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Summary of 780620 Meeting W/Util Re Environ Qualifications of Mineral Insulated Cable End Seals. Attendance List Encl
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 06/26/1978
From: Burger A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8011170459
Download: ML20148H234 (4)



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u iz Docket No. 50-29 THis DOCUMEt:T CDUTAWS [

P00R 00AUTY PAGto y JUN 2 01978 LICENSEE: Yankee Atomic Electric Coaipany (YAEC) y FACILITY: Yankee-Rowe


END SEAT.S N On June 20, 1978, we met with representative; of YAEC to discuss E environmental qualification of end seals cf mineral insulated (HI) cable, routed through containment electrical penetrations at Yankee-Rowe.

A list of attendees is attached.

As backgroJnd, durin9 recent (June 3,1978) environmental testing of a sample electrical penetration at the Franklin Institute Research Laboratory performed for the Haddam Neck plant, the cable conductors failed to hold the applied voltage as a result of conductor to conductor shorts. The failures were attributed to moisture entering the epoxy in the end seal of the MI electrical cable. A modified end seal for the MI cable using heat shrink sleeves ',es successfully denonstrated to prevent noisture from entering the cable end seal. This modification was made to the end seals of the MI cables connected to safety related eqJipiont inside the Haddam Neck containment. The modification was implemented during a plant shutdown on Jane 16, 1978.

ttecause of our concern about similar 11I cable end seal problems at Yankee-Rowe, YAEC was recpired to evaluate the effects of potential  :

MI cable fain c. on safe plant operation and to propose corrective j-action if found to be necessary. Based on its initial evaluation, YAEC  !

proposed on June 19,1978 (confirmed by letter of same date) shutting i down Yankee-Rowe on June 24, 1 978, to modify the end seals of MI cable 3 i connected to safety related equipnent inside the Yankee-Rowe containment. f [

This would involve the same modification recently ccnpleted at Haddam  !

Neck. We asked the licensee to meet with us on June 20,1978, to .


provide more details on this proposed course of action. (3; '

7 Nring the meeting, YAEC presented the rewl+: of a more detailed I review completed after its June 19, 1978 proposal . There are ever 100 MI cables routed through electrical penetrations at Yankee-Rowe that have cabic and seals similar to the one that failed during tt'e recent environmental qualification test at the Franklin Laboratory. Only l t Ernn_nf thasn ca hlns._foach_with.f_hess._rnndurlnr_r.l.arcannne t od to ,

l 8011)70 I

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safety related equipnent inside containment, namely, to the three recirculation fans of the post-LOCA hydrogen control system. YAEC st3ted that these fans may' be needed about 120 days following a major LOCA event. Potential failure of any of the other MI cables would not

' impair the ability to bring Yankee-Rowe to a cold stutdown condition or to mitigate the conseqJences of any accident. Nevertheless. YAEC committed to modify the end seals of the HI cables connected to the three recirculation fans in the same manner as recently modified at  :

Haddam Neck. The modifications will be implemented in accordance with the provisions in 10 CFR Part 50. Section 50.59 within one week from the date of the meeting. YAEC stated that for long-term environ-mental qJalification of the modified MI cable t'nd seals they will reference the tests to be performed soon on a similar nodified end seal for Haddam Neck. YAEC also stated that they will promptly send us a letter confirming the commitments made during the meeting. .

Wo indicated that the proposed course of action is acceptable. _

li O!! irg!,;igned b4 jL Alfred Burger, Project Manager j

, Operat,ing Reactors Branch #2 Divisican iof Operating Reactors ,


List of Attendees cc w/ enclosure.:

Yankee Atomic Electric Company ATTN: Mr. Robert H. Groce Licensing Engineer i 20 Turnpike Road Westboro, Massac husetts 01581  ;

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LIST OF ATTENDEES M5ETING WITH YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC COMPANY JUNE 20,1978 Yankee Atomic Electric Company R. Groce G. Tsouderos F. Baxter J. Thayer NRC


A. . Burger J. Burdoin D. Mcdonald j-D. Davis ,

V. Thomas p W. Russell E H. Schierling [?

D. Ziemann


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NRC PDR Local PDR ORB #2 Reading NRR Reading E. G. Case V. Stello '

D. Eisenhut B. Grimes D. Davis P. Chec k "

G. 'ainas A. a:hwencer '

R. Reid T. Ippolito G. Knighton EB Project Manager - A. Burger .:g



H. Smith NRC Participants R. Fraley, ACRS (16) :i T. B. Abernathy .!

J. R. Buchanan l 1

