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| issue date = 01/19/1988
| issue date = 01/19/1988
| title = Application for Amend to License DPR-18,requesting License Be Amended to Expire at Midnight of 090918 Instead of 060425
| title = Application for Amend to License DPR-18,requesting License Be Amended to Expire at Midnight of 090918 Instead of 060425
| author name = SNOW B A
| author name = Snow B
| author affiliation = ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP.
| author affiliation = ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP.
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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| page count = 20
| page count = 20
| project =
| stage = Request

{{#Wiki_filter:UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICANUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION IntheMatterofRochester GasandElect:ric Corporation (R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant:))))DocketNo.50-244))APPLICATION FOR28996)MENT TOOPERATING'ICENSE PursuanttoSection50.90oftheregulations oftheU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission (the"Commission"
{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of                                )
),Rochester GasandElectricCorporation
Rochester Gas and Elect:ric Corporation         )  Docket No. 50-244 (R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant: )             )
holderofFacilityOperating LicenseNo.DPR-18,herebyrequeststhatthislicensebeamendedtoexpireatmidnightSeptember 18,2009viceApril25,2006.TheproposedchangeissetforthinAttachment AtothisApplication.
Asafetyevaluation issetforthinAttachment B.Thisevaluation also,demonstrates thattheproposedchangedoesnotinvolveasignificant changeinthetypesorasignificant increaseintheamountsofeffluents oranychangeintheauthorized powerlevelofthefacility.
APPLICATION FOR 28996)MENT TO OPERATING'ICENSE Pursuant to Section 50.90 of the regulations of the U.S.
Asdemonstrated inAttachment B,theproposedchangedoesnotinvolveasignificant hazardsconsideration.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the "Commission" ), Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation ("RG&E''), holder of Facility Operating License No. DPR-18, hereby requests that  this license be amended to expire at midnight September 18, 2009 vice April 25, 2006.
880126053i 880ii9PDRADQCK05000244F' 4r/
The proposed change is set forth in Attachment A to this Application. A safety evaluation is set forth in Attachment B.
WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requeststhatFacilityOperating LicenseNo.DPR-18beamendedintheformattachedheretoasExhibitA.Rochester GasandElectricCorporation ByBruceA.SnowSuperintendent, NuclearProduction Subscribed andsworntobeforemeonthis19thdayofJanuary,1988.LYNNI.HAUCKNotaryPob5cirrtheStateoiNewYorkMONROECOVEYCorarnission ExpiresNov.30,19' ATTACHMENT AR.E.GXNNANUCLEARPOWERPLANTLicenseAmendment RequestDescritionofProosed'Chan etoeratinLicenseDPR-18Pursuantto10CFRPart50,Section50.90,theholdersofOperating LicenseDPR-18her'ebyproposethefollowing changes:LicenseirationDateChangeparagraph FoftheFacilityOperating LicensefortheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantLicenseNo.DPR-18toread:F.Thisamendedlicenseiseffective asofthedateofissuanceand.shallexpireatmidnightSeptember 18,2009.RefertoExhibitAfortheactualpagechanges.
This evaluation also, demonstrates that the proposed change does not involve a significant change in the types or a significant increase in the amounts of effluents or any change in the authorized power level of the facility. As demonstrated in Attachment B, the proposed change does not involve a significant hazards consideration.
EXHIBITAROCHESTER GASANDELECTRICCORPORATION DOCKETNO.50-244R.E.GINNANUCLEARPOWERPLANTFACILITYOPERATING LICENSELicenseNo.DPR-181.TheNuclearRegulatory Commission (theCommission) hasfoundthat:A.Theapplication complieswiththerequirements oftheAtomicEnergyActof1954,asamended(theAct),andtheregulations oftheCommission setforthin10CFRChapter'andallre-quirednotifications tootheragenciesorbodieshave beendulymade;B.Construction oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant(thefacility) hasbeensubstantially completed inconformity withConstruction PermitNo.CPPR-19,asamended,andtheapplication, theprovisions oftheAct,andtherulesandregulations oftheCommission; C.Thefacilitywilloperateinconformity withtheapplication, theprovisions oftheAct,andtherulesandregulations oftheCommission; D.Thereisreasonable assurance (i)thatthefacilitycanbeoperatedatpowerlevelsupto1520megawatts (thermal)
880126053i 880ii9 PDR  ADQCK 05000244 F'
'withoutendangering thehealthand.safetyofthepublic;and(ii)thatsuchactivities willbeconducted incompliance withtheregulations oftheCommission; E.Theapplicant istechnically andfinancially qualified toengageintheactivities authorized.
bythisoperating licenseinaccordance withtherulesandregulations oftheCommission; F.Theapplicant hasfurnished.
proofoffinancial protection thatsatisfies therequirements of10CFRPart140;andG.Theissuanceofthislicensewillnotbeinimicaltothecommondefenseandsecurityortothehealthandsafety.ofthepublic.2.TheProvisional Operating LicensedatedSeptember 19,1969,issuperseded byFacilityOperating LicenseNo.DPR-18herebyissuedtoRochester Gasand.ElectricCorporation toreadasfollows:
A.ThelicenseappliestotheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant,aclosedcycle,pressurized, light-water-moderated andcooledreactor,andelectricgenerating equipment (hereinreferredtoas"thefacility"
)whichisownedbytheRochester GasandElectricCorporation (hereinafter "thelicensee" or"RG&E").Thefacility.
islocatedonthelicensee's siteonthesouthshoreofLakeOntario,WayneCounty,NewYork,about16mileseastoftheCityofRochester and,isdescribed inlicenseapplication Amendment No.6,"FinalFacilityDescription andSafetyAnalysisReport",andsubsequent amendments thereto,andintheapplication forpowerincreasenotarized February2,1971,and.Amendment Nos.1through4thereto(hereincol-lectively referredtoas"theapplication"
).B.Subjecttotheconditions andrequirements incorporated herein,theCommission herebylicensesRG&E:(1)PursuanttoSection104boftheActand10CFRPart50,"Domestic Licensing ofProduction andUtilization Facilities",
topossess,use,andoperatethefacilityatthedesignated locationinWayneCounty,NewYork,inaccordance withtheprocedures andlimitations setforthinthislicense;(2)PursuanttotheActand10CFRPart70,toreceive,possess,anduseatanytimespecialnuclearmaterialorreactorfuel,inaccordance withthelimitations forstorageandamountsrequiredforreactoroperation asdescribed intheFinalSafetyAnalysisReport,asamended,andCommission SafetyEvaluations datedNovember15,1976,October5,1984,and.November14,1984.(a)PursuanttotheActand10CFRPart70,toreceiveand.storefour(4)mixed.oxidefuelassemblies inaccordance withthelicensee's application datedDecember14,1979(transmitted byletterdatedDecember20,1979);(b)PursuanttotheActand10CFRPart70,topossessandusefour(4)mixedoxidefuelassemblies inaccordance withthelicensee's application datedDecember14,1979transmitted byletterdatedDecember20,1979),assupplemented February20,1980andMarch5,1980;(3)PursuanttotheActand10CFRParts30,40,and.70,toreceive,possess,anduseatanytimeanybyproduct, source,andspecialnuclearmaterialassealed.neutronsources.forreactorstartup,sealedsourcesforreactorinstrumentation andradiation monitoring equipment cali-bration,andasfissiondetectors inamountsasrequired; (4)PursuanttotheActand10CFRParts30,40,and70,toreceive,possess,anduseinamountsasrequiredanybyproduct, source,orspecialnuclearmaterialwithoutrestriction tochemicalorphysicalform,forsampleanalysisorinstrument calibration orassociated withradioactive apparatus orcomponents; and(5)PursuanttotheActand10CFRParts30and70,topossess,butnotseparate, suchbyproduct andspecialnuclearmaterials asmaybeproducedbytheoperation ofthefacility.
C.Thislicenseshallbedeemedtocontainandissubjecttotheconditions specified inthefollowing Commission regulations in10CFRPart20,Section30.34ofPart30,Section40.41ofPart40,Sections50.54and50.59ofPart50,and.Section70.32ofPart70;andissubjecttoallapplicable provisions oftheActand.rules,regulations andordersoftheCommission noworhereafter ineffect;andissubjecttotheadditional conditions specified below:(1)MaximumPowerLevel.RGGEisauthorized tooperatethefacilityatsteady-state powerlevelsuptoamaximumof1520megawatts (thermal)
.(2)Technical Secifications TheTechnical Specifications contained, inAppendixAareherebyincorporated inthelicense.Thelicenseeshalloperatethefacilityinaccordance withtheTechnical Specifications.
(3)FireProtection (a)Thelicenseeshallmaintainineffectallfireprotection featuresdescribed inthelicensee's submittals referenced inandasapprovedormodi-fiedbytheNRC'sFireProtection SafetyEvaluation (SE)datedFebruary14,1979andSEsupplements datedDecember17,1980,February6,1981andJune22,1981,orconfigurations subsequently approvedbytheNRC,subjecttoprovisions (b)and(c)below.(b)Thelicenseemaymakenochangetotheapprovedfireprotection featureswhichwould.decreasetheleveloffireprotection intheplantwithoutpriorapprovaloftheCommission.
Tomakesuchachangethelicenseemustsubmitanapplication forlicenseamendment pursuantto10CFR50.90.
(c)Thelicenseemaymakechangestoapprovedfireprotection featureswhichdonotdecreasetheleveloffireprotection withoutpriorCommission approvalprovidedsuchchangesdonototherwise involveachangeinalicensecondition ortech-nicalspecification orresultinanunreviewed safetyquestion(see10CFR50.59).However,thelicenseeshallmaintain, inanauditable form,acurrentrecordofallsuchchangesincluding ananalysisoftheeffectsofthechangeontheleveloffireprotection andshallmakesuchrecordsavailable toNRCinspectors uponrequest.Allchanges,totheapprovedfeaturesmadewithoutpriorCommission approvalshallbereportedannuallytotheDirectoroftheOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation.
(4)SecondarWaterChemistrMonitorin ProramThelicenseeshallimplement asecondary waterchemistry monitoring programtoinhibitsteamgenerator tubedegra-dation.Thisprogramshallbedescribed.
intheplantprocedures andshallinclude:(a)Identification ofasamplingscheduleforthecriticalparameters and.controlpointsfortheseparameters; (b)Identification oftheprocedures usedtomeasurethevaluesofthecriticalparameters; (c)Identification ofprocesssamplingpoints;(d)Procedure fortherecording andmanagement ofdata;(e)Procedures definingcorrective actionsforoffcontrol.pointchemistry conditions; and(f)Aprocedure identifying (i)theauthority respon-siblefortheinterpretation ofthedata,and(ii)thesequenceand.timingofadministrative eventsrequiredtoinitiatecorrective action.(5)SstemsInteritThelicenseeshallimplement aprogramtoreduceleakagefromsystemsoutsidecontainment thatwouldorcouldcontainhighlyradioactive fluidsduringaserioustransient oraccidenttoaslowasreasonably achiev-ablelevels.Thisprogramshallincludethefollowing:
(a)Provisions establishing preventive maintenance andperiodicvisualinspection requirements; and

(b)Leaktestrequirements foreachsystematafrequency nottoexceedrefueling cycleintervals.
(6)IodineMonitorin Thelicenseeshallimplement aprogramwhichwillensurethecapability toaccurately determine theairborneiodineconcentration invitalareasunderaccidentconditions.
(a)Trainingofpersonnel; (b)Procedures formonitoring; and(c)Provisions formaintenance ofsamplingandanalysisequipment.
D.Thefacilityrequiresexemptions fromcertainrequirements of10CFR50.46(a)(1),
WHEREFORE,              Applicant respectfully requests that Facility Operating License No. DPR-18 be amended in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Rochester Gas and  Electric Corporation By Bruce A. Snow Superintendent,  Nuclear Production Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 19th day of January, 1988.
andAppendixJto10CFRPart50.Theseinclude:(1)anexemption from50.46(,a)(1),
LYNN I. HAUCK Notary Pob5c irr the State oi New York MONROE COVEY Corarnission Expires Nov. 30,  19'
thatECCSperformance becalculated inaccordance withanaccept-ablecalculational modelwhichconformstotheprovisions inAppendixK(SERdated,April18,1978).Theexemption willexpireuponreceiptandapprovalofrevisedECCScalcula-tions;(2)certainexemptions fromAppendixJto10CFRPart50sectionIII.A.4(a) maximumallowable leakagerateforreducedpressuretests,sectionIII.B.1acceptable technique forperforming local(TypeB)leakageratetests,sectionIII.D.1scheduling ofcontainment integrated leakageratetests,and.sectionIII.D.2testingintervalforcontain-mentairlocks(SERdatedMarch28,1978);and(3)anexemption totheschedular requirements forthealternative shutdownsystemassetforthin10CFR50.48(c)(4)
(NRCletterdated,May10,1984).Theexemption iseffective untilstartupfromthe1986refueling outage.Theaforementioned exemptions areauthorized bylawandwillnotendangerlifeorpropertyorthecommondefenseandsecurityandareotherwise inthepublicinterest.
ATTACHMENT A R.E. GXNNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT License Amendment Request Descri tion of Pro osed'Chan    e  to  eratin License DPR-18 Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.90, the holders of Operating License DPR-18 her'eby propose the following changes:
Therefore, theexemptions areherebygranted,pursuantto10CFR50.12.E.PhysicalProtection
License    iration Date Change paragraph F of the Facility Operating License for the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant License No. DPR-18 to read:
-Thelicenseeshallmaintainineffectandfullyimplement allprovisions ofthefollowing Commission-,
F. This amended license is effective as of the date of issuance and. shall expire at midnight September 18, 2009.
approveddocuments, including amendments andchangesmadepursuanttotheauthority of10CFR50.54(p),
Refer to Exhibit  A  for the actual  page changes.
whicharebeingwithheldfrompublicdisclosure pursuantto10CFR73.21:(1)SecurityPlancollectively titled"R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantUnit1SecurityPlan",datedJanuary18,1978,asrevisedDecember8,.1978,March27,1979,June29,1979,December14,1979,andSeptember 10,1980.  
(2)Safeguards Contingency PlanincludedasrevisedChapter8(Revisions 12and13),submitted pursuantto10CFR73.40bythelicensee's letterdatedApril3,1980,asrevisedbyletterdatedJuly24,1980,tothe"R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantUnit1SecurityPlan",datedJanuary18,1978,asrevisedApril3,1980,July24,1980,andSeptember 10,1980.(3)Thelicenseeshallfullyimplement andmaintainineffectallprovisions oftheCommission-approved GuardTrainingandQualification Plan,including amendments andchangesmadepursuanttotheauthority of10CFR50.54(p).
ThisapprovedPlanconsistsofadocumentwithheldfrompublicdisclosure pursuantto10CFR73.21identified as"R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant,UnitNo.1TrainingandQuali-ficationPlan",datedApril23,1981(transmitted byletterdatedMay4,1981),including revisedpagesdatedJuly29,1981(transmitted byletterdatedJuly30,1981).F.Thisamendedlicenseiseffective asofthedateofissuanceandshallexpireatmidnight, September 18,2009.FORTHENUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION
: 1. The Nuclear    Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:
A. The  application complies with the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the regulations of the Commission set forth in 10 CFR Chapter' and all re-quired notifications to other agencies or bodieshave been duly made; B. Construction of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant (the facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPPR-19, as amended, and the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. The  facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; D. There  is  reasonable  assurance (i) that the facility can be operated    at power  levels up to 1520 megawatts (thermal)
      'without endangering the health and. safety of the public; and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the regulations of the Commission; E. The applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities authorized. by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; F. The applicant has furnished. proof of financial protection that satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR Part 140; and G. The issuance of this license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety. of the public.
: 2. The  Provisional Operating License dated September 19, 1969, is superseded by Facility Operating License No. DPR-18 hereby issued to Rochester Gas and. Electric Corporation to read as follows:
A. The  license applies to the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, a closed cycle, pressurized, light-water-moderated and cooled reactor, and electric generating equipment (herein referred to as "the facility") which is owned by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (hereinafter "the licensee" or "RG&E").
The facility. is located on the licensee's site on the south shore of Lake Ontario, Wayne County, New York, about 16 miles east of the City of Rochester and, is described in license application    Amendment No. 6,  "Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report", and subsequent amendments thereto, and in the application for power increase notarized February 2, 1971, and. Amendment Nos. 1 through 4 thereto (herein col-lectively referred to as "the application" ).
B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses    RG&E:
(1) Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities", to possess, use, and operate the facility at the designated location in Wayne County, New York, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear material or reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as amended, and Commission Safety Evaluations dated November 15, 1976, October 5, 1984,    and. November 14, 1984.
(a) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive and. store four (4) mixed. oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 (transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979);
(b) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to possess and use four (4) mixed oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979), as supplemented February 20, 1980 and March 5, 1980; (3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and. 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source, and special nuclear material as sealed. neutron sources. for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment cali-bration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required;
(4) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source, or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and (5) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.
C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Part 20, Section 30.34 of Part 30, Section 40.41 of Part 40, Sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, and. Section 70.32 of Part 70; and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and. rules, regulations and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified below:
(1) Maximum Power Level.
RGGE  is authorized to operate the facility at steady-state power  levels  up to  a maximum of 1520 megawatts (thermal) .
(2) Technical  S  ecifications The  Technical Specifications contained, in Appendix A are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.
(3) Fire Protection (a) The licensee  shall maintain in effect all fire protection features described in the licensee's submittals referenced in and as approved or modi-fied by the NRC's Fire Protection Safety Evaluation (SE) dated February 14, 1979 and SE supplements dated December 17, 1980, February 6, 1981 and June 22, 1981, or configurations subsequently approved by the NRC, subject to provisions (b) and (c) below.
(b) The licensee may make no change to the approved fire protection features which would. decrease the level of fire protection in the plant without prior approval of the Commission. To make such a change the licensee must submit an application for license amendment pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90.
(c) The licensee  may make changes to approved fire protection features which do not decrease the level of fire protection without prior Commission approval provided such changes do not otherwise involve a change in a license condition or tech-nical specification or result in an unreviewed safety question (see 10 CFR 50.59). However, the licensee shall maintain, in an auditable form, a current record of all such changes including an analysis of the effects of the change on the level of fire protection and shall make such records available to NRC inspectors upon request. All changes, to the approved features made without prior Commission approval shall be reported annually to the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
(4) Secondar Water Chemistr Monitorin Pro ram The licensee shall implement a secondary water chemistry monitoring program to inhibit steam generator tube degra-dation. This program shall be described. in the plant procedures and shall include:
(a) Identification of a sampling schedule for the critical parameters and. control points for these parameters; (b)  Identification of the procedures  used  to measure the values of the  critical parameters; (c)  Identification of process sampling points; (d)  Procedure for the recording and management of data; (e)  Procedures defining corrective actions for off control. point chemistry conditions; and (f) A procedure identifying (i) the authority respon-sible for the interpretation of the data, and (ii) the sequence and. timing of administrative events required to initiate corrective action.
(5) S  stems  Inte rit The  licensee shall implement a program to reduce leakage from systems outside containment that would or could contain highly radioactive fluids during a serious transient or accident to as low as reasonably achiev-able levels. This program shall include the following:
(a) Provisions establishing preventive maintenance and periodic visual inspection requirements; and
(b) Leak  test requirements for each system at a frequency not to exceed refueling cycle intervals.
(6) Iodine Monitorin The licensee shall implement a program which will ensure the capability to accurately determine the airborne iodine concentration in vital areas under accident conditions.
This program shall include the following:
(a) Training of personnel; (b) Procedures for monitoring; and (c) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment.
D. The  facility requires  exemptions from certain requirements of 10 CFR  50.46(a)(1), 50.48(c)(4),, and Appendix J to 10 CFR Part
: 50. These include:     (1) an exemption from 50.46(,a)(1), that ECCS performance be calculated in accordance with an accept-able calculational model which conforms to the provisions in Appendix K (SER dated, April 18, 1978). The exemption will expire upon receipt and approval of revised ECCS calcula-tions; (2) certain exemptions from Appendix J to 10 CFR Part 50 section III.A.4(a) maximum allowable leakage rate for reduced pressure tests, section III.B.1 acceptable technique for performing local (Type B) leakage rate tests, section III.D.1 scheduling of containment integrated leakage rate tests, and. section III.D.2 testing interval for contain-ment airlocks (SER dated March 28, 1978); and (3) an exemption to the schedular requirements for the alternative shutdown system as set forth in 10 CFR 50.48(c)(4) (NRC letter dated, May 10, 1984). The exemption is effective until startup from the 1986 refueling outage. The aforementioned exemptions are authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security and are otherwise in the public interest. Therefore, the exemptions are hereby granted, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12.
E. Physical Protection    The licensee shall maintain in effect and  fully implement all  provisions of the following Commission-,
approved documents, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p), which are being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 73.21:
(1) Security Plan collectively titled "R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Security Plan", dated January 18, 1978, as revised December 8,.1978, March 27, 1979, June 29, 1979, December 14, 1979, and September    10, 1980.
(2) Safeguards   Contingency Plan included as revised Chapter 8  (Revisions 12 and 13), submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 73.40 by the licensee's letter dated April 3, 1980, as revised by letter dated July 24, 1980, to the "R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Security Plan", dated January 18, 1978, as revised April 3, 1980, July 24, 1980, and September  10, 1980.
(3) The licensee    shall fully implement and maintain in effect all  provisions of the Commission-approved Guard Training and Qualification Plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p). This approved Plan consists of a document withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 73.21 identified as "R.E.
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 Training and Quali-fication Plan", dated April 23, 1981 (transmitted by letter dated May 4, 1981), including revised pages dated July 29, 1981 (transmitted by letter dated July 30, 1981).
F. This amended license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight, September 18, 2009.


AppendixA-Technical Specifications DateofIssuance:
Appendix A    Technical Specifications Date of Issuance:
ATTACHMENT BReasonsforChane:ThecurrentOperating Licenseexpiration date(April25,2006)is40yearsfromthedateofissuanceoftheConstruction Permit.Becauseapproximately 29monthswererequiredtoconstruct theR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlanttothepointoffuelloadingandstartuptesting,theeffective periodofthelicenseisapproxi-mately37yearsand7months.CurrentNRCpolicyistoissueoperating licensesfora40-yearperiodbeginning withthedateofissuance.
Therequested changeinexpiration dateoftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantOperating Licensewouldprovideforthe40-yearperiod'ofoperation.
ATTACHMENT B Reasons  for  Chan e:
Rochester Gasand.ElectricCorporation believesthattheusefullifeoftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantissignificantly morethanthe40yearsrequested inthislicenseamendment application.
The  current Operating License expiration date (April 25, 2006) is  40  years from the date of issuance of the Construction Permit.
Wearecurrently involvedinaPlant.LifeExtension Program(PLEX)fortheGinnaplant.Thepurposeofthisprogramistodetermine theoptimumsafeoperating lifeofthefacilityandestablish aprogramofsurveillance, testing,andplanned,replacement/refur-bishmenttosupportthisgoal.Determination ofSiificantHazardsConsiderations:
Because approximately 29 months were required to construct the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant to the point of fuel loading and startup testing, the effective period of the license is approxi-mately 37 years and 7 months. Current NRC policy is to issue operating licenses for a 40-year period beginning with the date of issuance. The requested change in expiration date of the R.E.
TheproposedchangetotheOperating Licensehasbeenevaluated todetermine whetheritconstitutes asignificant hazardscon-sideration asrequiredby10CFRPart50,Sections50.91usingthestandards providedinSection50.92.Thisanalysisisprovidedbelow:,1.Theproposedamendment willnotinvolveasignificant increaseintheprobability orconsequences ofanaccidentpreviously evaluated..
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Operating License would provide for the 40-year period 'of operation.
TheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantwasdesignedandconstructed primarily onthebasisof40yearsofplantoperation.
Rochester Gas and. Electric Corporation believes that the useful life of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant is significantly more than the 40 years requested in this license amendment application.
Forexample,thereactorvesselwasdesignedandfabricated fora40-year,life.Acomprehensive vesselmaterials surveillance programismaintained inaccordance with10CFRPart50,AppendixH.Analyseswereperformed todemonstrate compliance withtheNRCpressurized thermalshockscreening criteria.
We are currently involved in a Plant. Life Extension Program (PLEX) for the Ginna plant. The purpose of this program is to determine the optimum safe operating life of the facility and establish a program of surveillance, testing, and planned, replacement/refur-bishment to support this goal.
AlloftheRTvaluesremainbelowtheNRCscreening valuesforPTSusingtheprojected fluenceexposurethrough32EFPY.Attheprojected capac-ityfactorof80%thiscorresponds tothe40-yearlifeoftheplant.Thisinformation wascontained.
Determination of Si    ificant  Hazards Considerations:
inWCAP-11026 whichwastransmitted totheNRConJanuary13,1986asanattachment toaletterfromR.KoberofRG&EtoG.Lear.Theanalysescontained intheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantFinalSafetyAnalysisReportwereperformed onthebasisofnotlessthan40yearsofexpected.
The proposed change    to the Operating License has been evaluated to determine whether    it constitutes a significant hazards con-sideration as required by 10 CFR Part 50, Sections 50.91 using the standards provided in Section 50.92.       This analysis is provided below:,
: 1. The proposed amendment  will not  involve a significant increase  in the probability or  consequences of an accident previously evaluated..
Attachment BAnalysesandinformation presented intheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantEnvironmental Report,ingeneral,werenotdependent onanyspecificperiodofplantoperation.
The R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power  Plant was designed and constructed primarily on the basis of 40 years of plant operation. For example, the reactor vessel was designed and fabricated for a 40-year, life. A comprehensive vessel materials surveillance program is maintained in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix H. Analyses were performed to demonstrate compliance with the NRC pressurized thermal shock screening criteria. All of the RT        values remain below the NRC screening values for PTS using the projected fluence exposure through 32 EFPY. At the projected capac-ity factor of 80% this corresponds to the 40-year life of the plant. This information was contained. in WCAP-11026 which was transmitted to the NRC on January 13, 1986 as an attachment to a letter from R. Kober of RG&E to G. Lear.
Procedures andprogramsareinplacetodetectabnormaldeterioration andaging,ofcriticalplantcomponents.
The analyses contained in the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Final Safety Analysis Report were performed on the basis of not less than 40 years of expected. plant life.
Examplesinclude:a.Plantpressureretaining vessels,piping,andsupportsystemsareinspected inaccordance withSectionXIoftheASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCodeand10CFRPart50,Section50.55a(g),
Attachment B Analyses and information presented in the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Report, in general, were not dependent on any specific period of plant operation.
Safety-related pumpsand'alves areincludedinatestprogrammeetingtherequirements ofSectionXI.oftheCodeand.theplantTechnical Specifications.
Procedures   and programs are in place to detect abnormal deterioration    and aging, of critical plant components.
b.Safety-related electrical equipment hasbeenenviron-mentallyqualified inaccordance withtherequirements of10CFRPart50,Section50.49.Aginganalysesestablish requiredintervals forequipment replacement.
Examples    include:
: a. Plant pressure retaining vessels, piping, and support systems are inspected in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief has been granted by the NRC pursuant to 10CFR50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(i). Safety-related pumps and'alves are included in a test program meeting the requirements of Section XI. of the Code and. the plant Technical Specifications.
c~Anumberofspecialinspections andinvestigations havebeenperformed bytheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlanttechnical staffproviding additional assurance thatabnormalorunanticipated degradation willnotoccurincomponents requiredforsafeandreliableplantoperation.
: b. Safety-related electrical equipment has been environ-mentally qualified in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.49. Aging analyses establish required intervals for equipment replacement.
Theseinspections haveincludedsuchitemsaspipe,valve,andfittingwallthick-nessmeasurements insteam,feedwater andcondensate
No items would be affected by the extension.
c A number of special inspections and investigations
Asanexampleofthisongoingeffort,amotoroperatedvalvediagnostic programisbeingimplemented atGinna.Thisprogramisproviding valuabledatatoinsurecontinued reli-abilityandperformance ofthemotoroperatedvalves.Additional inspections ofthisnature'ill beidenti-fiedaspartoftheR.E.Ginnaplant-specific PLEXProgram.Therequested extension ontheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantlicensewillallowtheplanttooperateforthelengthoftimecontemplated duringthedesignprocess.Thestationhasprogramsandprocedures inplacetomonitorthepowerplanttogivereasonable assurance thatequipment andsystemswillcontinuetomeettheirdesignparameters.
Theextension ofthelicensedoperating period,therefore, willnotsignificantly increasetheprobability orconsequences ofaccidents thathavebeenpreviously evaluated.
have been performed by the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant technical staff providing additional assurance that abnormal or unanticipated degradation will not occur in components required for safe and reliable plant operation. These inspections have included such items as pipe, valve, and fitting wall thick-ness measurements in steam, feedwater and condensate
Attachment B2.Theproposedamendment willnotcreatethepossibility ofanewordifferent.
    'lines subject to erosion.. As an example of this ongoing effort, a motor operated valve diagnostic program is being implemented at Ginna. This program is providing valuable data to insure continued reli-ability and performance of the motor operated valves.
kind.ofaccidentfromanyaccidentpreviously analyzed.
Additional inspections of this nature'ill be identi-fied as part of the R.E. Ginna plant-specific PLEX Program.
Theproposedamendments involveonlyachangeintheexpiration dateoftheOperating License.Nosafetyanalysesareaffected.
The requested    extension on the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant license will allow the plant to operate for the length of time contemplated during the design process.
Nonewordifferent accidenttypeiscreated..
The station has programs and procedures in place to monitor the power plant to give reasonable assurance that equipment and systems will continue to meet their design parameters.     The extension of the licensed operating period, therefore, will not significantly increase the probability or consequences of accidents that have been previously evaluated.
Theaccidentanalysespresented intheUpdated.FinalSafetyAnalysisReportremainhounding.
3.Theproposed, amendment willnotinvolveasignificant reduction inthemarginofsafety.Theproposedamendment involvesonlyachangeintheexpiration dateoftheOperating License.Nosafetymarginsareaffected.
Attachment B
Thelicensing basesoftheplant,asdescribed intheUpdatedFinalSafetyAnalysisReportandtheEnviron-mentalReport,areapplicable for40yearsofplantoperation.
: 2. The proposed amendment    will not create the possibility of a new or different. kind. of accident from any accident previously analyzed.
Forthereasonsstatedabove,wehaveconcluded thattheselicenseamendments donotinvolveasignificant.
The proposed amendments involve only a change in the expiration date of the Operating License. No safety analyses are affected. No new or different accident type is created.. The accident analyses presented in the Updated. Final Safety Analysis Report remain hounding.
: 3. The proposed, amendment will not involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety.
ReviewofR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantEnvironmental ReortWehavereviewedtheoriginalR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantEnvironmental Report,andthe1982update.Wehaveconcluded thattheenvironmental impactassociated withoperation oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantfora40-yearperiod.ofoperation wasconsidered inthisreport.TheEnvironmental Report,assupplemented, doesnotgenerally useordiscussaspecificperiod.ofplant.operation intheevaluations presented..
The proposed  amendment involves only a change in the expiration date of the Operating License. No safety margins are affected.
Intheapproximately 5yearsofplantoperation sincetheEnvi-ronmental Reportwasupdated,anumberofmodifications havebeenmadetotheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantandsurrounding siteandfacilities.
The licensing bases of the plant, as described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report and the Environ-mental Report, are applicable for 40 years of plant operation.
Thesemodifications, ingeneral,hadtheeffectofimproving thereliability andsafetyoftheplantorreducingtheenvironmental impactofplantoperation.
For the reasons stated above, we have concluded that these license amendments do not involve a significant. hazards consideration.
Theyinclude:a.Facilities Manymodifications totheplanthavebeenmadesincetheoriginalOperating Licensehasbeenissued.Sig-nificantmodifications.
Review  of R.E. Ginna Nuclear  Power Plant Environmental Re ort We  have reviewed the original R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Report, and the 1982 update. We have concluded that the environmental impact associated with operation of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant for a 40-year period. of operation was considered in this report.     The Environmental Report, as supplemented, does not generally use or discuss a specific period. of plant. operation in the evaluations presented..
aredescribed in,theR.E.GinnaUpdatedFinalSafetyAnalysisReport.Modifications madewithoutpriorNRCapprovalinaccordance withtheprovisions of10CFRPart50,Section50.59,were Attachment BreportedtotheCommission.
In the approximately 5 years of plant operation since the Envi-ronmental Report was updated, a number of modifications have been made to the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant and surrounding site and facilities. These modifications, in general, had the effect of improving the reliability and safety of the plant or reducing the environmental impact of plant operation. They include:
Modifications requiring priorNRCapprovalweremadefollowing receiptofanNRCSafetyEvaluation Report.Nomodification wasfoundtoaffecttheconclusions oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantEnvironmental Report.During1978aDeepBedCondensate Polishing SystemwasbroughtonlineatGinnaStationforthepurposeofimproving thesecondary sidesteamgenerator waterchem-istry.Thissystemwashousedina6,000ftadditionattachedtotheturbinebuilding.
: a. Facilities Many  modifications to the plant have been made since the  original Operating License has been issued. Sig-nificant modifications. are described in, the R.E. Ginna Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. Modifications made without prior NRC approval in accordance with the provisions of  10 CFR  Part 50, Section 50.59, were
Whilethissystemhashadabeneficial effectonsteamgenerator chemistry, additional wasteproductshavebeenproducedwhichrequirechemicaltreatment priortodischarge intoLakeOntario.Thedischarges areacceptable totheNYStateDepartment ofEnvironmental Conservation andareincludedintheCompany's SPDESpermitdiscussed inSectionc.below.b.RandUseWhilesomeconstruction (e.g.,thecondensate polisherbuilding) hastakenplaceontheGinnasitesincethe1982EISupdate,siteboundaries andacreagehavenotchanged.Noneofthenewfacilities willresultinanyadditional impactuponlocallanduseorterrestrial ecosystems andtherefore theimpactsdescribed in.theEISremainvalid.c.WaterQualityandThermalDischarge-Related.
ImpactsTheGinnaStationcirculating coolingwatersystemisregulated bytheStatePollutant Discharge Elimi-nationSystem(SPDES)Permitting ProgramwhichisanEPA-initiated program(subsequently.
Attachment B reported to the Commission. Modifications requiring prior NRC approval were made following receipt of an NRC Safety Evaluation Report. No modification was found to affect the conclusions of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Report.
transferred totheStateofNewYork)whichauthorizes andmonitorsdis-charges'o waterbodiesinordertoensuretheprotection oftheenvironment fromchemical,
During 1978 a Deep Bed Condensate Polishing System was brought on line at Ginna Station for the purpose of improving the secondary side steam generator water chem-istry. This system was housed in a 6,000    ft  addition attached to the turbine building. While this system has had a beneficial effect on steam generator chemistry, additional waste products have been produced which require chemical treatment prior to discharge into Lake Ontario.
: physical, andbiological degradation.
The discharges are acceptable to the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation and are included in the Company's SPDES permit discussed in Section c. below.
InMay1985theNewYorkStateDepartment ofEnvironmental Conservation issuedSPDESPermitNo.NY-0000493forthe.GinnaStation.Thispermitisrenewable onafiveyearbasis.Allwaterqualityissuesincluding chem-icaldischarges, discharge flows,thermaldischarge, and.biological impactscomeunderthejurisdiction ofthispermit.Additionally, thispermitauthorized variances fortheexistingcoolingwaterintakeanddischarge.
: b. Rand Use While  some construction (e.g., the condensate polisher building) has taken place on the Ginna site since the 1982 EIS update, site boundaries and acreage have not changed.
systemspursuanttoSections316(a)and.(b)oftheCleanWaterActforthefiveyearlifeofthepermit.Becausethispermitwasissuedsubsequent tothe1982EISupdate,impactssincethattimehavebeen,andwillcontinuetobe,thoroughly reviewedintheSPDESprocess.
None of the new facilities will result in any additional impact upon local land use or terrestrial ecosystems and therefore the impacts described in. the EIS remain valid.
Attachment BAsignificant changetothecirculating coolingwatersystemdescription whichhasbeenmadesincethe1982EISupdateistherevisionoftotaldailydischarge flowfrom576milliongallonsperdayto490milliongallonsperday.Thisrevisionwasmadein1985andwasbasedonrecalculated heatrejection ratesfortheStation.Additionally, sincethe1982EISupdateanumberofreportsrelatedtotheaquaticecological impactsofGinnaStationoperation havebeenprepared.
: c. Water Quality and Thermal Discharge-Related. Impacts The Ginna Station circulating cooling water system is regulated by the State Pollutant Discharge Elimi-nation System (SPDES) Permitting Program which is an EPA-initiated program (subsequently. transferred to the State of New York) which authorizes and monitors dis-charges'o water bodies in order to ensure the protection of the environment from chemical, physical, and biological degradation. In May 1985 the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation issued SPDES Permit No. NY-000 0493 for the. Ginna Station. This permit is renewable on a five year basis. All water quality issues including chem-ical discharges, discharge flows, thermal discharge, and.
Following isalistofthesignificant aquaticecological reportspreparedforGinnaStationsincethe1982EISupdate.RG&EREPORTNO.B-13-289TITLE1977-1981 Entrainment ProgramSummaryReport,GinnaNuclearPowerStation,1985B-13-2901978-1983 FishProgramSummaryReport,GinnaNuclearPowerStation,1986B-13-293GinnaNuclearPowerStation,Impingement ProgramPlanofStudy,1985B-13-328FishImpingement Program,1982through1986AnalysisReport,GinnaNuclearPowerStation,1987Theapplicant believesthattheSPDESPermitting ProgramisadequatetomonitorpresentandfuturewaterqualityimpactsofGinnaStation.Therefore, noadditional waterqualityimpactanalysesarenecessary inthisapplication.
biological impacts come under the jurisdiction of this permit. Additionally, this permit authorized variances for the existing cooling water intake and discharge.
d.Radiological Effects-and RadwasteTreatment SystemsReleasesofradioactive liquidandgaseouswastesfromGinnahaveremainedamongthelowestofU.S.generating plantsduringthepastdecade.Volumeofradwasteshipped,isamongthelowestofU.S.nucleargenerating plants.Thefollowing tableisasummaryofthemostrecentGinnaoffsiteradiation doseassessment whichcoverstheperiodofJanuary1throughDecember31,1986.Theseannualdosesaresubstantially lower-thanthosereportedintheFinalEnvironmental ImpactStatement (FEIS).
systems pursuant to Sections 316(a) and. (b) of the Clean Water Act for the five year life of the permit. Because this permit was issued subsequent to the 1982 EIS update, impacts since that time have been, and will continue to be, thoroughly reviewed  in the  SPDES process.
Attachment BGaseousReleaseCalculated DoseBasedonReleaseData10CPR50AppendixIGuidelines PerUnitPerYearMaximumSiteBoundaryGammaAirDose(mrad)0.002210MaximumSiteBoundaryBetaAirDose(mrad.)0.005420TotalMaximumOffsiteDosetoAnyOrgan(mrem)0.0060Liid.ReleasesTotalMaximumOffsiteWholeBodyDose(mrem)0.172TotalMaximumOffsiteOrganDose(mrem)0.19310Therehavebeennolandusechangeswhichhavesignifi-cantlyaffectedoffsitedosecalculations.
Resultsofthe1986offsitedosecalculations forthecriticalreceptorareprovidedbelow.This1985dataistypicalandisexpectedtobetypicalofdoseassessments through2009.CriticalRecetor-for1986:SectorDistancePathwayAgeGroupThyroidDoseE670MetersGround.,Inhalation, Vegetation Child0.006mremOccupational radiation exposureattheR.E.GinnaplanthasbeenreducedtolessthantheU.S.averageforPWRsforthelastfouryears.Thishasbeenachieveddespiteanearlyhistoryoffuelleakageandalaterhistoryofincreasing steamgenerator inspection andrepairrequire-ments.Theexposurereduction isattributed toamanage-mentcommitment to"AsLowAsReasonably Achievable (ALARA)"exposures, andanexperienced.
Attachment B A  significant change to the circulating cooling water system description which has been made since the 1982 EIS update is the revision of total daily discharge flow from 576 million gallons per day to 490 million gallons per day. This revision was made in 1985 and was based on recalculated heat rejection rates for the Station.
and,motivated radiation protection supportgroup.Theprogramreceives Attachment Bconstantattention throughtheCorporate ALARACommittee andwasrecentlyenhancedbyadoptionbytheEngineering Department oftheALARA/Radiation SafetyDesignReviewprocedure.
Additionally, since the 1982 EIS update a number of reports related to the aquatic ecological impacts of Ginna Station operation have been prepared. Following is a list of the significant aquatic ecological reports prepared for Ginna Station since the 1982 EIS update.
Theannualpersonnel dosereceivedatGinnaforeachofthelastfiveyearsissummarized below.The"averageannualdoseforthatperiodisapproximately 487man-remandforthelastfouryearsapproximately 368man-rem.Doseratesarestableandarenotexpectedtoincreasesignificantly inthefuture,infact,adecreaseispossibleduetorecentlydeveloped dilutechemicaldecontamination techniques.
RG&E REPORT NO.                       TITLE B-13-289                1977-1981 Entrainment Program Summary  Report, Ginna Nuclear Power  Station, 1985 B-13-290                1978-1983 Fish Program Summary Report, Ginna Nuclear Power Station, 1986 B-13-293                Ginna Nuclear Power Station, Impingement Program Plan of Study, 1985 B-13-328                Fish Impingement Program, 1982 through 1986 Analysis Report, Ginna Nuclear Power Station, 1987 The  applicant believes that the SPDES Permitting Program is adequate to monitor present and future water quality impacts of Ginna Station. Therefore, no additional water quality impact analyses are necessary in this application.
Theincreased useofroboticsinmaintenance willalsotendtoreducetheannualdose.Annualmaintenance activities arenotexpectedtochangesignificantly duetotheincreaseinplantlife.Overall,theGinnaannualdoseisnotexpectedtoexceed.thelastfouryearsofoperation andbeapproximately 350man-remperyearfortheperiod.of2006to2009.YearTotalDose(man-rem) 19831984198519861987960370410363330*Includes 180man-remforseismicsupports, 110man-remfornozzledaminstallation, 130forsteamgenerator tubesleevesand.135forsteamgenerator channelheaddecontamination.
: d. Radiological Effects-and Radwaste Treatment Systems Releases of radioactive liquid and gaseous wastes from Ginna have remained among the lowest of U.S. generating plants during the past decade. Volume of radwaste shipped, is among the lowest of U.S. nuclear generating plants.
Inadditiontooperational methodsandprocedures whichareemployedtoreduce.publicandoccupational doses,manymodifications havebeenmadetotheplanttoreduceeffluents, radwasteshipments andpersonnel exposure.
The following table is a summary of the most recent Ginna offsite radiation dose assessment which covers the period of January 1 through December 31, 1986. These annual doses are substantially lower- than those reported in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).
Majorchangesincludeinstallation ofacharcoalfilter.intheauxiliary buildingventilation system,theadditionofpolishing demineralizers fortheliquidradwastesystemandtheuseofasupercompactor tore-ducethenumberofradwaste.
Attachment B Gaseous  Release                                      10 CPR 50 Calculated Dose Appendix Guidelines I
Installation ofareactorheadshieldanduseofroboticequipment forinspection andrepairhavereducedoccupational doseso Attachment.
Based on Release      Per Unit Data            Per Year Maximum  Site Boundary                0.0022              10 Gamma  Air Dose (mrad)
BTheR.E.GinnaNuclearPower.Plantspentfuelstoragepoolhasbeenrerackedtomaximumcapacity, butwillnotprovideadequatestoragetotheendofthecurrentlicensedoperation.
Maximum Site Boundary                  0.0054              20 Beta Air Dose (mrad.)
Therodconsolidation processisbeingexploredandademonstration programhasbeenconducted.
Total Maximum Offsite                  0.0060 Dose to Any Organ (mrem)
Rodconsolidation wouldprovideforoperation beyondtheyear2009withfullcoredischarge capability.
Li  id. Releases Total  Maximum  Offsite              0. 172 Whole Body Dose (mrem)
IfaFederalrepository isnotavailable bythen,othermethodsofonsitestorage,suchasdrycaskstorage,couldbeemployed.
Total  Maximum  Offsite              0.193              10 Organ Dose (mrem)
e.Population Recentpopulation densities havebeencomparedwiththe1970U.S.CensusBureaustatistics usedintheoriginalEIS.Theapplicant hasobtained1984population dataforthethirteencountyareaincludedinthe50mileradiusoftheplant.Thi;sinformation indicates thatthepopulation inthisthirteencountyareahasincreased byonly3%overall.Sincethisincreaseissubstantially belowboththeoriginalRG&EandNRCestimates for1984,theresultant impactsuponpopulations shouldactuallybelessthanthoseoriginally estimated intheEIS.The1980population fora2mileradiusaroundthe.Ginnasiteis1078people.Thispopulation isestimated toincreaseto1390bytheyear2015basedonthe1980-1985 population growthrateforWayneCounty.Population centerswith'populations greaterthan25,000people,withinthe50mileradiusoftheplant,includeMonroeCountywiththeCityofRochester (Rochester 1984popu-lation:243,000),
There have been no land use changes which have signifi-cantly affected offsite dose calculations. Results of the 1986 offsite dose calculations for the critical receptor are provided below. This 1985 data is typical and is expected to be typical of dose assessments through 2009.
andtheCityofAuburn,N.Y.Theseareidentified below,alongwithpopulation projections fortheyear2015,basedonthe1970-1980 population growthratesfortheseareas.POPULATION CENTERLOCATION1984POPULATION 2015MonroeCountyAuburn,N.Y.20miWSW45miESE711,20032,000742,10035,500Weconcludethattheenvironmental impactscausedbythepresenceoftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantareminimalandthattherehavebeennosignificant negativechangescaused,bymodifications whichhavebeenmadetotheplant.Thisrecordprovidesabasistoshowthattheenvironmental costofcontinued operation oftheplant,atleasttotheSeptember 2009date,isminimalin,compari-sontothesocietalbenefitsoftheuseof.,relatively inexpensive energywhichisgenerated attheplant.
Critical  Rece tor- for  1986:
Sector            E Distance          670 Meters Pathway            Ground., Inhalation,   Vegetation Age Group          Child Thyroid Dose      0.006 mrem Occupational radiation exposure at the R.E. Ginna plant has been reduced to less than the U.S. average for PWRs for the last four years. This has been achieved despite an early history of fuel leakage and a later history of increasing steam generator inspection and repair require-ments. The exposure reduction is attributed to a manage-ment commitment to "As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)" exposures, and an experienced. and, motivated radiation protection support group.         The program  receives
Attachment B constant attention through the Corporate ALARA Committee and was recently enhanced by adoption by the Engineering Department of the ALARA/Radiation Safety Design Review procedure.
The annual personnel dose received at Ginna for each of the last five years is summarized below. The" average annual dose for that period is approximately 487 man-rem and for the last four years approximately 368 man-rem.
Dose rates are stable and are not expected to increase significantly in the future, in fact, a decrease is possible due to recently developed dilute chemical decontamination techniques. The increased use of robotics in maintenance will also tend to reduce the annual dose.
Annual maintenance activities are not expected to change significantly due to the increase in plant life.
Overall, the Ginna annual dose is not expected to exceed.
the last four years of operation and be approximately 350 man-rem per year for the period. of 2006 to 2009.
Year          Total Dose (man-rem) 1983                  960 1984                  370 1985                  410 1986                  363 1987                  330
  *Includes 180 man-rem for seismic supports, 110 man-rem for nozzle dam installation, 130 for steam generator tube sleeves and. 135 for steam generator channel head decontamination.
In addition to operational methods and procedures which are employed to reduce. public and occupational doses, many modifications have been made to the plant to reduce effluents, radwaste shipments and personnel exposure.
Major changes include installation of a charcoal filter
.in the auxiliary building ventilation system, the addition of polishing demineralizers for the liquid radwaste system and the use of a supercompactor to re-duce the number of radwaste. shipments. Installation of a reactor head shield and use of robotic equipment for inspection and repair have reduced occupational doseso
Attachment. B The R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power. Plant spent fuel storage pool has been reracked to maximum capacity, but    will not provide adequate storage to the end of the current licensed operation. The rod consolidation process is being explored and a demonstration program has been conducted. Rod consolidation would provide for operation beyond the year 2009 with  full  core discharge capability.
If  a Federal repository is not available by then, other methods of onsite storage, such as dry cask storage, could be employed.
: e. Population Recent population densities have been compared with the 1970 U.S. Census Bureau statistics used in the original EIS. The applicant has obtained 1984 population data for the thirteen county area included in the 50 mile radius of the plant. Thi;s information indicates that the population in this thirteen county area has increased by only 3% overall. Since this increase is substantially below both the original RG&E and NRC estimates for 1984, the resultant impacts upon populations should actually be less than those originally estimated in the EIS.
The 1980 population for a 2 mile radius around the. Ginna site is 1078 people. This population is estimated to increase to 1390 by the year 2015 based on the 1980-1985 population growth rate for Wayne County. Population centers with 'populations greater than 25,000 people, within the 50 mile radius of the plant, include Monroe County with the City of Rochester (Rochester 1984 popu-lation: 243,000), and the City of Auburn, N.Y. These are identified below, along with population projections for the year 2015, based on the 1970-1980 population growth rates for these areas.
POPULATION POPULATION CENTER    LOCATION          1984            2015 Monroe County          20 mi WSW        711,200        742,100 Auburn, N.Y.         45 mi ESE        32,000          35,500 We conclude that the environmental impacts caused by the presence of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant are minimal and that there have been no significant negative changes caused, by modifications which have been made to the plant. This record provides a basis to show that the environmental cost of continued operation of the plant, at least to the September 2009 date, is minimal in, compari-son to the societal benefits of the use of., relatively inexpensive energy which is generated at the plant.
0 ~ t}}

Latest revision as of 08:20, 10 November 2019

Application for Amend to License DPR-18,requesting License Be Amended to Expire at Midnight of 090918 Instead of 060425
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/19/1988
From: Snow B
Shared Package
ML17261A780 List:
NUDOCS 8801260531
Download: ML17261A781 (20)




Rochester Gas and Elect:ric Corporation ) Docket No. 50-244 (R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant: ) )


APPLICATION FOR 28996)MENT TO OPERATING'ICENSE Pursuant to Section 50.90 of the regulations of the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the "Commission" ), Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation ("RG&E), holder of Facility Operating License No. DPR-18, hereby requests that this license be amended to expire at midnight September 18, 2009 vice April 25, 2006.

The proposed change is set forth in Attachment A to this Application. A safety evaluation is set forth in Attachment B.

This evaluation also, demonstrates that the proposed change does not involve a significant change in the types or a significant increase in the amounts of effluents or any change in the authorized power level of the facility. As demonstrated in Attachment B, the proposed change does not involve a significant hazards consideration.

880126053i 880ii9 PDR ADQCK 05000244 F'




WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that Facility Operating License No. DPR-18 be amended in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation By Bruce A. Snow Superintendent, Nuclear Production Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 19th day of January, 1988.

LYNN I. HAUCK Notary Pob5c irr the State oi New York MONROE COVEY Corarnission Expires Nov. 30, 19'

ATTACHMENT A R.E. GXNNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT License Amendment Request Descri tion of Pro osed'Chan e to eratin License DPR-18 Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.90, the holders of Operating License DPR-18 her'eby propose the following changes:

License iration Date Change paragraph F of the Facility Operating License for the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant License No. DPR-18 to read:

F. This amended license is effective as of the date of issuance and. shall expire at midnight September 18, 2009.

Refer to Exhibit A for the actual page changes.


1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:

A. The application complies with the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the regulations of the Commission set forth in 10 CFR Chapter' and all re-quired notifications to other agencies or bodieshave been duly made; B. Construction of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant (the facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPPR-19, as amended, and the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; D. There is reasonable assurance (i) that the facility can be operated at power levels up to 1520 megawatts (thermal)

'without endangering the health and. safety of the public; and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the regulations of the Commission; E. The applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities authorized. by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; F. The applicant has furnished. proof of financial protection that satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR Part 140; and G. The issuance of this license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety. of the public.

2. The Provisional Operating License dated September 19, 1969, is superseded by Facility Operating License No. DPR-18 hereby issued to Rochester Gas and. Electric Corporation to read as follows:

A. The license applies to the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, a closed cycle, pressurized, light-water-moderated and cooled reactor, and electric generating equipment (herein referred to as "the facility") which is owned by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (hereinafter "the licensee" or "RG&E").

The facility. is located on the licensee's site on the south shore of Lake Ontario, Wayne County, New York, about 16 miles east of the City of Rochester and, is described in license application Amendment No. 6, "Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report", and subsequent amendments thereto, and in the application for power increase notarized February 2, 1971, and. Amendment Nos. 1 through 4 thereto (herein col-lectively referred to as "the application" ).

B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses RG&E:

(1) Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities", to possess, use, and operate the facility at the designated location in Wayne County, New York, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear material or reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as amended, and Commission Safety Evaluations dated November 15, 1976, October 5, 1984, and. November 14, 1984.

(a) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive and. store four (4) mixed. oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 (transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979);

(b) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to possess and use four (4) mixed oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979), as supplemented February 20, 1980 and March 5, 1980; (3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and. 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source, and special nuclear material as sealed. neutron sources. for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment cali-bration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required;

(4) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source, or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and (5) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Part 20, Section 30.34 of Part 30, Section 40.41 of Part 40, Sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, and. Section 70.32 of Part 70; and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and. rules, regulations and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified below:

(1) Maximum Power Level.

RGGE is authorized to operate the facility at steady-state power levels up to a maximum of 1520 megawatts (thermal) .

(2) Technical S ecifications The Technical Specifications contained, in Appendix A are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

(3) Fire Protection (a) The licensee shall maintain in effect all fire protection features described in the licensee's submittals referenced in and as approved or modi-fied by the NRC's Fire Protection Safety Evaluation (SE) dated February 14, 1979 and SE supplements dated December 17, 1980, February 6, 1981 and June 22, 1981, or configurations subsequently approved by the NRC, subject to provisions (b) and (c) below.

(b) The licensee may make no change to the approved fire protection features which would. decrease the level of fire protection in the plant without prior approval of the Commission. To make such a change the licensee must submit an application for license amendment pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90.

(c) The licensee may make changes to approved fire protection features which do not decrease the level of fire protection without prior Commission approval provided such changes do not otherwise involve a change in a license condition or tech-nical specification or result in an unreviewed safety question (see 10 CFR 50.59). However, the licensee shall maintain, in an auditable form, a current record of all such changes including an analysis of the effects of the change on the level of fire protection and shall make such records available to NRC inspectors upon request. All changes, to the approved features made without prior Commission approval shall be reported annually to the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

(4) Secondar Water Chemistr Monitorin Pro ram The licensee shall implement a secondary water chemistry monitoring program to inhibit steam generator tube degra-dation. This program shall be described. in the plant procedures and shall include:

(a) Identification of a sampling schedule for the critical parameters and. control points for these parameters; (b) Identification of the procedures used to measure the values of the critical parameters; (c) Identification of process sampling points; (d) Procedure for the recording and management of data; (e) Procedures defining corrective actions for off control. point chemistry conditions; and (f) A procedure identifying (i) the authority respon-sible for the interpretation of the data, and (ii) the sequence and. timing of administrative events required to initiate corrective action.

(5) S stems Inte rit The licensee shall implement a program to reduce leakage from systems outside containment that would or could contain highly radioactive fluids during a serious transient or accident to as low as reasonably achiev-able levels. This program shall include the following:

(a) Provisions establishing preventive maintenance and periodic visual inspection requirements; and

(b) Leak test requirements for each system at a frequency not to exceed refueling cycle intervals.

(6) Iodine Monitorin The licensee shall implement a program which will ensure the capability to accurately determine the airborne iodine concentration in vital areas under accident conditions.

This program shall include the following:

(a) Training of personnel; (b) Procedures for monitoring; and (c) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment.

D. The facility requires exemptions from certain requirements of 10 CFR 50.46(a)(1), 50.48(c)(4),, and Appendix J to 10 CFR Part

50. These include: (1) an exemption from 50.46(,a)(1), that ECCS performance be calculated in accordance with an accept-able calculational model which conforms to the provisions in Appendix K (SER dated, April 18, 1978). The exemption will expire upon receipt and approval of revised ECCS calcula-tions; (2) certain exemptions from Appendix J to 10 CFR Part 50 section III.A.4(a) maximum allowable leakage rate for reduced pressure tests, section III.B.1 acceptable technique for performing local (Type B) leakage rate tests, section III.D.1 scheduling of containment integrated leakage rate tests, and. section III.D.2 testing interval for contain-ment airlocks (SER dated March 28, 1978); and (3) an exemption to the schedular requirements for the alternative shutdown system as set forth in 10 CFR 50.48(c)(4) (NRC letter dated, May 10, 1984). The exemption is effective until startup from the 1986 refueling outage. The aforementioned exemptions are authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security and are otherwise in the public interest. Therefore, the exemptions are hereby granted, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12.

E. Physical Protection The licensee shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the following Commission-,

approved documents, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p), which are being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 73.21:

(1) Security Plan collectively titled "R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Security Plan", dated January 18, 1978, as revised December 8,.1978, March 27, 1979, June 29, 1979, December 14, 1979, and September 10, 1980.

(2) Safeguards Contingency Plan included as revised Chapter 8 (Revisions 12 and 13), submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 73.40 by the licensee's letter dated April 3, 1980, as revised by letter dated July 24, 1980, to the "R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Security Plan", dated January 18, 1978, as revised April 3, 1980, July 24, 1980, and September 10, 1980.

(3) The licensee shall fully implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the Commission-approved Guard Training and Qualification Plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p). This approved Plan consists of a document withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 73.21 identified as "R.E.

Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 Training and Quali-fication Plan", dated April 23, 1981 (transmitted by letter dated May 4, 1981), including revised pages dated July 29, 1981 (transmitted by letter dated July 30, 1981).

F. This amended license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight, September 18, 2009.



Appendix A Technical Specifications Date of Issuance:

ATTACHMENT B Reasons for Chan e:

The current Operating License expiration date (April 25, 2006) is 40 years from the date of issuance of the Construction Permit.

Because approximately 29 months were required to construct the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant to the point of fuel loading and startup testing, the effective period of the license is approxi-mately 37 years and 7 months. Current NRC policy is to issue operating licenses for a 40-year period beginning with the date of issuance. The requested change in expiration date of the R.E.

Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Operating License would provide for the 40-year period 'of operation.

Rochester Gas and. Electric Corporation believes that the useful life of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant is significantly more than the 40 years requested in this license amendment application.

We are currently involved in a Plant. Life Extension Program (PLEX) for the Ginna plant. The purpose of this program is to determine the optimum safe operating life of the facility and establish a program of surveillance, testing, and planned, replacement/refur-bishment to support this goal.

Determination of Si ificant Hazards Considerations:

The proposed change to the Operating License has been evaluated to determine whether it constitutes a significant hazards con-sideration as required by 10 CFR Part 50, Sections 50.91 using the standards provided in Section 50.92. This analysis is provided below:,

1. The proposed amendment will not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated..

The R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant was designed and constructed primarily on the basis of 40 years of plant operation. For example, the reactor vessel was designed and fabricated for a 40-year, life. A comprehensive vessel materials surveillance program is maintained in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix H. Analyses were performed to demonstrate compliance with the NRC pressurized thermal shock screening criteria. All of the RT values remain below the NRC screening values for PTS using the projected fluence exposure through 32 EFPY. At the projected capac-ity factor of 80% this corresponds to the 40-year life of the plant. This information was contained. in WCAP-11026 which was transmitted to the NRC on January 13, 1986 as an attachment to a letter from R. Kober of RG&E to G. Lear.

The analyses contained in the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Final Safety Analysis Report were performed on the basis of not less than 40 years of expected. plant life.

Attachment B Analyses and information presented in the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Report, in general, were not dependent on any specific period of plant operation.

Procedures and programs are in place to detect abnormal deterioration and aging, of critical plant components.

Examples include:

a. Plant pressure retaining vessels, piping, and support systems are inspected in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief has been granted by the NRC pursuant to 10CFR50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(i). Safety-related pumps and'alves are included in a test program meeting the requirements of Section XI. of the Code and. the plant Technical Specifications.
b. Safety-related electrical equipment has been environ-mentally qualified in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.49. Aging analyses establish required intervals for equipment replacement.

No items would be affected by the extension.

c A number of special inspections and investigations


have been performed by the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant technical staff providing additional assurance that abnormal or unanticipated degradation will not occur in components required for safe and reliable plant operation. These inspections have included such items as pipe, valve, and fitting wall thick-ness measurements in steam, feedwater and condensate

'lines subject to erosion.. As an example of this ongoing effort, a motor operated valve diagnostic program is being implemented at Ginna. This program is providing valuable data to insure continued reli-ability and performance of the motor operated valves.

Additional inspections of this nature'ill be identi-fied as part of the R.E. Ginna plant-specific PLEX Program.

The requested extension on the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant license will allow the plant to operate for the length of time contemplated during the design process.

The station has programs and procedures in place to monitor the power plant to give reasonable assurance that equipment and systems will continue to meet their design parameters. The extension of the licensed operating period, therefore, will not significantly increase the probability or consequences of accidents that have been previously evaluated.

Attachment B

2. The proposed amendment will not create the possibility of a new or different. kind. of accident from any accident previously analyzed.

The proposed amendments involve only a change in the expiration date of the Operating License. No safety analyses are affected. No new or different accident type is created.. The accident analyses presented in the Updated. Final Safety Analysis Report remain hounding.

3. The proposed, amendment will not involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety.

The proposed amendment involves only a change in the expiration date of the Operating License. No safety margins are affected.

The licensing bases of the plant, as described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report and the Environ-mental Report, are applicable for 40 years of plant operation.

For the reasons stated above, we have concluded that these license amendments do not involve a significant. hazards consideration.

Review of R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Re ort We have reviewed the original R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Report, and the 1982 update. We have concluded that the environmental impact associated with operation of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant for a 40-year period. of operation was considered in this report. The Environmental Report, as supplemented, does not generally use or discuss a specific period. of plant. operation in the evaluations presented..

In the approximately 5 years of plant operation since the Envi-ronmental Report was updated, a number of modifications have been made to the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant and surrounding site and facilities. These modifications, in general, had the effect of improving the reliability and safety of the plant or reducing the environmental impact of plant operation. They include:

a. Facilities Many modifications to the plant have been made since the original Operating License has been issued. Sig-nificant modifications. are described in, the R.E. Ginna Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. Modifications made without prior NRC approval in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.59, were

Attachment B reported to the Commission. Modifications requiring prior NRC approval were made following receipt of an NRC Safety Evaluation Report. No modification was found to affect the conclusions of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Report.

During 1978 a Deep Bed Condensate Polishing System was brought on line at Ginna Station for the purpose of improving the secondary side steam generator water chem-istry. This system was housed in a 6,000 ft addition attached to the turbine building. While this system has had a beneficial effect on steam generator chemistry, additional waste products have been produced which require chemical treatment prior to discharge into Lake Ontario.

The discharges are acceptable to the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation and are included in the Company's SPDES permit discussed in Section c. below.

b. Rand Use While some construction (e.g., the condensate polisher building) has taken place on the Ginna site since the 1982 EIS update, site boundaries and acreage have not changed.

None of the new facilities will result in any additional impact upon local land use or terrestrial ecosystems and therefore the impacts described in. the EIS remain valid.

c. Water Quality and Thermal Discharge-Related. Impacts The Ginna Station circulating cooling water system is regulated by the State Pollutant Discharge Elimi-nation System (SPDES) Permitting Program which is an EPA-initiated program (subsequently. transferred to the State of New York) which authorizes and monitors dis-charges'o water bodies in order to ensure the protection of the environment from chemical, physical, and biological degradation. In May 1985 the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation issued SPDES Permit No. NY-000 0493 for the. Ginna Station. This permit is renewable on a five year basis. All water quality issues including chem-ical discharges, discharge flows, thermal discharge, and.

biological impacts come under the jurisdiction of this permit. Additionally, this permit authorized variances for the existing cooling water intake and discharge.

systems pursuant to Sections 316(a) and. (b) of the Clean Water Act for the five year life of the permit. Because this permit was issued subsequent to the 1982 EIS update, impacts since that time have been, and will continue to be, thoroughly reviewed in the SPDES process.

Attachment B A significant change to the circulating cooling water system description which has been made since the 1982 EIS update is the revision of total daily discharge flow from 576 million gallons per day to 490 million gallons per day. This revision was made in 1985 and was based on recalculated heat rejection rates for the Station.

Additionally, since the 1982 EIS update a number of reports related to the aquatic ecological impacts of Ginna Station operation have been prepared. Following is a list of the significant aquatic ecological reports prepared for Ginna Station since the 1982 EIS update.

RG&E REPORT NO. TITLE B-13-289 1977-1981 Entrainment Program Summary Report, Ginna Nuclear Power Station, 1985 B-13-290 1978-1983 Fish Program Summary Report, Ginna Nuclear Power Station, 1986 B-13-293 Ginna Nuclear Power Station, Impingement Program Plan of Study, 1985 B-13-328 Fish Impingement Program, 1982 through 1986 Analysis Report, Ginna Nuclear Power Station, 1987 The applicant believes that the SPDES Permitting Program is adequate to monitor present and future water quality impacts of Ginna Station. Therefore, no additional water quality impact analyses are necessary in this application.

d. Radiological Effects-and Radwaste Treatment Systems Releases of radioactive liquid and gaseous wastes from Ginna have remained among the lowest of U.S. generating plants during the past decade. Volume of radwaste shipped, is among the lowest of U.S. nuclear generating plants.

The following table is a summary of the most recent Ginna offsite radiation dose assessment which covers the period of January 1 through December 31, 1986. These annual doses are substantially lower- than those reported in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).

Attachment B Gaseous Release 10 CPR 50 Calculated Dose Appendix Guidelines I

Based on Release Per Unit Data Per Year Maximum Site Boundary 0.0022 10 Gamma Air Dose (mrad)

Maximum Site Boundary 0.0054 20 Beta Air Dose (mrad.)

Total Maximum Offsite 0.0060 Dose to Any Organ (mrem)

Li id. Releases Total Maximum Offsite 0. 172 Whole Body Dose (mrem)

Total Maximum Offsite 0.193 10 Organ Dose (mrem)

There have been no land use changes which have signifi-cantly affected offsite dose calculations. Results of the 1986 offsite dose calculations for the critical receptor are provided below. This 1985 data is typical and is expected to be typical of dose assessments through 2009.

Critical Rece tor- for 1986:

Sector E Distance 670 Meters Pathway Ground., Inhalation, Vegetation Age Group Child Thyroid Dose 0.006 mrem Occupational radiation exposure at the R.E. Ginna plant has been reduced to less than the U.S. average for PWRs for the last four years. This has been achieved despite an early history of fuel leakage and a later history of increasing steam generator inspection and repair require-ments. The exposure reduction is attributed to a manage-ment commitment to "As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)" exposures, and an experienced. and, motivated radiation protection support group. The program receives

Attachment B constant attention through the Corporate ALARA Committee and was recently enhanced by adoption by the Engineering Department of the ALARA/Radiation Safety Design Review procedure.

The annual personnel dose received at Ginna for each of the last five years is summarized below. The" average annual dose for that period is approximately 487 man-rem and for the last four years approximately 368 man-rem.

Dose rates are stable and are not expected to increase significantly in the future, in fact, a decrease is possible due to recently developed dilute chemical decontamination techniques. The increased use of robotics in maintenance will also tend to reduce the annual dose.

Annual maintenance activities are not expected to change significantly due to the increase in plant life.

Overall, the Ginna annual dose is not expected to exceed.

the last four years of operation and be approximately 350 man-rem per year for the period. of 2006 to 2009.

Year Total Dose (man-rem) 1983 960 1984 370 1985 410 1986 363 1987 330

In addition to operational methods and procedures which are employed to reduce. public and occupational doses, many modifications have been made to the plant to reduce effluents, radwaste shipments and personnel exposure.

Major changes include installation of a charcoal filter

.in the auxiliary building ventilation system, the addition of polishing demineralizers for the liquid radwaste system and the use of a supercompactor to re-duce the number of radwaste. shipments. Installation of a reactor head shield and use of robotic equipment for inspection and repair have reduced occupational doseso

Attachment. B The R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power. Plant spent fuel storage pool has been reracked to maximum capacity, but will not provide adequate storage to the end of the current licensed operation. The rod consolidation process is being explored and a demonstration program has been conducted. Rod consolidation would provide for operation beyond the year 2009 with full core discharge capability.

If a Federal repository is not available by then, other methods of onsite storage, such as dry cask storage, could be employed.

e. Population Recent population densities have been compared with the 1970 U.S. Census Bureau statistics used in the original EIS. The applicant has obtained 1984 population data for the thirteen county area included in the 50 mile radius of the plant. Thi;s information indicates that the population in this thirteen county area has increased by only 3% overall. Since this increase is substantially below both the original RG&E and NRC estimates for 1984, the resultant impacts upon populations should actually be less than those originally estimated in the EIS.

The 1980 population for a 2 mile radius around the. Ginna site is 1078 people. This population is estimated to increase to 1390 by the year 2015 based on the 1980-1985 population growth rate for Wayne County. Population centers with 'populations greater than 25,000 people, within the 50 mile radius of the plant, include Monroe County with the City of Rochester (Rochester 1984 popu-lation: 243,000), and the City of Auburn, N.Y. These are identified below, along with population projections for the year 2015, based on the 1970-1980 population growth rates for these areas.

POPULATION POPULATION CENTER LOCATION 1984 2015 Monroe County 20 mi WSW 711,200 742,100 Auburn, N.Y. 45 mi ESE 32,000 35,500 We conclude that the environmental impacts caused by the presence of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant are minimal and that there have been no significant negative changes caused, by modifications which have been made to the plant. This record provides a basis to show that the environmental cost of continued operation of the plant, at least to the September 2009 date, is minimal in, compari-son to the societal benefits of the use of., relatively inexpensive energy which is generated at the plant.

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