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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML04009025630 December 2003Comment (6) of Edward J. Weinkam, NMC, Regarding Draft Revision 9 of NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors.
ML03364023630 December 2003EA-03-105, Kewaunee, N.O.V and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty - $60,000 (NRC Office of Investigations Report No. 3-2002-004)Fitness for Duty
ML06268024630 December 2003Ltr NRC Office of Investigations Report No. 3-2002-004Fitness for Duty
ML06268015830 December 2003Priority Enforcement Action Routing Sheet
IR 05000305/200300929 December 2003IR 05000305-03-009(DRS); on 10/06/03 - 10/10/03; for Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant; Ti 2515/148, Verification of Compliance with Interim Compensatory Measures Order, Revision 2
ML06268010423 December 2003Office of Enforcement Notification of Significant Enforcement Action
ML03357033323 December 2003EN-03-056, Nuclear Management Company, LLC
IR 05000305/200300323 December 2003IR 05000305-03-003(DRS), on 12/01/2003 - 12/05/2003, for Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant; Supplemental Inspection - Mitigating Systems CornerstoneSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML04097053122 December 2003Final Exercise Report Conducted on September 23-24, 2003Boric Acid
Potassium iodide
ML06268024519 December 2003Letter to an Individual from J. Heller, Allegation No. RIII-02-A0114
ML03364053919 December 2003Reply to a Notice of Violation: EA-02-204 - Revised ResponseFire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
Hourly Fire Watch
ML03357011419 December 2003Application for Order and Conforming License Amendment to Transfer LicenseSafe Shutdown
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Protection Program
Power Uprate
3F1203-15, Final Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Crystal River Unit 3 - Revised Appendix R Exemption Request - Fire Area CC-164-12118 December 2003Final Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Crystal River Unit 3 - Revised Appendix R Exemption Request - Fire Area CC-164-121Exemption Request
ML04009013317 December 2003GFE Registration Letter 12/17/04 Re March 2004 Examination (Multiple Addressees)Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML03310006016 December 2003Environmental Assessment, Stretch Power UpratePower Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
ML03358073516 December 2003to Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program Plan, Kewaunee Nuclear Power PlantSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Packing leak
Mission time
Anticipated operational occurrence
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Large early release frequency
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Turbine Missile
Liquid penetrant
Dissimilar Metal Weld
Thermal fatigue
Negative Flux Rate Trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML03358073416 December 2003Inservice Inspection Program for Fourth Inspection IntervalHydrostatic
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Through-Wall Leakage
Dissimilar Metal Weld
DM weld
ML03357051315 December 2003Responses to NRC Clarification Questions on Responses to Requests for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request 195, Stretch Power UprateShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
High Energy Line Break
Turbine Missile
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
ML03337091815 December 2003Summary of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Regarding Amendment Requests to Use Alternate Source Term Methodology at Prairie Island and Kewaunee
ML03357046912 December 2003License Amendment Request 198, ILRT 5-Year Extension, NMC Response to NRC Request for Additional Information.Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
Moisture barrier
ML04345018011 December 2003NMC Program Health Status Fleet Program at a Glance
ML03323001610 December 2003Review of License Amendment Request 195, Stretch Power Uprate
ML0335002338 December 2003Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing ProceduresHigh winds
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Nuclear Accident Reporting System
Design basis earthquake
Fuel cladding
Core Exit Thermocouple
Potassium iodide
ML0335002308 December 2003November 2003 Monthly Operating Report for Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant
ML0334209968 December 2003Response to Order for Compensatory Measures Related to Access Authorization
ML0334212895 December 2003Westinghouse - NSAL 03-12 - 12/05/03 Crossflow Ultrasonic Measurement SystemPower Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
ML0333606252 December 2003Response to Order for Compensatory Measures Related to Access Authorization
IR 05000305/200300521 November 2003IR 05000305-03-005(DRS); 06/02/2003 - 06/04/2003 (on-site) and 06/10/2003 - 10/21/2003; Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant; Licensed Operator RequalificationSignificance Determination Process
License Renewal
Subsequent License Renewal
ML03294016920 November 2003Issuance of Amendment No. 171, Revising the Reporting Requirements for the Discovery of Defective or Degraded Steam Generator TubesFuel cladding
ML03325055920 November 2003Tech Spec Pages for Amendment No. 171, Revising the Reporting Requirements for the Discovery of Defective or Degraded Steam Generator TubesOperating Basis Earthquake
ML06268010819 November 2003Memo to Congel from Caldwell, Proposed Enforcement Action for Fitness for Duty Issue at Kewaunee Nuclear PlantFitness for Duty
ML06268014919 November 2003Priority Enforcement Action Routing Sheet
ML06268024418 November 2003E-mail to J. Caldwell from C. Weil, Kewaunee FFD Enforcement Case
ML03324016418 November 2003Response to Request for Additional Information - WCAP-15872-NP, Rev. 0 Use of Alternate Decay Heat Removal in Mode 6 Refueling.Ultimate heat sink
ML03323022512 November 2003Submittal of WCAP-16084-NP, Development of Risk-Informed Safety Analysis Approach and Pilot Application.Anticipated operational occurrence
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fuel cladding
Coast down
ML03325051412 November 2003Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing ProceduresGrab sample
Nuclear Accident Reporting System
Minimum staff
Core Exit Thermocouple
Potassium iodide
ML0331603316 November 2003,Kewaunee & Hatch Meeting Handout Re Planned License Amendment Requests Using Alternate Source TermShutdown Margin
Recently irradiated fuel
ML0331102246 November 2003GFES-NO Ltr Re October 2003 ResultsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML0331603246 November 2003Praire Island Meeting Handout Re Planned License Amendment Requests Using Alternate Source TermProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Recently irradiated fuel
Control Room Habitability
TAC:MC17906 November 2003
ML0332103205 November 2003Enclosure E, Response to Request for Additional Information and Supplemental Information Regarding LAR 195Anticipated operational occurrence
Operability Determination
Power Uprate
ML0332103155 November 2003Enclosure a: Kewaunee Nuclear Plant, Response to Requests for Additional Information and Supplemental Information Regarding LAR 195
ML0332103145 November 2003Response to Requests for Additional Information and Supplemental Information Regarding License Amendment Request 195, Stretch Power UprateSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Time to boil
High Energy Line Break
Feedwater Heater
Stress corrosion cracking
Power-Operated Valves
Power change
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
Control Room Habitability
ML0331801125 November 2003October 2003 Monthly Operating Report for Kewaunee
ML03307015731 October 2003NMC Quality Assurance Topical Report NMC-1 Revision 0aFitness for Duty
Shutdown Margin
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
Process Control Program
Commercial Grade
Fire Protection Program
ML03307016031 October 2003Existing Site QA Programs Vs QATR Comparison MatricesCoatings
B.5.b Mitigating Strategies
Fire Protection Program
ML03307016131 October 2003List of QATR Exceptions/Alternatives to NQA-1-1994Condition Adverse to Quality
ML03307015531 October 2003Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical ReportFire Protection Program
ML03307016431 October 2003NQA-1 Vs Non-Programmatic ANSI Standards Comparison Tables
ML03317007031 October 2003Reduction in Commitment Regarding Offsite Review Committees