maintained k which indicate the complete status of all items under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration 4 dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of ZV-36

new equipment to be entered into the calibration and control system including requirements for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.

In the event a measuring instrument is found out of calibration, an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and calibration'of measuring and test equipment at Ginna Station in accordance with the above requirements.

struments specified in Section 4.1, Technical In-4 Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, in-spection, and test are calibrated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.

Measuring, test, or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.IV.13 Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for develop-, ing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located at Ginna Station.Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written IV-37

instructions and recommendations and purchase specifi-cation requirements are invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handl'ing, and storage with respect to environmental requirements.

In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the superintendent may invoke additional requirements in accordance with the plant procedures.

The Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in pro-curement documents and in engineering specifications that written procedures be used, as appropriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning, and preservation of materials and equipment procured for modifications.

These.procedures are prepared by contractors or by the'station staff as appropriate.

Rochester Gas and Electric'rocedures are reviewed and approved by Quality Control and the Ginna Station Superintendent.

In the preparation of procurement documents, plant procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, ship-ping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of manufacturing and installation prior to operational accept-ance.IV-38 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Quality Assurance is responsible for review of engineering specifications to assure that proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.

Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of handling, stor-age, and shipping activities by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.

Ins ection, Test, and 0 eratin Status Equipment.

or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by use of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for indicating the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance, repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Rochester Gas and Electric Intra-Station Holds;ng Rules.The Ginna Station Superintendent designates personnel who have station holding authority.

Personnel who have station holding authority are'esponsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems in accordance with the approved company Intra-Station IV-39 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Holding Rules.System status is indicated through the use of hold tags and control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test status are indi-cated by use of test tags, labels, or work inspection and test'tat'us sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.

Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources're identified and controlled by the, use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Plant maintenance, repair, or modification of components, systems, or structures utilizes a work inspection or test status sheet, to indicate acceptance or rejection for a particular component, system, or structure.

Work inspection or test status sheets are prepared and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status of work and the completion of required inspections and tests.Quality Control monitors the status change activities for their compliance to approved procedures and assures jv-40 0

that inspection results are properly logged.Quality I Control also establishes the procedures for implementing the work inspection=

or status sheets during maintenance, repair, and modification.

Nonconformin Materials," Parts, and Com onents Procedures are established for the control, evaluation and disposition of deficient material, parts, and components.

Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold'tag and reported on a material deficiency report.Quality Control'is responsible for issuing material deficiency reports, recommending disposition,.initiating repair or rework, and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.'rior to installation or use, non-conforming items remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved disposition has been received.After installation or use, nonconforming items are identified until approved disposition has been received.Prior to installation or use, suppliers are notified of all nonconforming items and requested to recommend dis-position.Purchasing is responsible for obtaining the recommended disposition from the supplier.Engineering is responsible for reviewing and approving supplier's recommended disposition.

After installation or use, Engineering is responsible for determining and approving disposition of nonconforming items.

4 Items are repaired or reworked only in accordance with documented procedures and drawings prepared and approved by Engineering.

Quality Control assures that approved'rocedures and drawings are available for use prior to the repaix or rework and reinspects all repaired or reworked items.The repair or rework must be verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at least equal to the original inspection method.Items which are accepted for use with a known deficiency are fully documented with the specification requirement, justification for acceptance, and affect of such use.All such items are approved prior to use by the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production.

Quality Control issues monthly material deficiency report summaries which are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance.

Unsatisfactory trends are reported to manage-ment by means of the corrective action report in accor-dance with Section IV.16.IV.16 Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identification, review and correction of conditions adverse to quality.Conditions adverse to quality, IV-42 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

such as, failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances are reported on a corrective action report.Conditions adverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.

The corrective action report identifies the condition, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assurance, Engineering, Ginna Station, or Purchasing staff personnel.

Corrective action reports initiated't Ginna Station are submitted to Quality Control for review and subsequent processing.

Corrective action reports initiated by Engineering and Purchasing are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.

When a condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates the affect of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up e or preclude identification and correction of the deficiency, continuing the activity would increase the extent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition, stop work action is taken.The Ginna Station Quality Control Engineer has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, refueling, or modification deficiencies.

The Ginna Station Quality IV-43 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Control Engineer may recommend stop work action to the Ginna Station Superintendent on operating deficiencies.

The Plant Operations Review Committee reviews all corr-ective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and h recommends interim corrective action if the action does not represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating 8 procedures.

Conditions, adverse to quality which involve design defici-encies or a recommended corrective action which involves a design change are reviewed by Engineering.

Engineering determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective action to preclude repetition.

Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action reports ,to assure that the cause of the condition has been deter-mined and that corrective action has been taken to preclude repetition.

Quality Assurance also reviews material deficiency report summaries for unsatisfactory trends and initiates a corrective action report if s'uch~a trend occurs.Completed corrective action reports are submitted to the Vice President, Electric and Steam Production to keep him aware of significant conditions adverse to quality.IV-44 ,Revision 2 November 1, l974

~l r 0 Qualit Assurance Records Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.

The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant records.Records of Engineering and Quality Assurance activities are retained and maintained by Engineering.

Purchasing is responsible for maintaining Purchasing records.Each organization is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and implementation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.

The records which fall within quality assurance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.5 of the Technical Speci-fications, the quality assurance program, and procurement documents.

All documents and records associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of structures, systems and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.Plant records include operating logs;the results of inspec-tions, tests, audits, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, specifications, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonforming and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment for special processes IV-45 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering.

Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.

The requirements and responsibilities for record accessa-bility and transmittal are in accordance with document control procedures as described in Section IV.6.Require-ments and responsibilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenanceg and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable quality assurance record pro-cedures, codes,-standards, and procurement documents.

Records are available to authorized personnel.

Removal from record storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible document control activity.are designed to prevent destruction of records through fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept IV-46 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, clas-sifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.The procedures establish retention requirements, accessability, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.The Ginna Station Superintendent is responsible for maintaining plant operating records as required in Section 6.5, Technical Specifications.

Engineering is responsible for maintaining design records, such as specifications, drawings, design review reports, and design control documentation; quality assurance records, such as audit reports and vendor surveillance reports;and purchasing records, such as supplier qualifi-cations, supplier surveillance reports, bid evaluations, and purchase requi.sitions.

Audits Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is deter-mined by audits of all organizations performing quality affecting activities.

Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting audits of each organization involved in the IV-47 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

quality assurance program on a planned, periodic basis.Audit.intervals are based on the status and safety importance of activities being performed.

Audits of Ginna Station, Engineering and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table XV.18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.

Audit frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are established to assure that each activity is audited at least annually.Additional audits are conducted as required by special conditions or circumstances.

Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about, the audit, such as the functional area's-to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit," the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.

The audits are performed in accordance with written pro-cedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit results are documented and reported to the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited, the a Vice President, Electric and Steam Production, and the IV-48 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Nuclear Safety Audit, and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory

'responsibility in the area audited is required to review the audit results, take necessary action to correct the deficiencies revealed by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans and audit checklists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits.Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified.personnel, such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.=

Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and sup-pliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procurement, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program'or compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.

Audits are conducted, as re-quired, to assure that major contractors, subcontractorsg and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents; During the project, additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly implemented in accordance with procurement.


XV-49 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

a Quality Assurance performs regular analyses of audit results to evaluate quality trends.Results of these analyses will be provided to management for their regular review'.IV-50 Revision 2 November 1, 1974

Table IV.l-l Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Qualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination of Qualit Assurance and Su ervzsor Personnel The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions for indoctrination of Quality Assurance and super-visory personnel in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures.

H I Trainin.of Qualit Assurance Grou Personnel The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions for training of the Quality Assurance Group in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures.

Mana ement Review of Qualit Assurance Pro ram This procedure describes how management reviews of the quality assurance program are conducted.

This includes how management level audits are conducted, what reports are submitted to management for review, and how manage-ment comments are incorporated into the 0 8 e r.8 o Periodic Review of Qualit Assurance Procedures This procedure provides the instructions necessary for the periodic review of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Quality Assurance Procedures.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Qualit Assurance Grou Or anization and Res onsibilities The purpose of this procedure is to describe the Rochester Gas and Electric quality assurance organization and the responsibilities within the organization.

H I Vl tV Qualit Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Desi n Criteria e The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions necessary for quality assurance review of Rochester Gas and Electric design criteria.Qualit Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric En sneer>.n S eca.fxcatzons-The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions necessary for quality assurance review of Rochester Gas and Electric engineering specifications.

Qualit Assurance Review of Architect En ineer's Desi n Documents R X o 6 s o This procedure provides instructions for quality assurance review of design criteria, specifications, and related~documents prepared by an architect engineer.This review is performed when design criteria and/or specifications are submitted for Rochester Gas and Electric review and comment as a result of a procurement document requirements.

I I/

Table IV.1-1 (cont')Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Re uisitionin Qualit Assurance Services IV This procedure describes the requirements to be met in the preparation, review and approval of purchase requisitions for services procured by Quality Assurance.

Qualit Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Procurement Documents IV H I The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions for quality assurance review of Rochester Gas and Electric procurement documents and release of Purchase Requisitions and Nuclear Procurement Control Forms (QA-07)prepared by other departments..

Pre aration, Review and A royal of Rochester Gas and Electric Q.A.S ecifications IV The purpose of this procedure is to establish the methods required for preparation, review, approval, issuance, and revision of Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Specifications.

0 8 8 V 8 0 Quality Assurance specifications establish the Quality Assurance program requirements imposed;on suppliers of'safety related equipment, and services.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)F Pre aration, Review and A roval of Ginna Station Qualit Assurance Manual Appendix B Criteria The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tions necessary for the preparation, review and approval, of changes to the Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual.Pre aration, Review and A royal of Qualit Assurance Procedures This procedure provides the instructions for preparation, review and approval of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Quality Assurance Procedures.

.Review of Qualit Control, Qualit Assurance, En ineerin and Purchasxn Procedures VI The purpose of this procedure is to establish the require-ments for the review and approval of all quality and safety related documents generated by the Rochester Gas and Electric Company in accordance with the requirements of the RG&E Quality Assurance Manual.Pre aration, Review and A royal of Procedure Deviation Re uests b Qualit Assurance VI This procedure provides the instructions for preparing, reviewing and approving a deviation from an approved Quality Assurance Procedure for (1)a specified period r rv

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures'(cont'd)

Appendix B Criteria time or activity, or (2)in advance of the formal release of a revision to the subject procedure, or-of a new pro-cedure which would eliminate the need for such a deviation.

Qualification of Su liers VII This procedure describes the requirements for evaluation and qualification of supplier by Quality Assurance.

Su lier Surveillance VII H I Vl Vl This procedure establishes the requirements for the evalua-tion of the quality assurance program:controlling the operations of suppliers of safety related part's, materials, components, structures or systems to the Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation.

J Qualit Assurance Review of Architect-En ineer's Bid Selection VII This procedure provides the basis and requirements for Quality Assurance Review of the Architect-Engineer's Bid Selection.

w4 0 8 I r.Qualit Assurance Review of Architect-En ineer's Bidders List 4'his procedure provides the requirement for quality assurance review and approval of the Architect-Engineer's Bidders List.VII

'able IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Weldin Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be designed.Weldin Procedure Qualification The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which welding procedures shall be qualified.

IX Welder Qualification The purpose of this procedure is to identify the process by which individual welders shall be qualified.

Nondestructive Examination Procedures d The purpose of this procedure is to outline the program by which nondestructive examination procedures shall be developed.

IX Nondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification IX The purpose of'this procedure is to outline the program by which nondestructive examination (NDE)procedures shall be qualified and approved.Heat Treatin Procedures IX The purpose of this procedure is to define how heat treating procedures shall be established and implemented.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd)Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Qualit Assurance Review and Anal sis of Material Deficienc Re ort The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tion necessary to implement the process for the review and analysis of Material Deficiency Report Summaries.

Pre aration, Review and Processin of R.G.&E.Corrective.Action Re orts b Qualit Assurance H I The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instruc-tion necessary to implement the methods for preparation, review, and processing of RGGE Corrective Action Reports by quality assurance.

Qualification of Auditin Personnel XVII I This procedure describes the requirements for qualification of auditing personnel.

Audit Schedulin and Plannin XVIII This procedure describes the methods for scheduling and planning internal and external audits.o 8 8 0 Performance of Qualit Assurance Audits This procedure describes the methods for conducting the pre-audit conference, performing the audit and conducting the post-audit conference.


Table IV.1-1 (cont')Qualit Assurance Procedures (cont'd)Appendix B Criteria Re ortin and Follow-U of Audit Findin s XVIII This procedure describes the methods for reporting audit findings, following-up on audit reports and filing audit records.Conduct of Qualit Assurance Durin and in the Follow-u of USAEC and Mana ement Audits XVIII This procedure provides.the instructions for audit prepara-tion, audit performance and correction of nonconformances found by the auditors.4X 0 9 m r-8 0 r ro N

Table IV.l-l (cont'.)Qualit Control Procedures Appendix B Criteria Ginna Q.A.Pro ram Im lementation This procedure establishes the guidelines for the im-plementation of the Quality Assurance Program at Ginna Station.Trainin of Ginna Personnel To provide instructions regarding the indoctrination and training of Ginna Personnel about the Ginna Quality Assurance Program and implementing QC procedures.

Ginna Qualit Control Or anization To describe the organization responsible for imple-menting the requirements of the Quality Assurance requirements at Ginna Station.Work Start Authorization To provide instructions which ensure that necessary preparation for plant modifications are complete prior to the start of work.Procurement of Nuclear Materials, Parts, and Com onents IV To provide an outline for processing of orders for nuclear material, parts, and components, at Ginna 4 j'I I I Table lV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Station, and to assure that regulatory requirements, design bases, and other requirements necessary to ensure adequate quality are suitably included and referenced in the procurement documents.

Appendix B Criteria Review, A royal, Notification, and Transmittal of Su lier Des'and QA/QC Re uirements IV To provide written instruction for outlining the steps necessary for review, approval, notification, and transmittal of supplier procedures, design drawings, or any other requirements as specified in the procurement documents for nuclear material, parts, or components ordered for spare parts or maintenance purposes by plant personnel.

Plant Qualit Control Procedures To describe the intent, scope, and format of the plant quality control procedures.

Procedures for Performin Routine Maintenance, Re air, or Mo a.icatxon.To outline procedure requirements for routine main-tenance, repair, or modification activities on safety class A and B systems, equipment, or structures..

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Plant 0 eratin Procedures Appendix B Criteria To outline Quality Assurance requirements to be in-cluded in plant operating procedures which are used to direct operating, test, and refueling activities on safety Class A and B structures, systems-, or equipment.

Issuance Control of Procedures Used For the 0 eration of'the Plant VI This procedure establishes the method by which pro-cedures and check off lists used in the operation of the plant are to be controlled.

Document Control for Procedure Chan es VI This procedure describes the method by which procedures described in reference 2.3 to be revised shall be controlled.

Document Control at Ginna VI To define those non-procurement documents requiring control at Ginna and the method by which they shall be controlled.

Drawin Chan es at Ginna VI To define the responsibilities and to provide in-structions for ensuring that existing piping and

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria circuit drawings are kept current and updated to always reflect the"As built" condition of the plant following modifications to systems and equipment.

Receivin Ins ection of Purchased Material VII To define the activities and responsibilities necessary for properly receiving nuclear materials and in-specting them prior to acceptance for use.Control of Purchased Material, E ui ment, and Services VIII To outline the program for control of material, equip-ment, and services purchased through contractors.

Control of Materials, Parts, and Com onents VIII To establish the system for effective control of material, parts, or components from receipt at Ginna through installation or use.Identification and Markin of Material VIII To establish an outline for identification and mark-ing of material to maintain quality and traceability through the life of the material.

Table IV.1-1 (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control of Weldin IX The purpose of this procedure is to establish the pro-gram for effective control-of qualified personnel and procedures pertaining to welding.Issue, Control, and Stora e of Weld Consumables To provide instructions for issue, control, and storage of weld consumables.

Weldin E ui ment Performance Verification IX To outline the program for periodic performance verification of equipment used on special processes.

Ins ection Activities at Ginna To establish guide lines for the activities requir-ing inspectors, source of inspectors, and qualifi-cations of inspectors.

Ins ector Qualification and Res onsibilities To establish requirements for those designated to perform inspection activities at Ginna.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix 8 Criteria Test Procedure Re uirements XI To outline requirements for the procedures which are performed to verify the correct operability of safety related equipment or structures.

Performance of Tests XI To establish requirements for performing tests to include, but not be limited to, surveillance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, physics testing, and testing following modification or sig-nificant changes in operating procedures.

Documentation, Evaluation and Dis osition of Test Resu ts XI To describe the requirements for accumulating, documenting, evaluating, and dispositioning of results of all tests.1 Test Personnel Re uirements XI To establish requirements for personnel designated to perform and/or assist in the conductance of tests.Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Used For Calx ration XII To provide guidelines for test instrument calibration and control which satisfy the requirements of the f,a' Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.).Quality Assurance Manual., Calibration and Control of Maintenance Measurin Tools and E ux ment Appendix B Criteria XII To provide guidelines for calibration and control of measuring tools and equipment used by maintenance to perform critical maintenance measurement.

Calibration and Control of Qualit Control Measure.n Tools XII To outline calibration and control instructions for inspection measuring tools used by quality control to determine the reject or accept status of parts and components.

Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in'III To outline the plan for control of handling, storage, shipping, and preservation of material to prevent damage, deterioration, or loss from on-site delivery through installation.

Material Handlin E ui ment To outline the requirements for ensuring that material handling equipment remains in good condition.


Table IU.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Work, Ins ection, Test Status Control as Related to Maintenance, Re air, Modification, or Refuelin XIU To establish work inspection or test status sheets for indicating the inspection and test status of components and systems involved in maintenance, repair, or modification.

S stems or E ui ment 0 eratin and Test Status Control Indicators XIU To"define the system for indicating the operating status of structures, systems, and components to pre-vent their inadvertent operation during maintenance, repair, modification, or test.Control and Dis osition of Deficient Materials To-outline the necessary steps for effective control and disposition of non-conforming materials, parts, and components.

Issue of Material Deficienc Re orts To establish an outline for issuing and processing Material Deficiency Reports.

I Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Qualit Control Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Qualit Deficiencies and Corrective Action To provide instructions for identifying, reporting, and correcting conditions adverse to quality.Control of Qualit Assurance Records at, Ginna XVII To outline the procedure for control of records and documents to be retained.Processin of New Records XVI I To detail the processing steps required of new records from their receipt in Central Records until final placement in their storage location.Record Stora e Facilit and E ui ment XVII To provide a description of the record storage facilities and equipment requirements.

Routine Surveillance XVIII To provide instructions for Quality Control Sur-veillance of plant activities covered by the quality assurance program.Correction of Audit Deficiencies XVIII To provide instructions to be used for correcting audit deficiencies at Ginna.

d Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures A ppendix B Criteria En ineerin Im lementation.

of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Engineering Procedures Manual for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is estab-lished to assure meeting the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.~rainincr This procedure explains the requirements for the training of engineering personnel in the use of the Engineering Procedures Manual.En ineerin De artment Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Engineering Department Organization and defines its responsibilities for the design of safety related components, structures and systems.Desi n Criteria This procedure defines the criteria to be considered in the design of modifications to a nuclear plant.

Table IV.l-l (cont'd..)

En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria It establishes the requirements for documentation and review of these criteria..

Desi n Anal sis 6 Calculations This procedure defines the requirements for controlling the preparation and documentation of design analyses and calculations.-

En ineerin Drawin s This procedure establishes the requirements for the preparation and revision of Engineering Drawings.En ineerin S ecifications This procedure defines the requirement for specifi-cations and requirements documents needed to assure that all safety related structures, components, and systems are purchased, constructed, inspected and tested in accordance with applicable codes and standards and the provisions of-10CPR50, Appendix B.The procedure establishes the content and format of the documents.

Design Control and Review This procedure defines the activities required to assure adequate control of design modifications and the requirements for design verification and review.

0 0 Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Purchase Re uisitions IV This procedure describes the actions required of Engineering personnel to purchase material related to quality or safety of a nuclear power plant.En ineerin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the-requirements for Engineering instructions, pro-cedures and drawings needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the responsibilities for preparing and approving the Engineering procedures manual, estab-lishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the preparation of the Engineering procedures.

Fabrication and Construction S ecifications V This procedure describes the requirements for documentation of the interpretation of engineering drawings and specifications into work instructions to permit plant operations to properly make modi-fications to the nuclear plant.

0 0 Table=IU.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Control and.Issuance of En ineering Documents UI This procedure establishes the requirements for the control and issuance of engineering drawings, specifications, requirements documents, and work in-structions.

It establishes the numbering system, the control of originals, approvals, distribution, and revisions for both Rochester Gas and Electric and supplier originated drawings.Su lier Evaluation VII This procedure defines the requirements for the evaluation of a supplier's engineering and manu-facturing organization and his design and production capabilities to be.performed prior to subcontracting a safety or quality related effort to a new supplier.Review of Test Results XI The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for the review and evaluation of test results to implement the requirements of Section ll of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin XVI This procedure establishes the requirements for 0

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)En ineerin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria evaluating and answering Quality Control Deficiency Reports which are related to design deficiencies.

En ineerin Records XVI I This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Engineering Department drawings, specifications, requirements documents and supplier documents for all safety related components, structures, and systems controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the re-sponsibilities of the Engineering Department before, during, and after an audit.Purchasin Procedures Purchasin Im lementation of the Qualit Pro ram The purpose of this procedure is to establish the Purchasing Procedures for the Rochester Gas and Electric Company to assure safe and reliable operation of a nuclear plant.The manual is es-tablished to assure meeting the requirements of

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" and the requirements of the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Trainin of Purchasin Personnel This procedure defines the requirements for the training of Purchasing Department personnel in the use of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Purchasin De artment Or anization and Res onsibilities This procedure describes the Purchasing Department organization and its responsibilities for the pro-curement of safety related materials, components, structures, and systems.Pre aration, Review, A royal and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Chan e Orders IV This procedure establishes the procedure for processing a Purchase Order upon receipt of a Purchase Requisition.

Purchasin Procedures The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirement for purchasing instructions and C

Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria procedures needed to implement the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.It defines the re-sponsibilities for preparing and approving the Pur-chasing Procedures Manual, establishes the interfaces between sections of the manual and the manuals of other departments and provides direction for the pre-paration of the purchasing procedures.

Control and Issuance of Purchasin Procedures VI This procedure establishes the methods for the de-velopment, maintenance, control, and issuance of the Purchasing Procedures Manual.Su lier Qualification, Surveillance, and Control VII This procedure describes the requirements for qualifying suppliers, maintaining records of approved suppliers, and evaluating their performance during-the manufacturing stage to assure conformance to specification requirements.-

Suppliers shall be evaluated prior to issuance-of a purchase order to insure that they are capable of manufacturing and delivering a product conforming to the applicable purchase specifications.

Qualified Su liers List VII This procedure describes the method to be used for.the development and maintenance of the Qualified Suppliers List.

0 Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to~be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This procedure describes the actions to, be taken by the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.

Purchasin Records XVII This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures, and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements XVIII The purpose of this procedure is to describe the responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.


Table IV.l-l (cont'd.)Purchasin Procedures (cont'd.)Appendix B Criteria Material Deficienc Re orts This procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department in processing Material Deficiency Reports which affect supplier material.Qualit Control Deficienc Re ortin This.procedure describes the actions to be taken by the Purchasing Department when supplier deficiencies which require corrective action are discovered.

Purchasin Records XVII This procedure establishes the requirements for the storage of all Purchasing Department records for safety related components, structures, and systems as controlled by the Rochester Gas and Electric Quality Assurance Manual.Audit Re uirements The purpose of this procedure is to describe the.responsibilities of the Purchasing Department during an internal audit.XVIII

TABLE IV.4-1 Procurement Document Re uirements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: 1.Detailed statement o f the work to be per f ormed.2.Complete identification of the goods or services to be provided.3.Identification of the safety class of the item.4.Quantitative and qualitative technical and functional require-ments and acceptance criteria.5.Applicable regulatory codes and standards.

6.Identification of applicable drawings, specifications, instruc-tions, and procedures.

7.Identification of all test and inspection requirements.

8.Listing of documentation required to be submitted.

9.Retention and submittal requirements of supplier quality assurance records, such as special process and test procedures, materials records, calculations and analyses.10.Applicable portions of 10CFR50, Appendix B, special quality assurance program requirements, and requirements for supplier'rocurement documentation.

ll.Access rights for visits and/or audits.12.Witness and hold point requirements.

13.Interfaces between RGGE and supplier organizations.

14.Identification of special requirements or responsibilities for design, fabrication, cleaning, identification, erecting, packaging, handling, shipping and storage (including extended field storage).15.Requirements for reporting and approving disposition of noncon-formances.

16.Requirements for control of special processes.

17.Requirement for the supplier to provide a list of his exceptions to the specification.

18.Control of measuring and test equipment.

IV-77 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 0 0

'TABLE IV.18-1 Audit List\Functional Or anization Activities Audited Engineering Indoctrination and Training'esign Control Procurement Document Control Document Control Control of Special Processes Records Procurement Control Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Records Procurement Control Ginna Station Indoctrination and Training Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control In-Service Inspection Surveillance Testing Handling, Storage, and Shipping Operations Refueling Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics and Chemistry Operator Training and Retraining Security Emergency Plan Inspection and Surveillance Records IV-78 Revision 2 November 1, 1974 i 8 i ROCHESTER GAS C ELECTRIC CORP.GIMME STATION MSNAGKMENT ORGLN I SATION CIIAIRMAN OF TIIE i)CARD PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE V.P.Y.P.MARI)ETING PURCNASING, PUBLIC INFORMATION DISTRICTS H 1 PURCNASINC ACENT ASST.CIIIEf'NG.


ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANIZATION Quality Assurance Coordinator Quality Assurance Engineer Welding and NDT Quality Assurance Engineer Operations Quality Assurance Engineer Q.A.Progran Quality Assurance Engineer Construction Quality Assurance Engineer Design RA 0 8 Figure IV.2-2 November 1, 1974

ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION GINNA STATION ORGANIZATION Superintendent Training Coordinator Assistant Superintendent Results and Tests Engineer Supervisor Chemistry and Health Physics Operations Engineer SOL Maintenance Engineer Nuclear Engineer quality Control Engineer aSOL Shift Foreman 1/Shift Head Control OL Operator 1/Shift Control Operator OL 1/Shi f t SOL-Senior Operator License OL-Operator License Auxiliary Operator 2/Shift Figurc IV.2-3 July 1, 1974 0

GINNA STATION OUALITY CONTROL ORGANIZATION equality Control Engineer equality Control Engineer Inspecti'on equality Control Technician Records Figure IV.2-4 July 1, 1974

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Engineer ing Deparbnent Or ganixation Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer-Engineering and Construction Assistant Chief Engineer-Administration, Maintenance, Quality Assurance, Drafting, Environmental 1 Civil Engineering 4J Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Electrical Engineering Ginna Project Manager General Maintenance Drafting Quality Assurance Records Figure IV.2 5 November I, 1974 0 8 8 i" g Q S 0 0

O.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions NSARB QA PORC Purchasing Engineering plant Review 1'inure IV.2-6 July 1, 1974 Q y'I I l