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| number = ML20246F996
| number = ML20247Q661
| issue date = 07/05/1988
| issue date = 09/21/1989
| title = Amend 4 to License 50-23204-01 for Shannon & Wilson Inc, Amending License in Entirety.Ba Riedlinger s Forwarding Amend & Ack Receipt of Application for Renewal of License Encl
| title = Discusses Special Field Insp of License 50-23204-01 on 890816 & Forwards Notice of Violation
| author name = Riedlinger B
| author name = Pate R
| addressee name =  
| addressee name = Abbott R
| addressee affiliation =  
| addressee affiliation = SHANNON & WILSON, INC.
| docket = 03020360
| docket = 03020360
| license number = 50-23204-01-A04, 50-23204-1-A4
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = 50-23204-01, 50-23204-1, 570789, 70789, NUDOCS 8905150161
| document report number = NUDOCS 8909290061
| title reference date = 07-05-1988
| package number = ML20247Q665
| package number = ML20246F997
| page count = 2
| page count = 9

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p--------------mmmamm---mmmmmmmmm----mmm--m--mmmmmm              ---,
e j,7 A
Dock'et No. 030-20360  SEP 21 1939
License No- 50-23204-01
Shannon and Wilson, In DBA Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories-P. O. Box 843-Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 4 Attention: Mr. Rohn D. Abbott Vice President and Manager
i NRC Form 374                PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGES i (3*83)    U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
  !      MATERIALS LICENSE          Amendment No. 4 Pursuant to the* Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, l Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations
i heretofoie made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, I source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to I deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This I license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is
;; This refers to the special field-inspection conducted by Mr. Paul Zurakowski. of this office on August 16,' 1989 of activities authorized by NRC
, subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any y ' conditions specified belo l
-   Licensee
License No.:,50-23204-01 and to the discussion of our findings held by M Zurakowski with you and Mr. Larry Johnson at the conclusion of the inspectio .,
!            In accordance with letter I
The . inspection was an examination of the' activities. conducted under your license'as they relate to radiation safety and to' compliance with the Commission's-rules and regulations and the conditions of your licens The
dated June 20, 1988 l Shannon & Wilson, In . License number 50-23204-01 is amended in DBA Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories            its entirety to read as follows:
   . inspection consisted .of selective examinations of procedures and Representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the
i            ,r  _ I I
   ' inspecto '
P. O. Box 843        %    tcr. f ,.
Based on the results ef Gis inspection, it appears that three of your activities were not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements, as set the Notice of Violation enclosed as Appendix A to this letter. These '.'
Fairbanks, Alaska 99707   s \-([% '       4 6xpira,tiondateJuly 31, 1993 (
items have been categorized into severity levels as described in the NRC
i l
    . Y[        5. Docket or  +v Reference No. 030-20360
Enforcement Policy, 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (1989).
1 6. Byproduct, source, and/or A 7. Chemical and/or physical        (8'. Maximum amount that licensee I special nuclear material N  form
                'g / d,may possess at any one time I
Q-  _D +4          4,/
                '' under this license
Cesium 137/  4,/  A. N Dohb'ined sealed sour 6es;& f' ,rNot to exceed I l i Americium 241 /w  ((Troxl'er DwgTNo. 'fM          (10 millicuries i  g  TA4100281,7Rev.{B) iQ i          (6fCesium137 i  N  4s(      4,    ;i And 50 millicuries i  1,..~  U.JQ ~~~, .4rLO ?          /, raf Americium 241 g            -
l Er source 1 Cesium 137  m  B N Sealed s'urces>ps'%    o      , & B. 7 Not to exceed i  L*, ' d (Troxisd Dwg.(N d gS ~ g
                $10 millicuries I
fV_            y fp'persource i
QSealedA-10,2112)? b t00        a g 4t ~4 {i ,? )
:. Americium 241  Y neUtro'nks,ources      ^  Not to exceed l    '%' ~ (Troxler Dwg'. N ,.h>Cr 50 millicuries i    '/A-102451)          N  per source i      i    e  ,  , M.'    l 1 Americium 241 Sesled 'n'eutron sources Not to exceed I    (Troxle'r'Dwg.'No''        . 330 millicuries A-100337)           per source l
i i Authorized use i
1 For use in Troxler Model 2400 series moisture / density gauges for measurements of properties of construction material l
l l i 3 and C. For use in Troxler Model 3400 series moisture / density gauges for l ! measurements of properties of construction material !
I For use in Troxler Model 3241 gauges for asphalt content measurement I i
i l
l  8905250261 880705 "              k REG 5 LIC30

50-23204-01  PDR
Your response to this notice is to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 20201, as stated in Appendix A, Notice of Violatio The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-51 If you_have any questions on this matter or concerning this inspection, please '
  " telephone Mr. Zurakowski or Mr. Thomas at 415-943-370 .
Since ly,
AL60 L_______---___-_-_____ ._ _   . _ _ _ _ _ -_-_
      .  -l
'    Robert J. Pat , Chief Nuclear Materials safety and  ,
Safeguards Branch
l        1\
l   8909290061 890921 L  REG 5 LIC30    g-50-23204-01 PNU
        [  l L

  - - _ - - - - _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _
pummmmmmmmm-m---ammmmmmmmm=======================m==m=m9 l  NRC Form 374A Wsq U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION PAGE 2 OF 3 ,,ces i Ucanse number  I 50-23204-01  1 MATERIALS LICENSE  nocket or nererence number  I SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET
_-,,  ., . . . _ . _ - _ _ _ _ - _ -
l * ' .9
030-20360  l
    *      P Amendment No. 4  l N
     , , ,
l 1 Licensed material may be used at 2055 Hill Road; Fairbanks, Alaska; 5621 Arctic  h Boulevard; Anchorage, Alaska; and at temporary job sites of the licensee anywhere  I j    in the United States where the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission maintains  I
,    jurisdiction for regulating the use of licensed materia l
11. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision and in the physical    y
presence of, Randall Fletcher, Stephen Adamczak, Jr., William Burgess, Fred  l
Brown, Winfield Beach, Dennis Peterson, JohW Spielman, or any other individuals  1
:    who have completed the manufacture r ^ 's'traininpcourse, the State of Alaska  i j    Department of Transportation N and Public Facilities course, or the l'icensee's 3    training course as described in the letter dated Marchi19,1985, and have been  l y
o    designated by Randall Fletcher, Radiation Protection Officer. The licensee  y i    shall maintain records;of individuals designated as usersi . p j      m (  '
l Sealed sources containing' licensed material shall not,be'opend i
1 w xy  ye,,  i 1 Thesource(shspecifiedin) Item (s)f7iA3 th' rough;7.D.shalDbetestedfor  l leakage and/or contamination at intervalsinot. to exceed 6' months. Any  g source rece Ned from.another person which is not accompani.ed by a certificate
p indicating that a test. was performed within a6 months before' the transfer  N shall not bel_put intojuse:untilLtested;!  ,1 -
N x ,
        ;.,j p -
r -
a  i Any source intstorage andInot;beiN Vsed need not'b'e tested. When the  I source is removed from:s'toragelfor useL6rJtransfer to another person, it  h shall be tested beforefuse oro t,ransfer.-
h y
1 The test shall be' capable of detedtin' 'g5he presence of 0.005 microcurie of  E radioactive material jon the test sample. If the~ test reveals the presence  I y    of 0.005 microcurie or'more- of removable contamination, the source shall be
I removed from service and decontaminated .. repaired, or disposed of in
;    accordance with Commission regulations 4A report shall be filed within 5  W
;    days of the date the leak test result is known with the U. S. Nuclear  l
Regulatory Commission, Region V; Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards q    Branch; 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210; Walnut Creek, California 94596. The  li y
]    report shall specify the source involved, the test results, and corrective  p 1    action taken. Records of leak test results shall be kept in units of 1    microcuries and shall be maintained for inspection by the Commissio p!
I p    Records may be disposed of follcwing Commission inspectio >
1          N l
l The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by  l j    Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc. or tests for leakage and/or contamination  >
j    shall be performed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an  P 1    Agreement State to perform such service l'
l 14. The licensee shall conduct a physical inventory every six (6) months to account
,    for all sources and/or devices received and possessed under the licens l p
j    Records of the inventories shall be maintained for two (2) years from the date  p 1    of each inventor R 1          P 1          >
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _  _- . -- - - -- ---
. - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ - . _
          -  . _ _ . - _-
am m mm m m mm m mm mm m m m mmmm mmmmum m mmmmmmmmm m m m mmmmmm mm == =m m mmm9
,. NRC Form 374A     U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION  PAGE 3 op 3 ,,oes I k l &en        Lic;nse nurnber  l I          50-23204-01  I (      MATERIALS LICENSE  pocket or nererence number  I SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET
030-20360  l
Amendment No. 4  l l            N l
'  '
I g (continued)          y i            I 15. The licensee may transport licensed material in accordance with the provisions      I of 10 CFR Part 71, " Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material". I i
   ./ i , #      ,
16. Maintenance or repair of portable devices involving removal of the sealed      g sources from the devices or removal or dismantling of shielding may be performed    g by Randall Fletcher, the device manufact0}eF,por,by other persons specifically    I authorized by the Commission oka'n' Agbee' merit' Statet to perform such service I g,   i 17. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this lidsnse, the licensee shall I
g conduct its program inaccordance with the statements, representations, and procedures contained in"the documents including any enclo'su'res, listed belo l p
p g   The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the    i W  statements, representations andxprocedures in the licens'ee' supplication and
i correspondence are'm6re res'trictive than the regulation g g, se3 5 ;s , j    l

I Application dated July 1421983 /P [ k ', l Letter dated' August 3, 1983) (  )''
SEP 21 gggg g ,
n lZ g
Letter dated-July 18 F1984%, G_,MA_ Q ~ '
g            p i e'  l N Letter dated'Octoberl4,1984 :, yr;.mn p ^a ,W  7  i i N    Letter dated" November.5P 19841 lij;iffF J  +
l Letter dated March 1901985 <:< !  s ,'
l Letter dated April 8/1985"'if c(l } t E bi f k R. - ?    l g Letter dated Juiis  .';> , 'l y
i N Training certific,20, ates1988 1 (JulyL1,l1988c received    i g        .i st: - ,~  p a      e s/*f, l      cj  n y      <  >
(,'      s
        , .., s t g        i    >
original signed by B. A. Riedlinger  l Date July 5, 1988      By    y '
N        Beth.A. Riedlinger  #
N        Health Physicist (Licensing)  F
$        Nuclear Materials Safety Section  i 4        Regi m V l
l            i I, a            n l
R l            R H aavavamwMhTamwmmasassaamT@rmaMAT&T*
_ _

_ - - _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ - -
l        I L
,  State of Alaska
  'A.. .
Johnson        ,
B. Faulkenberry    ,
JULjW1988 Docket No. : 030-20360 License No.: 50-23204-01 Control No.: 70789 Shannon & Wilson, In DBA Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories
   .P. O. Box 843 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 Attention: Randall K. Fletcher Radiation Safety Officer Gentlemen:
l J. Martin        )
Enclosed-is the NRC license renewal which you requeste Please review the enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand all condition If there are any errors or questions, please notify us so ,
c . docket' file copy         d
that we can provide appropriate corrections and answer Minor changes have been made to your license to make it consistent with current NRC policies. These are format changes only and do not alter the content of your licens Any future correspondence relating to your license should specifically reference your license and docket numbers to expedite your inquir
   ' J. Zollicoffer-
M. Smith
            'f; REGION V/ dot PZurakowski'
RJPate M A[hnson 3-9 RThomas      j
   . 9/H/8p  9A2/89 s 9/;2//89 9 ( /89 REQUEST COPY ] REQUEST COPY ].,PEQU).S COPY ] REQUEST Y]    L YES"'/ <NO ] YES //IO3 w
      / NO ] YES'./
        ] '
            -j f
      ~YMO    l YES ./ 'NO ]    1 I

Sincerely, Beth A. Riedlinger Health Physicist (Licensing)
Nuclear Materials Safety Section
,sI            )

Attachment A Amendment No. 4 to License No. 50-23204-01 RV WJSEUNSKY RV f/N fuEuLMER q/  /d 7 / 6 / 37f
_ _ _ - - - -

.n ,          i
  . 3ss cgr h p2:: C
lb L_ -
REGION APPLICATION ATTACHED Applicant / Licensee: SHANNON & WILSON, IN Received Date: 880624 Docket No:  3020360 Control No.: 570789 License No.: 50-23204-01 Action Type:  Renewal      l
5l' ,
  [ '.
. FfE ATTACHED        l l  Amount:
_ ' _ _   _ __ _ _ . . _ . _ . . . _ _J
Check No.: gr' q 3. COMMENTS b'l I'
l    Signed
      /_ [ , .- [ C (    l Date W / / )I\o l B.LICENSEFEEMANAGEMENTBRANCH(Checkwhenmilestone03isentered/_d fee Category and Amount:  ][  /2,<> )
l Correct fee Paid. Application may be processed for:
Amendment  f Renewal  /
License OTHER Signed  /k4 /lces Date  O,/u /pc/
      ;; ~ -
  .        '
      .    \
r A
9 .
  - i l
I    .
        '4 ./
          * d* g''
b _ _ *
    + .. i

Latest revision as of 20:34, 30 January 2022

Discusses Special Field Insp of License 50-23204-01 on 890816 & Forwards Notice of Violation
Person / Time
Site: 05000232, 03020360
Issue date: 09/21/1989
From: Pate R
To: Abbott R
Shared Package
ML20247Q665 List:
NUDOCS 8909290061
Download: ML20247Q661 (2)


, __ _ _-. -.



e j,7 A







Dock'et No. 030-20360 SEP 21 1939


License No- 50-23204-01



Shannon and Wilson, In DBA Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories-P. O. Box 843-Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 4 Attention: Mr. Rohn D. Abbott Vice President and Manager





This refers to the special field-inspection conducted by Mr. Paul Zurakowski. of this office on August 16,' 1989 of activities authorized by NRC


License No.:,50-23204-01 and to the discussion of our findings held by M Zurakowski with you and Mr. Larry Johnson at the conclusion of the inspectio .,

The . inspection was an examination of the' activities. conducted under your license'as they relate to radiation safety and to' compliance with the Commission's-rules and regulations and the conditions of your licens The

. inspection consisted .of selective examinations of procedures and Representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the

' inspecto '

Based on the results ef Gis inspection, it appears that three of your activities were not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements, as set the Notice of Violation enclosed as Appendix A to this letter. These '.'

items have been categorized into severity levels as described in the NRC


Enforcement Policy, 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (1989).

Your response to this notice is to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 20201, as stated in Appendix A, Notice of Violatio The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-51 If you_have any questions on this matter or concerning this inspection, please '

" telephone Mr. Zurakowski or Mr. Thomas at 415-943-370 .

Since ly,



. -l

' Robert J. Pat , Chief Nuclear Materials safety and ,


Safeguards Branch


l 1\

l 8909290061 890921 L REG 5 LIC30 g-50-23204-01 PNU

[ l L


_-,, ., . . . _ . _ - _ _ _ _ - _ -

l * ' .9


, , ,


' '

./ i , # ,

SEP 21 gggg g ,


, State of Alaska


'A.. .

Johnson ,

B. Faulkenberry ,

l J. Martin )

c . docket' file copy d

' J. Zollicoffer-



M. Smith

'f; REGION V/ dot PZurakowski'


RJPate M A[hnson 3-9 RThomas j


. 9/H/8p 9A2/89 s 9/;2//89 9 ( /89 REQUEST COPY ] REQUEST COPY ].,PEQU).S COPY ] REQUEST Y] L YES"'/ <NO ] YES //IO3 w



/ NO ] YES'./


] '

-j f


~YMO l YES ./ 'NO ] 1 I











,sI )


.n , i




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