E910-05-016, Calculation E900-05-018, Rev 0, Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2, Appendix a with Attachments to Final Status Survey Report for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Open Land Area MA2

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Calculation E900-05-018, Rev 0, Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2, Appendix a with Attachments to Final Status Survey Report for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Open Land Area MA2
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/2005
From: Cooper W, Paynter A, Tritch T
GPU Nuclear Corp
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
E910-05-016 E900-05-018, Rev 0
Download: ML051950566 (29)


Appendix A SNEC CALCULATION COVER SHEET CALCULATION DESCRIPTION Calculation Number Revision Number Effective Date Page Number E900-05-018 0 1 of 8 Subject Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 Question 1 - Is this calculation defined as 'in QA Scope? Refer to definition 3.5. Yes 0 No El Question 2- Is this calculation defined as a Design Calculation'? Refer to definitions 32 and 3.3. Yes 0 No EL NOTES: If a Yes' answer is obtained for Question 1, the calculation must meet the requirements of the SNEC Facility Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan. If a 'Yes' answer is obtained for Question 2, the Calculation Originators Immediate supervisor should not review the calculation as the Technical Reviewer.

DESCRIPTION OF REVISION APPROVAL SIGNATURES Calculation Originator Tristan M. Tritchl Date Technical Reviewer W. J. Cooper, CHPI Date Additional Review A. Paynter/ Date lo ,a os Additional Review Date

.5Y C s74/Z> . ,9-f.

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A ll SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-05-018 I 0 I Page 2 of 8 Subject Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this calculation is to develop a final status survey design for Miscellaneous Area MA2 at the Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation (SNEC) facility.

1.2 Survey Area MA2 is an Impacted Class 3 area located in the extreme northwestern portion of the SNEC facility decommissioning project. It covers approximately 600 square meters (6 10m x 10m grids). Table 5-5 of the SNEC License 'Termination Plan (LTP) limits the physical size of Class 3 survey units to 10,000 square meters. Therefore, MA2 (also known as the SSGS Discharge Tunnel Outfall) will be surveyed as one area.

1.3 No soil samples were taken from MA-2; however, the discharge tunnel was surveyed extensively and even required remediation. Previous surveys indicated positive Cs-137 contamination levels, but they decreased with distance down the tunnel. The sample farthest down the tunnel, at approximately 700 feet, indicated 0.15 pCi/gram of Cs-137. All other radionuclides were <MDA at that location.

1.4 MA2 is bounded to the south by a pile of rubble; backfill covering the SSGS Discharge Tunnel. It is bounded on the north by the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River. The general layout of the MA2 is shown on Attachment 1-1.



OF RESULTS Below is information that should be used to develop a SuiN'ey Request (SR) for the final status survey of Miscellaneous Area MA2.

The US NRC has reviewed and concurred with the methodology used to derive the effective DCGLw value listed below. See also Attachments 2-1 through 2-6 (Reference 3.13).

Table 1, DCGLw Values I Volumetric DCGLw (pCl/g -Cs-137) -

1 6.52 (4.89 A.L.)

NOTE: A.L Is the site Administrative Limit (75% of the effective DCGLw)

No samples were taken in any of the six grids in MA2. Ten samples were taken from an adjacent area inside the SSGS Discharge Tunnel. Analyses of four of those samples, closest to the outfall, were used to estimate the expected activity in the outfall soils a'nd none were greater than 50% of the AL. This tunnel data was utilized in generating a sigma value (standard deviation) for determining the number of static measurements and soil samples to be taken for FSS of MA2.

2.1 Survey Design 2.1.1 Scanning of open lands shall be performed using a 2" dia. by 2" long Nal detector with a Cs-1 37 window setting '(Reference 3.1). The window will straddle the Cs-1 37 662 keV full energy peak width (see typical calibration information on Attachment 3-1).

2.1.2 The instrument conversion factorleffliciency shall not be less than that assumed on Attachment 4-1: 205.6 cmluRJlh - Cs-137.

2.1.3 Other instruments, of the type specified in Section 2.1.1 above, may be used during the final status survey (FSS), but they must demonstrate detection efficiencies at or above the value listed in Section 2.1.2.

A ft SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number - Page Number E900-05-18 0 Page 3 of 8 Subject Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 Table 2, Soil Scanning Parameters MDCscan (pClg) - Cs-i3r Scan Speed (cm/sec) Maximum Distance from Surface l Action Level  % Coverage 5.67 25 4' (gap between detector face & soil surface) > 160 ncpm up to 10%

See Attachment 41 2.1.4 If a count rate greater than the action level in Table 2, which is based on the MDCscan, is encountered during the scanning process, then the surveyor shall stop and locate the boundary of the elevated area. The surveyor should then mark the elevated area with stakes or other approprnate marking methods and continue scanning. Sample the elevated areasrs) lAW.SNEC procedure E900-IMP-4520.04 (Reference 3.2) and Section 2.2 of this document after investigation evaluation. Class 3 soils should be scanned using.a serpentine pattern that is -0.5 meters wide. As this is a Class 3 survey area, up to 10% of all accessible surfaces are required to be scanned. Since this survey area is so small, one grid (BP136) must be surveyed. This single grid.represents approximately 17% of the survey area. See Attachment 6-1 for grid layout. Portions of this survey area which cannot be accessed should be clearly noted along with the reason for not completing the survey.

2.1.5 The minimum number of soil sampling points indicated by the COMPASS computer program (Reference 3.3) is 11 for this sur'vey area (see COMPASS output on Attachments 7-1 to 7-3). Sampling depth Should be lAW Section 2.2. The MDCscan (soil) exceeds the effective administrative DCGLw C5-137 (5.67 pCilg MDCscan @ 250 cpm background versus > 4.89 pCilg AL); however, given the area factor for the assumed one meter squared elevated area, the scan MDC meets MARSSIM requirements.

2.1.6 VSP (Reference 3.4) is used to plot all sampling points on the included diagrams.

The actual number of random start systematically spaced measurement points may be greater than that required by the Compass'computer code because of any or all of the following:

  • placement of the initial random starting point (edge effects),
  • odd shaped diagrams, andfor
  • coverage concerns (see Attachments 6-1 and 6-2 for VSP sampling point locations) 2.1.7 The starting points for physically locating sample sites in the survey unit are based on measurements from site grid pins (see diagram on Attachment 6-1). Remaining soil sampling points are positioned using coordinates developed from these markers and are listed on Attachment 6-2.

F all SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-05-018 o l Page 4 of 8 Subject Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 2.1.8 Some sampling points may need to be adjusted to accommodate obstructions within the survey area. Contact the SR coordinator to report any difficulties encountered when laying out systematic grid sampling points.

2.1.9 When an obstruction is encountered that will not allow collection of a sample, contact the cognizant SR coordinatorfor permission to delete the sampling point.

NOTE If remediation actions are taken as a result of this survey, this survey design must be revised or re-vwritten entirely.

2.2 Sample fixed points and elevated areas(s) lAW SNEC procedure E900-IMP-4520.04 (Reference 3.2) and the following.

NOTE Since the site surface dose model is 1 meter in depth, samples representative of the entire one meter thick dose model layer must be collected to satisfy the sampling requirements of Section 2.1.5 (of this document). This should be done by obtaining a well mixed sample of an entire one meter deep core. Sections 4.2.3, 4.2.6, or 4.2.7 of site procedure E900-IMP-4520.04 are applicable when satisfying Section 2.1.5 of this document. Sampling due to an instrument alarm 'condition should also be of the entire one meter of soil/material.

2.2.1 Clearly mark, identify and document all sample locations.

2.3.1 Sample any location that is above the action level cited in Table 2.

2.3.2 Maintain chain-of custody requirements on all design fixed point and action level samples (Reference 3.12).


3.1 SNEC Calculation No. E900-03-018, 'Optimize Window and Threshold Settings for the Detection of Cs-1 37 Using the Ludlum 2350-1 and a 44/10 Nal Detector, 8N/W03.

3.2 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4520.04, 'Survey Methodology to Support SNEC License Termination*.

3.3 COMPASS Computer Program, Version 1.0.0, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.

3.4 Visual Sample Plan, Version 3.0, Copyright 2004, Battelle Memorial Institute.

3.5 SNEC Facility License Termination Plan.

3.6 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4500.59, "Final Site Survey Planning and DQA".

3.7 GPU Nuclear, SNEC Facility, 'Site Area Grid Map', SNECRM-020, Sheet 1, Rev 4, 1/18/05.

3.8 SNEC Calculation No. E900-03-012, Effective DCGLWorksheet Verification.

3.9 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4520.06, "Survey Unit Inspection in Support of FSS Design".

3.10 NUREG-1575, 'Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual", August, 2000.

3.11 Microsoft Office Excel, Version 11.0.5612, Microsoft Corporation Inc., 1985-2003.

SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-05-018 0 Page 5 of 8 Subject Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 3.12 SNEC Procedure E900-ADM-4500.39 Chain of Custody for Samples' 3.13 DCGL Calculation Logic- Discharge Tunnel, E900-04-007 3.14 Personal conversation between Tristan Tritch and with Rob Marquette, 3/22105.

4.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND BASIC DATA 4.1 The COMPASS computer program is used to calculate the required number of random start systematic samples to be taken in the survey unit (Reference 3.3).

4.2 Characterization soil samples from this area are used as the initial estimate of variability.

These results are shown on Attachment 8-1.

4.3 The MARSSIM Sign Test will be applicable for this survey design. No background subtraction will be performed under this criterion during the DQA phase.

4.4 The required number of fixed survey points, determined by COMPASS, is located on the survey map for the survey unit by the Visual Sample Plan (VSP) computer code (Reference 3.4).

4.5 References 3.5 and 3.6 were used as guidance during the survey design development phase.

4.6 Background has been measured in the area, and averages approximately 250 cpm (Reference 3.14).

4.7 The determination of the physical extent of this area is based on the drawing Reference 3.7.

4.8 There has been no known remediation of Area MA2.

4.9 This survey design uses Cs-1 37 as a surrogate for all SNEC facility related radionuclides in the survey unit. The effective DCGLw is the Cs-137 DCGLw from the SNEC LTP (6.52 pCilg) adjusted (lowered) to compensate for the presence (or potential presence) of other SNEC related radionuclides. In addition, an administrative limit (75%) has been set that further lowers the permissible Cs-137 concentration to an effective surrogate DCGLw for this survey area.

4.10 Since no samples were taken from MA2 proper, samples from an adjacent area were used to represent the activity expected to be encountered in MA2. The sample database, used to determine the effective radionuclide mix for Area MA2, has been drawn from samples that were assayed both on site and at off-site laboratories. These samples were drawn form the SSGS Discharge Tunnel. This list is shown on Attachments 2-1 through 2-6.

The decayed set of sample results were input to the spreadsheet titled "Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-1 37 (Reference 3.8) to determine the effective volumetric DCGLw values for the five survey units. The output of this spreadsheet is shown on Attachment 2-6.

Attachment 2 was previously reviewed and was copied from Reference 3.13.

The Nal detector scan MDC calculation is determined based on a 25 cmlsec scan rate, a 1.38 index of sensitivity (95% correct detection probability and 60% false positive) and a detector sensitivity of 205.6 cpmluR/h for Cs-137. Additionally, the detection system incorporates a Cs-1 37 window that lowers sensitivity to background in the survey unit. The resulting background is approximately 250 cpm (Reference 3.14) in MA2.

SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-05-018 0 Page 6 of 8 Subject Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 4.11 The survey units described in this survey design were inspected. A copy of the MA2 specific portion of the SNEC facility post-remediation inspection report (Reference 3.9) is included as Attachment 9-1.

4.12 No special area characteristics including any additional residual radioactivity (not previously noted during characterization) have been identified in this survey area.

4.13 The decision error for this survey design is 0.05 for the a value and 0.1 for the f3 value.

4.14 'Special measurements", as described in the SNEC LTP sec, are not included in this survey design.

4.15 No additional sampling will be performed lAW this survey design beyond that described herein.

4.16 SNEC site radionuclides and their individual DCGLw values are listed on Exhibit I of this calculation.

4.17 The survey design checklist is listed in Exhibit 2.

4.18 Area factors are shown as part of COMPASS output (see Attachment 7-1) and are based on the Cs-1 37 area factors from the SNEC LTP.

5.0 CALCULATIONS 5.1 All calculations are performed internal to applicable computer codes or within an Excel spreadsheet.

6.0 APPENDICES 6.1 Attachment 1-1 is a diagram of Survey Area MA2.

6.2 Attachments 2-1 through 2-6 show the DCGL Calculation Logic - Discharge Tunnel (Reference 13).

6.3 Attachment 3-1 is a copy of the calibration data from typical Nal radiation detection instrumentation that will be used in this survey area.

6.4 Attachment 4-1 is the MDCscan calculation sheet for volumetric materials in pCilg.

6.5 Attachment 5-1 is the MicroShield dose rate calculation results for 6- thick soil used to determine the exposure rate from a 1 pCilcm3 Cs-137 source term in an end-cylinder geometry.

6.6 Attachments 6-1 through 6-2 show the randomly picked scan locations (from VSP) and reference coordinates for Survey Area MA2.

6.7 Attachments 7-1 through 7-3 are COMPASS outputs for Survey Area MA2 showing area factors, the number of sampling points in each survey unit, and prospective power.

6.8 Attachment 8-1 shows the sediment variability results, for samples taken from the SSGS Discharge Tunnel, to be used for MA2.

6.9 Attachment 9-1 is a copy of the inspection report for MA2.

- SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-05-018 0 I Page 7 of 8 Subjec Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 Exhibit I SNEC Facility Individual Radionuclide DCGL Values (a) 25 mremly Limit 4 mremly Goal 25 mremly Limit (All Pathways) (Drinking Water)

Radionuclide Surface Area Open Land Areas Open Land Areas l (dpml1Ocm2 ) (Surface & Subsurface) (Surface & Subsurface)

(pCUg) (pCilg)

Am-241 2.7E+01 9.9 2.3 C-14 3.7E+06 2 5.4 Co-60 7.1 E+03 3.5 67 Cs-1 37 2.8E+04 6.6 397 Eu-152 1.3E+04 10.1 l 1440 H-3 1.2E+08 132 31.1 Ni-63 1.8E+06 747 1.9E+04 Pu-238 3.0E+01 1.8 0.41 Pu-239 2.8E+01 1.6 0.37 Pu-241 8.8E+02 86 19.8 Sr-90 8.7E+03 1.2 0.61 NOTES:

(a)While drinking water DCGLs will be used by SNEC to meet the drinking water 4 mremly goal, only the DCGL values that constitute the 25 mremny regulatory limit will be controlled under this LTP and the NRC's approving license amendment.

(b) Listed values are from the subsurface model. These values are the most conservative values between the two models (i.e.,

surface & subsurface).

Ad_ SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-05-018 0 Page 8 of 8 Subject Miscellaneous Area FSS Design - MA2 Exhibit 2 Survey Design Checklist Calculation No. lLocation Codes E900-06-018 1MA2 Status Reviewer ITEM REVIEW FOCUS (Circle One) Initials & Date I Has a survey design calculation number been assigned and is a survey design summary description provided? (qv N/A /

2 Are drawings/diagrams adequate for the subject area (drawings should have compass ig N/A eadin s? -

3 Are boundaries property identified and is the survey area classification clearly Indicated? (9 N/A 4 Has the survey area(s) been properly divided Into survey units IAW EXHIBIT 10 (ne, N/A 5 Are physical characteristics of the area/location or system documented? N/A 6 Is a remediation effectiveness discussion included? Y N/A 7 Have characterization survey and/or sampling results been converted to units that are N/A comparable to applicable DCGL values? _ _

8 Is survey and/or sampling data that was used for determining survey unit variance included? N/A -

9 Is a description of the background reference areas (or materials) and their survey and/or Yes N@

_ ~sampling results Included along with a justification for their selection? r 10 Are applicable survey andtor sampling data that was used to determine variability Included? (Ye, N/A t 1 Will the condition of the survey area have an impact on the survey design, and has the N/A

_ ~~probable Imnpact been considered In the design? s Has any special area characteristic including any additional residual radioactivity (not 12 previously noted during characterization) been identified along with its Impact on survey (WNIA design?

13 Are all necessary supporting calculations and/or site procedures referenced or Included? (I N/A 14 Has an effective DCGLw been identified for the survey unit(s)? d FN/Al A -

15 Was the appropriate DCGLFmc Included In the survey design calculation? Yes, 6 l

.1 16 Has the statistical tests that will be used to evaluate the data been identified?ep N/A 17 Has an elevated measurement comparison been performed (Class 1 Area)? Yes, (g 18 Has the decision error levels been identified and are the necessary Justifications provided? gs N/

19 Has scan Instrumentation been identified along with the assigned scanning methodology? N/A 20 Has the scan rate been identified, and is the MDCscan adequate for the survey design? ___N_ A 21 Are special measurements e.g., in-situ gamma-ray spectroscopy required under this design. Yes and is the survey methodology, and evaluation methods descnbeds, 22 Is survey instrumentation calibration data included and are detection sensitivities adequate? K NM 23 Have the assigned sample and/or measurement locations been dearly identified on a diagram X N/A or CAD drawing of the survey area(s) along with their coordinates? -

24 Are Investigation levels and administrative limits adequate, and are any associated actions N/A dearly indicated? V s.

25 For sample analysis, have the required MDA values been determined.? N/A 26 Has any special sampling methodology been identified other than provided in Reference 6.3? Ye s, CIA )

NOTE: a copy of this completed form or equivalent, shall be included within the survey design calculation.

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DCGL Calculation Logic-Discharge Tunnel Survey Unit: SNEC Discharge Tunnel



The purpose of this calculation is to determine a representative isotopic mix for the Discharge Tunnel from available sample analyses. The effective surface area and volumetric DCGLWs are then determined from the mean percent of applicable samples.

Ill. Data Selection Logic Tables: The radionuclide selection logic and subsequent DCGL calculations are provided in seven (7) tables. These tables were developed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software. Table explanation is as follows.

Table 1: Data Listing - This table, which has been extracted from a larger database, provides a list of the most representative Discharge Tunnel sample analyses. These results are from scoping, characterization, and pre/post remediation surveys. The samples consist of various sediments, scrapings and concrete cores that were taken in support of the aforementioned surveys. As applicable, a sample number, sample location/description, radionuclide concentration, analysis date are provided for each sample. Positive nuclide concentrations are noted with yellow/shaded background fields while MDAs are noted in the gray shaded fields.

Table 2: Decayed Listing - This table provides the best overall representation of data selected and decayed from Table 1. In TabLe 1 half-life values (days) are listed above each respective nuclide column. Samples are decayed to the date noted above Table 1 (e.g. January 15, 2004). Positive results are denoted in a yellow background field while MDA values are in a gray background.

Table 3: Decayed Listing of Positive Nuclides & MDAs Removed- This table provides the decayed values of positive nuclides selected in Table 2. In addition MDA values have been removed from this table.

Table 4: Mean Percent of Total for Positive Nuclides - This table provides the calculation methodology for determining the relative fractions of the total activity contributed by each radionuclide. From this information the mean, sigma, and mean % of total are calculated.

The mean % of total values is used to calculate the surface gross activity DCGLW per MARSSIM equation 4-4. See Table 6. Note that the Co-60mean percents were averaged using only samples I & 2. In addition, the mean percents calculated from sample 2 for Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239 and Ni-63 were not averaged throughout the spreadsheet since there was only one sample where these respective nuclides were positive. This results in higher mean percent of total' values In the mix, which are conservative.

Table 5: Ratio to Cs-1 37 for Positive Nuclides - This table provides the calculation methodology for determining the surrogate ratio to Cs-1 37 for each radionuclide. From this information the mean, sigma, and mean % of total are calculated. The mean % of total values is used to calculate the volumetric DCGL, per MARSSIM equation 1-14. See Table 7. Note that the Co-60 ratios were averaged using only samples I & 2. In addition, the ratios calculated from sample 2 for Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239 and Ni-63 were not averaged throughout the spreadsheet since there was only one sample where these respective nuclides were positive. This results in higher "mean percent of total" values in the mix, which are conservative.

Note: From Tables 4 and 5 only the "mean % of total" values are used as input to the "Effective DCGL Calculation Spreadsheet" as illustrated in Tables 6 and 7.


Table 6: Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-1 37 (dpm/1 00 cMA2) - This table provides the surface gross activity DCGLW calculation results from data Inputted from Table 4.

Table 7: Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-137 (in pCig) - This table provides the surrogate volumetric modified Cs-137 DCGLWv calculation results from data inputted from Table 5.

[v. Summary - Since the Discharge Tunnel is a concrete structure the release limit is primarily based on the surface area DCGL,. However, a small portion of the Discharge Tunnel ceiling Class 1 area has volumetric contamination. Using the above data selection logic tables the calculated gross activity DCGLW for surface area is 8,968 dpm/100 cm2 . The Cs-137 volumetric DCGL, is 6.52 pCig. These values would be reduced by 25% as part of SNEC's requirement to apply an administrative limit as required by the License Termination Plan (LTP).

2 A--rdV&1 .2 -

I TABLE 1- Data Lhaftna IpCUat COca Iat TI: T12 Tl;. 11 Tt2 T12 T1^ T1: TI, Ti:2 T1-. J)AO)Ot 1 2 I a0 I l I...f A*,,F,8 "I.


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I, t: S~i'X -wa ;' t: !  : #:t I- 5 :t I 0 732 0 0259 T 0 0231 r 2;4a 0031 i 0 13 t et#r 16 2C00 i S m!

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'tIc.,, _,,t  !:.t*:l 1 6t nM I -1M tI A I oaC AM I ORAI a eAl I IriJq I 06 t OA I Ih.br2220AI TABLE 2* Decayed Listing (DCIaI L.

Pu.241 C-.1 IA1.I 1 A.9 II C"l

.0i I 2;0c-00 IA *OF,01 S COEtOOS33E-01 1iE-e0T Jul- 22 1000 i¢- #cv!#-.v!"!!,t I 16E.01 I 145E100 Itce.,nJ~e22 19 I S-0TS:O! ;e _ C, ,27."

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iC.2 . C- ::  :  :. 3 1tE000 l E-02 7 ose03 I 141JE01 5 9E.03 2 90E103 30 J830.01 f JCt-t2 6 83E.00 4 37E.02 .1, 22 2001 1iE. 1001 t?.E-0 t 23E.01 2 U0E.00 .1049o is J1J 2 580 20 300 6 433 I*,g. 'I 5Ccf-.0-2 19% 0 3i. 2 45J; 03 i 100 0-0 I . .i I KEY I .. Z :I ,:. lelce..' shhed sd&)rCblj

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TABLE 3 Decayed Listing of Positive Nuclildes & MADAs Removed (pCllg)

$11EC Sarnple Ito LocationlSCsciplJonl CO-SO CS.137 Am.241 Pui.225 P1u-23S 111.63 Tolol 0-.CIcjt I  :.30 DWS: eUIMP 4 67E.01 i 08E-02 ______ ______ 1, ??

2 :C: C str C.".

t3 LweSCa.aP-, 1 6'E401 -4 33E.03 5 36E-00 1 54E-0q0 2 iiuE-00 6 33E-601 -130CI 62 2 ____ ____ __2cr___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ricer____ ____ ____ ____ __ I 346 400 1 413 4 M'r;'

SG-sr"rg -,ere, Pccr St.krnrt -!I 2 09E-00 209 S ___________ SEGS c bc ' m Fce t-tt-4 1 82E-00 ______ 1 82 6 2M . , SZc-!e~ *:.w; Sea, I. S~ce1 2 672E-01 __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _

7 si,!~'!C %Vw't .dertl* 2. Cccrv-ttt :airtWe R. Buting Strujcture 2 66E-01 21147 a o.c  ? cc~i g r -M uitilg SrRa;e ~truclure I 00 40 O S Ntet.ii .4 . . Frmnf~ter 2 12E*01 ______ _____ _____21 16 10 S' M ~SaS -.. rt. 2.ct 'et. S;.Ccc! 1I41E-01 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 14 Item- 8 56E400 .8 62E402 5 36E.00 1 64E.00 2 50E-00 6 33E*01 6231-Skmrns 11 433 1363 086 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Die ' Cfn a 1 63%, 86 38% 11 02% 10 30% 04-8% 10 19% 100 00%

TABLE 4 Mean Percent of Total far Positive Nucildes_____ ____

- I!lfCS~mple ftLocation*D,,eription Co-SO Cas.137 Am.24i Pte.238 Pti.239 111.63 TOTMl I -t !; C ? e n 0 43% 01967% __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ 1000%

2 £ .Is:C coa~,ft-uel? :r0 -LrScra:.ec 0 33% 9.3 213% 0 12%* 0 04% 0 06% 1 21% 100 00%

I!5 .eac nt c eiet 7C100100% ______ u 010%


I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 0 C ,c a ee4c ~~ ~ f - 1 100 00% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100 00%

______ _SG:C~s S .g: arce-or~eIFer 562ffr71 -Sf ____ 10)0100 ______ 0 00%


6 T's"3S ivet3b3 -wre S .?. t~ . Stci l.m.  ? t I_____ 100 00% ______ _____ 100 00%

E- r -Scra~ce 2, Cc~rt t....-.er- SR..M Su v Stutr 1_ __ _ __ __ _ _%__ _ 100 00%

8 ~-L S " $SS'25 C -:~.erv t !. Cercrett .ial C-re . SP-Me Ou4Jiq 0ltudurt ___ 100 00% ___________ 100 00%

S tt i I - Fr~,nf __ __ __ 100 00% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100 00%

to 5S20S-t :303 -. P" RZUW1;7 -:C. SK-CMC 100 00!_______________ 100 100%

11ter- . 03E-03 9 98E-01 1 22E 03 3 60E-0J 6 67E.04 I 21E-02 102 Cma~.-* 0 0004 0 006 _____

IJsan ef-miscta 0 40% 198 20% 0 12%a 0 03%,i 0 06% 1 19% I100 00%;

i I ",.:, I - TABLE 5. Rai oC- for Positive Nuclides ____ _______

SUMCsammpeIla Loca~tonDescriptlon Co-80 CS-137 Amn.241 Pti.233 Pti.239 I11.63 ___Total 1 Cn'Ct I:r;0 -at crac,o 4 312.03 1 '302.00 _____ 1 00 2 S i3.:! cu, - ,wc;3 84E.03 1IOOE.00 1242-03 3 i7-0E6-04 I4123E-02 __1 02 3 !NMS2!-: OSlO 2.v.,at,rg -. ral F~er Seowtei: -!-72 1 OE-00 I____________

100 i s oS%!S;z:1 so -t$CjSr5", Ftc, St-erwt~ -10It OOE.00 10 (I 6 OS;1!F390 C.c-e .- lFc t.er- 1 00200 100 I______

S S.'I 30 C .cre~et .. t. !P.. Ctit"C. Stet I. Stiet I 1 002-00 _________ 1 00 7 STGSC te2 ~-~.Pre 62 . Cv-v.et* Cirre 3RS;.! Outline 3ruclure I 002E 0 _______ 10clo___

8 c :2022 3S05 0C-11iarti, .pa;. CCe: *tet'iA3Ctr* . MM .03. r Structure 1 00200 00 k)_____

10 E3S0 iz? !5Soos k:4 v 'Z -cc o____ _ 100E+00 I~o ______ ______ 1 00 tIfar- 4 082-03 1I002400 1 242.03 3 67E.04 5 -!E.04 1 23E-02 1 02 Sgaon-Ilean 'i 0t clij. 00003 1 0008 Lo l 0 12% l0 04% 1 0 06% 21.. 10000 4

. s . - .. - ... -" -.--..- .. .- ................... ...... - - - ....... ........... .. . I..


Table 6

-1 Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs.137 (dpml100 cmA2) I -. I Gross Activity DCGLw-:,. I Gross Activity Adcministrative Limit 8968 cipmiMOO cmnA2 6726 ldpni100 cmA2

.0 25.0 mrenVy TEDE Limit l Cs.137 Limit I Cs-37 Administrative Limit SAi.MPLE i1O(s10IEZ.isch.arge Tunnel I 8807 _clpnm100_ cm^2l 6605 ldpm:100 cmn2 g-1

StJEl A.E l 75A l Indivi dual 10 Sample input Limits Allo/wed Beta dpm:100 Alpha drm-100 O Iso'ope (PCi.g. uCI. etc.) ':of Total (dprn-100 crn2) dpnm:100 cm,2 mnremrV TECE cn)12 cmi,2 0-iAmn.241 1.22E.03 0 120° 27 10 77 9 97 J10.77 Am-241

-I 2 C.14 0 000°O 3,700.000 0 00 0 00 0 00 C.14

CoA3O dI.0E.63 0 39?% 7.100 35 D6 0 13 35 - Co.60 VI Cs.137 9. 9 98.203%

JE.01 28,000 8806.99 7.86 8807 0 Cs-137 _ A.

. Eu.152 0 000%O 13,000 0 00 0 00 0 00 Etj.152 6 H-3 0 000% 120.000,000 0 d0 000 llot Detectable :: ,H.3 7 111.63 1.21E.02 1 191% 1.800.000 106 78 0 d0d Hot Detectable .:,-63 c Pu.238 3.50E.04 0 034% 30 3 09 2 6? 3 0 .q Pu.238 P.-

9 Pl.239 5.67E.(4 0 OH6% . 28 i 00 4 47 . :. Pu.-239 0 000% 880 0 00 0 00 Flat Detectiable Pu.241 1l Pu.241 II Sr.90 O _0 Odd_ 8,700 0 00 0 Od .Q i Sr-90 100 000% 8968 25.0 6643 19 Maximum Permissible dpml1OO cm^2

-1 I-b 5

.... ...... . . . ..... .... . .. I.


.......-- --. ... S- . .. .... . . . .. ...............................

Table 7 I 5S1EC AL . I 75% -.4.98 lI TotalActiy - Limit DCGLw II . AdmnrilSlrativeLimit lPC110

. I Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-137 (In pCIIg) .

L 6.64 IpCIlg l I

StAiPtE llUl8ER&(s)=lrischjrae Tunnel I i I .i1V7 . XJ1 Qif(ajvTji iI 1 15,34% 25.0 nremy TEI Ltmin 6.52 ,CII 4.89 II 0.55% mrem y Orinking t 1ater (V.4) imih TP Ched+ for 225mfenr; I Sample input _

(C (J.WICif 25 mremv TECE mrcmt7 4 A llowed pCI g icr B Allowed pCifg Value Chethed from This Sample This Sample Iso ope of Towa. ea:c.l of Total Limits (pCI gi Limits (pC11gl 25 mrem y TECE for 4mremly DIV Column Aor e mrem.1 TEDE mremty 4'0W Amt241 0.001 0122% 99 001 0.22 001 000 '0000- Am241 0000 2.4 f 00 O00 ) 00 0.00:-: CA14 C.14 2 Co.60 0.0041 O401% 3.5 6?:0 003 ' 003 ,03 0T00 Co.60 Cs-137 1XIAIO. 98178% 6.6 397C . 52 1 19 6.52 3 79 0 01 Cs.137 1EU 152 0000% 10.1 . 14 00 ° ' 0 0 00 0.00 Eu.152 H.3 ,OOb°% 132  ; 1 0 00 '00:00 222 008 00IO 000 000 000 H.3 11-63 111-63 0.0123 1208% 747 , 900. 003 0 Mti; 1.8 0.3?.. 00co 0 000 O000 000 Pti.238 Pu-238 0.00,4 PU -239 00005 O 0;?° 1.6 s 07J 00  ! O{-; 0£-00 0 01 0.01 Pu.239 lC P11 2J1 dbl00° 86  : 19 b:K>:O  : 000 000 0 00 PLIu241 0 000°o 1.2 06;.000 00 *0 00,.' 0 00 0 00 . OO Sr.9O I1 5r .90 1.02E.OO 100.000% 6.64 183.53 .

6.64 3.835 0.022 Maximum Permlisible Maximum To Usce This Iniormation.

pCI2srt Permissible pCIg Sam¶ple Itnput Unlis tAusl Be In 125mremy (4 mreml.V) pCIgn0  %"Lofal.

z'14 1


2350 INSTRUMENT AND PROBE EFFICENCY CHART 7/01/04 (Typical 2" by 2" Nal (Cs-137 W) Conversion Factors)

Inst.# j Cal Due l AP # l_ Probe i Cal Due cpm/mrlh 9 86251 i'18!05 5.I.( si i:t> j R ( &,i _ __ 211680 Pk II -- ,'I


5iS/US i '1IX.SU2 4..992

_ _ _ jP _ I 21 k_ I. I _ 2_


I 511/0 I &C I . ! ___ _ I 2I1667s Pk II '5/18/05 I 21' '0 12942 5/80 '&Y ___ 216871 Pk 518910(5 213'.5 3L) 117S3 l 5N18105 l C)Y' l l____211674 Pk l 5181'05 .2 12.173

_ _I i77 I _I I

.1 7566 l 4/9/05 (i&-R 1 I 1858552 Pk 4/13/05 2 Sh'_0 126183 II '9/W04 E&R l l 206280 Pk 12/12104 190,907 I-t9-)2 l 1/3/04 Y&,W l_ 20-6283 Pk l10131/04 j 177185 A

. Ii 'I

  • l I'h191 I I(3.

.2 R&3W: l 196021 Pk 5/25/05 l 9. I94 Nw :.

I_ I 1_ 1 _ I_ l 12 76172 6107/05 l G&W 1196022 6/07/05 208.302 LU A} _ I!_ I _ .-_ I 2-05.603

S 129'<)',()10 4/091/0w O ____ I 2 10938 Pk ) 4/14/05

, __ _,, _ I __ _ __ _ _ . I J __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

120588 6/08/05 B&W . 185844 Pk 6/09/05 j 216.654 95301 6'0

-25; 1 P&w )58 6/28/0S59 1 2350 INSTRUMENT AND PROBE EFIFCIENCY CHART 7/01/04 (Typical 43-68 Beta Efficiency Factors) lDi Iwteie iruinelmnProtbc al Duc 'u1n:1nl. l il s:zi.i.lt. 'ti V et:,

u INST 43-68 PROBE 44-10 PROBE BETA ALPHA INST- CID PROBE C/D PROBE C/D BET EIT 79037 04/05105 122014 04l23/05 l _____% N/A 126188 1/27/05 I 099196 1i27/05 l__ 2____ 6 _ N/A 126218 01/08/05 j 095080 01/09/105 127. 9 0 N/A tArA4Mt EH--t

Nal Scan MDC Calculation IF MDCscan 5.6740 pCigi for Miscellaneous Area MA2 I b = background (cpm) bi = background counts in the observation interval (counts)

Conv = Nal detector/meter calibrated response (cpm per uRlhr) d = index of sensitivity from MARSSIM table 6.5 based on 95% detection and 60% false positive HSd = elevated measurement spot diameter (centimeters)

MDCscan = Minimum Detectable Concentration for scanning (pCilg)

MDCRi = Minimum Detectable Count Rate in (ncpm)

MDCRsurv = MDCRi adjusted for the human performance factor p (ncpm)

MDER = Minimum Detectable Exposure Rate (uR/hr)

MSoutput = MicroShield derived exposure rate for 1 pCig of contaminant (mRlhr)

Oi = Observation interval (seconds) p = human performance adjustment factor (unitless)

SR = Scanning movement rate (cm/sec)

DCDLeq = net count rate equivalent to the adjusted DCGL (ncpm) b= 250 cpm P=l 0.5 HSd = 56 cm SR = 25 cm d=l 1.38 Conv= 1 205.6 cpm/uR/hr MSoutput = r 1.369E-04 mR~hr per pCilg DCGL = 4.89 pCig HSd = 2.2400 = Oi (sec)

SR b*Oi - 9.3333 = bi (counts) 60 sec/min d*sqrt(bi)60 = 112.9278 = MDCRi (ncpm)

Oi MDCRi = 159.7040 = MDCRsurv (ncpm) sqrt(p)

MDCRsurv = 0.7768 = MDER (uRlhr)

Conv MDER = 5.6740 = MDCscan (pCi!g)

MSoutput*1 000 uR/mR MDCsurv*DCGL = 137.6371 = DCGLeq (ncpm)


,T _A7TAe*6"MEN 7- S

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-0101 21)

GPU Nuclear Pay.e :1 Fie Ref:

fnnS File  : MODELMS5 Date:

fltui Date : September 23.2003 Byc flun Tine : Z43:26PPM CheckedJ: --.

natioan : 00.00.02 Caso


Cs-1 37 Soil


Model for Scanning Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 15.24 cm 6.0 in Y [Rod~us 28.0 cm 11.Oin Dons Points 3>

A l X l Y I Z

  1. 0 cm 25.4 cm 0 cm

-1 E, Ohin 1O.Oin 0.Oin K.' Shields

/ E:

M Shield Name _ Dimension Material DLensitl _

2i Source a75eO4 cnO Concrete 1.6 Air GAp Air 0.00122

--t- Source Input Grouping Method: Actual Photon Energies l cunes CrIesEd l beenuerels I u/cnm Bnocrr Ba-1 37m 5.6815e-008 21022e003 1.5136e006 56003e-002 Cs1 37 6.0050e-000 22221e+003 1.6000e006 5.9200e-002 Buildup The material reference is+: Source

-Integration Parameters Radial 50 Ciurrmferenrial 50 Y Dbection (aial) 50 Results Energw Ac y Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposue Rate MeV MeV oons 1c sec IMeVrnfilsec Ho Buidclup MeV/crdlsec Wilh Buldup NorrA/hr Buildup WithmR/hr Buildup

')1l 0.0318 4.352et01 7.617eO6 9220WI6 6.345e-08 7.680e-08 0.0322 R.030e.01 1.465e-05 1.784e-0 1.179e07 1.436e-07 0.0364 2922e.01 6.116e-O 1.060e-05 4.613e-08 6.024e-08 0.6616 1.892e+03 7.060e-02 1.26De*01 1.369e-04 2.443e-04 I-s TOTALS: 2.045e+03 7.063e-02 1.261e-01 1.371e*04 2.446e04

Survey Area MA2 N



  • / i le


BP136 >

. ..A ~ lM - -(-

Soil Sample Survey Points for Miscellaneous Survey Area MA2 COMPASS provides survey points using a scale relative to the southwestern comer of the survey unit. This is cumbersome as field personnel must measure over large distances (sometimes hundreds of meters) from the single reference point To remedy this situation, this spreadsheet provides the COMPASS survey points based on the actual location within each grid.

To use this spreadsheet, start at the grid marker. Go east the number of meters under the "E" column and then move north the number of meters in the "N' column. For simplicity, all measurements have been rounded to the nearest meter.

Location Grid E (meters) N (meters) X coordinate Y coordinate 1 BP136 6.7 0.4 6.6635 0.3754 2 BP135 5.1 0.4 15.1282 0.3754 3 BP136 2.4 7.7 2.4312 7.7061 4 BP135 0.9 7.7 10.8959 7.7061 5 BP135 9.4 7.7 19.3606 7.7061 6 BQ136 6.7 5 6.6635 15.0367 7 BQ135 5.1 5 15.1282 15.0367 8 BR136 2.4 2.4 2.4312 22.3674 9 BR135 0.9 2.4 10.8959 22.3674 10 BR135 9.4 2.4 19.3606 22.3674 11 BR136 6.7 9.7 6.6635 29.698 12 BR135 5.1 9.7 15.1282 29.698

- A7 A&- t1r - 2

Site Report Site Summary Site Name: MA2 Planner(s): Tristan M. Tritch Contaminant Summary NOTE: Surface soil DCGLw units are pCilg. 2 Building surface DCGLw units are dpm/100 cm .


Contaminant Type DCGLw Value Used? Area (m') Area Factor Cs-i 37 Surface Soil 4.89 No 1 28.7 25 4.7 100 3.6 400 3 2,500 2.3 10,000 1 COMPASS v1.0.0 31Z112005 Page 1

.. I ,

A ilC#,Z 7-1

Surface Soil Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Inferred Modified DCGLw Scan MDC Contaminant (pCilg) Contaminant Ratio (pCUg) (pCUg)

Cs-I 37 4.89 NIA NIA N/A N/A Survey Unit Estimate Reference Area Estimate (Mean +/- 1-Sigma) . (Mean +/- 1-Sigma)

Contaminant (PCig) (pCilg)

Cs-1 37 1.8 +/- 0.9525 0.28 +/- 0.39 UUMPASS v1.0.U 312112005 Page 2

.. .I ..

Surface Soil Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: MA2 Planner(s): Tristan M. Tritch Survey Unit Name: Miscellaneous Area Comments: SSGS Discharge Tunnel Outfall Area (m2 ): 60 Classification: 3 Selected Test: Sign Estimated Sigma (pCilg): 0.9525 DCGL (pCilg): 4.89 Sample Size (N): 11 LBGR (pCl/g): 2.1 Estimated Conc. (pCitg): 1.8 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power: 1 Beta: 0.100 Prospective Power Curve 0.

V. on

= 0.8

__ 0.7 Q

0.5 E 0.4 Z

S-e~02 W

i- 0.1 P..0 1.s 2.0 2.5 3.0 3S 4.0 4.5 S.o 5.5 6.0 Soil Conienteation (p Cig), indudih* background

- Power - DCGL - - Estimated Power


  • l-beta LUMI'Ab vi.u.u 312112005 Page 1 COMPASS V1.IJ.0 312112005 Page I AM7COM OT 7 -3

I SSGS Discharge Tunnel samples MA2 Cs-137 Sample ID DCIq Approximate Location SX5SD99267 2 SSGS Discharge Tunnel floor sediment @ 550' SX5SD99266 2.3 SSGS Discharge Tunnel floor sediment @ 610' SX5SD99264 1.6 SSGS Discharge Tunnel floor sediment @ 670' SXSD923 0.15 SSGS Discharge Tunnel rubble @ 700' TOTAL 6.05 MAX 2.3 MIN 0.15 MEDIAN 1.8000 AVG 1.5125 STD DEV 0.9525 I:-.; : : YA Mf Z_ I

... me: 1,

S Ii~~s.

Exhibit I 1 t~1-n-11nn C'har~it Aihmat . ORIGINAL..,.

3_= ..

Survey Unit # l MA2 Survey Unit LocaUcn SSGS Discharge Tunnel Outfafl (Land Area)

Date 312tlO5 lTime 0900 Inspeclon Tearn Members .. Sarge

. t.' . { . ,, ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~4.;

ES";' -,SU , W ' -r' '''


@.,I ...' ,, @' --.- PEvw WS Inspoction Requirements (Check the appropriate Yes/No ansv~er.) Yes No N/A

1. Have suMcent surveys (I.e.. pFst remnedtallon. charactaefltn. Mtc.) been ottalned tor tue survey unl. X L-
2. Do the surveys (from Question 1)demonstrate that the survey unit will nist likely pass the FSS7 X a Is Me physical work (i.e., remedietion &housekeeping) in or ro'und Ihe survey unit complete? X
4. Have all tools, nor-permanent equiprnenL and malenal not needed to perform the FSS boon renoved? X
5. Are the survey surfaces retatively free doIoe detnis (i e.. dirt, concrete dust mtSW ffings, Stc.)? X S. Ara (nto survey surfaces relatively free of lkqtds (1Le.. water. moisture, oil, etc.)? X
7. Are the survey surf c fre c; all palrt which has the pcienzlat to Whld radiation? _
e. Have the Surface Measurernt oTest Areas (SMTA) been established? (Refer to Eihibit 2 for irudions.) X 9 Have tha Surfxe Measurement Test Areas (SM7A) deta been coltected7 (Refer to Exhibit 2 for instructiorns.) - X
10. Are the suey suf ccseay accessible? (No scaffolding, high reach, etc. is needed to perlorrm the FSS) X
11. Isighting adequate to perforrnm e FSS? X 12 Is the area industilally 31ae to porflm the FSS? (Evtuato potential fall &rip hazw=s. corftned spaces. ct-.)
13. Have photographs been laken showing the overall condition of the area?, X
14. Haye all unsaisfxatory canditions been resolved? X NCrTE It a .No'. answer is cbtaied above, the inspeor should Immediately correct the problem or Intla.e corrective ato throulh hIs resporsrble tho department. as appicable. Document ectons taken onalor justifications in the 'Commentsn secton below. Attech additional szt- M necessaiy.


Response tc Question 12: Sltip/fal hazards are present in the survey unt. Personnel entering the area 1 performing the FSS will be brefed on the hazards present In the area.

I -, ,

Survey UnIt Inspector (print/sign) D. Sarge I Date a2 O1/s Survey Designer (prlntsign} I DaeI

MNTTPW ' 9 -f NOXV6 AiliMV4 oalc-

Appendix B DQA Surface Soil Report Assessment Summary Site: ma2 Planner(s): T Tritch Survey Unit Name: MA2 SSGS discharge outfall Report Number: I Survey Unit Samples: 10 Reference Area Samples: 0 Test Performed: Sign Test Result: Not Performed Judgmental Samples: 0 EMC Result: Not Performed Assessment


Reject Null Hypothesis (Survey Unit PASSES)

Retrospective Power Curve 71 ZZZE_- - C 0.9 --- - -I-

= 0.8 imu__ _

0.6 0.2 I- ii izizzli _____ _____

-1 -p

_ Ii 1- _______ -1 vF 0.2 _ I -_

i' 0.6 -j _ _

X9 0.3 _ 1- -

5 -. ______ 1.1 ________

__I ___

4 0 Ii__ _

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Soil Concentftion (PCi/g), incuding backgvund Prospective Power

  • 1-beta - - Actual Power

- LBGR - - Estimated Power

- DCGL -- - Retrospective Power Appendix B - MA2 COMPASS vi.0.0 51912005 Page 1 (O f

DQA Surface Soil Report Survey Unit Data NOTE: Type = *S indicates survey unit sample.

Type = 'R' indicates reference area sample.

Sample Number Type Cs-137 (pCUg) 1 S OA2 2 S 0.21 3 S 0.54 4 S 0.45 5 S 0.07 6 S 0.24 7 S 0.31 8 S 0.26 9 S 0.22 10 S 0.25 Basic Statistical Quantities Summary Statistic Survey Unit Background DQO Results Sample Number 10 N/A N=1 1 Mean (pCVg) 0.30 N/A 1.8 Median (pCVg) 0.26 N/A N/A Std Dev (pCVg) 0.14 N/A 0.9525 High Value (pCVg) 0.54 NIA NIA Low Value (pCVg) 0.07 N/A N/A Appendix B - MA2 5J912005 Page 2 I.UMrAb VI .U.U C.UMPASS v1.0.0 51912005 Page 2