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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML20356A06016 December 2020Uusa Relief from Evacuation DrillRequest
ML21096A1201 April 2021Louisiana Energy Services
Cowne S
Louisiana Energy Services, LLC, Notice of Intent for Uusa Plan to Submit License Amendment Requests for Changes to License Condition 6B and Enrichment LimitRequest
ML21123A0195 May 2021Kevin Ramsey
Louisiana Energy Services, LLC - Accept for Review of Decommissioning Funding Instruments (L-2021-DFA-0004)Approval
ML21216A30110 August 2021Jacob Zimmerman
1. Louisiana Energy Services - Amend 90, Approve Decommissioning Funding Instruments (L-2021-DFA-0004)Other
ML21216A29710 August 2021LES Amend 90 - Approve Decommissioning Funding Instruments (L-2021-DFA-0004)Request
ML21216A29810 August 2021Jacob Zimmerman
2. Enclosure 1, Part 1 - License, Non-sensitive ConditionsOther