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Forwards Initial Responses to NRC Questions on Seismic & Dynamic Loads
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1981
From: Schmidt H
To: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TXX-3295, NUDOCS 8104150393
Download: ML19350D384 (57)


o .

TEXAS LTILITIES SERVICES INC. Log # TXX-3295 m n nen n rem m .ou.12.r u w m oi File 10010 April 2, 1981


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, ,g '< ! h Assistant Director for Licensing (L Division of Licensing


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'.' Oi U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission il . . - 1.

Wa shington , D.C. 20555 '; - ' ^ 1'G

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Dear Mr. Tedesco:

Attached are our initial responses to the NRC questions on seismic and dynamic loads.

To more easily track these questions and index and locate these questions within the FSAR, they have been assigned the numbers Q150.1 through Q150.6. Any additional questions from the Seismic and Dynamic Loads Section of the Equipment Qualification Branch shall receive sequential numbers in the Q150 series. Similarly, any questions from the Environmental Qualification Section of the Equipment Qualification Branch shall receive sequential numbers in the Q140 series.

As agreed, these responses are being transmitted to you by letter to expedite response time. These responses will be retransmitted to the Commission in an FSAR Amendment.

S cerely, 8/Af H. C. Schmidt HCS:skf Attachment cc: S. B. Burwell (5) hggi Dr. Morris Reich (Brookhaven National Laboratory) g I m o415 0MS A

CPSES/FSAR 150.0 EQUIPMENT OUALIFICATICN BRANCH - SEISMIC AND DYNAMIC LOADS 0150.1 In accordance with the requirements of GDC 2 and 4 all safety-related equipment is required to be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes and dynamic loads from normal operation, maintenance, testing and postulated accident conditions. GDC 2 further requires that such equipment be designed to withstand appropriate combinations of the effects of normal and accident conditions with the effects of earthquake loads.

The criteria to be used by the staff to determine the acceptability of ycur equipment qualification program for seismic and dynamic loads are IEEE Std. 344-1975 as supplemented by Regulatory Guides 1.100 and 1.92, and Standard Review Plan Section 3.a.2 and 3.10. State the extent to which the equipment in your plant meets these requirements and the above requirements to combine seismic and dynamic loads. For equipment that does not meet these requirements provide justification for the use of other criteria.

R150.1 NSSS supplied equipment is uesigned for the combination of


j seismic and dynamic loads as described in FSAR Sections i

3.9N and 3.10N. The analysis and testing methods employed l by Westinghouse are consistent with applicable regulatory requirements and are described in Sections 3.7N, 3.9N, and 3.10N of the FSAR.

The criteria used to qualify various safety celated BOP supplied equipment to withstand the SSE and OBE in I

accordance with applicable requirements of IEEE Std 150-1 I

< c - ,

a .

CPSES/FSAR 344-1975 as supplemented by Regulatory Guides 1.100 and 1.92, and Standard Review Plan Sections 3.9.2 and 3.10, are described in detail in Sections 3.7B, 3.98 and 3.10B of the CPSES FSAR. Detailed explanations of analysis and testing techniques are contained in the subparagraphs of subsections 3.78.2 and 3.7B.3.

O 150-2

CPSES/FSAR Q150.2 Provide a list of all safety-related systems together with a list of all safety-related equipment and support structures associated with each system. The equipment lists should indicate whether the equipment is NSSS supplied or BOP supplied. These lists should include all safety-related mechanical components, electrical, instrumentation, and control equipment, including valve actuators and other appurtenances of active pumps and valves.

R150.2 See Table 150.2-1. This table is based on FSAR TABLE 17A-1, which has been modified to provide additional information to the Seismic Qualification Review Team.

e 150-3

CPSES/FSAR Q150.3 For each safety-related equipment item, the following information should be provided:

(1) Method of qualification used:


Analysis or test (indicate the company that prepared the report, the reference report number and date of the publication).


If by test, describe whether it was a single or multi-frequency test and whether input was single axis or multi-axis.

c) If by analysis, describe whether static or dynamic, single or multiple-axis analysis was used.


Provide natural frequency (or frequencies) of equipment.

(2) Indicate whether the equipment has met the qualification requirement.


Indicate whether the equipment is required for:

a) hot standby b) cold shutdown c) both d) neither

  • (4) Location of equipment, f.e., building, elevation.


Availability for inspection (Is the equipment already installed at the plant site?)


CPSES/FSAR (6) A compilation of the-required response spectre (or time history) and corresponding damping for each seismic and dynamic load specified for the equipment together with all other loads considered in the qualification and the method of combining all loads.

R150.3 See Table 150.2-1. This table is based on FSAR TABLE 17A-1, which has been modified to provide additional information to the Seismic Qualification Review Team.

All equipment has or will meet applicable seismic and dynamic loads qualification requirements.

Additional equipment specific information shall be provided in response to FSAR Question 150.6.

The requirements of " Hot Stand-by" and/or " Cold Shutdown" are discussed in Chapter 7 of the FSAR as noted below:


Section 7.1.1 identifies all safety-related systems.


Systems, support systems, and monitoring indicators required for Hot Standby are listed in Section, 3.

Systems, or portions thereof, required for achieving cold shutdown are described in Section


Shutdown from outside the Control Room is described in Section


Table 7.4-1 lists instrumentation and control l

l components mounted on the Hot Shutdown Panel. Items l

150-5 i

CPSES/FSAR identified with a "(c)" a. e required for cold shutdown.


Table 7.4-2 lists other instrumentation and control components located on the Hot Shutdown Panel. Items identified with a "(c)" are required for cold shutdown.

The rathod of qualification used for 30P piping and supports is described in FSAR Section


CPSES/FSAR QL50.4 Identify all equipment that may be effected by vibration fatigue cycle effects and describe the methods and criteria used to qualify this equipment for such loading conditions.

R150.4 Where applicable, vibration and fatigue effects are included in the analysis or testing performed to demonstrate the qualification of equipment. A review of the methods of analysis or test used to account for vibration and fatigue can be reviewed in detail for the equipaent reviewed during the SQRT site visit.

Earthquake cycles are discussed in Section of the FSAR. The nunber of maximum anplified loading cycles due to earthquake is snall for fatigue effect, and can be i generally considered negligible for equipment qualification by analysis. Equipment qualified by full scale shake table testing, accounts for fatigue considerations by the nature of the test requirements - simulation of 5 OBE's, followed by one SSE.

In addition, equipment subjected to vibratory motion, e.g.

bellows and flexible hose, are qualified to their life cycle by testing and/or fatigue analysis.


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A CPSES/FSAR 0150.5 Describe the results of any in plant tests, such as in situ impendance tests, and any plans for operational tests which will be used to confirm the qualification of any item of equi pment.

R150.5 No specific inplant tests have been run to confirm the qualification of any equipment. The only in plant testing which is planned, which is of a similt,r nature, is the Operational Vibration Testing. This testing is listed on i

sheets 57 and 57A of FSAR Table 14.E-2 and is described in FSAR Section 3.98.2.


l 4

1 150-8

CPSES/FSAR Q150.6 To confirm the extent to which the safety-related equipment meets the requirements of General Design Criterion 2 and 4, the Seismic Qualification Review Team (SQRT) will conduct a plant site review. For selected equipment, SQRT will review the combined required response spectra (RRS) or the combined dynamic response, examine the equipment configuration and mounting, and then determine whether thc test or analysis which nas been conducted demonstrates ccmpliance with the RRS if the equipment was qualifed by test, or the acceptable analytical criteria is qualified by analysis.

The staff requires that a " Qualification Summary of Equipment" as shown on the attached pages be prepared for each selected piece of equipment and submitted to the staff two weeks prior to the plant site visit. The applicant should make available at the plant site for SORT review all the pertinent documents and reports of the qualification for the selected equipment. After the visit, the applicant should be prepared to submit certain selected documents and reports for further staff review.

R150.6 The " Qualification Summary of Equipment" shall be prepared when the list of selected equipment is received. At least two weeks is required to ccmplete these forms. To ensure that the information is available for the plant site review, the list of selected equipment must be received at least two to three weeks prior to the scheduled plant site review date.Later 150-9

LP5L 5/F SAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page1ofh SEI5MIC QUALIFICAT10h RtvilW IEAM INhli FSAR Remarks SQRT ANS Applicable Code 5eismic Quality Re ference (see Input Safety Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Class

1. Reactor Coolant System (RCS)

Note 3 5.3 13a 45a, 46a, 47a R actor vessel 1 ASME 111 1 1 Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 47a CRDM housings 1 ASME 111 1 1 Note 4 13a 45a, 46a, 47a CRIH herd adapter plugs 1 A9tE 111 1 1 Note 3 5.4.14 13a 45a, 46a, 4 7a Re .ctor vessel supports 1 A5ME 111 1 1 5ttam generator A94E 111 1 Note 6 5.4.2 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Tube side 1 1 Note 6 8a, 13a 4 51, 46a, 4 7a Shell side 2 A5ME 111 1 1 I Note 6 5.4.14 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Steam generators supports 1 A94E 111 1 I Note 27 13a 454, 46a, 4 7b 5ttam generator restraints 1 A5ME 111 1 A91E 111 1 Note 6 5.4.10 lb, 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Pr:ssurizer 1 1 Note 27 5.4.14 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Pr'.ssurizer support skirt 1 A5ME 111 1 1 A9tE 111 1 1 Note 3 5.4.3 7, 13a 45a, 46b, 47a R: actor coolant hot- and cold-leg 1 piping & fittings, and fabrication Note 3 5.4.10 13a, 7 45a, 46b, 47b Surge pipe & fittings and fabrication 1 ASME 111 1 1 2 Note 26 13c, 7 45b, 46b, 4 7b Piping & valves  ? ALME 111 1 Note 3 5.4.3 13a, 7 454, 46b, 47b Crostover leg piping & fittings and 1 A91E III 1 1 fabrication A94E !!! I Note 3 5.4.13 134, 7 45a, 46a, 47b Pressurizer safety valves 1 1 Note 3 5.4.13 13a, 7 45a, 46a, 4 7b Power-operated relief saives 1 A5ME 111 1 1 Note 3 5.4.12 134, 7 45a, 46a, 47b Velves of Safety Class e to Safety 1 ASME 111 1 1 Cless 2 interface ASME Vill NONE Note 4 5.4.11 28, 13g -

Pr2ssurizer relief tank NNS -

Re:ctor Coolant Pump A91E lil 1 I Note 6 5.4.1 134 45a, 46a, 47a Casing 1 I Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Main flange 1 ALME lil 1 Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 47a lhemal barrier 1 ASML 111 1 1 i

CP5E5/F5AR 1AltLE 150.2-1 (Page 2 of 45)

SEI5MIC QUAllflCATION REVl[W 1EAM INPUT F5AR Remark s SQRT ANS Quality Peference (See Input Safety Applicable Code Setsmic Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

Class Code (12) Class Category System and Components Note 6 13a 454, 464, 474 A9tE Ill  !  !

Thennal barrier heat exchanger 1 454, 46a, 47a I Note 6 13a No. I seal housing 1 ALME 121 1 Note 6 8a , 13a 45a 46a, 47a No. 2 seal housing 2 A9fC ll!  ! I Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Pressure-retaining bolting 1 A5ME Ill 1 1 R2 actor Coolant Pump Motor - NEMA MG 1 -

13a 45a 464, 47b 2 Note 9 - I Note 6 Motor rotor Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 47b

? Note 9 - I Motor shaft 45a, 464, 4 7b I Note 6 13a Shaft coupling 2 Note 9 -

Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 47b Spool piece 2 Note 9 - 1 Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 4 7b 2 Note 9 - I Flywheel 45a, 46a, 47b

! A9fC 111 1 1 Note 27 5.4.14 13a Vertical and lateral supports '

Note 6 13a 454, 46a, 4 7b Note 9 - I Bearing (Motor upper thrust) 2 134, 30 45a, 46a, 47b 2 Note 9 - 1 Note 6 Motor Bolting 45a, 46a, 4 7b Note 6 13a Motor stand 2 Note 9 - 1 Note 6 13a 45a, 46a, 4 7b Motor frame 2 Note 9 - 1 13a 45a 46a, 47b Mf rs. Stds. - I Note 27 Upper Oil reservoir 3 13a 45a, 46a, 47b ASME III 3 I Note 6 Cooling coil 3 45a, 46a, 4 7b Note 27 13a Lower oli reservoir 3 Mfrs. 5tds. - 1 I Note 6 13a 45a. 46a, 47b cooling coil 3 ASME !!! 3 Note 6 13a,7 45a, 46a, 4 7b A5ML 111 3 I Lube-oil piping 3 2, 13a -

Mfrs. 5tds. - 1 Note 5 Motor-air coolers NN5 Mfrs. Stds. - Il Note 27 6.18, 6.2.2 13d -

NN5 Reflective insulation assemblies (except for the portions installed on the RC5 cold leg and hot leg pipes which are located inside the biological shield tunnels) 13c 45a, 46b, 474 Mfrs. Stds. - I Note 2/

Reactor vessel nozzles non-crushable 1

CP5E5/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 3 of 45)

SE15MIC QUALIFICA_Il0N REvilW TEAM INPUT F SAR Remarks SQRT ANS 5eismic Quality Re ference ( 5cc Input Safe ty Applicable Code Class Category Assurance 5cction Note) (See Notes)

Systin and Components Class Code (12) i insulation NNS Mfrs. 5tds. - None 6.10 139 Riflective insulation assemblies on RCS cold leg and hot leg pipes and located in biological shleid tunnels I Note 26 3.9N 13c 454, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 1 piping 1 ASML 111 1 Note 26 3.98 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 2 piping 2 A5ME Ill 2 1 11 Note 44 3.68 134 , 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS AN51 831.1 -

2. Chemical and Volume Control System (CVC5) 45a, 46a, 4?a 2 A9tE Ill 2 i Note 3 9.3.4 13a Regenerative heat exchanger letdown lleat Exchanger I Note 3 9.3.4 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Tube side 2 A9tl 111 2 3 I Note 3 9.3.4 2, 13a 45a. 46a, 4la Shell side 3 A9tE Ill 3 None Note 4 9.3.4 11, 139 45a 46a, 41a Mixed-bed demineralizer 3 ATE Ill None Note 4 9.3.4 II,13g 45a, 46a, 47a 3 A5ME 111 3 Catton-bed demineralizer 45a. 46a, 41a APE Ill 2 [ Note 3 9.3.4 13a Ritctor coolant filter 2 45a. 46a, 47a 2 ASME Ill 2 i Note 3 9.3.4 13a Vslume control tank 13h, la and Ic 45a, 46a, 47a 2 APE Ill 2 I Note 3 9.3.4 Cextrifugal charging pump orId,2 ALME Ill 2 1 Note 3 9.3.4 13b, la and Ic 454, 46a, 47a Positive displacement pump 2 or Id, 2 I Note 3 9.3.4 13a 454, 464, 4 7a Seal water injection fliter 2 A5ML 111 2 Note 4 9.3.4 13a 45a. 46a, 47b Letdown orifices 2 A5ME Ill 2 1 Encess letdown heat exchanger Note 3 9.3.4 13a 45a, 4f,a, 4 Ta Tube side 2 APL Ill 2 1 Note 3 9.3.4 13a 45a, 4 64, 4 74 Amt til 2 1 Shell side 2 .

CP5E 5/I SAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 4 of 45)


ANS Seismic Quality Reference (See laput Sa fe ty Appi tc able Code Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

Class Code (12)

System and Eomponents i

Note 3 9.3.4 13a 45a, 46a, 47a Seal water return filter 2 A5ME Ill 2 1 5eal uater leat Exchanger 45a, 46a, 47a l 2 ASME Ill 2 I kote 3 9.3.4 13a Tube side 45a, 46a, 47a I Note 3 9.3.4 2, 13a Shell side 3 A5ME III 3 Note 3 9.3.4 lb ,13b 45a, 46a, 47a 3 ASME !!! 3 I Boric tcid transfer pump Note 4 9.3.4 13a 45a. 46a, 47a 3 ASME Ill 3 1 Boric acid filter 9.3.4 28. 139 -

A5ME Vill - NONE Note 4 Doric Ecid batching tank NNS NONE Note 5 9.3.4 29, 13q -

NN5 ANSI D31.1 -

Boron Meter ASME Vill - NONE Note 5 9.3.4 139 Chemical mixing tank NNS 45a. 46a, 47b A5ME III 1 1 Note 4 9.3.4 13b Retct:r coolant pump seal bypass 1 crifice MONE Note 5 13g -

R.C. Pump standpipe NN5 ASME Vill -

Note 26 9.3.4 13c 4 5b, 46b, 47a 3 A5ME I!! 3 I B- ic acid tanks 45b, 46b, 47a A91E Ill 3 i Note 26 9.3.4 13a B2ric scid blender 3 Note 26 9.3.4 134, 7 4 5b, 46b, 4 7b, Piping and valves  ? ASME !!! 2 1 48 Note 26 9.3.4 13a,7 45b, 46b, 47b, 3 A5ME !!! 3 i Piping and valves 49 Note 26 3.9B 13c 4 5b , 46b, 4 7b Supports for class 2 piping 2 A5ME !!! 2 1 I Note 26 3.93 13c 45b, 46b, 47b

! Supports for class 3 piping 3 A5ME Ill 3 Note 44 3.6H 13a, 13e -

Supports for class 5 piping NNS AN51 B 31.1 -  !!

11 Note 21 6.1, 6.2.2 13d -

NN5 Mfrs. 5tds. -

Rif ttctive insulation assemblies

3. Boron Therm _al Regeneration Sub-I system (UIR$)

Moderating Ikat f achanger 45a, 464, 474 Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g l'abe side 3 A5Mt III 3 NONI

CP5f$/F5AR IAt!LE 150.2-1 (Page 5 of 45) 1 SE!!NIC QUALIFICAT10N REVIEW lE AM INPUT FSAR Remark s SQRT ANS Seismic Quality Re f erence (See input Safety Applic able Code Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

Class Code (12) j pstem and Components 3 NONE Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g 45a 46a, 47a Shell side 3 Amt !!!

letdown Chiller Heat Exchanger 45a 46a, 47a ASE Ill 3 NONE Note 4 9.3.4 11,13g Tube side 3 Note 4 9.3.4 28, 134 -

Shell side NN5 A91f Vill - NONE Letdown Reheat licat [xchanger I Note 3 9.3.4 13a 45a, 46a, 47s Tube side 2 A'NE Ill 2 NONE Note 3 9.3.4 11, 13g 45a , 46a, 4 7a Shell side 3 ASME Ill 3 Note 4 9.3.4  !!, 13g 45a, 46a, 47a lh;rms) regeneration deminerallier 3 A9tf 111 3 NONE Mfrs. Stds. - NONE Note 4 9.3.4 28, 139 -

Chiller pump NN5 ASME Vill - NONE Note 5 9.3.4 139 Chillrr surge tank NN5 Chillar Unit ATNE Vlli - NONE Note 4 9.3.4 28, 13g -

tvapurator NN5 A5ME Vill - NONI Note 4 9.3.4 28, 13g -

Condenser NN5 Mfrs. 5tds. - NONE Note 4 9.3.4 28, 139 -g Compressor NN5 ASML !!! 2 I Note 26 9.3.4 13a, 7 45[ 46b, 4 7b, Piping and valves 2 48 Note 26 9.3.4 134,7 45b, 46b, 47L,,

3 A'NE Ill 3 I Piping and valves 48 I Note 26 3.90 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b 2 ASME 111 2 Supports for Class 2 piping I Note 2b 3.90 13c 45b, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 A!NE Ill 3 13e ANSI B31.1 - Il Note 44 3.6B Supports for Class 5 piping NN5 Note ?? 6.1, 6.2.2 13d -

J Reflective insulation assemblies NN5 Mfrs. 5tds. - 11 1

. 4. Safety injection System (51s) 45a. 46a, 47a 2 A!Nf ill 2 I Note 3 6.3 13a Accunulators A5ME Ill 2 I Note 3 6.3 la, Ic, 2, and 454, 46a, 47a High-head SIS pumps 2 13h 4

~ .. - _ - --

CP5[5/fSAR T ABL E 150.2-1 (Page 6 of 45)

SEISMIC QUAEITICAll0N RIVi[W TIAM INP,UI f5AR Remarks SQRT AN5 Quality Reference (See Input Safety Appilc atsle Code seismic 5ection Note) (See Notes)

Class Code (12) Class Category _ Assurance _

System and Components Note 26 6.3 13a, 7 4% , 465, 4 7b, Piping tnd valves 2 A9tE !!! 2 1 48 I Note 26 6.3 13a, 7 4%, 46b, 47b, 3 A5ME III 3 Piping and valves 48 Note 26 3.98 13c 4 5b, 46b, 4 ?b Supports for Class 2 piping 2 ASME III 2 1 I Note 26 3.98 13c 4%, 46b, 47b 3 A9tl III 3 Supports for Class 3 piping 13c,13e -

ANSI D31.1 - Il Note 44 3.68 Supports for Class 5 piping NN5 Note 27 8.1, 6.2.2 13d -

Riflective insulation assemblies NN5 Mfrs. 5tds. -  !!

5. Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Sysy la, Ic, 2, and 45a, 46a, 47a 2 A91E Ill 2 1 Note 3 6.2 RHR punip 13c Residus) Heat Exchanger 45a. 46a, ela 2 A9tf III 2 1 Note 3 6.2 13a Tube side Ic, 13a 45a,46a,47a A5ML 111 3 I Note 3 6.2 Shell side 3 Note 26 6.2 13a 4% , 46b, 4 ?a Ctntatrunent sump valve isolation tanks 2 ASME !!! 2 1 Note 26 6.2 13c 4%, 46b, 4 7a Vsive isolation tank espansion joints 2 ASME III MC 1 I Note 26 6.2 13a, 7 4%, 46b, 4 ?b, Piping and valves I A9tE Ill l 48 Note 26 6.2 134, 7 4 % , 46b, 47b,

? ASMt 111 2 1 Piping and valves 4a Note 26 3.98 13c 4 %, 46b, 4 ?b Supports for Class 2 piping 2 A9tE III 2 1 AN51 031.1 - 11 Note 44 3.68 13e -

Supports t'or Class 5 piping NN5 Note ?? 6.1, 6.2.2 13d -

R2flective insulation assenblies NN5 Mfrs. 5tds. - 11

6. Boron Recyc_le_ System (DR$) 454, 464, 47a A't41 !!! 3 N0!1 Note 3 9.3.4 II,139 Ricycle evaporator feed pump 3

CP515/65AR IAHLL 150.?-l (Page 1 of 45) 51l'MIC QUAT if ICAll0N H[VilW If AH INPUI F5AR Remarts $QRI AN5 5eismic Quality Re f erence ( $ce input Sa f e ty Applic able Code Class Category Assuran(c Section Note) {$ce Notes)

Class Code 112)

,5ystem and C g onents NONE Note 4 9.3.4 II, 139 45a. 46a, die 3 A'Nt til 3 Recycle evaporator feed demineraliser 454, 46a, 4 7a 3 A?Ni Ill 3 NONE Note 4 9.3.4 11,13g RIcycle evapurator feed filter ?tt, 139 NN5 A'Ni Vll! - NONI Note 4 9.3.4 -

Recycle evalorator condensate demintrallier 2H, 139 A?NE Vllt - NON! Note 4 9.3.4 -

Fecycle evaporator condensate filter NN5 45b, 4tpr. 4Fa 3 A'Ni !!! J l Note 4 9.3.4 13c Recycle boldup tank 28, 139 A'NC Vill NONI Note 4 9.3.4 -

RIcycle evaporator concentrate filter NN5 -

NN5 A!NL Vill - NONE Note $ 9.3.4 139 Recycle evaporator reagent tank Recycle tvaporator Padage feed preheater 458, 46a, 41w A'NL !!! 3 NONE Note 4, b 9.3.4 11, 139

4. feed side 3 NN5 A*NE till - NONI - 9.3.4
b. Steam side 45a 464, 4Ta A'NL lli 3 MNt Note 4, 6 9.3.4 II,13g Gas stripper 3 subwrged lobe Evaporator 45a, 464, 4Ta UNL 111 3 NONE Note 4, 6 9.3.4 II,139
a. feed side 3 NN5 A NI Vill - NONL - 9.3.4 139
b. steam side Lvaporator Condenser Note 4 9.3.4 11, 139 15a, 46a, 414
a. Distillate water $1de 3 A!Nt' !!! 3 NON[

Note 4 9.3.4 IJb 4 5a, 464, 41a

b. Cooling water side 3 A W lli 3 I Distillate Cooler 11, 13g 45a 46a, 41a 3 A'NL !Il 3 NONE Note 4 9.3.4
a. Distillate side I Note 4 9.3.4 13b 454, 464, 474
b. Cooling water side 3 A'Nt 111 3 NONt Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g 45a, 46a, 41a 3 A'NI Ill J Absorption tower vent Condenser 45a, 46a, die A9tt til 3 NONE Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g
a. Gas stdc 3 '

I Note 4 9. 3.4 13b 454,46a,414

b. Cooling water side 3 ASML !!! 3 NONI Note 4 9.3.4 II, lJg 454, 464, 414 J

Distillate gnanp 3 A'J1: lll

EPSE5/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 8 of 45)

SEISMIC QUAttflCATION REVIEW i[ AM INPUT FSAR Remarks $QRT ANS Seismic Quality Reference (See Input Safe ty Applicable Code Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Notel (See Notes)

System and Conyonents Class Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g 45a, 46a, 47a Cancsntrete pump 3 A99E Ill 3 NONC Piping and valves 11, 7, 13g 45a, 46b 47a 3 ALME Ill 3 NONE Note 4 9.3.4

a. Feed NONE Note 4 9.3.4 11, 7.13g 45a 46b, 47a A5ME 111 3
b. Distillate 3 11, 7, 139 45a 46b, 47a 3 ASME 111 3 NONE Note 4 9.3.4
c. Concentrate I Note 4 9.3.4 13b, 7 45a, 4 6b, 4 7a
d. Cooling 3 A5ME Ill 3 3 i Note 26 9.3.4 13d, 7 45b, 46b, 47b, Piping tnd valves 3 A91E Ill 48 I Note 26 9.3.4 13c 456, 466, 4 7b 3 ALME 111 3 Supports for Class 3 piping NN5 ANSI B11.1 - 11 Note 27 3.68 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping

7. Containment Spray System (CSS)

Note 26 6.2.2 and 6.5 13a 45b, 46b, 47a Chemical additive tank 3 A940 til 3 I i Note 26 6.2.2 13c 45b,46b,47a 2 ALMC 111 2 Coatsinment spray pumps I Note 26 6.5 13c 456, 46a, 47s Chemical Educator 2 Mfrs 5tds -

Containment spray twat Exchanger i Note 26 6.2.2 13a 45b,46a,47a Tube side 2 ALME Ill 2 i Note 26 6.2.2 13a 4 5b, 464, 4 7a Shell side 3 ALME Ill 3 Note 26 6.2.2 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7a Expansion joints (Nuclear Type 1) 2 ASME Ill MC 1 I Note 26 6.2.2 13c 45b, 464, 47b Spray nozzles 2 Mirs 5tds -

Note 26 6.2.2 13c 45b,46b,47b Ring header line orifices 2 A5ME Ill 2 1 Piping and Valves i Note 26 6.5 13c, 7 45b, 46b, 47b,

a. Required only for injection 3 A5ME III 3 48 of chemical additive Note 26 6.2.2 13b, 7 45b, 46b, 47b,
b. Required for long. term heat 2 ALME Ill 2 1 48 removal (injection and circulation of Containment

CPSES/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 9 of 45)

SilSMIC QUAL!flCA110N RivitW TEAM INPUT FSAR Remarks SORT ANS Seismic Quality Re f erence ( See Input Safety Applicable Code Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

Systen and Components Class Code (12) sump water for spray) 45b, 46b, 47b, I Note 26 6.2.5 13b, 7

c. Chemical additive tank 3 ASME Ill 3 48 drains and samples Note 26 6.2.5 13a 45b, 46b, 47a C ntainment sunps valve isolation 2 ASME Ill 2 1 ta nk s 45b,46b, 47b i Note 26 3.90 13c Supports for Class 2 piping 2 ALME III 2 Note 26 3.91 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b 3 ASME Ill 3 i Supports for Class 3 piping 13a,13e -

ANSI B31.1 -  !! Note 27 3.6B Supports for Class 5 piping NHS Note 27 3.8.4, 6.2.2 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Refueling water storage tank 3 ACI 318-71 - 1

8. Containment Isolation System Note 26 6.2.4 13b & d, 7 45c, 46b, 47b includes system piping and valves 2 ASME !!! 2 1 (cf all systems penetrating Centainment) from isolation vilve inside Containment to .

isolation valve outside Contai nment 45b, 46b, 47b 2 ASME Ill 2 and MC 1 Note 26 6.2.4 13a PInstration assenblies

9. Combustible Gas Control System
4. Hydrogen Recombiner System Note 3 6.2.5 13c 45a 46a, 47a Electric hydrogen 2 ASME Ill 2 1 rec ombiner
b. Ilydrogen Purge System 45b, 46b, 47a I Note 26 13c E nhaust filter units, supply 3 Mfrs Stds -

filter I Note 32 13c & d 45b, 46b, 47a Enhaust & supply ductwork & 3 Mfrs Stds -

CP5ES/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 10 of 45)

SEISMIC QUAllflCATION HEVIEW TEAM INPUT FSAR Remarks SQRT ANS frate Seismic Quality Re ference (See input Sa fety Applicable Class Ca tegory Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Class Code (12) supports & dampers (outside Containment)

I Note 26 13c 45b, 46a, 47a Exhaust Fans 3 Mfrs 5tds -

I Note 26 13c 4 5b, 46a, 4 7a Supply blowers 3 ASME Ill 3 2 Note ?6 13a, 7 45b, 46b, 47b. .

Piping & valves (inside 2 A9tE Ill 1 48 Containment up to isolation valves) 3 i Note 2f, 13c , 7 45b, 46b, 47b, Piping and valves (outside 3 ASME 111 48 containment) for supply or exhaust Note 26 45b, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 2 piping 2 A91E Ill 2 I 3 Nute 26 13c 45b, 46b 47b Suppurts for Class 3 piping 3 A5ME 111 1

c. Containment hydrogen analyzer system Note 26 45b, 46b, 47b Piping and valves (up to the 3 ASME Ill 3 1 hydrogen analyzer panel)

Note 26 45b, 46b, 47b Piping and valves (containment 2 A91E Ill 2 1 isolation portion)

Hydrogen Analyzer 3 Note 26 13d 45b, 46b, 47b Pressure boundary only 3 A9tE Ill 1 Class IE I Note 26 IId 45b, 46b 4 7b Electrical equipment N/A -

1 Note 26 13d 45b, 46b, 47b Other mechanical components - - -

10. Component Cooling Water System (CCW5) 3 I N1te 26 9.2.2 13c 45b, 46a, 47a Heat exchangers 3 A9tE Ill Note 26 9.2.2 13c 4 5b, 46a, 41a Pumps 3 A9tE !!! 3 I

CP5ES/FSAR 1AHLE 150.2-1 (Page 11 of 45)

SE15MIC QUALIF ICATION REvif W IEAM INP_UT FSAR Remarks SQRT ANS Seismic Quality Reference (See input Sa fe ty Applicable Code Class Catejory Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Class Code (12)

I Note 26 9.2.2 13a 45b, 46b, 47a Surge tank 3 APE 111 3 A5ME 111 2 1 Note 26 9.2.2 IIc, 7 45b, 46b, 47b Piping end valves 2 Piping and valves 3 APE Ill 3 i Note 26 9.2.2 If 7 45b, 46b, 47b 4 5b, 46b, 4 7b 3 ASME Ill 3 i Note 26 9.2.2 13c Bypass line orifice 45b, 46a, 47b 3 A!NE Ill 3 I Note 26 9.2.2 13a 8 c Pump strainers Note 26 3.98 13e 45b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 2 piping 2 A5ME Ill 2 1 I Note 26 3.98 13c 45b, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 A2E 111 3 11 Note 44 3.68 13a,13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS ANSI B31.1 -

11. Station Service Water System (SSWS) i Note 26 9.2.1 13a 45b, 46b, 47a Pumps 3 ASME Ill 3 esa I Note 26 9.2.1 13,c, 7 45b, 46b, a7a 3 ASMt' 111 3 Piping and valves 3 Note 26 9.2.1 13c 45b, 46b, 47a Screen wash booster pumps 3 ASME 111 1

] Note 26 9.2.1 13a 8 c 45b, 46b, 4 7a Tranling screens 3 A5ME Ill 3 I Note 26 9.2.1 13c 45b, 46b, 47a Exptnsion joints (Nuclear Type IV) 3 A5ME 111 3 I Note 26 9.2.1 13c 4 5b, 46b, 4 7a 3 ASME 111 3 Dypass line orifice 45b, 46b, 4Tb 3 I Note 26 3.98 13c Supports for Class 3 piping 3 ASME 111 11 Note 44 3.68 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS ANSI B31.1 -

12. Main Steam _, Reheat and Steam 0."*E._SLstem 45b, 46b, 47b APE Ill 2 I Note 26 10.3 7 i Main steam piping (from steam generator 2 up to and including the first moment restraint beyond the main steam isolation valve) 45b, 46b, 47b, A!NE Ill 2 1 Note 26 10.3 13a, 7 Piping, valves, and drain 2

CPSES/F5AR 1ABL E 150.2-1 (Page 12 of 45)

SE15MIC QUAlIFICAi!ON REVIEW TE AM INPUT FSAR Rema rk s SQRT ANS Seismic Quality Re ference ( See Input Sa fe ty Applicable Code Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Class Code (12) 48 pots (from main steam line up to and including the moment restraints beyond the pneumatically operated drain isolation valves) 13a, 7 45b , 46b , 4 7b ,

2 AS4E III 2 I Note 26 10.3 Piping, valves, and drain pots 48 (from main steam line up to and including the pneumatically operated aus. turbine steam supply valve moment restraints) 13a , 7 45b, 46b, 47b, ASME Ill 3 i Note 26 10.3 Piping, valves, and drain pots 3 48 (from aun. turbine steam supply valva moment restraint to stop and throttle valve) 7,13c & d 45b, 46a, 47b ASME 111 2 1 Note 26 10.3 Mata steam safety valves 2 Note 26 10.3 7,13d 4 5b, 46a , 4 7b Main steam relief valves 2 A5ME III 2 1 Note 25 10.3 7 45b, 46b, 47b Stram generator blowdown 2 A94E Ill 2 1 system piping (steam generator up to and including isolation valve moment restraints)

ASME !!! 2 I Note 4 10.3 Ilet 45a, 46a, 47b Steam flow restrictor (integral to 2 stsam generator)

I I Note 26 10.3 84, 7,13c & d 45b, 46a, 47b Main steam isolation valves 2 ASME III I Note 26 10.3 84, 7,13c & d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Main steam isolation bypass valves 2 ASME Ill 1 and bypass valve piping NNS Mfrs. Stds. -  !! Note 27 6.2.2 13d -

Reflective insulation assemblies 13c , 7 4 5b , 46b , 4 7b ,

ASME !!! 2 1 Note 26 10.3 Piping and valves 2 48

CP5f$/f5AR 1ABLE 150.2-1 (Page 13 of 45)

SEI5MIC QUALIF ICAll0N RlVi[W if AM INPUT F$AR Remarks SQRT ANS Sei smic Quality Reference (See Input Safety Applicable Code Class Category _ Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Class Code (12) 3 I Note 26 10.3 13c. 7 45b, 46b, 47b, Piping end valves 3 ASHE 111 48 Note 26 10.3 45b, 46b, 4 7b

? A5ME 111 2 1 Main Steam drain pots 3 Note 26 10.3 13c 45b, 46b, 47b 3 A5ME 111 1 Orifices 4 5b , 46b , 4 7b Note 26 3.90 13c ,

Supports for Class 2 Piping 2 ASMt til 2 I I Note 26 3.98 13c 456, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 3 Piping 3 A9tE 111 3 11 Note 44 3.68 13a, 13e -

Supports for Class 5 Piping NNS AN51 B31.1 -

13. Auxiliary feedwater System 45b, 464, 47a A9tE !!! 3 I Note 26 10.4.9 13c Motor-driven auxiliary feed 3 water pi vs I Note 26 10.4.9 13c 45b, 46a, 47a Turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater 3 A9tE 111 3 pump Note 26 10.4.9 13c a d 45b, 46b, 47a Auxiliary feedwater pump turbine driver 3 Mfrs. Stds. - 1 and associated equipment i Note 26 10.4.9 13a, 7 45b, 46b, 47b Piping and valves (f rom main feedwater 2 ASME Ill 2 piping up to and including the isolation valves) 45b, 46b, 47b A9tl ill 3 i Note 2b 10.4.9 134, 7 Piping and valves 3 Note 26 9.3.1 13c 4 5b , 46a , 4 7b Air accumulators (AFW 3 A91E Ill 3 1 control valves) i Note 32 9.3.1 13c & d 45b, 46b, 47b Tubing and valves (between 3 A9tE !!! 3 accumulator and ADV) 1 Note 41 3.9n 45b, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 3 air tubing 3 A9tt til -

45b 46b, 4 7b I Note 26 3.9n 13c Supports for Class 2 piping 2 A9tE Ill 2 3 I Note 26 3.90 13c 45b, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 3 Piping 3 A9tt Ill 11 Note 44 3 .141 13a , 13e -

Supparts for Class 5 piping NHS AN51 1131.1 -

CP5E5/FSAR TAntE 150.2-1 (Page 14 of 45)

$EISMIC QUALIFICATIDN RIVILW TEAM INPUI FSAR Remarks SQRT ANS Seismic Quali ty Reference (See Input Safety Applicable Code Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System tnd Components Class Note 27 3.8.4, 10.4.9 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Ccndensate storage tank 3 ACI 318-71 - 1

14. Steam Generator Feedwater System Note 26 10.4.7 13a, 7 45b, 46b', 47b, Piping and valves (f rom steam gen. 2 A91E Ill 2 1 48 srator up to including all moment rrstraints) 45b, 46a, 4 7b A94L 111 2 1 Note 26 10.4.7 7, 13c Fe:dwiter isolation valves 2 i Note 26 10.4.7 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b Ori fices 2 ALME Ill 2 Mfrs. Stds. 11 Note 27 6.2.2 13d -

RIflective insulation assemblies NNS -

Note 26 3.98 13c 45b, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 2 Piping 2 A5ME Ill 2 1 ANSI B31.1 11 Note 44 3.6B 13a ,13e -

Supports for Class 5 Piping NNS -

9.5.4 through

15. Diesel Generator, Fuel Oil, and 9.5.8 i Aunt 11ary Systems Note 26 13b , 13d g 45b, 46a, 47a Diss21 generator set Note 22 IEEE 387 - 1 3 I Note 26 13c 45b, 46b, 47a Diess) fuel storage tank 3 ASME 111 3 I Note 26 13a 8 d 45b, 46a, 4 7a Dissel fuel oil day tank 3 A5ME 111 Note 21 Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 4 7a Diesel fuel oil transfer pump 3 Mfrs Stds 1 i Note 26 13e & a 45b, 46a , 4 7a 01:521 generator startup air receiver 3 A5ME Ill 3 I Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 47a Diss:1 generator startup air compressor Note 22 IEEE 387 -

3 I Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 4 7a 01:531 fuel oil strainer 3 ASME 111 ALME Ill 3 I Note 26 13a , 13c , 7 45b, 46b, 47a Piping and valves of f the engine 3 A5ME Ill 3 I Note 26 13c 45b, 46a, 47a Diesel fuel oli transfer 3 strainer Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 47a Piping and valves on the engine Note 22 IEEE 387 - 1 I Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 4 7a Diesel generator startup air dryers Note 22 Mfrs 5tds -

and aftercoolers

CPSES/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 15 of 45)

SLISMIC QUA!!FICAi!ON REVIEW ILAM INPUT FSAR Remark s 50Ri ANS Sei smic Quality Reference (See Input Safety Applicable Code Class Categogy Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Cynponents Class Code (l?) _

I Note 26 13d 45b '_a, 47a Diesel f uel oil booster pump Note 22 IEEE 387 -

Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 4 7a Note 22 IEEE 387 - I Diesel generator engine driven fuel pump I Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 474 Dissel fuel filter Note 22  ![EE 387 -

Note 26 13c 45b, 46a, 4 7a Note 22 IEEE 387 - I Inttka air filters and silencers 13c 45b, 46a, 47a Note 22 lEEE 387 - 1 Note 26 Exhaust silencer 13c 4 5b, 46a, 4 7a 3 A5ME Ill 3 I Note 26 Jicket water heat exchanger 45b, 46a, 47a I Note 26 13d 3 ASME III 3 Jicket water thermostatic valve 13a 8 d 45b, 46a, 47a 3 ASME III 3 i Note 26 Jacket water keep warm pump 45b, 46a, 4 7a I Note 26 13a 5ttndpipe 3 A5ME Ill 3 Note 26 13a 8 d 45b, 46a, 47a Auxilitry Jacket water pu ? 3 A94E !!! 3 i Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 47a IEEE 387 1 Engine driven jacket water jump Note 22 -

Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 47a ,

Auxiliary lube oil pump kote 22 IEEE 387 - 1 Note 26 13d 45b, 46a, 47a Note 22 IEEE 387 - I Engine driven lube oil pump 13d 45b, 46a, 47a 3 ALME Ill 3 1 Note 26 Lube oil ttiter 4 5b, 46a , 4 7a I kote 26 13d Note 22 IEEE 387 -

Luht oil strainer 13c 45b,46a, 47a 3 ASME III 3 I Note 26 tube oil heat exchanger Note ?6 13d 45b, 46a, 4 7a Note 22 IEEE 387 - I Lubt oil keep warm pump 45b, 46a , 4 7a Note 26 13c Lube oil sump tank 3 ASME !!I 3 1 I Note 26 13a 45b, 46b 4 7b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 A5ME I!! 3

'NNS ANSI H31.1 - 11 Note 44 3.68 13e -

Sepports for Class i piping

15. Spent i uel Pool Cooling and Cleanup _5_s_

7 tem I Note 26 9.1.3 13c 45b, 46b, 47b Expansion joints (Nuclear Types !! 3 A5Mf !!! 3 end til)

I CPSES/f5AR TAlit E 150.2-1 (Page 16 of 45)

SEISMIC QUAllflCATION Rt VIEW IE AM INPUI ANS F5AR Remarks SQRT Sa fe ty Appilcable Code 5eismic Quality Re f erence (See input Class Code (12) Class Cat egory Assu rance Section Note) (See Notes)

Systen and Congonents A94E 111 3 I Note 26 9.1.3 13a & c 45b, 46a, 47a Spent fuel geol cooling water pumps 3 A PE Ill 3 i Note 26 9.l.3 sh 456,4&g,47s 5 pent fuel pool heat exchanger 3 APE Ill Notes 26, 34 9.1.3 13#c 45b, 46a, 47a 5 pent fuel pool demineralizer 3 3 1 Mfrs Stds Note 21 Note 26 9.1.3 M 45b, 4h, 47)b Spent fuel pool cooling pump soction 3 1 screen ,

A91E !!I 3 i Notes 26, 34 9.1.3 13C. 45b,4d,47b Purification loop resin trap 3 A5ME !!! 2 1 Note 26 9.1.3 13a 45b, 46b, 4 7bg Piping *nd valves in the Containnat?nt 2 49 pressure boundary i Note 26 13a, 7 45b, 46b, 47b, Piping and valves in the spent fuel 3 A9tE Ill 3 48 pool cooling loops and in the vicinity of the spent fuel pool demineralizers 3 A9tE 111 3 l Note 26 9.1.3 13c 45b, 46a, 47b flow restricting orifice A9tE Ill 2 1 Note 26 3 . 911 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 2 Piping 2 A94E III 3 I Note 26 3.9B 13c 45b, 46b, 47b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 ANSI B31.1 11 Note 44 3. 6tl 13a , 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS -

17. MquidWasteProcessingSystem (LWP5)

Reictor coolant drain tank NHS A91E Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Retctor coolanE drain tank pump NNS Mfrs $tds - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 25, 139 -

Reictor coolant drain tank heat a chinger Tube side NNS A94E Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

ASME Ill i Note 3 11.2 13b 45a, 46a, 4 7a Shell side 2 2 Waste holdup tank NNS A9it Vllt - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Waste evaporator feed pump NNS Mfrs 5tds - NONI Notes 4, 34 11.2 25, 139 -

CPSES/F5AR TABL E 150.2-1 (Page 17 of 45)

SEISMIC QUALIF ICAl!ON REVIEW II AM INPUT FSAR Remark s SQRT ANS Sa fe ty Applicable Code Seismic Quality Re ference ( See Input Class Code (12) Cla,ss Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Wsste evaporator feed filter NN5 A91E Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 139 Waste &nd floor drain waste evaporator pickcge -

a. Ised preheater ASME 111 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 139 45a, 47a Feed side 3 NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 27, 34 11.2 13g -

Steam side Note 4 11.2 11, 13g 45a, 47a

b. Gns stripper 3 ASME Ill 3 NONE
c. Srbmerged Tube evaporator ASME Ill 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 13g 45a, 47a Ised side 3 NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 27, 34 11.2 13g -

Steam side

d. Evaporator Condenser 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 13g 45a, 47a Distillate side 3 ASME 111 3 I Note 4 11.2 13b 45a, 46a, 47a Cooling water side 3 ASME 111
e. Distillate Cooler ASME Ill 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 13g 45a, Distillate side 3 ASME 111 3 I Note 4 11.2 13b 45a, 46a, 47a Cooling water side 3 ASME 111 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 139 45a, 47s
f. Absorption Tower 3
g. Vent Condenser ALME 111 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 139 454, 47a Gas side 3 A5ME 111 3 I Note 4 11.2 13b 45a, 46a, 4 7a Cooling w. ster side 3 ASME 111 3 NONI Note 4 11.2 11, 13g 45a, 47a
h. Distillate Pump 3 A5ME III 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 13g 45a, 47a
1. Concentrate Pump 3
j. Piping and Valves ASME III 3 NONE Note 4 11.2 11, 11g 45a, 47a Feed 3 Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g 45a, 4 7eu Distillate 3 ASME !!! 3 NONE ASME Ill 3 NONI Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g 45a, 47a Concentra te 3 Note 4 9.3.4 11, 13g 45a, 4 7a Coolio) 3 ALME !!! 3 NONE

CPSES/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 18 of 45)

SEISMIC QUALIFICATION REVIEW TEAM IN,P_UT ANS FSAR Rema rk s SQRT Sa fe ty Applicable Code Seismic Quali ty Reference (See Input System rnd Components Class Code (12) Class Category Assu rance Section Notel (See Notes)

U:st2 evaporator condensate NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

demineralizer M2ste evaporator condensate filter NNS A5ME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Wast 2 enporator condensate tank NNS ALME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 139 -

Wasta enporator condensate tank pump NNS Mfr5 Stds - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 25, 13g -

Chemical drain tank pump NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Notes 4, 34 25, 139 -

Chemical drain tank NNS AME Vill - NONE Notes 5, 34 11.2 139 -

i Spent r2 sin storage tank NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Spent resin sluice pump NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 25, 13g -

Spent risin sluice filter NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Laundry and hot shower tank NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

l Lcundry and hot shower tank pump NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 25, 139 -

Laundry and hot shower filter NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 5, 34 11.2 139 Floor drain tanks I and 11 NNS A5ME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

floor drain tank III NNS AP1620 - NONE Notes 27, 34 11.2 139 -

Floor drain tank pumps NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 25, 13g -

Wtstt monitor tanks NNS ASME Vi t ! - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Waste Monitor Tank Pump NNS Mfrs. Stds. - NONE Note 34 11.2 13g -

W1st2 monitor tank demineralizer NNS A5ME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Waste monitor tank filter NNS A5ME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Floor drain tank filter NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 139 -

Floor drain tank strainer NNS Mfrs. Stds. - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 13g -

Laundry and hot shower tank strainer NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Notes 4, 34 11.2 139 -

Waste evaporator reagent tank NNS ASME Vill - NONE Notes 5. 34 11.2 13g -

Ltundry holdup and monitor tanks NNS API 620 - NONE Notes 27, 34 .11.2 -

Laundry holdup and monitor tank pump NNS Mirs Stds -

NON[ Notes 27, 34 11.2 25 -

Laundry reverse osmosis (RO) system NNS Mfrs. Stds. - NONE Notes 27, 34 11.2 -

CPSE5/FSAR TABLE 150.2 1 ,

(Page 19 of 45) 5E15MIC QUALIF ICATION RIVIEW TE AM INPUI, ANS F5AR Remarks SQRT Sa fe ty Applicable Code 5eismic Quality Re ference ( See Input Class Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Notel (See Notes)

System and C(aponents NNS A5ME Vill NONF 34 11.2 -

RO concentrate tank -

go4E Notes 27'19 f e. L Me 34 -

NNS fMrs. *stds, -

seres a r, 34 11.2 ff.O w =rt h h W RO ccid tank NNS Mfrs. Stds. - NONL Notes 2 7, -36,.34Jb- -

Ltundry water head tank NN5 API 620 - NONE Notes 27, 34 11.2 -

A5ME I!! 3 i Note 26 11.2 13a 45b , 46b, 4 7b ,

Piping and valves 3 48 ASME !!! 3 I Note 26 3.90 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 AN51 031.1 Notes 34, 44 3.6B 13a, 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS -  !!

18. Gaseous Waste Processing System (GWPS) 3 ASME !!! 3 NONE Note 3 11.3  !!,13g 45a, 47a Gas compressor 3 A5ME 111 3 I Note 3 11.3 13c 45a, 46a, 4 7a Gas decay tank A5ME 111 3 NONE Notes 3, 4 11.3 11, 13g 45a, 47a Hydrogen recombiner (catalytic) 3 Waste gas drain filter NNS Mfrs. Stds. - NONE Notes 5, 34 11.3 -

Gas decay tank drain pump NNS ALME Ill 3 I Notes 3, 34 11.3 13c -

ASME Ill 3 I Note 26 11.3 13a, 7 45b, 46b, 4 7a ,

Piping and valves 3 48 A5ME Ill i Note 26 3. 91 13c 4 5b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 3 Supports for Class 5 piping NNS ANSI B31.1 - 11 Notes 34, 44 3.6B 13e -

19. Solid Waste Processing System


Solidification System NNS Mfrs. Stds. - NONE Note 34 11.4 35 -

ANSI B31.1 11 Notes 34, 44 3.6B 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS -

Illndling Equipment

-Filter transfer cask NNS Mfrs. 5tds. - NONE Notes 26, 34 11.4 -

NNS Mfrs. Sids. - NONL Notes 26, 34 11.4

-Flat bed cart

CP5L5/ TSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 20 of 45) 5flSMit QtlAllflCATION R[ VIEW TEAM INPUT AN5 F5AR Remark s SQRT Applicable Code Seismic Quality Re ference (See Input Sa f e ty Class Code (12) Class C ategory Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Mfrs. Stds. NONE Notes 26, 34 11.4 -

-Remote handling tools NNS -

20. Demineralized and Reactor Makeup Water System 3 i Note 26 9.2.3 13a 45b, 46b, 47a Ructor makeup water pumps 3 APE Ill Note 27 3.8.4, 9.2.3 13a 45b, 46a, 4 7a R? actor makeup water storage tank 3 ACI 318-71 - 1

?  ! Note 26 3.90 1 45b, 46b, 47b, Piping and valves 2 APE ll!

48 3 Note 26 Note 3.90 7 45b, 46b, 4 7b, Piping and valves 3 A5ME 111 1 48 i Note 26 3.90 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 A PE Ill 3 Note 44 3.6R 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS ANSI B31.1 - 11

21. Vents and Drains System A PE Ill 3 i Note 26 9.3.3 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Safeguards building sump pumps 3 I Note 26 9.3.3 7 45b , 46b , 4 7b ,

2 A PE Ill 2 Piping and valves 48 I Note 26 9.J.3 13a, 7 45b, 46b , 4 7b Piping and valves (pump discharge) 3 ASME 111 3 A PE Ill 2 Note 26 3.9B 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for riass 2 piping 2 1 A5ME 111 3 Note 26 3.90 13c 45b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 3 piping 3 1 ANSI B31.1 11 Note 44 3.68 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS -

Mf rs. 5tds. Note 32 9.4A -

22. Containment Ventilation Systems NNS -  !!
a. Containment recirculation ductwork and supports dampers and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - Il Note 26 9.4A -
b. CRM (ooling system


(Page 21 of 45)

SEISMIC QUALIFICATION REVIEW TEAM INPUT ANS F SAR Remarks SQRT Sa fe ty Applicable Code Sei smic Quality Re ference (See Input Class Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System gnd Components ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4A -

Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4A -

dampers and supports NNS

c. Neutron detector well Cooling ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4A -

Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4A -

dampers and supports NNS

d. Reactor coolant sleeve cooling ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4 A -

Mfrs. Stds.  !! Note 26 9.4A -

dampers and supports NNS -

e. Containment preaccess filtration ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4A -

Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4A -

dampers and supports NNS 3 Mfrs. Stds. - I Note 26 9. 4 A 21 45b, 46b, 47b filtration unit

f. Containment purge supply ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4A -

dampers and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4A -

g. Containment purge exhaust
1) Outside containment-ductwork and supports NSS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4A 21 -

dampers and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4A 21 -

(1) Inside containment-ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4A -

dampers and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4A -

i 23. Control Room Air-Conditioning System -

l Air-conditioning units Mfrs Stds Note 26 9.4.1 21, 13c 45b, 46b, 47a

a. Roughing filter, fan, heating 3 - 1

CP5E5/F5AR ,

TAfiLE 150.2-1 ,,

< (Page 22 of 45)

SE15MIC QUALIFICATION REVIEW TEM INPUT i ANS F5AR Remarks SQRT Safety Applicable Code Seismic Quality Reference (See Input Systen and Components Class Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes) tnd direct-expansion refrigerant type coils

b. Refrigerant piping & tubes 3 ASTM B42 8 - I Note 26 9.4.1 21, 13c 45b, 46b, 47a B88 I Note 26 9.4.1 13c 45b 46b, 47a
c. Water side 3 ASTM 111 3 3 Mfrs 5tds -  ! Note 26 9.4.1 13c 4 5b, 46a, 4 7a Fans Emergency pressurization and 3 Mfrs 5tds - 1 Note 26 9.4.1 21, 13c 45b, 46b 47a filtration units (roughing, chsrcsal, and HEPA filters and fans)

Piping and valves 3 ASME 111 3 i Note 26 9.4.1 13a, 7 45b, 46b, 47b, 48 3 Mfrs. Stds. I Note 26 9.4.1 21 45b, 46b, 4 7b ,

Dampers and supports -

I 48 Mfrs 5tds I Note 26 9.4.1 21,13c 8 d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Ductwork and supports 3 -

Air Accumulators (intake dampers) 3 A9tE 111 3 I Note 26 9.3.1 13c 45b, 46a, 47b 3 I Note 26 9.3.1 13c & d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Tubing (nd valves (between accumulators 3 A9tE Ill

, and intake dJmpers)

Supports for Class 3 air tubing 3 - - 1 Note 41 9.3.1 45b, 46b, 47b a

' 24. Saftguards Butiding HVAC System

a. Safeguards area dampers and supports (exhaust) 3 Mfrs. 5tds. - 1 Note 26 9.4.5 21 45b, 46b, 47b ductwork and supports 3 Mfrs. 5tds. - 1 Note 32 9.4.5 21,13c & d 45b, 46b, 4 7b (exhaust) dampers and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - Il Note 26 9.4.5 -



IABLL 150.2-1 ,

(Page 23 of 45)

SE15MIC QUAliflCAll0N HEVIEW 1[ AH INPUT ANS F5AR Rema rk s SQRI Sa fe ty Applic able Code Seismic Quality Re ference (See input Systte and Components Class Code (12) Class Ca tegory Assurance Section Note) (See Notes) ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. 5tds. - Il Note 32 9.4.5 -


Emergency Fan Coil Units fans and housing 3 Mfrs. Stds. - I Note 26 9.4.5 21, 13d 45b, 46a, 47a cooling coils 3 A94E I t ! 3 1 Note 26 9.4.5 13d 45b, 46a, 4 7a

b. Electrical area dampers and supports 3/NN5 Mfrs. 5tds. -

I/II Note 26 9.4C 3 21 45b, 46b, 47b, 48 ductwork and supports 3/NNS Mfrs. Stds. -

1/11 Note 32 9.4C.3 21,13c & d 45b, 46b, 4 7b supply units NNS Mfrs. 5tds. -  !! Note 27 9. 4 C . 3 -

toergency Fan Coil Units fans and Housing 3 Mfrs. 5tds - I Note 26 9.40.3 13d 45b, 46a, 473 cooling coils 3 ALML 111 3 I Note 26 9.4C.3 13d 45b , 46a , 4 7a

25. Fuel Du11 din 1 Ventilation System Dimpers and supports (enhaustl 3 Mfrs. Stds. - 1 Note 26 9.4.2 21 45b, 46b, 4?b Ductwork and supports (exhaust) 3 Mfrs. Stds. - 1 Note 32 9.4.2 21,13c & d 45b, 46b, 4 75 Dwpers and supports (supply) NNS Mfrs. Stds. - Il Note 26 9.4.2 -

Ductwork and supports (supply) NN5 Mfrs. $tds. - 11 Note 32 9.4.2 -

Demister in fuel pool exhaust 3 Mfrs. Stds. - I Note 26 9.4.2 21,13c & d 45b, 46b, 47b Emergency Ian Coil Units Cooling coils 3 A91E 111 3 I Note 26 9.4.2 13d 45b, 46a, 4?a Fans and housing 3 Mfrs 5tds - 1 Note 26 9.4.2 13d 45b, 46a, 4 7a

26. Diesel Generator Building Ventilation System Fans 3 Mfr$ Stds - 1 Note 26 9.40.1 21, 13c 45b, 46a, 474 ,

Dampers and supports 3 Mfrs 5tds -

I Note Zh 9.40.1 21 45b, 46b, 4 7b,

CPSE5/FSAR TAN L 150.2-1 (Page 24 of 45) 5[1941C QUALIFICATION REVIEW IE AM INPUT FSAR Rentarks SQRi ANS Reference (See loput Sa f e ty Applicable Code seismic Quality Class Category Assu rance Section Note) (See Notes)

Syste's and Components Class Code (12) 48 I Note 32 9.4C.1 21,13c & d 4 5b, 46b, 4 7b Ductwork and supports 3 Mfrs 5tds -

27. Uncontrolled Access Area Ventilation h51**
a. Battery room exhaust system I Note 26 9.40.4 21, 13c 45b, 46a, 47a fans 3 Mfrs Stos. -

Note 32 9.4C.4 21,13c & #d 45b, 46b, 47b Ductwork and supports 3 Mfrs. Stds. - 1 I Note 26 9.4C.4 21 45b, 46b, 41b, Dampers and supports 3 Mfrs. 5tds. -


b. Balance of system Mfrs. $tds. - II Note 26 9.4.3 -

Supply unit NNS Mfrs. Stds. 11 Note 32 9.4.3 -

Ductwork and supports NNS -

NN5 Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4.3 -

Dampers and supports

28. Primary Plant Ventilation System
a. Enhaust I Note 26 9.4.3 21, 13a 4 d 45b, 46b, 47b Modular exhaust filtration units 3 Mfrs. Stds. -

(for Safeguards, fuel and Auxiliary Building and Containment purge eahaust system)

I Note 26 9. 4 . 3 21, 13c 45b, 464, 47a Fans 3 Mfrs. Stds. -

Note 32 9.4.3 21,13c & d 4 5b , 46b, 4 7b Ductwork and supports 3 Mfrs. Stds. - 1 Note 26 9.4.3 21 45b, 46b, 47b, Dampers and supports 3 Mfrs. 5tds. - I 48

b. Supply i

CPSES/F5AR 1ABLE 150.2-1 (Page 25 of 45)


ANS FSAR Rema rk s SQRT Safety Applicable Code Sei smic Quali ty Re ference ( See Input Syste9 and Congonents Class Code (12) Class Category Assu rance Section Note) (See Notes)

Housing ar.d fans NN5 Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4.3 -

Ductwork and supports NNS Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9.4.3 -

Dampers and supports NN5 Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 26 9.4.3 -

29. Auxiliary Building HVAC System Mfrs. Stds. I Note 26 9.4.3 21 45b, 46b, 47b, Dampers and supports (exhaust) 3 -

46 Dampers and supports (supply) NNS Mfrs. Stds. -  !! Note 26 9.4.3 -

Ductwork and supports (exhaust) 3 Mfrs. Stds. - I Note 32 9.4.3 21, 13c & d 45b, 46b, 47b (including controlled exhaust fran 0 & 5 area)

Ductwork and supports (supply) NN5 Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Note 32 9. 4 . 3 -

Emergency f an coil units fans and housing 3 Mfrs. Stds. - I Note 26 9.4.3 21, 13d 45b, 46a, 47a ALME !!! I Note 26 9.4.3 13d 4 5b, 46a, 4 7a cooling coils 3 3

30. Service Water Intake Structure Vtntilation System Fans (pump room exhaust) 3 Mfrs 5tds - I Note 26 9.4.8 13c a5b, 46a, 47a Ductwork and supports 3 Mfrs 5tds - I Note 32 9.4.0 13c & d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Dimpers and supports 3 Mf rs. 5tds. - I Note 26 9.4.8 45b, 46b, 47b, 48
31. Chilled Water Systems A. Plant Ventilation chilled water _

systaa Supports for class 5 piping NN5 ANSI Il31.1 - 11 Note 44 9.4E , 3.6B 13e  ;

J CP5[5/F5AR T ABL E 150.2-1 (Page 26 of 45) 5[15MIC QUAL!f! CATION REVIEW TE AM INPill ANS FSAR Rema rk s SQRT Safety Appl ic able Code sei smic Quality Re ference (See Input Class Code (12) Ca tegory_ . As surance Section Note) (See Notes)

Systro and Components _ Class B, Safety chilled teater systein 3 M rs. 5tds Class IE I Note 26 9.4F 13a 8 d 45b, 46b, 47a Chillers 3 A PE Ill 3 I Note 26 9.4 13a 8 d 45b, 46b, 41a Water Side A91L 111 I Note 26 9.4F 13a, 7 45b, 46b , 4 7a ,

Piping and v0es 3 3 48 A5ME Ill 3 I Note 26 9.4F 13c 4 5b, 46b, 4 7a Surge Tank 3 3 AME Ill 3 1 Note 26 9.4f 13c 45b, 46b, 47a Pumps Supports for Class 3 piping 3 ASME Ill 3 1 ete 26 3.90 4% %6,8llb

32. Process Sampling System Sample heat enchanger NN5 TEMA - 11 Note 27 9.3.2 13c -

ASitE 111 2 Note 26 9.3.2 45b, 46b, 4 7b Delay coil 2 1

! Note 26 9.3.2 7 45b, 46b, 47b, Piping and valves (inside 2 Amt til  ?

48 Containment and up to isolation valves)

ASML 111 2 Note 26 3.9B 13c 45b , 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 2 piping 2 1 Supports for Class 5 piping NNS AN51 B31.1 - 11 Note 44 3.ta 13e -

33. fuel.H*ndittg [quipment R2 fueling machine NN5 Mfrs. 5tds. - Il Note 4 9.! 16, 13c -

Containment fuel I!andling Bridge Crane NN5 OtAA 14 - 11 Note 27 23, 24, 139 -

4 fuel llandling Bridge Crane NNS EMAA70 - 11 Note 4 134, 17, 23, 24,-

9, 28 Rod cluster control changing finture NN5 Mfrs 5tds - NONE Note 4 16, 28, 139 -

Retctor vessel stud tensioner NNS Mfrs 5tds - NONE Note 5 15, 13g -

Mfrs 5tds I Note 4 13a , 11 45a 46a, 47b Spent f uel handling tool 3 -

f uel Transfer System

CPSES/FSAR 1ABLE 150.2-1 (Fage 27 of 45)

SEISMIC QUALIFIEATION RIVilW ifAM INPUT ANS FSAR Rema rks SQRT Sa fe ty Applicable Code Seismic Quali ty Re ference ( See  ;

Input System and Comgonents Class Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

,- Fuel Transfer Tube & Flange 2 ASME 111 MC I Note 4 13a ltc. ,

45c , 46a, 47b Portions of Contai nmen t Bounda.y

- Conveyrr Systen & Controls 3 Mfrs. Stds. - I Note 4 13a 45a, 46a, 47b

- Remainder of System NNS Mfrs Stds. - NONE Note 4 10, 28, 13g -

Fuel transfer tube expansion joint 2 ASME 111 MC 1 Note 26 13c 4 5c , 46b , 4 7b Stud hole plug handling fixture NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 4 10, 28, 139 -

Stud hole plugs NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 4 10, 28, 139 -

i Lower internals storage stand NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 4 10, 28,13g -

Upper inttrnals storage stand NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 4 10, 28, 139 -

Rod clusttr control thisible plug tool NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 5 10, 13g -

Source installation guide NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 5 10, 13g -

Crtna scales NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 5 10, 139 -

Control rod drive shaf t handling NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 4 10, 28,13g -


! Stud tensioner Handling Device NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 5 10, 139 -

Irrtdiation tube end plug seat jack NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 5 10, 139 -

New fuel elevator NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 4 10, 28, 13c -

. Portible underwater lights NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 5 10,13g -

Lead ctils NNS Mfrs Stds - NONE Note 4 28. Monitors -

lif ting of in ternals,13g

' Damaged fuel container NNS A5ME Vill - NONE Note 4 28,13g -


Burnable Poison Rod handling tool NNS Mfr$ Stds - NONE Note 5 10, 139 -

Irradiation Sample handling tool NNS Mirs Stds - NONE Note 5 10, 139 -

CPSE5/ISAR TABit 150.2-1 (Page 28 of 45)

SE1941C QUAllf! CATION REVIEW If AM INPUT F5AR Remark s $QRT ANS Quality Re f erence (See Input Safety Applicable Code Seismic Class Catego_ry Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Class Code (12)

Note 5 10, 13g -

Burnible poison assembly rack inserts NNS Mfrs 5tds - NONE Note 5 10, 13g -

Control rod drive shaft unlatching NNS Mfrs 5tds - NONE tool, full length Note 4 10, 28, 13g -

New fuel elevator winch NNS Mfrs $td5 - NONE Note 4 13c , 14 454,46a,47b Mfrs 5tds - I kew fuel storage racks 3 45a, 46a, 47b I Note 4 13c ,14 Spent fuel storage racks 3 Mfrs 5tds -

Note 5 10 -

Refueling cavity seal ring NNS Mirs $td5 - NONE Note 4 10, 28 -

New fuel handling tool NN5 Mfrs $tds - NONE Note 5 10 -

Hod control cluster assembly NNS Mfrs 5tds - NONC hindling fixture Note 26

34. Containment Building Miscellaneous E quipment 23, 24,13c 45b, 464, 47a CMAA 70 - 11 Note 26 Centainment polar crane -

13a. Portions 45a, 46a, 47a 1 A NONE Note 4 9.1 Recctor vessel head and upper intervals 1 & NNS Mfrs. Stds. -

that furnish lif ting device support to CRDM's are ANS safety class I and Seismic Category I.

11 Note 27 23, 24 -

Contairment duaillary upper crane NNS CMAA 70 -

Il Note 26 23, 24 -

Containment dome access rotating NNS CMAA 70 -

plat fo rm I Note 4 23,13c; Support 45a, 46a, 47b Neutron dktector gesitioner 2 Mfrs 5tds -

for Safety Related Neutron Detec tors i

CPSCS/F5AR TAHL[ 150.2-1 (Page 29 of 45)

$[15 HIC QUAttflCATION REVIEW TE AM INPUI F5AR Remarks SQRi ANS Input Quality Re f erence (See Sa f e ty Appilc able Code 5eismic Section Note) (See Notes)

Class Code (!?) Class C a t ejo,ry____ Assu ra nc e System and Components


R2 actor vessel or core related components: Note 4 13a; Provides 45a, 46a, ela Mfrs 5tds - I 1

Rzactor vessel shoes and shims mechanic al support for safety class I c omponent s.

13b , 18 45a, 46a, 4 7b I Note 4 Irradiation Sample holder 2 Mfrs 5tds -

Note 3 Changed -


Irradiation Samples NNS Mfrs 5tds -

characteristics must be assessed later to ensure continued safe ,

i operation of the i, Reactor Wessel.

i Note 3 13b; Required to45a, 46a, 47b Mfrs 5tds - I Full length control rod cluster 2 1 shutdown core.

Note 5 10, 139 -

Mfrs 5tds - NONE NNS Control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) dununy can assemblies 10, 13g -

Mfrs 5td - NONE Note 5 NHS 45a, 46a, 4 7b CROM air cool baf fle assemblies Note 3 13b , 19 Mfrs 5td - I CRhH seismic support platform 2 45a 464, 47b Note 3 13b, 19 Mfrs 5td - I CRhH seismic support spacer plate 2 13b, 19 45a, 46a, 8 ?b Hfrs 5td - I Note 3 CRhH seismic support tie rod 2 a ssemblies Note 3 Requires -

Mfrs 5td - NONL Burnable poison rod assemblies NN5 multiple f ailures to

CP5E5/f5AR TABLC 150.2-1 (Page 30 of 45)

$E15MIC QUAltf ICATION HIV!EW TE AM INPU_I F5AR Rema rk s SQRT ANS Seismic Quality Re ference ( See Input Sa fety Applicable Code Class Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components cause redistribution.

Mfrs 5td - NONE Note 4 10,13g -

Reictor vessel insulation NN5 Mfrs 5td I Note 6 13a; The major 45a, 46a, 47b Reictor vessel internals 2

internals direct flow, ensure core cooling and preven t displacement of the core. Other internals are ANS safety class 2 for reasons cited in Note 18.

Mfrs 5td - NONE Note 3 18 is not -

Primary source rods NN5 applicable as multi ple failures must occur to permit physical release. Ch5 Incore Instrumentation g

-Seal table assembly 1 Mfrs 5td - I Note 3 13a; Provides 454, 46a, 47b support for ANS safety class 1 pressure

CPSES/F 5AR 1AlttE 150.2-1 (Page 31 of 45)

SEISMIC QUAllf lCA110N REVIEW TE AM INPUT ANS FSAR Remark s SQRT Sa fe ty Applicable Code Seismic Quality Reference (See input System and Components Class Code (12) Class Ca tego,ry Assurance Section Note) (See Notes) boundary condult.

2 ASME Ill 2 i Note 3 13a, 20 45a, 46a, 47b

-Flux thimble tubing 2 ASME 111 2 1 Note 3 13a , 20 45a 46a, 47b

-Flux thimble tubing fittings Roll-away missile shleid:

2 CMMA 70 - 1 Note 26 23, 13a 45b, 46a, 47b

-critical parts NNS 0MAA 70 - 11 Note 26 23 -

-Non-critical parts

35. Miscellaneous Handling Equipment 01AA 70 11 Note 27 9.1 23, 24 -

Drumming storage area crane NNS -

04AA 70 11 Note 27 9.1 23, 24 -

Fuel Building crane NNS -

NNS CMAA 70 - Il Note 27 9.1 23, 24 -

SWIS Crane

36. Structures Note ',6 Note 27 3.8.1 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Centainment Butiding N/A - 1 ACI-318 71 & I Note 27 3.8.3 13a 45b, 46a, 4 7a Containment internal structure N /A -

A15C Code ACI 318-71 & I Note 27 3.8.4 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Safigurrds Buildings (including N/A -

diesel generator room and A!5C Code emergency SWCR room)

ACI 318-71 & I Note 24 3.8.4 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Auxilltry Building N/A -

AI5C Code ACI 318-71 & I Note 27 3.8.4 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Eltctrical and Control Bldg. N/A -

A15C Code fuel Bullidng N/A ACI 318-?! & - I Note 27 3.8.4 13a 45b, 46a, 47a AISC Code ACI 31H-71 4 I Note 27 3.8.4 13a 45b, 46a, 47a 52rvice Water Intake Struc. N/A -

CPSES/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 32 of 45)

SE1911C QUALIFICATION REVIEW TENi INPili FSAR Remarks $QRT ANS Setsmic Quali ty Reference (see Input Sa fe ty AppI tcable Code Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

System and Cojn onents Class Code (12)


- 1 Note 27 2.4 & 2.5 13a 45b, 46a, 47a Szfa Shutdown Impoundment Dam N/A -

Note 27 13a 45b, 46a, 47a N/A A5ME !!! - I Containment Personnel Airlock 45b 46a, 47b A91E !!! - I Note 27 13a Containment Equipment flatch N/A Note 27 13a 45b, 46a, 4 7a ASME Ill - I Containnent Emergency Airlock N/A

37. Electrical Equipnent 45b, 46b, 47a Class IE I Note 26 8.3.1 13d 6900-V Switchgear (safety related) N/A -

l Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7a 6S00-V to 480-VAC transformers N/A - Class U (stfety related) 45b, 46b, 47a Class IE I Note 26 8.3.1 13d 480-VAC switchgear (safety related) N/A -

I Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7a 480-VAC motor control centers N/A - Class IE (safety related)

Class IE I Note 26 8.3.1 13c & d 45b,46b,41b 480-VAC motor local control stations N/A -

(safety related)

Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b 46b, 47b Low voltage AC distrtDution panels N/A - Class IE I (safety related)

Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Il8-V uninterruptable AC instrument N/A - Class IE I distribution panels and subpanels (safety related)

I Note 27 8.3.1 13d 45b,46b,47b 480 to 208/120-VAC transfonners N/A - Class IE (safety related)

Note 26 8.3.2 13d 45b , 46b , 4 7b 125-VAC station batteries (safety related)N/A - Class IE I I ik)te 26 8.3.2 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7b N/A - Calss IE 125-VDC switchboards and distribution panels (safety related)

Note 26 8.3.2 13c 8 d 45b, 46b, 4 7b 125-VDC Battery Chargers N/A - Class IE I (safety related)

CP5tS/FSAR lABLE 150.2-1 (Page 33 of 451 5[15MIC QUALIFICA110N RIVIEW IEAM INPUT ANS FSAR Remark s SQRT Safety Applicable Code Seismic Quality Re f erence ( See Input Systen and Components Class Code (12) Class Category Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

!!8-dAC s tatic uninterruptible N/A - Class IE I Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 47b power systems (BOP safety related) 125-V stat *on battery racks and supports N/A - Class IE I Note 26 8.3.2 13c 45b, 46a, 47b (ssfet, related)

Diesel generator and engine N/A - Class IE I Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 47b control panels (local)

Auxiliary relay racks safety N/A - Class IE I Note 26 H.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 47a related (BOP) 5 slid-state safeguard sequencer N/A - Class IE I Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7a Solid-state isolation equipment N/A Class IE Note 26 8.3.1 13a 8 d 45b , 46a, 4 7a I.

Containnent electrical penetration 2 ASME Ill MC 1 Note 26 8.3.1 13c & d 45b, 46b, 47a essemblies DC tmergency and AC essential lighting N/A - - 11 Note 27 9.5 Purchase as -

system restraint cables, compression commercial grade connectors, and associated hardware with certification by vendor Electrical equipment supports N/A - - I Note 27 8.3.1 13c 45b, 46a, 4 7a (associated with safety related equipment)

Motors (safety related) N/A - Class IE I Note 26 8.3.1 13c & d 45b, 46b, 474 Gentrator (diesel driven), voltage N/A - Class IE I Note 26 3.3.1 13a 45b, 46a, 47a regulator and other accessories Power cables (associated with safety N/A - Class IE N/A Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 47a related equipnent)

Lighting Instrunentation and N/A - Class IE N/A Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 47a control cable (associated


CP5f5/85AR TAntt 150.2-1 (Page 34 of 45)

SE!5MIC QUALIF ICATION RLV11W i[ AH INPUT ISAR Remarks SQRT AN5 Leismic Quali ty Reference (See Input Safety Applicable Code Class Catego_y section Note) (See Notes)

System end Components Class Code (12) r As_surance uith safety related equipment)

I Note 21 H.3 Strut channels,45b, 46a, 47a Vire end cable raceway systcm including N/A - -

fittings, and supports for Class IE systems conduit procured as raw material; Cuality verifiedby samp1tng, testing, and

. certification by vendor. 13c & d Note 2b 8.3.1 13d 45b , 46b , 4 7b 480/120V Bypass transformers N/A - Class It I I Note 26 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 47b N/A - Class 1E 480/208-120V isolation trtns fo rmers 45b, 46b, 4 7b Class IE  !* Note 26 8.3.1

  • Connectors Prsfibricated Cables and N/A -

Only , fbd ConnIctors (associated with

Ssfety Related equipmi'nt)

Note 32 8.3.1 45b, 4 7b HKV Cable termination and N/A Class If N/A trtnsition joints l Note 32 8.3.1 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Terminal blocks N/A - Class l[

Note 2b H.3.1 13c A d 45b, 46b, 47b Conduit seals N/A - Class lE I Note 32 8.3.1 45b, 41b Hest $hrinkable cable N/A - Class Il fl/A insulation sleeves

CPSE5/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 35 of 45)

SEI941C QUALIFICAll0N REVIEW it AM INPUT FSAR Remarks SQRT ANS Seismic Quality Reference ( See input Sa fety Appilc able Code Assurance Section Notel (See Notes)

Class Code (12) Class Ca tegory System and Coniponents

38. Radiation Monitoring System (Group 1 Channels) -

- I Note 26 11.5 Containment airborne radiation NNS -

monitors (particulate, iodine, and noble gases) -

- - I Note 26 11.5 Ccntrol Room airborne NNS radiation monitors (intake ducts)

- 1 Note 26 11.5 -

Plant vent stack NNS -

4 radiation monitors (pirticulate, fodine, and noble gases)

-  !! Note 42 13e -

39. Fire Protection System NNS -


40. Plant Gas System a) Nitrogen system 45b, 46b, 47b, ASME Ill 2 I Note 26 3.98 7
piping and valves 2 48 Note 26 3.9) 4 5b, 46b, 4 7b A5MC 111 2 1 supports for Class 2 piping 2 13e -

ANSI 831.1 - Il Note 44 3.6B Supports for Class 5 piping NNS b) Hydrogen system 45b, 46b, 47b, A5ME III 2 I Note 26 3.9B 7 piping and valves 2 48 Note 26 3.6B 13e 4 5b, 46b, 4 7b Supports for Class 2 piping 2 A5ME III 2 1 11 Note 44 3.6B 13e -

Supports for Class 5 piping NNS ANSI H31.1 -

41. Instrumentation and Control (Nuclear Safety Class)


CPSES/F5AR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 36 of 45)

SE15 HIC QUALIFICATION REVIEW TEAM INPUT F5AR Remarks SQRT ANS Reference (See Input Safe ty Applicable Code seismic Quality Assurance Section Note) (See Notes)

Class Code (12) , Class Category System and Components Note 26 1.0 13d 45c, 46b, 47b Electronic transmitters (pressure and N/A Mfrs. Stds. Class IE I dif ferential pressure) 13d 45b, 46b, 47b Mfrs. 5tds. Class IE I Note 26, 39 7.0 Pressure switches N/A 7.0 Pressure 45b , 46b , 4 7b 2,3 A ME Ill 2,3 I Note 26 Leval Switches integrity only, 13d Note 26 7.0 Functional 45c, 46b, 47b

- Class IE I Leval Transmitters N/A Integrity only, 13d Note 26 7.0 Pressure 45c, 46a, 47b Thennowells N/A Mfrs. Stds. - 1 Integrity only, 13c & d Resistance Temperature 45c , 46a , 47b I Note 26 7.0 13d N/A - Class IE Ise tectors 7.0 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Mfrs. Stds. Class IE I Note 26 Dif ferential Pressure Switches N/A Note 26 7.0 Pressure 45b, 46a, 47b 3 ASME Ill Class 3 i Ro tameters Integrity only, 13d Note 26 7.0 Located in Class 45b, 46a, 47b Mfrs. Stds. - I Orifice Plates (Flow Metering) N/A 2 & 3 systems, 13e Note 26 9.4 13d 45b, 46b, 4 7b Chlorine detectors N/A Mfrs. 5tds. - 1 (control roan intake) 7, 41, i3c & d 45b, 46b, 47b 2,3 2,3 I Note 32, 40 7.0 I & C impulse tubing, fittings AVIE Ill and valves 7, 13c & d 45b, 46b, 47b 2,3 1 Note 32, 37 7.0 I & C impulse tubing, fitting, - -

and valve supports

' CPSES/FSAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 37 of 45)

SEI5MIC QUALIFICATION REVIEW TE AM INPUT FSAR Remarks SQRT AN5 Quality Re ference (See input Sa fe ty Applicable Code 5eismic Class Catejo_ry Assurance section Note) (See Notes)

System and Components Class Code (12)

I Note 32, 38 7.0 13c 45b, 464, 47b IRstrument supports (seismic Category N/A - -

I instruments) 13d 45a, 46b, 47b N/A Class IE I Wote 3 7.0 Nucitar instrument racks (NIS) -

45a. 46a, 47b

- I Note 4 7.0 13d Process instrumentation and control N/A -

racks (NS$5) 45a, 47b

- - Note 4 7.0 139 Rod control equipment N/A -

- - Note 4 7.0 139 45a 47b Rod position indication containment N/A -

cabinets 45a. 46a, 4?a Class IE I Note 3 7.0 13d _.

18C P wer supply inverters (N555) N/A -

I Note 3 7.0 13d 45a 46a, 474 Solid-state protection system N/A - Class IE cabinet ===

- - Note 4 7.0

' Centrol board demultiplexer N/A -

I Note 26 7.0 Analog 4 5b, 46b, 47a ibt shutdown panel N/A - Class IE indicators are NNS,13c & d I Note 26 7.0 For Q-ilsted 45b, 46b 47a HVAC panels (control room) N/A - Class IE HVAC systems, 13c & d I Note 3 7.0 13d 45a, 46a, 47b Process instrumentation protection racks N/A - Class IE I Note 3 7.0 134 45a, 46a, 4Tb Rerctor trip switchgear N/A - Class IE I Note 26 7.0 13d 4 5c, 46b, 4 7b Protictive relay rack (6.9-kw bus UV/UF) N/A - Class IE I Note 26 7.0 13d 45b, 46b, a7a Ctble termination racks (Class IE) N/A - Class IE Note 32 7.0 13c & J 4 5c, 466, 4 7b N/A - Class IE I Local instrument racks (Class IE) 456, 46b 47b

- 1 Note 31 7.0 13c Local instrument racks - -

4 56, 46b , 4 7a Class IE I . Note 26 7.0 13c & d Control Roum bencteoard N/A -

Note 26 7.0 13d 45b, 46b, 47a Analog Instrumentation N/A - Class IE I Ctbinets (BOP Safety Related) 4 a

a s CPS [5/ISAR TABLC 150.2-1 (Page 38 of 45)

SE15MIC Q:lAt if!CA110N PtVl[W TEAM INPUT F5AR Remarks 50RT ANS Input Quality Reference (See Applicable Code Sei smic Salety (See Notes)

Assurance Section Note)

Class Code (12) _ Class Category System and Components 7.0 13d 45a 46a, 47b

- Class lE I Note 3 Auxiliary Relay Rack (N555) N/A 13d 45a. 46a 47b I Note 3 7.0 N/A - Class lE Upgrade Protection and Survalliance Cabinet (N555) 3.3.2

42. Tsrnado Venting Components 24 -

Mfrs. Stds. - 11 Ate 27 NN5 -

Dampers NONC Note 26 Missile-Resisting Doors NNS Mfrs. 5tds. -

Mfrs. Stds. - I Ete 26 NNS Watertight doors 9.3.1

43. Compressed Air Systems Note 44 13e -

NNS AN51 B31.1 -

5ue wrts for Class 5 piping i 6.2.I g

44. Protective Coating - hte 33 NNS ANSI 101.2 -

Costings inside the Containment - Note 33 NNS ANSI N512 -

Costings outside the Containment 9.2.4

45. Potable and Sanitary Water System Note 27 13e -

ASME 111 3 I Domestic teater storage tank NNS

46. Condensate System 10.4.7 13e -

AN51 031.1 - II Note 27 NN5 Supports for Class 5 piping

47. Auxiliary 5 team System _ Note 27 10.4.13 13a , 13e -

ANSI H31.1 - 11 NNS Supports for Class 5 piping

48. Steam Generator Blowdown

& Cleanup _ System

CPSE5/ISAR TABLE 150.2-1 (Page 39 of 45)

SE !!MIC OtlALIf ICAll0N RtVllW 11 AH IN6'lli F5AR Remarks SQRi AN5 Quality Re f erenc e (See Input Safety App 1 tc able Code Selsmic Class Category Assurante Section Note) (See Notes)

Systea and Couponents Class Code (12)

Note 27 10.4.8 13a, 13e -

$rpports for Class 5 piping NN$ ANSI 831.1 - Il Notes 26, 43 3.68 13c 4 5b, 46a, 4 7b

- Mfrs. Stds. . I

49. Pipe Wh_}p Restraints m

CPM 5/l 5AR TABLE 150.2-1 (Pagt f of 45) aiO 511SMIC fylAllilCATION Rt VIIW It AM INPill Notes

1. Se"<hes required to support a safety or other necessary function:
e. Lmergency power - autuaatic loading
b. Emergency power - manual loading
c. Cunpunent cooling water
d. Service water
2. Purttuns of equipaent containing cumponent cooling water are SC-3, Code Class 3.
3. Meets Quality Control Systesa Requirtuents, Westinghouse QCS-1, which satisfies requirtswnts of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria.
4. Meets Quality Requirtsaents for Manuf acture of Nuclear Plant (que'*'t, Westinghouse QCS-2, which satisfies requirements of 10 CfR Part 50, Appendia H.
5. Access for inspection and test is required b) Westinghouse; however, no f onnal quality progran approval is required.
6. Nets the quality assurance progran of one of the Westinghouse NIS manuf acturing divisions, and is in ccordance with 10 C5R Part 50, Ayvndia B.

_ _ _ . _ - . - ~ . . _ _ _ __ . _ . _ .._ _ ,_ _ _. _ _ . . _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . .

t e


' IAutE 150.2-1 (Page dof 45) at t



i i

! 1. Saf ety classes for piping and valves are as defined by the Engineering Flow Diagrans. Code classes are I

those required by the safety class.

'1 1 8. Represents code class u6H)rading:


4. as permitted by paragraph NA-2134 of the A5ff Code,Section III, this component is upgraded from the l

} minimua required Code Class 2 to Code Class 1.

) b. As pennitted by paragraph NA-2134 of the ASME Code, Section Ill, this component is upgraded from the 4

minuaua required Code Class 3 to Code Class 2.


j 9. Parts are mechanically of saf ety class and must meet the structural integrity requirements of the I specification and quality assurance requirenents of 10 CFR part $d, Apperwtix 8.


10. Failure can cause no nuclear safety problem, although an ecovuniiic loss muy result.
11. This component is Safety Class 3 under the definition 2.2.3(1), (3), or (4) of AN51 N18.2-1913 and j qualifies for no special seisaic design by meeting the tour conditions listed in Section 3.2.1, Table


3.2-2, Not e 6. Portions of systens in which this component is located that perform the sane safety i function likewise qualify for no special seisnic design.

12. A5ME: Anerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. til stands for Section lit of the A5ML Boiler and


1 i

I i



I .

l CPSE5/FSAR IABtE 159.2-1 (Page AA'of 45) 41


A Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code. Vill stands for Section Vill of the ASME B&PV Code. Pressure vessels which are part of the RCPB meet the requirenents of 1971 Verstor.. with application of all Addenda through to and including the Summer 1972 Addenda. Pumps. valves, and piping which are part of the RCPB meet the requirements of the 1971 Version, with application of all Addenda through to and inclurfing the Winter 1972 Addenda. Later Code versions may be used optionally.

13. Numbers in this coluan identify the method used for seismic qualification as follows. Information as to selsnic qualification methods is given in Section 3.7.
a. Individual Analysis dynamic method I b. Generic Analysis dynamic method
c. Static method using dynamic load factors
d. Testing pethod
e. Nomographic method f
f. Analyzed as part of piping systen 9 Sels4tc analyses not required j 14. Must maintain fuel array to prevent criticality under adverse conditions including occurrences of the j SSE.


15. To be safety classified, failure of the tool must be directly a nuclear safety problen, if a nuclear safety problen arises from tool failures combined with a procedural f ailure thereaf ter, the tool is j Non-Nuclear Safety.

i I

7 CPSES/fSAR TAHLE 150.2-1 ~

i (Page Af'of 45) il SEISMIC QUALIFICAfluN Rf Vi[W TEAM INPUf 16.

Failure inside isolable reactor Contalmaent prevents substantial release to the environment of radioactive gases frun danaged spent fuel.


failure of equipment outside reactor containment could cause substantial releases of radioactive gases f run daa49ed spent fuel.

18 Any reactor vessel internal, the single failure of which could cause release of a mechanical piece having potential for direct damage (as to the vessel cladding) or flow blockage, shall be classified to a minimue of Safety Class 2.


These itens are not required as acchanical supports for CRDH housings, but are required to ensure functioning of the control rods.

20. Failure could cause a LOCA, but less than a Condition til loss-of-coolant.


This equipment is included in the scope of ANSI N18.2 ami designated as ANS Safety class 3; however, the equipment is not commercially available as ASME Code,Section III, Class 3.


This equipuent is not included in the scope of ANSI Standard N18.2 but is covered by ILEE 337 23.

Critical parts required to maintain structural integrity during a seismic event are subjected in QA j progran.


These devices will renain in place following a SSE, and will remain functional follewing a 1/2 SSE.

25. Inspection and testing to ASME B&PV Code, Section 11! cr ilydraulic Institute. l l


  • CPSES/f5AR I

TAHLE 150.2-1 (Page Af'of 4h) 44 Skl5MIC QUALIFICAll0N RIVIEW IIAM INPUT i

26. Meets quality assurance requirements as set forth in Gibbs & Hill specification 23234GS-903, Revision 1 Quality Assurance for Procurument of Materials and Equipment, which satisfies requirc' ants c' 10 CFR Part

$0, Appendix B.

l 21. Meets certain portions of the quality assurance criteria set forth in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B.

28. QA of Note 4 applied for non-safety considerations and is not applicable af ter shipment fros vendor.
29. Classif.ed NSSS on basis that flow restriction is provided in the piping.
30. Applies only to that bolting involved with coastdown function.
31. Pressure boundary parts for instruments connected to ANS Class 2 and 3 systens are procured to ASME Section til Class 2 and 3 requirements. Instrunents and racks are not covered by ASME Code.
32. Meets quality a:surance provisions of Brown A Roots' Quality Assurance progran (see FSAR Section, which $3tisfies requirenents of 10CFR Part 50, Appernilx B.
33. Inspection of testing of co ting systens during all phases of installation is defined by GAH Specification 2323-AS-31. Fonnal quality assurance progran is general accordance with ANSI N 101.4, for coating systen used instde contalmnent is defined by Appendix C of the noted specification.
34. The quality requirements of Branch Technical Position ETSB 11-1 are satisfied. Note: this is not within the scope of 10CFR50, Appendix B.
35. ATCOR topical report no.132A gives a breakdown of systes coaponents and applicable design codes.

i a

CPSES/ISAR TAHlf 150.2-1 (Page of 45) 5tl5MIC QUAllflCA110N REVIEW TEAM INPtli_

i 36. The applicable code for the Containment is the proposed Standard Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and It was developed by the Joint ACl-A5MC i Containnent (April 1913) issued for trial use and contaents.

Technical Connittee on Concrete Pressure Components f or Nuclear Service (see Section 3.f1.1.2.1).

31. This appites to instruaents connecting to control rome HVAC ducting or 112 purge or supply ducts.


38. This also applies to NNS Instrunents which are connected to piping or ducting with seismic Category I tubing and supports.
19. All pressure switches are dif ferential pressure switches with the low side open to atmosphere.
40. This also applies to nuclear safety-related instranents connected to non-ASMC HVAC ducts.
41. Impluse tubing, valves, and fittings are supported as sei9mic Category I but do not comply with A5Mt. Ill, l subsection Nf.
42. The quality assurance requironents of Appendix A of the 11 ranch Techpical Position APC58 9.5-1 of 5tandard 3 Review Plan, Section 9.5.1, Revision I, are satisfiel.
43. The quality assurance requtrenents of Branch Technical Position MLB 3-1 and APCSB 3-1 are satisfied.
44. Meets quality assurance requironents as set forth in mechanical specification 2323-MS-468, " hon-Nuclear Pipe Hanger and Supports" and mechaniCJI specification 2323-MS-100, " Piping [rection".

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CPSl 5/I SAR 1Ai!Il 150.2-1 (Page,45'of 45)

'O SII5MIC t}ilALIIlCAil0N RE VIIW if AM INPUT 4Wis idle.

48. In addition to the valves and danpers listed categorically in 'oi;c i,^nII*thefollowingvalvesand danpers are located in various systens in the plant arkt their qualificattori is addresseil below.

Seisolc Qualification Qualification Equipment Type Met hodul ogy Status Valves:

Saunder Diaphragm Notes 13c, 13d Incomplete Gate Notes 13c,13d Cuaplete Globe Notes 13c, 13d Complete Check Notes 13c, 13d Complete Butterfly Note 13c Complete Dampers:

Fire Danpers Notes 13c, 13d Complete Gravity Dampers Note 13c Conplete Air Operated Daapers Notes 13c, 13d Incomplete Motorized Daupers Notes 13c, 13d incomplete
