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Forwards Palisades Steam Generator Tube Leak Outage Rept of Eddy Current Results, Per Util 820426 Commitment.No Addl Defective Tubes Identified
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/09/1982
From: Johnson B
To: Crutchfield D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18047A434 List:
NUDOCS 8207150593
Download: ML18047A433 (3)





consumers Power company General Offices.: 1945 West Parnell Road, Jackson, Ml 49201 * (517) 788-0550 July 9, 1982 Dennis M Crutchfield, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No 5 Nuclear Reactor Regulation US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT - STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION REPORT Consillilers Power Company letter dated April 26, 1982 and entitled "Steam Generator Tube Inspection" docillilented conclusions reached with the NRC staff regarding actions that would be taken before and after returning the Palisades Plant to service from an unplanned steam generator tube inspection outage. The purpose of this letter is to fulfill the last outstanding commit-ment of the referenced letter by providing a report containing eddy current testing results and our conclusions with respect to the nature of the two defects found in the A steam generator at Palisades.

For the purpose of clarity, a summary of the event requiring the steam generator tube inspection and a Sillilillary of the agreed to actions are provided below. These summarys are taken from Consumers Power Company Palisades Licensing Event Report 82-12 and our letter of April 26, 1982.

Summary of Event On March 18, 1982, a factor of ten increase in the off gas monitors reading was noted while the Palisades Plant was escalating in power.

Chemistry analysis for primary to secondary leakage commenced. Steam Generator A was determined to be the problem. On March 23, 1982, the leak rate increased to 0.32 gpm; an unusual event was declared and notifications were made in accordance with the Site Emergency Plan. The reactor was shutdown as required by Technical Specification 3.1.5.

Eddy Current Testing on Steam Generator A began on April 1, 1982 and continued through April 24, 1982.

DMCrutchfield, Chief 2

Palisades Plant STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION REPORT July 9, 1982 Summary of Agreed to Action:

During the week of April 19, 1982 Consumers Power Company had discussions with the NRC staff that resulted in the following conclusions:

1. Consumers Power Company would conduct additional eddy current testing of steam generator tubes with both the 540 SFW probe and the 4 x 4 probe in steam generator A only. These additional tube inspections would be performed on a random 0

sample basis such that the total number of tubes inspected, including those already inspected during this outage, equals 9%

of the total number of unplugged tubes in steam generator A.

Inspections with the 540 SFW probe would include the straight portion of the hot leg and both the first and second U-bend of each tube selected. With the 4 x 4 probe only the straight section of the hot leg would be inspected.

For the purpose of this examination, a "defective" tube would be defined as a tube containing a defect that found on the two tubes which had been identified as the leaking tubes.

The criteria used to determine whether or not to inspect additional tubes would be those found in Section of NUREG-0212 "Standardized Technical Specification for Combustion Enr;ineering Plants" (Revision 2 dated Fall 1980). Decisions concerning the plugging or increased inspection due to excessive wastage would be determined by criteria presented in the Palisades Technical Specifications.

2. Consumers Power Company committed to place an administrative limit on allowable primary to secondary leakage which was more restrictive than that previously allowed by Technical Specification 3.1.5.d.

The new limit would permit leakage of no more than 0.1 gpm for any period of steady state operation greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and would be imposed through a Standing Order to plant operations personnel.

3. Following the outage, all Licensed Operations personnel would be rebriefed in the proper response to steam generator tube leaks and tube ruptures prior to or while first serving on shift with the plant at or greater than hot standby.

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  • - 3 July 9, 1982
4. If following completion of the inspection program, no additional defective tubes had been identified, Consumers Power Company would commence efforts to return the Palisades Plant to service.

A report containing eddy current testing results and our conclusions regarding the nature of the two defects found in steam generator A would be supplied to the NRC within sixty days following startup of the plant.

The completion of the inspection program described above resulted in no additional defective tubes being identified. Consumers Power Company placed the Palisades Plant on line May 10, 1982. Attached to this letter is our detailed report, giving eddy current results, flaw characterizations and conclusions.

Brian D Johnson Senior Licensing Engineer CC Administrator, Region III, USNRC NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades ATTACHMENT