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Confirms 871116-20 as Equipment Qualification Insp Dates for Plant.Documents Identified in Encl Required 2 Wks Prior to Insp.All Calculations & Files Should Be at Plant Site
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/09/1987
From: Verrelli D
To: Mcdonald R
NUDOCS 8710150238
Download: ML20235V616 (3)



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.n OCT 0 91987 Docket Nos. 50-348, 50-364 License Nos. NPF-2 and NPF-8 Alabama Power Company ATTN: Mr. R. P. Mcdonald

-Senior Vice President-P. O. Box 2641 Birmingham, AL 35291-0400




EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION INSPECTION OF'FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 This letter confirms the dates of November 16-20, 1987, for the NRC equipment qualification (EQ) inspe:: tion for Farley Units 1 and 2.

These dates were established during an exit meeting with Mr. J. D. Woodard of your sthff and Mr. T. E. Conlon of this office on September 18, 1987.

The inspection will take place at the plant site.

j A management entrance meeting is scheduled for 1:00 on November 16, 1987, with a management exit meeting tentatively scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on November 20, 1987, at the plant site.

A plant walkdown inspection of specific EQ equipment is planned for November 18, 1987 with additional walkdowns as needed during the week.

The inspection will include but not be limited to the following:


Review of. your implementation of 10 CFR 50.49 EQ program, including preservation of qualified status of equipment.

1 2.

Review of your implementation of Technical Evaluation Report / Safety Evaluation Report EQ corrective action commitments.


Review of EQ documentation files including all supporting calculations 1

(for more details on auditability of EQ records see IE Notice 85-39).

1 4.

Physical inspection of equipment from the Master List.

l At least two weeks prior to the inspection we will require one copy of each document identified in the enclosure with a plus (+) mark.

All calculations and files should be at the plant site.

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.Uldis Potapovs, Chief

-4 i,

Equipment Qualification. Inspection Section -

9' '.


A 4:

m..EW/S 312AL.

. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission

. Washington, DC 20555 LYour cooperation' with usl during this inspection..will be appreciated.' ; Should -

l Lyou have cany questions regarding this. inspection', please contact T. E; Conlon-

'on 404-331-5537.

3 Sincerely,

.v David M. Verre111, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 1 Division of Reactor Projects


References L

cc w/ enc 1:

- W. O. Whitt, Executive Vice President J. D. Woodard, General Manager -

l Nuclear Plant W. G. Hairston, III.-~Vice-President Nuclear Support J. W. McGowan, Manager-Safety Audit and-Engineering Review J. K. Osterholtz, Supervisor-Safety l

' Audit and-Engineering Review bec w/ enc 1:..

NRC Resident Inspector E. Reeves, Project Manager, NRR Document Control Desk State'of Alabama i

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ek v e-)g.

1. f+ Licensee's'.overall EQ Administrative; Program.

! 4.y

2. j +NRC( Safety; Evaluation J eports concerning. environmental qualification 'of -

.h R

safety-related electricalie'quipment, ~ including the SER that forwarded the C

gf iTERito each licensee..


'31- + Licensee's commitmentsLfor corrective.. action-including Ma' ' 1983) SER/TER-(

m y

, response,1984 minutesLof meeting Lwith NRC, and' subsequent changes.


' 4, t


Licen'see'si: list of: equipment requiring. environmental qualification

.(Master List, May 1983).


Master List, version in effect at time of inspection.

5.- i+ Licensee's-' response to Generic Letter 84-24, D.L G, Eisenhut to Licensee's -

' 'and - Applicants, dated-December 17,:1984,


Certification of Compliance to 10 CFR'50.49.

6. u+ Licensee's current-System Component Evaluation Worksheets (SCEW sheets) or equivalent.

7.5 + Licensee's procedures applicable to equipment qualification (EQ program, procurement of-. qualified: equipment, maintenance of qualified equipment,.

modifications to EQ equipment, EQ personnel training (site and corporate-s

. personnel), QA/EQ interface including corporate QA, Site QA/QC audits, EQ-

. spare; parts procurement and licensee program for EQ rel'ated NRC'Informa-tion. Notices / Bulletins.


  • Licensee's qualification documentation and/or files.
  • These documents must be available for the inspectors use throughout the

.. inspection.-

-+These documents are requested for review before the inspection.


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