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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re Generic Ltr to Collect Operator Licensing Exam Data
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/08/1988
From: Mcdonald W
OMB-3150-0131, OMB-3150-131, NUDOCS 8807150212
Download: ML20150E590 (9)


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Request for DMB Review

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Generic Letter To Collect Operator Licensing Examination Data i

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- r M , it' . _ rj - t- f . T h rs Part Onty if the Requestis far Approvalof a Collection et' Nr 9 tion Under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR 1320.

a w m.m e ora -s.u dicted putmc in so words or iess , Nuclear power plant, manpower training, All commerical power facilities are requested to provide the NRC with their projected number of canidates and estimated dates for operator licensing and requalification


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n. .g ., er m e.~ e : . e r a t or na rereset :,e F jostej William G. Mcdonald, Director Office of Administration and Resources Management I 4 Gr0 1984 0 - 453-776 l

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SUPPORTING STATEMENT for Generic Letter to Collect Operator Licensing Examination Data (OMBClearanceNo. 3150-0131)

Description Of Information Collection A generic letter will be issued that requests all comercial power facilities to send to the NRC their projected number of candidates for operator licensing examinations and the estimated dates of the examinations. This letter will also request the :equalification examination dates.


1. Need for the Collection of Information The Code of Federal Regulations, 10 CFR 50.54 requires that all manipulations of controls of any facility be performed only by a licensed reactor operator, licensed senior reactor operator or a trainee under the direct supervision of a licensed reactor operator or a licensed senior reactor operator. The licensing of reactor operators or senior reactor operators is performed by the NRC in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 55. In order to meet the needs of the nuclear industry for licensed reactor operators ard senior reactor operators, this letter requests all comercial power facilities to send us their projected (estimated) number of candidates for reactor operator and senior reactor operator examinations, the proposed date for examinations for the present fiscal year and each of three upcoming fiscal years. This letter

&lso requests the anticipated dates for requalification examinations.

2. Agency Use of Information This information is used by the NRC to plan budgets and resources in regards to operator examination scheduling to meet the needs of the nuclear industry.
3. Reduction of Burden Through Informaticn Technology There are no legal obstacles to reducing the burden through the use of information technology. Licensees rav use any appropriate technology; however, the limited subnittal makes it impractical to pursue for most licensees.

4 Effort to identify Dup 1_ication This information does not duplicate or overlap information collections by the NRC or other Government Agencies.


5. F.ffort to Use Similar Information This information is available only from the facility.
6. Effort to Reduce Small Business Burden Small business is not affected by this information collection.
7. Consequences of Less Freauent Collection This information has to be collected and reviewed annually in order to accurately forecast examination needs.
8. Circumstances Which Justify Variation from OMB Guidelines This request does not vary from OMB guidelines.
9. Consultations Outside the flRC There were no consultations outside of NRC.
10. Confidentiality of Information NRC provides no pledge of confidentiality of this information (and none has been requested).
11. Justification for Sensitive Questions This information collection dces not involve sensitive or private information.
12. Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Government Approximately li hours per respondent will be spent by NRC personnel in using this material. There will be no mailing lists or publication of this information. The information gathered by this letter will be placed into a form format and then used for planning budgets and resources for NRC Operator Licensing functions.

88 responses X 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> / response X $60/ hour = $7,920 annut11y.

13. Estimate of Burden and Cost to Industry Approximately 88 facility organizations will be requested to submit information. This number accounts for multiple unit plants and similar/ dissimilar units at a single site.

The information will be s bnitted by each f acility to the NRC on an annual basis.

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I~ -No records need to be retained by the facilities.

The estimated annual burden for this information collection is P hours per facility. This is based on previous experience with similar material submitted by facility personnel. The total annual industry burden is 176 hours0.00204 days <br />0.0489 hours <br />2.910053e-4 weeks <br />6.6968e-5 months <br /> (2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> / respondent X 88 respondents).

The estimated annual cost to the facilities to respond to the collection is_$10,560 (176 X $60/ hour).

14. Reasons for Change in Burden No change in burden is reflected in the above estimates.
15. Publication for Statistical Use NRC does not publish information gathered for statistical use.

B. COLLECTIONS OF INFORMATION EMPL0YING STATISTICAL METHODS Statistical methods are not used in this information collection.



Sample Generic Letter l





To plan our resources to be consistent with your operator licensing needs, we need the best estimate of your operator licensing examination requirements for fiscal years , , ,and . Please provide the anticipated number of candidates and dates for each licensing examination site visit in the proposed format provided in Enclosure 1. Also, please identify the dates for your scheduled requalification examinations during the same fiscal years in the proposed format provided in Enclosure 2.

In the absence of overriding circumstances, budget limitations will force us to limit initial / replacement examinations to two visits per site each year, with one additional site visit per year dedicated to requalification examinations. Every attempt will be made to provide examination services at the times requested, however, excessive demand during any particular time period may necessitate the redistribution of site visits to maintain the examiner workload within limits. Specific examination dates will be confirmed or .nodified through direct liaison with the NRC Regional Offices.

In an effort to cptimize examiner utilization, the NRC intends to implement a national examination schedule on . Such a schedule will enable the equalization of examiner workload on a nationwide basis so that Regional and contract examiner resources are employed at a relatively constant rate throughout the year. As currently planned, the FY schedule will be utilized as the baseline for future fiscal year national examination schedules. It is intended that, with minor modifications, the same schedule -

will be used year af ter year, thereby allowing you to plan your training efforts with greater confidence that your licensing examinations will be administered on their designated dates, while at the same time enabling the NRC to more efficiently employ its limited examiner staff.

As always, it is imperative that you provide your best estimates of your examination needs for each fiscal year through . Understand that the examination dates indicated for FY will be utilized in the development of a baseline national examination schedule for subsequent fiscal years. Your submittal will not guarantee the dates requested, however, every effort will be made to minimize deviations. Once the national schedule is implemented, your operator licensing and requalification examinations should be expected on g approximately the same dates every year. Your estimates of licensing examination requirements for future fiscal years will be solicited primarily l

to determine the number of candidates to be examined so that we may modify our budget and staffing accordirgly.

2 Your schedules, utilizing the enclosed suggested formats, should be returned to , Chief, Operator Licensing Branch, 0WFN-10D-18, Washington, DC 20555, with a courtesy copy to the appropriate Regional Administrator by September 1, . We appreciate your assistance in this matter and invite you to address any questions concerning this request or your response to at(301)492-1031.

This request was approved by the Office of Management and Budget under clearance number 3150-0131, which expires . Conments on burden and duplication may be directed to the Office of Mansgenent and Budget, Reports Management, Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.

Sincerely, Frank J. Miraglia, Associate Director for Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Operating Licensing Examination Schedule
2. Requalification Examination Schedule .


Enclosure 1 Y

OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Facility NRC Region FY FY FY FY (10/1/ -T/3T/ ) (10/1/ M /_ ) (10/1/_ W / _ ) (10/1/_ T 0/ _ )

1. Date
  1. R0
  1. 5R0 Instant
  1. 5R0 Upgrade
  1. SR0 Limited
2. Date
  1. RO
  1. SR0 Instant
  1. 5R0 Upgrade
  1. SRO Limited Please indicate initial cold license examinations by placing an asterisk (*)

by the date. Please indicate examinations intended to extend an Operator's license to e second or subsequent unit with two asterisks (**) (e.g., if Unit One is in operation and Unit Two is approaching fuel load and three RO candidates with no previous license are to be examined on both Units One and Two and five R0 candidates licensed on Unit One are to be examined to extend their licenses to Unit Two, then indicate "R0 3,5** ")

Enclosure 2 REQUALIFICATION EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Facility NRC Region FY FY FY FY (10/1/_~T/IU/_) (10/1/_M/_) (10/1/ _ M /_ ) (10/1/_ M /_ )

1. Date Date Date _


2. Date Date Date Date
3. Date Date Date Date
4. Date Date Date Date