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ENS 5074116 January 2015 15:48:00

The following information was received from the Arkansas Department of Health via email: The University of Arkansas (U of A), Arkansas Radioactive Materials Licensee Number ARK-0064-01120, notified the Arkansas Department of Health, Radioactive Materials Program, via e-mail on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 1400 hours, of the following labeled items found in the public domain (private home): (1) UO2 (3% U-235) in a small glass vial with lid and (2) U-235 in a medium size glass jar with lid. The isotopes and weights of these items will be identified and/or confirmed once in State possession. The U of A's Radiation Safety Officer reported exposure readings of item (1), listed above, at '2 mR/hr' and stated item (2), listed above, 'did not produce any readable dose.' The Radiation Safety Officer also performed swipe tests and surveys for contamination. The State requested the U of A to take immediate possession, properly store and secure the items. The State will retrieve these items promptly, which will be properly secured and stored at the State's authorized storage location. It is unknown at this time if there has been any exposure(s) to the public. The State is awaiting a written report from the licensee and will continue to investigate this event. The State will update this event as more information becomes available. Arkansas Department of Health event number: ARK-2015-001


The following was received from the State of Arkansas via email: On January 20, 2015, Health Physicists retrieved two samples recovered from a private residence in Fayetteville, Arkansas and returned them to secure storage at the Arkansas Department of Health. Analysis of these samples are as follows: ADH Inventory Item #38 (U-235 in jar) has a mass of 71.7 grams, in appearance resembling a piece of ore. Contact readings on the container with a survey meter gave readings at background. Gamma spectrum analysis indicated U-235 activity at 18.3 pCi/gram. ADH Inventory Item #37 (UO2 in vial) has a mass of 12.6 grams, in appearance a cylindrical black item approximately 1 centimeter in length and 1 centimeter in diameter. Contact readings on the container with a survey meter gave beta readings of 3 mR/hr. and gamma readings of 0.15 mR/hr. Gamma spectrum analysis indicated U-235 activity at 4.05 E+3 pCi/gram. Analysis of all swipes taken in the location where the items were found and of the containers themselves show no evidence of contamination. From interviews conducted with involved parties it appears that there was no radiation exposure to members of the public. The Arkansas Department of Health considers this event closed. Notified the R4DO (Campbell) and NMSS Events Notification (Email).

ENS 4996527 March 2014 17:37:00

The following information was received from the State of Arkansas via email: The licensee notified the Arkansas Department of Health via postal mail on Thursday, 03/27/2014 at 1420 hours, of the stuck shutter event. The State's event number is ARK-2014-003. The Ohmart source holder model number is HM-8 and the source contains 0.523 Curies of Cs-137. The problem was discovered during shutter checks and inventory. The licensee states that the gauge operations remain to be 24/7. The licensee stated that the area has been roped off and has proper posting. The licensee stated that they have notified applicable facility personnel of the radiological hazard and that there have been no known radiation exposures to personnel and/or members of the public. The shutter will be fixed by Ohmart (date unknown at this time), whom will also diagnose the root cause of this event. The State of Arkansas is awaiting a 30 day written report post repairs.


The State of Arkansas reported that the original discovery date of the stuck shutter was September 16, 2013. The manufacturer, Ohmart, will be on site from May 5-9, 2014 to repair the shutter and perform a root cause evaluation. Notified R4DO (Gepford) and FSME Resources via email


The following information was received from the State of Arkansas by email: The approved Vendor Service Engineer arrived at Georgia-Pacific on Friday, April 11, 2014, to inspect the Ohmart Model HM-8 gauge shutter. The licensee stated that the gauge shutter offered increased resistance, but was not stuck. The Vendor Service Engineer was able to move the handle by hand, verified that the shutter was not stuck, performed surveys and sealed source leak tests. The Vendor Service Engineer confirmed that there are no exposures of concern from the gauge, confirmed negative leaks and that the gauge is operating properly at this time. The licensee confirmed that there are no known personnel radiation exposures or dose to the member of the public from this event. The Department (Arkansas Department of Health) considers this event closed. Notified the R4DO (Vasquez) and FSME Resources via email.